#its certainly.... tasteful
asexualbookbird · 3 months
everyone had correct opinions about amina al-sirafi yes yes good next book is translation state hilarious but listen. someone. LISTEN. Someone said they were surprised i didnt like fourth wing because. ARE YOU LISTENING.
"you seem like the target audience"
THE TARGET AUDIENCE????? ME??????? EXCUSE ME????? goodbye yall i have died it was nice blogging with yall but i am DEAD
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sunnixsunshine · 2 hours
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Fuck it we ball, get g-tubed bitch—
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mantisgodsdomain · 11 months
Playing 3DS games after having seen the overall fandom response to release and long-term impact and the way it's looked back on and such is... bizarre, honestly? Like, maybe it's just because we got our introduction to gaming in the 3DS era, but it's incredibly strange to know that games we knew and loved and would have considered relatively mainstream just... didn't stick in people's minds.
Like, take the Gen 6 Pokemon games. Those were great games! One of the single things about X/Y/OR/AS that we don't see people talking about but that stuck in our mind was how the developers made an effort to make it so that every single Pokemon in the games prior was spread between just those four games! We remember that just the sheer variety of potential Pokemon available was enough to get us a start into challenge runs simply by virtue of how much variety could be added to a playthrough by the sheer amount of potential on offer!
We remember spending hours just... hunting around the region to figure out where those last Pokemon we needed to fill the 'dex were, wandering around to try and find Hidden Ability pokemon from Horde battles, getting to actually interact with our Pokemon in Pokemon Amie.
Yeah, there were more obscure games out there, and yeah, they impacted us as well - Pocket Card Jockey stands out in this regard, as an extremely fun game that we're pretty sure was played by maybe three people, maximum, but it's not quite the same. These were games that we played ourself! These were games we saw other people playing, that we played with people over the internet, that felt like they were well-known! We were under the impression that these were mainstream interests, not Niche! it feels... singularly bizarre to realize that, for the majority of people out there, this game was a forgettable disappointment.
#we speak#nintendo 3ds#obviously theres the nostalgia factor and such since the 3ds was the first gaming console we ever owned#as well as our ONLY gaming console for like. right up until ~2 years ago we think?#but like. youre telling us that x/y is less popular than sun/moon?#you mean there are real actual people who think that hgss's following mechanic was more notable than xy's entire bottom screen?#you don't like petting pokemon? pat pat?#we went into hacking our spare ds today and getting some games off of hshop#and like. gods. do you know how fucking bizarre it is to go into the games that shaped our...#well. maybe not childhood but certainly a substantial part of our teen life#and discover that all of the games that we remember loving the most are like. seen as Forgotten Entries or Black Sheep?#this doesn't just extend to x/y btw#we see a lot of people dunking on like. gates to infinity? and like yeah gti wasnt the most POLISHED entry out of em#but it was still an incredibly enjoyable game that had massive impact on later entries in the series#gates to infinity's core themes carried forward into super mystery dungeon to the point that psmd can read as a direct continuation of it!#its like. augh! youre telling me that when we say we loved gti we're expressing an opinion only shared by like three people?#what are we? the Random Black Sheep Unloved By The Fandom As A Whole Guy?#...well. we mean. we kind of are that guy judging by our taste in characters but STILL#you cant tell us that the games that made up most of our communication outside of our family for over a year are Forgotten#and just expect us to like. be okay with it#when we said we were going to get more weird we didn't mean learning people think the 3ds games are The Worst In The Series#what do u MEAN u genuinely think that xy is the worst in the series and have proof we are playing it right now and its very fun#how about our proof huh. we are using a mothim for our nuzlocke run and having a great time. if u think its too easy turn off the exp share#we are in your house and home#we are also mad that swsh doesnt let you turn off the exp share from when we played it in a totally legal and not piracy related way
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graytrailcam · 7 months
I wouldn't say I think 'Alpha and Omega' is good but I do often think the first movie (I'm not touching the sequels) is a fun occasional watch just for how rooted in 2000s wolfaboo vibes it is, very nostalgic for me personally
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Back in my day (as if I'm old) crackship meant two characters from different works... why is it now used as a pejorative term for ships you don't like / understand?
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Finally getting around to listening to Sabrina Carpenter's new album and damn this is her best album yet and as a long time fan of hers since her GMW days I'm so glad she's getting the mainstream success that she deserves with both this and her last album "Emails I Can't Send" its been so awesome to see that all her hard work is finally paying off 😊😊
Some of my faves (aside from Espresso & Please Please Please of course lol) are definitely Slim Pickins' (please country radio make this a hit lol), Taste, Bed Chem, Good Graces & Juno 😊😊 but man Short N Sweet certainly lives by the title as its only nearly 40 minutes long but it's certainly worth the listen ❤️❤️
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istherewifiinhell · 5 months
v thinking i was just being informed of a new hyper expensive luxury toy. "oh well if its megs now i have to get it. i jest ofc if i were to make an that unwise a tf purchase it would be masterpiece megs cause i dont care about lights and sounds. and well. hes hot" [sees why im being informed of it] "oh. yeah yeah no i can download this and have it clipped and posted in like 5 minutes dont worry"
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fwuitgummyy · 2 years
I wish there was more instances of Zizel being blatantly more antagonistic, but I think her detached way of viewing the characters in the story very interesting
She bets on Claire's happiness not because she's someone who she cares about on an emotional level, but because she's fascinated with her misfortune. She wants to see an outcome where she wins because it would be against the script written for her. Zizel is fascinated with humans, acts out being a human herself, and tries to mold the story based off her own misguided understandings. Unlike Wilardo, she holds no sentimental feelings towards people. She follows her own whims based on how much they entertain her.
So while she does show a level of understanding towards human struggles, there is no respect for it. She's like the reader in a way. Because her feelings only amount to wanting to see a nicely wrapped up ending after a great struggle. She's detached, she doesn't need to grow or apply herself in the narrative, she can sit back and watch them all struggle on their own. She's just a witness to the story unfolding.
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thedevotionaltour · 6 months
people will hate to heart it but i love 60s matt like so sincerely he's so so so funny. infinitely charming. i like him.
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starswallowingsea · 7 months
every time i've gotten into a popular series or franchise i've always been disappointed by it because like. its so hyped up and i watch it and find it mid and it appears we are not watching/playing the same thing
#reasons i wont like. get into ace attorney or fma or anything else#and by popular i mean like. ubiquitously popular. like an 'everyone at least knows of it' type#like ik enstars is popular especially in asia but in the west its a lot more niche#for whatever reason one piece is more niche ime than naruto or bleach despite arguably being bigger and literally still ongoing#and then jjk. god help me jjk is awful now#i was going to say idk if jjk is at that level but i've had easier times finding merch for that than some series here#so its certainly up there.#umu not to say its not good but i just find them being so hyped up leads to a lot of disappointment especially#since i didnt get into them at the same time as everyone else ie during formative times in my life#in middle/high school so it holds a completely different context for me being in my early 20s#anyway. idk where i was going with this. im not not into popular media/anime specifically#obviously. i run a semi popular one piece blog.#but compared to other things i am certainly less drawn to popular series#and find the uber popular ones have. declined in quality recently#what is going on in bsd even these days i should catch up. no i shouldnt. someone tell me when kouyou shows up again#the only redeeming thing in that series is my beloved kouyou you dont understand#and chuuya but mostly kouyou#but if its not just me and 20 other bloggers on this godforsaken site then i dont want it#shay speaks#again this is. just about my personal taste dont try to take this out of context so help me god
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irrigos · 1 year
yknow i was, for a while, really not into almost any of the characters in motr. i mean, i ended up liking almost all of them, because theyre interesting and well-written, but none of them are like. characters i would want to ROMANCE, yknow? none of them are my type
anyway turns out there IS one character in the game thats my type, and its Barqujin. i love her so much. wife city. what a dream.
every time i play a dating sim i forget the fact that im only interested in characters who hate me. dont look into that 😭
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k2ulhu · 10 months
personally not the biggest fan of field trip but I do think it is so funny that the whole episode is mulder and scully tripping out of their minds and only realizing it when people start agreeing with them
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i-spilled-my-soup · 9 months
the only reason i have not deleted all my old posts is because i cannot stand to look at them long enough to delete them oughhgughhhhhhhhhhh it was necessary for the character development but ouguguuhuugguuhh my hubrissss.
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laptoparmageddon · 2 years
Looking at all the games I never got to play over the years simply due to poverty sucks. I've never played a pokemon game. The only Mario game I ever touched was Mario cart and that was at a friend's house. I had no clue how to make a Club penguin account simply because no one would teach me. And I'll never get to experience most of these games because everything is too expensive or it's too late.
This isn't ment to undermine more serious problems. I was homeless as a kid so I know the struggles, but it really dose suck that kids out there will feel alienated because they can't enjoy the things other kids do. It's heartbreaking...
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stainlesssteellocust · 11 months
US diplomat: "Okay, so you bought some of Alaska's land from Russia, okay, okay. But...your people live on the other side of the world, and, let's be real here, we're too racist to respect you as equals. Why should we honour your deal with the Russian Empire when we can just...waltz in and annex your little home away from home?"
Tsalal Alaskan colonist leader: "Good question! Do you see this missile, this one right here, bigger than a train? Its warhead is filled with several tons of fuel-air explosives. Now, I'm not saying that we have a dozen of these things stocked on ships ready to fire at any given moment and a bunch of fanatical suicide pilots ready to fly them ludicrous distances into your nearest population centers...
"But I'm not not saying that."
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allcheers-allfears · 1 year
All faith restored! Just finished Rift War. It has a excellent plot, good art(Paul Grist my beloved) and accurate characterisation. The pacing was done well and I could even follow when characters were on different timelines! It had (for the most part bc of course it was one whole story) each comic part focusing on a different Rift related shenanigan which I enjoyed. A good, predictable enough*, plot twist and plenty tension to keep you happy. All in all would definitely recommend if you're wanting to buy some EU this is a good start. (It is a full team story have no clue why the compiled graphic novel has only Ianto, Jack and Gwen on the cover...)
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