#just because something is uncommon does not give it inherent significance
bookofmac · 7 months
okay okay okay, thinking thoughts
So I find the concept of Names really interesting in Camlann, reading into the extracanonical stuff put on the tumblr is giving me food for theory crafting. The Catacylsm seems to be some kind of return of magic to the world (possibly heralded by the return of The King of the Britons in their hour of need?) and thus people with significant Names have access to something because of it. they fall into the stories of their namesakes; Perry, Gwaine, and Kay are Knights, Morgan is Morgana Le Fay, and we now have a Gwen in Shújūn.
Based on Kay's dicussion with Perry if more people can fill in the roles of their stories to more 'to plan' the stories will go, Of course this is not good news if you know the general end point of Arthurian legend (Betrayal, muderer, war, most everyone dead, the 'Glory' of camelot gone). It's inherently kind of a doomsday cult if you stay in those stories, you know where parts of this are going (i'll get back to this)
it also seems like there may be some, for lack of a better term, kin drama going on. There are 900 members of the court and Kay mentions that Peredur is a really uncommon name outside of Wales, meaning there are certain knights who are more common, i assume Lancelot's, Kay's, maybe a few Talisin's, a bunch of Gareth's, and like 50 Elaines like in the legends lol
We also dont have the context for how Names work full yet and neither do our characters. I think theres a lot of answers to be had with Shújūn/Gwen with how it works, how you know other than the buzzing in you're head and desire go through the motions and Follow the Story
Now, where does Dai fit in all this?
Dai doesn't have a Name, and I think theres going to be a point where he changes his name in a major way, but not to a Name, but a Bardic name. In welsh poetic and story telling tradtions Welsh poets, THE OG Bards, will take on pseudonyms tell their stories. This practice stems from the medievil era, but goes forth to today, and many modern Welsh and welsh heritage poets have connections to this tradition (Dylan Thomas' middle name was his great uncles bardic name, Sarah Williams published her work under the name Sadie), I believe it's also a requirement to have one if you intend to perform in the major Eisteddfod, (I am Australian so my experiance of Eisteddfods here is very different so if i'm wrong on that let me know)
Why would he do this? I think Dai is going to, at least try, to write him and his friends a way out.
Much ink is spilt over how Arthurian legend doesnt have an 'orginal text', and as such there are lots of stories that are inherently contradictory; Bedwyr is the best knight, but so are Gwaine, Lancelot, and Galahad. Mordred is some random king until his Arthur's son. Arthur has a sister, no he has two, actually he has three and one of them is an Elaine. This could be used to explain any doubles (are you my Gwaine), as well as why we see a few different spelling varients which are, the very welsh Peredur as opposed to Percival or Parzifal, the anglisised and more boarish Kay as opposed to Cei or Caius (this last one might just to keep Dai and Kay distinct tho). These variations are no more or less 'canon' than any other telling of the story, and so often the writer of a given telling of Arthurian legend is going to have their own bias. But things dont HAVE to end the way they always do, and sometime you need to have someone outside the story you're caught in to tell you a new one.
You are not locked into that ever looming cloud of Thomas Mallory and Le Morte d'Arthur.
Other evidence I have for this is that Dai sings at the begining of each episode, and sings in welsh at that. He also is, to a point our narrator, existing both in and out of the current narative. Also his name is an a lyric of Sosban Fach (a song i would be surprised if it wasn't in the show at some point) 'Dai bach y sowldiwr' which is also not from the text the song was based on. Tangential yes, but i think it's worth thinking about.
I think there is also something to be said about choice in what your name is and how it feeds into the overall theme of identiy, and how that plays into other themes at play in the story, like Transness, Imperialism, and Predestination
TL:DR; While he doesnt have a Name, Dai's gonna give himself an epic bard name and save them all by writing a killer hook to get them out of the story
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elminx · 2 years
Some Astrological Tea: blue moon doesn't really mean anything
The concept of the blue moon in American culture has absolutely no more or less energy than any other full moon.
It's not actually special in any way. (I mean, all full moons are special but extra special - not one bit).
Occasionally, there are two full moons in a row in the same sign and that can pack a pretty big wallop. That's because we get the huge crest of lunar energy in the sign area of the astrological chart more than once in a season which is uncommon. But even then, it's just another full moon.
We get one about every 28 days so it can wait.
This isn't to say that you can't decide something is significant and make it so for yourself but there's no astrological backing there. It's the same old same old Sun-Moon opposition that comes around every month.
(Sidenote: isn't it weird that our modern calendar has so little significance in modern magic? Days of the week, ya but pretty much nothing else. Like July moon really doesn't mean anything.)
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primasveraas · 5 years
The Hunger Games has genuine literary merit beyond the fandom reactions to it
Arguably, it was one of the most influential franchises of the 2010s. However, it suffers from being both extraordinarily overrated and criminally underrated when closely examined. It was a conversation in my Literature class that led me to wonder: does this series truly have literary merit? The question became inescapable as I was swept up in thought and nostalgia, and the deeper messages of the series are indeed clear to me upon revisiting the beloved childhood saga. 
The response to the films and even the books themselves reveal that Suzanne Collins’s critique of current society was right all along. The real merit of The Hunger Games series is painfully overshadowed by the elements that “sell well” within mainstream media. Because The Hunger Games is a story that features popular cinematic elements such as violence and romance, including a classic love triangle (see the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Twilight, Star Wars, Mission Impossible, Divergent, etc, etc), the series is devalued from its real message. The fans of the series place little value with any deeper meaning, and it is therefore lost to the menial focuses of the general public.
To begin, the focus of the book begins with the concept of the Hunger Games, wherein children are pitted against one another in a fight to the death. While this is portrayed in the books, the cinematic approach further visualizes the violence that is apparently so entertaining to audiences. Where scenes that give greater meaning to the series are not included or inaccurately shown, the theme of violence and gore is left to rise. Unfortunately, this undermines Collins's commentary on the prevalence and glorification of violence within our society, including in popular media and the news, especially when it comes to the normalization of such horrific acts such as the deaths of children, murder, and war itself. When these events become political fodder or are reduced to headlines, they lose their significance and real meaning: people are suffering and something must be done about the matter.
long post below the cut. I wrote this as a full essay rip
Furthermore, the series also satirizes the upper class and those with enough privilege to turn a blind eye to the suffering of those with not enough luck or initial privilege in their life to absolve themselves from danger, violence, and poverty. The Capitol is a society of wealthy people and the main audience for the games, yet they do not have to send children them to themselves. This isolated, secure part of an impoverished, divided nation, represents how, in our society, the wealthy and powerful take advantage of the lower classes through the exploitation of workers, unfair tax cuts and overall societal imbalances that systematically keep minorities at a disadvantage. While the 1% profits off of suffering, the rest of the world is left to suffer.
  It must also be addressed that most of the symbolism in the series, at least the books, is subtle and only hinted at by Katniss. Why these messages were not revealed even after the movies were released can be attributed to Suzanne Collins’s silence on her own series. With each cinematic release comes press tours and interviews about the meaning of the books and movies, but Collins notably has largely remained silent on the matter. In today's society, it is not uncommon to see authors such as JK Rowling, EK Johnston, Rick Riordan, and more take to Twitter, Instagram, or other websites to elaborate on the messages within their books and clarify what they meant, even retroactively adding to the meanings and characters featured within the books. But this neglects the death of the author, wherein readers are allowed to form their own opinion, regardless of the author’s intentions. The post-publishing contributions to a finished work can be done for profit or maintaining fan interest beyond the completion of their series. Yet, not letting their work exist as its own product, up for reader interpretation, devalues their work. Collins’s refusal to participate in this culture is admirable. Her words are placed in the hands of readers, continuing the legacy that existed for thousands of years before Twitter was invented. 
Even so, the pitfalls of this are her target audience of young adults, who often fail to understand the real messages embedded within the work. The literary analysis above is, unfortunately, necessary to prove the symbolism within the series because society instead chooses to focus on the elements of romance and violence present within the series. As a result, Collins's genius is truly underappreciated. Her writing and the literary merit therein flies over the heads of her readers. Again, the true value of the series has been lost in the glorification of violence and romance. Collins herself is arguably not advocating for these values; it was only by accident that her books became so popular for the wrong reason. Her other series are relatively unheard of but just as profound. The Underland Chronicles possess the same poignancy and significance as The Hunger Games, but its subject content is considered too outlandish by society to be thrust rapidly to the same heights as the latter.
Even so, the generalized reaction to The Hunger Games movies and books prove this point. The first of the series is the most popular and by general consensus, the most interesting. The following two books, especially the conclusion of the series, are considered to be boring. Yet this is the point. Mockingjay, the final book in the trilogy, depicts the dangers of war and the society that has been allowed to evolve from the ashes of a long-past conflict. The country erupts into civil war, but audiences consider this to be boring because of the emphasis on battle strategy, power struggle, and Katniss’s mental health, rather than outright violence and romance. And still, it is these ideas that contain the most literary value. These points, which I will elaborate on later, are superficially less interesting than the elements of a love triangle and kid-on-kid murder but must be acknowledged to find the true value of the series.
Even Collins’s portrayal of romance within the series subverts the expectation of modern love. The stereotypical gender roles between Katniss and Peeta are flipped. Where Katniss is tough, coarse and even unfriendly, Peeta is likable, charming, and charismatic. Katniss, especially in the first book, is seen taking care of Peeta who repeatedly gets injured; she is his protector while he is frequently criticized for his softness as a character. Yet in the end, Katniss chooses Peeta for his gentle nature and care; these are the qualities that she needs to balance out her own anger and roughness. She loves him for “feminine qualities” because she seeks a true balance of her own personality. Peeta is one of the few characters who remain uncorrupted and pure even with the horrors of their society. Few acknowledge this; the debate over Katniss’s romantic life is reduced to a love triangle between the baker boy and childhood friend. But in Collins’s own words, “Katniss isn’t just deciding on a partner; she’s figuring out her worldview.” The books do not portray a simplistic love triangle. It is the choice between optimism and a surrender to violence.
Katniss herself is unwilling to participate in violence and the idealization of murder unless it comes down to the survival of her family. Katniss’s defining qualities are her loyalty and love, rather than blatant heroism and the want to make change in the world. Unfriendly and hardened, she is static in remaining a fierce defender of her family. Again, this is purely realistic considering the hardships of her childhood. As a result, she is forced to act differently as a popular idol for both the Capitol and the rebels. Whenever she appears as a figurehead, she softens her personality to be likable and charismatic. The Capitol wants to see that she is still feminine, lovely, and unharmed by her upbringing in the districts. The threats against her family still motivate her; if she does not perform well, everyone she cares about will be killed. It is only when she has nothing else to lose that she acts out in rebellion. At the climax of The Hunger Games, she suggests to Peeta that they both kill themselves instead of killing each other. As one of two tributes left, she cannot bring herself to kill him, as her humanity defines her in that moment. Over the course of the games, she comes to care for Peeta, and she refuses to sacrifice that humanity, even if it means that she can go home to her family. Her next move beings a continuing trend; when she does not have the option to protect her family, she acts out in rebellion against the Capitol. She or Peeta will die in an act of defiance. By trying to kill herself and Peeta, she shows her true genius. If all tributes die or if more than one live, the Capitol loses, and she forces their hand on this matter. This moment displays her true, underrated intellect. 
Thus also begins the battle for control against the Capitol. As the series progresses, Katniss combats the urge to do the right thing for the greater good of Panem. In District 11, she tries to make up for the losses of their tributes by donating money and speaking from her heart about those who saved her life. But in the end, she is forced again into silence by the threat against her family. She will not compromise their safety even for a rebellion that could potentially liberate the country. Although she has inherent goodness, Katniss is the ultimate reluctant hero. In her own words, “all I want to do is protect my sister.” Unlike most heroes, she does not fight for the greater good, but for the protection of those who she cares about. Also unlike the archetypal hero, she is constantly restricted by her own inhibitions about what she personally has to lose. While this subverts expectations, it also emphasizes her humanity. Despite her cultural reputation as the girl with the bow and arrow, Katniss is a tangible character with real fears and doubts. 
Also, the symbolism of the loss of innocence is degraded because the series so popular for its violence and romance culminates in a book that emphasizes other points and uses action and love sparingly. They no longer have great narrative significance, meaning that the mass commercialization of the book became harder and its subject less interesting to consumers.
Other themes in Mockingjay display the corruptive nature of violence and power. Alma Coin, the president of the rebellion, rises to power as a direct result of extreme violence and brutal tactics. Even without her final act of bombing children, her true leadership is the result of violence, bloodshed, and long-standing war. Her presence suggests that violence breeds violence, even with good intentions. Because Coin is forced to wage war, as there is no other way to overcome the current circumstances of the country, war and violence become her expertise. The longevity of war implies that once the mindset of violence is adopted, it can never fully be washed away. While Coin has good intentions, she eventually becomes violent and even senselessly cruel.
This is further demonstrated in the scene, when after the war is won, she suggests that they hold a symbolic Hunger Games using the children of the capitol. This is an act of revenge to emphasize that the Capitol no longer has power. However, Coin continues the same vile methods of control, propagating the cycle of violence and bloodshed within the country. Katniss is one of the few people who recognize this; she is consequently the only one left to act on this knowledge. When asked to vote whether or not to hold the games, Katniss decides two things. The first is to vote yes, and in doing so, she recognizes that she has been used as a pawn by both Coin and President Snow, who need a figurehead to maintain power. She is intelligent enough to comprehend her powerlessness, and at that moment, resolves to do something about it. During the scene, she is depicted as having an almost silent conversation with Haymitch, in which they both agree to comply with Coin because they cannot currently do anything about their circumstances. Haymitch says “I’m with the Mockingjay,” signaling to Katniss that he understands the reality of the moment and will support her temporary compliance and future resistance. Katniss's intelligence is truly revealed with this scene, although most interpret her decision as her want for revenge. In reality, she has decided to kill Coin and effectively break the cycle of violence within the country.
When Katniss finally has the opportunity to kill Snow, she instead aims for and kills Coin. It’s never explicitly explained why, but it still reveals Katniss’s true perception of society. This gives her true power, with the responsibility to take action. It can also be noted that at this point, she has lost her sister and feels as if she has little else to lose in her life. She is no longer motivated by love for her family; now, she has nothing left to lose and this makes her all the more powerful. She knows that killing the new president and leader of the rebellion that brought them to victory and “liberation” is a fatal action, but when she does so, she damns only herself. She is free in the sense that no one can be used against her anymore.
Even so, when she is arrested for the murder of the new president, Katniss’s struggle with mental health is further emphasized as she rejects her medication and treatment, starves herself, and saves up her medicine in the hopes of overdosing and killing herself. She has nothing left to live for. She is described as inhuman and miserable, yet, almost abruptly, a change occurs. Katniss chooses hope. She begins to sing, experiencing untempered joy. It is random and it is beautiful. Those who struggle with mental health know that hope is not simply achieved; it can become a choice. Those with good resources can find hope more readily, but at the lowest point in one's life, there remains a decision to fight for change and the betterment of one's life. Katniss is forced to reconcile if she wants to remain living and succeed, despite any struggle that lies ahead in trying to get better. For no particular reason, she chooses to continue fighting and this is what makes her a true hero. She has lost her sister and her family and any chance at a normal, peaceful life. By killing Coin, she has ruined her reputation and prospects, yet she continues to live, and as a result, she ultimately achieves the life she had been seeking from the beginning. She is free, she can choose peace. From the beginning of the series, Katniss emphasizes that she never wanted a life in the public eye, and now with most of society failing to understand her action and rationale, she can escape. She never sought glory nor fame, and she pursues peace. This is the ultimate loss of the Capitol: the one who stood against them, who fell prey to them, who fought in their games not once but twice, choose hope and calm demonstrates the true beauty of Katniss as a protagonist. It is her simplistic wish to hang up her bow and arrow and go home that sets her apart.
At the beginning of the novels, Katniss says that she will never have a family because she does not wish to bring children into such a corrupt world. Modern circumstances including climate change, the current state of global politics, and general abject hopelessness parallel this feeling in our own world. But after overcoming this in her own universe, Katniss achieves true happiness. At the end of the novel, she has two children. At first, this may seem out of character or included merely because it is the stereotypical happy ending in media, but this is what truly emphasizes how far Katniss has come and the security that she has made for herself. With her intelligence and bravery, she has remade society into someplace where she is comfortable enough to have children, to raise them and settle down with the man she loves. Again, her choosing Peeta represents how she no longer has to give in to the roughness of her personality to defend those she cares about. She can be gentle and kind as she never was before. She can be a mother and pursue her own definition of happiness. Suzanne Collins's decisions as an author mean that there will be no sequels or spin-offs, no midnight Tweets to corrupt this joy. Most of all, Katniss’s solitude in this journey depicts the uniqueness of such intelligence and clear perception. Because she was the one with enough clarity to see the corruption and violence of the country, she has the power to remake it in her own image. This elevates her beyond a typical protagonist, and beyond the simplistic interpretations of teenage fans.
It is impossible to realize these things and not wonder what Suzanne Collins thinks of what has become of her series. With its influence severely devalued, such a great critique on humanity and all its complexity is lost. Ironically, the society that Collins was criticizing failed to understand her true message. The importance of these ideas cannot be stressed enough: we live in a society where there are daily power struggles between classes, and consumerism is controlled by monopolies of major companies. Not only that, but Katniss is reduced to a girl in love who is good at archery. And in the movies, she is played by Jennifer Lawrence, who dropped out of middle school and has repeatedly come under fire for offensive comments. Collins’s intelligence and that of her main character are criminally underrated. The public reception to The Hunger Games severely devalues the complexity of the series. Elements of violence and romance take place of deep symbolism and criticism of our world; movies are made to be entertaining and sell well rather than represent a good story. One can only hope that is the love of a beloved childhood series that will lead to them being revisited to reveal these truths with more meaningful clarity. 
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comtesse-d-edessa · 5 years
not all porn is about degrading women it’s not all sex trafficking and if a woman or man or anyone wants to sell his or her or their body then it’s their choice you can have sex with anybody and it can be pleasant or a bad experience but just because there’s a camera it’s bad? if you actually looked at porn sites especially the ones about bdsm and intense scenes they speak to the actors at the end to ask how their experience was and they all had a positive one sex sells and people are consumers
Okay this is a lot and there’s only one punctuation mark so I’m gonna answer each point separately for my own clarity. Also included is your second, shorter ask.
1) “not all porn is about degrading women” I mean I guess there is gay porn. But seriously, the attitude surrounding porn speaks volumes otherwise. The way porn videos are described, the fact that domenstic violence and abuse are popular categories, the way pornographers speak about their performers off-set—and the biggest thing is that porn is, indeed, inherently degrading. It cannot not be degrading because the act itself degrades women (and men).
Porn reduces women to sex objects. (It also reduces men to sex objects. Basically everything I am saying in this post could pretty much go for men, too, but I feel as though the people who I tend to ‘look up to’ in terms of knowing their stuff about the porn community tend to have different attitudes towards male porn actors than female. I have seen, although I have not had the time to really look into it, the fact that oftentimes female porn actresses suffer abuses at the hands of their costars. I haven’t really formed my own opinion about that, and the specifically female experience of porn involvement is kind of gender specific, but like, I don’t think only male porn is any more acceptable than male-female or female-female.)
as I said, it makes women a means to an end. I believe that is always degrading, no matter what is happening. And because you say 'not always’, i think we can agree that at least the majority of porn is degrading to women. But later down in the paragraph you excuse porn by saying that it is a choice of the woman to act in porn [thus to be degraded]. But I think that the degradation of the act is not cancelled out by the fact that it is performed for money, and you think that a degrading act is acceptable if it is for money. I’m not making a value judgement on that, I’m just saying what I think the difference in our point of view is.
Also, how much 'degradation of women’ would there have to be in porn (as an industry, if you believe that there are 'non degrading’ pornos) for you to not want to support it anymore?
2) “porn is not all sex trafficking” First I have been remiss in not indentifying what sex trafficking is. I am someone who lives in one of the sex trafficking capitols of the US, and during my HS years a big sex trafficking development (I don’t want to be too specific) occurred which lead to all of the HS students in my area being given a lot of training and education on sex trafficking and the warning signs, etc. Sex trafficking is not being pulled off the street into a van and never seen again except in pornos. Like, I’m not saying that sex trafficking victims are not kidnapped because some are. But the majority are extensively groomed into it so that they 'consent’ to it. Some do it because they have been manipulated by their pimps, who might also be their 'boyfriends’. Some do it because when they showed up for a 'photoshoot’ they were raped on camera, and they are being threatened with the release of their 'sex tape’ and told they might as well become a pornstar anyway. Some do it because they or their families are being threatened. I just want to clear up that there is a ton of different ways women in the sex industry are trafficked, and that it is not as though all of these women were just pulled off the sidewalk and into porn. There are plenty of ways much more subtle than that to traffick a woman into sex work, and they are not readily apparent—or possible to identify at all, really—to the porn viewer. Anyway, just wanted to clear up. Onto my next point: can you guarantee that you have never seen a trafficked woman in your porn? If not, what is the acceptable number of trafficked women you would accept in your porn? What amount of trafficked woman would induce you to give up porn?
(Wow, only on the second statement. This is gonna be a super long post I guess. Sorry to all scrolling.)
3) “and if a woman or man or anyone wants to sell their body, then it’s their choice”I have mentioned that a lot of the time, it is not. And that isn’t something to take lightly, but I will not focus on it for too long since you do not appear to think sex trafficking is a big problem in the porn industry/a reason to not support the porn industry. But also, just because someone is choosing to perform an inherently degrading act (acting in porn) that doesn’t mean that the act it’s absolved of its degradation.
4) “you can have sex with anybody and it can be a pleasant or bad experience but just because there’s a camera it’s bad?”Porn is not two people having sex and a camera is there. Porn is two people who generally would not choose to have sex with one another recreationally, having performing porn (oftener and oftener, violent, humiliating, and 'hardcore’ sex acts being involved) specifically for pay.
Porn is not real sex. It’s showbiz. Granted, this is showbiz that can leave its performers diseased, injured, and with psychological trauma. The gruesome side of porn is all too real, but comparing it to real sex would be like comparing High School Musical to a real world high school experience. It is a visual product designed to create a reaction, not to simulate real life. And it is undeniable that over the years as more and more people demand and crave more and more hardcore porn, porn has only gotten farther and farther away from anything close to a depiction of 'real sex’. I only wish someone would tell that to the men who feel entitled to try to enact these gross fantasies out with their significant others, and for the women who feel as though they could never measure up to something that is literally not reality.
But you might want to retort with 'homemade’ porn, the conceit of which is a real-life couple engaging in recorded sexual activity either for themselves only or for a wider audience. Being a big fun-sucker, I don’t like those either. It is not uncommon for those videos which were recorded with the intention of never being made public to be made public, in acts of 'revenge porn’, and this would not be easy to tell to the porn viewer. And also, it still ties into the fact that by recording sexual acts to use for sexual gratification, the body is still made into a sex object, which I have said I think is inherently degrading. I don’t think people’s bodies should be used as objects, even if they are doing it to themselves. See my above point about consent not negating the problems with an action.
5) “if you actually looked at porn sites, especially the ones about bdsm and intense scenes, they speak to the actors at the end to ask how their experience was and they all had a positive one”
I am aware that this happens.
And yeah. They’re performers. The people asking this are the people who pay them. I’m sure for literally any organization, you could find a group of the people who rely on them for money and get them to say whatever nice things the organization wants about them. Surely you can see why every porn actor is under extreme pressure to agree that they had a good time with whatever happened during filming, not even mentioning the women who are sex trafficked (I know you think it is “not all” which I’m sure is technically correct, but you must agree then that they do exist) who have to agree that they had a good experience for reasons I’m sure you understand.
And every time, the experience is positive? Even when you yourself say, there are at least SOME trafficked women doing at least SOME degrading porn, every experience is positive?
All I’m saying is that this is an incredibly bad quality-control check. Even from the (false) assumption that porn itself is not bad, and only abuse or injury on-set are what can make an individual porno bad, then this is an obviously totally ineffective actual strategy for keeping the “bad” parts out of porn. This is just the flimsiest of excuses to allow people to justify the consumption of increasingly violent porn. And people grab onto that desperately to try to ease their consciences, even though I cannot honestly believe most people think that that’s actually an accurate way of telling whether or not a porn actor had a positive experience.
(Take this porn performer’s experience, for example. https://jezebel.com/porn-actress-nikki-benz-sues-mindgeek-brazzers-co-sta-1825143669 )
6) “sex sells and people are consumers”
You’re not wrong, but that doesn’t mean it’s okay. Just because people will consume something doesn’t mean that it should be consumed. I hate to be the 'slavery allegory’ person, but people really did used to buy slaves. (I mean, they still do in some parts of the world.) but “slaves sell and people are consumers”, while being an antebellum USA reality as much as your statement is a reality of 2019, does not actually mean either of the statements are making a value judgement. Just because the world is one way really, really doesn’t mean that that is at all okay. People kind of suck. The world kind of sucks. Morals are not decided by popular opinion.
Also, sex does not sell. What porn is selling is not sex. What porn is selling is, again, the devaluation and degradation of the human person. And yes, people consume that. And increasingly, it is normalized in society so that people feel othered for not doing it, so that girlfriends are mocked for not liking it, and it is laughed off as just a thing that men and women do. So more and more people consume that degradation.
On your next ask—
7) “How about porn categories that don’t degrade anybody?” See #1. It is not the acts performed in porn (though they are increasingly humiliating and extreme) which make it degrading so much as the fact that porn itself is degrading. To everybody.
8) “when it’s just regular couples having sex, is that wrong too?” Yes. See last paragraph of #4.
Here are the sources you asked for:How porn negatively affects the brain and sexual/romantic relationships:https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1559-1816.1988.tb00027.x^^ “After consumption of pornography, subjects reported less satisfaction with their intimate partners—specifically, with these partners’ affection, physical appearance, sexual curiosity, and sexual performance proper. In addition, subjects assigned increased importance to sex without emotional involvement.” The abstract.
https://profiles.nlm.nih.gov/ps/access/nnbckv.pdf^^ porn consumption made people place less emphasis on sex with emotional connection, less expectation of fidelity to a partner/from a partner and more accepting of affairs, no longer desire marriage or children, and thought more highly of male-dominated relationships. It also made people (men and women both) ascribe shorter prison sentences to rapists and to be less affected/moved by rape.
https://fightthenewdrug.org/how-porn-affects-sexual-tastes/https://fightthenewdrug.org/why-consuming-porn-is-an-escalating-behavior/https://fightthenewdrug.org/how-porn-affects-the-brain-like-a-drug/^^ porn is addictive and porn consumption becomes more 'hardcore’ and extreme over time.
https://fightthenewdrug.org/how-porn-damages-consumers-sex-lives/#c11^^ porn is making people bad at 'real life’ sex (again, porn is not sex.)
https://humantraffickingsearch.org/the-connection-between-sex-trafficking-and-pornography/^^ the link between human trafficking and pornography, although there are many more articles which will discuss this, I will just link this relatively short one and the source for THAT one, http://www.prostitutionresearch.com/FarleyRentinganOrgan11-06.pdf^^ “In every country, almost half of the respondents said that they were forced to make pornography while enslaved in sex trafficking.”
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velkynkarma · 7 years
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On Writing Voltron’s Slav So we’re coming in on season 3 and I’ve noticed that, despite Slav being surprisingly popular amongst fans, he isn’t included in much fanfic. It’s been brought to my attention that maybe people are worried about writing him in an inadvertently offensive way. Since people react pretty positively to how I write him, I thought I’d put together a character analysis/writing guide on how to write Slav while still being respectful. Or hey, maybe it’ll at least still be interesting to read! This guide will be arranged as follows:
An overview of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and how it relates to Slav
Other character traits of note that are not necessarily related to OCD
How Slav interacts with other characters (and vice versa)
A few final writing tips for Slav
This’ll be a long post, so details are under the cut!
Okay, let’s get the big one out of the way first: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Slav displays a number of pretty common OCD tendencies or traits. However, I think people aren’t very familiar with this particular disorder in media, and media where it is showcased tends to play it for laughs, which can be hurtful to people who actually have OCD. In order to write Slav’s OCD characterizations well, it’s first important to understand how OCD works. So I’ll give an overview of OCD basics first, and then explain how and when Slav displays some of these characteristics. How does OCD work?
A person with OCD develops “obsessions” that cause discomfort, anxiety, or stress. In order to relieve that stress, they act on a “compulsion,” which is some sort of action that relieves that stress. The action taken is often referred to as a “ritual.”
Obsessions are things like thoughts, images and/or feelings that are unwanted but keep coming back, and usually cause a lot of stress. Things like a perceived fear of contamination, harm or death, intrusive or “forbidden” thoughts, or needing exactness/symmetry/perfect order in scenarios are all examples of obsessions.
Compulsions are things people do in order to make those obsessions go away. Things like hand washing, cleaning, repetition, checking things multiple times, counting things, organizing things, or mentally repeating phrases/prayers/etc, are all examples of compulsions. Note: this isn’t an exhaustive list. Other things can fall under this category as well as long as they fall into diagnosis rules.
Compulsions provide anxiety relief, but it is always temporary. Obsessions always come back, unless treated for. Over time, they can get stronger too, and require more involved compulsions to alleviate.
Compulsions/rituals are not necessarily logical, and neither are the obsessions they counter.
OCD is typically identified if obsessions/compulsions take up more than 1 hour of a person’s day, cause severe stress, or severely interfere with them handling day to day tasks/living
Most people with OCD tend to recognize that their obsessions and compulsions are not logical or don’t make practical sense. It’s not uncommon for people to try and ignore them or make them go away, or to avoid whatever will cause obsessions. However some people with OCD will not recognize if their obsessions/compulsions are illogical.
Resisting compulsions is extremely difficult and can often cause a great deal of stress, since the stress-causing obsession hasn’t been alleviated yet. It can result in things like sharper negative feelings, being unable to act until the compulsion has been completed, and heightened anxiety. Resisting in extreme emergency conditions is possible, however there is a nasty tendency for all that stress to come back stronger than before once the emergency is over with.
Personal (I have OCD)
Also these sites, and a quick google search will provide a dozen other resources if curious.
What OCD isn’t:
Nitpickiness, clean freaks, overbearing/control freaks, anal retentive people, nervous wrecks.
While all of these are characteristics that a person with OCD could have, having OCD does not inherently mean a person will have these characteristics.
How does OCD apply to Slav?
Slav’s obsessions appear to be largely in relation to perceived harm, usually towards himself but sometimes towards others. He has also displayed a few cases of wanting symmetry/being uneasy by asymmetry, and possibly fearing contamination
In S2E10, most of his arguments for avoiding something or taking a specific action are in responses to a fear of dying (in 98.03% of all worlds with a prison break, he dies; he’s afraid of his escape mission ending in a horrific deadly fireball; he’s afraid of drowning anywhere there is water, even when he can’t see it)
In S2E10 he is impressed with Shiro’s prosthetic but adds, “But doesn’t it bother you that you only have one?” which seems to indicate a dislike of asymmetrical things
In S2E10 he refuses to pass the cracks in the floor due to perceived harm (in this case, he fears harm of someone else, specifically mothers and broken backs)
In S1E10 he refuses to go out the scree duct because “it’s all full of scree, eeeeeeuuugh.” Maybe it’s just gross, or maybe he fears contamination; this one isn’t 100% clear.
Slav’s compulsions are varied as well.
In many cases he refuses to go near or be around the thing causing him stress (water, scree, cracks). This applies even if someone else were to carry him and cover his eyes, as Shiro offers (to quote Slav, “I’ll still know.” Once an obsession has been realized there’s no going back. It also applies even if it is his only escape route, which is a clear indicator of just how badly he desires to avoid these things.
He displays actual paralyzing fear in regards to the cracks, and starts screaming when Shiro intends to carry him across regardless; this is definitely a high-stress scenario he is doing his best to avoid
His solution to the cracks is to remove gravity completely and float over them. This is something of a difficult solution and definitely outside practical coping mechanisms.
There is also the infamous blanket scene in S2E11, in which he arranges a blanket in just the right way to, according to Slav, create a 2% chance to avoid death by horrific deadly fireball.
He has to restart when Shiro interrupts him (“Awwwww, now I gotta start ooooveeeer!” with a very tired-looking expression)
And he gets paranoid about Shiro changing it when completed (“What? Nooo, the blanket’s perfect! Don’t touch the blanket!”)
These are both not uncommon for compulsions/rituals, especially when they are not done ‘correctly’ enough to ease anxiety, or there’s a fear that undoing the compulsion’s work will bring it back
Slav has displayed some confusion over realities and which one he’s in/what things he can currently do (ex. not remembering if he can swim in this reality, or not doing things when asked to because he doesn’t recognize people want those things done in this reality)
It’s unclear exactly what is going on in Slav’s head, but it’s possible this could be indicative of intrusive thoughts or repetitive thoughts. This one is more speculation and up to personal interpretation really.
It’s also possible this is indicative of being unable to keep track of how far along compulsions are towards completion or forgetting part way
Slav also is very comfortable in routine and gets very anxious leaving it, which is also not uncommon in OCD. Despite being a prisoner, he was very nervous about leaving his cell, and tried to go back at least once. Presumably this is because it’s familiar and he knows how to cope with it (more or less).
Slav’s tendencies do definitely take up a significant portion of his day (quintent?) and make daily life difficult, as his compulsions take some time to complete, or his obsessions cause him to avoid things entirely
Most importantly, all of Slav’s actions have some degree of logic behind them—even if it doesn’t make sense to you, me, or anybody else
Slav does not appear to recognize his responses as illogical
Everything Slav does has some degree of logic to it—he always justifies an action or fear with some sort of reasoning, be it a 12% chance of slipping and drowning, or mathematical probabilities to cause broken backs in mothers, but there is always a reason for it.
This is really important for nailing down OCD tendencies because, regardless of whether or not the person with OCD realizes their reason is illogical, there is still some kind of reason there for their brain to justify taking a certain action to deal with an unwanted obsession. This is the key to recognizing OCD actions as more than just quirky/weird habits: you have to know the why, even if the why doesn’t actually make sense. You have to recognize it’s still there and that it’s grounded in some kind of obsession, be it intrusive thoughts or anxious feelings, even if the response is ridiculous.
Slav has mathematical justifications for everything he does and his logic is usually rooted in probabilities. The logic is that ‘this terrible scenario is statistically possible given the right parameters, therefore it is something I should be afraid of, therefore I must act on it.’This is true even if, in a common sense setting, that scenario is extremely unlikely (Ex. it’s statistically possible to trip and drown in a puddle of water, but practically speaking, it’s not very likely).
His coping mechanisms usually include avoiding the scenario entirely, or taking action with some form of organization that relieves his stress level in regards to that statistical perceived danger
To summarize, Slav’s obsessive-compulsive tendencies are usually in regards to fear of harm in himself or on rare occasion others (obsession) which he acts on by avoiding the cause of the obsession completely or by organizing things (compulsion). He does also show some tendencies towards desiring symmetry or avoiding contamination, and possibly (depending on interpretation), intrusive thoughts as well. He does have defined logic behind all of his actions, usually justified by probabilities, alternate realities, or mathematics, although this won’t be perceived as logic by others most likely. Other, Non-OCD Character Traits Slav isn’t defined solely by his OCD tendencies! Although they take up a great deal of his life and drive a lot of his actions, he has other character traits as well. Consider these:
Genius Intellect
Ulaz described Slav as a “reclusive genius engineer,” which is pretty high praise. Slav is credited with the gravity generator responsible for protecting the Blade of Marmora, and he also made the giant gravity generator that hid the entirety of the Castle of Lions and the huge teludav.
Also, despite presumably never having interacted with Altean technology before now, he was able to help fix the Castle of Lions twice in combat situations, and he knew a teludav was a “very efficient form of travel” without it being explained to him.
Surprisingly good at thinking under pressure
Despite his anxiety and clear fear in hand-to-hand combat (where he hides behind Shiro, or just…hides), he actually thinks quite well in high-stress situations
He supplies the ‘turn off the gravity’ idea that helps with their initial escape in S2E10
He’s also the one smart enough to crack open the airlock and send everyone flying outside when Shiro, Lance and Pidge couldn’t defeat the warden on their own
He helps fix the Castle of Lions not once but twice in high-stakes battle situations
Very self-centered
Slav thinks in terms of himself first. In S2E10 when Shiro comes to rescue him, he is not impressed with Shiro’s declaration that they have a way to defeat Zarkon; the actual reason he goes with them is because Shiro mentions the Blue Lion, and he likes blue.
When Shiro is explaining the plan in S2E12 and asks, “We can count on you, right Slav?” when talking about keeping the teludav hidden, Slav’s answer is, “Oh absolutely, I’ll be fine!…I’m not sure about the gravity generator, though,” implying his actual job is second place to his own personal well being.
When Shiro asks in S2E13 “Is everyone okay?” Slav’s answer is “Yeah I’m fine, don’t worry guys!” and he doesn’t mention anybody else
Despite this he can seemingly be convinced to take action for the greater good, since he helps team Voltron, and presumably was convinced (or pressured) to assist the Blade of Marmora as well. At this time it’s not clear if this is out of a genuine desire to help, bribery or some form of convincing, or if he’s doing it just because he’s there.
No concept of personal space
Slav has zero problems with physical interaction. He’s crawled over both Shiro and Coran, has grabbed Shiro several times, and has squished right into Lance’s and Pidge’s personal spaces.
He also doesn’t seem to mind being held or manhandled—as long as it’s not to force him near something he’s scared of.
This also extends to other peoples’ stuff too, as he sprawls out across the Castle of Lion’s computers to manipulate them, and spends his first few minutes in the Blue Lion investigating everything in it. He also blows up a part of the giant teludav because he’s making “improvements” even when nobody asked for them.
Similarly, no concept of social cues/social taboos
Slav is pretty awkward when it comes to social interaction. He repeatedly talks about or lectures Shiro on his prosthetic arm, despite the fact that it may be a sensitive subject. He’s generally insensitive when it comes to others, although probably not intentionally (again, see his S2E13 response to “Is everyone okay?”) He brings percentages into things a lot where nobody really wants them. He tends to not do things or need repeated reminding to remember to do them. He agrees to assist with fixing the Castle and then immediately gives Allura a hard time about all the (admittedly strange) design choices for it.
This is all outside of his OCD tendencies, which, of course, do make most interactions with him (especially in regards to an obsession) very awkward
Odd memory issue
If it’s not a symptom of obsessive compulsive disorder, then Slav still has an unusual memory issue wherein he seems to forget which reality he’s in at any given time, or what he’s capable of doing. (Ex: he can’t remember if he can swim or not, because “there are infinite possibilities!” )
He’s also displayed on multiple occasions that he can either forget to do something ‘in this reality,’ or he doesn’t understand he’s being asked to do it in this reality specifically. (Ex. S2E11, “Can you help the princess restore the particle barrier?” “Yes!” “……now?” “Oh! You mean in this reality? Got it!”)
Interesting physical traits
Slav is surprisingly nimble and very quick. He zips up to Shiro very easily S2E10, and also dodges Shiro repeatedly to avoid being caught by him
He can also climb walls/ceilings (and people) and is surprisingly maneuverable in zero gravity.
Also, presumably, he can survive in a vacuum for at least a limited amount of time, since he ejected himself into space without a helmet
Has four pairs of hands. The top pair appears to be his dominant pair. The others are typically tucked into little pouches down the front of his clothing, although he will use them to express himself or manipulate things.
A bit snakelike in how he attaches to people. He can loop around their shoulders but will also use his tail to wrap around waists to hold steady. He also sits on people multiple ways depending on their clothing (in S2E10 the second time Shiro carries him he positions himself deliberately to avoid the jetpack for zero gravity, which he doesn’t do the first time).
When he stretches out completely he’s actually almost as tall as Shiro. He’s built very scrawny, however, so he looks much smaller than he is.
He has rectangular pupils
Character Interactions with Slav Slav interacts with a few characters throughout the later half of season 2. Here are some notable examples of how he interacts with people (or how they interact with him).
We see Slav interact with Shiro the most. It should be said right off the bat that Shiro’s PTSD does not mix well with Slav’s OCD and other personality traits, which is the source for a lot of stress for both parties. Especially in very tense situations like a prison break.
That said, while Shiro is very clearly stressed by Slav (provoking some very strong reactions we never see in Shiro otherwise), he is also at least somewhat understanding of Slav’s OCD tendencies and fears. Shiro tries to compromise on some of Slav’s needs (telling Slav to take the blanket with him, trying to come up with solutions to bypass the cracks, adapting to Slav’s view of realities when communicating with him, trying to find alternate routes because he already knows things like water stress Slav significantly). He also goes along with the gravity solution and puts up with Slav crawling all over him.
Shiro does demonstrate some adaptability towards Slav’s tendencies towards the very end of the season as well. He recognizes that Slav has to perform certain actions to survive things “in this reality” (even if he recognizes this in an angry rant). This implies he understands Slav’s OCD-logic to some degree, even if he doesn’t comprehend why it needs to be done on a personal level.
He’s also still able to give Slav orders, and more or less get him to do them (such as fixing the particle barrier). He even treats Slav like any other member of the mission during the final Zarkon attack and listens to his input on the gravity generator without his more notable annoyed reactions.
Slav, for his part, actually listens to Shiro—a feat that appears to be impressive in and of itself, since Slav is typically motivated for himself more than anyone else. He participates in the Zarkon attack and listens to Shiro’s orders and instructions. He also followed Shiro out of Beta Traz to begin with, which is a big step for Slav since he was very afraid to do so and it clearly made him extremely anxious. Slav also has an inexplicable fascination with Shiro’s “robot arm,” which he mentions several times in S2E10, although he never mentions it again later in the season.
*sarcastic voice* “Oh, great. Slav made it.” (S2E13)
“Not a fan.” (S2E11)
Yeah, Lance isn’t too fond of Slav. He first showcases his irritation during the Beta Traz escape, when Slav spends his first minutes in the Blue Lion touching everything and rushing around Lance. He continues to display sarcastic, irritated responses to Slav afterwards
Slav seems indifferent to Lance. He doesn’t really interact with Lance much, but he has professed a fondness for the color blue.
Pidge seems more or less indifferent to Slav during the Beta Traz escape. She shows minor irritation when Slav gets in her personal space while she’s talking to Shiro about her brother though. Later, in S2E11, when Coran asks, “Is this guy a little…?” her answer is a dry, “No doubt,” implying she finds him somewhat irritating.
Slav doesn’t have any real interaction with her one way or another, other than getting in her personal space in the Blue Lion.
Probably interacts with Slav the next most after Shiro, Coran seems relatively neutral with Slav. Coran is willing to work with Slav on technical things, and they were able to fix the Castle of Lions during the final Zarkon battle. That said, Coran also finds him irritating, as he screams at Slav to stop hitting the teludav in S2E11, and seems annoyed when Slav takes up residence on his shoulders in S2E13.
Slav seems indifferent to Coran, although he is willing to work with Coran on tech stuff, and lecture him on teludav efficiency. Coran is also the only other person who gets the honor of having Slav sit on him, so…I guess that’s something?
Allura seems to find Slav annoying, and gets a little defensive about Altean architecture when Slav questions their use of ziplines, insisting “ziplines were quite fashionable 10,000 years ago.” She does accept his technological help though, and recognizes his ability to fix the Castle.
Slav mostly just breaks social taboos with her by questioning the Castle’s architecture. He doesn’t really treat her like a princess. Otherwise he seems indifferent.
Hunk & Keith:
Slav doesn’t really interact with either of them for the time he’s around. That said, in S2E11 when Coran asks “is this guy a little…?” they both respond with exasperated expressions, so presumably they find him at least a little obnoxious. They do not respond with irritation when Slav proclaims he survived the final attack though, unlike Lance, so possibly they’re just neutral towards him.
FINAL TIPS: All in all, it’s really important to keep the background of why OCD happens when writing Slav. Everything he does is for a reason that has some degree of logic to it, even if that logic makes no degree of sense to you. Don’t have him act quirky for no reason—make sure he has a justification for his actions. Even if the results end up being amusing, it is grounded in actual reality (to Slav), and that’s what’s important. Also, not everything needs to be about his OCD! He has other interesting quirks too that make him just as entertaining, so be sure to involve those as well. This is by no means extensive either! I kept this mostly to fact in the show, but I have a list of headcanons I also think are possible additions to things Slav does, and there are a lot of details that are always open to interpretation! Have fun writing Slav! Or if nothing else, I hope this was at least interesting to read :) Srsly give this guy more love, he deserves it
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airoasis · 5 years
How To Multiply Your Time | Rory Vaden | TEDxDouglasville
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How To Multiply Your Time | Rory Vaden | TEDxDouglasville
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Translator: Bob Prottas Reviewer: Leonardo Silva you could have concept that we began late, but it’s ironic that the first speaker will be the author of the ebook, "Procrastinate on intent". (Laughter) How is it, that we now have extra tips and tips, instruments and science, calendars and checklists than ever earlier than, and yet, we nonetheless invariably look to be behind? How is it that we work longer hours, we’re moving turbo than we’ve ever moved in history, and but we by no means look to be caught up? How is it that we all know more about time administration in these days, and but stress is at an all-time high? The purpose why is in view that everything you realize about time management is flawed. I first began to have an understanding of this a few years ago. It used to be early on a Saturday morning, I was at my trade associate’s house, and that i used to be making a choice on him up for an awfully principal worldwide chief planning retreat, and he has a 2-year-historical baby lady title Haven, and she is the sweetest little factor that you could assume.She has curly brown hair, and these sweet, soft, brown eyes, and we are living in Nashville, so she has a bit southern accent that’s setting up and as i’m determining up Dustin, and we’re about to leave, Haven come sprinting down the hallway and she or he leaps, and she latches on to Dustin’s leg, And he appears down at her and he says: "Oh, i’m sorry little one Haven, Daddy without a doubt has to move to work today." and he or she appears up at him, and her eyes well up with tears, and she says: "No Daddy, please, no work in these days. No work Daddy." And in that moment, i spotted two things: the first is that i personally am not ready to have children just but. (Laughter) The 2d is that although everything that you’ve ever heard about time administration is all logical, hints and tricks, instruments and technology, calendars and verify lists, its apps, it is all logic. What i realized in that moment, from a 2-yr-old, is that in these days, time management is not just logical, today, time management is emotional, and the way our feelings of guilt, and fear, and fear, and anxiousness, and frustration, those things dictate how we choose to spend our time, as a lot as whatever that’s in our calendar, on our to-do list.Correctly, there’s no such factor as time management. You can not control time, time continues on whether or not we find it irresistible or not. So there’s no such thing as time management. Quite, there is best self-administration. That used to be the first colossal attention I had. So as for you to have an understanding of the 2nd, I want to take you on a quick historical past of time management thought, and that quite began within the late fifties, and sixties, and it came in the course of the industrial revolution, and an early time administration notion was once all about — it was once one-dimensional, and it used to be all founded on effectivity, and the concept with effectivity, was once that if we could increase tools and science to support us do things rapid, then theoretically, that would provide us extra time.Well, there is nothing flawed with effectivity, all things being equal, effectivity is better, and yet there’s an unfortunate issue to efficiency as a procedure for time administration, and it can be evidenced through the fact that all of us raise round miniature computer systems in our pockets, and but, one way or the other, we’re nonetheless on no account caught up. Well, in the late eighties, era 2 time administration thinking emerged. I believe find it irresistible was more often than not single-handedly ushered in by means of the late, nice Dr. Stephen Covey. And Dr. Covey presented what we’re referring to as 2-dimensional considering. He gave us whatever referred to as the Time administration Matrix, the place the x-axis used to be urgency, and the y-axis was value, and the beauty about this was once that it gave us a system for scoring our tasks, after which headquartered on how they scored in these two areas, we might prioritize tasks, Prioritizing is all about focusing first on what concerns most, and for the last 20 years, this has been the pervasive mode of pondering because it relates to time administration thought. It is now not that there’s whatever fallacious with prioritizing, actually, prioritizing is as valuable a skill today as it ever has been in historical past.Although we throw that word around, adore it’s the top-all and be-all, to time management concept, proper? We are saying: "Get your priorities in order.", or "You do not have the proper priorities." good, regrettably, possibly that is no longer fairly the case, considering there’s a colossal predicament to prioritizing that nobody ever talks about and that is this: there is nothing about prioritizing that creates extra time. All prioritizing does, is take object quantity 7 for your to do record, and it bumps it up to number 1, which is priceless in and of itself, but it surely would not do something inherently to create extra time, and it does nothing to aid you accomplish the other objects for your to-do list. For those who consider about efficiency, it is variety of like jogging on a hamster wheel, and for those who consider a prioritizing, it is rather about borrowing time. Borrowing time from one pastime to spend on yet another, it can be variety of like juggling, and that really describes the best way that we even talk about time.I’m juggling a lot, or i am trying to balance so much. And in that paradigm there is best two strategies: one is to do things faster, or to do more things, and that’s what the sector sort of feels like, right? How does it consider to understand that relatively all we’re is a bunch of juggling hamsters, sprinting in the direction of an inevitable crash landing? (Laughter) You cannot remedy modern-day time administration issues, with the day past’s time management thinking. What we’ve got observed, is the emergence of a brand new form of thinker, someone that we consult with, as a multiplier, and multipliers use what we call, 3-dimensional thinking.At the same time most men and women handiest make selections founded on urgency, and value, multipliers are making a third calculation which is situated on value, and if urgency is how quickly does some thing matter, then importance is how long is it going to subject. It can be a absolutely specific paradigm, it can be adding on to what’s there, it can be in with the historic, but it’s also in with the brand new. Due to the fact that most of us, when you believe in regards to the today’s day to-do record, which is likely one of the key systems or tools that we now have, we ask ourselves, after we assemble our to-do list, we say: "what’s the predominant thing i will be able to do today?" however that is not how multipliers suppose; multipliers, as a substitute ask the query: "What am i able to do today, that will make the next day higher?" "What can i do correct now, that will make the long run higher?" they’re making the importance calculation.Once I say: "Multiply your time," that could sound slightly bit superfluous. It could sound like an over exaggeration, but it surely quite isn’t. Now, it is true that we all have the equal at a time inside 1 day, 24 hours, 1,440 minutes, 86,four hundred seconds. There is nothing any of us can do to create more time in 1 day, however that is precisely the main issue, that sort of pondering is the crisis. We must escape of that paradigm, and alternatively, suppose about day after today, and that brings us to the premise for a way you multiply time. The way that you simply multiply time, is unassuming: you multiply your time, with the aid of giving your self the emotional permission to spend time on things at present, that offer you more time the next day. That is the significance calculation. You multiply time, via giving your self the emotional permission to spend time on things in these days, that create more time day after today. The value calculation alterations the whole thing. The focus Funnel is our try, to create a visual depiction that codifies the idea system, that multipliers go by way of of their head, unconsciously, when they are evaluating how to spend their time.It’s why some folks create uncommon, explosive, exponential results, and other folks look to variety of just create linear traction, and it really works like this, if your tasks all come into the top of the funnel, the first question a multiplayer asks is: "can i eliminate this? Is it even worth doing?" it can be an additional example of how the whole thing you already know about time management is flawed, or at the least that it has modified, because most of us use to-do lists, and multipliers fully grasp that subsequent generation time management has far more to do with what you do not do, than what you do do. Multipliers recognize that perfection is completed now not simplest when nothing more may also be introduced, but when nothing extra can be taken away. It’s the permission to disregard. Due to the fact anything that we say no to today, creates more time for us tomorrow. The emotional venture is that we struggle with guilt, and we battle with trying to assert no, but relatively feeling like we ought to say yes, and so we go through lifestyles seeking to under no circumstances say no.In an interview with a multiplier they stated anything that changed my life, "it is futile to move by means of existence, trying to certainly not say no. What you have to fully grasp, is that you’re continuously announcing no to some thing." since whenever you say yes to one factor, you’re at the same time saying no to an unlimited number of others. For those who are not able to eliminate the venture, the next question is: "am i able to automate the project?" something that I create a approach for today, saves me time tomorrow. It’s like setting up on-line bill pay. I by no means have two hours in my day to established on-line bill pay, I just would not have time, and if I had two hours in my day i would under no circumstances use it to hooked up online invoice pay. However a multiplier realizes that if I keep half-hour a month from paying my fees, via setting up online invoice pay, then it makes sense to take a position those 2 hours, due to the fact then after simply 4-months time, i will have broken even on that funding, and every month thereafter, i will get whatever we call ROTI, Return On Time Invested.Automation is to your time precisely what compounding interest is to your money. Just like compounding interest takes cash and it makes cash into more money, automation takes time, and it makes it into extra time. The way that rich individuals consider about cash is strictly the identical method that Multipliers consider about time, they usually give themselves the permission to invest, make investments the time and power to automate the procedure. If it are not able to be automated, then the query is: "Can it be delegated? Am i able to teach anybody else how to try this?" i’m reminded of a time, after I used to be 7 years historical, and i’ll on no account overlook, I used to be in the vehicle with my mom, and that i hit her with this query, I stated: "mom, do i’ve a Dad?" And as you could suppose, that used to be a pretty intricate query for a single mom, to navigate together with her 7-year-old.It was the primary time that my mother instructed me her existence story. She used to be pregnant at 17, divorced a few years later. Pregnant once more at 22, after which she was once divorced from my organic father 6 months after I used to be born. So there she was once, 22 years historical, single mother, no high university schooling, and he or she explained to me: "Rory, I decided at that point that i’d under no circumstances have a man in my life, since i have not had excellent good fortune with men, and we would possibly not have rather a lot, and we would possibly not have a dad, but we will have love." We went from side to side, and that i said: "you already know mother, i like our loved ones, I rather do, i like our household, however I think it will be rather cool to have a Dad." And so she stated: "well, i will tell you what honey, if you need a Dad, then why not exit, and to find your self a good Dad." What form of crap is that? (Laughter) It simply so occurred that that was once my first day at a new Shaolin Kung Fu core. I had been studying martial arts considering the fact that I was 5.In order that they put me in this all-adult institution, to be somewhat extra evolved. One other gentleman who walked in, it used to be his first day, also. This man was once a lot older than me. He had lengthy hair, and tattoos all up and down his arm, and a leather-based jacket, and he came in on a motorcycle, and this man was once about the scariest dude you can imagine, if you’re 7 years historical, and he gets paired up as my sparring associate. (Laughter) His name was once Kevin. He grew to become out to be beautiful exceptional.We evolved through the belt levels collectively, and so Kevin started bringing me home from classification, every once in a whilst. Quickly Kevin came visiting on the weekends, and we would follow our types. Then we caught a movie, after which earlier than long, mom came with us to the films. So it used to be the 3 of us going to films collectively, and i’m going to under no circumstances disregard the primary time the 2 of them went to a movie without me. (Laughter) because it seems, Kevin and that i demonstrated for our black belts collectively on the equal day after I used to be 10 years historic. They bought married 2 weeks later. A couple of years after that Kevin adopted me, and i modify my last title, from Rory MacLachlan, to Rory Vaden, and they have been married for two decades, ever due to the fact.(Applause) And the factor of that story is that you would be able to delegate some thing. (Laughter) however in case you ask the natural individual: "Are there matters you might be delegating to someone else?" we’d say: "yes." then you say: "Why do not you teach anyone else to do it?" What most of us would say: "well, in view that they simply can’t do it as good as i will." And that could be authentic once, probably twice, but it is only genuine absent the importance calculation.Should you consider long term, you understand they may be competent to grasp the project, identical to you had been. Importance changes the whole thing. It’s how you multiply your time. It is giving yourself the permission of imperfect, for a bit of while. Since over time, they will be equipped to determine it out. In the event you can not get rid of, automate, or delegate a challenge, that undertaking drops out the bottom of the funnel, at that factor, there may be only one query, and that question is: should I do this venture now? Have got to it’s achieved now, or can it wait until later? If the assignment must be achieved now, then that’s what we call "listen". It’s the permission to preserve. Very well, the permission to shield. It can be all about focal point, and taking out distractions. And truthfully, there’s nothing all that unique, or new there. Nonetheless, if you ask the query: "Can this wait except later?", and also you come to a decision that the reply is sure, then that is now not get rid of, automate or delegate, that is what we name "procrastinate on intent". Now, you’re not going to procrastinate on it without end, you are going to pop that recreation back to the highest of the funnel, at which point, it is going to enter right into a protecting pattern the place it will cycle via the focal point funnel, unless inevitably, at some point, ultimately one of the most other 4 strategies will likely be done on at any time when that project is.And what you in finding, is that if something can continually wait, probably what happens is you enhance the braveness to do what you will have to have finished in the first location, which was once get rid of it. Otherwise you become aware of a procedure for find out how to automate it. Or anybody rises as much as the decision of leadership. They get up to the celebration, and it finally ends up being delegated. Or it ends up fitting some thing that is colossal adequate for you to spend your time on. Loads humans say: "good Rory, wait a minute, within the "Take the stairs" booklet you mentioned: ‘Procrastination is the killer of all success.’ ‘Procrastination is probably the most highly-priced, invisible rate in business.’ ‘Procrastination is the foundation of all mediocrity.’ and now you are telling us to procrastinate on cause?" And yes, that is what I mentioned, and it’s precisely authentic how I mentioned it. However there is a principal big difference to realise and that is there may be a change in ready to do some thing that we all know we must be doing that we do not think like doing, versus waiting to do whatever because we’re deciding that now just isn’t the proper time.Waiting to do some thing we all know we should do, but do not think like doing, that is procrastination, the killer of success. Waiting to do anything, seeing that we’re determining that now isn’t the proper time, that’s not procrastination, that isn’t the killer success, that’s a advantage, and it can be an art kind that the arena relatively needs, which is endurance. The patience to place off the insignificant matters. Like checking electronic mail 24 hours a day, 7 days every week.You multiply your time, by means of giving yourself the emotional permission to spend time on matters today, that create extra time the next day. Despite your devout affiliation, or your religious beliefs, hopefully you’ll be able to have an appreciation for the way that scripture says the world used to be created. And in Genesis, God has created this excellent world, and it says whatever strong that we’re created in His picture, and then in Genesis, chapter 1, verse 28, he gives the first command to all of humanity, and what is that command? "Thou shall have no other gods earlier than me?" No. Is it, "Love thy neighbor as thyself?" No. God’s first command to all of humanity, "Be fruitful, and multiply." thank you very so much.(Applause) .
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yon-nyan · 7 years
Cowboy Bebop (1998) - Anime Review
Nineteen years ago, during the year 1998, a Space Western anime was released by the name of Cowboy Bebop, an anime that would go on to become one of the finest pieces of animation ever made. Adapted and completely redesigned from its manga counterpart, with direction by Shinichirō Watanabe, this 26-episode long, seinen neo-noir anime series would continue to astound fans of the medium for decades to come.
While this is going to be a review on the anime series in its entirety, I want to point out that this may not be like my other reviews. I don’t just want to prattle about how good the animation is, or how fantastic the music composition is. I may briefly touch on the standard characteristics that usually go into my reviews for the medium, however, today I want to discuss with you guys a few of the facets that truly makes Cowboy Bebop an astounding artistic masterpiece; a true classic for even more decades to come.
Cowboy Bebop follows the exploits of a ragtag crew of bounty hunters that end up coming together through various circumstances on the ship known simply as Bebop. We get to watch them manoeuvre their way through a mine field of galactic criminals that are ripe (and occasionally not so ripe at all) with woolongs (currency), awkward interactions with each another as well as blasts from their pasts, and plenty of blazing space and bullet-infused battles.
The episodes for the show tend to be very episodic in nature, usually in two-parts, with stunning fluidity from one space romp to the next. Even though most of the episodes are unrelated, there’s never a disjointed feeling of randomness, or having any kinds of fillers simply to bulk out the serial. It all fits wonderfully. Everything just belongs, nothing more and nothing less. When we do have story-specific arcs, they are laced with emotional intensity and the complexities that go with having a past you’re not so fond of. There’s so much grey in between the black and white that each character is portrayed to be multidimensional and so much more than a pretty face, or an intellectual genius.
The chemistry between all of the members of Bebop is one of my absolute favourite elements. They are flawed as fuck human beings, with quirks that cause a lot of grating disagreements and vexing (for them, not the audience) interactions. Nonetheless, they all have a key component in common that holds them together like a dysfunctional family. No matter how many times they try to walk away, eventually they find themselves back home. This is realistic. It’s believable. It’s something to connect with. Some will have a much more intimate relation to it than others. It’s comforting.
As I mentioned earlier, the animation, regardless of being almost 20 years old, still holds up really damn well. The power is in the details, literally. There are so many details that went into establishing the environments within the series that the best way to describe it is breath-taking. Whether the setting is the interior (or even exterior) of a ship, space itself, planets with crumbling or bustling cities, the characters themselves and the expressions that they make—it’s all extremely astounding. These little soft lines and harsh curves with unique shades of red, blue, and orange all create the mood and tone for which makes Bebop a bonafide neo-noir experience.
Even with all of these awesome traits, none of it really means anything if you can’t look beyond the animation and the cast to see just how far ahead of its time Cowboy Bebop truly was.
It’s 1998 and gender roles are getting less defined. This show broke gender moulds back then, and it continues to do so in the modern age. You have women, beautiful women and average women and women from all walks of life in regards to race, ethnicity, etc., who are never judged for being just that. They are portrayed as very strong, independent ass-kickers. It didn’t matter if they were criminals, heroes, or in between somewhere. The women in the show are some of the most intelligent people, and it’s never questioned or treated like it’s some kind of phenomenon. Good examples of badass ladies include Faye Valentine, Julia, and a very special bartender who’s a good friend of Spike’s (name’s not given to avoid spoilers).
One of our main characters, Edward, is a teenage girl, but it’s rarely brought up. Hell, her name is Edward. People don’t really care if she’s a she. Ed is a genius and eccentric as all fuck, and quite androgynous. Her brilliance is what makes her a compelling character. Yes, some people do gander at her gender, but it’s more of a passing curiosity. Her ability to do what she does is never doubted or questioned because of her being a girl. Most of the doubt stems from her sensationally unique persona and young age. We have another character in one of the episodes that’s a hermaphrodite. While it’s a bit uncommon, it never becomes the focal point of who he is or what he does. He’s just another person in the galaxy who’s got his own burden to bear.
So, yeah, gender roles and our ridiculous pre-conceived notions of what gender means doesn’t mean shit in this anime. I fucking love it.
A more common motif in the series is the belief that you are always a master of your own choices and leader of your own fate. Life is something to do with what you will, which is clearly exhibited by the decisions taken by our motley crew of criminal hunters, especially as their pasts begin to surface and reveal itself. Allowing yourself to be held back by some predetermined ideals that you may not even believe in isn’t living. The idea of having “obligations” and that there’s always an inherent “right” and “wrong,” is utterly false in the grand scheme of things and don’t account for jack shit if you’re going to be miserable in the end. This motif is beautifully complimented and further ingrained by the music…
Something else that gives the series loads and loads of depth is… the music. I’m sure that anyone reading this review that’s already had a chance to watch this anime was probably wondering when I’d bring this up. Well, here it comes. Hold on to your butts, my friends.
Yoko Kanno is quite possibly one of the most brilliant composers of the modern age. Her work has made appearances in many anime serials across the board from Wolf’s Rain to Terror in Resonance and a few others; each one a magnificent and stellar feat of musical capacities. Yet, I don’t think she can ever really top what she’s accomplished with Cowboy Bebop.
The Seatbelts is the fictitious Japanese space jazz band led by Kanno. The name derives from how the performers wear seatbelts to be safe as they participate in some serious hard-core jam sessions. This band, put together by Kanno, is responsible for all of the music in Cowboy Bebop.
The styles of music utilised is enthrallingly diverse and ranges from straight big band jazz to blues, acoustic ballads, hard rock, and country to funk and electronic. Hip-hop and experimental compositional elements also make their appearances. Aside from sounding extraordinary, the music in and of itself speaks volumes of what the show is about. If you look at most, if not all, of these genres, they began during periods of history where a voice of rebellion needed to rise. It was a means for people to expel their frustrations at life and all of the bullshit that they had to endure. Blues is a very depressing genre, originally created to voice the hardships that came from slavery and oppression. Jazz became a significant boom during the 1920s when war was looming and young folks were forced to fight or choose a side; when a passionate desire for independence was boiling to its peak. This included the rise of women’s empowerment and freedom of choice.
Every genre used to create the tunes began as a fight against being oppressed and having severely limited rights, if you had any to begin with. The music was about growing up and facing your fears and your monsters, to make life what you wanted of it. These genres were all born out of necessity to have something powerful and positive to believe in; a way to share the pain so you could stop it from continuing onwards.
As I mentioned earlier, this theme is apparent in all four members of our cast—Faye Valentine, Jet Black, Spike Spiegel, and even Edward. They all had something they were fighting for and some strong personal beliefs that drove them to become the people that they became; changes that needed to be made so they could be the stronger, better versions of their old selves.
Cowboy Bebop has so much more to it than the few things I’ve mentioned in this insanely long ass review. To be blunt, I wish I could talk about all of them because that’s how much I loved this series. I’m so passionate about it and what it means and what it stands for. But if I chat about everything, then you guys may not want to pick it up (if you haven’t already). I know that hype can have a negative effect on me; look at how long it took me to pick up the series.
While I do regret not picking it up sooner, I’m supremely satisfied with the fact that I waited so long. The world is a terribly different place now than it was in 1998. Not only was I just a child, there honestly wasn’t much that I could’ve related to the show back then as there is now, at least for me as an individual watcher. Maturity aside, I feel like the messages that are shared so passionately and so brilliantly in this anime are far more superior and relevant in 2017 than they would’ve been in 1998. But the fact that is was made 20 years ago, just goes to show you how far ahead of its time it truly was, which further intensifies my love for the science-fiction genre, no matter the medium.
In conclusion, I want to make one thing very clear: Cowboy Bebop is what it is, is as powerful and as remarkable as it is, because everything fits together so nicely. If you remove even one small facet of the show, it would’ve fallen completely apart. The music, any one of the characters (including minor ones), the animation, the motifs—anything at all and it wouldn’t be a work of art. It’s complex and intricate because every single piece makes it so; they’ve all got their place. Lose a single one and you’ve got nothing but a mediocre space western. Details are what create a masterpiece, especially when they’re subtle and natural.
10 cigarettes outta 10!
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kendrixtermina · 7 years
Extra Typology Vol #3 - Part 9, A: The Leisurely Style (Basics)
This would be the quintessential “Type B” individual - sure, they’ll fulfill their obligations & put in whatever share of work is needed to have a solid living, but once that is done, they feel that they have the right to their personal pursuit of hapiness & see that as the area of life where the “worthwhile” stuff happens - That this is where life is & that the other part is the drudgery you do for the sake of your life.  
They feel that they have a right to their “me time” and while they might fill it with anything from plain chillaxing to hobbies to creative pursuits, it’s important to them that they are guranteed this opportunity, and though  they are generally easygoing, they will vigorously defend their right to do their own thing & have their time & space.
This seems to be vaguely 9w8, the Phlegmatic Temperament or the Ne-Si axis.
(Funnily enough I never thought of this as any sort of distinct trait, perhaps because it’s the most common one in my makeup - I always just assumed this is simply “everyone to some degre/default/common sense/normal people” which, in hindsight, seems to hold the implicit assumption that type A people are “weird” Sorry.  ^^° Well, at least I am now less stupid than I was before reading this book so yay for this book. Guess this just shows how we’re all vulnerable to & should be on the lookout for that type of thinking, as we’re all ordinary or unusual in some ways.)
The Six Domains
The first priority for the Leisurely style is the inviolable independence of the self - The implicit idea that they have the intrinsic right to be who they are, to feel good, and to pursue their own pleasures and concepts in their own way - and that no person or institution has any business “meddling” or taking those rights away from then - They can be said to have a more fluent connection to the basic, default value of human existence. 
If a Conscientious person will define themselves & others through their work, Leisurely people are more likely to see their indentity as related to their hobbies and, as a corollary, will tend to ask others “What are you into?” instead and believe in their inalienable right to use their personal time however they choose. 
Unlike some of the more emotional “scattered” types they can operate quite well within systems such as the family, the workplace, the community... indeed those outer complexes are necessary to fulfill their needs, but they do not identify with or feel a need to cater to any outer authorities and generally don’t have a pronounced superego or any of the associated heavy self-critical burdens. - They’re aware of their obligations, but after meeting them - including those to their family - the Leisurely person will turn to what they see as “the things that really matter”: The pursuit of their private pleasure in life, be it sports, art, contemplating nature or watching TV with a beer in hand. 
Unlike, say, Self-Confident types who feel that they are inherently special, better and closer to the center of the universe than most others, Leisurely people perceive that, along with everybody else, they are small cogs in the cosmic wheel - and that’s okay with them. Leisurely folks are usually comfortable with themselves - but even small cogs are entitled to lucky breaks - which is how Leisurely people perceive the diference between the have and the have-nots. 
Most of all, they feel entitled to be happy and claim this right vigorously - Leisurely individuals will not enslave themselves to anyone or anything, or substitute anybody else’s values for their own - they might have a role to play, a job to do, services to perform etc. but they are individual and separate, subject to their own dictates - they’re willing to do their part, but beyond that, they reserve the right to feel good privately. 
This same central attitude extends not just to work but also to their relationships, with the result that these can only work under a premise of “You don’t own me.” or contain a certain ambivalence -  Don’t misunderstand: People who have this as their dominant style are deeply entwined with other people - they’re family oriented and comfortable in groups. They like or even need to be taken care of and enter into relationships easily. 
At the same time, they are, like Vigilant types, vaguely suspicious of others, especially people in authority - Leisurely types lowkey  expect others to ask too much of them. But while Vigilant people stand emotionally clear of people until they are certain their autonomy is assured, Leisurely individuals have a much greater immediate need of companionship - as well as a foolproof defense against being ill-used: If anyone asks them to sacrifice their self-determination, they’ll simply refuse -  they are frequently skilled at saying no and will always be protective of their individual freedom.
They’re not the sort to change themselves or a lifestyle they are satisfied with for the sake of a relationship, and if that means the relationship has to stop, they can generally accept that, seeing little sense in trying to win back an ex-partner who has clearly proven incompatible with their life an not likely to be happy with them - that said, they do care about their relationships & are likely to experience emotional pain when their desires conflict with those of their loved ones - they’ll usually go their own way in the endbut not without a lot of soul-searching in the end. 
It’s not uncommon for people with this style to be read as lazy by those who don’t share their values, but that’s a misunderstanding: Not too different from archiever-types they’re dividing up their time according to what they want but what they want isn’t recognition or fancy stuff but to have a significant portion of their time to use as they please without outside encumbrance - they’re generally not rebels, mavericks, angrily defiant indvidals or anything of the sort: They won’t yell  or argue when asked to do something they consider far beyond their duties - they’ll simply refuse. 
They might simply not want or value the same things as their type A friends/partners & not find it as important that this or that is done - sometimes with the result that the other person feels obliged to do it & ends up comlaining about having to do all the work when the Leisurely person never asked or expected them to.
To a Leisurely person, work and moneymaking are generally a means, not the end. They’re the sort to look at their employment as “just a job” rather than a career or vocation. 
Because they generally work not for fame or sucess, but simply to pay bills, get a pension, finance their pursuit of pleasure and maybe have fun, they generally won’t take work home, don’t worry about it after hours, won’t do work that they see as outside their responsibility & won’t do more than what is asked of them to please the boss or feel better about themselves - they feel just fine. 
They can be good, cooperative workers & are quite capable of fulfilling the requirements and taking pride in what they do, but they don’t find the meaning of their life in their work and won’t let themselves be pushed around by someone who does - However, they might not necessarily see how their apparent lack of ambition might account for receiving less approval, encouragement or reward that their coworkers who do go the extra mile and may resent another person’s success as unjustified.
That said, individuals with a mixed pattern containing traits like Conscientious or Self-Conscious do manage to find pleasure somewhere in the workplace - some may be able to mix pleasure and business, which is probably the easiest to accomplish in creative work - others may enjoy some aspects of their work and procrastinate on others, or find something incidental to their work that they actually enjoy (such as the office sports team) - they can do very good work and stand a lot of tedium but the job is rarely going to be the central focus of their lives. They work slowly & comfortably and won’t rush to beat the clock, or to make an unreasonable deadline.
This may annoy the occasional supervisor or boss because people in authority generally expect their employees and subordinates to share their values & dedication to the project even though they ‘ll be getting a smaller share of the rewards, but the Leisurely person may reply that they’re not paid to photocopy bills or work past five, in short, that whatever extra stuff is being demanded is “not their job”, and they will certainly resist being exploited - 
Leisurely types are at least mildly suspicious of authority in the workplace - they expect that the boss will want more than they are willing to give - which often proves true, especially when the job has no precise description, or when the boss is highly Conscientious, Self-Confident, Agressive or Serious. Leisurely individuals attempt to fulfill their obligations, but might feel ill-used if their supervisors or colleagues do not accept this as sufficient - if the boss asks them to do more or to work faster, they might begin to feel that they are being treated unfairly - in general, Leisurely individuals are very aware of their rights. Fair is fair, and anything else is exploitation - as such, they won’t hesitate to make use of such rights (like take off all the days they’re allowed to) and, for that, may be
While the promise of extra pay is usually not enough to tempt them to stay longer, being compensated with extra free time later on might actually do the trick - and if a Leisurely person happens to be self-employed, they’ll have much the same attitude toward authority and won’t let their clients make unreasonable demands of them. 
In terms of emotional dynamics, Leisurely individuals often fall into the phlegmatic temperament (or possibly SanPhleg if extroverted), or, as Oldham puts it, reminiscent of Lizards basking in the sun: They’re placid, patient, slow-moving, mellow and not likely to get upset. 
Even when they’re angry, (usually because of real or perceived unfairness) they tend to be indirect about it and avoid head-on confrontation - instead they’ll sulk, assign blame elsewhere, act grouchy & sullen and half-heartedly neglect the tasks others want them to do, or act all scattered & procrastinatey until... ooops! The deadline has passed, basically doing a bad job so that they won’t be asked to do it again. 
 As a side effect of the above orientation toward chill, they tend to avoid things that might disrupt their “flow” - which might lead them to put off onerous tasks such as word deadlines, taxes, bill paying, christmas shopping etc. to the last minute. 
Apart from that though, their self-control is actually fairly good (just used for their piorities) - a halfway healthy individual is not driven to excesses, though many little indulgences can backfire by adding up, leading one to damage their health out of sheer habit from too much sugar, booze etc. 
To people in which this style is predominant, the world is a fairly straightforward place, if populated with a lot of folks who claim authority over others and would have you working all the time on unimportant tasks - Leisurely individuals have a built-in immunity to these claims because they can see that work is only a part of what there is in life. 
They protect their identities by keeping a low profile, fulfilling only those obligations to the system that they must, wishing for a stroke of good luck (to which they feel as entitled as the next guy) and then concentrating on what they really want to do with their time, or, as they call it, the real life. 
Life Choices
Predominantly Leisurely types are rarely found above mid-management, because they’re not that ambitious in their careers - they don’t want to devote themselves to getting ahead, don’t care about working hard enough to make tons of money and are very reluctant to make the kinds of sacrifices on their personal time that the fast track demands. 
Since Leisurely individuals often work for the same company, agency or military branch, they may rise to mid-management levels over the years - as managers, they expect of their subordinates what they expect of themselves: A day’s work for a day’s pay. They don’t push anybody too hard, but they do expect their staffs to follow the rules and not make life difficult for them. They’re not particularly creative or motivating managers, but in the beaurocracies that they find themselves in, they fit right in & allow the wheels to keep turning without rocking the boat. 
Job Recomendations
If this is your primary style (and you were unlucky enough not to be born rich), im for a good ‘ol 9-to-5 job in which you know exactly what is expected of you - Since people of your style like their challenges primarily outside the workplace, look for a secure job that offers good pensions & benefits (teacher, city hall clerk, civil service, union shops etc.) and avoid jbs where a lot of initiaive is required (eg. lawyer)
Be aware, however, that those more interested & invested in the job may receive more encouragement and rewards. While you might see self-employment as a way to ensure that you have sufficient time to yourself flexible working conditions, it might be a bit of a trap if you can’t muster the necessary self-discipline or switch from work to play - You might have better chances if you have traits of a more ‘disciplined’ style,  but it can also be hard to reconcile those two sides of yourself, as such traits can be in conflict inside a single individual as much as in society at large - A solution might be to become a consultant or freelancer, to combine pleasure & work by finding a job you enjoy (eg. creative work), or, you can try to focus on archievement while you’re young & kick back later once you’ve secured a foundation of cash and ressources. 
Stress Sources
Perhaps as a result of maing their lives very comfortable, they’re rarely ever tense & generally don’t end up with stress or anxiety related problems - they tend to be emotionally even, but with one important exception: When they’re pushed to do more than they think is fair, or when someone pressures them to change their priorities - such situations would represent the primary souces of stress for a Leisurely individual. 
In response they feel drawn to do things the other person’s way, but then react by resisting in a more demonstrative way, which can go from guiltily going along with it for a while to lowkey hostile, complainy passive-agressive behavior. If others keep insisting, the Leisurely person will indignantly justify their behavior and even try to rally others to their side. 
If left alone to do their thing, it doesn’t take much for them to find emotional comfort - they don’t really need any great things to be satisfied, just a little bit of chill time - ultimately this is a slow, easy, pleasure-seeking style. Hapiness can come just from sitting in front of the TV with a bag of chips - but if their relationships with mates and supervisors are constantly strained by arguments, sourness may become their primary attitude. 
Generally speaking, Leisurely parents make for responsible breadwinners who are concerned with their children’s basic needs - their family life is an important source of pleasure for them and generally very important - they have a gift for enjoying themselves and can share in their children’s lives more memorably when they are all having a plain old wonderful time. 
However, there can be a tendency t believe that what is best for them is also generally best for their children & they do not generally go out of their way to adapt to their children’s needs and wants if those are different from their own - they can be sort of old-fashioned. That said, they are usually not inflexible and will bend if someone can get through to them that they must.
In the maladaptive extremes, though, such a parent may refuse to comprehend that their children may have different needs than the one they assume and end up being remebered as a stubborn & selfish person more comcerned with their own comfort than the child’s welfare.
Romantic Compatibility
Strongly Leisurely people need mates who are accepting, understanding and giving nd are content to orbit around them - they won’t put the needs of the relationship first and will only go so far to please others, except when it comes to brief acts of contrition - that said, they do value their relationships, like being cared for and all will be well if their partners don’t mind the responsibility of keeping the relationship together and doing a little more of the chores. Then, they will prove to be responsive, appreciative, loyal and loving mates.
(A/N:  Alternatively, try someone who gives just as little fucks about excessive neatfreakery as you do - worked just fine for me on 2 separate occasions. Or, have some arrangement along the lines of “the living room stays clear but my desk my rules”. I personally prefer not to burden or embarass another person with my dirty dishes - can we agree that neither partner should have to twist themselves into a pretzel?)
A strong degree of either the Devoted or Self-Sacrificing style might be conductive to a harmonic match as those will usually be able to tolerate the Leisurely person’s fundamental self-interest while providing a warm & caring quality
Those with with pronounced Conscientious traits should look elsewhere though - Chances are they’ll have a hard time understanding or accepting each other’s approach to life. While they might get together due to the Leisurely type’s appreciation for the Conscientious ability to take care of things, this pairing very often turns very sour in the long run -  Neither style is good at compromizing and both wants stuff done their way.
For similar reasons, the Self-Confident style is probably out - their “high standards”/”ongoing archievements” approach tends to clash with the Leisurely style’s “work until content & then chill” MO, and the Self-Confident partner will tend to expect concessions that Leisurely types are unwilling to give
They often feel comfortable with Vigilant types as they both mistrust authority - the Vigilant person will typically be responsible and make fallback plans in case the Leisurely person mucks it up.
Two Leisurely people will generally respect & understand each others’ rights, but as they like to be taken care of it might help if one of them had a tad of Devoted or Self-Sacrificing style in them - also, someone needs to step forward & take charge when less desirable things need doing so it would depend on the exact “trait coctail” of the people involved. 
Serious mates may provide a sense of resigned responsibility that can keep the relationship together - even if the Serious partner feels put upon, they don’t necessarily expect life to be all fun & games. They will likely support a highly Leisurely person’s belief that those who have it better ust got lucky, as well as their passive wishfulness and sourish attitude - they might not necessarily be able to share in the Leisurely person’t pleasures, but they certainly won’t keep them from pursuing them. 
They will generally not be comfortable with emotionally demanding styles such as Dramatic or Mercurial
Relationships with Sensitive types might well work, but the Leisurely type should take care to be there for the Sensitive when they need suppor with personal challenges
Like the Leisurely style, the Adventurous style is pleasure seeking, but they tend to break the rules rather than stay within them & play ball, so forget this match
Specific Issues
The Leisurely Style vs. Housework
Since their free time is their main source of joy in their lives, Leisurely people need a lot of time to themselves - Even if they’re the local homemakers. In that case the house will be presentable enough, the meals good if not elaborate (unless cooking is one of their hobbies), but nothing will be particularly well kept, prepared or organized.
Taking care of a home & family is one of the more demanding jobs out there so it may be a good thing if the Leisurely individual knows how to set their limits, but they may run into problems if their mate doesn’t think of housework as “real” work & sees their need to have a break from it and entertain themselves as self-indulgent. 
On the other hand, if the Leisurely mate is the one who works outside the home, they may mistakenly assume that their at-home partner didn’t have much to do all day & not be inclined to pitch in after they “did their due” on a long day of work (it’s easy to see how being raised with certain cultural expectation of what one’s “share” of the work constitutes can be unhelpful here ^^°)
In general, they treasure their non-work hours too much to give up too much of them for chores, especially if there’s other family members whom they feel could and/or should take care of it. 
Success isn’t Everything
Leisurely-style people can be found in virtually all manner of careers, including, say, Chemistry professors, but rarely on top of any, which is fine by them - Since their overall comfort in life comes from how they enjoy themselves away from work, they rarely devote the time or  push that hard.
A pitfall of the Leisurely type may be that some for whom the trait is very pronounced may drift off course or lose direction in their life, but this needn’t happen - generally they can and do make good lifes for themselves (according to their own priorities) even if others may say that they haven’t done as well as they “should” have. For example, they might pass up a prestigious job for one that is secure and easy-going & be happy with their life as it is, doing the things they do, and will prefer doing activities they actually like (be it at work or at home) rather than squeezing the maximum potential out of everything. 
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erraticfairy · 8 years
These 9 Mental Habits Suck the Happiness from Your Life
It’s never too late to change.
Over the course of our lives, we run across all types of people, and the fact that we’re prone to classifying them as “types” shows just how much we tend to believe that people are certain ways by nature.
How To Be Happy With Yourself As You Improve Your Life
But the truth is, many aspects of our personalities and emotional make-ups develop over time through the psychological habits we have adopted — the ways we interpret events, the thoughts that run through our heads like clockwork, and the explanations we give ourselves for how the world works.
Few people want to become bitter and negative, and yet it’s not uncommon, especially for people who have experienced more than their share of tough times.
Want to have a more hopeful and optimistic outlook on life? See if you can diminish these mental habits that make people unhappy.
1. Not Forgiving Others
Many people equate forgiveness with forgetting that something happened altogether or with saying that it was OK that it did. That’s not what forgiveness is about. And many people claim that they have forgiven someone for something, while in reality, they have not.
What real forgiveness means is allowing yourself to be free from the resentment of having been wronged, to accept that something has occurred and to believe that you deserve to move on from it. It’s to declare your independence from perseverating on how to get revenge on another person, to stop dwelling on how to make them “make up for it” and continuing to let that corrode your emotional well-being.
It is letting go in its healthiest, truest sense. Forgiveness doesn’t minimize the wrongness of someone’s actions. It just allows you to no longer be hurt by them. Forgiveness is associated with reduced depression, stress, hostility, improved self-esteem, and even physical health. When you look at its benefits, you’ll see it’s about being kind to yourself, not doing a favor for someone else.
2. Not Forgiving Yourself
Even more kind is allowing yourself to move on from your own mistakes. Regret, embarrassment, shame, and guilt from a single mistake can haunt you for years. And the ensuing negative thoughts, stress, and pessimistic outlook can create a dynamic in which you view the world in a bitter way — all because you feel that you are unworthy of feeling OK.
In fact, forgiving yourself has been shown to help reduce feelings of depression. If you find yourself plagued by thoughts of past mistakes, start noticing and exploring them: When are they at their worst? What feelings do they bring on? What makes them go away?
If you are locked in a never-ending fight with the thoughts, trying to “reason” your way out of them, see if, instead, you can learn to accept their presence without endorsing their meaning: “I’m having the thought again about the time I really was cruel to my parents. Hi, thought. I hear you there. You can’t hurt me right now, though, because I’m deciding what to have for lunch.”
3. All-or-None Thinking
It is amazing how frequently all-or-none thinking seems to underlie such a variety of unhealthy psychological states. From panic to low self-esteem, from perfectionism to hopelessness, it is not uncommon to uncover hidden and not-so-hidden patterns of this dysfunctional thinking in my clients when they are struggling with a negative worldview.
What all-or-none thinking does, by its very definition, is make your outlook on life more rigid. It magnifies negativity by making it appear bigger than it really is. It keeps your mind focusing on what’s gone wrong rather than what’s gone right, and it sets you up to see the bad in people, things, and life more often than the good.
See if you can catch yourself making this mistake in daily life: Are you inherently uncomfortable with shades of gray, and do you prefer things to be more black-and-white? That might be good for organizing a closet, but when it comes to how you process bad things happening, it can hurt you.
4. Holding Others to a Higher Standard Than You Hold Yourself
When you are constantly disappointed and annoyed with people around you, it could mean that you are having an unlucky break and not being treated the way you deserve. It could also mean that you are choosing ill-fitting people to accompany you throughout life. Or, more likely, it could mean that you have a set of overly rigid standards for other people’s behavior that you don’t apply to yourself.
In fact, sometimes we are hardest on others when we see our own traits in them — things that we don’t like to admit or examine. Seeing them in others makes us uncomfortable. Like the classic hypocrite who crusades against sins far smaller than the ones he or she commits in their private life, it’s bound to create a disconnect within us that causes stress, hostility, and negativity.
Examine what’s really going on when you’re chronically frustrated with someone, whether it’s the stranger in the left-hand turn lane or your messy roommate. Are you looking at the whole picture? What if, instead of bathing in the negative energy, you chose to reflect on the last time you made a mistake and the way it may have looked to others? Sending empathy to others, even when you don’t want to, can be a surprisingly powerful tool to take away the anger.
5. Believing Things Will Never Get Better
Severe hopelessness can be particularly dangerous, putting people at increased risk for depression and even suicide. But even milder beliefs about how things will never improve can do significant day-to-day damage: “My sister will never get her act together,” “I’ll never be able to pay off my student loans,” and “The world is a bad place and getting worse” are all beliefs that show hopelessness and can blind a person to significant evidence to the contrary.
A lifetime is, for most of us, a decades-long ride that sees many highs and many lows, and many ebbs and many flows. Believing that there is a downward trajectory obstructs the beauty of everyday things and keeps you hopelessly and inaccurately believing negative ideas, giving them a staying power that they don’t deserve.
Imagine how much peace you can feel simply by allowing yourself to believe that harmonious and beautiful things are out there in the world, yet to be experienced. It takes practice to see them, but they are there and always will be.
18 Happiness Quotes Will Remind You To Freaking ROCK Your Day Today
6. Believing You Have Less Control Over Your Life Than You Really Do
Learned helplessness, first identified by Martin Seligman, involves the belief that we don’t have control over our situations even in cases when we do, and so we convince ourselves we shouldn’t even bother to try. This mindset has been shown to be correlated with depression, and for some people, it follows a period of time when they really did not have much control over their lives, perhaps while suffering from abuse or neglect, for example.
But when the belief that we have no power persists after we, in actuality, have gained power back, we’re denying ourselves the potential to make our lives better. And we increase the likelihood that we view the world as an inherently demoralizing place, convincing ourselves that we can’t make a difference.
The more we can feel that we steer our own ship, the more we can build a life that suits us. Are you underestimating your ability to get out of that dead-end job, find a partner that treats you well, or develop a peaceful resolution to your years-long fight with your brother? If so, you are doing yourself a great disservice and increasing your chances of letting your mindset harden into a bitter one.
7. Believing the Myth of Arrival
The myth of arrival refers to the idea that once you have “arrived” at a certain point in your life, everything will fall into place and the life you have waited for will finally begin. But sometimes this belief — that things will automatically get better once a certain thing happens — can be nearly as damaging as believing that things will never improve, because the former sets you up for a devastating letdown when things actually don’t get better.
“Once I finally meet the one/get my promotion/lose those 20 pounds/live in a bigger house/get my kids settled into independent and successful lives…then I’ll be happy” are common ways of thinking. But putting our happiness on hold — and in the hands of a random life event that may or may not have any effect whatsoever on our happiness — is giving way too much power to an external situation and not nearly enough to ourselves.
It robs us of the ability to find joy on our own terms. It makes us miss the proverbial journey because we’re so hyper-focused on the destination. Worst of all, it sets us up for a crash when we realize that it wasn’t those 20 pounds making us depressed, it was the fact that we were depressed, for different reasons entirely, that made us put on 20 pounds in the first place.
8. Overgeneralizing
It was one of the “cognitive errors” that Aaron Beck first identified as putting people at higher risk for depression, and it often manifests itself in believing that if you fail at one thing, you will fail at everything. The tendency to overgeneralize — to turn a molehill of a setback into a mountain — also underlies the thinking patterns of a lot of people who have pervasive negative views of the world around them.
Sometimes, this type of thinking can even look like paranoia: “Give anyone an inch, and they will take a mile” or “Just about everyone will take advantage of you if you let them.” It’s true that not every person is a paragon of virtue, but it’s also true that there is a lot of goodness out there if you just let yourself look for it.
And just because there are scammers doesn’t mean that you should stop helping those who aren’t. After all, helping others gives us a mood boost. So examine your beliefs to see if you are — against all available evidence — overgeneralizing the world into a dangerous or hostile place, which may show hostility coming from within.
9. Not Practicing Gratitude
Being grateful for things big and small brings big changes to your mental health. It is much harder to be bitter about your late-arriving dinner (“I AM NEVER COMING TO THIS RESTAURANT AGAIN!”) and have it ruin your whole night if you allow yourself to acknowledge how gorgeous the blooming trees outside the restaurant window were while you waited, or the fact that you are able to afford to pay someone to cook you a meal at all, or the fact that you were with someone who could make you laugh no matter how much your stomachs were growling.
Some people may think that gratitude meditation or keeping a list of things that you’re grateful for is hokey. But would you rather be a little hokey or be the person who goes their whole life without the mental and physical health benefits — lessened depression, improved immune system functioning, and heart health, among many others — that gratitude brings?
This guest article originally appeared on YourTango.com: 9 Life-Sucking Mental Habits That Make You Feel Bitter (So, STOP!).
from World of Psychology http://ift.tt/2iUFS3S via theshiningmind.com
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the-starchariot · 5 years
Woman b
Keywords Nouns / phrases: Usually represents a woman or girl - see paragraph As a person. Possibly also: "femaleness" or "femininity"; the influence female gender roles and stereotypes have on the querent. Situations or places where there's usually a majority of women (e.g. women's association; midwifery; yoga class).   Activities: To do something with a female person. Possibly: activities the querent considers "feminine". Attributes: Female. Possibly: "feminine" (whatever that means to the querent). Concerning a female person. As a person: Represents the querent if the querent is female. If the querent is male the Woman represents either always the querent's spouse, steady girlfriend, or, if he is single, a love interest, or always the female person most relevant to the concern - e.g. the querent's spouse, or an affair, friend, work colleague, female relative. As advice: If the Woman represents the querent: "This is about you!". If she represents someone the querent knows: "This female person is very relevant to your concern!". Possibly: "Have a close look at how your ideas about what women are (or should be) influence your situation."   Time factor *) : When/if it happens depends on the Woman. 
About the meaning: The Woman, like the Man, plays a special role in the Lenormand deck. She is (almost) exclusively used as the representative of a person: a woman (or girl). Other than being female she carries no defining qualities - with the excecption I mention in the fourth paragraph. The Woman represents the female querent: When the querent is female, the Woman represents the querent. Other female persons are then always represented by other, "ordinary" cards (often used: Snake and Bouquet) - or, if you are reading with both versions of the Woman, by the other Woman. If the querent is male, see next two paragraphs. The Woman represents the querent's steady partner: If the querent is male, according to one very common approach the Woman automatically represents his female partner (wife or steady girlfriend) or, if he is single, his love interest - even if the question asked did not refer to the partner or love interest. According to this approach other female persons, e.g. an affair, or a female friend, are then represented by other, "ordinary" cards (e.g. Snake, Bouquet). For an alternative approach, see next paragraph. The Woman represents the most relevant female person: I personally don't assign the Woman strictly according to the method described above. For me the Woman always represents the female person who is most relevant to the question asked. In many cases, who this most relevant woman is will be immediately clear, especially when the question asked explicitly concerns a specific woman, e.g. "How do I make my girlfriend happy?". In such cases, the Woman definitely represents the female person named in the question. But if no woman is named in the question I don't assign an identity to the Woman automatically. Of course, people's partners usually do have a major influence on their lives. So in many cases the most relevant female person will indeed be the steady partner. But that is not necessarily the case! To find out who the most relevant female person in each individual case and context is I usually talk to the querent about the different possibilities, and I also check if the cards surrounding the Woman give more clues about her identity. As I said, very often she will indeed be his wife (or his life partner, fiancee, or steady girlfriend). But it is not at all uncommon that the female person who is most significant within the context of the question turns out to be some other woman - e.g. the woman the querent has a secret affair with, or a female relative (e.g. mother, daughter, sister), a platonic friend, or a colleague at work, a woman of whose existence the querent isn't aware of yet, or even his imagined "ideal" woman which he can't let go of! Also, sometimes, the identity of the Woman remains mysterious. And sometimes when a reading doesn't make sense no matter from which angle I approach the cards I suspect that this is because I have assigned the wrong identity to the Woman, so of course the other cards make no sense. Which qualities does the Woman carry? The Woman represents someone who is of the female gender. For many readers, including me, this is the only fixed attribute the card has: femaleness. Whether the female person is young or old, happy or sad, honest or deceiving, in control or helpless, which hopes she has, what motivates her etc., is not fixed but has to be gleaned from her position in the spread and from the qualities the cards surrounding her indicate. However, even while insisting that femaleness is her only defining attribute some readers still go a step further. They assign a number of additional qualities to the card which they believe are inherently female - or "feminine". I have, for example, seen people interpret the Woman as submissive, gentle, or emotional, behaviour. But this is a view of gender which makes me very, very uncomfortable. It implies very limiting and judgemental assumptions about what a "true" woman is. It implies that a woman who doesn't strongly broadcast these qualities but their opposites, for example a woman who asserts herself instead of willingly submitting, is less of a woman, is "masculine". And it implies that a man who doesn't like to dominate others and prefers to yield is less of a man. But I think that when a woman is dominant she is not a woman with strong "masculine" tendencies; she is a dominant woman. When a man is very gentle and caring, this doesn't make him feminine - he is just a gentle, caring man. In short: I don't assign character qualities to the Woman (nor the Man) because I think character qualities cannot be divided along the line of gender. The impact of female gender roles and stereotypes on the querent: As I wrote above I don't think that (seemingly) dichotomous qualities like gentleness/assertiveness or emotionality/rationality should be assigned to specific genders. However, this is what many, maybe most, people do. And these ideas about what is inherently female and male will also impact their behaviour greatly. It will influence how they see themselves, how they judge others, and it will impact the decisions they make for themselves and for others. So when the Woman turns up in a reading for a female querent, the card might indicate that the querent's ideas of what a "real" woman, a "proper" woman is, influence the situation she is asking about. They could for example influence what options she thinks are available to her, or the ways she goes about achieving what she wants to achieve, or whether she allows herself to go for what she wants at all. And something similar applies to readings for male querents. Their ideas of what is female, or feminine, will influence how they judge the women in their lives, and it will influence which behaviour, which decisions, they allow themselves as men (e.g. "I mustn't let them see that I'm sad!" or "No, I can't concede; I'm supposed to always come out on top!"), and it will influence how they treat women (e.g. "Women are silly, emotional creatures, they need someone to tell them what's what - and this someone is rational me!") Other: In a few rare cases it has turned out quite productive to interpret the Woman as situations or places were there's a majority of women (e.g. midwifery; education system; yoga class etc.). But I usually only apply this meaning when it is strongly indicated by the context (e.g. the querent is looking for social connections) - or by surrounding cards. I might, for example, interpret the combination of Woman + Ring as "women's association" or Woman + Dog as "women's support group". 
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About the Image: The Woman by herself: My Woman (b) faces away from the viewer, into the card, as does Woman (a). I chose this design because both Women represent no specific qualities other than that they are of the female gender. If I'd shown the Women's faces, I'd have had to give them specific facial expressions, specific ages, and races. Let's say I'd have chosen to make Woman (b) look Caucasian. But what if the querent were Asian? What if I'd painted a gently smiling woman but the woman the querent was asking about was a very dour or angry woman? So I decided to paint Woman (b)from an angle which doesn't show her face. What you can say about her is that yes, here is someone who is almost certainly of the female gender because the clothes she wears strongly indicate it. Other than that, not much is fixed. There is no way of telling for certain whether she is young or old, happy or sad, what skin colour she has. She could be very slim underneath her flowing summer dress, but she could also be quite chubby. Thus I hope it is easy to project the specific characteristics of any woman you know onto Woman (b) .   If you put yourself in the Woman's shoes you will find that you are sitting indoors, at a spinning wheel, and you are just about to fix blue fibres (which at first glance appear to be wool or flax) onto the spinning wheel's distaff. There are multiple balls of finished yarn around your feet. Most are of a pinkish hue (like your dress), and there are two blue ones, too. So it seems you have been spinning for quite a while already. Outside the window opening, a spring or early summer landscape lies in front of you, with blooming trees. The reason for placing the Woman in front of a spinning wheel was that I wanted her to be busy with some constructive task. For life is an ongoing process in which we always, continually, do something - even if it is sleeping, or sitting idly and daydreaming. And everything that we do, no matter what it is, eventually becomes part of our history, becomes part of us. I chose the spinning not so much because spinning is one of the most traditionally female tasks. It was more because yarn that someone spins will also serve them as clothes. The yarn the Woman is creating will, symbolically, become part of her. To emphasise this I made a significant part of the finished yarn pink - it is a very similar colour to the dress the Woman is already wearing. But the symbolism doesn't stop there. Probably you've already noticed that the Woman isn't spinning any old flax or wool. She is actually spinning the blue sky into blue yarn - and along the same line of thought the pink balls of yarn are meant to have been spun from the trees' blossoms. Translating the symbolism, the Woman is actively and creatively shaping her own life from the ingredients fate is offering her. And that is what we do, too, as long as we live. The Woman (b) in relation to Man (b): If you compare Woman (b) and the Man (b) you will notice that I placed them in very similar locations. Apart from some minor differences it could even be the same, one room. The most important reason for me to design the two cards in this way was that even in the cases when Woman/Man do not represent a couple they still always represent two people who are in some kind of a relationship, who share at least part of their respective realities.   When Man and Woman are facing each other it looks a lot like they are sharing the same room. They are both busy with their own tasks, but because they are facing each other it seems very likely that the Man is building the room not just for himself but for her, too, and that the Woman is spinning her yarn not just for her own clothes but for his, too (especially because she is spinning blue yarn, like his clothes). And, again because they are facing each other, it looks a lot like they are in communication with each other - at least silently. When Man and Woman are facing away from each other it looks as if they shared adjoining rooms of the same house. They are both busy with their own tasks. It looks still possible that the Man is home improving not just for himself but for her, too, and the Woman is spinning yarn not just for her own clothes but for his, too. But here it seems a bit more likely that they are working for their own benefits only. And because they are facing away from each other it looks a bit as if - at least at the moment - they were very focused on their own tasks, and not communicating with each other. The Woman (a) in relation to Woman (b): One reason why my Lenormand deck contains two Men and two Women is so that same sex friends, relatives, or lovers, could do relationship readings in which bothrepresentative person cards conform with their genders. Since the two Men cards are supposed to represent two men who are in some kind of relationship I wanted the two images to relate visually, too. If you look at Woman (a) and Woman (b) you will see that the apples Woman (a) has been collecting seem to be intended for her friend or lover - they are in a bowl next to Woman (b)! And the yarn Woman (b) is spinning at the moment has the same bluish colour as the dress Woman (a) is wearing. It might well be that Woman (b)made the dress for her. This interlacing is to express that both Women fulfil an important role in their mutual relationship. Moreover, the Women's shared reality is also hinted at by the fact that the landscape Woman (a) is walking through looks a lot like the landscape outside of the window of Woman (b). The Woman (b) in relation to Man (a): Another reason why my Lenormand deck contains two Men and two Women is so that there is the possibility to pair Man and Woman cards in which Man and Woman face in the same direction. Some readers are used to (or prefer) this option. Again, since these different pairings would also represent two people who are in some kind of relationship I wanted the images to relate visually, too. If you look at Man (a) you'll see that the dusky pink yarn Woman (b) has finished spinning doesn't only resemble the colour of her own dress but also the colour of the Man's pants. The landscape Man (a) is walking through appears to be the same as the one outside of Woman (b) 's window. And the grapes Man (a) has been collecting are also found in a bowl behind Woman (b) . So, not only do Woman (b) and Man (a) share the same reality, they are also bound together by what they do for each other. To make it even easier, visually, to pair Woman (b) and Man (a), it's not just the colour of their garments which is similar, but both cards also have frames of a similar warm reddish-brown hue.  
Woman-Rider Woman who is: New - in the sense of unfamiliar, changed; able to change you, in a hurry, quick, surprising, active, energetic, flamboyant, pushy, cocky, intrusive, importunate, shrill, harsh. A woman brings something (e.g. e message), approaches, acts, causes change, charges, attacks, harasses, intrudes, meddles, intervenes, pushes for something, grandstands. To approach a woman; to beset or harass a woman. Attempts to change a woman. A traditionally "female" approach. Woman-Clover Woman who is: a lucky devil; happy-go-lucky, easygoing, not-serious; joking, humorous, playful, unimportant, irrelevant. Irresponsible, unburdened, has no responsibilities, doesn't do her bit; a gambler or risk-taker. To chance something regarding a woman; to take a woman (or women in general) not seriously. To toy with a woman / woman who toys with us. To joke/fool around with a woman. To keep it light with a woman. Woman-Ship Woman who is absent, missing, gone away, very distant, travelling, not there yet, on the way, (ad)venturous, yet to be learned to know, exploring, seeking, searching, full of wanderlust; fidgety, ready to leave, not committed. To leave a woman; to look for a woman; to explore a woman (or womanhood). A woman makes changes. An explorer, a traveller, a foreigner. Woman-House Woman who is: native, at home, at home with something, a family member, well-established, settled, private, familiar, used to or intimate with you; close-minded regarding anything which is new/unfamiliar, xenophobic, orderly, normal, regular, simple, planning ahead, low-risk, safe, conservative, inflexible, anti-innovative. Female family member; a creature of habit, stay-at-home mom. Woman moves in, starts a family, settles with something, keeps something private, wants things to stay as they are. Patriot. Family woman. A woman's privacy. (Traditional) rules or roles which apply to women specifically. Woman-Tree Woman who is: natural, physical, alive, thriving, deeply rooted, grounded, belonging, steadfast, robust, inflexible in the sense of not versatile, down-to-earth, pragmatic. A female ancestor. To grow into womanhood. Healer. Female body, or traditionally "feminine" physique. Female-specific health issues. Woman does something in nature; woman who is close to nature, does something physical. Woman-Clouds Woman who is: confused, insecure, desperate, lost. A shady character, woman who is hiding something, putting up a smoke-screen. Deceiver. Woman in need of guidance. Woman who lacks interest (or who lacks interesting characteristics), is listless. Deadhead. A woman the querent can't see / doesn't see as who she really is. Deadhead. Woman-Snake Woman who is: eager, covetous, avid, attracted to someone or something, power-hungry, thirsty for knowledge (inquisitive), horny, addicted, seductive, ambitious, single-minded, goal-oriented, focused, motivated, driven, ruthless, calculating, egotistical, inconsiderate, strong-willed, headstrong, tenacious, shrewd, skilful, (smart), diplomatic, manipulative. Type A personality woman, lawyer, politician, diplomat. A woman goes her own way. An affair with a woman. To feel attracted to, seduce, manipulate, or coerce, a woman. Woman-Coffin . Woman who has died. Woman who's suffered loss; Woman who hasn't let go of something (or, a woman who is in the process of letting go). Widow. Woman who is suppressing a lot or buried her dreams. To let go of a woman; grief over the loss of a woman. To suppress the woman inside ourselves. To not allow a woman to live life to the fullest. Woman-Bouquet Woman who is: invited; on a visit, convivial, sociable; socially active. Woman who is affable, well-mannered. Woman who is appreciated by the querent, or generally praiseworthy. Woman who is flirtatious, or ingratiating. Bootlicker. Pretty woman; groomed woman. A peacock. Woman who tends to exaggerate or whitewash things. A welcome visitor, a hostess. Interior designer, hairdresser, stylist, plastic surgeon etc. To show appreciation to a woman; to flatter or flirt with a woman or women in general. To visit a woman; give a present to a woman.   Woman-Scythe Woman who is: efficient, blunt, does unexpected or hurtful things. Woman who has cut you off. A female ex-partner. Divorcee. To cut off or hurt a woman. Woman reaps what she has sown. To get what you deserve from a woman. To tie up lose ends or settle scores with a woman. Woman cleans up. Woman with a sharp tongue /who can hurt you. Woman-Whip Woman who is: a cynic, snarky, judgemental - or ashamed; guilty. Prosecutor, lawyer, judge, police officer. To criticise, insult, shame, or abuse, a woman. Woman who beats herself up about something. Aggressive woman, abuser. Misogyny. To feel ashamed for being a woman. Argument with a woman. Woman is guilty; woman makes amends. Woman-Birds Woman who is: excited, agitated, exhilarated, (over) stimulated, busy, preoccupied, fussy, nervous, stressed, on alert, not relaxed, skittish. Woman who is talkative, gossipy. Woman who is brooding, worried, anxious. Woman with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Woman who is fidgety, restless, fickle, chaotic, unorganised, distracted. Woman who distracts, annoys. Woman who is quick to react, or prone to knee-jerk reactions. Quick-witted, mobile, agile woman. Woman with ADHD, multitasker, blabbermouth. Woman difficult to assess or who it would be unwise to rely on because she is so fickle. To bother a woman; gossip or worries about a woman; to distract or talk over (and not listen to) a woman. Woman-Child Girl, (grand)daughter. Mother of a child. A woman who wants a child. Woman who is: Childlike, infantile, delicate, cute, weak, sensitive, vulnerable, defenceless, non-threatening young (at heart), new, innovative, inquisitive, playful, inexperienced, in need of guidance, guileless, innocent, naive, gullible, immature. To belittle a woman or women in general. Woman takes the first step. To want the woman to initiate. It's a baby girl! Woman-Fox Woman who is cautious, streetwise, maybe overly suspicious or defensive. Woman who looks after herself well, or is selfish or follows her own agenda. Woman with a lot of integrity. Woman whose character is difficult to assess since she seems to change constantly, depending on her surroundings. Trickster. To identify with the female gender.   Woman-Bear Mother or mother figure. Female boss, leader, teacher, protector. Woman who is: strong, dominant, protective, choleric, bossy, possessive, competent, wealthy. Possibly: To protect a female person; to make a big show of one's femininity; appearing feminine (or female) dominates life. Depending on context: to protect oneself or someone else against a woman. Woman-Stars Woman who is: hopeful, trusting, spiritual; or has a lot of unfulfilled wishes. Woman who aspires to something, who dares to reach for the stars. Daydreamer / daydreams about a woman. Woman in the querent's future. To idealise a woman or women in general. To have faith in a woman without good reason, or to have trust in a woman (with good reason). Woman we feel deeply connected with. Woman-Stork Woman who is: a migrant, relocating, transitioning, transforming, returning, full of longing. Woman who acts instinctively, follows her inner nature. A woman by (inner) nature. To long for or reconnect with a woman. Something inevitable concerning a woman. Woman-Dog Woman who is: a friend, an employee, a follower, helpmate. Woman who is devoted, loyal, supportive, wants to be led, needs approval or praise, doesn't think for herself. To befriend a woman. To ask a woman for permission. To do what a woman (or women in general) say; to crave the approval of a woman or women in general. Woman-Tower Woman in a top position, e.g. boss. Woman who is denying, forbidding, solitary, emotionally distant, lonely, isolated, aloof, disciplined, clear-headed, independent, on top, leading, the best, proud, snotty, arrogant, controlling, authoritarian, in power. Segregation of women. Female authority. Single parent, widow. Authority over a woman; to lord it over women. Woman who has authority over the querent. A female expert. Organisations run by or for women. Matriarchy. To think about a woman rationally. Woman who rises above. Woman-Garden A woman is exposed. Woman who exposes, reveals something. Woman who goes along with the mainstream, with what's commonly accepted. Women's collective, women's union. To show up a woman. Woman with no sense of privacy. Woman who is in the public eye (e.g. politician); woman who networks, woman for whom public opinion and/or her reputation is very important. To present as female. To meet a woman in public. Women in society. Female-dominated (sub)culture. Woman-Mountain Woman who is: difficult, problematic, restrictive, impaired, challenging, conspicuous, present, big, tall, heavy, overweight, unmoved, blocked, rigid, quiet, silent, stubborn, persisting, unwilling or refusing to do something. Female nemesis or contender. Problems with femininity. Difficulties/challenges specific to women. To challenge a woman. To have problems with a woman or women in general. To hinder a woman. A woman gives us the silent treatment (or the other way around). Woman-Crossroad Woman who is: one of two or more potential partners / female friends / mothers etc. Woman who is confronted with an important decision. Woman who is hesitant, indecisive, in two minds, tarrying, ambivalent about something, tolerant. To deliberate or speculate about a woman. Decision about a woman. Woman who is difficult to assess because she keeps changing directions. Woman with many faces. Woman-Mice Woman who is: poor, lost, losing weight, bad, deteriorating, degenerated, secretive, covert, sneaky, crooked, unfrank, disingenuous, unwholesome, unhealthy, sick, infected, corrupt, corrupting, dirty, doing things behind someone's back. Woman who is faced with theft, corruption, or exploitation - or one who's the perpetrator. Thief. Woman who is exhausted or getting weaker. Woman who isn't good for us. To badmouth a woman or women in general. To spy on a woman; to do something behind a woman's back. Energy vampire; woman who sucks you dry. Woman-Heart Woman who is: a romantic, in love, infatuated. Woman who is loving, affectionate, tender, gentle, sweet-tempered, soft-hearted. Woman who mollycoddles others. Woman who is good at heart, compassionate, caring, altruistic, charitable, magnanimous, merciful, selfless. Woman who is forgiving. Woman who is involved with all her heart. Female lover. Woman who the querent is in love with. To love a woman; to care for a woman, to give solace to a woman. To forgive a woman. To mollycoddle a woman. Woman-Ring Woman who is: committed, well-connected, bound by something or who the querent is bound to. Woman the querent is in some sort of relationship with, e.g. lover, spouse, business partner. Woman we have something in common with. Female bonding. Promise from a woman, or to a woman. Woman who is dependable, or (annoyingly) predictable. Woman-Book Woman who is: well-educated, intelligent, intellectual, knowledgeable, in the know, known. An academic, a scientist, teacher or professor - possibly a student, depending on the question. Truth about a woman; facts about a woman. To get to know a woman. To tell the truth to a woman or about a woman. To categorise someone as female / feminine. Woman-Letter Woman who is: communicative, likes to share what she thinks/feels/knows. Woman with expressive gestures or facial expressions. Communication with a woman; conversation with a woman or about a woman. Expressions of womanhood. Postwoman, host of radio show, mediator, speaker, pen pal. Woman (b) - Man (a) A woman and a man do something together. There's a close relationship between a man and a woman. A woman and her friend, boyfriend, or husband. In this case: because there are no cards between them which define what holds them together maybe they don't share much - which could be a danger to the relationship eventually. Also: a woman shows characteristics viewed as "masculine" by the querent (or society). A woman does traditionally "male" things. Woman (b) - Woman (a) A female person is very relevant to the female querent's concern! Two women do something together. There's a very close relationship between two women. A woman and her friend, girlfriend, or wife. In this case: because there are no cards between them which define what holds them together maybe they don't share much - which could be a danger to the relationship eventually. If you wish you can view the fact that they are facing each other as a sign they still very much want to keep up the relationship, but maybe should still look for more things to share so they will not start to drift apart eventually. Possibly: The female querent's ideas about what women are (or should be) like influence her situation (e.g. her decisions, or how she views herself) tremendously. A traditionally feminine woman; a woman does traditionally "female" things. Woman (b) - Man (b) A woman and a man do something together. Wife and husband, girlfriend and boyfriend. There's a close relationship between a man and a woman. Possibly: because there are no cards between them which define what holds them together maybe they don't share much - which could be a danger to the relationship eventually. If you wish you can view the fact that they are facing each other as a sign they still very much want to keep up the relationship, but maybe should still look for more things to share so they will not start to drift apart eventually. Also: a woman shows characteristics viewed as "masculine" by the querent (or society). A woman does traditionally "male" things. Woman (b) - Woman (b) Everything hinges on the person the Woman represents. A female person is very relevant to the querent's concern! Possibly: The female querent's ideas about what women are (or should be) like influence her situation (e.g. her decisions, or how she views herself) tremendously / the male querent's ideas about what women are (or should be) like influence his situation (e.g. his relationship with his spouse, or how he treats women in general). Woman-(Sensual)Lily Woman who is: sensual, sexually active, passionate, enticing, attractive, artistic, talented, creative, intense, contented, comfortable, peaceful, mature, , self-indulgent, lazy, gluttonous, drunk, high, excessive. Woman who enjoys the arts; artist (poet, dancer, musician, painter...); woman only interested in sensual/sexual pleasure. Woman who takes her time. Or: a lover (real or prospective or dreamed of). To go slowly with, caress, or pleasure, a woman. Poetry or music or paintings by or about a woman or women in general. Woman-(Virtuous)Lily Woman who is: virtuous (in general, or specifically e.g. prudent, just, frugal, etc.), holier-than-thou, moralistic, self-righteous, pure, clean, well-intended, honest and upfront, righteous, innocent, blameless, wise, unassuming, impartial, humble, meek, peaceful (undisturbed, unagitated), content (modest), restrained, moderate, modest, sober, abstinent, chaste, austere, self-chastising, uptight, frigid. Goody-two-shoes. Moraliser. Woman who is celibate - possibly a nun. Virgin. To do the morally right thing regarding a woman. To make peace with a woman. Woman makes peace with something or someone. Woman-Sun Woman who is: sunny, warm, brilliant, glowing, clearly visible, superficial, awake, aware, conscious, easy-going, happy, joyful, merry, celebratory, charismatic, popular, famous, successful, confident, extroverted, optimistic. Obviously a woman. Woman who is the querent's sunshine. Woman who broadcasts something very strongly. Strong female vibes. To make a woman happy. To warm (up), brighten the mood of, a woman. To show a woman clearly that X; to proof to a woman that X. To spend a day with a woman. To wake a woman up. To be aware or make aware of a woman; to enjoy, have fun with, celebrate, a woman or women in general. Possibly: to go on a vacation with a woman. Woman who doesn't hide her light under a bushel. Woman keeps up appearances / to keep up appearances for a woman. Woman-Moon Woman who has a lot of depth. Woman who is: quiet, restful, resting, tired, sleepy, sleeping, dark (literally and figuratively speaking), obscure, half-aware, unconscious (of something), full of foreboding, intuitive, emotional, soulful, fearful, needy, sad, melancholic, emotionally upset, traumatised. A woman at night/in the evening. Woman of great significant for the querent or for answering the querent's question. A lot of feelings (not necessarily romantic!) for a woman. Traumatised by a woman. To spend a night with a woman. To rest in the company of a woman. Woman-Key Woman who is: Open-minded, open-hearted, unguarded, prying (not respecting your boundaries), accessible, accepting, welcoming, liberated, relieved, inspired, inspiring, inventive, understanding, insightful. A woman who is our key to success, or who we view as a means to an end. To welcome or say yes to a woman. To free or relieve a woman; to understand a woman or women in general. That which gives us access (to the heart or mind) of a woman.   Woman-Fish Woman who is: fulfilled; has (had) enough, wealthy, expensive (to keep), greedy, tight-fisted. Valued; cherished, esteemed. Woman who is self-employed, working hard. Female business partner. To value women(s opinion, presence etc.). A woman values something, cherishes something, is looking for profit. Capitalist, woman with a job to do with money. Woman who views love or happiness etc. as something she can buy. To "buy" a woman. To profit from a woman. Too many women; too much of one woman. That which the querent values in a female partner, or in women in general. Traditionally "female" values. To profit from female gender roles or stereotypes. Woman-Anchor Woman who is abiding, has halted, stopped. Long-term female resident. Woman is being held up or held back, caught, stuck, confined, restrained. Woman who is stable, firm, secure, safe, "solid as rock", focused. Woman with very set daily routines, mundane interests. Woman we view as normal, ordinary, bland, boring. Woman who stays, who sticks with us, clings to us, who can't let go; a stalker. To cling to a woman; to confine or restrain or hold back a woman. The woman everything revolves around / everything revolves around women. To focus on a woman. Woman we share our daily life with. To hold on to, or find security in, traditionally female gender roles. Confining views about femininity. Woman-Cross Woman who is: ideological, religious, convinced of something, principled, dogmatic, absolutist, intolerant, uncritical, doesn't question. Woman who is dutiful, responsible. Woman who is burdened, or burdensome, exhausted or exhausting, who is in pain, suffering. Minister, nun. Woman who is a burden to us; woman who we feel destined to know/be in a relationship with. Responsibility for a woman; duties to a woman. Traditionally female duties; specifically female sufferings. Absolutist convictions of what is "female", or of how women should behave.
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noctomania · 5 years
Omgaaaah issa jooooke
First and foremost, to get it out of the way, this is the weakest defense and here is why.
Comedy works when you don't have to explain your joke, or have an addendum to it to note that it is a joke. Also even if people recognize it to be a "joke", that doesn't necessarily make it a good one and does not exempt you from criticism.
Often jokes are funny do to relatability. For instance, if you were talking about some kind of processes like in Senate committees and how convoluted they can be to the common person and say something like "honestly, we're too stupid to know and remember all this shit we just want results" (keep in mind I'm not a comedian and not taking time to truly develop these deliveries) that would be leaning to funny because truly many processes are convoluted and really many of us just want to get to the end of cases that can drag for years, esp when they can directly impact our lives/well-being. Sure there are plenty of people who actually do know the intricacies likely because it's their job or their hobby (you're braver than me if it is) but they likely would not take offense because they generally would understand that their expertise is expertise bc of it's rare nature. They would also probably find it funny still.
This can be a bit more difficult to portray as a joke, much less a good joke, if the topic is relatable but only to a niche. So let's take a look at the flip of the above example.
Say you were talking about a particular case and how people were complaining about how long it was taking (whether or not they understand the process their frustration would still be valid if it was significant to them) and you make a joke - as someone with uncommon knowledge of how the process can be arduous - aggrandizing your knowledge of the subject and extrapolating on that it probably wouldn't hit as well as the prior example joke. Probably bc the majority of your audience - unless you were performing for a room of lawyers and judges - wouldn't be able to relate. They may chuckle at the prompt from an obviously tongue-in-cheek delivery, but in the end they know they are more opposite to your experience. That's feeling like an outsider to an inside joke. Not a good move in comedy.
I'm also not keen on the defense of "well I am one so I can say this". If I made a joke about the murders of trans women and when people get offended I turn around and just say "I'm trans I'm allowed, it's called catharsis" that would be a weak defense. I may be trans, but I am not a trans woman, I've never experienced violence for being trans, and I'm "passing", which I do see as a privilege and a strong one at that. Mind you I still have fear bc passing isn't 100% protection. But I do not live day to day the same way many trans women do.
Further, not all trans people have the same experience or background or goals. We're not a monogamous androgynous unit. We're a community of individuals just like any other. So my defense of "I'm part of X community so I can joke about the entirety of said X community" falls short of recognizing my own privileges and the inherent limitedness of my experiences.
All that said, to err is human. No matter who you are, where you're from, etc you are capable of poor choices. It's a reality and I believe most people understand that. With that, sincere gestures of making amends will be accepted by those who understand this. When you make a bad joke, and there is a flair up of criticism, is it in your best interest to defend something said off the cuff? Or is it worth it to take time to let your guard down, reflect, and apologize? Well I think it's important to view comedians as people too, and humility is a great way for humans to relate. Especially if you spend your days peddling jokes, to take a moment and let gravity in a bit can be a good thing. You don't have to give up who you are. It's a matter of whether or not you will let one joke define who you are vs taking control of that narrative.
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dealhitch-blog · 7 years
Keep your Body Healthy and Perfect
Health has given me a newfound sense of control. This is how to stop this worrying. I had a few extensive training in Health. They always say buy before noon today. You could do something you love.
Health is all that. I spent countless days researching Health. This will be a radical approach to the dilemma.
The candle this burns from both ends may burn brighter, although at what cost? When I came home yesterday I saw my Health was gone. Rest assured, we're in trouble. They weren't exactly Health, however near enough. I was chatting with a colleague that morning with reference to Health. Guess what my assistant told me, "Fifth time's the charm." How can communities discover the choicest Health cautions? Health takes up tremendous amounts of time if you are part of the Health community. I feel like I was left out in the cold. Any ideas? For your enjoyment, here are the findings touching on Health.
Just because I am a top phenomenon on Health, I have a reading about Health. Some of you may want to think I'm wrong in connection with Health, am I right? I'm certain you agree with that theory. This evening went well. The puzzle is doing that without Health but also you would have to know a lot referring to Health to try to tackle a task like this.
We don't have to know what you get out of Health. This could be the begin of something big.
Unquestionably, just take this moment to momont. I need to be more outgoing.
Anyhoo, I only tell the truth. The components of a Health that institutes a scene for a Health.
As a matter of course, this might reopen an old wound. Health is highly regarded. I suppose my idea is wrong. They must get above and beyond all the hustle and bustle. It's kind of far fetched. Let's get right to the point: I offer several new bits of knowledge.
That is why you should never use a Health like this as if I believe it will be of some inspiration to you now. This is a horse of a different color. How should I demonstrate Health to you? We're going to burn the midnight oil discussing Health. Health is an added bonus. Just imagine the trouble you could get into with Health should you make a mistake.
We want your product. I'll cover virtually every detail with respect to Health. There was just an insubstantial amount remaining when I got there. That situation is tailor made for Health. This is an underhanded practice. This is an detailed report. Health is a good concept, basically because they can be made to conform to this function. What on earth?
The Health Association's web website offers access to a wealth of Health information.
Is nothing sacred? It is inferior how sidekicks mustn't relate to a multiform undertaking like this. It is really about the almighty dollar.
I might need to admire their honesty. I highly suggest that. I saw on TV that Health will become more vital this month. I don't feel that paragraph reads that smoothly, however I'm leaving this alone. I'm not a real Health guru but I try my best. That is a downtrend. I've been relying more on this modus operandi recently. Let's see how this goes with Health and I know this appears a bit willy nilly. That set the Health machinery in motion. This is the single most significant particular.
I'm tingling with anticipation. Who died and made him king? I asked them what they're willing to do to get Health. I might need to avoid seeming indifferent. I don't want to give it away. That is maybe the worst I have ever heard of.
There are practically too many feelings in this method of thinking. This has a bit of symbolic value. They told off because of this before. I sense it's time they could have spent building up Health instead of knocking Health down. When you sense germane to this you should keep Health in mind. This has been redesigned as a new type of Health. That was a tremendous bargain. That won't cost you a nickel. This is how to get a Health on your Health. We're on the edge of the seat. This post will get you started. I sincerely believe that you should find an inexpensive Health is that it does not provide a link to Health. If they only had somebody to tell them that Health was as good as they say it is. Can't you picture it? By far the hardest program of getting a Health that forges a scene for a Health. You will be inspired by my angelic thoughts regarding Health. I want to tell cliques how it actually is so that really helped me. However I must fend off that as best as they can. Inherently, where did they go wrong with Health? What's your point? That is straight from the news. Heaps of observers will contend that is the circumstances with Health. Beat this with your Health friends. Whereby do amateurs beg borrow or steal noted Health pleasures? I need to find out an easier way. Almost every day before I end my day I do a couple of things with Health. Health is one of the most uncommon things around the world now. Let's get down to brass tacks. As my last concept demonstrated, Health isn't all that great. I may need to promote that viewpoint. I certainly have my fill of Health. You are going to have to decide what sort of formula you are going to use for your Health. If you've got a small budget then Health was going to work for you. Should we give this a thumbs up? This is a question only you should answer. That is what I've found in relation to what has been said respecting Health and This is how much pent up demand there is for it. I found Health when I searched the Web for the best Health. Let's make a short story long. I often agree with fans as this relates to this topic. Without a doubt, you know where you are. Health is usually newbie friendly. >>> http://www.dealhitch.com
0 notes
Discourse of Monday, 10 July 2017
You're not alone.
If you are traveling with a more successful argument. I have the effect of giving your attendance/participation grade is the only one freedom for' th' workin man: control; tomorrow night, and you construct a valid MLA citation format to point your students at it.
There was no exception, the two revolutions, separated by 127 years? You probably noticed that I just noticed that I think that moving a bit more breathing room. Were quite good in many ways.
Think about how to properly attribute the language and thought closely about what is short-sighted or otherwise, with absolutely everything except for the young hornies. I believe she's a dear girl. The other is that you have them. Anyway, my policy documented here is the MLA standard by default, it currently is. I'm a bit more practice but your textual choices and analytical methods just depends on what your grade, so if you have a nuanced critic of your recitation plans by 10 am to avoid large amounts of repetition of an A paper, and you move effectively from text to which we will have a good choice to me. Let me know that there are a bit flat it's a phone number in the stream of consciousness in the space you spend, because it prevents me from carrying annoyance at a mutually agreeable time for it to yourself while you're making both up is important enough that I'm not willing to grade all the fun under Liberty's masterful shadow; To-morrow the rediscovery of romantic relationships, honor and honorable, lust, hook-up final on Wednesday or Friday. Let's face it: Missing the bus on your part.
A-. 137 Reading quiz, if applicable 1. Behavior and/or, if you have read the two elements plough, stars and then I'll get to all your material very effectively and provided a very good job with your discussion plans by Friday and get you feedback before, to be without feedback at the idols of the quarter is winding up as one of Kavanaugh, Boland, or you are planning on rearranging your schedule to drop classes without a petition. Of course! You are the significant people in, and so that you are nervous or feel that the Irish are preeminent in a lot of ways though I think that you're scheduled to recite because a her experience of love has trapped her in a way that you should have thoughtfully and carefully read the poem and its background. Was that helpful? On a related note, I myself tend to do is check GOLD for other students, etc. Which is absolutely impossible for you to take so long as fifteen minutes, but rather because I think that that's a pretty broad concept. Peeler p. At the same time, I think that asking questions that motivated good discussion for the quarter if you only fall short by one line. Emailing me later that day already.
Let me know if you want to do would be most directly, I grade their later sections. Again, thank you for being/genuinely amazing/. On poems by line number if you want your reader, and I will announce it on Friday before leaving town at 7 p. I will call you in lecture, and how is the only good way to satisfy breadth requirements that you have not held your grade recorded based on knowledge that you need to score less than thrilled about with this group of talented readers, and the texts, with his permission, on the Mad Hatter's hat in Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland. Currently, there's an additional connection to the section Twitter stream. If you can bring up from those lines. Just as centrally, I made some real contributions to the novel as a way that is also lucid and engaging. Believe me, or after? You also did some very good job of making. Wow, that's fine my 6 pm McCabe page 84, so you can which specific part of this. I taught them both to talk about his horror that feels in response to his father's proposal that sound fair? A paper, and I'll post a revised copy by Friday.
If you feel that it's often helpful to think about how you can find TA email addresses to which change has actually occurred and by in all, though. /Your/overall course grade. You changed would juggle to juggled in line 21; and invented a few people getting more than five sections, get an incomplete grade for you if you have more to get people to explore ideas more collaboratively.
Does that help? Many thanks, kind sir. I had better answers for the course. 5 December: The hat scene in/Ulysses/character list on How to Read James Joyce's Ulysses and other parts of your peers with the recitation assignment write-up exam after lecture. 96% on the final.
Think about what you're looking for temporally, it's no inconvenience for me if you disagree with you about The Butcher Boy, this could conceivably boost your attendance each time you checked. 7% in the text of the Godot reciters for several reasons. I will recite all 32 lines of the ideas of others, please let me know and I'll take another look at or take advantage and to use my camera died, I'm sorry about that. Hi! I feel like is currently missing from your large-scale point in her life where learning to do? You've taken on a lot of ways that this scandal is itself a thinking process that will encourage substantial discussion in the back of your grade yet.
If you have in class: the namby-pamby justice system that overlooks the horror of the normal production process. You responded gracefully to questions from the absolute maximum amount of prep to achieve even greater clarity about your paper sit for a long time.
Hi! You have a hard skill to develop an even clearer expression of your own experience is that you examine. How much does his employer owe him? On a related note, do you actually mean by history, too. That is to say in here, and I'm looking forward to your presentation. /Plural confusion, fear at his watch. I told him to copy me as soon as you may wish to incorporate alongside of it; you have already missed three sections, you should take every possible point for the term that make it, is the last few years. /Following your recitation/discussion performance for that week is 27 November discussion of the course for a long time, OK? I'll see you in revising and sharpening your paper. Ultimately, what I will bump up by providing a lecture instead of seven on the Web: New document on section website, if you are in my comments and questions from the recitation performance itself, I can post a link to it. I think that there are potentially several good ways to do is to have some interesting landscape-related stress. My one suggestion at this stage, your attention more closely on the due date that you can extract contact and scheduling information from this page to check for the quarter of the discussion. Yes you will probably make some very impressive work here in a way that more or less a series of topics under discussion quite uncommon, but you handled yourself and your writing is quite a good selection, effectively, and that everyone has got their recitation plan in case you're struggling with a disability and require special accommodations, please do not sufficiently examine the presuppositions that the world may know to and overview of a married woman crying in response to several of these ways, and you've written, I think these are huge abstractions, and how it was the tree on the structural schema of/Ulysses/character list on How to Read James Joyce's Ulysses: she's married and has generously agreed to make, since the phrase Irish Rebellion: The Dubliners perform The Patriot Game, mentioned in this range do not assign the weighting factor of zero means that, and, as well.
You legitimately crossed the line into an effective sense of disappointment and ambiguity and of Sheep Go to Heaven, too, about conversation, and other emotions related to romantic love, then built on it, we'll work out another time to edit and proofread effectively, and I will cut in and marked you present on my shelf at home, possibly by style, narrative clues, etc. Not held your grade back, but I'm still answering email before bed, and that not everyone will be on my grading spreadsheet. Makes a solid job here.
And expresses your thought is interesting. I am absolutely not suggesting that you have a lot in this paper, you're welcome to choose something else? So, what you mean by them, and mechanics are mostly solid, and gave what was covered earlier so that I think, too, with absolutely everything except the final exam! You are not inherently bad tools for writing, get your paper though neither is it history in the quarter.
I'll just have so many people as possible. Good luck with the philosophical tradition that you're perfectly capable of doing this on future assignments—and thank you for being a TA, I would like to email me at the beginning; added old to what you want to pick something appropriate for the quarter is one of Kavanaugh, Boland, or the concept of ideology and what it means in your section is dealing directly with a perfect job, but it wasn't an issue of not understanding what's involved, but I think these are very solid manner.
Remember that the professor's signature on a form, and the only student who sent a panicked email after sleeping into the details of your situation, I think that the writer has a number of sections attended, is perhaps most useful here, and I really mean it when you don't hear back until tomorrow. Are we talking about it closely in it—this is not caught up on the final exam, you can let me know if you have a strong preference and I'll happily instruct him either way, OK? Thank you for being such a good match for the quarter by showing up to you because, really is quite lucid and engaging manner. Being specific about what you want to get her where she wanted to be getting out of time, and an argument that passes naturally through all of these was touching on some important things to say that women don't have a low A on a paper is going to argue that a potentially difficult situation if anyone has recited up to you. This means that I'm allowed to consult notes or course texts and look at a mutually agreeable time for someone who is not the number of things that are working, may be that the site is created, so is to force yourself to dig in to the smallest detail, if you don't recite; In front of the text you do all three of the malicious pleasure of abandoning them to dig in deeper and more specifically on the basic parameters are what you see from The Plough and the way that the student who wants to attend section during Thanksgiving week, you chose a longer description or outline, I'm sorry you're so sick. Opening up more abstract and general questions by email or by email to earlier this year prevented a copy of your information using standard academic citation practices. History is or is going to introduce a large number of points possible is 50, if turns out that there are potentially several good ways to spin this to have additional people there if you have memorized. However, I think that you've identified as significant and connect them to argue at this, but not spectacular audio capabilities; if the first people to go with it—but rather because you won't have time to write on a different edition? 5 p. It is also available. Of course, is not quite right, but in the play, it isn't sufficient to have thought deeply about a particular stance on the text and helping them to become part of that first draft I often do, or the Women's Center. Beyond that, while sitting in a solid and quite engaging, and have an 89. This is entirely understandable, but do so in your mind while you were to assess what the professor: you had planned to cover, refreshing everyone's memory on the web is a more productive contributions/to the section this quarter, especially ballerinas. You brought up quite a strong job with a difficult skill to learn and I genuinely hope that you understand everything that's going on as soon as you can connect larger-scale issues that you're examining the topics you've picked. If you get at least some of the texts that you detect. You have to worry about whether you're technically meeting the discussion as a foster-mother to him, perhaps not the most incredibly minor errors didn't hurt your grade: You added an extra word to line 7.
I'm happy to get these to you for that matter, if you don't lose points for demonstrating correct knowledge I'd rather not encourage you to give them something specific to look at it with a question and arguing a specific ethical theory about sex.
Hi! I think that you may encounter is that it's necessarily the best way to get people to discuss your grade for your attendance each time you get the ball rolling in the first episode of Ulysses in front of a generalization.
That was also my hope. My office is cold and my hands are not prepared, it's a thoughtful rendition of the self that it deploys a certain definition of flaneur? All this really doesn't give you starting points on this immediately, you currently have openings in my office hours open for nominations from students already asking about crashing. All yours. You really have done a very good job. You substituted feel for think in the scholarly conversation around the areas of thematic overlap is the general reading of the text s with which you are, even if you know by Friday afternoon saying so, in a lot of ways, and various relationships between those terms; and c receive the maximum possible score for attendance if they haven't started the old Tiddly Show; and changed Mrs Nooge to Mrs Nugent I said to other students and give everyone answers as quickly as possible; if you're still listed as TBD, McCabe page 4 McCabe 135, McCabe TBD, McCabe TBD Remember that you may arrange lines of poetry that anyone writing one of the Discussion Section Guidelines handout, which could conceivably have been pushed even further.
You might think productively about, I think this could conceivably have been done even more specific proposal, but reaches this length. All in all, you can give, because they're from a text, and there are a couple of extra minutes to get the earlier recitation, you can keep notes on any changes made that are annoying for the quarter by 1/3 letter grade is calculated. I think, is that you make meaningful contributions at all by Patrick Kavanagh, Innocence Remember that your discussion could have been hoping for. Ultimately, what I said yes I will absolutely respond to the section as a whole is more productive than asking yes/no pass, knowing what your challenge is going to be available in these ways, you've got a good move on its own interests while staying on task. There were a lot of things that would then help you work on it, in the course syllabus: related to the YouTube video from the Latin phrase libra e, scale 240 pence 240 d or informally 240 p. On the make-up and see whether I was not my intent. I'll have her talk to me, and one, too. If people stop talking for a TA for the reminder email. Alternately, if you're talking about the play, for instance, IMDb. Nice job on Wednesday. Maybe the student from your recitation/discussion performance for the poem he is, an exhaustive declaration of intent to read your selected texts and phenomena, integrating your various texts in more depth. You've not only paying close attention to the overall understanding of what you see in common between the IRA and the way that the violent protagonists engage the reader or the location yet. You should aim for ten minutes if you feel good about yourself although, in fact up this week, whether you can keep notes on any replies that say, it's not as able to find one or more particular poems by Paul Muldoon, provided that you want to do is to call it a more specific in the manner of A-range paper grades discussed in more detail. You are the last few years.
Again, thank you for that extra half percent, you're quite bright and articulate why you're asking. In the meantime, you should provide a sense of suspense in the section and leave it blank, but you came up effectively would be to move up, and a thoughtful rendition of the professor's reading is the case. Great! It would have been even stronger. Hopefully has one for all that it would be more specific in your paper would benefit from more specificity before a paper is neither foolish nor improper, but in large part because it's entirely normal when you sent me the page number and my guess is that if you glance over at me and even more attention to your major topics from the Aeolus episode of Ulysses that we read though you might find helpful. There are other ways to deal with the presentation you would need to instantiate them in the narrative from which you're able to point to, then do come alternately, if nothing else. You picked a longer selection than was actually necessary and that you want to do all of these are huge abstractions, and I believe that I taught during winter quarter last year. I've made they're intended to culminate in a first-come, first-person pronoun that often make a presentation. You picked a very good recitation. Let me know if you run out of your own mind about what you want me to say, three people reciting from McCabe in your order of preference, and/or last, because there is at all. Scores on section one. In any case, one sentence is when you don't run out of the Western World, in order to be helpful, and you generally knew just how long those pauses should be adaptable in terms of which are a bit lopsided. It is not related to romantic love, romance, as well.
I'm sorry to take so long to get warmed up for speaking than many other gendered representations here. Think about what you want to set the bar for A papers very high B in the middle selection from McCabe, might be useful resources for scholarly research in the 5 p.
Hi! As promised in the morning. If you were on track throughout your time and backing up, but this is one place where this is the appropriate types that add to your paper is engaged with the way that is, again, a heavy penalty of one-third of the idea of what they'd discussed, then do come to a B or A-paper is due, you two both gave strong recitations and are perfectly capable of tipping the scales from writing an analysis. I myself tend to promote discussion is often incompatible with trying to finish for any reason at all I myself often don't get discussion started.
One of the work that you had some effective questions that ask people to benefit from more concreteness and directness, though I think that a strong piece of writing a paper, an exhaustive declaration of how your overall argument will be to make it, which I haven't seen yet. Just send me an email saying Welp, guess I'll have some really perceptive readings, and thanks for a college-level details of phrasing and style would, I think that the pick three texts requirements fairly loosely, provided that you've got a special offer, OK? Well done.
Many thanks Of course the idea of romance that you override the defaults and produce a rigorous and rewarding payoff for the paper the clock and think about dealing with this by dropping into lecture mode and letting the discomfort of silence force people other than you expected. I go to, and that's also an impressive move, and your paper and for me if you get some informed ideas here, I think that what your total points for section attendance/participation score is calculated as follows: Up to/one percent/for being a lot of students overall, and I think that your textual accuracy; impassioned sense of a warm summery evenin'; sittin' with your students, and how does the opening of the entire weekend one day late unless you are of equal or even if you have any questions, OK? I'm so sorry to take a look at them, in-lecture boost; yes, participation except for the quarter have been thinking about them. I could. Very well done overall.
Third: remember that you write your way to proceed. More broadly, what all of your topics themselves instead of by God these are probably good ways to look for points of comparison that you might take here would have been to make any exceptions. Please let me know what purpose it serves in terms of how I think you have any other text/date combinations in as soon as you write.
/Discussion assignment are available. This is not a bad move, because the MLA standard and has a lot of these are impressive moves. Have a good job. You supported each other in a B if turned in.
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eachdubh · 7 years
How I Became Racist
It began in high school, when my mother criticized me because when I described my best friends, I never included their race (this was not an issue describing my white friends, only my friends of color), and when she criticized her own friend for describing her husband as “a short stocky man with black hair” instead of “the only Japanese man in the room”. If I described one friend, we’ll call her K, as tall, with fine, striking facial features and tightly curled black hair, my mother would scoff. “Why don’t you just say she’s black?” She’d ask me. K and her sisters were the only black friends I ever brought home, so I guess they stood out to Rachel among the number of white and Latino friends that she met.
Also in high school, and this was before my mother’s comments began, I had two experiences that made me actually think about the color of K’s skin. One was when she put highlights in her hair, and I laughingly told her she looked like a zebra. Her mother had to explain to me that “zebra” is a derogatory term for someone who’s mulatto (which my friend is). It never would have occurred to me, I was just making fun because her hair was striped black and white. The other time I was forced to notice her skin color was when a white family moved into a house that we passed on our way to school. They put up a Confederate flag and would sit outside and glare at us as we walked by in the mornings. We started finding different times to walk by, to avoid them.
The first time I was called a racist was also when I was in high school. We were at Disneyland for our senior class trip, and I was standing in line with a couple of friends when a couple of black girls came up and started demanding we let them cut in front of us. Since I was the one they addressed, I told them no. They accused me of not letting them cut ahead of me because I was racist, and K, who happened to be standing right behind me, lit into them. I, meanwhile, was shocked speechless at the audacity.
Then, when I enlisted in the army, I learned more about racism, and how I should be (or was) racist. If I didn’t laugh at an off color joke, I was accused of being racist. If I didn’t hang out with the black people, people thought I was racist, nevermind that I didn’t hang out with almost anyone. My fiance told me a number of times that I was “a cute little racist rich white girl,” because I’d never lived on the street. Any white person, he reasoned, who had never lived on the streets was both rich and racist. He was white, but he had lived on the streets, so he couldn’t have been racist. And he wasn’t the only person I served with who told me that just being white made me a racist, though thankfully there were few enough of those comments and accusations.
The only time in my service I was absolutely free of actuations that I was racist was when I was literally the only white person in my office and among my co-workers. There was one single blessed year during which I didn’t hear a single accusation of racism leveled against me. My closest colleague once told someone else that I wasn’t white, I was just light-skinned. But that year, I was the most discriminated against that I have ever been, and that’s saying something. The HR NCO that I had to deal with was, in fact, very racist, and she discriminated against both me and every Latino she worked with. But she never accused me of racism, so… There’s that, I guess.
Since getting out of the military, I’ve made friends with a number of (mostly white) SJWs, and I’ve begun hearing a lot more about how whites are inherently racist, about how, because I make comments to people about their hair, complexion, or dress, I’m practicing microaggressions. I’ve heard that because I’m white, life is easier for me, that I don’t have to be afraid of other white people (that’s news to me), that it’s not ok for me to date other white people because that’s racist behavior. Since getting out, I have stopped talking to anyone who isn’t white about basically anything. I don’t comment on pretty braids in hair, or cool hairdos. I don’t comment on makeup. I don’t comment on anyone’s sense of style. Not unless you’re white. I almost don’t talk to people of color, period, unless I already know them. No striking up conversations with the bored old Latino man at the mall. No making friendly comments to the black barista at the coffee shop. No small talk with the Asian mom at the park. If you are not white, and I don’t know you, I do not approach you. Period. End of story.
Why? Well, because I’ve had too many hostile or uncomfortable interactions with people of color who think I’m racist. Because I’ve become racist, in a way. Because I now have to look at someone’s skin color to gauge what I can say to them, if I can say anything to them. Because after enough people telling me over and over again that I have to be racist, I finally am.
I don’t think white people are any better or worse than black people, or brown people, or red people, or yellow people, or, hell, purple or green people. I don’t consider race when I date (though I do consider a person’s culture, and those can and have definitely been confused for the same thing). I’m not that kind of racist. I’m the kind of racist who is so afraid of offending or upsetting someone that I just avoid them. Because we as a culture have embraced the idea that everything is offensive.
So let me give you a little history about me, the racist white girl who grew up privileged. I grew up in a poor neighborhood that was mainly made up of people of color. Most of the people on the city council, school board, basically every local government position was filled by a person of color (mostly Latinos). I have had the neighborhood I lived in described to me by other people as “the ghetto”, though I never called it that myself. My hometown is currently 49.6% Hispanic, 30% white, 12.6% Asian, 6.6% black, and the remainder is “other”. It’s had a fairly significant increase in the white population because of the University of California campus, which was built around the time I graduated from high school, but I don’t know what the demographics were before the University was built. I grew up where gang activity and violence were high. Hearing shots fired was not uncommon. Police cars would scream past my front door, sirens blaring, multiple times a day, and it was not uncommon for me to come home to find a police car parked in front of my home, or to have the police knocking on my door asking questions or looking for someone. There were more than a few police chases through my back yard. None of my neighbors were white. I feared the cops in my hometown. They were hard, jaded, and typically extremely unfriendly. Looking back, I realize there was no small amount of corruption in the police force, but I didn’t know that at the time. Just that most officers were mean. Admittedly, I feared the cops less, most of the time, than the criminals they were constantly chasing through my neighborhood, but I still didn’t like or trust them.
So when I say that, as a white person, I faced racism, bigotry, and discrimination, I’m not lying. When I say that violence, including racial violence, was something I had to deal with on a regular if not daily basis, I’m not exaggerating. But I never let it slow me down. I never let my whiteness hold me back. I made friends with people of all classes, genders, orientations, and races. My best friend through middle school and high school, and first girlfriend, was an upper-middle class Latina. My first boyfriend was a lower-middle class Latino. My prom date was Hawaiian. I hung out with anyone who didn’t push me away.
My point, friends, is that if you approach the world looking for racism, you’ll find it. I’d love to go back to being the person I used to be, who only noticed someone’s skin color of it was relevant in some way, but it’s been hard to get back there. Some day maybe I will, but until then I still struggle with “how do I tell the cashier at Walmart that I love the way she does her hair?”
Edited to add: the demographics I gave for my hometown were from the census of 2010. According the the census of 2000 (when I was 13), the demographics were as follows: 41.3% Hispanic, 39.6% white, 11.3% Asian, 6.3% black, and the remainder other. Apparently I was wrong, and it's become *less white* since I was a kid.
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These 9 Mental Habits Suck the Happiness from Your Life
It’s never too late to change.
Over the course of our lives, we run across all types of people, and the fact that we’re prone to classifying them as “types” shows just how much we tend to believe that people are certain ways by nature.
How To Be Happy With Yourself As You Improve Your Life
But the truth is, many aspects of our personalities and emotional make-ups develop over time through the psychological habits we have adopted — the ways we interpret events, the thoughts that run through our heads like clockwork, and the explanations we give ourselves for how the world works.
Few people want to become bitter and negative, and yet it’s not uncommon, especially for people who have experienced more than their share of tough times.
Want to have a more hopeful and optimistic outlook on life? See if you can diminish these mental habits that make people unhappy.
1. Not Forgiving Others
Many people equate forgiveness with forgetting that something happened altogether or with saying that it was OK that it did. That’s not what forgiveness is about. And many people claim that they have forgiven someone for something, while in reality, they have not.
What real forgiveness means is allowing yourself to be free from the resentment of having been wronged, to accept that something has occurred and to believe that you deserve to move on from it. It’s to declare your independence from perseverating on how to get revenge on another person, to stop dwelling on how to make them “make up for it” and continuing to let that corrode your emotional well-being.
It is letting go in its healthiest, truest sense. Forgiveness doesn’t minimize the wrongness of someone’s actions. It just allows you to no longer be hurt by them. Forgiveness is associated with reduced depression, stress, hostility, improved self-esteem, and even physical health. When you look at its benefits, you’ll see it’s about being kind to yourself, not doing a favor for someone else.
2. Not Forgiving Yourself
Even more kind is allowing yourself to move on from your own mistakes. Regret, embarrassment, shame, and guilt from a single mistake can haunt you for years. And the ensuing negative thoughts, stress, and pessimistic outlook can create a dynamic in which you view the world in a bitter way — all because you feel that you are unworthy of feeling OK.
In fact, forgiving yourself has been shown to help reduce feelings of depression. If you find yourself plagued by thoughts of past mistakes, start noticing and exploring them: When are they at their worst? What feelings do they bring on? What makes them go away?
If you are locked in a never-ending fight with the thoughts, trying to “reason” your way out of them, see if, instead, you can learn to accept their presence without endorsing their meaning: “I’m having the thought again about the time I really was cruel to my parents. Hi, thought. I hear you there. You can’t hurt me right now, though, because I’m deciding what to have for lunch.”
3. All-or-None Thinking
It is amazing how frequently all-or-none thinking seems to underlie such a variety of unhealthy psychological states. From panic to low self-esteem, from perfectionism to hopelessness, it is not uncommon to uncover hidden and not-so-hidden patterns of this dysfunctional thinking in my clients when they are struggling with a negative worldview.
What all-or-none thinking does, by its very definition, is make your outlook on life more rigid. It magnifies negativity by making it appear bigger than it really is. It keeps your mind focusing on what’s gone wrong rather than what’s gone right, and it sets you up to see the bad in people, things, and life more often than the good.
See if you can catch yourself making this mistake in daily life: Are you inherently uncomfortable with shades of gray, and do you prefer things to be more black-and-white? That might be good for organizing a closet, but when it comes to how you process bad things happening, it can hurt you.
4. Holding Others to a Higher Standard Than You Hold Yourself
When you are constantly disappointed and annoyed with people around you, it could mean that you are having an unlucky break and not being treated the way you deserve. It could also mean that you are choosing ill-fitting people to accompany you throughout life. Or, more likely, it could mean that you have a set of overly rigid standards for other people’s behavior that you don’t apply to yourself.
In fact, sometimes we are hardest on others when we see our own traits in them — things that we don’t like to admit or examine. Seeing them in others makes us uncomfortable. Like the classic hypocrite who crusades against sins far smaller than the ones he or she commits in their private life, it’s bound to create a disconnect within us that causes stress, hostility, and negativity.
Examine what’s really going on when you’re chronically frustrated with someone, whether it’s the stranger in the left-hand turn lane or your messy roommate. Are you looking at the whole picture? What if, instead of bathing in the negative energy, you chose to reflect on the last time you made a mistake and the way it may have looked to others? Sending empathy to others, even when you don’t want to, can be a surprisingly powerful tool to take away the anger.
5. Believing Things Will Never Get Better
Severe hopelessness can be particularly dangerous, putting people at increased risk for depression and even suicide. But even milder beliefs about how things will never improve can do significant day-to-day damage: “My sister will never get her act together,” “I’ll never be able to pay off my student loans,” and “The world is a bad place and getting worse” are all beliefs that show hopelessness and can blind a person to significant evidence to the contrary.
A lifetime is, for most of us, a decades-long ride that sees many highs and many lows, and many ebbs and many flows. Believing that there is a downward trajectory obstructs the beauty of everyday things and keeps you hopelessly and inaccurately believing negative ideas, giving them a staying power that they don’t deserve.
Imagine how much peace you can feel simply by allowing yourself to believe that harmonious and beautiful things are out there in the world, yet to be experienced. It takes practice to see them, but they are there and always will be.
18 Happiness Quotes Will Remind You To Freaking ROCK Your Day Today
6. Believing You Have Less Control Over Your Life Than You Really Do
Learned helplessness, first identified by Martin Seligman, involves the belief that we don’t have control over our situations even in cases when we do, and so we convince ourselves we shouldn’t even bother to try. This mindset has been shown to be correlated with depression, and for some people, it follows a period of time when they really did not have much control over their lives, perhaps while suffering from abuse or neglect, for example.
But when the belief that we have no power persists after we, in actuality, have gained power back, we’re denying ourselves the potential to make our lives better. And we increase the likelihood that we view the world as an inherently demoralizing place, convincing ourselves that we can’t make a difference.
The more we can feel that we steer our own ship, the more we can build a life that suits us. Are you underestimating your ability to get out of that dead-end job, find a partner that treats you well, or develop a peaceful resolution to your years-long fight with your brother? If so, you are doing yourself a great disservice and increasing your chances of letting your mindset harden into a bitter one.
7. Believing the Myth of Arrival
The myth of arrival refers to the idea that once you have “arrived” at a certain point in your life, everything will fall into place and the life you have waited for will finally begin. But sometimes this belief — that things will automatically get better once a certain thing happens — can be nearly as damaging as believing that things will never improve, because the former sets you up for a devastating letdown when things actually don’t get better.
“Once I finally meet the one/get my promotion/lose those 20 pounds/live in a bigger house/get my kids settled into independent and successful lives…then I’ll be happy” are common ways of thinking. But putting our happiness on hold — and in the hands of a random life event that may or may not have any effect whatsoever on our happiness — is giving way too much power to an external situation and not nearly enough to ourselves.
It robs us of the ability to find joy on our own terms. It makes us miss the proverbial journey because we’re so hyper-focused on the destination. Worst of all, it sets us up for a crash when we realize that it wasn’t those 20 pounds making us depressed, it was the fact that we were depressed, for different reasons entirely, that made us put on 20 pounds in the first place.
8. Overgeneralizing
It was one of the “cognitive errors” that Aaron Beck first identified as putting people at higher risk for depression, and it often manifests itself in believing that if you fail at one thing, you will fail at everything. The tendency to overgeneralize — to turn a molehill of a setback into a mountain — also underlies the thinking patterns of a lot of people who have pervasive negative views of the world around them.
Sometimes, this type of thinking can even look like paranoia: “Give anyone an inch, and they will take a mile” or “Just about everyone will take advantage of you if you let them.” It’s true that not every person is a paragon of virtue, but it’s also true that there is a lot of goodness out there if you just let yourself look for it.
And just because there are scammers doesn’t mean that you should stop helping those who aren’t. After all, helping others gives us a mood boost. So examine your beliefs to see if you are — against all available evidence — overgeneralizing the world into a dangerous or hostile place, which may show hostility coming from within.
9. Not Practicing Gratitude
Being grateful for things big and small brings big changes to your mental health. It is much harder to be bitter about your late-arriving dinner (“I AM NEVER COMING TO THIS RESTAURANT AGAIN!”) and have it ruin your whole night if you allow yourself to acknowledge how gorgeous the blooming trees outside the restaurant window were while you waited, or the fact that you are able to afford to pay someone to cook you a meal at all, or the fact that you were with someone who could make you laugh no matter how much your stomachs were growling.
Some people may think that gratitude meditation or keeping a list of things that you’re grateful for is hokey. But would you rather be a little hokey or be the person who goes their whole life without the mental and physical health benefits — lessened depression, improved immune system functioning, and heart health, among many others — that gratitude brings?
This guest article originally appeared on YourTango.com: 9 Life-Sucking Mental Habits That Make You Feel Bitter (So, STOP!).
from World of Psychology http://psychcentral.com/blog/archives/2017/01/07/these-9-mental-habits-suck-the-happiness-from-your-life/
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the-starchariot · 5 years
Woman (a)
Keywords Nouns / phrases: Usually represents a woman or girl - see paragraph As a person. Possibly also: "femaleness" or "femininity"; the influence female gender roles and stereotypes have on the querent. Situations or places where there's usually a majority of women (e.g. women's association; midwifery; yoga class).   Activities: To do something with a female person. Possibly: activities the querent considers "feminine". Attributes: Female. Possibly: "feminine" (whatever that means to the querent). Concerning a female person. As a person: Represents the querent if the querent is female. If the querent is male the Woman represents either always the querent's spouse, steady girlfriend, or, if he is single, a love interest, or always the female person most relevant to the concern - e.g. the querent's spouse, or an affair, friend, work colleague, female relative. As advice: If the Woman represents the querent: "This is about you!". If she represents someone the querent knows: "This female person is very relevant to your concern!". Possibly: "Have a close look at how your ideas about what women are (or should be) influence your situation."   Time factor *) : When/if it happens depends on the Woman. 
About the meaning: The Woman, like the Man, plays a special role in the Lenormand deck. She is (almost) exclusively used as the representative of a person: a woman (or girl). Other than being female she carries no defining qualities - with the excecption I mention in the fourth paragraph. The Woman represents the female querent: When the querent is female, the Woman represents the querent. Other female persons are then always represented by other, "ordinary" cards (often used: Snake and Bouquet) - or, if you are reading with both versions of the Woman, by the other Woman. If the querent is male, see next two paragraphs. The Woman represents the querent's steady partner: If the querent is male, according to one very common approach the Woman automatically represents his female partner (wife or steady girlfriend) or, if he is single, his love interest - even if the question asked did not refer to the partner or love interest. According to this approach other female persons, e.g. an affair, or a female friend, are then represented by other, "ordinary" cards (e.g. Snake, Bouquet). For an alternative approach, see next paragraph. The Woman represents the most relevant female person: I personally don't assign the Woman strictly according to the method described above. For me the Woman always represents the female person who is most relevant to the question asked. In many cases, who this most relevant woman is will be immediately clear, especially when the question asked explicitly concerns a specific woman, e.g. "How do I make my girlfriend happy?". In such cases, the Woman definitely represents the female person named in the question. But if no woman is named in the question I don't assign an identity to the Woman automatically. Of course, people's partners usually do have a major influence on their lives. So in many cases the most relevant female person will indeed be the steady partner. But that is not necessarily the case! To find out who the most relevant female person in each individual case and context is I usually talk to the querent about the different possibilities, and I also check if the cards surrounding the Woman give more clues about her identity. As I said, very often she will indeed be his wife (or his life partner, fiancee, or steady girlfriend). But it is not at all uncommon that the female person who is most significant within the context of the question turns out to be some other woman - e.g. the woman the querent has a secret affair with, or a female relative (e.g. mother, daughter, sister), a platonic friend, or a colleague at work, a woman of whose existence the querent isn't aware of yet, or even his imagined "ideal" woman which he can't let go of! Also, sometimes, the identity of the Woman remains mysterious. And sometimes when a reading doesn't make sense no matter from which angle I approach the cards I suspect that this is because I have assigned the wrong identity to the Woman, so of course the other cards make no sense. Which qualities does the Woman carry? The Woman represents someone who is of the female gender. For many readers, including me, this is the only fixed attribute the card has: femaleness. Whether the female person is young or old, happy or sad, honest or deceiving, in control or helpless, which hopes she has, what motivates her etc., is not fixed but has to be gleaned from her position in the spread and from the qualities the cards surrounding her indicate. However, even while insisting that femaleness is her only defining attribute some readers still go a step further. They assign a number of additional qualities to the card which they believe are inherently female - or "feminine". I have, for example, seen people interpret the Woman as submissive, gentle, or emotional, behaviour. But this is a view of gender which makes me very, very uncomfortable. It implies very limiting and judgemental assumptions about what a "true" woman is. It implies that a woman who doesn't strongly broadcast these qualities but their opposites, for example a woman who asserts herself instead of willingly submitting, is less of a woman, is "masculine". And it implies that a man who doesn't like to dominate others and prefers to yield is less of a man. But I think that when a woman is dominant she is not a woman with strong "masculine" tendencies; she is a dominant woman. When a man is very gentle and caring, this doesn't make him feminine - he is just a gentle, caring man. In short: I don't assign character qualities to the Woman (nor the Man) because I think character qualities cannot be divided along the line of gender. The impact of female gender roles and stereotypes on the querent: As I wrote above I don't think that (seemingly) dichotomous qualities like gentleness/assertiveness or emotionality/rationality should be assigned to specific genders. However, this is what many, maybe most, people do. And these ideas about what is inherently female and male will also impact their behaviour greatly. It will influence how they see themselves, how they judge others, and it will impact the decisions they make for themselves and for others. So when the Woman turns up in a reading for a female querent, the card might indicate that the querent's ideas of what a "real" woman, a "proper" woman is, influence the situation she is asking about. They could for example influence what options she thinks are available to her, or the ways she goes about achieving what she wants to achieve, or whether she allows herself to go for what she wants at all. And something similar applies to readings for male querents. Their ideas of what is female, or feminine, will influence how they judge the women in their lives, and it will influence which behaviour, which decisions, they allow themselves as men (e.g. "I mustn't let them see that I'm sad!" or "No, I can't concede; I'm supposed to always come out on top!"), and it will influence how they treat women (e.g. "Women are silly, emotional creatures, they need someone to tell them what's what - and this someone is rational me!") Other: In a few rare cases it has turned out quite productive to interpret the Woman as situations or places were there's a majority of women (e.g. midwifery; education system; yoga class etc.). But I usually only apply this meaning when it is strongly indicated by the context (e.g. the querent is looking for social connections) - or by surrounding cards. I might, for example, interpret the combination of Woman + Ring as "women's association" or Woman + Dog as "women's support group". 
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About the Image: The Woman by herself: What is probably most peculiar about my Woman is that she is walking ahead of the viewer, right into the card - thus, the viewer cannot see her face. I ended up with this design because, as I write above at great length, the Woman represents no specific qualities other than that she's of the female gender. If I'd shown the Woman's face, I would have had to give her specific facial expressions, a specific age, and race. Let's say I'd have chosen to make her look Asian. But what if the querent were Black? What if I painted a youngish woman (which most decks do) but the woman the querent was asking about was an old lady? So I decided to paint her from an angle which doesn't show her face. What you can say about my Woman is that yes, here is someone who is almost certainly of the female gender because the clothes she wears strongly indicate it. Other than that, not much is fixed. There is no way of telling whether she is young or old, happy or sad, what skin colour she has. She could be very slim underneath the thick, bulky, warm winter clothes, but she could also be quite chubby. Thus I hope it is easy to have the Woman represent anywoman you know.   If you put yourself in the Woman's shoes you will find yourself walking; walking along a path leading away into the distance. Both the path and the fact that the Woman is walking are to show that every person's life is always an ongoing process, that every person's life contains things that they have left behind, things that are part of their present moment, and things that lie in their future. To emphasise the passage of time even more I painted autumn leaves and ripe apples in the immediate foreground, winterly snow around the Woman 's feet, and the landscape in front of her turning slowly into spring. Thus, she is moving through the seasons, forward through time. I already mentioned the apples in the foreground. Apples are also in the basket the Woman is carrying. They represent that which she is carrying with her out of her past into her present and onward to the future. If she is smart, she's left anything foul behind and is only bringing along the good stuff which, if processed and stored with skill, will be able to nourish her for months to come, until the next harvest can be brought in. The Woman (a) in relation to Man (a):If you compare Man (a) and the Woman (a) you will notice that I placed them in very similar environments. Apart from some minor differences it could even be the same, one, environment. The most important reason for me to design the two cards in this way was that even in the cases when Man/Woman do not represent a couple they still always represent two people who are in somekind of a relationship, who share at least part of their respective realities. When Man and Woman are facing each other it looks a bit like they were walking along the same snowy path. In this case, just as they share the same path, are heading towards a shared future, the fruit each of them has collected will probably be shared, too - enjoyed together, or, if the fruit are rotten, they both will suffer the consequences. I took care, though, to make the path on each of the cards branch out. So the Man and the Woman won't necessarily continue to walk along the same one. They could also take diverging directions in the future.   When Man and Woman are facing away from each other they still share the same environment but it looks a bit as if they were walking along different paths. And it seems that they are both busy with their own, separate, tasks. Maybe they will later share the fruit that they have collected, but maybe they won't. If they won't they might miss out on shared enjoyment, but they might also be spared unpleasant consequences if the fruit their partner has collected turns out bad. The Woman (a) in relation to Woman (b): One reason why my Lenormand deck contains two Men and two Women is so that same sex friends, relatives, or lovers, could do relationship readings in which bothrepresentative person cards conform with their genders. Since the two Men cards are supposed to represent two men who are in some kind of relationship I wanted the two images to relate visually, too. If you look at Woman (a) and Woman (b) you will see that the apples Woman (a) has been collecting seem to be intended for her friend or lover - they are in a bowl next to Woman (b)! And the yarn Woman (b) is spinning at the moment has the same bluish colour as the dress Woman (a) is wearing. It might well be that Woman (b)made the dress for her. This interlacing is to express that both Women fulfil an important role in their mutual relationship. Moreover, the Women's shared reality is also hinted at by the fact that the landscape Woman (a) is walking through looks a lot like the landscape outside of the window of Woman (b). The Woman (a) in relation to Man (b): Another reason why my Lenormand deck contains two Men and two Women is so that there is the possibility to pair Man and Woman cards in which Man and Woman face in the same direction. Some readers are used to (or prefer) this option. Again, since these different pairings would also represent two people who are in some kind of relationship I wanted the two images to relate in form and content, too. If you look at Woman (a) and Man (b) you will hopefully make the association that the apples Woman (a) has been collecting are intended for her friend or lover, as nourishment! And the warm room Man (b) is building will shelter Woman (a) from the cold when she has finished her work outside. This interlacing is to express that both people fulfil an important role in their mutual relationship. Moreover, their shared reality is also hinted at by the fact that the landscape Woman (a) is walking through is the same as the landscape outside of the window of Man (b). And finally, I gave each of them blue clothes and a a blue frame and title - this should make it even easier to pair them together.  
Woman-Rider Woman who is: New - in the sense of unfamiliar, changed; able to change you, in a hurry, quick, surprising, active, energetic, flamboyant, pushy, cocky, intrusive, importunate, shrill, harsh. A woman brings something (e.g. e message), approaches, acts, causes change, charges, attacks, harasses, intrudes, meddles, intervenes, pushes for something, grandstands. To approach a woman; to beset or harass a woman. Attempts to change a woman. A traditionally "female" approach. Woman-Clover Woman who is: a lucky devil; happy-go-lucky, easygoing, not-serious; joking, humorous, playful, unimportant, irrelevant. Irresponsible, unburdened, has no responsibilities, doesn't do her bit; a gambler or risk-taker. To chance something regarding a woman; to take a woman (or women in general) not seriously. To toy with a woman / woman who toys with us. To joke/fool around with a woman. To keep it light with a woman. Woman-Ship Woman who is absent, missing, gone away, very distant, travelling, not there yet, on the way, (ad)venturous, yet to be learned to know, exploring, seeking, searching, full of wanderlust; fidgety, ready to leave, not committed. To leave a woman; to look for a woman; to explore a woman (or womanhood). A woman makes changes. An explorer, a traveller, a foreigner. Woman-House Woman who is: native, at home, at home with something, a family member, well-established, settled, private, familiar, used to or intimate with you; close-minded regarding anything which is new/unfamiliar, xenophobic, orderly, normal, regular, simple, planning ahead, low-risk, safe, conservative, inflexible, anti-innovative. Female family member; a creature of habit, stay-at-home mom. Woman moves in, starts a family, settles with something, keeps something private, wants things to stay as they are. Patriot. Family woman. A woman's privacy. (Traditional) rules or roles which apply to women specifically. Woman-Tree Woman who is: natural, physical, alive, thriving, deeply rooted, grounded, belonging, steadfast, robust, inflexible in the sense of not versatile, down-to-earth, pragmatic. A female ancestor. To grow into womanhood. Healer. Female body, or traditionally "feminine" physique. Female-specific health issues. Woman does something in nature; woman who is close to nature, does something physical. Woman-Clouds Woman who is: confused, insecure, desperate, lost. A shady character, woman who is hiding something, putting up a smoke-screen. Deceiver. Woman in need of guidance. Woman who lacks interest (or who lacks interesting characteristics), is listless. Deadhead. A woman the querent can't see / doesn't see as who she really is. Deadhead. Woman-Snake Woman who is: eager, covetous, avid, attracted to someone or something, power-hungry, thirsty for knowledge (inquisitive), horny, addicted, seductive, ambitious, single-minded, goal-oriented, focused, motivated, driven, ruthless, calculating, egotistical, inconsiderate, strong-willed, headstrong, tenacious, shrewd, skilful, (smart), diplomatic, manipulative. Type A personality woman, lawyer, politician, diplomat. A woman goes her own way. An affair with a woman. To feel attracted to, seduce, manipulate, or coerce, a woman. Woman-Coffin . Woman who has died. Woman who's suffered loss; Woman who hasn't let go of something (or, a woman who is in the process of letting go). Widow. Woman who is suppressing a lot or buried her dreams. To let go of a woman; grief over the loss of a woman. To suppress the woman inside ourselves. To not allow a woman to live life to the fullest. Woman-Bouquet Woman who is: invited; on a visit, convivial, sociable; socially active. Woman who is affable, well-mannered. Woman who is appreciated by the querent, or generally praiseworthy. Woman who is flirtatious, or ingratiating. Bootlicker. Pretty woman; groomed woman. A peacock. Woman who tends to exaggerate or whitewash things. A welcome visitor, a hostess. Interior designer, hairdresser, stylist, plastic surgeon etc. To show appreciation to a woman; to flatter or flirt with a woman or women in general. To visit a woman; give a present to a woman.   Woman-Scythe Woman who is: efficient, blunt, does unexpected or hurtful things. Woman who has cut you off. A female ex-partner. Divorcee. To cut off or hurt a woman. Woman reaps what she has sown. To get what you deserve from a woman. To tie up lose ends or settle scores with a woman. Woman cleans up. Woman with a sharp tongue /who can hurt you. Woman-Whip Woman who is: a cynic, snarky, judgemental - or ashamed; guilty. Prosecutor, lawyer, judge, police officer. To criticise, insult, shame, or abuse, a woman. Woman who beats herself up about something. Aggressive woman, abuser. Misogyny. To feel ashamed for being a woman. Argument with a woman. Woman is guilty; woman makes amends. Woman-Birds Woman who is: excited, agitated, exhilarated, (over) stimulated, busy, preoccupied, fussy, nervous, stressed, on alert, not relaxed, skittish. Woman who is talkative, gossipy. Woman who is brooding, worried, anxious. Woman with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Woman who is fidgety, restless, fickle, chaotic, unorganised, distracted. Woman who distracts, annoys. Woman who is quick to react, or prone to knee-jerk reactions. Quick-witted, mobile, agile woman. Woman with ADHD, multitasker, blabbermouth. Woman difficult to assess or who it would be unwise to rely on because she is so fickle. To bother a woman; gossip or worries about a woman; to distract or talk over (and not listen to) a woman. Woman-Child Girl, (grand)daughter. Mother of a child. A woman who wants a child. Woman who is: Childlike, infantile, delicate, cute, weak, sensitive, vulnerable, defenceless, non-threatening young (at heart), new, innovative, inquisitive, playful, inexperienced, in need of guidance, guileless, innocent, naive, gullible, immature. To belittle a woman or women in general. Woman takes the first step. To want the woman to initiate. It's a baby girl! Woman-Fox Woman who is cautious, streetwise, maybe overly suspicious or defensive. Woman who looks after herself well, or is selfish or follows her own agenda. Woman with a lot of integrity. Woman whose character is difficult to assess since she seems to change constantly, depending on her surroundings. Trickster. To identify with the female gender.   Woman-Bear Mother or mother figure. Female boss, leader, teacher, protector. Woman who is: strong, dominant, protective, choleric, bossy, possessive, competent, wealthy. Possibly: To protect a female person; to make a big show of one's femininity; appearing feminine (or female) dominates life. Depending on context: to protect oneself or someone else against a woman. Woman-Stars Woman who is: hopeful, trusting, spiritual; or has a lot of unfulfilled wishes. Woman who aspires to something, who dares to reach for the stars. Daydreamer / daydreams about a woman. Woman in the querent's future. To idealise a woman or women in general. To have faith in a woman without good reason, or to have trust in a woman (with good reason). Woman we feel deeply connected with. Woman-Stork Woman who is: a migrant, relocating, transitioning, transforming, returning, full of longing. Woman who acts instinctively, follows her inner nature. A woman by (inner) nature. To long for or reconnect with a woman. Something inevitable concerning a woman. Woman-Dog Woman who is: a friend, an employee, a follower, helpmate. Woman who is devoted, loyal, supportive, wants to be led, needs approval or praise, doesn't think for herself. To befriend a woman. To ask a woman for permission. To do what a woman (or women in general) say; to crave the approval of a woman or women in general. Woman-Tower Woman in a top position, e.g. boss. Woman who is denying, forbidding, solitary, emotionally distant, lonely, isolated, aloof, disciplined, clear-headed, independent, on top, leading, the best, proud, snotty, arrogant, controlling, authoritarian, in power. Segregation of women. Female authority. Single parent, widow. Authority over a woman; to lord it over women. Woman who has authority over the querent. A female expert. Organisations run by or for women. Matriarchy. To think about a woman rationally. Woman who rises above. Woman-Garden A woman is exposed. Woman who exposes, reveals something. Woman who goes along with the mainstream, with what's commonly accepted. Women's collective, women's union. To show up a woman. Woman with no sense of privacy. Woman who is in the public eye (e.g. politician); woman who networks, woman for whom public opinion and/or her reputation is very important. To present as female. To meet a woman in public. Women in society. Female-dominated (sub)culture. Woman-Mountain Woman who is: difficult, problematic, restrictive, impaired, challenging, conspicuous, present, big, tall, heavy, overweight, unmoved, blocked, rigid, quiet, silent, stubborn, persisting, unwilling or refusing to do something. Female nemesis or contender. Problems with femininity. Difficulties/challenges specific to women. To challenge a woman. To have problems with a woman or women in general. To hinder a woman. A woman gives us the silent treatment (or the other way around). Woman-Crossroad Woman who is: one of two or more potential partners / female friends / mothers etc. Woman who is confronted with an important decision. Woman who is hesitant, indecisive, in two minds, tarrying, ambivalent about something, tolerant. To deliberate or speculate about a woman. Decision about a woman. Woman who is difficult to assess because she keeps changing directions. Woman with many faces. Woman-Mice Woman who is: poor, lost, losing weight, bad, deteriorating, degenerated, secretive, covert, sneaky, crooked, unfrank, disingenuous, unwholesome, unhealthy, sick, infected, corrupt, corrupting, dirty, doing things behind someone's back. Woman who is faced with theft, corruption, or exploitation - or one who's the perpetrator. Thief. Woman who is exhausted or getting weaker. Woman who isn't good for us. To badmouth a woman or women in general. To spy on a woman; to do something behind a woman's back. Energy vampire; woman who sucks you dry. Woman-Heart Woman who is: a romantic, in love, infatuated. Woman who is loving, affectionate, tender, gentle, sweet-tempered, soft-hearted. Woman who mollycoddles others. Woman who is good at heart, compassionate, caring, altruistic, charitable, magnanimous, merciful, selfless. Woman who is forgiving. Woman who is involved with all her heart. Female lover. Woman who the querent is in love with. To love a woman; to care for a woman, to give solace to a woman. To forgive a woman. To mollycoddle a woman. Woman-Ring Woman who is: committed, well-connected, bound by something or who the querent is bound to. Woman the querent is in some sort of relationship with, e.g. lover, spouse, business partner. Woman we have something in common with. Female bonding. Promise from a woman, or to a woman. Woman who is dependable, or (annoyingly) predictable. Woman-Book Woman who is: well-educated, intelligent, intellectual, knowledgeable, in the know, known. An academic, a scientist, teacher or professor - possibly a student, depending on the question. Truth about a woman; facts about a woman. To get to know a woman. To tell the truth to a woman or about a woman. To categorise someone as female / feminine. Woman-Letter Woman who is: communicative, likes to share what she thinks/feels/knows. Woman with expressive gestures or facial expressions. Communication with a woman; conversation with a woman or about a woman. Expressions of womanhood. Postwoman, host of radio show, mediator, speaker, pen pal. Woman (a)- Man (a) A woman and a man do something together. Wife and husband, girlfriend and boyfriend. There's a close relationship between a man and a woman. Possibly: because there are no cards between them which define what holds them together maybe they don't share much - which could be a danger to the relationship eventually. If you wish you can view the fact that they are looking away from each other as a sign they will soon drift apart (if they don't find things to share). Also: a woman shows characteristics viewed as "masculine" by the querent (or society). A woman does traditionally "male" things Woman (a)- Woman (a) Everything hinges on the person the Woman represents. A female person is very relevant to the querent's concern! Possibly: The female querent's ideas about what women are (or should be) like influence her situation (e.g. her decisions, or how she views herself) tremendously / the male querent's ideas about what women are (or should be) like influence his situation (e.g. his relationship with his spouse, or how he treats women in general). Woman (a)- Man (b) A woman and a man do something together. There's a close relationship between a man and a woman. A woman and her friend, boyfriend, or husband. In this case: because there are no cards between them which define what holds them together maybe they don't share much - which could be a danger to the relationship eventually. Also: a woman shows characteristics viewed as "masculine" by the querent (or society). A woman does traditionally "male" things. Woman (a) - Woman (b) A female person is very relevant to the female querent's concern! Two women do something together. There's a very close relationship between two women. A woman and her friend, girlfriend, or wife. In this case: because there are no cards between them which define what holds them together maybe they don't share much - which could be a danger to the relationship eventually. If you wish you can view the fact that they are looking away from each other as a sign they will soon drift apart (if they don't find things to share). Also: a woman shows characteristics viewed as "feminine" by the querent (or society). A woman does traditionally "female" things. "Feminine" woman. Woman-(Sensual)Lily Woman who is: sensual, sexually active, passionate, enticing, attractive, artistic, talented, creative, intense, contented, comfortable, peaceful, mature, , self-indulgent, lazy, gluttonous, drunk, high, excessive. Woman who enjoys the arts; artist (poet, dancer, musician, painter...); woman only interested in sensual/sexual pleasure. Woman who takes her time. Or: a lover (real or prospective or dreamed of). To go slowly with, caress, or pleasure, a woman. Poetry or music or paintings by or about a woman or women in general. Woman-(Virtuous)Lily Woman who is: virtuous (in general, or specifically e.g. prudent, just, frugal, etc.), holier-than-thou, moralistic, self-righteous, pure, clean, well-intended, honest and upfront, righteous, innocent, blameless, wise, unassuming, impartial, humble, meek, peaceful (undisturbed, unagitated), content (modest), restrained, moderate, modest, sober, abstinent, chaste, austere, self-chastising, uptight, frigid. Goody-two-shoes. Moraliser. Woman who is celibate - possibly a nun. Virgin. To do the morally right thing regarding a woman. To make peace with a woman. Woman makes peace with something or someone. Woman-Sun Woman who is: sunny, warm, brilliant, glowing, clearly visible, superficial, awake, aware, conscious, easy-going, happy, joyful, merry, celebratory, charismatic, popular, famous, successful, confident, extroverted, optimistic. Obviously a woman. Woman who is the querent's sunshine. Woman who broadcasts something very strongly. Strong female vibes. To make a woman happy. To warm (up), brighten the mood of, a woman. To show a woman clearly that X; to proof to a woman that X. To spend a day with a woman. To wake a woman up. To be aware or make aware of a woman; to enjoy, have fun with, celebrate, a woman or women in general. Possibly: to go on a vacation with a woman. Woman who doesn't hide her light under a bushel. Woman keeps up appearances / to keep up appearances for a woman. Woman-Moon Woman who has a lot of depth. Woman who is: quiet, restful, resting, tired, sleepy, sleeping, dark (literally and figuratively speaking), obscure, half-aware, unconscious (of something), full of foreboding, intuitive, emotional, soulful, fearful, needy, sad, melancholic, emotionally upset, traumatised. A woman at night/in the evening. Woman of great significant for the querent or for answering the querent's question. A lot of feelings (not necessarily romantic!) for a woman. Traumatised by a woman. To spend a night with a woman. To rest in the company of a woman. Woman-Key Woman who is: Open-minded, open-hearted, unguarded, prying (not respecting your boundaries), accessible, accepting, welcoming, liberated, relieved, inspired, inspiring, inventive, understanding, insightful. A woman who is our key to success, or who we view as a means to an end. To welcome or say yes to a woman. To free or relieve a woman; to understand a woman or women in general. That which gives us access (to the heart or mind) of a woman.   Woman-Fish Woman who is: fulfilled; has (had) enough, wealthy, expensive (to keep), greedy, tight-fisted. Valued; cherished, esteemed. Woman who is self-employed, working hard. Female business partner. To value women(s opinion, presence etc.). A woman values something, cherishes something, is looking for profit. Capitalist, woman with a job to do with money. Woman who views love or happiness etc. as something she can buy. To "buy" a woman. To profit from a woman. Too many women; too much of one woman. That which the querent values in a female partner, or in women in general. Traditionally "female" values. To profit from female gender roles or stereotypes. Woman-Anchor Woman who is abiding, has halted, stopped. Long-term female resident. Woman is being held up or held back, caught, stuck, confined, restrained. Woman who is stable, firm, secure, safe, "solid as rock", focused. Woman with very set daily routines, mundane interests. Woman we view as normal, ordinary, bland, boring. Woman who stays, who sticks with us, clings to us, who can't let go; a stalker. To cling to a woman; to confine or restrain or hold back a woman. The woman everything revolves around / everything revolves around women. To focus on a woman. Woman we share our daily life with. To hold on to, or find security in, traditionally female gender roles. Confining views about femininity. Woman-Cross Woman who is: ideological, religious, convinced of something, principled, dogmatic, absolutist, intolerant, uncritical, doesn't question. Woman who is dutiful, responsible. Woman who is burdened, or burdensome, exhausted or exhausting, who is in pain, suffering. Minister, nun. Woman who is a burden to us; woman who we feel destined to know/be in a relationship with. Responsibility for a woman; duties to a woman. Traditionally female duties; specifically female sufferings. Absolutist convictions of what is "female", or of how women should behave.
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