#jess' 700 sleepover
jesslockwood · 3 years
💛 about best friend!arvin finally snapping of jealousy and letting his feelings out when he see Tommy Mattson flirting with you for the thousandth time??
I went a little crazy with this lol
Warnings: a bit of violence, fluff
Tommy Matson, and his crew would always come around to bother you and the rest of the cheerleading squad during lunch, trying to take the girls out on dates. Tommy though, always targeted you, never seeming to give up on trying to flirt with you, trying to convince you to let him take you out. this had probably been the thousandth time, which bothered you, but you wouldn't show it.
You had no interest in the man anyways, since he picked on your best friend, and his sister, Lenora. 
You and Arvin had known each other since he moved into town with his uncle and his grandmother. He was shy, and you decided in church to befriend the sad looking boy, and the rest is history. you also befriend Lenora, but you and Arvin we’re as close as friends can be. 
Arvin on the other hand, was clenching his fists, watching the whole ordeal. his father had told him to wait for the right time. so he waited, day after day seeing Tommy flirt with you, and you always rejecting him. It got to him, sure. Maybe it was because he had feelings for you, but any real man could see that he was a no good son of a bitch. 
he just had to pick the right time and finish it like his father told him to do.
“C’mon Y/n, I’ll take you anywhere you wanna go! all you have to do is say yes darlin’.”  he says, sitting down next to you.
“No Thank you, Tommy.” you say a little colder today. Tommy takes that apparently as a hint to grab your knee harshly.
you were about to protest, but that was it for Arvin. 
Arvin stormed up to Tommy, punching him square in the jaw. His goons get up from the table rushing over to the situation, probably going to try and beat the crap out of Arvin.
Arvin gets in a good few punches to Tommy’s face, before the other boys pull him off. 
Tommy gets up, going to beat up Arvin. You couldn’t let that happen to him so you did the only thing you thought would help, your best friend. 
“I’ll go on a date with you! Just don’t hurt him!” everyone looked shocked, especially Arvin. he knew how much you hated the asshole. and swore up and down you wouldn't go out with him.
Tommy smirks', before turning to wrap his arm around you. You cringe but let it happen so Arvin wouldn’t have to face a beating.
Arvin looks like he could just kill Tommy, then and there, and maybe, he just would.
After school, you and Arvin drops off Lenora at home drives the rest of the legy to your home, his hands grasping the wheel so tightly his knuckles turn white. 
“Arvin are you okay?” you ask, going to put your hand on his, before he snatches it away. 
“You’re seriously asking if I’m okay? After you let Tommy have his way?” He scoffs, rolls his eyes.
“I only did it because I didn't want you to get hurt-” 
“Yeah well you should have, Y/n! Because I don't want you going out with any asshole like Tommy!”
now was your turn to roll your eyes.
“Then who should I go out with? huh?” you ask getting just as riled up as he was.
“God Damnit Y/n-” he stops the car suddenly in the middle of the road with you both lurching forward slightly. “-Can’t you see I don't want you to go out with anyone but me!” 
Arvin is fuming, just as much as you are.
“You Big ol’ dummy! The only reason I'm going out with Tommy is because I love you!” you shout, before trying to get out of the car, before Arvin reaches over to stop you.
“I- I Love you Too Y/n.” he says, softly, staring into your eyes.
You laugh, “God Arvin! Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
“Because I thought You’d never want to be with a guy like me.” he admits.
you lean over to caress hi face, before he slowly leans in.
“this alright?” he ask courteously. 
You nod your head before leaning in the full way.
Everything was almost perfect... only if Arvin could get rid of Tommy, that is.
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jesslockwood · 3 years
💛 - can you write an arvin blurb where he ends up punching one of the guys around town for hitting on you
for sure!
fluff & a bit of violence below!
You and Arvin had just started dating, no one knew except Lenora.
You were at the town's dinner, getting a milkshake for you and your boyfriend, going to share it in the woods at your spot. That was until Charles, and his crew came up to you.
"Hello Little darlin'," he says with a toothpick in his mouth.
"My name is Y/n," you say impatiently waiting for the milkshake to come out asap so you could get away from him.
"Oh, c'mon Sweetheart. Lemme take you on a date."
You wanted to roll your eyes, but you knew it was rude, as your mother had told you.
"Thank you but I'm not interested," you say trying to be kind to him. As soon as your milkshakes were ready, you were going to grab them before Charles grabbed your arm slightly forcefully.
"I Said, Let. me. take. you. out."
"The lady said she doesn't want to."
"And what are you gonna do about it?"
out of nowhere, Arvin throws a hard punch, most likely breaking Charles' nose, from the sound of the crack when his fist collided with his face.
"c'mon, let's go!" he says grabbing your hand, rushing out of the dinner.
as soon as you got in his car, and drove off, you admired your boyfriend, for sticking up for you.
"Thank you, Love," you say reaching over to kiss his cheek.
"Anything for you Baby," he says, finally setting after the whole affair, because he had you, and that was enough.
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jesslockwood · 3 years
CYM 💜 as Holland and Co.
Ooo okay this is a good one so;
You as Harry holland (duh)
@samhollandscupcake as Sam holland
@spideyspeaches as Tom holland
@scarletspideyy as Harrison Osterfield
@hayhays as Paddy Holland
And just because (Ik I’m not a mutual but 🤷‍♀️):
Me as Tuwaine Barrett bc lord know I’m the chaotic good that he is lol
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jesslockwood · 3 years
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Shout out to @spideyspeaches cause y’all getting a sleepover tomorrow lol 🥺💕
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jesslockwood · 3 years
Also, CYM 💜 as Spider-Man Characters
Okay idk what characters you want (cause there a whole MUU out there but I did a lot so)
You as Gwen Stacy
@tomhollandd as Mary Jane Watson
@spideyspeaches as michelle
@tomhollandsgirlfriend as the Tom’s Spider-Man
@samhollandscupcake as Ned Leeds
@worldoftom as Betty Brant
@greenorangevioletgrass as Jessica Drew Aka Spider-Woman
And why not, me as Brad Davis cause I’m ✨that✨ asshole
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jesslockwood · 3 years
Here is the link to the poll for Jess’ 700 celebration!
If you have any other ideas than sleepover, writing challenge and blurb night, please comment them here!
Thank you all so much for this it wouldn’t have been possible without y’all, thank you for being my safe space ;)
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