#jk id live with severe guilt if they choose me
makuzume · 25 days
Would you rather have a lover who is a Hero, or a Villain?
Oh sorry, What I meant is, would you rather have someone sacrifice you for the world, or would you rather have someone Sacrifice the world for You? 😘😈 Just curious
I'd sacrifice myself under no condition bc I'm so done with life throwing lemons at me but ngl someone burning down the world for me is kinda hot if you ask me
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rosewand · 6 years
a canon-divergence masterpost.
i’ve been writing queenie since october of 2017. she’s had a lot of time to grow to the point where i’m comfortable with her. she’s partially unrecognizable from how we see her in fantastic beasts and where to find them and completely unrecognizable from how we see her in crimes of grindelwald. 
i’d like to point out that my decision to separate her completely from the canon in which her actions become aggressively problematic is not out of a desire to soften or reduce her character. i just have a whole lot of love for the concept of queenie that we see in the first movie. kind, feminine, emotional characters are a rarity in harry potter canon. i like that and want to continue writing it. personally, i think the events of cog are wildly out of character for my queenie goldstein and i will not be using them. 
i’m also perfectly aware that queenie is not my creation. i’m aware that she’s not my original character no matter how much i add to her. she’s property of jk rowling and i respect anyone who decides to follow canon in any capacity. i feel that a disservice was done to her character in her arc and this is my attempt to rectify it, i don’t hate or dislike anyone who has a different opinion.
if my essential complete departure from canon something that bothers or unnerves you, i am not going to be upset if you choose to unfollow or cease interaction. this blog is for my own entertainment and for people who are interested in writing and developing things with my version of queenie. if you are not among them, this is absolutely fine. i completely understand.
now, onto the specifics of my divergence.
character stats. 
starting from the top, i am writing a woman who’s name is devorah vered goldstein. queenie is a nickname that caught on when she was twelve years old. she doesn’t tell everyone about the fact that her name isn’t by birth queenie, but anyone who was to look at her macusa id badge or her birth certificate would see that her given name is devorah. 
this is for character reasons and also because of the fact that devorah is jewish. she has a hebrew given name as a result that means bee. bees and honey are strong symbols that i’ve come to attach to my portrayal of queenie goldstein, thus it’s reflected in her name. 
i also write queenie as a half-blood witch. she had a muggle father and a witch mother. when they died, she was raised by her both-magical grandparents. i find it extremely unlikely that magical people never interact with non-magical people due to their close proximity. as such, it’s canon on my blog that the difficulty behind enforcing rappaport’s law allows queenie to engage with the non-magical world in fairly small ways. 
she goes to the movies frequently. she sang in non-magical speakeasies during the beginning of prohibition after her graduation from ilvermorny. she does not, however, interact with non-magical people on a regular basis up until the events of the first movie and thereon afterward.
another small but important note about queenie’s education: she did not pass her exams during her first year at ilvermorny. after an extended absence following the death of her parents, queenie was unable to make up her losses in marks and had to repeat her first year, something that devastated her. as a result, she graduates at the age of eighteen, not seventeen.
i follow harry potter canon in regards to queenie’s legilimency. i personally see her ability to effectively read minds as a retcon of established canon. legilimency has been identified as something that simplified into mind reading by people who don’t know any better. in actual practice, it’s a complicated form of navigation and it’s very difficult to find something specific unless you know what to look for. surface-level thoughts would be difficult to pinpoint and it’s not an inborn talent.
as such, i don’t include it in the same capacity. the necessity for something inborn in queenie conflicts with the realism in harry potter  ( a weird sentence to write out but there is a grounding element of realism in the magic )  but it’s a necessity. so as to conflict less with other established legilimens characters, i write queenie as an empath who uses that talent to master legilimency. 
she is able to feel the surface-level emotions of others, not past emotions or ones in the future. she’s given a temporary window into someone else’s heart that’s increased by proximity. the closer she is to someone, the more accurate her ability to interpret and understand what she’s feeling. queenie uses this ability to draw conclusions that can be incorrect. she very rarely uses her legilimency as she’s still learning. conversely, she does not know any occlumency at all, leaving her vulnerable in that respect.
her talent for legilimency is promising but incomplete. it is still very much a spell that she has to knowingly cast and one that she practices on willing people during her tenure at ilvermorny. while she’s managed to get to a point where she can cast it wandlessly, she cannot cast it non-verbally. she must speak the incantation.
canon timeline. 
there are several ways that i’m divergent from the main plot of fantastic beasts and where to find them. i disagree completely with the centrality of jacob to queenie’s storyline. i like jacob a lot, i just wish that they were allowed to be seperate characters. as such, unless i’m actively plotting or writing with a jacob to change the dynamic, i consider their relationship to be a brief fling in queenie’s past. 
yes, she was very much attracted to him. yes, she did cast the legilimency spell on him in a moment of intense excitement at the prospect of getting to interact with someone non-magical. she understands that this was wrong and is a regression back to her younger years as someone who didn’t understand boundaries. she later apologizes for this. 
queenie is especially tested during the events of the film as she believed herself to be more mature that she finds herself behaving. 
her actions with sam and abernathy are indicative of her own morality which is slightly skewed. queenie believes that manipulating unkind people is justified if the situation is dire. she uses her knowledge of sam’s affair  ( which she discovered because of her empathic abilities and also by just reading body language )  to keep jacob from having his memory erased because she planned on getting to know him better once everything was settled. 
abernathy is someone who is terrible to her sister and queenie felt know guilt for manipulating him to an extent to escape a situation so tina and newt could live. 
she is wrong about leta, her desire to assure newt that he deserves better stems only from the fact that she wanted to be kind to him. her legilimency did not factor in this scene, it was pure empathy and she was wrong. something she will later apologize for.
queenie feels a strong attachment to jacob as they both are people with past trauma living deeply unfulfilling lives. the first adventure she’s ever been on has been with him and her desire for more of that is what prompts her to offer that they leave the country together. however, it’s his choice to lose his memories which she understands is a way of keeping her safe.
in my canon, queenie respects jacob’s choice to forget her and she does not go and visit him when he’s established his bakery. she respects his choice and while she does feel like everyone she loves  ( outside of her sister )  will eventually end up leaving her, queenie appreciates someone finally choosing to prioritize her safety over their happiness.
i do not under any circumstances acknowledge the events of crimes of grindelwald. the situations queenie is put into in that movie are wildly out of character in my opinion and serve to undo what she represented in the first film, which is hope and love. in my canon, queenie is not engaged to jacob. she isis still in new york and she doesn’t leave to find tina. she certainly does not drug her ‘fiancé’ in order to get him to do what she wants. 
i understand that her actions in cog are abusive. i don’t want to write them or acknowledge them because i consider them to have come out of nowhere and out of circumstances that i feel are detrimental to my characterization. do not approach me for plots concerning them, thank you for reading. 
plots concerning queenie’s decision to join grindelwald will be accepted on a case-by-case basis with lots of plotting required beforehand. i’m hesitant to explore this with people who are not close friends.
this is a total doozy, i’m aware but it means a lot to me that you read it. thank you again.
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