#ive had wine so take this with a grain of salt
winedogs · 6 years
literally no one asked but I’ve got Opinions about toller conformation
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fireismine · 3 years
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Daenerys Targaryen Appreciation Month
Day 19 → Learning, Intelligence and Skills
Throughout the ASOIAF series, Daenerys has displayed the skills of horse riding, understanding multiple languages, negotiating, military strategy, creating alliances and dragon riding. These will be discussed under the cut:
Horse Riding
Daenerys is an accomplished horserider who formed an instant connection with her horse, Silver:
The silver-grey filly moved with a smooth and silken gait, and the crowd parted for her, every eye upon them. Dany found herself moving faster than she had intended, yet somehow it was exciting rather than terrifying. The horse broke into a trot, and she smiled. Dothraki scrambled to clear a path. The slightest pressure with her legs, the lightest touch on the reins, and the filly responded. She sent it into a gallop, and now the Dothraki were hooting and laughing and shouting at her as they jumped out of her way. As she turned to ride back, a firepit loomed ahead, directly in her path. They were hemmed in on either side, with no room to stop. A daring she had never known filled Daenerys then, and she gave the filly her head. The silver horse leapt the flames as if she had wings. - Daenerys II, A Game of Thrones
In Astapor, Daenerys could discern the Ghiscari dialect of High Valyrian:
"Tell the Westerosi whore to lower her eyes," the slaver Kraznys mo Nakloz complained to the slave girl who spoke for him. "I deal in meat, not metal. The bronze is not for sale. Tell her to look at the soldiers. Even the dim purple eyes of a sunset savage can see how magnificent my creatures are, surely." Kraznys's High Valyrian was twisted and thickened by the characteristic growl of Ghis, and flavored here and there with words of slaver argot. Dany understood him well enough, but she smiled and looked blankly at the slave girl, as if wondering what he might have said. - Daenerys II, A Storm of Swords
As Queen of Meereen, Daenerys offered to trade with Qarth:
"Shall we walk?" Dany slipped her arm through his. The air was heavy with the scent of night-blooming flowers. "You spoke of help. Trade with me, then. Meereen has salt to sell, and wine …" "Ghiscari wine?" Xaro made a sour face. "The sea provides all the salt that Qarth requires, but I would gladly take as many olives as you cared to sell me. Olive oil as well." - Daenerys III, A Dance with Dragons
Military Strategy
Daenerys was able to take Yunkai by complete suprise with her battle strategy:
"I think we should attack from three sides. Grey Worm, your Unsullied shall strike at them from right and left, while my kos lead my horse in wedge for a thrust through their center. Slave soldiers will never stand before mounted Dothraki." She smiled. "To be sure, I am only a young girl and know little of war. What do you think, my lords?" "I think you are Rhaegar Targaryen's sister," Ser Jorah said with a rueful half smile. - Daenerys IV, A Storm of Swords
Creating Alliances
As Queen of Meereen, Daenerys sent the Stormcrows to free the Lhazarene slaves to open the trade routes so that grain could be brought to Meereen :/p>
Beyond the eastern hills was a range of rounded sandstone mountains, the Khyzai Pass, and Lhazar. If Daario could convince the Lhazarene to reopen the overland trade routes, grains could be brought down the river or over the hills at need … but the Lamb Men had no reason to love Meereen. "When the Stormcrows return from Lhazar, perhaps I can use them in the streets," she told Ser Barristan, "but until then I have only the Unsullied." - Daenerys I, A Dance with Dragons
Yet somehow she found herself thinking of Daario Naharis. His messenger had come that morning. The Stormcrows were returning from Lhazar. Her captain was riding back to her, bringing her the friendship of the Lamb Men. Food and trade, she reminded herself. He did not fail me, nor will he. Daario will help me save my city. - Daenerys III, A Dance with Dragons
"Meereen has made alliance with Lhazar." That only made him chuckle. "The Dothraki horselords call the Lhazarene the Lamb Men. When you shear them, all they do is bleat. They are not a martial people." Even a sheepish friend is better than none. "The Wise Masters should follow their example. I spared Yunkai before, but I will not make that mistake again. If they should dare attack me, this time I shall raze their Yellow City to the ground." - Daenerys III, A Dance with Dragons
Ser Barristan remained. "Our stores are ample for the moment," he reminded her, "and Your Grace has planted beans and grapes and wheat. Your Dothraki have harried the slavers from the hills and struck the shackles from their slaves. They are planting too, and will be bringing their crops to Meereen to market. And you will have the friendship of Lhazar." Daario won that for me, for all that it is worth. "The Lamb Men. Would that lambs had teeth." "That would make the wolves more cautious, no doubt." - Daenerys V, A Dance with Dragons
Dragon Riding
Daenerys was able to ride Drogon by using her intuition and previous knowledge of horse riding:
The dragonlords of old Valyria had controlled their mounts with binding spells and sorcerous horns. Daenerys made do with a word and a whip. Mounted on the dragon's back, she oft felt as if she were learning to ride all over again. When she whipped her silver mare on her right flank the mare went left, for a horse's first instinct is to flee from danger. When she laid the whip across Drogon's right side he veered right, for a dragon's first instinct is always to attack. Sometimes it did not seem to matter where she struck him, though; sometimes he went where he would and took her with him. Neither whip nor words could turn Drogon if he did not wish to be turned. The whip annoyed him more than it hurt him, she had come to see; his scales had grown harder than horn. - Daenerys X, A Dance with Dragons
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aboveallarescuer · 4 years
A cheatsheet of Dany's political actions in ADWD
I think this might come in handy for Dany fans. I've analyzed most of these before here and here.
A shout-out to @rainhadaenerys for helping me with this list.
ADWD Daenerys I
Dany finds out that her first Unsullied, Stalwart Shield, was murdered by the Sons. She refuses to forget his name, gives him a proper burial, promises to pay a lot for whoever gives information about his murderer, sends men to the Temple of the Graces to ask if any man with a sword wound came (because Stalwart Shield's killers swarmed him and he probably wounded some of them), asks butchers and herdsmen about who had been gelding goats recently (because Stalwart Shield's killers forced the genitals of a goat down his throat), forbids other soldiers from patroling at night and names a company of freedmen after him. She won't punish the nobles indiscriminately, however (so she follows Reznak's advice rather than the Shavepate's, even if she doesn't like him).
Dany considers banning the tokar, but ultimately relents and uses it herself.
Dany says no to helping Cleon in Astapor against Yunkai (despite regretting that she wasn't more ruthless against the latter).
Dany closes the fighting pits and, despite knowing that she needs Hizdahr's support, refuses to reopen them for moral reasons.
Dany is angry that the slavers "hire[d] the [freedmen] back as servants at wages so meagre that most could scarce afford to eat" and that "those too old or young to be of use had been cast into the street, along with the infirm and the crippled". Then, they hypocritically went to complain about "how the dragon queen had filled their noble city with hordes of unwashed beggars, thieves and whores".
Dany weighs on her suitors, but doesn't take any real measures to choose a husband for now.
Dany sends her khalasar to subdue the hinterlands, where "thousands of slaves still toiled on vast estates in the hills, growing wheat and olives, herding sheep and goats, and mining salt and copper". (In Dany V, we'll be told that they succeeded)
Dany sends Daario to convince the Lhazarene to reopen the overland trade routes and bring grains down the river or over the hills at need. 
Dany gives the freedmen and the noblemen equal attention at court. 
Former slaver Grazdan (a relative of the Green Grace) says that six young girls owed him gold because they learned their craft from an old weaver who was his slave. Dany denies him the request and, instead, orders him to buy the young girls a new loom for forgetting the old woman's name. 
A freedmen asks for a noble to be gelded for raping his wife back when she was his bed slave and to receive a purse of gold for having to take care of the noble's child. Dany grants him the gold, but not the gelding (because it would establish a precedent where other masters would have to be punished for their crimes, which would go against her blanket). 
A nobleborn boy asks her to kill the slaves who revolted against his family by killing his father and elder brother and raping his mother before killing her and who are now living in his house. Dany denies him the request because it would go against her blanket. 
A rich woman (who lost her husband and sons during the sack) asks for her house (which she left in fear for her safety), clothes and jewels back, for they are now all in possession of former bed slaves who turned the house into a brothel. Dany allows her to have her jewels, but gives the house and the clothes to the former bed slaves because of her sympathy for them.
ADWD Daenerys II 
Dany initially asks the Shavepate to question the wineseller and his daughters sweetly, but later she allows him to torture them in order to find who killed Missandei's brother, Rylona Rhee and seven other freedmen in one night. 
Dany also asks for the Shavepate to create a new watch and imposes a blood tax on the slavers to compensate for the deaths of the freedmen and pay the soldiers she'll employ.
Dany keeps two children from each pyramid as hostages. 
Dany still says no to the reopening of the fighting pits, though she feels more reluctant after hearing what the pit fighters want. 
Reznak says that the freedmen were disrespecting the traditions of the guilds for "carving stone and laying bricks" for a cheap price and calling themselves "journeymen" or "masters" and that the guilds ask for her to "uphold their ancient rights and customs". Dany grants that only the guild members can be named "journeymen" or "masters", but that the guilds will have to give the freedmen the opportunity to become members too. She also allows the freedmen to continue to carve stone or lay bricks cheaply because they are hungry, though they won't use those titles anymore. 
Dany chooses to pay Hazzea's father the blood price; she sets it at one hundred times the worth of a lamb. She also lays her bones to rest in the Temple of the Graces, orders a hundred candles in her memory each day and night and promises to pay for her children "each year upon her nameday" so they "shall not want" too. She asks him not to tell anyone that Drogon was involved, though.
Dany chains her dragons.
ADWD Daenerys III 
Dany considers the possibility of leaving for Westeros with the thirteen ships that Xaro offered her, but she ultimately gives up.  
Dany organizes the freedmen of fighting age into companies (Mother's Men, Stalwart Shields, Free Brothers). 
Dany tries to sell Meereen's salt, copper and wine for Xaro.
Dany sends envoys to Tolos and Mantarys in an attempt to make alliances against Yunkai, but is told by Xaro that the two joined the latter (and later Qarth also will). 
Dany still denies help to Astapor because, if she gives them part of her forces, there won't be enough men to defend Meereen. 
Dany is replanting olive trees. 
Xaro tells Dany that a former merchant who dealt in rare spices and choice wines ended up working to dig a ditch to bring water from the river to the fields and to plant beans. (The man, however, was a merchant who most likely lost his slaves, couldn't leave the city because he was unable to trade his goods and then had to find work. The available work was to dig ditches to plant beans and reform the city's economy.) 
Dany chooses many freedmen to be advisors in her council.
ADWD Daenerys IV
Despite the Shavepate's wishes, Dany refuses to kill the child hostages in response to the Sons' ongoing attacks.
After making several questions to Hizdahr (and after he emphasizes that Yunkai has a lot of support to fight against her), Dany says she'll marry Hizdahr as long as he's able to maintain peace in Meereen for ninety days. She previously had objections to the Green Grace's advice about whether it would be beneficial and considers what both Reznak and the Shavepate would think after she makes her choice. She also distrusts Hizdahr, the Green Grace and Reznak. 
Dany considers making a peace agreement with Yunkai, though she's unsatisfied with the other freedmen in the other cities potentially being enslaved again. 
Dany reiterates that she can't go to Westeros until she heals Meereen.
ADWD Daenerys V 
Dany doesn't allow the Shavepate to continue his tortures because she realizes that they are unreliable. Unlike him, she thinks that there isn't a single overlord working against her because "[her] enemies are legion". She also believes that Hizdahr convinced them to stop the killings either through bribery or because of news of their marriage. 
Dany "has planted beans and grapes and wheats" and will soon have the friendship of the hinterlands (which is bringing crops to the city) and Lhazar. 
Dany finds out that Astapor has fallen into the hands of the Yunkish and that the bloody flux has spread in Astapor. She is given more details by refugees of what exactly happened and regrets not having helped the Astapor (even if her military strength wasn't large enough to help). 
Dany considers waging war against Yunkai (which Barristan thinks she should, while the Shavepate advises her not to do so), but she doesn't have enough men to do that and to protect Meereen at the same time, so she gives up on the option. 
Dany orders Ben and his Second Sons to scout the Yunkish forces. She also grants Ben's request for provisions, fresh horses, bags of gold and gems (which he made because he intends to betray her) and asks Reznak to close the gates and double the number of soldiers keeping watch upon the walls. 
Dany decides that she needs Hizdahr's support to gain the Meereenese nobles' help and protect the city from Yunkai. 
Dany sets up a camp for the Astapori refugees "beside the river, west of the city". She tries to separate the healthy from the sick, but that meant separating family members. That is ultimately for naught, since the ones who were only sick at first died and the ones who were healthy got sick.
ADWD Daenerys VI  
Dany sends "healers, Blue Graces and spell-singers and barbersurgeons" to the Astapori refugees, but they got sick as well. She commanded them to dig ditches to defecate, but they started to do it where they slept because they were too weak to stand up and defecate there. She sent the food that she could, but "every day there were more of them and less food to give them". Even sending food was becoming hard, since some soldiers were becoming sick and others attacked on the way back to the city. This leads Dany to bring the food herself, even while knowing all of the risks that doing so would entail. She wants to show her people that "their Mother cares". She also considers sharing the food equally twice. She baths an old man herself even while knowing all of the risks, she burns the dead corpses (which could have transmitted the disease) herself, she "shames all of them into helping her" to take care of people who she had no allegiance to and would receive no benefit from helping. 
Dany agrees to marry by Ghiscari rites and use a "white tokar fringed with baby pearls", but she won't allow her womb to be examined by Hizdahr's mother and sisters nor will she wash Hizdahr's feet if he won't wash hers first. 
Dany says that Hizdahr can reopen the fighting pits after their wedding and that she wants no part of it.
Dany begrudgingly agrees to Yunkai's terms of peace. She's okay with paying "gold and gemstones", but she's still not content with having to see slavery being reinstalled and being told not to interfere. She also needs to follow through with her marriage so that the slavers will believe in her. 
Dany finds out that Brown Ben betrayed her, so she decides to gather food to sustain the Meereenese citizens, keep all of her forces inside and close the gates with the Astapori refugees starving outside the city.
ADWD Daenerys VII 
The Yunkai'i are besieging Meereen and building catapults, scorpions and tall trebuchets in case they need to attack. 
The freedmen continue to be mistreated in "palanquins, litters, and sedan chairs". 
Dany stopped holding court due to being disillusioned by the negative repercussions of her actions.
Quentyn offers himself as a husband to Dany in return for Dorne's support so that they can honor the secret part originally made to marry Viserys and Arianne. Dany refuses him and goes through with her marriage because of her people; in order to protect them, she needs Hizdahr's support immediately, while Quentyn only has two men.
ADWD Daenerys VIII  
The Yunkai'i have men of the free companies, two iron legions of New Ghis and two Ghiscari legions by their side. 
Dany has to accept the Yunkish lords bringing slaves to serve them and to be sold in a market outside the city as one of the conditions of the peace agreement. 
After Hizdahr is crowned, the Shavepate is removed from command of the Brazen Beasts (which is another concession that Dany made in the name of peace).
Dany orders the food that would normally be thrown away to be given to the poor. 
Dany orders Barristan to set Pretty Meris free so that she can send her offer to the Tattered Prince. She wants to sound out the Windblown, the Long Lances and the Company of the Cat.
Dany shows Quentyn her dragons and tells him that "[her] marriage need not be the end of all [his] hopes" because "the dragon has three heads".
ADWD Daenerys IX 
Dany is willing to pay gold for the Windblown's support, but the Tattered Prince wants more than that; he also asks her to give him Pentos when she marches for Westeros. She denies his request out of consideration for Illyrio. 
After a freedman collapses while carrying a palanquin, Dany orders him to be taken off the street and be given food and water. She also notes that, even after freeing the slaves, their work (in this case, carrying the palanquin) is still just as hard.
Dany makes restrictions to lessen the harshness towards the participants: only freedmen can join the duels (only those who "freely consented to risk their lives for gold and honor"); children are not allowed to participate and only certain criminals (murderers, rapers and those who persist in slavery, not thieves or debtors) would be sentenced to fight; women, comic combats between cripples, dwarfs and crones and beasts are still allowed to fight; the carcasses of bears and bulls are used to feed the hungry at the Gates of Fate.
Freedmen are being slaughtered to amuse the noblemen in the pits. 
Dany takes off her flopping ears.
ADWD Daenerys X 
Dany explicitly rejects the peace.
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maudanouk · 4 years
Tears overflow my cheeks and from my vanquished eyes a sudden shower falls.[1] The drops form a trickle, a flow, a torrent. Forty days and forty nights of continuous and universal rain.[2] Waves are in excess, everything runs to the sea. [3] No possible action of any flood could thus have modelled the land, either within the valley or along the open coast.[4] A flood that leaves everything in a state of confusion[5] forming a great briny mass searching for direction. The sea by its motion, detaches from its bottom an infinity of plants, shells, slime, and sand, which the waves and winds continually drive towards the shore. [6] There is a stone in the sea called the oyster. A stray grain of sand finding its way into its shells is enough to spark a new beginning. The Oyster comes out of the sea early in the morning ahead of the light, and, opening its shell, it swallows the heavenly dew and the rays of the sun and moon and the light from the stars above. And thus is born the pearl, I am born, from the most high celestial bodies.[7]
(Thrusting the flat knife between the two shells) I keep praying for You to make something happen so why this awful, crawling feeling that nothing ever does?[8] (he turns the knife forcefully) God does not shout. God does not whisper. God does not write. God does not hear. God does not chat. God's infinite silence…[9] (the two shells crack open and he draws out the knife) The oysters valves are standing open and a pearl lays between them, a wonderful sight and notable, for no pearl in all history could be compared with it at all, either in size or in beauty.[10] But her beauty does not lie in the perfection of the sphere, nor in symmetry. She is irregular, ovoid, curved and lumpy. One moment it did not exist, the next moment it was full blown in my mind, as though it had been there all the time and needed only the bursting of a soap bubble veil to show it.[11] All this time I sought for truth and unity and now all that matters is her proud glow that strives for contradiction and multiplicity. 
LENNY arrives at the WITTGENSTEIN HOUSE. Here is the garden and around it some flower beds, a space cultivated for flowers for Margot, to make a spray for her hair, to perfume the sheets.[12] Naturally, […] only the apple tree interests him, tempts him: he can see its flowers.[13] He walks towards the tree. The WITTGENSTEIN HOUSE is observing him. As LENNY reaches for one of the blossoms a bee flies out of it.
Once on a June evening, in those long gone years when the ends of days sank into silence, I was waiting for a total eclipse of the sun on a terrace facing a garden, overlooking the foliage of a maple tree.[14] And I thought of you Lenny. In the sudden darkness I saw you, hidden behind a veil, the massive walls of the Vatican Palace. A faceless silhouette.
It’s all different now she has revealed herself only for a short moment but I saw my reflection in her pearlescent luster: functioning, utilising, thinking in causes and effects, logically evaluating and analyzing. But what if I want to walk for hours and weeks without a destination. What if I want to know what the month of march brings for an Aquarius. What if I want to miss her for no better reason than that I love to be fucking emotional.
When i watched the total eclipse of the sun that summer evening it soon became dark and an eclipse wind, like a wave, had risen when suddenly from the neighbouring house burst forth a sort of wild dance, with the strange, biting, astringent sound of Pan’s pipes. Young people were celebrating some festival, they had confused shadow with twilight and were playing as night fell. However much one knows about it, the veiling of the sun’s light is disturbing and transports one to another world. [15] I saw you cover up in darkness and now i see you longing for the sun. This is a complete inversion. And in this twilight a party shall rise so that the heart, that obscure, celestial flower, undergoes a mysterious blossoming.[16] That is the only way great loves stories are born and I don't want any more part time believers.[17]
But how can i find Margot in this city still so strange to me?
She’s the bee and you are her honey. What does Margot like?
LENNY (looking at the flowers)
Margot likes wind in her hair and salt crystals on her skin, lace and hoodies, rings on her fingers and flowers in her hair, black panthers and partridges, walking barefoot on wet grass and wearing mid calf boots, day dreaming and ADHD, dancing underground and sleeping in white sheets, Los Angeles and Palermo, birch trees and skyscrapers, gel nails and knitting, equal rights and mini skirts, cabrios and umbrella pine trees, Fellinis Roma and Mario Cart, seashells and pinecones, Zorra by Bad Gyal and playing the Bach Suite Nr. 1 on her Cello, passion fruits and rough fights, oranges and jeweled persian rice, fig trees and Coke, dry white wine and soft cheese, creaky parquet and soft carpets, ....
The mask does not hide the face, it is the face.[18] Your new face should combine all these elements to a story and make a lot of noise.[19] [...] the veil of mystery you profess to hang before their eyes, serve but to stimulate their curiosity[20]. In being everywhere and nowhere [...] the object of much social curiosity[21] People will pay attention to it, speak about it, remember it. You’ll be EROS and I will be the embodiment of your story the place where all elements manifest in a happening. A great feast all the Margots will want to attend.
A downpour of summer rain patters on the front window.  MARGOT is waiting at a red light. Her phone buzzes and she opens the message.
“My darling friends, there’s one spectacular party in the making! Join us tonight at the Wittgenstein House to another glass of wine under fig trees, eating fresh fish on soft carpets next to blossoming anthuries. Glowing cheeks from dancing till dawn. Bring a delicate, floating, spring bouquet of florets in new leaf green, cherry blossom pink, and marigold yellow[22] and we’ll serve everything else. XOXO”
The rain had stopped. The water evaporated on the hot asphalt and left a sultry summer evening air. AVAs cabrio is speeding down the Ringstrasse with its roof folded down.
AVA (lost in thought)
Do you think YUNG PAPA will attend the party today? I wish we’d find out who’s behind all this uproar.
Some weeks ago we’ve never heard about him and now he's everywhere.  Noise, ruckus, rumors spread.[27] I’ve heard the parties are supposed to be unique in its kind and his face, enveloped by a more or less dense veil[26] has sparked many suspicions. I think he looks like Hauru, wearing drop earrings made of rubies and emeralds combined dripping down[27] his lobe, his blonde chin length hair making him the cynosure of all eyes.[27]
The garden is enlightened by the colourful lights emerging the windows. The WITTGENSTEIN HOUSE is radiant and reaching in all directions, emitting visual, audible and perceptible vibrations. The air is full of petals twinkling through the air giving off a smell of orange blossoms. A car enters the SITE. AVA and MARGOT step out of it. Instantly they are surrounded by an electric atmosphere. On inspecting the entrance facade, you can discover a series of metaphors and symbolic signs.[29] It would be too strong to call this fantasy a portal to Hell, but it is surely no entrance to a Heavenly Jerusalem[30]. AVA and MARGOT join the stream of guests walking through the garden towards the WITTGENSTEIN HOUSE greeting, kissing, hugging.
The party begins as people are moving in, gathering in the entrance hall and taking a stand up cocktail.[31] There is champagne, caviar and fireworks.[32] Ahead, some distance from the entrance, is a great mural of brilliant color.[33] Opulent Ornaments, heavy textiles, reflecting surfaces.
WITTGENSTEIN HOUSE (whispering to the Lenny)
First impressions are made. About me as the entrance always affects the impression of the whole house. And especially Margots first impression of you. Is she here?
I see her in the hundreds of eccentric bouquets that the guests have brought along overflowing the room. I see her in that mans excessively long fingernails or and your lining flickers with golden mosaics and indirect lighting from above.
Yes you are right. I’m discovering my dramatic side. I want to dance, twist my elements, feel the motion and sensuality. I flirt and wink at the guests with my dizzying array of rich surface treatments.
Ava! Look at this man sitting on the seashell sofa in the garden. He’s knitting all alone while everybody else is clinking glasses.
AVA (teasing)
Why don’t you bring him a glass of wine. I know it, I feel it, and you will say it.[35]
MARGOT (concentrated)
You just know me too well and yes, he is cute.
MARGOT walks over to the LENNY. Rising up in a warm haze, the innumerable modern statues towered on their pillars half way up the golden webs of sunset.[36] The garden is a collection of living beauties, rare plants, exotic flowers and fruits. The trees are old and high. Long white cotton cloths are blowing in the wind, rendering shadow plays. LENNY is sitting in the seashell sofa sheltered from the wind, warm sunbeams begin to play. [37] MARGOT hands him the glass.
MARGOT (laughing)
Hello strange man, what are you knitting?
Some of the more exotic plants have to be taken indoors for protection from the cold night air and swaddled in thick woollen garments.[38]
MARGOT We have, indeed, become a flower growing people.[39] You seem pretty passionate about your plants. I like it when people care. About anything actually.
When, on a summer evening, the melodious sky growls like a tawny lion, and everyone is complaining of the storm, it is the memory of the Meseglise way that makes me stand alone in ecstasy, inhaling, through the noise of the falling rain, the lingering scent of invisible lilacs.[41] Or when I reach out to touch a fragile tree and blossoming spicules float downwards and fade, each with its clear, tiny tinkle.[42] These are the moments I cherish most and that’s why I care.
MARGOT (hesistating)
But for me love is not only loving and caring. I don’t want my house to be all light and soft. It starts getting fun when you have contrasts, contradictions and drama. It can be raucous, low, full, pleading, vulgar, sharp, cutting, jovial, harmonious, commanding, harrowing, seductive, explosive or irritated[...] noble, high pitched, servile, majestic, ample, sick, affronted, clothed in silence, echoing with the sea or forest, undercut by the twittering of birds, howling like a wild beast, [... ]asking questions and saying come here. [43]
Until now I’v only got to know a more one-sided monotonous love but thats another story.
MARGOT (excited)
Oh look over there! A black panther is prowling through the peach trees!
Food is being served in the salon. The huge chandeliers had dimmed spread a diffused multi coloured light from the tiny nucleo bulbs that bespangle the vaulted ceiling [44] The materials in which the WITTGENSTEIN HOUSE presents itself come from the everyday domestic sphere, much having to do with ornamenting the body: copper and brass wire, buttons, beads, baubles, hooks, eyes, straps, false fingernails, makeup, hair, ribbons, lace, thread, shells, feathers, and bones. The amulets are fetishes, beautiful ornamental objects, and they are connected to the fetishism of architectural representation.[34] Billows of smoke of several hookahs hang in the air. People sit on couches of brocaded silk, leaning on a cushions[45]. Chattering and cricket chirping fill the air.
After eating the WITTGENSTEIN HOUSE starts playing Promiscuous Girl by Nelly Furtado. Slowly the room is filled with curiously dancing people. Tossing their hands in a wanton and lascivious manner. One man imitates the movements of a kangaroo grazing in the woods, whilst a second crawled up, and pretended to spear him.[46] LENNY and THE WITTGENSTEIN HOUSE feel MARGOT penetrating them and start dancing along.
WITTGENSTEIN HOUSE (dances irregularly curved from concave to convex)
♪ Promiscuous girl
Wherever you are
I'm all alone
And it's you that I want. ♪
Our most intimate gestures move to sounds, we dance.[47] Absurd, peculiar, mad, fantastic, bizarre, eccentric, capricious, whimsical, laughable, and also charming. [48]
WITTGENSTEIN HOUSE (opens the ceiling to reveal a hundred sparkling stars through the moving branches of the wind tossed apple tree blond, tawny, copper, golden, straw yellow, orange, ochre, sand or tan, multiplying the straight, centred, short rays, piercing and sharp like the trill of a bird. [49] The signs of the Zodiac are moving from east to west and go round the world in twenty four hours.[48] A strong wind starts rising.)
♪ Promiscuous boy
You already know
That I'm all yours
What you waiting for? ♪
Minute promptings coming from everywhere, in quality, dimension or intensity, on every wave length make sensibility tremble, fluctuate and sweep and dance randomly over the spaces.[50] I look at Margot and even while she speaks the waves wash over her lips, and down into the deep she plunges. The sea breaking free.[52] WITTGENSTEIN HOUSE (Motion grows, as a wave grows white when the wind begins rising[53])
♪ Promiscuous girl
You're teasing me
You know what I want
And I got what you need ♪
Time stands still where space folds in on itself. [54] The sea gives birth to a tidal flow […] a rhythmic current emerges from the disorderly lapping of waves, music surfaces in this place. [55] Here the body rises above disorder, here Margot rises above the waves, even more complex in her multiplicity than the nautical sound of waves breaking.
♪ Promiscuous boy
Let's get to the point
Cause we're on a roll
Are you ready? ♪
However much one knows about it, the veiling of the sun’s light is disturbing and transports one to another world. Lying on the moving floor, shaken by the movement of the waves [56] I am in danger of drowning.
I thought you’ve learned how to swim till now.
I am a moving, active body, expressing in exertion, movement, gesture and dance, rather than in sensibility alone.[51] I’ve learned to swim in this flood of confusion. And the ship will not resemble merely a ship, but also the sea itself, even to its hull and sails being composed of waves.[52] The obscurity is long; here is the dawn; the cock crows to the Sun God.[53] And beyond the reach of water, beyond wind, cold, fog, light and dark even beyond noise, […] the house protects us just as the belly of a vessel separates us from the cold of the sea. [54]
[1] Seneca, Complete Works
[2] Da Vinci, Notebooks
[3] Serres, The Birth of Physics
[4] Round the World
[5] Buffon, Natural History Vol 2
[6] Buffon, Natural History Vol 2
[7] Physiologus
[8] Serres, The Five Senses
[9] Aquinas, Summa Theologica
[10] Procopius, History of the War Books Vol 1
[11] Asimov, Complete Robot Anthology
[12] Serres, The Parasite
[13] Deleuze Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus
[14] Aquinas, Summa Theologica
[15] Serres, Branches
[16] Hugo, Les Miserables
[17] The Young Pope
[18] Deleuze Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus
[19] Serres, The Parasite
[20] Rousseau, Collected Works of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
[21] Foucault, The History of Sexuality Volume 2
[22] Kassinger, Slime
[26] Deleuze, Cinema 1 The Movement Image
[27] Serres, Troubadour of Knowledge
[27] Rand, The Fountainhead
[27] Hovestadt Buehlmann, Quantum City
[29] Hays, Architecture Theory since 1968
[30] Frankl, The Gothic
[31] Schumacher, The Autopoiesis of Architecture Vol 2
[32] Carter, Anthony Blunt His Lives
[33] Ockmann, Architecture Culture 1943 1968
[35] Asimov, Complete Robot Anthology
[35] The Young Pope
[36] Proust, In Search of Lost Time Vol IV Sodom and Gomorrah
[37] Wollstonecraft, Complete Works
[38] Proust, In Search of Lost Time Vol II Within a Budding Grove
[39] Gothein, A History of Garden Art
[41] Proust, In Search of Lost Time Vol I Swanns Way
[42] Asimov, Complete Robot Anthology
[43] Serres, The Five Senses
[44] Asimov, Complete Robot Anthology
[34] Hays, Architecture Theory since 1968
[45] The Book of the Thousand and One Nights
[46] Darwin, Voyage of the Beagle Round the World
[47] Serres, The Five Senses
[48] Wittkower, Born under Saturn
[49] Serres, The Five Senses
[48] da Vinci, The Notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci
[50] Serres, The Five Senses
[52] Serres, Genesis
[53] Virgil, Aeneid
[54] Serres, The Five Senses
[55] Serres, The Five Senses
[56] Serres, The Five Senses
[51] Serres, The Five Senses
[52] Foucault, This is not a Pipe
[53] Serres, The Parasite
[54] Serres, The Five Senses
[43] Serres, The Five Senses
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huxleypearl · 7 years
gotham loves to use music as a narrative device. for example, “eventually” by brenda lee plays when isabella dresses up as kristen. lee describes how her memory will eventually haunt the dreams of the person (presumably a former lover) she is addressing, which is quite apt for the situation.
when oswald and katherine meet, a piece from the opera dido and aeneas plays in the background. the opera is based off of book iv of virgil’s the aeneid. i’m not terribly familiar with virgil, so i did some digging and found a synopsis of the opera. while i recommend reading the entire synopsis (it’s not very long), i’ve quoted the most interesting parts below.
“Dido fears that falling in love will make her a weak ruler, but Belinda points out that even great heroes find love. When Aeneas enters Dido's court, Dido still has reservations and greets him coldly. Finally, her heart warms up to the idea and answers his marriage proposal with a yes.“
“Deep within a cave, an evil sorcerer crafts a plan to bring destruction and calamity to Carthage and its queen, Dido. He calls in his apprentices and divulges his evil plot with instructions for each of them to carry out and execute. His most trusted elf will disguise himself as the god Mercury in order to tempt Aeneas into leaving Dido.“
“Back at the palace, Dido and Belinda are unable to find Aeneas. Dido is overcome with dread.“
“Dido's grief is too great, and she knows she will never recover. She gives into fate's cruelty and resigns herself to die from her broken heart.“
respectively, oswald and ed are analogous to dido and aeneas. the evil sorcerer is a little more difficult to pin; it could be katherine, strange, or the man in the bathrobe the shaman. mercury is isabella, as she is the one who tempted ed to leave (she even “disguised” herself as kristen at one point).
now, we all fondly remember how it took oswald some time to warm up to ed, so that’s pretty straightforward. the marriage proposal point gets sticky, because this is where the synopses for both the opera and the epic conflict. the above clearly states that there was a marriage proposal. however, other versions argue that it’s more of a “the witches/gods made it rain so they could trap dido and aeneas in a cave, and virgil kind of alluded to them hooking up, but both are confused as to whether or not they’re actually married.” 
but! while there was no marriage proposal, ed did almost immediately propose that the two kind of work together after he rescued oswald. oswald eventually accepted. (and i’m reaching for the sky with this stretch, but oswald was trapped in ed’s apartment for a while; before that, he hid in that trailer due to the snow)...
oswald being overcome with dread because he’s not sure of ed’s location is something of a recurring theme (but things seem to be looking up, what with him pounding back vodka and declaring, “i will not run from ed nygma.”)
being stubborn, oswald is not one to actually die from a broken heart. however, after he was shot and pushed into the water, [obi-wan voice] from a certain point of view... he kind of did. something something metaphor.
(i wasn’t originally going to include the below because both points are only vaguely related, but i can’t resist imagery. remember how ed followed oswald through the forest because he noticed someone had stolen food from his picnic?)
“Dido and Aeneas, along with their large hunting party, stop within the forest grove to rest after spending most of the day hunting.”
“Belinda orders the servants to prepare a picnic for the royal couple using the game that was hunted earlier.”
i thought it was amusing... but i’m easily amused, lmao.
to wrap up the opera summary, here’s something ominous to keep in mind for later...
“Aeneas confirms but tells her he will defy the gods and stay with her. Dido rejects him, unable forgive his transgression against her. He was willing to leave her, and despite his resolution to stay with her now, she cannot get over it and orders him to leave.“
so, that was the opera summary. because i’m one of those annoying people who Need Answers Immediately, i poked around for a synopsis of the source material. as mentioned earlier, several of them don’t quite agree, especially regarding the marriage. 
i picked schmoop’s interpretation because 1) it’s funny and written in layman’s terms and 2) i’m of the opinion that summaries with a sense of humor tend to have a better understanding of the material (but i digress). again, i’ve included the most relevant points below.
“Things go according to plan, the magic happens, and Dido begins to see herself and Aeneas as married. (Notice a certain lack of symmetry?)”
“Mercury heads down and finds Aeneas supervising the construction of Carthage's walls, all the while sporting some fancy-pants Carthaginian duds.“
“Dido then gets troubled by a bunch of weird happenings. For example, water blackens on her altars, and wine turns to blood. Voices seem to arise from the shrine of her dead husband.“
“She prays that his mission will fail, and this her people and his will become enemies. (We know from subsequent Roman history – i.e., the Punic Wars – that her wish will come true.)“
i think these are pretty self-explanatory, lmao.
anyway, that’s pretty much it. i have a few thoughts concerning where this could lead (which primarily involves a HUGE reversal of fortune for ed), but they’re like... wisps of ideas, lol.
and, of course, take this with a grain of salt. the writers could have picked this song because it sounds like fancy rich people music, lmfao.
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fandomsandfeminism · 8 years
Today we are going to look at an amusing historical fact: The time that beloved poets Oscar Wilde and Walt Whitman met, got drunk, and slept together.
(Closed Captioning coming soon) 
Transcript Below:
Recently, I talked about JRR Tolkien’s long standing grudge against William Shakespeare and how it affected his books. Today I want to look at the relationship between two other literary figures, but we’re going to take a slightly...different approach. I want to talk about two very interesting authors and the time they (almost probably definitely) had sex. That’s right: Oscar Wilde and Walt Whitman, literary giants, did the do.
This is where I throw in a quick ~Content Warning~ While this video will not contain any explicit sexual material, it is, ya know, a video talking about two people having sex. There won’t be descriptions of the act itself, but if you are in a situation where someone else in the room hearing the phrase “and then these two dudes probably had sex” emanating from your computer speakers would be... non-ideal, feel free to hold off on watching this until later.
Now, I first came across this story in a wonderful article on the Toast.net by the hilarious Malory Ortberg, and I’ll leave a link to it in the information below. Its very funny and charming, and I’ll do my best to relay the story here with all the flourish it deserves. -
Let’s start by talking about Oscar Wilde and his trip to America.
Oscar Wilde was an irish author, poet, playwright, and essayist. He was born on October 16 1854 and became one of the most popular playwrights in Britain by the 1890s. These days he is most well known for “The Picture of Dorian Grey”, “The importance of being Earnest” and being spectacularly posh and flamboyant. He was part of the literary  Aesthetic Movement, which values beauty over socio-political themes in art. He was interested in Art for Arts sake, as it were.
Now, There is some debate about whether Oscar Wilde would have identified more as bisexual or gay were he alive today. Discussing the sexuality of historical figures is often complicated that way, since modern day labels are, well, modern. So a grain of salt is always needed. He was married to Constance Lloyd and together they had 2 children. Whether or not Wilde was genuinely attracted to her, or if it was a marriage out of expectation and social pressure is unknown.
But Wilde was not shy at all about his affection for members of the same sex, and once this became a widely known fact, their marriage deteriorated. Wilde went on trial for sodomy and gross indecency in 1895, where he was accused of having affairs with male prostitutes. He was found guilty and spent 2 years in jail. His imprisonment had a deeply damaging effect on his health, and he died 3 years later when he was 46. It is, overall, a pretty sad end for such a beloved figure. -
Let’s jump back to 1882. Oscar Wilde was 26 and still unmarried. I joke that Wilde specifically wanted to go to America with the purpose of ~meeting~ Walt Whitman, but the truth is a little more complicated. Gilbert and Sullivan, two well known opera writers at the time, had recently written a piece mocking the Aesthetic Movement, and they wanted to bring it to America. The problem however, was that Americans were largely unaware of the Aesthetics and their “art for art’s sake” mentality, and thus were not likely to get the joke. It was arranged then, for Oscar Wilde (deemed a true aesthetic, who embodied this idea like no other) to go to America on a series of speaking events. This would introduce the American public to the idea of aestheticism, and Wilde was pleased for the opportunity to make a name, and some money, for himself so early in his career.
Once in America though, he made it VERY clear that he very much wanted to meet Walt Whitman.  When he was asked “What poet do you most admire in America?” by a reporter, he replied “I think Walt Whitman and Emerson have given the world more than anyone else...I do so hope to meet Mr. Whitman,” and “I admire him intensely... There is something so Greek and sane about [Whitman’s] poetry; it is so universal, so comprehensive.” -
So, who is this master poet that the young, dashing Oscar Wilde was so enamoured with?
Walt Whitman was an American poet, essayist, and journalist. Born May 31st, 1819, he was a humanist, blending both realism and transcendentalist views in his works.  He worked as a nurse during the civil war and greatly admired Lincoln (he penned the poem O Captain, My Captain  in his honor after Lincoln was assassinated in 1865) He is best known for his poetry collection Leaves of Grass. He was pretty opposed to alcohol and supported prohibition. He was a deist, and generally skeptical of any organized religion.
Like Wilde, his sexuality is somewhat debated. He never married or had children (though there are some account he may have had some illegitimate children, these are unconfirmed), but he did have a strong, possibly romantic relationship with New York Actress, Ellen Grey, and kept a picture of her in a locket for many years.
But there is little doubt that Whitman’s most enduring relationships were with men. There are many men in Whitman’s life who are thought to have been involved with him, including Peter Doyle and Bill Duckett. His poems, too, are filled with homoerotic subtext, particularly “Calamus” At the time the poems were published, one reviewer, Rufus Wilmot Griswold suggested Whitman was guilty of "that horrible sin not to be mentioned among Christians."
So, it’s 1882, Oscar Wilde, the 26 year old, posh, flamboyant aesthetic has arrived for a speaking tour in America and loudly proclaimed to the newspapers that he very very much like to meet Walt Whitman, the 62 year old master poet, known for his ruggedness and homoerotic poetry.
And like clockwork, the answer came to Wilde’s hotel: Mr. Whitman will be in this afternoon, and would be happy to meet with Mr. Wilde.
What followed is a scene straight out of some steamy romance novel. The following quotes are pulled from Neil McKenna’ biography, The Secret Life of Oscar Wilde:
“Stoddart [Oscar’s friend who had accompanied him] tactfully left the two poets alone. ‘If you are willing – will excuse me – I will go off for an hour or so – come back again – leaving you together,’ he said. ‘We would be glad to have you stay,’ Whitman replied. ‘But do not feel to come back in an hour. Don’t come for two or three.’ Whitman opened a bottle of elderberry wine and he and Oscar drank it all before Whitman suggested they go upstairs to his ‘den’ on the third floor where, he told Oscar, ‘We could be on ‘thee and thou’ terms.’”
Ok, so, they go up to Whitman’s den and are getting thoroughly drunk of elderberry wine together on “thee and thou” terms. Later, Whitman was asked about the encounter. He responded:
One of the first things I said was that I should call him ‘Oscar.’ ‘I like that so much,’ he answered, laying his hand on my knee. He seemed to me like a great big, splendid boy. He is so frank, and outspoken, and manly.
Again, I need you to imagine this with me. Oscar Wilde and Walt Whitman, drinking elderberry wine in Whitman’s small, cluttered third floor writing den. Oscar Wilde placing his hand on the man’s knee. So outspoken and manly indeed.
The Biography continues though:
Stoddart went on to say that ‘after embracing, greeting each other as Oscar and Walt, the two talked of nothing but pretty boys, of how insipid was the love of women, and of what other poets, Swinburne in particular, had to say about these tastes.’
This is just a beautiful thing to imagine. Walt “I hear America Singing” Whitman, chatting about pretty boys and the insipid love of women with Oscar “the love that shall not be named” Wilde over a bottle of elderberry wine.
But, you may cry, this is all so circumstantial. Just because you have two queer poets who greatly admired each other, getting drunk alone together on homemade elderberry wine, chatting about pretty boys, left alone to be on thee and thou terms for several hours, doesn’t mean they had sex!
And I know. But I need you to hang on for one more glorious excerpt. After this meeting, Wilde was asked by a friend, Ives, about it.
Oscar told Ives that there was ‘no doubt’ about Whitman’s sexual tastes. ‘I have the kiss of Walt Whitman still on my lips,’ he boasted.
The kiss of Walt Whitman still on his lips, folks. What else can I say, honestly?
So, yeah. Thanks for watching this video! This channel is still really new, so I always appreciate comments and likes. I’ll be sure to see yall down in the comments. And as always, if you enjoyed listening to this queer millennial feminist with a BA in English, feel free to subscribe.
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timclymer · 5 years
Prevention of Heart Disease and Stroke
Conventional and unorthodox doctors unanimously agree that foods such as seafood, fruits, vegetables, green tea, nuts, grains, legumes, onions, ginger, hot pepper, garlic, olive oil, alcohol in moderation, foods high in Vitamin C, E and beta-carotene preserve the arteries and prevent heart disease and stroke. Meats and dairy foods high in saturated fat, excessive alcohol and smoking, on the other hand, could damage arteries and the heart.
Indeed, simply eating meals that include all ingredients known to individually prevent heart disease could add years to life. According to an international group of experts’ calculations, if men aged 50 and older added almonds, garlic and other heart disease-fighting ingredients to their daily diets, they might increase their life expectancy by more than six years, and spend more time free of heart disease.
Among women, following the same recipe after age 50 could add almost five extra years of life, the authors’ report in the British Medical Journal.
They call their recommendation diet the ‘Poly-meal,’ playing off the ‘Polypill’ idea, which received substantial attention, on the idea of giving everyone a combination pill to prevent heart disease. The ‘Poly-meal’ contains those ingredients that research has consistently shown can decrease the risk of heart disease.
The menu includes wine, fish, dark chocolate, fruits, vegetables, garlic and almonds. All ingredients must be consumed daily in the recommended amounts, except for fish, which research suggests should be eaten four times per week.
Also, eating beans, including soya beans, kidney bean and chickpeas, has been shown to actually help lower cholesterol levels and improve heart health.
1. What is Cholesterol?
Cholesterol is a type of fat (lipid) in one’s blood. More so, one’s cell, as well as one’s body, makes all it needs. Cholesterol also can get from the food we eat.
If there are too much of cholesterol in the body. It starts to build up in one’s arteries (Arteries are the blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart). This is called atherosclerosis or arteries hardening. This is where some heart and blood flow problems started.
The arteries can be narrowed through this buildup and make it harder for blood to flow through them. The buildup can also lead to dangerous blood clots and inflammation that can cause heart attacks and strokes.
Many things can affect cholesterol levels, including:
i. The food one does eat. Eating too much-saturated fat, Trans fat and cholesterol can raise one’s cholesterol.
ii. Being overweight. This may lower HDL (“Good”) cholesterol.
iii. Being inactive. Not exercising may lower HDL (“good”) cholesterol.
iv. Age. Cholesterol starts to rise after age 20.
v. Family history. If family members have or had high cholesterol, you may also have it.
There are different types of cholesterol:
i. Low-Density Lipo-Protein Cholesterol. is the “bad” cholesterol. It’s the type that can raise the risk of heart disease, heart attack and stroke.
ii. High-Density Lipo-Protein Cholesterol is the “good” cholesterol. It’s the type that is linked to a lower risk of heart disease, heart attack and stroke.
2. High-Density Lipo-Protein Cholesterol and Low-Density Lipo-Protein Cholesterol.
The University of Western Ontario in London, Researchers found that flavonoids and limonoids present in orange juice increases the body’s HDL cholesterol (so-called ‘good’ cholesterol) level, which helps wash out the Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (‘the bad’ cholesterol) from the system. Other citrus juices, such as grapefruit, also contain this bio-chemical. Orange juice is also a good source of Vitamin C.
Researchers also suggest that drinking three glasses of orange juice a day increases the ‘good’ High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and lowers the chance of getting heart disease.
In this study, patients with high cholesterol began by drinking one glass of orange juice daily for four weeks, eventually consuming three glasses daily for four weeks. The patients that did not drink any juice for five weeks and had their cholesterol tested again.
The results showed that while LDL cholesterol did not go down, the average HDL cholesterol level rose by 21 percent and the ratio of HDL to total cholesterol decreased by 16 percent. The combination of raising HDL cholesterol and lowering the ratio is known to reduce the risk of heart disease.
Researchers from Cedars-Sinai Medical Centre say beans increase blood levels of phytoestrogens or plant estrogens in women. According to Dr Bairey Merz. “A very significant relationship between increased phytoestrogen levels and lower cholesterol, this is the results of this study.”
There also may be “positive associations” with phytoestrogens and hormone replacement therapy for women during and after menopause.
3. Changes in diet and lifestyle have been shown to significantly reduce the risk of heart disease.
The next challenge is whether the same benefits can be obtained by taking supplement capsules instead of eating beans themselves. Other studies show that artificial forms produce less positive results. This probably means people should be eating beans as opposed taking supplements in capsule form.
Even modest changes in diet and lifestyle have been shown to significantly reduce the risk of heart disease.
In general, eating foods low in cholesterol, saturated fat and salt and taking vitamins and supplements or eating foods containing the essential vitamins and minerals is recommended.
Nutritionists also recommend eating oily fishes for better heart health. Fatty acids in fish contain Omega 3 that was shown to be effective in preventing heart diseases. Fish oil has been discovered some years ago by scientists to contain a kind of polyunsaturated oil that may be especially protective against heart attacks.
Indeed, scientists studying the health of different world population noticed an especially low incidence of coronary heart disease among the Eskimos of Greenland and Japanese people living in fishing villages on the sea. Though widely separated geographically, these two populations had at least one thing in common. Both groups consume the tremendous amount of fatty fish, fish oil, whale blubber and other marine life that fed on fish.
The scientists report that at first, their healthy hearts seemed incongruous since very high levels of fat in the diet-regardless of the source of that fat are considered a risk factor for heart disease.
Further studies revealed that both the maritime Japanese and Eskimos had the low level of triglycerides (a kind of blood fat), high levels of HDL cholesterol and reduced tendency for their blood to clot. All these things are classic signs suggesting a sound, healthy cardiovascular system.
Digging deeper the researchers found that the fish-loving people also had high levels of a class of fatty acid called Omega-3 fatty acids also known as Docosa Hexaenoic Acid (DHA), which comes from fish.
Cold-water fish such as salmon, mackerel, and herring are reportedly the richest sources of beneficial omega-3 fatty acids, but most other fish and seafood contain some as well. Dutch researchers found that those who eat fish regularly have a lower rate of heart disease and stroke than those who do not.
4. Garlic, Ginger prevents the oxidation of LDL cholesterol and heart attack.
Many studies indicate that garlic prevents the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, may prevent the liver from producing excess fat and cholesterol.
Based on one study, by adding to a fatty as little as two ounces of garlic juice, the cholesterol-laden meal was found to actually lower the cholesterol by up to seven percent. Another study found that a day 600-mg of garlic powder could push the total cholesterol down by some 10 percent. According to other research that corroborated these findings reporting that LDL cholesterol while raising the HDL (“good”) cholesterol can be lowered by garlic
Eating three cloves of garlic a day keeps the cholesterol down for extended periods. It is reported that because garlic contains ajoene and other substances, it also helps to keep the blood “thin” and free of potentially deadly blood clots.
Ayurvedic physicians suggest that eating a little bit of ginger every day will help to prevent the heart attack. It reduces cholesterol. It prevents blood clots and reduces blood pressure. Therefore for a healthy heart, ginger is an important herb
Ginger’s heart-helping attributes are reportedly similar to that of garlic. Ginger has been shown to interfere with the long sequence of events necessary for blood clots to form. This reportedly helps to prevent clots that can lodge in narrowed coronary arteries and set off a heart attack.
5. An increase in intake in the number of servings of fruits and vegetables per day decrease in stroke risk and heart attack.
Onions have been shown to contain adenosine and other ‘blood thinners’ that help to prevent the formation of blood clots. To thin the blood, onions reportedly help keep the coronary arteries open and clear by increasing the HDL. Eating half a raw onion every day has been shown to increase HDL by 20 to 30 percent.
In a study of 87,000 nurses conducted by Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard University, compared with those who ate one serving a month or less, subjects who ate five or more servings of carrots every week had a 68-percent lower risk of suffering stroke. Carrots are rich in beta-carotene and other carotenoids, all members of the vitamin A family. Eating a lot of fruits and veggies that are rich in beta-carotene and vitamin C and E, can reduce the risk of having the stroke by as much as 54 percent if they enjoy carrots often.
Cayenne pepper improves circulation and heart function without raising blood pressure according to recent studies. It also enhances the power of other herbs taken at the same time.
The bromelain the enzyme that present in Pineapple is best known for its ability to break down proteins. It is a key ingredient in meat tenderizers. The bromelain action of anti-clotting might help prevent ischemic stroke and heart attack.
A study in the Journal of the American Medical Association shows that fruits and vegetables are beneficial in combating stroke. It was conducted at Harvard’s School of Public Health where investigators studied the relationship between fruit intake and the rate of stroke in over 75,000 women.
There is a decrease in stroke risk in those who had an increase in intake in the number of servings of fruits and vegetables per day.
More so, the same Journal of the America Medical Association revealed that eating whole grain bread can drop stroke risk by 43 percent. Dr Simin Liu of Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. The USA conducted a study that followed the health and stroke frequency of nurses over a multi-year period. The dietary concern has been paid attention to and intake of whole grain bread. Liu said, “replacing refined grains with whole grains by even one serving a day may have significant benefits in reducing the risk of ischemic stroke’. The study concludes, “With a lower risk of ischemic stroke among women higher intake of whole grain foods was associated with this.”
Nearly all legumes contain genistein, a cancer-preventive nutrient. I addition to guarding against cancer, genistein is also reported to have a significant anti-clotting effect. So, it is believed that it may also help prevent ischemic stroke and heart attack. Genistein according to reports can also be obtained from tofu and soy products. English peas or other beans and legumes.
Green tea has been shown to help keep blood pressure under control. It also may help keep cholesterol from clogging arteries. The herb tea reportedly contains Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) and other substances that help in the body protection against the dangers of oxidation, while helping to keep the harmful LDL cholesterol down and the helpful HDL cholesterol up. According to reports, they also assist in keeping blood pressure under control.
Source by Odewoye Sunday Francis
from Home Solutions Forev https://homesolutionsforev.com/prevention-of-heart-disease-and-stroke/ via Home Solutions on WordPress from Home Solutions FOREV https://homesolutionsforev.tumblr.com/post/184616698785 via Tim Clymer on Wordpress
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homesolutionsforev · 5 years
Prevention of Heart Disease and Stroke
Conventional and unorthodox doctors unanimously agree that foods such as seafood, fruits, vegetables, green tea, nuts, grains, legumes, onions, ginger, hot pepper, garlic, olive oil, alcohol in moderation, foods high in Vitamin C, E and beta-carotene preserve the arteries and prevent heart disease and stroke. Meats and dairy foods high in saturated fat, excessive alcohol and smoking, on the other hand, could damage arteries and the heart.
Indeed, simply eating meals that include all ingredients known to individually prevent heart disease could add years to life. According to an international group of experts’ calculations, if men aged 50 and older added almonds, garlic and other heart disease-fighting ingredients to their daily diets, they might increase their life expectancy by more than six years, and spend more time free of heart disease.
Among women, following the same recipe after age 50 could add almost five extra years of life, the authors’ report in the British Medical Journal.
They call their recommendation diet the ‘Poly-meal,’ playing off the ‘Polypill’ idea, which received substantial attention, on the idea of giving everyone a combination pill to prevent heart disease. The ‘Poly-meal’ contains those ingredients that research has consistently shown can decrease the risk of heart disease.
The menu includes wine, fish, dark chocolate, fruits, vegetables, garlic and almonds. All ingredients must be consumed daily in the recommended amounts, except for fish, which research suggests should be eaten four times per week.
Also, eating beans, including soya beans, kidney bean and chickpeas, has been shown to actually help lower cholesterol levels and improve heart health.
1. What is Cholesterol?
Cholesterol is a type of fat (lipid) in one’s blood. More so, one’s cell, as well as one’s body, makes all it needs. Cholesterol also can get from the food we eat.
If there are too much of cholesterol in the body. It starts to build up in one’s arteries (Arteries are the blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart). This is called atherosclerosis or arteries hardening. This is where some heart and blood flow problems started.
The arteries can be narrowed through this buildup and make it harder for blood to flow through them. The buildup can also lead to dangerous blood clots and inflammation that can cause heart attacks and strokes.
Many things can affect cholesterol levels, including:
i. The food one does eat. Eating too much-saturated fat, Trans fat and cholesterol can raise one’s cholesterol.
ii. Being overweight. This may lower HDL (“Good”) cholesterol.
iii. Being inactive. Not exercising may lower HDL (“good”) cholesterol.
iv. Age. Cholesterol starts to rise after age 20.
v. Family history. If family members have or had high cholesterol, you may also have it.
There are different types of cholesterol:
i. Low-Density Lipo-Protein Cholesterol. is the “bad” cholesterol. It’s the type that can raise the risk of heart disease, heart attack and stroke.
ii. High-Density Lipo-Protein Cholesterol is the “good” cholesterol. It’s the type that is linked to a lower risk of heart disease, heart attack and stroke.
2. High-Density Lipo-Protein Cholesterol and Low-Density Lipo-Protein Cholesterol.
The University of Western Ontario in London, Researchers found that flavonoids and limonoids present in orange juice increases the body’s HDL cholesterol (so-called ‘good’ cholesterol) level, which helps wash out the Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (‘the bad’ cholesterol) from the system. Other citrus juices, such as grapefruit, also contain this bio-chemical. Orange juice is also a good source of Vitamin C.
Researchers also suggest that drinking three glasses of orange juice a day increases the ‘good’ High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and lowers the chance of getting heart disease.
In this study, patients with high cholesterol began by drinking one glass of orange juice daily for four weeks, eventually consuming three glasses daily for four weeks. The patients that did not drink any juice for five weeks and had their cholesterol tested again.
The results showed that while LDL cholesterol did not go down, the average HDL cholesterol level rose by 21 percent and the ratio of HDL to total cholesterol decreased by 16 percent. The combination of raising HDL cholesterol and lowering the ratio is known to reduce the risk of heart disease.
Researchers from Cedars-Sinai Medical Centre say beans increase blood levels of phytoestrogens or plant estrogens in women. According to Dr Bairey Merz. “A very significant relationship between increased phytoestrogen levels and lower cholesterol, this is the results of this study.”
There also may be “positive associations” with phytoestrogens and hormone replacement therapy for women during and after menopause.
3. Changes in diet and lifestyle have been shown to significantly reduce the risk of heart disease.
The next challenge is whether the same benefits can be obtained by taking supplement capsules instead of eating beans themselves. Other studies show that artificial forms produce less positive results. This probably means people should be eating beans as opposed taking supplements in capsule form.
Even modest changes in diet and lifestyle have been shown to significantly reduce the risk of heart disease.
In general, eating foods low in cholesterol, saturated fat and salt and taking vitamins and supplements or eating foods containing the essential vitamins and minerals is recommended.
Nutritionists also recommend eating oily fishes for better heart health. Fatty acids in fish contain Omega 3 that was shown to be effective in preventing heart diseases. Fish oil has been discovered some years ago by scientists to contain a kind of polyunsaturated oil that may be especially protective against heart attacks.
Indeed, scientists studying the health of different world population noticed an especially low incidence of coronary heart disease among the Eskimos of Greenland and Japanese people living in fishing villages on the sea. Though widely separated geographically, these two populations had at least one thing in common. Both groups consume the tremendous amount of fatty fish, fish oil, whale blubber and other marine life that fed on fish.
The scientists report that at first, their healthy hearts seemed incongruous since very high levels of fat in the diet-regardless of the source of that fat are considered a risk factor for heart disease.
Further studies revealed that both the maritime Japanese and Eskimos had the low level of triglycerides (a kind of blood fat), high levels of HDL cholesterol and reduced tendency for their blood to clot. All these things are classic signs suggesting a sound, healthy cardiovascular system.
Digging deeper the researchers found that the fish-loving people also had high levels of a class of fatty acid called Omega-3 fatty acids also known as Docosa Hexaenoic Acid (DHA), which comes from fish.
Cold-water fish such as salmon, mackerel, and herring are reportedly the richest sources of beneficial omega-3 fatty acids, but most other fish and seafood contain some as well. Dutch researchers found that those who eat fish regularly have a lower rate of heart disease and stroke than those who do not.
4. Garlic, Ginger prevents the oxidation of LDL cholesterol and heart attack.
Many studies indicate that garlic prevents the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, may prevent the liver from producing excess fat and cholesterol.
Based on one study, by adding to a fatty as little as two ounces of garlic juice, the cholesterol-laden meal was found to actually lower the cholesterol by up to seven percent. Another study found that a day 600-mg of garlic powder could push the total cholesterol down by some 10 percent. According to other research that corroborated these findings reporting that LDL cholesterol while raising the HDL (“good”) cholesterol can be lowered by garlic
Eating three cloves of garlic a day keeps the cholesterol down for extended periods. It is reported that because garlic contains ajoene and other substances, it also helps to keep the blood “thin” and free of potentially deadly blood clots.
Ayurvedic physicians suggest that eating a little bit of ginger every day will help to prevent the heart attack. It reduces cholesterol. It prevents blood clots and reduces blood pressure. Therefore for a healthy heart, ginger is an important herb
Ginger’s heart-helping attributes are reportedly similar to that of garlic. Ginger has been shown to interfere with the long sequence of events necessary for blood clots to form. This reportedly helps to prevent clots that can lodge in narrowed coronary arteries and set off a heart attack.
5. An increase in intake in the number of servings of fruits and vegetables per day decrease in stroke risk and heart attack.
Onions have been shown to contain adenosine and other ‘blood thinners’ that help to prevent the formation of blood clots. To thin the blood, onions reportedly help keep the coronary arteries open and clear by increasing the HDL. Eating half a raw onion every day has been shown to increase HDL by 20 to 30 percent.
In a study of 87,000 nurses conducted by Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard University, compared with those who ate one serving a month or less, subjects who ate five or more servings of carrots every week had a 68-percent lower risk of suffering stroke. Carrots are rich in beta-carotene and other carotenoids, all members of the vitamin A family. Eating a lot of fruits and veggies that are rich in beta-carotene and vitamin C and E, can reduce the risk of having the stroke by as much as 54 percent if they enjoy carrots often.
Cayenne pepper improves circulation and heart function without raising blood pressure according to recent studies. It also enhances the power of other herbs taken at the same time.
The bromelain the enzyme that present in Pineapple is best known for its ability to break down proteins. It is a key ingredient in meat tenderizers. The bromelain action of anti-clotting might help prevent ischemic stroke and heart attack.
A study in the Journal of the American Medical Association shows that fruits and vegetables are beneficial in combating stroke. It was conducted at Harvard’s School of Public Health where investigators studied the relationship between fruit intake and the rate of stroke in over 75,000 women.
There is a decrease in stroke risk in those who had an increase in intake in the number of servings of fruits and vegetables per day.
More so, the same Journal of the America Medical Association revealed that eating whole grain bread can drop stroke risk by 43 percent. Dr Simin Liu of Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. The USA conducted a study that followed the health and stroke frequency of nurses over a multi-year period. The dietary concern has been paid attention to and intake of whole grain bread. Liu said, “replacing refined grains with whole grains by even one serving a day may have significant benefits in reducing the risk of ischemic stroke’. The study concludes, “With a lower risk of ischemic stroke among women higher intake of whole grain foods was associated with this.”
Nearly all legumes contain genistein, a cancer-preventive nutrient. I addition to guarding against cancer, genistein is also reported to have a significant anti-clotting effect. So, it is believed that it may also help prevent ischemic stroke and heart attack. Genistein according to reports can also be obtained from tofu and soy products. English peas or other beans and legumes.
Green tea has been shown to help keep blood pressure under control. It also may help keep cholesterol from clogging arteries. The herb tea reportedly contains Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) and other substances that help in the body protection against the dangers of oxidation, while helping to keep the harmful LDL cholesterol down and the helpful HDL cholesterol up. According to reports, they also assist in keeping blood pressure under control.
Source by Odewoye Sunday Francis
from Home Solutions Forev https://homesolutionsforev.com/prevention-of-heart-disease-and-stroke/ via Home Solutions on WordPress
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