Had dreams of Knight Kakashi fighting off an army of enemies in the hopes of allowing King Gai and Queen Rin to escape.
Kakashi sending Shizune with them and making her promise that the three of them will get to safety.
Shizune insisting he come with them, but knowing he’s not going to do that because someone has to make sure they have time to get out.
Gai trying to argue With Kakashi and having to be pulled away by both Rin and Shizune because he refuses to leave
Shizune and Gai both getting that final kiss and dreading for days that it really will be the final one, until one day they hear movement outside their hiding place. When Shizune looks outside she see’s Kakashi covered in dried blood, exhausted and clearly injured
All three of them running out and Gai catching Kakashi just as he teeters and falls
None of them saw what happened, but when Kakashi wakes up he informs them that it’s safe to go back. The enemy turned tail and ran
What he doesn’t tell them, but which others do when they return to the castle, is that Kakashi stood alone against an army after the majority of his comrade’s were either killed or injured, and foight off countless enemy knights with such ferocity that after he cut through half of the army the rest turned tail and ran.
Gai’s kingdom tells the tale of a man loyal to his home and desperate to protect it
The enemies ranks tell of a monster with anger in his eyes and a bloody smile that will haunt their dreams for the rest of time
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spellcasterlight · 3 years
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@kakashimultishipextravaganza - Day 5 Prompts: Dogs & Meet Cute
@flashfictionfridayofficial Prompt: #FFF125 Think Twice
Just something small and silly! 🐶🐷
Warnings: Alternative Universe. Modern Day Alternative Universe.
Why did he have to take Pakkun for a walk? Didn't he and his father have an unwritten agreement? Kakashi did every university activity under the sun to bulk out his upcoming graduate job applications during the week, and then he got to do whatever he wanted on the weekend.
Of course, the dog park was filled with people and canines because of the weekend and given that it was autumn, not even the coffee he had grabbed from the vendor just outside the gates could thaw his quickly freezing fingers.
He only got more annoyed when his phone buzzed and taking it out of his jeans pocket he saw it was his father asking him to make sure it was a long walk because Pakkun hadn't had a decent walk all week there went his plans for a quick park visit and then home to do nothing.
"Tonton!" A random voice called out loudly over the general chatter of the park's occupants and the breeze through the browning leaves that just picked up. "Tonton, come back!"
Kakashi, not looking up from his phone, thought that was a rather stupid name for a-
He suddenly went crashing into the ground, his drink spilling over the grass, his phone falling out of his hand not far from it, Pakkun barking madly at whatever had knocked him over, the sounds of someone shouting in his direction and some other strange honking noise he couldn't distinguish from sound alone. If his vision weren't spinning he might have been able to see whatever it was.
Groaning, Kakashi forced himself to sit up, holding his pounding head in his hand.
"Pakkun, stop. I'm alright," he managed to say through the hammer-like feeling in his brain when his loyal and protective dog continued to bark.
"Get away from her!"
Taking a few long steadying blinks to clear his vision, Kakashi lifted his head to find a rather pretty black-haired, onyx eyed woman dressed in a long warm looking dress or browns and greens with a darker green winter coat, about his age, holding her pet just behind her, acting as a physical barrier between her pet and Pakkun.
"Don't yell at my dog," Kakashi didn't yell back, but he did sit up that little bit taller when the unnamed woman glared at him. "It was all your pi-"
Looking down at the big round pink animal in the woman's arms, Kakashi had to shove the heel of his hand into his eye socket and look again. But, no, he was correct. His eyesight still worked, and he wasn't going crazy.
"That's a pig."
The woman had the nerve to scoff at him like he was the crazy one.
"Well, of course, it's a pig."
"Yes, of course," Kakashi muttered under his breath silently, not wholly stopping his glare at the crazy woman and her even crazier pet. "Why are you walking a pig?"
"She's my pet," Kakashi pulled Pakkun beside him when he barked once again when the pig, pig, made another go at trying to jump out from behind its owner towards the dog. "This is a pet park."
"It's a dog park."
The pig oinked loudly at the woman this time as if her owner had done something wrong, and the raven-haired woman looked so upset that Kakashi even felt sorry for her.
"What is wrong with her?"
"I'm sorry, she never acts this way," she looked him over then, shushing the pig with small pats on its head and tartan coat. "Are you hurt?" She followed it up with a hysterical question of if he was burnt; she must have been referring to his spilt drink.
"No," Kakashi felt a smirk pull at his lips at the relieved look on her face. "The coffee was getting cold anyway."
"Umm, I could buy you another one?" The black-haired woman asked, looking sheepish now that all the commotion had calmed down, tucked a strand of short hair behind her ear. "To say sorry for everything."
He was stuck at this park for a while. So he may as well take a walk with a cute girl and get free caffeine out of it, right?
Her dazzling smile when he agreed made him turn and scratch the back of his head through his silver hair.
"I'm Shizune," she finally introduced herself before motioning to the pig at her side. "And this is Tonton!"
Kakashi took a second to throw a suspicious smile at the now happy go lucky pig. First, Tonton ran straight into him as if deranged now she looked too happy for words, still and composed, as if the pig had achieved something.
"Kakashi," he pointed to the now very inquisitive brown pup looking between the two humans. "This is Pakkun."
"Hi there, Pakkun!" Shizune beamed, leaning over to the dog in question and immediately started scratching the dog behind both his ears Pakkun's tail began wagging uncontrollably. "It's so nice to meet such a cute dog, want to be friends?"
The dog owner gave a single breathy laugh; that was Pakkun. As soon as anyone gave him a scratch behind the ear, he turned to jelly, a good thing he wasn't a guard dog.
Two takeaway Americanos and a long walk, longer than even he meant it to be because they only stopped walking and talking when the park closing forced them out; turned into asking Shizune for her phone number and a date the following Saturday.
He couldn't help but notice, but that stupid little pig looked particularly happy with herself and was exceptionally well behaved the rest of the day.
Kakashi couldn't help but think Tonton knew what she was doing right from the beginning.
He should buy Tonton a thank you treat.
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Trouble Maker
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Kakashi Hatake/Shizune
822 words
Kiss: Hickey Kiss
Made with help from @tenzoyamato​
Paperwork, that was what Kakashi had been called in for. Tsunade-sama wanted him to help her with the piles of paperwork that were sitting in her office, since he was still recovering from Team Sevens mission to rescue Gaara from the Akatsuki. 
He was currently not focused on the task that he had been given. How could he be when Shizune was sitting on his lap kissing her way across his jawline?
“Shizune,” placing his hands on her hips, he tried to gently shove her away. Just enough to get her to stop kissing him. Instead, she shimmied her way back into place and wrapped her arms around his neck so that he couldn’t move her again. “Tsunade-sama asked me to…”
His brain shut down when she started to move her lips down towards his neck.
“She can hardly complain,” Shizune’s breath brushed against his skin, sending shivers down his spin “She’s always drinking, sleeping and finding any excuse not to do her paperwork. That’s why she gave you the job when you complained about being bored.”
Well that certainly explained why she had seemed so happy when he told her he had complained about being stuck in the hospital. He was going to have to be more careful with his words in the future. Not that he was actually getting any work done.
As if she was reading his mind, Shizune sat back on his lap and stared down at him with the most innocent look he had ever seen. She could compete with Tenzo for the ‘Look you can’t say no to’ award. 
‘If you really want to get back to work though,” making a show of herself, Shizune slowly started to stand up while her hands dragged over his shoulders and down his chest. “I’m sure there are other things i could do.”
Absolutely no one would believe him if he tried to tell them that Shizune was a bad example. That ‘Sweet Shizune’, the poor woman who put up with all of Tsunade-sama’s drinking and gambling for years, had a love of adventure. But not the kind of adventure where she went on a mission and might find herself killing someone.
No. She preferred the kind of adventure that involved pinning Kakashi to the Hokage’s chair and talking him into a make-out session when anyone could walk in on them without warning.
He loved it.
Sliding his arms around her waist, he pulled her back down onto his lap and smiled up at her. “I believe you were in the process of making me forget that I had any paperwork at all.”
Taking the hint, Shizune returned to kissing Kakashi’s neck, nibbling a little at the skin and sucking on the area. Apparently her new goal was to leave a mark on his neck, which was fine. It wasn’t like anyone was going to see it anyways, thanks to his mask. 
Running his hands up her back, his fingers slowly found their way into her hair. Twisting into the long black strands and giving them a gentle tug that made Shizune moan against his neck. 
It was intoxicating. The feeling of Shizune’s lips against his neck as she worked on leaving the largest bruise she possibly could, pulling back every once in a while to examine her work and press a gentle kiss against the spot before resuming.
There was no place he would rather be.
Except for maybe not in this exact position when the door to Tsunade-sama’s office suddenly opened. The only thing that could make this worse was…
“Hatake Kakashi what the fuck do you think you’re doing!?” Ya, he was a dead man.
Shizune scrambled off of his lap, her hands surging down to smooth out her outfit while Kakashi jumped to his feet. He tried to think of something to say, but no words left his mouth.
How was he supposed to explain this situation? What would be a suitable excuse? Would Tsunade-sama even believe him?
He doesn’t have time to think. Within seconds Tsunade-sama had stormed across the room and grabbed him by the front of his uniform, lifting him off of the ground and tossing him out of the office through the window.
The last thing he hears is “Stay away from Shizune you pervert!” Before he hits the ground. He’s pretty sure all of Konoha hears that, and he’s really not looking forward to explaining it to his friends.
Laying on the ground he stared up at the sky, and when Shizune popped her head out of the window to check up on him he couldn't help but smile.
She was definitely worth the trouble he had gotten into, and he couldn’t wait to do it again. Even if he did end up with glass in his back that he was going to have to awkwardly explain to a doctor, since he doubted Tsunade-sama would be interested in healing him.
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I'll Be Here For You When The World Feels Like It's Crumbling
Words: 2497 (don't talk to me about it I literally wrote this whole fic down in a notebook and then had to type it up. it was PAIN)
For: @skykashi
Konoha was destroyed.
               Everywhere Kakashi looked there was rubble. Remnants of the buildings that had once stood tall and proud welcoming guests with bright signs had been turned into dust under Pein’s attack. The BBQ place, Ichiraku, the Book shop. Even the hospital had been leveled in the attack, forcing the medical corps to create the make-shift hospital’s out of tents where the injured could be cared for.
               He wasn’t sure what invisible force was driving him to walk through the village at this moment. Why he even felt the need to check in on all of the places he had grown up with when he knew exactly what he would find.
               A village that he had given his life to protect, levelled in an instant. As if it had never truly been there.
               Kicking a stone across the path, he cringed when the rough edge crashed against his big toe as the stone sailed forward. His mind zeroed in on the pain, focusing on the tingling complaints of his nerves in a way he had never allowed himself to before.
               ‘You’re alive’ he heard the words echo in his mind, but even now he still couldn’t quite believe them.
               After a lifetime of chasing after death, seeking the sweet relief from all of the pain he’d become accustomed to in his life, he’d finally reached it. Finally closed his eyes and allowed the cold darkness to engulf him.
               There were no regrets on his mind when he’d resolved to die saving Choji’s life. He knew that no matter what happened next, he’d done all that he could.
               He’d held off Pein in hopes of giving Naruto a chance to complete his sage training and return to the village to do what he could not: Protect their home.
               He’d died protecting others. Saving them from the fate that he had welcomed with open arms. There was nothing for him to regret, or so he had thought.
               It was only when he was sitting beside a campfire regaling his father with his life story that he realized there was still so much more he needed to do. Friends that he wanted to spend more time with. Lesson that he still had to teach his students, and challenges that he needed to face with them so that they didn’t have to do it all alone.
               Then, in the blink of an eye, everything changed. Just as he’d thought he would move on into the afterlife where he might finally meet the mother he lost far too soon, the universe came crashing down on him with another idea.
               Another chance at life.
               “Don’t worry,” his father had called out to him as his soul rose back toward the land of the living. “I’ll fill your mom in on everything you told me. Take your time joining us, pop.” Those were the last words that Kakashi heard before opening his eyes and finding himself back among the living.
               Three short hours ago Kakashi had forfeited any thoughts of his own future for the good of Konoha and the next generation of Shinobi, and now here he stood among the rubble that had once been Konoha.
               “There’s a lot of work ahead of us,” a small voice spoke, yanking Kakashi out of his thoughts. Glancing to his side he smiled when he saw Shizune standing there staring up at him. “But we can rebuild. We’ve done it before.”
               Her optimism was refreshing. More reserved than Gai’s energetic cheers, but still just as warm.
               Though, it was overshadowed by something else. A feeling that radiated off of Shizune that he couldn’t quite place.
               “Well,” he shrugged away his concern and stared back at the pile of rubble that had once been the hospital. “We have a whole village ready to put in the work. Thanks to Naruto’s efforts we didn’t lose anyone.”
               Not even Kakashi himself, though he couldn’t help but think it was a fluke that he’d been brought back. A rare moment when luck had taken his side.
               “You’re right,” Shizune’s voice sounded even smaller than before, but when Kakashi glanced her way all he saw was the same straight-laced, confident woman that he’d always known. “No one was lost, but-“ She cut herself off, her eyes staring off into the distance.
               Shaking her head she turned towards him and smiled. It wasn’t the same soft, kind smile she gave him every morning when they lay together in bed, tangled in each other’s arms. Nor was it the mischievous smile that stretched across her face whenever she got thoughts of jumping into his arms and kissing him senseless.
               This was a sad smile. The smile of a woman who had almost lost everything.
               “You know,” he bumped his shoulder against hers in an open offering of support. “Tsunade-sama is going to wake up.”
               “I know,” she confirmed with a sharp nod. “There are few people as strong-willed as her. The elders may not have a lot of hope, but they’re wrong. I know they are.”
               With that concern taken care of, Kakashi searched for another source for her strange behavior. Some reasons she might have for allowing sadness and worry to outweigh her usually cheerful attitude.
               ‘I miss her already’ The words he’d said to his father came back to him with a flood of emotions.
               Kakashi had died. He’d left Shizune, Yamato, and Gai behind without saying goodbye. As a Shinobi he’d always prepared himself for the possibility, but he’d never put much thought into how they would feel if the day ever came when he didn’t return home.
               Now he found himself face to face with the results of his death. He’d left someone else to deal with that deep, aching hurt that followed the death of a precious person, except he came back. He had an opportunity to make it right.
               “Shizune, I-“
               A simple shake of her head silenced him.
               “I accepted long ago that you might die in the field,” she whispered out a response to an apology he hadn’t yet given. “You’re a field shinobi. One of Konoha’s best. Every day that you come back alive is a blessing that I know may be taken away from me the next time you leave the village.”
               Her words were meant to assure him, but they only made him feel worse. Not only had he misjudged her concerns twice now, but because of him, she was living in a constant state of waiting for the day when he didn’t come home.
               Regret began to set in as he dwelled on the reality of her situation, but he quickly dismissed it. This moment wasn’t about him or his feelings. He could ignore them and move forward, even if it was selfish of him to do so.
               Shizune was the one who mattered at the moment. If there was anything he could do to comfort her, he would. Even if he had to face the rest of the world to do it.
               “Kakashi,” a finger pressed against the center of his chest. “Are you there?”
               “Yes,” he answered a little too quickly. “I mean- no, wait.” taking a step back he closed his eyes and concentrated on his breathing.
               Deep breath in.
               There were too many feelings and thoughts to process at once, so Kakashi did what he was most familiar with. He began sorting them.
               Deep breath out.
               His feelings about dying went into the back corner of his mind. A place where they would sit and collect dust until he was ready to deal with them, which would probably be never if he was being honest with himself.
               Deep breath in.
               Next was the emotions that came with knowing Tsunade-sama was in Acoma and that a new Hokage would need to be selected swiftly in order for the village to begin healing. Those went into the back of his mind. A place where he would be able to reach them when he had time to properly process them and tackle all of the issues that came with them. These feelings involved the future of Konoha, and by extension the security of his precious people. He would deal with them as soon as he knew Shizune was alright.
               Deep breath out.
               Every worry he had paled in comparison to her. The woman that he’d come to know as determined, strong-willed, and unafraid to show her true feelings. Whatever had happened in his short time with his father in the afterlife had deeply affected her. He could see it in the deep creases under her eyes and the dull glimmer of her gaze.
               In dying, he’d failed to protect one of the most precious people in his life, and he knew that he needed to make it right. Every other thought and worry could wait until then.
               Deep breath in.
               Opening his eyes he focused his full attention on Shizune. “What happened?” he asked, hoping to get right to the problem without much struggle.
               Rather than making it easy on him, Shizune simply shrugged her shoulders, but Kakashi couldn’t help noticing how she would look at anything in the area around them except for him.
               “Konoha was destroyed,” she finally answered, her words calculated and calm. As though she’d been practicing them in preparation for this moment. “Tsunade-sama was able to save everyone from Pein’s attack using Lady Katsuyu, but…”
               Her words trailed off. A haunted look settled into her eyes as she stared ahead, and Kakashi wanted to reach out and hug her. To Assure her that everything was alright now, but he forced himself to refrain.  
               There was no doubt in his mind that if he comforted her now before she told him what exactly was bothering her, he’d never find out the answer. It was selfish, but he needed that answer. He had to know just what had upset her so much that she lost the warmth in her smile.
               So, he waited. Stood back and watched as she relived everything in her memories and tried to process it all. To compartmentalize it just as she always did. As Kakashi had just done with his own thoughts.
               It took five minutes before that careful train of thought came crumbling down. Kakashi could see the moment it happened: The slump of Shizune’s shoulder’s signifying surrender, the downcast gaze as she accepted the reality of the situation, the sigh that passed through her lips as she prepared to tell him.
               Kakashi braced himself for the words, but there was nothing that could have prepared him for what he heard next.
               “I died.”
               The words echoed in his ears. A cruel mantra that had haunted his thoughts over the years, but which he’d managed to fight back with constant reminders of Shizune’s position within the village. The unlikeliness of her taking on a mission that would result in her early death, and the assurance that even if someone did try to kill her they would have to go through Kakashi and Tsunade first.
               Now, though, all of the fears he’d pushed back came flooding into his head once again.
               “I-“ he tried to speak, but everything he wanted to say refused to come out. No matter how hard he tried he just couldn’t vocalize all of the emotions swirling around in his mind. The fear simmered inside of him at all times. A deep, raw fear of losing his most precious people after a lifetime of burying the people who had mattered to him most when he was younger.
               The relief washed over him as soon as he reminded himself that Shizune was alright. That just as he had been brought back, so had she.
               Those emotions were some of the strongest at the moment, but even they paled in comparison to his worry. A worry that was directed solely at Shizune and her current mental state. There wasn’t a single thing that he could think of to say in hopes of comforting her, so he chose to simply not say anything at all.
               Instead, he opened up his arms and waited as Shizune examined him with a cautious look.
               “What?“ she took a step forward, her eyes focused on Kakashi’s outstretched arms. “What are you doing?”
               “It’s a hug,” he answered with his usual calm, even though there was a war of emotions going on inside of him.
               “But,” her eyes flickered up to his face or just a second before returning to his arms. “You don’t like hugs. N-not in public.”
               The last word came out in a whisper. A cautious reminder of where they were and who might see them. If they were behind closed doors she wouldn’t bother giving him any sort of warning before jumping straight into his arms and hugging the very breath out of his lungs, but there was no door here hiding them away from the rest of the world.
               It was just them and the open space around them.
               Kakashi didn’t care though. Not today. Not when Shizune needed him. All of Konoha could pass by at that moment and he wouldn’t change a thing.
               ‘I’ll make an exception,” he joked while gesturing her forward. “Just this once, for you.”
               Another second of hesitation and then Shizune’s resolve crumbled. She surged forward, burying her face into his shoulder as soon as she could. Hiding away the tears that Kakashi knew were falling now that she had something to hide behind.    
A wall between her and a world that would dare to judge her for allowing herself to break down, because that’s not what a ‘real shinobi’ did.
               “Shhh,” his arms closed around her shoulders, holding her tight while she cried. “You’re here. You’re alive.”
They had both lived when they shouldn’t have, and for that Kakashi was thankful.
There was still so much for them to do. Days that they could spend wrapped up in each other’s arms laughing at whispered jokes and childish dreams. Precious people that they could still create new, brilliant memories with, and so much more.
               Life had begun anew in a way and Kakashi had every intention of taking advantage of it.
After Shizune had cried. When she’d processed everything that had happened and decided to take a step forward. Toward their future, with Kakashi at her side ready to face whatever the universe had in store for them.
               “It’s ok,” he rubbed a hand over her back and listened to the muffled sobs that escaped past his shoulder. “Everything will be alright.”
Maybe not today or even tomorrow, but somewhere down the line it would all be alright. That’s what Kakashi had been telling himself for years, and what he would continue to promise himself until the day when things finally got better.
An endless promise to push him through every terrible thing that happened because if he gave up, who would fight for the future?
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Royalty au
All of Gai’s advisor’s breath a huge sigh if relief when Rin announces her pregnancy. He’s having a child with the queen which means the royal line with continue on.
They immediately start holding their breath again when they realize that no such announcement has come from Kakashi and Shizune
Not because they actually care. Who the royal guard is doesn’t depend on blood, but on skill.
Still, them not having a child means Kakashi’s still free to sleep around with the king in their minds (which he’s going to do anyways, while Shizune pays the Queen some extra special attention) so they need him to have a kid
To cement his relationship with Shizune as ‘legit’
What they fail to realize is that is never going to happen. Not because Kakashi and Shizune wouldn’t be great parents, but because neither of them have the sperm required to produce a child.
Kakashi has the exact same reproductive organ’s as shizune. They’d need a donar for that kid, and the one they’re probably getting is the last one they want
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Pumpkin Carving
Pairing: Hatake Kakashi/Shizune
For: @skykashi who always needs some KakaShizune in their life 💜💜💜
Words: 936
Three piles of paperwork. That was the first thing that Kakashi saw when he walked into his office that morning, and it took a considerable amount of effort to force himself forward.
All he wanted to do was turn around and forget about the paperwork.
Forget about the job.
He could run away and become a farmer. Buy a cute little patch of land and settle there. Convincing Tenzo to build him a comfortable home might prove troublesome, but then he would be free.
“Don’t look so glum,” Shizune teased as she brushed past him, a giant Pumpkin clutched in her arms. “I have something fun for us to do when you’re done with your paperwork today.”
Kakashi’s ears perked up. “Fun?” He asked, not even bothering to try and hide his excitement. “Fun as in-“
One sharp glare from her silenced him immediately. As enjoyable as his idea was, it wasn’t worth risking his life over, and Shizune would happily end his existence for the petty crime of being pervy at work.
“Fun as in Carving a pumpkin,” she clarified. “You can wait until we’re back at our place if you want anything more X rated.”
With that settled she turned back towards his desk and set the Pumpkin down directly in front of his paperwork. 
“I wouldn’t suppose your fun idea has anything to do with-“ he waved a hand towards the pumpkin, just slightly offended by its presence on his otherwise clutter-free desk. “That?”
“Do you have a problem with the Pumpkin?” She frowned.
“Other than the fact it’s sitting on my desk right now, No,” he only hoped that it wouldn’t be staying there. Paperwork was already a pain to get through. It would only be worse if he had that itch in the back of his brain telling him something was on his desk that shouldn’t be. “You know I like my desk clean. Tsunade-Sama might work fine with an office that looks like Naruto ran through it before getting in his daily training exercises, but I don’t.”
Shizune just stood there staring at him, her mouth hanging open as though she wanted to say something but couldn’t find the words.
After a few awkward minutes of silence, she began laughing.
“Kakashi,” wiping a tear from her eyes she made an attempt to return to the topic at hand, only to devolve into another fit of laughter. “You are- I wish you would show this side of yourself to others.”
“This side?” He tilted his head, confused by her words. “What do you mean?”
“This!” waving a hand towards him she continued to laugh when he just stood there staring at her. “The overly dedicated worker. The man who needs a perfect workspace. When you came into this office it was a mess of paperwork and books. You spent the first two days as Hokage just reorganizing everything so you could focus.”
“I like a clean office.” “You know there are people who think you just sit in this office all day reading porn, right?” Shizune snickered. “They’re be gobsmacked to find out that Hatake Kakashi, the aloof care free Shinobi, can’t work with a cluttered desk.”
“I can work with a cluttered desk,” he corrected her, just a little insulted by her words. “I prefer not to.”
Rolling her eyes, Shizune took a step forward and poked a finger into his chest. “You’d be miserable.”
“I will be miserable,” he argued. “With that thing on my desk.”
“It’s a Pumpkin.”
“Why does it need to be on my desk?”
Moving her hand back, she reached up and carefully poked him right against the nose, giggling when his face scrunched up in protest. “When you’re done with your paperwork,” she began. “We’re going to throw some bags on your desk and carve that pumpkin.”
Somehow this conversation was making him even more confused.
“Why would we carve it?” he asked. “To eat?”
The smile dropped off of Shizune’s face. “K-Kakashi, have you never carved a Pumpkin before?”
“No?” he answered without pause and immediately regretted it when Shizune’s eyes bugged out. “I didn’t realize…is this a thing?”
Spinning around in her spot, Shizune stepped back towards the desk and began clearing all of the paperwork off, careful not to drop anything and to press the piles right up against the wall so they were as far away from people who might knock them over as possible. 
“We’re carving it now,” she declared with a fire in her voice that Kakashi usually only heard when she was scolding him for taking his time on paperwork. “I can’t believe- How can you be thirsty-five and never have carved a Pumpkin before?”
For the first time in years, Kakashi was speechless. All he could do was stand there watching as his girlfriend cleared off his desk and stormed off to retrieve something to cover it in, muttering about ‘pumpkin guts’ as she went.
Whatever it was they were doing, he was excited. Even if he could foresee a giant mess in his future.
Spending time with Shizune that didn’t involve paperwork and meetings was a gift he would never turn away, especially when it involved learning something new. 
Though, for some reason, he could already feel a week's worth of teasing. Something about how this should have all been done when he was younger and how he’s so far behind all of his friends in regards to emotional growth because he spent his younger years so focused on proving himself that he forgot to live. 
A fact he was all too aware of.
Toss A Coin To Your Writer <3
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Say something Good About Your Ship Day
Kakashi and Shizune are soft. That’s it. I love how tender the two of them are with the added bonus if Shizune getting some small joy out of bugging Kakashi by calling him ‘Lord Sixth’
They’re fun and cute and sure there’s not a lit of canon content for them but i love them regardless.
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I have four fics sort of chosen (like i have the prompt and the pairing picked) for rare pair week. That's pretty decent I think.
Probably won't do the first of august because Time Travel is not an idea i go well with and the other prompt is not agreeing with my brain
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LGBTQ+ Headcanon
Hatake Kakashi
Sexuality: Bisexual
Gender: Trans Man
Ships: Kakagai, KakaIru, KakaYama, KakaShiz, KakaAnko.
Kakashi woke his father up one morning when he was four and told him with a very seriouse expression that he was a boy.
Sakumo was so sleepy he misheard Kakashi and thought he said ‘I’m a toy’ to which he responded ‘right, of course you are’ and proceded to wake himself up by tickling his son. It was only hours later when Sakumo used the wrong pronouns and Kakashi corrected him that he realized what his son had ACTUALLY said to him.
Dai is the one who helped Kakashi find his first binder, and after Dai’s death Kushina noticed that he was out growing it so she grabbed him and dragged him back to the same place Dai had taken him and got a new one.
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Sexuality Headcanon: Bi bi bi bi bi
Gender Headcanon: Trans Man!!!!
A ship I have with said character: Kakagai, KakaYama, KakaIru, KakaShiz, KakaAnko, KakaDaruiC
A BROTP I have with said character: Litterally all the above XD but also Kakashi and all of his adorable students
A NOTP I have with said character: Kakashi/Mei. Just, no thank you.
A random headcanon: Gai was actually the first person Kakashi admitted outloud was his friend. He’s still not sure why because he was in peak ‘brat’ mode at the time, but someone said something bad about gai and when Kakashi threatened to beat the crap out of them for it they asked why he would defend ‘such a weakling’ and without even thinking Kakashi responded ‘because he’s my friend’
In front of Minato of course, so he didn’t live that down for years
General Opinion over said character: he is me. I adore him and hate him at times. I think he’s smart and crafty and a lil shit and i love it all.
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depressedhatakekakashi · 11 months
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AU-Tober Master List
Let's Love Him, Together (Royalty Au) - KakaGai & GaiRin
Paper Star (Iwa Gai Au) - Kakagai
Just Like Lightning (Iwa Gai Au) - Maito Gai & Hyuga Neji
Midnight (Iwa Gai Au) - KakaGai
Sensei’s Smile (Iwa Gai Au) - Hyuga Neji & Maito Gai
Discovering Father's Lies (Iwa Gai Au) - Hyuga Hinata & Hyuga Neji
A Little Gift (Iwa Gai Au) - KakaGai
A Risk Worth Taking (Iwa Gai Au) - Hatake Kakashi
Chimmecho's Protests (Pokemon AU)- Hatake Kakashi
Once Upon A Badge (Pokemon AU) - Namikaze Minato & Uzumaki Naruto
Alabaster Blizzard (Pokemon Au) - Hatake Yua (OC), Mifune, Hatake Kakashi
Shared Custody (Pokemon Au) - Hatake Kakashi & Yamato
Rock Tunnel Face-Off (Pokemon Au - Hatake Kakashi, Uchiha Obito (Minor Gai and Rin. Mentioned Asuma and Kurenai)
Contest Spectacular (Pokemon Au) - Akane (OFC), Hatake Kakashi, Rock Lee
Raikou Rescue (Pokemon AU) - Hatake Kakashi
From the Grounder Up (GOS AU)- Hatake Kakashi & Akimichi Choji
Toward Home (GOS AU)- Yamato
Read to Me (GOS Au) - Oc: Maito-Hatake Nakano
Stargazer Lily (GOS AU) - Hatake Sakumo & Hatake Kakashi (Trans Kakashi)
Falling For The Sky (GOS AU) - Matio Gai & OC (Sora)
Brotherly Hang-out (GOS AU) - Hatake Kakashi & Uchiha Obito
I Have More Than Two (GOS AU) - OC: Hatake-Maito Nakano & Morino Ibiki
The Sheik To My Link (High School AU) - Maito Gai, Genma, Ebisu, Danzo, Hatake Kakashi
Coffee Shop Flirting (Coffee Shop AU) - Rock Lee & Haruno Sakura
Ruined Plans (Farmer AU) - Hatake Kakashi & Yamato (KakaIru and YamaGai)
Getting To Know Sensei (TMS AU) - Hatake Kakashi & Haruno Sakura
Graveside Bonding (Mafia AU) - Hatake Kakashi & Uzumaki Kushina
Mission Time! (Age Swap Au) - Haruno Sakura, Hatake Kakashi, Maito Gai (Slight Kakagai)
A Scarecrow's Secret (Musician AU) - Hatake Kakashi/Maito Gai
A Sacrifice Worth Being Made (Royalty AU) - Hatake Kakashi/Maito Gai
Window Side Vigil (Royalty AU) - Kakagai, GaiRin, KakaShiz
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Looking forward to using Rare pair week for my Kakashiz and GaiRin bs XD
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Say Something Nice about your ship day
Kakagai - Their bond is unbreakable and their retirement was perfection. They deserve to go on more vacations.
Kakayama- They’ve been through hell and back and would do anything for each other, while simultaneously roasting each other at every opportunity and I support them in that endeavor
KakaShiz- Soft and Sweet. Perfect ship for those who want something wjth zero angst
GaiKisame- There is no ship in the world that does Enemies to Lovers as well as these two. Sorry i only state facts
GaiRin- Soft and sweet. Both of them grew up sort of obsessed with the same boy and found each other in that mess (plus the boy who’s a third wheel sort of adopted husband XD)
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LGBTQ+ Headcanons
Sexuality: I’m legally obligated to say Bi (cuz i ship KakaShiz) with a preference for Women usually
Gender: Cis Woman
Ships: KakaShiz, YamaShiz, RinShiz
Shizune didn’t get to explore her sexuality much growing up because most of her time was spent trying to make sure Tsunade didn’t drink herself into an early grave or blow all of her money on gambling (again)
She was sixteen when she got her first real crush, and it was a sweet beautiful woman who she met at the small hospital in one of the villages her and tsunade were passing through. Tsunade had decided to check the place out to see how it ran and Shizune went exploring while she did that and bumped into this other girl.
Hard preference for girls, so if she dates a guy she likes to tease him about being ‘special’. Some guys get annoyed and break up with her over it, but others lean into the joke (Kakashi jokes she just needs ton outweigh her good taste in women with terrible taste in men, and Yamato is damn proud of being a special boy)
When she was about 14 shizune began questioning her gender and exploring. She had a lot of help and support from Tsunade in this regard which was rather surprising for her. Ultimately, she settled on the fact that she is a girl and she likes being a girl, but she also loved exploring just who she was to come up with that answer.
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