#jm; we are so much more than space dust- a supernova couldn't break us
kits-ships · 9 months
3, 8, 12 for the end of the year ask game :)
♡ eternally-smitten
thank you !!!! <3 <3
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3.) did a relationship with an F/O change in a major way (i.e. you started dating a platonic F/O or realized you prefer a formerly romantic F/O to be a friend, got married/engaged to an F/O, etc)? if so, did it happen more spontaneously, or was it something you had planned for a while?
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i dumped matt mur/dock...... im so sorry matt but you were not healthy for me/holly
he's still so handsome though......
i also figured out qpp's !! i struggle with understanding my own emotions so this was a big win for me omfg. now i have sarah, jamie, and river <3
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8.) in which ways did your F/O(s)/selfshipping help you this year?
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i made a selfship tumblr and got more online friends!! yippee!!
ive also used my ships and oc's to explore aspects of past trauma so i can work through them and better understand myself :3
they also help w/ general coping ofc! (campbell's my emotional support boyfriend rn)
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12.) if you have spotify wrapped, were there any songs related to your F/O(s)/selfships in your top 100? if you don't, were there any songs you listened to a lot this year because they remind you of your F/O(s)?
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nowadays i solely use spotify to listen to my oc/selfship playlists so yeah there were a LOT...!! i'll list the top picks but i gotta sort through the random music i listened to in psychosis hffjdkgf :3
songs under da cut
#7 was pomegranate seeds by julian moon ! i mostly associate it with the master but it also works with 🌙✂️ !!!
#19 is a CLASSIC... i will follow you into the dark by death cab for cutie !! it's a good general song to have Big Emotions to but hm... i associate it mostly with azi and crowley, the doctor, and 🌙✂️ (again) !!
#25 is THE olive x master song. its where i got their tag from and agh!!!! its so cute. hypnotized - alani d. <3
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kits-ships · 1 year
filling out the entirety of this ask game for Olive because i love having fun and getting silly
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1. what are the basics of your self-insert? name, date of birth, height, etc.?
Name: Olive Madison Birthday: Sept 14, 1947 (Jumped 44yrs into the future) Height: 5’3 Current home: Maine Birthplace: Cincinnati, Ohio
2. when in canon does your self-insert come in? do you have a scene in mind for your entrance?
Between ‘The Ark in Space’ and ‘The Sonatran Experiment!’ The Doctor drops off Harry + Sarah Jane to do whatever they need to do and goes ‘ok I’ll pick you up in a day!!” 
But, when he’s by himself, the TARDIS dumps him in the middle of Ohio and he finds Olive injured after a protest. They go on a single adventure after the Doctor patches her up before she becomes a companion. &lt;3
3. how do the other characters generally feel about your self-insert?
Olive is very sisterly/motherly towards other companions, so she’s generally well-liked by them. Some are confused as to why she married the Doctor, others feel the need to stand up for her when she can’t do it herself, and others are like, “How did you get the Doctor to even flirt with you? Hold on, let me get out a pen and paper-”
Some of the villains are intrigued by her, while others only see her as something they can use to manipulate the Doctor. The alien villains in particular see her as weak because she’s a human- including the Master- but he quickly regretted underestimating her after he tried to kidnap Olive and she bit the ever-loving shit out of him.
4. would you be considered a main character, side character, villain, or something else?
She would be a main character for the twelfth season but, after that, she’s a side character with a few appearances a few times each season. There are a few AUs where she might appear more often than that, though!
5. does your self-insert have any special powers or abilities?
No, not really! She majored in botany and minored in culinary arts, but that’s about as far as her ‘special abilities’ go. I’ve considered having the Master try to turn her into a Time Lord as well, but I like that she’s just a lil human :3
6. does your self-insert have any pets?
Olive had a long-haired, black cat when she was little. It grew up alongside her until she was sixteen!
When Olive graduated college, she adopted a kitten named Celeste a month or so before she met the Doctor. Celeste got to live in the TARDIS for a bit and even came to the future alongside Olive.
In a Doctor/Olive/Master polycule, the two Time Lords adopt two ragdoll kittens for Olive! I haven’t named them yet.
With Olive/Master, they come across two orphaned kittens that Olive bottle raises. The Master named them Artemis and Apollo.
7. would any other characters (besides your f/os) have a crush on your self-insert?
I don’t think too much about this, but Harry and Bill might have little puppy crushes on her that they never act on. River having a crush on her would be cute, too!! (Jack has a crush on everyone so he doesn’t count.)
8. what is your self-insert’s orientation?
Olive is bisexual and polyamorous!
9. who are your self-insert’s closest friends?
Excluding the Doctor/Master: Sarah Jane, Jamie, Donna, and Yaz.
10. how do the other characters feel about your self-insert and f/o’s relationship?
Copy and pasting from before: Some are confused as to why she married the Doctor, others feel the need to stand up for her when she can’t do it herself, and others are like, “How did you get the Doctor to even flirt with you? Hold on, let me get out a pen and paper-”
When she’s with the Master, they’re worried and confused. Did he hypnotize Olive? Is she safe? Should they try to help the Doctor win her back? Only Graham ever gets to see how happy she is with the Master after she showed up at her house one day.
With the Doctor/Olive/Master, they are so confused, but they do their best to trust Olive and the Doctor when they say that he’s changed for the better. Still, though, they’re a bit wary of it all.
11. what kind of outfit(s) does your self-insert wear?
Olive enjoys wearing sweaters, t-shirts, jean shorts, skirts, and short overalls! Her style focuses on being comfortable and being able to garden in outfits without ruining them entirely. She also likes to wear sandals but will put on a pair of boots if she really needs to.
12. how would the fandom view your character?
I like to think that they’d see her in a similar light to Rose and River! You either really like them or you pretend they don’t exist so you can focus on shipping Thoscei.
13. does your self-insert have any information about their family?
Olive does not get along with her parents. They took care of her physical needs when she was little, but were not affectionate or very empathetic. When she went off to college, they tried to get her to major in financial accounting so that she could follow in their footsteps, but Olive just moved out and cut ties with them. Her parents had even offered to pay for her classes if she switched majors, but she didn’t wanna!! She wanted to study plants and bake cakes, goddammit!
14. what hobbies does your self-insert have?
She likes to bake, garden, and dabbles in various forms of fiber arts! Olive also enjoys fostering animals.
15. how does your self-insert play a role in the plot of the story? do they help directly defeat the villain, support the heroes, etc.?
Olive is just there to help the Doctor and be cute.
16. freebie! name a fact about your self-insert that you want everyone to know.
I don’t always draw her as such, but Olive is a redhead! Her hair is a very dark copper color but she always assumed it was just brown. It was Donna who pointed it out to her and Olive was so confused. 
(I think an explanation for this would be books and audio dramas describing her as a brunette despite the fact that she’s a redhead.)
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kits-ships · 1 year
f/o list updates
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matt got kicked off the f/o list. sorry matt but season two damaged me beyond repair
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new qpps - river song, jamie mccrimmon,
new platonic f/o - jack harkness
yes i still have doctor who brain rot
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kits-ships · 1 year
i like to think the doctor who fandom sees me in their notes and goes, "ah. its that... weirdo again. ok, i guess. she isnt hurting anyone or anything, theyre just incredibly thirsty for like. all the characters in this show"
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