#jeong jaehyun u will pay for this
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I cannot believe I have to witness this
#'enlistment' with his beautiful gorgeous luscious blond hair I am going to vomit on him#jeong jaehyun u will pay for this#DISGUSTAAIIINGNGGGGGGG#AAAAAAAAAAAA
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âč 1ÂȘ histĂłria no universo "I wish U walk with me"
Jaehyun x Reader
GĂȘnero: Fluff, Exes to lovers (?)
W.C: 1.8K
áȘNotas: E aqui começa a primeira oneshot no universo deste meu projetinho (Podem clicar no link lĂĄ em cima para saber mais), eu estava muito ansiosa e nervosa para escrever essa aqui, entĂŁo espero que gostem desse ex casal, e seu segundo-primeiro (?) encontro no aquĂĄrio đ Boa leitura meus amores â€ïž
Ok, vocĂȘ precisava se recompor, tipo, urgentemente, afinal, iria apenas sair com o YoonOh, certo? NĂŁo era como se fosse a primeira vez. Era apenas um encontro com o seu... Ex-namorado? Meu Deus, quem estava tentando enganar? Isso Ă© muito estranho.
VocĂȘ deu algumas batidinhas em seu rosto, encarando-se no espelho arredondado que havia no hall de entrada de sua residĂȘncia, ajeitou uma Ășltima vez o seu vestido azul feito as nuvens, respirou fundo e caminhou atĂ© a porta, recebendo um Jaehyun de sorriso tĂmido com uma afeição semelhante, disfarçando completamente o seu surto de segundos atrĂĄs.
â Oi â Ele sussurrou, como se estivesse esperando que a qualquer momento o seu pai aparecesse para lhe examinar e dizer que nĂŁo deveria trazer sua filha tarde do baile de inverno, por mais que esse evento jĂĄ tenha se passado hĂĄ um bom tempo, e alĂ©m de vocĂȘ, a Ășnica coisa que ele encontraria em casa seria seu peixe beta, chamado... "Peixinho".
â O-oi â VocĂȘ respondeu de forma travada e acabou rindo de si mesma, levando uma das mĂŁos para o rosto.
Apesar de estar em completo desespero, vocĂȘ gostou da forma como aquilo desenterrou um sorriso divertido nos lĂĄbios do rapaz de madeixas escuras.
â VocĂȘ estĂĄ muito bonita â o Jeong elogiou apĂłs a quebra de gelo e estendeu a mĂŁo, vocĂȘ pode perceber que ela estava levemente trĂȘmula, mas a segurou, aceitando a ajuda para descer o degrau de sua varandinha devido ao pequeno salto que utilizava.
â Obrigada, vocĂȘ tambĂ©m estĂĄ â Retribuiu, permitindo-se vagar pelo visual de seu par, que estranhamente era tĂŁo azulado quanto o seu â SerĂĄ que agora o cavalheiro pode me dizer onde estĂĄ me levando?
A curiosidade de onde seria o encontro de vocĂȘs estava lhe matando, mas ao invĂ©s da resposta concreta que desejava, tudo que o moreno fez foi coçar a nuca e dar um passo para frente, em direção ao carro.
â Ă segredo â Ele disse com um sorriso enquanto passava por vocĂȘ e cessou seus passos novamente, esperando que o acompanhasse.
Jaehyun â como seus amigos costumavam chamar, apesar de vocĂȘ preferir o YoonOh â e vocĂȘ haviam se conhecido no primeiro ano do ensino mĂ©dio e, apesar de vocĂȘ nĂŁo acreditar nessas coisas, olhando para trĂĄs agora, poderia facilmente dizer que o amou desde o primeiro instante que havia dirigido curtas palavras a ele. A interação que começou graças Ă sua amiga e ao namorado da mesma â que fazia parte do grupo de Jaehyun â Yuta, gerou um frio na barriga que ninguĂ©m havia lhe causado antes, e que, pouco tempo depois, terminou no mais confiante e sincero sim para um pedido de namoro que vocĂȘ poderia ter dado em sua vida. Tudo era incrĂvel naquela Ă©poca, cercados sempre por seu grupo de amigos e amigas que haviam formado, unindo a todos como em um filme clichĂȘ colegial americano â o que ironicamente tambĂ©m nĂŁo era do seu gosto.
Entretanto a vida adulta sempre chega com uma carga muito pesada para todos, e as coisas entre vocĂȘ e o Jeong nĂŁo haviam adentrado nessa fase com muita facilidade. A maioria das pessoas do grupo havia se mudado para lugares diferentes para ir atrĂĄs de seus sonhos â nĂŁo havia tanta coisa para se fazer naquela cidade pequena que cresceram â, inclusive vocĂȘs, e devido Ă distĂąncia de suas faculdades e vida corriqueira, o tĂ©rmino de seu romance no começo do segundo ano da faculdade chegou ao perceberem que os poucos momentos que tinham para se encontrar, eram muitas vezes mais rodeados por brigas e inseguranças do que aconchego e afeto. VocĂȘ se lembra de quando decidiram, em conjunto, com aquilo, e principalmente da forma como aquele alĂvio de tantas desavenças, no fundo ainda doĂa. Por que, apesar das brigas, o seu coração ainda continuava a bater forte cada vez que via aquele rosto em alguma reuniĂŁo do grupo de amigos que haviam feito?
AlguĂ©m lhe disse uma vez que isso poderia ter sido pelo fato de que ambos ainda continuavam se vendo com certa frequĂȘncia por conta do ciclo social, e por isso, alĂ©m de perder o seu namorado, tambĂ©m se afastou de seus amigos, se isolando para tentar lidar com o turbilhĂŁo de acontecimentos que sua vida estava tendo, principalmente com a pressĂŁo da faculdade de medicina.
Quando, depois de trĂȘs anos, vocĂȘ decidiu ir ao encontro anual dos seus amigos no ano passado novamente, vocĂȘ se sentiu aliviada por perceber que mesmo com a distĂąncia, jamais poderia perdĂȘ-los, e notou como fora uma pĂ©ssima escolha ter feito isso, afinal, seus amigos sempre estiveram ali para lhe apoiar, por que entĂŁo, ao invĂ©s de deitar em seus colos, vocĂȘ foi embora?
Mas ao mesmo tempo, ao hipnotizar-se novamente com aqueles olhos brilhantes e sofisticados de Jaehyun, percebeu que nĂŁo fora apenas suas amizades que nĂŁo haviam mudado, e desejou no ano que vem â ou seja, neste â poder ir para aquela reuniĂŁo ao lado dele, segurando sua mĂŁo.
Agora que ambos estavam formados, mais estabilizados em suas vidas e carreiras, aquela paixĂŁo ardente havia retornado mais forte do que nunca, e no inĂcio deste ano, apĂłs uma troca de mensagens incessantes, Jaehyun lhe chamou para um novo encontro, ou como ele mesmo havia dito:
"VocĂȘ aceita ter um segundo-primeiro encontro comigo?"
â Meu Deus! â VocĂȘ exclamou, nĂŁo conseguindo se conter ao perceber onde ele havia lhe levado.
Seu corpo instintivamente se inclinou para frente, colando-se na janela do carro, e seus olhos observaram maravilhada o aquĂĄrio da cidade.
â Um aquĂĄrio? â VocĂȘ questionou, virando-se novamente para o moreno, agitada feito uma criança.
â E onde mais poderia ser o nosso segundo-primeiro encontro? â Jaehyun indagou com um sorriso vitorioso, e desceu agilmente do carro, apressando-se para abrir a porta para vocĂȘ.
O primeiro encontro de vocĂȘs havia sido em um aquĂĄrio consideravelmente perto da escola, em sua cidade natal, e agora, lĂĄ estavam vocĂȘs, repetindo aquilo, todavia na cidade em que ambos estavam morando atualmente. Era engraçado atĂ© mesmo o fato de que alĂ©m do local semelhante, tambĂ©m era fevereiro, o mesmo mĂȘs!
VocĂȘ sentiu suas bochechas esquentarem quando a porta foi aberta por Jaehyun, e se deu conta de que talvez tivesse se exaltado demais com aquele pequeno detalhe. Segurou em sua mĂŁo uma segunda vez naquele dia, e saiu do carro, sentindo a eletricidade do toque percorrer o seu corpo, como se fosse a primeira vez que o tocava em sua vida.
O resto da tarde foi melhor do que vocĂȘ imaginou, apesar de continuar boa parte embargada pela timidez e nervosismo, assim como seu parceiro, vez ou outra alguma explosĂŁo de sentimentos acontecia em seus peitos, causando gargalhadas e alguns puxĂ”es pela mĂŁo por vocĂȘ, para que Jaehyun observasse algum peixinho que estava passando extremamente perto do vidro. Quando isso acontecia, era como se vocĂȘs nĂŁo tivessem passado um dia sequer afastados, como se nunca tivessem derramado nenhuma lĂĄgrima, e a chama de sua paixĂŁo jamais tivesse sido reduzida a cinzas, o que na verdade, de fato, nunca aconteceu; o amor que nutriam um pelo outro apenas repousou como brasas ainda quentes, que, com algumas sopradelas, renasceram em chamas, como uma fĂȘnix.
Quando retornaram para o carro, o cĂ©u jĂĄ estava tomado pelo crepĂșsculo da chegada da noite, e uma conversa mais Ăntima havia se estabelecido, tendo sido dissipada a vergonha com o passar da tarde. VocĂȘ gostava muito da companhia de Jaehyun, e os sorrisos ladinos que ele vez ou outra dava para si mesmo nos momentos de silĂȘncio lhe faziam sentir que sua presença tambĂ©m era extremamente animadora.
â Chegamos â O Jeong murmurou ao estacionarem prĂłxima a sua casa.
â Oh â VocĂȘ exclamou, um pouco perdida e sem jeito.
Como deveria se despedir? Deveria convidĂĄ-lo para entrar? Deveria beijĂĄ-lo? Apertar sua mĂŁo? VocĂȘ sentiu sua cabeça girar um pouco, assustada com tantas opçÔes, ansiosa com o futuro, como normalmente ficava. Pensar no que fazer em um segundo-primeiro encontro era mais difĂcil do que na primeira vez, pois vocĂȘ jĂĄ o conhecia, e conhecia a dor de perdĂȘ-lo.
E nĂŁo gostaria de estragar tudo e perdĂȘ-lo novamente.
Mas todos os seus anseios e indagaçÔes logo sumiram quando um selar delicado foi depositado em sua bochecha por Jaehyun. Seu olhar lentamente buscou as gentis Ăris do rapaz, quase que em cĂąmera lenta.
â Eu fiquei muito feliz por vocĂȘ ter aceitado o meu convite â Ele confessou, ainda inclinado para o lado, mais prĂłximo de seu corpo.
â E eu fiquei feliz por vocĂȘ ter me convidado â VocĂȘ respondeu com a mesma sinceridade.
Uma risada gostosa se evadiu de ambos, e quando o silĂȘncio reinou novamente, um silĂȘncio bom, confortante, foi impossĂvel impedir que seu corpo tambĂ©m se inclinasse para frente, e selasse seus lĂĄbios nos de Jaehyun. Ali estava a mais simples resposta do que fazer; era apenas deixar o seu coração guiĂĄ-la.
VocĂȘ observou Jaehyun retirar o cinto do carro que o prendia quando seus lĂĄbios se afastaram, e logo depois a mesma palma deslizar suavemente pela sua bochecha atĂ© sua nuca, brincando com suas madeixas ao mergulhar novamente em um beijo, dessa vez mais profundo. VocĂȘ vagou pelo interior de sua boca, brincando com a lĂngua do moreno, como um fogo recĂ©m-feito que possuĂa suas chamas fracas e a cada jato de ar crescia mais e mais. VocĂȘ podia sentir seu corpo se incendiar por completo, e a temperatura do corpo de Jaehyun subir a cada toque que suas mĂŁos davam em seu pescoço, ombros, peitoral...
E entĂŁo, gentilmente, vocĂȘ finalizou aquele beijo, dando pequenos selinhos em seus lĂĄbios em meio aos arfares. VocĂȘ encostou sua testa na de Jaehyun, e fechou seus olhos, apreciando o momento.
â Acho melhor irmos com calma â VocĂȘ sussurrou para ele.
â Eu concordo â VocĂȘ podia sentir o sorriso em seus lĂĄbios, apesar de nĂŁo estar olhando â NĂłs temos todo o tempo do mundo.
VocĂȘ abriu seus olhos, afastando-se do rapaz, guardando aquelas palavras em seu coração.
â Me acompanha atĂ© a porta?
O rapaz novamente saiu do veĂculo apĂłs concordar com a cabeça, indo atĂ© o seu lado para abrir a porta do carro. VocĂȘ achava um pouco exagerada essa mania cavalheira dele Ă s vezes, mas ao mesmo tempo, sempre se derretia quando o via do outro lado, estendendo a mĂŁo para ajudĂĄ-la.
VocĂȘ segurou sua palma mais uma vez naquele dia, e porĂ©m agora demorou um pouco mais para soltĂĄ-la.
â Boa noite â Jaehyun verbalizou quando vocĂȘs pararam em frente a sua porta.
â Boa noite, YoonOh, obrigada por ter me trazido para casa â VocĂȘ agradeceu, gostando de pronunciar aquele nome novamente, e depositou um beijo meigo em sua bochecha, entregando-se a aquela nostalgia de encontro de dois adolescentes.
VocĂȘ observou Jaehyun se distanciar, caminhando da sua porta atĂ© o carro, e escorou-se no batente amadeirado da entrada, apesar de, segundos depois, se afastar quando o moreno virou-se para sua direção novamente, indicando com a mĂŁo para que vocĂȘ entrasse. VocĂȘ riu com aquela ação preocupada e cafona, e fez o mesmo gesto para ele antes de finalmente entrar em sua casa.
Diferentemente do que esperava, seu coração, apesar de alegre, encontrava-se tranquilo, calmo, afinal, havia finalmente percebido:
VocĂȘs possuĂam todo o tempo do mundo.
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âȘâHeyo!! I'm Reese and Welcome to my masterlist. This is an NSFW blog so MINORS PLEASE DO NOT INTERACT. Have a good day,night or whenever you're reading thisââȘ
| Better Than A Date? | âą 1.5k words
â When you're preparing glamorously for a long-awaited date night with your CEO boyfriend but he has something better to offer maybe?
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| Payback | âą 1.7k words
â While your badboy boyfriend was being nice to you,you should have acted nice to keep it going that way unlike the way you did.So now you have to pay for your action. Well, didn't it go as you planned though?
| Tiara | âą 0.8k words
â After spending the best day of your life, did wearing your princess tiara infront of your boyfriend and claiming to be a princess add something better to it?
Timestamps : [04:10 pm]
| Precious | âą Less than 1k words
â Where your sugar daddy puts an end to your question," What can be more precious?".
Timestamps : [08:17 am]
| Another failed attempt | âą Less than 1k words
âWhere you and your cuddly boyfriend face another failed attempt.
Timestamps : [03:57 am]
Timestamps : [04:54 pm]
A Collab which is based on NCT U(Let's play ball) members,the famous baseball team of Neo Culture Institution of Technology.
Hosted by me( @neozhoen )
Due date : December 2022
Slots open : 2 (currently)
©Jaeskitty's . All rights reserved.
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âš ongoing | â completed
Balance of Us (sns AU) {19} â
Jung Jaehyun is the beloved captain of your universityâs basketball team. Youâre a freshman in the school ballet company and somehow get roped into giving him dance lessons. The issue is that your brother is Lee Taeyong aka Jaehyunâs on-court rival, who broke his little sisterâs heart. Thatâs where you, revenge, and a little bet come into play. @solecize
Beyond the Palace Walls {10} â
Your father, the King, had always been highly protective of you. @prettywordsyouleft
Breathless (sns AU) {25} â
Jaehyun walks Johnnyâs dogs for some extra cash, y/n is an unemployed psycho who likes to break into his house and eat all of his cheerios. When Jaehyun meets y/n, his life is turned into a series of very unfortunate events. @peachyuns
Broken {9} â
He punched hard, fought with all he had. He fought until he got you and fought until he lost you. @sugarjaee
Chlorine Dreams (sns AU) {15} â
Thereâs been a long standing rivalry at your school between the basketball team and the swim team. The swim team has been undefeated for 4 years, whereas the basketball team hasnât won a game in 3. Every year the basketball team ends up with all of the funding for the athletics department whereas half of the school doesnât even know the swim team exists. With a bet that Jaehyun wouldnât even be able to finish a swim practice, y/n threatens the existence of both of their teams. @dahyunmingyu
Close as Strangers (sns AU) {17} â
Where Jung Jaehyun canât decide whether he enjoyed spoiling your day or he just couldnât show you how much he actually enjoyed being around you. @hyuckflirts
Dangerously {5} âš
You were polar opposites. He was royalty, you were a criminal. You hated him, he hated you. This mission was the last thing any of you wanted, but you had to make it work. @yesnanasbaby
Dusk Till Dawn {14} âš
After finding out that her entire family syndicate has been practically eradicated by a new, rising enemy, and that she is one of the only two survivors, Y/N is left with the responsibility and the legacy of the company hanging heavy on her shoulders. With the persuasions of an old friend, the charm of a new ally and a captivation with an enigmatic assassin, she joins the notorious group âUâ in a hope to restore her familyâs dignity, and to squash the new opposition before they can bring the same fate to any other organisation in South Korea. @iridesuhnce
End to Start (sns AU) {13} âš
You work part-time at a small karaoke cafe during the night shift. Every month on the 18th, a brown haired boy wearing a suit, carrying flowers in his hands, always came in at exactly 10PM. He stays for two hours, playing the same song repeatedly before leaving. On a warm July night of the 18th, you told yourself that tonight you will talk to the boy. Can you free the shackles on the boy from the ghost that haunts him or is he long past saving? @bunny-doyounq
Fly Away with Me (sns AU) {24} â
When Johnnyâs little sister flies all the way from chicago to live with his brother and college friends, their once peaceful apartment gets disrupted by an extremely annoyed Jaehyun who canât seem to stop being mean to Johnnyâs sister. @cupofjae
Healing {9} âš
You adored your mother, but sometimes, well sometimes she should have minded her own freaking business. Or, when paying your apartment bills becomes almost impossible, you manage to find a job in the infamous 127 Tower, which the Jung Family owns. Not as a secretary or as the cleaning lady, but as Jung Jaehyunâs daughter babysitter. @nctream
Let Me Know â
A recollection of all the times youâve fallen in love with your best friend Jung Jaehyun, the times where you hopelessly pine after him, and the times where he starts to fall in love with you too. @ppangjae
Minor Inconvenience {4} âš
Spilling coffee all over a stranger only to find out that said stranger is your lab professor is your worst nightmare brought to life. You wish you were joking. @ppangjae
On the Rebound (sns AU) {12} âš
In an attempt to finally move on from his ex-girlfriend, basketball star Jeong Jaehyun reaches out to Y/N, who he knows has a crush on him. @whispersatdawn
Pact (sns AU) {15} â
What would happen if these two childhood best friends started to secretly ruin each otherâs relationships in order to stay together because of a pact written on a failed math test 8 years ago ? @127-mile
Rollerskates (sns AU) {13} â
Who knew yn, who works at the local hangout spot, the roller rink, would end up falling for the campus fuck boy, Jung Jaehyun, and will he return the same feelings or keep going back to his ex girlfriend? @hhjwrld
Star Crossed (sns AU) {32} â
Y/nâs life story is written by her parents, but she wants to end the story before the final chapter: arranged marriage. @nakajeno
The Beauty Within (sns AU) {21} âš
You never passed up the chance to get in the good books of all your teachers. So when the opportunity arised to possibly make your chemistry teacher actually like you, seeing as he was the only one that seemed to have it in for you, you couldnât say no. Only problem? You had to tutor the bad boy. @justwinwin
The Breakfast Club (sns AU) {32} â
In which you have to write a short film for one of your classes and somehow end up falling in love. @jaehyunhour
The Cowboy {15} â
Leaving the city for a rural area called Blayne seemed simple enough. Your task was to convince the people to agree with selling their land for a resort redevelopment. But once there, you soon realise that your city ways are entirely different to theirs. Winning their trust was going to take some effort, and when you start to fall for a local cowboy, you wonder if you really needed Blayne more than the city life after all. @prettywordsyouleft
The One with the Roommates {5} â
In which jaehyun and y/n are roommates and pretending to be his fiancé seems like a really good idea. @mistymark
To You {4} â
âIf you love somebody, let them go, for if they return, they were always yours. And if they donât, they never wereâ ~ Kahlil Gibran @sugarjaee
Welcome to my Playground (sns AU) {16} â
All he wanted was a peaceful last year in university and all she wanted was to finally live in peace without her past haunting her. So what happens when their paths collide, will this be a start of a blossoming relationship or the beginning of a tragic story? @cupofjae
[main masterlist] [nct masterlist] updated 7-30-21
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so uh... take 20Â đ€Ą hi guys itâs gemma ( s/h, 21+ ) bringing u mr anger management issues, park jaehyun! heâs a pretty old, heavily recycled muse of mine so some of you prob recognise him by now, but his roots are from a mutant rp from ages ago so iâm rlly glad itâs come full circle! anw heâs basically a bit of a criminal, constantly in and out of the correctional facility and one thing ab him is heâs gna hate aeternals w a Passion đ€ under the cut is a not really tl;dr cause his bio is too stinkin long, but as alw, please LIKE this post to plot! thx fam âĄ
born to aeternal parents! mom had superstrength like him and dad had some psionic power but they d*ed when he was p young so honestly he doesnât know much ab them
anw he was a really difficult kid đ
heâs always had this v destructive rage n coupled w his strength, it made it really hard for anyone other than his mom to handle and raise him which was obv limited bc she was busy w work
not to mention both his parents d*e when heâs ~4 when theyâre off on aeternal duty and he basically gets promised a bunch of shit bc it made the people up there feel a lil better ab themselves ( spoiler alert: itâs all a load of bull espc when they find out he requires more attn than usual )
when they decide theyâve done enough for the guilt to subside, they send him off to live w his maternal grandmother in the jeong district who has superstrength too! sheâs got a speech disability but even besides that she doesnât rlly communicate w him much so itâs a huge contrast to how he was raised, espc since he alw found his momâs voice v soothing đ© she loves him a lot but sheâs also old, tired, n did not sign up to raise a kid so whenever he misbehaves she j smacks him w a slipper n tells him like... stop tf lol
so yeah he gets a little out of hand... jaehyun feels a lot of entitlement and it comes from what he perceives as being robbed by life!! like before his parents kicked the bucket he was on track yknow, had great, respectable parents who raised him the way he needed to be, lived in aeternity homes up in posh elysium hill, people prob cooed at him as a kid n one day heâs tossed to the jeong district n people r lookin at the kid like heâs a dirty thieving rat and on top of that, the authorities assure him itâs fine, heâll be taken care of, everythingâs going to be ok then peaced out so yeah heâs gonna feel a lil angry
so anw this entitlement led to him stealing a Lot and thereâs two npcs ( aeternity mako and aeternity tekki ) who are alw on his case!!! aeternal mako knew his parents so heâs a lil softer on jaehyun, kinda reprimands him when heâs caught stealing but doesnât rlly lodge much of a report, but aeternal tekki is a bit weirder n likes to pick on kids bc he's got nothing better to do w his life and is a loser
jaeâs 17 when he gets locked up and itâs bc he stole aeternal tekkiâs car cause fuck that guy : ) aeternal makoâs retired by this point so jae gets no mercy in aeternal tekkiâs hands and heâs sent to the correctional facility for a year
comes out and realises how much harder life can be now that heâs got mark on his record : ( to his credit, he manages to get a job in the junkyard and works for his grandmaâs bakery ( this one is more like a favour, he doesnât accept anyth she pays him ) and eventually finds out ab daemonâs underground fighting ring! alm kills a guy on his first day but heâs so strong the people love him so they pay him big bucks to come back
but yeah the younger sib of the fighter he nearly kills finds him and tries to beat him up in his rage n sorrow n jae isnât careful enough w his strength, so he accidentally hurts the kid while defending himself and gets caught on one count of assault + using his unlicensed powers ( wild considering he canât turn it off n it literally is part of him but anw ) n gets sent back to the correctional facility for 3y, considering his prev record
when he comes out he finds out a lot of shit has changed in 3y, his grandma had to sell her bakery bc her competitor was spreading rumours that her grandson was out here beating up kids do yall rlly wanna support a bakery that supports that wack so her business dwindled n she needs to sell the bakery or itâll put her in debt : ) jae feels hella guilty for being the cause of it n for not being there when it mattered, so he tries to teach em a lesson and pummels the ground until thereâs a lil earthquake n the bakeryâs levelled
so yea h heâs back in the correctional facility for 6y and is prob threatened w banishment if he ever fucks up again!! not in the bio but his grandma had a stroke while he was in the correctional facility so now heâs trying to be on his best behaviour bc he doesnât wanna be banished from eden and not be there to care for her....... yeah </3
present day heâs a junkyard worker still since theyâre basically the only ones whoâll give him work!! he also fights in daemon and heâs actly rlly good bc of his strength, so heâs paid rlly well there but itâs mostly going to his grandmaâs hospital bills âĄ
in terms of personality i would say jae has rlly poor impulse control and it does not take even the daftest person v long to realise heâs got some anger issues..... maybe itâs the way he speaks like heâs spitting or the way he says fuck like every sentence,, or itâs def his reputation if ur muse knows of it
jae is rlly in his mind his business era but if u piss him off he will have a personal vendetta against u... like honestly a lot of the shit he does is not so much j reactive but itâs bordering on j... unnecessary? like he did not need to go n make an earthquake j cause they spread some rumours n he did not need to be stealing cars j bc the person who owns it looked at him the wrong way so yeah heâs a bit of a drama king
heâs also sorta egotistical, cannot be held accountable for anyth ever so yeah heâs a real hit w the ladies bc letâs not pretend we donât know itâs the toxic men that have our queens in a chokehold
i realised i havenïżœïżœïżœt said a single pro so uhm... heâs a family guy, rlly into the found family aesthetic too n u know criminals do those best ⥠their kinship is unmatched nth brings people together better than being on the run
aight anw hereâs some plots!!
gets in trouble w the law r e g u l a r l y so uhm aeternals wya!! u donât even gotta be dealing w him specifically like he will give u the stink eye for even existing in his general space </3 ik his parents were aeternals but trust me the logic checks out
honestly jae knows abysmally little ab his parents but itâd be cool to see an aeternal or j someone else who sorta,, knows more ab them?? it could move into a sorta confidant relo where he hears all ab his parents from ur muse ( sorta the wow u are so much like ur mom and jae doesnât react but deep down heâs crying bc he alw saw his parents as angels n he clearly is uhm... not ) or it could turn sorta nasty ( like u r their kid? how did u go so wrong tf ) j anyth rlly!!
he works in a junkyard so who needs scraps, heâs ya man!!
also brings some salvageable parts over to spark repairs too!! heâs a huge car dude and he doesnât rlly know enough to be a mechanic but heâs honestly keen to learn, even considering swapping his junkyard job to b a mechanic so!! anw who works there pls take him under ur wing ty
heâs also a daemon fighter so imma need all the daemon fighters to line up under this post so they can measure dick sizes whoâs winnin, whoâs losin, whoâs teamed up n whoâs sworn enemies get in line
heâs spent a total of 10y in the correctional facility so he prob wouldâve met anyone whoâs been locked up too!! i imagine jae was sorta minding his business but i can def see him being part of a clique ( yknow how prisons have those ) so yeah!! was ur muse part of his or against?? or j a nomad??
speaking of correctional facility, he prob also spent a lot of time in community service @ butterfly island so!!! anyone who has any business there hmu!!
iâd love to see some childhood friends from elysium hill, like maybe both ur parents were aeternals or smth n u guys were besties n now ur life trajectory is so diff... itâd be cool to explore this contrast!!
alternatively would love to see high sch friends from the jeong district!! jae is rlly extroverted and he was those kids who bullies other kids into letting him copy their hw, blatantly disrespects the teacher n is havin a nine course feast at the back of the class, skips sch regularly ( he could even have convinced ur muse to skip class back in the day teehee )
iâd also love to see someone who cared for jaeâs grandma when he was alw away @ the correctional facility!! maybe yall met when she was still running her bakery n shit but i thought itâd be a really cute connection to have!!
last but not least i have implied that jae has that community dick so yeah uhm... if yall need a toxic ex to jumpstart ur glow up or u j need someone to scratch that itch, everyone knows the broker the boy the better the dâ
this is rlly long bc i lack the ability 2 b concise, but if u see this, ty 4 making it all the way here!! pls hmu to plot im so keen!! âĄ
#â Â đ đ đ đ đ đ đ đ . Â â Â out of character.#ast:intro#queued n im sleep x
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