#its harder than a lot of the others too bc it has a kinda whack plot tbh
sunflowercider · 7 months
Wrote a lot of words today lads. Absolutely nowhere near finished but i pushed through some blocks today woooooo
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literaphobe · 3 years
hi michelle!
could you rate the mcc games pleaseee, i would love to hear your thoughts :)
(also, i hope you're having a nice day!!)
here are my ratings for the games :) only mcc16 but u can ask for non mcc16 in another ask this just got long
sky battle: very pog. i like how u have to run around to various locations to get loot, but also u get to kill people but also u gotta be fast bc oh no the border is closing in!! bridge u little bitch!! jump! fly! run! i think it's cool how it's all up high so u could fall to ur death but also that gets annoying esp towards the end of the game n idk it makes it harder to clutch up bc of how the arena is built so u get many oh :( moments instead of oh!!! moments. plus the thing at the bottom kinda sucks like ok so u jump there as a last ditch attempt but there's no Real thing to save u there so u just die its stupid. make it worth it. i like the three round thing tho :D like its ok that u died u can try again bb!!! and im interested to see more cool ways to kill people in this than just standard pvp like dream used the fishing rod n it seems he has more tricks up his sleeve so im excited to see him 'make them regret allowing fishing rods' like he said. 8/10
battle box: my beloved!! i like the 9 rounds thing where u go up against every team n each member gets a Cool Thing that can help them in special ways. the wool thing is cute too. good game that tests pvp well! i like the maps mostly n the kits r usually cool unless they suck then they like make me go ugh 🙄 9/10
to get to the other side and whack a fan: it's cute bc there's quite a bunch of maps for this n there are 6 rounds so u can still come back even if u fuck up a round. but some maps r annoying bc they are frustrating n not intuitive or they are just annoying or like if u fuck up the first time ur almost guaranteed unable to finish or u get real close n then fuck up n then can't finish or some shit. sad :( i like it when the pov im watching does good but if they don't do good it sucks and the map is lousy >:( but its a very cute game n i think the punching is funny unless the pov im watching gets punched >:( then what the FUCK bro that is SO messed up WHERE is the sportsmanship :/ dhfshsfj 8/10, but that score rises depending on the maps
parkour tag: im glad because it reps parkour but it's got this unpredictability of one person having to catch three different people presumably all running in different directions. a balance of skill timing n luck n also teamwork :) also like battle box i like the 9 rounds. however the scoring is a bit scuffed n unless they change it its always gonna pull down good hunters who don't have other good hunters on their team etc, i can elaborate on this using dream as an example but that would have to be another post. 8.5/10
sands of time: i really like the some of the new changes like how they have brain puzzles in the form of the blue wool thing so it's not just ur skill in the game but also it combines various skills like fighting strategy and maze running and also parkour it is very satisfying to watch but also scary it really keeps u on ur toes and its fun watching people solve stuff and get the coins its like a treasure hunt i love it more just thinking about it... the vaults r cool the sand to give more time is cool n its awesome when the whole team works great n gets themselves a lot of time n farms a lot of coins hehe the downside is it can get terrible if u die or ur teammate dies and ur sandkeeper doesn't communicate well enough n no one gets saved then that is sad :( still tho conceptually i like it a lot n its potential is cool n the suspense of not knowing how well all the teams did until the end is good too 9/10
survival games: this is like sky battle but on da ground and u get a lot more loot but also if u die thats IT like ok too bad u lose no coins no redos u cannot redeem urself u cannot come back time for u watch the other teams play ig :/ like it's too long a game to have three rounds for too so losing means gg n u gotta wait a while. cute maps tho n its fucking awesome if the pov u watch doesn't die :) n they kill a lotta people :) 7/10
build mart: EWWWW 0/10 GJHJGH jk ok i genuinely do think it's a good game even tho there are certain issues like how despite the changes made its still a tad bit disadvantageous to colorblind players and also it can be disorienting in certain ways like depending on how u look at it a part of me thinks its annoying to collect materials n maybe they should just have everything at their disposal another part of me thinks its cool that they go out shopping for their littol building materials flying around n shit or even in the old shopping cart version its like a warehouse they got stone in BULK boys 6.5/10
ace race: god its fun i like the tridents n the BOING noises n how they go Zoom n Fly n Jump i like the pretty maps but i also do hate player collision n some of the glitches but they have fixed that so hopefully all things go smooth soon :) 8/10
hole in the wall: what the fuck its so glitchy. get well soon but it is kinda funny but it has also caused wars to break out. i like the three round thing as usual n i like the various jumping and shifting strats for various holes to go through (hehe) it is a pretty suspenseful game n i do hold my breath at some jumps bc u don't always know when they hit spacebar if they r getting through or dying. 7.5/10
grid runners: i don't fucking know man they haven't played it yet
anyway these ratings could go up or down. it all depends on how good the pov im watching does 👍 hope this helps
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Lita says:APRIL 27, 2017 AT 12:25 PMREPLY
Amaka says:MAY 1, 2017 AT 4:32 PMREPLY
Marie says:MAY 15, 2017 AT 7:18 AMREPLY
Laura Bracken says:JUNE 14, 2017 AT 5:31 PMREPLY
I am in the same boat. I’ve spent years (over 10) on my natural hair journey and I’m tired. Time to try relaxing again. I did learn a great deal about hair care while natural that I didn’t know when I was relaxed. I’m hoping my hair will fair better relaxed and if not I’ll just start over. There’s more to life than hair…I’m tired of spending an entire weekend on my hair and still struggling to get my hair the way I want it. Tomorrow is the day I go from natural to relaxed and although I am very nervous, I am also excited. Best of luck to you with your hair.
Hey more power to you if you feel better with a relaxer. However, I’m curious as to what you mean by “good” hair texture. I came upon this article bc I’m considering texlaxing, as I have very high density 4B hair, and unfortunately due to being in a very stressful graduate program, I just no longer have the time to spend hours taking care of my natural hair the way that I want to. Other than that, I love my hair texture and wouldn’t trade it. However, I can understand completely where you’re coming from as my little sister has 4C hair, and it’s very, very difficult to keep moisturized. I would say the key things with that texture hair is moisture, moisture, moisture! Lol. Also, natural hair is healthier and safer than using relaxers because you’re not having to put a strong base on your scalp to process/loosen the hair texture. All lye relaxers have sodium hydroxide in them, and the no lye ones have other metal hydroxides that are still as strong as the lye. These can cause chemical burns if you’re applying it incorrectly. So that is why naturals will say that going natural is “healthier.” But to each their own. It’s just always good to be properly informed. There are many 4C naturals with amazing hair down to their back. The blogger Cipriana Quann from Urban bush babes comes to mind. You may want to check out her blog is you’re interested. At the end of the day, definitely do what works you. But the only type of good hair, is hair that is well taken care of. Which for us 4B and 4Cs usually takes a lot of time and patience. Texture has nothing to do with it. I plan on going natural again once I graduate from my PhD program. I just have too much going on right now to also add hours of styling my hair to my weekly schedule.
Hi I also describe my hair as carpet I really smiled whilst reading this me too with unrelaxed hair is soooooo dry I have the most dry scalp when my hair is not relaxed my scalp has never ever been like this when relaxed my hair is half an inch long too and I’m very tempted to creamy crack it??? I’ve had every hairstyle under the sun but I do not weave or do bond in I’m undecided what to do I don’t know what hair type I have like this ¾ c and b business but its soft kinda got cooli in it as my mum is mixed I don’t know what to do.
I agree. I went natural in February 2017. I feel like my hair is getting thicker but appears shorter in the top and in the back. I think after June 2017 I am going back to relaxers.
Ines says:DECEMBER 29, 2016 AT 12:08 PM
I completely agree with you, i have curly hair and for the longest time i have straightened it, and kept it short till high school since it was easier to manage, and even easier when it was straight, i was it and straighten it (about half and hour is enough) once a week and i’m good to go, i try going natural during summer, but it’s so much harder, requires more products (=more money that could be used on other things) and everyday care (and as a college student i’d spent that half hour sleeping than doing my hair) It’s healthy and is growing slowly but steadily.
Charlene Dorsey says:DECEMBER 3, 2016 AT 11:15 PM
I am so happy I found this…. I am not even sure why I went natural.. it’s been over a year.. I have 4c hair and it just sheds….. I feel like it is a lot better f work and I never get the desired style without a wig or fall to maintain the look… wearing my hair natural turns into a big ole poof… my hair is never truly moisturized and my scalp is ALWAYS ITCHY! I never had these problems with a relaxer.. Thank you for sharing and giving me an outlet to confirm my decision to reintroduce my hair to the relaxer….
Me one says:FEBRUARY 14, 2017 AT 5:08 AMREPLY
I don’t know why I went natural either. I hate it to the core. It changed my look for the worse. I have 3b/c hair and I transitioned for 2 yrs. it is now 2yrs 3 mos and I am fully natural and I still hate it to the core. My relaxed hair was once long and healthy. Now it’s chopped up, broke off, uneven and looks a mess. I would not recommend going natural to anyone. Its not what I expected and I don’t feel empowered. What I feel is that I’ve lost 2 yrs and my hair looks, feels and is whack! My hair never really got really thick, definitely didn’t get long. They say crack is whack, and that may be true, but that creamy crack won’t be whack on these ends…to each its own, the natural thing just isn’t for me…I hate it!
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