#its so BORING
soulzerofever · 1 month
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saw this thing flirting with a book at the airport??? and now he wants to make some kind of deal with me??? what a weirdo🤨🤨🤨🤨
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animentality · 3 months
"would I like blue lock if I don't care about soccer-"
let me put it this way.
i literally hate soccer. I would rather watch any other sport, and I say this as someone who does not watch sports or give a shit about sports in general.
but blue lock is just that good.
it transcends affection for soccer. trust me.
I have no affection for soccer.
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adventure-showdown · 11 months
What is your favourite Doctor Who story?
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synopses and propaganda under the cut
Human Nature/The Family of Blood
In England in 1913, school teacher John Smith experiences amazing dreams of living an incredible life as a mysterious adventurer called "the Doctor", fighting monsters and seeing far away worlds.
Martha goes through the worst time and deserves more praise for her phenomenal devotion in this episode, David Tennant shows off some amazing acting skills with the John Smith/Doctor switch. Plus we get to see him fall in love. Also, the video they sped up in the TARDIS with his instructions is hilarious. (nikMONSTER)
The End of the World
The Ninth Doctor takes his new companion, Rose Tyler, to the year 5,000,000,000 to see the sun expand and destroy the Earth. The observation deck space station, Platform One, is holding an event with the richest beings of the time observing the Earth's destruction, but mysterious metal spiders gifted by the Adherents of the Repeated Meme to the other guests are secretly infiltrating and sabotaging the station.
Propaganda no propaganda submitted
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haganez · 4 months
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the genshin character design team room must have nets outside the windows bc I would surely kill my self how did we get to this fuck ass design from these concepts i hate this place 😭😭😭😭
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cryptidkey · 2 years
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Amity doodle from my math notes
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v-anrouge · 2 months
Me when im in a worst characterization of Lucifer and my opponent is a dialuci shipper
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sugurouge · 2 days
the one thing i miss is having a group chat with people equally as depraved as me
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clingyduofan · 8 months
any s4 subz enjoyers out there. I cannot stop thinking about him
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chaosthewizard · 9 months
you dont see daylight anymore
something’s sucking out your core and
its so boring
its so b oring
its so b o r i ng
i ts so bo r i n g
its so bor ign
i t ss o b orin g
its so b o r i ng
it s s ob or ing
it. so bo r ing
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dailyrmdoodle · 2 months
Guys I fucking love royal margarine cookie you don't get it I have an 8 hour playlist for him and shit and I run this daily blog you prolly don't know about it tho, super normal, I like this guy so much y'all should ask me about him or smth
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ssparksflyy · 4 months
my advice to you? NEVER take summer school. i genuinely would rather run a mile than go rn i will cry
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Ragazzi di Vita chapter 3 synopsis for Frosty etc
you know the drill. NO CONTENT WARNINGS FOR THIS CHAPTER! YAY! because its SO BORING. BOO. (be ready for chapter 4.)
One morning, on the station overpass, two young men push a cart with seats on it. The bridge is very crowded, and the two young men pull the cart slowly, but without much care; it is too hot, and the boys are tired, so they stop in the middle of the crowd and sit on the cart smoking a single cigarette, which they pass to each other. One of the two, a boy with curly hair and a black T-shirt, climbs into the armchair and lies down, and the other one soon follows him; the second boy explains that he feels sick from weakness, and that he hasn't eaten in two days. The two boys are alerted by two long whistles coming from the square nearby: it's two other boys, criminals like themselves, who, recognising them, call out to them with gestures and shouts. They reach them: they are pulling a cart full of stinking garbage, and are covered from head to toe in dirt and sweat and dust, except for their hair, which is perfectly combed. The first boy in the armchair, who turns out to be none other than Riccetto, teases one of the two boys about the stench, calling him his "cousin"; the other boy in the armchair, his companion called Caciotta, jumps off the cart and fakes an hysterical laughter at the sight of the two friends and the cart full of useless garbage that will bring them no money. Riccetto's cousin simply tells his cousin off, pushes Caciotta and leaves. His partner, called Begalone, follows him, but seems amused by his friend Caciotta's joke, and invites the other two boys to go drink with them. The four boys stop at a tavern and drink a litre of white wine together; Alduccio (Riccetto's cousin) and Begalone have spent the previous 4 or 5 hours rummaging through a large pile of rubbish under the railway bridge, and are particularly thirsty. After the first few sips, tired and thirsty and physically weak from the little food they manage to swallow, they are all tipsy. Caciotta and Riccetto discuss what to do about the armchairs they are pulling with so much effort: they had been hired that morning by a shop in San Lorenzo to take the armchairs to Casal Bertone, but the Begalone advises them to go to Porta Portese to sell them and take all the takings.
The two undertake the long journey on foot to the place where they sell the armchairs, full of hope. A year has passed since the collapse of the school where Riccetto lived (so the chapter takes place in 1947), and his new family situation is unbearable for him, so much so that he prefers to live on the streets and sleep on park benches rather than return to his new home. Now he lives in Tiburtino with his cousin Aldo's family, but the situation is tragic: they all live together (Riccetto and his 3 brothers, Alduccio and his 5 brothers) and Alduccio's parents are horrible people, who do not even feed him: his mother is aggressive and unbearable, his father an annoying drunkard. Riccetto and Caciotta go to Antonio, the buyer who 3 or 4 years earlier had bought the manhole covers and metal pipes that Riccetto and his two old friends, Agnolo and Marcello, had stolen and resold. They scraped together about 15 sacks (15'000 lires) and with those, a little ashamed and a little boasting, they run off to buy new clothes. About 1'000 lira for new straight tube trousers, 2'000 for T-shirts, a pair of black and white pointy shoes each, and Caciotta also buys himself a pair of sunglasses that he had so dreamed of owning. They abandon their old clothes in a bar bathroom, not caring much about finding them. With the money they finally have they go for a pizza and a crostino, and immediately afterwards, since it is now afternoon, they go to the cinema and stay there for four hours, watching the film twice in a row. The two are happy and annoy the people around them by the streets, but they flee as soon as they see a police car, and run to Villa Borghese, a large public park with many benches on which the two sleep, and the best place to find leisure and fun. The two lie down on the lawn, humming happily and relaxing a little after having had a good day and waiting for the evening. There the two boys meet three dangerous thugs, and after some roundabout they also meet another guy, called Lenzetta. All seven of them head to a tavern to drink a litre of wine, and, drunk, wander around the town singing and laughing loudly. Riccetto, seeing a line of prostitutes gets excited, but a thug teases him, telling him that they will only go along with him if he pays; at these words Caciotta naively confesses that they have a lot of money to pay, causing the whole group to react with interest. They head to where the prostitutes usually hang out, but there are no more; probably a police car has passed by, causing them to run away. Lenzetta pats Caciotta on the butt; Caciotta takes the joke and laughs it off. No fun that night, the seven of them return to the benches, stretch out and fall asleep.
At dawn, Riccetto wakes up to find that his shoes have been stolen, leaving him barefoot. Someone also stole Caciotta's shoes as well as his sunglasses, but the thugs around them all pretend to be asleep. Touching his pockets, also discovers that they have stolen his money, and Lenzetta's excuse of groping Caciotta was only to make sure where they hid the money. Riccetto and Caciotta, desperate and furious, leave without saying anything. Il Riccetto steals the shoes from a thug that’s still asleep.
That day, since they have no more money, Riccetto and Caciotta decide to go eat at the friars', who offer a free meal to the homeless. In the courtyard some desperate boys try to play basketball to please the friars, are afraid that if they don't do what the friars want, they won't get any food; the two boys think the same and, bored and pale from hunger, they pretend to play too. An overweight and good-natured friar takes them aside, concerned for them, and asks them if they are there to eat: Caciotta, who is used to that situation, replies politely. Seeing the way his friend replies, Riccetto laughs uncontrollably and in a very childish way. The friar asks for their generalities, but the boys do not know the word, and make up random names on the spot. While waiting to receive his meal, the Riccetto is moved and unusually shy and embarrassed. For ten days, the two young men eat at the friars', but only during the day, since the monastery is closed for dinnertime; the two are often forced to eat only once a day, because they aren't always steal money or food at the market. One evening, on the tram, the boys steal a purse full of money from a rich woman who has just come out of a luxury boutique; the two are happy not to go back to the friars, and do not feel one bit grateful to the gentle friars. Finally happy again, Riccetto starts singing at the top of his lungs while together with the Caciotta, after a whole month, they decide to return to the Tiburtino to see how things are going. It is late, and the two boys decide to take a tram to go to sleep; but on the tram the Caciotta meets an old friend, Ernestino. The two start talking, and Ernestino admits that he works all day and is just now returning from work. Caciotta, on the other hand, being the naive fool that he is, pulls the purse he stole out of his pocket and shows his friend how full it is, in front of the whole packed tram. Caciotta and Ernestino reminisce about the old days, when they were children of about 8 years old and they would run away from home for weeks at a time, stealing food and cigarettes. Caciotta, all excited by these memories, explains to a cheerful Riccetto, happy to be accepted into the group, the mischief he got up to as a child with his friends, when they even joined a travelling circus. Among the boys around, one stands out above all others: Amerigo, a huge, shady-faced boy whom Caciotta knows only by sight and who lives in Pietralata. While Ernestino comments on the Riccetto's curly hair, Amerigo approaches Caciotta, saying he wants to talk to him in private.
CHARACTERS: Riccetto: the protagonist, he is a 15-year-old thug and thief. He has curly hair, and is always seen smoking. He lives in Tiburtino with the family of his cousin, Alduccio, but the family situation is so tragic that he prefers to live on the streets. He is laid-back and playful, lazy and mischevious but, underneath it all, still a bit innocent and naive, and deeply misses his childhood. Caciotta: A friend of adventures of Riccetto. He has lived at Tiburtino since he was born. He has a positive and playful personality; he is jovial and outgoing, but not very intelligent. He never thinks before he speaks, and always says a little too much, always ending up being picked on and robbed by others. Alduccio: Riccetto's cousin, he lives with him at Tiburtino. He is a beautiful young man, tall and thin with an olive complexion and round, rosy cheeks; he has dark hair and black eyes. He is a boy of few words with an aggressive character. He does not take kindly to jokes or irony. Begalone: Alduccio's partner. He lives in Tiburtino. He has reddish-blond hair, a pale complexion and a flushed, freckled face. He is often described as ‘discoloured’ and ‘faded’ in colour. He has a very vulgar speech pattern, but is playful and much more sociable than Aldo. The thugs at Villa Borghese: a group of four no-goods. There is not much to say about them and they never reappear anyway bleehh. Lenzetta: a local criminal; he lives at the Acqua Bullicante. He is short, petite, with curly hair and porcelain eyes. Lenzetta means cunning, and in fact he is a cunning boy, but with sticky and annoying ways. He is always meddling in other people's business. Amerigo: a big guy who lives in Pietralata, but only knows Caciotta by sight. So tall that the other boys are as tall as his armpits, with a dark complexion and black hair, and a dangerous air.
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lucyflawless · 11 months
we need to bring back postmodernism and (eco-friendly)maximalism. death to contemporary and corporate minimalism.
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erisolkat · 7 days
its hal homestucks fault im watching this shit and she should feel bad
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nyxchipz · 4 months
I want to get good at drawing backgrounds so badly but I suffer from chronic "I don't wanna" disorder
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corpiote · 1 month
if I keep seeing this brown in my hair I'm gonna lose my mind
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