#just no. shrug. I don't care about you enough to want to engage. think about me whatever you come up with on your own
slavicafire · 1 year
the last time I was forced into a social situation with a group of people who had very different opinions than me - and of course became the token leftist gay when they drunkenly started discussing various social and political subjects - they engaged me, in bad faith and quite aggressively, expecting me to argue for my stance.
and I just said, calmly and rather offhand:
"I have no desire in making you see my point of view."
and didn't engage. didn't debate, didn't care, moved on. their absolute surprise, followed by rage, and my own peace of mind, were all the sweetest reward of the evening - and a genuine sign of personal growth for me, too.
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reidmarieprentiss · 22 days
Breaking Point
Summary: Spencer has a partner, his partner is not necessarily a great person. You really just want to connect with him, he is your roommate, Penelope's, friend after all. But Spencer just does not seem to like you, can you change that?
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!reader
Category: fluff, angst
Warnings/Includes: Spencer has a partner, implied bisexual Spencer, non-graphic cheating, emotionally distant partner, controlling partner, Spencer is sassy and kind of mean, mention of Spencer's drug problem, insecurities
Word count: 14.6k
a/n: i know i can treat you better than they cannnnn -- happy one day early post !!!!
main masterlist part two
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The evening was typical for you—a night out with the team at one of their usual spots, a lively bar that served as the backdrop for many of their post-case celebrations. You were perched on a high stool at the bar, sipping on a cocktail Penelope, your roommate, had insisted you try, something bright and fruity with just the right amount of sweetness. The music was loud enough to make conversation a bit challenging, but not so much that it drowned everyone out.
You leaned back slightly, your eyes casually scanning the room. Derek was engaged in a playful argument with JJ about some obscure movie reference, and Rossi was deep in conversation with Hotch. Everyone seemed relaxed, their faces lit with the glow of well-deserved downtime.
But then, something caught your eye—a flash of movement at the other end of the bar. Spencer, the quiet and reserved member of the team who had always been somewhat of a mystery to you, was engaged in what looked like a rather intense conversation with someone you didn’t recognize. The contrast between Spencer’s usual timid demeanor and the animated gestures he was making now piqued your curiosity.
You leaned closer to Penelope, who was sitting beside you, tapping away on her phone as usual, her fingers a blur of activity. "Who’s that?" you asked, nodding toward Spencer and the unknown person.
Penelope glanced up from her screen, following your gaze, and immediately sighed, rolling her eyes in a way that suggested this was a scene she had witnessed more times than she cared to count. "That’s Eli," she said, the name laced with a tone that was hard to miss. "Spencer’s partner."
Your eyes widened in surprise. "Spencer has a partner?" The revelation blew your mind. You'd known the team for over a year, seen and been seen in all sorts of situations—some more embarrassing than others—and not once had Spencer ever mentioned having a partner. It was like discovering a hidden chapter in a book you thought you knew well.
Penelope gave you a knowing look, her lips pressing together as if she were debating whether or not to continue. You nudged her lightly, urging her on. "What is it? You can’t just leave me hanging."
She sighed again, this time more softly, and leaned in closer so that only you could hear. "It just doesn’t seem like they’re very happy together, you know? They always seem to be arguing about something or other. I don't think I’ve ever seen them have a normal conversation."
You turned your attention back to Spencer and Eli, who were still deep in conversation—if you could even call it that. From where you were sitting, it looked more like Eli was doing most of the talking, their tone sharp, while Spencer listened, his face a mask of confusion and quiet frustration.
"Why does he stay with them if they’re so unhappy?" you asked, the question slipping out before you could stop it. 
Penelope shrugged, taking a sip of her drink before responding. "Spencer's complicated, you know? I think part of him feels…responsible or something. Like he has to make it work, even if it’s not working."
You nodded, still watching the exchange between Spencer and Eli, feeling a strange mix of emotions. Part of you was shocked that Spencer, someone who always seemed so put-together, was caught up in a relationship that didn’t seem to bring him any joy. And another part of you, the part that had always felt a bit of an inexplicable attachment to him, felt a pang of something else—something almost like protectiveness.
"I never would’ve guessed," you murmured, more to yourself than to Penelope.��
"Yeah, well," Penelope replied, her voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "There’s a lot about Spencer that’s easy to miss if you’re not looking closely."
As the night wore on, you couldn't help but keep glancing in Spencer's direction, wondering what else you might have missed about him over the past year. The more you thought about it, the more you realized how little you actually knew about the man who had somehow managed to become both a puzzle and an enigma in your life.
You’re not sure what brought on this new damn near obsession with Spencer Reid, but ever since you found out about him having a partner, you’ve been thinking about him differently. It was as if knowing he was capable of being in a relationship made you want to be the one who showed him what a healthy one looks like. The thought had wormed its way into your mind and now, no matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t stop thinking about him in your daily life. 
Whether you were at work, at home, or out with friends, your thoughts always seemed to drift back to Spencer—his quiet demeanor, the way he fiddled with his hands when he was nervous, the way his eyes lit up when he talked about something he was passionate about. You found yourself daydreaming about what it would be like to be the one who made him smile, the one who could take away the stress you’d seen him carry.
Weeks passed, and you tried to push these thoughts to the back of your mind, but they always crept back in. So when Penelope proposed a night at Rossi’s, you jumped at the opportunity, hoping that maybe being around him might help you understand why you were feeling this way.
When you arrived at Rossi’s, the place was buzzing with laughter and conversation. Penelope was already engaged in a lively discussion with Derek and JJ, and Rossi was busy pouring drinks for everyone. As you scanned the room, your eyes landed on Spencer, standing off to the side, a drink in hand. He was alone—no Eli in sight.
Your heart skipped a beat, and before you knew it, you were making your way over to him, driven by an urge to finally talk to him alone. Maybe this was your chance to get to know him better, to bridge the gap that had always seemed to exist between you two.
“Hey, Spencer,” you greeted, nudging your elbow gently against his as you walked up next to him.
“Oh, hi, Y/N,” he replied, his voice carrying a hint of confusion as he looked at you. It was as if he wasn’t quite sure why you had come over.
“How are you?” you asked, trying to sound casual, though your heart was beating a little faster than you’d like to admit.
“Fine, thanks,” he nodded, his gaze drifting away from you almost immediately. “And you?”
“I’m great, thank you!” you answered with a smile, hoping to ease the tension that seemed to hang in the air between you.
But Spencer didn’t reply. Instead, he stood there, clearly feeling awkward, his eyes focused on some distant point in the room. You bit your lip, trying to think of something else to say, something that might spark a real conversation.
“So…I didn’t know you were seeing someone,” you ventured, letting out a small, nervous laugh, hoping to lighten the mood.
At that, Spencer stiffened. He finally turned to look at you, his expression hardening in a way that caught you off guard. “Well, you don’t really know me, do you?” he said, his tone colder than you’d ever heard it before.
“What?” you asked, taken aback by his sudden shift in demeanor. The sharpness in his voice sent a jolt through you, making you feel like you’d stepped onto thin ice without realizing it.
But he didn’t stop there. “You don’t know me at all, Y/N,” he continued, his voice carrying an edge of bitterness as he scoffed, rolling his eyes. “Why would you be privy to intimate details of my life?”
The words hit you like a slap in the face, and you stood there, stunned and at a loss for words. “Oh—I don’t know, I’m sorry,” you stuttered, your confidence crumbling as you tried to process what had just happened. You had expected many things from this conversation, but this level of hostility wasn’t one of them.
“Yeah, okay,” Spencer muttered, a bitter laugh escaping his lips as he turned on his heel and walked away, leaving you standing there, violently confused.
You watched him retreat, your mind racing to understand what had just happened. The warmth and excitement you had felt moments ago were now replaced by a cold, sinking feeling in your chest. What had you done wrong? Why had he reacted that way?
As you stood there, the lively chatter and laughter of the party continued around you, but it all felt distant, muffled. All you could think about was Spencer’s harsh words, and the way he had looked at you—like you were a stranger, like you had crossed a line you didn’t even know existed.
“Hey mama, you look like you’ve seen a ghost. You good?” Derek’s deep, familiar voice cut through the fog of your thoughts, grounding you back in the present. 
You blinked a few times, forcing a smile onto your face as you turned to face Derek. “Huh? Oh yeah, I’m fine,” you replied, doing your best to sound convincing. “It’s good to see you!”
Derek didn’t seem entirely convinced, his brow furrowing slightly as he studied you, but he didn’t press further. Instead, he smiled back, his usual warmth returning as he pulled you into a quick hug. “Good to see you too, girl. Let’s get you back in the spirit of the night, huh?”
You nodded, grateful for his easy going nature as you allowed yourself to be swept back into the flow of the evening. Derek had a way of making everything feel a little lighter, and as the two of you rejoined the group, you found yourself easing back into the laughter and conversation around you. It wasn’t hard to get caught up in the fun, especially with Penelope’s infectious energy and Rossi’s endless supply of stories.
But no matter how much you tried to focus on the good vibes of the night, there was a nagging thought at the back of your mind—a quiet, persistent echo of your brief and bewildering interaction with Spencer. You couldn’t shake the image of his face, the sudden hardness in his eyes, and the way his tone had shifted so drastically from the Spencer you thought you knew.
You stole a glance across the room, where Spencer was now engaged in a conversation with JJ, his expression relaxed, his laughter genuine. It was as if nothing had happened at all, as if your exchange just moments earlier hadn’t rattled you to your core.
The contrast was jarring, and it left you feeling even more confused. How could he seem so unaffected, so nonchalant, after what had just transpired? It was like the sweet, shy man you’d come to know had been ripped away in an instant, replaced by someone who was colder, more distant, and completely unreadable.
You couldn’t help but wonder what you had done wrong, why such an innocent question had triggered such a reaction from him. It was just one question—one that, in hindsight, seemed harmless. And yet, his response had been anything but.
“Hey, earth to Y/N,” Derek’s voice snapped you back again, this time with a playful nudge. “Where’d you go just now? I was asking if you wanted another drink.”
You blinked, realizing you had zoned out again. “Oh, sorry! Yeah, I could use another one,” you said, offering him another smile. This time, you meant it. Maybe another drink would help you forget the odd tension for a little while, help you push Spencer out of your mind.
That night, as the evening began to wind down, you noticed Spencer slipping out quietly after saying his goodbyes to everyone but you. A pang of something—hurt, maybe?—struck you as you watched him head toward the front door, his figure receding into the night. You tried to brush it off, telling yourself it was just the lingering awkwardness from earlier, nothing more.
But then you noticed something out of place—Spencer had left his satchel behind, the one he always carried with him, filled with books, notes, and who knows what else. Without thinking, you grabbed it and rushed out the door after him, your heart pounding with adrenaline and the hope of another chance to talk.
“Spencer! Wait!” you called out, your voice echoing in the cool night air as you ran down the driveway, the gravel crunching under your feet.
Spencer, already halfway into the passenger seat of the car, paused at the sound of your voice. He looked back over his shoulder, his expression immediately shifting to one of mild annoyance when he realized it was you. For a brief moment, you wondered if he was hoping it would be anyone else but you.
“You left your bag,” you panted, holding it up as you caught up to him.
“Oh,” he replied, his tone flat, his eyes glancing at the bag as if it was the last thing on his mind. “Thanks,” Spencer added, his voice barely above a mumble as he took the satchel from your hands. 
You forced a smile, trying to ignore the awkward tension hanging between you. But just as you were about to wish him a good night, your eyes shifted to the driver’s seat where Eli was sitting, glaring at you with a cold, suspicious gaze that sent a shiver down your spine. The intensity of their stare made you falter, your words catching in your throat.
“Have a good ni—” you started, but before you could finish, Eli’s hand jerked the car into gear, and the tires screeched against the pavement as they peeled out of the driveway. The door barely had time to close behind Spencer before they were speeding off into the night.
You stood there, breathless and confused, watching the taillights disappear down the road. The cold night air seemed to wrap around you, a stark contrast to the warmth that had filled Rossi’s home just minutes ago.
You couldn’t shake the unsettling feeling that had settled deep in your chest. The way Spencer had looked at you, the way Eli had glared, the way the car had sped off as if they couldn’t wait to leave you behind—it all left you feeling more out of sorts than ever.
The next time you saw Spencer, it was completely by accident. You were excitedly attending the grand opening of a vintage bookstore that had been on your calendar for months. The store was rumored to have an original copy of Pride and Prejudice, and you were determined to get your hands on it. As you approached the entrance, ready to join the line that had already started forming, a tall, familiar figure caught your eye.
Spencer was standing off to the side, hunched in on himself as he spoke into his phone. His posture was tense, and his voice, though hushed, carried a tone of desperation and frustration that made you slow your steps.
“—you said you would be here! You know how important this is to me…” His voice wavered, and he paused, listening to whoever was on the other end of the line.
Your heart ached as you watched him, his expression filled with hurt and disappointment. His next words were spoken with an urgency that tugged at something deep inside you.
“I went to your comicon, waited all night in line to get a video game for you, and I did that…thing! This morning, remember?”
You couldn’t hear what Eli was saying, but from the look on Spencer’s face, it was clear that whatever it was, it wasn’t what he wanted to hear. You could hear the strain in his voice, the way it shook as he tried to hold back his emotions.
“Eli,” Spencer sighed, the sound so full of defeat that it nearly broke your heart. He sounded like he was on the verge of tears. “I never ask you to do anything…it does matter! It’s not stupid…okay. Yeah. Bye. Love you too.”
As he ended the call, you watched as he put his phone in his pocket, his shoulders slumping as he sniffled, clearly trying to compose himself. The vulnerability in his posture made you want to reach out, to comfort him, to tell him that he deserved so much better than this.
But before he could see you, you quickly made your way past him and into the line, your heart racing. You didn’t want to embarrass him by acknowledging what you had overheard. It felt too private, too raw, and you knew that if the roles were reversed, you wouldn’t want someone to witness such a moment of weakness.
Little did you know that Spencer had seen you walk by, his heart sinking further as he realized you might have heard his conversation. The idea of you knowing how he couldn’t even get his partner to come to a bookstore—a place that meant so much to him—was mortifying. It was bad enough that Eli had chosen to watch football with their friends instead of joining him, but the thought of you knowing about it only added to his embarrassment.
Spencer fell into line a few people behind you, trying to shake off the lingering feelings of rejection. He wished that the rift between you two didn’t exist, especially on a day like today. The thought of walking through the store with someone, discussing books, sharing little discoveries, was something that would have brought him immense joy. But now, with the awkwardness hanging between you like a thick fog, he knew it wasn’t possible.
As the line moved forward, you tried to focus on the excitement of the bookstore’s opening, but you couldn’t help but steal glances back at Spencer. He looked so alone, so isolated, and it made your chest tighten with an emotion you didn’t quite want to name. The bookstore should have been a place of happiness for him, but all you could see was the shadow of his disappointment.
You had managed to find the original Pride and Prejudice that you wanted, and your heart felt so full it was almost overwhelming. This book meant the world to you, bringing back memories of your grandmother reading it to you when you were sick as a child. The familiar scent of old pages and the sight of the worn, delicate cover brought a lump to your throat, but it was the good kind, the kind of feeling that reminded you of warmth and love.
As you clutched the book to your chest, savoring the moment, a voice came from behind you, pulling you out of your reverie. “Great choice, I can’t believe they have an original.”
You turned, surprised, to see a very attractive stranger standing there. They had strikingly beautiful eyes that seemed to draw you in, making you momentarily forget where you were. “Yeah, it’s my favorite,” you replied with a bright smile. “I’m so glad I was able to get it.”
“Shane,” they offered, extending their hand with an easy, confident smile. “Nice to meet you.”
You took their hand, feeling a pleasant warmth from the gesture. “Y/N,” you said, your smile widening. “Nice to meet you too.”
The conversation flowed effortlessly after that. You and Shane chatted about literature, the excitement of the new bookstore, and your mutual love for classic novels. Their enthusiasm for books mirrored your own, and you found yourself enjoying the banter, feeling a sense of connection with this person you’d just met.
What you didn’t realize was that Spencer was watching from afar, his heart twisting in knots as he observed how easily you interacted with new people. It was something he envied—how naturally you navigated social situations, how the friendly vibes seemed to radiate off you in waves. Anyone could see how nice you were, how approachable, and it only made him more aware of the tension that had built up between the two of you.
He wished things could have gotten off to a better start between you. But every time he thought about trying to fix things, that cold interaction from the other night lingered in his mind, making him think it was too late. And now, seeing you so effortlessly connect with someone else, someone who had already made you smile, only deepened the pang of jealousy in his chest.
As you made your way to the register, Shane walked with you, continuing the conversation. Just before you reached the counter, Shane asked, “Hey, would it be okay if I got your number? I’d love to keep talking about books and maybe grab a coffee sometime.”
You smiled, feeling flattered by the request. “Sure, I’d like that.” You exchanged numbers, feeling a small flutter of excitement as you parted ways with Shane.
Meanwhile, Spencer watched from a distance, the jealousy tightening its grip. He wasn’t sure if it was because of the effortless way in which you interacted with others, or if it was the fact that someone else had gotten your number so easily—something he knew he could never have done. Either way, the feeling gnawed at him, making him feel even more isolated than before.
When it was your turn to pay, you glanced back and noticed Spencer standing behind you in line. His eyes were downcast, his expression unreadable, but you remembered how upset he had been earlier. Knowing he was having a bad day and sensing the awkward vibes that had developed between the two of you, you decided to do something small to brighten his day.
Leaning in to the cashier, you whispered, “Could you estimate how much his books would cost?”
The cashier smiled and nodded, quickly scanning the stack of books in Spencer’s hands with their eyes. They told you the amount, and you quietly pulled out your bills, paying for Spencer’s purchases along with your own. Without saying a word to him, you took your bag and left the store, hoping that this small act of kindness might bring a bit of light into his day.
As Spencer approached the counter, still lost in his thoughts, the cashier smiled warmly at him. “You’re all set, sir. The woman in front of you already paid for your books.”
Spencer blinked, momentarily stunned. “She… she did what?” he asked, his voice filled with disbelief.
The cashier nodded, still smiling. “She paid for everything. Said she hoped you’d have a good day.”
Spencer stood there, dumbfounded, holding the bag of books as if it were the most precious thing in the world. His mind raced, trying to make sense of why you would do something so kind for him when he had been nothing but cold to you since you met. The memory of your most recent awkward exchange at Rossi’s house replayed in his head, and guilt washed over him like a tidal wave.
Why would you do such a kind thing? He didn’t deserve it, not after the way he had treated you. And yet, you had done it anyway, without a word, without expecting anything in return.
As Spencer left the store, the bag of books clutched in his hand, he was overwhelmed by a mix of gratitude, guilt, and a growing sense of something missing. He’d had doubts about his relationship with Eli before, but he had always convinced himself that this was just how relationships were—messy and full of compromises.
But after seeing your kindness and how effortlessly you connected with others, Spencer couldn’t help but wonder if he was missing out on something better. For the first time, he questioned whether he deserved more than what he had settled for with Eli. Your simple act of paying for his books had cracked open a door in his mind, making him realize that maybe there was a different, happier path he could take—one that might even include someone like you.
When Spencer walked into the bullpen that Monday, he immediately noticed Penelope animatedly talking with Derek and Emily. The moment she heard someone enter, her eyes lit up as she saw him.
“Reid!” she exclaimed with her usual enthusiasm.
Spencer couldn’t help but smile as he walked over to her instead of heading straight to his desk. “What’s up?” he asked, his tone light and amused.
“Look!” Penelope gushed, thrusting a book into his hands with excitement.
Spencer glanced down, recognizing the book instantly—it was a first edition of a title he knew Penelope loved. His eyes widened in genuine awe. “Wow! Where did you find this?” he asked, marveling at the rare find.
Penelope sighed happily, clutching her hands to her heart. “Y/N got it for me! I couldn’t make it to the new bookstore, and she knew how sad I was, so she bought this to cheer me up!”
Spencer processed this new piece of information, feeling a warmth spread through him. Of course you did, he thought to himself, you’re the nicest person ever. “That’s… that’s really great, Garcia,” he said with a sincere smile.
“Isn’t she just the sweetest?” Penelope beamed, taking the book back and staring at it as if it were the most precious thing in the world.
Derek chuckled, adding, “Yeah, mama. That girl is a gem. I’m glad someone is treating you good when I’m not around.”
Spencer nodded, his mind lingering on you. It was just another reminder of the kind of person you were, and it made him think even more about what he might be missing out on.
"Something brewing in that big brain?" Emily teased, noticing Spencer had gone quiet, his thoughts clearly elsewhere.
"Hmm?" Spencer responded, looking up at her, momentarily pulled from his reverie.
"Are you okay, Reid?" she tried again, her voice tinged with concern.
Spencer shifted uncomfortably under the weight of their stares. "Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Just... haven't had my coffee yet," he replied, forcing a tight-lipped smile.
Derek chuckled, sensing Spencer's discomfort. "Rossi just made a new pot. I'll go grab a cup with you, pretty boy."
Spencer nodded gratefully as the two men headed to the breakroom, which was mostly empty, save for a few agents from other departments who were too engrossed in their own conversations to pay them any mind.
"Do anything fun this weekend?" Derek asked casually as he started making his coffee, glancing over at Spencer with a curious look.
Spencer allowed himself a small smile as he replied, "Yeah, I went to that new bookstore. They had their grand opening."
Derek thought for a moment, then asked, "Did you see Y/N there?"
Spencer's hand froze mid-stir, his expression faltering. "Oh, uh, no," he said, clearing his throat awkwardly, clearly caught off guard by the question.
Derek narrowed his eyes, not missing the way Spencer suddenly seemed on edge. "Alright, spit it out, kid," he pressed, sensing there was more to the story.
"Spit what out?" Spencer sassed, attempting to deflect, but his tone lacked conviction.
Derek just sighed, giving him a look that said, Don't bullshit me. "I've noticed you don't necessarily... enjoy Y/N's company. Did you run into her? Was it weird?"
Spencer let out a sigh, knowing there was no point in trying to hide it from Derek. "Yeah, I saw her," he admitted quietly, his gaze dropping to the floor. "But it wasn't weird. I mean, not exactly. It’s just... complicated."
Derek raised an eyebrow, waiting for Spencer to continue. "Complicated how?"
Spencer hesitated, his shoulders slumping slightly. "I think she might have overheard me on the phone with Eli... They were supposed to come with me to the bookstore, but they didn’t. I was upset," Spencer shrugged, trying to downplay the hurt in his voice.
Derek softened his gaze, sensing the vulnerability in Spencer’s words. "I’m sorry, man. Did they give a good reason?"
Spencer shrugged again, his eyes welling up as he struggled to keep his emotions in check. "Um, they said they needed to watch the football game. Something to do with the fantasy league they’re in."
Derek rolled his eyes, his frustration evident. "That is not a good reason. Eli should have known this was important to you."
Spencer cleared his throat, staring intently at his coffee, willing the tears not to fall. "They knew... I don’t know if they cared."
"Reid..." Derek began, his voice gentle, but Spencer quickly waved his hand, cutting him off.
"No, no. It’s fine—we talked about it," Spencer said, his voice wavering but firm, clearly wanting to move past the topic.
Seeing that Spencer didn’t want to delve deeper into the matter, Derek decided to let it go for now, though he still hadn’t gotten the answer to his earlier question. "What does that have to do with Y/N?"
Spencer sighed heavily, the weight of his embarrassment pressing down on him. "She was walking past during the end of the call. I think she might have heard me, but she was too polite to say anything. I don’t know… I’m just embarrassed. My own partner wouldn’t show up to something that important to me, and she probably heard how pathetic that sounded."
Derek frowned, his heart going out to his friend. "You’re not pathetic, Reid. You’ve just been dealt a rough hand. And Y/N… well, she’s not the kind of person to judge you for that. If anything, she probably feels bad that you were hurt."
Spencer nodded, though the shame still lingered. "Yeah, maybe. It’s just hard, you know? I don’t want her—or anyone—to see me like that."
Derek gave him a reassuring pat on the back. "I get it, man. But Y/N… she’s good people. Maybe talking to her might help, even if it’s just to clear the air."
Spencer considered Derek’s words, the idea of reaching out to you both comforting and terrifying. But deep down, he knew Derek was right. It wasn’t too late to make things right, and maybe—just maybe—you’d be the understanding ear he desperately needed.
After parting ways with Derek, Spencer realized he’d forgotten to mention how you had quietly paid for his books at the bookstore. Wrapped up in the emotions of their conversation, it had slipped his mind. But as he returned to his desk, the memory resurfaced, and he found himself holding onto it like a cherished secret.
Spencer wanted to keep that moment to himself, a private reminder of your kindness. It had meant more to him than words could express, especially in a time when he often felt overlooked. Your simple act of generosity was a bright spot, making him feel seen and cared for in a way he rarely experienced.
Thursday evening marked your first date with Shane, and it was everything you had hoped for. They had called earlier in the week to make plans, and you were excited to have someone showing genuine interest and making an effort. Penelope had eagerly offered to help you get ready, her expertise in all things beauty proving invaluable.
"Pen, you’re seriously the best," you gushed as she applied the finishing touches to your look. "I don’t know what I’d do without you."
Penelope giggled, her eyes twinkling. "Probably show up looking a lot less flamboyant!"
"And we would not want that," you teased with a smile, savoring every moment of girl time with your roommate and best friend.
When Shane arrived to pick you up, they were the epitome of courteousness—opening doors, pulling out your chair, and keeping the conversation lively throughout the evening. It was an amazing first date, made even better by Shane’s undeniable attractiveness. You enjoyed yourself thoroughly, feeling a spark of excitement about where this could lead.
Meanwhile, across the restaurant, Spencer sat at a table with Eli, his view of you unobstructed. What should have been a special anniversary dinner had been overshadowed by the effort it took to even get Eli to agree to go out. Spencer had to beg them to celebrate, with Eli initially resisting, claiming they didn’t want to spend the money. Spencer had insisted it was worth it, that their relationship was worth celebrating. Eli eventually caved, but only because they didn’t want Spencer to start crying—again.
As Spencer watched you laugh and smile with Shane, he felt a sharp pang in his chest, the desire to drown his sorrows in a bottle of wine nearly overwhelming. The contrast between your joyous date and his own crumbling relationship was stark. Eli sat across from him, more interested in checking their fantasy football league stats than in engaging with him.
Of course, you would go on a date with the attractive person from the bookstore. In Spencer’s eyes, they were everything he wasn’t. It made sense that you’d find happiness with someone like that, while he watched his own chances at joy slip further away. It was just another reminder that good things, happiness, were always just out of reach for him. As he sat there, barely holding back his tears, he couldn’t help but feel the weight of his own choices, the realization that he had pushed away someone who might have brought him the kind of happiness he saw reflected in your smile from across the room.
After Shane paid the bill for your dinner, causing you to swoon at the kind gesture, the two of you walked toward the exit, Shane’s hand resting intimately on your lower back. As you passed by Spencer's table, you couldn’t resist saying hello, the expensive wine Shane had ordered loosening your tongue.
“Spencer! Hi!” you greeted excitedly, your smile wide.
Spencer looked up at you, clearly caught off guard, his expression quickly shifting to a polite smile. “Hello,” he replied, trying to mask his surprise.
“What are you doing here? Is this Eli?” You turned to the person sitting across from him, offering a warm smile.
Eli, however, gave you a cold, sinister look. “Wow, beauty and brains, what a catch,” they remarked snidely, directing their comment at Shane.
The sarcasm completely flew over your head, and you responded cheerfully, “I think you’re pretty too! It’s so nice to meet you, and Spencer, so good to see you! Bye!” You gave a little wave, before taking Shane’s hand and dragging them toward the car, their laughter following behind you. Shane, having had much less to drink, simply smiled, amused by your tipsy enthusiasm.
As soon as you were out of earshot, Spencer grew even more quiet, while Eli’s anger simmered, their face contorting with irritation.
“What the fuck was that?” Eli asked, their voice low and venomous.
Spencer’s head snapped up, startled by the harshness in Eli’s tone. “What? Y/N? She’s drunk,” he replied, trying to defuse the situation, though he felt increasingly uncomfortable under Eli’s glare.
“No shit, Spencer,” Eli scoffed, rolling their eyes with frustration. “But why did they say hi to you?”
Spencer fumbled for an explanation, feeling cornered. “Umm… I guess we’re kind of friends by association?” he offered, his words uncertain, as even he wasn’t sure how to define your relationship.
Eli’s eyes narrowed, their anger intensifying. “I told you not to talk to her. I asked you to do one fucking thing in this relationship—how hard is it to not talk to some dumb bimbo?” they snarled.
Spencer shrank in his seat, feeling like a scolded child. His embarrassment was palpable as he tried to explain, “I can’t help that she’s Penelope’s roommate. I like to be civil.”
“Civil, sure,” Eli spat, their tone dripping with contempt. “But I’m serious, Spencer. Don’t. Fucking. Talk to her.”
Spencer sat there, shrinking further under Eli’s gaze, a sense of helplessness washing over him. The contrast between your cheerful, lighthearted demeanor and Eli’s seething anger left him feeling more isolated than ever. The joy you had shown in such a simple greeting only highlighted the growing chasm between him and his partner, making him question, yet again, why he was holding onto something that felt so toxic and damaging.
It was a few weeks before your paths crossed with Spencer again, and during that time, he couldn't help but wonder if Eli had somehow managed to keep you away from him. But today, here you were, standing in the bullpen with Penelope’s phone in hand, panting slightly from your rush to deliver it.
“Y/N! You’re a lifesaver!” Penelope cried out, pulling you into a tight hug.
You laughed, catching your breath. “I don’t even know how you made it out of the house without this thing, I thought it was attached to you!”
Derek and Emily joined in the laughter, clearly enjoying the interaction. “Baby girl was excited to come in today—they gave her a new monitor,” Derek teased, grinning.
“Ohh, show me!” you clapped your hands in excitement, your enthusiasm infectious.
As you followed Penelope to her office, you passed by Spencer’s desk, giving him a soft, “Hi, Spencer,” your voice low and warm.
But Spencer didn’t look up. He simply stared down at the file in front of him, his mind far from his work. Eli’s threat echoed in his head, reminding him that he couldn’t talk to you. The lack of response went unnoticed by everyone except for you and Emily.
After you disappeared into Penelope’s office, Emily walked over to Spencer’s desk, her expression concerned. “Reid…? Is something wrong?” she asked cautiously, her voice gentle.
Spencer looked up, shaking his head as if to brush off her concern. “No,” he replied curtly, but his tone was anything but reassuring.
Emily wasn’t convinced. “Okay, well, it’s just… you ignored Y/N pretty harshly. I think she was just trying to be nice.”
Spencer knew it was an overreaction, but the turmoil in his mind was overwhelming, clouding his judgment. He felt cornered, and before he could stop himself, he snapped, “Oh yeah, Emily? Is that what you think? I’m sure you’re right, seeing as you know everything.”
With that, he abruptly stood up, storming out of the bullpen, leaving Emily and Derek in stunned silence. 
Rossi, who had been quietly working at his desk nearby, looked up, his brow furrowed with concern as he fixed Emily and Derek with a questioning gaze. “Is he using again?” he asked, his voice heavy with worry.
“Fuck,” Derek muttered under his breath, quickly getting up to chase after Spencer, his heart pounding with fear and urgency. 
Emily exchanged a worried glance with Rossi, both of them hoping that whatever was going on with Spencer could be addressed before it spiraled out of control.
"Reid, wait up!" Derek called out as he watched Spencer stride quickly down the hall, his pace fueled by frustration and confusion. Spencer, too caught up in his thoughts, didn’t stop or even acknowledge Derek's voice. But Derek was determined, and he quickened his pace, finally catching up to Spencer and grabbing his arm, halting him in his tracks.
"Kid, I need you to tell me right here and now if you’re using again," Derek panted, his concern clear in his voice.
Spencer's face immediately morphed into one of shock and offense. "What? No! I’m clean," he replied, his tone defensive but honest.
Derek sighed deeply, relief flooding him. "Okay, thank God."
Spencer frowned, still reeling from the accusation. "Why would you think that?"
Derek looked at him intently. "Did you hear yourself just now? You were out of line with Prentiss. She was only trying to help."
Spencer let out a bitter laugh, the sound harsh and sharp. "Isn’t that what everyone wants to do? Help poor, defenseless Spencer," he said sarcastically. "Why can’t I ever just take care of myself?"
Derek gave him a sympathetic look, his concern deepening. "That’s not what I meant. I’m just worried about you. Is it more stuff with Eli?"
The mention of Eli’s name set Spencer off again, the anger bubbling back to the surface. "Christ, is there no privacy anymore?" he snapped, his voice tight with frustration.
Derek held up his hands in a placating gesture. "I’m not trying to invade your privacy, man. I just want to make sure you’re okay. You’ve been off lately, and I’m concerned. We all are."
Spencer’s shoulders slumped slightly, the weight of everything pressing down on him. "It’s… nothing, Derek."
Derek nodded, his tone softening. "It doesn’t seem like nothing, kid."
Spencer looked down, his voice small and almost defeated. "Can you just… stop being a big brother for a second?"
Derek’s expression softened even more as he asked gently, "Who do you want me to be?"
Spencer let out a weary sigh. "I don’t know… a wizard? Then maybe you could help me go back in time."
Derek started to ask, "Why do you need–" but before he could finish, his phone rang, the familiar tone signaling a new case. He glanced at the screen, then back at Spencer with a resigned look. "Time to go."
Spencer nodded, the moment slipping away as the reality of their work took precedence. But as they walked back toward the bullpen, Derek couldn’t shake the feeling that there was more going on beneath the surface—something that Spencer wasn’t ready to share yet.
When the team arrived back from the case, Spencer dreaded going home. He hadn't talked to Eli since the day they left, sending only a brief text to let them know he was heading out on a case and another just now to inform them he was back. But as usual, there were no messages waiting for him in return. Eli had done this before—the silent treatment. It was their way of letting Spencer know he had messed up, though the reason was often unclear until Eli decided to spell it out.
As Spencer approached his front door, the familiar feeling of anxiety settled in his chest. He knew what awaited him: the cold, silent disapproval from Eli, followed by the inevitable confrontation. It was why he was dreading going home, but there was no avoiding it.
When Spencer unlocked the front door, he was greeted by the sound of football blaring from the TV, and not much else. The usual signs of Eli’s presence—a drink on the coffee table, their shoes kicked off haphazardly—were all there, but the silence from Eli themselves was telling. 
He announced his presence quietly, hoping to gauge the mood before he ventured further into the house. Without much of a response, Spencer headed to the laundry room, deciding to busy himself with washing his clothes. It was a mundane task, but it gave him something to focus on, a way to delay the inevitable confrontation.
What Spencer wasn’t expecting was for Eli to suddenly come up behind him, wrapping their arms around his waist and kissing the back of his neck. The affectionate gesture caught him off guard.
“Hey, baby,” Eli whispered, their voice soft and intimate.
“He–hey, Eli,” Spencer stammered, unsure of how to respond. He couldn’t tell if this was going to lead to something good or if it was just a precursor to another argument.
“I missed you while you were gone,” Eli mumbled, their lips trailing across Spencer’s neck, planting gentle kisses along his skin.
“Yeah?” Spencer sighed, tilting his head slightly to give Eli more access, his body instinctively responding to the affection despite the uncertainty gnawing at him.
“Mhm, it’s so lonely here without you,” Eli murmured, continuing their gentle assault of kisses.
That evening, Spencer found himself in the company of a sweet, loving, and cherishing Eli. It was a side of his partner he didn’t see often, and he was left wondering what he had done to deserve this sudden tenderness. But instead of questioning it, he allowed himself to be swept up in the rare affection, choosing to savor the moment rather than dwell on the why.
For that night, at least, Spencer let himself believe that everything was okay, that maybe this time things would be different. Even if it was just for a little while, he wasn’t going to complain.
You got a mysterious text from Shane, asking if they could come over to talk. You agreed, of course, but a nervous feeling settled in your stomach. Things had been going really well between the two of you—multiple dates, kisses, and they had even met Penelope. But as you opened the door to let them in, you immediately sensed that this wasn’t going to be good news.
"Hey, Y/N," Shane greeted with a sigh, giving you a sad smile. "Can I come in?"
You opened the door wider and motioned for them to enter, trying to brace yourself for whatever was coming. The two of you sat in the chairs by the window, the tension palpable as you waited for Shane to speak.
"What’s up, Shane?" you asked cautiously, your heart already preparing for the worst.
Shane sighed again, scratching the back of their head, clearly uncomfortable. "Well, I really respect you, so I felt it was only fair to tell you face to face... that I met someone. Someone I want to pursue things with exclusively."
Your heart sank. Of course, the one genuine person you meet found someone better than you. "Oh," was all you could manage to say, the word barely escaping your lips as you processed the rejection.
"I’m sorry, Y/N," Shane continued, their expression full of pity. "You’re a lovely person, and I really enjoyed our time together. But I just—"
"You don’t have to explain," you interrupted, forcing a small, tight-lipped smile despite the ache building in your chest. "I get it."
Shane frowned, clearly feeling bad, but they didn’t push further. They stood, clearly sensing that it was time to leave. "I really do wish you the best, Y/N. You deserve someone amazing."
You nodded, but the words felt hollow in the space between you. After you closed the door behind them, you sank into your chair, the weight of disappointment settling heavily on your shoulders. You hadn’t expected this, and now you were left alone, wondering why this always seemed to happen—just when things seemed to be going well, they unraveled.
As you sat there, staring blankly out the window, the weight of the rejection settled deep into your chest. You tried to convince yourself that it wasn’t a big deal, that these things happen, but the familiar voice of self-doubt crept in, louder and sharper than ever. Of course they found someone better. Why wouldn’t they?
You couldn’t shake the feeling that it was always you—never enough, never quite the right fit. You replayed the last few weeks in your mind, analyzing every detail, every moment, searching for where you might have fallen short. Maybe you weren’t interesting enough, not exciting enough, not worth sticking around for. 
What if I’m just not the kind of person people choose? The thought gnawed at you, sinking deeper into your mind. Every small flaw, every insecurity felt magnified, and you couldn’t help but wonder if this was just how things would always be. Always second place. Always left behind.
Meanwhile, everything between Spencer and Eli seemed to improve dramatically. Eli was suddenly attentive in ways Spencer hadn’t experienced in a long time. They bought Spencer flowers, cooked him dinner, and even made an effort to engage in the things Spencer loved—whether it was sitting with him through documentaries or accompanying him on long walks through the city.
Spencer wasn’t sure what had sparked this radical change in Eli, but he didn’t dare question it. Part of him was afraid that if he asked, the magic would break, and everything would go back to the way it was before—the cold indifference, the emotional distance. For now, he clung to the fleeting happiness, allowing himself to believe that maybe this was the turning point he had been waiting for. 
But in the back of his mind, a quiet voice whispered that good things never lasted for him, and any moment, it could all disappear. He knew better than to get comfortable, but for now, he basked in the attention, unwilling to let go of this brief glimpse of a perfect relationship.
Eli had never been one for grand gestures, but lately, everything felt different. Spencer came home one evening to find a bouquet of brightly colored flowers on the kitchen table, their fragrance filling the room. 
"Hey, you’re home!" Eli called from the kitchen, a warm smile on their face as they stirred something on the stove. "I made your favorite—pasta with garlic bread. Thought you might like something comforting after your day."
Spencer blinked, his mind racing as he tried to process the shift. He set his bag down, cautiously approaching the flowers. "You… got these for me?" he asked, his voice soft, unsure.
Eli chuckled and walked over to him, wiping their hands on a dish towel before wrapping their arms around his waist. "Of course, I did. You deserve it, Spencie."
Spencer smiled, though his brow furrowed slightly in confusion. This wasn’t like Eli at all. "I… thank you. They’re beautiful." He leaned down to smell the flowers, a wave of warmth flooding him, but a lingering doubt hovered at the back of his mind.
Later that week, they were sitting together on the couch, something they rarely did. Eli had insisted on watching one of Spencer’s favorite documentaries, something about ancient civilizations that Spencer would usually watch alone.
"I never knew this stuff was so interesting," Eli commented, their head resting on Spencer’s shoulder. "Why didn’t you make me watch this with you sooner?"
Spencer looked down at them, unsure of how to respond. "I didn’t think it was really your thing," he admitted, his fingers absentmindedly playing with the fabric of Eli’s shirt. "You’ve never really… wanted to before."
Eli sat up slightly, turning to face Spencer, their hand coming to rest on his knee. "Well, I want to now," they said, smiling softly.
Spencer’s heart swelled at the words, but the confusion deepened. This was everything he had wanted from Eli for so long, but the sudden shift left him off-balance. Still, he wasn’t ready to question it—not when things were finally good. He forced himself to smile back, leaning in to kiss Eli’s forehead. 
"I appreciate that," he whispered, a hint of vulnerability in his voice. "I just…I’m happy."
Eli kissed him softly on the lips, pulling him closer. "I love you, Spencie," they murmured, their words sweet and tender. "And I want to make sure you know that."
Spencer wrapped his arms around them, his mind swirling with unanswered questions. He wanted to ask what had caused this change, what had made Eli suddenly decide to be the partner he had always hoped for. But the fear of losing this fleeting happiness kept him silent. He wasn’t ready to risk it all, not yet.
Penelope had been watching you closely for days, her eyes filled with concern. She knew something was wrong, but you had been keeping your walls up, retreating further into your sadness after things fell apart with Shane. Every attempt she made to drag you out of the apartment had been met with a firm, “I’m just not feeling up to it, Pen.”
But Penelope wasn’t one to give up so easily. "Come on, honey, you can’t just sit here and stew over that idiot forever," she urged, practically bouncing on her feet. "We need to go out, have some fun, and remind the world who the hell we are!"
"I don’t know…" you trailed off, glancing at the TV as though it had something to offer. But you knew it didn’t. You just didn’t have the energy.
"Y/N," Penelope said firmly, placing her hands on her hips, "I love you, but sitting in pajamas while watching reality shows for the third night in a row is not how we get over this. You are coming with me."
You sighed, knowing she wasn’t going to relent. "Fine," you groaned, finally giving in.
Penelope’s face lit up like a Christmas tree. "Yes! Shower, now. I’m doing your makeup, and we are going to paint the town red!"
It wasn’t long before she had you dolled up, feeling like a different version of yourself. The two of you hit the town with one goal: to get drunk and forget all about stupid people like Shane. JJ, Emily, and Derek met up with you at the bar, and soon you were all dancing up a storm. The music, the energy, and the friends surrounding you were doing exactly what Penelope had intended—they were lifting you out of your funk.
You loved the attention you were getting, and it was absolutely helping you feel better about everything that had happened. The compliments, the laughs, the warmth of your friends—it was like a balm to the hurt you had been carrying.
After a while, you started feeling parched from all the dancing, so you drifted away from the group to grab some water at the bar. As you reached the counter, you bumped into someone.
"Oh, I’m sorry," you yelped, turning quickly to see who it was you’d run into.
To your surprise, the body turned around, and there, standing in front of you, was Eli. Your stomach dropped slightly, expecting some snide remark, a cutting comment like the ones you’d heard before.
But instead, Eli let out a light laugh. "No problem!" they said with a smile, their tone unusually friendly.
You blinked, taken aback by the unexpected response. Even Spencer, standing next to Eli, looked just as surprised, his brow furrowed slightly at Eli’s easygoing attitude toward you.
"Uh… thanks," you said, forcing a polite smile, still not entirely sure what to make of the encounter.
Eli nodded, still smiling, before turning back to their drink, leaving you standing there, feeling slightly bewildered. You couldn’t help but glance at Spencer, who gave you a small, almost apologetic smile, as if to acknowledge how strange the moment had been.
The interaction left you feeling a bit off-kilter, but as you grabbed your water and headed back to the dance floor, you pushed the weirdness aside. Tonight was about you, about having fun and moving on. Whatever Eli’s sudden kindness meant, you weren’t going to let it throw you off track.
Soon, you couldn’t just brush off the strange interaction because, much to your surprise, Spencer and Eli joined the rest of you on the dance floor. It was a sight you hadn’t expected.
“Whoa, pretty boy! I didn’t think you’d show!” Derek cheered, clearly having invited Spencer without anyone else knowing.
Spencer gave a half-smile, looking awkward as he stood on the outskirts of the group. “Yeah, uh… Eli thought it would be fun,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck, his discomfort obvious.
“Well, loosen up, genius!” Emily called out, playfully nudging him. “We’re here to have fun.”
Eli, however, had no problem jumping right in, grabbing Spencer by the hips and guiding him into the rhythm of the music. Spencer’s movement was stilted, clearly uncomfortable with the attention, but Eli didn’t seem to mind, dancing all around him, their hands sliding over his shoulders and down his sides. The contrast between Spencer’s stiff posture and Eli’s free-spirited movements made for an interesting sight.
You tried to brush it off, but the more you watched, the more an odd sense of jealousy began to brew in your chest. It’s just because I’m newly single, you told yourself, trying to rationalize the pang of envy. But it didn’t feel that simple, and as you watched Eli spin Spencer with a grin, you couldn’t help but wonder why it bothered you so much.
Penelope noticed your mood shift immediately, her eyes following your gaze. She knew you too well, and it wasn’t long before she saw you slipping off the dance floor, making your way outside for some air. She wasn’t surprised at all—you needed a moment to clear your head.
What did surprise you, though, was when the door opened a few minutes later, and Spencer stepped out, his hands shoved into his pockets as he came to stand next to you. The cool night air felt refreshing against your heated skin, but Spencer’s presence made your heart race slightly, unsure of what to say or do.
Neither of you spoke for a moment, the silence hanging between you like a thread waiting to be pulled.
“You okay?” Spencer finally asked, his voice soft as he looked at you, the concern clear in his expression.
You shrugged, trying to keep your tone light despite the heaviness in your chest. “Yeah, just needed some air. It was getting a little... crowded in there.”
Spencer nodded, his gaze drifting down the street before returning to you. “Yeah, I get that,” he said quietly. He shifted his weight, looking almost as uncomfortable out here as he did on the dance floor.
You glanced over at him, curiosity tugging at you. “You don’t really seem like a club guy,” you said, half teasing.
Spencer chuckled awkwardly, his shoulders rising and falling in a small shrug. “I’m not,” he admitted. “I, uh, don’t really dance. Eli’s more into that.”
You nodded, watching him for a moment. There was something in his eyes—something that made you feel like he wasn’t entirely thrilled to be out here either.
“Eli seems really into it,” you said, testing the waters, unsure why you even brought it up.
Spencer’s smile faltered for a split second before he nodded again. “Yeah,” he replied, his voice quieter this time. He didn’t elaborate, and the silence between you grew, filled with unspoken thoughts and emotions that neither of you seemed ready to address.
After a moment, you decided to break the tension. “I didn’t expect to see you out tonight.”
Spencer chuckled softly, kicking at a loose pebble with his shoe. “I didn’t expect to be out, to be honest,” he admitted. “But, well... here I am.”
You smiled, feeling a strange connection in that shared sentiment. “Yeah, here we are.”
Spencer didn’t know why he followed you. Maybe it was the way you quietly slipped away from the group, or maybe it was something deeper—a feeling he couldn’t quite explain, like an invisible string pulling him after you. He had hesitated for a moment, glancing at Eli before deciding he needed to step outside.
“Hey, uh... is it okay if I step out for some air?” Spencer asked, trying to sound casual.
Eli’s eyes flickered toward the door, then back to him. “With Y/N?” they asked, their tone neutral, but it made Spencer catch his breath, suddenly nervous that Eli might get upset in front of everyone.
Spencer swallowed hard. “Is that... okay?” he asked tentatively, trying to gauge Eli’s reaction.
Eli’s face softened, a sweet smile forming as they nodded. “Yeah, Spencie! Go check on your friend.”
Relief washed over Spencer, though a small knot of confusion lingered. Eli’s sudden sweetness left him feeling a bit unsettled, but he didn’t question it. Instead, he gave a small smile in return before quietly making his way outside to join you.
As he stood next to you in the cool night air, the questions he had about Eli faded, replaced by an inexplicable need to be there with you, to share this quiet moment away from the chaos of the night.
You and Spencer remained side by side, chatting politely, both enjoying the quiet reprieve from the crowd inside. The cool night air felt refreshing, a stark contrast to the warm chaos of the dance floor.
“Are you, uh—still seeing that person from the other week?” Spencer asked awkwardly, his words stumbling out as he glanced at you.
You stiffened slightly at the mention of Shane, the wound still fresh, not something you wanted to discuss right now, especially not here. "No," you said simply, hoping to leave it at that.
Spencer shifted uncomfortably, his eyes darting away before he coughed. "Oh," he mumbled, then added, "I’m sorry. They’re an idiot."
You couldn’t help but smile, the warmth of his words cutting through some of the lingering pain. "Thank you," you said softly, genuinely appreciating his attempt to comfort you.
Spencer nodded, and when he finally looked at you, something in his expression changed. His eyes locked with yours, and for a brief moment, the world seemed to stand still. He realized in that instant that what he felt looking into your eyes—this connection, this spark—was stronger than anything he’d ever felt with Eli. Every moment he had shared with Eli over the course of their relationship paled in comparison to what he felt standing there with you now.
The realization hit him like a tidal wave, both exhilarating and terrifying. He wasn’t sure what to do with this feeling, and the fear of what it meant gripped him tightly. Spencer wasn’t ready to confront it, but in that moment, he knew something had shifted between the two of you. And that scared him more than anything.
The next time you saw him, Eli was by his side once again. The team was gathered to celebrate Aaron Hotchner’s birthday with a fancy dinner followed by a play, and the atmosphere was light, filled with laughter and easy conversation. The dinner had been delicious, and everyone was in high spirits as you all made your way to the theater, excitement buzzing in the air.
Finding your seats, you realized the universe must have been playing some sort of twisted joke. The numbers on your tickets had placed you directly next to Spencer. It seemed innocent enough—JJ was on your other side, and Eli sat beside Spencer—but the proximity between you two felt charged in a way that was hard to ignore.
The lights dimmed, and the show began, captivating the audience almost immediately. You focused on the performance, but you had no idea that Spencer's mind was far from the stage. Since the moment you walked into the restaurant tonight, Spencer’s mind had been a chaotic kaleidoscope of images of you. The way you looked, the way you moved, the sound of your laugh—it was overwhelming.
Sitting so close to you now, he felt a primal, almost feral need stirring inside him, something he'd never experienced so intensely before. It was beyond mere attraction; it was hunger. He could barely focus on the play as his thoughts drifted to you again and again.
Spencer’s chest tightened with guilt as his mind began slipping away from innocent thoughts. At first, his musings were harmless, but they quickly escalated to PG-13, and then further, to places he had never allowed himself to go before. He couldn’t shake it, this wild, uncontrollable pull toward you. He wanted to tear his thoughts away, but every fiber of his being was hyper-aware of your presence next to him.
It was horrible—he felt like he was betraying Eli, even though the thoughts stayed locked inside his own head. He clenched his fists, his knuckles turning white as he tried to suppress the desire building within him. He knew he shouldn’t be thinking about you like this, not when Eli was sitting right next to him. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t shake the intense attraction coursing through his body. The guilt gnawed at him, but the desire burned even stronger.
He felt trapped, stuck between the relationship he had and the undeniable draw he felt toward you. And in that dark theater, surrounded by his friends, Spencer’s thoughts were anything but innocent.
During intermission, Spencer excused himself, practically fleeing to the restroom. Once there, he splashed cold water on his face, hoping to wash away the guilty, indecent thoughts that had plagued him throughout the first half of the play. What the hell is wrong with me? he thought, staring at his reflection, trying to regain control of himself.
Meanwhile, you headed to the concession stand, grabbing a lemonade. It came with a straw, which you twirled absentmindedly as you made your way back to your seat. You settled in, sipping slowly as everyone found their spots again.
When Spencer returned and sat next to you, he tried to focus on anything but you—the play, Eli, anything—but his eyes kept drifting to your lips as you wrapped them around the straw, sipping your drink. The way you casually sipped, completely unaware of the effect you were having on him, made his throat dry.
You noticed his lingering gaze and raised an eyebrow, suppressing a small smile. "Want a sip?" you offered, holding the drink out toward him, your voice teasing but light.
Spencer hesitated for a second, knowing that accepting it would be a bad idea. But then again, what harm could one sip do? "Sure," he replied, his voice low, almost strained.
Instead of taking the cup from your hand, Spencer leaned over, resting his hand lightly on your thigh as he bent toward you. His touch sent a jolt of warmth through you, and your breath hitched as he brought his lips to the straw still clasped in your hand. He took a slow sip, his hand remaining firmly in place, his fingers brushing lightly against the fabric of your dress.
Your face flushed a deep crimson, the simple act of him drinking from the same straw suddenly charged with an intimacy you hadn’t anticipated. You glanced quickly at Eli, but they were preoccupied, furiously typing away on their phone, not even noticing what was happening between you and Spencer.
As the lights flickered, signaling the end of intermission, Spencer pulled back, the drink slipping from his lips, but his hand stayed where it was, resting warmly on your thigh. The lights dimmed once more, and the play resumed, but Spencer’s touch remained, grounding you in a way that made it impossible to focus on anything else.
Neither of you said a word, but the unspoken tension between you hung in the air, heavier than ever. You didn’t dare move, and neither did he. And as the minutes passed, you could feel the weight of that moment, the quiet acknowledgement that whatever was happening between you was more than just fleeting glances or stolen moments.
Spencer’s hand stayed on your thigh for the rest of the show, and you tried to rationalize it. It’s probably just the wine he had with dinner, you thought, convincing yourself he was just feeling a bit more friendly than usual. After all, the two of you had bonded that night at the club, and maybe this was just an extension of that. Still, the warmth of his hand lingered longer than it should have, sending ripples of confusion through you.
When the lights came back on and the play ended, you quickly stood, clapping in applause and efficiently removing Spencer’s hand from your leg. You didn’t want to dwell on it, but the moment left you feeling uneasy. As the theater cleared, the group gathered outside to say their goodbyes, but you found yourself avoiding Spencer’s gaze.
Leaning over to Penelope, you whispered, "I’m not feeling so great. I think I need to head out."
Concern flashed across her face, but she didn’t question you. "Of course, babe. Let’s go."
After wishing Aaron a happy birthday, you and Penelope left before you could make any eye contact with Spencer. Your thoughts raced as you hurried away, unsure why he had acted the way he did. You didn’t hate what had happened, and that made it worse. He has a partner, you reminded yourself, the guilt settling heavily in your chest.
Meanwhile, Spencer and Eli made their way home as well. The silence between them was thick with unspoken tension, but when they arrived, Eli wasted no time initiating an intimate night. Spencer let it happen, going through the motions as his mind drifted back to you. He felt a surge of guilt and self-loathing. As Eli’s hands moved over him, Spencer’s thoughts were filled with the image of you, your laughter, the feel of your thigh beneath his palm. It made him feel like a monster, like he was betraying not only Eli, but you as well.
But what Spencer didn’t realize was that he wasn’t the only one with someone else on his mind. As Eli kissed him, their thoughts weren’t on Spencer either. The unspoken fractures in their relationship were growing wider, with both of them secretly imagining someone else, locked in a cycle of unaddressed desires and unvoiced doubts.
It was October now, and Halloween was rapidly approaching—Spencer's favorite time of year and his absolute favorite holiday. The excitement had been building for weeks, and it was palpable. He loved everything about Halloween—the history, the traditions, and, of course, the chance to dress up and lose himself in the festive spirit.
But as the holiday approached, so did the Halloween party you and Penelope were throwing. The entire team had been invited, along with their partners and a few other friends. It was going to be a night full of fun, laughter, and celebration, and you couldn't wait to show everyone the apartment, which was fully decked out in spooky decorations. 
Though you were looking forward to the party, there was one thought that kept crossing your mind: Spencer. He’d be there, of course, with Eli by his side. It was hard to shake the feeling that no matter how much time had passed since that strange, tension-filled evening at the theater, you couldn’t stop thinking about him. The truth was, you knew you couldn’t have him—he was spoken for, and no matter what had happened or hadn’t happened, he was off-limits.
But that didn’t stop you from hoping your costume might catch his eye.
You’d spent extra time picking out the perfect outfit—something that was fun and playful, but with just enough edge to make an impression. Part of you wondered if he would notice, if he would look at you the way he had during the play. Even though you knew it was dangerous territory, the thought lingered in the back of your mind.
As you finished adjusting the final Halloween decorations, you glanced around the apartment, satisfied with how everything had turned out. The anticipation of the party and seeing everyone—especially Spencer—left a mix of excitement and nervousness brewing inside you.
One night, you thought. One night to celebrate, to have fun. Just let it be enough.
By the time people started arriving, your apartment had been fully transformed into a Halloween wonderland. The living room is draped in warm, spooky hues of purple and orange, with bats hanging from the ceiling and a wreath made of autumn leaves and tiny pumpkins framing the window. The couches are decorated with plush pillows and blankets, and a coffee table sits adorned with jack-o'-lanterns, flickering with eerie candlelight, surrounded by scattered fall leaves.
The hallway leading to the party area is wrapped in dark, twisting branches and shimmering orange lights, creating a haunting yet whimsical path. A skeleton sits at the dining table, illuminated by the warm glow of string lights that crisscross overhead, casting playful shadows along the walls.
Further in, an archway framed with grinning pumpkins welcomes guests into a dining area, bathed in the glow of purple lights. Jack-o'-lanterns of all shapes and sizes line the walls, giving the space a playful but eerie ambiance. It’s the kind of atmosphere that will make the party unforgettable, setting the perfect tone for the night.
You and Penelope stood by the door, greeting your guests as they entered your neon-lit, spooky apartment, handing out glowing necklaces as a fun touch to set the party's mood. Amid the excitement and stress of hosting, you nearly forgot that Spencer would be walking through that door any minute now. Your thoughts had been focused on making sure everything was perfect, greeting the steady stream of guests, and keeping the energy light and fun.
Just as you were handing another glowing necklace to a guest, the front door burst open, and in strolled Derek, as confident as ever, with Emily on one arm and JJ on the other. Emily looked striking in her sleek Morticia Addams costume, with her sharp features highlighted by her dark makeup, and JJ exuded playful fierceness in her Kill Bill-inspired outfit. Penelope, as usual, was a burst of color and creativity in her neon-pink, revealing Alice in Wonderland-esc cat costume.
Derek, dressed as a dashing fighter pilot, took one look at you and Penelope, his eyes wide with exaggerated awe. “Wow! My god, you gorgeous ladies are gonna give me a heart attack!” he playfully swooned, placing a hand dramatically over his chest. 
Penelope grinned, striking a pose next to you, her Cheshire cat grin almost matching the one she had painted on her face. "Careful, Morgan. You might need to be resuscitated."
You couldn’t help but laugh at the exchange, but your heart fluttered slightly as you realized that any moment, Spencer would be walking in, and you wondered what he would think when he saw you in your costume.
The whole team had arrived about 20 minutes ago, with everyone dressed to impress, save for Spencer. You couldn’t help but worry he wasn’t going to come, despite his excitement about Halloween. You tried to stay positive, especially since everyone else seemed to be in good spirits. Even Hotch and Rossi had put in some effort, dressing up as Men in Black, though it was hardly a stretch from their usual look—very creative you thought with a smirk.
The party had started in full swing, laughter and music filling the room, but you couldn’t shake the slight disappointment. What if he doesn’t show?
Then, suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Without thinking, you crossed the room and swung it open, your jaw practically hitting the floor when you saw who was standing on the other side.
There, in all his unnervingly handsome glory, was Spencer—no Eli in sight. He was dressed as Patrick Bateman from American Psycho, complete with a suit, raincoat, and an ax slung over his shoulder. His normally disheveled hair was slicked back, and the blood splatter across his face made him look dangerously alluring. You could feel your heart stutter in your chest.
You stood there with your hand still on the door, staring at him for far too long to be socially acceptable. But Spencer wasn’t faring much better. His eyes had widened when he saw you in your Ghostface costume—though this was your take of the infamous killer, your fitted corset and thigh-high slit showing more than enough to leave Spencer speechless.
His lips parted slightly, the two of you caught in an awkward, electrifying silence. Neither of you moved or spoke, both seemingly frozen in the moment. You tried to find something to say, but your brain refused to cooperate. He looked breathtaking, and from the look in his eyes, you were certain he thought the same about you.
"Uh… wow," Spencer finally managed, his voice low, almost reverent.
You blinked, snapping out of your trance and feeling your cheeks heat up. "Spencer… you… look…" You trailed off, biting your lip as your eyes roamed over his form again.
"Yeah," he murmured, his gaze dropping to your costume. "You too." He cleared his throat, shifting awkwardly but never taking his eyes off you.
You stepped aside, finally remembering your manners. "Come in," you said, your voice breathless.
As he walked past you, your heart fluttered wildly in your chest. Tonight was going to be interesting.
“Boy wonder!” Penelope squealed as she caught sight of Spencer walking into the party. Her arms flung open dramatically before pulling him into a big squeeze. 
"Hey, Pen, great party!" Spencer laughed, his voice warm as he returned her embrace.
JJ approached, tilting her head curiously. "Where’s Eli?"
Spencer didn’t seem fazed by the question as he shrugged casually. "Oh, their friend is having a party tonight too. They might stop by later, but I wouldn’t count on it," he replied with a small laugh, seemingly unbothered by Eli’s absence.
Derek, being a sharp observer of Spencer’s moods, raised an eyebrow. “...And you’re cool with this?”
Spencer just smiled brightly, brushing it off with a light chuckle. “Yup! We don’t have to do everything together.” He laughed again, the sound easygoing and relaxed.
Everyone seemed to accept his answer, nodding along before the party really began to kick into gear. Laughter and conversation flowed easily around the room, the energy of the Halloween festivities keeping everyone entertained.
But despite the natural rhythm of the night, you couldn’t quite shake the nagging feeling in the back of your mind. Something about Spencer seemed off—not in a bad way, but different. He seemed almost too happy that Eli hadn’t joined him. There was something about his energy, a lightness that hadn’t been there before, and the more you watched him throughout the evening, the more you wondered what was really going on beneath that bright smile of his.
You were in the kitchen, pouring yourself a drink, when the sound of footsteps behind you caught your attention. Without hesitation, you glanced over your shoulder and saw Spencer standing there. Instinctively, you turned to face him, not wanting to give him the chance to sneak up on you.
"Hello, Spencer," you greeted with a warm smile, trying to mask the sudden nervous energy that surged through you.
"Y/N," he nodded, stepping a little closer. "You know, maybe we should team up. Might make things easier," he added with a smirk, his costume and demeanor making him look every bit the psycho he was dressed as. The sight of him like that sent your heart racing, and to your dismay, you found yourself stuttering.
"Wh–what? You, an–an–me?"
Spencer just laughed, the sound low and amused. "Ghostface and Patrick Bateman? We’d make quite the team."
You chuckled nervously, trying to shake off the butterflies in your stomach. "Oh, hah, yeah, you’re right. So, um, who’s our first victim?" you asked, playing along with the joke.
Spencer rubbed his chin, pretending to be deep in thought. "Hmm… I’d say we start with the Men in Black. Take out the authority first."
You couldn’t help it—the laugh that erupted from you was genuine and loud, a real cackle that caught you off guard. You quickly covered your mouth, embarrassed by how loud it was.
But before you could fully hide, Spencer reached out and gently grabbed your wrist, lowering your hand. "Don’t cover up," he said softly, his eyes locking with yours. "I like your laugh."
His touch sent a warm shiver down your spine, and for a moment, the playful atmosphere shifted into something heavier, something unspoken hanging between you both. You smiled, the blush creeping up your cheeks, unsure of how to respond to the sudden intimacy.
"Thanks," you murmured, your heart thudding in your chest, the moment feeling far more charged than a simple Halloween joke should have been.
You cleared your throat, turning back to focus on your drink, trying to regain some semblance of composure. "So, um, how do we take them out?" you asked, trying to keep the conversation light and playful.
Spencer tapped his chin in mock thought before flashing you a mischievous smirk. "Let's make it a game," he said, his voice low, adding to the playful tension between you. "We have to turn off their glowing necklaces without them noticing. If you’re successful, you get a point. Most points by the end of the night wins."
You grinned at the idea, nodding in agreement. "Alright, you’re on."
And just like that, the game began. You and Spencer spent the rest of the evening sneaking around the party, laughing and conspiring together like mischievous children. You’d catch each other’s eye from across the room, silently plotting, and then spring into action, working to stealthily turn off people’s glowing necklaces without them noticing.
Every time one of you was successful, you’d stifle giggles, slipping back into the crowd with a triumphant grin. The whole dynamic between you and Spencer had shifted into something new—something light, fun, and undeniably flirtatious. Your shared laughter echoed through the room, drawing the attention of the other guests.
It didn’t take long for people to notice the change. Derek raised an eyebrow at the two of you, watching as you and Spencer darted around with smiles and whispered jokes. JJ and Emily exchanged knowing glances, clearly curious about this unexpected shift in your relationship. Even Penelope caught on, throwing you a sly look that said she’d definitely be asking you about this later.
Everyone seemed to be wondering the same thing: Since when did these two get along so well?
But you didn’t care. For the first time in a long while, you were having fun—real fun—with Spencer. And, despite the attention from everyone else, you weren’t ready for it to stop.
As the night wrapped up, the energy was still buzzing. Everyone had enjoyed themselves, and the party had been a huge success. You felt a sense of pride as you waved goodbye to your guests, making sure everyone had a designated driver or had called a cab. Once the last person had left, you closed the door, feeling the peaceful silence settle in.
But the quiet didn’t last long.
Penelope wasted no time, immediately bombarding you with questions, her eyes wide with curiosity. "Okay, spill! What was that? You and Boy Wonder sneaking around, giggling like a couple of high schoolers? Since when are you and Spencer all… flirty?!"
You laughed, still riding the high of the evening, but you could see the concern in Penelope’s eyes. She leaned in closer, her expression softening as she lowered her voice. "Look, I loved seeing you have fun tonight. It’s been a while since I’ve seen you smile like that," she admitted, "but I just want you to be careful. Spencer and Eli seem very happy together, and I don’t want you getting hurt."
You hesitated, knowing she was right. "I know, Pen," you sighed. "It’s just… it was harmless fun, you know? Nothing serious."
Penelope gave you a look, the one that said she wasn’t buying it. "I just don’t want you caught up in something messy," she said softly. "You deserve someone who’s all in, not someone who’s already got someone else."
You nodded, appreciating her concern, but at the same time, you couldn’t shake the way Spencer had looked at you tonight, the way you’d both laughed together like nothing else mattered.
Meanwhile, Spencer drove home in silence, not having had a single drink all night. His mind was still racing from the party, the memories of sneaking around with you and laughing filling his head. The evening had been… unexpected. He couldn’t deny that he’d had fun, maybe more fun than he’d had in a while.
When he pulled into the parking garage, he noticed Eli’s car wasn’t there. He assumed they were still out, maybe spending the night at their friend’s place. It wasn’t unusual for Eli to stay out late when they were with friends, and Spencer didn’t give it much thought as he unlocked the front door and walked inside.
He moved through the apartment quietly, heading down the hall to the bedroom. But what he didn’t expect—what stopped him dead in his tracks—was the sight that greeted him when he opened the bedroom door.
There, in his bed, was Eli. And they weren’t alone.
It took a moment for Spencer’s brain to register what he was seeing, but when it did, the shock hit him like a tidal wave. The person with Eli—the one tangled up in the sheets, very clearly entwined with his partner—was none other than Shane, the same person who had taken you on a date.
His heart pounded in his chest as the weight of the betrayal sank in, the scene before him twisting his stomach into knots.
Shane looked up at the sound of the door opening, pulling away from Eli and quickly covering both of them with the blankets, their face contorting into a mix of shock and confusion.
“What the hell?” Shane yelled, voice panicked.
That finally snapped Spencer out of his state of shock. “What the hell? What the hell! Get out of my fucking bed!” he screamed, his voice cracking with raw emotion.
“Your bed?” Shane’s face instantly fell, their eyes darting to Eli, whose expression was now cold, almost indifferent. “Are you married?” Shane asked, their voice trembling with fear and disbelief.
Eli scoffed, pushing themselves out of bed, making no effort to cover up. “No,” they said with a lazy shrug, “this is Spencer.”
“And who is Spencer?” Shane asked, sounding utterly heartbroken.
Spencer’s voice trembled with emotion as he stood frozen in the doorway, tears welling up in his eyes. “Yeah, Eli... who is Spencer?”
Eli rolled their eyes, casually pulling on a robe, unfazed by the entire situation. “My partner,” they said dismissively, as if it meant nothing.
“What?” Shane cried out, turning to Spencer, tears streaming down their face. “I am so sorry, I had no idea. We—we’ve been seeing each other for weeks.” Shane’s voice cracked with guilt and devastation.
Spencer felt like he should have been more hurt by the revelation, but the truth was, Shane’s emotional investment was far greater than his own. He saw now why Eli had been so suddenly attentive and kind—there had been someone else.
“It’s—it’s fine,” Spencer muttered, running a shaky hand through his hair, trying to keep it together. “I’ll, um, I’ll stay somewhere else tonight. Eli, let’s talk later, okay?”
Eli just nodded, entirely unaffected. “Cool.”
With that, Spencer grabbed a few things and left the apartment, feeling numb and hollow.
Back at your place, you and Penelope were still sitting on the couch, talking about the party, when there was a sudden knock at the door. You exchanged a curious look, not expecting anyone else to stop by at this hour.
Penelope shot up, tiptoeing over to the door and peeking through the peephole. She gasped loudly before rushing back to you, whispering in a hurried panic, “It’s Spencer!” And then, without any warning, she dashed off to her bedroom, the unmistakable sound of the door locking echoing through the apartment.
You let out a long sigh, standing up and making your way over to the door, wondering what could have brought Spencer here so late. You expected him to say he’d forgotten his phone or maybe just needed something small.
But when you opened the door, Spencer didn’t say a word.
He didn’t ask for anything, didn’t explain himself. Instead, he stepped forward, his eyes heavy with emotion, and before you could even react, he reached out, grabbing your face gently but with a sense of urgency. Then, without hesitation, Spencer pressed his lips to yours in a kiss that was both desperate and full of longing.
The world seemed to stop in that moment, your heart pounding as the warmth of his lips consumed you, every thought and question vanishing into the kiss.
tag list <333 @dirtytissuebox @yokaimoon @khxna @noelliece @dreamsarebig @sleepey-looney @cocobean16 @placidus @criminalmindssworld @lilu842 @greatoperawombategg @charismatic-writer @fxoxo @hearts4spensco @furrybouquettrash @kathrynlakestone @chaneladdicted @time-himself @mentallyunwellsposts @sapph1re @idefktbh17 @gilwm @reggieswriter @loumouse @spencerreidsreads @i-live-in-spite @fanfic-viewer @bootylovers44 @atheniandrinkscoffee @niktwazny303 @dead-universe @hbwrelic @kniselle @cynbx @danielle143
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youunravelme · 7 months
okay but how does mat propose??? (like a pt. 2 follow up to the wedding cake fic)
omg omg omg a proposal request!! let it be known, i have never been engaged, BUT all my friends got engaged/married last year so i think i'm uniquely qualified (edit: this was started in 2023, you know, when this request was sent. once again, my b). (though this might just turn into my dream proposal bc i'm in love with him).
for those of you who wanna check the part 1 of the wedding cake fic, here it is!
another edit: i wrote this to distract myself from my absolute disdain at scott mayfield.
carry on.
his hands were sweating all day.
which was weird, considering it was february.
but it wasn't weird, given what he had planned. he didn't know if he wanted to scream or throw up. the idea of you becoming his wife surely made him giddy, but it was soured with the slight chance that you might say no. he was supposed to propose before the season started up again, but he was plagued with anxious thoughts.
it's not the right time.
i'm not ready yet.
or the worst one: i don't think i'm that serious about you.
which, in hindsight, wouldn't make sense considering you were already living together and have been for quite some time. you wore his jersey to games, you had conversations about starting a family, you texted his mom and sister more than he did. there was no reason for you to say no.
after he chickened out back in september, mat's new plan was to wait until the bye week to propose. he was going to take you on a vacation to conil de la frontera, spain. he had everything booked and ready.
but then he was drafted for the 2024 all star games.
he could see it in your eyes, you were ecstatic for him to be recognized, but when you took a week and a half off of work, you were planning on packing your bathing suit, not taking a short flight to toronto.
you bore the slight disappointment well, smiling and kissing him and hugging him tightly when he got the news. he beamed when he saw you post about it on your instagram.
he couldn't wait any longer to ask you. your reaction to a change in your vacation plans from something warm to canada in the winter solidified what he was anxious about for months.
you loved him, there as no doubt about it.
you were the most selfless human being he knew.
his teammates had been crucial in the planning process, well, at least their wives were. bo, marty, anders, brock, and clutterbuck had been chirping him since the start of the season when they noticed that your left hand was still devoid of a ring.
"what're you waiting for, barzy?" bo asked after a practice one day. "you found a good one, she'd probably wait forever for you, but why're you making her wait?"
mat shrugged at the time, too embarrassed to admit that despite being one of the best players in the league and having millions to his name, he was terrified that it still wouldn't be enough for you. not that you'd ever demanded more from him, you'd taken him as he was and cheered for him even when he was having the shittiest time of his life.
he could give you the moon and still wouldn't feel like it was enough.
so when mat finally told his teammates about his plan in toronto, they immediately communicated to the wives who were closest to you. sydney, grace, and holly took you out to get your nails done while marty, anders, bo, and mat started researching the most romantic places in toronto on anders' laptop just in case you spontaneously went through mat's search history.
the day was planned, the photographer and necessary tickets were booked, he'd propose at the evergreen brick works after texting auston matthews about cool places to visit while he was in town, (he had to clarify that he didn't care about cool bars, and was looking to bring you along).
you'd been talking nonstop on the plane ride to toronto that you didn't even notice mat was quietly stewing. everything had to be perfect.
it was the very least that you deserved.
the first day in toronto, both of you explored the city by going to coffee shops and restaurants recommended by players and their significant others. when you made it back to your hotel room, your feet were aching.
you fell face first into the bed, whining into the comforter. "my feet hurt," you groaned.
mat laughed from his position leaning against the wall. "i told you to wear better shoes," he said.
"i didn't anticipate you dragging me all over toronto today."
"well, that's what we'll be doing tomorrow too, so prepare yourself."
"mat," you whined, finally flipping over so he could see your pretty face again. you had a cute pout on your lips that he wanted to kiss away. "we're on vacation."
"and you've never been in this city before, you should get to see it." he walked over to where you were and grabbed your hands. "c'mon, let's go take a bath and then we can order room service and spend the rest of the night in bed."
you were quick to agree.
the following day was pretty mundane. but wednesday was the cause of mat's stress.
his phone lit up with texts from his teammates, his parents, liana, tito, and ethan, all wishing him a good luck. the two of you woke up early enough to go to a local cafe and grab breakfast before taking the bus to evergreen brick work.
"you okay?" you asked, placing your hand on his knee to keep it from bouncing anymore.
he thanked whatever possessed him to keep the ring box in his coat pocket on the side that wasn't pressed up against you.
"yeah," he smiled. "just ready to get there."
when the two of you hopped off the bus, you slid your hand into his almost immediately. out of habit, mat tucked you into his side, happy to just have you close. it was a little cold outside, but it was like he couldn't feel it because of your proximity.
"mat!" you tugged on his arm and pointed at one of the signs. "they have ice skating here!" you grinned widely up at him and he couldn't help but smile right back. "we should go!"
"we will," he said. "i wanna do this trail first."
you looked at him funny. "you wanna go on a walk?"
he shrugged, tearing his eyes away from you to focus on the signs in front of him. "auston suggested this place."
"you're asking for a lot of suggestions from auston. it's unlike you..."
"there's no need to be suspcious, babe. i know that you wanted to be in a tropical place for vacation, that was the plan and everything, but since we're here, thought we'd make the most of it."
you scrutinized his face for a moment longer before nodding and pulling yourself closer to him.
after you secured another hot coffee to combat the cold, mat started leading you on the trail. while you were ordering, he was coordinating with the photographer to make sure she was in position.
the trail itself wasn't that long, thankfully because mat couldn't get a word out and if it was any longer, he feared you would've caught on that he was incapable of speaking.
you were still talking about work drama when you got to the lookout point. your voice was taken away by the sight of toronto in the background.
you hadn't always been the most observant person ever, you didn't even know he liked you until he told you verbatim when he couldn't take it anymore.
"oh my god, mat," you gasped. you pointed at the skyline in front of you with the hand that wasn't holding your coffee. "look how pretty it is!"
he swallowed and knelt down on one knee while your back was turned. mat took the ring box out of his jacket pocket, doing his best not to drop it despite how much his hands were shaking.
"have you ever seen anything that--" you whipped back around to look for him. he watched as confusion filled your face when you didn't see him standing behind you, but kneeling in front of you.
"oh my god," you whispered, dropping your coffee on the ground so you could cover your mouth with both hands. "mat what--"
"i love you," he said. "i love the way you squeal at every cute baby that comes across your for you page or the way you cry at the drop of a hat. i love how you celebrate everyone around you. you are the brightest thing in my life and if i quit my job tomorrow, i know my life would still be fucking amazing because i'd have you.
"i know that my schedule is hectic, and you could probably find a man better than me, who was more consistent, who wasn't going to play games or have practices on your birthday, who could take you out of the country for a vacation to somewhere warm instead of dragging you with me to an all star game. but i promise you, i will do whatever it takes to give you the best life possible if you'd let me. i wanna grow old and crinkly with you, i want our kids to have the same last name as both of us. i want to be able to point you out in crowds and tell strangers that i somehow managed to convince you to marry me.
"i have never been more terrified in my life than i am right now," he admitted. "but i have never been more certain of anything i want more in my life than you. so will you have me? will you marry me?"
in the middle of his speech, mat didn't realize when he'd started crying, didn't even notice that you were all but sobbing. he just recognized the scent of your perfume when you lunged towards him and kissed him hard on the mouth, your tears mixing with his.
"yes," you mumbled into his mouth. "oh my god, yes."
mat let out a watery laugh and managed to slip the ring on your finger even though his hands were shaking. you pulled him up to stand and immediately wrapped your arms around his neck to pull him close.
you were sniffling as he pulled you in for another kiss.
"i love you,' he whispered against your lips.
"love you more," you smiled back.
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tastesousweet · 8 months
⭒ the girl with the tattoo (v) - pt 1 pt 2 p3 p4
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matt sturniolo x fem!oc / reader
summary : y/n and matt don't have to like each other to continue this thing of theirs, right?
warnings : implications of sex, alcohol, mention of weed, ???
mickey speaks : THANK U FOR THE LOVE ON THIS SERIES!!! sorry if this part feels shorter than the usual !! things get cute in next few parts...
"SHE'S sick again?" remi asks, scooting herself further into the booth.
"yeah, i think it's her sinuses or something. she seemed pretty bummed about staying home, i feel awful." andrea pouts while glancing at the menu.
"she's the only person to ever be sick this often in june," remi giggles.
"we should order something to-go for her then. maybe soup?" erin suggests.
"that sounds nice, i'll text her- hopefully she's awake."
"i can't keep telling my friends i'm sick." you huff as you walk back into your room to find matt redressing.
"why not?" his voice is muffled through his shirt as he tugs it over his head, leaving his hair ruffled.
you lay yourself on your bed lazily, "because they're smart enough to stop believing me soon."
"and why can't they just mind their business?" he looks over to you before reaching down to adjust the white shoes on his feet.
you stretch an arm out to grab your phone from your side table, mumbling, "you must not have friends who worry for you.”
he shakes his head then sighs, “sure, my friends care about me, but they also know when to leave me the fuck alone.”
“right, and my friends know me well enough to know i’m never asking to be left alone.” your comment comes out with more sass than you intended but you know he doesn't understand (or care to understand) your friendships enough to comment on them. then again, you were the one who brought this up in the first place.
"mmm...right. forgot you're just a little insane," he tsks, looking into your mirror and adjusting his shirt some more.
"shut up, matt," you continue staring at your phone, though it's only open to your home screen because you're far more engaged in the conversation than anything your phone could give you. "okay actually, what should i dooo?" you whine.
"i sure as hell won't know?!" his face twists up as he turns to look at you, "you're a smart girl, i'm sure you can figure it out."
you roll your eyes, "'kay... well maybe i've picked up a hobby...like, i dont know, painting! and i just really enjoy painting all alone, 'cause it helps me...focus?"
matt sarcastically laughs through his words, “you’re weird as shit,” he throws your plush throw blanket (that fell on the floor when you pushed matt on your bed just an hour ago) at you. “alright, i’m headin’ out.”
you don’t even give him a second look, “bye.”
a few cheers of “ayy” and “look who made it” echo out from across the small alley as matt tucks his keys in his front pocket.
he looks over to see chris excitedly pointing at him with an arm hooked on nathan’s neck and another close friend, elijah, sitting on an oversized couch with a smile.
matt chuckles under his breath and walks closer to them, taking in the rowdy and neoned atmosphere of this downtown bowling alley. “what’s good?” he greets his group of friends.
“what’s good with you?” nathan counters with a grin as he moves to dap up matt.
matt shrugs into the handshake as eli begins to speak and stand up, “yeah, where the fuck are you comin' from?”
“home. don’t worry about it,” matt defends as his tongue guides over his hidden smile with a loose shrug of a shoulder.
“nooo! just say it how it is, matt,” chris says through a bite of nachos, “you slept in late and forgot about boys night, big fucking deal. you’re here now!” he throws his hands up before letting them fall to his sides dramatically.
matt slowly nods his head in sarcastic agreement as he faces his friends, "he's right."
he almost wants to laugh at the fact that chris actually believed his fake-sleeping enough to let him off the hook for "forgetting" their group hangout.
cameron wanders over to the group after taking his turn bowling, “‘kay, nate it’s your turn.” he then quips his chin up with a sudden grin, "hey, matt! about time you showed."
"better late than never," he breathes before joking, "you know i had to let you guys get at least a round in before i got here to start dominating."
“the word choice is a bit insane,” nick exaggerates as he approaches with arms full of bottled water and soda cans, "how about you go get your fucking shoes before you make that kind of claim." he moves around matt to place drinks on the coffee table (decorated with various bowling ball and pin themed clutter that made nick way to happy when first seeing it).
elijah places a hand on matt's shoulder, "i'll come with you, matt."
"sick baby, i'm home nowww!" andrea yells from the front door.
you mentally gather yourself to continue your deception. you add weight to your eyelids, purposely making them droop and make your voice extra scratchy, as if you'd only just awoken.
andrea's at your door quickly, only tapping it slightly open, not wanting to blind you with the harsh yellowed lighting of the hallway. "hi, you up?"
you tussle under your comforter and give a small nod, "mhm."
"do you think you're like, contagious? i have your soup here and really wanna tell you some shit about tonight." she smiles warmly.
"no you're fine. please come in, i've been all alone and bored as hell," you rub your eye softly for effect.
you feel pretty guilty about this whole thing but you aren't hiding anything tragic from her. and this "illness" hasn't ruined that many hangouts...only the one's that happen to fall on days matt texts you.
"i hate to see my favorite bitch down like this, this soup better make you feel better immediately." she sighs as she comes into your room, noisy plastic bag in hand.
"i know," you lift yourself to sit up against your headboard as she sits next to you, "think i should be all better soon. i can't miss another shift at the bakery."
you were never missing work for matt, but to cover your ass you did miss a day or two of work to show your friends just how "sick" you were. if you were sick enough to stay home from work you surely were sick enough to avoid a girls night or two. but you guess it technically does come down to matt...unfortunately.
"yeah, i'm sure mr. houffman will lose it of you call off again," she giggles, sifting through the bag for your soup and silverware.
barely a week later and you're feeling the best you have in a while, with the guilt of pretending to be sick no longer following you.
it's the fourth of july so there was absolutely no way you'd be continuing that act. you weren't missing out on a holiday with as many parties as this one.
and when chris asked andrea to get the girls to come party hop for the night, you told her yes immediately.
you're currently sat atop a random kitchen counter as nick moves around to make a concoction cocktail for you. you lean back on your hands to watch as he uses a knife to slice a small lime as garnish. "wow you really have an eye for this shit, nick," you laugh at his focused stare (he tries to compensate for any drinks he's had so far, not wanting to slice a finger off).
"i guess i'm just a natural!" he exclaims as he places the lime on the rim of the plastic cups, "okay, one for you," you take it from him, "and one for me." he grins at you.
"cheers!" you motion your drink towards him and he echoes you before you both take large sips.
your eyes pinch before they grow wide, "...why's it actually...good?" you laugh.
"you bitch! you thought i'd give you a shitty drink?!" he giggles and goes for another sip of his own.
"it's not that-"
you're cut off by matt's voice, "alright, time to dip. everyone's sayin' this place is really weird."
you both look over at him with his mellow attitude and perfectly organized outfit (so that he'd 'have all the colors but not look like a walking american flag'). "what? this place has been a good time so far! right, nick?"
"suppperrrr fun. maybe it's a you problem, matt." he jokes.
"come on, chris is the one who sent me to get you two. you know i would've left you both a few houses back." he teases.
you slide off of the counter easily, "okaaay," you look into his eyes and pat his chest twice mumbling, "someone needs a smoke break," before walking off in search of the door.
"wait y/n!" nick grabs a few sealed jello shots from an ice bucket nearby before rushing after you.
though he doesn't catch up to you before matt does, grabbing your hand, "you don't even know where the fuck you're going."
you breathe out defeated, "i'm sure i could've figured it out. i don't need you bossing me around."
matt pouts with squinted eyes and his head tilted, "sure."
nick comes up to you, continuing to stuff the shots into his jort pockets, "do these shorts make my ass look fat?" he turns to show you his side profile (already giggling before the punchline of his joke lands) that showcases the multiple items shoved into his back pockets and protrude out in awkward shapes.
you and nick both fall into a laughing fit and matt only ghosts a smile at his brother's stupidity before tugging your hand towards an exit. "wait! here, hold this please," you hand your drink to matt and reach your hand out for nick's. when he takes your hand willingly you raise your conjoined hands with a smile, "aw, we're like a little train!"
nick adds to the joke by pretending to be a conductor, exclaiming all the cliche lines he knows to make you laugh.
matt finally pushes a front door open, the warm summer air finally surrounding you once more. the rest of the group chatter along the sidewalk across the street. "my friends!" nick yells.
the three of you make your way down the wooden stairs (that seem to be steeper when going down than they were to walk up), and once you're in the grass your hand drops from matts's as nick drags you across the street quickly to crash into your friends.
remi's face is annoyed and confused at first but changes immediately when she recognizes your face. she throws her arms around you for a hug, "y/n! you were found!" you laugh into her neck as she sways back and forth.
"okay guys i'm thinking we hit up the place that the end of this block, right there. they've got some crazy lights goin' on so it should be fun." chris points in the direction and looks to the group for opinions.
"yeah! let's do it!" nate encourages.
the group begin to walk down the sidewalk (and slightly into the grass) lined with miniature american flags and past the many houses full of people and decorated with fairy lights and expensive garland.
naturally, everyone gravitates into cliques due to the amount of small conversations happening at once.
"that's unreal!" erin adds while hanging her arm on your shoulder, as you both listen to remi's dramatic retelling of some guy's awful flirting with her.
"i''m so over these trash ass men," remi shakes her head.
"tell me about it," erin sighs, rolling her eyes.
just as you begin to add your own opinion, matt taps your shoulder. he seems to always find a way to interrupt you. you glance behind you and see him holding your cocktail from earlier up.
"oh thanks, i forgot you had that," erin leans off of you to give you space to turn around and grab it.
though her eyes linger on matt for a second too long causing him to send her a smile and raise his eyebrows slightly in awkward question.
you feel the tension bite at the air around you and in hopes of escaping it, you turn back around and prompt remi with a new topic to discuss.
only, now you miss when erin gives matt a second glance back- and this time she offers a gentle wave and smile to him, in truce.
after a few more stops at parties (you all got a little greedy about the free drinks and food which brought three extra "one more"s before deciding to cut it off), you all head to a nearby park to end the night with a firework show.
it was surprisingly well organized, with blankets already laid out around the large grassy area so that anyone could sit and watch whether they'd planned to or not.
the night has started to get the slightest bit cooler which was much needed after such an eventful three hours, leaving everyone exhausted in their comfortable spots; chris resting his head against andrea's full thighs, you next to her with your legs sprawled and arms extended behind you, nick and nathan both sat with their legs crossed, admiring the bright fireworks despite nick's flinching every-so-often.
the blanket next to you hosts erin, remi, matt, and cameron. all laying out as they laugh and talk, which you assume comes from a combination of the edibles they'd all taken at one of the parties and remi's addictingly outgoing nature that can force anyone to want to talk to her.
the booming fireworks go on for another twenty minutes before dying down and leaving the crowd in the dark, smokey air.
as you adjust to standing and take out your phone to use as a makeshift flashlight, you read the most recent of your many notifcations:
MATT - 12:36 AM
you down to paint after this???
you bite at your freshly chapped bottom lip before looking over to matt, who's currently using his hands obnoxiously to explain something he's clearly passionate about to cameron.
you sliently sigh before replying:
YOU -12:47 AM
꩜⋆ ˚。⋆🎱˚
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@rootbeerworshiper @deadxrx @breeloveschris @saintsturn @honestlybabymiracle @hearts4chris @starrysturniolo @blissfulbellss @aoxash
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harrysmimi · 1 year
After Show
Synopsis: Harry and YN finds some alone time after one of his shows to catch up
CW: Smut
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One thing YN was so grateful for were the opportunities she gets to travel now more freely.
It gave her a weird ich, even to think about going to a different country alone. Especially when her family doesn't really seem to care about her existence. She feared for her safety because apparently we still live in a world where no one, especially women can't walk alone.
So, when Harry offers to accompany her, she'd now learnt to taked up the offer. Of course only if she can afford the trip, as she doesn't like to rely on him for anything. She's also gotten more confident traveling alone. She'd learnt to get out of her comfort zone and actually talk to people other than just asking for their coffee orders and serve them.
That also gave her a sense of acceptance about herself as she found people who went through, or are going through similar life situations as hers. Yeah, she loves her friends, Alec and Brielle, she would never trade them for anyone else. But it's nice to make mew acquaintances.
Today, she was going to see Harry after a long time. She had unfortunately missed his birthday this year as her family was nice enough to drag her along with them to their relatives' wedding. It was two week affair. And she hadn't seen him since the after new year's.
She saw him at his concert venue directly, with her luggage bag in hand. He had just gotten off doing the soundcheck. He was surprised because he was supposed to meet her back at his (their!) hotel room, her flight was supposed to be delayed which didn't happened and she got to see him early. Least to say he attacked with a bear hug, as she ran towards him and with her limbs wrapped around him.
"I missed you so much!" She mumbled, her face resting in the gap between his neck and her arm.
"I missed you so much too baby!" He scoffed happily, holding onto her tightly so she doesn't fall straight on her butt. She wouldn't let go. Honestly, he doesn't want her to either. "You good?"
"Mhmm." She nodded, and jumped back on her own two feet. Her arms slipped to wrap around his torso as she looked up at him. "Better now. With you."
"Oh my god, you need to stop flirting with me. I'm engaged for god's sake!" He rolled his eyes jokingly.
"I miss you too much when you're gone!" She snuggle her face into fabric of his hoodie. Harry sighed, slipping his fingers through her hair he massaged her scalp gently.
"I miss you too baby." He whispered, "just a month and we'll be getting and off to our honeymoon, then I'm all yours! For now let's go to my green room." He dragged her and her luggage along with him back stage to his green room. "want a cuppa baby?"
"Sure!" She nodded and looked around his room. The sofa was different but the pillows were same, his humidifier, clothes box, his own suit case with regular clothes. It was felt like him and it felt like home to her. "It's cold here, isn't it?"
"Yeah, a little. The AC's on." He said, "don't feel it while I'm performing though."
"Thank you!" She took the cup of tea he gave her and sat next to her.
"How was your flight?" He asked, his hand rested on her thigh as he scooted closer to her.
"It was fine." YN nodded. "I have to tell you something though!" She placed the hot cup of tea to the side.
"What is it, baby?"
"You remember we talked about trying for a baby, right?" She started off, "well, ummm... I talked to my gynaecologist and my physician, I can get off birth control and we can see from there. They have to change up few of my medications like the painkillers I take for my arthritis and start with prenatal vitamins."
"You sure that's fine with you, baby?" He asked, "changing up the medications and all? I know they'll have to cut off a few things which help you, I don't want you in pain all throughout that time. Being pregnant is hard as it is."
"I don't know." She shrugged, "I have never been pregnant before. But we can see."
"Only if you're so sure about it." He sighed not knowing what to say further, "or we have other options we can opt for always."
"Don't be upset, love!" He sighed, "I said we have other options only if it doesn't work put of us, okay? I just want to make sure you're fine."
"I am." She assured him.
"Okay." He smiled and placed a tender kiss on her cheek, holding her close to him, "would you like to practice baby making after the show then?"
"I would love to!" She chuckled, giving him a kiss on his mouth. Harry pulled her in before she could try to retrieve, buttoning his mouth back on hers. His hand wandered down to her hips back up inside her shirt rather quickly. "Harry, not here please." She managed to speak up, "anyone can walk in on us."
"Yeah, I'm sorry." He sighed, "just missed you so much!"
"I missed you too." She cooed.
They both cuddled for next two hours till he had to get ready for the show, having a nice baby talk. YN fell asleep there.
"Hey baby, do you wanna wake up?" He gave her arm a soft squeeze.
"Hmm?" YN wome up confused.
"Do you want to wake up? I'm about to go on stage in a bit." He shared.
"How long did I sleep for?" She sighed feeling groggy from being woken up from deep sleep.
"A couple of hours."
"Oh, I'm sorry." She sat up, "and yes I'm up now. Want to see you perform."
"Yeah?" He smiled, "well, I have twenty minutes if you want to change to freshen up or something?"
"Yeah, I need to pee. Where is the toilet?"
"The left door." Be pointed behind him. "Wait!" He pulled her back to steal a quick kiss. "Chop-chop baby love." He smack her bum but recieved one right after. "Ouch!"
"Yeah, ouch!" She yawned walking to the bathroom.
"Last kiss and I'll be out!" Harry promised as he stole another kiss from his missus.
"Harry, stop hogging your missus you need to be on the stage, now!" Tom yelled at him.
"Yes!" Harry yelled back. "Stay safe, okay?"
"I will." She nodded, "go break a bone!"
He felt another smack on his butt. "You're gonna pay for it." He challenged her before he was ready to run out.
"Sure." She rolled her eyes and made her way to the little VIP area by the stage where a few of Harry's industry friends were going to be.
YN's not had a good time with Harry's industry friends except the rest of 1D boys and his immediate work friends like, Jeffery and his wife, Tom, Tyler and the Love Band, well in short his immediate circle of friends. She still had a good amount of amazing people to hang out with whilst her soon-to-be husband worked.
Harry came up on the stage, YN was stood at the side back stage where she can watch him perform. He's like a toddler running around the stage, stumbling and even falling sometimes. Throughout he kept looking at her and smiling.
He's indeed very happy today, especially now his soon-to-be wife is by his side.
He was so happy that he still had the adrenaline pumping through his body when they got back to their room hotel.
"Ow!" YN gasped when he pinned her to the wall, one shoe off as she was stopped by him. He smeared his lips over hers, gathering her hands behind her back. She knew exactly where this was going to go and she didn't mind at all.
It reminded her of their first time. Similar situation, he had just gotten home from a heavy workout session all sweaty. Leading her to his bedroom upstairs, leaving her on the bed for a moment before he went and washed his hands. He debunked that thing for her which she always watched in the movies. And he gave her a head. That's all they did that night. And oh boy did she enjoyed every milliseconds of it, and still remember. YN shocked herself with how comfortable she is with him now versus she was the first time around.
He took off his jacket and threw it on the floor as he picked her up with his hands on her bum. He made his way to the bed, placed her carefully on the mattress as he managed to fit between her thighs. He broke the kiss to give her a breather.
"I missed you so much!" He mumbled leaving a chaste of sloppy wet kissed down her jawline to her neck. A moan slipped through her mouth when she felt his hand on her breast. He lifted his head up to press another kiss on her mouth. "Is it alright if go down on you?"
"Wait..." She stopped him, "haven't shaved down there."
He looked at her in disbelief, "does it look like I care, baby!" It wasn't a question though, "still okay?"
"Mhmm." She nodded, feeling a shiver run down her spine. She missed him as well, in every way. But this not their usual thing after being away for months. They usually get a take out, watch TV or just catch up because Harry always tired and jet lagged. Even though he's a horny animal, she's suggest against his needs and make him rest first.
Her man doesn't like to rest.
With one last kiss on her mouth he got to unbuttoning her jeans and taking them off with her knickers. She layed there vulnerable, visibility wet and dripping. Before she could get another moment to get awkward his mouth was on her clit. As much as he loves to make her come with just his mouth, she loves that too.
Feeling his warm tongue move against her already sensitive and swollen bud of nerves, how his fingers occasionally slip inside of her wet hole. Making her squirm under him. Just to replace his digits with his tongue. He's a skill full man.
"Oh, I'm so close!" She muttered with her voice now becoming more breathy and heavy. It's been what feel like an eternity but mostly because they've been away for so long from one another. The feel of his warmth tongue and his digits now pumping inside of her was pushing her just closer to the edge of her orgasm.
"You gonna come for me, baby?" He asked before he gave her clit another hard suck all the while pumping his fingers in ger pussy, "come for me, yeah?" It wasn't long until she was reaching her orgasm. "Was that good?"
"Amazing!" She chuckled, his weight on top of her as he kissed her cheek moving to her neck. "It tickles."
"I love you."
"And I love you more."
"Not a chance!" He scoffed jokingly, "I love you more. And I am sweaty."
"I don't care, I've missed you!" With her arms around his neck it was enough of a que for him to kiss her again.
"Wanna hop in the shower with me then, baby?" He suggested, finally giving her a moment to breathe.
"Mhmm." She nodded. He briefly crouched to take her off her shoe which he barely gave her a moment to take off herself. Slipped off his shoes as he guided her to the bathroom.
"Is that my hoodie?" He realised-- rather late-- she was wearing his black hoodie with 'DAMN.' written on it as he washed up his hands.
"Our hoodie you mean? Yes." She admitted.
"Cheeky!" Harry chuckled, "c'mere." He placed his hands on her hips he propped her up on the wash besin counter. "Want this off?"
"Yes please." She nodded. Despite him being careful, the fabric got caught in her necklace. "Whoops!"
"It's alright." He fixed it quickly as she sat there giggling. It was like the very first time, how her shirt caught up on her earring and she apologised for laughing at that silly thing. "Remember how flustered you were the first time?" He pressed a kiss on her cheek and chin with his arms wrapped around her naked torso.
"Still embarrassed about tha--" her body shuddered feeling his fingertips run feathery strokes on her spine, wetness in between her legs growing once again.
"Still find it to be the most adorable thing." He moved down to her to her neck, leaving a trail of feathery kisses on her warm skin, finally he looked up to place firm kiss on her mouth, "it makes everything feel so much more better. Remember how I got a cramp in my leg the other day?"
"Yeah, you were screaming in a high pitched voice." She giggled.
"Well, I'm not embarrassed about that because it was my fault I didn't drink enough water that day." He explained, "we can have a little laugh you know." With that be picked her up and walked in the shower to place her back on her feet carefully. He took a moment to shed his pants and boxers, the evident kind of hard on of his was now on a full show.
"Harry it's too cold!" She gasped feeling the water fall over her body.
"If I up the temperature, we're going to be boiled by the end." He pointed out.
"It's not that hot!" She argued, and turned rhe heat up just a tiny bit. "Please?"
"It's summer!" He groaned in defeat. She still kept on her cheeky puppy face to convince him as be buttoned her mouth on his standing on her tippy toes. "You're lucky I love you."
"The luckiest one." Her hand slowly crept downwards over his chest and pecks.
"Cheeky!" He kissed her her again. He still enough of her, he hopes it stays that way. Just as he was about to say something, he felt her warm hand wrapped his hardene penis. "Fuck, fuck!"
"Can we go now?" He asked, "just missed you so much!"
"Yes!" She nodded, as she did his hand was behind her knee lifting her leg up at the same time pushing her against the shower wall. Slowly slipping in through her folds. Just heavy breathing to be heard, especially from Harry. Low grunk and cussing in his voice which only grew deeper.
Air in her lungs gor sucked out when he started moving. His hard and deep thrusts making a new rhythm, making her wrap her arms around him for support.
"God I missed you so much!" His forehead rested on her, "so warm for me." It wasn't enough, he slip out, turned her around to slip right back in her. He picked up his pace, making her orgasm right again.
Least to say, they spent about half an hour there.
"Can we order Pizza?" YN asked, as she tied her bathrobe tie around her waist. Harry had already placed her back on the counter.
"Of course baby, which one do you want?" He was already walking out to grab the hotel phone.
"A small cheese one, thank you." He ordered for the pizza and went back to her, "wanna help you with that." He stopped her as she was about do the last few steps of her skin care. Well, it was just four steps, step was done in the shower. Last two were serum and moisturising.
Harry loves to pamper her.
"Here lemme do that too!" She pulled her Fiancé back towards her caging him in between her legs.
YN placed a few dots on the moisturiser on his cheeks, his forehead, his chin and lastly on his nose for comedic purposes. She proceeded to work the product in his skin, his prominent stubble was poked the skin of her palms. He looked like a little kitten being petted, as she ran her thumbs on the apples of his cheeks.
"Done!" She announced.
"Do you want to be little spoon?" He asked as he picked her up again with one on her back and other behind her knees.
"You know I'm never going to say no to that." She booped his nose, "and you got to let me walk, bestie."
"Just fucked the shit out of you and you're calling me bestie?" He cocked his eye brow up carefully placing her back on her feet just for her to cling back onto him. She tried her best to stand on her wobbly legs, but she was scooped right off her feet and carried to their shared bed.
"I loved it though."
"Yeah!" She nodded. But they were interrupted by the room service.
"The pizza is here, your majesty!" He presented her the pizza in a grant way along with a bottle of water, though he took a sip of it first. "Asked them put extra cheese on it for you my love."
"Thank you!" She grinned.
Harry lied next to her on his spot over his tummy, dressed in his purple bathrobe. "So, about the baby?"
"Are we good now, or do we have to wait till to start trying?"
"Still need to get off birth control." She shared.
"Wait, doesn't that help you with your period?" He realised.
"Kind of, but I think I can go without those now, it's complicated. So these other medications for my arthritis made my period have rave parties every month, it should be good as I'd have to stop taking those meds and switch to something else." She explained, offering him a bite of her pizza which he accepted. "Do you want to go with me to the next appointment? It's after the tour is finished."
"Of course I'd love to go with you darling." He agreed, "and about the wedding. Did you find a dress yet?"
"No..." She pouted, "my grandma doesn't want me to get a white dress."
"Why so, isn't that the traditional colour?"
"Not in India." She smiled sheepishly, "well, everyone does whatever they want now-a-days but my grandma's a little old fashioned. And white is worn at funerals generally."
"Oh, it's so different everywhere then!" He never thought about it until now, "what colour do you want to get then?"
"I want a white, but ahe wants me to get a red one. She said 'You're not having your funeral, you're getting married', it pissed me off. Not like she's paying a single penny. Just not going to take her or my mum to the next appointment at this boutique Brielle found." She shared mocking her grandma's way of talking, giving him yet another bite of her pizza and he was eating it. "Like she's ever going to be invited to either of those."
"Hey, don't say that!" He gasped.
"Right, she won't live that long anyway."
"Oh god, you're a meanie." He gasped again, "big, big, big meanie!"
"Yeah? And that old wrinkly lady isn't?" She chuckled, "she was trying to find me a guy at my sister's. I was fourteen years old!"
"Yeah, and she did. A thirty-two year old man." She added. "Luckily my parents got minds of their own and stood up for me."
"What the fuck!"
"Yeah." She nodded. "He was rich actually, he owned a big finance and insurance company in Saudi."
"So he is rich, rich?" He was stunned.
"Yup, a turn of about eighty-five mil to one billion." She shared, "he died though, Cardiac arrest, five years ago."
"A big loss." He scrunched up his nose.
"Meh, I don't care." She rolled her eyes.
"Yeah, and now you've a Fiancé who's a decent, indie singer." He nodded, "worth it."
"You are anything but Indie, darling." She laughed. "My wait was worth though, now I can be a trophy wife I want to." She leaned back over the fluffy pillow.
"Oh definitely wouldn't mind that." He agreed and scooted closer to sit next to her taking a yet another bite of the slice in her hand, maintaining a eye contact.
"What in the Italian Christian Grey!" She almost choked on the dough in the mouth.
"What's gotten into you today?" Harry laughed, he fetched water just in case. "Being so funny, did you get accidentally drunk?"
"That was sexy not gonna lie." She shared ignoring his remarks.
"Well," he blushed.
"Awh, look at you blushing, my shy baby!" She cooed leaning forward to kiss his cheek. Just just make him giggle again as he chewed on the fold.
Alas he pulled himself together and draped his arm around her shoulder to bring her closer to him. She was just too busy dipping the crust in the complimentary cheese dip.
"Where do you fancy going to for our honeymoon?" He asked. To be honest they planned anything of their honeymoon. Harry wants it to be special and somewhere she haven't been to before, which is a lot of places. He's just lucky he gets paid to travel and perform in diffe parts of the world.
"I don't quite know yet," she spoke with her mouth full of food, "is there anywhere you want to go?"
"I want to know where you want to go, baby." He pushed the baby hairs off her face, "just want to listen to you with this."
"Finally!" She gasped dramatically. Harry has taken almost everything about the wedding planning on himself. "Finally you admitted it!"
"No, you've taken over everything. I don't know how you switched the plan of The Savoy hotel to your house in Italy!" She sighed dramatically. "The Gucci room isn't available on our wedding, is it?"
"It is, but figured it would be more private if we got married on our own property, baby." He explained, "everything we have, we share now."
"Okay." She nodded, "I don't know how long I'd be able to take on the break for. I guess we can go somewhere near England?"
"Doesn't matter baby, just tell me two of your dream vacation countries or cities and I'll take you there." He said, "and the owner of your cafe is my school friend, I can talk to him for you."
"What?" She almost chocked on cheese and dough, "he's your friend and you never told me that?"
"Well, I never got the chance to.' he shrugged sheepishly, "but I can still talk to him."
"I don't know, I love my job." She pouted. "I don't want him to fire me."
"He won't baby." Harry assured her, "now come on give me two names."
"We can either go to Puerto Rico or Greece?"
"Those are amazing options!" He never thought of those places, "and I've never been to countries. How about we go to both? We can spend a month in Puerto Rico and a month in Greece."
"That's a lot."
"No it's not." He countered, "I've been touring for two and half years, I deserve a long, long honeymoon and vacation with my wife by my side."
"What about our new house? We haven't even started looking for one." She reminded him.
Look, YN can either afford to pay at least some amount for the house or spend it all on their honeymoon plans. No way in heavens Harry's gonna make the trip cheap. He'll find his way to make it extravagant. She'd feel too bad if he's the only one paying for everything.
"We'll start looking for one as soon as we get back." He assured her, "and we have a lot more work to do, we have a baby to make!"
"Yes we do." She blushed. "But seriously, Harry, I don't think I can afford a trip that long."
"Baby!" He cooed, "it's a wedding present from me to you. And you're refusing for me to get you an actual present. So this is perfect."
"I'd feel too bad." She pouted, "you won't let me get you anything either."
"I'm sure you're not going to sit still until you get me anything, baby, so I'd say it's fair enough." He pointed out, "come on, please? Let me take you somewhere you've always wanted to go!"
"Okay, let's go to Greece but just for two weeks."
"Four?" He negotiated.
"Okay!" She sighed in defeat, there is no point in negotiating with his there. He's going to just tease her further. They sealed their deal with a kiss. "Oh god, why is this so stressful? We have to register for our marriage certificate."
"We'll have my lawyer do that for us, baby, don't worry about it." He assured her.
"Can I tell you something?"
"I, uhhhh, want to take your last name." She shared hesitantly.
"You want to?" He looked rather shocked.
"Mhmm." She nodded, "you don't mind that right, you seem shocked?"
"Of course I don't baby. I just did not expect that, yes. But I'm happy either way." He shrugged. "You really want to do that?"
"Mhmm." She nodded snuggling closer to him.
They talked more about their wedding planning, and preparations until one of them was fast asleep. Well, it was YN fell asleep first.
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The Rebound 4
Warnings: non/dubcon, body insecurity, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Characters: Curtis Everett
Summary: after a divorce, you try to start over.
Part of the Backwoods AU
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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You take a new path. You tell yourself it's to mix it up, to be a hit more spontaneous. You're downfall had come from being a creature of habit. 
So instead of north, you go south, away from the river and towards the ravine where trees slant and the land turns bumpy and peaty. You stop at the edge and peer down at the steep incline. You breathe in the slightly damp air, the night's rain still wet on the grass and bark. 
You're hypnotised by the lightheadedness caused by the drop. You slowly back up and walk along the border. You couldn't make the hike down though you've seen teens hanging around there. You press on, walking over even ground. 
A sudden snap has you on high alert. You look over your shoulder. You try not to think of Curtis, try not to assume or expect. You don't want to make a big deal of nothing. Lee always said you were good at that, where he did the opposite. 
There's no one there but you feel something beneath your foot. You look down. A snare. You've walked straight into a rabbit trap. Is it his? You wish you knew how reset it. Instead you'll have to leave his hard work spoiled. 
You make your way back to the road and follow it to your sister's house. He lingers in the back of your mind. You haven't seen him at the library. It's been weeks. You shouldn't care so much. You don't.  
He came when you weren't there. You know that. You saw his book in returns. Is he avoiding you? Were you that awkward? No, it's just Curtis. He avoids everyone. He's smart. Hammer Ford does not inspire trust. 
You enter the house, kicking the dirt off your shoes before you break the threshold. You leave the sneakers on the mat as you hear your sister with the kids. You look in on them and she gives you a sharp look as you offer a small wave. You cringe and go to the kitchen to get water. 
You hear the Bluey song play and your sister appears as you chug down a tall glass. You pull your lips of the brim and wipe the dribble down your chin. She looks tired. Kids do that to ya. 
"You've lost weight," Katie says. 
You should be proud for her noticing but even after two births, she's effortlessly petite. You nod, "yeah." 
"Great, and... how about a place? You found one yet?" 
She's never been particularly tactful. She gets that from your mother. Maybe that's why she's the favourite. 
"Looking," you assure her, "I have enough for a deposit now but not much around here." 
She nods and opens the fridge. She takes out two of the drinkable yogurts for the kids. You drink nervously. 
"I heard about him. Lee," she says as she stands on the other side of the island, "he's with some young one now." 
"Good riddance," she sneers, "I never liked him. Never mentioned it but one time at Christmas... well, he made a suggestion." 
You frown. Why is she telling you this? It doesn't make you feel better. 
"Oh, I'm... sorry he did that." 
"We all tried to warn you," she shrugs. 
You finish your water and rinse the glass. It's easier than pointing out she was still a teen when you got engaged. Whatever. 
"Mom's coming for dinner tonight." 
You pause before you can set the glass in the rack. Great. Another judgement to come.  
"She wants you there too." 
"Okay," you don't argue. Twenty years of it with Lee, you don't need to keep it up. 
"Right, well, I gotta go look after the kids. Life, you know." 
She leaves and you put the glass down. You blink back her underhanded jab. You don't have kids or a husband or even a house. Look at her, taking in her tragic sister. How fucking merciful. 
Your mother barely acknowledges you when she gets there. She’s too caught up in her favourite and her grandchildren. You’re fine with it; used to it. You’re far enough in life that you know it isn’t worth it to try or care. Same as with your husband. Ex now. Officially. 
Finally, after the last months of struggling, you have some good news. The email was both a relief and a final punctuation. Now you can move on, just like Lee. 
You sit at the table. You have your chicken breast, a thoughtful portion of rice, and lots of green beans. You’re life might not be any more balanced but your meals are. 
As your mom finishes her preening and cooing over the messy toddler beside her, she turns to you. You know by the glint in her eye, it won’t be any different than your last conversation. Or any over the last how many decades. 
“How nice it is of Katie to take you in,” she chimes. 
“Yeah, very nice,” you gulp, “um, but not for much longer. Divorce is final. Lawyer’s fees will come off the alimony. Which I’m getting.” 
It feels nice to say it out loud. Hearing it come out of your own mouth makes it real. Makes it true. 
“When did you find this out?” Your sister chirps. 
“Couple hours ago.” 
“Wow,” both your mother and sister utter. 
“That’s great news,” your mother grins, “but you’re still divorced and childless. You don’t have much time left on the clock.” 
You look at your plate. For every win, they find a loss. Yes, that’s true, but you don’t want kids and after your marriage, you want a husband even less. One is just fine. 
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Restless Nights
WARNINGS: angst, fingering (r receiving), oral (r receiving), dom!Wanda, arranged marriages, infidelity, jealousy, mentions of homophobia
WORDS: 2,401
PAIRING: princess!Wanda x princessF!Reader
A/N: ugh , i've been struggling with assignments and i have final exams so i promise i'll be writing and posting my anonymous and un-anonymous requests soon !!
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Wanda. She loved you, and you loved her. But you couldn't love her. Neither could she love you. Though you laid nights together, sweaty and disheveled, gowns thrown on the floor, jewelry scattered around the room. The moons glow, illuminating the room, her hands interlocked with yours, her beautiful green eyes looking down at you. Oh, but you couldn't be with her. You were to be wed to Prince Pietro, and she to be wed to Prince Vision. You weren't meant to be. But you wished so.
You lie in bed with your hand running through her wispy dirty blonde hair, “printsessa?” you hummed in response. “Would you ever want to run away with me?” your hand froze in place. She's never asked such a question. Do you want to run away with her? Yes. But — but what about the Royal family's reputation? You knew you didn't care about the reputation. Yet you knew if you ran away, eventually, you'd have to come back and face any consequences. Most likely, getting hanged or burned. “Y/N? Would you?” you continued your movements on her hair, “yes– I mean.. I wouldn't mind living far away with you.” she traced invisible patterns on your bare thigh. “What would the others think? Two princesses from different kingdoms, engaged to two different princes running away together..” you trail off as you feel her palm inch closer to your centre.
“So?” your breath catches in your throat. “So? Wanda.. what if–” she squeezed your inner thigh, “what if they find out ab- Wanda would you quit it? I'm being serious about this!” she snickered and grabbed onto your thighs. “I'm infatuated with you, my lady.” she whispered as she nipped at your skin. You threw your head back onto the soft pillows that lay on your mattress. “I would do anything to make you my queen..” she mumbled against your exposed cunt. “As– as would I, my love.” you clutched at the sheets as you felt her warm tongue dip into your folds, her head right in between your legs. “Oh Wanda!” she pinched at your clit causing you to yelp slightly. “Be quiet. You wouldn't want one of the maids to find us right?” you knew that even if the chambers were Royal members after hours only, that sometimes your father would call a maid down to check up on you.
“Mhm.. you're right Wan.” you could almost hear the smirk in her tone, “good girl. Now stay still.” she pinned your body down with her arm to stop your squirming. “My Princess are you alright in there?” no. It couldn't be. Panic rose to your face, why must Pietro be visiting you right now? Not while his twin sister is between your legs. “I— I'm getting.. dressed! Don't come in. Please.” he was respectful enough to stay outside your room. Thank heavens door locks existed these days. “Wanda how are you going to get out?” you shouted at her in a whisper. “I'm staying malysh.” you widened your eyes, “what?” you quickly slam your hands over your mouth when to accidentally yell the last part of your word. “Just.. tell him that it's lady problems. He's too shy to ask anything else.”
She shrugged as she got off of you and put her gown back on. “..Pietro come in!” you call out to him as you tie the strings of your corset. “Princess! ... Wanda?” his gaze averted from you to his sister. “What are you doing here?” you squeezed her hand to stop her from saying anything stupid. “She uhm.. lady problems?” you squeak out. “Ah! I see. So I– I came to ask you about what gown you want for the wedding.”
Wanda felt a pang of jealousy strike her heart. Why couldn't she have you? What was so wrong with two princesses wanting each other? No. Needing each other. Why did her brother have to take all the good things she ever got close to in life? The throne. Her princess, you. “Oh.. right. The dress.. something white?” he chuckles, “obviously. But what design would you prefer printsessa?” printsessa. When Wanda called you that it felt so natural, so normal. But hearing it from his mouth felt so wrong. You wanted him to stop. “I– I think it's just better if you call me by my name Pietro.. and you can just pick whatever design you want.” he nodded before leaving the room.
Thank heavens he left. She was still in your room though, faint noises could be heard from outside the window, and you assumed night insects. Cicadas or crickets maybe? “Dorogaya..” you looked up at her with an innocent look in your eyes, she knew it was fake. Her gaze darkened as she stepped closer to you and lightly shoved you back on the bed. “Oh Wanda..” she lifted up your legs and placed them over her shoulders. “I want the whole kingdom to hear you scream with my head in between your legs.” she muttered before dipping her head under your gown. “Wanda.. my love wait–” her tongue already began parting your folds, earning a moan of pleasurement from you. “oh, you taste divine, Princess.” she whispered as she lapped at your wetness, basking in your essence. Your hands quickly flew to her hair, gripping onto it firmly as you bucked your hips against her mouth in desperation and neediness.
You were in deep, like when Alice fell into Wonderland. Wanda was your wonderland, you were her Alice. Was that so wrong? Was loving her so wrong? “W- Wanda slow down..” you gasped softly as she licked up all your arousal. “oh God.” your hand fell from her hair and onto her toned shoulders. The moment you felt her tongue swirl inside your cunt you lost it. “Wanda I'm going to—” your teeth sunk into your lower lip as you suppressed a rather loud scream. Your thighs clenching around Wanda's head, your fingernails scratching at her muscular shoulders. “You did so well for me printsessa.. so well.” she peeked up at you from in between your thighs, your cum dribbling down her chin.
“I love you so much..” God. Why do you have to marry Pietro? You wanted to marry Wanda. “I love you more dorogaya.” her breath fans against your skin in the cold room. Yet, both your bodies remain overheated. “The wedding is tomorrow.” she froze, hurt clouded over her eyes. She knew the wedding was tomorrow, but hearing it come from you, rather than her brother, just made it feel more real. “I know.. I– I've known.. I just wish we could run away, and leave this cursed kingdom. I wish to be with you. And only you.” she said, her hands interlocked with yours. “As do I, my love. I yearn to be your wife, your queen. Not your brothers.” you felt tears build up in your eyes as she held you close.
The cold night spent in warm touches went by quickly as it was already day. “Princess! You are needed by the maids.” you sighed as you walked out of your chambers and into the room full of maids. “Congratulations your majesty. I pray for a well marriage for you and the Maximoff Prince.” you feigned a smile through your pained heart. “Thank you. As– as do I.” you stood in the middle of the room as the maids helped you out of your clothes and into a beautiful white gown. “You look ravishing my lady.” you heard one of the maids say. “Thank you.” you bowed your head down with a tight smile. “She's not wrong, you look heavenly printsessa.” you knew that voice. You peeked up at the door, only to see Wanda leaning against the door frame.
“um– may I have a moment alone with my soon-to-be sister-in-law?” you squeak out to one of the guards. They simply nodded before leaving the room with the rest of the maids. “Darling.. what are you doing here? I'm not supposed to see you till the ceremony.” you say as you walk over to the woman. “I just needed to see you. Can I not see my princess?” you felt your cheeks flush into a bright red, “yes, yes you may.” she stalked over to you with a lustful glint, one that only you could tell, in her beautiful green eyes. “Wanda.. I– what if someone comes in? The ceremony is in an hour!” she picked you up by the waist and placed you down on the dresser. “Nobody will see us. Isn't that what you want?” you held in your breath as you felt her hands slip underneath your wedding gown.
“Wanda.. oh–” you let out a moan as she rubbed her thumb against your puffy clit. “shh.. shhh. You're getting married to my stupid brother.” you glared at her, “I don't want to discuss this right now W-Wanda.” she inserted two of her digits deep inside your throbbing hole as she leaned down to slam her lips against yours, quieting down your loud moans. “Stay quiet. You wouldn't want Pietro to walk in hm?” you widened your eyes and shook your head repeatedly. “No! No.. I don't wa–” your hand slapped against your mouth as she curled her fingers inside of you, hitting your sweet spot.
You wrapped your arms around her back as your nails dug deep into her skin, deep enough to draw blood even. “Are you close my queen?” you couldn't hold in the choked sob that left your throat, “oh, Wanda!” you cried out as you came all over her fingers, the fingers that were still knuckle-deep inside your cunt. “Malysh you did so well.. my perfect little Princess.” she whispered as she squeezed your hip.
A knock on the door left you panicked, your eyes frantic as you beg Wanda to let go of you. “The ceremony begins in 25 minutes Princess Y/N!” you looked up at the still, closed door. “I'll be out in a minute!” you let out a sigh of relief as you assumingly heard the knight walk away, considering the metal clanging noises fading from afar. “Wanda I–” she blinked back some unshed tears, “you need to go. But please just this once allow me to spill my heart to you my lady.” you let out a shaky breath and nodded.
“I love you, I adore you..” she let out a nervous laugh as you smiled and wiped away her falling teardrop with your finger. “And, I want you to know that– I'll never stop loving you. My love for you will continue from here on and after. If I were to be sent to another realm you'd be the first person I'd search for,” she sucked in a sharp breath as she noticed your eyes watering up. “My offer isn't gone, it will never be gone. You can still run away with me printsessa, we can leave this kingdom. Consider yourself a witch because.. you have bewitched me. I'm under a spell, a spell that can never be broken.” her beautiful green eyes were full of tears, and you could see her bottom lip quivering as well. You pressed your lips against hers, kissing her with utmost passion and love.
“Please, I– I don't want to marry him. I wish to marry you, my dear.. I wish to marry you! I love you so very much darling. Oh, how I long to be yours..” the moment gets cut short as a loud banging on the door made you break away from her and get off of the dresser. “The ceremony is in 5 minutes you must leave Princess!” you mouth an, I love you to Wanda as you wiped off your tears and fixed up your gown.
You got dragged off to the main hall by a couple of knights and a maid running after you with your crown. You could see Pietro, your future husband, and King, standing at the altar from afar. “Do you take Princess Y/N of the Y/L/N kingdom as your wedded wife and Queen?” Pietro looked over at you and softly smiled, “I do.” the man then turned to you. “Do you take Prince Pietro as your husband and King?” you slowly nodded, “yes, I– I do..” and just like that, you weren't hers anymore. You had her last name, except it wasn't hers. You felt tears streaming down your face as you saw Wanda excuse herself out of the room. “Queen Y/N and King Pietro maidens and men!” cheers and claps were heard throughout the hall, only to sadden you more.
The night lasted long, long till you were sent to Pietro's room— your new shared chambers, for the night. “You're beautiful..” you heard Pietro say from the bed as you took off your jewelry in front of the vanity. “..thank you.” you saw him get up and walk towards you from the corner of your eye, this isn't happening. “My Queen, I assure you I would never hurt you.” your lips stuttered into a slight smile. “I.. I appreciate that.” he turned his gaze over to the clock, “it's getting rather late, enough of this I'm heading to bed.” he waved goodnight as he lay down on the bed. You sigh as you watched over his resting body, your wedding dress and jewelry off, you were simply in your nightgown. “I'm so sorry..”
You grabbed your crown and jewelry in a hurry and stuffed them in a leather bag before walking out of the bedroom. “Wanda.. Wanda, Wanda–” your mind full of only her, and just her as you search for the woman throughout the castle. When you finally found her she was wearing a velvety red cloak, “I knew you'd look for me.” you clutched onto her shoulders as you sobbed into her chest. “God, I missed you so.” she whispered some words in a different language into your ear, Sokovian perhaps. “Are we.. are we leaving the kingdom?” you asked. “Forever.” she pecked your lips quickly. “You and I, til death do us part my Queen.” Wanda smirked as you both ran hand in hand, out the back gates.
Restless nights, restless nights the two of you lie together. The sun and moon couldn't describe you and her. She was the moon, you were the ocean. And she drove you mad.
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chemical-underreaction · 11 months
dirk <3< reader dirk <3< reader dirk <3< reader PLEASE
sure thing!! <3 sorry if this wasn't exactly what you wanted, but i had a lot of fun writing this!!
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alright, let's be clear. dirk strider does *not* hate many things. he dislikes things, of course. he dislikes a lot of things.
but hate? hating things is too emotionally vulnerable for his tastes.
oh, but you?
he can make some exceptions for you.
you are a special, particular kind of pain in his ass.
there's two very different reasons why (i think) dirk would hate someone.
either they, as a person are in entirely direct conflict with him and get on his nerves in a major way - or, they're way too similar to him, and dirk does not like getting a mirror to his own behavior.
so more than likely, you'd fit into one of those two categories. i don't know you, though.
but regardless of what it is, you probably wouldn't have known for a while.
he didn't treat you.. differently? per say?
he was cold and cryptic and strange to everyone.
but with you, it seemed different. everyone told you it was just in your head. that dirk didn't have a problem with you, he was just like that.
but it was not.
dirk took so much pleasure in confusing you, getting one over on you. playing his little mind games.
granted, he is just kind of like that, but it's different. it was a lot more targeted, pointed - it wasn't purely in jest.
but, more importantly, it wasn't onesided.
you were not just a passive actor in this, oh no.
whatever you did, it was equally targeted to get on his nerves as much as possible.
there came a point where both of you, just for the sake of your fucked up little game, knew more about each other than even your mutual best friends did.
you'd torment each other with things, but you'd never bring anyone else into it or tell anyone things only the two of you knew. there was something of a code of honor. a trust fall system.
despite how much you disliked each other, you'd never actually do tangible harm to each other.
you just engaged in a prolonged battle of psychological warfare over your chat client.
eventually, it gets.. bizarrely flirtatious. not in a traditional way, no, but in a way that was still undeniably flirting.
you still hated him. he still hated you.
it continued regardless.
you two never.. officially got into a pitch relationship.
you're both human, after all. how would you know?
however, eventually, you were informed that your relationship with dirk sounded a whole hell of a lot like blackrom.
so, of course, you approach him about it.
neither of you know *enough* about quadrants to really call it.
but all the trolls have just been assuming it anyways, so you just shrug. by now, it's calling it what it is.
you and dirk have the mutual respect necessary for blackrom. and the mutual attraction.
needless to say, you have the "hate" aspect down.
alright, miscellaneous hc time.
he'll offer to teach you how to swordfight. he might only have done it so he could rock your shit, but he'll always patch you up after. and that little smile he gives when you first managed to get him back was pretty genuine.
just enjoys teaching you how to do his stuff in general. he'll tease you about sucking at it, but he'll actually be happy when you make progress. curse his tiny soft spot.
shows up in your house/wherever you live at random. also likes sneaking up on you whenever he sees you. the more you hate it, the more he'll do it.
he'll claim that you're more attracted to him than he is you - but that's a total lie. he's a little pathetic sometimes.
gets very flustered when you're better at him than something. anything. literally anything at all. why, exactly.. good luck getting that out of him.
actually gets genuinely upset if he goes too far with you in any way. it'll mess with him a lot, and he'll apologize profusely.
he cares about you, despite how annoying you are. despite how much he hates you, despite all of it. he cares about you a lot. and, in his own weird way, loves you.
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hermslore · 9 months
Begin Again | Enid Sinclair x Reader
You just got out of a toxic relationship with Xavier and with Enid having her heart broken by Ajax too, she decides to ask you out on a date. [Reader is a vampire]
Inspo : Begin Again by Taylor Swift
You took a deep breath and entered the quad, this was the first time you were stepping out of your room after what happened with Xavier. You really liked him, but of course, he cheated on you with Wednesday.
It hurt you when he did that but you had to move on. You weren't looking forward to classes but you had to deal with it. Everyone was having breakfast and you had the first period free, giving you about an hour of free time. You were pretty popular in the school and your relationship was loved by many, so everyone knew about what had happened. Waving to many people, you made your way to the vampires.
Engaging yourself in conversations was really helping with your mood until people started gossiping about your relationship. "Y/n? Are you alright, we heard about you and Xavier," one of them quipped. "Is it true he kissed Wednesday?" another added. "He was an asshole anyway, I'm glad you got rid of him," "Wednesday didn't really seem to be his type-" "I thought he was more into Bianca," They continued with their comments which made you sick, "Stop! Enough, can you guys stop bothering her?" you heard a voice from behind you, shutting them all up.
You turned around to see Enid and smiled. You weren't very close to her but you both would always sit together in most classes and you had started to develop a liking towards her. She was friendly, smart, energetic and cared about people. You were glad to have her as a friend, although, sometimes you wondered if you both could have ended up in a relationship if Xavier hadn't happened. You were always interested in her but then Xavier came along and you had forgotten about your crush on her. "Y/n? Hey, you there?" She said, waving her hand around your face, bringing you back to reality. You shook you head and said, "Yeah, yeah." She giggled, taking your hand leading you away from the vampires to a place where you both could talk.
"So, how has it been? You know, life, I heard about what happened with Xavier, are you alright? You haven't stepped out of your room in weeks," she said, concern lacing her tone as she fiddled with her fingers. "I'm fine, Enid, don't worry, I just kinda miss him, you know? He was a good guy, well except for the cheating part," you said, shrugging as she gave you a small smile. "Well, that makes the two of us," she replied, making you raise your eyebrows. "Oh, I forgot to tell you, I broke up with Ajax last week," she said as your mouth formed an 'O' shape. "So, um, I was thinking.. do you want to go to the Weathervane later today? I mean since we're both single, I- I mean uh-" you cut off her blabbering by a giggle. "You're so cute, Enid, if you want to ask me out on a date, just say so, the answer's yes, by the way." You said, walking away leaving her blushing. -- You looked into the mirror and took a deep breath. Xavier never liked it when I wore high heels but you were sure Enid wouldn't mind. You were really looking forward to the date as you made your way into the weathervane. You walked in, expecting her to be late but she was early, standing there waiting for you. She took one look at you, her jaw dropping. "Wow, Y/n, you look so good," she said, biting her lip. She signaled for you to sit down, sitting across you. Both of you indulged in conversations about various topics. She ordered drinks for you both and honestly, she got your order right in the first go. She told you so many stories but she couldn't tell why you were coming off a little shy. What surprised you the most was when she threw her head back laughing like a little kid, it was strange that she thought you were funny because he never did. You had a great time with her but it was getting pretty late so you both walked down the block back to Nevermore. You almost brought him up but she started talking about the Christmas movies she watched with her siblings which made you smile.
You had been spending the last few weeks thinking that all that love does is break and burn and end but she changed your perspective on that. You both reached your dorm as you turned around to look at her, smiling. "I had a great time, Enid, thank you for that, you're amazing," you said, making her cheeks go red.
"We should do this more, you know, friends hanging out?" she said, her eyes looking down at your lips for a second before coming back up as she bit her lip, fiddling with her fingers. You giggled, making her confused. "Oh, Enid, I like you too," You said, putting your palm on her cheek and pulling her in. She smiled into the kiss, putting her arms behind your neck as your lips moved in sync.
You thought you would be scarred for a while after Xavier and his asshole behavior, But, on a Wednesday, in a cafe, you watched it begin again.
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My brain is melty but something something “you want to bet on it?” Not exactly astarion and Tav but like. The rest of the camp talking about them?
Feel better soon!
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A/N: This was actually a lot of fun! You didn't specify so I decided to go with Ace!Tav AKA Evie for this prompt. Hope that's okay.
Consider this a continuation of this headcanon.
Astarion x Ace!Tav (Evie) Masterlist
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“You know what? I don’t think they’re fucking.”
Gale choked on his drink, following Karlach's eye line to a familiar corner.
Astarion and Evie had found their own little piece of no where, as was becoming habit with them at this point in the evening. Astarion had an arm wrapped about them and he whispered something in their ear, causing them to laugh. Astarion answered this with a playful nip of their neck which is right about when Gale averted his eyes. They were entitled to some privacy.
"My ears would beg to differ," he said, dryly. "I swear I didn't get a wink last night."
"Well that's just the thing innit?" Karlach pressed. "I mean, I can understand getting that riled up every now and again, but every night?"
"Astarion is a vampire," Wyll pointed out. "Even a spawn is liable to have higher than average...stamina."
Karlach let out a snort. "You read too much. Besides, even if that was true, doesn't stop E from being human."
"Why though?" Gale said. "What would be the point of pretending engage in such, ah...enthusiastic intercourse? I mean, we all know they're together. Why the extra show?"
"I would not be surprised if Astarion is putting on, as you said, an extra show," Lae'zel said. "He has boasted many times of his prowess in giving carnal pleasure. Not to mention, he likes to make clear what is his. Ravaging sex would accomplish both quite easily."
"Still doesn't explain E's half of all this," Karlach insisted. "It does take at least two, last I checked."
"Trust me, just two is enough," Gale grumbled. "If you want proof for yourself, I am more than happy to switch rooms."
"No good. I'm just below them."
"Oh for Gods' sake!"
"You've been oddly quiet, Shadowheart," Wyll interrupted, giving the cleric an assessing look. "Care you share your thoughts."
Shadowheart shrugged, carefully setting down her glass of wine. "I don't see what more I have to add to the conversation. You all seem set in your opinions."
"And I am curious to hear yours," Wyll pressed.
She rolled her eyes. "I think you all are putting a lot of thought into something that is frankly none of your business."
That got Gale's attention as he turned to her suspiciously. "Do you know something?"
"Nothing of importance. Besides, weren't you the one who said that some personal matters should remain personal?"
"Certainly," Gale said. "But when they are shared so openly, they can hardly be considered wholly personal."
"Well, that clenches it for me," Karlach said. "They're not fucking."
"I would be inclined to disagree, although now, I'm not so sure," Gale said, his brow furrowed in thought.
Lae'zel gave an exasperated huff. "Is it common in this realm to over analysis something as simple as mating?"
"It's extremely common," Wyll said, with a smile. "I take it that means you think they are, mating?"
"Would you put money on that?" Karlach said.
Lae'zel raised an eyebrow. "A wager?"
"Sure. Ten gold says if we open the door on their room tonight, they're doing something stupid like moving furniture. And if I'm wrong, that's ten gold for you and spit in my eye."
The gith's eyes narrowed, before giving Karlach a stiff nod. "A fair wager. Although, I do not think spitting in your eye in necessary."
"I wouldn't go that far," Wyll said. "Depending what's on the other side of that door, it may be very necessary."
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patheticgirlsteve · 2 years
Eddie thinks it's sweet that Steve puts so much time and effort into engaging in Eddie's hobbies and passions. Like, SO sweet. But he can't help but feel bad for not engaging in Steve's interests as well. So he tries to think what he can do to show Steve that it's not one-sided, that Eddie cares about Steve's interests as well, but he has a hard time coming up with ideas.
There's the obvious things like taking Steve to a basketball game or listening to his ABBA and Tears for Fears tapes with him (without complaining loudly about it the whole time). But beyond that, he's pretty stumped. So he goes to Robin.
"Rob, you gotta help me out here," he begs her. "Tell me what Steve's hobbies are, you know him better than anyone."
"Shouldn't you know his hobbies? You guys have been dating for months," Robin replies.
"Yeah, but he doesn't ever talk to me about these sorts of things, we always end up talking about my interests instead, which I know is so shitty. Please, Robin, help me to not be a shitty boyfriend," he gives her the best puppy dog eyes he can manage and she caves pretty quickly, settling in to help him make a list of all of the things Steve is into.
It doesn't take long for them to realize that Robin doesn't know any better than Eddie does what Steve is into. This, of course, makes them both feel bad. So Eddie resolves to go straight to the source. He talks to Steve about it.
Eddie apologizes for not even knowing what things his boyfriend is into enough to enjoy those things with him, but Steve just shrugs it off. He genuinely likes a lot of the stuff that Eddie has introduced him to, he still doesn't really like metal music and he doesn't have any desire to play D&D, but he likes taking Eddie to concerts and feeling the energy of the crowd; he loves going to Eddie's performances at the Hideout and watching his boyfriend be an absolute rockstar; he likes sitting in on D&D sessions and watching Eddie in his element as DM; he likes listening to Eddie read his favorite books aloud to Steve, doing different voices for each character.
But Eddie still feels bad, because it shouldn't be all about his hobbies all the time, relationships go two ways and he wants to support Steve's interests too. He tells him this, but Steve just shrugs it off again and says that he doesn't really have any interests.
And Eddie gets it. Gets that Steve has spent his entire life living for other people, being King Steve, keeping his parents happy and everyone around him in awe. He hasn't really gotten a chance to just be himself, to even figure out who he is and what he likes.
And Eddie gets it, but he also hates it. He wants Steve to find who he is and what he loves, he wants to give him that chance. He wants Steve to find things to be passionate about too, because everyone deserves to have things to be passionate about.
"Okay," he says. "So, lets find you some then."
Steve just sort of blinks at him then asks, "What?"
"Lets find you some interests, something of your own to be passionate about,"
Steve considers for a moment. "Um, okay, how exactly do we do that? Just test out hobbies until something sticks?" He asks, not really being serious.
"Yeah," Eddie says, and he is being serious. "Try interests on like clothes and get rid of them if they don't fit. Let me help you find something that you love, Stevie, you deserve to have passions just like anyone else."
Steve thinks about it for a moment, before quietly asking, "And you'll help me?"
Eddie nods, "Yeah, baby, I'll help you."
And thus begins the journey to find Steve some hobbies.
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turbulenthandholding · 8 months
👀 just wondering if you’re writing anything these days!
1. Hi, hello, thank you for the ask @anxietycroissant! ❤️
2. I am...or I am trying! I am about 16,000 words into what is probably going to be a pretty long fic. It's an unexpected pregnancy/speed-run-the-relationship Sydcarmy and I am happy to be writing it because it's what my brain wants to read but it alternately falls out of my head and gives me great angst. I had been pretty blocked for more than a week but 3000 words fell out of my head like nothing last night which was a nice surprise.
Excerpt (Syd and Carmy are at IKEA):
“Sammy, right? Weren't you Carmy's sous?”
Sydney looks up to see Claire standing before her. “Claire. Hi. It's Sydney, actually,” she says and rises. Claire's eyes fall to Syd’s abdomen. “And I'm his CDC now.”
“Oh, that's so cute!” Claire says, her eyes falling to Syd’s belly. “You finally got over your weird obsession with Carmy and moved on,” Claire says. “Congratulations!”
“Weird obsession?” Syd asks. She feels pinned again like she did the first night she met Claire during the reno, glared at for reasons Syd at least thinks she understands now. Jealousy, and this time, lingering anger at her breakup with Carmy, which Claire lobs at Sydney like a knife.
Syd struggles to respond. “Sorry...are you like here to look at a couch? Or like, eat some meatballs? Sorry.”
“How do you feel about a lingonberry juice box?” Carmy asks Syd as he returns, focused, unaware, unwrapping and inserting the straw as he moves to hand it to her. “Got some water too,” he says, finally engaging with the scene in front of him.
“Carm, hi,” Claire says, features pinching. Syd takes a sip from the straw.
“Uhh, hey, Claire,” Carmy returns. He slips his arm around Syd, possessive fingers digging into her hip. A united front.
“Just one…” Claire begins. “Did this, uh, overla…how far along are you?”
“Due at the end of February,” Syd says.
Claire calculates, glares at Carmy. “You didn't waste any time.”
Carmy shrugs.
“Well, this is just so fucking precious,” Claire says through clenched teeth. “I guess when you said you didn't have space for fun or enjoyment in your life, you really just meant you don't have space for me. Cool. Cool. That's just…I’ll see you around, Bear. Good luck with whatever.” She slings her bag over her shoulder and stalks off back towards the escalators.
“Uhh,” Syd says, before taking a last drink from her juice box. The lingonberry juice is good, a little tart cutting through the sweetness. The box scrunches and crunches in her hand and makes the sound that juice boxes do when they are finished. “Sorry, that was loud. And just like…sorry that, uh, this happened.”
(2.5 - I could probably use an alpha reader if any of my Sydcarmy mutuals wants to take a look and tell me if it's bad or that I'm crazy because it could very well be!)
3. I'm also working on a soul mark/soul scar Sydcarmy. It's probably about 3k words so far but I put it to the side because I realized I had a huge plot hole and haven't quite figured out how to come back from it yet.
Sydney gets really good at applying foundation to her arms, pressing it in with setting powder to help keep it waterproof just in case. The number of tattoos gracing her arms has been growing exponentially over the last few months. There's a pyrex measuring cup holding the whole world, a couple of angels, a fish. S-O-U on the fingers of her hand. She's a senior in high school on track to graduate with honors and the body art would be a distraction, a mark against her. An indication that she's not serious enough to do anything other than make terrible decisions or jeopardize her future; a constant, tangible reminder that she doesn't have the grace about things like this than people whose skin is lighter than hers. She wishes she didn't care. But she does, so she covers them up every day in a routine that feels like it has become her religion. She wears button-down shirts with long sleeves secured at her wrists most days, even when the heat and humidity in Chicago are oppressive. Counts the seconds until she can go to the CIA where maybe the sight of Schrödinger’s tattoos (simultaneously hers and not hers) won't hold her back.
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mydarllinglover · 5 months
Stars Collided || Twenty One
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After their talk, Obi-Wan had excused himself, to go into the town, to retrieve Anakin's new prosthetic arm, and when he had come back, the two had gone for their own private conversation, apparently they had pressing matters to discuss, involving the Order, and the looming War.
"It's nice, Ani." Lovisa told the boy, when she had snuck into his room, later that night.
He didn't seem too happy about his new arm, as she was hoping.
"But will it be beneficial for me?" He muttered, almost to himself, as though she were not even there, as he tinkered with it, using some tool he had found, around the Palace.
"If it is not good enough, I will take it back to the Blacksmith, I asked for the best, I will get you the best, Anakin, I promise it, or he will never make another of anything, again."
"It will do, there is nothing else he could possibly do to improve it, my love." Anakin faced her, though none of his usual charming happiness was present. "Though, Obi-Wan has informed me, that I am to be knighted, once we return to Coruscant. The Council has decided that I have proven myself, on the mission, and that I am no longer to be a Padawan."
"That is wonderful news, Ani!" Lovisa cheered, clapping her hands together, in delight.
"Don't, call me Anakin." He told her "Ani makes me sound like a child."
"But, I always call you Ani." She frowned. "Since we were young."
"Exactly, and how am I ever supposed to be taken seriously, as a real Jedi Knight, if even the Princess of Naboo, refers to me as Ani" He explained.
"Oh." Lovisa fell back onto the pillows, folding her arms across her chest, as she looked down at the duvet. "I didn't think you cared all that much, I guess not." She rolled her eyes.
"Vis, do not be like that." Anakin groaned, reaching for her, but she shrugged him off.
"You shouldn't call me that, Skywalker, I am the Princess, and future Queen of Naboo, it does not look good, for my reputation." She rolled her eyes, again.
"But you hate it, when I call you Lovisa, or anything but Vis." Anakin raised a brow, as if he had won their mini feud.
"Well, I don't like it when you call me that, but maybe I will, when my future husband does." She batted her eyes.
"What is that supposed to mean?" His face darkened.
"Oh, did I forget to tell you?" She sat up, so now she was on her knees, facing him. "I found out whatever my mother had been collecting RSVP's for. She has been planning an roulette, behind my back, and yet, I'm the one it's for, it seems as though she really is serious about this."
"How did you find this out?"
"I had Colo sneak into her office, during dinner." She shrugged her shoulder.
"Lovisa, I- I can't handle this, the thought of you getting betrothed to someone else, it's breaking my heart." His brows furrowed deeply, as he grasped her hands.
"I fear I have no other choice, my sister is getting married, and I am the last heir, never mind I am of age, and yet, appear to be single. Apparently the council are becoming apprehensive about it, too, especially considering we are now at war, apparently it makes me vulnerable."
"But, Padme is four and twenty years, and she has only just become engaged."
"Yes, but Senator Clovis and her, have been courting since they were five and ten years. Whereas me, I have been scaring off my suitors, as soon as I was eligible. The time is ticking, they are afraid that if I don't find a suitable match, soon, then I will have reached my prime, when it finally comes to producing an heir."
"But, I love you, and you love me."
"Ani." She tutted, brushing a strand of hair behind his ear, with pity. "Things like that don't matter here. It's very rare that people actually like their spouses, in my world. But, that doesn't mean we have to end this, I will perform my duties, with reluctance, but I still want you, my darling." She smiled. "We can still be happy, together, in secret."
"I will not be your whore, Lovisa." He frowned, at her.
"Don't see it, as such, see it as a way for us to be one, whilst living our destinies, it's the only viable plan we have."
"You expect me to just sit aside, love you from behind curtains, whilst you have a husband, and his spawn, and you think I would be okay with that?" His voice rose, as he got more angry at her.
"Shh, you want us to get caught?" She hissed at him.
"You are not being fair!" He pointed at her.
"I'm not being fair?!" She stood up from the bed, aggressively. "You have no idea what it is like, to be in my position."
"Of course I don't, because if I wasn't a Jedi, who was bound from Love, I'd be a slave, and still, I wouldn't be able to be with you!"
She stared at him, as though he had just thrown a bucket of freezing cold water, over her.
"Then, I guess we are just doomed, no matter what. So what is the point, at all." She looked at the ground. "The universe never destined for us to be together, so why are we forcing it, so much."
"What are you saying?" His voice was rough, as he tried to keep his voice under control.
"That we won't need to worry about keeping it a secret, because this should have never begun. I was foolish to think it ever could survive." She laughed, harshly, at herself, as she went for the door.
"Don't." He argued, grabbing her arm.
"Let me go, Anakin." She looked at him, in his eyes.
"I can't." He shook his head.
"You need to, we're just setting ourselves up for disaster."
"I don't want to lose you, Lovisa, you're all I have." His voice cracked. "Please, I'm sorry, I will do anything you ask, but please, do not leave me." He dropped to his knees. "From the moment I met you, all those years ago, not a day has gone by when I haven't thought of you. And now that I'm with you again... that I have had you close to me, for this long... I'm in agony. The closer I get to you, the worse it gets. The thought of not being with you- I can't breath. I'm haunted by your presence. My heart is beating... hoping that our time, will not become faded memories. You are in my very soul, tormenting me What can I do? I will do anything you ask. If you are suffering as much as I am, please, Lovisa, do not end this."
Her eyes watered, as she nodded her head, her fingers running through his hair, as he looked up at her, with such pain in his own eyes.
"It hurts, Anakin, it hurts so terribly. When ever I am near you, in public, knowing that everyone around us, is blind to the love that we share for one another, that they will never understand or relate to this all consuming feeling. And yet, we are to be punished for it, by being forced from it, and yet ending up in places where we are to be so close, it is torture!"
His eyes lit up, knowing that he was not alone, in this pining.
He got to his feet.
"Ani, we do not know how much time we have here, left." Lovisa spoke, in almost an whisper. "I want to give you all of me, I want to make you a promise, that I will always be yours, that you will have something of me, that no one else will ever be able to. So, that when we are forced apart, you will always be able to think of our time, together, when you are away on your missions, or in battle."
"Lovisa." He choked on her name. "Are you saying..."
She nodded, sheepishly. "All of me, tonight."
The Princess stepped away from the Jedi, remaining eye contact with him, as she tugged down the straps of her nightgown, allowing the fabric to pool to the floor, around her feet, leaving her bare, in the moonlight.
Anakin's jaw had slacked, as his eyes fluttered, basking in her beauty, his eyes scanned her, memorising every inch of her.
"Come, Jedi, let's make it a night to remember, for eternity." She wagged her finger, at him, beckoning the boy, closer.
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becca-e-barnes · 2 years
I can't bring myself to think of anything except a submissive dbf Bucky on his knees, shirtless and just short of begging to be allowed to touch you. (Probably inspired by this tiktok that I've watched SO many times)
Even his very first kiss is frantic. He usually starts off gentle; almost tentative but within minutes he's holding the back of your head, keeping you close and it's such an indulgent kiss, it makes your head swim.
"Fuck." His mouth latches onto your neck, groaning quietly when he realises you already have the first couple of buttons of his shirt undone. He's already lost any desire he might have had to take this slowly.
You pull him back up to kiss your lips with a hand gently cradling the back of his neck. He doesn't voice any objections, following your lead and letting his warm lips slide over yours until your tongue teases his.
He's practically melting already and it's so rewarding to watch how easily he crumbles. Your lips don't part from his while he shrugs his shirt off and as soon as his neck is free of the collar, your hand replaces it.
His eyes open when you start to apply pressure to the outside of his throat, careful to avoid pressing on any of the more delicate structures. "Harder." He needs this. You have no problem indulging him.
"You're so good for me." He's flushed already but you swear the praise makes his cheeks blaze even hotter. His lips are pink and slick and he's long since forgotten his need to kiss you. Up until you use your grip on his neck to direct him to kneel on the carpet.
You let go of his throat, the release of pressure gives him a head rush and it's written all over his face. He's looking up at you expectantly, desperate to know what's coming next. Are you going to tease him about being so submissive? Slap his face a little? Spit in his mouth maybe? A little part of him isn't sure what he'd prefer more.
You do none of the above though. Instead, you perch on the edge of the bed while you play with his hair, letting the seconds tick past, not saying a word.
He almost feels deprived of touch, going from so much to so little in a short space of time. Your knees are pressed tightly together but he kisses up one of your bare legs regardless, worshipping every inch of skin he can press his mouth to.
"Spread your legs." It's only a quiet murmur but his tone is off. He's not in a position to be making any demands.
"Who do you think you're talking to?" It's almost funny that he thinks he'll get what he wants by addressing you like that.
"Spread your legs please." The emphasis seems genuine. He engaged his mouth before he engaged his brain. It happens and you forgive him, parting your thighs and letting him shift the skirt of your dress out of the way.
You hadn't bothered to wear underwear. It only gets in the way and Bucky seemed appreciative that he didn't have to waste any time taking it off you.
"You're so wet already." This wasn't news to you. Even just the thought of him on his knees for you is enough to get you worked up, never mind the reality.
One of your hands instinctively settles on the back of his head and you feel him start to glide his tongue over your slick sex. He kisses your body like he did your lips earlier. The pressure and intensity feels indulgent, long strokes of his tongue that allow him to taste you the way he's been dreaming of.
The slick sounds are obscene. His quiet moans are filthy. He sinks two thick fingers into your body, curling them while his tongue laps at your clit and you can't help the way your legs shake.
The pointed tip of your shoe presses gently to the front of his trousers and he gratefully grinds against the sole. His pleasure can't and won't be forgotten, although it seems like that wasn't a concern of his anyway.
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the-fiction-witch · 6 months
Married P2
Media The Maze Runner X Fantasy
Character Newt
Couple Newt X Reader
Rating Sweet AF
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I spent hours pacing around my room in utter fury trying to find a way out of all this. I know my father has been trying to marry me off but I assumed I'd have more time! How on earth does he think it's appropriate to wed me off to some lord, uproot me from everything I've ever known and move me a week away. To live in some posh manor as some regal lady to some grubby lord twice my age! To wear fancy dresses, push out heirs and Embroider! Like some milkmaid! I refuse I utterly and completely refuse! I am not marrying him! I am finding another man to marry me within the day!
Ughhh! But father doesn't let me out I don't know any men!
How does he expect me to find someone willing to marry me If he never lets me go out and meet men!
How am I going to find a man to marry me! When I don't know any men!
I may not know any men…
But I know a newt.
Close enough!
I got dressed into something my father accepted a long blue dress before I bolted downstairs but immediately was stopped by the kitchen door by Lillian.
“Where are you going?”
“Taking Ester for a ride. And potentially coming back with a husband,”
“... alright,”
I happily bolted out grabbed Ester and rode off as fast as I could towards the farm jumping fences and creeks riding like my life depended on it I saw him outside the barn bringing in some hay bales,
“NEWT!” I yelled,
He perked up curious why he could hear his name being yelled,
“NEWT!" I yelled again,
He looked up and saw me and almost had a heart attack as he saw the speed I approached, I stopped Ester inches from the water and jumped down onto Newt throwing him into the mud,
“...oow… hi y/n,” he groans, 
"Hi!" I smiled,
"Sallianne hasn't had her lamb, so why are you attacking me?" he complained as he sat up in the mud, 
"Marry me."
"... what now?" He gulped,
"Marry me. Today."
"Ah- I- y/n..." he said shocked, "WHAT!"
"Marry me!"
"Have you lost it!"
"Newt. Yes or no do you want to marry me?"
"Well, I- I-" he stuttered, "I... Want to,"
"Good. Then we are engaged," I nodded before heading into the barn,
"What! Just like that!" he rushed in after me, "Don't I need to ask you out? Don't we need to date? hug? kiss? court? don't I need to buy you a ring? don't I need to ask your father?" He asks clearly panicking, "I feel like we're skipping a lot of steps here!"
"Newt I've known you since we were infants I think we can skip the pleasantries," I laughed as I headed to see Sallianne, he came over sheepishly and stood beside me,
"Are uhhh are you sure about this?"
"I'm sure," I shrug,
"Okay... there uhh there a reason for the sudden marriage proposal? Did a fairy come to you in the night or something?"
"No," I shrug, "My father is insisting I act like a lady,"
"That explains the dress." he nodded,
"Yeah," I complained,
"which you look beautiful in! just saying..." 
"Awww thanks Newt," I smiled, "But my father is insisting I act lady like, and he has a man coming to sell me off to."
"So... why are we getting married?"
"Becuase my father said, and I quote I have to be married but he doesn't care who too so either I bring him someone willing to marry me or he sells me off to Lord Janson," 
"Ahh..." he nods, "I am getting it now," he nods,
"Yep, so I needed someone to marry." I smiled, "Which is where you come in,"
"what's in this for me?"
"You're debating now? after you already agreed?"
"Okay yes, not my best haggling but still,"
"You're family won't wed you off to Teresa the miller's daughter,"
"they wouldn't Tommy has been after her for like six years,"
"Yes, but we both know her father is never going to let him marry her,"
"And your parents have been getting shovy,"
"They have, that's true," He sighed, "So I'd get to marry you,"
"Yep, I don't care if you do your marital duties or not-"
"Ohh I'm doing them." He nodded, "Very happily," 
"If I'm marrying you, it's a proper marriage, we have to love each other, kiss, cuddle, share a bed, and have children someday,"
"EUghh.." I sighed, "I'll allow cuddling, three nights a week sleeping in my bed and I'll learn to love you?"
"Kissing. Cuddling. Every night a week, three children and you learn to love me?"
"Every week, kisses, cuddles, and one child."
"Two children and you learn to love our relationship. And monogamous." 
"you are getting a lot out of this!"
"You want me to be your husband or not? you need me to get you out of this on short notice so I get to make the rules little lady,"
"Fine!" I complained, "Kissing, cuddling, we will share a bed But! we buy two duvets so we don't fight, one child Eventually and I will be monogamous and love you," 
"I'm actually with you on the duvet thing," He nodded, "Alright, but you don't close the door on more kids someday,"
"Agreed." I nodded,
"...Wait if I'm marrying you does that mean I'll... be a lord?"
"kinda yeah,"
"Oohh... do I have to do anything?"
"My father doesn't so I assume not," I shrug, "You can handle all the county farmlands,"
"Oooohh Ultimate power! I can make Wintson cut that bloody hedge!"
"See won't that be fun?"
"It would be fun," he smiled, "So we are actually gonna get married?"
"Yep, we'll go see Father later and get things sorted for a quick wedding within the week," 
"Hu..." He nodded, "This is just... kinda a little weird, all so sudden,"
"I know it's sudden I am sorry but I can't marry Janson,"
"I know, I don't want you to," He says taking my hand, "I couldn't bear to see you be married off to some man like that, it's not fair, it's cruel." he said, "I... I have to admit, that I have thought about asking you more than once," 
"You have?" I chuckled, "That's why you agreed to quick?"
"Kinda," he blushed, "I have wanted to marry you for a good while,"
"Awww that's sweet Newt," I smiled, "I admit... I had thought about marrying you too." 
He blushed and smiled, "This is really happening then?"
"If you want it to," she smiled,
"I want to," He nodded, "I just... kinda wish I had... I don't know- it all so fast and everything just kinda wish I had something to know this is a good idea," He said, 
And just as I said that as if the Gods themselves had heard him Sallianne kicked and moved in her pen as she gave birth to two adorable little lambs both of which she began to lick and clean, 
"Awwww Sallianne had her Lambs!" I squealed excitedly, jumping over to help and cuddle her, Newt of course jumped over too as we made sure to help out even if everything went as perfectly as it could have been,
"I uhh I guess I did as for a sign," he chuckled,
"You did," I laughed,
"You think this is a good idea Sallianne?" He asked,
Of course, the sheep didn't care too busy with her two new lambs,
"Well, I guess that's decided then," He smiled taking my hand, "Can I uhh can I give my soon-to-be wife a kiss?" 
"You may soon to be husband," I smiled squeezing his hand, before our lips met. 
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sword-dad-fukuzawa · 3 months
curious how you'd describe the linguistic drift re:proship as a term if you're willing to say! i feel like it's something i've noted, but that it's more predominant as a division on twitter and i don't keep up with twitter enough to be able to pin down what's going on there
i'm on twitter far too much for my own wellbeing but i took a step back recently, so i think i'm sane enough to answer this. i'm not, like, super in deep with the tumblr proship community but i can certainly say i'm in deep with the twitter one (unfortunately. which i say for reasons i'll describe in a bit.)
i first heard of the term in 2020 when the then-fan translator of bungou stray dogs (sighs) akai-koutei was using it. the idea that people should stay in their own lane about what others write about was compelling to me when i was 16 (and still is), and so i started using it. back then i was a genfic writer who rarely did romance, and even then, the deadest my doves got were slightly sunburned, if you get what i'm saying.
in the years since a lot of antis have mistaken "pro" as short for "problematic." which is where you get the idea that proshippers are the ones who like the nasty incest ships with problematic agegaps or whatever. i see a lot of proshippers protesting loudly and frequently against this misattribution of a label. but i think that battle was lost a while ago. to a lot of people, proship does mean problematic ship and no amount of yelling that it just means "for" shipping is going to stop linguistic drift.
to me, that means the label has lost its usefulness. people have tried replacing it with "com"ship which i think is even less useful. personally, pro-freedom of fiction is descriptive and as succinct as anyone is able to make the sentiment. this gets shorted to "pro-fic" which has the same problem as "proship."
and this is all outside of the proship community. there's been an internal drift, too, at least in the spaces i'm in (which are heavily niche, so like, take this with a grain of salt. i can't speak for fandom at large). proship has become less "i have icks and boundaries but that's my responsibility, and i don't give a fuck what other people do with their lives" and more "having boundaries at all stinks of anti mentality." i disagree with that, and i disagree violently. there are some things i don't read or interact with, from the incredibly nsfw to the comparatively vanilla. i won't read watersports or sister-sister incest the same way i won't read flowershop aus. it's really not that deep.
in this way i think the label has drifted pretty far from its original meaning, and the whole point of labels is to be a quick, snappy word i can point to that tells someone something about me. but if it's telling different people wildly different things, it's useless.
but i've kept "proship" in my bio here, at least, because fandom is an increasingly polarized place to be in and it screens out most of the people i don't want looking at my work anyway. in that sense it's still got its uses. you'd have to, like, talk to me personally or read my posts to get a feel for my stance on freedom of fiction and all that. that's fine by me, honestly, because if someone really cared to know, i'm open to explaining and engaging in dialogue that isn't regurgitated discourse. shrugs. the pace of change is rapid these days, and i've just decided not to keep up with it.
hope that's a good enough answer for you, anon!
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