#its mals fault
codys-mspaint-art · 29 days
awusume ssaw comic numbr THREEEE!!!!!
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ngl making a shitty ms paint comic after work each day ois a great calming activity when i have a shitty miserable customer service job. like yessss... done with shitty job... time to draw the beast
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#awesome #awesome #awesome <- 3 awesoms bcs its the third one
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ghostforwhat · 1 year
should i post the hannigram shotgunning ficlet i wrote in a fugue state
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hiimawarish · 1 year
Finally finishing Book 6 at 3:30am today because I knew I could beat the final titan and I was not going to bed unless I kicked Idia's ass for kidnapping my dad Vil.
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hannahhook7744 · 2 months
Any page relating to Ben in the villain kids guide for new vks ?
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There's this page in particular that makes me furious.
Because what Ben did wasn't his fault and the fact that Mal and Jay are writing this, while knowing it's not his fault and while knowing that they did this to him before is making my blood boil.
Because oh it's fine when it's done to Audrey but when it's done to Mal, it's suddenly unforgivable ajd horrible?
You can't have it both ways.
If it was bad when its done to Mal, it was bad when it happened to Audrey.
NIETHER are truly Ben's fault and the fact that they're both blaming him, when it's something they've done to someone else and when he and Mal still ended up together and the fact that Mal still didn't apologize to Audrey BEFORE D3 when she realized how it felt is infuriating.
As is the fact that Jay, Carlos, and Evie didn't apologize as well for being compalint in spelling Ben and breaking up him and Audrey (in the most humiliating way BTW).
The four of them owed Ben and Audrey a serious apology way before d3. I know they were raised by villains but that doesn't mean they should get a free pass.
An apology is the bare minimum here.
(Though honestly, most of the kids just need to apologize to each other. And several of the adults owe the kids apologies and showing that they're actually sorry in a real way, too).
I know this is can probably just be attributed to bad writing/double standards but still. Ben doesn't deserve the blame for the things he did while spelled (though knowing him he would still blame himself and apology anyways because he's a sweetheart like that).
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poppurini · 2 years
[ m.draconia ] ﹫name tagged you in a post.
malleus n gn reader
minor dorm mal personal story spoiler, typing lilia’s line physically hurt me you’ll know what i mean, not proof read, 终于敢继续写故事型的作品了我真他妈的紧张请见谅
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Many nights have passed since that incident happened. That night where he unintentionally upset Lilia by breaking his phone out of—goodness, he can’t even bring himself to say it—blatant jealousy. Now that he thinks back to it, it is rather foolish. He knew how deeply Lilia valued that electronic device, too.
But, he’s not entirely at fault, now is he? He is a dorm leader as well, he should be in that photo Kalim took. Well, yes, he did not attend that day—or any other meetings, really—but it wasn’t his intention to appear frivolous and skip important discussions, he is not like Kingscholar. He was just never notified.
Seeing everyone in a group photo without you, where you should belong in as well, doesn’t set a good feeling in one’s chest. He may not consider them as particularly close individuals, but it still inflict some sort of pain and insult to his pride.
He doesn’t wish to be seen as one of their own, because he simply isn’t but oh, when will he finally be included and not forgotten? Worse, remembered but not worth the effort to include in?
Hm? His phone’s screen brightened. The…notif, as Lilia called it, in this device is quite loud and unpleasant to the ears. He ought to ask for Lilia’s help in changing it some time soon. Is he finally getting notified for a meeting? Malleus hope it’s easily accessible unlike last time which caused him to wait a total of three hours in different locations all for no one to show up.
Malleus sighs, It is not regarding the meeting. Were they perhaps serious about not inviting him to any more dorm meetings? However, this confusion was quickly brushed away to the back of his mind. Replaced by a light and pleasant feeling when he sees your name, accompanied by some numbers, which he recognised as your birthdate.
Magi…cam. The bolded letters show. This must be from the Magicam app. That’s right, his child of man assisted him in making one. Actually, he think he was forced, but he doesn’t complain. Nothing really came from the app after so he forgot its existence for quite a while. It is so complicated to navigate, too.
[ m.draconia ] ﹫name tagged you in a post.
This formatting looks…rather familiar than the one he saw on Lilia’s phone that day. The only thing that has changed was the bracketed name and the name behind a symbol that resembles the letter ‘a’ rather strangely.
“Could this be…?” Malleus hums, eyes widening in anticipation and tapping the bar, brows raising when a number pad appeared instead. Magicam doesn’t look like this, from what he recalled. Just then he remembers Lilia’s words.
“Place a password for your privacy! Just four numbers is enough. Most humans put something memorable, like their birthday! But Malleus you can put whatever.”
His birthday doesn’t mean anything much to him, personally. However, yours…
The device was unlocked and Malleus successfully opened the Magicam app. His lips parted in surprise, then quirked in amuse. What greeted him back was a picture of the two of you. Himself and his child of man. Yes, he does remember taking some pictures with you just a few days ago.
The caption—he hope he got it correct—was ‘photo dump with ﹫m.draconia <3’ he does not know what ‘less than three’ is to resemble or if it has anything to do with your apparent photo dump. The pictures you put are more than three. He’ll have to ask Lilia later, or maybe he could utilise this opportunity to approach you?
Still, Malleus was ecstatic. He was finally mentioned in a good light for the first time throughout his three years in Night Raven College by someone other than his retainers. His chest feels tight with excitement.
﹫liliaa0101 commented
liliaa0101 You two look absolutely slay in here! 😉👍🏻
What does this mean.
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wordsbyrian · 2 years
First Camp - USWNT x Reader
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Summary: Another fic set in the Polyglot!verse! This time its R's first time at senior camp set in November 2019
A/N: Bro, there was so much I wanted to fit in to this one that had to get cut. I think I might just write the cut bits as little drabbles instead
It isn’t every day that people get a call-up to play for their senior national team for the first time.
But as you walked into the hotel lobby, you couldn’t find it within yourself to be excited. The only thing on your mind is getting to your room so that you can take a nap and try to fight off your jet lag.
Unfortunately, that isn’t an option for you, as your flight from Spain had been delayed twice causing you to arrive mere minutes before the first team meeting, with not even enough time to put your bags in your room.
Practically sprinting down the hall to the conference room, you leave your bags outside the door and take a seat in the very back-row moments before Vlatko stands to address the team.
“Okay, ladies, let’s get this meeting started, I know you’re all very excited to get to whatever you have planned for the afternoon,” he says, glancing around the room. “Firstly, we’ve got some fitness testing in the morning, so try to make good choices for the rest of the day.”
The rest of the meeting continues in much of the same fashion, with Vlatko and the rest of the coaching staff running through the planned schedule and what to expect going into the two friendlies.
“Final thing before you all head your separate ways,” Coach says as everyone starts to gather their things, “You’ve noticed by now that it’s Y/N Y/L/N’s first camp, so make sure you show her how we do things around here but let her rest before you drag her into your antics. Dismissed.”
Grabbing your suitcases from the hallway, you follow the wave of players leaving the conference room towards the elevators.
As you stand near the back of the group staring into space you feel a hand place itself on your shoulder. 
Turning around you lock eyes with Christen Press.
“Hey, Y/N, you’re rooming with me, Vlatko thought it would be best to keep you away from the chaos of some of the others,” she says.
“Cool, they uh they look like they can be a lot,” you say, watching over your shoulder as Kelley, Rose, and Sonnett shove each other.
“They can be,” she says, “How was your flight in, I know you arrived just before the meeting.”
Stepping around the squabbling trio that has managed to find themselves on the ground, you wait for the elevator doors to close before answering.
“The flight itself was alright, it got delayed a few times because of a storm,” you say watching as the numbers on the display rise and the doors eventually open.
The two of you are silent as you make your way down the hall and into your room.
Once in the room, conversation flows easily, and the two of you get to know each other. Eventually, though Christen leaves to go hang out with Tobin and you take the opportunity to have a shower and a nap.
This is why you’re not surprised to wake up to someone pounding on the door although when you open it you’re shocked to see Mallory and Tierna on the other side.
“Hey, Chris sent us to wake you up and make sure you get ready for dinner,” Mal says, stepping inside when you open the door wider.
Both of them immediately make themselves comfortable on the edge of Christen’s bed, while you head to the bathroom to change.
30 minutes later, the three of you find yourselves seated on one side of the long table that’s been placed in the conference room.
While you would’ve been more than happy for the meal to pass in silence, the other women on the team have chosen to use this as an opportunity to ask more questions than you thought possible.
Some of the questions are fairly tame, like ‘where are you from’ or ‘what’s your favorite cheat meal’ but once Mal asks who your favorite player is, the wheels begin to fall off a little bit.
It’s partially your fault because you should’ve known that they weren’t going to accept you not naming a female player.
“I watched a lot of United and Barcelona matches growing up so I wanted to be Luke Shaw, Patrice Evra, and Jordi Alba,” you say, hoping that would be enough.
“You didn’t watch any women’s soccer growing up,” Pinoe asks.
“I did.”
“So who’s your favorite player,” she asks, and when she sees how hesitant you are to answer she continues her needling, “Is it one of us? More importantly, is it me?”
“It’s not you.”
“But it is one of the people in this room.”
“I plead the 5th.”
This is when Kelley decides to join in on the needling but after a couple of minutes, Alex takes pity on you and gets her to stop, which gives Lindsey, the only other player to skip college completely, the opportunity to ask you a question.
“You left high school early to play for Barcelona, why,” she asks.
“School sucked, home sucked, playing football for money decidedly doesn’t suck,” you say plainly.
“That is the most teenager response I have ever heard,” Alex says.
“I’m 17,” you tell her, “I’m not sure what you were expecting.”
That sends a shock wave through the team, even the ones who were further down the table seem to have heard what you said.
“You’re practically an infant,” Kelley says with a disbelieving grin, “Even compared to Tierna and Mal. When do you turn 18?”
“Next month.”
A look of pure glee comes across Sonnett’s face and it makes you kind of nervous because as the seconds pass it only gets bigger and bigger.
And then she says, “Congrats Baby T, you’ve been promoted to little kid; Y/N is officially the team baby.”
Tierna begins to celebrate from her seat on Mal’s other side and while you are nervous about Sonnett possibly planning to kill you, you do your best to put on a show of moaning and groaning. Besides, it does feel pretty good to know that you’ve been accepted into the fold so quickly.
The rest of the meal continues in much of the same manner, with the entire team taking the time to relax and get to know each other better.
At the end of the meal, you and Christen make your way back to your room and get ready for bed.
Just before turning off the lights, she asks the one question you haven’t heard yet tonight: How are you feeling?
“Nervous but excited,” you tell her, staring blankly at the ceiling, “I want to play well and show Vlatko that he didn’t make a mistake calling me up.”
“I remember seeing you at the U-20 World Cup last summer, I don’t think you’ll need to worry about that too much. You’re talented and everyone who doesn’t know it yet will soon,” she says, flipping the lamp off.
The next few days pass in a way that makes it easy for you to adjust to the rhythm of camp.
Practice is hard, of course, and Columbus is fucking cold in November, but you do your best to push through everything and make sure you show what you have.
You also use the time to continue getting to know everyone both on and off the field, it’s hard because they all play on the same teams and in the same leagues. Even Cook who plays in France has an advantage over you in that she did go to college and has played with or against others on the team.
It’s all made a little easier by the fact that Tobin and Christen have taken it upon themselves to take you under their wings and with them comes Mal, so by the first team bonding activity you find yourself to be the newest member of their makeshift family unit.
It’s weird but it works besides with everything going on you don’t have time to worry about it. 
By the time you turn around, it’s the day of the friendly against Sweden.
Even though the game has a late start time, you still find yourself waking up at your normal time of 8 a.m., so that you can complete all of your game day rituals.
A lot of athletes like to lie about not being superstitious but you’ll admit it proudly: Your entire mood on game days rests on whether or not you can stick to your schedule, even if you aren’t in the squad.
The weirdest of your superstitions and the one that usually requires the most explanation is the fact that you refuse to speak at all before pitch inspections on game days. A routine that you have always accompanied with a pair of noise-canceling headphones.
So before you leave the hotel room, you write two notes explaining the situation. One to keep in your pocket and one for Christen to find when she wakes up. Her note also has instructions saying that she can find you by the pool doing your morning meditation.
Which is exactly where she finds you roughly 45 minutes later.
Looking up at her you can see the slightly annoyed look on her face as she begins to rant but you can’t hear anything she’s saying. Eventually, she huffs angrily and tosses a scarf and hat at you before pulling you to your feet.
At breakfast you watch as the team passes around the note, most of them immediately agreeing to leave you to your routine but there are a few moments where Sonny tries to get you to speak, only to receive blank stares.
After that, the rest of the day passes smoothly.
You don’t get any minutes against Sweden but that was to be expected, it is only your first camp after all.
The next morning, you along with the rest of the team are on your way to Jacksonville, Florida.
The flight is just as chaotic as every other experience you’ve had with these women, they’re inability to relax is both comforting and agitating at the same time.
Originally, you had sat on your own but now 30 minutes into the two-hour flight, you find yourself surrounded by the younger group of players.
“Y/N/N, have you ever been to Florida,” Rose asks, pulling you back into the conversation.
“Are you excited," Andi questions, leaning over the seat in front of you, "Do you have family coming?"
“I mean, I’m always excited to play but Florida isn’t really doing it for me,” you answer. “As for family, I doubt that my parents are gonna fly in to watch me play when we haven’t spoken in over a year.”
That seems to have gotten everyone’s attention because suddenly it feels like all eyes are on you.
“You’re 17, why haven’t you spoken to your family in a year?”
“Running away to play professional football kind of puts a strain on relationships,” you say casually.
If all eyes weren’t on you before they definitely are now, especially if the number of gasps you hear is anything to go by.
“You ran away to play in Barcelona,” Becky asks from her spot near the front.
“Not technically but I was told not to go and then when I did I was told in no uncertain terms to not return unless I decided to quit playing entirely,” you explain.
Everyone stares at you shocked until Ashlyn says what everyone's thinking.
“Dude. What the fuck?”
“You would've been what 16,” Christen begins, “Aren’t there a ton of FIFA laws about that sort of thing?”
“Yea but it would take too long to explain how I got around them,” you begin casually, “Besides don’t you like having plausible deniability?” You see a look pass through the faces of each of your teammates that lets you know that the answer is yes. “Ask me no questions and I will tell you no lies,” you finish.
Some of the girls still look slightly uneasy but they all seem content to just let sleeping dogs lie. 
So, the rest of the flight passes with relative ease, and everyone returns to their own activities. You find yourself drawn into what is easily the most competitive game of Uno you’ve ever played.
The remainder of the day, and the next for that matter, pass with the same ease.
On the day of the Costa Rica game, you go through your routine with little stress.
You do your meditation, eat breakfast, take a nap, grab an afternoon coffee with Mal, Sonny, Rose and Lindsey, do pitch inspection and then it's game time.
The first 45 minutes of the game pass incredibly fast and as you make your way back into the locker room, you’re already up two-nil.
Vlatko’s half-time speech isn’t anything special and if you’re being completely honest, you haven’t heard a single word he’s said.
At least not until one of those words is your name.
“Y/N,” he says.
“Yes, coach?”
“You like to play on the left side, don’t you?”
You nod.
“Good, you’re going in for Sonny, go get warm,” he tells you.
You stare at him in silence for a moment before a shove in the back from Rose gets you moving.
You don’t remember much of the match, but that’s a common occurrence for you. Your adrenaline is always pumping way too strongly.
What you do remember makes you think that you played well. A couple of strong tackles, crosses that hit their mark, and no goals were given up as a result of any mistake you made, so it had to have been a pretty decent game.
Your beliefs are further reassured by the way the team gathers around congratulating you on your performance, some of them patting you on the head or back.
Back in the locker room, after you've all spent some time greeting the fans and after coach has given his little postgame talk, you find that the energy in the room is slightly different than what you’ve been getting used to. Everyone is still making noise but now it seems as though they’re all shaking with anticipation.
Then suddenly, Becky is trying to get everyone to calm down so she can address the team.
“Alright settle down girls,” she says, waiting for silence. Once she gets it she continues, “Three players made their senior team debuts today and since they’re all defenders, it’s my job to give them their game balls. Midge, Cookie, the two of you started and kept the right side locked down for the full 90 minutes.” Then she turns to you. “And Y/N/N, you put in 45 and are the only person I’ve ever seen talk trash after taking a cleat to the stomach. But most importantly, the three of you along with Sonny and Sully made life easy for our keepers and no balls found the back of our net. Good Job!”
As the girls break into applause, Becky tosses each of you a ball.
Everyone disperses a bit after that, headed to press conferences and the showers but you take a moment to stare at the ball.
It must last pretty long though because eventually, you feel someone taking a seat next to you. And since you can still hear her attempting to sing from the showers, you know it's not Rose.
“Are you okay,” Mal asks.
“Yeah, I’m good,” you say, “Did I really get kicked in the gut?”
She nods, “It was pretty bad to watch. Does it hurt?” You shake your head slightly so she continues, “Well you took it like a champ and I didn’t hear what you said but the Costa Rican player looked pretty pissed.”
“I don’t know either but I have a feeling I’ll never live it down,” you laugh, finally looking at her.
“It’s probably already all over the internet, so maybe not.”
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kanzakurawrites · 8 months
Random Thoughts I Had While Rewatching Descendants 1
So I'm guessing Auradon is the size of Eurasia? Cause Europe seems too small, and most of the stories take place in Europe.
Are there Isle guards? I'm guessing because how else do the posters of Beast get put on the Isle?
Beast's crown looks so fake
So is that Ben's dorm room? Or is that his castle room? Is he a day student? (Which, considering he's becoming High King would be smart) I'm curious now
How many outdoor string lights do people in Auradon throw out?
HOW DOES THE ISLE HAVE ELECTRICITY? Are there villains dedicated to keeping it running? Actually, that would be hilarious, especially if that means people don't mess with them. OR they do mess with them and there are just frequent power outages. More likely, now that I think about it.
CAN WE PLEASE TALK ABOUT MALEFICENT'S LETTER MAGNETS! Ha, what if Hades left them there and she just never threw them out? He seems more like the one to have letter magnets.
I don't care about the book timeline, the villains and core four all seem a lot more familiar with each other than just a few weeks or days or whatever. I'm saying its been months at least since the core four became a gang. If not a year.
I know its a Dcom, but I kinda wish that the villains weren't treated as comedy relief. Like, its implied that the kids aren't loved, that they are scared of their parents, but the way the parents are written... excluding the end with Maleficent, they don't seem that scary and all.
Seriously, there must be royal guards, right?
Really wish we had gotten to see the limo driver again.
Have to admit, I really like Ben's darker suit jacket. But why, why the yellow pants.
Ugh, I love Mal's D1 hair.
So... where are the magical people. "Most of us are ordinary royals." Yes, but, but, there is a lot of magic is Disney movies. Where have the magical people GONE. This is concerning.
Auradon Prep is FILLED with royal children, including the soon-to-be High King. The museum is filled with priceless magical artifacts. WHERE IS THE SECURITY. WHERE ARE THE GUARDS.
The beginning of Evil Like Me makes me want to hug Mal.
Are there NO SECURITY CAMERAS?? No other alarms??
Ben, how did you not notice Carlos screaming?
How I wish they would have kept Evie's wavy/curly hair
I really wish there had been more Mal-Jay moments
They were in a public area. How did no one notice what was going on with Ben? DOUG WAS RIGHT BEHIND THEM
You know, none of Ben's classmates seem surprised by his love declaration. Or surprised by the "break up" with Audrey. Hmmm.
You cannot convince me that Ben didn't purposefully tell his parents about Mal right then JUST so he could have a picture of their reaction.
Baby Bal is so cute DX
Honestly, the Family Day fiasco was Audrey and Chad's fault KING BEAST
"No son, its yours." EXCUSE ME SIR
I wonder how much magical strength one must have in order to wield Fairy Godmother's wand. And I feel bad that Jane couldn't.
"I want to go to school. And be with Ben. Because Ben makes me really happy." Don't mind me just crying.
This whole scene makes me cry DX
"Gaston should be jealous." Ew. No. Stop. Creepy.
So whatever happened with the Jay/Audrey thing? I CANNOT be the only one who remembers the shipping days for them.
Other thoughts:
Nostalgia hits hard every time
I miss the D1 clothes! D2 and D3 felt more "costumey" if that makes sense. D1 feels more like... teenagers. And, at least for the Isle outfits, more thrown together. Not as polished, in a way.
I have to admit, kinda wish there was more Aladdin related stuff in the movie. You have Audrey and Mal, Evie and Doug, and Carlos and Dude, but no Aladdin-related characters for Jay? Sure, Aziz is mentioned in the books, and Jordan is in Wicked World, but still. Oh well.
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lilisouless · 11 months
Genya: ugh, my muscles are so sore
Alina: come here, i´ll give you a massage
everyone: NOOOOO!
Alina: what?
Nikolai: sigh...its time to tell her
Mal: no, lets not...
Alina: tell me what?
Tolya: your massages are awful
Alina: what?
Tamar: they are painfull
Nadia: the person recieving them comes out more sore than before you started to "cure" them
Alina: thats ridiculous! my massages are so good Ana Kuya used to make me do it to the kids on the nursery
Mal: yeah...hmm...that wasn't the nursery, thats where Ana Kuya punished them when they missbehaved. Actually, she wanted to recomend you to the military for torture tecniques
Nikolai: also, once you massaged Zoya and she went back to her room in tears
Alina: its not my fault she is so delicate
Nikolai: She was on her dragon form
Alina: you point? wait, is that why when Zoya talks about the "ketterdam rat" on her words , she always makes sure to mention how "tense" and "needing of a good Alina massage" he is, in case i get to meet him?
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skulla-rxcks · 10 months
Because you’re mine
Chapter 5: Filled
Previous chapter
Paring: Changbin + Chan x afab reader
Rating: explicit
Genre: mafia au, smut
Warnings: unprotected, cr3ampie, praise, use of ‘s!ut’
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Taglist: @f3lix00 @channiesgoodgirl @mal-lunar-28 @bangchans-gf5 @queenmea604 @salfetkablog @hyunlixs-wife0309 @amastaa
Please dm me if you’d like to be added to the taglist ^^
I’m just beginning to wake up from my slumber. I stretch my arms and legs before re pulling the covers over me, for some reason Chan wasn’t with me last night, oh well. He probably had something to do. Probably about the murder that happened; which was my fault after all..
“You sure I can go in?” One of the guys say, I hear Chan reply; “yep, I’m letting you. I said you could play with her at the table last night, so either way, she should be expecting it. I’m joining you two though.” I can just hear the smirk in his voice, god. The door opens, the metal hinges creaking slightly. “Mmm.. You awake yet?” Chan taps my shoulder, making my eyes flutter open at the cold touch of his fingers on my skin. I nod, sitting up and facing two of the men; Chan and Changbin. They’re lustfully staring down at my body, ready to use me.
“Look at me.” Changbin demands, lifting my chin and pulling it towards him. “You want us to fuck you nice and good?” He says, his hands beginning to roam over my body, lifting my shirt over my head. Chan’s in the corner waiting for Changbin and I to put on a show, I can already tell; he’s aching in his jeans, I can see it.
“Please..” I whimper. As soon as I reply Changbin continues to strip me, pulling down my shorts. “Good.” He smirks, his hands spreading open my legs, fingers finding my clit almost instantly. Making a moan escape from my lips. “God you’re so easy.” He chuckles, unzipping his jeans and pulling out his long girthy cock, positioning it at my entrance before his hands resting on my hips, pushing into me swiftly, not giving me anytime to adjust. “Take his cock like a good girl..” Chan smirks, unbuttoning his jeans and beginning to stroke his length. “Y-yes sir..” I mumble out, my voice shaky and whimpering from Changbin’s dick buried inside of me. “She’s so tight.. such a good fuck.” He chuckles, impressed by how tight my cunt is even though it’s been used quite a few times already.
“Big… mmfh..” I groan, wrapping my legs around his waist, pushing my crotch against his so he can fuck me in long deep strokes. “come on, stroke me baby.”Chan walks over to me, I wrap my hand around his shaft and begin jerking it softly, my body mostly paying attention to the dick that’s penetrating my cunt roughly though. “Slut..” he mutters out grabbing my hand and making it stroke him faster. “Want me to cum inside you?” Changbin moans, fucking me deeper. “p-please..” a shaky whimper escapes my mouth which turns into a full on moan as the man cums inside of me, I can feel it oozing out of me. “Good girl. Such a good girl for us.” Chan praises, pulling out of my hand and jerking onto my breasts, his warm seed cumming in spurts all over them. “Get up now, breakfast.” Chan days before leaving the room with Changbin.
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s0ulspen · 8 months
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Slip up
[Day 7: AU]
A/N: it’s the last day of Shuriri week omgg. That makes me kind sad but I’ll probably keep posting shuriri stuff for this event! 
@shuririweek @mal-urameshi @neptoons1998
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“We’ll get them next time.” M’Baku sighs beneath his breath as he glances at the team across the field. He begins to massage his temples, something he does to control his temper. We have to go home with no trophy or celebration while they’ll have parades and praise waiting for them. The United States Versus Wakanda wasn’t going to be an easy win by any means but a loss was never on our mind. It never is, until it happens.
Truth is, I’m supposedly the best goalie on the planet. And I’ve never denied that not until today. They have a new player on their team though traded from a private club.
“Shuri, Alright. It is not your fault we lost, we did our best.” M’Baku says very matter of factly as he glares at the entirety of our opposing team. I wipe the sweat off my forehead and rub at my eyes. It’s been a long day and my adrenaline is still too high.
The entire team is celebrating but one, the new players Rianna Williams. She’s their best, scored on me during penalty kicks and somehow the ball surpassed my hands. She’s their captain as well, one of the best female soccer players there is to date. She had amazing assists, I can’t deny that.
So for someone so decorated, I wonder why she chooses not to celebrate such a win.
“She played very well.” I mention while leaning into Ayo. She nods her head in agreement as we begin to jog to the middle of the field, to begin shaking their hands as a sign of respect and sportsmanship.
“She did…young..talented…gifted.” Ayo lists off. The lights are bright, fans are roaring which makes complete sense as this is a home game for the U.S.
We begin shaking the hands of every player on the United States Team and when I finally reach Rianna Williams, a hard look fills her face, one that I can’t exactly define.
“You played well.” I murmur, still quite a bit winded from the game. She gives my hand a firm squeeze. I look down and notice that her nails are painted a deep shade of navy blue.
“So did you.”
“Then celebrate, you don’t know if you’ll win the next time we play you.” A smile makes its way to her face and I think it’s more beautiful than any goal she’s scored on me.
“We’ll see about that, butterfingers.”
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a-cat-in-toffee · 15 days
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so its basically just. interweaved jrwi multiverse that the council are gods over and the pcs are like little gifts for eachotehrs universes that are more "complete" because they have a little bit of multiple gods in them. but some shit is getting fucked in the pd universe (probably mal's fault) and its big enough to Get The Attention Of Literal God. and since vyncent is the most frequently possessed/channeling power that isnt his hes the one thats easiest to get a hold of.
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musicoftheheart · 4 months
i am not in a Positive Mood atm and so i will be picking a bone with disney because there is one song that has frustrated me since the day i heard it and i vow here and now that one day i will rewrite it and that song is My Once Upon A Time from descendants 3
for context, the song comes right after all of mal's closest friends and her fiance have just been turned to stone. unless she can find a way to turn them back, they are - for all intents and purposes - dead, essentially. and, as she says in the song, its her fault. i dont 100% agree with that, but its not the bit i want to pick at
no, what id like to rant about is the fact that the whole song - the whole song - is her talking about how she needs to fix it because its not how she wants to be remembered. what?! im sorry, her friends have been turned to stone and shes concerned about whether she'll be portrayed as a hero in history books? what the fuck.
allow me to point to a song that achieved exactly what mouat shouldve: the next right thing, from frozen 2. in this song, anna learns her sister is dead, because olaf (who's life relies on elsa) dies in her arms. anna's song shows how she picks herself back up, not for herself but because she has people relying on her who need her. because its the right thing to do. not because she wants to be seen as a saviour, but because she wants to save the lives of everyone still in danger. shes already lost her sister, she doesnt want to lose her kingdom, her people, too.
tnrt in frozen 2 was an impactful and emotional moment. mouat in d3 showed mal brushing off the fact her friends were gone and instead focused on her reputation. and i get it - i get that the whole point of the descendants trilogy was that you get to write your own story, and that nobody is wholly good or bad, and that youre in control of your own decisions and whether they help or hurt - but this should be a moment of pure emotion for mal as she recognises how her own actions have led to the loss of her friends, but that she has to carry on if she ever wants a chance to save them; to save everyone. it should not be focused on her being good for the sake of reputation
and, to add to this, im fully aware that throughout the three movies, we see how mal values other people's perception of her, especially so at the start of d2, and then again at the start of d3 both as her role as future queen, and when she doesnt tell her isle friends that it was her call to keep the barrier closed. shes afraid of how theyll see her, yes, but we had the character growth during d2 where mal became more confident about not fitting with the perfect princess look (represented by her transformation into the dragon, and continued use of such magic despite it coming from her evil mother, as well as her dress changing from auradonion colours to her signature purple), so any insecurities there shouldve been wrapped up. and her lies in d3 were, ultimately, for the good of everyone, and only temporary. the barrier had to stay closed until they could figure out a way for it to be safe for everyone. if she had let them bring down the barrier too soon and a villain had caused chaos, then that would ruin the chances of the barrier ever coming down forever. and if she had told her friends - specifically evie - that it was her call, then she knew that evie would convince her to change her mind. but changing her mind at that point was not for the greater good, therefore she lied. as much as a small amount of it was for her reputation among her friends, it was also for the good of auradon and the isle
therefore i refuse to believe that muoat shouldve been focused wholly on her reputation. we know mal cares so much about her friends and about ben, so why didnt the song dive into that? why were we not looking at her guilt, or her determination to carry on so that she could save her loved ones and her home? why, instead, did we focus so hard on the way she wants to be remembered for her heroics and good deeds?
i also understand that mal may be compartmentalising to an extent, by ignoring her own grief for her friends and instead focusing her attention elsewhere to keep herself going. she very clearly does have insecurities about her decisions and her role in auradon, so it would make sense to distract herself with that rather than letting herself break down over her friends. if this was what they intended, though, i think it was poorly done. at least, i certainly wouldnt have brushed past it quite so nonchalantly. mal hardly seemed to care that her friends had been turned to stone after the first - what - two lines of the song? and even then all she says is that she deserves it. she deserves it?? like it had just been a shove in the playground or something, and not an attack on her loved ones - one that, remember, could very well result in her losing them forever
quite literally, her only lines in the song about losing her friends are: "here you are alone and you deserve it // your friends have turned to stone and thats on you" and that is it. everything else is about her story being written, or about serving a cause, or her reputation not being linked to her parents'
i really do not like this song. i havent watched d3 for over a year, so i do apologise if ive missed/forgotten important context, but from everything i remember and listening to the song itself, i do not believe it does the moment justice. i want to rewrite it one day, ive no idea if i ever will or how, but i dont like it the way it is.
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freddie-77-ao3 · 6 months
The Choice Was Mine (I Didn't Think Enough)
"No! No!" He screams, falling to the ground. "No! I don't want-- I don't want to see them! Let me go mad again! Please! Please! I can't face them!" His shrieks turn into sobs, and he curls into fetal position.
"Please, I can't-- I can't look them in the eyes. Lee's dead! He's dead, 'Risse, and-- and it's my fault! I swore fealty, I betrayed you, betrayed all of you! Don't make me face them! I'll die! I'd rather die! You-- you should have left me, should have let me die."
(In his mind, he pictures Mary again. Pictures them rip her apart. Over. and over. and over.)
"I wish you'd left me."
Or: after Mr. D cures Chris' madness, Clarisse tries to get him to face the camp again.
Don't Wake Me Up (Crazy Is Better Than Remembering) - Chapter One
Where is he, where is she, why is it so dark, what is happening, why, why, WHY?
Who is Mary, where is she, what happened, why is there red, what happened, why, why, WHY?
Why is he laughing, what is he doing, make it stop, make it stop, the earth needs to stop, it’s moving it is healing him, Mary Mary please Mary wake up
Why is her shirt red, it was white, why is she bleeding it’s so so dark is it day, is it night?
String string rope thread string cord labyrinth minos, what is happening why are you taking me, stop stop MARY PLEASE (Wake up!)
And the scar was illuminated it looks evil, his eyes were going to glow gold, what is that ship, who is he, who is he, WHO IS HE
Please Mary, please wake up, why won’t you wake up, I have to find you, its so dark, so so dark, he’s horrible Mary, so horrible, why did you leave WHY DID I LEAVE?
Who is she it needs to stop she needs to stop she touching me feeding me he held me down, Mary its so dark, he’s so evil, where is the string the string what is going on
Why are my hands red, why are her hands red, Mary where are you, why are you red, WHY AREN’T YOU BREATHING
What is happening it’s so dark where am I I keep moving where are you Mary mary who is she Mary were are you the earth was healing him he’s so horrible the son of Poseidon why was he doing that what was happening he has the thread 
Thread cord string rope I need it he told me to get it why don’t I have it what’s in my hands why does he need it who is he 
Who am I who is she where are you Mary where am I where is he and the son of the sea he was terrible he was red what happened 
What happened what happened you were screaming Mary Mary Mary Mary 
Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary
Who is she, who is Mary
Marcy, Mark, Marcie, Amy, Matt, Madge, Marge, Mack, Marie, Minnie, Minty, Mal- Mal- Mal- NO!-  Mary???
Mary, Mary Mary, are you Mary, 
Rhymes, there’s rhymes, Mary rhymes and red, and a white shirt and monsters why are there monsters what is going on
Monsters monsters monsters why do they exist what is it what why are they red why are they chasing me I can’t move my legs Mary is this what happened to you they’re chasing me, why aren’t they chasing you why aren’t you walking- running- why aren’t you leaving, why are you like this why are your arms like this, Mary please WAKE UP
No. Chris? Chris? Who is Chris? Chris, Chris, Chris? 
Is he Chris? 
He only remembers Mary. 
"Why is your answer to everything violence, Clarisse?" Silena asks, exasperated, tired from prying her away from Michael yet again.
"When I told Castellan I was scared of the thing in the showers he gave me a sword," Clarisse crosses her arms. Beckendorf chortles behind Silena, and behind Clarisse, Chris is making the loco sign with his hand. 
A good day. But he doesn't want to remember the good days. He wants to go back to remembering Mary's torn apart body and nothing else, wants to go back to voices in his head, not the voices of his friends. He'd betrayed them. He doesn't deserve this. 
“Why the fuck do you even have an arrow that turns into a bouquet of roses in mid-flight!? And don’t say ‘aesthetic’!”
"Why the fuck wouldn't I? They're fun, aren't they, Will?"
"No! You know why, Mikey? Because I just had to spend three hours removing thorns from Clarisse!" Will always was a very cross eight year old. Especially since he'd been unclaimed at the time. Poor Will. If Chris was a better person, Will would have been the reason he turned to Kronos, but Chris had always been selfish. 
"She wasn't meant to get in the way! I was trying to send them to Jake, Henri helped me make them." Michael looked so petulent and childish. Gods, he must have only been... 11 here? Five long, long years. He hadn't even reached four feet tall yet. 
"That's not better!" Will's voice is squeaky, and he looks so annoyed right now. Chris remembers this. Lee had refused to hand out ambrosia, and Clarisse hadn't sat for a week. Her revenge had been swift, and Mikey's running futile. 
Michael grumbles, crossing his arms. "Not trying to injure him, you worrywart. I was trying to see if he wanted to go into the city with me."
“Don’t go sucking my oranges!” Chris remembers this one easily. Michael had stolen all of Clarisse's oranges, and she had been furious. They were even younger here-- nine, maybe? 
“You couldn’t think of anything better to say? Eating? Taking?” Michael taunts, juggling the last three. 
"Fuck off, you-- you--"
"Aww, cat got your tongue?"
Clarisse lunged. Michael cackled, sprinting ahead of her. Chris looks away. He knows what's going to come right after this. Michael is going to sprint up onto Lee's shoulders, and Clarisse is going to accidentally tackle him trying to get Michael. Lee had been furious, and punishment swift. Clarisse and Mikey had had to clean the Hermes cabin by hand every week for months after that. Although, at least, that had been the key to bonding Clarisse and Michael together in anger, if not friendship. 
Before that still, back to when Clarisse had first arrived at camp. Clarisse had been eight, and Will five. Chris had been at camp since birth (yet never claimed), and Silena had been a weekend camper on and off since she was five. Mikey came every once in a while for supplies, and Beckendorf was still unclaimed. He'd been excited to meet a new camper-- always was. At eight, Chris was one of the youngest year rounders, and the only one of his age. Silena was only weekends, and Beckendorf was always so studious. He'd mellow out eventually, but until then, Chris' closest friend had been Travis, which sucked, because they always had Connor. And Connor was a fucking talkative six year old. Sometimes Chris just wants to walk down to the gas station and not deal with getting kicked out because of Connor's insane questions. 
So he's excited to meet the new camper, until Lee warns him that Clarisse isn't "a big talker" which sounds fine, and then Froggy adds "unless you count with her fists. That girl is violent. Ares through and through."
And that's. Well. Claimed already? No way someone that strong wants to spend time with Chris. 
So 3 days later when she's out of the infirmary, and partners with him for capture the flag, he's over the moon.  That is, until Chris realises she tied his shoelaces together. Fuckhead. 
They'd been friends ever since though. 
"Stop" he moans, "stop it. I don't want it. Don't make me remember."
He hears a quiet chuckle, but tries to retreat into his head again. He can't get better. Doesn't want to. Not after what he did to camp. To his best friends. 
"Please," he moans, his voice hoarse, "please just let me die."
With that, there's a crack, and he's forced to open his eyes. 
"Well we can't have that. No more little demigods dying this week."
He's peering up into the face of Dionysus. "Please, please let me go mad again. I don't deserve this."
And Mr. D doesn't even hesitate, "no can do, nephew mine. Your dad cashed in a pretty big favor for this one," at this, he snorts, "like I wasn't going to do it anyway. But what Hermes doesn't;t know won't hurt him."
Chris' mouth is dry. "Hermes? He's-- he's my dad?"
At this, Mr. D rolls his eyes, snapping his fingers again. "Course, kid." He looks to the ceiling, as if to say look what I have to put up with, but with a snap of fingers, Chris realises there's a symbol over his head. What the fuck. 
Then, Mr. D says, "Now go back to sleep-- you'll be tired, and I want a drink."
Chris' eyes close. He wants to be mad. But he isn't. How is he going to-- to face camp?
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isleofdarkness · 27 days
Harriet went to Mal's safehouse (when Ace brought Diego there after Diego had been missing for weeks and called Sanctum) ready to punch it. It had to have been involved, it was the fucking Ace of Hearts. Whatever had happened to Dieho, she knew it had to have been at least partially Ace's fault. And she was furious.
But the second she saw it, that anger vanished.
Ace was younger than she had thought. She'd always assumed it was closer to her age but now, seeing it without the platforms and bulky leather jacket, she realized how young it was, how tiny. It couldn't have been any older than ten. And then there were the wounds- it had sacrificed its shirt to bandage Diego's wounds, letting Harriet see that it was covered in painful-looking marks. And yeah, maybe some of them could have been from fights, but far too many clearly weren't. what disturbed her most were bruises that were clearly shaped like hands, marks that had come from fingers that weren't its own. And the scars. It had years upon years of scars covering its skin. Scars like that didn't come from fights. Harriet would know. No, those scars indicated abuse. Torture. There were only two things those marks could have come from- its mother, or the Underlands. No one else would dare.
And then the look in its eyes... it only met her gaze for a second before breaking eye contact, eyes flitting back to Diego, but she saw grief, horror, fear, regret, and anxiety clear as day. When it looked at Diego, it looked the way she felt. As though someone it cared for deeply was on that table, clinging to life, and it didn't know how to help or if it even could help.
How could she have never noticed? Harriet took it upon herself to notice when people needed help. How had she never noticed one of her main enemies was so young, that it was so obviously being abused? Were its actions just lashing out? Or was something even worse happening? Was it being forced to do what it did?
No matter how messed up the situation already was, looking at Ace told her it was a million times worse.
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egtotaldramatakes · 18 days
mikesys handwriting headcanons that are canon because they literally came from my head i mean what
mike - it's pretty decent most of the time! surprisingly decent. again. most of the time. if he's dissociated or writing really fast it's barley better then vito's. for some reason he has much nicer handwriting when he's sad.
chester - he still has a grudge against every single one of mike's elementary school teachers for not teaching them cursive. he gets mad when you ask him to write something because he wants to do it in cursive but he doesn't remember how. but his handwriting is nice.
vito - he's not stupid. okay. just starting with that. I've seen some of y'alls headcanons he's not stupid. he's just not the best at spelling. might mess up a few words and that's okay. also his handwriting is messier then duncan and courtney's relationship.
svetlana - she's also not the best at spelling. sometimes it's her fault though because why would you ask vito, the one with a history of not being good at spelling, how to spell some words. (she does it on purpose because she likes seeing him improve i mean what). her handwriting is very neat actually! unless she's writing in russian. that still needs work.
manitoba - its very messy. but also somehow the easiest to read. don't ask how that works because i don't know. he's surprisingly good at spelling also. you could ask him to spell hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia and he could do it.
mal - it's uh. okay. he will get mad if he spells something wrong. if he doesn't like you he purposely makes his handwriting as shitty as possible. or if he's dissociated then it'll also look messier then the entirety of all-star's writing. but overall pretty decent!! he will try extra hard to make it look good if he likes you though.
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suffrin · 1 month
Split a mal 👍. Blaming you (joking).
Also this is someone you have DMd before but we're not out publicly. But I also wanted to send an ask blaming you for this.
- shatter (Mal Du Pays. I needed a nickname).
No its 100% our fault id say! Full responsibility even (joking Unless)
shatter is a Really good nickname i like it ❕️(Not joking)
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