fxlgurkinesis · 4 years
Lux couldn’t help but inhale deeply, the sun warming her skin, the fresh scent of sea water. the weight of petricite was lifted from her shoulders and it felt nice. it was relaxing, exactly what was needed, it seemed, as she looked around as some of the others played around in sea and sand alike. she couldn’t help laughing a little, in pure elation of the day, really.
now she finds herself wanting to relax. having participated with enough of the fun for now, she was content to just sit back and watch everyone have fun and make fools of themselves in equal parts. she turns her head, about to comment towards a particularly funny moment she’d seen towards her beach towel companion when her lips hang open - paused as she was about to speak.
her eyes widening slightly as she looks towards the royal completely relaxed upon the towel and sand. her lips close quickly, teeth biting upon her bottom lip to keep herself quiet as the visage of jarvan graces her eyes. it’s not that it’s been a secret that he was attractive, because that was far from the case. lux was very well aware of his charms -- and perhaps her eyes had strayed downwards to ogle at the exposed skin laid out, but only for a moment before her eyes fluttered back upwards -- yet that was not what had caused her to pause. 
really what had caught her attention, and the warmth on her cheeks that was certainly not from the warmth of the sun, was the relaxation along his face. lines of fatigue and stress smoothed over, even a light upturn along the corners of his lips - a soft little smile in slumber. it made lux’s heart pound hard, unable to help as her expression softens exponentially and her lips pull up in turn, equally as soft. 
and really, she can’t help it as she lifts a hand, ever so careful to smooth some wayward strands of hair back from his face, fingers drifting just so a little lower, smoothing over sun warmed skin, thumb stroking gently. she really can’t help the long sight from her lips, really she had it bad, she couldn’t even deny it. not that she would ever anyway, she knew he knew how she felt and vice versa. 
it’s with that overwhelming feeling that she can’t help but, after a quick little glance around, lean over as golden strands of hair cascaded over her shoulder, to press a soft little kiss against jarvan’s forehead. she was glad it seems he’s had a good day, he’s deserved it.
                                                                                    @lightshielded  😘
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lightshielded · 6 years
Answer the following for your muse so people know how shipping works on your blog.
Tagged by: stole it from @fxlgurkinesis​ xx Tagging: steal it too !
i have to pick? oh how unfair is this! well in no particular order here is just a couple main verse ones (since i don’t think i’m allowed to list all my blog ships): jarvlux, jarvgaren, jarvirelia, jarvshyvana, jarvkarma and ... jarvssv c:
i’ve personally been in very bad relationship in the past so i tend to stay away from unhealthy relationships, manipulative or abusive ships and enemy ships ( being ships where two people canonically hate each other / would kill each other but are now shipped together ). so for jarv this is essentially noxians -- note: i’m willing to explore these issues in things like noxian / demacia arranged marriage verses and stuff however if my partner exercises fair sensitivity on it.
i think it depends on the age of the shipped parties and how long they have been adults. really i don’t have a set age that i can follow it’s more based before character and per relationship. my only hard age gap is with minor ships and that’s mainly to keep them close in age as they age so they aren’t separated as being a minor and an adult despite only being one year apart for well a year, you know.
yes, i like to have a non - romantic relationship plotted or some interactions on the ground first to see how they might actually interact and if they have chemistry. also things mentioned above get taken into account. ALSO, i am also an exclusive shipper so if you want to pair with my jarv i will close off shipping to all others of your muse and dedicate it all to you, but if i’m already paired i will not be taking another partner.
if you’re talking about arousal and well it is leading up to sex ( cause let’s be real, all you guys ain’t gonna stop at that c; ) it’s now nsfw.
jarvquinn ( but with a specific note that i don’t think it will work in the long term as much as i wish it could, catch me trying anyway :’( ), jarvsona, dstar!jarvaurelion, odyssey!jarvkayn, wk+dslayer!jarv with half the cast in those verses cause they hoes
you honestly don’t have to ask me to ship, and i honestly prefer that i am not approached first with the idea of a ship. that’s because i don’t really like the idea of approaching me because i write jarv and people want to ship with him ( it happened a lot when i was the only active one ). to ship with me, write, talk about our characters, and then if something develops between them then be like ‘ hey you feel that? ‘ and i will then welcome you into the hole i have likely already dug :’)
i love ships, but i love all ships not just romantic. so yes, i love to have very developed ships of all kinds with multilayers and opinions and conflicts and ideals. give me that shit. ( but again, for romantic ships, i’m selective and exclusive so yeah )
maybe, a little. i get very dedicated to my ships once invested.
other ships i like include the love birds, ezlux, sg!light - cannon, sand - dial, cross ship that entire trifarix, kda!eveakali, sivkaisa, nidneeko, akalirelia and . . . that’s most of them i think 
just y’know write with me. when we can’t write talk our ship, find their weaknesses and their strengths. if there is fan art and fic send it all to me and i’ll show you too what i can find ! put it in other verses cause i am weak for other verses, also angst.
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fxlgurkinesis · 6 years
She’s giggling ; effervescent and lightheaded with it all. It’s bubbling out of her, and she can’t stop it nor would she ever really try because why would she hold down such pleasant feelings ?  it had started with a soft snort, but had escalated faster than she’d expected before she was rendered somewhat useless as the giggle fit overcame her.
the crownguard’s cheeks were hurting and it’s strange to say she hasn’t felt so happy in a long time — even when she’s known for always keeping her head up and a smile wide on her face. A simple happiness of life was nothing in comparison, she found. It was not that the other wasn’t fulfilling — but this happiness she felt differently; from the tips of her toes to the lightness in her heart and the heat on the tips of her ears.
truthfully, she doesn’t even know why she’s laughing — unable to stifle the soft tinkling sound as it makes its way from her throat. it hadn’t even been that strange or hilarious of an evening - just a gentle flow of conversation that developed further as the night grew on. at the beginning she tried to be considerate of the hulking form she’s laying beneath — but she knows it’s futile as she feels stirrings of alertness from beneath her head and large hands stir in her hair and she can feel curious eyes focused on her.
hands that had been draped along the prince’s shoulder drops down to rest across her mouth — trying to further temper down her sudden giggles but there’s no use as her body trembles from the force of her laughter, unconstrained and unashamed.
she attempts a “ sorry ” but it’s broken and slightly breathless as she takes some time to take some deeper breaths and take control of herself. she tries again once she’s got more of her bearings, but her face still hurts from the laughter. “ i don’t why i’m laughing — i’m just..” and she pauses, biting her lip to try and downplay the smile only growing on her face as she cups the face that’s hovering over her own, and while the giggles have seemed to settle down - she still feels the breathless butterflies in her stomach.
her eyes trail over his chiseled face, eyes catching as moonlight plays over every facet & scar. a visage of strength, a symbol of a fighter who had gone through more than anyone had any right to. thumbs trace where her eyes follow;  the sharpness of his nose— the slight bump from a broken nose—, the strong chin and square jaw, and the adoration in her eyes is reflected in his own as she gazes back into his own.“ .. i’m just really happy.”
the glee and gentleness of the night before was broken as lux wakes with a startle, eyes clouded and dusted with sleep, still, as she feels and then hears the disruptive sleep the prince tucked beside her seems to be struggling through.
the sheets are damp around him, and she can see the sheen on his skin from the light from the partially open window; firm body twisting and grabbing at what she knows isn’t there - but she’s sure in his own mind’s eye it is.
worry’s quick to sprout as she hears the soft whimpers of words, pained as they are faint, from the royal as he moves in his sleep, twisting and disrupting the calm slumber they’d been sharing not too long ago. she swears she hears her name amongst the pained words and she’s quick to action - ignoring the protest of muscles from the night that had tucked her so peacefully into slumber.
it’s a nightmare, undoubtedly, and she isn’t sure what exactly is going on beyond his eyelids — she knows he’s seen and experienced things that broke her heart the first she’d heard of them, and it still continues to, even to this day.
blond locks in disarray spill over her shoulder as she pulls herself up carefully, moving to half hover over the lightshield with concerned eyes, a hand already reaching out to smooth over his sweat dappled forehead - pushing the dampened hair out of the way before she’s leaning further and pressing a soft kiss to the skin.
“hey, hey -- it’s only a dream.” she soothes, knowing that she should keep gentle in her rousing. waking someone up forcefully, or abruptly, may do more harm than good - and while she would not blame the prince for any reflexive movements upon waking up startled, she knows they would both prefer to avoid it.
“ wake up, love, it’s only a dream.” she soothes, pulling back once more to let her hands comb through his hair or smooth along his face, trying her best to soothe him as his mind runs it’s wicked rampant.
“ all is well, i’m safe — as are you. come back to me.”
she repeats the words, accompanied by soothing hums. she knows how bad nightmares can be; she’s spent her fare share of early starts, having awoken soaked and terrified of the shadows in her room more than she’d like to admit. especially, she knows how terrifying the moment of awareness - the break of the terror’s spell and the unease before logic and familiarity filter in.
but she finds that his company had always helped — and she is steadfast to return the favour, even twice or thrice fold over. even more, because her heart is full for him, overflowing.
the gentle light of dawn filters in around them, illuminating the treacherous shadows of the night and bringing the safety of light. she remembers the feeling — those nights alone and terrified — as it washed over her and the sense of security it brought to her and her shaking frame.
she hopes it does the same to the man before her — and perhaps secretly she, herself, can bring along that glowing security the sun insets on the world every morn.
for now she keeps her gaze gentle and concerned as she keeps herself close, murmuring words of comfort and warmth - promises of safety - and presses of chaste kisses along cheeks, eyelids, the bridge of his nose — anywhere she could reach as she felt his figure slowly relax; the tenseness and rigidity of his muscles give way to a softness that she knows and would fight tooth and nail for.
she would let herself fall before she let anything cast their hand on a single hair of his figure, be it shadow, foe or otherwise.
as the sun climbs higher through the room, trailing across the ground and along the bed she feels the moment his eyes open - bleary and she can see the moisture in the corners. she meets the gaze with a smile, a hand cradling the back of his head as she moves in close, pulling him to her as she surrounds him, a strong embrace — enveloping him as a symbol to the universe; they would have to go through her to get to him.
they stay that way for a while, and lux feels warm moisture on her skin but she keeps silent about it, allowing jarvan his time before she feels strong arms squeeze around her before they’re pulling away — not very far, but enough that she can cradle his face, thumbs wiping the moisture from his eyes before she gives him another kiss - an alias of good morning, of safety and assurance- while his returning one she feels is a thank you.
she’s resting her forehead against his own - as the light streams in further - morning heralds announcing the new day as they croak and chirp from beyond the windows — promise of safety in her eyes; that everything would always be okay, so long as she had a say in anything.
for / ` * @lightshielded 
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fxlgurkinesis · 6 years
' You’re the perfect height for me to rest my chin on your head. '
                       blushy / fluffy  ( ac )                 // @lightshielded
the words were a little bit of a surprise, if only because she hadn’t noticed the prince had walked up behind her. the mixture of a voice out of nowhere and a light pressure atop her head was enough to let her exhale a sharp breath ; yet it was familiar enough that she didn’t act with a shoulder into the man’s gut out of instinct. battle training made it rather unfortunate when someone with good intentions snuck up on you - especially when your arm guards gave your elbows and extra pointy trait. 
“ you should announce your presence before you enter a room, your highness. ” she huffs out, but there’s no edge to her words, only a light jovial sternness. she’d turn her head but the other seemed to have taken up residence on it, so trying to get a look at the man wouldn’t really  work out all that well. “ unless you want an elbow to your stomach.” another jest, but she found herself relaxing back against the railing of the small balcony she’d found herself loosing her thoughts to.
she’d really only just gotten back from another long span of time away - more information to gather with the silentest of steps and the flick of the wrist of light manipulation to move through undetected. for once it had been more or less seamless - yet being away from home always left a pang within her chest no matter how long or short she was away. nothing ever truly compared.
but she’s more than happy to be the resident chin stool for the prince - and maybe sap a little at his warmth as it passes from chest to back, a soft sigh leaving her lips as she finds it relaxes her in a rather soothing way.  “ if you want i can remove my headband - i’m sure that might make things a little more comfortable. ” she mumbles, her tone far less formal now - it was only the two of them after all - , a smile to her voice that’s as soft as the light that’s casting on them both and the rose hue that was on her cheeks, as she casts her eyes over the horizon before her. the buildings, the feel of the sun as it hits her skin, the hustle and bustle - the smells and sights of her home. she’d missed it all, even when she’s seen some places that were beyond breathtaking. she still felt the homesickness. 
and as her thoughts spread to things that she’d missed on her journey away, she finds her hand moving slowly, almost subtly, as she reaches behind her to hook a delicate pinky around the taller man’s own. she bites her lip a little at the movement, trying not to smile too wide, or too fond but she fails at that far too easily. yes, she’s missed home, missed the sights, the smells and most of all, she missed him. 
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fxlgurkinesis · 6 years
LIKED FOR FLUFFY DRABBLE / ` @lightshielded
the previous night had been a roller coaster, or even the last few passing days - but it was last night that really stood out to the young crownguard. a dinner party, one too many drinks if only to avoid some unwanted conversational topics and too weary souls finding each other in a quiet part of the ballroom.
 they’d been skirting around topics, saying things veiled by other words - meanings hidden out of fear, out of habit ; but under the veil of night and perhaps the stars aligning true words were finally said and from there things had only grown further when more than one confession seemed to flow like the passage of time as things clicked into place as the moon rose and weary eyes started to drift close and weary hearts rested for the first time in likely a while.
she wakes up a lot earlier than she ever really would , save for nights she would give up on sleep altogether, but she finds that she’s far more restful than even days she’s slept well into the afternoon sun.
she’s relaxed and warm, from the tips of her toes to the top of her head, yet the place which radiates the most warmth is deep within her chest, a sort of warmth achieved from....being accepted, from finding someone who takes all that you are and cherishes it completely.
and it’s pressed up behind her, wrapped around her like the warmest blanket. and the smile’s been on her face since she’s woken up, probably there even as she slept because she felt so happy, so content. she glances down at the hands wrapped around her middle, one entangled with her own, still, as if they’d never let go throughout their slumber. it brings a heat to her cheeks, but only causes her to swell, giddy, as her thumb traces over the calloused skin, watches as it compliments her own battle earned scars.
and she feels a stirring behind her and her smile can only grow, she turns her head to see the peeking visage of a freshly awoken prince and she can’t help it as she leans her cheek into his own, nuzzling lightly against the slightly scratchy skin - not minding that in the slightest - before there’s movement and suddenly they’re facing each other. a bubble of giggles flows through the light mage, cheeks stained high in flushed rose as the prince moves in, laughs more as lips pressing against her cheek and down to her shoulder, the sensation tingly and slightly ticklish even through the prince’s shirt ( that he had so kindly allowed her to borrow ).
“ good morning.” she mumbles, her smile turning slightly shy yet still blinding, her cheeks deepening in their colour even more. the good morning she gets in return cause her toes to curl, her heart fluttering hard, like a humming bird’s wing; things were still new, still tender and even the smallest gestures can cause lux’s heart to trip over itself in enthusiasms. but it was not only his words that brought the reaction, but the way it was uttered so tender, mirrored in the way his fingers stroked through her hair.
he looked at her, eyes brimming in adoration, and she knew her own stare was the same. their faces so close now, she could see her own gaze reflect in the colour of his eyes and found herself unwind even more. she doesn’t have to hide here, not amongst the privacy of his room, nor under his gaze. she could be at home here as she could in her own heart and with that realisation she feels herself letting more of her restraints down.
she leans forward, and it seems the message is received as the prince leans in half way, their lips meeting in the middle and it’s all lux can do but melt into it with a soft sigh, feels the tell tale tingle of magic on her skin, a soft warm that tangled itself with the warmth of love she feels brimming and overflowing in her heart. she can feel it behind her eyelids as she smooths her thumb along jarvan the fourth’s cheek, as their lips meet and move softly, gently, little inquisitive movements.
and lux still feels breathless as they pull back, even if the kiss had been relatively light, the emotions behind it were as passionate as any deep kiss could have been. but even more so, she holds her breath as she watches jarvan, watches as his eyes roam over her — and she knows what he probably sees, knows what he’s looking at — and for once she doesn’t feel an overwhelming sense of dread at being seen for who she is. feels no need to flee, or come up with some sort of excuse — she just lays there, hair and clothes dishevelled but patient and loving and adoring as she watches the prince watch her.
she’s a sun in her own right, as her light fills the bedroom like a morning sunrise , just as soft and gentle and luminous. she watches as it dances through the air, swirling like barely there tendrils - and extension of emotions as it dances and refracts - rainbows scattering throughout and bouncing. she’s not scared, and the prince does not look it either - even when she knows he would have every right to be - she doesn’t see fear, only awe, in his eyes.
the words that tumble from his mouth, the litany of praises and sweet words would be enough to make her hide her face, embarrassment perhaps, but she forces herself to not shy away, because these are words she’d never thought she’d ever hear. she’d been convinced that she’d only ever hear curses of her true nature; that she was a monster, and yet here he was telling her she was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. it was enough to tug something deep within her, cause a bubble of moisture to pool at the corner of her eyes but she’s steadfast to will them away as she lifts herself up to press another, a little more firmer, kiss to the prince ( and hears his soft sound of surprise followed by a hum of approval ) as she feels herself burn even brighter.
it takes a surprising amount of willpower to pull away from the prince’s lips, and she mourns any productivity that will be lost at the mere thought of the prince now, not to mention if she were to bump into him in the days following now. but she finds herself not regretting that in the slightest.
when she does pull away though she already feels words pulling at her tongue, feels a myriad of things she wants to say but either feels hesitant or that they feel awkward. but as she watches jarvan’s patient and curious look she finds some words bubbling up, cheeks red yet soft eyed as she speaks a simple phrase, really, but conveying a whole other meaning that she feels a little too shy, at the moment, to say.
“ i’m really glad i met you.” 
                                                    i think i might love you.
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fxlgurkinesis · 4 years
jarvlux u w u
Send Me a Ship and I’ll Rate it / @lightshielded
NOTP | meh | it’s ok | i can live with it | BROTP | cute | i love this ship | adorable | OTP |
it is by no means a surprise that i love them very much uwu with my whole heart
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lightshielded · 6 years
Lux! :D
prompt / champion ratings
how much I like them (0-10): 9favourite skin: is picking elementalist cheating?worst/weakest skin: commando, but this is a givenfavourite quote: ‘ double rainbow… what does it mean? ’ ‘ well, a double rainbow is a phenomenon of optics that displays a spectrum of light due to the sun shining on droplets of moisture in the atmosphere. does that explain it? ’if I like to play against this champ: i love getting full combo one shot half way across the screenany ships?: oh, i have plenty! jarvlux and quinnlux are just two c:
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lightshielded · 6 years
Hehe well I agree with Jarvan x Demacian ships except for Fiora and Vayne. Especially Vayne I feel like would hate Jarvan for allowing a half-dragon mage to be in high Demacian position since new lore Vayne is very hardcore about being against this so I can’t support this ship because it’s disrespectful to Jarvan or Vayne character because one of them would have to be ooc for this to happen. I love J4 x Quinn and J4 x Shyvana the most but I can get behind J4 x Lux and J4 x Karma it’s cute. :3
anonymous asked: Of course I can see Vayne x Jarvan in a setting that not canon complacent. I am not saying you can’t ship them at all but just form a canon view currently I can’t see them.
fair enough, ship and let ship i always say. no need to explain yourself to me ! 
though, i think vayne’s opinion on jarvan and shyvana would be dependant on 1) the individual writer and how they have interpreted parts of vayne’s lore and their own blog development cause all portrayals are unique and 2) what point of time it is as shyvana’s true nature is a secret to everyone but jarvan in the capital ( if i recall correctly ) so i don’t know if that would effect their relationship platonic/romantic/otherwise at current. 
and, yeah i’ve heard jarvan x quinn is a popular ship. its from the joke and some old bits of her old lore journal yeah? i can’t say i have explored it or thought much of it, but given the right circumstances it might work. hehe but yeah i’m weak for that jarvlux, jarvkarma and jarvshyvana.
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fxlgurkinesis · 6 years
☑: An OTP with your Muse in it (if you have any).
Aaa just one? I've got a few LOL, 3 big ones in my heart rn tho are jarvlux , ezlux and jinxlux (sg) ! 
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lightshielded · 6 years
prompt / would you ship it?
while i am already exclusive ship for her, platonic jarvlux and even relationships where she is antagonistic towards him due to his continued ploy and pretending to avoid being removed from succession. yes ! those relationship ideas i love c:
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fxlgurkinesis · 6 years
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for @lightshielded ; w; sorry this is so late - but happy belated birfday
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