#its giving mc has 8 seasons of development with his same sex best friend/rival only to end up with a chick he met once but gay
lnkedmyheart · 1 year
Sometimes I have to sit down and breathe because its still insane to me that people are legitimately fighting over which ship is more likely to be canon. Best friends of 7 years who are fated to be something vs people who just met 10 minutes ago from opposite factions and being forced to survive together.
Like bro...neither is more canon. Both have their plus points. I dont give a shit about sigzai cause to me personally their chemistry is meh compared to all my other dazai ships and I sort of prefer sigma with atsushi anyway. And like you can't realistically call the sigzai dynamic better than skk, that is just not logical because there is 7 years of history with skk so I dont get the attempts to delegitimize skk as a canon dynamic. But at the end of the day the people trying to drag skk shippers because sigzai scenes happened or skk shippers feeling the need to respond to troll sigzai shippers who are baiting them are all so...
Neither is canon.
You know what IS canon? Whatever the fuck rimlaine have got going on even in Rimbaud's death.
And no, nobody has to poly ship them. You do you but stop trying to shut down an inherent problem in fandoms about harassment of shippers over prefered pairings by suggesting poly shipping. Just let people enjoy what they like.
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