#its stick figures of us and im shorter than her and have longer hair than her and we both have bows on our heads and we’re labelled
hearty-an0n · 9 months
found a picture my old best friend made for me when we were six while cleaning my room
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3 notes · View notes
jmnjmnjmn · 4 years
Being Friendly | Jikook x Reader
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Being Friendly a.k.a. 31 Days To Get Over A Crush
Pairing: Fratboy!Jimin x Sororitygir!Reader x Fratboy!Jungkook
Side: Fratboys!BTS, Sororitygirls!BLACKPINK
Key words: pov, f2l, university life, greek life
Warnings: heavy drinking, lying, jealousy, swearing
Word count: around 16,000
Day 0
(Y/N)’s P.O.V.
“Woah. Hold up.” Jungkook put his hands on my shoulders pushing me away.
As our lips parted I opened my eyes and noticed his horrified expression. I wish I hadn’t. I wish I kept them shut and stayed in that state of bliss for a second longer.
“What?” I looked him in the eyes, scrunching my eyebrows.
“What?” He widened his eyes and shook his head in disbelief. “You just kissed me. That’s what?” I blinked a couple of times trying to understand what he meant.
Yes, I just kissed him. What’s the matter with that?
“So?” I raised my previously knotted eyebrows at him and he just sighed, looking away.
“So?” Shaking his head once again he looked back at me with something of a patronising note in his eyes. “We’re practically siblings, (Y/N).” I felt an invisible hand reach down my throat and grab my heart, threatening to rip it apart.
“What?” I scoffed in shock. “We’re not though.” He chuckled, shaking his head - a motion I was starting to get sick of.
“Still-” He put his hand on my shoulder, shaking it lighty. For the first time in forever his touch made me feel uncomfortable. “-you’re like a sister to me.” The invisible hand tightened its grip on my pounding heart, crushing it irrevocably.
I blinked a couple of times before coughing to clear my throat with hope that it’ll help me mask the fact that I was close to releasing an angry, sorrowful sob.
“You’re right.” I croaked out, giving my head a small shake as I looked away from him - the sight of his face, the one that I loved so dearly right now made me want to vomit. “I’m drunk, I’m sorry. I-”
“It’s fine.” He generously cut off my stutters.
“Yeah.” I sighed, letting my shoulders fall a little lower as Jungkook lifted his hand off me. “I guess I- I-”
“It’s fine.” He interrupted me again as I was trying to come up with some kind of an explanation for myself. “Let’s just forget about it.” The invisible hand turned into a huge paw that slapped me across the face, making both my cheeks turn bright red.
“Yeah, let’s do that.” I said, feeling glad that the sun had set already and the balcony we were standing on was dark enough that he couldn’t see my flushed face.
“God, that gave me chills.” Jungkook chuckled, shaking his shoulders. I looked up at him, getting ready to hit him right across that smug smile. As he noticed my angry expression he raised his hands in an apologetic gesture. “No offense. It’s just so weird even thinking of thinking of you that way.”
“Yeah, shit.” I stepped backwards, leaning on the railing of the tiny, one square meter balcony. I crossed my arms over my chest and looked out onto the buildings surrounding us. How many people out there have been as viciously friendzoned as me tonight? “I guess.” I turned my gaze to my feet and then back up at him. “I’m really drunk.” I added with an apologetic smile. The only way to come out of this situation and still save face was to play along with Jungkook and pretend I was shitfaced beyond the point of understanding.
“I can tell.” He chuckled. My stomach dropped and so did my face. It turned out I didn’t have to act that much to seem shaken up and out of it. Does he know me at all? I looked hazily into the apartment, the party was still in full swing. Why shouldn’t it be? It’s not like anyone knew or even cared what just happened out here.
“I bet I won’t remember any of this tomorrow.” I said and he chuckled again, making a step towards the half open door.
“I won’t remind you.” He said with a silly grin that still made my crushed heart flutter.
“Good.” I pretended to exhale a small laugh as he shook his head and stepped back inside.
Day 1
Thank god for the weekend. After the heartbreaking incident of being ruthlessly friendzoned by my long time crush I needed time to blow some steam off before seeing him again in class on Monday.
On Saturday morning I woke up with a raging hangover from the night before and the bitter memory of Jungkook’s lips on mine. I let myself sulk in bed for over an hour before I forced myself to get up and take a hot shower. I got out of the bathroom feeling like a freshly cooked sausage wrapped in a white towel. My skin was soft and reddened from the temperature of the water that’s been running down my tired body for the past fifteen minutes. As I massaged my favourite flowery lotion into my puffed up face someone knocked on my dorm room door.
“Jungkook, let me in!” The person yelled out as I walked to the door. The sound of my friend’s name made me stop in my tracks. “Jungkook, get your ass up and let me in! Come on!” The pounding on the door grew louder and more frequent with each second.
I twisted the key in the lock and opened the door, not knowing what to expect. Outside I saw an unknown guy, probably close to Jungkook and I in age. He was a little shorter than him, but just as lean and good looking. His light brown hair was down, covering most of his forehead. He was wearing gym clothes and had a big exercise bag draped over his shoulder.
“Finally, I-” His happy expression turned into a surprised one as soon as he laid his eyes on me. Within a second he managed to look my whole figure up and down and as our eyes locked once again he smiled brightly. It wasn’t the same friendly smile though, this time it was an embarrassed one. “Ah, I’m sorry.” He giggled as a light blush spread across his face. It took me another second to realise the cause for his reaction was that I opened the door dressed in nothing but a towel.
If there was one thing dorm living has taught me it was to stop caring so much about what others thought of me. People constantly roamed the halls of my building in pajamas and yesterday’s makeup so I didn’t see anything wrong with opening the door in a mere towel?
“Is- uh- is Jungkook in?” He stuttered out, running his hand through his hair and obviously trying to look everywhere but at me. He must have assumed I was Jungkook’s girl for the night and honestly I still kind of wished I was… 
“Next door.” I muttered and he finally looked at me, wide eyed.
“W-what?” He stammered. I had to admit the sight was amusing.
“He lives next door. This is 201, he’s at 203.” I explained and a look of realisation came over his face as he read the number on my door.
“Ah, right. Sorry.” He chuckled nervously and ran his hand through his hair one more time.
“It’s fine.” I said smiling lightly. He apologised once again and thanked me for the directions before walking away with the cutest look of embarrassment I have ever seen. As I closed the door and went back to drowning myself in lotion and sorrow I heard him call out Jungkook’s name once again as he knocked on his dorm room’s door.
Jungkook and I had many mutual friends simply from the fact that we lived in the same building, on the same floor, next door to each other. Often when we went out with our own groups we still somehow managed to run into one another somewhere throughout the night. Usually whenever that happened we would stick together until the latest of hours and walk back to our campus building together. Jungkook and I, together… I shook my head to snap myself out of the painful daydream and plopped down onto my unmade bed. Why was I still imagining myself with him when he  was so quick to friendzone me last night?
“Siblings.” I scoffed. “What the hell was he even thinking? What was I thinking?” I wondered in confusion.
We’ve known each other for years, it wasn’t weird of me to develop a crush on the boy after some time. We went to the same primary, middle school, high school and now university. I never even thought of him in a romantic or sexual way until he joined the football team at the beginning of the year. I shook my head again, because my mind was already taking me back to the memory of seeing him play for the first time. I turned on my back and sighed deeply.
“Forget it.” I whispered to myself, knowing well that I won’t be able to do that. At least not yet. Running my hand over the soft linens it seemed as if they were calling my name. I closed my eyes ready to drift back into sleep when I actually heard my name being called. I got up on my knees on the bed and leaned on the windowsill, peaking my head slightly out the open window.
“Her name’s (Y/N).” I heard Jungkook’s groggy voice through his cracked window.
“She’s cute.” I recognised the voice of the sandy haired guy who knocked on my door earlier. “Can you give me her number?” As I heard him ask that question I forgot all about my stupid crush on Jungkook for a moment and smiled, looking out the window onto the campus grounds.
“You know she tried to kiss me last night?” My stomach dropped at the sound of Jungkook’s words. I immediately closed the window and reached for my phone. I opened up Spotify and played my Daily Mix on the highest setting. Right as the soothing sounds of Crush’s new single filled my ears I started dressing up.
All I yearned for was the comfort of my grey sweatpants, but I knew that if I were to walk out this door in them I would feel like shit for the rest of the day and do nothing of substance. I cursed under my breath before reaching for a pair of jean shorts and a red tank top. I threw on my favourite hoop earrings and a pair of Nike sneakers. Looking at myself in the mirror that hung on the inside of my wardrobe’s door I nodded in satisfaction. Putting on nice clothes made me feel a bit more motivated to do something other than sulk over being so harshly rejected last night. I pulled out my phone to text my girlfriends to go out for a late breakfast. Right as the screen lit up an unwanted notification appeared at the top of it.
10:47 [Jungkook] can u turn it down pls? im hungover as fuck rt now
I decided upon leaving the text unopened and proceeded with getting ready. I sat down at my desk and started putting my makeup on. With each stroke of a brush, each pat of a beauty blender I felt myself become more and more agitated. He was texting me while dishing to this random guy about how I threw myself at him last night. I couldn’t stop thinking about it all. Me kissing him, him pushing me away, me being blind enough to assume he would feel something as well… I wasn’t drunk. I drank that night, but then I was barely tipsy. I knew what I was doing when I leaned in and kissed him. Fortunately for me he didn’t know that.
I threw my bag over my shoulder and walked out my door shutting it loudly behind myself. Strutting down the corridor of the dorm I decided to reforge all my sadness, embarrassment and anger into something positive. I haven’t told anyone about what happened last night so it was still possible for me to play the ‘too drunk to remember’ front. I texted my girl squad to meet up and put a pair of dark sunglasses on my nose as I walked out of the building into the blinding sunlight.
My best friend Lisa was the first one to arrive at the restaurant I chose for our late breakfast. As she walked my way I knew she knew something was up with me.
“What’s wrong?” She asked sitting down next to me. “And don’t even try to say ‘nothing’.” I sighed, leaning back in my chair. Lisa was the only one I told about my crush on Jungkook in the first place so why not tell her about my failed attempt to make it work with him… Right?
“I kissed Jungkook last night.” I said bluntly and she lapped my arm, gasping.
“No.” She whisper-yelled, leaning towards me. “How was it?” I couldn’t help, but smile a little at her excitement.
“He pushed me away and said we’re practically like siblings.” I whined, remembering his hurtful words. Lisa gasped once again, but this time instead of hitting my arm she rubbed it comfortingly.
“Oh, no. I’m so sorry.” I rested my head on her shoulder and breathed out heavily. Lisa wrapped her arms around me in a warm hug. “It’ll be alright. I know tons of guys that would kill to get kissed by you.”
“I wanted him though.” I whined sitting up straight.
“I know.” She grabbed my hands in hers and smiled brightly. “But hey, there might be something good coming out of this whole situation.” I leaned my head to the side, eyes full of doubt.
“Well, you never moved into the Alpha Psi house even though you’re a sister, because you wanted to be close to your stupid crush. Right?” I looked away, feeling a blush of embarrassment creep onto my cheeks. “And now that he so viciously friendzoned you what’s left keeping you in that disgusting dorm?” I looked back at her with understanding.
“You’re right.” I nodded slowly. “This is actually perfect.” Lisa’s smile grew wider along with the levels of my excitement. “Fuck him, fuck the dorms. I’m moving to Alpha Psi.”
“This is perfect!” Lisa exclaimed, crushing my palms in hers.
“What is?” Both our heads snapped up to see Jennie and Rose, walking up to our table.
“You better sit down before I tell you.” Lisa warned the two girls and they followed her order with intrigued looks on their faces. “(Y/N)’s finally moving in!”
Day 3
I looked around the lecture hall in search of an empty seat. As I scanned the room I noticed a hand waving at me to come over. Focusing my gaze on the person I recognised Jungkook. Walking towards him I ordered myself to stay calm and pretend nothing happened.
“Hey.” I breathed out sitting down beside him.
“Hey, where have you been?” He asked, turning in his seat slightly. “I haven’t seen you all weekend.” The fact that he noticed my absence at the dorms made me feel warm inside, but I quickly waved the feeling off remembering how shit I felt on Friday, all thanks to his smug face.
“Oh, I was at the Alpha Psi house.” I said casually, pretending I didn’t just notice him raising his eyebrows at me suggestively at the mention of my sorority.
“How are your sisters by the way?” He asked, scratching his chin with a dreamy smile on his face.
“Great.” I set my bag on the ground in front of me with a loud thud. “I finally decided to move in with them.”
“Hm, a perfect reason for me to come visit.” He chuckled and I rolled my eyes. How did I manage to develop a crush on this guy? He clearly has only one thing on his mind… 
“No luck, Jungkook.” I shot him down. “No boys allowed in the house.” He groaned tiredly and opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by the professor's commanding voice asking everyone to take their seats.
The old man announced that starting today and until the end of the spring-summer semester in four weeks we will be working on a  project regarding whatever he was teaching. Since I always sat with Jungkook in his classes I ended up never really listening to what he was saying which led me to being totally clueless when he started reading out the topics of individual projects he’ll assign to us.
“Wanna do this together?” Jungkook nudged my side right as the professor said we’ll be working in pairs.
I looked at him with my mouth slightly open, not knowing what to say. Of course I want to do this together! But at the same time the proximity of our bodies was making me sick… 
“I guess-” My answer was cut short as the professor started reading out individual students' names assigning them to specific topics.
“Shit.” Jungkook groaned leaning back in his seat and I smiled lightly, knowing that for now I was saved.
“(Y/Full/N) and Park Jimin.” 
“Ah, really?” Jungkook scoffed. I looked at him, crossing his arms in his seat with an annoyed expression.
“What?” I asked writing down in my phone the name of the boy I had no idea was in this class with me.
“That’s my friend.” He explained and turned towards me with a grin growing across his face. “Switch with me.” I rested my back in my chair weighing the options in my head.
“Who do you have?”
“I don’t know yet.” He shrugged.
“Jeon Jungkook and Kim Taehyung." The professor read out.
“Forget about it.” He shot me down before I could say a word. Taehyung was one of the best students in the class and working with him would definitely earn Jungkook a good grade for the end of the semester.
Day 5
Since Jimin was absent during the lecture the professor assigned the project’s topics I asked Jungkook for his number so I could message him about it. I finally got around to doing it on Wednesday afternoon. I was sitting at a cafe on campus looking through the menu when he texted me back with a proposition to meet up in person. For some reason I felt reluctant towards meeting up with one of Jungkook’s friends. What if he told them about my little kissing escapade? I sighed typing back an ‘okay’ and asking him if he could see me right now, knowing the project won’t just do itself.
17:42 [(Y/N)] im at the cafe in building 23
17:43 [Park Jimin] omw
By the time six rolled up the cafe practically emptied. I sat at a table with two small benches on its sides stirring my iced smoothie with the paper straw. I glided my finger across the laminated menu wondering whether to order now or keep waiting for Jimin, fortunately I didn’t have to wonder for much longer.
“Hey.” My head snapped up as a light brown haired guy sat down across from me. He smiled sweetly, going over my figure shamelessly before looking me right in the eyes. “It’s you.”
“Hey.” I said returning his smile without hesitation. His face looked somewhat familiar, but I couldn’t put my finger on why.
“I liked your other outfit better.” He said gesturing to my white flax shirt that I half-tucked to my jean shorts. I raised my eyebrows unsure of what he meant. He grinned, running his hand through his hair slightly embarrassed. “I- uh- the- the towel.”
“Oh, you.” I exclaimed in realisation. “Hi.” He nodded, still smiling. As he moved his head his multiple earrings shined in the cafe’s dim lighting.
“Jimin.” He reached his hand across the table and I took it shaking it lightly.
“(Y/N).” I said holding up a smile despite coming to one more, this time shocking, realisation. This boy was the one Jungkook told about the stupid ‘drunken’ kiss and god knows what else.
“I know.” Jimin released my hand from his with the same sincere smile that seemed more like a devilish grin in my now close to paranoid state. I raised my eyebrows once again, though I already had an idea regarding where he heard about me. Jimin leaned back in his seat, no longer embarrassed. “Your reputation precedes you.”
“Excuse me?” I scrunched my eyebrows somehow feeling that my reputation wasn’t anywhere close to squeaky. “What do you mean by that?” Jimin smirked, scratching his chin.
“You’re a known party girl and…” He made a pause to look away for a second and poke the inside of his cheek with his tongue. When we finally locked eyes again he was grinning cheekily. “Boys talk.”
“Yeah.” I scoffed leaning back on my bench and knotting my arms across my chest. “That I know they do.”
“Mhm.” Jimin hummed and took one of the laminated menus from the table. He scanned the page over casually before speaking up again. “You’re the topic of the day at least once a week.” He said, still reading the menu.
“Amongst?” I squinted at him slightly, wondering about the crowd on which’s lips I am on so often. He glanced up at me quickly before tossing the menu back on the table with that same satisfied smirk plastered across his handsome face.
“My football team for starters.” He put his hands between his legs leaning forward, making his chest touch the edge of the table.
“You play football?” His face expression changed from something along the lines of ‘i know something you don’t know’ to something more… Cocky.
“Yeah.” He leaned back again, resting his back on the wooden bench, his chin elevated slightly. ”With Jungkook.” I nodded slowly, scanning his face with my piercing gaze.
“Huh, I guess I never noticed you.” He appeared to have visibly shrunk for a moment at the sound of my words. Quickly he recollected himself, going back to the confident smile that - I have to admit - fit him perfectly.
“You will from now on then.” He said, cocking his eyebrow at me and I couldn’t stop myself from exhaling a weak chuckle.
“Hopefully for all the right reasons.” I said relaxing my shoulders. There was no reason - other than Jimin possibly knowing everything about my ‘drunken’ mistake from the other night - for me to feel uncomfortable or inferior to him. I decided to keep my front up and pretend, just as much in front of myself as in front of him, that I don’t remember anything that happened last Friday night. “Let’s get started on this hell of a project.”
“Before we do-” He cut me off, putting his arm on the back of the bench he was sitting on. “-I have a question.” I raised my eyebrows at him, taking a long sip from my smoothie. “You’re an Alpha Psi, right?” I smiled leaning back in my seat.
“Mhm.” I simply hummed in answer to his question. Party girl, Jungkook’s friend, sorority sister. What else did he know me as?
“It’s really a miracle we haven’t met before.” He smiled, shaking his head. “I’m in Theta Sigma Phi. Rush Chair.” I widened my eyes at him as he described his position.
“It is a miracle.” My interest in his person grew as I tried to go over all the boys I knew from his fraternity in my head. “I thought I knew all the exec boys from your frat.”
“Must have slipped your mind.” He smiled at me from across the table.
“Must have.” I said, looking into his dark brown eyes. “I just rushed this year so I’m still a baby.” I chuckled lightly.
“Not that much of a baby, Miss Treasurer.” He smiled at me showing his perfect white teeth. He either did his homework before coming to meet me or I was that loud of a bitch that everyone knew who I was and what I did way before I even met them. Either way the fact he knew this much about me when I knew nothing about him made me feel both a little unsettled and excitedly curious. “Rumor has it you’re after the Vice President chair.” My eyes involuntarily turned into small slits as I heard the words ‘vice president’. He noticed the change in my expression and laughed loudly. “They say you’re ambitious.”
“Who says?” I didn’t even try to sound casual as I asked him, reaching for my drink. His smile turned into a cocky grin as he stretched in his seat.
“Jungkook.” I rolled my eyes at the name.
“Of course.” I scoffed. “That boy can’t keep his mouth shut. Say one thing once…” I took a big sip of my icy beverage, trying to calm my nerves.
“Also Jisoo says she wants you as her Vice Prez when she takes over next year.” I choked on the ice as he said the name of the current Vice President of my sorority. “You okay?” Jimin laughed at my reaction.
“When did you talk to Jisoo?” I asked when I finally caught my breath again.
“Uh, sometime over the weekend.” He scratched his head in wonder. “Sunny’s graduating this year and-”
“I know how it works.” I interrupted him angered that he knew so much about my sorority.
“I never said you didn’t.” He raised his hands in an apologetic motion.
“Let’s get on with this project.” I sighed putting my empty glass down and Jimin stood up. I raised my eyebrows looking up at him. “Where are you going?”
“What, you wanted to work here?” He asked, throwing his backpack over his shoulder. I nodded and he shook his head smiling again. “No way, we’re going to your house.”
“Uh, no way.” I looked at him with a satisfied grin, still sitting down. “Alpha Psi does-”
“Doesn’t allow boys inside the house.” He finished my sentence in a joking tone. “I know. I hoped I could trick you.” He chuckled innocently. “Come on, we’ll do this at my house.”
Day 6
Jimin’s P.O.V.
“Should we take a break?” I asked, laying my upper body over the table in my fraternity’s chapter room.
(Y/N) looked over at me from across the table, her face resting in the palms of her hands. The way her body was positioned made her top scrunch up slightly over her chest showing off a bit more cleavage she might have wanted it to. I couldn’t help but imagine her in that skimpy towel I saw her in the first time we met.
“Yes.” She finally breathed out, letting her arms fall on the counter. She quickly straightened up and stretched her hands over her head, bringin the tops material back in its place. “I should go home.”
Looking at the clock I realised it was already ten minutes after midnight. We met to work on our sociology project around six in the afternoon, but spent more than half of the time bonding over our experiences being part of the greek life only starting to gather information and brainstorm about our designated topic about an hour ago.
“I’ll walk you.” I offered standing up from the table as she packed up her belongings.
“I live down the street. There’s no need.” I stretched my arms, nodding slowly.
“If you say so.” I walked her to the door and frowned as the night’s cold wind came through it when I held it open for her. “Wait a second.” I said shutting the door closed.
“What?” She asked behind my back as I was already jumping up the stairs to get to my bedroom.
I rummaged through my closet searching for a clean sweatshirt, preferably one with my name on the back of it. 
“You’re in deep, Jimin.” I chuckled at my own possessiveness. “Coming!” I yelled as I finally found the piece of clothing I was looking for. Skipping down the stairs I pulled a grey hoodie over my head and as I approached (Y/N), waiting for me by the door, I handed her a navy zip-up. “Here. It’s cold.” She took the sweatshirt and zipped it all the way up without a word. “I’ll walk you.”
“Jimin, I literally-” I cut her off breathing out a hiss.
“I’m walking you.” I repeated myself and she just smiled pushing the heavy oak door open. I held the door for her, staying behind to take a look at my masterpiece - ‘Park’ written in golden lettering over her shoulders.
Day 8
Jungkook’s P.O.V.
I was stretching by the coach’s bench before the big game when I noticed her, sitting in the bleachers, fourth or fifth row. She was smiling, talking to a brown haired girl to her right, looking down at her phone.
“(Y/N)!” I called out straightening up. Her head instantly shot up, looking around. I waved and called her name again. Finally her friend pointed her towards me and our eyes met. I gestured for her to come down and rested my elbows on the railing separating the field from the bleachers, waiting as she skipped down the steps with a smile on her face. “What are you doing here?” I asked, leaving out unnecessary greetings and pleasantries.
“Cheering for my university’s team.” She answered resting her palms on each side of my arms. I looked down with a smirk before straightening up and crossing my arms over my chest.
“You mean for me?” I asked and she raised her eyebrow at my teasing comment.
“You wish.” She spat back with a smile. I already opened my mouth to let her know I have to go join my team as the game was about to start when something unexpected happened.
My teammate Jimin came out from the door under the bleachers, he must have just left the locker room. I nodded his way as a sign I’ll be joining him on the field in a minute and he nodded back before quickly averting his eyes from me to (Y/N).  Now, I’m no expert, but his eyes changed when he looked at her. It felt borderline inappropriate. My smile faded as he made his way towards the two of us, eying (Y/N) from head to toe, instead of walking towards the main entrance to the football field. He pushed on the small gate in the railing opening it to walk onto the green grass.
“Hey, (Y/N).” He said walking past her with a cocky smile I knew so well from the many times we went out to bars together to pick up girls.
“Hey.” She smiled back and I swear I never saw her look at anyone like that. I followed Jimin with my gaze as he started jogging to the rest of the team. “Good luck.” My head snapped back to (Y/N) as she smiled at me before walking away to join her friend in the bleachers. With a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach I jogged towards my team. 
“What was that?” I asked standing next to Jimin. He was warming up with some high kicks, but switched to stretching his shoulders when I came over.
“What?” He asked, confusion on his face. I shook my head and also started stretching.
“Why are you talking to (Y/N)?” I asked him bluntly.
“We’re…” He stopped to think of the right word, but when he finally spoke again I wished he hadn’t. “Friendly.” He smiled brightly showing his teeth.
“Friendly?” I scoffed and stopped stretching to rest my hands on my hips. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“What do you mean?” Jimin asked, scrunching his eyebrows as he reached both his hands behind his back to stretch his chest. “We’re doing a project for sociology together.”
“She’s off limits.” I said through gritted teeth, not even looking at him, not caring that the reason behind their ‘friendliness’ might be as simple as them doing a project together.
“What?” He gasped with a chuckle that made my blood come close to boiling. “Since when?”
“Since always.” I finally looked at him again. He had his hands on his hips, mirroring my movements so I crossed my arms over my chest, trying to become visibly bigger. For some reason I wanted to look intimidating right now.
“Boys, positions!” Our coach called out cutting our altercation short.
I jogged towards my spot on the field. As I leaned forward resting my hands on my knees I looked to my left at the bleachers. From this distance I was unable to find (Y/N) in the crowd. I glanced to my right and saw Jimin staring forward, this time nothing but will to win in his eyes.
“(Y/N)’s off limits.” I breathed out jogging next to Jimin towards the opposing team's side of the field. I couldn’t stop thinking about him, her and their meaningful stares. It felt wrong. It felt disgusting. Jimin and her… Over my dead body.
“What?” He panted, glancing at me confused. “You’re still talking about this?”
“She’s practically my sister.” I said looking down at him. Jimin chuckled, his eyes focused on the black and white ball in the distance.
“She’s not though.” He said in a suggestive tone.
“Yeah, well I don’t want you being ‘friendly’ with her anymore.” I hissed, running a little faster to increase the distance between us.
“Oh, fuck off.” I heard him call from behind me. “I’ll be ‘friendly’ as much as I want.” He said catching up to me. “And for the record.” He glanced at me over his shoulder as he ran in front of me now. “I’m not the only one acting ‘friendly’.” He chuckled with a grin and I almost tripped over my own feet.
”What did you just say?” I asked and he chuckled again, turning to face me and jogging backwards for a moment.
“You heard me.” He said, cocking his eyebrow. As he turned forward again I picked up my pace and ran by him hitting him with my shoulder hard enough to make him stumble and almost fall to the ground.
(Y/N)’s P.O.V.
“I thought you said they were good.” Lisa whined in the seat next to me. I sighed looking at the scoreboard, our university’s team was far behind its rivals and the second half of the game has already started.
“That’s what Jungkook always told me.” I looked around the field looking for my friend and noticed him jogging along the white ‘out’ line. “Jimin said they were in top shape just yesterday.” I added noticing the guy next to him was Jimin himself. “I don’t understand why they’re playing so shit all of a sudden.” I whined, keeping my eyes peeled to the two of them. 
Jungkook picked up his pace leaving Jimin behind, but he quickly joined him by his side. After a couple of seconds he went in front of him, even from this far I could make out his smile. He turned to Jungkook jogging backwards for a moment before facing the right direction again. Then the other one matched his speed and ran over to him hitting him with his shoulder so hard he almost fell to the ground. I gasped.
“What’s going on there?” Lisa asked, straightening up in her seat.
“I don’t know, but it doesn’t look good.” I said, stretching my neck as far as I could to see more of what was going on on the field.
“Oh, shit.” Lisa hissed as Jimin ran over to Jungkook again. The taller one turned around and pushed him away harshly. “They’re gonna fight.” She said with both excitement and anxiety lining her words.
Fortunately the fight ended right where it started. Jungkook pushed Jimin once again earning himself a yellow card before the coach ran over and separated the two. Jimin kept his cool and walked off to the rest of his teammates shaking his head. 
“This is just sad.” I sighed after the next fifteen minutes passed. Looking at my phone I realised there’s still about twenty minutes until the end of the game, but I didn’t really want to stay any longer.
“Should we go?” Lisa looked at me with begging eyes.
“I kind of want to, but I don’t want to be a dick to Jimin or Jungkook.” I answered her truthfully.
“It’s not like you told them you’re here to support any of them or they invited you or something.” I looked at her with a weak smile as she spoke. She was right. It’s not likeI was here for any of them… Right?
“Alright.” I sighed and grabbed my bag from the floor. “They won’t win anyway. Let’s go.” We stood up and squeezed through the crowded bleachers.
Day 10
Walking to my morning Philosophy class I felt more than happy that I decided to move to the Alpha Psi house. It was located in the Fraternity-Sorority Row that was way closer than my dorm to most of the buildings I had my classes in this semester. Walking by the Theta Sigma Phi house - Jimin’s house - I noticed a familiar car.
“Jungkook?” I asked stopping by the vehicle. The buy peeked his head from behind the car, holding a carton box in his arms. “What are you doing here?” He shut the trunk loudly leaving my question unanswered.” What’s going on?” I asked again, not letting him go without getting an answer.
“I’m moving.” He said simply, locking his car.
“Here?” I pointed my head towards the frat house and he just hummed in agreement. “I didn’t know you were rushing.” I said, beginning to feel uncomfortable in his presence.
“We keep our rush procedures a secret, (Y/N).” My head snapped from Jungkook’s intimidating figure back towards the house.
“Jimin.” I said greeting him with a smile as he approached the two of us. “Congratulations. You got a real good brother on your hands.” I tried to sound as sweet and sincere as I could, unwittingly referring back to the time Jungkook said we were like siblings. “How fun. We’ll be neighbours again.”
“Yeah.” Jungkook answered in a dead tone.
“You need any help?” I asked after a moment, not sure whether I wanted him to agree.
“No.” He shut me down quickly.
“You got my hoodie?” Jimin asked, breaking the awkward silence that settled between Jungkook and I.
“Oh, no.” I whined cutely. “I left it home. I can bring it by after classes if you need it.”
“No need.” He waved me off and I started wondering why he even brought the topic up in the first place. “It looks better on you anyway.” I smiled at his compliment before looking down at my phone and realising the time.
“I have to run.” I sighed, putting my hands in the pockets of my jean shorts. “But if you need anything you know where to find me.” I smiled at him and then averted my eyes at Jungkook who stood in front of me with  the most serious expression. “Both of you.”
Jimin’s P.O.V.
I shamelessly checked (Y/N)’s ass out as she walked away, her jean shorts hugging her hips just perfectly.
“Keep it in your pants.” Jungkook scoffed as he turned to walk towards the house.
“Really?” I asked, still standing on the sidewalk. “Really?” I repeated myself, but he kept walking. “I can’t believe you’re still mad about me hanging out with her.” I called out after him. “She’s not your sister, Jungkook.” He walked inside, shutting the door behind himself loudly.
I sighed unsure of what I should do. Jungkook was my friend and now my frat brother as well, but there were no rules in the guy’s code of honour when it came to  girls your friend felt were like his sister, but really weren’t. There were rules about sisters and other relatives, exes, crushes, but nothing about, well, (Y/N). I already told Jungkook that I had my eye out for her when we first met in their dorm building and he didn’t seem to have any objections then.
“For fuck’s sake.” I sighed as I pulled my phone out of my pocket.
9:59 [Jimin] project tonight?
10:03 [(Y/N)] can’t. chapter meeting.
10:03 [(Y/N)] tomorrow?
10:04 [Jimin] k. ur house
10:06 [(Y/N)] don’t even start
10:06 [(Y/N)] ill b at urs round 5
10:08 [Jimin] i have football til 7
I debated for a moment before sending the next message.
10:10 [Jimin] pick me up from practice? ;)
10:11 [(Y/N)] c u there :*
I exhaled loudly as I read (Y/N)’s answer, making a mental note to myself to work extra hard in practice tomorrow in case she decided to show up earlier.
Day 11
(Y/N)’s P.O.V.
I scrolled through my Instagram feed mindlessly as I walked towards the football field. It was already five minutes past seven when I finally made it to my destination. Looking around the vast space I didn’t see any players. I pulled my phone out to text Jimin.
19:05 [(Y/N)] im here
“Hey.” Looking up from my phone I saw Jungkook walking my way with his exercise bag over his shoulder.
“Shit.” I hissed under my breath, totally forgetting Jimin and he were on the same football team. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to see him, well… Maybe a little. He was so weird the last time I saw him and my heart was still fragile from him rejecting my kiss.
“What are you doing here?” He asked, stopping just a step away from me. “Came to see me?” He wiggled his eyebrows at me and I rolled my eyes at his teasing.
Before I could open my mouth to shoot him some kind of a comeback I heard my name being called from behind his back. He stiffened looking over his shoulder, noticing Jimin walking our way with a bright smile.
“Hey.” I greeted him as he stopped next to Jungkook, the height difference more visible than ever before.
“Hope you didn’t wait long.” He said in a chipper tone, adjusting the hold on his bag.
“I just got here.” I said, reciprocating the smile.
“Let’s go.” Jimin ordered and we both started walking, leaving Jungkook a step behind us. He quickly matched our pace, walking on my right hand side, Jimin on my left.
“Oh, I didn’t notice your text.” Jimin said in an apologetic tone as he scrolled through his notifications. Jungkook raised his eyebrow at me questioningly, but I decided to ignore him. “Honestly, I was hoping you’d come a little early.”
“Why?” Jungkook and I asked in unison, making Jimin chuckle.
“‘Cause.” He averted his gaze to his feet before glancing back at me. “I wanted you to see me play.”
“I just saw you last week. You were pretty bad.” I shot back, giggling lightly.
“Touche.” He scoffed, jokingly shoving my shoulder with his. “We’re playing again at the end of the month.” He stuffed his hands into the front pocket of his sweatshirt. “I’ll make sure to play extra well if you decide to show up.” 
“I’ll think about it.” I teased him, looking away.
“I have something to do at the dorms.” Jungkook muttered before taking a sharp turn right and walking away without any further explanations.
“Uh- Bye.” I called out looking at his back. “What’s with him?” I asked Jimin as we kept walking towards the Fraternity-Sorority Row.
“You tell me.” He shrugged. “We’re not really on talking terms right now.”
“What happened?” I asked, truthfully concerned.
“I don’t know.” He sighed, clearly not wanting to elaborate much on the topic and I didn’t dig further.
Jimin’s P.O.V.
I was ready for us to sit down and relax while pretending we’re doing research, but when (Y/N) pulled out her laptop and started spewing questions at me I knew that was not going to be the case. We ended up almost finishing our Sociology project that night, only thing left was to send out our survey and go through the results in a couple of days.
“Can’t we just forge it?” I asked, rubbing my tired eyes.
“What?” She frowned, scrolling through something on her computer. She was sitting on the couch opposite to me, her hair tied in a messy ponytail at the top of her head. She looked so pretty.
“The results.” I explained, keeping my eyes glued to her chest rising up and falling down rhythmically.
“But then we’ll be done and I won’t have a reason to hang out with you anymore.” She whined sweetly and I chuckled, taken aback by her cheeky answer. I leaned my back against the comfortable couch now looking at her face, her eyes still focused on the screen instead of me. I couldn’t help, but feel jealous.
“Come over whenever.” I said in a low voice. “No reason needed.” 
“I just might.” She smiled, typing something on the keyboard. “Alright.” She slapped her laptop closed. “I’m going home.”
“Already?” I straightened up in my seat.
“It’s close to ten.” She stated, packing up her things.
“Is it?” I asked more myself than her, not realising how fast the time went by. I followed her to the door and held it open for her. “I’ll see you soon, huh?” She hummed in agreement, but stopped mid step as she was walking through the doorway.
“Are you going to the party at Tri Kappa on Friday?” “I am if you are.” I thought to myself and nodded at her in answer. 
“And you?” I asked, trying my hardest to play it cool.
“‘Course.” She said sweetly as she smiled over her shoulder, walking away. “See you, Jimin.”
“See you.” I said, closing the door behind her.
Day 14
Stumbling through the crowded room I felt like throwing up. I definitely drank too much tonight. I walked towards the open door and finally stepped outside onto the open air. The loud music made my ears ring so I shook my head to get rid of the sound. Bad idea. I lost my balance and leaned on the wall beside me. When I finally looked up and scanned my surroundings all I saw was just more drunk people. People on the back porch, people in the pool, people on the lawn. Dancing, drinking, talking.
I inhaled deeply as a flowery smell filled my nostrils. Blinking excessively to make my eyes focus better I looked around for the source of the sweet scent. It didn’t take long since I knew exactly what, or rather who, I was looking for.
“(Y/N)!” I called out, looking at her bare back as she just passed by me with one of her girlfriends draped on her arm. “Hey, girl.” I said grinning as she looked over her shoulder.
When our eyes locked she reciprocated the smile, quickly whispering something to her friend before she walked off. I felt my brain fighting against the alcohol and telling me to act sober as she turned to face me and stepped closer to hug me ‘hello’.
“Hi.” She called elongating the word so it lasted throughout the entirety of your hug.
She lifted her hand off my shoulder slowly, making sure to run it down my bicep briefly. When we were no longer touching I felt intoxicated in a totally different way than I did a moment earlier. Her skin… It was just too much for me to handle in the drunken state I was in.
“Come here often?” She laughed at my  stupid pick-up line and my smile grew wider as she flipped her hair over her shoulder.
“Only when you’re around.” She answered cheekily.
“Smooth.” I nodded at her quick response and had to stop myself from turning into a giggly, blushing mess when she shoved my arm jokingly. “You want something to drink?” She barely started lifting her hand in which I noticed she held a half empty cup of something when I heard my name being called.
“Jimin!” I looked over (Y/N)’s shoulder onto the crowded garden and saw my friend and frat Vice Prez Namjoon, drunk out of his mind, gesturing for me to come over. “Beer pong!” He yelled towards me. We had this unwritten rule among our frat brothers that whenever one of us called another one to play a drinking game, especially Beer Pong, the other one just had to join. He just had to. “Now!” I sighed, letting my shoulders sink as I wanted to stay and talk to (Y/N) just a little bit longer.
“I have to go.” I whined sadly. “I wish I didn’t though.” I said in a low voice, gliding my hand over (Y/N)’s waist as I walked by her. She grabbed my forearm with her soft palm and my head snapped back to her ignoring Namjoon’s voice in the background.
“I wanna play too.” She said smiling sweetly. I muttered a soft ‘okay’ and grabbed her hand to guide her through the mass of sweaty people.
“Boys vs. girls.” I stated as we got to the ping-pong table. “Fuck off.” I growled at the two strangers standing on the side of the table opposite Namjoon's.
“Who do we have here?” He asked walking up to (Y/N) and I.
“Namjoon, meet (Y/N).” I introduced her, bringing my arm around her shoulders. “Next year’s Alpha Psi’s Vice Prez.” 
“Don’t jinx it.” She nudged my side teasingly.
“Nice to meet you, (Y/N).” Namjoon smiled. “You got someone to be on your team?”
“She does.” Someone said and before I knew it (Y/N) slipped from under my arm and into her friends hug. “Lisa.” The girl introduced herself briefly with a cocky smile.
“Alright, let’s get it.” I said, rubbing my hands together.
“House rules: If you don’t drink you do a dare.” Namjoon said, smirking as we took our positions on opposite ends of the table.
“Of what kind?” Lisa asked, stretching her arms in front of her.
“Winner’s choice.” He answered her, picking up the white plastic ball.
Day 15
(Y/N) and Lisa were surprisingly good at the game. They were knocking out our cups one by one and spitting dares left and right. When we managed to shoot our ball into one of their cups they drank it without hesitation, not even wanting to hear our stupid dares.
“Yeah!” I exclaimed as my shot made it into one of their many plastic cups.
“Dare! Dare! Dare!” Namjoon called out repeatedly and I just raised my eyebrows at (Y/N) standing with her arms across her chest on the other end of the table.
“Fine.” Lisa chuckled and Namjoon cheered drunkenly.
“I dare you to take a shot of (Y/N)’s stomach.” He blurted out and she rolled her eyes at him with a laugh.
“Get on here.” She asked her pointing to the table.
I gulped loudly as (Y/N) layed down on the wobbly table, lifting up her shirt to reveal her stomach. Lisa placed a half full shot glass over her belly button as (Y/N) put a quarter of a lime between her lips. Lisa leaned over her friend’s stomach grabbing the glass with her lips and jerked her head backwards swallowing the contents of it in one, swift go. Later she grabbed the glass with her hand and put her other palm on the back of (Y/N)’s head as she lifted herself up on her elbows, still lying on the table. As their faces inched closer Lisa bit on the lime (Y/N) was holding between her teeth as a chaser.
“That was hot.” I muttered and Namjoon hit my back with his open palm laughing.
“Our turn.” (Y/N) exclaimed, tucking her shirt back into the front of her short skirt.
“Uh, house rules.” Namjoon cut her off with an evil smile. “Winner’s get a second turn after you take the dare.” 
“This isn’t even your house.” She protested, chuckling.
“Yeah, well I started the game so… My rules.” He explained himself poorly and shot his shot. “Fuck yeah!” He yelled out, making it into one of the girls’ cups once again.
“Dare.” (Y/N) said without hesitation.
(Y/N) stumbled down the front steps of the Tri Cappa house, chuckling to herself. 
“Sorry.” She mumbled as she bumped into me. I smiled looking up at her as I was sitting on the wooden steps, trying to collect myself before walking home.
“L- leaving already?” I asked with hiccups interrupting my words. She nodded, pulling her phone out of her skirt’s pocket.
“Shit, it’s three already.” She inhaled sharply, not realising the time.
“I’ll walk you.” I said, slowly pushing myself up from the ground. She didn’t protest though her house was less than a minute away.
“You’re drunk.” She chuckled and I gave her a serious glare.
“You’re drunk.” I shot back and she chuckled again, looking at my stupid expression.
“Walk with me.” She asked, grabbing my arm and pulling me to her side.
Wishing I could be glued to her like this forever I walked with her through the front lawn of the frat house and right into her sorority’s front garden. We climbed up the front two steps onto the elevated porch and she let go of me, grabbing in the golden door handle.
“Oh.” She looked at me over her shoulder and I felt myself become sober all of a sudden. “I still have your sweatshirt.”
Before I could think twice my hands were already on the sides of (Y/N)’s neck, pulling her face towards mine, making our lips crash in a sloppy excuse of a kiss. I tried to move my mouth in sync with her’s, but couldn’t, resulting in me practically kissing her chin as she chuckled.
“What?” I breathed out, also starting to laugh as she rested her hands on my hips.
“You’re drunk.” She snickered against my lips.
“You’re drunk.” I spat back, still holding her close to me.
“Yeah, but that was so bad.” (Y/N) giggled, grabbing on the bottom hem of my shirt.
“Okay, fuck you.” I laughed stepping away.
“No, wait.” She smiled, pulling on my shirt. “Try again.” She pleaded, bringing her face close enough to mine that our lips almost touched as she spoke.
“Give me a second.” I said, cupping her face in my hands. “Close your eyes.” I asked her as she stared at me through her half lifted lids. She followed my order, still smiling. I leaned my head forward kissing her lightly.
As our lips touched again she reciprocated the kiss in a way I just imagined she would. Our tongues moved in unison, her hands travelled up my sides and to my chest. After a blissful moment of feeling her mouth on mine I could feel her smile into the kiss.
“Stop.” I breathed out against her lips before she started giggling again.
“I’m sorry.” She said, backing away slightly. “Just- just keep-” I cut her off connecting our mouths again.
I pulled the covers over my head as the bright sunlight made its way into my bedroom. I licked my chapped lips, still feeling the bitter taste of alcohol in my throat. I slowly lifted my heavy eyelids when it hit me.
I made out with (Y/N) last night.
Instantly I sat up in my bed, but quickly laid back down again as my stomach rose up in my chest. I reached for my phone,but couldn’t find it on my night stand.
I made out with (Y/N) yesterday.
I fell out of bed and onto the cold wooden floor with a loud thud, wrapped in bed sheets. I frantically looked through my jeans pockets and finally found my phone.
I kissed (Y/N).
As I tried to unlock the device its screen stayed black for a moment before I saw an image of an empty battery pop up. I quickly crawled to the desk in the corner of the room and connected my phone to power.
“What are you doing?” My head snapped to Namjoon. He was laying in his bed on the other side of the room, elevating himself on his elbows, staring at me with amusement.
“I made out with (Y/N) last night.” I blurted out without thinking.
“Congrats.” He said simply, prior to falling onto the mattress and drifting back to sleep.
(Y/N)’s P.O.V.
My eyes fluttered open slowly at the sound of my alarm clock. I felt an overwhelming pain forming in my head as the buzzing went on for a good minute. When I finally turned the thing off I was already too awake to fall back asleep. I slowly sat myself up in my bed, wrapping the covers around my cold shoulders.  Entangled in the blankets I reached for my phone to scroll through social media. My phone chimed in my hand making me frown at the abrupt sound. I squinted reading the text on the screen.
11:32 [Jimin] u up?
“Huh?” I groaned. “Lisa?” I called out my best friend's name, making her turn in her bed. “Lisa, check this out.” I slowly walked from my bed to hers, plopping down lazily next to her. “Look.” I put the phone up to her face. She scanned the screen with half open lids and looked up at me with confusion.
“What do you want from me?” She asked and I sighed, remembering I haven;t yet told her what happened between Jimin and I last night.
“Jimin walked me home last night and we made out on the porch.” I spoke as I rubbed my tired eyes. “And it wasn’t like- he wasn’t like- well, it was more-” I sighed, unable to voice my feelings. “It was kind of romantic.”
“Are you sure?” She asked with her eyes closed. “Would he test ‘u up?’ if it was really romantic?” Was she right? I didn’t want her to be.
“What should I do?” I asked her. “I am ‘up’.” Lisa chuckled at my annoyed tone.
“I don’t know.” She whined, turning away. “Text him back, or don’t.”
I looked at the screen. There were no dots in the corner that would signal Jimin was about to write another message.
11:42 [(Y/N)] im up
Not more than ten seconds passed before he texted me back, the contents of the message made my stomach turn.
11:42 [Jimin] i need to talk to u
11:42 [Jimin] can u come over?
“Oh, no.” I scoffed. I was not going to walk all the way down the street just to get rejected again. The PTSD after Jungkook was still all too fresh.
11:45 [(Y/N)] cant u?
11:45 [Jimin] omw
I squealed, hiding my face in my hands.
“He’s coming over.” I muttered, feeling Lisa turn under the blankets beside me. 
“What?” She asked, sounding awake all of a sudden.
“He’s coming here.” I repeated, standing up quickly. “I need to get myself together.”
“Brush your teeth!” Lisa called behind me as I ran out of the room.
11:59 [Jimin] come on down
I ran my hand through my hair and exhaled loudly.
“Just stay calm, dude.” I said to myself. “Stay calm.” I turned away from the front door, glancing over the garden, the sorority houses always had them look better than the frats.
My head snapped back to the door as I heard the lock turn. (Y/N) stepped outside wearing the shortest gym shorts and a t-shirt with her sorority’s name on it. I bit my lip, running my eyes from her feet to her face as she leaned on the red brick wall of the house.
“Hi.” She said sweetly and I smiled lightly hearing her voice.
“Hey.” I answered, feeling my shoulders tense up a little. “Can I come-”
“Sorry, Jimin.” She cut me off almost immediately, an apologetic look on her face. “No boys-”
“No boys allowed.” I finished her sentence smirking. “I know. Can’t blame me for trying.” I joked, but at this point she wasn’t looking at me anymore.
Her eyes were focused on something behind me. I turned to look over my shoulder when another guy passed by me.
“Hey, (Y/N).” He said opening the door.
“Hi, Hoseok.” She answered.
“Wha-” I looked between them both in utter shock.
“No boys, dude.” He said shooting me a superior stare. “Men can come in though.”
“Excuse me?” I scoffed as he chuckled, shutting the door behind himself.
“Don’t mind him.” (Y/N) sighed, putting her hand on the golden handle. “There’s an exception for boyfriends.”
“Well then we should talk inside.” I stepped closer, putting my hand on hers gripping the door handle.
“What?” She asked, her smile growing wider.
“You know what.” I leaned towards her so that our chest touched and she exhaled a small chuckle. “Stop laughing at me.” I tried to sound serious, but her attitude was infectious and I was already smiling.
“I can’t.” She snickered, covering her mouth with her free hand. “I’m sorry.”
“Goddamnit, girl.” I sighed, stepping away. I put my hands on my hips and looked at the street before turning back towards her - a giggling mess, leaning on the front wall of the house.
“Why are you here?” She finally asked me, still smiling, but no longer chuckling.
“I wanted to talk to you.” I said, stepping closer once again. “About last night.”
“What about it?” She asked, cocking her eyebrow at me.
“I liked it.” I said leaning my face closer to hers, putting my hands on either sides of her shoulders on the wall behind her.
“Mhm.” I sighed at her half-ass answer. “And?” This time I raised my eyebrow at her teasingly.
“And I wanna do it again.” I said, looking deeply into her shining eyes.
“Why don’t you?” My body reacted faster than my brain when I heard her words. Within a second our lips were connected again and I was tasting the sweet cherry taste of her chapstick.
“Wait.” She breathed out against my lips and I pulled away, only a centimeter. “I don’t- I don’t wanna be fuck buddies or anything like that. I’m not really-”
“Me neither.” I cut her off, scanning her face hungrily.
“Then what do you want?” She asked and I smiled at the sweet pleading audible in her voice.
“I wanna be exclusive.” I cupped her soft face in my hands. “With you.” My hand travelled up to her forehead where I brushed a loose piece of her hair behind her ear, watching her face carefully for any switch in emotion, but there was none. She was still smiling, looking me in the eye with the softest of gazes. I fluttered my eyelids slowly, feeling a soft blush come onto my cheeks. “I think it’d be really cute.”
“You think?” She asked, letting her eyelashes fall a little lower, making her expression change from sweet to sultry in an instant.
“Don’t dodge my questions.” I said in a jokingly warning tone, smiling a little wider. She raised her eyebrow at me, coming back to the cute teasing vibe.
“You didn’t ask a single-” I shook my head and put my thumb on her bottom lip.
“Just say ‘Yes, Jimin. I’ll be your girlfriend.” I moved my finger, making her lips open and close as I pretended she said what I wanted to hear from her so badly.
With my finger still over her now closed lips she smiled sweetly and pressed on the door handle.
“You should come in.” She said opening the door with one hand and pulling me in by the hem of my shirt. Her hands travelled to mine as she walked backwards with her eyes focused on me.
“(Y/N), no boys in-” A female voice called out as soon as I stepped through the threshold of the sorority house. I didn't even have time to look over at whoever was speaking, because (Y/N) grabbed my hand and led me up the grand staircase.
“He’s my boyfriend.” She called out casually to the other girl and I cocked my eyebrow at her teasingly.
“Am I now?” I asked, looking up at her a couple of steps higher than me.
“Shut up.” She chuckled, glancing down at me.
Day 17
I looked around the lecture hall I haven’t been in for ages. In search of an empty seat I scanned the room finally noticing (Y/N). She was sitting in the back, with her feet on the chair, knees up to her chest, scrolling through her phone mindlessly.
“Hey, babe.” I breathed out sitting in the empty seat beside her. She looked up at me confused, as if she was expecting for someone else, but quickly her surprised expression turned into a happy one.
“Hey.” She said sweetly, leaning over to give me a kiss. “I swear this is the first time I’ve seen you in this class.” She chuckled going back to her phone.
“Because this is my first time in this class.” I explained, unashamed about the fact.
Jungkook’s P.O.V.
I pushed open the lecture hall’s door and my eyes immediately shot up  to scan through the back seats where I would usually sit with (Y/N). I quickly found her sitting in the very last row, but was unpleasantly surprised not to notice an empty seat beside her and even more than surprised when I recognised the guy sitting next to her was none other than my best friend Jimin. Did she just break our unspoken agreement of holding a seat for each other in our shared classes for him? For him? Shaking my head I walked towards the first empty seat I saw and pulled out my phone.
11:13 [Jungkook] >:(
11:15 [(Y/N)] what?
11:15 [Jungkook] figure it out
I tapped my foot nervously looking at the three moving dots in the corner of my screen. After a moment they disappeared and I sighed in annoyance. After a couple minutes of patient waiting I decided to take the matter into my own hands.
11:24 [Jungkook] ok ill tell u. u didnt save a seat for me and i had to sit in the front row
11:26 [(Y/N)] i did save u a seat. jimin just came i and took it xd
11:26 [Jungkook] shouldve chased him away
11:27 [(Y/N)] i will next time
I smiled for a moment at the small victory, but it’s sweet taste didn’t drown out the bitterness I still felt inside. I haven’t really spoken to Jimin since arguing with him at our match last week. I’ve had more than enough time to think about what both him and I said that day, but I didn’t. In actuality I decided to ignore the way I felt and with that, ignore Jimin… But now, faced with him and (Y/N) looking ‘friendly’, as he put it, sitting together in the back of the class I couldn’t push it all down anymore. Before I could stop myself my thoughts took me back to the moment I saw (Y/N) in the bleachers at last week’s game. I was so happy to see her. Why?
I shook my head, trying to stop myself from thinking it, but it seemed impossible. We’re friends. We’ve always been friends. I literally friendzoned her like two weeks ago I can’t- I don’t- I… I looked over my shoulder towards the back of the room. She was still sitting next to Jimin, showing him something on her phone. They were close, awfully close.
Turning back forward to face the professor’s presentation I tilted my head trying to find an explanation for why I was so upset by that. An explanation other than the obvious that came to my mind.
Day 22
(Y/N)’s P.O.V.
I skipped down the dark wooden staircase typing up a text in the groupchat I had with my best girlfriends. I walked to the heavy oak door and pulled on the goldish handle. The door made a loud creaking noise as it always did. I already told Jimin about a hundred times they should get it fixed, but he never brought the issue up with their House Manager.
“(Y/N)?” I heard someone call my name from behind me. I turned in place and my eyes were met with the familiar warmth of Jungkook’s brown irises. I smiled looking at him, standing with a clueless expression in the middle of the living room to my left.
“Hey.” I said sweetly, not letting go of the cold metallic handle.
Somehow I forgot Jungkook also lived here. I came here so often to see Jimin and never saw him here so it just… Slipped my mind.
“What are you doing here?” He asked, taking a couple of steps closer.
“Well, I was just leaving.” I pointed to the door with my phone in my hand, playing dumb. He shook his head with a slight smile and I realised my heart didn’t flutter at the sight as it used to just a couple of weeks ago.
“Yeah, but why?” He asked, stepping closer.
“Oh, Jimin.” I said with a chuckle of pretend realisation. Jungkook’s face seemed to have dropped a little as he heard my vague explanation.
“Oh.” He sighed, still looking me in the eyes.
“I haven’t seen you in a long time.” I said leaning on the half open door and he scratched the back of his neck and again… Nothing. Not even one butterfly in my stomach at the sight of his flexing bicep or his small bunny-like smile.
“Yeah, I guess.” He leaned on the door frame. The proximity in which we stood meant nothing to me at this point and I couldn’t be prouder of myself. Am I really over this boy? Wow.
“How’s the fraternity life?” I asked smiling up at him, the soft summer’s breeze came through the door ruffling his fringe a little.
“It’s… Good.” He finally answered, unconvincingly.
“I’m glad.” I said, not really wanting to hear more from him right now. “Actually, I have a question.” I took a step outside and he turned to the side to still see me while leaning on the tall door frame. “Are you going to be here tomorrow night?” I turned back towards him, flipping my hair over my shoulder. “At the party I mean.”
“I live here, so… Yeah.” He sighed. Why did he sound so goddamn tired? “Why?” He asked, putting his hands in his pockets and flexing his arms ever so slightly - a trick boys did to make their muscles seem bigger when talking to a girl. I smiled at his silly actions.
“I didn’t want to be here alone, that’s all.” I lied swiftly.
“Well, Jimin’s gonna be here as w- wait.” He squinted his eyes at me. “You’re thinking of going?”
“Yeah.” Jungkook raised his eyebrows and nodded slowly. “Don’t look so surprised.” I added with a chuckle, taking a step away from him and towards the steps down from the big front porch. “I’m a known party girl with a reputation to uphold.”
“Yeah, but not in the week prior to finals.” He said smiling at me with disbelief.
“Well, tomorrow is kind of… Mandatory for Alpha Psis.” As I finished my sentence I turned my back to the boy and skipped down the three steps from the stone porch to the paved lane.
“Who are you?” He chuckled, crossing his arms over his chest, again flexing his arms.
“Your worst nightmare from now on.” I said shooting him a serious glare over my shoulder before walking away making sure to sway my hips a little harder than usual. “See you tomorrow.”
“See you, Alpha Psi.” He called from behind my back and for the entirety of my walk down the lane connecting his frat house to the sidewalk of the street I didn’t hear him close the heavy oak door.
Day 23
The moment I heard Lisa’s footsteps on the wooden floor of the corridor separating our bedrooms I knew she was going to accuse me of underdressing or something of that sort.
“Really?” She said, sitting down on my bed behind me as I put my large hoop earrings on, standing by the full length mirror leaned by one of the walls of my bedroom.
I eyed her outfit in the reflection and bit my lip. She was wearing skin tight black shorts with fishnet tights underneath. Her band t-shirt was half tucked into her bottoms, revealing the thick leather belt holding them up. To top it off she wore a pair of heavy combat boots that gave her at least an extra five centimeters of height.
“Okay, help me.” I said letting my arms fall to my sides in resignation as her gaze drilled into my back mercilessly. 
“It’s… Fine.” She said gesturing to my figure dressed in a tight mini skirt and spaghetti-strap crop top, both in black just like what she was wearing. “Maybe with different shoes?” She said more to herself than me as she looked at my thigh high boots. I rested my hands on my hips, looking at her warningly. She knew well that I hated it when she commented on my style. “Okay, okay. Just one thing. Just try it and if you don’t like it go as you are and I won’t say a thing.” She murmured walking to my closet. She rummaged through the boxes of shoes at the bottom of it and pulled out a bright orange one.
“Nike’s?” I asked, taking the box and sitting down at my bed.
“And these.” She tossed a pair of white Nike socks from my dresser and I chuckled. It was so her style - wearing a sexy outfit with a pair of branded sneakers of an opposite colour.
I took off my high heeled boots and slipped on the comfortable sock and sneakers. Their bright white colour contrasted well with the darkness of my outfit. I scanned the whole thing in the mirror and nodded to myself.
“Okay, you were right.” I finally said and she nodded in satisfaction. “This time.” I added wagging my finger at her jokingly.
“Girls! We’re leaving in a minute!” One of your sorority sisters called from downstairs.
Since becoming part of the greek life I rarely went to parties alone and tonight was no exception. All the Alpha Psi’s were going to show out tonight at the annual ‘finals start off’ party at the Theta Sigma Phi fraternity house - also known as Jimin and Jungkook’s house. Living in the Fraternity-Sorority Row we didn’t have to take a car to get there. We walked out of our house in an intimidating formation - close to thirty girls walking down the street, dressed to the nines with bottles of champagne and whatever other alcohol in their hands, making people take second glances as we strutted on the hard asphalt.
With Lisa holding my hand and giggling about something into my ear I walked confidently through the open oak door. As I’ve been to the house many times before I led us straight to the kitchen to get us both a glass, or better a bottle of something strong. As I was about to grab a bottle of tequila from the counter I heard my name being called through the loud music.
“(Y/N)?” I turned around and locked eyes with Jungkook. The hair he had tied in a messy bun at the top of his head yesterday was falling on the sides of his face in soft waves right now. He looked me up and down, exhaling loudly. “What happened to you?” Not getting an immediate answer he shook his head and walked up to me, opening his arms.
Shocked by the sudden hug I reciprocated the motion letting my hand travel down his back. As he pulled away he noticed Lisa by my side and with his arm still draped around my shoulder he introduced himself to her and vice versa.
“So, what happened?” He pressed, still looking at me with a mixture of confusion and satisfaction lining his eyes. From where he was standing he probably had the perfect view down my skimpy top, but I couldn’t care less. “You look fucking great.” He breathed out heavily and both Lisa and I giggled.
“As I always do.” I shot back with a smirk waving his hand off my shoulder.
“Of course.” He quickly assured me. “Honestly.” He shook his head looking at me with his doe-like eyes. “I didn’t think you’d actually show up.”
“I told you: Alpha Psi’s are coming. And since I am one…” I shrugged and smiled lightly at him. “I’m here.”
“And I’m so fucking pleased you are.” He said smiling down at me with his bunny teeth. 
“Ladies.” Another voice called, this time from behind our backs. “Hey, Lisa.”
“Jimin.” She exclaimed with a bright smile and kissed the boy on the cheek as he approached her.
“(Y/N).” He said, turning towards me with nothing but adoration in his shining irises. “Beautiful as always.” I smiled at his compliment and kissed his cheek lightly as his hand glided down my waist only to stop right above my butt to rest there comfortably. “I’m happy you made it girls.” He looked at our empty hands and then at Jungkook. “Jungkook…” He hummed disapprovingly. “You haven’t offered our guests drinks?” He asked in a scolding tone before looking at Lisa and I with his eyebrow raised. “The usual?” We both confirmed and he reached to the counter beside him to make us drinks.
I couldn’t help, but realise that Jungkook stiffened standing next to me. I also couldn’t help, but let myself wonder for a moment why he did that. Was he angered by something? Uncomfortable maybe? Was it me? Was it the fact that if we hadn’t bumped into each other yesterday he wouldn’t even know I was coming? Was it because I was close with his best friend, his fraternity brother? Closer than I’ve ever been with him even though we’ve known each other for barely a couple of weeks when Jungkook and I went as far back as primary school… 
“Here you go. With double shots.” Jimin said, passing us both plastic blue cups. I immediately took a sip of the bitter mixture, letting my throat burn as I swallowed the liquid.
“You girls want a tour of the place?” Jungkook asked in a cocky tone, leaning on the kitchen island with his arms across his chest, biceps flexed.
“Ah, Lisa maybe.” Jimin answered him before any of us could open our mouths. “(Y/N)’s been here tons of times.” Jungkook’s eyes travelled between Jimin and I frantically as his friend spoke. “She knows the place like her own.” He bumped my shoulder with his own shooting me a knowing grin, before wrapping his arm around my figure, pulling me close. I reciprocated the expression without hesitation, despite feeling Jungkook’s fiery gaze on me.
Jungkook’s P.O.V.
“So you’re here often?” I asked, tightening my crossed arms over my chest.
“Mhm.” (Y/N) hummed as she took another sip of her drink.
“Why?” I blurted out, not caring how rude that might have sounded.
“Why wouldn’t she be when her boyfriend lives here?” Jimin asked rhetorically and I raised my eyebrows, looking between the both of them, trying to hide my shock.
“You’re dating?” I asked, wishing that they’d just say they were joking and it was all a bad prank, but no. (Y/N) smiled lightly my way before averting her eyes to Jimin, her lips moved and so did his, but I didn’t hear them. Suddenly I noticed his hand resting on the small of her back and thought back to the moment when he asked me for her number a couple of weeks back, to the moment she got him as her project partner in Sociology, the moment when I saw her in the stands at our game. How could I be so goddamn stupid?
Day 24
I stumbled through the front door onto the porch of the house. I looked at the concrete lane leading to the street and suddenly felt really dizzy. Holding onto the railing I slid down the front steps and walked the front lawn. I sighed deeply before bending down and puking onto the ground. I heard someone squirm in the background, but I couldn’t care less about whoever saw me right now. All I cared about was the sweet sound of (Y/N)’s voice ringing in my head. She called my name over and over again.
“Jungkook.” I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder. I quickly straightened up, which turned out to be a huge mistake since it made my head spin ten times faster than it was before. “Woah. Hold up.” Small soft hands grabbed on both of my shoulders holding me in place. I fluttered my eyes open trying to focus my vision on the person before me.
“(Y/N)?” I asked unsure if it was really her.
“Yeah.” She said, frowning at me.
In that moment I remembered all the times we walked to our dorm together - sometimes not talking, sometimes holding each other up as we were too drunk to walk straight by ourselves, sometimes holding hands… How I missed it.
“You have someone to walk you to your dorm tonight?” She chuckled at my ridiculous question.
“Don’t worry.” She said pulling on my arm and guiding me back towards the house. “I came here with an army of girls. One of them is bound to be walking back to the house when I’ll be.” She sat me down on the steps and stood in front of me with her arms across her chest.
“I’d love to see that house of yours.” I said grinning up at her and she exhaled a small laugh.
“I bet you would.” She said with a smirk. “Don’t move okay. I’ll be right back.” She walked back inside the house before I could come up with even a word of protest.
I put my face in my hands. My forehead was sweaty. I felt disgusted with myself. Did I just puke in front of (Y/N)? When the realisation hit me it was too late to do anything about it. I wiped my face with the sleeve of my t-shirt and shivered in the night's cold wind.
“Seokjin’s coming to drag you upstairs.” I jumped up at the sound of her voice as she stepped in front of me again. I opened my mouth to apologise for my behaviour, but nothing of that sort ended up coming out of it.
“You and Jimin… Are dating.” I muttered, looking up at her through my half open eyes. (Y/N) just hummed in agreement to my statement, which made me even more aggravated. “You come here often to see him and never to see me.” She just stood there with her arms over her chest, looking at me with her beautiful eyes. “Beautiful, shiny eyes.” I tried to stand up, but she pushed me down by my shoulder and since I couldn’t really hold my balance well I fell back down onto the steps. I blinked repeatedly to focus my eyes on her. “Say something.”
“Like what?” She asked immediately with a pretectional smile. “You’re really drunk, Jungkook.”
“Not that.” I groaned, resting my head on the railing next to me. “Say- I don’t know.” I sighed, feeling close to puking again. “Uh, I can’t hate you.” (Y/N) frowned at the sound of that word.
“Why would you?” She asked, tightening her arms around herself. I looked up into her eyes and knew that though I was drunk beyond understanding this was the right moment to tell her everything.
“Hey, big guy.” I felt a pat on my back and leaned forward at the impact. “Let’s get you to bed.” Jin pulled me up and put my arm over his shoulder. Feeling my stomach rise to my throat I thought it was the safest option to keep my mouth shut and concentrate on moving my legs in unison with his. I glanced towards (Y/N) one more time before Jin dragged me back inside the house. She looked disappointed.
Day 26
(Y/N)’s P.O.V.
“I’m telling you he’s pissed.” Jimin whispered in a conspiratorial tone.
We were sitting together in the back of the lecture hall, waiting for the professor to call our names and read out our grades for the project, pretending we’re listening to his words of praise or disapproval as he was grading other students before us when in fact we were both focused on Jungkook, who was sitting a couple of rows ahead of us. Unfortunately we couldn’t read much out of his back and broad shoulders.
“He was pissed when I said we’re friends, now he’s pissed we’re more.” Jimin added, shifting closer to me in his seat.
“No way.” I whispered back, sure of my words.
“(Y/N), I’m not kidding.” We looked at each other and I realised how serious he felt about the matter. “He hasn’t spoken to me since that one game you came to.”
“He’s got some fucked up siblings syndrome, that’s all.” I brushed him off unconvincingly. Jimin shook his head, shifting his gaze back to the back of his best friend’s head.
“I think it’s more.” He bit his lip.
“What do you mean?” I asked, scrunching my brows.
“I think he’s jealous.” He explained and I barely stopped myself from scoffing out a chuckle.
“Of what?” Jimin looked at me with one of his eyebrows raised, as if he was challenging me to guess the answer.
“You.” He finally breathed out.
“No.” I shot him down immediately. “He’s the one that friendzoned me, remember?” I added, cringing at the memory of going through that rejection and then telling Jimin all about it when we started dating. “Why would he be-”
“Maybe he changed his mind.” He interrupted me before I could finish my sentence and I shook my head in disbelief.
“Don’t think so.” Jimin sighed at my answer. It seemed there was no way to convince him he wasn’t right. “And even if he did it’s a little too late for that.” I added, shoving his shoulder with mine jokingly before planting a sweet kiss on his cheek.
“It’s still weird.” He said after a moment. “I want my best friend back, but he’s acting like a total asshole.” I sighed, knowing how hard it must be for him.
“I know.” I rubbed his hand as I held it in mine. “If there was anything-”
“Actually, there is.” He cut me off though I haven’t finished my declaration of help yet. “You could, you know, ask him.”
“Ask him what? If he likes me?” I looked at him with a bit of aversion.
“Yeah.” His voice sounded so timid all of a sudden I didn’t know what to say to him. 
For the next ten minutes Jimin and I worked on drafting the perfect message to send to Jungkook, but ended up typing up the shortest of the ones we thought of. Long paragraphs weren’t really our thing anyway.
11:35 [(Y/N)] are u mad at jimin?
11:35 [Jungkook] no
11:35 [(Y/N)] he thinks ur mad at him and it makes him sad
Jimin shoved my shoulder as I sent the message before consulting him.
“You are though.” I said, rubbing his leg comfortingly and he just sighed.
11:35 [Jungkook] im not
11:35 [(Y/N)] then why are u avoiding him
11:36 [Jungkook] im not
11:36 [(Y/N)] u are
11:36 [Jungkook] no
11:36 [(Y/N)] Jungkook come on
11:36 [(Y/N)] are u mad at me then?
11:37 [Jungkook] no
11:37 [(Y/N)] then what the fuck is up with u?
11:37 [Jungkook] nothing
11:37 [(Y/N)] bull
11:37 [(Y/N)] talk to me
11:37 [(Y/N)] now
11:38 [Jungkook] can u see me after class?
11:38 [(Y/N)] yes
11:38 [Jungkook] without Jimin
11:38 [(Y/N)] okay
“Why’d you say that?” Jimin hissed into my ear.
“Because.” I locked my phone so he couldn’t read my text over my shoulder anymore. “He’s clearly not feeling confident about himself right now. I’ll just talk to him for a minute and that’s it.” Jimin bit his lip. He looked concerned. “Don’t worry. You’ll have your friend back in no time.”
“It’s not that.” He shook his head and grabbed my hand in his. “I’m worried he might actually like you and-”
“And then what?” I asked, also beginning to feel a little nervous right now. “It’ll be awkward for a while and then it will all go back to normal.” I squeezed his hand and took my other one to cup his chin, bringing his gaze up to meet mine. “I swear.”
Jimin and I walked out of the lecture hall with almost a hundred percent for our project. I gave him a quick kiss before he left to go to his next class and I went on to talk to Jungkook. The other boy, though along with his project partner he got the best grade in our year, walked out the lecture hall’s door with his head down and shoulders sunk by the weight of his backpack.
“You okay?” I asked as he walked up to me with a more than tired expression. Instead of saying something he just shrugged. I brought my eyebrows into a slight frown looking at him. Who was he? Not the Jungkook I fell for months ago, that’s for sure. “So? Tell me. What’s up?” I pressed him as we stood in the, now empty, hallway. Jungkook sighed deeply before opening his mouth.
“Can we walk?” He asked weakly and I nodded.
We walked outside of the building and slowly made our way through the campus grounds. I let us spend around two or three minutes in silence before I spoke again.
“So?” I started vaguely.
Jungkook’s P.O.V.
When we were texting during class I felt ready, but now faced with the situation telling (Y/N) how I felt seemed like an impossible task.
“So?” She asked again as we walked through the campus.
I looked up into the sky breathing in and exhaled slowly as I brought my gaze back to the ground. This wasn’t the time.
“I’m just stressed.” She scoffed at my words, clearly not buying them.
“Yeah, and?” She pressed, looking done as she walked next to me.
She was doing it for Jimin, not for me. She had plenty of other friends, she didn’t need me. He must have asked her to talk to me, make me come to my senses and stop being so overprotective, so possesive, so… Jealous.
“This isn’t easy for me.” I said truthfully and this time it was her that exhaled a heavy sigh instead of me.
“I know.” She was looking ahead and not at me. “It’s hard for Jimin too, you know? He really misses you.” I swallowed loudly thinking of my best friend. He wasn’t the one at fault, it was all on me. I was the one that realised his feelings all too late.
“I know.” I muttered, looking down at my shoes.
“Then what is it?” (Y/N) asked, the concern audible and sincere in her soft voice. “Why are you not talking to him?” She pressed. “He says you leave the room when he walks in and refuse to go to parties when you know he’s coming. He’s really hurt.” Hearing her say it made me feel like a real dick.
“I know.” I whined. “I’m sorry. I-”
“I’m not the one you should be apologising to.” She was right, but it was so hard to look at Jimin right now. I hated him, even though I knew well that I shouldn’t.
“I know.” I admitted tiredly.
“Good.” She said sternly and glanced my way, her expression softening once again. “But really, Jungkook.” She stopped and sighed as I looked at her running her hand through her hair carelessly.
“Hm?” I hummed, wanting her to continue.
“Why did you stop talking to him?” She asked and looked me in the eye. I swallowed slowly, knowing how hard it’ll be to lie to her right now. All she wanted was for me to get along with my best friend again, my frat bro, her boyfriend… “What happened?”
“I-” I took a deep breath and then my tongue started moving before I even had time to come up with the words in my head. “It’s just we weren’t doing well in the playoffs and you know how I am about football.” I glanced at her nervously, she wasn’t too convinced yet. “And then he was busy hanging out with you and I blamed you for him not being in perfect shape when in fact it wasn’t just his fault, ‘cause like I wasn’t in that great of a state either, physically and mentally.” Shooting her another look now I was sure she believed me. Her eyebrows were knotted in concern, her mouth curved into a slight frown. “And finally getting into Theta Sigma Phi and moving there was also such a hassle. Don’t get me wrong I was really fucking happy, but also just so tired after all the hazing and everything and then I found out you two were going out.” I made a dramatic pause to take a deep breath. “It was weird. Two of my friends…” I swallowed my pride and feelings prior to saying the next sentence that came out of my mouth. “He’s like a bother to me and like literally my frat brother right now and you’re like a- like a sister and it was all just… A bit much, I guess.” I was impressed at my own ability to come up with such an elaborate and believable lie so quickly.
“I’m sorry you felt so overwhelmed.” Right as I heard the heartfelt hurt and sorrow in (Y/N)’s tone as she spoke I felt like the world’s biggest asshole, but what else could I do? Confess? I couldn’t do that to my best friend. “And that both Jimin and I had part in making you feel that way.” She looked up at me with a half smile that I quickly reciprocated. I wanted to tell her it’s fine and she shouldn’t worry, but my stomach was in knots and my tongue tied. “I really hope you two can work this out rather quickly. He wants his best bro back and I want to see him happy.” Of course she does. He’s her boyfriend. She’s doing this for him. “You too for that matter.” My eyes shot up to her and I smiled again, this time sincerely.
Day 31
After the official announcement of the winning team and all the hand shaking and picture taking I walked off the field with the rest of the team, still smiling widely. It was the last game of the summer season and we won. I couldn’t be happier. Hoseok, our team captain, announced we’re going to a celebratory party at one of the frat houses in our university’s Row. I shrugged not recognising the name of the frat and went into the showers, tired after the long game, but still full of joy. After I got myself cleaned up I collected my things and along with the rest of the team walked out of the locker room. As the first guys made their way out I heard whistles and howling sounds.
“Get a room!” Hoseok called teasingly.
As I looked above his shoulder with a cheeky grin ready to comment on whatever was going on in the corridor I felt my spirit shrink inside my chest.
“Piss off!” Jimin yelled back to our captain with a satisfied grin, wrapping his arms around embarrassed (Y/N). “Don’t listen to them, babe. They’re just jealous.” He chuckled, brushing her hair out of her face and he couldn’t be more right… 
As we walked by I glanced at them quickly one more time, an act I regretted almost instantly. I saw (Y/N) cupping Jimin’s smiling face in her hands and bringing him towards her to share a kiss. I bit down hard on my lip and turned away. I was on good terms with Jimin again and I didn’t want to fuck that up. Not just because he was my best friend, but also, because I didn’t want to upset her, (Y/N). My unfortunate crush.
When will I get over you and forget the sweet feeling of your lips on mine? The lips that were now Jimin’s to kiss, the lips that I kissed once and pushed away. How could I be so stupid?
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