#jsyk straps are included always
bunnygirl-titties · 1 year
I want to be double stuffed 😡
I want to be so full it feels like I’m going to tear 🥴
I want my holes stretched and filled at the same time
Fill me with so much cum 🥵
Reblogs appreciated
This is for lesbians(and other wlw)
This is about lesbian sex
✨men & minors DNI✨
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themarginalthinker · 1 year
Since you have relationships in your VtM fick , how do you explore sex?
A lot of VtM debates if it exists in vampires and if desirable at all.
Does any of your own characters do it? Or even have the capacity to enjoy it?
Or are they more blood based in their relationships? Like eating each other or blood bonds?
My apologies for the awkward ask
I have seen the debates! Woof, trust me, I have...
this might get a bit long, so strap in.
What I think I'm aiming for for my larger 'this is my take on the mechanics of the vtm universe' are as such:
-Vampires are paradoxically able to feel more, and less, purely physically, than humans. They're more sensitive to changes in temperature, light, spacial awareness, sounds - but in terms of internal body, they've stopped most biological processes that don't directly feed into keeping the body moving and intaking information, which includes some involuntary reflexes like heartbeat, involuntary breathing (which they can still do voluntarily to speak), and reproductive processes. This simply means they will naturally have less of a physically-motivated sex drive than they used to have.
-This also means that they can become overstimulated so much faster and easier than humans. Too much light, too much sound, too much sensation all at once and it gets painful to go through for long. As much as I enjoy the aesthetic of vamps in da club, raves and danceclubs would be HELL for a Kindred's senses after more than an hour. Sex would be a little easier, but touching, kissing, it might get uncomfortable after too long.
-Blush of Life is a tricky ability, and what it actually means in play and how one can translate that into a story...eh? I work off a spectrum, for all Disciplines and abilities. Everyone is different. For some, you Blush and you can pass as basically human in every respect. Body temp, pupil dilation, saliva and other non-blood bodily fluid production, involuntary reflexes, the works. For others, they can maybe get their heart beating again, and get some extra heat in their skin, but that's about the extent of it.
-Even in real life, among allosexual people (hell, among ace people, of which I am one!) it really varies how much or little one wants sex, and for what reason, and with who. The key to making a good selection of characters and a good story that talks about this kind of thing is diversity. No single group of people are all going to feel exactly the same and experience exactly the same thing. Maybe someone who perviously had little interest in sex is embraced and suddenly realizes the heightened senses helps them get more into it, feeling more. And someone else may feel the exact opposite, who used to feel really good, now just feels overstimulated and too-much.
---here begins some slightly graphic discussion of anatomy and physical reactions, jsyk---
For my universe, really the only thing that must happen for comfortable, penetrative sex to happen, OR sex that involves genitalia such as fingering or insertion toys (and to an extent vibes and grinders) is: Blush of Life for persons with both a penis and a vagina. Blush of Life is what forces the body to create and maintain an erection and vaginal lubrication.
Everything aside from that? It's all up to the persons involved, and what they want from the experience. Sex doesn't just mean 'dick go in pussy for a few min and then done', there's a lot people can do with each other that can feel good, and orgasm doesn't have to be the end goal.
As for blood-drinking, bloodbonds and biting - that's REALLY up to the people involved.
Biting feels very, very physically good (unless you're Giovanni, rip lol) but...it doesn't always translate to 'orgasm' feelings. For some it's like shooting straight ecstasy, a head and body rush that feels almost painful it happens so fast and so harsh, while for others it's low and burning and lingers and can last for hours and hours. A lowgrade buzz that stays with you, but never makes you unaware of your surroundings.
Lots of Kindred pair the Kiss with sex because it enhances the experience, but I'd imagine just as many don't. You gotta ask before hand, I suppose. Or find out in the heat of the moment, lol.
I'd also imagine that, as a culture, fledglings are encouraged to try shit out with each other. It's a good, fairly safe way to learn what your particular brad of Kiss is like, or how you like yours in a way that doesn't risk the Masquerade.
The other bit of sliiiiightly non-canon worldbuilding in my take on the vtm universe is how bloodbonds work. As it turns out...it's again, a spectrum! Three is NOT the (literal) magic number. Certain people can be bonded well and truly after just one mouthful, or it can take ten full feedings to even BEGIN to feel the pull. Now, how susceptible they are to it depends largely on the bloodline and in some cases clan, but it's often a crap-shoot. 'Three' does seem like the line where the bond becomes most noticeable in the vast majority of cases, however. AND, furthermore, it can wear off!!
Yep. A bloodbond can wear off! Not unlike recovering from addiction, and it suuuuucks the longer you're in one, but it can happen. See, in my mind, the bond works by keeping the blood of the feeder Kindred within you, and it only stays within the feedee Kindred for so long, until their own vitae is cycled through with feeding on non-feeder blood. Like dripping food dye in a glass of water, and then exchanging some of that water for new water. Go without dropping new dye in, but keep feeding it new water, and eventually there will be no more dye in the glass.
This is also how some very smart blood leeches have learned to get what they want without becoming bonded. Feed from a huge selection of feeders, so that no one person's vitae is ever in their system long enough to form a bond before rotating back to them where they will be at square one again.
So, yep. Those are my baseline rules. To me, it never made sense to tie something like sex to humanity. (tbh, it feels like one of those 'if you don't want sex there's something WRONG and BROKEN with you!' ace/arophobic statements just retooled for a game...). People in my vtm universe have and don't have sex as much or as little as they prefer, in whatever ways they find comfortable, with whatever equipment they have to work with. Age also has very little to do with it, as I'm sure the clan 'closest' to humanity, The Toreador, would love to tell you alllll about.
As for what MY characters do/make of it? Well, that will be explored a little more in the fic! I will say though, a good number of them do, in various ways. This post has just gotten longer than I expected lmao sorry xD
Thanks for reading! I hope I explained it well!
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queerfictionwriter · 6 years
Steter Creator Appreciation Week, Pt. III
I’m back with more love for more fantastic Steter creators! This next group I don’t know particularly well, but I am very glad that we have them and their lovely contributions to this fandom. 
@cywscross (AO3). You have contributed so much to fandom, and I am so grateful to you for your stories and your enthusiasm in my comments section. I will never be over Safe Harbour, and your Steter Drabbles set is one of my go-tos on bad days. 
@bxdcubes (nezstorm on AO3). You create these perfect, tiny pockets of joy with your stories. I love that, no matter how strapped for time I am, I can always squeeze in something you wrote and make my day better. The stealth mode ottering series is fantastic, and I haven’t read Make Your Own (Buns in the Oven) yet, but I’m sure it’s also absolutely amazing, as soon as I find the time, I’m heading your way. 
@greenmornings (wynnebat on AO3). Every interaction I’ve had with this individual--brief though they have been--has been lovely. Thank you so much for your stories and your support, and JSYK, I’m still not over In Sickness and in Fire or Schrodinger’s Wolves. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve read them. 
@thesushiowl (AO3). You write amazing, lovely things, and you kept me on a consistent posting schedule for A Spoonful of Sugar with how much you enjoyed that fic. I re-read You’re Welcome in My Inbox recently, and was reminded of how much I enjoy everything you write. (I currently have 404 Loneliness Not Found open in another tab.) 
@Mysenia (AO3). Firstly--thank you for running SCAW! I’ve never seen anything else like it in fandom, and it’s such a beautiful, positive experience. This fandom would be darker without you. Secondly--your fics are lovely, and particular favourites include Escalating Beyond All Reason and Couples’ Costume. If anyone hasn’t read those, goGoGOGOGOGOOOOOO, RUN DON’T WALK. 
@wordsformurder (pprfaith on AO3). I do not have words for what this human being does to me with their stories. i just don’t. A thousand thank-yous for all your stories about the power and strength of found families, and for helping me find hope on the bad days. (And thank you, too, for the reassurance that it’s okay to always be a “beginner” knitter.) The Naughty Hookers (Swathed in Wool) series is a gift, but your darker stories like this is the wolf ALSO deserve a massive shout-out. 
@gingersnapwolves (KouriArashi on AO3). You write amazing fic, and you handle delicate subject matter so deftly that it blows my mind. I have a ton of triggers, but I know I’m safe with your stories--you tag them well, you take the time to add individual warnings at the top of chapters, and you write these wildly enjoyable stories that are compelling and complex. I’d joke about wanting to be you when I grow up, but I’m definitely done growing and I don’t wanna make it weird. Whatever Works and Devil of Mercy are both favourites of mine that I’ve re-read a bunch of times, and I have no words for how much I’ve enjoyed them. 
@trixietrotter (veterization on AO3). Thank you so much for so many long, meaty stories that never fail to satisfy. The characterization and sass is perfect, and I really can’t ask for more out of Steter stories. I have a lot of your stuff bookmarked, but I have to give a shout-out for Loan Wolves, Successfully Cheating Death (Twice), and love me lights out. 
@hd-hale (AO3). You are a fabulous artist and I am in awe of what you do. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful talent with us! 
Part 1 | Part 2
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