#just a british lady in his garden~
It's still technically Michael's birthday, so here's a conversation we recently had, where he talks about why one of his favorite characters is Bob (you guys, his love of Bob makes me so 🥺):
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Bonus, here's his reaction to what I drew him for today:
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fartcloudfartcloud · 3 days
Simon Riley x Maid!Reader
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based on this text post
Summary: Simon has a house cleaner come clean once a month. What happens when she goes on vacation, and you're her replacement?
warnings: sfw but theres tension 😋, will make an nsfw part two if you guys want it :), Simon being big and scary and offputting per usual, lots of internal dialogue
a/n: loved this concept, and since I actually worked a door to door cleaning job I thought this fit so well and needed to write it. hope u enjoy :)
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You took a deep breath.
These were the steps you were to take in this job. You had no reason to feel unsafe or in danger of any sort. Yet, the thought of walking up and knocking on this door had your heart in your stomach.
Simon Riley Is what the work order had listed as the clients name. Ex Military. Large German Shepard named Riley. Liked his wooden floors cleaned with vinegar instead of the regular cleaning solution. Nothing too out of the ordinary.
Except for the entry instructions. The small box on the piece of paper that would normally hold a few finely printed words, things such as "Homeowner will be not be home, key is under welcome mat"
or "Homeowner will be home and located in office on second floor, door will be unlocked"
had big, bold font to start. Your manager had to go in and manually change that detail, and knowing her, that must mean this is serious.
The box reads-
Yeah. Very normal and not at all gut-wrenching.
You keep taking deep breaths as you go through your routine. Read the work order thoroughly once more, try not to shit yourself, go and grab your equipment, and follow the instructions.
Easy. Just follow the routine.
Your equipment is as big and clunky as usual. With a vacuum on your back, a bucket full of microfiber towels, a backpack full of chemicals, and knee pads on both knees, you knew for sure you were a sight for sore eyes.
You're not quiet as you walk either, each step making every plastic piece of your puzzle clunk and scrape in a cacophony of reminders of why you were here. You thunk and bang your way up the front porch, eyes everywhere but the front door, still taking deep breaths as you try to just focus on your surroundings, taking note of the nice front garden and walkway as you pass.
You finally settle on the front porch, your arms dropping the bucket and preparing yourself for the big push to start this job.
One ring, you remind yourself. Then wait. Deep breath.
You look up to find the door bell, hand pulling up in a search for the button when you see him.
He must have heard you, you decide as he stands behind the screen door with his arms crossed.
Simon Riley is massive, standing what feels like a clean foot taller than you, big muscled arms bulging from his tight t-shirt. They're as big as your head, his thighs probably twice so. His face was pulled down in a heated gaze, though the bottom half of his face was covered by a black mask. He was scary as he stood there, his aura menacing and doing nothing to sooth your nerves.
Yeah, ex Military makes sense, Jesus christ.
"Ya pissed of my dog, allat noise." You jump, the deep british voice startling you as he begins chastising you. His face frowns down it you, his eyes angry. You're speachless, "Well? Talk."
You stammer as you realize you were just sitting and staring in awe, mind suddenly back on track and then derailing again as you have no idea what to say.
The routine, Jesus christ the routine what's the next step. You scramble for your binder, pulling it open to his work order page and looking up at him as you muster up the courage to speak.
"Um, are you, uh, Simon Riley, sir?" You ask, stuttering and staggering between every word.
He reaches foreword and opens the screen door, getting a good look at you first before he can respond.
"Hm. You the cleaning lady?" He questions, the hand not holding the door open now stuffed in the pocket of his pants.
"Mhm, yeah, im- uh. I'm from Housekeeping Heros, you have an appointment for, um-" you start rustling through more pages of the binder, desperate to find the information, needing to prove to yourself more then him you were in the right place.
"I know i 've an appointment," He holds out his hand and halts your movements. You relax, all the horrible conclusions you were drawing coming to an end. Though, as per usual, they were quickly replaced with new ones, his voice still short and snippy with you.
Deep breaths, girl, we can do this.
He points to your small pile of equipment. "Ya need 'elp?"
You shake your head no, suprised he'd offered. Though he just responds with a head shake, motioning to give it here with his hands. And you do, you don't even second guess it, handing him your bucket and backpack without a second word, something in you submitting to him without a care in the world.
He turns around and walks everything into the kitchen where he gently rests it on the table, softer then you were expecting. You follow him in, feeling like a stray with your legs tucked between your legs as you fet settled. He looks at you expectantly.
Not sure what he's looking for, you start explaining the cleaning process, using your binder as a reference and pointing to each section. He stands behind you, arms crossed again and chin tucked down as he nods along with your words.
He points to the vacuum on your back, "Not round Riley, ya 'ear me?" He scolds. You take note of the large German Shepard snorring lightly on the couch.
"And none o' this shite," He kicks at your knee pads, pointing to a mop he had in the corner. Thank God, cleaning on your knees always sucked, and why your bullshit company made you do it anyways was a marvel.
"Oh, thank you!" You chirped up. He seemed to scowl further when your voice pitched up, so you slink back in on yourself. Understood, point taken, sir.
You still were not feeling great, the pit in your stomach unrelenting as you organize your stuff.
He looms close by. You figured he would, not doubting the "extremely strict" next to "ex military" on your work order at all.
You start with the first step of your process, filling the bucket up in the sink and soaking your towels in the cleaning solution.
"Where's yer boss?" He grumbles from behind you, making you jump.
"Um, Nancy?" Bucket now full, you throw the towels into the warm water with a dash of solution.
"Eh, whatever her name is," He grumbles. How polite.
"Haha, um." You giggle akwardly, "she's with family right now, I think," you stutter, trying to speak loud enough that he could hear you clearly.
He just hmphs in response. As your towels soak in the water, you reach for your extendable feather duster and start wiping the top corners of the room.
"Whats yer name?" He grumbles. It shocks you when he says it. He couldn't seem to care less about the other workers name, but he was interested in yours?
You told him, quiet, "sir," peeping out after. He just hmms again, leaning in the doorway with his arms crossed as he watched you work.
It was nerve-wracking, having him over your shoulder. He hadn't said anything yet, but it felt like you could feel the complaints waiting to come. You just kept up the deep breathing, taking the clothes out of the water and dispersing them on the countertops throughout the house.
He had a very large home, no mcmansion that took up half the street, but a pretty place tucked in a nice down town area. Honestly, if the home and neighborhood wasn't so gorgeous, you probably would've turned around and told your supervisor to give the damn house to someone else.
But thankfully, or not, Simon seemed to harbor a certain comfort for his homes presentation. The indoors of his home reflected it as well, the house put together like it was being staged, every inch perfectly in place.
Maybe that's why it's not so surprising when the first complaint does manage to leave his lips in the form of a hiss as you go to open a cabinet door.
"Oi, what do you think yer doing?" He hisses, rushing over to grab your wrist and pull it from the knob. You gasp as he's suddenly in your space and touching you, flinching as he does.
"Um, I just gotta m-make sure the insides don't need to be wiped down, sir," your muscles shake as you speak— him actually coming over and grabbing had you a little shook up.
He waved his hand infront of your face, dismissing whatever you have to say, "None of that. Don't need'a open nothing that ain't yours." you just nod, taking your first breath once he's finally out of your space.
That would've been a very good thing to include in the work order, Nancy.
Well, at least that's a few less things to worry about cleaning, though you may have failed your task of not shitting your pants, because good lord. He's right back to his perch on the wall, observing you carefully now.
You get into your routine, floating room to room and doing each task per the work order. You slowly scrub the slight musky smoke smell that lingers throughout, instead replacing it with the smell of cinnamon and detergent.
He likes watching you work, but he knows he doesn't show it, not a flutter or twitch anywhere to be seen. He growls small, careful, watch it, leave it, keeping you on edge through every movement.
You do move much faster than your college though, much more gracefully. He notices your wandering eyes, lingering on the photos on the wall and the dates on his calender. He let's you get away with it, for now. Figured he'd picked on you enough, should probably just let you finish your work.
That is, until you approach the end of your routine. You'd been scrubbing and whipping and Simon snipping and snyding for almost an hour now, you'd made excellent time and you hope Simon knows that.
It's all you can think about, actually. Him and the way he has you doting on him, some broken part of you combined with the fear his giant stature instills has you easily folding to do whatever he says and respond to his every grunt. It has your mind a little clouded, even more so as you swing through every step of your routine with practiced care.
It was finally time for the last step of the routine, and you shivered out a breath as you unwrapped the vacuum. Simon had sank a little further away, now sitting at the kitchen table with his eyes glued to a newspaper, anxiety settling slightly without his prying eyes.
You get the cord untangled and laid out across the carpet, searching the perimeter of the room for an outlet. You couldn't see any in the open, and not wanting to risk pissing off Simon for moving furniture, you start to round the corner in your search.
Suddenly, you're against the wall, a giant hand against your sternum as the breath is knocked out of your lungs. His face is in yours, eyebrows furrowed and breath hot on your face as he spoke.
"Tha fuck ya think your doin'?" youre confused and breathless, small under him as he leers above.
"I dont- im-" "Been nothing but nice to ya since you clambered yer way up my damn porch, and I gave you one fuckin' rule." His voiced is raised at you now, chastising you in that brazen, gravely tone. "One! and what do you go and try to do?"
You're just confused, what had you done to elicit this response from him? You thought he was complacent and quiet at the table, what of his million little rules could you have broken?
That's when you see it. Her, you should say. Rylie, the big German Shepard he'd warned you to by no means vacuum around, was bundled up on the couch, inches from where you stand.
Fuck. how had you forgotten.
"Sir, i- I didn't realize, I didn't know she was there sir i-" You desperately try to make an excuse for yourself, but he's just shaking his head at you.
"Do ya think flutterin yer eyelashes a little is gonna make everything better?" He mocks you, his big blue eyes locked on you. You shake your head no, half of it to answer him, the other half just you shivering where you stand.
"No sir- I'm sorry sir I didnt- I forgot you told me and-"
He's clicking his tongue at you, a tsk tsk to put you to shame. To your suprise, each click when straight to your core, and suddenly the heat in the room is rising. Your body is flushed and your sure your face matches, if the way his eyes crinkle when he looks up at you says anything.
His hand doesn't leave your sternum, as he speaks, Inches from your face, "too good at this to be forgetting," he shakes his head, the praise a little shocking, and the soft, "too pretty," that follows it hammers the fact.
You breath is caught in your chest again as he leans into your ear, eyes wide and mouth clamped as he murmurs a deep.
"So how do you think I should go bout making sure you remember?"
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slytherinn-xo · 5 months
St Alban's Local- Steph Catley
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Steph Catley X Primary School Teacher! Katrina Gorry Sister! Reader
Synopsis: A cute morning café run sends you and Steph viral when Lorraine gets there.
1172 words.
It was definitely weird being an Australian in England, the difference in temperature. Having a cold Christmas. A warmish summer off from work. 
Following your footballer fiancée half way across the world and finding a new job in England as a Primary School teacher. 
But one thing I couldn't get my head around was the telly over here, and the British obsession with morning television, and these talk shows like Lorraine, This Morning and Loose Women. 
Not that I got to watch any of them as I was either at work already dealing with classes of up to 35, 5 year old children. Or in the holidays I took lie ins very seriously as I refused to leave the bed I shared with Steph until at least 10 o'clock no matter how much she tried to get up she wasn't moving either. 
So it was a surprise during the School Holidays, when Steph was able to drag herself, me and our giant dog Calvin out of the house and to Mulberry's Café. Mulberry's Café was literally the only place you would find me in a morning. 
The owner of the cute little café was such a cute lady, and she was also Australian, she felt like she was another mother to me. And she loved it when I brought in Calvin or Harper. But DO NOT and I mean DO NOT bring in Kyra or Katie. 
Why? Because last time I came in with either one of them just after Kyra moved here, Kyra broke two mugs somehow, and Katie is ............................ Irish and that's enough of a reason for Mrs Mulberry. 
But really I loved going to this little cafe on our morning walk with Calvin, as we get to sit in the little garden with him, and he gets to have a few biscuits with a bowl of water. 
So for once when I get there with Calvin and Steph in tow, as I swing open the door to the cafe, the bell jingling into the open space. 
"Mrs Mulberry!" I cheer as I see the older lady, going to give her a hug as she leaved the counter unattended to on this empty morning for her. 
 "Kaitlyn!" The older lady cheered out to me with a smile, hugging me as she kissed my cheeks lightly. "And I've told you it's Dot." 
"Dot, it's so nice to see you for once." I finally told the older lady as she held my cheeks in her hands with a smile. Having a little moment with my mother figure over here. 
"Yeah I was finally able to drag her out of bed!" And Steph just had to ruin it. Really this was a sweet moment and now she ruined it. 
"Oh shush you, you're no better!" I turned and finally spoke to my fiancée as I pointed at her, as she held Calvin back from jumping onto Dot. 
"Come on girls, now give me a hug Steph my girl." Dot finally turned to Steph and held her arms out wide for her to walk into for a moment. 
"It's lovely to see you Dot." Steph told her with a smile as she looked at me and locked eyes with mine over the shoulder of the lady as she stuck her tongue out at me. 
"Stop it you!" I told Steph pointing at her a cheeky smile on my lips, with Steph coming over to stand by me, with her hand in mine. 
"But......." Dot told us both with a smile as she looked at us both. 
"Oh no what do you want?" I asked her as I leaned my head on Steph's shoulder, as Calvin was finally let loose to go over to the older lady, as he jumped up at her. 
"Oh yes, good boy......." Dot focussed on Calvin for a moment. "Oh yes. We have Lorraine coming to the café this morning to interview someone about what they would do with 100, 000 pounds." 
"No." I just muttered. 
"And I said I would find someone for them, and since you're here, they're going to be here any minute, and I need someone for them to film." Dot told us both as she finally gave Calvin his biscuit. 
"I'm in St Alban's today and going to see what the locals would do if they won big this Autumn." The woman told the camera. Before it panned over to us two and Calvin. 
"Well we got engaged last New Years so we'd save it up for the wedding I'm sure." Steph told the camera with a nod. 
"That is a lot more expensive them we thought." I added in with a nod, and luckily that was all we would have to do. 
But what we didn't know was that over the next few days the clip would go viral for Steph being called a St Alban's local, but also as I was finally showed to the public with Steph. 
Our relationship has been private but not secret. Like the public know who I am if they follow Steph or any of the Aussie gals but this was different. 
A lot of WOSO fans knew who I was now. 
But my kiddo, my students all over the school, parent's included also knew. And I knew it would be a bugger coming up this Monday, with the kiddo's coming back to school. 
And this was the first reaction when I came back to school on Monday morning, and the kiddo's we're running in, like they had all planned to come in all at once and just bombard me with questions upon questions. 
'Miss Miss were you on the telly yesterday!' 
'Miss Gorry why were you at Mulberry's Café yesterday?' 
'Miss are you seeing Steph Catley the footballer?' 
'Miss why are you a St Alban's Local if you're Australian?' 
"Guys, breathe and we'll do this one by one, now hands in the air and I'll get you through all of this!" I told them all as they went to their assigned seats around my class room. 
"But first in case this covers your questions, I am currently engaged to Steph Catley Arsenal and Matilda's defender." I told all of the kiddos with a smile. "She proposed to me last New Years, and you guys should all be excited, because thanks to me, we've got our guests coming in next week." 
I has organised a day next week on their day off, and some of the Arsenal girls had agreed to come in and visit us all and have a fun day at the school for the kids. It wasn't just my class but for all of the year groups. 
"But Miss, who proposed to who?" I heard one of the kids asked, and honestly I wanted to laugh. 
People think the kids wouldn't accept this or would ask inappropriate questions but really they didn't care, and I was just happy they didn't ask me about how I looked as I looked so tired and dead in the clip. 
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ominoose · 4 months
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𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐜 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐊𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐒𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐦 𝐇𝐂'𝐬
Character(s): Steven Grant, Marc Spector, Jake Lockley Summary: Not x reader, just random silly thoughts about the lads. Kinda summer themed. They're still in London. This came out more British than intended. Warnings: None
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𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐭
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Now that he's not constantly tired and getting two hours of sleep every fifth night if he's lucky, the Brit goes between quiet moments with a book on the couch to hyperactive spiels with no warning.
The newfound energy also takes his sass and mischief to the next level. If Marc or Jake (usually Marc, Jake's too scared) piss him off he will not drop it. For days Steven will slyly bring it up, make offhand remarks or fully kick up the argument again. It's never serious, he's still the one to step in if the other two are at arms, but Steven is no pacifist. "Y'know I just bought all these ingredients to make a lovely homecooked dinner with enough leftovers for Jake's taxi shifts and Marc's workouts... But-" "Steven please, we're starving, come on." "Since my cooking apparently tastes like a grannies garden!" "Por favor, I didn't even say it, Marc did-" "But you didn't disagree bruv!"
Takes Eurovision seriously. He made a point of not watching the BBC broadcast this year, although he's kept tabs on it through other websites. He's still not over last year. Jake tried to look into it and made a small comment about listening to the winner, commenting on Sweden's contestant being good. Steven went on a rant for a good twenty minutes about how it was rigged before Jake learned this was a lot more than a friendly song contest.
Whines when its hot out and forces Marc or Jake to front outside. Then forces them to buy a Mr Whippy for him to front and eat.
𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐜 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫
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Gets really into British football. It started with hearing chants and noises outside on match days, the comradery and stupid sing-songs from fans in matching team colours bringing him a sense of nostalgia. He's still a diehard cubs fan, but going to the local pub to watch the match, getting a healthy outlet to yell and bang a table amidst others oddly suited him. Steven's just glad he's socializing.
Secretly folds up Stevens more "colourful" shirts and hides them.
Loves British chocolate, hates British crisps. He see's a packet of pickled onion Monster Munch and physically cringes away.
While Steven fronted and browsed through a charity shop, Marc spotted an old ds, just like one he had as a kid. The Brit could physically feel him eye it up from the inside and bought it. Now Marcs post-workout routine includes playing Pokemon.
Marc gets visibly sad and sighs whenever they phone in pizza because its never like the ones back home in Chicago.
Loves a greggs sausage roll.
𝐉𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐞𝐲
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Half the reason the other two found out about him was when the old lady that Steven scared off in the elevator to the point she avoided them like the plague suddenly smiled and offered them tea. Turns out Jake had been helping her carry the shopping back to the flat when they bumped into each other. Their odd tea and biscuit afternoons helped Jake keep tabs on the boys.
Naps in front of the telly, usually to some reality tv like Eastenders, snoring away. The moment Steven or Marc slowly try to control the arm holding the remote he jerks away, pulling it to his chest and telling them off because he's still "watching" it.
Knows Marc folds and hides Stevens shirts that he hates. He puts them at the top of the pile just before Steven fronts. Marc has no clue and it drives him nuts.
His favourite passengers to pick up are drunk women. They're always either very funny or tell the most downright devious gossip, never afraid to openly include him in it too.
Made a solemn vow to himself that if he ever drove past Rishi Sunak he'd egg him.
Since he prefers night-shifts, the cat distribution system seemed to give him an 90% chance of meeting kittens on the street. If he has a passenger when he spots the little critter he'll make a mental note to return after drop off, Jake Lockley will not pass a chance at checking up on and cradling a gatita. Marcs learnt to be somewhat present during these shifts to stop Jake sneaking home with several kittens in his coat.
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eastons-creations · 3 months
My ultimate fic recs
Made a poll and a lot of people said they would want this sooo here we are! These are the best fics I’ve read (: The og post
Top 3
1- To Be Alone With You By Shay_Fae
In the summer of their sixth year, Remus Lupin tried to kill himself.
2- Something Just Like This By shadow_prince
a fake dating modern AU where Sirius has been telling Mrs. Potter he's dating someone for 9 months and she demands his "boyfriend" comes on their family vacation. Queue: shenanigans between wolfstar and jily as they lie their asses off.
3- Text Talk By merlywhirls
Sirius is in boarding school, Remus is in hospital, and they don't know each other until Sirius texts the wrong number.
Other recs bellow break (in no order)
Wading in waist high water By colgatebluemintygel
Remus is a PhD student and hobbyist baker who finds himself adrift following his father’s death. On a whim, he enters the Great British Bake Off and is swept up in a flurry of curdled custard, shrunken souffle, and under-proved dough. Remus expects to be challenged and to embarrass himself on public television. What he doesn’t account for are the friendships he develops with the other contestants and the deep connection he forms with his teenage crush, Sirius Black: charming ex-boy band member and Bake Off host
Beneath a big blue sky by @eyra
The four-by-four heaves its way down long, twisting lanes, little more than dirt tracks scuffed into the surrounding fields and hemmed in by serpentine walls of flat, grey stone. They truly are in the middle of nowhere: the countryside rushes past, all rolling green hills and vast, endless skies, and it's odious. Sirius wants to murder James with his bare hands. Sirius and James accidentally find themselves on a Yorkshire farm during lambing season. The farmer’s son thinks that’s a bit annoying, actually.
A brief history of dragons by @eyra
It's lovely up here; all meadows dotted with wildflowers, wind-beaten tracks criss-crossing this way and that through the fields, weaving inland to the pinewoods. The sun's hot on his back as he passes ramshackle stone walls, long since crumbled to piles of ancient rubble and scree, and then the path winds downwards, still following the line of the coast until Sirius finds himself outside an old white cottage, tucked away behind the hill with a rose garden that faces out to the sea. Sirius moves to Cornwall for the summer and meets a rude, beautiful boy who is writing a book that may or may not be about dragons
Let’s play pretend by MsAlexWP
After James and Lily died, Sirius Black's therapist told him not to date for a year. And that's just as well. He's got a 13-month-old baby now and quite enough to deal with, thanks. But the nosy neighbors in his building keep trying to set him up and won't take no for an answer. Enter Remus Lupin, another single dad who pretends to be Sirius's boyfriend, just to get the old lady brigade off his back and nothing more. Nothing more at all.
Forever in a state of mind by orphan_account
Deaf Dance Choreographer, Remus Lupin, has a simple life. Working, taking care of his son, and running his YouTube sign channel. When he unwittingly becomes involved with Deaf Pride Activist, Fleamont Potter, he doesn't realise how much his life will change. Especially after he meets YouTube star and makeup artist, Sirius Black.
Sugar rush by Stricklymarauders
James, Sirius, Peter, and Dorcas have been best friends for years and are starting their senior year of highschool. To Sirius' dismay he doesn't have any friends in his history class, but after eventually showing up, he finds he sits next to a tall curly hair boy who takes his breath away, Remus Lupin. He decided right then and there that he must make this boy fall in love with him and recruits James to be his wingman, until James is distracted by Remus' best friend with a personality as fiery has her hair, Lily Evans.
Dating Remus lupin by Children_of_the_Shadow
Remus Lupin is a mystery to the whole school; the boy who's quiet, aloof, and cold. He also happens to be queer, which is enough to gain Sirius's interest. What Sirius never realised that dating Remus Lupin wasn't quite as easy as it looked.
Blends by rvltn909
Words got in the way sometimes, but Remus got the sense Sirius knew what he was trying to say. Another coffee shop au.
Camp Casanova by Farquad
All lonely 11 years old Remus Lupin wants is a friend. But when he arrives at Slughorn's summer camp for teenage boys his world turns upside down since he finds himself sharing a cabin with three other boys; James Potter, Peter Pettigrew and Sirius Black. As the years pass by Remus finds himself birthing friendships, fighting bullies, but above all battling his own feelings which soon gets out of control. He struggles to keep his biggest secret, and he wonders how he could've fallen so deeply in love.
Turn on my charm by Bethanlovescoffee
Sirius Black is a YouTube phenomenon. A YouTube phenomenon who develops a crush on his video editor.
Those who commented:
@maraudersarecanon @sunflower-vol-9
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futurecorps3 · 1 year
I saw your Hobie x latina going going to the club para perrear and I loved it😭🤞🏼😩
Imagine Hobie going to a cantina with a mexican reader and just drink and hear corridos tristes (el video del vato que dice "porque que te quiero" y le meten el micrófono a la boca😭💀) or rather going to a cantina goes to her house and her family is making carne asada and drinking beer and there's literally a band in the party (soy norteña perdoname😭) and he is like "this food is bussing bussing" because he is British and their food is just "no good💖". At first he is nervous like he doesn't know what to do and at the end he is somehow riding a horse or he is playing with the band, he just loves it, the vibe and the food
(Love how you write 😭💖)
Hobie Brown meeting latina!reader's family <3
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Masterlist <3
Ay hermana, soy chilanga we don't have horses up in this bitch😭 I tried to make it more general like Bee meeting your tías and primos but def adding the whole carne asada deal. (For my non-mexican readers, we call people from the city "chilangos" and northern people "norteños" and while we're from the same country, our experiences can be very different!). Also, tysm my dear, hope u like<3
-First off
-Giggling and kicking my feet 🤭
-Bro was persistent in meeting your family, and while you weren't exactly reluctant, you did have to warn him
-"Why not!? I want to meet your uncle Luis or- or Saúl!" He exclaims, recalling the stories you've told about your family members. "I'm not saying no, mi amor. I-It's just-" "What?" He grins, knowing you don't really have a solid argument. He kisses your pout and walks over to your room to get ready as you sigh, defeated by your pretty once more.
-Of course you wanted Bee to meet your family! But we all know how it can get at those big family gathering.
-One thing was meeting your parents, (which went by spectacularly, by the way) but him hanging out with your older tíos and younger primos was a whole other deal
-They aren't bad people, you love them dearly. It was the soft (hard and relentless) teasing (borderline bullying) you were worried about.
-It was easy to understand their humor when you grew up with heavy jokes, but Hobie would be new to all this. Plus, he was the first official boyfriend you'd introduce to the family! They were protective and honestly not afraid to show it.
-"Buenas tardes, Hobie Brown. Mucho gusto" you say slowly as you're both on the way to your tío's house, he repeats after you with a horrible accent. "Roll your r's!" You giggle, looking at him intently while softly showing him how to pronounce.
-He's really trying for you bestie </3
-Yeah he went blank after your aunt opened the door and dismissed his polite handshake with a bone-crushing hug.
-"Ay mija! He's so tall, I can barely hug him right. Pásenle, pásenle, Luis is in the garden with the kids. Welcome Hobie!"
-Bee just smiles and it widens when a horde of kids comes running down the hall and bolt towards you, saying hello to their favorite aunt and the strange bato she brought along.
-"Tía Y/N/N who is this?" Luisa (the youngest) asks, eyeing Hobie up and down with the sass of an old lady, making him suppress a laugh "Es tu novio?" now questions one of the boys, looking up at him amazed. "Hello brats" he smirks, high-fiving each and every one of your nieces and nephews excitedly.
-"You didn't tell me you were a tía already..." "Some of them will be by the age of sixteen, so I'm no rare event."
-Hobie is hard to lose on a crowd; all spikes, leather, chunky boots, and piercings
-Your nephews are thrilled.
-Asking all around about what his pins mean, if he finds it hard to walk with those boots, if he's not too hot with his jacket... you know, the type of questions kids ask.
-You laugh at him, trying to answer one question at a time patiently, and walk over to the table outside where your tíos, tías, primos, primas, cuñadas and some sobrinos were.
-"Y el novio mija?" Asks one of your tíos, already in a deffensive tone "He's inside con los niños, tío. Ahorita viene" you smile and promptly, Hobie walks through the door after the kids.
-The smokey scent of the carne asada filled his nostrils as soon as he walked outside, widening his eyes at how good it smelled. You walk over to him, grabbing his arm and smiling widely at your family
-"Les presento a Hobie, mi novio" you beam and your tíos can tell he truly makes you happy. "Yo no te di permiso, Y/N" one of them jokes, making everyone laugh and Bee follows after you translate for him.
-And he didn't like it but he really cared about their opinions
-He didn't give a single fuck of what other people had to say, but this was your family!!! He knew he was close and for the first time, strived for perfection
-The next few minutes were him trying really hard to memorize all the names, having a hard time pronouncing your aunt Rocio and Rosa's names.
-Everyone laughed at his attempts
-You sit between everyone at the large table, one of your tíos approaching you as you're too busy catching up with one of your cousins. Bee squeezes your hand to catch your attention, but you don't turn back to look at him, instead just squeeze back.
-He nervously places his hand out, and contrary to before, your uncle welcomes it. "Buenas tardes, Hobie" (oubi😭con acento mexa) "Buenas tardes, señor". God, did he rehearse that on the way...
-Your uncle seemed to appreciate him at least trying to talk to him in your mother tongue. He gave him kind of a smile and asked "Wanna help me with the asador over there?"
-Oh this was a test
-"Sure thing" he nods confidently even though he's shitting himself at the moment
-When he saw the carne asada let me tell you
-His mouth watered, heart eyes all over and he swore he was about to do that floating thing he's seen spider pig do
-Your tío taught him how to turn the steaks at the right time, after some aceite jumped and burnt him a bit :( your uncle could tell he was trying hard so he took it easy on him
-Personally? You fell in love all over again when he contained his tears the best he could at the smell and spice of the chiles floating so close to his nose <3
-You slapped his ass playfully when serving the food and he just smirked as your uncle side eyed you HARD
-“Bloody hell this shit is fucking amazing babe!” He almost moans when he bites into the taco of asada you made for him
-Your family might or might not know english but they know how bad words sound lmao
-They couldn’t blame him tho, not after he proved to love asada as much as them with the eight tacos he ate ☹️💕
-Him playing with the babies of your family bro :(
-He's so good with kids too
-I'm talking playing with them, having full conversations no matter how silly they got, following their train of thought and even making sure they weren't up to some stupid shit
-Girl, if you don't rail him stupid after that-
-He got along with your older cousins too!!! After all, they shared a similar taste in music and films so there was plenty to talk about
-Your tías chismeando with you about how handsome he is
-Let’s wrap it up, I got carried away and this is too damn long 😭
-He’s talking to one of your tías when the banda arrived at around 9 p.m
-My man is so confused please help him
-His spidey sense went off before the whole fucking commotion started lmao
-When he realized it was a live group playing and singing traditional music he lost his shit
-Asked you all about it!!! “What is that piano thing!?”, “What is he singing about?”, “Can I learn how to play that?”<3
-Eventually (and with no alcohol needed since he refused to risk doing some stupid shit with your family) he ended up dancing with your tía, her patiently teaching him how to move
-He had a hard time with his big ass boots but somehow managed!!
-Hobie was so happy when you went home ☹️ almost asking when you could come back and if you could cook some carne asada the same way your uncle (his best friend, he called him) did
-“Yo te amo mi amor” He smiled big, kissing you softly before falling asleep “Thanks for letting me meet your family… meant a whole lot y’know?” “‘Course corazón, seeing you there with everyone filled my heart with a joy I have rarely experienced”
-And with that you fell asleep, Hobie dreamt of asada and banda<3
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nordschleifes · 2 months
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chapter one — first comes scandal
➝ lady federica's reputation has been ruined. that doesn't mean she'll accept her fate willingly.
➝ word count: 2,4k
➝ warnings: harassment, physical altercations and fernando alonso being a cunt.
➝ author's note: i promised i would write a regency story and here it is. it's been cut into some parts but i hope to post it all soon. i'm taking the opportunity to tag @viennakarma, who asked to be tagged. enjoy it!
Just one mistake
A single, simple, stupid mistake was enough to ruin Federica's life. Now, she was on that stupid ship, being taken away by her brother from everything she knew, heading to a place she had no memories of.
Freddie, as she was called, was the youngest daughter of the Duke of Madrid and his wife, Reyes. Born in the heart of the Spanish court amidst battles with the French army, she soon left the country after her father was appointed as ambassador to England.
Educated by an English governess, she learned to dance, embroider, and draw, as was customary. Accompanied by her mother, Freddie was also encouraged to learn to play an instrument. The choice fell on the piano, despite her father's wish for her to learn to play his beloved Spanish guitar.
Her debut in British society had been stellar the previous year. With a gentle gaze and a shy smile, she was approached at the balls she attended under her parents' supervision by many gentlemen, all wishing for a dance with her. Her dance card was always quickly filled early in the evening, before she had barely sipped the drink she was holding.
Older women whispered that Freddie would make an excellent marriage, while other debutantes speculated which gentlemen would be interested in courting her that season.
— Federica?
She looked up, finding the broad smile of Carlos, the Count of Alcarria. His dark hair, like hers, and particularly curious brown eyes was proof that he was Freddie's older brother. However, as the Duke's only son, he was also the heir to the title, something he carried with a pride often mistaken for arrogance by the English.
— Yes?
— Are you all right?
She merely nodded, looking out the window.
Things definitely couldn't be all right for her, especially after what had happened the previous week at Lady Stoddart's ball. After a few dances, Freddie had allowed herself to get some fresh air outside. The garden shimmered softly in the moonlight, the bushes moving with the cool breeze, causing her to adjust the long gloves she was wearing.
— Beautiful night, isn't it? — a man said. Turning, Freddie found a pair of familiar eyes staring at her. Slightly bending her knees in courtesy, she knew who he was from the conversations and whispers she had heard when the man entered.
"Lord Norris, son of the Earl of Bristol," she thought to herself.
— Indeed, very beautiful, my lord.
— Have you attended one of Lady Stoddart's balls before?
— No, my lord — Freddie replied, trying to ignore the heat rising up her neck — I couldn't attend last season due to health issues.
The man approached her slowly, his hands behind his back almost disinterestedly.
— A pity, it was a lovely ball — Lord Norris said, giving a small smile — Although, with your presence tonight, Lady Stoddart's arrangements were completely overshadowed.
Recalling the events of that night, Freddie could only feel anger. How had she not realized the direction the conversation was heading? Why didn't she go inside, seek her parents or even Carlos, who was in England after years away due to the war on the continent? Why did she only manage to scream when the man advanced, grabbing her hands while trying to steal a kiss?
It didn't matter anymore. Nothing mattered, especially after her brother had punched Lord Norris, cursing the man for touching a lady in such a manner. It was the end of Freddie's reputation, as well as her life in the UK.
The decision was made quickly and unanimously. In just over a week, everything was arranged for her to accompany Carlos back to the continent. Her mother disagreed, but her father was determined to preserve what dignity remained in the family name.
And that's how she ended up in a carriage, slowly leaving the port of Gijón as the sun set on the horizon.
— Tired? — Carlos asked, pulling her from her thoughts again.
— A little — Freddie murmured.
— You've never spent a week at sea, I believe.
She shook her head.
— Not even two days, Carlos.
— Well, at least we can rest before heading to Madrid and joining Blanca and her husband.
Freddie pursed her lips.
— Where will we stay?
— The Marquis of Llanera will receive us — Carlos smiled — He is an old friend of papá's, and I always stop by his country house when I'm here.
The mention of the marquis made her raise an eyebrow. Despite having a good memory and recalling the members of British society remarkably, as her father often said, Freddie didn't know any of the Spanish nobles.
Perhaps being an "English girl," as her mother liked to say, wasn't entirely good.
The moon was already in the sky when she noticed the low stone walls lining the road, as well as the distant glow of lanterns. When the carriage stopped in front of a wall covered by a hedge, Freddie looked at Carlos, confused.
— Why did we stop?
— Because we've arrived, Federica — he replied, disembarking from the carriage. Offering a hand, her brother helped her down, warning her about the small step ahead.
The two, accompanied by one of the marquis's servants, were led inside. The young man seemed excited, speaking in Spanish too quickly for Freddie to fully understand, but it didn't hide the familiarity between him and Carlos. It only contributed to her feeling even more out of place, but that wasn't a feeling she was willing to expose to anyone there.
The housekeeper received them with a broad smile. After hugging her cousin tightly, the dark-haired woman with thick eyebrows turned her attention to Freddie, giving her a warm hug. The gesture surprised her, as she had grown accustomed to the coldness of the English, but she couldn't say she was uncomfortable.
The servant informed them that the marquis was dealing with matters related to the administration of the property and couldn't receive them personally, but he had requested that she do the honors. Smiling, Carlos said there was no problem and that he understood the situation perfectly.
Dinner was filled with lively conversations, from which Freddie conveniently distanced herself. It didn't make sense to try to understand what they were discussing, especially when she didn't know anyone there. After eating, she retired to the room prepared for her, without saying a word.
Sitting on the bed, Freddie thought about how unfair it was for her to leave everything behind and not the man who had tried to kiss her by force. It was unfair that she had to return to the place where she was born but had no memories of. It was unfair to have to start over alone, especially in a place that saw her as a stranger. It was unfair to see her parents through the carriage window, watching her leave with a restrained expression of sadness.
Reyes was one of the few who believed her daughter should remain with them in the UK. She argued that everyone knew Lord Norris was insolent and that Freddie was not to blame for the incident, even using a note left by Lady Stoddart's footman as evidence. However, her father disagreed, stating that the family's embarrassment would not be alleviated by a piece of paper.
Lying on the bed, Freddie allowed herself to break down, tears streaming down her face as she sobbed quietly. "Unfair, totally unfair," she thought, wiping her face with the sleeve of the cotton nightgown she had put on for bed and wouldn't take off anytime soon.
Freddie spent the days after arriving in Spain in her room, without any strength to get out of bed. Meals were brought to her but returned almost untouched, after all, there was no reason for it. Her life had ended at Lady Stoddart's ball.
— Federica — someone murmured behind her. Rolling over in bed, she found Carlos standing at the door with a worried expression — What's gotten into you?
— Nothing — she replied as her brother approached, sitting on the mattress beside her.
— You've been locked in this room for days, not eating or drinking. That doesn't seem like nothing.
Freddie pressed her lips together as he brushed a hand over her face.
— I don't want this — she whispered — I want to go home.
— You know papá doesn't want you to return to England…
— It wasn't my fault, Carlos, you know that! — Freddie exclaimed, her eyes filling with tears.
— I know, Freddie, but papá wants to protect you. It's better if you stay away from those people and with those who care about you.
She let out a long, frustrated sigh, having imagined that her brother would say something different. Carlos never diverged from their father, always following his words as if they were supreme law. And that was deeply irritating to Freddie.
After some silence, her brother took her hand.
— When will you leave this room? — he asked softly.
— The moment you take me home.
Carlos laughed.
— Well, that's the plan for the next few days.
A spark of hope ignited within Freddie.
— I'm going home?
— Yes. Well, to our house in Madrid — he continued, making her excitement fade — Abuela will be there to welcome us.
Freddie huffed.
— I don't want to go, Carlos.
— But you have to go. And you'll like it, I'm sure.
Rolling over in bed, she turned her back on her brother, too upset to argue or stop him from leaving. There was nothing to say, the decision was already made, and there was nothing she could do about it.
Or there was?
Freddie woke up the next day to the sound of birds and the timid light entering through the window cracks. After getting up and dressing herself, she thoughtfully descended the stairs leading to the common area. Instead of going to the dining room where breakfast was being served, she decided to head outside the mansion.
It was too early for any movement there, which encouraged her to head through the garden to the left of the property entrance. As she walked alongside the flowers and shrubs, her eyes searched for gates and passages that could help her plan work.
Freddie didn't want to go to Madrid, a "small and stifling" city according to her mother's stories. However, the idea of leaving Carlos behind and trying to return to England alone was not simple, not when she seemed completely trapped in that place, whose well-kept shrubs and flowers reminded her of English gardens.
Stopping to look at a bush full of white roses, Freddie touched the delicate petals with her fingertips, thinking about what she could do to change the particularly unpleasant fate that awaited her in the capital of Spain, under the watchful eyes of her grandmother, a deeply religious widow with little appreciation for social life.
— Don't touch it! — someone exclaimed, making her jump back, withdrawing her hand. 
Looking in the direction of the voice, she saw a middle-aged man striding towards her. He was shorter than most men she knew, and was wearing simple brown trousers and a cotton shirt with an open collar that revealed his well muscled chest. His hair fell in curls over his thick, dark eyebrows, which framed his hazel-colored eyes, that were fixed in an intense gaze on her. 
— What? Why? — Freddie asked as the man bent over the roses, inspecting the buds as if looking for any damage to the petals.
— Because you're not supposed to touch them — he murmured in response, not looking away. His dissatisfaction was clear not only in his voice, but in the way his mouth was settled in a thin line, framed by the stubble on his square jaw.
She raised an eyebrow. 
— They are flowers.
— The marquis's flowers, you mean — the man said, giving her a stern look — And he doesn't like people messing with them.
Freddie stepped back as he stood up after his inspection, looking relieved that there was no damage to the roses.
— I didn't intend to do anything…
— Yes, no one ever intends anything — he replied with a voice dripping with sarcasm — Everyone says that, but I'm the one who has to fix everything.
— But I didn't do anything — she argued, somewhat annoyed by the man's tone.
— Because I got here in time to prevent you from doing anything.
A wave of irritation rose up Freddie's neck.
— Don't you think you should treat a lady with more respect? Especially a guest of the marquis…
The man chuckled.
— As far as I know, the marquis's guest is the Count of La Alcarria, and only him. You are just his companion, who wasn't even announced before arriving here — he said with a nearly diabolical gleam in his eyes — By the way, I wonder what happened that made you decide to come to Spain so suddenly.
Freddie's jaw tightened as she clenched her fists. Who did this man think he was?
— It's not up to you to speculate about my presence here.
— Did you give yourself to some libertine? I assume you'll need someone to clean up your honor — the man asked, as if the possibility was amusing to him — Maybe you should warn the poor fellow you're going to marry first…
Taking two steps forward, Freddie didn't let him finish the sentence before bringing her hand to his face. However, contrary to her expectation, the man grabbed her wrist before her palm could hit his cheek. His fingers squeezed her skin as she tried to free herself.
— Watch your mouth, you scoundrel — Freddie growled, pulling her hand back — You don't know me to suggest anything about me or my honor…
— But I know enough ladies to understand their tactics.
She rolled her eyes, making a move to return to the marquis's house. However, before doing so, she noticed the rose bush he had reprimanded her for touching and, in a nearly blind impulse, advanced towards it. Closing her hand around one of the flowers, Freddie pulled, ripping out a handful of petals.
— No! — he exclaimed as she threw the remnants of the rose on the ground and turned, walking back to the mansion with heavy steps.
Freddie had never felt so disrespected, not to mention humiliated. And the situation was even more terrible because it had been said by an employee of the marquis. But, in a way, it was the push she needed to think of a plan and leave that country and its cruel people behind.
She returned to her room with her mind bubbling, the plan forming in her head. Freddie would need a few things, but nothing she couldn't get with a sweet voice and a moving expression directed at Carlos. The most difficult part might be finding a way to get to the port of Gijón since she hadn't paid attention on the way there.
She could only hope that there was a map of the region somewhere in that mansion.
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scotianostra · 3 months
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On July 6th 1747 Scottish naval figure, John Paul Jones, was born.
Might as well start the day off with a biggie, John Paul was a massive figure in the 18th century and persistant pain in the arse to the British, it's rather a long post, but I hope you learn how this guy was hailed as a hero or villain by many, read on ...................
Born in Kirkbean, where his father was the head gardener of the Arbigland Estate. John was born as “John Paul” but would add Jones later in his life. He was born the fourth child of seven and one of only five of such made it to adulthood. John Paul Jones isremembered in history as a naval hero to some and a pirate to others.
John had an education, being sent to Kirkbean School. However, he spent much of his time off at the nearby port of Carsethorn. Whenever he could he ran down to the port where he would talk to sailors and clamber all over the ships; it was clear that the sea was calling John.
At the age of just thirteen he signed on and began an apprenticeship for John Younger, a Scottish merchant shipper. His first voyage as a ship’s boy took him to the Americas, sailing to Barbados and then to Virginia where he stayed with his older brother William who had emigrated there and strived as a tailor.
After returning to the to Britain, John Paul had found that John Younger’s business was failing, and he was released from his apprenticeship. Now seventeen, he entered the slave trade. Within two years he transferred as first mate to the ship Two Friends of Kingston, Jamaica in 1766. The ship was only fifty feet long and after several voyages to and from Africa, John quit the slave trade in disgust calling it an “abominable trade” and booked passage back to Scotland. During the voyage, both the captain and first mate died of fever; John Paul was the only man on the ship qualified to bring the ship, named John, home safely. The owners of the ship were so pleased that they appointed him master and supercargo of the ship, the latter being an officer on a merchant ship in charge of the commercial concerns of the voyage.
Now at the age of twenty-one, John Paul Jones had become a captain. He adopted the manner of a young gentleman who was always neatly dressed and had an eye for the ladies but it's said he came with a violent temper. While captaining the John he was accused by the ships carpenter of excessive flogging. The carpenter was examined, and his complaint was dismissed. While returning the Scotland, that same carpenter died of Yellow Fever and John Paul was arrested and charged with murder. Evidence and a declaration from the master of the Barcelona Packet was sufficient to acquit John. The story will dog his entire life.
In the years prior to the American Revolution, John Paul took command of the Betsy in the fall of 1772. Trading back and forth between England and the West Indies, he accumulated a considerable sum. The flourishment all came to a halt when in 1773 John killed the ringleader of a mutiny with his sword aboard his ship in a dispute over wages. The man was a local of the West Indies, feeling was against John and to evade trial, he fled to Virginia. Here, he changed his named to John Paul Jones.
While in Virginia, Jones’ sympathies were with the colonists and the rebel cause. When Congress formed the Continental Navy, Jones rushed to Philadelphia to offer his services and was commissioned as first lieutenant in December 1775. At the time the Continental Navy consisted of a handful of ships; Jones was lieutenant of the Alfred and then later captain of the Providence. His exploits took him to the West Indies, where he distinguished himself against the British ship Glasgow. In 1776 he switched commands between Alfred and Providence as he operated in the Atlantic Ocean. He captured eight "prizes", sunk and burnt another eight, and towed to port several prizes to end the year.
In June 1777, Jones was appointed to the newly built Ranger. Sailing to the British Isles, he took several prizes before arriving in Brest, France in May 1778 where he was hailed as a hero. Operating out of Brest, Jones led a cruise to the Irish Sea capturing or destroying small vessels. This cruise made Jones a feared household name in Britain.
Returning to Brest once again, Jones was given command of the Duc de Duras, which he had converted to a warship. He renamed her the Bonhomme Richard in honor of Benjamin Franklin. In August 1779 he set sail for Britain again with a squadron of seven ships, raiding commerce around Scotland and Ireland for the better part of the month.
On September 23rd, Jones engaged a merchant fleet which consisted of the HMS Serapis and Countess of Scarborough. Jones was outgunned by the Serapis but thanks to his brilliant maneuvering, he lashed the Bonhomme Richard on to the enemy ship where a battle ensued for three and a half hours. When the enemy captain asked Jones if he would like to surrender, he promptly replied “I have not yet begun to fight!” Jones and his crew were victorious, but Bonhomme Richard began to sink. Jones transferred his remaining crew to the surrendered Serapis and Scarborough and sailed for the Netherlands.
Later he received a gold sword and the Order of Military Merit from Louis XVI. In 1787 Congress passed a vote of thanks for his honor of the American Fleet and they gave him a gold medal. When returned to America in 1781, Jones spent the remaining years of the war advising on the establishment of the navy and the training of naval officers. Jones is often referred to as the Father of the American navy.
After the Americans had won their independence, Jones offered his services to the Russian Empress Catherine II and was granted the rank of rear admiral, serving there for about two years. In May 1790 he returned to Paris where he spent the rest of his life in failing health. He wrote letters to his two estranged sisters in Scotland and to the French Minister of Marine to pay salaries to the men of Bonhomme Richard. On July 18th, 1792, Jones died at the age of 45 in his apartment in Paris.
For near on a century, John Paul Jones' body laid in an unmarked grave for foreign Protestants. In the late 1800s, with a great American naval expansion encouraged by Teddy Roosevelt, intensive research was made to find his body, which it was in 1905. Jones’ body was brought back on USS Brooklyn, and as the ship sailed into Chesapeake Bay seven battleships met them and fired off salutes. In 1913, his body was finally laid to rest at the chapel crypt of Annapolis Naval Academy, in a magnificent marble sarcophagus modeled after the tomb of Napoleon, his tomb is a major tourist attraction in the Maryland capital.
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edutainer2022 · 4 months
Inspired by conversations with @janetm74, here's a little thing based on the idea some time very early on in Jeff's fledgling business phase and before nuclear power got banned, and when the kids were small, the Tracies and the Van Arkles of the Uranium Empire might have been in each other's orbit through mutual acquaintances in high places. This was supposed to be nothing but laughs and wee shenanigans, but hey! Some angst and foreboding seeped in.
The dinner ran it's course all the way to coffee and cigars at a drawing room overlooking the gardens of the Creighton-Ward manor. Just as the conversation shifted inevitably on to new bills regulating the nuclear energy production and radioactive ore mining, as well as the looming possibility of a big war. The men stayed standing in a close circle, voices hushed and tense.
Summer evening in the British countryside peeked in through the glass terrace doors with wiffs of the warm wind, infused with birds chirping and gleeful shrieks of children, playing outside, finally free of the formal confines of the dinner table. Jeff Tracy brought his little platoon of sons over to visit Lord Hugh. The Van Arkles too had their young son and daughter in tow. The elder boys, by the sound of it, were now wreaking havoc on the immaculately manicured lawn. The Tidy Twosome, at least - three year old John and Penny - were quiet and primly engrossed in a mutually fulfilling task of navigating a picture book.
The sudden patter of little feet on the terrace tiles and a painful yelp interrupted the cadence of the talk, as a five year old Scott ran inside - all wild blue eyes and windswept curls - made a beeline for his Dad and hid behind Jeff, hugging his knees for extra protection. Jeff barely had a chance to glance down at his (usually) fierce and fearless eldest, as the latter was closely followed by a tiny running girl, brown hair in two matching pigtails, now askew, brandishing a pool noodle about twice her size. The girl was eliciting something closely resembling a war cry. Jeff could feel Scotty squeeze himself into the adult's leg tighter. Jeff reached down and hoisted the boy up into his arms. He saw Willem Van Arkle do the same with the girl, who was yet to relinquish her weapon and waved it dangerously close to Scott's head. Lord Hugh was exercising all of his aristocratic poise not to laugh out loud. Jeff tightened the hold on his son.
"What's going on, Bluejay? Didn't I tell you to look after Virgie and Johnny after dinner?"
Brilliant blue eyes grew even wider, if it were at all possible. Scotty squirmed in Dad's arms to point outside, then at the militant girl.
"I WAS, Daddy! SHE wanted to hit Virgie, but Mommy says I should never EVER hit a girl so I created a dive... diva... diverzhon and she HIT ME!"
Lord Hugh gave up and was laughing by that point, trying not to spill vintage cognac on an antique rug. Jeff tried, unsuccessfully, to school his face out of an amused smile.
"SHE is Marion, right Scotty?"
"Yes, sir."
Van Arkle Sr. was frowning worried at the girl in his arms.
"What did we talk about, missy? We're guests here. We don't go hitting people."
Little Marion appeared less amenable to the idea and directed a glare at Scott, more befitting a mortal enemy than a preschooler. Both fathers put the kids down at that, but Jeff made sure to requisition the pool noodle from a grumpy Marion.
"You two go outside now and play nice. Bluejay, you make sure Virgie doesn't wander off and get lost in the park, okay?"
Scotty sketched an eager salute and beamed up at Jeff.
"K', Daddy!"
Ever the southern gentleman, he even offered a hand to the young lady. Marion contemplated his open palm, a little sticky with freshly mowed grass, slapped it forcefully and took off running outside with a yell:
"Tag! You're IT!"
Never the one to turn down a race challenge, little Scotty was sprinting off in a second, hot in pursuit. There soon was a sound of kerfuffle in the garden maze. Apparently Marion's brother and Virgil had joined the fray.
Van Arkle and Lord Hugh collapsed into the leather chairs, both sniggering. Jeff spared another moment scanning the far perimeter of the spacious grounds, making sure he didn't need to intervene.
"Told you, Tracy, the kids would take it on like a house on fire."
"That's one way of looking at it."
Jeff turned back to face the two men, steel eyes going a shade darker. Lord Hugh's face hardened as well.
"Now, gentlemen, what do we know about Bereznik repurposing those old nuclear warheads?"
Children's laughter drifted back inside through the open doors, but the air got chilly before impending dark.
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hyog-blog · 1 month
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Our Song Season 3 - I came for Liu Yuning, stayed for the comedy of it all
I continue exploring this gorgeous Chinese singing rabbit hole (alternative name - Singing with Legends), and it still delivers. The premise is the same - younger singers join the seniors to perform old and new songs and exchange their experiences.
Humor is strong in this one. In one team there's a comedic duo (quite literally, every time they interact and perform something they make everyone LOL extremely hard) of Xue Zhiqian and Chui Na Li Sha. I had no idea who these people were before the show - I just recommend you watch them live. Their personalities are funny, but their performances are very powerful. He's a very passionate singer with a British rock vibe, she's a slightly overweight girl who acts like a stand-up comedian, has a gorgeous voice. and dreams of becoming a singer. Anyway, all the other members have their funny and exciting moments - the 70-something senior still sings with so much passion! His partner is a cute guy who had to learn lots of Cantonese to sing the songs (which sounds like a totally different language compared to Mandarin, he even used pinyin transcription to be able to read it). Well, the dedication levels are also high, the younger singers do not disappoint.
The host, Mr. Lin, is a 50-ish guy with a smart face and an impeccable taste in suits. He's incredibly intelligent in communicating with everyone, both the babies and the seniors and has a great sense of humor to support all the silliness. This season is really just too funny, I'm enjoying it greatly.
Liu Yuning at one point got paired with 3 gorgeous ladies and came up with a group name National Beauty (well, him included in the list, of course). Seemed so happy, ahah))) I see, you boy XD Two beautiful seniors and a sweet young girl, it's like a dream come true. Anyway, being the only guy in such a rose garden is always a cool choice, but only if a man can pull it off (naturally, he has the looks, the voice, the stage presence, and enough personality to create a beautiful balance with the beauties). You have to love his voice - it never ceases to amaze the audience.
I also have to say that his pairing with Penny Tai is awesome - she's a very open, talented, and easy-going woman, with an amazing voice and lots of emotiveness and charisma, they matched perfectly in their energy and voice ranges. It was hilarious when she met him for the first time, though, that height difference was EVERYTHING XD She's a very petite lady and he looks even taller beside her. They had lots of cute moments together, especially when they discussed how she's too shy to look into a man's eyes when singing (love songs in particular) which they did with LYN all the time. Lots of jokes ensued after that XD But I do have a thing for older women/younger guys combos, and that cute height difference, hehe. Can't help but ship them a little. I think they've paired again in Season 6 of the same show unknowingly XD It must be fate.
Anyway, this season was very emotional, with lots of creativity, beautiful stages, and humor. It's like watching a real-life drama or a musical, singers are very emotional people. Everyone's personalities are also unique, there wasn't a single boring moment on the show.
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ewesless · 6 months
TIL and a few things
I misread Simeon's name as Simeoleon more times than I want to admit and Dineon, Sineon and Sinemon are often mistypes.
I mistype Solomon's name constantly. Like, I never type it right the first 2-3 times and if it's really bad I just commit to it.
Simeon Solomon is the name of a real life person! He was a Jewish-British painter born October 8, 1840 and lived until August 14, 1905. He was a Pre-Raphaelite and Romantic Era artist who illustrated Biblical and Mythological scenes as well as depicting and taking inspiration from real life. I picked a few to show!
(This is not an in depth bio, it's just a summary of what I know)
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Top Left to to Bottom Right :
Sappho and Erinna in a Garden at Mytilene (1864)
Self Portrait (1859)
A Youth Relating Tales to Ladies (1870)
Night (1890)
Love in Autumn (1864)
Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego (1863)
Simeon Solomon was also gay and was imprisoned, punished with fines and hard labor for his "crimes".
He collaborated with Algernon Charles Winburne by illustrating his novel "Lesbia Brandon".
One of his fans and collectors was Oscar Wilde!
Credit: Tate Museum, Wikipedia
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calisources · 1 year
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QUEEN CHARLOTTE: A BRIDGERTON STORY. sentences quotes from netflix's queen charlotte: a bridgerton story. these include mentions to royalty, high society england, babies and some foul language and suggestive scenarios. please change pronouns as you see fit. a reminder that bridgerton is a period romance drama in a quasi-historical setting. spoilers for the entire series.
"It is quiet here."
"(name) is going to he a father?"
"Yes. Your line will live on."
"Fancy meeting you here. You did not go over the wall."
"Do not feel sorry for me. I do not know anything else. I've always been this. An exhibit instead of a person."
"You are a person to me."
"You're breathtaking."
"It is pretty. But it has a thousand tiny buttons. I'm suddenly concerned that I may have made the wrong choice."
"I'm very good with buttons. (name)."
"Do you know what happens on our wedding night?"
"Ah, yes. I know everything. I've...seen drawings and had a detailed explanation as to what is to occur."
"I do not like the part where my head hits the wall over and over again. Is there a way to avoid that?"
"Yes, there is a way to avoid that."
"Impressionable? Trust me. No sexual innuendo makes an impression upon your sisters. "
"I wish it did, that they might get idea to marry and start fornicating."
"Perhaps, then, I might have legitimate grandbabies. Instead, virgins to the left of me, and whores to the right."
" You are doing it correctly? Making sure he's putting it in the right place?"
"Hello, my Lady. Are you in need of assistance of some kind?"
"If you must know, I'm trying to ascertain the best way to climb over the garden wall."
"Oh, well, that is impertinent. None of your business. The King. No one will speak of him. No one. He is clearly a beast or a troll."
"I'm a lady in distress. You refuse to help a lady in distress?"
"I refuse when that lady in distress is trying to go over a wall so she does not have to marry me. Hello, (name). I'm (name)."
"Not Your Majesty. (name). I mean, yes, Your Majesty, but to you, just (name)."
"I almost asked a footman to lie on top of me today".
"How joyful it is to be a lady."
"There are worse fates than marrying the King of England."
"You have good hips, you will make lots of babies."
"A problem is only a problem if the palace says there is a problem."
"By “business,” do you mean fornicating with your mistresses, or do you mean producing more bastards for me to ignore?"
"You are the (noble title); you can do whatever you like."
"I’m completely alone, and you prefer the sky to me."
"I’m not quiet; it’s simply that my husband is loud."
"They dangle joy in front of me and never let me grasp it."
"If you were not the (noble title), if you were not, your life here would be very different."
"You’re not some simpering girl. You are the queen."
"The king has not been himself lately."
"I thought that terror was a price of being royal."
"Every man and woman in the British Empire obeys the queen’s whim. We would go to battle to save her. "
"What does any woman of the ton know of true friendship?"
"We are untold stories. Yesterday, you told me some of your story, and I thank you."
"My garden did not die with my husband because it had never been planted."
"I want to be gardened as much as possible."
"Love is determination. Love is a choice one makes. You take someone in marriage, and you choose to love them."
"A queen’s first responsibility is not to her whim but to her people."
"I care not for his sanity. I care for his happiness. I care for his soul."
"Let him be mad is mad is what he needs."
"This darkness is my burden. You bring a light."
" I cannot breathe when you are not near."
"You are a rare jewel."
"A girl is wonderful. And a strong queen is just what this country needs."
"Come. Hide from the heavens with me."
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bomberqueen17 · 2 days
Liveblogging the Aubreyad: Book 4, The Mauritius Command (pt 1)
So at the end of the last book, Jack closes things out by looking forward to the paradise he will finally reach when he gets home with his financial solvency and his soon-to-be wife, and in typical unromantic fashion, the next book opens with a lovingly detailed description of just how not-paradise the situation actually is.
Some time has elapsed. Jack is married, owns a romantical little cottage with a not very thriving kitchen garden, and has twin daughters. His mother-in-law has also bankrupted herself and now lives with them, as does his niece Cecelia, since his wife's sister (also Cecelia) cannot actually look after her child, since she was hastily married to a soldier who had, it is implied, knocked her up, and is off camp-following said soldier. Mrs. Williams in her greed also gambled away Sophie's dowry on the investment scheme that broke her, so Sophie is also broke. They are living on Jack's half-pay and have to be very frugal. Jack has not been able to get a ship and has been assigned instead to the unglamorous, not particularly remunerative Sea Fencibles, a kind of militia in fishing boats.
But, he is not under threat of arrest for debt, so at least technically he is doing better than he has been for the last two books.
And he is in tolerably cheerful spirits despite all of it, because after all, he does have his wife and his cottage, and his new habit of mathematics has extended to becoming quite a keen hand at astronomy, including grinding his own telescopes, and he has a little observatory in the yard that he built himself from copper salvaged from old ship hulls (which the dockyard let him have from pity).
He mostly uses this observatory to look at the ships in the harbor, as Stephen finds out when he shows up to visit.
But better things are coming, as Stephen's visit presages. Their first inkling is when a message arrives from Lady Clonfert, the wife of a fellow Naval captain, asking Jack if he can give her a lift to the Cape. Stephen is incredibly annoyed at this for some reason, while everyone else is baffled.
Stephen drags Jack outside to talk in private and goes off on a tirade about lack of discretion and how terrible it is from an intelligence perspective, and through this Jack gradually comes to understand that Stephen has managed, for intelligence reasons, to get Jack a ship in fact, and this fact makes Jack so irrepressibly happy despite the fact that he understands just why Stephen is angry and that Stephen is justified to be angry that Stephen eventually has to stop his tirade and be like.... now we have to wait out here until the official messenger arrives, and Jack is like why and Stephen is like because you are so obviously delighted that there is no way you can keep a secret about this, and jack is like... i can be quiet and stephen is like no. you cannot.
Sophie does not know about Stephen's role in intelligence, and cannot know. No one in the family can know. So they stay outside, huddled in Jack's observatory as it rains, until the messenger shows up with Jack's orders.
It's a complicated mission and Jack doesn't get to take any of his people. (He has had to dismiss Killick and Bonden; he couldn't afford to pay them as servants.) But he has command of HMS Boadicea, a 38-gun frigate, to repair to the Indian Ocean, there to command a squadron to resist four new French frigates that have been despatched to the Ile de France (Mauritius), and have been playing havoc with British commercial shipping in the area. It involves playing the role of a commodore, which is not a promotion for Jack but is a great deal of prestige and in fact should not come to one of his seniority except by Stephen's intervention-- because Stephen has learned that if he is to do intelligence work, he is much better off with Jack nearby, and intelligence work he has to do, and delicate stuff at that: they aim to take Mauritius and La Reunion away from the French, no small undertaking.
Jack needs to borrow money from Stephen to outfit himself for this voyage, which gives us this fantastic, extremely-typical line as he brings up the topic:
“Money, is it?" said Stephen, who had been thinking about lemurs.
Jack resolves to leave that very afternoon, and sail that night. Sophie is glad he has a ship but dismayed at the suddenness, and contrives to convince him to stay at home one more night. This becomes plot-significant later but as this is Stephen's POV it is glossed-over because he does not care what they get up to.
He gets to sea, and contrives to avoid giving Lady Clonfert a ride; she is very pretty, and he had noticed Sophie seemed a little jealous and uneasy, and besides it eventually comes out that he does not like Lord Clonfert for extremely good reasons, and he is uneasy about the whole thing.
He does not contrive to avoid the politico they must bring on board to be ready to become the governor of Mauritus if they succeed in taking it. He seems okayish, and Stephen likes him fine; his name is Farquhar and he has a background in law.
On the voyage down the Boadicea manages to take a prize, a French corvette that turns out to be the former British frigate Hyaena, and to also get salvage on the merchantman she had recently taken, a Guineaman, which Jack managed to delay long enough that 24h had elapsed so she was salvage instead of a rescue. So there's some money, but better still, he manages to send away the incompetent First Lieutenant he'd been saddled with as prize commander, and all the awkward buggers and hard cases as prize crews, and a really shitty midshipman to prize-command the recaptured merchant, and then on top of it he presses a bunch of right seamen out of the recaptured merchantman to replace them all with. So off he goes with a much, much better crew in his ship, for a very long voyage; right away he promotes the most deserving of his master's mates to acting lieutenant, another fellow like Tom Pullings with no powerful friends, who would never have got a step otherwise, thereby ensuring the man's lasting devotion and good service for life.
With his crew squared away, they spend the long voyage getting up to snuff on their sailing and gunnery. Jack also takes his newfound love of mathematics to the midshipmen's berth, educating them himself, and discovers that one of them, Dick Richardson (Spotted Dick because of his pimples, alas) is very mathematically gifted. This means Aubrey has to study even harder to stay ahead of him.
They finally arrive at Cape Town: he is under the authority of Admiral Bertie, and is to command, as a commodore, a squadron of assorted ships. Sirius, under a Captain Pym; Nereide under a Captain Corbett; the sloop Otter under Captain (master and commander, not a psot captain) Lord Clonfert; and finally an ancient and barely-seaworthy Raisonable as a flagship, a 64-gunner that can't actually do much.
(The subsequent plot of the novel takes a great deal from the real historical events of the Mauritius Campaign of 1809-11, so if one were inclined to look at maps it would likely be useful to start there.)
Ashore, Stephen meets the surgeon of the Otter, who passes out drunk into his arms. (The man, McAdam, is an old acquaintance, a specialist in diseases of the mind.) Trying to find any Otters to take him home, he runs into none other than Bonden. Bonden and Killick came down in the Nereide to try to catch up with Aubrey, hearing he was afloat again. But Stephen notices Bonden is moving stiffly, and is astonished to learn he was recently given the stunningly harsh punishment of fifty lashes, because a piece of brasswork wasn't shiny enough. Bonden, a steady and sober lifelong seaman, has never been flogged before in his life. He won't complain, but he does ask Stephen to ensure that Jack gets him and Killick as transfers, concerned that Corbett won't let them go as he's so short-handed. Nereide is on the brink of mutiny and everyone aboard who can do so deserts given any opportunity.
“What I mean is, that in the first place me and Killick and the rest want to get back to our own captain: and in the second, we want to get out before things turn nasty. And at the gait they are going now--well, I shouldn't give much for Captain Corbett's life, nor some of his officers, come an action, or even maybe a dirty night with no moon; and we want no part in it.”
As for the others-- Clonfert resents that Jack didn't bring his wife. Clonfert also is apparently aware that he behaved very, very shabbily to Jack when they were both in the Andromeda, letting Jack do all the hard dangerous work of a cutting-out expedition and then taking credit afterwards himself; Jack remembers the incident but does not hold a grudge and assumes he simply didn't know what really happened, but Clonfert, it is clear, very much knows he behaved badly and expects Jack to resent it, having underestimated just how good-natured Jack really is. And he resents that Jack has since that time advanced more in his career, Clonfert having lost seniority in a disciplinary situation of some kind. But at least Clonfert's ship is a reasonably happy one and his people like him and will work for him.
Pym is good-natured but not very bright and his ship is in poor condition through sheer age and use; he is willing, but there's not a lot Sirius can do.
They put to sea, under orders to find and destroy the French frigates. Meanwhile Stephen goes to La Reunion to liase with agents there. From Stephen's intelligence they discern that if they collaborate with the British soldiers stationed on Rodriguez, they could assault La Reunion and take its batteries, and then take the ships in its harbor St. Paul, which include two recently-captured British Indiamen. So they go to Rodriguez to persuade the Lt. Col. commanding the soldiers of the possiblity of executing this plan. Lt. Col. Keating is in fact admirably keen to join in with this daring plan, and they immediately begin to make arrangements.
Clonfert and Corbett have an ugly public disagreement over where the best landing-place on La Reunion is, both of them having extensive local knowledge. Jack checks Clonfert over it-- it's unprofessional to argue like that and Corbett is the senior officer-- and shortly thereafter Stephen is called in to consult with Otter's eccentric surgeon McAdam. Clonfert has an inexplicable, painful recurring condition where he has fits, possibly psychosomatic but severe regardless, and he is taken by one after having been checked by Aubrey. McAdam mentions that Clonfert is mildly obsessed with Aubrey and very frequently discusses him.
In the end it is decided to use Corbett's landing place for the soldiers, so all the soldiers crowd onto Nereiad and the squadron sets off. They arrive in two days. Clonfert volunteers to lead the detachment of seamen, collected from all the ships to pad out the numbers of soldiers and Marines.
The Nereiad goes alone, while the rest of the squadron goes around to the island's main harbor slowly. Jack finds it very hard to give orders but not participate. It is his first taste of admiral-like responsibility and he does not care for it.
Stephen was already up, sitting there clean, shaven and respectably dressed under the swinging lamp. He said, "There is the strange look about you, brother?" "A strange feeling, too," said Jack. "Do you know, Stephen, that in about one hour's time the dust will begin to fly, and what I shall do is just lie there in the road and give orders while the other men do the work? It has never happened to me before, and I don't relish it, I find. Though to be sure, Sophie would approve." "She would also beg you to drink your coffee while it is hot: and she would be in the right of it. There are few things more discouraging to the mind that likes to believe it is master in its own house, than the unquestionable effect of a full belly. Allow me to pour you a cup.”
The landing parties do their work, take first one battery, then the next, then the French ships in the harbor (including two captured British Indiamen) begin to fire on the Englishmen ashore, but the English turn one of the batteries they have taken on them, and then the second, the Union Jack running up above the taken batteries. The British ships at sea cannot fire at the French, for fear of hitting their own people, so the squadron takes fire to which it cannot reply.
But the landing parties ashore have largely taken the town, and now it is only the French ships still firing. The British squadron stand in and engage them, and the ships surrender. Success: they have taken the harbor. They don't expect to hold it, not for long anyway, but the ships in the harbor are all theirs now, and they can destroy all the military stores and government records at their leisure.
Clonfert has done well but Jack is slightly worried that the man's motives are to one-up Corbett rather than get the job done in the most effective way. They secure the town, and Clonfert overzealously burns some things that turn out to have been valuable cargo from the Indiamen, which upsets him horribly.
But the French column enroute to retake the harbor does not arrive. The French commander has committed suicide, the rest do not wish to fight. St. Paul is safe for now.
Jack rewards Corbett, giving him the French frigate they captured to sail back to the Cape with their despatches, and then in turn promotes Clonfert to post captain from commander, and gives him Nereide, and gives Clonfert's first lieutenant the Otter. Clonfert is weirdly conflicted at having been made post by Aubrey, since he was once senior to him and still has this apparent one-sided rivalry going in his mind, of which Jack remains completely unaware.
“He is an odd fish, Clonfert," said Jack to Stephen, between two peaceful duets. "You might almost think I had done him an injury, giving him his step." "You did so advisedly, not from any sudden whim? It is the real expression of your sense of his deserts, and not an alms? He should in fact be made a post-captain?" "Why," said Jack, "it is rather a case of faute de mieux, as you would say. I should not like to have to rely upon him at all times; but one of them had to go, and he is a better captain than Corbett.”
Corbett's disaffected crew is reorganized into other ships, and Jack now no longer has to worry about a mutiny in his squadron; the entire thing was just to both do the right thing by his subordinates and also get Corbett out of the unhappy Nereiad.
Now what is needed is more soldiers for another decisive stroke to secure the whole island, but back at the Cape the higher command of soldiers will not stir without orders from on high, and there are no communications from on high. So they will not be able to make good their advantages.
I'll pause here, somehow this has gotten long. Well, I'm trying to write it while traveling and it turns out this takes concentration. But part 2 is coming and it has the arrival of a beloved recurring character so brace yourself.
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ghoultrifle · 1 year
Here's what british shops the ghouls would work in
Mountain - garden centre. he talks to all the old ladies about the best soil for this season and has all the best recommendations for beginners, he'll talk for hours if you don't escape
Rain - sea life aquarium. takes people on guided tours and uses his water ghoulness to communicate with the fishies and get them to put on a show (only if the visitors are nice, otherwise he asks the fish to splash and scare the customers)
Cirrus - pets at home. doesn't really agree with their practices on how they keep the animals so she infiltrated pets at home as an employee and steals any animals she thinks are suffering :') cumulus wasn't happy with it at first but she's getting used to their home doubling as a rescue centre
Phantom - one of those travelling circuses. we've all seen how bendy new bug is, it only feels fitting that he travels around showing off his skills
Swiss - tesco security guard and a really shit one at that. he always gets distracted thinking about what meal deal he's going to get on his break and forgets he's meant to be doing loss prevention
Cumulus - kfc manager. she has that authority that sweaty 16 year olds who work there actually respect. because of that it's the best kfc in the area
Dew - currys pc world. dew is a hardcore pc nerd and you can't change my mind. loves talking to little kids getting their first set up. hates giving tech support to old people who refuse to learn
Aether - corner shop. just has bossman vibes honestly. definitely has one of those signs thats like 'only two schoolchildren allowed in at once' after a particularly harrowing vape incident
Aurora - premier inn receptionist. kind if you're nice to her but a real bitch if you treat her the wrong way. will cancel people's pre-paid breakfasts if they piss her off :)
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moriartyluver · 1 year
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Unfortunately for both (name) and her parents, there was a slight delay in transporting the Grand Duke and Duchess from (home country) all the way to London, where her Uncle, Marquis (last name) had his second estate, although it was usually occupied by (name) instead of himself.
The young lady was know to be incredibly independent by her family and those who only knew her from mere observations so her uncle, who she wasn't even that close to, had allowed her almost full authority over housekeeping in all his estates. If she was to be described in few words by the nobility then the list would probably consist of many words such as Ambitious, Charming, Independent, Beautiful, & Fierce.
Opinions of others had never mattered to the 21 year old though. Why would they? They aren't the ones paying her bills and she was her own person. A woman who made history already in Britain despite not even being that old.
The first woman to ever receive a degree from university in the entirety of England.
Her name was known even in the palace, where she had actually visited before. In fact, the current Queen Victoria had tried to use the well know woman to strengthen Britain's relations with (home country), but (name) had no intentions of doing so.
She had a goal. A goal to help all the countries affected by Britain empire. A goal to restore all these countries, members of the empire or not, to their previous states before the countless invasions of the evil British troops. A goal for freedom from the shackles of this cursed empire.
A woman with such goals wasn't to rely on anyone. In fact, (name) didn't consider herself to have any friends at all. Sure, she could create surface level friendships with others simply to use them like the cursed woman she saw herself to be, and she had few acquaintances to converse with and maybe after this agreement, she would be able to consider William to at least be an ally if not her friend. Not that she wanted to be his friend of course, she scoffed at the thought.
So how had it come to this?
How had she lost herself so easily?
Was she destined to just fail?
Currently, (name) stood, plastering a cheerful yet undetectably fake smile. She spoke to the guests who congratulated her on her engagement to Lord William. Some disapproved. All for different reasons. None of which (name) wanted to know.
This, of course, was her engagement party. The summer air was warm, but never the same as (home country), so the Marquis had themed the late night party to be one in which he could show off his beautiful garden, covered in many flowers but especially lilies and tulips.
The engagement parties were usually thrown by the bride-to-be's parents. But considering they were absent (although her father eagerly sent a letter from both himself and his wife congratulating their daughter on such wonderful news as-well as giving their blessing), her uncle had offered to host the party in (name) and William's honour as if to stand in for her father.
"Oh, thank you so much, Lady Astor! I believe myself to be such a lucky woman, in all honesty..marrying the love of my life couldn't be more heavenly. I do hope someday you find the same joy that I find in my love for William." (Name) clasped her hands together with a bright smile, feigning excitement.
Ever since the moment that the two had met, (name) knew that she was William's biggest hater. She hated him with all her heart, not that there was much to go around anyways.
To her, it was amazing she was even able to maintain this facade of a lady in love for the sake of the public and it had even surprised William himself.
"Really, Lady (name) I think Lord Moriarty is a lot more lucky than you, marrying such a lovely woman! You are- forgive me if this seems like flattery because it is the truth- an absolute gem of a woman. In fact, his highness the Prince himself would be lucky to even cast his eyes upon your god-given beauty!" The shorter blonde woman smiled in return as she complimented the (hair colour)-ette.
"Are you sure you don't mean to flatter me, Lady Astor?" (name) joked as she felt herself grow bashful, whilst also internally smirking at the idea of being superior to her fiancé"Thank you for your kindness."
As the oddly happy woman walked away to make conversation with another guest, one of her friends who she was attempting to set up with another nobleman, (name) was finally left all alone.
Of course, being so independent was a blessing in times like this and she honestly had preferred being alone than being around the mindless members of high society who only saw this pathetic world as a game because they never had to work for anything in their worthless lives.
Right before she was to leave to go elsewhere, (name) felt the hot breath of a certain someone tickling her neck in the most repulsive way she could imagine yet she didn't turn around to punch the mystery man in the face because of course, she already knew who he was. Her intuition was strong after all.
"You appear to be having fun, my love." a harmonious, almost seductive, voice whispered into her exposed ear.
(Name) exhaled.
William James Moriarty.
And (name)'s fiancé. The man she was damned to marry.
The blond man had adopted the habit of calling (name) all sorts of pet names. Originally it was to suppress any idea that he didn't love his fiancée but recently, after seeing her reactions to such simple words, he couldn't help but use them all the time.
And the best part was that (name) wouldn't have the nerve to keep him quiet in order to dodge any suspicious behaviour. After all, the engagement itself was suspicious to the ton. Not because they doubted the love between the two but rather (name) had recently adopted the reputation of rejecting al of her admirers, usually because they didn't meet her standards. She had even had a wealthy duke ask for her hand in marriage and there were rumours that the Queen herself wanted to set her up with one of her many offspring.
Strangely enough, each time she rejected a man, it only made her more desired to the creeps of the upper class. Perhaps, she had thought, it was because of her 'exotic' appearance, which gave her even more reason to reject them because she knew she wasn't to be valued but more to become a mere foreign doll with no brain in the hands of all these men who found her intellect freighting.
"As much fun as I could have in a celebration of my engagement to you." (Name) retorted to which William's devilish grin widened. His hand was placed on her shoulder as (name) held her drink, holding herself back from splashing it on him.
They were watching.
"Well then it seems I'm having much more fun than you are," William remained in his position. To (name), it was like the devil himself was trying to tempt her to do something unholy, not that she was even to be considered a pious woman at this rate. Murdering people was not going to get her into heaven.
"Because you are able to freely torment me or have you found something actually worth your time?" The woman in front of him asked sarcastically.
"Why, because I have been graced by your presence-"
"They're going to toast to the engagement now, follow me." (Name) stated, freeing herself from Williams gentle grasp. She fanned her face as she walked. Her heart was racing as if she were to die but she knew William wouldn't even dare lay a finger on her. They had yet to spar but they both knew that their physical skills were equal when it came to combat and they both had sufficient stamina to do so for hours on end before coming to a victor.
William nodded, following his bride-to-be into the dining hall where all sorts of food lay. The (last name)s were anything but basic. The table was arranged with expensive dishes from all around the empire and more, including numerous dishes from (home country). Even some of the wealthy nobles were surprised, they supposed that the Marquis' trading company was doing exceptionally well then.
Once they had toasted to the two and the dinner had ended, the men and women parted ways as the ladies left the room to gossip and congratulate (name) whilst the men remained to converse with William, mostly asking him about how he had managed to win over the cold Lady (Name).
During the entire engagement ceremony, (name) felt agitated and confused. Was this deal really even going to help her? Or was William just using her and then preparing to throw her away once she had done her bit in feeding into his plan. Surely he could have gone without her, so why did he agree to the engagement.
And as for herself, this wasn't what she stood for. She was marrying a serial murderer for crying out loud. And the worst part was that she couldn't even blame William for her own despair, because technically speaking, it was her who proposed the engagement.
The halls were crowded and stuffy. (Name) felt ill, as though she were to throw up any moment.
(Name) made her way to the gardens and hid beside a tree, relaxing against the bark whilst she crouched, out of view from everyone else. She had taken a book with her to distract her from the impending doom she was to face at the hands of her own poor planning and morality.
Every time she opened the pages and flicked through the pages whilst she read, the words had become blurred and swirled in her thoughts.
Perhaps if she read aloud, she would feel more composed.
".. 'Come you spirits, That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here.'" (Name) read to herself but the words had only hurt her more.
Perhaps if she were a man, this pain would not be here with her. She had strangely looked up to Lady Macbeth since the moment she even opened the play as a child but now she was her, she didn't feel the satisfaction she had expected at all. She slammed the book shut in anger.
"'And fill me from the crown to the toe top-full Of direst cruelty. Make thick my blood. Stop up the access and passage to remorse'," another voice spoke as he approached (name) whilst she sat at the tree. "Fancy seeing you out here, my lady."
She raised her head to meet the pair of scarlet eyes with her own (eye colour) ones. "You need not follow me wherever I go. Despite the way you act, you are not my husband yet, and apart from in the public eye, you are free to not want anything to do with me." (Name) told the blond man who was now sitting beside her despite her protests.
William chuckled whilst (name) looked at him in awe of his audacity with a flustered expression, obviously due to being caught reading outside. "But my dear (name), they are still watching. Would I really be the wonderful fiancé you have been describing me to be all night if I let the love of my life run away to the gardens as if she were an infant."
"I beg your pardon?" (Name) said rhetorically "I'm not childish in the slightest..and I had to describe you in such a way because you have no redeeming characteristics"
"I beg to differ." William leaned closer to (name), his face inches away from hers whilst she leaned backwards in an attempt to keep their distance.
"What? That you have redeeming qualities or that  I'm childish because either way, you're wrong."
"Have you ever considered the possibility that you may be wrong, dear lady Macbeth?~"  the male teased
"Say another word and I'll punch you so hard that your ever so pretty face will be permanently scarred and deformed." (Name) retorted with a glare
"How flattering," Her future husband ran his fingers through his shiny blond hair "You think my face is pretty.."
(Name) shoved his shoulder whilst William fought back a laugh. Was he seriously trying to irritate her when she was already in a bad mood?  "I also said I'd punch you in the face, but sure, boost your own ego because you're too pathetic to feel loved by anyone."
"Once again, I think you're wrong, (name)," William finally let out a laugh in response to her actions. Strangely enough, it didn't appear to be forced to (name) but oddly genuine. His face contorted into an expression of amusement for the first time in a while. He hadn't take any offence to her statement at all.
"I never told you that you could call me by my first name. Do you not have anything more important to do?" (Name) asked, trying to change the subject.
William shook his head "What could be more fun than watching your beautiful lips insult me with such grace?"
"Don't call my lips beautiful..that's weird.." (name) muttered
"I knew you were a fan of Shakespeare but why choose to read Macbeth on a day like this?" William asked, completely brushing (name) off. "Would a sonnet not be better suited to a day like today?"
"I read what I like, and I'll have you know that Shakespeare's political tragedies will always remain superior to his sonnets." She argued.
"I couldn't agree more, I applaud you in your fine taste in literature." William spoke. (Name) moved along to allow William more space to sit.
"Finally, something you say which isn't pure rubbish." The young lady felt her heart grow lighter, as if her worries were no longer catching up to her anymore.
Moments had passed as they talked about various books they had both read. Mostly Shakespeare but foreign literature was also a hot topic between them. It was as if they were children once more.
In fact, when the two had met, it was over a book that (name) was reading when William first saw her. And once again, this book was a Shakespeare play.
“You wouldn’t mind if I sat here, would you?”
The blond boy asked the (hair colour) girl as he pointed to the seat opposite her at the library table.
She lifted her head in surprise. There were other empty spaces in the library, could he not go sit elsewhere?
(Name) looked at him closely. He was possibly one of the few other people at the university of her age. It would be beneficial to become acquainted with someone of her age and possibly her skill.
“Oh-“ she felt as if she were about to start stuttering “no..it’s quite alright.”
She picked her book back up, almost feeling fearful of the stranger and his piercing gaze yet each time she took a peak at him, he had a soft and gentle expression. Was her intuition acting up, because usually her gut feeling was right, but what could a mere 16 year old do to her?
“I apologise for disturbing you, but is that ‘The tempest’ you’re reading?” The boy finally asked after looking away from the material he was reading.
“Indeed it is. It’s possibly one of my favourite Shakespeare works, despite seeming childish to some..” William noticed she spoke with a slight accent and her features them self were not common ones in a British noble lady. She was a foreigner.
“Well it wasn’t ever a favourite of mine, why would you like it so much?” William asked curiously, aching to hear her opinion
“There’s a deeper meaning. There usually is with William Shakespeare’s plays,” (name) replied “Like this quote alludes to religion..
‘Hell is empty and all the devils are here’”
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A/N: really hating how messy my blog is atm so I’m gonna sort that out but anyways- second chapter and first William appearance wow. Also stan y/n our feminist icon. I listened to Taylor’s ‘the man’ whilst writing this lol. I really like ur feedback so please just send stuff in. It doesn’t even have to be about the writing u can just tell me about how your best friends aunts dog ate a stick and threw it up or whatever. I just really like interacting with u all okay byeee 😭
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apinchofm · 1 year
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Requested by @angel-starbeam - Edwina and Friedrich meet in India before she leaves for England and exchange letters.
Edwina knew balls would be much different in England. She would not get to wear her saris anymore, having to wear English clothes instead. She would have to drink English tea and soften her Indian ways. She was to be an Englishman's wife.
She took a deep breath, as her mind races with all the changes. Especially standing in the ballroom of the Sivaganga Palace. It was her last ball here before she and her family set sail for England.
Kate, in her beautiful teal sari was standing with their mother, assured it would be well. Edwina was an extremely proficient young lady and excelled in all the skills she put her mind too. Mary was anxious about returning to England. All Edwina knew is that she left after marrying her Appa, given he and Kate were traveling with the Maharaja when they met in London. She hoped there would be a few good memories at the very least, for her mother.
She strolled outside into the water gardens, smiling at the other attendees and taking it all in. She had run around in these gardens as a child. In between lessons and naps in her father's office. Lanterns, covered in different colours illuminated the garden as water lilies floated around in the various pools.
Oh, she would miss home.
Edwina looked up at the sky as she leaned against the pillar. She remembers her Appa telling her the stars were the same all over the world, so they were all looking at the same stars when he went away. It was a comfort. She would see these same stars in London and think of her father. She was determined to make him - and her mother and sister - proud. She would do it. She hummed to herself.
Prince Friedrich had thought himself alone, looked around hearing someone humming. It was a beautiful sound.
"Hello?" He called out. He had seen her. She was much like a startled fawn, trying to hide behind a column. A girl in a pretty pink floral saree, lined with gold. Her deep brown eyes widened.
Edwina looked at him, nervously fiddling with the material draped over her shoulder. She was in so much trouble!
"I-I did not mean to interrupt you, sir!" She protested, seeing his uniform. He was white, tall, with broad shoulders which told her he could be a soldier. But his uniform was different from the British or Indian guards. A deep blue that brought out the blue in his brown-blue eyes.
"No, not at all." He assured her with a kind smile.
"You are German?" She asked, hearing his accent.
"From Prussia, yes."
"Oh, my deepest apologies!" Edwina quickly said, afraid of offending him.
He chuckled at her cautious approach, "Not at all. My mother is from a German principality, so I suppose I am. But do not tell any Prussian purist. A crown prince should not admit being from another country!" He winked and watched as her face fell, this opposite effect he was hoping to have.
She curtsied immediately, "Your Highness."
"I am Friedrich."
Edwina fixed her saree, unsure of what to say. She should know what to say!
"That is a beautiful dress." Friedrich said with a smile, “Who might you be? One of the Maharani’s lovely daughters? Sisters?”
Edwina giggled and blushed, shaking her head, “No, no. I am just Edwina. Miss Edwina Sharma, sir.”
“A pleasure to meet you, Miss Edwina Sharma.” Friedrich replied. He leaned on the opposite pillar from her, “What are you doing so far from the gathering?”
“Oh, I needed some air. This shall be my last ball here and I found myself overcome with emotion.”
“Are you leaving?”
“Yes, to England in a few weeks.” .
"England? Why leave such a beautiful country for country in which in rains all the time?” Friedrich wondered.
Edwina's face fell, "Well, my appa died. We have managed this far, as the Maharaja has been most generous. They were close. But to ensure long-term stability for my family, we must go to England so that my sister and I will make good matches." She explained. She did not know why she was telling him this but he was listening intently.
"My deepest sympathies for the death of your father. But why England?”
“Well, my mother is English. My parents met at a ball.” Edwina gushed, her eyes alight as she recounted the story she had adored hearing as a girl. "Amma always says how she fell in love with him and his soul. How he would always find her eyes in any room. Appa said that it was love at first sight."
"Do you wish for a love like that?" Friedrich asked softly. She looked like someone who deserved a love like that. A beautiful young lady, intriguing too.
Edwina thought hard. She did. She wanted to feel the love and joy her mama had for appa. But she remembers how devest
"I do. But I suppose…” Edwina sighed, “It does matter.”
“I believe it does.”
“I do not think so.”
“Are you sure?”
Edwina giggled, “Such impertinence from a gentleman!"
“I am a Prince. We are impertinent men.” Friedrich replied, then smiled taking a step towards her, "I hope you shall enjoy England. Perhaps we may see one another there. You are most lovely."
Edwina felt her face warm, "You are kind, my lord."
"I am honest. You are beautiful."
She shook her head, “I should go, I do not wish to disrupt you further."
Friedrich stood, wanting to reassure her, "You are not disrupting me. Did the Prince revelation scare you? I do not hope it did?” He asked.
"I think so." Edwina admits, fiddling with one of the gold bangles sliding up and down her arms, "Surely, you have far more interesting people to speak with?"
"I am a soldier. I can only have so many conversations on trade." He pretended to close his eyes and snore, making her laugh again.
She looked back, “I should go. I do not wish for my sister or mother to worry for me.”
"Good evening, Miss Edwina Sharma." Friedrich said in farewell.
"Your Highness." She smiled bashfully, looking back as she walked away. He was still smiling at her and she felt all warm and fuzzy inside.
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