#its definitely from breaking dawn and thats ok
crowacolyte · 9 months
"Where before there was just one thing I could not live without, now there were two. There was no division- my love was not split between them now; it wasn't like that. It was more like my heart had grown, swollen up to twice its size in that moment. All that extra space, already filled."
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anonymous-dentist · 1 year
GOD I LOVE YOUR AU ok question time
- who is in the federation of heros? What founded the federation? Are they powered like cellbit?
- how is cellbit one of the first few born? I feel theres a science experiment plot caught in this and he broke containment. I wonder if he found this out due to being able to scare himself, and that fear immediately projecting to others, making THEM just as scared. Id imagine hed be diagnosed with severe paranoia/etc and then like. Oh SHIT its not. That. Oh fuck.
- what was that leadup that made him a supervillain? Something so minuscule yet so big as fear, to be considered one of the high villains of the city is insane. Some people would probably laugh it off an say physical destruction was scarier than mental, until they see what he actually does.
- who did he murder?????? I wonder if it was someone who defied the "everyones fears projected back to them" ability. Someone unaffected by this, like maybe their own ability counteracted it. One of the federations lower ranked heros attacked... as a citizen... i feel theres more than meets the eye here..... but of course it ended with murder. I feel there could be done with something of luzu and his look alike there.
- i still keep thinking about breaking dawn and how forever is also considered richas's dad, and just thinking about it being kinda switched in this scenario. Cellbit walked into forevers life again an now richas has another dad to annoy the piss out of. Though i do feel him an jaiden would be at each others throats in investigation. She would totally be a foh member to me. He tries to take down them through HER.
- why jaiden? Shes probably the most visible with her apparent ability. I imagine her having hummingbird like abilities. Flying at such a fast rate it can change the force of wind itself, etc etc etc (running on coffee an headaches atm sorrie) but she KNOWS something. She knows the foh is fucked up. She knows its dictating the definition of right an wrong, but she doesnt have the power (YET!!!!!!) to kill them from the inside out.
- heros who are seen as the light amongst the city, vigilantes who are the underbelly of a growing problem/an antibiotic refusing to kill the infection, and singular villain who wants to put a stop to it for all. God. I am jn love with this au im sorry can u tell
- and then theres fucking SPIDER MAN. nobody knows who he may work for since, by the logic of q city, if your a vigilante, your working for someone else directly related to the foh, and being sponsored as such. But theres no calling for spiderman, theres even active "have you seen this person" signs around the city, marking them as a non verbalized threat to the standing of foh. Cellbits key.
- now he needs to convince his friends to help him find spiderman. For....... research. Yes. Totally. He wishes to interview spiderman in hopes to figure out "who he works for", which not really. Hes not the best at lying, nor was he really trying. He wants to crack down the foh to its rotten core.
- he even tries to ask roier for help at some point, right? He talks about the signs around the city, says its a shame that hes on a watch list- and how he swings around to actively web heros against the walls to stop them from hurting another person.
- and its convinent theyre on a coffee date (cellbit didnt even notice, roier did, an hes just awkwardly like... hahahahabah thats really weird why would spiderman stop him but also yeah i get that- why would thet get rid of MY hero <:((("
- cellbits subconsciously like. Shit. Pretty boy is pouting about the vigilante. More reason to find the motherfucker.
WOW OKAY so let’s see:
1. It’s a lot like the Federation from the canon qsmp, but it’s also more overtly focused on ‘Protecting the City’ from superpowered threats. It stepped in to fill the shoes of the former police state, and by getting rid of the majority of police officers it both opened up opportunities for villains (and thus heroes and thus the Federation) and for heroes (see: previous parentheses.) The founder is anonymous, a “Mister Duck”.
2. I’m actually lowkey playing by MHA rules. Basically, at some point a couple of decades ago, kids started being born with superpowers. It was the more obvious ones that were discovered first, like a girl in France being born with little duck wings. Cellbit’s ability is less obvious, but his parents were constantly overly worried about him because babies and children are always very very scared of everything. Eventually he realized what was up when he was around nine or ten, but he didn’t really tell anybody because even back then he knew that he would “get in trouble” for it.
3. As for villainy, it was an accident. He needed money after his parents died (of sudden heart attacks, and he pretends he doesn’t know what that actually means), and he isn’t a very intimidating guy on his own, so he kinda… helped himself out a little. And it worked super well, so he kept doing it. And he kept doing it. And then he started going a bit overboard with it and the people he was robbing started dying, too.
4. And as for the murder, Cellbit and the hero were both civilians when they got into an argument. The hero, new to the whole thing, ended up using their ability and actually attacked him. He attacked back, notably without using his ability, and he accidentally killed them. The Feds were NOT happy about this, so they messed with the court proceedings and got him sent to prison for three years. But, hey, at least he got therapy there?
5 and 6. Jaiden is 100% working with the Federation in this au. She and Spider-Man are taking very different approaches to what is fundamentally the same issue here. I think her ability is more parrot-y, but she does work for them now. (It’s a very recent development.)
8-10. Spider-Man is a fan-favorite and the Federation does NOT appreciate him ruining their image!! And he knows that he isn’t well liked by them at the moment, and he doesn’t care because it’s fine if Spider-Man dies. He has a job to do, and he is going to do it.
11-end. And it’s a good thing that Cellbit is such a big Spider-Man fan! It’s something Roier thinks they can use to bond. Definitely. Bonding.
…Can you tell superhero aus are my guilty pleasure lol
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finally have time to continue my rewatch and its the bob episode
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this episode really raised my expectations for the show in a way it never delivered so idk that there'll be much to say unless i see random stuff that ended up tying in later
now that the show is over i kinda feel like this episode was unnecessary lol it should have been a half ep if all it was gonna do was push guel back to space. it should have been an episode where the audience is made to sympathize with the plight of earthians more given what was to come and from what we see in the episode itself, but from the posts i saw around the internet between when the episode aired even up until now, a lot of people did not care for the earthian struggle and some even called them stupid. i'm sure that's just a ton of outspoken reactionaries but i wish they could have done more with this plotline
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instead we get this idiot full on stockholm syndroming over his abusive father. guel could have had a clean break from everything. hell, he could have continued being a shitty capitalist but yknow maybe not be a war profiteer.
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anyway, this ep marks our first opening change with eri's silhouette finally revealing her datastorm form
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i love nika's character but lol i'll always side with norea on this issue. nika's idealism is noble, but it just doesnt work irl. and her saying that dawn of fold is causing suffering is so laughable when spacians and the benerit group are literally foaming at the mouth for profit at each new conflict on earth that they can provide weapons to
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sabina-sama, my beloved
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yea amerikkka sucks, norea, i agree
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lol capitalists are so goddamn stupid
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the depressing thing about this line is how so many things work like this irl and capitalists don't care that eventually profits will come down to a trickle becuase they'll jump on to the next big thing to get them high profits as quickly as possible
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lol this is so dismissive to the suffering of an entire planet these evil ass people just left to rot
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i didnt remember that they have kenanji in this scene telling rajan what a bad idea it is to send benerit group brownshirts to attack earth. i guess it's supposed to paint him in a better light and make him seem "reasonable" or "moral" or whatever but lol no
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literally everyone pretty much until almost the end of the show
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i wish we'd gotten more interactions with sophie, like a flashback of her on earth with these kids would've been nice
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ok i guess i forgot the fight in this ep is cool, but lmao the prodoros doesnt even have a kit at all!!!!!!! so like what was the point
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damn comrade olcott rules
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oh huh thats kind of interesting. whatever that thing olcott's wearing looks an awful lot like the headpiece suletta and miorine wear in the timeskip to communicate with eri. i'm guessing it's some kind of gund tech since that facilitates the use of his prosthetic arm?
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*secelia voice* kashtanka woof woof
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can the novels please give us more info about this lmao like we're just never going to know why the hell notrette created quiet zero
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i'm really never gonna feel sorry or bad for delling, like ok you were sad your wife died and you were a controllling freak
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ok sure it's finally revealed to us why he came up with this ridiculous holder system but how dumb do you have to be to do this?
i said it in an earlier post as part of my rewatch, things could have gone soooo badly for miorine. guel was physically abusive, how was that leaving your daughter in "safe hands"? someone could have become the holder and literally raped her or something
anyway i hate delling and i'll forever headcanon that even though maybe they're on amicable terms in the end, miorine probably never fully forgave him
ok on rewatch i guess this episode was better than i remembered it being. like standalone, its definitely a good episode imo, but mannnn i really really wish it ended up tying more into the actual plot than it actually did. i just really sympathize with dawn of fold lol and instead they just got kinda brushed off as being pawns of the SAL's big plan to just rearrange who was profiting off weapons sales lol
ok might do ep 16 tonight too, not sure yet
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ursifors · 3 years
1551 - From The Brink first listen reaction:
1. Going Down Swinging - a classic but revamped? i think? maybe? i love this song and it sounds so good and that chef mike solo is so fucking insane.
2. From the Brink - ohhhh that bass. is jeremy's voice layered? idk it sounds so nice. i love the lyrics for this one omgggg. i love the whispering too this song fucks. i can just tell i'm gonna be listening to this when i'm super depressed to pull myself back up. KEEP ON TRUCKIN' ALONG AAAHHHHHHH i'm emotional. i love the screaming in the back at the end of the song omg.
3. Enemy - ok i know this one already too bc he released it as a single awhile, this is the red dead one. i love it so much and this is the song i associate with jeremy's stream the most bc he is always playing this before he starts.
4. Breaking of Dawn - oooooo soft. OH JEREMY SOUNDS SO GOOD HOLY SHIT. this might be my favorite song on the album i already feel that like a minute in jeremy sounds so good i can't get over it. i love the vibe of this song its so different than their usual MO. i'm SO HAPPY JEREMY IS ACTUALLY SINGING IN THIS ONE I'M FREAKING LOSING IT. beautiful.
5. Born Evil - DID HE JUST SAY "YEAH IT GETS ME OFF" JEREMY DOOLEY???? THE CHORUS OF THIS JUST HITS MY BRAIN SO GOOOD OOOOOOOOOOOO. I WAS BORN EVILLLLLLL. i literally have so many playlists this song will fit on.... such a good villain song. god the chorus is so good holy shit.
6. Infamous - oh i loved that stop and then going into it. jeremy sounds so baby in this song. i know this one too!! they released this as a single on spotify i remember. i could also fit this on so many playlists..... i'm gonna get so many plays out of this album for real. this also just makes me think of jeremy's stream LOL
7. Hurts to Know - ohhhhh MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDD SINGING JEREMY LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. he sounds so good holy shit THATS MY STREAMER!!!! im gonna cry. i might actually cry listening to this rn. i have to learn all the words to this i know i'm gonna be singing it constantly
8. An Army Falls - LETS GO this is the halo one i think? HO HO HO HO THE FRONT LINE IS CALLIN MY NAME! this song goes so fucking hard i love it so much. the drums in this are so GOOD. this song is genuinely so good i just!!!!!!!!!!! fuck yes WE LOVE MASTER CHIEF.
9. Standing Tall - oh THIS IS FUNKY??? spencer what the hell is this (positive)... i like this back and forth with jeremy's voice. oh i like this ohhhhh. this is gonna get so stuck in my head so bad i already know it. ughhhh drums goood make brain happy.
10. Imposter - ive been WAITING FOR THIS FUCKING SONG. A MONSTER AMONG US AAAAHH. oh piano???? the instrumental is NICE. IMPOSTERRRRRR OH MY GOD that is so good PLEASE. i love the lyrics so much. this needs a music video. THE LAUGHH? EVERYONE THAT AINT ME IS GONNA HAVE TO DIE IMPOSTAAHHH.
final thoughts: i really like that they kind of went several different directions they hadn't before and had like, soft songs and jeremy singing for real!!!!! and the instrumental at the start of standing tall and all of imposter is so interesting and nice. my favorite songs are definitely breaking of dawn and imposter. awesome work boys i'm so proud and you should be too!
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sapphire-innit · 3 years
Quackity is the only MFer who can talk CIRCLES around Dream and I LOVE HIM FOR IT
Dream resorting to threats, his only resort is violence, it always is and thats why QUACKITY IS GONNA TROUNNCE HIM
"I think you're forgetting that I designated this the holy land" - wow they pushed him this far aND THEN CALLED HIM ON IT LIKE FUCKING CHAMPS LETS GOOOOO
"So your breaking the rules AGAIN" - Quackity
Quackity is so on point in shutting down Sapnap's instinct towards violence, he's right they HAVE to win this with words they HAVE TOO. They have Dream backed into a corner as long as they aren't the ones to instigate violence on the Holy Land and its AMAZING
also hes EXACTLY RIGHT there is LITERALLY no proof other than meta gaming that they caused the explosion its SO PERFECT
"If you pull that fucking [rocket launcher] that is actual terrorism. We're playing a politics game, this is easy, this is easy, we have the upper hand here" Quackity KNOWS how much of an upper hand he has in this and I LOVE IT I LOVE HIM SO MUCH
he's even talking about 'pushing narratives' hes so smart hes so smart I love him
...also I love the character arc Sapnap's on where he's realizing that Dream really really doesn't care about him. I saw it a little bit when he came to bully Tommy, trying to reclaim what it used to be like, to bond over one of Dream's interests really. But now, now Sapnap's stated it out loud and actually acknowledged it, and I love it
"raid MY castle, MY THRONE" omg
lol Eret reaching out, they're too good for this, they don't deserve this happening to them lmao
"I literally don't care about the throne" gOD "its just a bunch of gold blocks" once again Dream not giving a SHIT about sentimentality and how this server RUNS
"KINDA SOUNDS LIKE A TYRANT TO ME" heyyy buddy, you know who likes to call his political enemies terrorists Dream?? Hey you know who likes to do that, huh buddy????? TYRANTS MOTHERFUCKER GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE
But seriously I think Karl is just catching on to HOW FUCKED UP DREAM AND HIS POWER IS, and is fully behind this, even knowing that Eret's not behind the explosion. Because the thing is, that DREAM doesn't know that (maybe not even cc!Dream knows that it's unclear!) so if Eret really HAD killed him, this is the kind of response he would have gotten. For getting KILLED, PEACEFULLY PROTESTING. and THATS REALLY FUCKED UP!!!!!
Also I would like to point out that they have made no indication that they're going to continue ''''griefing''', and yet Dreams goal is for them to "Stop". I think the reason Quackity had to do this, the reason Dream's so upset, is exactly because Dream does NOT like to be made to acknowledge the factions as actual Things until he has too (and even then he likes to declare war on them and say they aren't a country at the same time. Like a Tyrant.)
"In my mind Mexican L'Manburg doesn't exist" "So no one can form a country????"
"And I'll talk to Tubbo about it" FUCKER LIKE U HAVE THAT PULL ASS. what u gonna put the walls back up if Tubbo doesn't agree with you???? He really does see Tubbo as fully in his power now that Tommy has been exiled huh
"we just want to be recognized as a country" "THAT is the ONLY time you have ever stepped foot and EVER recognized us as something" BOOM THERE IT IS THIS IS WHY THIS HAD TO HAPPEN THIS WAY
Quackity trying to give up the Tyrant angle, because he knows its ineffective, Absolute King Karl not giving up on it because he BELIEVES (to the arguments detriment to be fair lmao)
Nothing is the operative word Dream, you like to ignore these things because as long as you don't acknowledge them, they're just another part of Dream SMP to you
"A country that is established has to have a fair and just and logical ruler" FIRST OFF, first time we're hearing these rules Dream thanks for laying that out to us soooooo clearly and definitely not just covering your ass bc your hypocrisy has been pointed out :) :) :)
SECOND, what bULLSHIT, to say that a ruler has to be "fair and just and logical", has to be up to YOUR STANDARDS basically to rule!!! its not enough for them to form and have people follow them, oh no, they have to be up to YOUR IDEALS. EPHEMERAL IDEALS that can CLEARLY be taken away, as seen by the L'Manburg walls being put up after a time of peace!
And lets talk about why you think Tubbo of all people is someone you consider up to your standards AFTER exiling Tommy. Because it wasn't TUBBO who changed, those standards have NOTHING in them about a cabinent or who lives in the country. NO, its because now Tubbo has proven to be CONTROLLABLE, and therefore a PUPPET GOVERNMENT
lol its so much clearer because Tubbo has SO much chaos energy the HYPOCRISY
"Do you think through anything you do" the sheer AUDACITY, QUACKITY IS THE MOST CALCULATING PERSON ON THE SERVER ARE YOU KIDDING ME. It just goes to show HOW MUCH Quackity has this in hand and has Dream FOOLED, how much Dream DOES NOT UNDERSTAND QUACKITY AT *ALL*. He's had SO MUCH CONTROL over EVERY ONE in the confrontation, from Dream himself down to keeping his men in line, to keeping the conversation on track. ARE YOU TELLING ME SOMEONE WHO CAN CONTROL THIS ENTIRE CONVERSATION with HIS WORDS ALONE is someone who DOESN'T THINK THINGS THROUGH????
Poor Eret, they truly are just a figurehead at this point, and nothing shows it more than the fact that they are only NOW joining the 'leaders' call. They were USED to get to Dream because Quackity completely understands that the crown is just a symbol and they really have NO say, despite the fact that it was really them who has been wronged in this case!!!! Dream isn't even PRETENDING he's upset on Eret's behalf!
Even Eret's body language, its looking up to Dream, its crouching, its supplication
Dream is really going off of either meta knowledge or PURE Assumption
the SMILE on Quackity's Face when he starts laying out terms he's COMPLETELY willing to do
"How about we start from a fresh slate, it's a bloodshed history, we'll change it" ayayyyyyy a dawn of a NEW DAYYY
"I'll Apologize to Eret but I won't Apologize to you" KING SHIT KING SHIT
WHAT A RUSH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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hey-hamlet · 6 years
BNHA AU Ideas : The villain’s little hero
Also on AO3! 
TL;DR:  All Might, Japan's number 1 villain has a successor. The problem? His successor is a hero hopeful. All Might will stop at nothing to make sure his kid gets to live his dream.
au where all might is a villain raising izuku to be a hero!
quirkless izuku, his backstory is mostly the same
all might decided that hero work had too much red tape. if he was going to take down afo, he needed the freedom to do whatever he had to and he wasnt getting that working within the law
so hes a,,, viilllaaaiinnn?? like. stain. but less murdery, would also save civilians if they were in danger
he has 0 qualms about crippling fake heroes but hes not a fan of murder
nighteye is still his sidekick, he doesnt use his quirk on allmight bc all might h a t e s it
hes kinda on board with "the future is only set in stone because you've seen it now" so he wants the freedom to break fate. but its very useful to get info, so nighteye just uses it on other people
hero to the people villain to literally everyone else
allmights villain costume is reallll similar to his hero costume. just less eye bleeding
he has longer grey hair too.
all mights bronze age costume is basically his villain costume thanks for listening
david shield is still in this story
david agrees w all might and like,,, sneaks him stuff on the downlow
all might told him ab. his quirk because who on earth is gonna believe that one america man about japans worst supervillain?
also melissa is a Soft Young Woman and she is all mights favourite person on this fucking planet until he meets izuku
all might went to ua, only defected after completing his hero training because he wanted to be trained by the people he was going to screw over
izuku has always kinda been a big fan of all might. not openly because hes legally a villain and very much paints himself as one, but his quirk is one of the most amazing things izuku has ever seen
when he looks closer, all might has never let a civilian get hurt once hes been on scene. hes taken hits to protect housing, hes pulled heroes from the line of fire
izuku watches his sports festivals and wonders why? why did all might, the man who happily told the world he'd stop at nothing to keep them safe, suddenly flip sides like that for no reason?
izuku doesnt buy it
izuku's big yellow backpack is a big red one in this universe, hes had it so long its gone pink but he still loves it
the sludge villain
all might saves him and izuku is crying. allmight thinks its because hes scared but izuku just turns to him with this big weepy eye smile and gives him the most genuine thanks he thinks hes ever been given
(its honestly the shock of that that makes him deflate into small might, which has izuku scrambling to find tissues and called an ambulance before he thinks better of calling emergency services for All Might)
izuku is like "Im SO SORRY SIR ARE YOU oK"
and all might is like ",,, b  oy"
izuku softly asking
"can,, can i still be someone with out a quirk? can i still make a difference?"
all might doesnt get the chance to anser because there is a massive explosion in the distance
its bakugo!! hes dying
the sludge villain got away bc izuku and all might were chatting a little
izuku hears it and he feels this terrible realization, because its probably not bakugo? but its definitely bakugo because izuku's life is falling to pieces
he sprints towards him and katsuki will n e v e r admit it but he feels hope in that moment because some one is trying to help. even if its just izuku, he wasnt totally left for dead
all might sees this tiny, nervous, quirkless kid run straight up to a villain that almost killed him seconds before to save someone what looks like they'd rather die
and he thinks
"no one deserves one for all more than him"
and allmight, the most wanted villain in japan, maybe the world, jumps in
the heroes look at him and they are scared. if they couldnt take the sludge villain, what is all might going to do to them? but the scariest man in japan, the person parents tell their kids about to stop them from going out at night, blows the sludge villain to tiny pieces and carefully, gently, places the two boys by the heroes
before he vanishes before they can call for backup or even ask why
izuku gets yelled at by the heroes because the heroes are scared and angry they couldnt stop either of the villains and izuku is so overwhelmed that hes crying and he can hardly breathe
bakugo doesnt even yell at him because hes so dazed about everything that happened and he cant make himself yell at this sobbing kid that used to be his friend
(bakugo is holding izukus hand like hes going to crush it but its the only thing keeping izuku present)
izuku is walking home and hes still hicuping and crying because he almost died and the heroes hate him and he feels a hand on his shoulder, and a soft :"its ok now my boy"
he knows its all might but he cant help but hide his face in his shirt and sob
all might gets down so he can look izuku in the eye
"you asked me if you could be someone with out a quirk and i didnt get the chance to answer. my answer? you already are someone. you are someone that inspired me, a villain, to save the day. you are going to be amazing"
and looks him dead in the eye "you'll do amazing things, even with out a quirk. but, you of all people deserve one, and no matter what you chose to do with it, it can be yours. hero, villain or someone in between"
izuku looks at this villain
this painfully thin villain, who just saved his life and who has unimaginable strength
and he throws his arms around his waist and sobs
inko isnt a great mum in this au and she likes to basically pretend izuku doesnt exist
izuku trains a lot and has to make his own food bc his mum just ignores him
he sneaks out at night to clear trash and sneaks back in before dawn to clean the sand from his hair
he smells like saltwater and rust, and he hasnt slept more than 4 hours a night in weeks and katsuki is worried
all might sees him crumbling with a smile stuck on his face and he wants to stop him from self-destructing, but the kid will never learn his lesson until he feels his body give up under what hes doing to it. if all might steps in he'll do it again and again until no one stops him and hes never learnt his limit.
so he waits and he watches while he pretends he cant see the bags under his eyes and pretends that everytime izuku sways on his feet he doesnt feel a jolt of deep panic
did he do this? if he the reason izuku looks like hes falling apart before his eyes?
the kid passes the fuck out and all might tells him off in a soft dad way and izuku cries bc why does this villain care more than his mum does
and all might catches the end of that little mumble, and feels terrible so he pretends he didnt hear and takes him for lunch
they go to a cafe and all might buys izuku the cutest slice of cake and a big ass bowl of katsudon and some fancy fucking tea and covers the kids eyes every time he tries to look at the prices
izuku looks at all might and asks
"are you buying me katsudon with crime money"
and all might looks sheepish and izuku giggles like an idiot and says "dont tell me ill feel bad!!!"
all might grins bc this kid is honestly the only reason he hasnt stabbed a pro hero in a few months bc hes so fucking sweet
he has to carry izuku half the way home bc the kid could barely lift his chopsticks and almost fell asleep in the booth after he finished eating
and allmight, skinny and kinda scary is giving his 15 year old a piggy back and someone says "you're such a good dad!" and he almost coughs up his last lung
izuku mumbles sleepily and hes has the biggest warm and fuzzy feeling and hes going to yell bc hes All Might the No. 1 Villain and this fucking kid is drooling on his sweater but he would die for him
some random stranger on the street commenting on how it was rly fortunate that izuku inherited his adorable smile from his father
all might, abt to burst into tears: whack
allmight is easily flustered even when hes killed a man
he comes home and inko isnt there so he has to like, wake up izuku to get him to open the door and he feels bad bc izuku is a Sleepy Man
izuku mumbles that he cant ever tell if shes at home or not because nothing changes and all might feels a wave of "wait my son isnt being parented enough"
so he makes izuku a cup of tea and tucks him into bed after he has a shower because izuku is His Son Now Inko
hes like
sitting in the living room reading the paper and he hears inko's car and hes like ",,, fuck it im walking out the front door im no coward"
she doesnt even notice and hes going to scream because does she have a brain
inko, spaced out, tired and terrible: oh is the tall man here for izuku :))) thats great :)))
all might is screaming bc"" do you get let weird men into see your tiny son>???? what the fuck???
hes so small inko??? and you?? let random men in?????
all might would yeet her into the sun if he could but his boy needs an actual family member to make going to ua easier
inko is kinda mentally ill. she is depressed and often forgets she has izuku. like shes not always being terrible she just sometimes forget to do basic things
one time she locked izuku out of the house for 10 hours and he had to sleep next to the front door
one month she didnt buy any food so by the end of it he was starving and out of his own money and there was n o t h i n g in the house, but inko would go out to eat every night and lunch and not take her son
allmight is upset bc izuku didnt tell him but izuku is embarrassed. embarrassed that he was forgotten by his own mum, that he couldnt do anything to help her or himself and honestly mad he was so hungry all might noticed bc he didnt want to bug him
it was getting to the point that katsuki actually slipped some change into his bag with a candy bar
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heather-holloway · 5 years
how i, kiara heather-holloway, would plan and write the upcoming live action dylan dog tv show (thats being produced by james wan rn):
OKOK first off. my god. this has to be as comic accurate as it can be. this has to be better than the fucking movie or ill literally d*e oh my god. the movie was so bad and was only dylan dog in name and outfit. 
he needs the clarinet. and not for one scene. gotta have that shitty car, hes gotta be broke, hes gotta live on that craven st, hes gotta have the fucked up doorbell nd hes gotta have that p*lice officer backstory (though i dont want them to go too full into the backstories of the main characters cuz that takes away from the main story of the episode, and is really just unneeded)
this shit will be set in london. but as for the time im kinda on a fence? its always had a timeless sorta feeling, esp as of late with the comics only now starting to establish itself in the 21st century, but i would really like for it to be set in the 80s cuz a lot of the classic comic stories r from the 80s and it would fit in with how old timey he is with his car and movie references
i hope they have the budget to actually get the rights to use groucho marx’ likeness cuz like... the biggest thing the movie was missing was groucho nd even though there was a little easter egg in the beginning of the movie with them dressed like him... it wasnt enough bro, it’s not the same without him :(
if they cant get the rights then i hope they go the felix route, by making him act like groucho and shit but hes not like.. actually groucho i guess
i dont know where this show’ll get distributed, but im hoping netflix, since a 10 episode format (which is what it was confirmed to be) would be perfect on there with all their other shows with short seasons. 
im biased bc i love monster-of-the-week type shows but i think it would be perfect, since the comics are exactly that, where the story is self contained within its episode. i guess they could have some small overarcing story (maybe abt morgana and her tie to dylan?) over the season but idk how something like that could also fit in with the amount of story needed for the monsters and shit
id think itd be perfect if they adapted the first comic “dawn of the living dead” for the first episode of the series, since that comic is the introductory comic for dylan and groucho and how his shit works yknow? the audience could be like following sybil for that first episode as shes asking for their services and is just seeing their BullShit at close hand
idk about the rest of the series, but id love if they adapted the anna never story for an episode tbh
the tone id like for the show would be gothic, with european style of horror, but still crackheaded and bullshittery with grouchos and dylans antics and jokes. i hated what they did in the movie, making it a generic american action horror movie with the club scene of vampires vs werewolves. im so tired of vampires vs werewolves. let this represent european horror and bring that style into american culture Blease
idk who id cast for dylan. someone lanky, british accent definitely, early 20′s/25 maybe. i like brandon routh but hes too old for the part now u_u and honestly, though he kinda looked like dylan in face, he didn’t fit into dylans lanky profile at all. i hope maybe he’ll get a small cameo in the show tho😭 he got did so dirty by that shitty movie
the cast would be revolving, with only dylan and groucho and maybe bloch (if hes in the episode) being the main characters. the romantic interests and side characters for the specific story would last for the episode like in the comics.
this is just for me but id love for there to be a throwaway line about dylan and groucho being married at one point, to reference their marriage in the recent comics
also make the show rated r. i think the titties are the most important part of the comics
while id like for it to be set in london, id also like for it to travel to other places in europe, and take it to interesting scenery nd shit like they always do in the comics. idk how id feel about that one werewolf school story thats set in germany being adapted, but id like to see that german forest scenery lol
there needs to be a few groucho, la pistola! moments where groucho tosses him the pistol ok............also there needs to be the classic pistol
oh and dylan has to say dancing judas at least like 4 times ok .. god
umm for the effects of the monsters, i think itd be best if it was practical, rather than cgi. ive seen netflix’s cgi monsters nd while they work...... the practical effects i think would fit really well in the timeless/80s tone by being like various 80 horror flicks with their practical fx. since the comics were inspired by those classic horror films, like night of the living dead and shit
instead of making dylans personality be the cocky action hero that the movie made him out to be, i... would like for him to still be that jokey loner romantic that he is in the comics, getting himself into trouble cuz he accidentally slept with the monster or the killer or whateva. 
like he’s smart with paranormal shit but he only has 1 braincell and neither him or groucho have it most of the time
oh my god i just realized i hadnt even thought of xabaras ok fuck uhhh OK maybe he is part of the overarcing story. maybe yes he gets introduced in the first episode like hes first introduced the in the first comic. but maybe in the end, with the finale he comes back again, after you thought he was dead but noo ho ho hes alliivee and hes always gonna fuck with you dylan you cant get rid of him. whatever fight happens in the finale, it ends in a sort of draw where maybe dylan thinks he defeated him for good, only for the final scene to be xabaras just chilling, clearly not dead, maybe watching over dylan
(if there was to be a season 2, id like for them to do the “i am your father” reveal then, instead of doing all of that in the first season)
(id actually really like for dylans backstory with the time traveling shit and morgana in the second season to be honest now that i think about it)
the first season can be about the monsters of the week and the second possible season could actually focus more on his character story and how he even got into this shit lol
this show really has the potential to be a really great show that breaks out of the usual horror genre and im going to be SO disappointed when it inevitably becomes like riverdale or sabrina the teenage witch’s unnecessary edgy teen adaptions OR just becomes the generic horror franchise shit that james wan usually fucking does with saw and insidious. 
im really fucking praying that he actually pays attention to the source material and accurately brings the more gothic and european style of horror forward with it, introducing it to a larger american audience... blease for my sake .. i cant do dylan dog: dead of night (2010) again...
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sunlitlion · 6 years
candleverse chronicles | pt 0
so. astral projection. we all do it. 
okay, not all of us, but some of us do. and ya girl is no stranger to it. 
if you know of the slenderverse, specifically the everymanhybrid verse, you know of the candleverse. habit’s playground, the pocket between timelines and dimensions. 
i’m gonna astral project there. and im gonna keep all my notes here. in case anyone is stupid enough to follow my footsteps.
so, for anyone into emh but not witchcraft/astral work... here are some sources. (x), (x), (x) < that last one is a masterpost of resources for research purposes and those looking to astral travel.
a warning: if you want to astral travel, do NOT do what i’m doing. i’m not smart. this isn’t kosher. this isn’t a good idea. even with all of my precautionary measures im still putting my astral body at risk. if you really truly want to, you can PM me about it, and ill share my personal notes but i am NOT a professional. go forward at your own damn risk.
alright, so warnings aside, let’s get into the prologue.
i am lucky enough to have contact with an evan, a habit, and a noah/firebrand. if you believe in kin shit, call it that. if you believe in past lives, call it that. i personally call it a mix of past lives and a system. i am a spiritual person. don’t pm me, send an ask, or @. me about it because i’m not gonna respond.
i asked firebrand and evan about the candleverse and got their specific general advice for what it’s like, precautionary measures, and an escape plan. here’s what i was told, in transcript form:
firebrand || candleverse notes
- Mind tricks. Constantly changing. Do not trust your senses, rely only on your intuition, it’ll guide you.
- It looks like Princeton, New Jersey. Evan’s house is the exact centre, and the clearest part. Everything beyond it gets darker and harder to traverse through due to illusions and mindfuckery.
- There is a purple haze that surrounds the Candleverse. It’s safer, but harder to work out. Hide here, but don’t stay in one place for too long.
- The bridge is an OK spot. But don’t fall in the river. You’ll die in the astral.
protective measures
- Do NOT try to play offensively. It won’t work. You’re in Habit’s house.
- Use wards for hiding, and confusing anything that enters the vicinity.
- Use glamours to alter your astral body and make you into a spirit as unassuming as possible. Humans are what he wants.
- Keep your vibrations basic. Too low means you’ll be drained. Too high means you stick out.
- Get a glamour for any guides or thoughtforms you bring. (In my case, Figaro the thoughtform).
escape plan
- bring a power bank or totem that will give you just enough energy to make a door and leave if you need to in a moment’s notice.
evan || candleverse notes
- Do NOT interact with the Candle versions of Evan, Vinnie, and ESPECIALLY Jeff/Steph. Just don’t do it. They’re like big fucking beacons.
- Any kind of foliage is good. Trees, bushes. If a rabbit can hide in it, you’re good. A good rule of thumb is “Think like a rabbit.” So, the town is a good place to hide, but it’s also gonna be real confusing. Anywhere out in the open, you’re fucked.
- If your vibrations are high so you can keep up magic, places with moderate lighting are gonna be your best bet, so you’ll blend in. If you’re keeping your vibrations low to hide, keep to the edges and forest-y areas. Whatever makes you feel safest. Either way, you’re playing on the losing side in a game rigged in Habit’s favor.
- If you aren’t panicking, you’re giving off less energy, so you’re safer. Fear will stink you up, and it’ll catch Habit’s attention. Keep calm, you’ll stay safe.
- Cover the tracks of your spirit/thoughtform if they can’t do it themselves, or if they naturally produce magic. For example, my thoughtform Figaro is built to feed off of naturally occuring excess negative energy and build harm-shielding wards for himself and I from it. In the Candleverse, this process needs to be hidden.
- Piggybacking off of that point, a mosquito could fart and Habit would know. Any tiny move you make, any change to the verse, Habit will pick up on it. He might ignore it if it’s insignificant, but he might not. If you do something risky, your best bet is to get away from the mess, hide, and try not to leave a trail.
protective measures
- Only stay in for 15 minutes at first, up to 30 minutes. No longer than an hour. Time is slower in the Candleverse, but you’re gonna get exhausted, and it’s gonna get easier to find you. 
- Do not let Habit know you’re a human. You’re toast.
- Get better at improv. Learn how to play your part. If Habit approaches you, do NOT panic. Know what you’re supposed to be and act like it.
- Use DEFENSIVE wards and magic, not OFFENSIVE. Wards that protect you from harm make it seem like you’re EXPECTING Habit to attack you, and he might just. He’d definitely seek you out for it. Don’t make it seem like you’re ready for a fight.
escape plan
 - Make that power bank as inconspicuous as possible. Remember-- play the part.
- If you’re in a bind, or about to be caught, just make a break for the edge, find a place to hide, and calm down before leaving.
if you’re like me, and tend to crack under pressure or panic in the face of danger and make the wrong decision, then you’re gonna wanna practice beforehand.
there are all kinds of candleverses that take place in different areas of the timeline of EMH. start with a dead candleverse, in which there are no more traces of habit. you will know the difference because the energy they give off is pure white rather than dark purple.
live <-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> dead
dark purple  |   purple  |   blue purple  | pale purple  |  grey purple  |      white
this is the scale firebrand gave me in reference to this. the closer to white they get, the more dead the candleverse (meaning the less traces of habit, the safer!). 
another look at the scale
white verse - no traces of habit, little to no traps or illusions, dawn/sunrise
grey purple verse - just a hint of habit, slightly more traps and illusions, midday
pale purple verse - a little of habit, a moderate amount of traps and illusions, afternoon
blue purple verse - half habit, slightly more traps and illusions, sunset/evening
true purple verse - mostly habit, many traps and illusions, dusk
dark purple verse - habit is live and present and on the prowl, a fuckton of traps and illusions, dead of night
i was also lucky enough for firebrand to be willing to get in contact with other firebrands, as all noah’s stick together, and they might be able to give me a little extra help. pending.
firebrand and evan helped me to draw out this rough sketch of the map, but it will be updated as I explore.
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as i said, it’s very rough, but here’s a key.
☆ - safe for hiding purposes
* - unsafe
X - immediate death
``` - light source (the more light, the more unsafe)
🌀 - entrance point
EH - Evan’s House, the center of the Candleverse. UNSAFE.
Town - Just as the name implies. Good for hiding but, very dark and confusing. Take it slow.
B - Buildings. Decrepit, good for hiding.
N.E.H. - Never ending house. If you recall, in Bridge to Nowhere, Noah went up and down this stairwell repeatedly. Unsafe.
Bridge - Bridge to Nowhere. Moderately safe. Don’t stay on for too long.
P.G. - Playground. Moderately unsafe.
Open Space - Not good. No hiding spots.
Forest - Very dark, but good for hiding. Lots of foliage.
River - Runs through the forest and under bridge. Instant death upon touching.
Habit tends to stay around the more lighted areas. Do not by any means go near or enter Evan’s house. Just don’t do it.
protective measures
so, we all decided that lots and lots of defensive magic is your best bet. cover up the fact that you’re human first and foremost. if, like me, your energy is bright and beaming, make an energy mask to cover that. put up wards with multiple layers. put up illusion glamours with multiple layers. run, hide, camouflage. you’re a rabbit here.
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here’s what im doing specifically. lemme go over it.
defensive-offensive ward - protects from anything you deem to be harm. it won’t do much for you at that point. if all of your other wards/glamours have failed at this point, you’re fucked anyway. its basically one last line of defense if all else fails.
illusion/energy mask - this is to change your energy. its to cover up your human parts. make it strong. make it powerful. make it work. if habit gets a single SNIFF of your human pussy, your ass if grass and he’s gonna mow it.
appearance glamour - this is to change your appearance and all. make you look not human. idc what you look like, im choosing a hazy kinda shadowy unassuming spirit type thing. look lost, not like a tourist.
camouflage ward -  this is gonna make you blend in to the foliage and shit much better. keep you under the radar. you are a cat in the night. a simple breath in the breeze, you feel. you ARE the dancing queen. 
hidden/hiding illusion - same deal, but this makes it harder to track you if you hide. hide well, don’t fuck this up. its literally your astral body on the line, maybe even your astral life. but don’t worry, as long as you hide your cord and keep it in tact, you can come back. just give it a few moon cycles.
and thats basically all ive got in preperation for this trip. ill keep cc updates coming as they happen. my first trip is tomorrow (Tuesday, March 19, 2019), around 5:00 PM CT.
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angelixii · 6 years
1-140 (anything you haven't answered already) - Felix
Oh, hello! Thanks for the ask!! 💕
3 fears - Spiders (I get frightened when I think about them) heights (slightly) and the public (anything like murder, kidnapped, ya know stupid people)
 3 Things I love - Music, Idols, and animals
 2 Turns on - ig Hats (like snapbacks) and glasses
 2 Turns off - oof I don’t really know.. ig self absorbed or a fudge boy
 My best friend - C: @straykids-sk (wuv you)
 How tall am I - 5′2
 What do I miss right now - My cat that passed away :c (her name was P.J)
 Favourite color - Blue, red, and sometimes green
 Do I have a crush - no not really
 Favourite place - my home
 What am I listening to right now - theres a website called asoftmurmur.com and it has noises like rain or waves and stuff like that
 Shoe size - pretty sure 10 in US womens
 Eye color - brown
 Hair color - light-ish brown
 Meaning behind my URL - I chose Felix cause hes my bias wrecker and hes angelic C:
 Favourite song - Theres like a million but 5SOS’s She Looks So Perfect wil always be a favorite (idk why)
 Favourite band - Ill just chose Stray Kids cause I don’t wanna write them all out
 How I feel right now - kinda tired but ig ok
 Someone I love - Ill say my best fren Georgia (@straykids-sk) cause i wuv her
 My current relationship status - single and i kinda wanna stay that way for a while
  My relationship with my parents - We all live in the same house and its just us (I have one other sister but she moved out. But shes here a lot tho) and we all get along well
 Favorite season - probably Spring c:
 Tattoos and piercing I have - none and I don’t really want any
 Tattoos and piercing I want - ^^^
The reasons I joined Tumblr - Georgia wanted me to and I thought it would be fun (I was right c:)
 Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts? - no :/
 Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? - oh heel no she my best fren I would never
 How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? - when I have school like 20 minutes at max
 Have you shaved your legs in the past three days? - I did today
 Where am I right now? - at my house on my laptop c:
 Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? - reasonable level cause I’ve always had ear problems and they are sensitive (even tho I always have my earbuds in)
 Do I live with my Mom and Dad? - yup
 Am I excited for anything? - not that I can think of no
 Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? - nope :/
 How often do I wear a fake smile? - not THAT often
 If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? - oooof I don’t think I could answer that question
 What do I think about most? - probably k-pop
 Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? - Definitely behind
 What was the last lie I told? - It was kinda a joke but “i’ll do it because im the good child”
 Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? - Eh depends on who it is but facetiming/video chatting
 Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? - ghosts kinda and aliens, I mean sure we’ve barely discovered space, who knows whats out there
 Do I believe in magic? - sometimes yeah
 Do I believe in luck? - I mean yeah
 What’s the weather like right now?- theres nothing really going on
 What was the last book I’ve read? - uhhhhhh fully on my own (not in class)? The Maze Runner Scorch Trials
 Do I have any nicknames? - Kassadoodle, Kassidilla, Kassy
 Do I spend money or save it? - I’m trying to save as much as I can rn in my little money jar c:
 Can I touch my nose with a tounge? - nah
 Favourite animal? - Lions and Fennec Foxes
 What was I doing last night at 12 AM? - uhhh im pretty sure saying goodbye to Georgia on video chat
 What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? - oo um I cant really think of one rn :/
 What is my favorite word? - yeet
 My top 5 blogs on tumblr (not in any order)
 If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? - I probably wouldn’t say anything cause im shy and afraid people would judge me on what I say c:
 Do I have any relatives in jail? -not that I know of
What is my current desktop picture? - a pic of Bts
Had sex? Bought condoms? Gotten pregnant? Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? Had job? Smoked weed? Smoked cigarettes? Drank alcohol?
no to ALL those questions C:
Am I a vegetarian/vegan? - nope don’t think I could ever
Been overweight? - …
Been underweight? - no.
Gotten my heart broken? - nah
Been to prom? - nope
Been in airplane? - nope and I never want to really
Learned another language? - I take required (cause im one of the more intelligent kids in school. I know shocker right?) Spanish classes in school but im on summer break so I dont remember any c:
Wore make up?- nope
Dyed my hair? - nope
Had a surgery? - plenty of ear surgery and had my tonsils removed
Met someone famous? - nope
Stalked someone on a social network? - nope
Been fishing? - no but my dad has always wanted to take me and it sounds kinda fun
Been rejected by a crush? - nope never really had one and if I did I would never have the guts
What do I want for birthday? - ooo idk but i have to wait till next year anyway cause its already passed
Do I like my handwriting? - sometimes when my hand cooperates
Where do I want to live when older? - with my girl Georgia
Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? - nope ima good child (yeah ok suuureee)
What I’m really bad at - running :/
What my greatest achievments are - managing to keep straight A’s and I dont even study cause im online so
The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me - “u bird cage” - Georgia c;
What I’d do if I won in a lottery - ooooooooof idk
What do I like about myself - uhhhhh heh ig my hair or eyes/eyelashes
My closest Tumblr friend - Georgia (yes I do know her irl but shes honestly the closet tumblr friend I have so)
Any question you’d like? - hmm idk
Are you outgoing or shy? - definitely shy, unless with people im close to then quite crazy
What kind of people are you attracted to? - funny, cute and nice people
Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? - hA no
Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? - kinda
Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? - oof idk
What does the most recent text that you sent say? “ohhhh no XDD” (sent to Georgia)
What are your 5 favorite songs right now? - (I already answered this question and don’t wanna answer again)
Do you like it when people play with your hair? - yes I love when freinds at school did (once we were watching a movie in Spanish and my friend next to me was playing with my hair and I almost fell asleep heh)
Do you think there is life on other planets? - totally
Do you like bubble baths? - I haven’t had one in forever
Do you like your neighbors? - only one cause I think im related to them somehow or they are to like my uncle
Where would you like to travel? - out of this hell hole country c:
Favorite part of your daily routine? - checking my tumblr and stanning talent
What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? - stomach
What do you do when you wake up? - check my notifications on my phone
Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? - I wish it was more tan than it is (im quite pale)
Do you ever want to get married? - yeah
If your hair long enough for a pony tail? - yes but I hate pony tails so I never do it (I used to all the time as a kid)
Would you rather live without TV or music? - I rarely watch t.v anymore and listen to music almost all day so
Have you ever liked someone and never told them? - I mean yeah
What are your favorite stores to shop in? - I dont really have one for clothes but I do like Walmart
Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? - I mean sometimes
Do you smile at strangers? - If the smile at me first yeah
Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? - not that I can remember no
Ever wished you were someone else? - no (as much as I hate myself no)
Favorite makeup brand? - son;t wear any so I dont got one
Last thing you ate? - a Reese cup
Ever won a competition? For what? - not a big one I can remeber no
Ever been in love? - c:
Facebook or Twitter? - dont have a fb and i barely use twitter anymore but twitter
Twitter or Tumblr? - DEFINITELy tumblr
Are you watching tv right now? - i mean its always on for bg noise and light so ig so
What color are your towels? - all kinds of colors
Favorite ice cream flavor? - either Strawberry with out the strawberries or cookie dough
First person you talked to today? - my mom
Last person you talked to today? - Georgia
Name a person you hate? - C: theres too many
Name a person you love? - once again, theres too many
Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? - C: theres too many
Do you tan a lot? - I barely go outside so thats a no
Have any pets? - too many
Do you type fast? - I mean kinda yeah
Do you regret anything from your past? - everything XD
Ever broken someone’s heart? - I highly doubt it
Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? - C:
Is cheating ever okay? - hell no
Do you believe in true love? - I mean sure
What your zodiac sign? - Pisces
Do you believe in ghosts? - why is this question on here twice?
Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? (via catscuddlingandyou) - “…but not at all overwhelming, the balance of the different fragrances was subtle and flawless.” Twilight - Breaking Dawn (Do NOt ask me why thats the closest book its not mine and ive never read it and i NEVER plan on it)
oof that took like two hours heh.. its now currently 2:18am. and im very tired
but thanks for the ask anyway love! Im sorry for the wait! I was busy today. But im probably going to go to bed now
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kingofattolia · 7 years
a list of things about Star Wars: The Last Jedi
TLJ felt like watching two completely separate movies. .. .  one i deliriously LOVED and one i spit upon and shake its profane dust off my sandals
“ive got an urgent message for General Hux” “YOUR REBELLION IS DOOMED” “yeah... im holding for General Hux”
it straight up took me a minute and a half of this scene to figure out this was actually the start of the movie. it felt like one of those pre-movie skits where it seems like a movie but then anthropomorphic M&Ms tell you to turn your cell phone off. was it just me or were there a LOT more comic moments in TLJ compared to almost every other star wars movie? anyway i loved it even tho it gave the movie a slight someone-made-this-while-high-on-LSD feel 
R2 playing Luke the “you’re my only hope” recording of Leia, i almost died
FORCE SHENANIGANS. we saw more powerful, dramatic, and varied uses of the Force in TLJ than we have ever before seen in a live action media and i was L I V I N G
“you’ve closed yourself off from the Force”
Rey and Kylo’s foRCE BOND TALKING like this.. . . is so interesting .. .  and it wasn’t only Snoke doing it because they did it again after he’s dead...
Rey lifting 30 giant fricken boulders without even breaking a sweat after having one (1) single “training” session
Kylo remotely activating Anakins lightsaber
projecting himself........ across the entire galaxy. . ..
Yoda. in the former EU the Force ghosts had a non-negotiable expiration date a certain time after their deaths. Obi-Wan couldnt just come back and visit Luke forever, he faded away at some point. is this no longer true??? DOES THIS MEAN ANYONE CAN COME BACK IF THEY WANT??? why was yoda so physical even as a ghost that he could whack luke on the head
summoning lightning like alright this is a new Jedi power im adding to my arsenal
Leia’s mary poppins action
Luke vaulting across the cliff to stab fish
POE'S CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT he turned from a kamikaze into a leader who's able to see the big picture and walk away, im so proud
everyone..... messing with Hux...... i loved this
Snoke smacking him into the floor
Kylo smacking him into the wall
Kylo force choking him
slowly taking gun out. . . . . HES AWAKE ABORT ABORT... slowly putting gun back . . . Hux is going spend every waking moment wishing he took that shot
Finn's character arc, like what an awesome Slytherin. the contrast between him and the codebreaker 👌👌👌👌 & where he makes the choice REBEL scum 👌👌👌
i cant believe Phasma died again lol. her backstory novel was SO DRAMATIC and she just dies over and over
when Kylo does that little skid out into the hallway to look for Rey
Chewy breaking down Luke's door
when Luke kisses Leia on the forehead . . . .
this had to happen, it was so obvious but i didnt think they would actually do it, Snoke was so boring and useless, i am SO GLAD they didnt drag him out..... I AM SO HAPPY HES DEAD
it was truly awesome... i couldnt stop grinning it seeing it the 2nd time... "I CANNOT BE BETRAYED, I CANNOT BE BEATEN, I CAN SEE HIS MIND" & then he narrates the entire process of Kylo killing him i was LIVING. everyone theorized for so loooooong and so hard about what form Snoke's control over Kylo took and how it would be possible for him to break it,, , , and then he just DOES IT JUST LIKE THAT by SHEER MISDIRECTION FOLKS I AM SO ALIVE
i love lightsaber fights so much i would very nearly give up my critical integrity for a single awesome duel and this was,,, so awesome
when Rey drops her lightsaber to catch it again and cut that guys knees out from under him
when Snoke is cut in half and then the lightsaber rockets towards Kylo and Rey's hand SHOOTS INTO THE FRAME to catch it 👌👌👌
when Kylo takes on FOUR OF THEM AT ONCE
"THE SUPREME LEADER IS DEAD" "long live. . . the supreme leader .. "
"finn! rose! you're not dead! where's my droid"
the little slave kids from Canto Bight. did the kid at the end use the Force to pull his broom!??!
"that library did not contain anything the girl Rey does not already possess" Yoda thinks hes so funny. REY STOLE THE LIBRARY LMAO... thanks Rey... im glad someone around here has a brain...
the Falcon swooping in to draw off the TIEs on Crait
Vice Admiral Holdo's lightspeed kamikaze. . . aside from the drama of the moment & making Hux look stupid, just visually it was awesome
absolutely every single thing said by either Hux or Kylo in Kylo's command shuttle above Crait
"i want every gun we have to fire on that man"
when kylo's like "concentrate all fire on the speeders" and then Hux immediately shrieks "CONCENTRATE ALL FIRE ON THE SPEEDERS" and Kylo looks at him like 🤔
"do you think you got him?"
when Luke faces Kylo
this scene makes the movie for me honestly. as of now im in a state of uneasy ceasefire with TLJ and the sequel trilogy as a whole. if the scene of Luke facing Kylo did not exist, TLJ would probably be dead to me
"did you come to SAVE MY SOUL" "no."
absolutely everything about Luke was so completely epic in this scene. even though he barely said anything, even the way he stood was epic. im not sure how Hamill did this but it was everything i ever wanted
"i failed you, Ben. I'm sorry." "i'm sURE YOU ARE"
the contrast between Kylo's fighting stance and Luke's
when Luke steps out from the massive cloud and duSTS OFF HIS SHOULDER
this fills me with so much pure glee i could literally ascend
"if you strike me down in anger, i'll always be with you. like your father."
the slow, dawning horror when Kylo starts realizing Luke's not actually there
"see you around, kid"
my favorite line in the WHOLE THING i could Scream
when Rey slams the door in Kylo's face
Luke should have LIFTED HIS X WING OUT OF THE WATER WITH THE FORCE AT SOME POINT GOSH DARN. i knew from the moment we saw the submerged x wing that this moment was meant to happen.... but then it DIDN’T. like PLEASE. IT WOULD HAVE BEEN SO GOOD I NEED TO SEE THIS
the casino subplot. . .  it was awesome for Finns character development but couldn’t he have developed character over an actually materially relevant story arc.. . .
BB-8 didn’t fight Dark BB-8 like what the hell honestly
for what earthly reason does Kylo need to wear his pants up to his armpits. is he TRYING to look like a doofus
why wasn't Lando the master codebreaker. like quite frankly, give me one good reason. why. no. there are no good reasons. when is Lando going to come into it you cowards
honestly....... what the FRICK was that horrible backstory behind what caused Kylo to turn
im trying to keep my cool but this is a huge, enormous, and vital problem i have with this movie and whoever came up with that should be shot
Luke, in a brief moment of insanity, ignited his lightsaber over his sleeping nephew's bed to assassinate him because of a vision
like... do you see my problem?
character assassination. it is ludicrously greater-than-Anakin Skywalker levels of overreaction to a Force premonition that Luke would see a vision of darkness and instantly move to slice his sleeping, defenseless nephew in half, and even in Luke's version of the story Luke is legitimatly the bad guy. he brought about the future he was afraid of, just like Anakin
because of this background, every interpretation is blown wide open to reasonably see Kylo as the victim and Luke's actions as those of a villain. of course he had to defend himself? it's legitimately possible to construe the subsequent killing of the other students as self-defense as well. if they wake up to find Ben having "killed" Luke? anything could have happened, Kylo could honestly have done barely anything bad up to this point and have been driven to the dark side on that one night
it's going to take.... so much work.... to walk this back. obviously Kylo's a villain now, because of what he's chosen to do since then, but for Luke to come out of this not looking like trash, they would have to provide SO MUCH more backstory including the "dark" things Kylo had done to make Luke suspect him, and have him probably be actively seeking darkness while under Luke's tutelage. and then Luke still seems like a fool and a betrayor
maybe they WANT Luke to come off as a legitimately bad person? i've seen some interpretations of TLJ as tearing down "legends" by showing everyone as flawed people, teaching the lesson of not deifying people to Rey AND the audience as well. if thats true and they actually want me to believe Luke is not worth believing in, i'm sorry but i reject that
luke skywalker is not a bad person
rey said "you didnt fail Kylo, Kylo failed you" WHICH... its true that Kylo failed in all his actions after this. but if this is the unmitigated truth about what happened that day, Luke definitely failed Kylo, thats not really arguable
i spit this backstory out of my mouth and stomp on it
bye felicia
"the legacy of the jedi is failure and hypocrisy. at the height of their power they allowed darth sidious to come to power and wipe them out" ok true. "it was a jedi master who was responsible for the training and creation of darth vader" YOU TAKE THAT BACK
a related point..... Luke is a coward.
i'm not saying that the only kind of Luke i would accept is HEROIC LEGEND LUKE WHO BURSTS FORTH FROM HIS ISOLATION AND SINGLE HANDEDLY DEVASTATES THE FIRST ORDER. but at the same time, his isolation is NOT in any way comparable to Obi-Wan's. "i came here to die" ok buddy.
dying is all well and good, hiding from your failures, being broken for a while after taking a hit like that
what i am NOT able to forgive is how he abandoned Leia
???? the frick???
"so many losses, i can't take any more" "sure you can" STORY OF LEIA'S LIFE
"im from the resistance, your sister Leia sent me" boy when she says jump you better say "how high?" honestly YOU OWE IT AT LEAST TO YOUR GUILT TO DO THAT FOR HER
if that's Luke Skywalker then Luke Skywalker is a useless coward
that is not Luke Skywalker
honestly everything Rey said was spot on "Leia sent me here with hope. if she's wrong then she deserves to know why. we all do"
the overall thesis of the sequel trilogy seems to be "there's no point to any of this"
a powerful student turns to the dark side and destroys the Jedi Order. an authoritarian regime destroys the republic and takes over. a small band of resistance fighters rallies against great odds. a Force sensitive from a desert planet teaches herself the Force from old Jedi books after her teacher evaporates into the Force after teaching like 1 lesson. everyone Leia loves dies
guys... i'm tired
it's just exhausting. what is the point? in the sequel trilogy we've seen the republic destroyed, the resistance decimated and harried from place to place until theyre down to 12 people on the millennium falcom. there's only one movie left. they're going to come back from nothing and destroy the first order and then smile at each other in the ashes?
why?>??? what are they going to do? build a republic again? is rey going to build a new jedi order? we've seen how that worked out
there's nothing to believe in here. HOPE is such a strong theme in the sequel trilogy. "as long as there's light we've got a chance" "leia sent me here with hope" "the galaxy has lost its hope, the spark is out." "hope is like the sun, if you only believe in it when you can see it you'll never make it through the night." like good grief. constantly hammering on the need to have hope, but WHY?
what's the point of defeating the imperials, spending your life trying to build something good in the galaxy, trying to build a family, when you're only going to have to do it all again in your old age, when everyone you love is dead?
i cant see any hope if this is the ending for the OT characters, so i powerfully struggle to care about and cheer for Rey, Poe, and Finn. what's the point in anything they're doing? what's the point in the sacrifices they're making? it might turn out just exactly like it did for Luke, Leia, and Han, spending their old age in loneliness, sorrow, and violence
if this is the way history repeats itself, you probably should just make out like the stuttering codebreaker. "dont join"
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neon-ashleigh · 7 years
Do all the dodie asks! ~_~
Rain: What’s something you used to love that you have since moved on from/outgrown? Dancing was my passion but I moved on from it. So was playing the piano. Writing is something I’ve taken a break from but I’ll never truly outgrow it. And I’m getting back into reading for pleasure!
Secret For The Mad: What’s one secret about you? Like I would tell you that🤫
Little room: What’s your favourite object or decoration in your room? I’d have to say all my Polaroid’s (there’s 100) and my photobooth photos. I struggle to remember the good days, so I keep them at eye level for a constant reminder.
Paint: What are your hobbies? Creative writing, scouring record shops for good finds, reading? I’m also working on making cosplay a bigger thing in my life.
Freckles and Constellations: What’s your sign? Do Not Enter. Kidding… Aries.
My Face: Do you like the way you look? I do today!
She: What’s your orientation and what pronouns do you go by? Pansexual, she/her, thank you for asking😄
Absolutely Smitten: Have you ever been in love? I’m not sure. I don’t know if I know the feeling. I’ve definitely had deep feelings for people, but they haven’t been acted upon so I wouldn’t know their true name
Adored by Him: What do you like being complimented on? Is there anything you don’t like being complimented on? I like compliments (who doesn’t?) but I struggle to take them because I’m socially inept. I don’t like receiving inappropriate comments that the giver mistakes as a compliment? “Nice tits” is one I could go without
6/10: Are you introverted or extroverted? INTP, not ENTP!
Sick of Losing Soulmates: Do you believe in fate? I believe everything happens because of the choices and actions made by others, whether it is peers or predecessors. Not a higher power.
Burned Out: What’s stressing you out right now? University!
Down: What’s one movie that always makes you cry? Pride. Party Tattoos: Do you have any tattoos or piercings? If you have a tattoo (or tattoos), is it meaningful? I have 2 love piercings on each ear, a tragus on my left and scaffolding on my right. No tats yet!
Would You Be So Kind: What’s the last kind thing somebody did for you? A friend of mine watched movies with me all night when my anxiety was bad. I needed the distraction and I needed not to talk about it. She understood.
Intertwined: Do you ever feel like a fake? Sometimes I have self doubt, sometimes I doubt how I present myself to others. But I’m proud of how I present myself and I think people should be able to influence how others perceive them.
Dear Happy: If you could send a letter to anyone in the world, and they would for sure read it, who would you write to? Probably Gerard Way. To thank him for what his music did for me, and how his passion for everything creative inspired me to draw and write and dream much more than I ever would have without him.
The Flat’s A Mess: Are you neat or messy? Neat!
The YouTube Song: Who is your favourite youtuber? Er… right now it’s probably TomSka or TheGabbieShow. I go through phases.
You: Ten facts about yourselfSurely the previous questions are more than enough? No? Ok then…1. I am currently reading the novelisation Dawn of The Dead2. I write book reviews3. Every day, I write a song. One I’ve just heard, one I’ve been revisiting, it doesn’t matter. I want to create a playlist of 365 songs. 2018 is gonna be my year in music. 4. I don’t sleep anywhere near enough5. My favourite TV show is Criminal Minds, but I know Game of Thrones will replace it once again as soon as s8 airs6. The last song I listened to was Coming Down by Halsey7. My favourite thing to do in my spare time is go to the cinema8. I’m currently writing 4 stories and its not going well for any of them😅9. My most prized possession is my vinyl player!10. I am an organ, blood and bone marrow donor.
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bloo-the-dragon · 7 years
Sparks Origins
I blame @alainaprana for this idea.
Okaaaay so I've been struggling alot with Sparks origins and his parentage. For those who know and have read the previous story with Sparks i had wrote him with a mother named Aura. Unfortunately due to struggles with designing her character and personality (mainly because she was a literal random on the spot character) I decided to rework his backstory a little bit where my sona is the one caring for him.
So while thinking of ideas like, creating him myself or adopting him from an orphanage, I jokingly suggested finding him in the trash and a certain someone thought it would be a good idea, plus i got hit by a wave of inspiration and so here we are.... =w=
Anyways, here is a small origin story for baby Sparks, Enjoy! :’D
It was pretty late by the time Bloo had finished up for the day, and she was more than ready for home. 
"Finally all done for the day! Man i thought it would never end!"  She sighed heavily as she finishied packing her stuff, stored the art materials back into the cupboard by the desk and made her way out of the building.
"Freeedoom!" she half yelled as she almost ran outside into the cool evening air, arms spread out. 
People were probably staring but honestly Bloo couldn't care less. She was just glad to be all done and finished with the coursework and free to do as she pleased for the rest of the week. It was reading week next week, so she had plenty of time to rest and catch up on her other personal projects. 
"Ahh sheesh i'm SO glad its all over! At least for a week heh" 
Bloo lowered her arms and let out a long sigh. College work was always so boooooring and took so looooong! Ah well at least its all done for now and she could get a nice longish break!
"Welp, best be heading home then"
Bloo stood for a little moment and just breathed in the fresh cool air before shifting the bag on her shoulder slightly and began making her way back home. It wasn't too far to walk, and it was nearly dark but Bloo didn't really mind. Was quite nice for a change. Plus being a weird looking half skeleton half animal thing tended to be enough to make people keep their distance. All she had to do was give a flash of the ol' fangs and BOOM! Any one lookin for trouble would be gone in an instant!
Heh. Ok, maybe not quite, but still least she could still enjoy her fantasies about it. Bloo prefererd to avoid conflict whenever possible, mainly due to the ah.. side effect of her magic if she got riled up too much.
Shape shifting magic seemed to have that weird effect, at least for her.
Hmm... She noticed it was strangly quiet for this time of the day. Then again at this time of the day people would be at home eating dinner she supposed. Bloo huffed and kept walking, her bare feet clacking against the pavement as she continued on further away from the town. The buildings around her were beginning to get more and more downtrodden and graffiti covered, as she headed further away from the town and towards the outskirts that led to the housing areas outside of the town. Bloo frowned and quickened her pace.
She never liked walking through this place.
It was usually pretty busy and loud with all the people and traffic but thankfully it was fairly quiet at the moment. This was what Bloo liked to call the "twilight zone" where all the party goers would either be still getting ready to go out, or have yet to be drunk enough to be out causing havoc on the streets and she wanted to make sure to be long gone before any of that started.
"Alright, almost outta here" Bloo mumbled to herself. The street lights were starting to turn on, and she continued muttering to herself. It was a habit she had for a while now. Guess it was a quirk of being an introvert.
"Will be home in no time! Spaghetti tonight? Mmm! Maybe a movie too? Havn't had much time for movies, will certainly be nice to be able t-"
She stopped.
Bloo's ears twitched and she turned her head sharply around, towards a small alleyway.
Was that.... crying?
Ok what.
Bloo shifted slightly on her feet, uncertain. Sounds of crying from within an alleyway were always cause for concern, and many of her senses were going off. 
Something wasn't right...
"Ah uh...."
W-whaah waaah....
Bloo had no idea what to do.... Standing there awkwardly like a doofus probably wasn't helping either.
She strained her ears again. She could still hear the faint sounds of wailing but...  
What.... what if it was just some persons kid crying from within one of the houses? Wouldn't be the first time she's had that kind of encounter.
She let out a slightly nervous laugh.
"Ha.. what am i thinking? Course no one would just up and leave a kid in an alley or something thats just stupid! Besides theres laws and everything against that kind of thing anyway. No one would dare to-"
Woudn't they?
Bloo froze just as she had turned away to keep walking as a small voice in the back of her mind spoke up. She groaned.
"Ugh fiiiiine!"
Bloo quickly turned heel and headed quickly into the alley, albeit cautiously. As she headed further in,  the faint muffled crying of the child grew louder, and the alarm bells started going off in Bloo's mind. 
Ok. Something was definitely not right here.
As she headed further in and turned a corner, Bloo noticed some giant dumpster bins near a dead end. The wails seemed to be coming from there. Bloo froze on the spot as shivers ran up her spine.
Oh no...
Someone didn't...
Bloo quickly approached the dumpsters and to her fear, indeed the wailing got louder as she got closer and approached on the the dumpster bins. The smell was awful, and she almost gagged as she reached out a trembling hand and pushed the big lid off of the bin. She peeked inside and all the fur on her head and tail floofed up in anger and shock.
Inside the bin was a tiny unclothed baby skeleton. He was flailing weakly, and was crying his tiny heart out. Underneath him was some dirty blankets which i could only assume has been wrapped around the child before being shifted by his struggling. 
Bloo's soul clenched painfully at the sight and she couldn't stop herself from raising a hand to her mouth. The sight of the poor child was enough to bring tears to her eyes. (Not to mention the smell wasn't helping....)
"Ohh... child..." She could barely contain her emotions.
The baby skeleton seemed to have heard her voice as he stopped crying and looked up at the bigger skeleton hybrid with large blue tear filled eyes.
"Wah?" He whimpered slightly and reached out for Bloo with his tiny hands. "W-waaaah!" He wailed again.
Bloo swore her soul shattered on the spot.
"Ohh you poor thing..."
Bloo did not hesitate to reach in and gather the child out from the bin and into her arms. She left the dirty soggy blankets, since they were definitely of no use to contain a tiny child. She immediately shrugged off her bag and undid the zipper of her orange hoodie and awkwardly tugged it off while cradling the tiny skeleton baby in one arm. 
The child, fearful of being abandoned again began attempting to weakly cling to Bloo's shirt, and wailed again and began to struggle as she gently pried his tiny hands off of her shirt. Bloo quickly did her best to shush him as he began crying.
"Hey hey hey its ok! I just need to wrap you up in my hoodie, lil guy! Your freezing cold buddy!" Bloo gently soothed, as she rubbed his tiny skull.
The baby sniffled and looked up at her with large teary eyes.
“Heh, y-yeah see Your gonna be alright kiddo, i’m not gonna leave you!” She smiled reassuringly at the baby.
He didn't seem to understand what she said, but then that was to be expected. Still, he seemed to calm down at the sound of her voice, and so Bloo was able to carefully wrap her hoodie around his frail little body. The child squirmed a bit before settling and going still. He continued making small gurgling noises, so Bloo knew he was still awake. However, now that he was bundled up safe in her arms, it suddenly dawned on Bloo exactly what had just happened.
Someone had abandoned this child
Someone had literally dumped them in a trash bin.
Someone had left this child to die.
Bloo was... furious.
More than furious in fact. She was practically enraged. 
How could... why.. how... how could someone DO this??
As she stood there seething and thinking about ways in how she could track down the awful goodfornothings who dared to do this to such a tiny innocent baby, said baby suddenly started coughing quite violently snapping Bloo out of her dark thoughts. She looked down at the child worriedly, all anger quickly dissipating in fear for the child's well being.
That’s... not good.
The baby coughed a few times before looking back up at Bloo with those those dark blue eyes. They were a little hard to see against the dark sockets, but she could just about see the tremors in the eye lights, the obvious signs of soul deficiency issues.
Ohh that’s really not good...
"We need to get you to a doctor kiddo" Bloo said shakily. The adrenaline from her recent burst of anger plus the shock of her discovery had died down just a little, enough to make her entire body tremble. She shifted her hold on the child, picked up her bag and began walking quickly out of the alley, and then breaking out into a slight jog as she continued her way back home.
Through the swirling mass of emotions she was feeling right now, the instense anger and the worry, as Bloo jogged all the way back home with the coughing sickly child cradled in her arms, she slowly came to realise this child had no home. No one to take care of him, no one to feed him, or clothe him or to be his parent, and honestly? She didn’t think she could bring herself to take him to an orphanage.
Not after that.
Not after what she had just seen.
Bloo wasn't sure if she would even be able to take on that role herself. Heck she already had so many other things to worry about! So many other life things, like her course... How would she be able to care for a tiny baby, who looked like practically a newborn and keep up on her coursework?
It was a difficult choice...
But there was no way she was ever going to risk someone doing this to the child again. Bloo was determined to give this child a loving home. 
Even if she had to make sacrifices for it. 
She looked down at the small child. His coughing fit had died down a little, and he was currently still staring up at her. Bloo noticed he had faint light blue freckles on the bridge of his nose(hole) and had orange markings on his eye sockets. 
She smiled at him. "Don't worry kiddo, i'll take care of you". The child blinked and let out a small baby noise as he reached out another hand towards Bloo. Her smile widened at the adorable sight and she let him grasp a hold of one of her fingers. The child giggled softly - a sound that melted her already shattered heart - as he tugged and chewed playfully on the finger with a toothless mouth.
"Hehe, gonna have to give you a name little guy. Hmm.. How does Sparks sound?"
The child only nommed on her finger even more with a happy look on his tiny face. Bloo laughed.
"Sparks it is then! You certanly are quite a fiesty little thing arn't you? I think its a good fit!" She grinned as she slowed her pace slightly.
"Bah!" The newly named Sparks suddenly flung his little arms out with small giggle, that quickly dissolved into more coughing, and the smile on Bloo’s face shifted into a worried frown.
"Oh dear... don't worry i'm gonna get you to a doctor as soon as we get home. We're almost there, just hang in there ok?"
Bloo knew the child had no idea what she was saying, and if she was honest it was also a kind of comfort thing for herself as well as the newly dubbed Sparks. She was legit terrified that the child wasn't going to make it, especially now that she was aware his soul was in poor condition going by the state of his eye lights. She quickened her pace, and tightened her hold on the coughing child slightly. Bloo's eye lights narrowed slightly.
She was determined to not let him die.
She growled slightly. And whosoever had abandoned this child and left him to die in a rotten stinking dumpster bin in the back of an alley had better hope they never cross paths with her, lest they want to keep all their limbs attached to their worthless body.
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faltermoth · 7 years
My Unrestricted Opinions on Stranger Things 2
linking @capthawkeye as requested, im sorry this turned into such a rant :’)
First off, i loved the 80′s vibe in the first season and i still love it now its so damn good. One of those things i never knew i needed until i saw it. Like the theme song has to be one of my favorites of all time, it just captures the essence of the show so perfectly god dAMN. 
But before i talk about the rest of the  Good Shit i gotta get some stuff off my chest about this cause oooOOOHHHHH boy there was some weird shit with this season.
Problem #1.
Max served no purpose. I kept waiting for her and billy to like,,,,, do something??? Like max kinda just followed the boys around, and billy was an antagonist to steve, but like, for what purpose?? Its not even that i dont like them, its more that i dont care about them cause we weren’t given any reason to care about them. So if anything, i really hope season 3 does something about that
Problem #2.
Mike didnt do shit in this season either. I really liked his character in season 1, but in this one, anything having to do with him or his development involved him pining over eleven or some shit, and that was fine and all, it served a purpose, but i would have liked to see a little more of his development with other characters too. Like the scene where he talked with will, that was GOOD SHIT, i wish there was more stuff like that.
Problem #3.
The entire plot line with dart. HoLy FuCK. Dustin what the fUCK? Why are you keeping this horrifying lamprey-pollywog thing????????? Did you not learn your lesson about weird creature bullshit from last year? especially after you watched it sprout fucking LEGS out of the sides of its body??????? that shit aint natural!! And what the fuck are the chances of discovering a new species of that complexity in the middle of god damn iNDIANA? Amazon rain forest, i could see. Galapagos islands? For sure. But BOY sure as hell not in the middle of the US of A. But for the sake of argument, lets say he just got real excited and weirdly attached to dart (Which i know is what they were going for, but god damn that decimated the ever-loving shit out of my suspension of disbelief). So Will, obviously aware of the fact that he spit up a worm boy that looked suspiciously similar to  dart. They even show us a got dang flashback. WHY THIS BITCH AINT SAY ANYTHING ABOUT IT UNTIL ITS TOO GOD DAMN LATE?????????? ooooOOOHhh that really salted my apples, like i blame that shit 100% more on will than i do on dustin. And in the last episode where dustin meets full grown dart in the tunnels and then…..,,,, i dont even know what the fuck happened? ??? ? I thought the demodogs were a part of the hive-mind? Why was dart exempt from this? Like he physically should have not been able to break from the hive mind, heckin WILL could barely break from it. My ONLY guess is that Dustin left a bit of imprinting on dart as a baby worm, but like even thats a bit of a stretch for me.
Problem #4.
Love triangles. Ive never been a fan of them, and i likely never will.
Problem #5.
The overall ost for this season was not as impressive to me as the first season’s. Like i remember specific tracks from scenes in the first season, but i didnt get any of that with this one. It wasn’t bad by any means, but it definitely wasn’t that memorable.
Problem #6.
Ok, i fully realize this is 1 000 000% a me problem, but fuck this show for getting the Stalker Song stuck in my head. Now dont get me wrong, i absolutely adore The Police, theyre one of my favourite bands, but oooohhhhhhhhhHHHHHHH why is their most popular song Every Breath You Take? I remember when my mom first showed me that ear blood and she told me how it was mega popular when she was in highschool, and it would always be played as a slow song at the dances and i was astounded by this????? Its about this dude’s creepy stalker-attachment to a girl and ahhhh?????????? why was that a good candidate for slow dance music? Also i just think it sounds like shit, especially compared to their other stuff (actually i hate their entire Synchronicity album but thats completely unrelated to this). So knowing all this, i remember sitting there watching the snow ball scene and then it dawned on me that it would 100% be a possibility that  the stalker song could play, and when it did i think i died a little bit. Like y’all couldn’t have played Every Little Thing She does is Magic??? thats the real good shit, not this schloppy garbage. The ONLY redeeming quality to this choice in song was that it acted as a really nice duality to the fact that the shadow monster is also watching every move they make as the lyrics suggest, which i thought definitely fit the song very nicely.
Ok now that i got that all out of the way i can talk about the Good Stuff
 First off, id like to just acknowledge the fact that all these kids are such good actors? like holy shit, especially millie, so god damn talented, im crying
Every scene with Hopper and eleven were so good. Their character dynamic was so good. They played off each other spectacularly, and i hope we get more in season 3. Like they were hands down the best part of this season for me, no questions asked. The scene with eleven’s psychic tantrum was my absolute favourite, it was shot so well, the dialogue was perfect, you could understand  why both of them were so rightfully upset, i just loved it.
Another spectacular scene this season was the one where joyce plays back the footage will took halloween night, and she sees the shadow monster outlined in the static of the tv screen. holy shit did that blow my mind. Gave me the same feeling as her communicating to will through the christmas lights last season, pure gold.
I also continued to enjoy all the dnd analogies they used, like True Sight was such a good metaphor for what they thought will was experiencing.
Just the entirety of episode seven honestly.
STEVE what a good father of five, i really loved his turn of character in the last season and he is such a wholesome person and im glad he and nancy broke up cause fuck nancy, she served a purpose but i never liked her character, she dont deserve steve.
I also was really not expecting to like bob as much as i did. he was just such a good-hearted person. I was also not expecting him to die. rip bob and rip joyce’s sanity.
THE AESTHETIC OF THE SHADOW MONSTER WAS SO SO GOOD HOLY SHHHHHHHH and i really loved the fake out where we thought will would be the spy into the upside down, and then it turned out the shadow monster was actually using will as the spy, that was goooood shit. like when the realization hits that will set up the trap for the lab guys in the tunnels, that was so so good.
Thats about all i can think of right now, the rest of it i thought was good, just nothing that stood out like above mentioned things. I may add more if i think of any
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winterrsun · 8 years
Avengers x Supernatural crossover
Summary: A Supernatural AU where the famine horseman hits the Avengers’ area and they all subsequently go nuts- lust and hunger and all kinds of crazy. take over the tower. 
A/N: Ok this got really smutty wow whoops, this is the most insane thing I’ve ever written and its quite possibly a hot mess...but thats kinda the point when the entire team loses their inhibitions? It’s my first attempt at a crossover, also the first fic I’ve written in third person and without the reader as a character and ALSO my first time writing Stony AND winter widow.
Warnings: SMUT, alcohol, unprotected sex, public sexual activity/basically an orgy, over eating and drinking?? 
If you aren’t familiar with Supernatural and have no idea what I’m talking about see the explanation below :) - its essentially based on this scene https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qaYnz8HR6yY
Supernatural explanation: The apocalypse hits and it brings four horseman with it; war, pestilence, famine and death. When the famine horseman arrives he makes basically everyone in town go crazy for whatever it is they crave; whether that be a certain food, food in general, sex, alcohol, (in Sam’s case, demon blood) etc.. and basically they have no will power against it and aggressively indulge themselves to death. I’ve decided the Avengers wouldn’t get QUITE so effected by it but they still can’t resist it fully. 
Its a dull day, following a stubborn clump of dull days that has formed a dull week or so in the tower. Its not like the Avengers at all to have such a long quiet period, to have so much time on their hands and so little to do. They’ve trained, sparred, practised shooting, firing and using every weapon they have, they���ve cleaned and tidied, gotten drunk, even did a day of touristy sight seeing as well as cleaned out all their Netflix watch lists. And still the days are dragging on. 
Nat’s decided to take up baking after Wanda offered to teach her cook, so now she stands behind the kitchen bench wearing an apron and furiously mixing.  Drops of cake batter spatter something every now and then, while Wanda sits at a stool on the other side of the counter, sifting through a magazine and affectionately rolling her eyes at her teammate. A continuous tapping noise rings throughout the room as Sam, Steve and Clint toss a small ball between them while Bucky watches, having grown bored of the mundane game quickly. Tony and Bruce are upstairs occupying themselves with something in the lab, and otherwise the tower is a ghost town, with Vision and Rhodey away at the UN on official business. 
“Nat I think your batter’s good now!” Bucky says, wiping some off the side of his face. 
She sticks her tongue out at him and laughs, but proceeds to tip the bowl into a cake pan and place it in the oven. 
“And how long is that gonna take again Wanda?” she asks. 
“About 40 minutes” the Scarlett Witch replies without looking up from her magazine. 
Nat nods before strolling over to the couch and plonking herself down.
“And now what then?” she sighs. 
“Come on lets finish the last of that Twilight movie series” Bucky offers, sitting down next to her.
“We really have hit a new low,” she mumbles, turning on the TV. 
20 minutes into Breaking Dawn part 2, Tony strolls into the room. 
“Guys! I’ve got uh, good news and bad news.” They all stop to focus on him, as the Iron Man continues. 
“Well, we aren’t going to be bored anymore. There’s something coming and its something big. So big I kind of wish we had more help but I think its gonna have to just be us.” He pauses, gazing around at his fellow teammates and feeling a sense of pride and confidence in their abilities, before taking a deep breath.
“Any of you familiar with the four horsemen?” he asks.
Most of the gang nod and murmur that they are familiar with the concept but not much else. 
“It’s like...a biblical thing right?” asks Bucky.
Tony nods, Bruce now behind him. “Yeah, they’re associated with the apocalypse traditionally. But um, well apparently they’re as real as Thor and Loki, and one of them has to decided to pop in and say hi and fuck shit up” Tony says. 
Steve sighs before asking “do we even want to know which one?”
“Well,” Tony replies, “debatably, one that is the least dangerous. It’s famine”
“As in, we’re all gonna starve to death?” asks Wanda, wide eyed. 
“I’d say its more complicated than that, kiddo” chuckles Clint. 
“They aren’t certain what the full impact is gonna be, just that he will have an effect over everyone, at a pretty decent distance but we don’t know the exact radius. I don’t even really know how we can prepare for this to be honest..” Tony trailed off, throwing his hands in the air. 
“So when does it hit?” asks Nat. 
Tony raises his eyebrows and shrugs, prompting a “great” from Nat. 
“Who did you get all this information from?” Steve inquires.
“Fury. He called me.” Ton replies, a bit on the defensive. 
Steve remains silent but glares at Tony for a bit. He likes to be the leader of the group; he’s the captain for gods sake. And he’s far more responsible than Tony.
“Alright boys put your testosterone away, we need all our strength and teamwork to combat this it sounds like” Wanda placates. 
Tony raises an eyebrow at her, then glances back at Steve before turning away. 
The team all head off to their own rooms and apartments to get changed and grab whatever they think might help, though of course everyone’s feeling uncertain and frankly a little worried. 
By the time they meet in the conference room to await any news or disturbance, Sam, Clint, Nat and Tony have started feeling a little weird.
He’s eaten lunch only about an hour ago but Sam’s suddenly feeling very peckish. He licks his lip and chews down on the bottom one, trying to occupy his mind with something else.
“So uh, what do you think this is gonna be like?” he asks Clint, who is agitatedly tapping his fingers on the desk.
“What?” Clint snaps, looking at Sam before instantly softening his expression. “Sorry man. I..I don’t know. I’m feeling really edgy about it though.” 
Clint looks over to his best friend and frowns at how rigidly she’s sitting, but gets distracted immediately as another wave of it washes over him; the craving for alcohol. 
Wanda’s getting her magic fired up, making a chair levitate in front of her before dropping it to the ground and raising it up again, when Steve addresses her.
“I’ve been thinking, you might be the best one to diffuse this situation quickly Wanda. I think your ability to manipulate the mind is going to be a real advantage.”
“Actually Cap we don’t know whats doing to be an advantage here, that’s kind of the point”. Tony snaps.
Bucky raises his eyebrows and smirks at Wanda and Bruce; the only other two in the room paying attention. 
“I’m aware of that, Tony” Steve says through gritted teeth. “I’m just being logical and trying to deal with this the best way. Just because we don’t know much about this enemy doesn’t mean I don't know what I’m doing as a captain.” 
Tony rolls his eyes and tries to ignore the blood he can practically feel and hear rushing through him, clenching his fists.
After laughing at their stupid friends, Bruce and Wanda start to feel it too. Something intense and just...off. Then it grows and Wanda remembers the cake they left in the oven..it should be nearly done now. Bruce shifts uncomfortably and assures himself of his amazingly developed self control, though beginning to wonder if he should have removed himself from such an unstable situation. 
Not longer after it hits Bucky and Steve too. The two super soldiers almost mirror each other as they beginning fidgeting in their positions and become vaguely aware that their blood is also rushing, and that it seems to be rushing to one particular, downstairs spot. 
The entire room sits uncomfortably, now having internal battles. They’re somewhat aware that they are all in this predicament, that each of them is experiencing it, but only because they’re all so skilled and highly trained to monitor the environment. Suddenly, Clint snaps to his senses if only for a moment. 
He clears his throat; “guys, I think its hit...the famine effect.”
His teammates gaze at him blankly.
“Is anyone else” he continues, “um...craving anything?” 
Realisation hits them as hard as the famine did. The problem is, he must be getting closer because the feelings are getting stronger and stronger. 
Tony, not even really knowing what he's doing and definitely not able to control himself, starts to palm himself through his pants. Everyones wrapped up in their own thing but Steve notices him, feeling anger and disgust at his audacity to do that in front of everyone, ignoring the fact that he feels something else too. Because actually, its kind of hot. And he was going to yell at Tony and tell him to stop, but now he thinks maybe he’ll watch a bit longer. 
Steve licks his lips slowly as Tony closes his eyes and tries to resist the urge, thats getting stronger and stronger, to just stick his hand right into his pants. 
Suddenly Sam jumps up and strides quickly from the room. The gang are all sort of snapped out their dazes from this and they follow him into the kitchen to the sound of the fridge door slamming open and watch him help himself animatedly. They’re transfixed for a moment before becoming overwhelmed with their own feelings again. Wanda rushes past him to the oven, forgetting to grab a glove and yelping as her finger makes contact with the scalding hot metal of the cake pan. No matter for the witch, she levitates the cake out of the hot tray and begins devouring it.
Nat, who had been biting her lip and clamping her legs shut ferociously, suddenly yells “Screw it!” and grips the back of Bucky’s neck pulling his lips to hers hungrily. He instantly complies and slams her body back against the wall. 
“Wow right, okay then!” Clint exclaims at the pair, before striding over to the bar and helping himself to a 20 year old scotch, drinking straight from the bottle.
“I gotta get out of here” Bruce says to no one in particular. He rushes outside, not knowing how to handle his potential hulk out while he’s in this state, the only one to crave nothing in particular, not being able to identify this overwhelming feeling of desire, just knowing that he’s losing control. 
Steve noticed his best friend, who is now grinding against Natasha, trying to relieve his tension and is painfully reminded of his own. He hears a soft moan and is shocked to see Tony, hand in his pants stroking himself, watching the Captain. They make eye contact and Tony’s eyes widen, but he doesn’t stop. 
Steve walks over to him slowly, like its the hardest thing he's ever done, but at this point he doesn’t have a choice. 
“Take your hand out of your god dam pants” he orders in a low voice, and Tony slowly complies, eyes glued to Steve’s blue ones. 
Steve then thrusts his own hand inside his teammate’s pants, doing something he’s tried to suppress the fantasy of- the fantasy that sneaks into his head late at night when he can’t sleep- for god knows how long, grabbing his frenemies cock firmly. 
“Oh GOD Cap!” Tony is on the verge on losing control completely and thrusts into Steve’s hand. 
Steve begins rapidly stroking him and groans, disoriented and single-mindedly focused on this innate task; “Fuck Tony..I don’t know what I’m doing I-” he trails off. He succumbs to his urge further, leans over and attaches his lips to Tony’s neck, making the latter gasp loudly.
“We should’ve known–ah” Tony interrupts himself with a moan, “this would be the best way to handle all that tension between us.” 
Steve raises his head to give him a ‘shut up’ kind of look, before grabbing either side of Tony’s face and bringing his lips to his own, kissing his teammate’s smart-ass mouth aggressively. 
Everyone else in the room either doesn’t notice or doesn’t care what the rest are up to,  so engrossed in their own current actions. Wanda’s stomach has begun screaming as she is already three quarters through the fresh vanilla sponge Nat has completely forgotten about, having been so excited to produce it less than an hour ago. Sam, on the other hand, isn’t slowing down any time soon. He wraps an entire block of cheese up in salami and munches contentedly, though far from fulfilment and satisfaction. 
Clint has begun hicupping, with all instincts telling him to STOP drinking he now stands still, fighting against himself, the bottle frozen halfway to his mouth. He knows they need to snap out of it but dam it they can’t, he’s thinking of his wife and kids as he tries with all his might to put the bottle down while also trying to suppress the equally disruptive thoughts in his mind saying ‘nobody else is fighting it..you aren’t stronger than them...give in to it’. 
A loud, female moan echoes throughout the floor. Bucky and Nat had enough of their wits about them to make it around the corner into the somewhat privacy of the hallway before ripping away each others clothing. Bucky had hooked his metal arm underneath Nat’s legs as she jumped up onto him, pushing her against the wall and thrusting straight into her, bringing them back to now. 
Bucky pounds into the girl he has always been attracted to but had never felt enough desire to act upon, now wanting nothing more than to ravish her over and over as she writhes in his hands. He feels her wet slick folds envelop him with every thrust and groans into the crook of her neck.
For once, Nat happily lets her male colleague take charge as she succumbs to pleasure and the feeling of receiving something she craves so, so badly. The Winter Soldier is merciless as he drives into her, filling her wonderfully and sending her senses into overdrive. She has never felt so blissfully overwhelmed. Her stomach tightens and her pleasure builds and she whimpers, managing to stutter “Bucky..fuck i, I’m gonna come” before it crashes through her.
She shudders and shakes turning to putty, thankfully still fully supported by Bucky who if anything pounds into her harder after that encouraging display. Exhausted but still wanting more she happily complies, wrapping her hands around his neck when she gathers the energy and beginning to bob up and down, riding his cock the best she can, eliciting a deep moan from Bucky. 
Meanwhile, Steve continues to jerk Tony off, now craving his own release as well. 
“If this doesn’t stop soon, you know I’m going to have to take you into the conference room and fuck you” Steve murmurs into his ear, Tony bites his lip at the notion.
“Whatever you think is best, Cap” he responds lethargically. 
Steve nods and yanks his hand back and grips Tony by the wrist, marching out of the room. 
Wanda, having nearly demolished the cake, gazes around realising the indescribably strong feeling of desire is still there, but it has changed. Her hunger quelled she now feels...lust? She definitely desires something other than food. But maybe she can fight it. She swallows the last mouthful of cake and grips the bench determinedly, trying to clear her mind. 
“Fuck it” she murmurs and strides over to a positively drunk Clint. She places her palms either side of his face and kisses him square on the mouth. 
Clint lurches backwards, stumbling in his intoxicated state. “Kiddo-WHOA slow down there wha-what are you doing! God I need another drink.” 
His whisky soaked breath is off-putting, washing over her face, yet the unsatisfied craving in her remains, though she knows how much of a mistake her action was. She turns away and frustratedly bites down on her finger, willing the feelings to subside. 
Sam is less than four feet away from them but he hasnt even noticed the interaction, his face being stuck in the fridge that is rapidly being drained of its contents. 
In the hallway, Bucky and Nat are still going at it after he’s come inside her, his ejaculate dripping down her legs as they continue to desperately thrust at an unrelenting pace. She bites down on his neck hard enough to break the skin and tiny droplets of blood appear from the wound. 
Steve slams the conference room door shut and pushes Tony backwards until his legs hit the desk. Without hesitation he spins him around and bends him over.
“You sure you can handle this Stark?” he asks, with no intention of stopping now.
“Just fuck me already Rogers” Tony replies, hastening to undo his belt. 
Somewhere near the Avengers compound, the officials working with famine receive information that Fury and his team are aware of their presence and working against them. As suddenly as they had arrived, famine and his accomplices depart the area.
Its fast and intense, like waking up from one of those dreams where you’ve fallen from a height and your heart jumps. Feeling like they had all been dowsed in cold water to sober them up, the Avengers come to their senses.
Steve’s holding his proud American cock in his hand, had he really been about to put it in Tony? Tony. Who has stood up as fast as if he'd sat on a pin and yanked his pants back up. The men both awkwardly clear their throats, looking anywhere but at each other. Steve sort of half nods before pivoting on his heel and striding determinedly back into the main rooms. Tony rubs his hand across his jaw, shaking his head. 
Their discomfort holds nothing, however, to their teammates. Nat finds herself suspended in the air, Bucky’s metal arm hooked under her knees while his chest presses her against the wall. He’s still hard, and still inside her. Wet, sticky and very messy, their eyes widen as they stare at each other, faces an inch apart. Clumsily, quickly they separate and he puts her back on the ground. They attempt to redress with nothing really to clean up with. 
“Sooo we just...” Bucky starts.
“Yup,” replies Nat, “famine huh?” 
Bucky clenches his teeth and nods, however the two manage to not feel too ashamed given the extremity of the situation. Nat tends to make everything easier and they both have to admit, they’ve always had chemistry.  
“Come on” Bucky laughs, “I guess we gotta all go and...debrief?” he lazily throws an arm over her shoulder and they walk together. 
The first thing Sam notices is that he has never been so full in his life. Not when he went to three thanksgiving dinners in one day, not when he got back from Afghanistan and hit the Taco Bell, McDonalds and KFC drive thru’s all in a row, never. He groans and clutches his stomach, thinking to himself how famine did a number on him, being completely oblivious to what the rest of his team went through.
Wanda is mortified. She tried to kiss Clint. She did kiss him. After scoffing an entire cake. Actually, mortified doesn’t really begin to describe it. She glances at Clint but he's running to the sink to vomit. Guiltily she can’t help but be relieved; hopefully he will have been too drunk to remember. 
Steve, Nat and Bucky come back into the room looking sheepish, followed by Tony. The air is thick with tension until Sam breaks it.
“So guys, that was some experience huh? But... I ate everything in the fridge, how was everyone else dealing with their cravings?” 
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megacarapa · 3 years
What are your thoughts on the recent manga developements? Like the climax of the vs stanley arc and the suika mini arc etc, idk ive just been loving the recent chapters and wanna hear more talk about it and your rants so far have been really entertaining ^^
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WELL i did make an entire playlist based off those 3 suika chapters so i guess you could say i’ve been enjoying the current arc gfgfh. ok here are my VERY extended thoughts on the last 10ish chapters under the cut (manga spoilers obv) (LUCY DON’T READ THIS ONE FR) (also cw for like.. discussion of diseases and stuff tho i dont go too much into detail, i’m not an actual doctor obviously dfgdfg)
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this ended up being way longer than i expected so i tried breaking it into a few sections and adding images to make it easier on the eyes, i’ve really loved the south america arc as a whole but these last few chapters have been especially amazing
vs stanley climax
first of all, i gotta love how you called it the "vs stanley fight", and i mean, you're technically right since he is the antagonist of this arc, but it's interesting how they never have a direct faceoff with stanley, it's more like stanley and his troops attacking super one sidedly in a way the kos can't really fight against, so they use communication between their different teams to trap stanley & co in a situation they can't run away from and win in the long term
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i love that dr stone "fights" are most often won strategically rather than in a straight up 1v1 brawl, in fact those more standard fights are most often used as a way to keep the enemy at bay until senku & co can figure out a way to actually win, also it's just really cool that the team that delivered the final blow was thousands of miles away from where the actual fight was taking place, or even hundreds of thousands if you count whyman as the "person who delivered the final blow"
stanley theorizes at the end that the kos will probably keep his statue as a hostage to make xeno work for them on the rocket if he wants stanley back (lmao gay), but considering their track record of letting past enemies join the crew, i have a feeling we’ll have both xeno and stanley (and the rest of the americans) back rather than just xeno
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the only antagonist so far that hasn't been redeemed is ibara, who is just being kept as a stone statue somewhere, but you could tell that would be the case based on his design alone, he just screams *irredeemable villain*
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xeno and stanley, while antagonists, are also clearly designed to be likeable characters, so i don't see them getting the same treatment
the only problem would be keeping a constant watch over xeno to make sure he doesn't do any Side Projects™ and develop firearms again, but it could also be that xeno was actually convinced of senku’s philosophy in their last talk before the beam hit, so maybe he will be willing to help even without having stanley be a hostage, but i guess we’ll just wait and see
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as a side note, whyman periodically sending the petrification command was basically a chekhov's gun now that i think about it, so it makes sense in a meta way that a second worldwide petrification would happen, why establish it if it wont come into play later in the story? i actually felt kinda dumb for not seeing it coming fgdfg
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aftermath/suika chapters
the first strategy they had for defeating stanley was a good one, but it wouldn't really make for good storytelling if it just Worked and they won just like that, it would be pretty anticlimactic after running from him for almost 20 chapters, so it makes sense then that what they had to go with in the end was the same strategy, but on a much bigger scale
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suika being the one to be depetrified first and have to save everyone is also a good choice both thematically and to make sure the victory isn't too easy
having someone like senku or chrome who understands the platinum method to make revival fluid and then have it done in less than a day, or having suika simply find some extra revival fluid lying around like she was initially planning would, again, be anticlimactic, it would've lacked impact after everything they've been through
these 3 chapters also nicely bring back the theme of science not being exclusive to the “pros”, everyone can use it as long as they have the proper steps to follow, the most impressive example before this was the corn city crew managing to make a diamond by following senku’s instructions despite not having any scientists on board (and before that, gen and the villagers making a telescope)
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and now suika is even more impressive, being a literal child and all, even though she wasn't able to understand the more complex methods, there was still a way for her to succeed, all she needed was to be patient and diligently go at it step by step, i adore these 3 chapters and i love suika so much now it's insane
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suika being the one to get revived serves another purpose as well...
honestly, already around 188/189 i was starting to get really worried about how the story would handle the emotional aftermath
shonen jump manga has a tendency to just gloss over the psychological consequences of traumatic events (one moment i remember finding really frustrating was in bnha, when kirishima gets really fucked up during the overhaul arc but the next time we see him he’s just joking around about looking like a mummy because of all his bandages🙄), so i was worried they wouldn't treat the aftermath of an event like this with the gravity it deserves, (i think LITERALLY DYING could be considered a traumatic event but i'm no psychologist🤔)
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suika’s time alone shows a nice contrast to senku, while senku is definitely not emotionless, during his time alone before taiju was revived he is still very cool and collected, not showing any emotional weakness like the king of repression he is
suika is a whole different story, she’s a kid, she doesn't repress her emotions like senku does, so during her time alone she is scared and lonely, especially at the beginning, we see her breaking down into tears multiple times, imagining her friends statues talking to her, hugging kohaku’s statue for comfort etc
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this really provided the emotional catharsis i was hoping for, through suika, the audience is genuinely able to feel the gravity of what has happened
i do wish more of the older characters could be allowed to show emotional weakness like this, but i guess having suika serve as a proxy for everyone works well enough
on that note, senku was alone for only 6 months and even then its implied in treasure island that he may have a problem with loneliness
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suika on the other hand was alone for YEARS, i can only imagine how that affected her mental state, tho honestly i can't say i expect the story to delve into something like that too deeply (or at all) since this is a shonen manga after all.. 
i’ve seen some people interpreting hyoga’s resurrection in 197 as “they can revive somebody that died from an injury, but people will still die eventually due to old age”, but i don’t think that's really the case, people don’t just die from “old age” by itself, they die because their body slowly degrades over time, which makes it harder to fight against numerous diseases, one of which will eventually get you and kill you
but dr stone (aka the combination of medusa+revival fluid) can nullify that degradation and bring your body back into a healthy state, we’ve already seen this with kaseki on treasure island where senku explains that dr stone healed his arthritis, a disease which probably would have lead to his natural death sooner or later
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while we already know kaseki was in better shape than most people his age, it’s still surprising to see an old man like him jumping around so energetically, thats how much the restoration improved his health
we also know it healed mirai who was brain dead before being revived, so i think it's a pretty safe bet that it can heal other brain related diseases such as alzheimers
if so, then dr stone can heal injuries, diseases and even death as we’ve seen with hyoga, i think it’s pretty accurate of senku to say that humanity has gained immortality with it
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honestly this development has been a long time coming, the idea of dr stone being able to bring back the dead was introduced as early as the first arc when tsukasa killed senku but taiyuzu were able to bring him back, but it really does seem like such an out there concept so i’m interested to see how they will base it in science... (and also how they will handle the whole… moral dilemma of immortality but i ain't ready to even attempt to think abt any of that)
my favourite theory that has sprung up from this is that if people really can live forever thanks to dr stone, it could be that whyman is actually a normal human who has been continually petrifying and reviving themself to live for 3700 years
wat will happen nixt?
back when 196 came out it kinda dawned on me just how much the crew has been set back in the progress they've made so far that it was giving me anxiety for real gfgdfg
seven years have passed, and in that time a lot of the tools they've made must have degraded, along with that, everyone they've revived so far has been turned to stone once again, there was nobody to upkeep the wheat fields and sundial and basically everything they've left in japan, and after all this time even the perseus must be in bad shape and in need of repair, as chrome suggests
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how long will it take them to repair the ship? to repair all the tools they've lost? their original plan was to go around the world building cities where they can get all the materials to work on that rocket they’ll be making eventually, they already kinda started up corn city, but that has been out of commission for a while now, they were planning to build superalloy city in south america and have barely started on that
so they need to keep building these cities but also need to go back and revive everyone if they don't want their progress to go to waste, how will they go about this?? will they just tackle it one by one or split into teams, so one team can stay behind and work on superalloy city and the other can go back and revive everyone? who knows?? ryusui certainly made it sound way easier than how i've been imagining it dfgdfg
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other than that, i gotta wonder are the kingdom of science really the only humans left on earth now that there's been a second worldwide petrification, or has some other group revived somewhere during the timeskip, OR maybe there might be another group out there who also devised the revival formula and was able to escape the 2nd petrification, which would then give them 7 more years to develop while senku n co are just stuck in stone 🤔 dr stone has always had some human antagonist so i wonder who’s next now that xeno and stanley have been dealt with
honestly my favourite arc has always been age of exploration precisely because it doesn't have any human threat and the characters are just left to craft and work on rebuilding society without the pressure of a looming war or a crazy american hunting them down, so honestly i'm hoping we will get another arc like that now, i think the crew definitely deserves it dnjd
random bonus ramblings
-using poop and shells to create nitric acid and it being a process that would take a long time is something that has already been mentioned multiple times in the series, so it’s really cool to see it actually utilized in the story rather than being random throwaway info
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makes you wonder what other seemingly throwaway lines could actually be foreshadowing...
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-since joel managed to fix a medusa im very excited for him to be revived so we can learn how he did it and how the petrification works in the first place!! (and for joel and kaseki to finally meet in general)
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-drst has a habit of introducing a character in one arc and having them be Just kinda There for some time until they finally have their time to shine in a later arc, examples being minami and of course yuzuriha, so i'm wondering if the same will happen later on with some of the americans, charlotte seems like a good contender for this (the girl that suika saved in 185, i gotta wonder how she felt having to shoot down the people who saved her life)
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-on that note i feel like matsukaze also still hasn’t had his time to shine or contribute in any unique way yet (other than exposition gdvdj)
-i was also really liking dr brody as a character so i was kinda disappointed that he just blindly decided to kill everyone in corn city instead of talking and trying to come to an agreement w them like he has been up till then (though i guess it was necessary for the plot🙄), interested to see what they do with him as well
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-i wanna see stanxeno on screen makeout sesh 🙄!
-will senku not losing his petrification cracks be explained? if he still has them, will xeno, stanley, luna etc still have theirs too? (honestly i hope so, i don’t wanna have to stare at xeno’s big shiny forehead for the rest of the series gsdhgfd)
ok i feel like i've finally exhausted all the numerous thoughts i had sdfdfd thank you for giving me an excuse to ramble on for so long and congratulations if you've managed to make it til the end <3
in conclusion
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survivorelara · 6 years
Tribal Council #11: Orion
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Let’s get to the questions.
Kori, 8 people left, how do you ensure that you aren’t going home when the stakes are so high?
Honestly fam, I'm just trying to not die in a Hurricane, and since I have to vote early, I'm sure the context of the tribal as I understand it is bound to change dramatically, and I'll vote incorrectly. I'm just hoping for myself to both be alive and in this game come tomorrow. But we'll see how it all shakes down.
Loris, still possibly 2 idols left in this game, should we expect more split votes?
I don’t think so.. especially considering it’s final eight where every vote matters and there aren’t massive majorities forming that can afford to do it. Also the idols haven’t been played very well so far.. let’s hope that’s a trend!
Roxy, first Dani and now Drew T have both expressed disdain towards you as they exited the game, what does this mean?
Ok firstly dani had disdane towards me because of smthing I didnt do and we made up. As for Drew t, well, weve been playing this game together since day one so he probably felt like I betrayed him since weve gone through a lot of tribals together. It just means he felt betrayed. Although I did feel close to him and his thoughts are justified I think had he put more effort into talking to me I might have felt closer to him. It was usually only me striking up the conversation and we only had about two or three full on conversations. Its easy to believe things others say and its easy to feel distant from someone if you are the only one putting an effott into having a conversation
Andrea, you also received 2 votes against you, so I’m gonna ask the same question to you that I asked Ci’ere, how does that make you feel going into this tribal?
lmFAO like trash. I know Ci'ere is still super mad like im sorry ilu still :(( im 100000% expecting some more votes this tribal and if trend continues itll be 3 so next round ill get 4 and be peacin out!! lol all jokes asides yikes I didnt mean to burn bridges I was busy like I said and had no time to even check into things. If I did I would have voted Drew. I really hope that wont be used against me, because I really love this game and 8th is just kinda sucky!
Ci’ere, you got 2 votes against you last tribal council, what happened and does that make you worried going into this tribal?
This is a rebuttal to Miss Andrea’s statement: I’m not mad. I never claimed to be mad. I never said anything to make you believe that I was mad. If I was mad, you would definitely know that I am mad. If you think I was mad before, you have not experienced my madness. If anything, I feel betrayed by a certain straight white male that shall not be named at this moment in time because I was willing to go to the end with him. However, he had no problem with signing my death certificate even though he had 6 other options to choose from excluding Drew T. & myself. Anyway, Andrea, I was just trying to understand why you voted for me because you didn’t have to. I (and probably others) told you 12+ hours before the deadline that Drew T.’s name was being thrown out, yet you followed the straight & told people you weren’t voting for Drew T. So don’t sit here and act like you didn’t know because you did. You made that decision on your own.
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Emma, Drew T also didn’t say very nice words about you as he left… what do you have to say about that?
FIRST of all im not taking what he is saying seriously i never needed him on my side idc lol Sierra dawn thomas is just an okay player she was good in game changers thats it also if your basing everything on touchy subjects well ur not really aware sorry not sorry xxxx but at the end of the day its just a game i dont think any poorly him or hate him but im just saying hes wrong OOP
Sam, you scored 0 points at this challenge, what happened?
i was focused on tryna google answers and was a few seconds late to submitting so rip my 6 points
Drew H, CONGRATULATIONS on winning immunity once again!! How are you feeling?
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Or um...12, I guess
Let’s go ahead and get to the votes.....
But before we do that... Emma stands.
Play the game or quit was said last round oh look surprise bitch! im actually playing the game
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This IS the hidden immunity idol from Revati. She is playing this idol for: Roxy. Any votes for Roxy will NOT count.
First vote:
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oh my god okay... either this is a throw vote which I’m fine with or this is an important vote and if so I’m rlly sorry I just can’t do this anymore and if people are being fussy about the votes then they leave me no choice but to do things like this
Roxy. (does not count.)
Second vote:
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i know you're gonna hate me, but i feel this is best for my game. sorry :c
Roxy. (does not count.)
Third vote:
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Realistically by virtue of me voting for you, you're gonna stay anyway but oh well talk to you tonight after it fails, i guess <3
Fourth vote:
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Fifth vote:
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Sixth vote:
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Seventh vote:
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I did not want this but I know where I wanna be down the line and I knew my options and this one I think will work out better for me in the long run.
Eighth vote:
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I am so fucking sorry kori I did not wanna do this. But I cannot vote someone who wants to idol me and this is how its turned out. Iku so much u are the only one who genuinely talked eith me this game. God this is literally killing me
Meaning, this vote is ending in a tie. 3 votes Kori and 3 votes Emma. Everyone but Kori and Emma has 24 hours to send in your tie breaking votes.. remember if it ties again, you’re going to rocks.
Your revote is due tomorrow, October 10th, at 8pm EST.
0 notes