#james the slay engine
theredengineapologist · 11 months
Why is that James has the best facial expressions? Seriously.
It's because he's just the most splendid-est engine! He's got to have a wonderful face for all of us to admire!
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rushingexpress · 9 months
screaming at the golden paint, it's so,, pretty.
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he needs to stop slaying this hard, I'm going to have a heart attack/pos
and ik this post is about mostly James, but Emily too!! I LOVE THE GREEN PAINT ON HER TOO.. the great race designers had to be due rent because... oh my god. im going to pass away.
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HAPPY 5/5 DAY YALL(I know it’s like a day late but hey I’m sortave made it in time!! Select your player from:
🌹a splendid darling🌹
🧰a trusty hard maintenance worker ⚙️
🔎 a quiet timid detective🔍 
Hands yall the pencil sketch I did of James first, would probably inked it but I’m still proud of it (Shane and Rusty I did on the same page so they’re smushed together and it’s messy ahah)
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James gave me the most difficulty cause I knew I wanted to be make him Latino(Filipino/Spaniard to be exact) so I searched up bull fighting clothing and I gave him the gilet-vest underneath his big coat of his cause he’s copying Gordon (to the point of absolutely antagonizing, blaming and arguing with Alfred for everything he has done though to be fair he did traumatize Thomas kidnap his sister figure Nia and almost broke Gordon but like the Rusty scenario that’s another can of worms to get to later) but also cause I’m on the whole him idolizing and copying him around bandwagon so things like similar coat patterns, his keychains, jabot/cravat,epaulettes,beret-like hat etc) and of course I had to make him eye-catching like he wasn’t you attention so lot of gold accents and of course roses (get it cause with his surname) with him having one on his coat and on his cuff pins and rings 🌹 for symbolism 
Rusty was actually the easiest cause I already had a design for them cause I already wanted them to wear a tool belt and hardhat for their job , overalls and the protection knee pads I actually got from glowynviator on Twitter, same goes with having those (forgive I don’t know exactly what to call them) circles that appear to release smoke from their radiator as little silver buttons on their collars and pockets for their jackets and I changed the color scheme to for both the tv and rws versions. They’re pretty much unwillingly involved with the supernatural shenanigans (though then again a lot of folks are here but considering when they first got here, they legit witnessed their coworker get nearly crushed to death, the treatment of Duncan, the Sudrian verison of Bigfoot, a possible immortal fallen king 👑 fogman and of course the Boulder, they can’t seem catch a break)
Shane Dooiney I was completely inspired by gloynviator by Twitter humanizations of the Culdee Fell Railway (seriously y’all go check them out they’re awesome 🤩 and amazing and just incredible 💕💞) but with some minor changes like more detective-esque, think Looker from Pokemon or Inspector Gadget/Zenigata cause I love them so much but also a chunk of their personality is from Crona cause I love the hairstyle . Their personality I based it off of The Trainz Adventures, he’s said to be shy cause of people constantly mock their name which leads to him keeping to himself but ain’t afraid to help others, LeatherBootlace and StarSearch1927 on Deviantart (where he feels out of place for being away for so long, suffers from Middle Child syndrome/the Black Sheep of the Railwa due to being away fro overhauled a majority of the time during important events of the series so they feel out of the loop, the latter being the main inspiration for the ““private investigator” persona they have since he has a eagle eye for everything and thinks of crime solving and a love for mysteries while former used he/they pronouns for Shane and we need more he/thems here ✨) of course the top hat 🎩 is their funnel.
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bellewintersroe · 1 year
Sebastian Vettel x RBDesignEngineer Reader.
Set in 2013 during the GP, Jennifer is fresh out of uni and has made a name for herself within the F1 world. She joins Redbull-Renault as one of their engineer designers and easily fits into the team, forming friendships easily. Most of all, she captures the attention of three time world champion, Sebastian Vettel.
Part 2 - here the LINK to part 1. Warning: Jen’s bf is a controlling, toxic ASSHOLE, so mentions of abuse that may be triggering to some. Bf is a dick bcs the angst is fun to write- Seb takes an instant dislike to her bf because he just has a good eye for evil people 😈 let’s just say Sebastian slays her bday whilst her bf… is a flop.
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Australia, Albert Park, March 17th. “-And I told them, you gotta look out for Sebastian’s tires, but nobody wanted to listen to me!” I explained, leaning over to speak directly into the drivers ear over the loud club music. Our first race in Australian with the RB9 went relatively good apart from a good teething issues. Teething issues that I did point out but the mechanics were happy with the tires that brought Sebastian down from pole to 3rd- still not a bad result.
“Next time, I am listening to you.” Seb slipped an arm over the back of the booth, behind me, the comment and smile he flashed me sending a rush of warmth through my chest. With Dutch courage I was able to chatter freely to Sebastian. “Well, I’m not really a mechanic.” I shrugged. “Hm?” He leaned in a little closer. My breath hitched, scanning over his face as the tipsy man leant against me slightly. “I just said, I’m not really a mechanic…” I gently spoke, eyes falling to the small gap between us. Feeling a little tense, my eyes roamed around the room, suddenly catching a glimpse of a tall, dark haired man ahead of me. The warmth that once spread through my chest was ignited into an uncomfortably hot fire. It raged deep inside of me, the sensations of panic, guilt, comfort all hitting me at once. It was my boyfriend. All the way from England. An odd sickness knocked me still, and it wasn’t from the alcohol. “Luke!” I borderline choked out, feeling Sebastian pull back slightly, eyeing up the figure with an awkwardly dirty expression. I cringed instantaneously.
“Who is that?” Sebastian questioned jusf as I was pushing myself out of the booth. “My boyfriend.” I was just as shocked, if not more than everybody else seemed to be. It wasn’t that I acted single around here, I just never told anybody about Luke, my anxieties and uncomfortable sensation that surrounded the topic was no exception in the current moment. “Hi!” I breathlessly walked over, halting in front of him. “What’re you not gonna give me a kiss? C’mere.” He pulled me, as I tripped forwards, feeling his lips on mine. The sensation felt foreign, it had been over 2 weeks since I’d last seen him, I hoped with the distance came separation- but Luke was insistent that if I took this job he would follow me. Yes- follow me.
“Oh, you’ve still got that shit on your lips.” He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand as I stared at him, forcing a smile. It was weird, I felt nothing, nothing but a slight fear seeing the bottle of alcohol clutching in his left hand. I already had the breakup rehearsed so perfectly in my mind, ready for my next venture home. The same breakup I’d attempted four times over in a mere six months out of the eighteen we had spent together. “Sorry.” I awkwardly spoke, not loud enough so he could hear me. When he turned to the rest of my friends sat around I felt a pang in my chest knowing what he was expecting.
“This is Luke, um, here’s Christian- you know Christian, Molly, James, oh there’s Manny, that there is Sebastian-”
“Yeah, I know who Sebastian is, hun.” Luke nudged me off as a joke as I now sat across from where I previously was, unable to meet anybody’s eye. “Oh, you never mentioned a boyfriend, Jen!!” James exclaimed. “Oh, you didn’t?” There came that passive aggressive laugh from Luke’s clenched jaw. I mentally swore as James’ word. I knew he didn’t mean it to sound so bad, but I just knew there’d be an argument later that night. Across from me, I watched Sebastian’s eyes narrow towards the man before he seemed to shake it off and sip from his own drink. It was only a brief glance, sparingly looking at Luke. Maybe I was just being dramatic, but he didn’t seem too happy. And when he looked at me, he just looked purely confused. That’s pretty how much it went for the rest of the evening, Luke’s anger was becoming more and more noticeable until we got inside the hotel room. To our left, was Sebastian, and to our right was a poor Hannah, RedBull’s Senior Strategy Engineer.
I was silent when the bedroom door closed, Luke stumbled straight to the hallway, spinning around to me and spitting when the door was shut. “Yeah now you’re being so quiet, hardly happy to see me after three weeks, are you?” “I was just shocked.” I stumbled, placing my bag on the side. “It’s your birthday next week, why wouldn’t I be here?!” He snapped. “I said I was just shocked, that’s all.” I repeated, reaching over for my makeup wipes. “Don’t bother wearing all that shit on your lips next time, looks stupid anyway.”
“Luke!” I exclaimed in shock as he blew me off, stripping off his shirt and dropping himself into bed. “You and I both know why you’re wearing it.”
“Because I like it.” I defended, harshly ripping an wipe out of the packet. “I don’t… I know the other men do though.”
“Oh my god, don’t start this…” I felt borderline defeated already, standing like a lemon as I wanted to plead with the drunk to shut up. “Yeah, oh my god!” He shot back up out of bed, still jean classed. “You never fucking said how many men you were working with, now you’re dressing like this, acting like this! You don’t even tell them you have a fucking boyfriend!”
“Please be quiet, everybody’s next door-” “You think I give a fuck who’s next door?!” He hissed back as I sighed, hurrying to make my way to the bathroom. I locked myself in, feeling and hearing him slam on the door in response. I could hear the heaviness of his angered breathing from the other side of the wood. I hated when he got this intense and riled up, it struck a fear inside me then I figured it was just better to shut up rather than ignite his anger further.
“You’re the only one who gives a fuck, Jennifer! Nobody else! None of these people give a shit about you either! What, after three months you think they want to be friends with you?!” I felt complete and utter humiliation as he yelled away, I knew these hotel rooms weren’t soundproof, the thought of everybody knowing we were having a domestic after one night felt humiliating and damaging- never mind his words that hit a sensitive part deep inside of me. “A world champion, F1, fucking celebrity, wanting to be friends with you. You’re fucking kidding me, Jennifer. Get a fucking life!” That night I slept in the bathroom. It sounded absolutely pathetic, I know it was, but it was the reality of being with Luke. It’s like now he was back I felt this odd attachment to him, like without him I’d be lonely and he was my crutch to this whole world. Pathetic, again. I knew, but I couldn’t control it. I missed the separation I once had from him, and when my birthday rolled around the week after he was still there, this time, in a different country, Malaysia.
“Happy birthday! Happy, happy birthday, why didn’t you say it was your birthday?!” An all so familiar voice walked in through to where I was seated in front of my computers, I audibly gasped, feeling arms wrap around my front. It was Sebastian. “Oh!” My hands flew up to the warmth of his skin, his hands gentle as he gave me a light squeeze into his chest.
“I- thank you!” I laughed, feeling him glance over my side to give me the most adoring smile. “23?” “22. I accidentally told the camera guy the other day I was already 22.” I winced as he laughed, arm sliding off me. “No need to keep your birthday a secret though?!” Seb stood up straighter as I pushed my head phones off, gazing up to him with that fluttering feeling lingering in my chest. “I know… how did you know it was my birthday?”
“I know everything. You’ll be here until 4, right?” “5 tonight.” “Perfect.” “Why?” “Just perfect.” god knows what he meant, he was back and fourth all day, working out, chatting, checking out his car, tyres, eating, chatting some more, getting back to work and meetings. Eventually I’d wondered if nothing was to come at all from our brief conversation, it wasn’t like I expected anything, but I was just confused.
“Your boyfriend treat you to anything nice?” Hannah perked a brow, offering me an oddly knowing look. I knew she’d heard our argument back in Australia, I could tell by the way she’d look at me the next morning, ask if I was okay- I didn’t continue any further discussion about it with her.
“Yeah!” I took a deep inhale, pushing one headphone off. “Yeah.” I responded again, gathering my thoughts. Correction- lies. “What’s he got?” She responded as I awkwardly laughed, letting out a gentle exhale through my nose.
“He’s not given me it yet.” I defended, biting down on my lip and returning my attention back to my computer. My teeth were gritted together and my leg began to bounce uncomfortably from under the desk.
“He’s not got you anything has he?” She honestly spoke as I cleared my throat. “No.” The urge to get upset was creeping up on me.
“What? Did you say your boyfriends got you nothing?” This time, an Australian accent approached, Mark Webber was there, brows furrowed. “Ah- not yet.” I forced a laugh. “Well it’s a good thing we’re all-”
“Happy birthday to you…” Oh my god… “Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Jeeeeeen, happy birthday to you!” I gasped in complete and utter ecstasy seeing everybody gathering, singing happy birthday. At either side of the cake stood Christian and Sebastian (of course) with a huge 22 in pink fondant spread across the cake. My heart swelled and lips immediately lifted, I almost felt tears fill my eyes as I perched on the edge of my seat, blowing out the 22 candles lit across the cake. Nobody had ever done anything like that for me before, ever… and the mastermind behind it all?? Sebastian Vettel.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you, for today!” I practically threw my arms around the German man. He audibly giggled into my embrace, leaning down to kiss my cheek as I laughed, slightly tipsy from the few glasses of champagne I’d been fed. Christian told me to ‘fuck off work’ and the lot of them all enjoyed a few drinks with me. “You deserve a good birthday, everybody does, no?”
“I know but… I just didn’t expect it today, I appreciate it, thank you.”
“I would’ve gotten you a present if I knew sooner, but… hopefully your boyfriend treats you with something good.” He honestly spoke as I felt my heart pang. A sad kinda laugh escaped my lips as Sebastian cocked his head to the side with a confused expression.
“What’s funny?” “Nothing, really, just… I don’t think anything can top all that today, thank you again.” I smiled as he nodded back to me, lips stretched. He reached out, rubbing my upper back before we headed back to our rooms.
“Oh and Jen?” “Yeah?” “If he shouts at you on your birthday, I’ll come barging in…”
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chussyracing · 1 month
what's been happening in the world of motorsports lately?
a long overdue summary which is not including absolutely everything but at least some important stuff. there is a lot, so i'm putting it under the read more button :)
Jack Doohan confirmed to partner Gasly in Alpine for 2025
Ferrari will be bringing upgrades for Monza (and Fernando had something to say about their performance over the next two races……)
after the court decided that Haas owes Uralkali they were told to send unspecified amount of money as unpaid sponsorship bid to them but their trucks were literally held hostage in Zandvoort (after Uralkali got help from Dutch court), not allowed to leave with the rest of the teams until the transaction was finalized and the money ended up in Uralkali’s account, but that is sorted for now so they don’t expect to miss out on Monza
Liberty Media are selling a share in F1 to have enough funds to get Moto GP
if you weren’t already tired of it, there is another rumour of Logan losing his seat mid-season, this time either to Mick or Liam Lawson that James Vowles apparently spoke to after Logan crashed in FP3 and ultimately broke the upgrades he was fitted with for the weekend (Wolff confirmed that Kimi won’t be going to Williams for the rest of the season but didn’t rule out Mick as he “offered” him to James… he might get sold to 1d you guys), there is also possibility for Franco Colapinto to actually choose from their own junior academy
Helmut Marko said that Liam Lawson will have a seat in one of their teams in 2025, Horner said he might be on loan to another team at the same time (choose your fighter)
Lewis’ current race engineer Bono (Bonnington) will stay in Mercedes and even gets a promotion as Head of Race Engineering after Lewis’ departure, while Lewis will inherit Ricky (Adami) from Carlos in Ferrari
also Checo’s race engineer is leaving for paternity leave, so they prepared a switch up to make his current performance engineer Richard Wood (sorry but you mean to tell me there is a guy and his name is Dick Wood????? in a world where Prince Albert is real well? ok) temporarily his race engineer
Toto had a lil Freudian slip and said that they had a small chance to get Max which has now passed but they are happy about their Goerge-Kimi line up for 2025
Kimi will also have junior outing in fp1 in Lewis’ car in Monza
there are rumours about a potential F1 race in Rwanda as Domenicali had more meetings to ensure that over the summer break, it should be a permanent track and not a street circuit, so I take this as a big win (now if only we took existing track and upgraded them instead of making new ones)
Lando’s gap between p1 and p2 was the biggest winning margin all season not as big as his ego though, knowing he said “simply lovely” after crossing the checkered flag as a dig at Max lol (Sauber drivers were lapped twice I think, as much for the cars being close in performance we thoughts we could see this year)
Alex was disqualified from quali in Zandvoort because his floor was outside of compliance of the rules, so he had to start from the pitlane although he got to p8 on merit
Liberty Media are officially under investigation for rejecting Andretti’s bid to become 11th team by the US Department of Justice’s antitrust division
Charles is on the new edition of Beyond the Grid podcast which is now also available in video form (all I saw about it so far is that he wants to win with Ferrari only and he believes they can do it, he name dropped Elon Musk ew and he said Leo pees everywhere)
Zak Brown refused McLaren would be signing Adrian Newey
Nina Gademan was the wildcard for Zandvoort’s F1 Academy race and she SLAYED
Isotta Fraschini ends in WEC before the season is done so you won’t see the only private team on the grid for the last three races
despite (or maybe because) being Ferrari reserve driver, Robert Schwartzman got a chance to have a junior outing in fp1 for Stake in Zandvoort
FIA officially banned asymmetrical brakes in fear it could bring advantage (in turns) – it can be either a reaction to someone’s grey area shady business this year or reaction to teams questioning the new technical rules for 2026 onwards
Oscar got his rib broken because of wrong seat/seating position and it happened around Austria/Silverstone, but he is fully healed by now
Audi is looking at Mick and Liam Lawson as some potential candidates for the seat (but also Valtteri and now apparently Robert Schwartzman and Guanyu too – Valtteri because he posted an Audi car with number 77 on it, Robert because of his junior outing in fp1 and Guanyu because of possible sponsorship deals)
Helmut Marko yapped about Seb Vettel and that it is no secret besides Red Bull he was asking one or two other teams if they have a free seat for him
there was also the one Kyle guy from??? Nascar I think? thinking he is overall better driver than Max Verstappen which is honestly just a bit funny
gentle reminder that the drivers now have to be way more careful on the radio about swearing and talking about stewards and race control, because FIA will now be penalizing such behaviour as misconduct (Ben Sulayem also linked it all to online abuse which is a campaign he focused on with his presidency)
Mattia Binotto will have “full responsibility” in Audi because they are apparently happy about how much experience he has, especially in the technical department
Peter Bayer said that if it goes like that Yuki will be considered for 2025 Red Bull seat
Peter Windsor said that one driver is doing rally testing in secret and doing good results among uncertain F1 future and that he won’t tell who it is but it’s not Max (and then Val was asked about it because he could be the one with uncertain future and he denied it)
Ferrari will be switching to pull-rod front suspension for 2025
Oscar started his own app similarly to Logan
Porsche said after they failed to partner with Red Bull, they closed the F1 chapter and don’t wanna pursue another entry into the series
David Malukas is no longer jobless, he signed multiyear contract with AJ Foyt in Indycar
Zane Maloney tested with IndyCar in Indianapolis
BBS won’t be supplying wheel rims after 2026 to everyone so it will be one of the parts teams can get from any supplier they wish
Domenicali wants more changes to the weekend structure in the future – probably more sprints and less FPs or none at all (or points for them), maybe even reverse grid
(not sure if I already wrote this down in previous round up but) Nyck de Vries will go to Super Formula starting round 5
Fionn McLaughlin and Scott Linblom joined Red Bull junior academy
the complaint against Horner has been dismissed (are you kidding me)
Marta Garcia debuted in GT racing in Ligier European Series JS2 R and lost podium from the first race due to penalty only to win the second race
Zak Brown is apparently trying to take away team’s veto/voting rights for the new Concorde Agreement that is being finalized for future decisions
Adidas is apparently in talks with Audi to become their clothing partner
Juri Vips was meant to drive an indycar race but I didn’t put enough effort into this to find out if he really did teehee :)
(Bonus from my fave gossipers: They are set on Newey going to Ferrari, the talks about Aston bring up his value though, something his manager Eddie Jordan is well aware of. Also there are talks about the Ferrari upgrades for Monza and that they will be black – deleted everything else because they already posted the black merch and suits so they were right about this lol)
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offender42085 · 10 months
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Post 1093
Cody Cousins, Indiana inmate, born 1990, incarceration intake October 2014 at age 24, sentenced to 65 years, committed suicide in his prison cell 5 days after arriving
In September 2014, a man who admitted fatally stabbing and shooting a fellow Purdue University student inside a crowded classroom was sentenced to the maximum 65 years in prison after telling a judge he lied about being mentally ill.
Tippecanoe Superior Court Judge Thomas Busch cited Cody Cousins' lack of remorse, the viciousness of the Jan. 21, 2014 attack on Andrew Boldt and Cousins' apparent pride in Boldt's death in rejecting the defense's request that Cousins be found guilty but mentally ill.
"That's not insanity. That's not mental illness," Judge Busch said, calling the slaying a "crime of hatred" and likening it to the biblical story of Cain and Abel.
Both Cousins and Boldt were teaching assistants in Purdue's electrical engineering program at the time of the attack.
Prosecutor Pat Harrington said Cousins, who had struggled in some classes and left Purdue at one point, envied Boldt, whom witnesses described as a humble man and top student.
"Andrew was everything he was not," Harrington said.
Boldt, of West Bend, Wisconsin, was shot five times, including three times in the face, and suffered 19 cuts as horrified students looked on.
"This is the worst homicide I've ever seen," said Dr. Elmo Griggs, the pathologist who performed Boldt's autopsy.
Cousins pleaded guilty to the slaying a month earlier. Defense attorneys argued that the 24-year-old man was mentally ill at the time of the attack and asked that he receive treatment now instead of upon his release from prison.
Defense attorney Kirk Freeman said his client was "so sick, he may not know he's sick."
Cousins' mother testified that there was a history of mental illness in her family and said she had her son hospitalized on a 72-hour psychiatric hold in the summer of 2013.
Cousins told Judge Busch at a May 8, 2014 hearing that he was taking medication to treat schizophrenia. But he testified Friday that he lied to doctors about having auditory hallucinations.
"I killed Andrew Boldt because I wanted to," he said.
Experts who examined Cousins said he didn't show signs of mental illness the day Boldt was killed.
On October 28, 2014, he was found dead from an apparent suicide in his prison cell, according to state correction officials.
The Indiana Department of Correction said 24-year-old Cody Cousins was pronounced dead about 30 minutes after being found unresponsive at the Indiana State Prison with self-inflicted lacerations to his neck and arms.
Cousins' defense attorney, Kirk Freeman, said that his client had struggled with serious mental illness. "It's a horrible, tragic end to this and I've expressed my condolences to his family," Freeman said.
Indiana State Prison spokeswoman Pam James said Cousins arrived at the prison Oct. 23 and had been given a single cell of the sort assigned to new inmates.
James said inmates in those cells are checked by staff every 30 minutes and prison logs indicate a correctional officer had last checked on Cousins at 8:30 p.m., about 25 minutes before he was found. She said Cousins had not been on suicide watch.
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A Prophecy Against Tyre
1 And it came to pass in the eleventh year, in the first day of the month, that the word of the LORD came to me, saying, 2 Son of man, because that Tyrus has said against Jerusalem, Aha, she is broken that was the gates of the people: she is turned to me: I shall be replenished, now she is laid waste: 3 Therefore thus said the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against you, O Tyrus, and will cause many nations to come up against you, as the sea causes his waves to come up. 4 And they shall destroy the walls of Tyrus, and break down her towers: I will also scrape her dust from her, and make her like the top of a rock. 5 It shall be a place for the spreading of nets in the middle of the sea: for I have spoken it, said the Lord GOD: and it shall become a spoil to the nations. 6 And her daughters which are in the field shall be slain by the sword; and they shall know that I am the LORD.
7 For thus said the Lord GOD; Behold, I will bring on Tyrus Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon, a king of kings, from the north, with horses, and with chariots, and with horsemen, and companies, and much people. 8 He shall slay with the sword your daughters in the field: and he shall make a fort against you, and cast a mount against you, and lift up the buckler against you. 9 And he shall set engines of war against your walls, and with his axes he shall break down your towers. 10 By reason of the abundance of his horses their dust shall cover you: your walls shall shake at the noise of the horsemen, and of the wheels, and of the chariots, when he shall enter into your gates, as men enter into a city wherein is made a breach. 11 With the hoofs of his horses shall he tread down all your streets: he shall slay your people by the sword, and your strong garrisons shall go down to the ground. 12 And they shall make a spoil of your riches, and make a prey of your merchandise: and they shall break down your walls, and destroy your pleasant houses: and they shall lay your stones and your timber and your dust in the middle of the water. 13 And I will cause the noise of your songs to cease; and the sound of your harps shall be no more heard. 14 And I will make you like the top of a rock: you shall be a place to spread nets on; you shall be built no more: for I the LORD have spoken it, said the Lord GOD.
15 Thus said the Lord GOD to Tyrus; Shall not the isles shake at the sound of your fall, when the wounded cry, when the slaughter is made in the middle of you? 16 Then all the princes of the sea shall come down from their thrones, and lay away their robes, and put off their broidered garments: they shall clothe themselves with trembling; they shall sit on the ground, and shall tremble at every moment, and be astonished at you.
17 And they shall take up a lamentation for you, and say to you, How are you destroyed, that were inhabited of seafaring men, the renowned city, which were strong in the sea, she and her inhabitants, which cause their terror to be on all that haunt it!
18 Now shall the isles tremble in the day of your fall; yes, the isles that are in the sea shall be troubled at your departure.
19 For thus said the Lord GOD; When I shall make you a desolate city, like the cities that are not inhabited; when I shall bring up the deep on you, and great waters shall cover you; 20 When I shall bring you down with them that descend into the pit, with the people of old time, and shall set you in the low parts of the earth, in places desolate of old, with them that go down to the pit, that you be not inhabited; and I shall set glory in the land of the living; 21 I will make you a terror, and you shall be no more: though you be sought for, yet shall you never be found again, said the Lord GOD. — Ezekiel 26 | American King James Version (KJVUS) The American King James Version is Produced by Stone Engelbrite. It is a simple word for modern word update from the King James English. Cross References: Leviticus 14:41; Deuteronomy 13:16; 2 Samuel 5:11; 2 Chronicles 32:27; Ezra 7:12; Isaiah 5:28; Isaiah 5:30; Isaiah 8:7; Isaiah 14:12; Isaiah 23:5; Isaiah 41:5; Jeremiah 4:13; Jeremiah 20:4; Ezekiel 16:46; Ezekiel 21:22; Ezekiel 25:7; Ezekiel 25:17; Matthew 11:23; Luke 19:43; 1 Peter 5:5; Revelation 18:21-22
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green-planets · 4 days
StEx Appreciation Month Day 23: The Nationals!
Favourite Song/Scenes: This answer is going to be the same for all of them so the races, Rolling Stock, and Coda of Freight! They all have super fun background interactions too!
In addition, I also believe Bochum could probably get away with gender blind casting for all of the national engines
Face Claim: Josh Crowther, George Olney, or Will Luckett
Favourite Ships/Friendships: Ruhrgold x Carrie, Ruhrgold x Joule (as exes). He's friends with all of the nationals but closest with Coco and Espresso, after he and Carrie start dating I could see him hanging out with some of the coaches, and he becomes friends with Rusty post-canon
Headcanons: He's extremely charming. Whenever he's late, all he has to do is smile and apologize and most people forget why they were upset at him in the first place
Unpopular Opinion: I don't have any!
Face Claim: Fraser Fraser or Darren John
Favourite Costumes: Orange Bobo!!!
Favourite Ships/Friendships: Bobo x Espresso.
Headcanons: Bobo started flirting with Espresso as a power move (trying to psyche out his rival with mind games). Over time, his flirting became more and more genuine until he finally confessed his feelings
Unpopular Opinion: I like Coco way more than Bobo (but I don't think that's unpopular lol)
Face Claim: Molly McGuire!!! or Clare Maynard
Favourite Costumes: I love her costume! I know girl=skirt is a bad design philosophy but unfortunately Coco slays. I wouldn't be sad if they swapped the skirt for a pair of shorts or something though
Favourite Ships/Friendships: Coco x Pearl, Coco x Brandi, Coco x Volta. She and Zero are bitch buddies, of the nationals she's closest with Ruhrgold and Brexit (he may be a twerp but he's HER twerp), she has no problem hanging out with Bobo or Espresso separately but thinks they're absolutely insufferable when they're together, she's also friends with Greaseball and Brandi
Headcanons: She's the same Coco from the Japan/Aus tour! Trans Coco real!!
Unpopular Opinion: Not unpopular, but the Chanel references need to go
Face Claim: Noah Jordan or Darius James
Favourite Costumes: Current Bochum! I really like the red and green split!
Favourite Ships/Friendships: Espresso x Bobo!!, Espresso x Zero (more of a one-sided crush on Zero's end), Espresso x Bidecker (as exes)
Headcanons: He finally realized that he was gay while dating Bidecker. She was planning on breaking up with him anyway because their personalities were too incompatible as romantic partners, so their split was fairly amicable and they stayed friends afterwards
Unpopular Opinion: I don't have any!
Face Claim: Kevin Köhler!!! (Born to play silly little guys!!) or Anthony Cragg
Favourite Costumes: I really like his costume (minus the tie)! The flat cap is so cute
Favourite Ships/Friendships: Brexit x Rocky 1!! The other nationals like to pick on him the most but they are friends! He also befriended Memphis Belle and I could see him getting along with Rusty
Headcanons: Brexit was going to apologize to Rocky 1 for dropping out of the race but when he saw how upset he was, he chickened out and hid. He ended up meeting Memphis Belle in the freight yard. She made them some tea and they had a very pleasant chat (she also gave him advice on how to approach Rocky 1)
Unpopular Opinion: Also not unpopular, it would be so sooo easy to change his name to something silly like Biscuit and give him a different tie. And they should totally let him race with Rocky 1 at least once
Face Claim: Chris Southgate or Joseph Connor (but Jayred Lempriere Turnov slayed)
Favourite Costumes: Current Bochum costume, I like the red padding he has under his chest and shoulder boxes more than the dark gray
Favourite Ships/Friendships: Turnov x Hashimoto (platonic or romantic, I just think they're close). Hashimoto is his closest friend out of the nationals, he also hangs out quite a bit with Brexit and Brandi
Headcanons: Turnov and Hashimoto were perfectly content to sit in silence with each other and do their own things, but after the race they spend a lot more of their time together bitching about a certain caboose
Unpopular Opinion: He could be cut and I wouldn't really care. He's the national I think about the least :/
Face Claim: Mayo Kawasaki
Favourite Costumes: I prefer the blue costume but I don't mind the current Bochum one
Favourite Ships/Friendships: Hashimoto x Turnov. He's closest with Turnov, but friends with the rest of the nationals
Headcanons: He's usually pretty reserved, but really cuts loose during the races and after-parties. He likes to spend some one-on-one time with each of the other nationals before they all have to part ways again
Unpopular Opinion: Also not unpopular but holy shit stop casting white people to play him </3 And stop giving him stupid names!!
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strwbi-laces · 1 year
so i see your tags on bats post and hm hm hm…
listen. realistically i could see both of them slaying the game in every branch of engineering, and i do respect your opinion. i hold you to the highest regard darling, however you’re incorrect.
you cannot tell me that sirius black - who invented a flying motorcycle for fun - is not absolutely entrenched in mechanical or aeronautical engineering. that bitch is obsessed with machines and moving parts and what comes with that??? physics. she loves physics.
james on the other hand i could see going anywhere. i do like the idea of her being a coding genius but that also feels too boring on its own so let’s give her something chemical or biomedical engineering-y, because you code in all branches of engineering!! i just think that if either of them is going to explode shit, light something on fire, invent bionic arms, it’s her. and she also codes her own games on the side for fun (and because she can sit in sirius’ lap and bounce ideas off of her when she does)
they both work in the same space and the content of engineering overlaps so much that they’re never out of touch with each other. it’s sort of like paralell play, and maybe they fuck up matrices together.
anyways sorry i kinda went off, i have a passion for this topic. i’d love to hear your ideas too <333
Okay fair point about the motorcycle, I did forget about that. I mean you do need chem for that, but yes it’s physics so maybe Sirius does both. I still like the idea of her being walter white tho
ALSO EXCUSE YOU CODING ISNT BORING (it is kinda boring actually but that’s my field i have to defend it).
Jamesy seems like a probability wizz actually. Maybe in ur casino au shes a card counter. Sirius is on her arm watching, knowing exactly what’s going on but she doesn’t really care cause that means james can buy her a drink later!!
OH MY GOD sirius is the dealer, james is a card counter. Thats so hot actually.
Got distracted, anyway james seems like she creates probability algorithms, like a quant, and does game dev on the side. Sirius checks her code and finds the random colon she forgot then holds her while she cries about it.
Okay so, Sirius gets mechanics, James gets statistics and they check each others work and do puzzles together like nerdss <33
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effrvsnt107 · 2 years
My Twilight Saga film ranking with my brief thoughts
1. New Moon - literally so amazing idc if it’s ‘boring’ it’s interesting to me. You get Volturi, Jacob NOT BEING CHARACTER ASSASSINATED, Alice being a mega slay, THAT ONE VICTORIA VS JACOB FIGHT THAT WAS SO GOOD and a banging soundtrack (like this film GAVE US ROSALYN)
2. Twilight - blue overlay supreme. It’s some cute stuff I won’t lie, most of the cast look so so good and cool. I want to go to there. Not much to say, it’s a classic and it’s worthy of everybody’s respect for the shit the crew had to do to make the film happen.
3. Breaking Dawn Part 2 - honestly Michael Sheen saved the film idc. It suffers because it took the worst book of the saga and split it so it’s boring but what’s good is WE FINALLY GET TO SEE THE SWANS CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS (we never see that)
4. Breaking Dawn Part 1 - it’s part Bellward fan service and half body horror. I can respect it, it’s boring yes but I do respect the dedication to Bellward. Like if you can have 2 scenes where the wife is happier with her husband’s sister and her best friend than the husband and imagine a better honeymoon than the one she has and STILL be so dedicated props to you. The wedding was the best scene in the film it was gorgeous. Why was regamond even born? Character holes for DAYS. Like dude how is Edward so scared to kiss Belle because ‘venom in system’ yet he shoots it casually up her cooch no condom? Confused a bit. I’m convinced that Ranaldo has some sort of immortal child quality and manipulated Bella because why would she think she’d be a perfect copy of Big Ed? Renepoopoo is a loser.
5. Eclipse - confusion the film. I don’t like the story much lmao so I didn’t have much fun. Everyone is such a dick in this book for no reason, and this is the character assassination of Jacob. Both love interests act like such dicks and that assault scene was painful. The taking the engine out of you car also isn’t great. And the ending is just…what? It’s like in Bree Tanner, the volturi guard made a deal with Vicky to attach them in 5 days. But the whole thing in Twilight is SHE DONT GIVE AF. She lives how she wants to live, she doesn’t let the Cullens or the Volturi define her and James. She just wants to eat and fuck her hubby. I’m just so confused.
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whisperthatruns · 1 year
Self-Portrait as Last Pawn Shop in New Jersey
Lately I have not been feeling myself. I walk around like a figure missing its ground. I see a braid of smoke a hand passes through and envy hands, how smoke stays on skin, the faint hairs of a cheek a hand brushes against. Used to be enough to be the blown engine of a VW outside of Durango, whiskey we killed watching our father die, a bad painting I loved because our mother loved bad paintings, without irony. Lead sinkers in the gray bar of self--- There! I’d say, strapped to the mast of a tall ship in a Turner painting, or a grip dangling from the center pole of a circus tent above a troupe of dachshunds trying to find the tiny pedals of tricycles. I collected myself like I was vying to be the last pawn shop in New Jersey. Now I am not even a whir of gnats on a dirt road, a threadbare cloud on a ridgeline, the steam riding off an old man stepping out of a sauna. Days nothing seems to tie me to me. The more I live, the more the rucksack lightens, the more I can’t find myself in the mirror of the world, and roam storefronts as if I have misplaced myself. When I was a kid, I used to keep a Pringles can filled with volcano rocks someone once sold as Apache Tears, one weird ass way of marketing pain. Gone now, as the name of the boy I bailed out for stealing CDs from Walmart, for the girl he crushed on. Which is not really a crime I explained to the cops. The girl loved Stevie Nicks so much I found her stoned under blackberry bramble, listening to “Landslide” on a Walkman. Perhaps it matters to say they were Apache or Pueblo, Inde or Kewa, that they were minor thieves flung far from home. Perhaps all they wanted was the ground inside each other. But even as I say Landslide, Walkman, I feel the scree of words, the pawn shop emptying out. The things that made me are ether now, as clear as those who went and died and took what mattered---bodies, a joke, a late meal that wove itself into morning--- as if they had packed for the afterlife. And empty and whole and empty, the air inside me tastes like leaving, and leaving tastes like rain that never comes. Which I love like breath on a window, like someone else drawing a heart, a face a pleasure in the taking. No wonder, I am marveling over the demo crew slaying each other: Fuck wad, lug nut, waste of skin---Cuts, we used to call them, nicking wing, heel, gutting into laughter, then, tender tender, as one with angels or dogs, where the wound is transom. The words hold them to the ground, and I am whatever hovers when they go.
James Hoch, Last Pawn Shop in New Jersey (Louisiana State University Press, 2022)
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theredengineapologist · 11 months
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"Cameras are flashin' while we're dirty dancin' They keep watching (they keep watching), keep watching Feels like the crowd is saying"
They don't call him the ✨Pride of the Line✨ for nothing. ;)
Anyway, whenever I feel down I draw James in a slay outfit. His splendidness helps perk me right back up. Also yes I drew him in a Jojo pose. And yes, you can expect to see plenty more James the Slay Engine from me in the future. 💅
Detail Shots under the cut!
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sxrahwashere · 2 years
early one morning, all the engines woke up and went to meet sir topham hatt and when they met him there, he asked james,percy,thomas, and rebecca to pull some trucks, trouble some trucks and the 3 engines declined the offer except for rebecca, she was just standing there and sir topham hatt was delighted that rebecca could take the job the next day so at night all the engines were at their shed telling each other stories abt times when they pulled the troublesome trucks and rebecca was amazed abt the adventures and stories they had and all the engines thought in mind of what would happen to her and they were all scared until the next day emily came while rebecca was filling up her coal and emily asked
“girl- aren’t you worried or scared that their gonna get you off the rails or some shit?” she exclaimed
“nah, im chill like that, don’t worry abt me gurl 💅🏻 im on to my adventure and slay and get the story i need” so she went off and emily gave this look 🤨 at her but also a worried look
Rebecca got coupled up to the troublesome trucks and headed off when she heard the trucks singing and she wanted to sing along with them and she saw james beside her
james laughed “already having problems with the trouble some trucks? what a shame” he exclaimed
“james you better watch out~!” as she puffed away
“huh-?, OH SHIT NO-“
as james got shunted right into some tar tankers “why is this even happening to me..”
but the trucks were almost getting confused and we’re gonna stop singing when rebecca kept on singing
thomas was watching rebecca go by felt bad but then he was surprised that she joined the troublesome trucks
“thomas! you missed your signal”
he saw and was abt to go and got frustrated that he was gonna be late for sure
when rebecca got up to gordon’s hill, she sang all by herself and didn’t even bother listening or hearing the trucks sing at all and she went down fast the hill and percy saw rebecca and told her to be careful and rebecca told percy to watch out and percy got dunked in a pond water and sighed
while that was happening, rebecca went and dropped off the troublesome trucks and had a happy face on her look
“it was nice pulling you trucks! hope we meet some time soon again!” as she went away, the trucks look each other and raised one of their eyebrows, one of them said
“wtf just happened-?”
“i don’t even know at this point”
while rebecca was heading back, she saw percy’s problem and she felt sad and rebecca went past by thomas and she felt bad for him and when she went past james, she saw how dirty he was and she wondered what happened to all 3 of them
while at tidmouth sheds, sir topham hatt was saying how bad engines they were and they caused confusion and delay and know how to do their job correctly until
“IM SLOWING DOWN! AHHHH!” rebecca exclaimed
and rebecca bumped into sir topham hatt and the 3 engines gasped and sir topham hatt got up from standing on his car and fixed his hat and as he looked up at rebecca he laughed and said her nam and the 3 engines laughed
“YAY ME!” she exclaimed happy since she didn’t know what else to say
moral of the story is don’t think of what is gonna happen to that person if you already experienced yourself, that person well have a different ending then somebody else’s
The End
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sea-dukes-assistant · 3 years
Funeral rehearsal gives first sighting of Land Rover Prince Philip helped design
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A full military rehearsal for the Duke of Edinburgh’s funeral offered a first glimpse of the specially modified Land Rover he helped to design, which will bear his coffin to St George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle.
The duke’s project, which spanned 16 years, resulted in the custom-built Land Rover Defender TD5 130, which he requested be painted in military green. It is equipped with an open-top rear and special rubber grip “stops” to secure his coffin.
He made the final adjustments in 2019, when he was 98. The Defender was made in Land Rover’s factory in Solihull in 2003, with Philip overseeing modifications throughout the intervening years. Land Rover has maintained the vehicle since it was built.
Thierry Bolloré, Jaguar Land Rover’s chief executive, said: “The duke was a tremendous champion for design, engineering and technology. During his visits to our sites he engaged with hundreds of employees and demonstrated his impressive knowledge and deep interest in vehicle design, engineering and manufacturing.”
Philip also personally selected the regalia that will be on the altar for his funeral. His chosen insignia, the medals and decorations conferred on him by the UK and Commonwealth countries, together with his Royal Air Force wings and field marshal’s baton, will be positioned on nine cushions on the altar in the chapel. The duke also included insignia from Denmark and Greece – Order of the Elephant and Order of the Redeemer respectively – in a nod to his heritage as a prince of Greece and Denmark.
Stephen Segrave, secretary of the central chancery of the Orders of Knighthood, said: “There will be nine cushions with insignia pre-positioned around the altar at St George’s Chapel in Windsor. They represent British and Commonwealth orders and decorations, and the final cushion with orders from Greece and Denmark, for obvious reasons. The Duke of Edinburgh had, I think, 61 decorations and awards from 53 different other countries, and there simply wasn’t the space to have them all on display at the funeral.”
The regalia was sewn on to the cushions at St James’s Palace earlier this week. Among the chosen pieces are the Order of the Garter, which consists of a collar made of 22-carat gold, a badge with Saint George slaying the dragon, known as the greater George, a sash with a badge called the lesser George, a breast star, with the motto of the order, “Honi soit qui mal y pense”, which translates as “shame on anyone who thinks evil of it”, and the garter itself.
One particular cushion has the field marshal’s baton next to Philip’s RAF wings.
(via The Guardian)
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bottomcasbigbang · 4 years
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Here you can read all the stories of our second round and check out the artwork our participants have created! Thank you to everyone who was a part of this, be it as a writer, author, beta, reader, cheerleader or helping hand! Thank you so much everyone and we hope we’ll see you back for the next round! ♥
Without further ado, the BCBB 2019/2020 creations:
Wayward Sons by Substiel (Explicit, 29k)
Illustrated by bees0are0awesome
It's the year 1919 and the Wayward Sons are the most powerful criminal organization in the country. It's ruled by Dean Winchester who bares the Mark of Cain. A curse given to him when Mary Winchester made a deal with the Devil to save her dying son. Dean was always a cold blood killer who did everything for business, and he never let anyone into his heart. He didn't dare let himself get too close to someone. That was until the Roadhouse hired a new bartender.
Castiel always admired Dean from afar for helping the lower class have a voice. For some reason, the bartender knows how to get under Dean's skin. There was something different about him which led to the beginning of their newfound relationship. Two broken souls finding each other in the middle.
Archive Warning: Graphic Depiction of Violence
Art Masterpost / Fic Masterpost
My Bloody Luck by TaymeeLove (Mature, 16k)
Illustrated by Kamicom
Castiel was a struggling actor who never had luck on his side in life or his relationships. He met with an accident and his life was never the same after. Will his luck in relationships turn around this time?
Art Masterpost / Fic Masterpost
Metanoia by adestielable (Explicit, 24k)
Illustrated by Noavice
Castiel’s existence has been nothing but pain, humiliation, and degradation. He’s an omega in a world where omegas are objects for an alpha’s enjoyment.
After a brutal assault on his nineteenth birthday, Castiel began entering into beastie fights—matches where instead of people going head to head, bio and mechanically engineered beasts fight to the death. And in Castiel’s months of fights, he’s not lost once.
It’s after one of these fights where Castiel meets Dean, his supposed true mate. Castiel hates alphas, and has vowed never to let one into his life because all alphas do is inflict pain. Yet…Dean is different. And Castiel finds he can’t help being drawn to him.
Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Art Masterpost / Fic Masterpost
Profound Kisses by BENKA79 (Explicit, 20k)
Illustrated by Gio (sketching-fox)
Dean knows he's screwed. He discovers he is in love with Castiel in Purgatory, and now he can't even have the angel in front of him, because he knows it's a one sided love. It’s Valentine's day and Dean tries very hard to hook up as always, but he can't get Cas out of his mind. So he drives back to the motel, drunk, and he finds Castiel trying to help him. Then, when Dean asks Castiel for some experimental kisses and the angel accepts, Dean starts a very dangerous game… finding in Castiel's kisses the most delicious experiences, but also, his own perdition. Will Castiel fall in love with him? Or will he stay emotionless as always?
Art Masterpost / Fic Masterpost
Sparks by DragonSgotenks (Explicit, 20k)
Illustrated by VampyRosa
Omega Cas meets Alpha Dean during one of the worst weeks of his life. Sparks fly when they realize they're truemates. But after a wild and intense night that ends with both of them sporting new mating bites, could a simple misunderstanding tear the new couple apart before they even have a chance to begin?
Art Masterpost / Fic Masterpost
Lesson Number 1: Monsters are Real by blueye22 (Explicit, 20k)
Illustrated by kuwlshadow
When Anael "Jo" Novak goes missing during a hike in the mountains with her boyfriend, worried brother, Castiel, goes in search of her. Castiel is surprised to receive the help of FBI agents, Dean and Sam. But what are they hiding?
Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Art Masterpost / Fic Masterpost
You At the End of the Rail by spnsmile (Explicit, 30k)
Illustrated by verobatto-angelxhunter
Dean receives a text message from a new human Cas telling him of his suspicion that angels have found him in Gas n Sip. Still filled with guilt for kicking the ex-angel out of the Bunker, Dean steps up to make it up to his friend. Worried, Dean concludes the ex-angel has to disappear for many days so he asks Cas where he wants to go.
Cas’ answer?
Fucking trains.
Archive Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence
Art Masterpost / Fic Masterpost
On Your Knees by raths_kitten (Explicit, 14k)
Illustrated by angeltortured
When Dean gets the assignment to follow the Fallen Angels on tour and write a feature article on them, he isn‘t their biggest fan. But that quickly changes when he hears them play live - and meets their charismatic lead singer Castiel in person.
Art Masterpost / Fic Masterpost
Just Like in the Movies by noxsoulmate (Explicit, 46k)
Illustrated by lotrspnfangirl
In a world where a new mark appears whenever you fall in love, Hollywood sweetheart, Castiel James, is known for his unblemished skin. Oh, he has the faint shadows of old crushes and childish infatuations, but no mark is that of something deep and true. No mark has ever stuck, no mark has ever become more than a hazy outline. Because Cas, well... Cas has never been in love.
The skin of bookshop owner Dean Winchester, however, tells another tale entirely. Dean loves freely, quickly, and deeply. He loves his family, he loves his friends, he still cares for his exes. While the first two don’t show on his skin, the latter do. All brushed over his body in various shapes and forms and colors. Of varying clarity. But even Dean has yet to get that one mark. That mark that sticks. The mark that is so deep, and so sharp, and so clear, it can only be that of a profound bond.
These two men share a common hope; a common desire. That one day, they might have a mark that means they have found a love that is as deep and true as love can be - just like in the movies.
Art Masterpost / Fic Masterpost
Granted by Andromache_42 (Explicit, 20k)
Illustrated by agusvedder
At forty-one, Dr. Castiel Novak is the proud recipient of a generous grant to fund his project on sustainability and urban farming from the Campbell Foundation, a small investing firm based out of Chicago. The night before he meets the award committee, lonely and pushed by his friend Balthazar, Castiel has the best sex of his life during a casual Grindr hook-up with “just-visiting” forty-seven-year-old Dean. Castiel’s life appears to be coming together, until he discovers that Dean is the head of the grant award committee. For the sake of professionalism, Castiel is willing to ignore the intense attraction between the two of them, but Dean turns out to be too tempting to resist.
Art Masterpost / Fic Masterpost
Finding Bigfoot by Desirae (Explicit, 22k)
Illustrated by Tamapochi
“Don’t be such a worrywart. It’s vacation time. Campfires, fishing, beer. What’s better than that?”
“Apparently a sasquatch sighting?” Castiel snarked, with an arched brow.
“Well, yeah. I mean, Sam’s a good substitute, but it’d be nice to see the real thing,” Dean grinned.
Finding Bigfoot wasn't exactly on the itinerary when Dean, Cas, and Sam planned their annual boys-only camping trip, but with his brother in a noticeable funk, Dean was prepared to do what he had to do. Even if it meant keeping quiet about a long-waited love confession from his best friend.
Determined to stay focused on distracting Sam from his troubles, and not make him feel like a third wheel, Dean and Castiel decide to keep their new relationship status to themselves, until after vacation is over.
After years of mutual pining, that shouldn’t be too hard, right?
Art Masterpost / Fic Masterpost
Meet me at Sunset by Suus_Arido (Mature, 55k)
Illustrated by celstese
Ever since the Barrier of Melaina fell and plunged the worlds of men, monsters and magic together, the Republic Elohim has kept its citizens save with help from the hunter organization the Red Circle.
Dean Winchester has never known how the world looked before the fall of the barrier. He and his family have been part of the Red Circle for generations and he knew it was his faith to die in battle. All he is supposed to want is to protect the innocents from darkness. But how can he when his soul is dark and corrupt?
As the monsters start to adapt and become more intelligent, the rise of chaos is not far behind. It’s midst this chaos that Dean meets a human with the name of an angel. Not only does this man believe in the salvation of the world but he also seems to believe that Dean is redeemable as well.
A love story may perhaps develop but Dean knows better, for it is known that the faith of a hunter is tragedy. Will Dean be able to make the right call? Even when blue eyes turn unrecognizable?
Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con
Art Masterpost / Fic Masterpost
Beyond Borders by xHaruka17x (Explicit, 53k)
Illustrated by Diminuel
Sometimes doing what is right, what feels right, doesn't mean you’ll escape the consequences of those actions. Dean Winchester is the Head Alpha of one of the largest packs of the Western Hemisphere. He is days away from being a married and mated Alpha, ready for the next chapter in his life to commence, only for a horrific accident to change everything. Adam, Dean and Sam's little brother, is killed in a car accident across the globe in Russia. Dean finds out his little brother's now widowed Omega is all alone and pregnant, left to the mercy of his horrible home pack. Dean makes a decision and he knows things will explode when he gets back home, but he knows in his heart it’s the right thing to do.
Art Masterpost / Fic Masterpost
The Cleric's Birthright by Scribo_Vivere (Explicit, 34k)
Illustrated by yoyo-deano
Castiel Novak lost his husband and the love of his life, Balthazar, three years ago in a slaying no one has been able to solve. Burying himself in his work at the university as a leading anthropology professor there, he attempts to put the past behind him. When vicious murders begin to plague him in an eerie replication of Balthazar’s death, Castiel decides to find out on his own what sort of evil has descended upon them all. But the answers he’s looking for may not be so easily found, and the revelation forced upon him could destroy everything he knows - about himself, his world, and the faith he once held so dear. Complicating things is his new relationship with Dean Winchester, who may or may not be what he appears. Why is Castiel inexplicably drawn to him like a moth to the flame?
Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Art Masterpost / Fic Masterpost
To Soar Without Grace by QuillsAndInk (Explicit)
Castiel is an alpha and a cleric serving the gods of his kingdom and wielding their power in preparation to join a holy war. When he gets taken by the heretical high prince of a rival kingdom, Castiel knows his fate is sealed. That is, until prince Dean tries to persuade him to take on a mad quest to kill his father and end the holy war. With heretical magic Castiel can’t understand forcing him away from the gods he’s always served, Castiel joins Dean. But in the mountain wilderness in the dead of winter with only his sworn enemy for company, can Dean and Castiel get past their differences or will the war swallow them up.
Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Art Masterpost / Fic Masterpost
Cow Bells and Snow Globes by Pimento (Explicit)
It really doesn't matter what the gossip columns say. Dean knows the International Ski Champion Castiel Novak, aka, Casanova of the Slopes is actually just Cas. Loyal, kind, caring Cas. The same Cas he's absolutely not had a crush on since they were teenagers on the competitive circuit.
He's had two plus decade's practice at hiding his feelings, how difficult can it be to suppress them a little longer.
They just so happen to be in the same ski resort, at the same time for an entire season, so Dean is damn well gonna enjoy having his friend back in his life for a while and not screw it up. The fact that he seems to have the magic touch with the grumpy teenage daughter that Cas is trying so desperately to reconnect with is just an opportunity to ease his friends' troubles while he finds his feet again.
Art Masterpost / Fic Masterpost
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ryansjane · 4 years
If you had to cast offgun as the main couple in a show with the same storyline as any show that already exists, which would you choose?
oooh that’s such a good question! offgun have proved times & times again that they can fit basically any genre of series, from super light ones like puppy honey, to angsty & deep ones like theory of love & now a violent, psychological & complex one with not me. they are incredibly versatile actors & they literally could fit any storyline so so so well but here are the roles I could’ve seen them the most in:
markkit in gen y: off & kimmon are legit the same person for me lmao so everytime I see mark I see off embodying him perfectly as a character. & as we’ve seen in theory of love gun plays tsunderes really well so he’d do great as kit. though honestly I wouldn’t change this casting for the world, I’m so happy I got my kimcop reunion :)))
tangmolove in great men academy: listen every off character is bi/pan & he’s dorky af so he’d SLAY tangmo (also him & jaylerr need to play siblings asap pleaaaase) & both james and gun are equally as talented so I believe gun could slay love too. I adore the original casting but I think they’d work perfectly in this show! 
bohnduen in my engineer: hum??? I just realized they’d be perfect for bohnduen??? like... actually fucking perfect??? off as bohn the pining bisexual & gun as duen the tsundere. idk why gun fits tsundere roles so well to me but he does! they’d be so good as bohnduen no joke
saifahzon in why r u: listen....... y’all probably know that saifahzon is one of my very favorite ships & I wouldn’t switch out tommy & jimmy for the world. but also................................. they already have the height difference,,, they’re soft as hell just like them,,, they’ve got the incredible chemistry they have... it would fucking work, I’m sure of it
manner of death: again I love the casting of maxtul & I think they’re excellent but gun as bun & off as tan would actually also work really well & it’d change so much from their usual roles!
ben x jim: listen,,, if they make a thai remake of this show offgun would be perfect for it as the plot is actually quite close to theory of love. gun as the pining gay jim & off as the clueless and messy ben... yeah it’d basically be tol all over again lmao
popoat in what the duck: at this point it’s just me replacing some of my fave ships with offgun as the actors lmao, but the emotional depth popoat carried would suit offgun soooooo much. off as the annoying but loveable and pining bisexual oat & gun as (again a tsundere in denial) pop... gosh the way I’d live for this. but also popoat broke my motherfucking heart so like no sir I do not want offgun to take part in this :’)
life senjou no bokura: I mean... offgun already did that tv reality where they imagined themselves as older men together, sooooo... the whole ‘growing old together’ concept is already SO offgun. also I fucking love that show & idk if they were to ever make a thai remake I’d want offgun to do it they’d be amazing
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