#just to be clear I gave a fake hypothetical
pitaenigma · 1 year
The weirdest shit about the tumblr worm fandom is how they have very strong convictions and very in depth analysis of characters that manages to completely rewrite everything about the characters. It's not like the reddit/spacebattles fanon where people took a quality mentioned in the text and ran too far with it (like extrapolating Sophia's words to Emma to turn Sophia into some bizarre philosopher) or applied some trope they like (uwu lesbians) onto characters it doesn't fit (all canon lesbians). On tumblr you'll find these takes that insist that Taylor is actually hugely into baseball and it's a core part of her character and it's her struggle with being constantly placed on second base that is the key to her character. Things that have nothing to do with the text, the character, their actions, other perceptions of it. And other people will not only agree, they will discuss how sports are key to Worm and the entire thing is about Wildbow's frustration with the Chicago Bears. I have no idea how to explain any of it but I am so fascinated by these analyses.
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redactedrem · 5 months
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You know what? Fuck you. *Ponifies Batman*
Guys I'm so excited to share my newest project of ponifying the Batfam, it started out small with the hypothetical "I wonder what Batman would be like in a mlp universe." And then the project kept getting bigger and bigger.
If anyones interested in my world building/ headcanons surrounding this project, you can see it under the cut. (I didn't want to make the post too long.)
Incase anybody couldn't read my bad handwriting, I gotchuuu.
-(First pic) Bruce Wayne: Bruce had got his cutiemark the night of his parents death, after the grief had broken his spirit and he realized that he never wanted anypony else to feel the same pain as he does. (He has a fake cutiemark to cover up his obvious destiny)
- The first pic is pretty self explanatory, but I want to make it clear that Bruce's destiny isn't "My parents are dead so now I dress up as a bat and beat up mentally ill folk". Because I've seen people on here give hot takes on cutiemarks that directly link them to a ponies destiny.
This goes for specifically in the mlp fandom but (for the sake of being on topic) I'll use the the example of that one post where someone gave the hot take that Jason would get his cutiemark in the warehouse right before he dies (or after he dies? smthing like that) because "It would be really fucked up to know that you were always destined to die." And listen, I can appreciate some good Jason Todd whump as the next guy but knowing that this would be based in a mlp universe . . . just doesn't sit right with me.
It sounds less magical that way. Its like saying that Rainbow Dash was always meant to be the fastest flyer, so theres no point in trying to compete with her. So uhm, trying to stay on topic here. My personal hot take is that a pony's cutiemark is symbol of something that they do/ a skill or talent that they have that makes them happy. And whats a more magical and fulfilling destiny than doing something that makes you happy for the rest of your life?
Looping back to Bruce, he didn't get his cutiemark the moment his parents died, but I like to think that he got it sometime later on in the night. After hours of being checked on by the police, getting looked at by the paramedics, and after Alfred took him home. Its 1:40ish in the morning and tiny foal-Bruce is just staring at his bedroom wall feeling numb and dissociated to hell. And sometime after processing everything that night- he just decides that this is the worst thing that has ever happened to him and that he will do anything to make sure that nopony will ever feel the same pain that he has felt. And then-- Ta da!! Cutiemark!! Too bad neither he or Alfred got to experience the excitement when they both saw it the next day :')
(Edit: I didn't know where to put this detail, but Bruce's fake cutiemark is based off of the "Make It Wayne" TV logo from this fanfic here )
-(Second pic) The Bat: This is heavily inspired by Flutterbat, I know theres canonically already a race of bat ponies made from Lunas stunt as Nightmare Moon. But I chose to go through with the Flutterbat route because batponies are a race, and have bat-like features 24/7. In comparison Fluttershy maintains her pegasus appearance by day and transforms into Flutterbat at night (ALSO with there being implications that there are "Triggers" for her transformations in the day too!!) Which adds the "Vampire." right in front of her batpony title.
I might do a lil comparison chart between vampire batponies and regular batponies in the future or something. But for now I'm focusing on my batpony Bruce Wayne headcanons so yea. My point is that I felt like making Bruce a "vampire" batpony would give him a more solid secret identity with also the bonus of a really metal origin story.
Now we all know that the canonical origin story of batman is that a few months after the tragedy of his parents death, Bruce had fallen into a cave? a well? a pit? of bats and triggered a fear of bats since then. Later on he decides to become Batman so he can invoke the fear of bats he once had into the criminals of Gotham. Yadda yadda yadda.
Now canonically, we don't know the exact science on how Fluttershy turned into Flutterbat. What we do know is that at the time, pony magic is not researched enough for Twilight to be aware that Fluttershys "Stare" is her own form of pony magic and that it would interfere with Twilights spell.
Do you see where I'm getting at here? Uhmm don't ask me what exactly happened in the cave, I'm doing this for fun and thinking about it too hard makes me spiral. But uhmm something something- Bruce looked at a bat in the eye and decided to embrace his biggest fear to fuel his cause, and his already traumatized and fucked up pony magic had transformed his body- something something. (Edit: I didn't think about this until now but maybe Fluttershys "Stare" and Bruces "Bat Glare" could be a usage of the same form of magic? Just a thought)
I'll probably come up with a more suitable explanation in the future, but like I said. All of this is just for fun.
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strawberrym1ko · 3 months
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SYNOPSIS: You're staying with Ava for the school terms and the Daemos boys have taken an interest in your day to day life as a young person WARNINGS: None AUTHORS NOTE: This took two days to complete and I got lazy near the end. Hope it's still good though. I'll do Noi justice in the future
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Ava was a family friend. After finding out that your family were moving out of state due to your moms job, she offered to shelter you while you finished your studies in your final year of high-school instead of you moving high-school and restarting your life.
At first your parents rejected the offer, thinking it was better that you went with them, but once Ava's dads talked to your moms, they were both convinced. With monthly pocket money, your own room and public transport. All was well.
Well. . . .minus the five demon boys that lived in the walls. As schizophrenic as it sounds. It was true. Five boys lived in the ways of Ava's apartment. And none of them would give you warnings before popping out of the walls. You and Ava had to set some ground rules after some incidents.
You had met them prior to moving in, Ava asking for your assistance in a lot of the social aspects. So, you weren't too shocked by the sight. Yet, it still unsettled you a little. Even if they were from a different world, there was no way their lives were that different from yours. You imagined a medieval world from the little things they would say about the world, so life couldn't be that different. Could it?
ᯓ ASCH .ᐟ
YOU WERE out in the streets, Asch by your side. Ava had gotten fed up of the daemos prince and sent him off with you. Claiming he needed some air to cool himself off. Like that was ever going to help this hot-headed prince to cool down. But, you gave in and agreed to take him. He was oddly okay with this? He didn't curse, yell or protest. He just, accepted it. Which isn't very Asch of him.
"How come you didn't put up a fight back there?" You questioned the prince. For someone who is to one day rule his kingdom, he isn't exactly an ideal figure. Lack of intelligence, common sense and that temper of his can't be a healthy mix for a royal.
"To observe you"
Observe you? What could he possible want to witness that he wouldn't witness in the apartment? You were going on a walk, not meeting up with a group of friends or going off to school. You shook your head, finding no sense of this man.
You had gone through a few shops, spotting something nice in the window view. Asch noticed how you would always spot something, walk in, examine the object or fabric, examine the price, furrow your brows in thought, place the item back down then leave the story without buying anything. He found it odd, and was slowly getting annoyed at it after the fifth shop you had walked in to.
"Why do you do that?" He asked, frustration clear in his tone.
You were looking at a dress, placing the fabric up against you and looking in the mirror to see how it would hypothetically look on you. You pressed your lips into a thin line. "Do what?" You placed the dress back, deciding not to get it.
"You haven't bought a single thing yet come into every shop you see" He followed behind you, watching you pick up yet another piece of fabric, an off-shoulder shirt. But, you instantly placed it down before walking further into the clothing shop. Asch not far behind.
You shrugged your shoulders. "Girl math"
". . . .girl. . . math?"
"Yeah. Like. This" You picked up a pair of pumps, the strap made out of fake pearls, a little white bow tied in the front. "It's cute no?" With the look Asch gave you, it was clear he didn't see the attraction. You softly scoffed at him. "Well. It's cute, in my size and would go well with many outfits and affordable"
"So you get it"
"What?!" You harshly hushed him, his voice getting to a dangerous level. A level that would alert anyone with human decency that would call security in fear of your safety.
You placed the pumps down. "They are cute and I would love them, but I don't need them now"
"That's stupid"
"And you're stupid, yet here we are"
ᯓ RHYS .ᐟ
SCHOOL HAD been rough on you in the past few weeks. With exams, university talks and graduation preparations. You were under a lot of stress. You had a few assignments due in the next few weeks along with exams prep and presentations. You had done nothing but study, work, study, work, repeat. Everyday. You hadn't rest, or eaten properly. The monster cans you downed were slowly catching up to you, with the lack of sleeping and one meal every two days, you could feel your stomach gaining in on itself.
"[Name]?" You heard the muffled voice come from outside your bedroom door.
"Come in" You yelled out, flicking through your ipad that showed you possible college courses you could take. You were calculating the points you would need in order to apply to these college's. How much points you had already and how many more you could get with both exams and assignments. So far, it wasn't looking good and that added to the already over-flowing bottle of stress.
The door creaking caught you off-guard. Startled, you turned to your bedroom door to see Rhys standing at the entrance, in his hands was a true full of various foods. Well, whatever Ava had in the apartment. Cereal, toastie, pizza, and it seemed like [Favourite food] was made as well. It looked appetising, yet your stomach felt ill just looking at the food. You swore you could feel liquid travelling up your throat. Placing a hand over your mouth, you spun back to your desk, that feeling slowly vanishing.
Rhys brows knitted in worry. Your reaction wasn't a good one. Wasn't what he was expecting. He entered your room and placed the tray down on your drawers. "[Name], you haven't left your room in days" He expressed his concern.
"I have. For school" You corrected.
You turned to Rhys, an apologetic look on your face. "I'm sorry Rhys, but I can't chat now. I really need to get this figured out"
Curious, the daemos walked to your desk, leaning over your chair to glance at the papers and technology below him. Numbers, letters, words, stuff he couldn't comprehend. Reading them would do him no good if he can't understand them. "What is this?" He pointed at the work on her desk.
Sighing, knowing the advisor won't go away, you spun around. "College work"
"Further education. Like a way to boost yourself up a social status in Daemos" You attempted to use the knowledge you had on Daemos and the knowledge you had about medieval times to try help the man understand.
"Daemos don't have these education systems"
You perked up at that information. You looked behind you "How did you get to where you are now?"
"excessive training"
You turned back to your desk, taking up your ipad to scroll down the colleges websites. "Well, it's like training. Each course based on a different career. Like training"
"We train under the same class"
"well. . . ." You began thinking. What differs from them all? What do they individually have that the others don't. Then it dawned upon you. Their magically abilities. "It's like training in certain magic abilities. Some may work under the same class for certain topics, but others may work under some. . . fire class for fire abilities" "Makes sense?"
Rhys nodded his head, understanding to a degree. "Suppose so. But, why is it important"
"Everyone judges you based on career you choice. Parents set your path already, but some don't want that path"
"Do you wish to follow your parents path?"
"Sometimes. . . .we don't have a choice in the matter"
FRIDAY NIGHT. You were originally going to go home and show the boys some movies and shows you grew up on while explaining what shows and movies were and how they worked, but a friend of yours asked you to attend a small party a class-mate was having. A first you rejected it, but after hearing about the party from your friends period, after period, after period, you caved in and said you would go.
She did not tell you people would be drinking, nor did she tell you she said you would take part in said drinking, even if you were against drinking under the age limit. At first you didn't and ignored all the comments made at you, but you snapped. Caved in. Started drinking.
Now, slummed over Ava's apartment door with keys in your hands, you were beyond intoxicated. The snacks at the party were picky foods, not enough for the amount of alcohol that was present at the party. You were lucky enough to get home without the cops being called or stopping you on your journey. You can't remember how you got home to be honest. A friend helped, you think.
"Come on! Stupid keys!" You couldn't stand still for a second, your hands were too shaky to insert the keys into the key-hole. Frustration kicked in and tears began to build. Vision gone blurry, which made the task even more impossible for you. "Come on!" You cried out, losing all hope of getting into the apartment
You got it!
The tears were quick to vanish as you turned the door knob and walked in, fully expecting everyone to be asleep. But you were mistaken. Not everyone had gone to sleep.
As you entered the apartment, too zoned-out to pay attention to your surroundings, you had bummed into something, or well, someone. Patting the surface you bummed into, you looked up to see cold-blue eyes staring down at you with a hint of concern in them. You smiled once you realised who it was.
"Pierce!" You chirped, wrapping your arms around his torso and stepping closer for a hug. "Hi" You giggled. Out of everyone that could have found you in this state, you were glad it was him.
"You are sick?" He questioned.
You leaned back, shaking your head. "No silly. I am intoxicated" you whispered the last part, afraid Ava would magically storm out of her room, sandal in hand, ready to assault you with it. You shivered at that thought alone. Lord please don't wake Ava up.
"In. . . toxicated?" Pierce seemed confused on the concept. Do they not have alcohol in Daemos? They sound like no fun.
"Alcohol. A drink that makes you. . . . . not yourself" You tried to explain.
"Like brewery"
You nodded your head.
You squealed from shock when the Daemos picked you up, bringing you to the living area. Having connected the dots seemed to change the male. He placed you on the sofa and sat down beside you. "You need some healing" He stated.
You shook your head, a slight giggle escaping your lips. "I just need some water and rest" You went to stand up, but Pierce stopped you, pushing you back onto the sofa. A soft "oof" coming from you when you landed on the pillows.
"I will get the water" And just like he said, he got you the glass of water. You were surprised he remembered where the cupboard full of glasses were and how to use the tap. A brief moment of pride washed over you.
As you sipped on the water, the cool liquid travelling down your throat. Pierce couldn't help but ask a question. A question you were afraid of answering. "Why drink?"
You settled the glass on the wooden table ahead of you. You shrugged your shoulders. Though, you were very sure on why you did it. "Because, I was asked to"
"You do not have a say?"
You let out a heavy breath. "I do. I should. But, it's difficult when your a teen who's trying to fit in. People pressuring you" You tried to explain. Peer pressure is such an odd concept, even to humans. Some people believe its a bunch of excuses. An easier way to pin your actions onto someone else, but others do believe in it. You did. It's so hard ignoring all the comments people say about you. You cave in so they would shut up and leave you be. But one thing can lead to another and your sitting on your sofa trying to explain to a Daemos what peer pressure is.
You were expecting a question about peer pressuring. But you didn't get it. Instead, you felt a soft pat on your hand, then a hand ruffling your hair. Slowly, you turned to Pierce who was looking at you with sympathy. For someone who gives cold vibes, he's really soft.
"Humans can be cruel"
You laughed at that statement. "Not even the half of it". You scooted closer to the male, leaning onto his side. The head pats slowly lulling you off into a sleeping trance.
ᯓ LEIF .ᐟ
"WHO GOES there!" Leif had heard some commotion coming from inside the apartment and went to check it out. It was three in the morning, everyone was in their rooms, yet he heard footsteps from the apartment, so he went to investigate.
"Don't assault me! its [Name]!" You spun around, a wooden spoon full off batter in your hand. But when you saw it was Leif, your guard fell in an instant. "Oh, it's just you" You turned back to the cupcakes your were making.
Leif placed away his weapons. "what are you doing?" he asked, tilting his head to the side to get a glance at the cupcakes you were baking. At three in the morning, for some reason.
He swore human women get weirder and weirder by the day. He even wondered if it was even a bother to take over the world. Humans seemed unbothered by their surroundings half of the time.
"I am making cupcakes" You responded.
"Okay. . . " Leif made his way to the kitchen, watching you swirled the dry and wet ingredients together. "But why?"
You shrugged your shoulders. "Because. It's better making them late in the night"
"Okay, but why" He really wasn't grasping the concept of this. Night-time was for sleeping and assassination. Not for baking cupcakes.
"Because. During these silent hours, no one expects anything from me. I can make cupcakes in peace without pondering Daemos boys leaning over me" The last part was targeted towards Leif was leaning over the girls shoulder, watching her.
He didn't get the hint.
"Ava doesn't expect much from you. Why still do this?" He was right. Ava didn't really care what you did as long as you cleaned up after yourself. She knew you could handle yourself and so she doesn't bother you with things unless it had to do with the Daemos boys, grocery's or bills. Even then, that was on the rare occasion. Minus the Daemos boys. That's almost daily.
"It's a force of habit really. With school, friends, family and work. It's constant stress and I have to be careful with who I speak to. Like. . . you boys and lady Grandma" You scooped the cupcake batter into little cupcake cases, making sure each one was half-way full and were done neatly. Didn't want any spillage. "But during these times. I can do what makes me happy without any duty worries. Without having to teach what seems like fully grown men how our society works and just. . .me time" You placed the tray of cupcakes inside the oven, crouching down to look at them.
Leif crouched down with you, also looking at the cupcakes. "That's. . . sad" He said.
"To me, it's peaceful"
ᯓ NOI .ᐟ
YOU AND Noi had decided to go out for a walk one evening. You brought Noi because well, it's Noi. Out of them all, you enjoyed his company the most. To you, he was easier to talk to.
"But why do adults hate teens?" Noi had noticed how some adults were giving you some sort of glare. Like, disrespect and disgust and he couldn't understand the reasoning. They didn't know you, but he did and you were one of the sweetest humans he has met.
"They believe youth are nothing but lazy trouble-makers" You hadn't noticed the adults stares since you and Noi were indulged in conversation. Besides, who would give them any thought. All they did was hate.
"Are adults in Daemos like this?" You now turned the tables, asking him about his world instead of him asking you about your world.
Noi's bright aura dropped to a low. His smile slumping into a soft frown, his eyes losing a bit of brightness. A touchy subjects. "Only towards me. . " He said softly.
Not wanting to bug him about it any more, you bumped your hip against his, startling him and making the boy fall to the floor. He was so dramatic sometimes. You rolled your eyes and held your hand out for support "Luckily, people like us stick together" Noi took your hand, hoisting himself up beside you.
That bright smile was back on his face and his eyes sparkling with sunlight.
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caligvlasaqvarivm · 4 months
I have to ask where to fefeta and Erisol fit into your theories. Obviously fefeta exploding due to to two different people trying to apologize to her then arguing caused her to explode, and probably hint that the two halves are pitch for each other. But what about Erisol, why out of all alpha sprites, he is the most stable? What does it say about Eridan and Sollux? And a possible relationship of theirs or lack of one
Is Erisol the troll-sprite embodiement of Terezi’s and Gamzee’s shitty relationship. Absolute fucking disgusting codependence that allows them to wallow in their self pity. If that’s the case Eridan would be like a comfortable blanket for sollux, but not a good relationship
Why did Skaia give Eridan a quest that is knew Eridan would royally fuck up due to being raised as the next orphaner and thus have a trigger finger on anything big and white. Is Skaia stupid? Could Eridan come back to it at a later date and find that his quest is now to help the angels rebuild? Is it because Skaia accidentally made Satan and tried to set its most powerful aspect to beat it, overriding character development for hope players?
Answering these one by one:
For my thoughts on Erisol and Fefeta, see this essay and this essay.
It's hard to say why Gamzee brought the trolls back; I have an ask in my inbox positing that he's trying to set up pitch relationships (which I like the thought of) - I'm still rereading this part of the comic, so it's not super clear to me, either. I don't want to speculate when I can't be sure of my opinion.
Lastly, we don't actually know what quest Skaia gave to Eridan. We know that Eridan received prophesies from the angels of their lord, whom he believes he was meant to defeat, but it's unclear if this was his planetary quest, or some side thing he had to deal with, similar to how Feferi has an overhanging prophecy to "unite the two races" and Karkat has his to "bring equality and forgiveness between all bloodlines."
However, what we do know is that free will > predestination within this setting (predestination only exists insofar as characters paint themselves into corners with their own choices, but it was still their CHOICES that created those corners, and not the machinations of fate and destiny), and Eridan is the one who chose to give up his destiny of defeating LE:
GG: im pretty sure hes from the future! CA: wwhy GG: because he said hes my grandson … CA: that gun i just gavve you is somethin of a hatchright to the kid CA: happy i could play a role in your dirty stinkin lineage GG: like an heirloom? i guess it could be … CA: i kinda think thats wwhy i found the gun in the first place CA: but noww im forsakin it because fuck i just found a better destiny than my old crappy one wwhich i nevver got any appreciation for anywway
It wasn't an insurmountable challenge for him and his team, it was just one that they failed because they couldn't/wouldn't address their personal problems in time, and that he voluntarily abandoned. Moreover, if we assume that, indeed, Eridan's classpect quest WAS to defeat LE, then we can still see a fairly clear character arc set out for him: Eridan's main emotional conflict stems from his inner hope being in anguished conflict with the despair and anxiety he feels toward the future that Alternia laid out for him - orphaner, empress's sea dweller, nobility. As a hope player, his struggle lies in believing in things. It's encapsulated in the way he decries magic as stupid and fake and dumb and bullshit, but he FUCKING LOVES MAGIC, since he collects shitty wands and has no less than 6 wizard statues in his respiteblock.
That anxiety and despair won in the comic, and he went on a killing spree because he felt he had nothing left to live for; in a hypothetical scenario where he DOES manage to grasp his powers and destroy WITH Hope rather than destroying Hope itself, then the opposite would be true: he defeats his anxiety and despair, asserting a new belief for a better and brighter future, shooting a beam of "make impossible things possible" through LE's otherwise unconditionally immortal heart.
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devilsrecreation · 2 months
Currently trying to work on writing more so I decided to write a couple of scenes that would be in Ucheshi’s hypothetical episode!
Remember this post? Where I listed all the ways she would outsmart Scar’s Army? I wrote a one-shot based on how she tricks Janja:
“That’s it! No more goofin’ around! Just get the sticks and follow me!”
Ucheshi perked up at the sound of Janja’s voice. The guard had not yet finished their mission and she certainly wouldn’t be able to fend them off on her own, not with the flaming sticks in their mouths. She had to think fast. She glanced up at Tamaa, who smiled and nodded as if he already knew what to do.
“Okay, split up and surround the area!” he yelled in Kion’s voice.
Ucheshi let out a fake gasp. “Oh! It’s the Lion Guard!”
The three hyenas all skidded to a halt, Chungu and Cheezi dropping their flaming sticks in surprise. Janja frantically looked around, desperately trying to find where his enemy’s voice was coming from while his cronies just froze in shock.
“Quick, hide in this bush!” Ucheshi said, gesturing to a large bush nearby.
Without a second thought, Janja immediately dove into the bush. The other two quickly ran to the crocodile, clinging to her.
“Hide me, too!”
“Me three! Me three!”
“We don’t wanna get roared at!”
“Please please please???”
Ucheshi grinned in amusement, trying her best to contain her laughter. “I must be dreaming,” she told herself, “it can’t be that easy.”
She smiled in fake sympathy and ushered them into the bush with a “Quick, before they come!”. She leaned close so the trio could hear her.
“Whatever you do, don’t make a sound until the coast is clear!”
As if on cue, Tamaa flew out from his respective hiding place while Ucheshi stamped her claws to mimic a series of footsteps. The drongo once again spoke in Kion’s voice.
“Ucheshi, have you seen Janja?”
Ucheshi protectively stood in front of the bush where the hyenas were. “They’re not in this bush.”
“So they’re hiding in the bush, huh?” Tamaa asked in Bunga’s voice.
Ucheshi smirked, “Now Kion, would I practice my sparring on this bush if I knew animals were in there?” Her question was followed by her tail slamming itself into the bush, hitting Janja in the process. The hyena clenched his teeth in pain, trying his best not to blow his cover.
“Well, you might.”
“But would I let it catch on fire using this stick?” Ucheshi carefully moved the stick closer to the bush with her claw. Chungu and Cheezi fearfully glanced at Janja at the smell of smoke. Janja covered each of their mouths with his paws to keep them quiet.
“Okay, you’ve convinced me,” Tamaa mimicked Kion’s voice once more, “Come on, guys. Let us look for Janja somewhere else.”
Tamaa then flew off to his hiding spot, with Ucheshi stamping her claws. The crocodile turned to the bush.
“Coast is clear, boys!”
The hyenas popped their heads out one by one, stepping out of the bush and warily looking around. They all breathed a sigh of relief. Before any of them could say another word, Kion’s voice filled the air.
“Okay, split up and surround the area!”
Ucheshi smirked to herself before hiding it with a surprised look.
“Oh no, the Guard’s back!”
Janja and his cronies immediately ran back into the bush, nearly falling over each other to stay hidden. Within seconds, the Lion Guard ran up to Ucheshi, forming a wide circle to make sure no animal would be able to escape. Kion stepped closer to Ucheshi.
“Ucheshi, have you seen Janja?”
Ucheshi smirked again, albeit playfully while stepping in front of the bush, “They’re not in this bush~”’
“So they’re hiding in the bush, huh?” Bunga accused, pointing at the crocodile.
“Now Kion,” Ucheshi replied again, “would I practice my sparring on this bush if I knew animals were in there?” She gave the bush a hard whack, this time making Chungu let out a muffled “Ow!”.
Kion cocked a brow, “You might…”
“And would I let it catch on fire using this stick?”
Janja, Chungu, and Cheezi practically sprinted out of the bush, coming in between Kion and Ucheshi. Bunga, Fuli, Ono, and Anga made their way next to their leader, exchanging confused glances with each other. Beshte noticed the second flaming stick and quickly covered the flame with dirt before joining his friends. All three hyenas were speaking simultaneously.
“Okay, okay! We give up! We don’t want any more trouble!”
“You gotta help us! That croc tried to set us on fire!”
“Get us away from her! She’s crazy! I wanna go home!”
“Do whatever you want with us,” Janja pleaded, “just get us away from her!”
Kion exchanged a look with his friends before grinning nonchalantly, “If you say so.”
Kion planted his paws and roared skyward, causing the Lions of the Past to create a gust of wind large enough to send the hyenas flying toward the Outlands. Ucheshi beamed.
“Wow! Who knew the Roar looked so much better up close?”
“Thanks Ucheshi,” Kion smiled.
“And thanks for taking care of Janja for us.” Bunga added.
“What? You saw how scared Janja and his crew were. They were practically begging to be roared at!”
“Well, I did have a little help.” Ucheshi said.
As if on cue, Tamaa flew out from his hiding place, stopping when he was next to Ucheshi. “Hello there!”
“Tamaa?” the guard cried out in unison.
Ucheshi turned towards the drongo, smiling warmly, “Thank you, Tamaa.”
“Anytime! It was fun using my voice to trick the hyenas again.”
Ono shot Ucheshi an inquisitive look, “Ucheshi, what exactly happened while we were helping the antelopes?”
Ucheshi just gave the egret a grin.
“I have my ways.”
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seffien · 2 years
any headcannons for your agents?
oh plenty, but let me keep it as short as i can
cap'n 3 (real name junko 'jun' ishikawa):
country kid who was entranced by inkopolis plaza's unusual (to her) look
was originally super cheerful and peppy before Various Incidents
very creative, but none of the adults in her life ever appreciated it
likes to draw (doesn't do it much now) and bought a bass guitar during the events of splat 1 because she loved squid squad that much
became suuuper close with gramps and the squid sisters (as a matter of fact, the 'jun' nickname came from marie) bc her own 'family' was. um.
being sanitized kind of ruined her a bit. her left eye is a slightly lighter shade than her other one to this day, and the sanitization gave her memory loss, an aversion to food, and general odd behavior for a while
looks menacing, is really kind of tired and also shy
gave 4 her old agent outfit (cape included) since she didn't really need it anymore
still cannot believe she's the captain
very different from her younger, happier, more awake self, but she tries not to think about that.
agent 4 (real name naoki 'masu' masuda):
parents wanted her to be a prodigy, and the pressure they put on her made her snap and run away. most pre-inkopolis square memories are deeply repressed
basically no one gave a shit about her when she first moved to inkopolis except for the splat 2 promo kid with the black v-neck tee. they're still kinda sorta friends
liked flow because she felt like she cared (and she actually kinda did)
pushes herself way too hard, somewhat self-conscious
got a few injuries during hero mode and was hesitant to let marie patch em up
straight up did not speak until callie got saved. still doesn't really talk much.
her and marie weren't super besties at first, the only reason they ever clicked was because they were both sad loners with negative self-esteem
'masu' came from eight, and she's kind of fond of the nickname
agent 8 (real name emiko 'miko' yamasaki):
marina found her real name in the octarian records seen in that one chat room session
actually was in a few kettles, was not very good
never wanted to fight, always wanted to write (poetry, specifically)
learned inkling from 4 and eventually 3
kept thinking 4's first name was masuda (it isn't.)
did not like going outside when she first arrived to the surface
wasn't an artist, but tended to draw hypothetical mem cakes of people she deemed important, like 3 and 4
smiles to cover up The Internal Suffering, almost no one ever buys it because a) it looks very fake and b) she never holds it. as soon as a stranger disappears, so does the smile
along with 3, callie, and marie, she consistently reminds 4 that she's stronger than she thinks and that she matters and isn't useless
terrifyingly good in turf and ranked, even won a championship that off the hook basically begged her to enter. she got a trophy and still thought 'cool i guess. no big deal.'
works at ammo knights in splat 3, and since she knows a thing or two about wounds n stuff from her time in the army, she's also the crew's medic
new 3 (real name veronika 'ronnie' yamada):
chill, goes with the flow, probably the happiest out of all the agents (not even that happy, it's a low bar to clear)
everyman when it comes to every mode (tableturf, turf, ranked, what have you)
cheers up people she's played with between matches if they're sad
oblivious to hiro's sort of obvious crush on her
barely redesigns her locker, and when they do, it's usually to add a sticker
used a fake ID to play turf in the splat 1 days, was tall for her age around that time. she still feels kinda guilty about it
waved back to deep cut post-RotM
found shiver chilling in the alternan ocean with master mega a few days after the events of RotM, got to pet him
a character who's just kind of. well. there
adopted kid of an inkling and an octoling, literally lived in a cabin in the woods. she's still in contact with them
resting face looks like smash ultimate young link's
steph and her are both acquaintances and besties. acquaintabesties. steph took care of them while they were sick and they took care of steph after she slosher machined her way into muscle atrophy (not actually, thankfully)
has a walkman and a boombox. doesn't even care what's official, just buys things from in-universe eBay
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unwantedtomost · 3 years
it had been months — sebastian stan
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sebastian stan x fem!reader
word count: 4,401 words
summery: it had been nine months since you and your first real long term boyfriend broke up. but as they say, time makes the heart grow fonder ... and it also made the lust build up.
warnings: angst, smut, thigh riding, cheating, kind of a breeding kink at the end, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it)
a/n: i have never actually posted a whole thing on here before, so i hope this goes well. i know my writing can improve, but it’s pretty good i would say. enjoy!
It had been months since you had broken up with your long-term boyfriend. Your first long-term boyfriend you had since you arrived to the Hollywood scene. Nine months, to be exact. The same amount of time it would have been to carry a child. A hypothetical child. The same hypothetical child that ruined your relationship in the first place.
“You don’t want kids?” Sebastian questioned as soon as you entered the shared apartment. The topic of children came up at dinner with your shared friends. You, offhandedly said: “God, no,” with a laugh, not giving it a second thought. Not till now.
“Not really,” you said as you unzipped your heeled boots. “I never really have, not since I was younger.”
“Never?” He asked, heart starting to beat heavier.
You looked up to him, concerned when you saw his face. It was the same face he had on every time you guys got in a face, mixed with disappointment, maybe even hurt. You smiled, trying to lighten the situation.
“Maybe not never,” you said, putting your shoes away. “But not at least for ten years, maybe even longer. I mean, I am only twenty-two. I would like a good life without children before bringing them into the mix.”
Your warm smile and calm demeanor did nothing to elevate the tension, something inside you saying it did the exact opposite. He looked serious and upset, a combination you never saw much.
“In ten years I’ll be almost fifty,” Sebastian states.
“So? Guys never really stop shooting out good rounds. All my parts will still be intact by that time too.”
“That’s not the point.”
“Then what is it?” You were confused. Why was he acting like this?
“I shouldn’t be old enough to be the kid’s grandfather.”
Anger started to bubble up as well. This tone that he had made you pissed off. He was talking like you were stupid like you didn’t get what he was saying. The brassiness you had in general not helping your temper.
“Maybe you should have thought about that before you started dating someone sixteen years younger than you,” you shot back.
Then the yelling started. Something that could have been a deep, meaningful conversation (one that frankly should have been had way before this point) turned into a full-blown fight. You both started going in at each other, picking at old scabs that you knew would hurt. That was the point, after all, you just wanted to hurt each other. Because you were mad and upset, you guessed, but by the end of it, you weren’t even sure.
The fighting ended two hours later, you sat, slumped on the couch, huffing. You tried to catch your breath from all the yelling. Your throat was hoarse, your cheeks sticky from dried tears.
“It seems like we’re not gonna work out then,” you said, numb.
“Seems so.”
And you left that night, grabbing nothing but your phone before making your way to your closest friend’s house.
After that, you cried for two months straight. You really thought that Sebastian was endgame. That you would be together forever. That you would be happy. Ever since you caught sight of him at your first audition, you felt that he was the one. Then the universe laughed maniacally as it showed you just how fucking wrong you were.
In the past nine months, you had seen him approximately sixteen times, most being in passing, a few being at parties, and one time being at a coffee shop that you both loved. You started to frequent it less after the breakup, too scared to bump into him. Little did you know, he was doing the same thing. The day you two saw each other was both of your first times in three months.
It was all stupid small talk until it wavered, forced laughs and fake smiles fading as the reality of the situation simmered in.
“Look, y/n—”
“Don’t,” you interrupted. You knew what he was going to say, and you didn’t want to hear it. You simply couldn’t. “It was nice seeing you again, Sebastian. I hope you have a good life.” You took a few steps before turning back around for a moment. He looked at you like he was expecting you to run into his arms and make everything go back to normal. “And I really hope you meet a girl that can give you what you need.”
He tried to reach out to you, but you wouldn’t let him. You simply walked away and left him, alone. That was the last time you had spoken to him.
It was five months after the breakup until you let your friends talk you into going out again. And that night you had run into none other than the Timothee Chalamet. Numbers were exchanged then the next thing you knew, you were naked in his hotel room. After that, you went through a bit of a “hoe stage.” Every two weeks you were on a cover of TMZ, E!, or any other celebrity gossip magazine that existed with a “possible new thing.” The people ranged from Tom Holland to Madison Beer, and no one knew what was true or not. After the first few batches came out, you stopped giving a shit. You were allowed to rebound with whomever or however you wanted to, and you were taking full advantage of that.
You were so busy juggling so many people that you hadn’t even thought about Sebastian. Not till right now. Your eyes catch his from across the ballroom that you’re currently in. Your pulse quickens rapidly, you feel like you might even faint. If it wasn’t for Timothee’s hand on your waist, you were sure you would have collapsed on the spot. You watched as Sebastian’s jaw clenched just like it did whenever you did something he disapproved of. Just like it did every time he gave into himself and read one of those stupid gossip sights and saw you all over whatever arm candy you had chosen for the week.
“I’ll be right back, okay babe?” Timothee said, kissing you on the cheek. He waited for you to nod before making his way to one of his friends.
You don’t know what to do and those beautiful blue eyes you fell in love with all that time ago refuse to leave yours. You feel like you want to cry, or scream, or throw up, but you know that you shouldn’t actually do any of those things. You’d draw attention and you don’t want any more people talking about you.
Luckily, one of your best friends, Elizabeth, pulls you into a tight hug and brings you back to earth. Her body feels warm and it makes you feel safe, the smell of her strawberry shampoo bringing you comfort.
“I know,” she said before you spoke. “I saw. Are you okay? I’ll leave with you right now if you want to.”
It takes you a minute to process everything, and even though you’re running everything through your mind, nothing really sinks in.
“I’ll be fine,” you say with conviction, though you don’t know if it’s true at all. “Leaving wouldn’t accomplish anything.” You stop talking for a minute before smiling at Elizabeth. “Now, let’s go give the people what they want and take some pictures together.”
It had been two hours and the event was finally coming to a close. No more than forty-five minutes and the place would be cleared out. With that knowledge, you went to go take advantage of the free bar stocked up with expensive liquor. After schmoozing with people you did not even want to interact with, you deserve it.
“Two shots of tequila and a rum and coke, please,” you say to the rather cute bartender, shoulders slumping.
As soon as the two shot glasses were in front of you, you downed them. It burned like hell and you could only imagine the ungodly face you made. You tried to chase it with the rum and coke, but it didn’t help much. You heard a gruff voice beside you order something, one that was very familiar. When you heard a chuckle, you knew for sure who was right next to you. You froze again, that same dizzy, sick feeling coming back. You turned your head slowly to see those big blue eyes for the second time tonight, your heart surely beating loud enough that anyone in a mile radius could hear it.
“You look beautiful tonight, y/n,” Sebastian said, leaning against the bar, facing you.
“You do too,” you blurt out. Face turning red after you realized that you’re fucking stupid. “I mean, you look—shit. You look very nice, Seb—Sebastian.”
You’re so flustered and red, you want to simply sink into the floor. For a moment, you wonder why he isn’t acting the same way. It could be that he had already had some to drink or maybe he was just better at controlling his emotion. And the thought that makes dread flow through you is that maybe he is just over you.
“Are you going to an after-party?” He asks, sipping from his glass.
“I don’t think so,” you say. You were supposed to go to one with Timothee, where you were finally going to announce that you two had become official, but now you just want to go home. “Are you?”
“Probably not,” he said simply. “I’ll just have a few more of these back home and go to bed.”
“Drinking alone is no fun,” you say, hinting. You know what you are trying to get across but you don’t know why. It’s like your mouth was moving before your brain could understand what you were doing.
“It’s not ideal,” he said. “But I really don’t have a date to drink with, unlike you.” He pointed towards Timothee talking to a director you hastily met.
“He’s not my date,” you shot out. “I mean, he is, but we’re not like, dating.” Why the fuck are you talking!?!?
“It’s none of my business,” Sebastian said. He didn’t sound mean, he sounded like he was trying to comfort you.
“I know … but we’re not … if you were wondering.”
He chuckled, placing a hand on your elbow. “It was nice to see you again, y/n.”
He turned to start walking away but you called after him, making him turn back around. “Wait!” Once he was facing you, you felt like you were in a movie. “I could go for a drink.”
Sebastian smiled but his eyes dismissed you. “What are you doing, sugar?” He warned.
“I don’t know,” you said honestly. “But don’t shut me down.”
With a shared smile, he took your hand and you both left the party. On the car ride back to his apartment (that used to be your apartment), you thought briefly about how you would explain this to Timothee in the morning. Then you turned off your phone so you didn’t have to feel guilty if he decided to text you. Neither of you spoke much on the way. His hand never left its place on your thigh before you were finally there.
When he opened the door, you stumbled lightly into the apartment. Sebastian caught you by wrapping his arm around your waist. He lightly sat you down on the chair by the entrance (the same one you had sat at nine months ago). Once he had closed the door and put his things down, he came back to you to help slip off your heels.
“Are you already drunk?” He chuckled.
“No, just a wee bit tipsy.”
“Your ‘wee bit’ is usually a lotta bit.”
“Not this time, I really mean just a wee wee bit.” You suddenly burst out laughing at the fact you just said wee wee, giving away the fact that you are indeed close to being drunk.
“Maybe you don’t need anymore to drink,” Sebastian said.
“C’mon, Sebby, take that stick out of your ass,” you say, making him laugh. It makes you feel lighter like you weren’t fucking shit up again. Like you weren’t making a mistake you would regret in the morning. 
You watched as he made his way into the kitchen, pouring both of you a glass of red wine. Your favorite and most expensive red wine, the one that you had left at the apartment after the breakup. You wondered if it was the same bottle, or if he had done the same thing he was doing with you with another girl. When he came back, he handed you the glass which you placed down on the coffee table, realizing you were still in a designer white dress that you didn’t own.
“Shit,” you muttered after your realization.
“What is it?”
“This isn’t my dress.”
His eyes wandered down your figure as he thought. “You can take that off and I can hang it up for you. I’m sure there’s something here you can wear.”
You nodded before he was walking towards the bedroom, the one you once shared. You followed after him through the small hall. You looked around the room, noticing how boring it looked now. None of your decorations you had were up anymore, but the small mural you once painted in the middle of the night was still in full view. Did he think about you every time he saw it? If he did, why didn’t he just paint over it? 
Sebastian placed one of his shirts (that was your favorite one to wear) and a pair of shorts you had thought you lost on the bed.
“Well, you can get changed in here,” he stated before going for the door.
“Actually,” you called out, stopping him from leaving. “Can you unzip me please?”
He paused for a moment before nodding, slowly making his way back to you. The room went silent as he softly collected your hair and moved it to one side. Heat started to rise through your body at the close proximity he held. His hands grazed your shoulders momentarily before he steadily unzipped the expensive dress. You caught his eyes in the mirror in front of you, your cheeks immediately burning red. He finished unzipping the dress before helping you slide it off your arms. You had to cover your breasts with your arm since you hadn’t worn a bra. It wasn’t like he hadn’t seen your body before, he knew his way around there better than you did, but not covering yourself just felt inappropriate. But, to be fair, the entire situation felt inappropriate. The dress fell to a pool around your feet, leaving you in nothing but a pair of lace black underwear, ones that Sebastian had bought for you one month before you broke up. You stepped out of the dress, eyes never leaving his. He bent down to pick it up, blue orbs never leaving your eyes.
“I’ll go lay this on the guest bed,” Sebastian said plainly before leaving the room and closing the door.
Your heart was beating out of your chest as you let your arm fall. Even though you hadn’t even had a conversation with Sebastian in six months, being in that moment felt more intimate than anytime you had sex with Timothee—or anyone, for that matter. You pulled on the worn-out gray tee shirt that vaguely had ‘Coca-Cola’ printed across it before going out to the living room where you found Sebastian sipping on his wine, now dress in an old tee and grey sweatpants.
The next hour felt like a blur, it was filled with giggles and stupid comments. By the end of it, the wine bottle was empty and you two were officially wine drunk. Now, you were slumped on the couch (the one that you picked out), leaning towards Sebastian, hand dancing along the cushion space between you two.
“Have you realized we never had a goodbye?” You ask, breaking the silence.
“What do you mean?” He asked, not wanting his guess to what you were talking about to be right.
“I mean, we had a fight and I left then we were done. There were no ‘this is for the best’ speeches or attempts at a goodbye kiss. One day there was an us and the next it was … nothing.” You looked up at him, an innocent yet quizzical look on your soft features.
“We don’t have to talk about this,” he said.
Not this shit again. “I know,” you said, “we don’t have to talk about anything. We’re not together anymore. We don’t even need to acknowledge each other’s existence anymore. But tonight, you did, and now we’re on your couch.”
“I don’t—” he started, but you wouldn’t let him finish.
“We don’t have to talk about it then. But, I do have another question. Did you ever fuck anyone here?” The words flowed out before you could think any longer, nothing but courage and alcohol running through your body.
“It’s pretty self-explanatory, Sebastian. I just want to know if you ever fucked someone in my—our—this place.”
His eyes bore into yours as he spoke, voice sharp and clear. “No, y/n, I have never fucked anyone in this place. No one but you.”
That answer made you happy. This place, your place, was still pure. No random hookups had tramped through the place where you lived.
“Good,” you accidentally said out loud, making him upset.
“Why does it even matter? It’s not like you weren’t fucking those young things you were all over in public.” He started to get angry at the thought. “Who are you to question me about my sex life after you broke up with me then pranced around tabloid covers for months with different people each week?”
“Because this was our house, I just want to know it wasn’t tainted by blonde bitches with names you didn’t even remember in the fucking morning.”
“Sorry to disappoint, but you’re the only blonde bitch I’ve fucked.”
Suddenly, your hand was moving and your palm was connecting with his face. It shocked both of you, making you both freeze in place. It took ten seconds before Sebastian grabbed the wrist you hit him with, yanking it so you were closer to him. So close you could feel his breath on your face.
“Slap me again and see what fucking happens, I dare you,” he spit out.
Then your heart was in your ass as your stomach erupted with butterflies and your panties soaked with arousal.
It was almost like you lost all control over your body as you smashed your lips against his. Your hands went to the back of his neck, pulling him in closer and tugging at the hair there. The intentional scruff on his face was harsh against your smooth skin, but it only elevated your pleasure. Sebastian’s hands went around the sides of your neck, one kind of cupping your face while the other was closer to the back to pull you closer. You felt like you needed to get closer to him, get as close as possible. You needed every single inch of him over every single part of yourself. Your leg swung, straddling him.
Without thinking, you rutted yourself against his thigh, a guttural moan coming from your lips as you did. It’s not like you hadn’t been touched in a while, you just got fucked a few days ago, but you hadn’t experienced something as hot as this in so long. It was rushed and needed, you felt like you would die if he stopped. Your hips absent-mindedly grinded down against his thigh again.
“Fuck, ride my thigh baby,” he ordered. You listened, slipping into your old ways. You continued to rut against his thigh as you kissed. He knew you were getting close by the moans you were letting out into the kiss. He pulled away from your lips, watching as you were losing yourself. “I want you to cum for me, sugar.”
Your hips slowed as your mind raced a mile a minute. You didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of making you cum from just his thigh. What would that do to his already inflated ego? It sounded like bullshit to give into him.
“No,” you mumbled out, your hips threatening to halt their movement.
“No?” He repeated.
You sat there for a minute, silent as his eyes frantically studied your face to see what the point was. He wondered if you wanted to stop, he would understand completely, but he knew that wasn’t what it was by the way you keep clenching your thighs together. Sebastian smirked as he realized what was really happening. He grabbed your hips and started to push you down on his thigh. The problem was that you wanted to cum, but you didn’t want to cum for him. Too bad he was determined on it.
You moaned loudly as he started to drag your hips. You were inching so close, the fact that you didn’t want to give in to the feeling made it feel like it was only becoming stronger. Your hands grabbed his old t-shirt as you frantically moved your hips back and forth. Your nose scrunched and your eyes shut tight, your mouth letting out a whisper of “oh fuck”s on a loop.
“That’s it,” you heard Sebastian say even though his voice sounded like it was miles away. “Cum like a good girl.”
Suddenly, all the pressure that was building up deep within your tummy snapped and you were on cloud 9. Your heat pulsed as you road out your orgasm, Sebastian's hands helping you immensely. It took a good minute of pants as you caught your breath before you opened your eyes and came back to reality.
“You’re a fucking asshole,” you muttered to him when you finally made eye contact again.
“I know,” he smirked. “Now be a good girl, sugar, and take off your pants.”
You questioned arguing with him more, but you decided not to. You wanted him, you wanted him so fucking bad. You stood up and pulled down your shorts, doing a little spin so Sebastian could marvel at how wonderful you looked.
“As beautiful as those look on you, darling, they’d look better on the floor.”
You playfully rolled your eyes as you stripped out of the underwear as well, leaving you in nothing but an old grey t-shirt. You went back to your place on Sebastian’s lap, pulling him in for another passionate kiss. You felt like you were melting into him entirely as everything snapped back into place. Your hands roamed lower, palming him through his grey sweats. You smirked to yourself at the realization of how hard he was already and at the fact he wasn’t wearing boxers. He lifted his hips to help you pull down his pants. Just as you were getting ready to place his member in the place you wanted him the most, he halts your movement by grabbing your wrist.
“Shit, I don’t have a condom, y/n,” he warned. You frowned, upset that he had stopped you.
“I don’t care.”
“But you still have that IUD in, right?”
You grimaced because no, you did not. Your five years had run out two months ago and you hadn’t gotten around to making an appointment for a new one. You shook your head slowly side to side before he sighed. He went to pull you off of him but you stopped him by holding onto his shoulders
“I don’t care,” you repeated.
“Y/n, you know why can’t.”
“Why not?”
He looked at you in disbelief. “Besides the fact you could get pregnant?”
“I don’t care,” you said one more time. “I want you.”
He looked into your eyes, trying his best to decipher your intentions.
“Y/n …”
“Get me pregnant, Sebby,” you said, meaning it too. “I want you, I want your kids. Fuck, I want us back. I don’t care if that means kids and a white picket fence. I just want you.”
“Are you sure?”
In response, you slowly leaned down and your lips touched. It was nothing like the kisses you had shared preferably, it was slow and soft. He pulled you closer, finally letting you lower yourself down on him. You both let out loud moans as you sink down on his member.
It was like you had forgotten what making love felt like, probably because you did. In the past nine months since you had split, you hadn’t made love with anyone once. It was all just meaningless sex or hot fucking, but there was no love behind it. You didn’t love Timothee, you hadn’t loved any of your flings. Maybe it was because you never stopped loving Sebastian—you were almost sure it was because of that.
You moved up and down whilst Sebastian thrust up into you. The room was filled with moans, grunts, and praises from both ends. He started to kiss your neck as his thumb started to rub your clit. The multiple amounts of stimulation only brought you closer to your climax.
“I’m gonna, fuck—I’m close.”
“I know, babygirl,” he cooed. “Look at me.” You looked into his blue orbs, feeling your climax inching ever so closer. “Are you sure?”
“Yes, yes, yes,” you whined out as your hips moved faster. “Cum inside me, Sebastian. Get me—fuck, god—put a fucking baby in me.”
With your confirmation, he flipped you on your back, thrusting harder. The hand that wasn’t toying with your clit interlaced with yours. Your grip on each other squeezed harder as you neared your finishes. You wrapped your legs around him as his hips started to stutter.
“Cum with me, baby,” Sebastian groaned.
You finally let the coil that built inside of you snap with his permission. Moments later, he busted inside of you, making you both yell out. He collapsed on top of you, trying his best not to crush you under his weight. You both panted for minutes before you finally spoke up.
“I love you,” you said. He lifted his head, looking into his eyes. “I never stopped.
“Neither did I,” Sebastian said. “Did you mean it, you want to have kids?”
“I want to do anything if it means I can be with you. Anything.”
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petersnya · 3 years
sight for sore eyes|| peter b. parker ||
[part. 00; jealousy]
summary:: “I watch your eyes as she walks by…” you pause, tears forming as you remember the way peter looked at her- the way you wanted him to look at you, “what a sight for sore eyes…” || when the realization hits you about peter, it’s too late. but sometimes late is just the right timing… sometimes.
word count:: 1.5k
warnings(for the whole series):: friends>enemies>lovers, mature themes/smut, cursing, slight violence, lots of angst, fluff, clueless peter
warning(for this chapter):: cursing, angst, fluff
paring:: peter parker x fem!reader
[a/n]:: wattup! peter parker (and any other teens mentioned) have been aged up to 17 and turning 18 as the story goes on! i hope you enjoy this and make sure to let me know if you want to be tagged in the parts<3 also! endgame and infinity war did not happen for the sake mine and your happiness though out this ‘book’
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“Your going down Parker.”
“Nah man, Im gonna—“
Peter was cut off but the vibration of his controller as you killed his video game character. Taking off your head set and setting down your controller with a calm, soft smirk spread across your face as your side of the TV had ‘winner’ written across.
“No-no! That’s not fair dude! You cheated,” Peter yelled towards you as you walked into the kitchen to grab a slice of pizza. Reaching into the fridge to get a soda, you felt your back being pressed against Peter’s toned chest as he grabbed the soda you had in your hand.
Opening it and taking a sip he chuckle at the look on your face as you turned around to face him. All he did was walk away, back towards the couch, falling back on to it as he picked up his head set.
The look that made the curly headed boy laugh was still on your face as you watched him. To him, you looked annoyed yet humored by him; but really, you couldn’t help this feeling you felt when you felt him against you. Redness began to creep up your neck but quickly faded as you shook the feeling he gave you.
He’s you best friend idiot. You can feel this way for him if all people.
“You coming?” Peter question, starting a new game. You rolled your eyes to make it seem as if you weren’t flustered but the boy a few feet away from you.
“Yea man. Ready to get your ass kicked agin?” You joked as you sat next to him.
“Haha- not funny.” He said with a straight face and a fake laugh that made you giggle as you shoved his shoulder with yours.
The whole night as you a peter played video games back to back, you couldn’t help but think about the feeling of his muscular chest against you. Around 1:20 AM, you and Peter had started to get tired. The boy next to you turned off the gaming console, slowly turning towards you.
“I got the couch, you got the bed.” He said, sleep lacing his voice. You wanted to protest, saying that you could both have the bed; but something stopped you and you just nodded your head, telling him good night as you walked to his bed room. His aunt, May, wasn’t home but made it very clear that she had an eye on both of you so you knew that Peter didn’t want to his aunt May to see you to in the bed together. Even if the two of you were just sleeping.
Laying in bed, Peter’s bed, you stared at the sealing not being able to fall asleep.
The smell of room sent your mind spiraling. Rolling over onto your side, you pushed your arm underneath his pillow as you inhaled his the sent. Peter was the only thing on your mind. The way he smiled, his chocolate hair and honey brown eyes, the light freckles across his nose that you could only see if you were up close to his face. His laugh made your heart skip beats.
“3:57 AM,” you read the clock sign with a sigh. You knew you should go to sleep; so you rolled once again, getting into a more comfortable position. Your eyes getting heavy as you drifted into sleep.
A warm arm draped around your waist, fingers slowly sliding up and down your bare stomach from the shirt that lifted in your sleep.
You smiled softly at the contact, not thinking to check who it was. But the feeling a bare, muscular chest on your back made your eyes fling open.
Slowly, you turned your head to see who was behind you, even though you knew it was—
“Mhmm,” he hummed back in response, not opening his eyes. You couldn’t shack the feeling of the chill that ran up your spine, and the goosebumps that formed on your body.
“Wha- uh.. what are you doing?” You questioned in a hushed voice.
“Hhmm? Oh sorry. The couch got uncomfortable. I didn’t think you’d mind though.” He said while opening his sleepy looking eyes.
“Oh no-I don’t mind.”
Peter removed his arm, turning with his back turned towards you. You almost whimpered at the feeling of his arm not being around your waist anymore.
Stop it [y/n]. This is Peter we’re talking about here. But why would he put his arm around me and not expect me to feel some way about it?
The thoughts ran through your head fast, the last on lingering for a while.
You and Peter were the best of friends. If he needed someone, you were there and vise versa. But you weren’t really that girly. So Peter didn’t think of you in ‘that type of way’. You didn’t think of him that way either. The two of you always called each other ‘bro’, ‘dude’, or ‘man’; but you still had that feeling of tingles and warmth—
Your thoughts were interrupted by a loud, tired groan from Peter. The sound going straight to your core. Quickly, you got up and went into his bathroom— making sure to not make a lot of noise as you went, Incase May was home.
Looking in the bathroom mirror you stared at your self in question. You were a tom-boy. You were wearing a pair of rolled up basket ball shorts of Peter’s and one of his very large white Tee’s. You shrugged at your reflection,
“If I wanted to look all girly and ‘pretty’ I could be the hottest girl he would know.”
“Who’s he?”
You jumped at the sound of Peter’s raspy voice behind you. He only had on sweats and no shirt. All you could think was
“No one, just.. speaking hypothetically.”
“Your wired,” he chuckled as you grabbed a towel from the bathroom closet, mumbling something along the lines of, ‘I’m just gonna go shower in Mays bathroom’. You just nodded, going to take a shower of your own in his bathroom.
After your shower, you went into the kitchen where May stood, making coffee for the three of you. Peter sat on the couch flipping through channels.
“Hey honey!”
“Morning May,” you said as you say in one of the chairs at the dining table.
“Are you going to Florida with Peter, Ned and Mj?” She questioned, you nodded in response. The three of you had been planning this for a while now so you were beyond excited to spend time with you best friends.
You stood for the set you just took, walking over to Peter. He was wearing his usual jeans and flannel but this time had a baseball cap on. As you slumped beside you grabbed the hat and put it on you backwards. Peter chuckled at your childish act, glancing at you from the corner of his eye.
The three of you sat in silence till May was done with the coffee. She brought it over to you and Peter, handing you the mugs. You thanked her as she walked away.
Peter’s and your phone got a text notification— the two of you checking it at the same time. It was a group chat with you, Peter, MJ, and Ned for the trip to Universal Studios.
Ned: heyyyy.. so Liz and Flash are also coming to Disney with us.
You and Peter looked at each other at the sight of what Ned texted. You watched as Peter texted back— his cheeks a blushed red color. You have known Peter long enough to know when he’s turning red from anger. This wasn’t anger. He was… blushing?
Peter: Liz is coming?!
You face fell at the text. Looking down at your phone, you glanced up at young guy next to you; but quickly looked away before he saw you.
Mj: yea Ned! Wtf are they coming for???
Ned: well I was talking about it to Betty and they over heard and kinda invited their selves… srry:(
Y/n: I’m just gonna ignore those bitches and go to Hogwarts like I planned.
Peter looked at, “[y/n], you don’t like Liz?” He questioned.
You shocked your head no, not caring enough to look him in the face.
“How dude? She’s so hot,” he said with a smirk. Your heart sank at the words.
What the hell are you acting like this for [y/n]?
Peter continued to text in the group chat. You silenced your phone— not wanted to deal with this right now.
You had never became jealous of anyone. Confusion over took you as you scrambled your mind for why you were jealous of Peter and Liz. You didn’t like Peter at all. Did you?
Did you like Peter Parker? The thought lingered for a while.
No. No I can’t like him and I won’t. It’s just wrong.
Those words that you promised yourself you would keep was the biggest lie you had told yourself. Peter Parker was like a drug—
How could you not get addicted?
I hope you enjoyed this ‘chapter’ !! Let me know if you want to be tagged in the next part!! :)
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natbarzal · 3 years
Mathew Barzal - Always and forever
hi guys! first of all, sorry for not posting an imagine for so long, I literally had no ideas😅
this is one of my longer pieces and I think it's quite good, so I hope you'll like it!
warnings: unplanned pregnancy
word count: 1.8k
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he's so gorgeous wtf
anyway, enjoy! and please don't hesitate to give me some feedback! 💙
Y/n's pov:
"Baby?" I asked Mat and looked at him as we were having a breakfast in our kitchen together.
"Yeah?" Mat responded, not looking up from his phone that he was probably scrolling through Instagram on at the moment. I hesitated for a minute, looking back down at the half eaten meal on my plate before speaking up again.
"What do you, clearly hypothetically, think about the idea of.. having kids?" I asked as I started picking at my food, my heart beating hard in my chest. When I got no answer from Mat, I looked up at him to find him looking at me with raised eyebrows.
"What?" I questioned. He cleared his throat and scratched the back of his neck, looking down at the table then back into my eyes as he started to speak.
"Well um.. I mean, kids are great and everything, and I would love to have children of my own at some point in the future for sure, but I think we're still a bit young for that, you know? I mean, you just turned 23 and I'm turning 24 next month." he said and took a sip of his coffee.
"Yeah.. yeah sure, you're right. We've got plenty of time." I said with a nervous laugh, hoping he wouldn't suspect anything.
"Why were you asking anyway?" he asked as he turned his attention back to his phone.
"As I said, just hypothetically." I said, forcing a little smile. He hummed before locking his phone and standing up from the table, taking his plate to the sink and finishing his coffee.
"Well I gotta go now, see you after the practice?" he asked as he came closer to me to peck my lips.
"I love you." he said, winking at me and giving me a cheeky smile as he walked backwards out of the kitchen.
"I love you too."
After Mat left, I sat at the table by myself for another 15 minutes, thinking about what I was going to do.
'At some point in the future'
Little did he know the point would come in less than eight months.
"So, have you told Mat yet?" Lauren, Jordan's wife, asked me excitedly while we were standing outside of the locker room after a game, waiting for our men to come out. I didn't say anything and just looked at her, the guilty look in my eyes giving the answer away.
"Y/n! Why haven't you told him yet? It'll start showing soon you know." she scolded me slightly and I looked down at my shoes, picking nervously at my nails.
"I know. It's just.. I'm scared." I admitted quietly as I picked my head up to look at her again.
"Why? You know Mat would never leave you or anything. He's so head over heels for you!" she tried to reason but I shook my head, feeling my eyes get a little watery. Hormones.
"How can you be so sure? I actually asked him what he thought about having kids and he said he doesn't want them yet! That we're too young and.. I'm just scared." I whispered the last part as I looked at her. Her eyes softened a little at my explanation and she brought me into a hug.
"You know why I'm so sure he wouldn't leave you?" she asked and rubbed my back a little in an attempt to calm me down a little.
"Because if he did, I would end him." she explained and I giggled. Feeling a little better, I was about to pull away from the hug when I suddenly heard a cheery voice that I quickly recognized saying "Group hug!" and I felt one strong arm wrap around me, the other being wrapped around Lauren.
"You really need to find yourself a girl, Beau." I laughed and we stayed in the hug for a bit before we all pulled away, seeing that Mat and Jordan have already come out of the locker room as well. Anthony placed his hand over his heart in fake hurt and I laughed once more, punching his shoulder in a joking manner before I felt two strong arms wrap themselves around my waist. I turned around to face Mat and wrapped my arms around his neck.
"Hey babe." I said, giving him what I intended to be a sweet short kiss, but apparently he had different plans. Taking one hand from my waist, he placed it on the back of my head and kept me from pulling away, deepening the kiss. I pulled away after a few moments in need of air and Mathew whined at the loss of contact.
"What was that for?" I asked him as I blushed, trying to catch my breath.
"I missed you." he responded simply and leaned back in, kissing my nose.
"You literally saw me just a few hours ago you dork." I told him as I played with the hair on the back of his neck, looking into his gorgeous hazel eyes.
"I know, but I miss you every single minute I spend without you." he said, looking at me with, soft eyes. I felt myself blush some more, still not taking my eyes off my man.
"Wow, you flatter me Mathew Barzal."
"I try." Mat winked at me. We looked for each other for a minute before we heard someone clearing their throat, snapping us both back into reality.
"Alright, alright you lovebirds, enough with the PDA. You're so cute it makes me sick." Tito said as he made a disgusted face.
"Oh shut up Beau, you're just jealous." Mat said as we both pulled away from each other and intertwined our fingers together, laughing together with our friends as we all slowly started to make our way out of the arena.
"Go ahead honey, I'd like to talk to Y/n here for a quick minute." Lauren said, kissing her husband and letting go off his arm that she was previously holding onto.
"Is everything okay?" he asked, looking at his wife.
"Yeah, don't worry. Just some girl stuff." she told him. He nodded and looked at Mat who looked at me with concern in his eyes.
"Go babe. I'll catch up in 5." I assured Mat, giving him a quick peck on his lips and he nodded, turning around and walking over to where our cars were parked with Tito and Jordan. I took a breath and turned to look at Lauren.
"You're going to tell him tonight, right?" she asked, looking right at me. I stayed quiet for a moment before answering.
"Yeah.. probably." I said as I have her a tight lipped smile. She smiled back at me sympathetically.
"Alright, although I'm 99,9% sure everything is going to go just fine, just in case doesn't, you can always come to mine and Jordan's place, okay?" she offered.
"Thank you." I nodded and gave her an appreciative smile.
"Good luck." she said with a smile and gave me a quick hug. I mumbled a faint 'thanks' and we pulled away. After that we caught up with our men, saying our goodbyes as we all went to our respective cars.
"What was that about?" Mat asked me as we got into our car.
"Nothing. Don't worry." I said, but he just looked at me in a way that told me he definitely didn't believe me.
"Babe I know you better than I know myself. Just tell me." he looked at me with gentle eyes and reached for my hand, lacing our fingers together.
"We'll talk once we get home, yeah?" I offered. He looked at me for a moment with concern still visible on features and then he nodded, bringing my hand up to his lips and kissing my knuckles before starting the car.
The whole car ride home was silent except for the faint sound of music playing. I was looking our of the window the entire time, trying to think of a way to tell Mat what I had to, Mathew giving me concerned glances here and there through the ride.
"Alright, we're talking." Mat said immediately after he closed the door of our apartment behind himself, only stopping to drop his hockey bag and take off his shoes before he took my hand and dragged me over to the couch in our living room. He sat down on it and looked up at me expectantly. I sighed, running my hand through my hair before sitting down beside him, looking nervously at my hands in my lap.
"Promise you won't get mad?" I asked quietly, picking at my nails. Mat placed one of his hands under my chin, gently picking up my head, making me look at him.
"I promise. Please tell me Y/n, you're starting to worry me." he encouraged me, his voice laced with concern.
"I'm pregnant." I quietly blurted out, feeling tears starting to slowly appear in my eyes. Mat didn't say anything for a moment as he just looked at me, processing what I had just told him, his hand dropping from my chin.
"You're.. we're.. okay, well this is unexpected." he said, finally looking away from me and letting out a long sigh as he rubbed his face with his hand.
"I'm so sorry Mat I- I didn't mean for this to happen and I-" I started rambling as the tears slowly started to escape my eyes, but I was quickly cut off by Mathew.
"Whoa, slow down there, what are you apologising for?" he asked, wiping my tears off with his thumbs and looking at me with soft eyes.
"You're not mad?" I asked in a quiet voice.
"Why would I be mad?"
"Because.. because you said the other day that you think we're still too young to have a baby and all so I just figured-" I was cut off once again, but this time by a soft kiss being placed on my lips. After we pulled away, Mat leaned his forehead on mine.
"Babe.. I'm not mad, okay? This is great, and although we weren't exactly planning it, I already know that you will be the best mom ever to our little one, and I promise I'll try to be the best dad I can possibly be. It's fine babe, it's all good. We're in this together." Mat said in a hushed voice, placing soft kisses all over my face in order to calm me down.
"I love you so much Mat." I told him, getting lost in his beautiful eyes.
"I love you so much more. And I'll always be here for you and our little one, please remember that." he promised, brushing some of my hair out of my face.
"Forever and always?"
"Forever and always."
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bittydragon · 3 years
The Ant King
Note: Huge thanks to Bittydragon for inspiring me to write this. I’ll be honest, this is the first fic I've ever actually written, as well as the only piece of creative fiction I've written in like two years so… fingers crossed it goes well hahaha.
TW: tight spaces, darkness, uh,,, bugs i guess. Near death experience
  There are things you have to know about ants when you get an ant farm. Basic fundamentals. What to feed them, how to keep them alive, what type of ants you have, etcetera. Even if your intentions were… torturous. After all, you need to know what makes something tick in order to make it stop.
One of the more common facts about ants is that every colony has a queen. She orders her ants to keep her alive so she can make more ants. Simple biology, the continuation of a species. Every nest has a queen, or it dies.
Apparently, this colony didn’t get the memo.
These thoughts buzzed in grumpy circles around Wilbur's’ head as he followed his ant companion, Tommy, deeper into the ant-farm. They had been wandering these tunnels for what felt like days now, in the center of the farm so there were no glass barriers to show the outside world. They were deep too. Almost at the bottom of the compound. Wilbur was not one to show fear, but even he was beginning to get claustrophobic.
Tommy, who up until now had been jabbering like a toddler the whole trip through the ant-farm had also gone uncharacteristically silent. The whole trip Wilbur had wanted nothing more than a few seconds of quiet from him, but now he missed the carefree noise.
They were on their way to see the ant King. A type of ant that, as far as Wilbur knew, didn’t exist. So either they were on a wild goose chase, or Will was way out of his depth.
The further they went, the more he was convinced it was the latter.
“Tommy do you-” Wilbur paused, his echoing voice in the tunnel almost felt like a taboo. An affront to the maddening silence that stalked them. He lowered his voice.
“Do you think… Will I ever get back to normal? Will the ant king change me back?” He hated that little quiver in his voice. He hated the uncertainty. The waiting.
Tommy continued to march forward silently, pondering the question.
“I dunno big man, I think you’ve changed heaps since you got here.” He turned his head to flash Wilbur a grin “Then you’ll be out there and all nice n shit. It’ll be poggers.”
The tunnel was dark, but not dark enough to hide the flash of uncertainty in Tommy’s eyes.
Wilbur's heart sank. “Thanks mate.” He mumbled, and they trekked on, once more in silence.
  By the time they saw light, it felt like they had been walking for days. Wilbur was almost glad he was about to meet possibly one of the most powerful ants in this colony. They rounded one last bend, and they were there.
Before them stood a huge double door set in the wall. Two vines with some kind of glowing fruit framed the door, shedding light on the small space. In front of the door, leaning on a spear made from a twig was another ant with a pair of large white rimmed goggles. 
“Well… This is it I guess.” Wilbur muttered. He cleared his throat “Hey, um. I-i’m here to have an audience with the King? If that's alright.”
The guard ant didn’t respond, continuing to stare at them with no discernible expression.
“H-hello?” Wilbur glanced at Tommy, who shrugged.
“Excuse me? Anyone home?” Wilbur snapped his fingers in front of the ant's face.
He seemed to startle slightly, before slumping down a bit and letting out a loud snore.
“What the fuck” Tommy said.
Before anyone could do much of anything, one of the massive double doors creaked open and a voice came through.
“George, I swear if you fell asleep again, I'm going to rip off your antenna and use them as- oh.”
Another ant entered the room, this one also carried a twig-spear and had a strip of white cloth tied around his forehead.  As soon as his gaze landed on Wilbur, his expression soured.
If looks could kill… Wilbur thought nervously
“It’s you” The new ant spat “Took your sweet time getting here Soot. Earthquake slow you down? Didja get a taste of your own medicine from your big pals out there?”
Wilbur pursed his lips, and the ant snorted. “Yeah. Thought so.” He walked forward and gave George a hard shove, sending the other ant sprawling with a startled yelp.
“Sapnap what the hell?!” He snapped, before spotting Wilbur and Tommy. “Oh hey. That guy is here.”
“Yeah he’s here, idiot.” Sapnap smacked George over the head with his spear “And we would have known a lot sooner if you hadn't fallen asleep on duty again!”
“OW! Sapnap stop! Get off me!”
Wilbur cleared his throat, drawing their attention “Sorry to interrupt, but me and my friend have been walking for a long, long time, so could we please have an audience with the King?”
Subpoena glared “Yeah. He’s waiting for you. Against my advice, he wants to see you.”
Oh. That… didn’t sound great.
Wilbur tried not to think about the implications of that statement as he approached the double doors. Tommy moved to follow, but was stopped by the guards.
“Hey!” He groused “Let me through dickheads!”
“I'm afraid the King only wants an audience with the great and powerful Wilbur Soot” Sapnap said with a smirk.
“But I want to go too! Let me in! You stupid ugly bitch ill fight you! You may have a fancy stick but just wait until I pull out my knife-gun!”
“Tommy its fine.” Wilbur interrupted “I’ll be fine mate, promise. Just wait here. I wont leave without saying goodbye.”
The last thing he saw was Tommy’s antenna drooping sadly, before the doors swung closed behind him.
  If Wilbur thought the tunnel was dark before, that was nothing compared to the room he was in now. The darkness was so thick, so absolute, that it made no difference if his eyes were open or closed.
“Hello?” Wilbur called “Uh… your majesty? I was told that you wanted to see me.”
His voice echoed slightly in the huge space, but there was no reply.
Wait. What was that? Something rasped ever so slowly across the opposite wall. Something big. As it moved, the moss where it had been standing glowed a dull green.
Bio-luminescence Wilbur reasoned. Trying to distract himself from the fear creeping up his spine. Touch activated, it seems.
He swallowed dryly “L-look, just tell me what you want. I’m not here to cause trouble”
The thing moved again, its raspy scuttle reverberated through the chamber.
“Wilbur Soot, not here to cause any trouble” A thoughtful voice hummed from the dark “Now that’s a first.”
The bio-luminescent moss was lighting up more of the room. If he squinted, Wilbur could make out a... leg. Probably.
Wilbur inches slowly to the side, the moss lighting up his own path. “Okay, I get it, I've done morally questionable things in the past, but I've learned a lot from my time here. I’m sorry.”
“For now” The voice replied. The thing was moving on the other side, matching him step for step. “What's to say you aren't faking remorse to get out of here? And maybe you really are sorry. How can I be sure you wont change your mind the second you're back to normal? It's too much of a risk.”
Wilbur continued to back away nervously “Your majesty-”
“Please, call me Dream. Everyone else does.”
“Right… Dream. I can say with 100% certainty that won't happen. I've seen people die in front of me. That’s enough to change anyone's stance on something.”
“And yet I'm still not convinced.” It was moving faster now, scuttling across the floor, walls and even across the ceiling. Wilbur's head spun with the motion. “And since we’re talking in hypotheticals, riddle me this: Whoever said I was going to let you out anyway? What if I just like to play with my food?”
Dream stopped suddenly, rearing over Wilbur, and with all of the lit up moss, he got his first proper look.
This ant was huge. Twice- no, at least three times the size of Wilbur himself. He looked a bit like a centaur, with a human torso connected to a pure white and thorax and abdomen.He also wore a strange white mask with a blank eyed smiley face drawn on.
Two huge claw arms- similar to those of a praying mantis- extended from Dreams waist and slammed into the dirt either side of Wilbur, startling him enough that he fell onto his ass. The king leaned forward with that lifeless grin, and Will closed his eyes, preparing for the end.
“But…” Dream said thoughtfully “A proper experiment should account and test for all variables, shouldn't it?”
“Y-yeah generally” Wilbur stuttered
“Oh good.” Dream hoisted him roughly to his feet. “I’m glad I asked you. After all, you know all about experiments, don’t you?”
Wilbur chose not to answer, glowering at Dream as the eyes on his mask briefly glowed a dull green.
A moment later, Sapnap and George marched in, dragging a cussing and struggling Tommy behind them.
“YOU STUPID MOTHEFUCKERS!!! Let me go or ill get married in rage!! Fuck you and-! Oh. wow that is a big fella.” Tommy stopped and stared in awe at Dream
“Sapnap, give Wilbur your spear.” Dream ordered.
A flicker of doubt crossed Sapnaps face but he obediently shoved the spear into Wilbur's hands.
“I’ll make you a deal, Wilbur Soot.” Dream purred, circling him. “I will let you go to your old life. You can do whatever you like; kill us, torment us, throw us away… it doesn't matter. All you have to do is kill one ant.” He gestured to Tommy.
“What?” Wilbur whispered.
“WHAT?!” Tommy roared “fuck you! I'm not your dumb-ass pawn, I'm going to kill you! Rrrrrrrrrrr!” he writhed, attempting to bite George who did a surprisingly good job of holding him still.
“Go on.” Dream cooed “It's just one insignificant ant standing between you and freedom. You've killed hundreds. What's one more?”
Spear in hand, Wilbur took a hesitant step forward.
Tommy's gaze snapped up “Wilby?” He asked, his struggling pausing for a moment.
Their eyes met, fear clashing with sorrow. Tommy seemed to see something in Wilbur's expression and hung his head in defeat. As if he had expected Wilbur to betray him.
Oh hell no. Fuck that. Wilbur angrily tossed the spear aside.
“No. I won't.”
“What?” Dream spat
Wilbur rounded on him “No! I won't kill him! Keep me here, kill me, hunt me for sport, whatever! Just leave him out of this! Tommy has been nothing but nice to me since I met him, even though it don't deserve it!” He rubbed his arm. “God knows I don't deserve it.”
“Hmm…” Dream hummed “Are you sure, even if it costs you your life?” One of Dream's massive claw arms grazed his side, a subtle threat.
Wilbur looked over at Tommy, who had a look of hope on his face.
“Yeah.” Will smiled, “I'm sure.”
I probably could have written more, but i wont. I hope you like this fic bitty! Thanks for reading :)
Edit: Fortune, this is amazing! Like, I hadn't really thought about this encounter in a lot of detail, but I honestly like this a lot! And Dream being a big boy since he's the king ant. Just yes. Thank you so much for this.
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Hi! Can I request a part 2 to your Valkyrae imagine?
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GIF isn’t mine. Credits to the owner!
Title: Idol’s Inspiration Part 2 
Pairing: Valkyrae || Rae x Fem! Reader
Summary: A collection of moments involving an idol and a streamer
Warnings: Cursing?. Just pure fluffiness
Word Count: 3,043 words
I had way too much ideas on this one so this is going to be a collection of said ideas. Have fun!
Actually, I saw someone on my dashboard asking for Rae x Reader imagines, so hi to that person!
You can read Part 1 Here
You took a couple of days before you gathered the courage to actually message Rae, you also spent those couple of days staring at the paper containing her number and your phone, which also has her number punched in. 
“Okay. I just have to press send...” Your fingers hovered over the icon as you chewed your lips in nervousness.
“Oh damn it.” Luna groaned before snatching your phone and pressing send, barely giving you time to retaliate
“Hey!” You complained, staring at her in disbelief
“You were taking too long” She shrugged, sipping on her milkshake as she tossed your phone back to you
You only had time to roll your eyes before phone vibrated.
‘About time you texted me, I was beginning to think you forgot. Oh and totally, I could make a lobby for you rn’
‘Sounds good! I’m free this Friday!’
You smiled, well, looks like you’re playing with your favorite streamer group this Friday then.
Your bandmate Jace actually owns a gaming pc, to which you borrowed to play among us, which ended you up here, in his room, on a private discord call with Rae, her helping you set up for tomorrow.
“So is this your first time, ya know? Playing among us?” Rae asks as the download bar for the proximity chat
“Oh no. Uhm, My bandmates and I play all the time, sometimes on public lobbies and sometimes we drag our crew to play, especially while on the tour bus. Plus, I watch you scream and play all the time so you don’t have to worry about me Rachel” You explain, smiling softly at the memories, trying to ignore the feeling of content and satisfaction at how easy her name rolled out of your tongue
“That’s cool.” She replies, about to say something when a bark interrupts her
“Mika! Hi! Hi baby~” You hear her coo, your smile widening
“Raeeee! Tell Mika I said hi!” You chuckled
“Y/N says hi!” She says, running her hand through Mika’s fur, the white furball now sitting in her lap
“Awee~ You’re both so cute~” You coo, laughing when Rae hid herself behind Mika
You spent the night talking about random stuff, setting up for the game and running a test run with her, but then laughing when you realized you can’t play with just the both of you, ultimately deciding to start early tomorrow for a test run. Her also adding you to their discord before sleeping.
“My new favorite seafood!” You furrowed your brows when you heard Sykkuno’s voice fill your ears when you joined the discord call
“Shrimp.” Brooke giggled
“OOOOOHHH. So that’s why they were saying shrimp for Rae. I was like, what does that even mean?” Rae’s sentence caught you off guard, especially since you just tweeted that exact same phrase before logging in.
“shit.” You mumbled, having dropped the lid of the water jug you were drinking from.
“Y/N! HI HI HI HI” Rae greeted
“Hello.” You replied, a little overwhelmed at being the center of attention.
“Pfft- My chat is saying shrimp for Y/N now” Sykkuno announces
“Mine too” Brooke agrees, soon followed by the rest of the lobby, making you laugh
“I’m Sorry, Sorry! Actually, I may know why that’s happening. Fun fact! I actually gave people permission to shrimp for me on an interview, since I found it funny, especially since I’m also shrimping for someone.” You explained
“Oh yeah! I saw that clip.” Rae mumbles, trying to decide which color she should be in and what hat she should wear
“I wonder who Y/N is simping for. Hmmmm. Who could that be? Hmmmm.” Toast teases
“Yeaaah. I wonder who that could be.” Poki replies, her teasing tone much more evident
It had been a couple weeks now since you first played with Rae and her friends, her friends who are now also your friends. You were pressured to stream on YouTube by your fans and also Rae, who you now have late night talks with.
“Y/N! Hiiiiii!” You hear Rae as you rounded, soon followed my Corpse’s voice
“Choke me-” Corpse started
“LIKE U HEYT MEH BAT U LAB MEH-” Rae continued, mispronouncing words that made you chuckle
“Lowkey wanna date me when you hmm me.” You sang, connecting the wires
“NEW SONG! NEW SONG! Corpse and Coldify! C and C!” Rae exclaimed, her little red bean circling you and Corpse
“Oh yeah, definitely, Corpse? You up to it?” You ask, doing a little wiggle to show your excitement
“Hell yeah! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” he does that deep voice thing that made you flinch
“I can’t stand it. I can’t stand the sound of my voice.” Rae exclaims, talking to chat you assume.
You rolled your eyes, finding Rae’s voice beautiful. You jumped out of the vent, knowing that no one was around, making her scream
“Hi! Just wanted to pop in and let you know that your voice is actually beautiful and I would love to sing with you some time. That’s all, I’ll go back to killing now, Oh! you might want to check vitals, love.” You say, hopping back into the vent, laughing silently. Then abruptly stopping when you realized you called Rae “love”, glancing at the chat, who were now spamming your ship name with Rae
Seeing Lily alone, humming a tune, you quickly popped out of the vent, sliced him in half before a meeting was called, Ludwig finding Toast’s body.
“Before we start. I just want to say, to the person who called me “love”... You don’t get to call me that then run away!” She exclaims
“Sorry! I got embarrassed!” You pouted. You wiggled your eyebrows at your chat, smirking slightly
“Uh-huh. Oops, Sorry Lud. Carry On” Rae says, letting Lud explain his “Different Universe” theories about how Toast died.
“Heeeey...” Rae trailed out, her cornering you in storage
“Hiiii?” You smiled nervously. You don’t know what was happening in her mind
“Soooo... Babuska?” You immediately got what she was implying, nodding frantically, before realizing she couldn’t see you
“Yeah. Yeah let’s do this!” You both walked out, Rae on the lead while your white character trails after her
“OH LOOK! There’s Corpse! And Sykkuno! Hiiiiiii!” She greeted cheerily, somehow you could see the evil smile on her face
“oh- Oh. Hi Rae! We’re just shooting some space rocks here!” Sykkuno says, her green character circling Rae
“I see. I see... Babushka.” Rae states, you wait a couple of seconds letting Sykkuno and Corpse panic first, before slicing Corpse in half.
“OH JESUS! You killed Corpse! You killed him! You really kil-” He was cut off when Ash creeped behind him, biting his head off
“Thanks Ash.” You say, laughing as Rae gasped and laughed as well
“Rae~ Oh Rae~” You chuckled, looking for the brunette
“What?!” She exclaimed from her spot behind the seismic reactors
“Oh uhm, are you streaming right now?” You asked her, preparing yourself for what you are about to say.
“Uh yes? Duh?” 
“Ohkay... well, hypothetically, If I were to ask you out, is it okay if I do it on stream orrr?”
“Well, hypothetically, I would be fine with it either way, yes.”
“Oh okay!” You clear your throat
“Ms. Valkyrae, The Valkyrae, Rae, would you please grace me with your presence on this coming friday night and allow me to buy you dinner, m’lady?” You say in your best posh voice
“...Yes” She says in a small voice
“Great! I’ll pick you up at 7!” You say
“Great! Okay”
“Great. I’ll kill you now.” you say
“Wait what?!” she exclaims, her scream perfectly cut when the victory sign flashes on your screen.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” You apologized, laughing your ass off
“I’m on Y/N Protection Services! She’s been dying a lot lately!” Rae exclaims, you rolling your eyes at her dramatics, both of you were impostors.
“Well, thank you m’lady” You replied, faking gas
“Ooooooh! I have speci, come.” Rae says, her red character slicing toast nonchalantly when you passed him doing telescope
And suddenly, when the decontamination doors open, Poki emerged from it, panicking you killed her.
“Oh shit! No! Wait! I’m sorry! Pokiii!” You whined, following Rae into decontam
Finding Janet in Speci, You go to say hi, only to be interrupted by the body being found.
“OH NO! TOAST! He was just with me! OH JESUS!” Sykkuno exclaims, making you bite your lip to avoid laughing
“Where’s the body?” Jack asks
“Medbay, by the telescope” Brooke answers
“It has to be Y/N! She’s the only one who could’ve killed Toast!” Janet accused
“Hey! What?! Why me?!” you complained, 
“You came from upper decontam! Toast’s body is in medbay, That’s sus.” Janet says, you were about to defend yourself when Rae chimed in
“There is a possibility that Y/N is the impostor.” She states
“Wha?! RAE?! You- You were with me in speci!”
“What? No I wasn’t! You’re lying! I lost you when I was doing gas! I was looking for you everywhere!” Rae says making you look at chat with a pout
“I didn’t see her there either...” Janet backed her up
“Wha?! Guys?! Come on, let’s skip! There’s barely enough evidence!” You desperately say, trying to save yourself
In the end, 7 heads voted for you.
“...Y/N will remember this.” You state before being thrown off the ship, welcomed by Poki and Toast’s laughter
“Yeah. Yeah. Hmmpf.” you huffed at Poki and Toast
“My girlfriend just betrayed me. Rae betrayed me chat, she just, she pushed me off the plank. She just, watched as I burned in the lava. She kicks me out of her bed for Mika, and now she betrays me, then pushes me off the plank. Ohhh the pain” you dramatically say as you followed Rae, her returning to specimen
“Listen, chat, Y/N if you’re listening... That was payback for that one time you killed me behind reactor right after you asked me on a date! Okay!” You rolled your eyes and looked at your camera with an annoyed look in your face
But your smile slowly returns as Rae goes on a mass massacre making you both win without meetings, making you bounce in your seat, clapping
“Good Job Rae! That was so good! You successfully scared me, I might not sleep in your room now.” You teased her, making her gasp
“Here we go. Here we go. Here we go. Hello everyone and welcome to the streeaam! Part 2. We are starting the playthrough of little nightmares 2- Hold on, Y/N’s calling.”
“Love?” Your voice rings out through Rae’s phone
“Hiii Baby! You’re on speaker” Rae states while looking at the game settings
“Oh. Well Hi chat! Anyways, Mcdonalds? I’m 5 minutes away, don’t start little nightmares yet, come on.” You whined
“Oh you big baby, I wasn’t starting without you.” Rae laughs
“Liar, I was watching your stream.” You deadpanned
“Pshh. Pshh! But yeah, Mcdonald’s fine. And hurry up! I wanna play!”
“Okay, okay sheesh, I’ll be there with your chimkin nuggies” 
“Baby?” You knocked on her door, even after all the months that you have been together, you always knocked on her door before entering, incase she was doing something.
“Come in love! Perfect timing.” You open the door to see your girlfriend playing with Mika, Little Nightmares 2 plastered on the screen. You approached her and kissed her forehead
“Hi Babe. Hi chat! How are you guys doing? Hold on, let me set this down.” You say, arranging the food on Rae’s desk, careful not to spill anything
“Are we ready? Baby, grab your chair. Are we ready? Are we ready? I’m so excited!” The excitement in her eyes is making you smile
“Oh she’s excited alright, she wouldn’t shut up about it chat. Trust me” You chuckled.
“Will there be a lot of screaming? Rae?” You read chat
“Uhm. Hopefully not, I don’t know dude. Can’t control my screams.”
“A Shoe!” Rae gasps
“Baby, there’s literally hanging kids dangling in a net and the first thing you notice is the shoe?” You looked at her in disbelief
“Oh. What happened to you guys? Stinkyy. Oooooh. Physics!” You bit your lip and shook your head at your girlfriend’s antics
“Y/N, I feel comfort when I hold this shoe.”
“Ouch. Are you saying I’m not comforting you? Rude.”
“Stop trolling!” She says, turning to you as you held up a fry
She raises her eyebrows before biting the whole fry, along with your finger.
“Ouch! Damn it Rae! You’re like a chihuahua”
“Owa Owa.” 
“RAE! RUN! RAE! RAE! RAE! HOOOOLY SHIT! RAE! RAE! RACHEL RUN! RACHEL! RUUUN!” You panic, gripping her thigh as the teacher neck elongated, following your little character into the vents
A moment of silence pass the both of you as the character Rae’s controlling gets to safety. Rae slowly turns to meet your eyes, and bursts out laughing.
“You should’ve seen your face!” You laugh at her
“OH OKAY? Like you weren’t screaming for me to run.” She says then proceeds to repeat what you said while in a panic, making you laugh harder
“Sorry for screaming, it’s just really gross and unexpected.” She says sheepishly to her chat, which was now spamming ‘HAHAHA’ and ‘Damn how long is that neck’
“So, this question is directed to Ms. Y/N.” The interviewer moves his body to face you.
“Yes?” You smiled, guessing that this must be about you and Rae
“How are you feeling about your pictures trending on Twitter worldwide?” he asks, a smile on his face as the pictures flashed on the large screen behind you
“Ahm, it’s really great. A lot of hard work was put into that photoshoot, mostly because my girlfriend, Rae refused to put on the dress and was attached to the suit she’s wearing right there. God, she looks so beautiful. Uhm, but anyways, it took a lot of effort to get her out of that suit. ” You grinned
“Ahh. I recognize that look, Makes me remember about my wife and I. You’re so smitten. Can I just say that I ship you guys so hard.” The interviewer says
“Ah- Thank you. Hehe.” You say, embarrassed but proud
“While were on this topic of trending pictures, Can you guys explain whatever these pictures are? I’m pretty sure your fans already know what these are. But an explanation would be nice” The interviewer now addressed your whole group
“Well, considering that Y/N is dating Rae, Luna is dating Sykkuno and Jace is dating Imane, or Poki,  Okay, so there’s this AU that’s around their community where they are mafia’s and we’re all members now. We all joked about being apart of their mafia, to which they agreed. So now Rae and Y/N are now the assassin duo, Poki and Jace are their supervisors and Luna, Sykkuno and Corpse are the deadly trio” Sebastian explains
“Their community is so creative I swear. And combined with our fandom, the fanarts and fanfictions are the best.” Luna says, a smile present on her face
“And yes, we all do read fanfiction, in multiple platforms.” You laughed, the live audience gasping in surprise
“None of you are safe.” Jace says in a playful intimidating voice
“Okay, I’m gonna get off. Thank you for watching. I’ll see you guys later, thanks for watching, I hope you guys enjoyed the stream. Uhmm. Appreciate you guys. Byeee!” you hear Rae end her stream from your spot in her bed.
“Hunter x Hunter? or AOT?” you ask her as you put your phone in silent and set it aside, opening your arms for her.
She crawls into your side, cuddling you while groaning lightly.
“Do you wanna take a bath first? Or do you wanna eat dinner? Maybe take a nap first? You’ve been streaming for 13 hours baby, your eyes are probably tired now.” You say, running your free hand through her hair
“Naps and cuddles please.” she mumbles, her head buried in the crook of your neck
“Okay baby, I’ll just put AOT on, oh wait. Hmm, Jujutsu Kaisen sounds great right now. No, wait even better, Ouran Highschool Host Club.” You go to turn your head to ask Rae, but you see her asleep. 
You chuckle quietly, knowing Rae, she can overwork herself, sit on a chair for 13 hours, playing various video games, while you really can’t see yourself play videogames for 13 hours straight, you admire that she has the patience and energy to do that.
Smiling, you lower the volume of the Anime that you’re watching, slowly pull the blankets up as Rae shifts closer to you, clinging like a koala. Mika jumps up and settles in between the two of you, Your smile widens at the feel of things, the calmness, the silence, the tranquility and the sense of home, something that only Rae can provide. Something that you have been looking for ever since your career took off. The constant trips to the studio, the paparazzi, the world tours, the concerts, the interviews, everything, everything was worth it when you know you’re coming home to her. 
You didn’t even know how you got to where you are now, cuddled into Rae, the comfort streamer you never thought you would meet, even when you mostly stayed where she stayed... Dating her was a dream, you didn’t believe it at first, she quickly proved that dream theory wrong when she kissed you, under the rain. As cliché as it seems, that was the day you both silently agreed to never let go of each other and take care of each other even if the other is half way across the world.
Even if dating her means also dating her room mates and her chat...
You would never trade it for anything. 
Even if you knew she would scream her ears off once she knows that you have a whole album that’s inspired and dedicated to her.
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theclockworkmonk · 3 years
Out of the Mouths of Babes — Chapter 2
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Chapter 1 on Tumblr
Prompt: “Uncle Ron said something about Harry knocking Ginny up, but I don’t know what he means,” Teddy said.
"They can't be serious…." Harry muttered in disbelief as he stared down at the very official-looking letter.
"Who's serious about what?" asked Ginny, stepping into their living room.
Harry jumped and quickly tried to hide the letter behind his back. "Nothing!" he squeaked.
He should have known better. Ginny got a mischievous glint in her eye and darted around him, trying to get at the letter. They spent a minute chasing around each other, but eventually Ginny faked him out into tripping over the coffee table, and she quickly snatched the letter out of his hand with a triumphant laugh, making Harry once again wonder if she wouldn't be even better at Seeker.
"Ooooo," Ginny sang dramatically as she saw the emblem at the top of the parchment, "an official statement from the Wizengamot! Have they come up with a new award to bestow on you?"
"No, it's even worse," mumbled Harry.
"Oh, well now I'm very interested," Ginny teased, "am I worthy to take a peek at such official correspondence between such important people?"
"Well, it actually concerns you too, Missy," said Harry, crossing his arms, "so go ahead."
"Hold on, let's see if I can get the right tone." Ginny cleared her throat, pointed her nose in the air, and continued in her haughtiest tone,
"To the esteemed Harry James Potter,
After consideration of your actions to serve and protect the Wizarding World of Great Britain, as well as the recent discovery of your lineage to the Ancient and Noble House of Peverell, previously thought to be lost, it is with great honor and pleasure that we offer to restore your line to its former status by bestowing upon you one of the vacant Lordships!?"
Ginny dropped her character and her mouth gaped open in disbelief. "Along with the accompanying seat on the Wizengamot!" she finished quickly.
She looked up at him with wide eyes, and her face split into a wicked grin and Harry knew he would never hear the end of this.
Harry snatched the parchment back.
"Yeah, so in other words," he began before she could start getting her jokes in, "they're embarrassed by how many of their seats are still empty after half their members were thrown in prison or fled the country for being Death Eater collaborators, so they're once again trying to use me as their poster boy so they can look like they've turned over a new leaf. Except they clearly haven't, since they only deemed me 'worthy' after they found out which dead pure-bloods I'm descended from, so they're still the same navel-gazing, inbred aristocrats they've always been!"
By the time he was finished, he was shouting and he panted to catch his breath.
Ginny, however, still found the whole thing hilarious.
"Oh, it breaks my heart to see Lord Potter so displeased," she bowed low to him with a flourish of her hand. "Let me know if there's anything a lowly peasant like me can do to serve you."
"Yeah, yuck it up, Weasley," said Harry dryly, "Like I said, this affects you too."
She looked back up at him with a sardonic look. "How does your having to sit through long parliamentary bullshit have to do with me?"
"Well," said Harry, stepping toward her, "if I'm a Lord, that means that, if I ever get married one day—"
"Hypothetically speaking," said Ginny.
"Yes, then that hypothetical girl — whoever she might be — would become a Lady."
"Hmmm," hummed Ginny thoughtfully. She wrapped her hands around his neck and he snaked his arms around her waist. "So you think this is relevant to me because you're hoping to make me your Lady? That's mighty presumptive of you, Lord Potter."
"Well, I wouldn't say hoping," lied Harry. "It's just a logical possibility to consider, strictly because you're pure-blood, of course. But I'm still keeping my options open. After all, you know how much of a ladies man I am."
"Yes, of course. But you know…" said Ginny thoughtfully, tracing circles over Harry's chest with her finger, "'Lady Ginevra Potter….does have kind of a nice ring to it."
"Oh, but things would be expected of you, m'Lady," said Harry, "and you would definitely have to stop all that Quidditch nonsense. Such a vulgar and violent activity is beneath a woman of your standing."
"Oh, well, I guess that's settled, we have to break up," Ginny sighed, "We're just a part of two different worlds."
"I'll always remember you," said Harry romantically, "but alas, I must kiss you goodbye."
He bent down and gave her a kiss, then they broke apart as they cracked up into laughter.
"Come on, I'm not going to let anyone call me a Lord," said Harry, rolling his eyes, "and obviously I'm not actually going to sit on the bloody Wizengamot. Those seats are transferable, so I can give it to someone who will actually know what they're doing. My first instinct is your dad, but he probably won't want it either, and they'll do anything to get him off again. Andromeda would probably feel at home there, but could do some good. Or maybe McGonagall."
Ginny groaned. "You can be so boring sometimes, you know that? You have a chance to put Luna in a position of power, that would drive them insane! Oh, or how about Aberforth, that would be hilarious!"
Harry laughed. "We're not all agents of chaos like you, Gin. I swear, sometimes I think you're Eris in disguise."
"Oh, you think I'm a goddess?" Ginny flirted, "then I guess you better worship me."
"Hmmm," Harry kissed her again, but then sighed and pulled back. "Sadly, there's no time for that, we're already running late for dinner at the Burrow."
"Alright, should we go together or do you want to keep up the pretense that we're actually living in different flats?" she asked him pointedly.
He gave a weak, embarrassed smile. "I know it's ridiculous, and I might be a coward, I've just managed to escape your mother's disapproving stare so far in my life, I'd like to keep it that way as long as possible."
Ginny rolled her eyes but led him by the hand out the door of their flat, past the wards they had put up. Harry wrapped an arm around her waist, and turned on the spot, feeling the squeeze of Disapparition.
"Come on!" urged Ron, "I'm hungry!"
"What else is new?" laughed Hermione, as she finished a letter she needed to send and tied it to Pig. After she sent the little owl on his way, she turned around to see her fiance standing by the fireplace, bouncing on his feet like a child on Christmas morning.
"Honestly Ron," said Hermione, shaking her head, "one would think you haven't eaten in a week, and there's no way that your mother even has dinner ready yet."
"Yes, but her pre-dinner scones should be coming out of the oven right now!" said Ron cleverly, "And I might as well have not eaten in a week, don't pretend like I'm the only one who's sick of our sad attempts at cooking."
"Alright, alright!" said Hermione. She joined him by the fireplace, threw some floo powder into the grate, and together they stepped into the green flames.
"THE BURROW!" Ron shouted clearly, and after the spinning sensation and flashes of various fireplaces, they stumbled into the sitting room of Ron's childhood home.
Ron's excited smile faltered when they saw the sitting room completely empty, with no one there to greet them. He recognized the overlapping voices of his family instead coming from the kitchen, and with a rush of horror he feared that his precious scones were already being eaten by an army of Weasleys. He led Hermione by the hand across the room towards the kitchen, and he started to make out individual voices.
"I just don't understand why they haven't told us!" said his mother.
"He probably knows what we're likely to do to him," grumbled Charlie.
"You've been away too long, brother mine," chuckled George, "I guarantee you she's the one keeping it under wraps."
"In any case, we know that pushing the issue will do nothing but make things worse," said Ron's dad gently, "We just have to—"
"Scones ready?" asked Ron loudly as he and Hermione entered the kitchen, and Hermione had to resist the urge to swat him. The conversation he had interrupted seemed interesting, and her suspicions were confirmed (and her curiosity inflamed) when all talk instantly ceased the moment they walked into the room. Six heads snapped towards the arriving couple as Molly, Arthur, Bill, Charlie, Percy, and George widened their eyes in surprise and fear, like they were caught discussing something covert. Hermione also noticed how a few of them (mainly Ron's two oldest brothers) then narrowed their eyes venomously at her and her boyfriend.
While the kitchen of the Burrow was usually one of the warmest, most welcoming rooms in the world to Hermione, she noticed a distinctly cool, tense atmosphere this time. She looked sideways and saw that even Ron had clearly noticed, his eager smile slipping from his face.
There were several seconds of silence as the older family members' eyes all flittered between each other, holding a silent conversation that Ron and Hermione didn't know how to join. Then the loud ding of the kitchen timer made them all jerk suddenly.
"Wow, do I have great timing or what?" said Ron proudly, trying to ease some of the tension in the room, but some of his laughter died in his throat. His stomach didn't let him dwell on it, however, as Molly bent down to take the scones out of the oven, and the sweet, fresh smell filled the kitchen.
After she put the plate of scones on the table, Ron casually flicked a cooling charm over them before grabbing one greedily. The other Weasley men took their own, but they looked more like it was just something to do with their hands. While Ron hummed as he took a big bite, they chewed theirs thoughtfully.
"I should check on the washing," said Molly quietly, without looking at anyone. She grabbed a laundry basket and headed outside towards the clothesline.
"I'll help!" said Hermione cheerfully. She was always happy to help with the chores at the Burrow, but she also wanted to get one of the Weasleys alone to figure out what they had been talking about.
Molly didn't answer and continued outside with Hermione behind her.
"How have you and Arthur been?" asked Hermione pleasantly.
"Well, my days are still dreary, with no children left in the house," Molly sighed. "I knew that children don't stay children forever, but I certainly wasn't expecting my younger ones to hit so many milestones so quickly….and in the wrong order." She finished more quietly
Hermione frowned. Did Molly think she and Ron were getting married too soon? She had never expressed that before, she was overjoyed when they had announced their engagement.
"Er….well, Ron recently got promoted from Junior Auror," said Hermione uncertainly as she began helping Molly take garments off the clothesline and put them in the basket. "He'll be taking more serious cases now." So his career is well on track, if that's what you're worried about.
"I'm touched that you and Ron are willing to indulge that to me!" said Molly sharply
Hermione pursed her lips. Her patience was running out.
She stepped towards her soon-to-be mother-in-law and gently placed a hand on her shoulder. "Molly…"
For the first time, Molly turned to look at Hermione and the younger woman flinched back at the cold distrust and disapproval she saw in her eyes. Hermione felt a rush of deja vu, and after a short moment she realized where she had seen that look before: it was the same look she had received from Molly her fourth year, when the older witch had believed Rita Skeeter and was under the impression that Hermione was Harry's manipulative girlfriend, breaking his heart by messing around with Viktor.
"Mrs. Weasley...have I done something wrong?" asked Hermione weakly.
Seeing the hurt on Hermione's face, Molly's own harsh expression softened and was replaced with a wave of guilt. Her eyes got watery and her lip trembled, and before Hermione could say anything else she suddenly found herself being hugged tightly.
"No dear, you haven't done anything wrong," said Molly in a choked voice, as Hermione awkwardly patted her back, thoroughly confused. "I'm just being silly. I understand you're not choosing sides, you're just being a good friend."
Molly pulled back, and was smiling weakly at Hermione.
"Er...thank you," said Hermione, more bewildered than ever. "I don't mean to be rude, Molly, but I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about."
"Oh no, of course not," Molly winked dramatically, "There's nothing to tell, I'll drop it. Come on, dinner is just about ready."
Before Hermione could insist more strongly that Molly explain what the hell was going on, Molly picked up the now-full laundry basket and returned to the house, leaving Hermione blinking dumbly behind her.
As Hermione followed his mother outside, Ron continued to chew into the warm, buttery scone, barely looking at his surrounding family members, the earlier tension all but forgotten to him.
"So….little Ronnie doesn't come around for dinner as much as he used to," Bill pointed out.
"He and Harry have been burning the candle at both ends at the Ministry," said Percy.
"Hmm-hmm," Ron nodded, engrossed in his scone, not looking up to see the stern looks on his brothers' faces. "More than we need to be, honestly. But because of Harry's saving-people-thing, he's always sure that the next case will end in disaster if the dark wizard isn't caught right now, and of course he would be lost without me, so whenever he's working overtime I am too." He shrugged.
"Oh yes, I think we're all well aware how loyal you are to Harry," Charlie said darkly, "Even over other, older loyalties, as a matter of fact."
"Charlie…." began their dad warningly.
Ron looked back up, and grew uncomfortable again when he saw that all of his family members were looking directly at him. Earlier, he had assumed that the awkward tension in the room was because he and Hermione had interrupted an important conversation, but it seemed to go beyond that, like they were pissed directly at him for something he had done.
"What's going—"
He was interrupted by his mother re-entering the house, holding the laundry with one hand and wiping tears from her eyes with the other. Hermione followed in shortly behind her, and Ron looked pointedly at his mother and gave his fiance a quizzical look, but Hermione just returned a confused, helpless shrug.
"The roast should be almost done now," said Molly happily, and waved her want to send a flurry of plates and cutlery flying to settle in front of where each of the Weasley men were sitting.
"And I'm such a terrible mother, I neglected something," chuckled Molly, and bent down to kiss the crown of Ron's head. "We all missed you, dear."
"Mum…" Ron grumbled awkwardly, but he saw his brothers look at each other with slightly guilty expressions, and as they followed their mother's lead, the atmosphere of the room became friendlier.
Charlie drew in a deep breath and sighed. "I need a drink."
"Excellent idea!" pipped George. He waved his wand and summoned a large bottle of firewhiskey from the cabinet along with several glasses, which zoomed right past Molly's face, causing her to jump and shriek.
"For the last time, only the cook can summon in the kitchen!" Molly scolded him, "I won't have this room devolve in complete chaos of flying objects until someone gets a concussion!"
"And I know you don't always act like it, but you are all of age," said Arthur, raising his eyebrows at George pouring several glasses of whiskey, "so I see no reason why you can't bring your own drinking supplies instead of raiding mine."
Molly huffed. "Well maybe it will be best if we stopped keeping that poison in the house—"
She stopped abruptly as they heard a faint pop from outside, coming from down the pathway, and Ron knew that Harry and Ginny must have arrived. Instead of beaming and rushing out into the garden to greet her two favorite children, however, Ron saw his mother gasp and a bit of the color drain from her face. His family members all looked at each other with that same expression he first saw when he came into the room.
Charlie gave a low growl and picked up a glass. "Yup. Definitely need a drink."
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lost-kiwi-dev · 3 years
I don't know if you answered this but... what if MC and RO ended in a make-out fake-out situation (started by either of them)?
🌺 Have a good day! 🌺
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gonna be completely honest, i don't quite get this trope? but i'll try my best anyway. for this situation i'm going to assume MC's hypothetical ex was staring them down so MC kisses the RO to pretend they're in a relationship.
chengyi/changjie: would be so shocked it take them around 7 business days to process what was happening. C would stand there not reciprocating for a little but but then they'd try their best to kiss you back. they wouldn't have noticed your ex so they assume you just wanted to kiss them, and would be disappointed when they realised why you'd actually done that.
noel/noelle: would catch on to your plan pretty quickly and be happy to help out. they'd be super nervous about the whole thing but hide that by joining in the kiss. the kiss would be pretty chaste as they don't want to make a huge scene, and N is much better at pretending to date someone when it come to being chivalrous rather than physical.
yuri/yaryna: honestly, the one to suggest kissing as a cover in the first place. they're no actor but be warned, Y is ready to give it all into pretending you're actually together. they have a dramatic streak so they have no reservations making out with you in front of literally everyone to convince your ex you're not single. will then suggest having make-out sessions to practice making it look more believable lol.
vinesh/varsha: would be even more shocked than C, and honestly probably the worst person to choose to be your cover because they'd end the kiss really quickly and stare at you incredulously. it wasn't that the kiss was bad, they just weren't expecting it at all and you gave them no time to prepare and now their heart feels like it's going to jump out of their chest and you've made them feel feelings they don't want to confront yet. probably wouldn't speak to you for the rest of the night.
lian/leilani: wouldn't know what was going on at first but would be happy to kiss you regardless of the circumstances. they'd want an explanation as to why you randomly kissed them and when you explain that your ex was there, L would instantly ask if you felt safe with your ex around or if there was anything else you wanted L to do. they'd also make it clear that if you wanted to kiss again then they're definitely keen on that too.
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razorblade180 · 4 years
Zhongli:Aether, I require advice. Relationship advice.
Aether:!? Why come to me?
Zhongli:Should I have chosen to go to Childe?
Aether:No no, you did the safe thing. Honestly I can’t think of anyone in Liyue to give the most sound advice on these things. Except maybe Ningguang.
Aether:*eyes widened* Oh my goodness it’s about Ningguang!?
Zhongli:Very observant of you. We are to meet up later for dinner. Though I’ve talked casually with her and countless others before, I fear I may somehow...squander this opportunity to connect with someone; it has been awhile.
Aether:You don’t have to pull at my heart strings like this. Now I feel nervous. But uhhh, you sure about Ningguang? Like have you thought that through?
Zhongli:I don’t know what you mean. Ningguang is a fine, respectable woman that’s dedicated to her craft. The Jade Chamber was a testament to that.
Aether:Yeah, it was. It’s as great as she is smart. That means I don’t think you’d be able to keep up being a regular funeral parlor employee. You’re going to slip up, Rex Lapis.
Zhongli:Hmmm I have thought about this. Part of being a human should include sincerity. If I am to connect with her, then it is only right that I be honest with her. However, it is unwise to open with news like that so soon. But I am sure she won’t be as surprised as common folk.
Aether:.....Zhongli, I don’t think you- actually, *pats back* I say you go on that dinner and pose a hypothetical question about Rex Lapis being alive. I think that will make things clear to you.
Zhongli:I suppose that would be better than speculating. Very well, I shall try.
Aether and Paimon:(He really doesn’t see it.)
[Half an hour into dinner]
Ningguang:Hehehe, I must say Zhongli, you continue to be quite the interesting character. If only we weren’t so busy, then we could do this more often.
Zhongli:I imagine in terms of schedules, you have hands fuller than my own.
Ningguang:True. Though I made the Jade Chamber once before, the time and effort it is taking to bring back my pride and joy isn’t going much faster than the first time it was made. I’m a patient woman though. I wouldn’t be good at what I do if I wasn’t one.
Zhongli:Well said. Say, Ningguang?
Zhongli:I was discussing matters with a friend earlier today. Nothing factual, more so hypothetical and thought provoking.
Ningguang:Oh? Do tell. *sips drink*
Zhongli:My friend holds suspicions over Rex Lapis’s passing. Those suspicions gave way to the idea of the Geo Archon being alive. How would that make you feel?
Ningguang:Me? Well...I’d be as stunned as anyone else if it were true. After all, he fell from the sky right down in front of me.
Zhongli:Ah yes....that did happen didn’t it? (In hindsight, that may have landed on her on anybody for that matter.)
Ningguang:The idea of him being alive would raise a lot of questions easily. Though if you’re asking how I’d feel....I’d be happy to know such a being was still among us. Rex Lapis was quite generous and fair.
Zhongli:*smiles* That’s nice of you to-
Ningguang:But I’d also be upset that I sacrificed my Jade Chamber and Liyue was thrown into chaos over a faux death. I put everything I have into that place and being a voice to the people. To have gone through such an experience that wasn’t because of natural causes, I can’t say I’d be pleased by such knowledge.
Zhongli:Oh...I see. (That makes sense)
Ningguang:Then there’s Ganyu. She’s felt so at odds with who she is and what to do next since his passing. Seeing her lost like that pains me a bit. I doubt even she would be okay with Rex Lapis’s death being fake. Hehe, she’s a nice girl but I’m sure she’d have words with him.
Zhongli:Ah, so you would believe if he were alive, it was Rex Lapis himself that faked his death and not some outside force?
Ningguang:Of course. He’s Rex Lapis. A plan like that could only be full proof with his approval, or we would’ve intervened. I may sound a little bias, but I can’t imagine anyone containing him by force. Our Lord of Geo was far too strong for that. Unless multiple Archons were ther perpetrators, then he organized is own death; and sense the land is ravaged with warring archons right now, I don’t think they had a hand in it. They aren’t known fighting quietly.
Zhongli:(Truly...the word clever isn’t enough for her.) So you’d be angry and resent Rex Lapis? I...can understand that completely. His actions would come off a bit...much. *frowning*
Ningguang:Hello Traveler. It’s been awhile since we-
Paimon:Do you like Zhongli?
Ningguang:*red* E...Excuse me!? Wha-
Aether:Because I can tell he really likes you. Like a lot. Do you like him back?
Ningguang:I....find him charming. *blushing*
Aether:So yea?
Ningguang:Why have you come to ask this!?
Aether:Zhongli is a good person, but I’ll be the first to say he’s a bit of oddball. There are ways he goes about problems that I don’t necessarily agree with and he tends to rub someone the wrong way sometimes when he’s being helpful. Still, he’s a really kind individual and I can understand his actions even if I disagree. If you really like him then I hope you can see those merits too.
Ningguang:This is...sudden. Why do you feel the need to tell me this? And to bow as well, please, rise.
Aether:*relaxes* I just felt like it needed to said. That’s all.
Ningguang:...I never said I’d resent Rex Lapis.
Ningguang:Our Lord of Geo, he’s done countless things; knows countless things. To fake is death would mean he had reasons. I know without a doubt those reasons, whatever they might be, still had Liyue and it’s people in mind. So why I personally may be upset if such a hypothetical were to be true, I also think I’d understand it; and forgive it in time. Rex Lapis, he’s kind hearted. What ever the reason, I know I could accept it. However, I wouldn’t let him off the hook. I’d make sure he continues helping people in whatever way he can. That includes helping fix the Jade Chamber. *smiling*
Zhongli:So that’s your full answer? Hmm, interesting.....*trembling* Ummm Ningguang?
Ningguang:*takes his hand* Yes?
Zhongli:If...you need assistance with the chamber, don’t hesitate to ask.
Ningguang:I won’t, thank you. (Honestly...how could I resent you when you’re this nervous?) Oh yeah, you’re gonna have to breakdown the news to Ganyu.
Zhongli:Hehe, I guess we’re done speaking in hypotheticals then?
Ningguang:I find it cute you thought we ever were.
Aether:*watching tables away* Well, guess that solves that.
Paimon: All’s well that ends well! Paimon was worried for a bit, but you’re such a bighearted softie that you basically told Ningguang what was up.
Aether:What are you talking about? All I said was Zhongli is a man with good intentions, even if they are a tad selfish. Sigh....no one wants to feel alone. Especially in a world that’s constant changing and you can’t help but be different. Finding love makes everything feel not so bad.
Paimon: Paimon couldn’t agree more!
Aether:Well now that one dinner is going well, might as well have one ourselves right? We have menus.
Paimon:Actually.....Paimon has to pass sadly. Chow down for the both of us though! *disappears*
Aether:Paimon!? But...you never miss a chance to eat. Where’d you-
???:Excuse me, mind if I join you?
Aether:*turns around*......*red*
Amber:*red dress and curly hair* I was told by someone a certain traveler would be at a table for two, looking for company?
Aether:Would this someone be a certain little floating companion that is always scheming something?
Amber:You know... I think so. *smiles* So, mind if this nervous outrider who may be a tad overdressed for this restaurant keep you company?
Aether:*smiles* I wouldn’t mind at all.
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pyaasa · 3 years
lesbiansandgayssupporttheminers is racist; she thinks she understands racism better than poc, stands by racists, and attacks poc for trying to speak to her about racism
Tw: racism, rape mention, incest mention. also possible transphobia 
For the full story, you first need a bit of background: if you’ve been following me for a while then you will be aware I have called out @ayeforscotland’s racism several times. I would recommend reading this post for a full explanation.
In addition to the incidences mentioned in the post I have just linked, ayeforscotland has also had interactions with neo @androidgynes who is Romani and another person who is black (but didn’t want to be named) and they’ve both also called him out for his racism.
Anyway so. @androidgynes​ saw that lesbiansandgayssupporttheminers was reblogging from ayeforscotland, and that the op of the post was @/getpoliticaluk (who defends incest). Androidgynes messaged lesbiansandgayssupporttheminers (who I will from now refer to as lagstm) and informed her that ayeforscotland is racist and getpoliticaluk defends incest - the conversation that followed went like this. (the below screenshots are posted with permission from @androidgynes​)
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The post that neo (@androidgynes) linked of mine was this. And I mean... clearly that particular post by ayeforscotland was very racist, he literally just sat there laughing about anti-black racism as if it was a joke. When @mangopickled​ tried to speak to him about how offensive this post was, he removed her comments from the notes of the post (like. to be clear: ayeforscotland, a WHITE MAN, made a post about racism, and then removed a WOMAN OF COLOUR’S commentary from that post when she told him that his comments were inappropriate). When I saw that, I called that out, and he blocked me. There’s many levels to his racism here that I don’t have the energy to explain, and if you don’t understand why it’s so problematic then you should probably stop reading here cos you clearly know nothing and probably care even less about anti-racism.
So on that particular post that neo linked to lagstm, there is ayeforscotland being racist, and 2 woc calling out his racism. And yet on having this post shown to her, this is how she chose to respond
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lagstm literally says that she thinks my views on racism lack nuance. I am a woman of colour, I am visibly muslim, and I’ve experienced racism pretty much all my life. And here is a white woman saying that she thinks my views on racism “lack nuance”. I,, I genuinely don’t have words to convey how angry this makes me. Literally who does she even think she is. Not even is it racist to dismiss my literal LIVED experience of being a woman of colour in this country, but she is literally saying “look at these stupid brown folk, they don’t know what they’re talking about cos they’re so stupid :)”
neo points out firstly that as a white person lagstm doesn’t have the right to make that call, and also that there is ofc another woc on that post saying that exact same thing, and androidgynes themselves are roma. lagstm is not just dismissing me as a stupid savage who is too stupid to form complex thoughts, but she is also indirectly saying the same thing about 2 other poc, and saying that her judgement, as a white person, is more sound than all of ours.
It’s also worth mentioning that neo, who is Romani, was polite to lagstm during this exchange, and lagstm was rude and dismissive. I find this deeply hypocritical. Lagstm has been talking a lot about the policing bill and how it will affect GRT communities, but when she’s talking to someone who is actually *from* the Roma community, she is dismissive and condescending. All this shows is that she’s fake AF. She pretends to care about the Roma community on her blog and then speaks down to them in private.
And again this is worth repeating: AYEFORSCOTLAND WAS BEING RACIST ON THAT POST. IT WAS RACIST. WHAT HE SAID WAS RACIST. So lagstm isn’t just ignoring 3 poc, she is also ignoring,,,, you know,,, the actual racism,,,
And she also says ayeforscotland is borderline racist? Like she acknowledges ayeforscotland is borderline racist but she’s still happy to follow him? Like that alone would be enough for me actually
neo then blocked lagstm and messaged me and told me what happened, and showed me the above screenshots - btw prior to this neo and I had never interacted. Anyway I was obviously a bit disgusted but instead of going straight to blocking lagstm or making a callout post straight away, I messaged her to explain herself and take back what she said. That is now two poc who tried to resolve the matter privately - clearly a lot more than lagstm ever deserved. Androidgynes messaged me last Friday, and I messaged lagstm the next day on Saturday
My convo with lagstm went as follows:
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So you can see that initially she was apologetic and said she “didn’t mean to imply that that my judgement on racism was flawed” (even tho that’s literally what she said) and defended herself by saying “I react poorly in interactions like this” - genuinely not a defence but whatever. She then proceeded to say that what she doesn’t trust my opinion on is Scotland and Ireland - which completely irrelevant. Firstly I am ambivalent to Scottish nationalism and have always said I don’t know much about it, and I support the reunification of Ireland. And secondly, my issue with aye has got literally nothing to do with Scotland or Scottish nationalism; he is racist all on his own. And the post neo linked was barely even about scottish nationalism, it was just him being anti-black. So lagstm saying “I don’t trust your judgement on Scotland and Ireland” is ridiculous considering that Scottish/Irish nationalism have nothing to do with this.
Like akjfbkjdfbs this is actually so ridiculous. It doens’t make any sense. Lagstm clearly says “I don’t trust pakisstani’s judgement on THIS issue [the issue being racism] and her views on THIS issue [the issue being racism] lack nuance” but now turns around and says “I wasn’t talking about racism, I was talking about Scotland/Ireland” like she must really think I’m dumb
And you can see Lagstm bringing up unrelated hypothetical scenarios, and saying “in this situation, you can’t tell me to defer to poc” which i found ??? Like why are you bringing up scenarios in which you think you are allowed to educate us poor and stupid black and brown folk?? I then told her she was straw-manning and that her points about Ireland/Scotland were ridiculous, but then she claimed it was me that was engaging her in bad faith. Like SHE, the white woman who practically said that I am too stupid to understand racism, and when confronted on it started straw-manning and bringing up unrelated scenarios, said I am not engaging her in good faith. AFTER both neo and I tried to speak to her privately about this. Like I tried to speak to her privately AFTER I FOUND OUT SHE HAD SAID RACIST THINGS ABOUT ME. BUT I’M NOT ENGAGING HER IN GOOD FAITH? LMAOOO
And then the accusation about rape threats which is actually the most disgusting part of this entire thing. I shouldn’t have to explain that accusing 2 poc of conspiring to send her rape threats (without any evidence whatsoever. Frankly I think she’s lying about the rape threats 🤷🏽‍♀️ it’s quite a transparent attempt to distract from her own nasty behaviour and deflect onto us) is actually extremely racist. She is invoking her white fragility and painting me and androidgynes as aggressors who are threatening her safety and inflicting/threatening to inflict sexual violence on her. It is beyond disgusting 🤮
What’s more, neo is trans, so when lagstm is baselessly accusing them of issues related to rape, she is also playing up to transphobic tropes.
One more thing worth mentioning is that there are several lies peppered throughout lagstm’s comments. Firstly when she claimed to have briefly unfollowed me - she didn’t actually. I was checking regularly, and she never unfollowed me. This was a small lie that I picked up on striaght away but because it wasn’t relevant I didn’t say anything about it. But I just think it’s interesting that she would lie for no reason. And another lie - feigning ignorance about ayeforscotland’s racism, and actually even asking for receipts is incredibly disingenuous when on this particular post, if you scroll through the notes, you can see she has literally liked it. Like she had already seen the posts where me and mangopickled called out his racism and literally LIKED it, and when neo says to lagstm that aye is racist, lagstm says “receipts please :)” YOU’VE ALREADY SEEN THEM! AND LIKED THEM! screenshot in case she unlikes it (sorry for including dumb comments by dumb scots but i need to prove it’s the same post so):
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LASTLY. Last point I swear. When lagstm said “it was also coloured by the statements they’d made about another tumblr user, which didn’t relate to racism, which I didn’t address with them because I didn’t want to upset them” <- she must mean getpoliticaluk defending incest? So like what is lagstm saying here, she didn’t want to bring up that she also herself defends incest?? Like is she tryna say she’s a pro-shipping freak?????????????????????? What other way is there to read that statment
Okay that’s everything.
I’m not interested in discourse on this post - if you are white and think lagstm isn’t racist or you’re inclined to defend her then save your breath, I don’t need white people telling me what is or isn’t racist. I gave her the chance to defend herself, which is way more than she deserves, and this is how she responds. Her actions and indefensible and she can choke ☺️❤️  I will be unfollowing/blocking anyone I see reblogging from her because I deserve better than to follow people who are ok with racists ❤️ 
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whump-a-la-mode · 3 years
Nemesis - Part 4
Based on the votes from Part 3, option B was chosen-- Hero will lie to Leader, and trust Hacker. But time is running out, and they must make their move fast. Perhaps, however, they have moved too fast.
Thanks so much to everyone for reading, and special thanks to @whumpilicious​ for coming up with Hero’s plan!
CW//Mentions of breakups, mentions of concussions, crude jokes, shapeshifting, forced sedation
“No. They need to be here.”
“And why would that be?”
Hero’s attempt to suppress a shiver failed as a single bead of frigid sweat ran down the back of their neck.
They could tell Leader the truth. Hell, they would likely never get a chance as good as this one. The leader of an entire team would be an incredibly powerful asset, an incredibly powerful ally. They could have Villain out of there before Hero could blink.
Or, they could lock them away in some underground bunker, never again to be seen by human eyes.
It was an untenable risk. If Villain was ever going to be saved, Leader needed to remain ignorant.
When had they started thinking of this as a rescue mission?
They expected that realization to make them feel sick, but it did anything but. Instead, it reaffirmed their decision.
“There’s a reason the rehab facility is in the city.” Hero finally replied, after a long moment of shaky-eyed staring. “If anything happens, we’re close by. I’m sure the villains housed there are well aware of that fact. Moving Villain farther away... it’d put them even further out of my sight. It’d make my worries far worse, I assure you.”
Leader raised a brow, looking down at Hero a moment, as if studying a particularly interesting piece of artwork. At last, they nodded.
“I may not understand why you are so worried about this hypothetical escape plan, but I will humor you.”
“You won’t say anything to Director?”
“I will not give Director my opinion on the matter. But it is my duty to report your performance. The terms they outlined are very clear. If you do not stop distracting yourself with this silly venture within the week, Villain’s transfer will go ahead. There’s nothing I can do about it.”
Hero bit their lip.
“Do you report... everyone’s performance?”
“Everyone under my command? Yes.”
“But there’s dozens of teams.”
“I am aware.”
“Surely Director does not look over everyone’s performance reports.”
Leader’s mouth pursed.
“They are very busy, so I assume they do not.”
“Did you mention my performance to them?”
“No.” A crescendo of discomfort seemed to reach its peak within Leader, whose gaze quickly moved downwards, to the table.
Hero felt their ears grow red, yet they could not stop themself from pushing.
“They noticed on their own.”
“The others have had slips, before. Remember when Teammate broke up with their partner? Or when Other Teammate had their concussion?”
“Of course I remember.”
“Did Director say anything then?”
“No. What’s with all the questions? I don’t know why Director is so worried about you, but it’s not my job to question their motives. It’s my job to make sure that the city stays safe, and that you keep your eyes on the road.”
Hero suddenly felt awfully lightheaded.
“Can I ask you one more question?”
“Just one.”
“Have you ever met Director?”
A moment of silence resounded as the gears in Leader’s head ground.
“No. No one has. We communicate only over E-mail.”
“Wait, one more question.”
Leader frowned.
“Do you have any pictures of Director?”
“This is like, the equivalent of walking into the White House and pretending to be the President. You know that, right? You get that?”
Hacker’s voice was even more high-pitched and anxiety-twinged than usual.
“I am well aware.” Hero nodded.
They were well aware of how stupid the idea was, but they hoped that wasn’t evident in their voice. That was the only thing that really mattered, considering that they were currently speaking to Hacker on the phone, though it didn’t stop them from struggling to keep their shoulders level and their gaze steady.
“And you still want to do it. You still want to walk into the White House and pretend to be the President.”
“You’re really proud of that metaphor, aren’t you?”
“A little. Answer the question, though.”
Hero exhaled, exasperated.
“Yes. I’m doing this. There’s no choice.”
“Your hesitation went away really fast. Did you finally grow a pair of balls or-”
“We only have a week.”
“Oh, god. There’s a time limit now?”
“It’s a long story, but, TLDR is, Villain needs out of there in the next week.”
“They’ll be transferred out of the city. Out of our reach.”
“Yeah. Damn indeed.”
“Well, then, what do we need to do?”
“Did you grow a pair, too?”
“Maybe. I’m not about to go guns blazing with you, but... Let’s just say I’m invested in how this all turns out. Any help I can offer from behind a screen, I’ll do it. Are you sure we only have a week? Is there any other option?”
“Well... The ultimatum is that if I don’t get my performance up in the next week, they’re going away. The Organization’s director thinks it’ll help me.”
“Then just get your performance up?” Hacker sounded perplexed.
“It’s not going to happen.”
“Why not?”
Hero gritted their teeth.
The way Hacker spoke, it made the situation sound so simple. As if Hero could just decide to forget years of fighting, of... of whatever they and Villain had. They couldn’t just go on. They should have been able to. Anyone else would have been able to.
But they couldn’t. They knew that their best efforts would not be enough to keep Villain within striking distance, no matter how much sweat they poured in.
“Because... Because I know it isn’t. And, besides, the sooner we get them out of there, the better.”
“If you say so, boss. What do we gotta do?”
“Can you send a fake email? Make it look like it’s from someone important?”
“In my sleep. What do you need?”
“Tell the rehab unit that they’re to expect a very special visitor.”
It was a stupid plan. Just as stupid as walking into a hostage situation pretending to be a reporter.
But, in the end, that plan had worked. Just not quite in the way they had wanted it to. 
On the outside, the appearance of the rehab center had not changed a bit. Even the childish artworks in the windows remained static, untouched by the hands that had supposedly created them.
Yet, despite the appearance remaining unmoving, when Hero gazed upon the brightly-painted structure and its white picket fence, they could not help but feel as though they had swallowed a stone.
It all felt so wrong. A vicious Villain contained in such a cutesy building. If Villain themself knew, they likely would have been sick. Or furious. Or sick and furious.
If everything went right... they would know, soon.
That was all the plan that Hero had worked out. They had an entrance plan, and a car. Thinking ahead of that made them feel awfully lightheaded. Besides, future thinking like that was far too optimistic for their tastes. If, and only if, they made it out of this alive, then they would think ahead.
Until then, their future plans consisted only of what step they were to take after the current one.
“Do you have visual?” Hero whispered.
“You don’t have to be so quiet.” Hacker’s voice crackled in their ear. “You’re still in the car, remember?”
“Yeah, yeah. I just don’t want them to think I’m talking to myself like some kind of nutcase.”
“Maybe Director is a nutcase. No one knows. That’s what you’re basing this whole gimmick on, right?”
Hero sighed. “Just about.”
They pulled down the car’s sun visor, flipping up the little panel that covered the miniature mirror embedded within. Even with how long they had had their powers, they did not think they would ever get used to looking in the mirror and staring upon a face that was not their own.
Director’s face looked awfully like it belonged on the front of a magazine. Well-cropped black hair, a curling, defined jawline that led to ears adorned by modest steel studs.
“What time is it?”
“Can’t you look at a clock?”
“I want to make sure I have the disguise right.”
“Well, they’re expecting you in about five minutes. Do you think Director is early? Or punctual? Or-”
“I think if I sit in here for another second, I’m going to lose it.”
“Guess they’re gonna be early, then.” A nervous sigh. “Are you ready for this?”
“I think so. You’ve got point, right?”
“Yep. They’ve got their security stuff pretty well protected from remote infiltration, but so long as you’re nearby the building itself, I should be able to see everything the cameras can see.”
“What are you... what are going to do if I fail?”
“I think I’m the last thing you should be worrying about, in that scenario.”
“No. You’re a civilian.”
“Aw, that’s sweet, and last time you were calling me a criminal.”
“That’s not... don’t worry about that. Right now, you’re a civilian, and you don’t need to get yourself wrapped up in all this nonsense. So, in the very real event that I fail, what are you going to do to protect yourself?”
“I... I can cut the connection. The thing in your ear, it’ll look like nothing more than a normal earbud. Is that good enough for you?”
“And, once you’re in there, don’t reply to anything I say. Not unless everything goes terribly wrong.”
“Got it.”
“Now, we ready for real?”
Hero gave a sharp nod.
“Let’s do this.”
Stepping out of the vehicle, they forgot just how tall they were in this form. They could change into all forms of animals, operate just fine as bird or beast, but existing in the form of another person never ceased feeling terribly odd to them.
They didn’t do it very often. But, this time, it was the only choice they had. And if no one had heard Director’s voice before... then their plan should work just fine.
It was far too many ifs and shoulds for their taste, but that wasn’t important. Not while Villain was still in there.
Hero slammed the car door as authoritatively as they could manage, keeping their gait even and steady, even as they moved in an uncomfortably restrictive suit.
They were at the door far too quickly. They settled their jaw, then, and entered the White House, pretending to be the President.
Behind the front desk was seated the same labcoat, though, now, they had a far more formal posture to them. Upon Hero’s entrance, they seemed confused on whether to salute or bow. After a few nervous moments, they settled for a simple:
Hero flashed Director’s pearly white smile.
“Good afternoon. I hope I’m not too late?”
“O- Oh, of course not. It’s an honor to have you visit our humble facility.” Labcoat’s ears grew rapidly red in hue. “Would you like a tour, maybe? Or to meet with our head doctor? Or-”
“Oh, no, none of that will be necessary. I am sure we are both far too busy for all those formalities. You must run a very tight ship, here. It is very nice.”
“Thank you! Thank you, sir.”
“Of course. But, no. I do not need the tour. Perhaps another time. For now, I do not have all too long. Would you be kind enough to show me to Villain’s room?”
“Of course, sir.” Labcoat leapt up from their seat, still looking as though they wanted to bow. “It’s just this way, if you would please follow me. If that’s okay.”
Hero nodded in gratitude, following Labcoat through the steel door that led to the rest of the facility.
There was considerably more life to the building’s various rooms, compared to the last time they had visited. The common room at the front saw a group of villains stiffly sitting around a board game, moving the pieces at an agonizingly slow pace. Another watched an old movie on the television, their posture oddly perfect.
Hero tried their best not to show their discomfort.
Instead of leading them straight, into the dining hall, Labcoat turned left to one of the patient wings. The two of them walked past what must have been twenty doors, each of which had a name plaque upon its surface, stating proudly who resided within.
The door at the end of the hall did not have such a name. Instead, it had a simple label.
Room 43. Villain’s own personal hell.
“Would you like company? Or would you like your visit to remain private?” Labcoat ducked their head as they spoke.
“Private, if you would not mind.”
“Of course not! Whatever you say, sir. When you are ready to leave just knock, uh, on the door. I’ll let you out. If that’s okay, um, or I could- Actually, no I don’t want you to have to knock. How about this.”
Hero felt their stomach twist, the organ confused about just how well the plan had turned out. To their great surprise, Labcoat reached within a pocket, producing a small metal key.
“Just use this.”
“Thank you very much.” Hero dipped their head, taking the key in turn. Like a mouse skittering from a cat, Labcoat was gone in an instant.
Hero was alone, outside the door. Their stomach sickened, though this time it was not from surprise.
Their plan was going perfectly! They couldn’t have hoped for better. They even had a key, and...
And they couldn’t do it. They felt their legs to be frozen in place, their mind instead filled with a spiraling cascade of images. Images of what their nemesis used to be.
And now...
“Hero.” The voice in their ear was soft. “Villain needs you.”
Hero nodded. They placed their hand upon the knob, and turned.
A gust of sterile air wafted out. Hero entered, closing the door behind themself.
Leaving themself alone with Villain. Some small part of them expected a witty one liner, a passive-aggressive joke. But there was none; only the mechanical whirring of medical machines.
And the slightest rise and fall of their nemesis’ chest.
They did not tell their legs to bring them to Villain’s bedside, but that is where they ended up. On the security footage they had seen, it had been nearly impossible to see their unconscious nemesis’ face.
Now, they had the best view in the world.
Some part of Hero had expected peace. Expected their former foe to have been spending their unconsciousness in a state of bliss. Certainly not an ideal state, but a comfortable one.
Instead, Villain’s closed eyes twitched, tiny movements flickering through their fingers. 375 days, and they were still fighting.
Of course they were. They would never stop fighting.
Hero didn’t notice as their hand reached out, practically on its own. Villain’s hand was cold.
Their face... everything about their face was too perfect. Too clean. Their mouth was locked in a permanent, blank frown. Their brows twitched, but did nothing more than that.
Villain’s eyes did not open.
Hero squeezed their hand tighter. The heartbeat monitor registered the slightest quickening of pace.
It was a knocking that broke Hero from their trance. They dropped Villain’s hand, stumbling backward, turning just as the room’s door opened to reveal a pair of blue scrubs.
Head Doctor smiled.
“Friend.” They chirped. “I’m so glad you could come visit. I missed seeing you, last week, but I understand how busy you are this time of year. How are you finding everything?”
Hero gulped.
Their imitations were perfect. They knew that, and they were quite proud of that fact. Just about any animal, they replicated with ease, and they could morph their face to match that of anyone they so chose to copy.
Appearances were easy. But there was one limit to shapeshifting.
Hero could not imitate voices.
Thanks so much for reading! Just like last time, there are two options along with every part of this story. Alongside each options is a question, so that you guys can give more specific suggestions if you so wish. The option that receives the most votes will be the choice that our Hero makes!
A.) Hero is too far in. Keep up the ruse - How should Hero explain their voice?
B.) There’s no way to get out of this. Take the risk and run! - How should Hero make their escape?
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