#ive had escargot its so good
communist-hatsunemiku · 6 months
i do wish there were big ass bugs that could be cooked into delicious meals, and yes ik like lobster and crab are basically bug shaped, but im talking land bugs. big ass snails and pillbugs you could bake in butter or fry up.
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espanadiarywriter · 6 years
Paris—it’s not Spain
I just read an article about two women (American citizens) pulled aside in a grocery store and questioned by US border police because they were speaking to each other in Spanish instead of English. And now they are being harassed by their small community for being “foreign.” It is SO different here. Everyone here speaks multiple languages. Everyone. Maybe one of those languages isn’t English, but it’s Arabic and Spanish, Turkish and French and Italian with a few words of English. I just listened to a woman speaking French to her child break into halting English to give the flight attendant her seat number when he asked in Spanish. Basically the only reason someone doesn’t speak a second language is because he or she is American. What a different world view to never hear another language spoken. I get that the US has exported culture. English words are cool and trendy in Spain. But the idea the someone would literally be questioned for speaking another language is so the opposite of Europe, where you are expected to know at least two languages and most people we meet know three to five. We are in Paris this weekend, where they would rather I talk to them in English than my bad Spanish. But every now and then my Spanish has helped when someone doesn’t know an English word and the Spanish is more similar or even the same word. You might remember they are having “yellow vest” protests here in France. (Or maybe not because US media doesn’t really talk about Europe.) We wanted to do the tourist open top bus tour, because it saves my back and the kids seem to like it more than trying to walk to all the interesting spots in a huge city. Planning ahead, we did the tour on Friday. We were a little worried about traffic, but didn’t know if the protests would shut things down on Sunday. Boy was that a good move. We got to see all the major tourist sites Thursday and Friday. Thursday we walked around Notre dame and went up the Eiffel Tower at night. Friday we took the bus everywhere (photos are Napolean’s Tomb, and yes, that is real gold, the Palais Royale, Notre Dame, and in the Louvre gardens). We hoped off to have lunch and walk through the Louvre gardens, then got back on the bus to see the rest of the loop. We chose not to take the two 10 year old boys into The Louvre because they have the attention span to last through exactly 2 of the ~1 million rooms. (And all the adults had been to Paris multiple times already.)
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Then on Saturday morning our friends went to the Army museum (My son’s friend is a war history buff) and we took our 10 year old to the Musée d’Orsay (because I am more interested in art than tanks). The Orsay is really the perfect amount of art, sculpture, interesting architecture, and views.
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Then we had a bit of an adventure trying to get to our cooking class. It turns out that all those roads we were on Friday for the bus tour were totally closed for the protests. We didn’t really know the exact timing, but I estimate we were at the epicenter of the protest location about 2-3 hours before several thousand people in yellow vests walked through.
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We walked over the middle of the bridge to the Place de la Concorde and up the closed street between the Louvre and the river; it was blissfully empty. Not so great for my back since it was a long walk. However, eventually we got to a spot where the streets were open and took an Uber to our class, which was near the Montmartre neighborhood and happily away from protesting mobs. We ate lunch and then spent a delightful afternoon learning to make macarons. 
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After class we took the funicular up to Sacré Coeur to check out the view. I did not wait in line to get inside. I’ve seen a LOT of churches. We got home via metro which nicely went under all the closed streets. In fact many subway stops were closed and the train just kept moving through several stations.
Sunday was casual. It was the last day the boys were going to spend together, so we didn’t over do the sightseeing. Plus, more protests. So the boys and Rob did the catacombs, and we met for lunch next to the Jardins du Luxembourg and the Pantheon. We skipped the Pantheon museum and instead enjoyed people watching and walking through the garden on a gorgeous sunny day.
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Then we let the boys have some well deserved down time playing in the house. And just like that our trip to Paris is over, and we head back to Spain. Most importantly we hit all the critical foods: fromage, duck, frites, onion soup, escargot for my boys, steak, beef tartare, a good burger, more cheese and bread, and of course pastries and macarons. We even snuck in a Vietnamese lunch, which you really can’t get in Valencia. 
We are sad to see our friends head back to the US. The two boys had big fun together. But don’t worry. The next guests arrive Wednesday.
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tibarnshusbando · 6 years
Pulling For Toso on a BS no mercy banner
Just gonna list them for posterity or whatever, we’ll see what happens :/
I have uhhh... 8224 embers total, I don’t know how many summons that is, so I’ll just pull and list as I go. Hoping, (but absolutely doubting lol), that I get Crab Long Bao or Bamboo on the mercy mechanic, obviously hoping for Toso even though I’m sure I won’t get her cuz the rates are whacked and this game sucks and she isn’t guaranteed on mercy, and also hoping for SR Chocolate cuz I’m done with this game but it would be nice if he could finally come home~ or Gyoza cuz I want you to be 5 stars and usable. So here we go...
Long bao. I miss you, i wish you were useful at my level.
Yellow Wine
Spicy Gluten
Skewer. I had to fuse you, but better late than never i guess.
Long bao again. Welcome back<3
Sashimiiii I love you<3
Orange Juice :/
Cassata~ as expected due to rate up. Not into your voice tho. You’re also not chocolate hhhh
Malk. I miss you and your lovely voice ;3;
Sashimi again~ where were all the Sashimis when I needed them on a chest level?
Tom Yum yay shard fusion fodder
Taiyaki<3 hey girl, I wanna 5 star you~
Omurice~ I am one of the few that seems to like you but your shards are fodder cuz you’re ascended already lol
Sashimi kunn
Zongzi. I wish I’d gotten to use you.
Steak. I dont need you man, sorry.
Long Bao san again
Taiyaki chan<3
Tempura! Finally, I havent pulled you in forever for some reason
Escargot<3 I love you but I never got to use you lol
Miso hey quit talking over my next pull
Miso again. Shush.
Dorayaki! Hey son<3 I still miss you very much ;v;
Sashimi~ I should be hitting the mercy soon..
BAMBOO YES OMG AHHHHHHHHKJDFHGLSKDFJG LJH THATS A GOOD GOOD BLESSING! Not Toso but thank you game for giving me this which you owed me because I skipped my husband’s day for Toso’s lol 8)
Sashimi again
Pastel de nata. Why couldnt you be chocolate.
Coffee. Hello handsome, you suck but you had an inspired gay design lol
Sakuramochi for the billionth time
Spicy Gluten.
Jiuniang. Youre a good resturanteur or whatever
Sashimi again. I’ve probably 5 starred you by now on this session alone lmao. tho i may toss your shards for more crab and bamboo in the fusion, sorry its nothing personal :(
Long Bao
Tom Yum
Brownie. Fuck everything goddamn i just want chocolate thats all ive ever wanted since i started this game when it first released dfghdksfjhk
YAY GYOZA!<33333 you would be my spare tank if crab cant get it up to 5 stars~
Yellow wine
Tom yam
Ume Ochazuke
Steak. fuck me, this isnt chocolate why?! why?!!!
ok i have 124 embers left, lemme grind real quick...
55. Jiuniang. No chocolate. Fuck you lol.
Okay welp. No Toso. 1 Bamboo is good tho. 1 Gyoza is good. Fuck this game for never ever even once giving Chocolate who is merely an SR. Can’t believe I only got 1 Cassata too? But with that, moving on lol thanks for reading.
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