#jeffrey aspern
(à Salvatore Sciarrino, Aspern suite)
Il est là notre monde aujourd'hui, posé sur ce final
mosaïque du décalé, masque sur vos visages enfouis.
Il est là notre sourire ouvert sur la plage d'à côté,
discrète, au sable dilué dans l'eau immensément.
Rivage disparu, nous nous sommes éloignés dans le perdu.
Les lignes ne gouvernent plus le regard,
les lignes sur elles-mêmes par crainte de l'espace.
Et pourtant l'évasion aurait dû refléter, refleurir aussi
nous aurions su alors où avancer, où admirer.
Et puis là, faire face, prononcer la fin, suspension.
La perte n'existe pas, il n'y a que des éblouissements.
© Pierre Cressant
(samedi 27 mai 2006)
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madamelareinette · 28 days
In Emperor Francis Joseph’s day, the number of archdukes and archduchesses was higher than ever before. The various branches of the House of Habsburg blossomed to such an extent throughout the 19th century that the earlier concern about a lack of male heirs under Charles VI evaporated completely. The challenges which Emperor Francis Joseph had to face lay less in securing the succession to the throne than maintaining discipline in the vast family.
The hierarchy was just as strictly defined within the imperial family as it was for the aristocrats at court. At the top stood Emperor Francis Joseph. His word, quite literally, was law. The family statutes of 1839, i.e. the Habsburg family’s own constitution, gave the reigning emperor full and complete power over all the branches of the family, and to a far more profound degree than in the previous centuries. Francis Joseph alone decided upon the place of residence of all his relatives, made all the decisions relating to their own courts and determined the course of education, training and career for all male members of the family (military careers, in general). He was the final instance in dispensing permission to marry, determining the amount of money for an apanage and could even exclude archdukes from the imperial dynasty, should their conduct merit it.
Francis Joseph was very strict, bordering on severe, with his own family. He measured his relatives by the selfsame standards which he applied to himself. His family felt deep respect for Francis Joseph, even as a young emperor, occasionally even fear. The emperor was incorruptible and had not the slightest patience with individual urges for unusual lifestyles, which he viewed as a breakdown of duty, driven as he was by his own inordinate sense of responsibility and willingness to sacrifice everything for the fulfillment of his tasks. A Habsburger had preordained responsibilities which were placed upon one’s shoulders at birth: a dignified representation of the family through irreproachable conduct, support of the ruler in his efforts and responsibilities and, above all else, a life spent serving the dynasty.
Since Emperor Leopold II, Francis Joseph’s great-grandfather, there had been five families in the Habsburg-Lothringen line. The main family branch of the emperor; the Tuscan line (stemming from the former Grand Dukes of Tuscany until 1859); the Rainer line (former Viceroys of Lombardy); the Hungarian Joseph line; the line of the Hungarian Palatinate who lived in Hungary; and the military line of Charles, offspring of the victor of Aspern, Archduke Charles. The position of each family member was determined by the family branch and the nearness to the throne. First came the emperor, his son, his brothers, then the Tuscan family, the Charles family, then the lines of Joseph and Rainer.
— Martina Winkelhofer. The Everyday Life of the Emperor: Francis Joseph and his Imperial Court (trans. Jeffrey McCabe)
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below-average-fangirl · 9 months
Samuel West reading The Aspern Papers, available on BBC Sounds for a year.
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filmes-online-facil · 2 years
Assistir Filme Os Papéis de Aspern Online fácil
Assistir Filme Os Papéis de Aspern Online Fácil é só aqui: https://filmesonlinefacil.com/filme/os-papeis-de-aspern/
Os Papéis de Aspern - Filmes Online Fácil
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Baseado na obra de Henry James, Os Papéis de Aspern se passa no final do século 19 e narra a história de um ambicioso editor norte-americano obcecado pelo poeta romântico Jeffrey Aspern. Determinado a conseguir as cartas que Aspern escreveu a Juliana, sua amante, anos antes, o editor viaja a Veneza e conhece uma misteriosa idosa e sua sobrinha, que vivem em uma imponente, mas decadente, mansão. O visitante seduz a moça numa tentativa de obter os papeis, mas ela descobre a trama. Contudo, ela também tem sua própria motivação para desvendar o mistério, e faz uma perigosa proposta ao editor.
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the-glorious-19th · 5 years
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Jon Kortajarena and Alice Aufray as Jeffrey Aspern and Juliana Bordereaux in The Aspern Papers (2019) - dir. Julien Landais 
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cuirassier · 4 years
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Austrian troops at the battle of Aspern-Essling, 21-22 May 1809, plate by Jeffrey Burn, text by David Hollins
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eva248 · 5 years
Lecturas de enero. Tercera semana
Lecturas de enero. Tercera semana
Europa / David Llorente. Editorial Alrevés, 2019
Llevamos a Europa a la sala de operaciones y la abrimos en canal. Metemos las manos en la herida y acercamos la luz a los grandes órganos enfermos. Nos damos cuenta de que las lesiones son tantas y tan profundas que no merece la pena intervenir. Guardamos el bisturí y nos limitamos a señalar con el dedo las zonas afectadas mientras les decimos a…
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muatyland · 2 years
 Il carteggio Aspern | Henry James
 Il carteggio Aspern | Henry James
Cartaceo -> 12€ In una decadente Venezia di fine Ottocento, il narratore-investigatore di questo racconto del maestro James prova in tutti i modi a entrare in possesso del carteggio di quello che ritiene essere il più grande poeta di tutti i tempi, Jeffrey Aspern. Per raggiungere il suo scopo sarà costretto a insinuarsi nel legame tra Miss Juliana Bordereau, anziana amante del poeta, e Miss…
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thekolsocial · 2 years
Win Two Opera Tickets: The Aspern Papers
New Post has been published on https://thekolsocial.com/join-kolsocial-for-a-night-of-opera-the-aspern-papers/
Win Two Opera Tickets: The Aspern Papers
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Fancy a night of Black / Brown Opera? Yes, it exists! Dust off your finery, clink a glass with us and join fellow opera lovers for the highly anticipated The Aspern Papers on Friday 22nd April at 7.30pm at London’s Susie Sainsbury Theatre.
Tickets for two in the heart of London, enjoy an elegant night out with the opportunity afterwards to enjoy the array of different cuisines that London offers.
The Aspern Papers is a novella by American writer Henry James, originally published in 1888. It is one of James’ best-known and most acclaimed longer tales. Set in 19th-century Venice, The Aspern Papers tells the tale of ambitious editor Henry Jonson who is trying to obtain poet Jeffrey Aspern’s romantic letters to Juliana Bordereau – his beautiful muse and lover. Composer Philip Hagemann has adapted The Aspern Papers into a thrilling opera.
Who is pegasus opera company?
Pegasus Opera Company is a professional opera company based in Brixton, London with a family of widespread international artists, participants and supporters. They produce high-quality performances and balance this with a focus on artist development of emerging artists of African and Asian heritage bringing their work onto eminent platforms.
For almost thirty years, Pegasus Opera Company has been the go-to organisation for opera and musical theatre singers, composers, instrumentalists and directors predominantly, but not exclusively, from diverse African, Caribbean, and Asian backgrounds. Established in South London the Company has held true to their founder Lloyd Newton’s credo of ‘harmony in diversity’.
Pegasus Opera has inspired many to love opera; and celebrate the music of rich African, Asian and Caribbean diasporas whilst weaving into the fabric of the British performing arts, using creativity to challenge and advocate for positive change.
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When was the pegasus operea company founded?
a) 2003
b) 1992
c) 1997
Competiton closes 15th april
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“Tombeau du jeune monsieur de Cinq-Mars” d’Olivier Baumont aux Editions Arléa
par Richard Magaldi-Trichet
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L'insupportable perte...« Mais à quoi bon la mémoire des faits véritables, si ce n’est à servir d’exemple de bien ou de mal ? » s'interroge Alfred de Vigny dans la préface de son roman Cinq-Mars, à qui l'on reproche une certaine liberté avec les faits historiques avérés. Un peu comme en réponse à l'écrivain romantique, Olivier Beaumont semble ignorer cette perspective dialectique pour se rapprocher du mot de Perec L'Histoire avec sa grande hache...Grande hache d'autant plus réelle dans le cas présent lorsque l'on connaît la fin tragique d'Henri d'Effiat de Cinq-Mars, dernier favori, grand amour de Louis XIII, et victime, à vingt-deux ans, de la vengeance cruelle du Cardinal de Richelieu.
Beaumont, claveciniste émérite français, décline son récit, qu'il nomme « tombeau », terme sépulcral désignant également une œuvre instrumentale écrite à la mémoire d'un grand artiste, en allers-retours permanents entre la chronique historique et le journal intime. Avec une tension narrative parfaitement menée, ponctuée d'ellipses en pauses rythmiques funestes, il embrasse la fulgurance de la vie de son héros devenu ainsi totalement romanesque, à propos de laquelle l'épistolier Henri Arnauld écrivait en 1640 : « Il arrivera à la fin désordre ».
Reprenant ainsi la forme d'une chaconne et de ses « harmonies horizontales », Beaumont nous révèle, dans un mélange d'ordinaire et d'extraordinaire, le destin dramatique de Cinq-Mars et l'amour qu'il porte à ce personnage dont le portrait, fantôme soudain vivant, semble mystérieusement le contempler. Il nous livre un magnifique Lamento qui, face au tableau de Cinq-Mars admiré à Narbonne, résonne en écho, comme un grand vide ou une grande perte, à la mélancolie finale du narrateur des Aspern Papers devant le portrait de Jeffrey Aspern : When I look at it I can scarcely bear my loss.
Tombeau du jeune monsieur de Cinq-Mars d'Olivier Baumont aux Editions Arléa
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le choix du banc au jardin, jamais anodin, qui est déjà une grande réflexion sur les éléments qui le compose ; un choix de lumière sous l'ombre des couleurs discrètes, un choix d’ombre sous la lumière de la jeunesse des feuilles, sous le parapluie des nuances foisonnantes, des formes protectrices, des ouvrages des grands arbres ; un choix qui agira sur la méditation, le recueillement, le rêve   
© Pierre Cressant
(lundi 21 mai 2012)
"Nous trouvâmes un banc moins caché, d'aspect moins confidentiel, si je puis dire, que celui de la tonnelle, et nous y étions encore assis quand minuit sonna à ces cloches de Venise dont les notes claires vibrent, par-delà la lagune, avec une solennité qui n'appartient qu'à elles, et demeurent dans l'air tellement plus longtemps que les sonneries des autres lieux."
Les Papiers de Jeffrey Aspern, Henry James
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spokenrealms · 4 years
The Aspern Papers
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The Aspern Papers, by Henry James. Narrated by Graham Scott    
A biographer of long-deceased American romantic poet Jeffrey Aspern learns that Aspern’s mistress and inspiration, the divine “Juliana”, is astonishingly still alive and living in Venice with her middle-aged niece. Obsessed with obtaining all of Aspern’s papers in the old woman’s possession, he insinuates himself into the…
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anokatony · 5 years
'The Aspern Papers' by Henry James – A Literary Predator Acts with Hypocrisy and Duplicity in Venice
‘The Aspern Papers’ by Henry James – A Literary Predator Acts with Hypocrisy and Duplicity in Venice
  ‘The Aspern Papers’ by Henry James    (1888) – 96 pages
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Our nameless narrator comes to Venice for one purpose. The ancient lady Juliana had at one time a romance with the famous poet Jeffrey Aspern who died young, and she is known to have in her possession some valuable letters and other papers of Aspern’s, and our narrator wants them at nearly all costs. He concocts a scheme to rent some…
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#Repost @julienlandais (@get_repost) ・・・ 🎬💍🔥 With JEFFREY ASPERN 🔥💍🎬 Stunning JON KORTAJARENA #JonKortajarena 🌿⚜️🌿 wearing the Poet's RING 💍 Thank you BULGARI @bulgariofficial for being part of THE ASPERN PAPERS 💘 @elisabetta_marra 💘 #ICONIC #Vintage Coin #Double RING ⚡️⚡️⚡️ #princepsfilms ⚜️⚜️⚜️
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the-glorious-19th · 5 years
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"I ask for your pardon. Not to leave you now, but to have stayed so long." - Jeffrey Aspern to his lover, Juliana Bordereaux
From The Aspern Papers (2019) - dir. Julien Landais
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cinema-neilton1962 · 5 years
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Elenco: Jonathan Rhys Meyers Vanessa Redgrave Joely Richardson   Direção: Julien Landais Gênero: Drama Duração: 90 min. Distribuidora: A2 Filmes Orçamento: US$ -- milhões Estreia: 23 de Maio de 2019. Sinopse:  Determinado a conseguir as cartas que Aspern escreveu a Juliana, sua amante, anos antes, mbicioso editor norte-americano obcecado pelo poeta romântico Jeffrey Aspern viaja a Veneza e conhece uma misteriosa idosa e sua sobrinha, que vivem em uma decadente mansão. Assumindo uma falsa identidade e mascarando suas reais intensões, o visitante seduz a sobrinha da dona da casa, convencendo a moça a ajudá-lo em sua busca pelas cartas. Curiosidades:  » Baseado na obra de Henry James publicada em 1888; (em Tijuca, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxfdMcPFmPW/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=mwpril142ly1
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