#just lad things: saving someone who is crying
cod-rum · 2 years
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The Lost Chord / Silent Running
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flightyalrighty · 3 months
You're so so so so cool and so so so so talented and I am so so so so devastated oghghghb 😭
Can't wait to get my bank account up and running soon to sacrifice one of my ocs to this universe and cry about my lad as if I didn't do it to him...
I'm so so excited. But OGHHGHGHGHGHGHGH MY SONNNNNNNNic. MY POOR BOIS, THEY DO NO WRONG YOUR HONOR BECAUSE I SAY SO- INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY- no no ignore the fact they're quite literally and beyond red handed right now- INNOCENT.
I love how you're characterizing them, Shadow is used to being/has been treated as a threatening object/being out of control so his immediate response is to act accordingly even through the fear, but Sonic is so used to being the one protecting and saving others because he's so used to having control of himself that he's just panicking and acting irrationally even if it could risk others.
Sonic isn't being foolish but he's out of his element and reasonably terrified, Shadow is panicking as well but he's trying to process and rationalize things immediately because that's who he is. Sonic is act first ask questions later and Shadow is ask a few questions before acting. They're both quick to jump the gun, Shadow assuming sonic is covered in Tails entrails and just blurting it out to him AS SONIC IS PANICKING and Sonic trying to run off despite knowing he's potentially hurt someone.
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Sorry I have no other way of expressing myself towards this ask, my brain is pudding, just know that I really enjoyed reading it and appreciate it a whole lot.
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chartmyfixations · 10 months
cris watches dr. who: s02e04 - "The Girl in the Fireplace"
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"What's a horse doing on a spaceship?" "Mickey, what's Pre-Revolutionary France doing on a spaceship? Get a little perspective!"
"He's the only man I ever loved, don't look at me like that." Poor lad. The Doctor does have this effect on people, doesn't he?
Aw. Rose sharing her universe with Mickey is adorable
Space Age Clockwork is such a cool theme to design around! It really works: the contrast between the clock, the fireplace and the foppish robots on the one hand and the cool stark blue of the spaceship on the other. Pretty pretty
The word "Don't" really doesn't work on Rose
I've had it with these motherfucking horses on this motherfucking spaceship
Oof. That is one gummy ass heart
I knew nothing of Madame de Pompadour as a historical figure, so this whole episode is an eye-opening delight
Also a fan that the locale (for once) is France rather than somewhere in England
"Why can't I keep the horse? I let you keep Mickey!" Hee
Dang. The Doctor has surprise telepathy?
Dang². Reinette has a surprise knack for reverse!telepathy? It's nice, watching the Doctor experience that terrifying moment where you realize you like someone and they see you and you want to be known but also being known by that person is the most terrifying thing ever
I like how the Doctor assumes the telepathic connection works one way but it is quickly revealed that it works both ways. Hey, just like the fireplace
Wow, I'm really good at literary analysis
Poor Ms. Fish, stepping from that beautiful lush Versailles into a Power Rangers set
Hey, I also wore white All Stars in the zeroes!
Mdm. Pompadour's last letter -- I'm not crying, you're crying
So, why were the robots waiting for Ms. Pompadour to be 'done'? Was it her intelligence? Her telepathic prowess?
Aw, the ship is bearing her name. As their last resort, they saw her as their solution. That's... kind of sad. The robots were so desperately trying to find a way out within their limitless means, not realizing they had destroyed their underlying purpose (Fix the ship should obviously lead to saving the crew) in the process. It kind of reminds of the Can't Help Myself-robot.)
8 out of 8 Tardes. Beautiful episode with a cool, innovative plot. +1 for the inclusion of Mdm. Pompadour and her amazing actress
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abuddyforeveryseason · 10 months
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Hey, look! It's the Buddy for November 26th. I was going to post something I made on inkscape but I guess I forgot to save it something.
Talk about big eyes! I like a lot of manga, from early artists like Osamu Tezuka and Mitsuteru Yokoyama to modern artists like Yoshihiro Togashi and Hirohiko Araki. A lot of of critics say manga is all about characters with "giant eyes", and even though they're not wrong (there are exceptions where characters' eyes are rather small), I like how different artists can develop an unique style by changing the shape and proportions of the eyes.
Another artist I enjoy is Hayao Miyazaki. More famous as a director now, I know. He managed to develop an unique type of film presentation. I read someone on tumblr (don't remember the source, sorry) talking about how a lot of movies try to imitate the "Ghibli look" but don't add the humanist and politically charged messages Miyazaki movies do. i.e., they confused a style with just an aesthetic.
And I think a similar thing happened to another director, Quentin Tarantino - a guy who's seemingly on the opposite end of the spectrum in terms of style. When I was a kid I read some crappy lad's mag article about movies for "real men" or some edgy nonsense like that, and the top four movies on the list were Tarantino movies. and of course, being a little idiot, I believed it well enough to praise those movies even though I hadn't seen them. For a good time there, my favorite movie was From Dusk Til Dawn, which I saw as the ultimate movie for being a crime drama that turns into a horror comedy - like Goodfellas meeting Evil Dead.
And, yeah, those movies are fun enough, and it's not like I dislike either Tarantino or Robert Rodriguez now. But it seems like a lot of imitators (and there are a lot of them) don't realize is that Tarantino movies aren't just a celebration of masculinity, but a study of pop culture and the unpleasant way it would react with reality. Yeah, a guy might be a badass, but he also might get shot in the toilet. People might think a serial killer's cool and edgy, but he'll start crying and begging once one of his victims turns the tables on him.
I wouldn't say I'm a huge fan of his, and it's not like there's much point to following up now that he's retiring after this next movie, but I think he's a director with interesting stuff to say, not just a clichè factory printing out badass characters.
... I was talking about eyes, right?
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mutifandomlover · 1 year
Day 6:Write about a blackout.
Title:Storm Blackout.
The rain pounded on the rooftop of the Renning house. August was struggling to fall asleep. He hadn't slept well since the incident at Fredbears. He had his plushy in his bed with him and counted to ten in an attempt.
"1, 2, 3..."
Lightning flashed across the hallway. August glanced over, but he didn't see anything. He kept counting.
"4, 5, 6, 7..."
More lightning followed by some thunder. August shivered as he saw a shadow of a figure in the hallway. He pretended not to see it and tried to continue counting.
"8, 9, 10-ahh!"
The lights suddenly flashed on and then off. August hid underneath the blankets for a few seconds before looking up.
He heard the sounds of metal claws scratching the walls. A creepy laugh came from underneath his bed. He heard breathing near the doors. His closest door swung open and then closed again. He gulped and hugged his plushy, his breathing getting heavier.
"Who's there?"
Someone began pounding on his bedroom door.
"Let me in!"
He heard a distorted voice. August stayed slient and in a few minutes later.
Another round of pounds against the door. It sounded like two hands instead of one.
"Don't be scared, we're your friends."
"It's just us, Bonnie and Chica."
The strange laughter returned and he felt something breathing against his neck.
He quickly kicked the three little Nightmare Freddles off his bed.
The closest door slowly came open, and August could see a hook peaking out of it.
The nightmare animatronics came closer trapping him inside of the bedroom.
"Someone please help me!"
August dove under the covers again. He shivered and squeezed his plushy tight. The breathing got louder and so did the laughing.
"Please leave me alone!"
Tears began to form in August's eyes. He began whimpering quietly and his lip trembling.
"Please don't hurt me!"
After a few minutes, everything was silent. August slowly peaked his head out from under the covers. Everything was back to normal. There were no monsters in his room. The storm was still roaring, and lightning flashed. He slowly got out of bed and went to turn on the light. Nothing happened. He tried again. The light didn't turn on. He felt his way around the room and found his flashlight. He turned it on, and his body froze up.
A large yellow animatronic bear stood in front of him. He had sharp claws and teeth just like the others. He had a mouth on his stomach. August slowly shined the flashlight at the bear red glowing eyes.
That was a mistake.
August was picked up by the yellow bear. His red eyes stared into his skull. August thrashed around in the bears claws, trying to escape but to no avail. The bear ate his flashlight, and everything went black again. The only thing that August could see was his big red eyes.
Lightning flashed again, and August could see a glimpse of the bears teeth.
"What's wrong?"
"Please don't hurt...me."
"It's just me, Fredbear, your best friend."
Fredbear's voice was the deepest of the animatronics in his dreams. Only right now, August couldn't tell if this was a dream or not, and he wished that his father or even his little sister would shake him awake. He didn't want to be here. He didn't want to be in the monsters claws or near his jaws.
"You could've saved him."
Fredbear was taunting him. Fredbear knew what happened that day. They both knew what happened that day.
"I did try to save him!"
"You should've tried a little harder."
Freddy appeared behind him, his hand pulling August's hair as he pulled his head back.
"Are you gonna cry?"
August tried to reach up and stop Freddy from pulling his hair, but his arms were grabbed by Bonnie and Chica, who were laughing at him.
"He's kind of a baby isn't he?"
"It's so funny!"
"Let's give the little lad a lift. He wants to get up close and personal."
Foxy was in front of him now. Chica held up August's right arm. August squirmed in the animatronics grasp as Foxy bit down on his arm.
August screamed in anguish as his arm began to bleed. Tears were falling from his eyes. They positioned August right in front of Fredbear.
"Tomorrow is another day."
Fredbear began turning black, then yellow for a few minutes as August's forehead descended into Fredbears jaw. Fredbear bit down, and August was too stunned by the bite to say anything. He fell backward onto the floor. Blood gushes out of his head and arm. He struggles to stay awake as he slips into unconsciousness. The last thing he catches a glimpse of is the Marionette standing right before him.
"August, August, August!"
August blinked a few times to see his father in front of him. Sunshine hit his bedroom floor. Was it all a dream?
"August, look at me."
His vision was still blurry. He tried to rub his eyes, but his father stopped him.
"Don't move your arm."
August looked down at his arm. There was a giant bruise where Foxy bit him. He tried to move the back of his head, but it was so sore, and his forehead was pounding.
"My head hurts."
"I know. Do you remember what happened last night?"
"I remember thinking I saw something in the hallway as I was trying to fall asleep."
"I was...I...um..."
Rio sighed and look at his son worryingly.
"August, you were sleep walking."
"You hit your elbow on the bedrail, and you ran into your bedroom wall before hitting the back of your head on your drawer."
"I don't think I was asleep...it all felt so real."
"What are you talking about?"
"I felt their cold suits against my skin."
"I felt them breathing on me."
"No, you didn't."
"None of that was real."
August began stammering and tried to sit up. His father kept him from getting up.
"But the fox bit me in my arm, and the yellow bear bit down on my forehead."
August's father could only shake his head, signaling a no, but couldn't get any words to come out of his mouth.
"The bruises, that's where the hurt me, I remember it happening!"
"I...I think you need to stay inside today."
"Come on, I'll get some ice for your head and arm."
"No buts, come on."
Rio helped his son up and back into bed. He found his plushy under the bed and gave it to August.
"You just relax with Vince here, and I'll be right back okay?"
Rio left, and August looked at his arm. The Fredbear plush climbed up onto the bed.
"He doesn't believe you, he never believes you."
"He never sees what you see."
"He doesn't see the monsters living in your mind and under your bed."
"Tomorrow is another day, just be relieved that she kept them at bay."
August nodded and started drifting to sleep.
"Rest up, they can't hurt you during the day."
He passed out as Fredbear disappeared under the bed.
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olasportfolio · 5 months
Zawisza The Black inspired by Fate/GO universe
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quick sketches to give me an idea of the character
Zawisza is read as Zaveesha In Polish there's a saying that goes along the lines of: 'You can always count on someone like you can count on Zawisza' ('Można polegać na kimś jak na Zawiszy'), we still use it to describe someone who's really dependable. In Warsaw (and I'd assume other cities as well), there's a big roundabout bearing his name as well. I used to drive by it every day to get to my various University classes and ended up pondering what kind of person Zawisza was.
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Stages 1 to 3 concepts - swords removed from hands to show full front of the character
He lived during the twilight of the Medieval era in Poland and took parts in various battles, a famed knight that never backed down on his words. One of the most famous battles he took part in was the Battle of Grunwald (The First Battle of Tannenberg) in 1410 AD. While there is no concrete evidence, it is said that Zawisza has saved the king's flag in the crucial moments of said battle. He was named 'Black' after his famous black armor that he proudly wore to battles. Some also say that he may have been named 'Black' after his hair. I prefer the first interpretation! 1st stage - Young Zawisza, a happy-go-lucky lad. He's wearing just a shirt and some trousers - adventure is way more imporant than looks at this time for him! From the flea market, ending at churches and courts, you can find this lad causing trouble for the troublemakers. A kid with a strong sense of justice, if you needed help, you knew he'd be there for you. 2nd stage - Young Adult Zawisza, he's gathered some experiences and has learnt how to carry himself in the court of the public eye, but nobody said he has to be very serious while doing so. A young man who knows when to be serious and when he can let loose. Not very interested in public meetings, he still fulfills his role with upmost care. His attitude towards life and people hasn't changed much - he's still a just lad at heart, who refuses to see people in need cry. His experiences have given his outlook more depth, while the world may be an unjust and cold place at times, he made it his life mission to change it for the better for people he cherishes, one person at a time. 3rd stage - Adult Zawisza, a man of the legend (and history!). Bearing his famous black armour and dark blue cape (based on Matejko's Bitwa pod Grunwaldem painting) he's ready to join the fray. A fair man whose smile steals people's hearts, this knight always keeps his promises. His prescence feels like a fresh breeze blowing, he's simply a joy to be around. Idealistic to a fault, which lead to his death. A diplomat, king Władysław Jagiełło's trusted confedants, he was a man of many titles and friends across various countries.
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Stages 1 - 3 swords concepts - first one is a traditional polish sword, second one is a polish-inspired sabre, and third one is more fantasy-based sword that uses magic along with user's physical prowess
These connections eventually led to his death - during a battle with the Ottoman Turks, Zawisza's group was protecting the rear of hungarian army - King's army has been defeated and had to retreat. Zawisza was a man of great importance to King Sigismund of Luxembourg, so the knight has been sent a boat to safely reatreat. Seeing as his mission hasn't been completed, Zawisza refused and ended up being held hostage by the Ottoman Turks. It's said that Zawisza died because two of the Ottoman soldiers were fighting between each other about whose hostage he actually is - one of the soldiers in fit of rage cut off Zawisza's head. Historians also say that the reason of Zawisza's death was King Sigismund's bad strategy skills. His ideals lead to his death but he wouldn't have changed a thing, instead wishing to live a new life in a modern world to experience it once again - to taste the food, to see people smile, to be able to smile himself once again.
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Patterns from stages 1-3
I had lots of trouble coming up with his Noble Phantasm, but in the end I decided he'd have two instead of one! 1st NP: A man you can count on - a cheery smile that shines through the darkness This Noble Phantasm is the essence of Zawisza's character and ideals - the less HP he has, the more HP he heals. If his HP falls below 20%, he fully heals himself and the team, while also giving them various buffs, removing all debuffs, and slightly charging their NP bar. If his HP is between 20% to 50%, he heals half of his team's HP, removes the debuffs, and slightly charges their NP. If his HP is between 50% and 100%, he cannot use this NP. Using this NP would be risky, as the Player would have to keep Zawisza on relatively low HP, risking his death. High risk, high reward. This NP's type would be ARTS. 2nd NP: Bitwa pod Grunwaldem - a saviour admist chaos An AOE Buster-type NP that would deal massive dmg while ignoring all defence buffs (like invulnerability) - could also get bonusses from the missing % of Zawisza's life. This is a shout out to Zawisza's role during Bitwa pod Grunwaldem - I imagine he had to cut through many enemies just to be able to get to the king's flag and save it (having the banner stolen meant that you lost). He was a brave man, quick on his fit, with a charming smile inspiring his comrades.
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Zawisza's final art
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Zawisza's final art with servant border
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90s anime inspirted picture of Zawisza
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manga inspired picture of Zawisza
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a quick sketch of Zawisza
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Zawisza in different styles
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Zawisza smiling
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pretabird · 9 months
Vision Update(1) 12.22.23
I have been struggling more than I thought I was. The Gods have been sending me messages that I've been struggling to see and hear. This spiritual disconnect has been very difficult for me to cope with. But through better pacing, silence, and faith that things will make sense, I've found a clearer and sharper image of them. I plan on updating these the further I get into my journey!
The Woman
While mediating in therapy, I was hugging my inner child and comforting her gently. I felt the warmth on my back for a larger older feminine energy hugging me from behind. She spoke with intense power and grace.
"You have much work to do. When you need me, call. I will come."
Then the vision/mediation was over. I still don't know who this woman was. A goddess? Angel? Someone else from my Spiritclan? Me? I still don't believe I'm ready or prepared to ask for her help. Her help would be something I feel called to devote myself to and commitment is intimidating. The more I explore the closer I feel to her. May we meet soon.
Young Snakes
Accompanying the woman were two snakes. They coiled around my arms and squeezed gently in their own hug. Looking back, they were just babies. Almost like they were born and gifted to me for protection. I smiled as I looked at them.
One had solid inky black scales with red eyes and a golden mouth. While the other had pure white with blue eyes and a black mouth. They had names and personality that have evolved as I did. Since that vision they had been silent for YEARS until late this year.
The black snake had showed himself to me first. He kept his beautiful black scales, but his body was now similar to a western dragon. Four large strong legs with claws planted firmly into the ground. Even larger wings stretched to the sky that lowered as a form of "respect" when he saw me. When I touch him, I instantly turn into a child(or teen) again giggling and tugging at his sturdy horns. He'd let me climb all over him and ride his back as he'd walk around our meadow, and he'd listen to me talk. Piping up when I asked him questions. His deep voice shook the fear from my chest, feeding the sprites and flowers around us. He called himself Draco and used Earth and Fire magic. My sweet lad.
The other came to me very recently. She was stunning and seemingly came out of thin air. I'm not quite sure how we connected but she comes to me as a bold and wise eastern dragon. Long winding covered in white and light blue scales with a light gray tummy. Her head embellished with thick long hair and whiskers. She'd let me hold her snout gently when I needed to cry. As my tears feel she'd bellow and nuzzle me before circling her body around me for comfort. She exuded and powerful and loud maternal energy that I feel I missed deeply growing up. When we'd speak, we sat on clouds and watched the sunrise and set together. Her voice was soft like gentle rain, yet the world would pause to listen. Nothing else mattered when she was around. It was just her and I. so high about the Earth that no Man could dare harm me. She calls herself Sera. Her domain was over Air and Water. Helping me glide through my emotions and saving me if I we're to ever drown.
"We have returned when we deemed you ready. You are now ready."
Newer Dragon
Im not sure if he had been reachable only because of the storms we've been having but a third Dragon had reached out to me. He was much larger than any Dragon id have met before. His body was similar to a Salamander(the specific species I can't remember). His wings were small, maybe just as tall as I was. He looked like a full storm cloud waiting to rain. When he moved or stomped his feet it sent off yellow arches of electricity.
I asked for his help and he was weary. Im not even sure to this day what I needed help with. In frustration of me talking to him he started to turn around before 3 smaller version sprung out from under him and glomped on me nuzzling and covering me and the thin mucus on their soft skin. He watched curiously and then gave a deep huff before accepting my request. I thank those children and look forward to watch he could possibly help me with.
These are my personal experiences with the Dragons that visit! Would love to see more folks talking about Dragon work.
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I am loving the merman au!! If you’re still accepting requests would you be able to write some about the reader swimming with him? (Perhaps there’s even a point where the reader falls into the water and he saves them)
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Read Parts One and Two!!
~ * ~ Sea Monster AU HCs (Part Three)
Warning for beaches, allusions to drowning and freezing, jellyfish, seaweed, and swimming
~ * ~
-A few months have passed since you first met Childe -The hunt for the “sea monster” has died down ever since he spent some time with you on land, thank goodness -The beach is back to hosting an ordinary amount of people, which is not very many due to the cold season rapidly approaching and bringing temperature drops and frigid days -It’s one of these days that you make your way down to the shore, avoiding tide pools and wrapping your coat around you -The breeze is quite adamant about nipping at your skin but you’re stubborn and climb the rock you usually meet Childe at anyways -You sit down and tuck your legs close to keep them warm, careful not to slip on the algae growing nearby as you watch a dark shape approach you -The water ripples and Childe surfaces, chasing thoughts about the cold away from your mind as you smile at his happy trills -He hoists himself onto the rock and plops his head into your lap, and you resist the urge to jump at the feeling of water splashing on your skin -Luckily it quickly warms and you get to work scritching around Childe’s horns and fins as he purrs in delight. -You ruffle his fluff and laugh gently when he presses his face into your hands, his tail flicking back and forth under the waves -After a few minutes you get up to stretch your legs, arching your back and pulling your arms high above your head -Suddenly your foot catches on some slick algae and you stumble, thrown off-balance, before slipping and falling into the ocean -You’re immediately hit with a cold shock, the water freezing and numbing your limbs -You can swim fine, but in the SUMMER in proper SWIMWEAR, not in autumn fully dressed!! -It’s scary when you feel your lung burn and blood too cold to flow properly -Vaguely you register a pair of clawed hands grab your shoulder and pull you close to someone’s chest, and a sudden burst of air around you -Head now above water, you inhale desperately to get oxygen into your lungs, goosebumps standing on your slicked skin -Someone, who you now realize is Childe, hastily swims you to shore and sets you onto the sound, crying out worriedly -A breeze passes by and you shiver uncontrollably, the chill of the water seeping into your bones -Childe whimpers and crawls onto shore, curling around you and lifting your head onto his fluff- it’s damp but radiates warmth, and you turn to bury your icy fingers into it -He hums and rumbles, breath warm and comforting, and you slowly feel your hands and face thawing -Wrapping his arms and tail around you, he gently licks your face, fins twitching in concern as he massages your arms and legs to get the blood flowing again -You laugh, slightly dazed, as you reach up to hold his face between your hands and bring his forehead down to touch yours -He trills sadly- you could’ve died!! You could’ve frozen before he had a chance to actually swim with you, when the sun is shining and the water is warm! He was looking forward to showing you cool things underwater, but now he’s not sure if you’ll want to… -You kiss his cheek gently- of course you still want to swim with him! Just not now, in near-winter. You’ll have to wait ‘till spring at the earliest unfortunately -You hear a huff as he puts his head on your shoulder, and you promise that you’ll swim with him in the summer as you bid him goodbye and hurry home to take a hot shower -When the clouds part and summer arrives, you keep to your promise and head down to a more remote side of the beach where you told him to meet you- there’s a lot of tourists down at the city shore! -You spot him in the water, tail swishing back and forth and throwing water droplets into the air in his excitement -He leads you into the water, letting you take your time to submerge your head and get used to the temperature -You dive under, feeling a nudge encouraging you to open your eyes, and Childe floats in front of you, fluff and hair even silkier in the water and scales shining from the sunbeams cast on the seafloor -He offers a hand, tucking you close to his side before swimming deeper into the
sea. It’s a leisurely swim as he points out shells and coral that you never even dreamed of seeing -You come across a jellyfish, and while it’s beautiful, he flings an arm in front of you and growls at the bloopy, bubbly creature -You notice he keeps away from certain areas, dark little corners filled with seaweed long enough to drag you down and drown you -Of course he comes to the surface to let you breathe, wrapping his tail around your legs so you don’t even have to tread water -When the sun begins to go down you notice patches of his scales starting to glow, and the darker it gets the brighter they become -He notices your staring and chips in delight, sounding like a tuneful melody as he lets you run your fingers over his bioluminescence -The moon rises and he brings you back to shore, glowing in the dark as you squeeze the seawater out of your clothes -He tugs on your sleeve, opening his claws to reveal an iridescent shell that he shyly sets in your hands with a questioning purr -You close your fingers around it and he visibly glows brighter, happy that you accepted his gift -Before he leaves he surges forward and gathers you up in his arms, nudging your head with his own. Will you come back tomorrow? There’s so much more to see! -You laugh and nod, patting his head, and tomorrow can’t come fast enough
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that1fanficwriter · 3 years
A Night of Chaos
This lovely idea was requested by @bisexualbumblebeeblogs thank you! As always my asks are open to anyone! Feel free to drop by with a request, a question, or just to chat!
Pairing: Jonny Goodman x reader
AN: this isn’t based off of a singular episode I just put together some of my favorite antics to create absolute chaos. Also, I am currently on mobile so I am not able to add a keep reading even though it is very long.
As you stomped up the driveway to the Goodman’s house in the pouring rain you noticed an additional car terribly parked on the front stoop. Instead of trying to get to the front door you decided to just trudge around the side entrance to the kitchen. Before you could get to the door you noticed a man standing in the shadows that looked suspiciously like “the father: Martin Goodman.”
“Uncle Martin, what are you doing out here?” You called out to him.
“Ah hello my dear, there was a perfectly good loaf of bread that Jackie threw away. It only had a few moldy bits on it but she wouldn’t let me eat it in the house because we have company.” He explained.
“I see. Well, if you’re finished with your “perfectly good” moldy bread I can let you in.” You suggest.
“That would be lovely Y/N thank you. How has your relationship been doing with your male?” He inquires as you unlock the door.
“Ugh, god, not this again.” You groan, as you step inside. “Hi Aunty Jack!” You call out, as you blatantly disregard Martin’s previous question.
“Hi love! What a lovely surprise! What brings you around in this weather?”
“Mum is fighting with Larry for the third time this evening. I can’t take much more of it.”
“Well why don’t we get you out of your wet jacket and I’ll get you a cuppa. How does that sound?”
“That would be lovely Aunty Jack, thank you.”
“Of course love. Jonny and Adam are in the living room if you want to join them; please make sure they behave themselves.” She says before turning to Martin trying to sneak out of the kitchen, “MARTIN! Stop wearing your little miss muffet boots in the house! It’ll ruin my clean carpet!”
You quickly take your own wet shoes off and drop them by the front door before making your way to the living room.
“Ah hello puss face!” You say while sitting on Adam “and Jonny, the one I hate the least! How are you lads doing this fine and gloomy evening?” You ask, moving to sit between the two brothers with a cheery smile on your face.
“Come on Y/N, you know you love me.” Jonny says while trying to squeeze every last breath out of you.
“Yeah, I guess I do love you quite a bit JonJon.” You tease.
“How have Mum and Dad not figured out you two idiots are together yet?” Adams asks, flabbergasted.
“We’ll your dad is about as observant as a brick.” You state.
“Yeah, and we just avoid Mum all together.” Jonny adds.
“Oh Y/N dear, I didn’t know you were popping round.” Nellie says as she enters the living room.
“Grandma Nellie! I didn’t know you were here either! It is so good to see you again.” You say as you get up to give her a hug. “Who else is here?” You ask everyone, “I’m guessing you’re not the company Uncle Martin was referring to when he told me Aunty Jack made him eat his moldy bread out in the rain.”
“That would be Lou!” Nellie informs you.
“He’s her “lover”.” Jonny tells you with disgust.
Just then a short man, very formally dressed, walks into the living room. You make the educated and accurate guess that the angry looking man before you is Grandma Nellie’s Lou.
“Who are you?” He asks you.
You barely have time to tell him your name before he’s asking more questions.
“Why are you here? Are you dating the gerbil or the bean stalk?” He barks at you.
“My mum Val and I are close friends with the Goodmans and we live just down the street. My mum was fighting with her boyfriend again and so I decided to come over here instead of hearing that racket.” You explain.
“Alright, and are you dating little or large?” He asks you again.
You try incredibly hard not to laugh at the ridiculous names Lou is calling Adam and Jonny but one rogue chortle makes its way past your lips.
“What’s so funny?” Lou glares.
“I’m sorry, it’s just the nicknames you’ve given Adam and Jonny are hilarious!” You laugh.
“You filthy punk rockers are ridiculous!” Lou tells all three of you before sitting back down by Nellie.
“Is everything all right in here?” Jackie asks as she pops her head into the living room.
“We’re fine Mum.” Jonny says.
“Yeah, Y/N is just having a laugh at the terrible names Mr. Morris has been calling Jonny and I.” Adam adds.
“Alright, we’ll, dinner is almost done so if you all would like to come through to the dining room?” Jackie suggests. As everyone is moving to the dining room the doorbell rings. “Y/N, would you please check who’s at the door?” Jackie asks you.
“Of course Aunty Jack!” You call out to her. “I’ll be right back; save me a seat.” You whisper to Jonny before heading to the door.
“Hello Jackie?”
“Hi Jim.” You say, trying to stay pleasant.
“You’re not Jackie?” He asks.
“No, I’m not. I live just down the road.” You answer.
“Ah, I see. And you’re friends with…”
“Jonny.” You begin to say.
“Jonny, the short”
You cut him off; “the taller one.”
“Yes, the taller one.”
“What do you need Jim?”
“I wanted to return some fish Jackie so graciously let me borrow a few weeks ago.”
“Ok; well why don’t I just go fetch her real quick. Just wait here Jim.” You rush back to the kitchen to ask Jackie to deal with Jim. “Aunty Jack, Jim’s here to see you. See said he wanted to return some fish he borrowed a few weeks ago?”
“Of course he has to return week old fish right now.” Jackie complains “Why don’t you go ahead through to the dining room and I’ll bring everything in in a few minutes.” She tells you.
Once you walk into the dining room, you move to sit down at the corner beside Jonny before you notice Nellie and Lou eating each other’s faces right at the table.
“What is happening? And why is it happening at the table?” You exclaim.
“Grandma and Mr. Morris are snogging; again.” Adam groans in disbelief.
“Why does this happen every time? Just make it stop. I’d rather gouge my eyes out than watch this again.” Jonny complains.
But before anyone else can continue to complain the door bell rings again.
“I’m going to go check on that.” Jonny says, jumping out of his seat.
“I’m coming with you! I can’t stand to be in this room any longer.” You say.
“Me too!” Adam jumps out of his seat.
You all rush out of the dining room eager to get away from the Nellie and Mr. Morris. The three of you scurry down the hall and as Jonny opens the door to your mother sobbing on the stoop.
“Larry broke up with me!” She wales.
“Again? Mum, you can’t keep doing this.” You say, utterly disappointed.
“I know. Where’s Jackie?”
“She’s talking with Jim in the kitchen.” Adam says.
Everyone makes their way to the kitchen following behind a sobbing Val.
“Hi Jackie.” Val says, still crying.
“Another Jackie?” Jim asks perplexed.
“No Jim, that’s just my friend Val. You’ve met before.” She tells Jim. “I don’t think now is really a good time to continue this so why don’t you head home?”
“Oh Val what’s happened? Is everything alright.” Jackie asks Val.
“Nothing new happened,” you tell everyone, “Larry just broke up with her again.”
“Oh Val, I’m so sorry!” Jackie exclaims, embracing Val, “That’s just horrible. I can’t believe he broke up with you again!”
“Oh my god, let’s just go sit in the living room.” You suggest to the boys.
“Good idea, I can’t take much more of this crying.” Adam says.
Once you make your way to the living room you all are about to sit down when Martin bursts in from the garage, covered in something strange and without a shirt (surprise surprise).
“Dad, what happened?” Jonny asks in disbelief.
“Ah hello bambinos. Now don’t tell your mother but I accidentally threw away some of my old things that I told her I’d get rid of.”
“So then why are you covered in that?” You inquire.
“Ah well, I didn’t mean to throw everything out so then I had to go into the bin to get everything out.”
“Yes, that makes total sense.” Adam announces to the room.
“Well, I’d better head back to the garage, I need to finish taking everything to the shed.” Martin says.
“We are never going to be fed are we!” Adam says.
“The three of us could just go for a chinese and not tell anyone?” Jonny suggests.
“That sounds like a great idea. I’ll drive.” You say “Grab all your stuff and let’s get out of here before someone sees us.”
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cosette141 · 3 years
Begin Again | (OUAT fanfic) | Chapter Two
Fandom: Once Upon A Time
Pairing: Captain Swan
Words: 8k+ (so far) (this chapter: 3.5k)
Summary: (s2 "Manhattan" divergence) No one breaks a deal with Rumplestiltskin, and Emma finds herself facing the wrath of the Dark One. What if Neal didn't come back for Emma in NYC, but instead, Hook showed up to kill Rumplestiltskin early? No one has ever saved Emma before, and Hook has never been able to save anyone at all. It's time for them both to tell a different story. Together. CS
Chapter One: A03 | ffn | tumblr
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Chapter Two
"Don't leave."
Hook had never heard such broken desperation before.
The pain in her voice was so much more than physical, and it reminded him of the very day Liam died, and when he had lost Milah. It was the same plea Hook had kept begging over and over and over again as he watched the Dreamshade take his brother's life, and Milah's last moments.
Don't leave me.
Emma has lived that pain.
But from her voice, from the rawness of it, she's somehow lived it so much worse.
Someone—or more than one someone—had left her.
And he couldn't help wondering how you could leave her.
There was no bloody way he was leaving Emma.
Not now.
Not ever.
Just this morning, all he cared about was getting his revenge.
But now?
Seeing Emma's life in danger had made him realize that he felt so much more than just an attraction, than a mutual understanding with her.
He bloody cared for her.
He had killed the Crocodile.
For her.
Something he had set out for two hundred years to do, to avenge Milah, and he did it for Emma.
He would sort out the complicated emotions that arose at that later, but for now, all he knew was that he wasn't leaving Emma, and that was that.
Hook jumped a little, startled to hear the lad's voice. Her lad was looking cautiously into the room from the doorway, eyes still wide with fear that didn't belong in the eyes of a boy so young. When he saw his mother, his eyes widened even more. "Mom!" He ran to them, tears welling in his eyes, even more terrified than he had been.
Hook considered himself traumatized enough seeing Emma this way; he couldn't imagine what it was like for her lad.
"Mom!" he cried, sounding so horribly young.
Emma was still crying, trembling in Hook's arms. From the way her breath hitched with pain Hook was almost terrified to move her. Of the three of them, Emma held the most panic, even now. Bloody hell, she was nearly killed. Captain Hook was only afraid of a few things, and yet he would deny it to his dying day, the Crocodile had been one of them.
Emma didn't react to her son's voice, seeming either in shock or too much pain to focus on anything else. It only concerned Hook more for her. That age-old sense of anxiety wouldn't release its grip on his heart, and it hurt.
Swallowing, Hook tightened his hold around her a little, protectively. Answering for her, he told her lad, "She's hurt, but… I think she'll be all right." Hook forced a reassuring smile for the boy that he didn't feel. He needed to get her to a healer as soon as possible.
Hook's words didn't seem to quell any of Henry's fears. His gaze wary, he suddenly looked around the room, like he remembered something. "Where… where's…?" Henry's eyes landed on the Crocodile's discarded cane…
…and Hook's own namesake, lying on the ground.
"Did…Did you…" He swallowed, tearing his eyes away, regarding Hook with eyes just as wary.
Hook hesitated. The last thing he wanted was to frighten him.
It was strange, that feeling. For so long, Hook had prided himself on instilling fear in everyone he came across. No matter who they were.
But now…
Now, he felt a completely foreign desire to be trusted.
And here, now, Emma clinging to him, her boy staring at him with innocent fear…
He didn't want to be the ruthless pirate anymore.
It felt like the person he used to be died with the Crocodile.
He tightened his hold on Emma.
It felt like a second chance.
"He will never hurt either of you again," Hook settled on, words firm, yet soft.
Henry seemed to read between the lines, and he swallowed again. But he also seemed to realize that meant he and Emma were safe, and Hook watched the young boy let out a shuddering breath of what looked like relief. He glanced from Hook to his mother, and looked utterly lost. "Captain?" Henry stammered, "I wanna go home."
Something hurt in the way the young lad said the words.
"Your mother should see a healer," said Hook, that anxiety tightening his chest as her breath hitched again.
"Dr. Whale," said Henry instantly, getting to his feet. "Dr. Whale can help her," he said anxiously. "Or my mom—my other mom, she can heal her," said Henry, brows scrunching together, like he wasn't entirely sure of that fact. "I can convince her to," he added quieter. "But… but Mr. Go—" His voice cut, and Henry's chin wobbled as he looked at Emma. "He had our plane tickets home, and I don't know—"
"No need to worry," said Hook, a foreign softness to his words. He didn't exactly know what a plane was, but he wasn't about to let either of them out of his sight. "I'll get you and your mother home."
Henry's brows raised. "You will?"
"Aye." Hesitating, Hook looked at Emma, then back to Henry. "Lad," said Hook, and Henry looked at him, all wide-eyes. It suddenly occurred to Hook that the boy had shifted his loyalty from Emma to him in seconds. Despite his reputation, the boy was fully prepared to follow his guidance.
Hook swallowed hard, remembering the last time a child looked at him like that.
The hazy, painful memory of the boy resurfaced, and it was suddenly almost… astonishing just how similar Emma's boy and Baelfire looked.
Shaking himself sharply from the memories, Hook carefully shifted and said, "Take this." He reached his hand into his pocket for his scarf. Handing it to Henry, he said, "Retrieve my hook for me. Carefully," he added firmly. "Don't touch it. Use the cloth." He doubted there was Dreamshade left on the steel, it looked clean enough, but he wasn't taking chances.
Not with Emma's boy.
Henry nodded, like he was given the most important task in the world, and went to get his hook.
Then, Hook let out a breath, looking down at Emma.
She was still clinging to him so tightly it almost hurt, her arms wrapped around his waist, her face buried in his chest, her tears mixing with the blood on her face. Fury and fear battled in his chest at the sight of her so hurt.
As carefully as he could, he shifted her a little in his arms, wincing when it made her hiss a sharp breath of pain. He whispered an apology, getting his left arm behind her back, his right under her knees. Slowly, he lifted her into his arms as he rose to his feet.
She roused a little as he did, her face pulled into a grimace, a pained sound escaping her clenched teeth. Her eyes snapped open, stark, bright fear in her green eyes, so clear it stunned him to the core.
"It's all right," he said quickly, his voice no more than a whisper, feeling her go rigid with fear in his arms. "I've got you, love." he said softly. "It's all right."
She met his eyes, stilling in his grip apart from the trembles that wracked her entire frame, and he met hers right back. He smiled a little, though his brows still held every ounce of worry he felt for her. The fear in her eyes waned. "H-Hook?" she whispered.
A little more concerned that she seemed to have forgotten he'd been holding her all this time—especially with the knowledge that she had some sort of head injury—Hook's chest clenched. "Aye, love," he said, that reassuring smile tilting his lips, attempting to set her at ease. "I've got you. It's all right."
She held his gaze for a moment more, before shutting her eyes with a wince, and giving him a short nod.
Then, she leaned her face back into his chest, and he felt her hand grab the material of his coat, fingers clenched as tightly to him as she could.
It spread a warmth in his chest he hasn't felt…
He hesitated there for a moment, frozen, just holding her.
It wasn't lost on him the way she seemed to naturally… fit, in his arms, her face tucked into his chest.
It was a strange sense of… completeness that he hadn't even felt with Milah.
Hook swallowed.
But at the blood and the bruises on Emma's exposed skin, the way she still shook, hearing the hitch in her voice… that familiar burn of anger flared within him, dampening the rush of feeling.
"Got it," said Henry, returning with his hook, carefully wrapped in the scarf, held tight in his hands.
"Thank you, lad," said Hook, giving him a smile he hasn't used in centuries. "My ship isn't far," said Hook to Henry.
Henry's eyes had been on his mother's trembling form, but he perked up the smallest bit. "Your… your pirate ship?" he asked. "The Jolly Roger is here?"
Despite the shock and fear the boy was visibly still feeling, the tiniest spark of wonder in his eyes made Hook feel something shift in his chest.
"Aye," he said. Tightening his grip on Emma, he said, "Let's get you and your mother home."
It was only luck that his ship wasn't far, and that night had fallen. Hook had chosen the less crowded pathways of the strange town, letting shadows hide them from prying eyes. The last thing he needed was for someone to think he had inflicted the injuries upon Emma.
Emma had slipped into sleep or unconsciousness halfway through the journey, which was both a worry and something that absolutely stunned him. Somehow, Emma Swan, someone who trusted nothing and no one, who may have shared an understanding with him in the past, but never a reliability, suddenly relinquished all of her control.
To him.
She had realized it was he who held her back in that room, and only clung onto him tighter.
Emma, who, despite reading every single truth in his eyes on that damn Beanstalk, still couldn't bring herself to trust him.
Somehow, he, Captain Hook, pirate, villain, managed to gain the trust of the purest, most innocent, most distrustful soul he had ever met.
And Hook decided then and there he would die before he broke it.
Her lad followed closely beside him. It seemed that, despite everything, he also had her boy's full trust.
Something else that touched him in a way few very things ever have.
He didn't say a word as they went. Hook spent the journey shifting his gaze from Emma's shut eyes to her lad, ensuring that he didn't lose him. It wasn't lost on Hook that the boy's safety was now firmly in his hand and hook, and he wasn't about to take it for granted.
At one point through the journey, heading down a shadowed alley where light hardly reached, Hook felt a snag on his jacket. As they emerged from it, without breaking stride, Hook looked down, and nearly came to an abrupt halt in shock.
Henry had grabbed a fistful of his jacket, fingers tightly clutching the leather, keeping him even closer to Hook's side. Even out of the alley, Henry kept the tight hold on his jacket.
The sight nearly stole his breath.
Emotions he hasn't felt in ages, feelings that were covered in dust rose in his chest.
Hook shook himself.
They kept on toward his ship.
Henry never let him go.
They made it to the docks without trouble, and Hook led Henry—who was still practically glued to his side—to where the Jolly Roger was docked.
"Where's your ship?" asked Henry, speaking for the first time, eyes scanning the supposedly-empty water.
"She's cloaked," said Hook. His understanding of this land—the Land Without Magic, they'd coined it—supposedly only had magic in the one town, Storybrooke. He'd been unsure if Cora's magic would hold up once he left. For whatever reason it had, and he was not going to complain.
When he had docked the ship, he'd memorized the surroundings indicating where the gangplank was, and he approached it. Ensuring there were no prying eyes, he stepped a foot over the edge of the dock, feeling his ship under his boot. He started into the ship, feeling Henry follow hesitantly.
"Woah," breathed Henry as they walked onto the deck.
Hook snuck a look down at the lad, who'd let go of his jacket, his head canted back, staring transfixed at the billowing masts.
"She looks just like the pictures in the book," said Henry in awe, taking in the ship.
Hook distantly felt a small thread of satisfaction—not many landlubbers know to refer to a ship as she and not it—and felt his brows knead a little at the mention of this book, that has apparently featured his ship. He'd concern himself with it later.
Hook descended below deck, the muscles in his arms burning, as well as his healing ribs from the run-in with the bloody driving vessel. Hook winced as he carried Emma down the stairs.
He brought her to his own cabin, kicking open the door.
As gently as he could, he laid her down on his bed.
Something he'd envisioned more than once, but never, ever, like this.
She didn't wake as he did, and it made his chest tighten. Apart from her head injury, her other injuries didn't seem life-threatening, which was his only solace.
It still didn't release the anxiety around his heart.
"She's gonna be okay… right?"
It startled him a bit again to hear the lad's voice break the silence, and he turned to see Henry standing in the doorway, again looking worriedly at his mother.
"Aye," said Hook, trying to believe the words himself. "I'll make sure of it." He knew a good deal of first aid, and could at least tend to some of her injuries now.
He hesitated though; no part of him wanted to leave her alone here, but…
Someone had to captain the ship.
He looked at Henry.
"How do you feel about captaining the Jolly Roger?" asked Hook.
Henry's eyes went wide as saucers.
"Wh—what?" he stammered. "But I don't know how to sail," he mumbled.
"I can teach you." he said. At Henry's hesitation, Hook said, "I need someone to keep an eye on the ship while I tend to your mother."
It looked like a million emotions raced through Henry's eyes. But he looked at his mother, and then squared his shoulders a little, like he was taking on an enormous responsibility. He nodded nervously.
Hook gave Emma a last look before leaving, brushing his fingers over her hair. It felt like tearing himself in half to walk out of the cabin and climb back above deck. Even just a few moments away from her felt like breaking the vow he made to her.
He sighed at the tightness in his chest and quickly walked Henry to the helm.
Hook's eyes suddenly fell to where he had carved out port and starboard.
His voice was suddenly lost somewhere in his throat.
Not a century ago, he had stood here with young Baelfire, with the same intention to teach the boy to sail.
Hook looked at Henry, who was waiting eagerly for instruction.
A muscle ticked in Hook's jaw.
Shaking himself, Hook gestured to the etching in the wood. "First things first. Port and starboard." He gestured each for Henry, watching the boy's attentive gaze follow his gestures, listening closely as Hook quickly explained the basics of setting sail.
Henry listened, seeming again like every task Hook gave him was the most important task in the world. But soon, they were setting sail into the open sea.
Hook called him back to the helm, wind tousling their hair. "Now," said Hook, watching the sky, following the path of the stars. "One notch to port," he instructed, and Henry acquiesced perfectly. Hook couldn't help a smile. "You're a natural, lad."
Henry's smile was brighter than the moon.
"I'm going to tend to your mother," said Hook once Henry had things well enough in hand. Hook's chest burned; he'd been fighting the urge to return to Emma every moment since he'd left her side. "Remember what I taught you and come find me if something is amiss."
"Aye, aye, Captain!" said Henry, giving him a little salute.
Something warm shifted in his chest.
He gave Henry a nod of approval, and descended the stairs.
Emma was still unconscious when he returned.
Hook rummaged through his desk for rags, rum and bandages.
None of which were too far out of reach after the past few weeks.
Henry had given him his hook back, and Hook had been right; there wasn't any Dreamshade remaining on the steel, but he was still planning to clean it properly later. He didn't take any chances when it came to Dreamshade.
So he left the hook on his desk. Besides, it was hard to be… gentle with a hook.
It stunned him for a moment to realize he hadn't had a reason, a need, a desire, to be gentle, until now.
Until Emma.
He looked at her, still asleep in his bed.
Hook crossed the cabin and sat hesitantly at the edge of his bed.
Emma was still, the only movement from her being the gentle rise and fall of her chest. It was as unnerving as it was a relief.
He'd never quite shake seeing Milah as still as she had been when she'd died.
Emotions that had been hidden behind fear and adrenaline suddenly rose sharply in his chest.
"I will avenge you, my love. If it is the last thing I do."
The words had been spoken, promised, inside his own head, as he lay her body to rest in the sea.
He'd watched until the waves took her, a heaviness settling in his chest.
That heaviness sat where he used to feel a warmth at her every glance, and her every touch.
That heaviness followed him to Neverland. It followed him everywhere.
It was something no amount of rum could ease.
And gods knew he tried.
Here, watching Emma sleep…
Safe, alive…
He realized something.
Something he hadn't realized until now.
The heaviness.
It was gone.
Something had lifted from his chest.
And the more he thought about it, it wasn't just today.
It was something he felt after he'd met her.
He'd once thought, lying awake in bed, listening to the cries of the Lost Ones in Neverland, that killing the Crocodile would lift that weight. That it would grant him some sort of contentment, some sort of relief.
And he'd done it.
He'd killed the Crocodile.
He'd avenged Milah, even inadvertently.
And yet…
The contentment and relief he felt had nothing to do with meeting his purpose, or honoring Milah.
His eyes fell to Emma.
Every bit of relief he felt was solely due to seeing that rise and fall of her chest.
He tried to imagine if she hadn't been there, if it had just been him and the Crocodile.
But without Emma…
There was no relief.
The heaviness only seemed to feel… more heavy, ironically weighted with an emptiness that, deep down, Hook knew had been there all along.
It was a loneliness that revenge didn't cure.
"Don't leave."
Emma's words carried every ounce of that loneliness he felt.
If he had simply killed the Crocodile for Milah, if Emma hadn't been there…
His life would be nothing but a purpose met.
Milah was still gone.
All he would be left with was the silence on his ship every night.
Killing Rumplestiltskin wasn't anything like he thought it would be.
He'd held onto his need for revenge like a lifeline all this time. Without it…
Bloody hell, he had no idea what he would have done without Emma.
There would be nothing to do.
No life left to be lived.
His eyes once again found Emma.
She felt like a reason to live.
She felt like the reason to live.
He only wished that he had made it to her sooner, before the Crocodile had hurt her.
With a sigh, Hook picked up a rag, and began to gently clean the blood from her face, wishing he could erase her pain—the pain inflicted by both the demon who attacked her, and the one in her past who had left her—just as easily.
tag list: @teamhook @jrob64 @kmomof4 @justanother-unluckysoul @klynn-stormz @stahlop @ilovemesomekillianjones @hookmecaptain @fleurdepetite @pirateprincessofpizza @anmylica @snowbellewells @once-upon-a-pirate-ship
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raspberryranpo · 3 years
announcing your engagement
fire emblem three houses: blue lions
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i made a mistake and tapped post instead of save so i’ve had to start again 😭 this is in response to @angel6776 ‘s ask!! sorry!!
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dimitri probably wouldn’t even want to announce his engagement, only to one or two of his closest friends and then just send out invites to more people when you’ve both set a date for the wedding
but he’s the king of faerghus, and later fodlan, & the entire country deserves to know about the new monarch on the throne
all of your closest friends and family know beforehand, but the official announcement comes during a speech to the entire country, spoken from the balcony of the palace looking over the city
he’s talking about the new tax laws or something boring, and he then says something along the lines of, “my partner and i will…”
of course, the city takes notice of this and everyone gasps at the same time
dimitri then realises that not everyone knows about the two of you, and so he says, “it is with great pleasure that i announce my engagement to….”
and the city goes WILD. there’s parties everywhere. everyone celebrates yours and dimitri’s engagement, as well as the new realisation that the king has come out of his depression
the announcement & the wedding date is sent out on little cards to your closest friends and your family, decorated with little flowers and sparkles and whatever else goes on cards
each person who has received a letter has personally come to your shared home and has asked about whether the card is the truth or not
with a small blush and an even smaller smile, dedue nods and takes your hand, looking at you with a tender look in his eyes
dimitri was obviously the first person to know. in fact, dedue made sure that the two of you took the invitation to him personally
dimitri almost cries when he reads it, knowing that his friend has grown up and has realised that he’s not the big bad monster he made himself out to be
in fact, he’s so excited for his friend that he’s running around and telling everyone who’ll listen - not that dedue minds, of course, because he’s much too smitten with you to realise what’s actually happening
definitely the one to stand up in the middle of an important meeting and just scream it
it happens during one of the monthly meetings the nobles of fodlan have, during which they discuss (or rather argue over) all of the issues the newfound country has
they’re in the middle of discussing something like child poverty or something actually really sad when sylvain stands up & clears his throat, drawing all attention to himself
he has the biggest grin plastered on his face, and with all the satisfaction in the world, he just yells, “I’M GETTING MARRIED!”
you’ve got some like mercedes and dimitri, who quietly clap, genuinely happy for our resident ginger, but then you’ve got the ones like felix or ingrid, who promptly grab him by the ear and drag him down, yelling about how inappropriate that was
the look he gives you from across the table tells you that he doesn’t regret almost having his ears pulled out of his head
brings it up quietly to annette, ingrid, ashe or mercedes, seeing as though they’re the only people whom he doesn’t feel would judge him, and they’re the only people he’d feel comfortable telling
the only way that sylvain and dimitri find out is through those four. they aren’t really formally told. felix does kind of hope that they find out, even though he refuses to outright tell them
he, mercedes and annette constantly talk about it - the girls because they love talking about weddings and decorations, felix because he secretly enjoys thinking about you dressed up in a wedding outfit
eventually, the entire monastery knows, simply because dimitri overheard annette taking about it, & he immediately yelled, “WHAT?! FELIX?! ENGAGED?!”
the poor lad would get incredibly flustered the second someone would bring it up with him but you can tell that he’s not embarrassed to be engaged to you
if anyone asks any questions about it, he won’t hesitate to blab on about it for three hours straight. they’ll be bombarded with him constantly singing your praises
it’s like chinese whispers. he says it quietly to dedue, and dedue, not wanting to keep things from his king, tells dimitri, but dimitri doesn’t understand the concept of secrets and tells felix, felix laughs and tells ingrid, ingrid tells sylvain and sylvain tells the entire population
upon being asked about his engagement, ashe’s smile extends from one ear to the other, and he talks for a very long time about how pretty he thinks you’ll look & about how excited he is to actually be married to you
he decides to formally announce it because neither of you have actually said anything - the only way everyone knows is because of something someone else has said
he announces it at a formal dinner party the blue lions have every so often to meet up together. his chair scrapes the floor as he quickly stands up and the room goes silent
it’s very awkward, but he blurts it out with a smile on his face anyway. everyone is incredibly proud of the both of you
the second you’re engaged, she runs to sing it from the rooftops. except she doesn’t sing, but she quite literally yells it from somewhere high up in the monastery
she’s full of laughter and immediately pulls you into her arms after she’s done, and doesn’t stop kissing you
omg imagine she yells it in the middle of the night & all you can hear is felix in the distance going “SHUT THE HELL UP”
everyone won’t stop talking about it the next day. turns out, everyone heard it, and mercedes is incredibly embarrassed for the entire day
her face is red and her left hand doesn’t leave her cheek, but her other hand stays on top of yours, every so often running her thumb over the ring on your finger
imagine you propose to annette & she just screeches. it’s the most unholy screech you’ve ever heard and it gets everyone’s attention
that’s how it’s announced. annette makes the most primal scream ever heard to man & the entire monastery runs to her aid, wanting to know what’s going on
she slowly turns to the small crowd of people silently watching the two of you and very loudly says, “i’m engaged??????” and she sounds so unsure about it
everyone’s kind of unsure about whether or not you’re both engaged but after a long period of her being quiet, she starts laughing like a maniac, jumping up and down and crying about it
it’s all she talks about for the next year and a half. even after you’re both married she doesn’t shut up about you proposing
tries to stay as quiet about it as possible before she tells all of her friends at once at one of the many blue lions reunions
she wraps an arm around your waist and everyone is shocked at the purely sunny look she has on her face
even her voice has a cheerful lilt to it as she happily announces, “we’re getting married!!”
everyone’s shocked at how genuinely happy she sounds since normally she’s quite serious, never really showing anything other than that
she immediately regrets acting like that because for the next few weeks it’s all everyone goes on about and she’s so humiliated
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cheri-translates · 3 years
[CN] S2 Gavin and MC in Chapter 19 (Part Two)
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers from Season 2 🍒
My focus is on Gavin x MC interactions, so content relating to the plot will be in bullet-points :>
Part One: here
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[ Notable Scene: Infiltrating the STF ]
MC: ...but aren’t you relieved from your duties?
Gavin seems to guess the words I haven’t said, and he lets out a soft, unnatural cough.
Gavin: I know every patrolling post in the STF, patrol timings and angles of the surveillance cameras. I can ensure that we’d get in successfully without anyone noticing. However, since I only saw his face from four years ago...
MC: I’ll go with you. As long as I see his face, I can point him out to you.
Gavin has a teasing smile in his eyes, perhaps seeing the urgency written on my face.
Gavin: In that case, let’s go for a walk in STF tonight.
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Late at night, Gavin and I infiltrate the STF through an outer wall.
Pale moonlight outlines a misty halo around him, softening his edges.
He finds an open window with ease. Lifting me up, he lets me jump through the window before leaping in himself.
This appears to be a utility room.
MC: Captain Gavin’s really good at this.
Gavin: This is the STF. I won’t bump into anyone even with my eyes closed, much less the walls.
Before Gavin finishes speaking, Tang Chao walks in with a bowl of instant noodles, a wicked smile on his face while he pushes the door open.
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Tang Chao: Instant noodles must be eaten on the sly. Otherwise, I might-
When Tang Chao sees Gavin, he pauses in his footsteps.
In this short span of time, we look at each other speechlessly, the only thing left being the steam rising from the instant noodles.
All of a sudden, Tang Chao rolls his eyes, his body doing a 180 degree turn. With the instant noodles in hand, he steps out of the door before closing it.
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Gavin: ...
MC: ...didn’t you say you wouldn’t bump into anyone even with your eyes closed?
Moonlight streams in from the window, illuminating the side of his face clearly. I turn my head stiffly, watching as his Adam’s apple bobs slightly.
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Gavin: Tang Chao is slacking off.
Tang Chao’s slightly frantic voice can be heard indistinctly.
Tang Chao: Since Captain hasn’t been around, there were changes to the duty roster... Please save me. That was so awkward. Oh no, I don’t want to run laps...
I stare at Gavin quietly. His expression has returned to normal, as though nothing happened.
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Gavin: It’s okay, let’s continue.
Gavin listens to the surroundings calmly. After a moment, he pulls me out of the utility room.
Suddenly, a set of uniform footsteps can be heard from behind us.
STF Agent: ...
Even before we can turn, the regular footsteps turn into small, scattered steps, akin to busy bees fleeing in disarray. The surroundings slowly return to silence.
MC: Have we been completely exposed...?
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With a soft cough, a reddish hue climbs up the tips of Gavin’s ears.
Gavin: It doesn’t count if we aren’t caught. 
Eli (through the speakers): Hey hey hey.
Eli’s voice suddenly drifts from the STF’s broadcast speakers. Gavin carefully pulls me over to hide in a shadowy corner of the corridor.
Eli (through the speakers): ...due to some indescribable reasons, all the surveillance cameras in the STF will take a break for 15 minutes. If a certain colleague wishes to go somewhere or do something, please do so quickly.
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Gavin: ...
MC: Pfft.
Seeing Gavin’s slightly speechless expression, I can’t help but laugh aloud.
This person is protected by many people who are unafraid of anything, isn’t he?
After this, we occasionally bump into familiar faces. However, they seem to have made a prior arrangement, and choose to ignore us.
Gavin seems to hesitate on whether he should make an explanation, but it eventually turns into one sigh after another.
In the end, we “very successfully” step into the room with the “Eye in the Sky” system.
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Using the system, Gavin retrieves footage from the football match, and MC is able to identify the wheelchair-bound man, Du Wen
Gavin then searches up information on him as well as his approximate whereabouts
The both of them find him in a small alley
He admits that he’s the founder of the Fulcrum Charity Organisation, and has been assisting Gray Rhino in whatever he can
He claims that he means them no harm. To prove this, he allows MC to read his memories
Although they find the circumstances too convenient and deliberate, MC reads his memories because why not
She notices that certain memories have been stored in a misty bubble, just like the “firewall” she installed for Gavin earlier
Still, she searches for memories from the New Years Change Incident
She "sweeps” these memories into her own mind, and confirms that he’s indeed a victim of the incident
Gavin asks how he should contact Du Wen in the future, and the latter says he’d appear during a safe time
Once they leave, MC tells Gavin that they can use the Golden Apple 2 to display the memories she saw
Gavin says that Du Wen’s words aren’t trustworthy, but at least they have some leads that could further guide them to the truth
The next afternoon, MC learns from Kiki that the exhibition hall will be re-opening the next day. So she contacts Gavin and plan to sneak into it that same night
When she arrives, there’s someone else with Gavin - an elderly man with a missing left arm
She finds him familiar
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[ Notable Scene: MC meets Captain Yan ]
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Gavin: MC, this is the old policeman, Captain Yan. Today, he’s mainly here to cover for us. Captain Yan, this is...
Captain Yan: No need for introductions. You’ve mentioned her many times.
Before I can express my shock, Captain Yan sends me a warm gaze.
Captain Yan: MC, we met once at the hospital. I always hear your name from this young lad, so I’m pretty familiar with you.
Captain Yan smiles teasingly, then gives Gavin a meaningful look.
Captain Yan: If he ever bullies you, remember to tell me. As his senior, I’ll give him a proper scolding.
MC: O-okay! Thanks, Uncle Yan.
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Gavin: Cough. We’ll leave the pleasantries for next time. We should go now.
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With this, Gavin speeds up and walks forward, a faint red hue climbing up the tips of his ears.
Seeing Captain Yan’s grin, I hurriedly lower my head and follow after him.
MC: Gavin, wait for me!
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With Captain Yan keeping watch, MC and Gavin use the Golden Apple 2
In the simulated memories of the New Years Change Incident, Gavin notices post-injection bruises on Du Wen’s hand
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Du Wen and those around him don’t seem to know what’s going on, but they’re frightened due to the sounds of gunshots and explosions outside
A handful of Evolvers revolt, but are shot to death by officers dressed in NW uniforms
Du Wen flees, and the both of them follow after him
In the end, they watch as a beam crushes the lower part of Du Wen’s body
At the same time, a drone in the simulation appears to take aim at MC
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[ Notable Scene: Gavin’s Protection ]
Gavin: MC!
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An urgent exclamation drifts to my ears. Turning to the voice, I see Gavin lunging towards me involuntarily.
Those amber eyes grow large in front of me. In the next second, I’m enveloped in Gavin’s arms.
My cheek is pressed tightly to his chest, and powerful heartbeats echo at my ear.
His heart is beating very quickly - so quickly that my heart subconsciously matches its frequency.
“Thump thump. Thump thump. Thump thump.”
It’s as though these powerful heartbeats are the only things left in the entire world.
In every difficult or dangerous situation, I’m always able to hear this sound.
It’s as though they have melded into my bloodstream, becoming a kind of instinct.
Gavin: It’s fine, there's no need to leave the system.
Gavin’s hand is by his ear. After stating his judgement calmly, he looks at me.
Gavin: Are you okay?
MC: Gavin, this is fake.
Gavin: Mm. But my body seems to have reacted a little faster than my brain.
His amber eyes reflect the blood-coloured sky, filled with worry and fret that he hasn’t had the time to shed off.
Gavin: Whether it’s real or an illusion, I don’t want you to get hurt in front of me.
MC: But they would simply pass through my body.
Gavin: Not even if they pass through.
He speaks unyieldingly.
MC: Okay, whatever you say.
Gavin: Let’s get out of here.
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They continue looking at the chaos and hear the sounds of crying and screaming
Gavin appears composed, but the fingertips holding onto MC are quivering, as though he's barely suppressing his anger at the injustice before him
The scene shifts, and what appears before them is a NW laboratory
Du Wen has thick tubes stuck all over him, and he’s submerged in a gigantic apparatus
MC traces that the memory is from 2 months prior to the New Years Change Incident
A senior official from NW walks in, and he seems to be in charge of a secret experiment
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[ Notable Scene: Gavin and MC’s Future Father-in-law]
His eyes are steadfast and icy, as though nothing can sway him.
And nothing can destroy or obstruct him.
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Gavin stands rooted to the spot. He watches as the man draws closer and closer to himself-
And walks straight through him.
Gavin has already matured into someone whose height is on par with his. They have incredibly similar features, and they even share an identical straight and powerful gait.
However, Gavin doesn’t turn around. His entire body remains stiff until the world gradually gathers into a patch of darkness.
He doesn’t move. The faint white light causes him to look pale.
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Slowly, he lowers his head, covering his eyes.
I stand behind him, not saying a word.
That senior official is Gavin’s father.
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Once they’re out of the Golden Apple 2, Captain Yan notices how solemn Gavin looks
Gavin takes Captain Yan and MC to a simple apartment to talk
Gavin fills Captain Yan in on what they saw
Captain Yan and Gavin start discussing what happened, and MC heads over to the window to look at the view despite the best view being Gavin
Gavin brings up the laboratory, and Captain Yan asks if he saw “that person”. Gavin grits his teeth and says, “I saw him.”
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[ Notable Scene: The End of Chapter 19 ]
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Gavin: MC, I’ll send you home.
By the time Gavin comes up from behind me, Captain Yan has already left.
I notice Gavin’s tense lower jaw. He seems to be doing his best to appear natural in front of me.
To appear as though he doesn’t care.
Seeing this person before me, I feel my heart being clenched tight.
MC: Gavin, I want to go somewhere before heading home. Could you accompany me?
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When we leap over the walls of Loveland High, confusion flashes across his eyes.
The gentle evening breeze brushes his fringe, and his figure is immersed in patches of moonlight.
It’s been a very long time since I last returned to this place. But images from this place always surface in my mind.
The field, the stairs, the roof, the gymnasium late at night, and the infirmary.
During that period of time I had re-lived, I wanted nothing more than for time to move a little faster.
So that I’d be able to reach that day when I could walk over to him a little sooner.
However, this year, I’m reluctant to let time pass by as quickly. 
During the time in which the wind blew by, that young man filled all my memories related to youth.
That’s how reluctant I am.
That’s why I’ve been walking slowly on purpose. Even so, in just the blink of an eye, he disappeared in the breeze of youth.
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Pulling on Gavin’s hand, we walk along the field, and walk into the depths of the forest behind the school.
MC: Gavin, I think you’re angry.
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I turn my head to the side to look at him. Gavin simply furrows his brows slightly, and it’s clear that he feels a little uneasy.
MC: You don’t need to pretend that nothing’s bothering you in front of me. Anger isn’t something you should feel ashamed of.
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Gavin: I...
He opens his mouth, but something sews it up again.
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A fierce wind suddenly rises, causing countless fallen leaves to swirl in the air.
They are reminiscent of incessant, agonised screams.
Gavin: I... just can’t understand. There are clearly many other methods. There are many other choices.
His words are blended into the wind, suppressed and pained.
I don’t turn my head to look at his expression. I simply stand beside him quietly, our fingers interlaced together, standing in the middle of the fierce gale.
With the flow of time, the fierce gale becomes calmer. In the end, it morphs into a gentle breeze, brushing our fringes.
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Gavin: MC, thank you.
I shake my head, turning my head towards him.
MC: Gavin, do you know something? The reason why I brought you back here was to tell you that I hope your beautiful memories won't simply be confined to high school. Beautiful things should continue, and never end.
While saying this solemnly, my heart speeds up uncontrollably.
Gavin’s pupils quiver slightly, and he squeezes my hands tightly.
Gavin: Thank you.
Very softly, he repeats these words.
MC: Let’s walk around a little more before heading home.
I chuckle happily, my footsteps becoming incomparably lighter.
All of a sudden, my palm feels empty -
It’s as though Gavin released my hand.
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Feeling puzzled, I turn around to find that Gavin had simply shifted his hand behind his back.
MC: What’s wrong?
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Gavin: ...nothing.
When the girl’s confusion is dispelled and she continues walking forward, Gavin lowers his head to look at his vanished right arm, his expression composed.
As compared to his right hand disappearing the last time, the scope seems to have grown larger this time.
Gavin follows behind the girl calmly, contemplating quietly.
His time might be shorter than he imagined.
Gavin chuckles softly, the corners of his lips hooking upwards slowly.
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Gavin: MC.
I pause in my footsteps and turn around, realising that we’re several footsteps apart.
MC: Gavin, what’s wrong?
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Gavin: I just received news from Captain Yan. I might have to leave for a while.
MC: So suddenly?
Gavin: Sorry. After sending you home, I’ll set out.
He looks at me apologetically, as though suppressing something once again.
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After returning home, I quickly remove my shoes and rush to the window to search for that figure.
Guessing that I’d do this, Gavin doesn’t leave immediately. He stands downstairs, waiting for me.
A gust of wind burrows in through the window, as though carrying with it slight reluctance as it makes gentle twirls around me again and again.
I lean my palm against the glass, wanting to say another farewell to him.
MC: Gavin, you must return safely.
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cotton-tails · 4 years
So I saw this last night, and the little angsty plot bunny in my head woke up and I just had to write something. Fully intended to be a drabble of sorts, but of course it turned into a four page tear-fest, so grab the tissues and strap in.
Oh, and I haven't edited this, it's just 3am word-vomit, so enjoy the mess!
“So, this hasn’t exactly gone to plan.”
Della snorts cheerlessly at Donald’s deadpan comment, struggling into a sitting position and wincing at a twinge in her elbow. The chains dig into her arms with every movement, a very clear upgrade from the ropes they’d all been able to break out of within several minutes not too long ago. These idiots don’t know who they’re messing with.
Or they do; probably a little too well, hence the plan that fell apart very quickly. And the chains. And the scary looking red lightning below them.
“Shut up!” Heron snaps behind them, cuffing Donald a little too roughly around the head.
He doesn’t react more than a sharp hiss and a dark glare behind him, and Della can’t help the sharp pang of guilt under the surge of anger. She bites back a comment, keeping her eyes fixed on the ground until the villain is out of earshot.
“I’m sorry,” she breathes, keeping her voice low.
“What? Why?” Donald sounds confused but she can’t bring herself to look at him.
“You should be with Daisy right now,” she says, “I’m the one who guilted you into staying, into coming on this stupid trip. And now we’re facing the very real possibility of dying.”
Donald is quiet.
Forcing herself to look up, she frowns at the look on his face. He still doesn’t say anything, but the expression says it all; ‘Della-you-absolute-idiot-what-are-you-blathering-on-about?’
“I came on this stupid trip cause our kids were in trouble,” he hisses eventually, “my family were in trouble! You think I wouldn’t ditch my vacation in a heartbeat for any of you?”
“I-” Della starts, but her voice catches, rendering her utterly speechless. He’s not lying, she knows exactly what he would do for the family, for her. Yet, somehow that knowledge isn’t exactly helping.
She misses her chance to reply, all conversation cut off with the explosive arrival of Scrooge and Bradford through the roof.
Della clenches her fist and almost bites through the inside of her cheek as he slams to the ground. She manages to chime out a ‘Hey Uncle Scrooge,’ with Donald when his pained gaze finds them. Beakley mutters a sarcastic ‘Fantastic,’ from her other side. She can only watch as a now armoured Bradford, armed with the sword, picks him up by the back of his coat and drags him up the stairs. He’s blathering on about something, but she’s stopped listening; too busy focusing on her battered and beaten uncle and how this could have gone so completely and utterly wrong.
It’s the usual spiel anyway, threats to destroy his family, his adventures, everything he had worked for, blah blah blah.
Then the contract is revealed, and her stomach drops to somewhere around her knees. If they don’t find a way out soon, Scrooge will have to either sign his life away or they all die, and frankly, neither option sound particularly appealing.
It’s only when Bradford sacrifices his own agents that the desperateness of the situation really sinks in. It’s one thing to talk about murder, it’s entirely another to actually do it. And if Bradford is willing to throw away his own agents, Della can’t imagine what he would be willing to do to her family if Scrooge doesn’t sign.
He tries to buy some time. Della can almost hear the cogs turning in his head as he tries to figure out how to get out of this one. She huffs out a half-hearted laugh at the sharp quip about the fine-print. He’d figure something out, he always does. Not to mention the kids are bound to have found a way out by now, they’d pick up the rest of their allies and be on their way to disrupt the whole evil plan.
It’s just a matter of-
“Ugh! Enough stalling!”
Never mind.
“You need some incentive.”
Della does not like where this is going.
“Perhaps the life of your most trusted ally?”
The three of them snap their heads forward as Bradford stalks towards them, sword dragging on the concrete threateningly. As the screeching rings in Della’s ears, the only thought racing through her mind is ‘not Donnie, not Donnie, please, don’t take my brother.’
Her heart almost stops when he scoops Donald up by his collar, his cry echoing in her ears.
“Donald!” Three voices scream.
She can barely breathe, crippling panic bubbling up inside. All she wants to do is close her eyes and scream, break these chains and drag him back to safety, but she can’t move, she can’t take her eyes off her twin as he’s dangled over the edge.
“What will it be Scrooge? Adventure? Or your Family?”
‘Just do what he wants!’ She’s not ashamed of the thought. They’ll figure out a way to reverse the contract, there’s always a way, always a loophole. Just do it so she can see her brother safely on solid ground.
“Alright, I’ll do it.”
She can’t say she’s surprised at how quickly he gives in.
“No! Don’t!” Donald screams, “find a way out! You can beat him!”
The pen is already in his hand. “It’s not worth the risk lad.”
They can only watch in horror at the golden glow that circles around him, lifting him up and binding him with unbreakable chains that drag him to the ground.
“I did it!” Bradford crows triumphantly. “The great Scrooge McDuck, now only a poor old man!”
Della’s heart breaks just a little at the look of absolute misery on her old uncle’s face, but she doesn’t have time to mourn properly, because Bradford is talking. Again.
“Normally I wouldn’t indulge in such petty villainy,” he says, his gaze turning back to Donald, still dangling over the edge, with a glint in his eye that makes Della’s blood run cold. “But since this is a special occasion.”
He lets go.
Della’s eyes meet Donald’s for an agonising second, and then he’s gone.
There’s a flash of red, and someone is screaming.
She doesn’t even realise it’s her until a rough hand knocks her back.
“Shut it! Or it’ll be you next!”
Hot tears stream down her beak and she presses her forehead into the cold concrete, not even bothering to choke back a sob. Over the pounding of her own taunting heartbeat in her ears, she hears the sound of the machine powering down (‘Too late’ her traitorous mind provides), of her kids voices yelling something, and Scrooge shouting for them to be careful.
And Bradford, confused and angry as her family finally, finally step in to save the day.
His voice sets off something inside that she hadn’t felt since the day Lunaris betrayed her. A raging anger that burns through her, overwhelming any other emotion and completely taking over her mind.
The chains are no longer an obstacle, and even Beakley can’t stop her from launching herself at the buzzard. They tumble down the stairs, fists flying and feet kicking. Everything blurs after that, which may or may not be a side effect of a rather painful bump on the head as they hit the ground at the bottom of the staircase. She’s kicked off, then it’s just a cloud of lights and bodies and a strong arm holding her back from doing anything overly-reckless and potentially stupid.
The kids, her (their) beautiful, wonderful kids, figure out the loophole and the ever-binding contract disintegrates.
It’s done.
The maniacal villain is defeated once more. The world has returned to rights and the sounds of celebration fill the air.
But Della can only stand and watch, her hands trembling and eyes burning. Beakley stands behind her, hands hovering just behind her shoulders, ready to give comfort if needed.
He’s gone.
Her brother, the other half of her soul; just… gone.
And… oh.
Her knees buckle, a wrecked sob forcing its way from her throat. Beakley catches her with a arm round the shoulders and a hand under her elbow, lowering her gently to the ground as she crumples into a ball. She presses her hands to her eyes in a hopeless attempt to stem the tears as everything comes crashing down.
“It’s okay, let it out dear.”
He shouldn’t have been here. He should’ve been on that amazing adventure with Daisy, sailing together on that old houseboat. After everything life had thrown at him, after all the madness they’d been through, he’d finally caught a break, finally found that amazing person who loved him as fiercely as he loved her.
Then Della had come along, crying about lost time and not being ready. She hadn’t wanted to him to leave, even on a stupid vacation that he would very clearly be coming back from.
Now he wouldn’t even get the chance to go.
And it’s all her fault.
The obvious confusion and concern in Huey’s voice is enough to send her tumbling over the edge all over again, fresh tears springing up at the thought of having to explain what happened to her- to his kids.
Scrooge hurries them away, and she tries not to listen to the hushed explanation, the startled gasps, and she has to cover her ears for the rest. She can’t stand it.
It’s all her fault.
There’s no mistaking that voice.
Her head snaps up so fast she’s half sure she’s given herself whiplash. Even through blurred eyesight, she knows that silhouette, that outfit, that stupid hat. She blinks, sniffing and scrubbing at her face with her sleeve, hardly daring to believe.
It shouldn’t be possible, there’s no way it’s possible. She saw it, she saw him fall, saw the flash of lightning, the empty space where he had been only moments before. She watched her own brother die. So how was he standing ten feet in front of her, laughing as he’s tackled by several small and colourful blurs?
A hand appears in front of her face and she looks up into the stunned face of her uncle. He looks almost as much of a mess as she feels, tearstains tracking down his cheeks and spotting on his coat.
“I think it might be best if we just don’t question it,” he says, helping her to her feet.
His hands are shaking as he holds hers tightly, but she doesn’t comment; it can’t be any worse than her own trembling limbs. They turn back to Donald, who’s ended up sat on the floor under the collective weight of the kids. He’s got a tearful Louie on his shoulder and several kids wrapped around his torso as he struggles to his feet, and Della can see him mouthing a headcount as he takes them all in.
“I swear every time we see you, you have more children.”
She hadn’t even noticed Panchito and José just beside him, grins wide and eyes twinkling with amusement and, in José’s case, something else that she can’t quite place. Donald just laughs at Panchito’s observation, the sound sweet as honey and causing even more tears to well up all round. The pure relief that sweeps through her is almost enough to make her knees give way again, but Scrooge’s hand gripping hers and Beakley’s arm still around her shoulders is just enough to keep her grounded.
Then he catches her eye.
“Hey Dells.”
The kids must see something in her face, cause they have to good sense to dart out of the way just moments before Della hurls herself at her brother. They almost topple backwards, but Donald is able to keep them just about upright while Della just focuses on wrapping her arms around him and burying her face in his shoulder. His arms circle her waist, holding her just as tightly. The tears are streaming freely now, but she’s beyond caring. He can yell at her about ruining his shirt later and she’ll just take it with a grin.
“You idiot!” she yells, her voice muffled by his shoulder, “I thought you were dead!”
“For a minute, so did I,” he says into her hair, “how about we just call it even?”
The soft jibe only makes her laugh, and she holds him just that little bit tighter.
Miracles do happen, and in the end all that matters is love, family and adventure.
But if he thinks she’s going to let him go galivanting off on some adventure without her now, then he’d better think again.
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skiyoosmi · 4 years
if fate permits
chapter twenty two: i love you
previous  <  masterpost  >  next
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note. i am sorry for the veeeery long wait; i finally finished it tonight (after fucking up with it for two whole months) but yeah, my emotions are quite unstable right now so this was affected by it (in short, this is a roller coaster ride so pls be ready)
playlist. stay (acoustic ver.); never let me go (both sung by ghostly kisses)
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You absolutely had no idea what you were doing right now. As far as you could remember, you were the playwright, the writer of the script. You never had any interest in acting in plays, musicals, nor acting in general… none at all – so why is it that right now, you were standing right on the side of the stage, waiting for the cue for you to come out, dressed up as someone you weren’t supposed to be, someone you were only supposed to have written for?
You swear, this was the most chaotic crowd you have ever seen your whole life. You only watched, alongside Hajime, as people lined up right by the entrance of the university’s theater, murmuring and gossiping about the play that was less than an hour away from starting, “I gotta say, they look way too excited for a story that they should know like the back of their hands by now. It’s kind of funny,” Hajime chuckled, letting out a quiet ‘yeah’ as he shoved his hands in his pockets, watching you cringe on the girls that were obviously here for your best friend. You swore you heard one of them say they’re going to ask him out after the play and you almost wanted to drag her out of the venue by her hair.
“I would say it would be a waste of a ticket for people who are here just to gush about handsome faces instead of the story itself but then again, it’s us who are benefiting from it anyway.” You huffed and muttered a few more things under your breath, beginning to walk to the direction of the entrance for the crew members which was on the farther side of the theater, Hajime silently following and shaking his head out of amusement for your obvious jealousy. I can’t wait for the time when it’s me you’re being jealous for, he thinks.
You thought the crowd outside was chaotic? Nothing could have prepared you for the view you were welcomed to as soon as you entered the backstage. Literally, almost all of the crew members were running around frantically, pushing the small and large props here and there. Hajime, as if he had his ‘danger’ instincts set on, grabbed you by the waist and pulled you to his side just right when a random lad passed by where you were at a while ago, struggling to carry what looked like a heavy log on his shoulder (you figured it would be for one of the scenes that were supposed to be in the forest). You were sure as hell that if you weren’t moved out of the way by your friend, the lad would’ve collided with you and that thing he was holding would’ve fell on you because he was too busy looking back and chatting with his companion who was carrying other props.
Irritated by their carelessness, Hajime clicked his tongue and spoke up, “Oi, you two have to be careful and watch where you’re going. You might just cause an accident with what you’re doing.” The boys replied with an insincere apology, immediately going back to their business. You were soon brought to your senses as well and realized that you were still in his arms. Blushing profusely, you muttered a quiet ‘thanks,’ too flustered to think of a more decent reply. Hajime raised an eyebrow, smirking before leaning his head close to yours again, foreheads touching each other, much like the other day.
“You’re red. Are you feeling sick?” If it was someone he wasn’t close with, it would look like he’s just being concerned but you know better because you can practically hear the teasing behind his voice, so, you punched him right by his shoulders, muttering with a hint of shyness in your tone, “Asshole. Stop trying to tease me, it’s way too much for me. When the fuck did you even get so brave to act like this with me? Jerk.”
He cackled, slinging his arm around your shoulder, and beginning to pull you deeper inside the backstage. You both stood idly by the corner of the backstage, watching the actors get ready. From your position, you could see your blonde best friend, eyes looking lost as they wandered around the area until it stopped right to where you were. You think you held a staring contest for about twenty seconds until your companion spoke up, “You know, I personally think it would be better if you go to him and say your good luck, yeah? Nothing’s going to happen if you just stare at each other all day. I’m willing to share you with him… just for today though. After this, no more.” 
A confused expression formed on your face, wondering what he meant, though he just snickered and ruffled your head, “I said… go to him before I change my mind and pull you away from here.”
“I can’t. These days, I’ve been feeling way too many feelings and I don’t know how to control them. I feel like… I might just burst and tell him everything but I don’t want to. I’m not ready yet,” you admitted, fiddling with your fingers as you looked down, only for your head to be raised up again as Hajime held it up using your chin, a tender smile plastered on his face.
“Tell you what… if you lose control and everything goes astray, just look at me and I’ll save you, like a knight-in-shining-armor,” he whispers, patting you on the head before pushing you towards your best friend who was still looking, by the way. You took a deep breath, stopping right in front of him, biting your lip before opening your mouth to say something but Atsumu beat you to it, arms immediately going around your form and pulling you into a bone-crushing hug, “I’m sorry,” He mumbles into your hair, while you nod, reciprocating the gesture, “I… I’ve been such a shitty best friend, huh?”
“Yeah, right,” You huffed, trying to look mad and intimidating but it only came off as cute in Atsumu’s vocabulary, “After this, I’ll treat you to this really good restaurant. We can talk about anything and everything you want to tell me, even if they’re bad, I’ll listen, yeah?” He suggested, his hold on you still not loosening as he looked down on you, “I’d prefer it if only good things come out of your pretty mouth though.” 
You rolled your eyes, getting ready to retort as usual but a loud crash and a cry of pain interrupted you. Looking to the source of the sound, your eyes, as well as Atsumu’s widened. You can only watch as Yui, who was on the floor, clutching her ankles, angrily screech at the boy who was bowing his head and apologizing, the large piece of wood you luckily avoided a while ago found its victim and it’s the main actress of the play, “What the fuck! Why weren’t you watching where you’re going?! Look at what you did!”
Your best friend jogged towards her and once again, you were left behind. Love seriously sucks, you thought as you watch him try to shush Yui’s cries. The director, who heard about the situation, ran to where you are, asking what happened. “I think her ankles are injured, Miyu-chan,” you quickly replied, anxiety beginning to arise within you because what was supposed to happen now? You can’t cancel this play; you all have been working for months for this! Besides, the theater must be full of the audience now. As if she was reading your mind, she spoke up, “We can’t cancel this now, but we can’t force her to act as well. She can barely stand up, look. Mina, tell Mari to ask the audience to wait for a little while more, we have to think of a solution.”
By now, Atsumu was supporting her, making their way towards you with Yui limping, “Miyu-san…” “No, Yui. I know what you’re going to say but I won’t let you do that. Go to the infirmary and have your ankles checked. Your well-being is more important than this play,” the director firmly said, much to the brown-haired girl’s dismay.
“But you can’t cancel it! The people who bought the tickets will get mad! I can do this, it barely hurts, Miyu-san!” Yui pleaded, even going as far lifting her injured foot in a pathetic attempt to show that she was fine but it only put her to a worse situation as soon as she winced. Miyu only gave her a look of ‘I told you so.’ 
“Don’t worry about the play, Yui-chan. YN can replace you in your role.”
“What?!” “WHAT?” You simultaneously yelled out, obviously not expecting the sudden decision to be made, much less one that has something to do with you, “Wait, wait, wait… Miyu-chan, aren’t you being a little rash right now? I’m not a good actress!”
“She’s right!” Yui scoffed, “I’ve been practicing this for so long and you’re going to replace me with someone who never did?!” 
“That’s right,” Miyu nodded, crossing her arms, “She knows the script and the lines better than anyone here. And don’t try to fool me, YN, you know you can act.” Her unrelenting eyes told you that she knew everything there was to know; she’s been your friend for more than a year now, after all. 
“Oh, well. You won’t change my mind no matter what you say, so just go, Yui. Iwaizumi-kun, sorry for this sudden request but can you take Yui to the infirmary after what we’re going to do?” Hajime blinked but nodded, nonetheless. He feels somewhat sorry for the brunette who was on the verge of tears as she was helped by the crew members into one of the changing rooms to undress her costume.
It’s definitely not the first time in your life but you felt like vomiting the breakfast you had this morning.
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You already lost count of how many times you took a deep breath in hopes that your heart will calm down. You listened as Mari neared the end of her welcoming rites and speech for the play, placing your hands on your chest as a final attempt to get tranquility within. The fairytale-like background music began to play and soon, a younger version of your character appeared on the stage; it’s the beginning of your Cinderella play. To be honest, you don’t even know where they got that child actress and how they managed to convince her to join the play but right now, you couldn’t care less because all you’re thinking of right now is how to not mess up your lines and deliver them with the proper emotions. 
Your brother, Osamu, Tooru, Makki and Mattsun, who you were sure as hell were in the audience, will never let you hear the end of it if you mess this up. You don’t want to live the rest of your days in Japan being a laughingstock. No way, you refu–
“You’re thinking too much about it. Calm down,” A voice from behind you interrupted, hands beginning to massage your shoulders to get your stiff muscles to relax. Turning around, you were met with the one and only Miya Atsumu in a prince costume. Right there and then, you felt like your heart’s going to burst for a different reason this time. 
Goodness heavens, Lord Jesus, thank you for blessing me with this beautiful man and letting me meet him, you thought as you savored the view in front of you, also thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Miya  for successfully creating Atsumu and delivering him to the Earth, it must have difficult to produce such fine masterpiece.
“Ya look… beautiful,” the blonde mutters, a hand rubbing his nape and sheepishly grinning, a slight blush adorning his cheeks, “Ya should dress up yourself from time to time, yanno? It really suits you.”
“Gee, thanks for calling me ugly on my normal days,” you scoffed, giggling when he let out a sound of disagreement, “No! That’s not what I meant, idiot!”
“I know.” 
Before you can continue your conversation, the signal for you to come out is finally closing in as the “stepsisters” appeared onstage. Rather shakily, you took a step forward, almost tripping on your dress due to your nerves. You were fortunate that Atsumu was attentive enough to grab your wrist, “YN, I told you to calm down.”
You gulped, nodding and taking a deep breath. He smiled upon seeing the determined look on your face and for some reason, his body moved on its own - placing a hand on your cheek with his thumb rubbing it, he approached you and placed his lips on your forehead. Maybe it’s because you were so nervous or maybe it’s because you longed for this moment for almost your whole life. Whatever the reason is, you just find yourself tearing up a little bit as he whispers, “That’s my girl.”
Never in your life had you wished that time can stop this much before. As you stood still in Atsumu’s embrace, you felt your heart being squeezed with so much love yet pain at the same time. How is it that he’s so close yet he’s someone you can’t have? 
“I love you, Atsumu,” you tell him, eyes still watery; heart hoping that it reaches him, that he picks up the meaning behind your words. But he doesn’t, as he stops to look at you, he squints his eyes in a joking manner as he speaks, “Hey, why do you look so emotional today?”
Disappointment grows in the depths of your whole being, though you don’t show him that. Because perhaps this was enough, you can try again another day. You’ll try and try until he finally understands. You can do that… you’ve been holding on pretty well the past fifteen years, so you huff instead, ignoring the painful thump of your heart, “Nothing, you jerk! Is it really that weird to hear me say I love you to you, hah?!”
You hear the dialogue of one of the stepsisters, calling out as your cue. You start to trudge forward but before you could fully go, he replies, “I love you too, YN, always remember that although I’m so shitty sometimes.”
Yeah, this is enough for now.
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Perhaps, you shouldn’t have been so confident in saying that; you should’ve just been straight to the point because nothing has ever compared to the agony engulfing your insides as Miya Atsumu sat in front of you in a random booth of a restaurant, speaking the words you’ve always dreaded to hear as a Moira and as his very own soulmate, “YN, I think I’m done waiting for my soulmate. Can’t you just cut my thread off please?”
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leejeongz · 3 years
nsfw a-z YEONJUN (txt)
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request: hiiii!! could you do a yeonjun a-z nsfw???- anon
🔅okay so i may have passed away while writing this 😀😀 but it’s worth it tb to that one time i said he was the one idol id fuck given the opportunity hahahah no changes there🔅
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
he’s for sure a talker. and a cuddler. and very big on comfort items and shows. he’s basically perfect for anyone who wants attention afterwards rather than being left alone. he likes to talk about how well you both performed, what you liked if you tried something new, or what you think you’d like to try in the future. you never really talk about any negatives because he wants to focus on being positive, but will avoid things in future if he could infer that you didn’t like it. when you’re ready, you can go and cuddle up to him, he’s expecting you to and feels all warm and cosy when you do, but it’s no big deal if you don’t want to. he also likes stroking your hair or poking your cheek 🥺 he’s such a cutie after any scene, no matter how rough it was.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
we all know this man loves everything about himself but that being said, he particularly likes his size. not a physical body part i know, but he’s so big in every department, how can that not be something he loves?? he gets to manhandle you all he wants and gets to tease you with it too.
on you, his favourite body part is your lips. he loves his own lips, sure, but yours are just so full and pretty, especially when they’re kissing every inch of his body.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
he expects you to take his cum, wherever that may be. he wants it either in your mouth, in your pussy, or in your ass (no pressure to try anal though, just something he might want to try). even if he finishes on your stomach, or on your ass, or on your face, he’ll always find a way to get it inside you.
this guy loves fucking you in the ass in doggy, pulling out, and watch his cum drip out and down over your pussy.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
he wants to get pegged at least once in his life, but is afraid to bring it up, even around people he trusts, in case it “changes their perception of him”
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
he knows what he’s doing, he knows exactly what to do to make you feel good and is more than willing to teach you everything that he likes. he gets his experience might be a little intimidating, so he doesn’t brag about it, but it soon becomes apparent that he knows how to turn someone on and how to put everything into action.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
he enjoys every and all possible positions when he’s with you, but his favourite is having you pressed up against a wall, sometimes with one of your legs lifted, sometimes with both wrapped around him. he likes the intimacy of it, he can get real close to you and can kiss you without compromising any comfort. of course, as well, it’s an easy position for him to be dominant in. you have no way of escaping his gaze and he can literally do anything that he wants with you like this.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
sometimes, he’s really fkn cute while you guys are fucking. he’ll be playful and making sure that you’re comfortable and happy.
other times, he’s dead serious, telling you to do everything he wants you to do and degrading you to remind you of your place. (because you’ve been teasing him all day)
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
naturally, he doesn’t have much hair down there anyway so he just trims it. hair or no hair, he’s not that bothered really, but he just trims it so you can suck his dick easier.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
he likes to be very intimate, sometimes a little too intimate that it becomes oppressive, but it’s all just part of his dominating character. he will more than likely want to make you feel comfortable if you’re in a relationship, so will make the experience very intimate and sweet, even if it’s coming off a little too strongly.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
he doesn’t masturbate that often. why would you need to when you’re choi yeonjun, you can get anyone you want. the only time he will is when he’s away from his s/o for an unbearable amount of time, i’m talking months. he likes to sext, have phone sex or just use his imagination to get off to. there are definitely going to be videos and pictures taken that can be saved for later cos he’s proud of what he has and will send them to you upon your request.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
praise (receiving (+sometimes giving))- telling him how huge his cock is, or letting him know how good he fucks you really gets to his head. it makes him want to fuck you even better next time, just to receive more praise. he doesn’t really give you a chance to talk much during the scene itself, it’s mainly just him wanting a moan or a shy nod in response to his dirty talking, but he’ll want to know your thoughts afterwards so he can think about them next time. honestly, it’s more like he’s just praising himself and you have no other option than to just agree. he likes to tell you when you’re doing well too. when you’re taking his dick well and how pretty you look underneath him.
degrading (giving)- sometimes though, he just has to let you know that your his fuck toy, his cum slut if he’s feeling a little more generous. he often likes to remind you that gagging and crying while he face fucks you won’t make him stop, and that you should do what he says before you get in over your head.
breeding- out of all the places that he likes to cum, inside your pussy is his favourite. his pullout game is beyond great, but that doesn’t mean he’s going to pull out if you tell him it’s okay to cum inside you. he just likes to see it trickle out of you, especially if he’s just fucked you in public and he knows that you’ve gotta act all innocent even though his cum is dripping out.
exhibitionism- he would happily have sex on stage if that was allowed. he loves people watching, people getting jealous or turned on by what they see. he loves that your apartment has ceiling to floor windows because that’s a perfect place to make you suck his dick, or to fuck you in standing doggy. he’d never do it if you were clearly uncomfortable and would of course not aim to make any of the public uncomfortable, he’s not a weird lad dw lmao.
size kink- i feel like i’ve explained this under too many other letters and i don’t want it to become repetitive but he likes being the bigger one and he likes how big his dick is, so much so that he can and will show off about both of those things whenever he can.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
i did JUST mention this before but in front of those extra large windows in your apartment is his favourite place to show the world exactly what you two get up to. “show them how well you take my dick, babygirl” even just saying it makes him feel more turned on than ever before.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
it actually takes quite a bit of work from your end to turn yeonjun on. if he knows you’re already horny, he’s gonna make you work for his cock, he likes to tease you in that way to show just how much you want him, but your hunger alone is enough to get him going realistically. he is quite partial to a lap dance or a strip tease from you, the big smile on his face would tell you that, not to mention how much he’d be hyping your sexy self up.
he’s a sucker for you grinding on his lap too. even if you’re not making out, it still turns him on. he’s likes the fact that you feel him getting harder through his pants and that he can feel you getting wetter. also, as i said before, he has a thing for your lips. if you lightly graze them over his skin, especially his neck or torso, he’s gonna be all yours.
he sometimes gets turned on by watching you eat, the way your lips close around the food, which he knows you’re eating in a seductive way just to turn him on, he can’t take his eye off of them. but he’ll definitely do the same back to you, his lips have the same effect on you as yours do on him, so of course he’s going to tease you too (thinking about that one time he ate that grape-)
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
there’s not much he wouldn’t do, but he really really wouldn’t be into you degrading him when you take the lead.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
he likes to give and receive head equally, there isn’t one he prefers over the other. you give him head when he wants it, he gives you head when you want it. he does love fucking your face when he’s in one of THOSE really dominant moods, making you gag with every thrust. he claims it’s all for a good reason though, the extra saliva makes his dick fit inside you easier.
he can be known to rush eating you out though, honestly. he uses his tongue in quick up and down motions, smaller ones on your clit then changing to larger ones that cover the whole length, sometimes using his lips to cover the whole of the surface area down there. we all know he’s a freak so he’d eat ur ass no worries too. you don’t mind that he doesn’t spend long down there though, because he still gets the job done, if he lets you, you get cum on his tongue.
there’s a big difference in that you can give him head wherever you want, but he finds it difficult to eat you out when you're not on a bed or sofa that he can kneel in front of. so if you’re out in public, it’s less likely that you’ll be receiving, but any head you give will never go without him playing with you in return, it’s just not his mouth that’s on your pussy.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
he’s not that fast, cos he wants to make you feel every inch of him. he takes it slow, but still definitely quite rough.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
he loves a quickie every now and again. this is usually the result of incessant but very much welcome teasing from either of you (usually him). he takes you to the nearest clothes store and fucks you “quietly” in the changing rooms, the only traces of your act being your handprints on the mirror since he made you clean up every last bit of cum off of the floor with your tongue. he’s also a fan of club toilets, the music sets the pace for him while he’s drilling into you, one of the only times he fucks you hard and fast without teasing.
as i mentioned before though, he does love a little bit of head in public, and that’s more than enough to satisfy him if you don’t wanna have sex at that time but still wanna treat him to a little something.
the only time he’d ever refuse a quickie is in your own home. you have plans but you wanna have a quick fuck first? just cancel all the plans and let him treat you all night long bby.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
he will take calculated risks. he won’t do things on a whim, he likes to talk them through with you first, maybe even draw up some kind of fantasy of how it would play out in real life before actually putting it in action. if some of your kinks come with some risk, he wouldn’t mind, but he’d hate to think that you were feeling unsafe so he’d constantly check in, not really caring about ruining the mood.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
he can go as many rounds as you want him to most of the time, but usually settles for one considering he’d rather spend time with you cuddling than fucking (hot take ik). the whole scene would last around 30 minutes, he doesn’t last that long inside you honestly, but he spends most of his time teasing you with his fingers or getting his dick sucked.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
he doesn't like toys. he’s not so bothered about them when you’re using them and he’s with you, but he will get extremely jealous if you use them to masterbate with. you should have just asked him to fuck you.
he wouldn’t make a point of using them every time you had sex, it’s very rare that he will use dildos or vibrators on you. he does like handcuffs, whips etc but again, those only come out when he’s in a hard dom mood.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
he likes to be mean. in fact, he LOVES to be mean. he’ll often tease you about how tiny you are compared to him, and how big you make his already huge cock look. he also will not hesitate to wink at you with his tongue out in what’s seems to everyone else “a playful manner” but you know that it means that he wants you to ride his face when you pair get home.
he also loves to touch you, but not enough to get you off. he’s not gonna make it easy for you, despite how easy you make it for him. he would intentionally rub your clit slowly while you pair make out, and would alternate between rubbing your clit, rubbing lengths of your pussy and fingering you, knowing this combination would be enough to bring you close enough to cumming that he could stop doing it at any moment and you’d squirm at him since he didn’t quite finish you off.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
he’s quite whiney, but he also likes to talk a lot while fucking so all together, he’s very loud, and he’s be quite appreciative if you were too.
some of his favourite phrases are “it’s big, right? haha” “show me how well you can take this huge dick, baby” “you like it when i do this?” “why the tears? you think they’ll make me go soft? funny”
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
he likes when his bitch knows their place. he’d rather you didn’t act bratty all the time, instead accepted that you were his sub and that he was going to lead this whole deal. it turns him on a lot to know that you’re okay with him being like that, he can do whatever he wants with you (but don’t get me wrong he will ask for your consent with everything that he does).
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again, the biggest dick in kpop. i’m gonna go big here and say 7-8 inches in length at least, with a girth that’s a little over average.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
ideally, he’d like to fuck every other day. every day is too much, it takes away the spark and the magic and begins to feel like a chore.
he’s a busy man but knows how to manage his schedule to reflect his needs.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
he’s more hyper after sex, he needs like an hour to calm down. he loves to cuddle with you, have you fall asleep in his arms while watching a comfort show before falling asleep himself.
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t-lostinworlds · 4 years
can you do tom and reader who’s most likely too couple edition 🥺
TH’s YouTube Extras: Most Likely To
a/n: i’m sorry this took long, love. this is short and sweet, kinda a different format but i hope you still like it! Oh and Harry is in italics ahaha.
☰ youtube channel | recent video
You were sat crossed legged on the couch, closely beside Tom who was all sprawled out. His legs were open wide as he leaned back on the cushion with one arm on the back of the sofa, right behind you. There was a camera on a tripod right in front of you both that was already recording.
"Hello guys! Welcome to our...second channel, should I call it?" Tom turned to you with a chuckle. You gave him a nod and a sweet smile. "This is basically where we post the shorter and more unplanned videos," he elaborated, glancing back at the camera with a soft chuckle.
"Today we're going to be doing a quick Who Is Most Likely To," you explained. "We've got our ping-pong paddles right here with each our name on opposite sides," you added, showing the camera the paddles with Tom doing the same.
"And Harry is right behind the camera to ask the questions," Tom finished, pointing towards Harry to get this game going.
Who's most likely to date a celebrity?
"That's such a bad first question," you scoffed with a shake of your head, lifting up the paddle with your name.
"I mean, she's dating one now," Tom laughed, doing the exact same and showed your name as he wriggled his brows at the camera.
Who's most likely to be dramatic?
Both of you raised the paddle with Tom's name on it, the lad beside you chuckling with a nod.
"Yeah, I don't think we need to explain this one," he said.
"He's just over dramatic with everything," you pointed out with a playful roll of your eyes.
"No, I'm not!" Tom protested with a loud gasp, the hand that held the paddle landing on his chest as he gawked at you.
"You were saying?" You raised your brow, Tom pouting in response but didn't bother to say another word. You giggled at that, leaning towards him to place a sweet kiss on his cheek that was quick to replace his pout with a bright grin.
Who's most likely to die due to something stupid?
Tom showed your name with a soft chuckle, you nodding in agreement as you lifted the paddle up with your name too.
"I'm just so clumsy," you laughed. "I'd probably slip and break my neck in the process so yeah, me."
"You see now why I'm overprotective over your clumsy but pretty ass?" Tom pointed out, narrowing his eyes at you. "I need to wrap you in those human-size bubbles to keep you from harm I swear."
"See what I mean about overdramatic?" you challenged, turning to the camera with a deadpan expression.
"It's just 'cause I love you too much, darling," he crooned, leaning closer to place a tender kiss on your temple. You leaned into his warmth with a soft hum and a love-struck smile on your lips, a sight that only made Tom's heart melt.
Mostly like to go to prison for something stupid?
"Probably me," Tom chuckled, paddle up to show his name.
You did just the same. "I mean you've already admitted to wanting to rob a bank," you giggled.
"If I have superpowers," he countered.
"But that's still a very stupid thing to admit in public, is it not?" you giggled, Tom sighing softly as he nodded in agreement.
Who's most likely to cry during a sad movie?
Both of you lifted your paddles up at the same time, your name written on each of it.
"I mean I'm a big crier too but it would take a very emotional scene. But the minute she sees someone else cry, she's gone," Tom explained, turning you with a soft chuckle.
"I don't know why but yeah, every time I see someone else cry, I start crying too," you admitted with a timid laugh.
Tom's arm fell from the couch and landed on your shoulder, giving your arm a loving squeeze as he pulled you closer to his side, keeping it touch there for the rest of the video. "It just means you've got a big heart," he gushed, flashing you one of his many charming grins. You beamed at him lovingly in response, giving him a light pat on the chest as a silent 'thank you'.
Who's most likely to cry during sex?
"What kind of cry?" Tom asked, turning towards his brother.
...just generally speaking.
"Well, I haven't so—" Tom shrugged as he lifted his paddle up with your name on it.
"I have," you muttered softly, lifting the paddle of your name up, covering your face with it to hide your slight embarrassment.
"When it just feels too go—" Tom stopped himself when you shot him a death glare. He turned back to the camera and laughed, "I'm not going to finish that sentence or I'll die."
Who's most likely to go a week without a shower?
You showed Tom's name swiftly with a laugh, him doing just the same with a shaking his head in slight shame.
"It's because I'm too busy sometimes," Tom reasoned, turning to look at you with a pout, finger running up and down your arm softly.
"I don't let that happen by the way," you said as you turned to the camera. "If I need to drag him to the shower then I will."
"Among other things she does to get me in the shower," Tom muttered, mischief glimmering in his orbs as he wriggled his brows at you suggestively.
You could only roll your eyes at him.
Most likely to be a romantic?
The two of you looked at each other, paddles remaining down, smiles on your lips because you both know it was a tie.
"We're both equally romantics," Tom chuckled, giving your arm a squeeze before turning to the camera as he added, "She occasionally gives me flowers out of the blue and it honestly makes my heart soar every damn time."
You laughed with a shrug. "Yeah, because flowers don't have genders you know. A lady can get her man flowers too," you hummed, beaming widely at Tom.
"Damn right." He shot the camera firm look before turning to meet your gaze again. "I love getting flowers from you," he gushed, hand running up and down your arm fondly.
"And I love getting flowers from you too." You tilted your head at him with a bright, loving smile. "And sweets," you giggled.
Who is most likely to initiate sex?
"We both do," Tom chuckled, turning to you, his brows furrowing when you had your paddle up with his name on it.
"More Tom than me but not by much," you explained to the camera with a shrug, the lad chuckling without any protest because it was in fact, true.
Who's most likely to use the other person's toothbrush?
You quickly raised Tom's name with a shake of your head. "Mainly because I would never," you said, glancing over to your boyfriend who had his own name up. You stared at him curiously. "Wait a sec, have you?"
Tom flashed you a guilty smile. "It was an accident," he started. "I thought I grabbed my toothbrush but as soon as I placed it in my mouth I made eye-contact with my actual toothbrush and yeah."
"Tom!" you gasped, smacking his shoulder lightly.
"It's not like my tongue hasn't been in your mouth before!" he defended with a laugh.
"That's different you muppet! You're not shoving your tongue in my mouth to clean it now aren't you?"
"Shoving is a bit harsh," he muttered which only earned a glare from you. "Okay, okay! I'm sorry! But it was an accident I swear," he chuckled, wrapping both his arms around you for a quick hug, a soft kiss landing on top of your head soon after.
All you could do was sigh, Tom letting you go with a chuckle as he sat straighter. "Right, last one," he said.
Who is most likely to give a lap dance?
Tom showed your name with a smirk, glancing at your answer which only made him furrow his brows. "What'd you mean me?" Tom chuckled as he gestured towards your paddle with his name on it.
"Uh, have you seen your umbrella performance?" you said as a matter of fact, turning towards the camera with a grin.
The lad beside you groaned in dismay as he hung his head, earning a laugh from you. Lifting his head back up with a grin, he turned to you with a brow raised in challenge. "But who has actually given one?" Tom countered.
You felt your cheeks heat up at that.
"Yeah, that's right turn that paddle around," he teased, you showing your name with a sigh as you hid your face behind the paddle once again. "I'm a very very lucky guy," he hummed towards the camera, earning an eye-roll from you.
"So, that's it for today! I hope you enjoyed this short-styled video. And we'll see you again next time!"
Once he was sure that the camera was off, Tom was quick to wrap his arms around your torso, snuggling into you with a glimmer in his brown orbs.
"Babe, I don't feel like showering today," Tom whined, pout in full play as he looked at you expectantly.
"What, you want an incentive?" You raised a brow at your man, your fingers combing through his hair adoringly.
"Please?" he cooed, hiding face on the crook of your neck, a hot kiss landing on your skin soon after. "Save some water?"
You can't help but giggle at that, knowing that it wasn't a good point since you mostly spend longer in the shower when you're with him. But either way, his offer does sound very alluring.
"Fine, shower in five minutes."
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♛ Overall/Everything Taglist: @theunwantedomega @badreputatiom @fallinfortom @disneysamara @avengersficwriter @musicalkeys @apatheticanvas67482 @camimndess @tom-hlover @jjandreidsgirl @blossomparkers @thenoddingbunny-blog @sarcasticallywitty15 @call-me-baby-gir1 @miraclesoflove @tanakaslastbraincell ♛ Tom H. Taglist: @hollandfanficlove @averyfosterthoughts @2018shawn @darlingspidey @namoreno @spacebitch2 @hollanddolanfangirl @keepingupwiththehollands @in-a-lot-of-fandoms-tbh @unbelievableholland @kittenruby @sunkisseddreamer @worldoftom @quaksonhehe @big-galaxy-chaos @clara-licht @dummiesshort @imanativeofswlondondahling @sonofabitchstyles @perspectiveparker @geminiparkers @parker-hollandx @arivera-30 @rebekkah4766 @particularnarry @iwannabekilledtwice @prettyintopeerpressure @fancyxholland @givebuckyhisplumsnow @asoftie4bucky @dandelionxgal @peterspideysstuff @zspideyy @lmaotshollandd ♛ Tom’s YT Shenanigans Taglist: @greatpizzascissorstaco @rosiesimone819 @shawnscxlvins
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