#jjk1 maybe
bisexualnamjoonie · 1 year
wait so jjk1 is literally just seven so far??? like there's no other song rn no definite plans for the album no overall artistic view??? or did I misunderstand what he said in suchwita when he said he hadn't really worked on anything else so far???
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roo-bastmoon · 1 year
Thoughts on 3D
So Jungkook's collab with Jack Harlow is out. It is catchy; it will go viral. I have purchased it; I will add it to my new releases playlists--same as I do for all our boys.
But while the dancing was cool and JK's parts are okay (I'm not thrilled that the word "girl" is used literally 20 times, but I get what the western music industry is), I was--I need to be honest here--really taken aback and unhappy with how misogynistic Jack Harlow's rap lyrics were. As far as I'm concerned, he's absolutely unnecessary, and I'll be supporting the alternate version with a lot more enthusiasm.
A deeper look at the lyrics and more of my thoughts are under the cut if you're interested (but by clicking, you're agreeing to keep it respectful in the comments or you'll get banned.)
All my ABG's get cute for me I had one girl (One girl), too boring Two girls (Two girls), that was cool for me Three girls, damn, dude's horny Four girls, okay now you whorin' (Hey, hey, hey) Hey, I'm loose I done put these shrooms to good use
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Setting young women up in a line and talking about how sleeping with just one is too boring but sleeping with four is whorish? Yeah, miss me with it.
Then there's this:
You won't regret me (You won't regret me) Champagne confetti (Champagne confetti) I wanna see it In motion In 3D (Show it to me, girl, now, why?)
I was given to understand that "ABG" stands for "Asian Baby Girl" and refers to an Asian party girl who likes clubbing, wearing excessive makeup and tattoos, and revealing clothes, etc.
I also learned from Urban Dictionary—which can be an unreliable site with outdated or incorrect information—that "champagne" has referred to underage girls in the past and "confetti" or nowadays “champagne confetti” refers to orgasm, or sometimes when a group of men or women surround someone, masturbate, and then ejaculate on them.
Not even going to get into the shrooms thing. I'm not in a hyper conservative country with harsh punishments for those type of drugs so... I was a bit taken aback about a song about being fucked right, and now there's lyrics about what amounts to harem girls.
*sigh* Do you know how much I hope I'm reading into things incorrectly? Please correct me if I'm misunderstanding the innuendo, but this is what urban dictionary says. I'm 44 and live in a cave. Maybe I'm wrong.
But in any case, the vibe of Jack's parts in the video was not coming off respectful.
I don't care how many other rap songs objectify and insult women--I won't get behind any content that does. And don't even try to gaslight me or other ARMY into saying we should like this because it's comparatively worse in other rap songs. Don't try to suppress any discourse about it, either--let women discuss how they feel about how they are represented. Don't police women. Don't silence women.
BTS' rap music got so much better once they incorporated feminist feedback, so I'm used to a higher standard and I won't be lowering those standards for anyone. I have no hang ups about sex, but please miss. me. with. misogynistic. bullshit.
Then again, it seems some of the rap hyungs were on board with this.
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So I guess industry pros have a different take on stuff like this!
Okay, we have established that I really don't like Jack Harlow's contributions to this song. Which means I'll support the alternative. Thank goodness they had the foresight to provide an alternative!
Now I can work for JK's charts in a way that doesn't aggravate my conscience. All good. Enough said on 3D.
Personally? I really hope JJK1 showcases JK's range of genres, but also has a range of topics besides pursuing girls or being cool.
I just can't vibe with a fuckboy persona; I never liked Justin Bieber or Justin Timberlake for that very reason, even if some of their songs sound fine. Now, if Jungkook really admires their style and wants to pursue it, I'm not going to rag on him for it. Of course not. It's his choice and I can respect people's choices without making the same choices myself.
I will always try to support our members as far as I can, even if not everything is my cup of tea.
But I can't help hoping for something personal and authentic and substantive, when it's just Jungkook coming to us without a collab. (And with Scooter at the helm for an all-English EP, I guess I'm not holding my breath. But maybe this is all part of the learning and growing process. Time will tell.)
Please know that I don't expect other people to suit me and my tastes, but neither will I enthusiastically support content with my time and money when they don't suit me at all or actually really turn me off, ya feel me? It's a real and respectful relationship I have with BTS and their music; not performative. I don't follow along quietly out of obligation, but rather a sincere joy to participate.
I love Jungkook deeply. He's a sweet and intelligent and kind-hearted young man. Amazingly talented and humble. Sincere, open to being vulnerable, protective of those whom he loves. He donates to kid's hospitals, for goodness sake. Jeon Jungkook is a good egg.
I guess I'm just sort of feeling a bit whelmed by the type of music that is in vogue these days. JK worked hard, he did well on his parts. I just am hoping his album showcases some of the emotional depth and meaningful thoughts I have seen from him in the past, if I'm being purely honest. *shrug*
Those are my less-than-two cents. Of course, you may have a vastly different perspective and I appreciate that. Just please keep it respectful of all members and each other in the comments here. It's been a long day and I desperately need some real rest now. I'm trusting I can post this and not come back to a warzone.
I've got a Friday Thirst post in the queue for you guys, and then I'll be taking a bit of a break from social media for a few days to work on work deadlines. Please keep voting for Jimin and of course stream and buy for Jungkook and other new releases.
Sending you all so much love!
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ahundredtimesover · 1 year
Hi 👋🏽 I’ll be going on an indefinite break that may (or may not) be for good.
Writing fanfiction was an escape for me these past 2 years. It was a way to express my love for the tannies in how I wrote them as comfort characters, and it was a way for me to make sense of my own experiences and emotions. These fics have always been very personal, with a bit of me in every OC, my pains reflected in their stories, and words I wish someone told me growing up expressed in the dialogues. And I’ll always be so thankful that many of you related with them, found meaning in them, and found comfort in them. That will always be my favorite part 💜💜 stories are so powerful! They’ve allowed me to connect with so many people and make memories in this (mostly) lovely part of the site.
But the process of writing has also been draining, not as cathartic as it used to be, and not as fulfilling. So much as I find myself going back and forth with the numerous stories in my drafts, I can’t bring myself to continue with them. Not anytime soon, at least. Maybe one day the itch to write will be so intense, or JJK1/KTH1 drops and I’ll lose my shit (Untitled and Belong were born out of Indigo and D-day after all), or after rereading my stories, I’ll miss writing so much. The thing is, I’ve never loved BTS as much as I do right now; perhaps I’m content with screaming about that love to myself in the meantime.
I’ll be lurking around here, maybe pop in every once in a while (so plagiarists, keep off my work, pls). My stories will remain here as your comfort 😌 and I’ll do my best to put out the PLM drabbles I promised! Other than that, all the stories are complete for you to enjoy (sorry to those waiting on TLA 😔 I hate that I’m unable to continue). I also have Twitter (jmimi_mi). I’m also just a lurker but say hi if you want! 😊 we can talk bts and fics and whatnot over there (I’ll try, I promise).
Please give love to the authors who are still lovingly putting out work for the community! 🥰
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hiraeth-nostalgic · 2 days
hello i have come back with some thoughts
my first thought, the theory with the 9 lives really fucks me up like, i think it about it all the time for certain characters and now in my thoughts i'd like to also make my fellow JJK fans depressed with me (more depressed i mean)
The first pairs i'm gonna talk about
first life: Yuuji, Gojo last life: Megumi, Geto (contains some brief mentions of spoilers but all within JJK0, JJK1 and JJK2 so don't cry if you spoiler something (maybe some brief hinting at manga stuff for megumi but nothing like in your face) so fair warning)
Yuuji and Megumi: this is a world Yuuji wasn't born into knowing anyway but with how positive he is and how he continues to get back up over and over for what he thinks is the greater good (even tho man has breakdowns about it) he is often led by the belief that this will all mean something and that he will just play his part even at the cost of himself. Megumi on the other hand, grew up knowing about curses and knew that he would always be a part of this death machine. He doesn't get surprised by a lot and as we've seen with his urge to call mahoraga, he's not afraid to just end it all and cut ties. but on a serious note, I think we all know Megumi just looks tired. like sleeping isn't going to fix it, so I think he's on his last life. (maybe even relieved that it's his last life so he doesn't have to spend all that time missing people all over again and losing everyone he CAN and CAN'T remember) OKAY what I know you are all waiting for Geto and Gojo: it's not that Gojo is this naive, overly eager kid like Yuuji, but he still tries to find that innocence in Humans. he doesn't hold them to the same standard he holds himself and this could be attributed to his upbringing but also to what he has already gone through as a teen. He lost a lot at the hands of a human and yet he still tries to stick his neck out for people. we see this in the Shibuya arc right before he was sealed with how he gambles his domain to try and estimate how long a normal human could withstand his domain. Geto, on the other hand, he maybe tried to give people that chance and force himself to believe that notion again but we see how he falls. After Haibara, which we all know was Geto's final straw, really just solidified that nothing ever changes, in this life, the before or the lives after, innocent people will still die in front of him and there's nothing he can really do. and at the end of the JJK0 movie, we see how easily he accepts death, he welcomes Gojo knowing he was gonna die. I think he was just happy that the cycle was over.
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stormblessed95 · 1 year
I'm Stepping Away For A While...
Over the past week, and then some, I have been called a multitude of names in an effort to make fun of me and rude names including wh*re, p**sy, bitch, a liar, a fake, etc. I've been told I'm a fake/bad ARMY, a fake jikooker, etc. Ive had people call my friends deragatory names and misgender them. And I've also had someone in my DMs try to gaslight me into believing that this was not harassment or Bullying, but that I should apologize to my followers for threatening to block people and that people were just expressing strongly worded commentary over how my actions hurt them. And that I needed to take responsibility for creating the drama at all. And none of that is okay, and honestly it's been a lot. And the way people just brushed over the name calling and harassment regardless of if they disagreed with me or liked me, that was a lot too.
Blocking people to curate my space is not harassment or bullying or disrespectful. Its simply protecting myself and trying to curate a safe space for me personally. Nor have I ever started a hate campaign to try and drive another blogger off the platform. And if a post of mine encouraged people to send messages or hurtful asks to someone else, and I KNEW about it, I would've said something and asked them to stop. Sharing an opinion or disagreeing with someone is not me sending anyone hate. Nor would I ever want that for anyone regardless of any disagreements we had over whatever topic.
I've lost quite a few followers over the past week, people believing things that are being said and that's fine, i was never here for the numbers anyway. Id rather you unfollow or block me peacefully if you dont like me or my posts. Some of the people engaging with this hate against me were honestly surprising. But it is what it is. But I don't feel safe in this space anymore. I honestly haven't for a while. Blogging isn't as fun anymore. I don't want to post while it feels like a chore. And that's not because of anyone or anything in particular. I opened this blog because it brought me joy and it was fun. And it's really sad that something that brought me happiness is no longer doing that for me. It's not just all this drama either. It's probably been awhile coming, making my timeline posts for longer posts felt more like something I had to do for you all instead of something I wanted to do for me. And that's not what I want for this space.
So I'll be stepping away for awhile. When or if I come back will depend on if I can get that joy back for doing this and I feel like this can be a fun corner of the internet for all of us together again. And also for if I feel like I can do this without it being so mentally draining and just not good for my mental health like it has been lately.
I'll leave my blog here and my masterlist because I know that a lot of people enjoy the archive of some past content I have cataloged there. I don't want to take that away from anyone for that reason alone since I want people to be able to access that content if they can't otherwise find it. I also want the option to be able to come back to this blog again at some point. So I don't want to delete it or say I'm stepping away permanently, nor do I want people wondering what happened to me or anything. I just need a break. I do apologize for all the post series I have started that are remaining unfinished now for a little while.
If you want to unfollow me knowing that I'll be absent from here for awhile or for any other reason, that's totally fine. Honest. No hard feelings. I wish you well and hope everyone will continue to do well and enjoy the next few months of music, content and love from the members. Maybe I'll try to be back in time for JJK1 whenever that happens.
Again, this is just something I need. I'm okay, I'm not hurt or upset. I just need a break. I appreciate you all understanding. I'll still be in this fandom and be ARMY for life. I'll still be around for the next day or so. Thank you for understanding. I do love you guys and hope to back as soon as I'm able to.
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Jungkook is an incredibly precious human being. He’s bratty, and sweet, and meticulous, and charming, and calculating, and assertive, and introverted, and above all, hand-fistingly, brow-scrunchingly, high-pitched-wailing into the night, cute.
He’s so cute it almost destroys me.
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The trust he has in ARMY, is something I hope we never take for granted. It’s rare, and many would argue unwise to consistently express such vulnerability to millions of people who may have their own motives. And nobody knows that more than Jungkook - a multi millionaire who has lived in the spotlight for almost a decade. And yet, with ARMY, when he feels anxious or can’t sleep or whatever, he feels comforted being with ARMY, being watched by ARMY, sharing tiny bits and pieces of himself with ARMY.
I hope y’all are saving up for JJK1. He’s clearly working hard at it, and he’s said since last year he’ll be releasing music after Yoongi.
And this is more or less confirmed
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Edit (because someone DM’d me they can’t understand the chart. Sorry btw. Sometimes I forget Korean isn’t very accessible. So here’s a key to understand the chart.)
Stars: albums - the letters within the stars indicate whether it’s a mini, full, solo, or repackage album.
M : mini-album
J : full-album
U : unit/solo-album
R : repackage-album
日: Japan-album
Blue-shading : concert/tour
Grey shading : fanmeet
Personally, I’m prepared to go all out, as I have for Jimin and Yoongi’s releases, year to date. With JK’s musical output so far, I’ve resigned myself to the possibility his album could be the poppiest of the seven, and that’s not really my taste tbh. But I’ll be looking forward to it because even his pop-py, EDM-laced preferences are executed well, and it’s always possible he blindsides me and surprises me with a very different sound than what many expect of him.
Either way, he’s working hard so I trust the product will be excellent.
I hope we’re all gearing up to run this race again, this time with JK as the Bora-flagbearer. Like with Jimin’s FACE, and Yoongi’s D-DAY, it will be a race in two parts: a sprint then a marathon.
Please stay hydrated, take your vitamins, check your iron levels, take care of yourself, and prioritize the boys if they’re the reason you’re here. The competition will be fierce, solo stans will raise hell, and everyone will want a piece of him. It would be nice if the core fandom can manage to keep their heads on straight and focus on Jungkook.
Aside, JK’s sleepy Wlive reminded me of a VCR that’s haunted me for years.
This one:
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Maybe it’s the same sleepy pose, and the eyes…
Actually, the whole Serendipity MV comes to mind when I remember JK’s Wlive. And Jimin is the reason.
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Sigh, these men.
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kanmom51 · 1 year
Felt like I had to bring this back
Please forgive me @juliapark13 for hijacking your post, but I just had to, it being the perfect example of not only how stupid people are, but also of how there is no problem for people to make assumptions as to the members sexuality when it's about assuming they are straight. It only works in one direction though.
This ask:
And this post linked:
Because, I too feel for either of their non existent girl friends, former (past 7 years), present or future.
With all the noise about the word girl maybe or maybe not being in a snippet of a maybe JK song on his maybe album, I thought it fitting to bring a few posts back.
All part of my hardcore expose proving once and for all that, you guessed right, JK ain't gay.
RB - the Jikook conversation transcript.
It's true. They have been covering for each other for years.
JK ain't gay pt. 1
JK ain't gay pt. 2
JK ain't gay pt. 3
JK ain't gay pt. 2 of pt. 3
And if talking about the gf...
I'm guessing that now with this shit circulating it's time for a part 4 of this expose then, right? I mean the word girl in lyrics to his song (maybe). That would surely mean he's straight, right? Cause Ricky Martin is 100% straight, always was.
Wait, he's not?
But surely he was when he was singing:
"Woke up in New York City
In a funky cheap hotel
She took my heart, and she took my money"
Could it possibly be that a queer artist sing a song with lyrics that have zero to do with his own personal life? Could it be?
Could a queer artist create art (song, dance, paintings, acting etc.) that has nothing to do with his sexual orientation?
And now I'm being dead serious. This is total bull. Of course queer artists create art that is not necessarily personal. Queer singers singing songs about loving women, queer actors playing roles being in love with a woman all while they are gay. Queer artists painting women.
Now about this song snippet specifically:
We don't know if this is an actual song or perhaps a guide song.
We don't know what he is actually saying there (I've literally heard so many different versions of it, some with girl some without).
We don't know the full lyrics of this specific song.
We don't know if this song is on his album.
We don't know what this album consists of, how many songs, how personal it is as a whole, who wrote the lyrics to some or all of his songs.
We just don't know.
If the song or songs on his album have female pronouns and talk about love and attraction to females, and if JK tells us the album and all songs on it are personal to him, only then will people be able to come around to our blogs and claim some sort of proof that JK might be interested in women.
But does that rule out him being queer?
Heck no. Cause you know, bisexual is a thing. Pansexual too.
But there is no talking to these people. When you are a brainless moron it's hard to understand that love is love is love. You also can't possibly see what these two have been up to for the past 7 years or so. You can't see, you can't hear everything they've showed us, told us. What a kick in their gut it was when JK came live in the past couple of months with JM on the mind. And what a kick in the gut it will be for them if we have a Letter like song on his album. Here's hoping. Yes, that's me being as petty as fuck.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Some JJK1 leak is going around and he's singing about a girl in that..jikookers and their delusions gonna end when his album comes out and it being a ode to woman he loves or wishes to have lmao. We've been saying all this while he's straight af but yall don't believe it. Now it's time for him to prove once and for all
how naive of me to think that having anons off means taking a break from shitty asks.
A few things.
1) This ain't the first time JK has sang "she" in the lyrics.
2) Jimin too sang "she" for like crazy. Still didn't make Jikook any less real.
3) Maybe you dk how being in the closet in a homophobic unaccepting world means. It means u gotta pretend and lie sometimes. Like say "still with you" is for ARMY. Like say "Letter" is for ARMY. Even when everything else points to that not being the case.
4) Thus, if JK sings for a "she" it won't make Jikook any less real. Won't erase any proof we've gathered over the last ten years.
That being said, while you're busy being homophobic, At the end there I am busy hearing this line that was pointed out to me; If that love they told me you been getting is sent back, I wouldn't be yours. And my Jikook brain is working overtime thinking about all those times JK has glared off people who wanted Jimin. Coz everyone wants Jimin. It's a big problem for JK.
I'm not saying this is the song for Jimin. I'm just saying we have a snippet of his song and I can hear that line and now my Jikook brain is on overdrive.
And i also hear "boy" in the beginning so leave me alone. I'm busy analysing. Bye now!
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akookminsupporter · 1 year
Hi Rosie. A lot of possibilities about the translation of what JK said in the background in his last live (someone might extract his voice to make it clear or maybe not), but there was a bark before he spoke. He might have mentioned Bam or the lamp, but at this point, I just want a full-length Jimin album bec I'm greedy and JJK1 and/or a jikook live, please 😭
This Ask has a bit of everything but it was definitely sent by a jikooker ahaahah.
I've seen the different translations of what Jungkook supposedly said off-camera, I think the only thing they've all agreed on is that he said Jimin and England ahaahahah. Personally, I haven't given it too much importance because it's a bit difficult to confirm or at least it has been for me -if Jungkook really said something- but obviously people who understand Korean will know more than me.
I would love another album from Jimin, one with at least 200 songs on it, thank you.
I can't wait for Jungkook's album and ashhh a wlive from the two of them would be great. We really need it.
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joyswonderland1108 · 1 year
Anygays, i’ve received some questions about those and tho i discussed them privately but thought maybe i’d share my thoughts in here.
So lately there has been some “leaks” for JJK1 going around, supposed solo songs, supposed collabs, bla bla bla, why did i put leaks between “ “ you may ask? I personally don’t think those are leaks by any means here’s why : 
1 - Why does it look like all those supposed leaks English songs? Coming from the same man who seems to be more comfortable in his own mother language that’s a bit weird that out of nowhere all the supposed leaks related to his upcoming solo are English songs.
2 - Sdharu or Lilbitch whatever is his name i stopped caring about his actual username after calling him lilbitch for a while, anygays, those two are the same person fyi, he shared a supposed JK leak then later shared a supposed Jikook collab with only “jimin’s part” on the same song, same verse. I did some overlapping because that sounded a bit too familiar and their voices matched perfectly like.. eerily too perfect for it to be an actual collab. You just can’t sing the same verse the same exact way no matter what that was just a very perfect match and i wouldn’t be surprised that it’s ai.
3 - He once again did the same thing with a supposed TK collab, when i’ve heard it i was like “Wasn’t that the one he shared as a JK solo song before?” then again i remembered that it’s lilbitch we’re talking about and that bitch seems to love clout, need i remind you that he was so positive about a tk collab on November of 2022 and March (or was it May?) of 2023. That bitch is as slimey as CP and Jake with their collabs with the boys.
So all in all to me personally those ain’t no leaks, would a Jikook collab make me happy? Yeah sure enough but i know that there are more chances for the sun to set from the east than an actual Jikook collab (I’d like to be proven wrong thank you). 
But don’t let this stop you from being excited for JJK1, no matter when it drops because honestly i don’t believe in the whole thing about it dropping in July i know people are being excited but this is giving the same vibe as when there was a useless post about Jimin’s solo dropping in February. There’s still no official announcement, not even just an official “hint” of anything related to JJK1, if it’s anything related to his solo then the official announcement should be out these last days of the month. Other than that i believe that if it’s anything JK related on July it might be a collab or a single separate from his solo. Nevertheless be ready for it! 
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jeonqkooks · 1 year
I seriously don't get it. Like, you can be a fan of an actor or a director and it doesn't mean you automatically love every single movie they've ever been in or made. You can talk normally with other fans about what you loved and what you didn't. And *gasp* you might have different opinions because taste is subjective! And just because it's not your type of movie doesn't mean you won't give it a chance or not be excited about the next one.
Why is the attitude towards BTS so different? Hell, sometimes they don't even love the work they put out or change their minds on it as their tastes evolve. You can support and love JK and wish for his happiness and success without vibing with every single thing he does. And it's ok to talk to each other about it without it being classified as a personal attack on the artist. The whole point of art is to provoke thought and discussion!
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i think the reason why the attitude is different toward bts is bc kpop fandoms (and maybe this fandom especially) are toxic as hell 😭 the kpop fandom culture sucks and i think we can all agree on this. literally anything less than absolute worship is considered “hate” and (as you said) “a personal attack on the artist”, which i think is stupid as hell because ??? make it make sense. 😑
yeah i don’t know why it’s such a “controversial” thing to have an opinion that’s different than the majority of the fandom, an opinion that doesn’t include always screaming about how much you love bts and the thing they’re doing. i say bts but honestly i only ever see this kind of stuff happening with jk. 95% of the discourse i come across is jk discourse.
i am literally a jk stan. we all know that. if i love a thing he does, i’ll proudly say it. i can yell about how much i love Stay Alive all day long. you guys KNOW how much this blog used to revolve around jk. clearly i am not “out to get him” and i am not lurking in the shadows with my little rat hands waiting for him to release new content just so i can dunk on him. 😑
as a fan and a literal consumer of his music, i am allowed to have certain expectations. he doesn’t seem to be going down the direction that i would’ve liked, and that’s perfectly fine. you do you, boo 😗 if it’s not my taste, then it’s not my taste. but i’m still allowed to have my opinions on this and i’m still allowed to express them.
expressing my disappointment does not mean that i hate him or i don’t support him anymore. it’s as simple as that, but apparently even that is still a very hard pill for a lot of people to swallow. “but they see everything!” okay lol i can guarantee you (not you anon, just people in general) that bts are not creeping on my tumblr blog and taking notes of every single thing that i’m saying about them. even if they are, i can still guarantee you that they do not care lol. me not listening to a song/album literally will not affect their streams at all. it will not affect their revenue in any way. jk is still a multi millionaire whether or not i listen to or buy jjk1. he does not give a shit about me because he does not know i exist lol.
with that said, a big reason why i am PISSED is because of the fans. jk doesn’t care about me, do you think he’s crying in his room because i said i didn’t like a song? do you think that he - a 26-year-old grown ass adult and global superstar with 10 years of experience under his belt - cannot handle criticism? do you think he’s a baby in an adult man’s body or something that you feel like you personally have to defend him against any and all criticism? that you have a duty to make sure that he doesn’t hear anything less than positive that people have to say about him?
if your answer is yes, then, well, idk what else to say to you lol.
but if your answer is no, and you still come after people for having different opinions, then lol sorry i think you’re weird 🤷‍♀️ why can i only speak my mind when it’s something along the lines of “OH MY GOD I LOVE IT SO MUCH. ALBUM OF THE CENTURY”? when i say something as simple as “i’m a little disappointed by this. this isn’t something i really vibe with,” i’m considered a hater, an anti, and told to shut the fuck up? why can i only say what i really think when it aligns with what the majority of the fandom is thinking?
i am not attacking jk by not being into his music. i am not attacking jk stans by having a different opinion than they do. i am literally just being honest about what i think, my opinions which only affect me. what is so hard to understand about that lol
another point that i would like to touch on is when people say things like “but why can’t you let people enjoy it?” erhm. i’m not going into people’s inboxes and screaming in people’s faces “I DON’T LIKE IT, SO WHY DO YOU? YOU SHOULDN’T LIKE IT EITHER!” 😑 if my not liking the music ruins your fun, if it genuinely hurts and upsets you, then maybe you should take a step back from all of this and reevaluate. if you are hurt by an online stranger having a different opinion than you about something as simple as MUSIC (which is subjective to everyone’s personal taste) made by someone you will never know, then i don’t think the internet is for you, honestly.
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roo-bastmoon · 1 year
Roo is a bit of a party pooper here. (But Roo does not poop at parties.)
First and foremost, streams are dropping like hell this weekend. So please run playlists on all possible devices (I'll put links at the bottom of this post). PLEASE DO NOT NEGLECT STREAMING as we are in the red.
Of course we need to focus on Angel right now. However, Like Crazy, Face, and Jimin himself are predicted to be nominated for song, best album, and artist of the year for MAMA. Actual trophy awards at a broadcast year-end award show! But the digital points are low for song and album, so we need to work on CONSISTENT global streaming for Jimin in addition to all our boys every single day!
Second, a Naver article stated that Jungkook's album will drop on July 14th. Another Naver article reported on that article, and then a bunch did. We've been here before, where the media ran with a bit of gossip and then got clowned later.
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What the company SAID was:
“The schedule is yet to be finalized, and is to be announced subsequently.”
Now, JJK1 could very well drop in five weeks. But I've heard no chatter anywhere about final touches on post-production, album design, distribution plans, or promotional schedules... they don't just put the songs in a can and then press a button and it's out in the world.
Plus, a year ago, there was a strategic plan shared with investors that mentioned Q4 for him (though that was more of a road map than a firm commitment).
JK did say during last year's Festa that he'd go after Yoongi. So maybe it will happen as soon as July? That would be wonderful, because it seems like Jimin still has music to release, so maybe they can be supportive of each other's projects this summer and fall, before enlisting (hopefully at the same time!).
But I hope JJK1 doesn't go up against the Barbie soundtrack on July 21st because that has so many heavy hitters, my lord, we never catch a break!!
I will just say that JJK1 is one of the most anticipated global releases of the year. It will require a lot of logistics and likely heavy in-person promotion. So I just want to caution folks in getting too emotionally invested about a mid-July date.
It could be. It could not be. Best to wait for an official announcement, which will likely come at least 3 weeks before drop. So let's keep our ears perked after Yoongi's last concert on June 25th...
Third, some folks are reading into a lot of symbols these days. Which is fine! But I'd like to ask that we just be careful with it.
Personally, I only subscribe to a number theory if the timestamp or the numbers that the members write/say are in exact order and we can draw a straight line between that and a known special date. I do not use addition, subtraction, division, or re-ordering of numerals to get to a desired outcome. I don't know K-ARMY who do that either. But I'm not out to crap all over people who do!! It's fun to theorize!
For me, it's fun to look at number stuff the same way it's fun to read tarot cards. We tinker, we point out possible coincidences or patterns... Just please, I gently ask you to keep to theory and not fact. The last thing we want is for someone to cherrypick a screenshot and drag things out of context.
Speaking of symbols and theories becoming fanon facts...
Jimin posted old photos of him looking ADORBS with a tangerine today (which Tae helpfully commented to make sure we'd all understand it was a tangerine, lol). So Yoominners rejoice:
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While Jimin's social media DOES feature plenty of Yoongi (D-Day, Suchwita, possibly photos where Yoongi's shoes appear in a mirror) and TikTok dances, plus he did come on live (FROM HIS HOME!!) on Yoongi's birthday... Jimin's social media also has Hobi, Jin, Joon, and Tae on it! But predominantly it's Yoongi who shows up on Jimin's Insta. We haven't had any Jungkook on his Insta since White Day of last year--interactions with Jungkook seem reserved for WeVerse lives and posts.
Make of it what you will.
To my mind, it does seem like certain "soft" subunits were paired up since Festa of last year. (Hobi spread love to everyone, then there was Namjin's DeliciouSeoul commercials, Yoonmin's Busan [??] tourism commercial, Taekook as yet to be determined but it feels like it's coming...) So the lines between work posts and relationship posts also begin to blur a bit for fans, especially since the members all adore each other anyway...
Whether there was a strategic plan in place or not for how what I perceive as soft subunits promote, I don't know.
But meanwhile, certain other "promotions" seem to organically play out: JK sings all his members' new feature songs, but hypes Jimin's the most (on random lives he does without permission). JK came on live often, but a pattern is emerging where that typically happens when Jimin is away or busy. JK hangs out with Tae and went to the Harry concert with other members, but calls for Jimin to join him most often.
Again, it's fun to speculate what this might mean.
Meanwhile, today Joon posted a gym whiteboard workout in which the initials JK and JM appear, and so folks assume minimonikook are getting swole together. I like the mental image, not gonna lie.
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And hey y'all! Maybe Jimin is summoning Min Yoongi with a tangerine. Maybe Jikook did hit the gym with Joon and draw on his whiteboard. Maybe Tae did grab a bite with JK in the one day before he dyed his hair and allegedly went to Spain to film a music video. It's fun to speculate. It's what fans do.
I just want to caution folks from stating things the members do or feel as if they know for sure.
Those are cult tactics and, for me at least, the lines are starting to blur a little bit these days between Jikookers and Taekookers... in that folks are more than happy to assume that secret private couple getaway trips are pure fact, that words mumbled off screen say exactly what we want to hear, that the company has a clear-cut nefarious plot to hype specific members and bury others... and that there are hints of Signs and Wonders everywhere.
And maybe these things are shaking out and really happening. But we don't know. So I feel more comfy discussing this sort of thing when people include "I think" or "it seems" or "maybe" as we talk about it--I like to have a little wiggle room--because when I see my fellow Jikookers start to "witness truth," it comes off far more like a religion than a supportive fanbase.
I say this gently because at some point we've all done it, especially when we are in a hurry and speaking casually or joking around. I'm not judging, just cautioning.
Words matter. Believe me, I learned my lesson, and words matter.
And when it comes to Jikook, we don't really need to grasp at straws. While our boys are a lot more private these days, they still have exclusive, intimate tones and touches and interactions that we glimpse.
And the circle around them still heavily imply they come as a package deal. For example...
Fourth and finally, we got this awesome interview with Polyc, who had some wonderful things to say about Jimin and the members:
And it was sort of implied that Jimin spoke many times with Polyc about the membership tattoo over the five months that JK was getting his arm retouched--maybe while they were in the shop together? Maybe while his moon tattoos were getting done? Or maybe not.
But Polyc basically said Jimin was the one to usher each member through the process. (Which is a bit of a different impression than I got last Festa when Tae said "I will go with Jungkookie!" because back then it implied it was JK who acted as the conduit between the members and his tattoo artist, but here's some strong evidence that it was Jimin all along who bounced around ideas and made it happen and comforted each member's anxiety. Interesting.)
It's almost as though Jimin and Jungkook are the soft subunit that never gets official promo but keeps bubbling up everywhere.
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Okay so that was my long-winded way of pooping on the party just a little, but hopefully not enough to dampen anyone's spirits!! No one is doing fandom "wrong" -- I just want to keep our hearts and intention pure, and our actions honorable, that's all.
In conclusion: speculation is fun! But assuming is not.
And now? Please STREAM!!
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I love you all so very much! Be well, puppykitties!
Love, Roo
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jung-koook · 1 year
I really thought they were going to announce JJK1 today... 🤡😬🙄
i know we are very excited for his album but we are talking about jeongguk. jeongguk once when he was talking about his mixtape he said that he would release the mixtape when no one was expecting it. and I think this is going to be about his album. like i said, we're talking about jeongguk, you know, he loves to surprise us. to be honest i'm not 100% believing hes releasing his album in july 😭 i'm sorry 😭maybe the teasers will start coming out mid-july towards the end? and maybe it releases in august? 🤔 I dont know but what I do know is that the media never get it right when they say the date like they did this time. they sometimes get the month right but the date is very hard. i dont think jeongguk even filmed the mv or mvs for his album 👀 I think that's what he went to do in los angeles now 👀🤔 maybe he went to film the mv and fix a few more things about his album 👀 I'm really looking forward to him surprising us and releasing his album announcement when we are not expecting it. i'm so excited!!!! i also think that some announcement might come out at the end of yoongi's tour. maybe an member album announcement? memories of 2022 preview? bangtan docu? lets see if i'm right but i probably am not 😅
let's not forget that tae is obviously up to something too 👀 he's preparing something 👀 that maybe its an album too. the only thing I need to ask from bighit is that they dont release one album after another. like please, let armys breathe a little. give us more time to enjoy one album and then focus on the other. pleaseee.
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So idk if my sadness about jjk1 potentially being all in English is fair, but it mostly comes from this: I'm asian and it matters to me that bts has, despite all odds, found success singing not in English and it matters to me that the biggest group in the world is korean. I fully expected the title songs to be in English for gp appeal, but the whole album would throw me off. A debut album is basically announcing yourself to the world, and to debut all in English after a decade of pushing those boundaries feels a bit white-washing (not as extreme as that but for a lack of a better word). So that it's more of an 'I overcame my korean impediment to the music industry and I'm succeeding' than an 'I'm a really cool artist that you should be paying attention to.' Again, I don't know if this is fair. Some people are screaming western validation, and that doesn't fit my concern either. In a way I feel like it kind of abandons that core group of original fans that have been with them in breaking all these glass ceilings just to be Justin Bieber with a different name. (And I know bts has never been anything but unapologetically korean, but it seems like an unnecessary switch for the whole album bc it caves to the idea that, despite everything over the past decade, songs still have to be in English to be successful even though most people aren't going to be hearing the b-sides)
I get that! I'm Portuguese, not American, and English isn't my first language, so I grew up feeling ashamed of being Portuguese and of the fact that, as hard as I tried, my English would never be as good as a native speaker's. I felt strongly that it had to be, because I saw the world from an Anglocentric pov. That only changed with BTS (and, to a lesser extent, kdramas). Seeing a group sing and speak in Korean, which is a beautiful language, without bothering to speak English and being proud of their nationality, was so eye opening. It showed me how arbitrary the dominance of the English language was. There was nothing wrong with BTS not speaking English, and they still had millions of fans and a message. They were also from a small country that most people don't know much about - like me. I felt seen and validated. I think a lot of people feel that way, even if they're white privileged Europeans lmao. So I think I can understand what you feel.
Jungkook achieving so much success with his English songs (Left and Right, Dreamers and now Seven) is a little bittersweet, I agree. I want to see how far he can go with a Korean tt, but it wouldn't get nearly as much support. I don't think you're being unfair at all, but I disagree with you on one point: it's possible Jungkook's choosing to sing in English, not to appeal to Western audiences or to guarantee bigger commercial success, but for the same reason he wrote half of My You in English - to communicate directly with his international fans. Jungkook still wrote the other half of the song in Korean so as to not upset the Korean fanbase, and I wonder if he and the rest of BTS are aware of how much we prefer their Korean singing. Given that they're always asked to speak English in their lives and that the English trilogy was so successful, maybe they believe we want more music in English... And maybe Jungkook was encouraged to release an all English album... I don't know... I do agree that it sends a certain message that isn't aligned with BTS's. I'm getting used to the English songs but I also want to see Jungkook thrive in his own language. I honestly can't believe Jungkook would release an album without a single Korean track. That doesn't seem like him at all, but recently I've been proven wrong about him, so what do I know?
Your feelings are valid! I don't want to see Jungkook turn into Korea's own Bieber either. I want him to write his own songs and carve his own path. But I think Jungkook wants that too. Imo he's not someone that gets pressured into doing stuff he doesn't want, but, like he says, he's "simpleminded" in the sense that he's very flexible and doesn't need to have a straight forward path carved out for him. He just takes it one step at a time. I don't know if I'm making sense haha. Thanks for the ask!
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
hey storm, how are you? jihope anon here though more like 3Js anon cause I can't leave Jungkook out.
do you ever think of the bond 3Js built? How it remains so true to this day? to the point where it was just the three of them that met up during the 2019 break before BV4.
have gushed so much about Jihope but I love Hobi and JK's bond too. How playful they are. How so much the maknae JK can become around him. Run BTS ep 128, the red light, green light game and the giggles when Hobi caught JK. But also that interview they did for BE-hind was one of my favs too. (loved them all but I loved seeing JK talk about music in the way he did and how he was so comfy there with Hobi - I hope one day his ideas for JJK1 come to pass and he gets to flex the different dance styles he talked about) During Festa 2021 when Hobi said JK was the one he valued the most recently and then JK losing it in the comments to Hobi's IG post last week in total admiration (i love when the ML are so full of love and admiration and hyping Hobi up just like he adores them).
Special mention to JanJanKook with the two of them and Jin, ah I love that interview too (I love Jinkook, Jinmin and Jinjikook/jinminkook whatever we want to call them too svm but this is already an aimless ask so I'll spare you today!!)
Nah but 3Js are so special. On the stage and in performances (please can we have the outdoor 3Js performance they mentioned in the behind the scenes of the Butter special performance one day soon). The way their styles of dance compliment each other. How they drive each other.
Would do lots of things for a 3Js subunit including vocals with them as fully grown men, the transformation from their beginnings with the Graduation song would be fire (maybe combined with the outdoor performance one day)
Just all those times they must have spent in the room. Maybe late night talks when it was especially hard as a group to talking quietly about whatever was bothering them, all the trials of growing up to chats of all their hopes and fears to Hobi quietly (or probably not so quietly sometimes if needed or pushed) observing the change in dynamic between Jimin and Jungkook and how he went from watchful and a little concerned in interviews to just beaming with pride at them and how far they've come.
Ofc maybe none of the above happened but you don't get to have a close friendship like they have without at least some of those times.
There's so much that I feel like I could write a big book but sometimes feels like its easy to veer into projection or something and I'm trying not to be too gushy today lol. (rereads, realizes I failed, sorry Storm)
Ahhh my sunshine anon! Don't ever feel bad! I love your books of love towards these guys! I also LOVE hopekook and 3J too! And Jinjikook! I'm just going to link some of my posts that go along with your posts and we can all just meditate in 3J love 🥰🥰🥰
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My Hopekook Dynamics Post
More hopekook posts
Hobi Supporting Jikook
3J Subunits
3J Chingu
Bonus post for Jinjikook of Jin supporting Jikook too
Adore you Sunshine! Thanks for coming back!
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itsjeonjk · 1 year
・   ʿʿ ♡   ⌁   @gcntlebreezc   ⋆  ❛  enjoying the break  !
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Jeongguk's reaching for another ball when he hears a voice close to him, glancing up between stray pieces of his hair that got into his eyes before standing up to his full height as he turns to look at the male. "Yeah.. Hyungs are busy and I figured some alone time would be nice," He replies, knowing he probably recognized him with the lack of a mask covering his features. Or maybe he hadn't, either way he was pretty casual with how he's talking to him.
Because right now, he's not BTS' maknae, or a worldwide idol. Dark doe eyes dance over the other male, lingering on the shoes held in his head before nudging his head towards them. "Have you bowled before?" He decides to ask after a second, gaze flickering back up to Lune's eyes as he lingers near the ball return. Jeongguk's no pro in any sense of the word, but he'd like to say he's pretty good at it with how often he liked to go out and indulge in the hobby.
He's simply enjoying his free-time until his life is taken over with traveling for CK schedules and eventually being cooped up in the studio for JJK1. Already he's been working on it here and there when inspiration struck him, which would happen in odd burst like that one time at 4 in the morning.
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