rafesbbyy · 2 years
Gonna be very honest here: I’m so disappointed with the direction Twice is going at right now. Not only has their music quality decreased since ICSM but the way they’re constantly overworked and their performance has gotten a bit meh. Its annoying because twice is honestly one of the most creative and best gg in the 3 gen and JYP keep wasting their skills which we as fans have already seen in countless songs, but the American market (where they’re currently promoting) has not. I just wish they would adapt a little if they wanna hit it big in America - drop the head mics, use real mics, sound a little more live and try not to look too unconfident when speaking English. The only problem I have with their performance in America is their lack of hand mic, Americans love hand mic because it looks more natural and chic. Secondly, JYP NEEDS to let them write and produce their own albums front to back, especially the main song. I’ve listened to the songs the girls have wrote and honestly they’re so much better than what jyp gives them. Similarly, I need them to stop decreasing the quality of their songs just because they wanna hit it big in America (sacrificing the quality of music is what all k companies are doing rn ngl). CFM and  ICSM could’ve literally hit big in America had they promoted it more there. When they released these two songs, I really thought they were going in the right direction bcs of how perfectly made these songs were but now I’m not so sure anymore. It pisses of so much because the members are such good performers who are getting boring ass songs atm - their album are literally AMAZING especially eyes wide open and more and more. It’s their main tracks that are awfully chosen. I just wish they’d get more freedom because Ik Chae can rock the concept with drums etc and so can the others. 
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haejeans · 1 year
send 💜 ⸻your character posts their favourite picture of my character . (naseon)
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heccshrecc · 1 year
I feel like love at first sight is like an abnormal tear into the void. The chance of it happening was little to none, a forbidden phenomenon. The sustenance of the love we harboured for each other broke apart, almost too quick for any of us to react accordingly, like stepping on a twig in an all too silent forest. It rattles you, you can’t do anything about it, and you deal with the forthcoming consequences - the monster that we’ve alerted wholly engulfing our love, ceasing its mere existence to satiate no one but its ruthless appetite.
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jeoreyss · 7 months
In this town full of worries
You collect the stares you receive and the gazes that are caught upon you, and throw them in a paper bag. You feel like there’s a drill in your head, so much yelling, non-stop screaming. They promise you it stops when you’re 20, but it doesn’t get quieter on your 21st birthday.
There’s the boy you hurt again, because you can’t forget that one time when he said something wrong and you deemed yourself unloveable after that.
What the hell is wrong with you?
Unkind to yourself. Unkind to everyone else around you. Who even put the drill there in the first place? You never wondered and there was no point in realising it anyways, it’s still your fault for letting it rattling itself deeper into your skull.
I forgot how this works. Does your heart beat faster than the neurotransmitters making you feel this way? I don’t care, cause you now run every single part of my body. That is so stupid.
I am so stupid.
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boyfriendtaekook · 6 months
AAAA i finally found one of my all time favs sub!kook fic😭😭😭 everybody go read!!!😭😭😭
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fivesims · 1 year
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I'm the antonymph of the internet, Still cleaning up the viruses that you had left !
Lookbook I
Very happy to share my first lookbook! Links are under the cut.
Outfit: Descent Top / Accessory Crew Tee / Noah Cargos / Sakura Sneakers / Jeony Piercings / Belt / Amber Bracelets / Fingerless Gloves*
And then everything else too because why not :)
Genetics: Saturne Skinblend / Skin N3 Overlay / Imperfection Teeth / Lobster Eyes / Butterfly Tattoos
Hair: Sabrina Hair+Ombre^ / Upper Lip Hair / Hairline G4^ / Claire Eyebrows^
Makeup: Eyelashes v2 Fine-color / R U Mine Eyeshadow / Eyeliner 40* / Hues Blush #3 / Amine Lipstick*
Misc: Poses / Background / UI Hider
*TSR warning
^ Personal Recolor in EezoShotV5
Thank you to all the amazing creators! This wouldn't have been possible without you!
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marlenfia · 1 year
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my lovely harpy-girl jeonie... actually, she is a Yu Jeongyeon of Twice, but the character outwardly changed a lot and only the name remained of the real person...
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444names · 2 years
game of thrones cast and characters
Adert Aerner Aismé Aldaude Aletor Allie Alske Alson Alsong Altonso Andebra Andson Anock Antsby Anyste Armerye Armsady Arthum Bahir Balti Baraggo Baram Baran Bareen Bario Baron Barrik Barso Beash Beasone Becen Becur Benesti Biamer Birrice Björne Blacky Blozi Brager Brane Breck Breelim Brookon Bryen Bukson Buksone Caddie Cadel Cadylly Calken Cankson Challa Chapli Charack Charo Chaties Chren Chres Clander Clane Claren Cleen Clefie Cling Condres Conisti Coron Cosaane Creigh Daarys Dageron Daght Dagmern Danced Darne Daviam Davkon Deasbæk Deelley Deisy Demon Dendrys Denstan DeOben Diasone Dicerse Dilde Dilton Dimird Doger Domiel Dommy Donaner Donso Dorce Dyliann Dylljor Eddew Eddist Edmuncy Edmund Edmune Edmurra Edwan Edwanse Einson Eliven Emunton Erogo Euger Eughari Fackon Faran Farazny Feadery Finght Flacken Fordain Foren Forger Forin Forzhor Frason Frely Frett Furin Fynwo Gabeck Garald Garash Garras Gatha Gatith Gatte Gerommy Gertma Giber Gilie Gilorey Gilton Ginlyr Glaso Gle's Gorditt Gotran Grason Grelso H'ght Halark Haldimp Halis Hallys Harick Harison Harther Hathora Heard Higenwo Higer Higgo Hight Hilkne Hilko Hinger Hizhoah Hjoyes Hodey Holtisa Hoper Hosmé Hotes Hotti Hottie Houains Howlas Hught Hught's Huran Iaisan Iandrio Ingush Irrys Isaya Iward Izema Jairne Jaison Jamsam Jander Jandry Jeonys Jeriss Jeslim Jessey Jimot Jodge Jodre Jodrine Joffick Jojent Jorry Josell Josie Josix Katan Kekin Kever Kiltis Kiteve Kitte Kitti Kitun Kranne Krian Lancen Landrei Laught Laulis Lealdey Leight Leill Lemben Lepist Lepkon Lepton Liams Lites Litess Lithaen Loman Lomeld Loreora Lorgith Lorms Lorron Lothely Lukey Lukurn Lyatant Maerl Magme Maing Manness Marann Maren Maring Marric Marsa Marwyn Marwyne Matian Maword McArein McCam McEld McElion McEly McKeed McKerys Meever Melio Mella Mendimo Mersi Mickow Micks Misma Morfite Moriste Mormor Mossi Msanac Msant Murene Murpheo Myree Myrigh Nacton Naines Nandir Natie Nattin Naukey Nelle Nottint Notty Nymie O'Coski O'Hem O'Hemo O'Henna O'Henzi O'Hett Oband Octeron Octeven Oliven Ollimou Ornella Oshanda Osteing Othald Othel Paego Paoli Pasoner Paulie Petei Pethen Pettle Phihans Phine Piline Pixies Pleft Podin Preaner Pyparle Qaggeer Qhorion Qhort Quaing Qyburaz Rasce Rashar Ratia Ravie Raylie Raylin Rayon Rebel Reevens Rener Rennel Rhamed Ricel Ricell Right Robesse Robian Robon Roskans Roslia Rossaan Rosti Rupeath Ruper Saack Salert Saman Samilke Scellie Seasby Seback Sebro Seler Sephen Sepherr Sephy Sepko Shaeg Shalton Siell Simed Sisoner Sissean Skred Smattee Soffren Spard Spick Stair Stavid Stedin Stern Stralem Strei Stynn Sumpste Sydei Sørest Tale's Taliver Talker Talle Taren Tarya Thell Thella Theord Thernes Thers Thoak Thoro Threy Thrited Tigha Tighton Timorr Todimed Tole's Toliven Toloz Tomon Tomptor Torth Trysand Tullie Tycason Ulley Ullyn Valizho Valline Varei Varry Vaufan Vlast Walars Walas Walkon Walleh Waten Watho Wattes Wayed Wayner Waynn Weger Whalker Wilder Wilio Willov Wilokon Wolario Wrinie Wunery Wymard Xario Yarooke Yarys Yezie Yohnne Yorric Yurent
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schoje · 2 months
A solenidade marca o dia 11 de agosto, celebrando a data Magna do Estado, dia em que se comemora a criação da capitania de Santa Catarina – Fotos: Paulo Henrique Santana /PMSC A Polícia Militar de Santa Catarina (PMSC) e o Corpo de Bombeiros Militar de Santa Catarina (CBMSC) realizaram na segunda-feira, 12, na Academia de Polícia Militar da Trindade (APMT), em Florianópolis, a promoção à graduação e ao posto subsequente de praças e oficiais. A solenidade marca o dia 11 de agosto, celebrando a data Magna do Estado, dia em que se comemora a criação da capitania de Santa Catarina. Na carreira de praças da Polícia Militar foram promovidos 95 policiais e na carreira de oficiais, ao todo, foram 48, sendo que três destes alcançam o posto de coronel, último degrau na carreira de oficiais, sendo eles o tenente-coronel Ricardo Ribeiro, o tenente-coronel Helon Martins Ferreira e o tenente-coronel Fred Hilton Gonçalves da Silva. Já no CBMSC, na carreira de praças, foram promovidos nove bombeiros e na de oficiais, foram 24. Houve ainda a ascensão, por critério de merecimento, de oito oficiais a tenente-coronel, oito a major e oito a capitão. Dois policiais militares foram promovidos por ato de bravura. O cabo Kleyton Jeony Brogliato Schenkel foi promovido ao posto subsequente por ter agido em Florianópolis, em setembro de 2023, no período regular de sua folga, na prisão de suspeitos de um roubo de automóvel. O segundo é o cabo Mário César Venera, que em dezembro de 2023, quando em licença na cidade de Paulo Lopes, ao se deparar com uma residência em chamas, adentrou na casa e salvou um idoso que se encontrava desacordado. Estiveram presentes no evento o comandante-geral da PMSC, coronel Aurélio José Pelozato da Rosa, o subcomandante-geral da PMSC, coronel Alessandro José Machado, o secretário designado de Estado da Segurança Pública de Santa Catarina (SSP), coronel da reserva remunerada Flávio Rogério Pereira Graff, o comandante-geral do Corpo de Bombeiros Militar de Santa Catarina (CBMSC), coronel Fabiano Bastos das Neves, o subcomandante do CBMSC, coronel Jefferson de Souza, o secretário executivo da Casa Militar, coronel José Eduardo Vieira, o secretário de Estado da Proteção e Defesa Civil, coronel Fabiano de Souza, entre outras autoridades civis e militares. “Estamos trabalhando para que as nossas corporações, tanto da PMSC quanto do CBMSC, estejam bem preparadas e bem atendidas em todos os níveis, para que continuemos trabalhando para manter Santa Catarina como o estado mais seguro do pais”, afirmou o secretário Flavio Graff. O comandante-geral do CBMSC, coronel Fabiano Bastos das Neves, ressaltou a importância da integração entre as instituições militares. “O Corpo de Bombeiros e a Polícia Militar caminham juntos sob a ordem do governador Jorginho Mello de governar para o bem das pessoas”, acrescentou. Em sua fala, o comandante-geral da PMSC, coronel Aurélio José Pelozato da Rosa, enfatizou a importância da ascensão na carreira militar, destacando: “é motivo de orgulho ao militar promovido poder celebrar um dia como hoje de singular importância para a vida profissional”. Fonte: Governo SC
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merchanin · 1 year
Agra Branch Office 26J Laxmi Mill Compound Near Dainik Jagran Jeoni Mandi, Agra 282001
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heccshrecc · 2 years
for some reason, when the night comes, you slip into my mind again.
An urge of wanting to cry just creeps up at me, and it doesn’t go away.
It pulls me in, selfishly not letting go.
I hate that i have to write all of these unsent and never will be read letter to you, blu.
Perhaps my manifesting backfired, and now i’m met with a series of overwhelming emotions flowing through me.
These memories of us taunt me during the day and they haunt me during the night… Funnily enough, they are nothing but daunting.
Or it might be the fact that i’m torn between wanting u in my life again or wishing u a true farewell and allowing myself to move on.
I hate that i’m not gonna be able to sleep later… But i hope you have a great night, blu! I hope the both of you sleep soundly on call together. I know that makes u feel safer, cause that’s what u do; You sleep better when u feel comfortable around the person u love and that’s her.
Be free and love.
Slowly, i will be fine. 🤎🍵
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drjdorr · 4 years
This is the small children d and d post but I don't feel like scrolling through that whole post every time I want to add something
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positivekpop-blog · 7 years
@jeony jen i hope you’re having the loveliest day ever!! remember that jungkook loves you and so do i! 💘
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jeoniful · 5 years
jeoniful >>> woojoongie
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kqtiny · 5 years
i wonder how big or smol their hands are o.o
hmmm that’s a good point my friend... let me grab some reference pictures...
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yunho’s hand is ~21 cm...
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and here’s joong’s hand for comparison...
in conclusion...
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park-seonghwa · 5 years
Nás Čechů tady není moc, tak jsem byla trochu cofused :D
omg ahoj!! mas pravdu, jsi prvni czech atiny, na kterou jsem tu narazila:D
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