#its also cuz i have weird lung problems
enthblaze · 9 months
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11 notes · View notes
only-lonely-lovers · 8 months
tags: blowjobs, public sex, pantomime, kissing
notes: notably sentimental ~first time~ for twins. this is PART 1, there's a little more in PART 2
つ:-pretends the white line continuing up isn't just lighting but is amane's yukata parting all the way up his leg showing up to his thigh-
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あ:Just a little flash for you all a taste
つ:licks from your knee to your hip in a long line
あ:so that's what we're doing…
あ:I'm listening though
つ:we're getting... cotton candy.....
あ:sounds nice… Are you excited?
つ:hai it comes in two colors
あ:It's whimsical like that. all colorful and fluffy. really food meant for an event like this
really just suits the night. It's like how it's exciting to just get a little of everything, the yakisoba is more exciting to have on a night like this. and we can meander with it or sit down and eat in da grass….
つ:un un
あ:and we get to do this all for… hours…!! into the night
You really get the impression Amane was in a good mood all night
つ:yes.. so pep in his step, loving another year's tanabata festival….
a boy with no problems, nothing on his mind but enjoying the night. it must have been so exciting to see the dinosaur masks among the options and both get one. i wonder who saw them first
whether amane sees them first… and buys 2, places one on tsukasa… or whether tsukasa sees them first, and is so excited, while amane simply walks to the vendor and pays for 2 while he's ogling them excitedly and rushing to put it on…
saying something like "we have to pay for it first….!"
あ:either is kyooot… you could imagine Tsukasa spotting it first and being simply overstimulated by his own excitement on Amane's behalf
it-- it's am… it's amane's favorite thing out of all themasks here… he would definitely want this one!!!
Amane handles the transaction… but after taking a sec to look it over, it's like hell yeah though aw, tsukasa these ARE cool…
あ:an emotion like. nods. that's right sweetie. [puts it over face for a sec] [poses] RHHH….
つ:RUSHES TO PUT ON HIS fumbles a little. gets it on. it crunches a little in his hands, the thin plastic, indents from how he holds it firmly RRRURURUR!!!
あ:[peeks one eyeball out] Woow…. [this is exactly what i wanted yes.] Pretty good though i think mine was better. still good though. [leans in and tonks the noses together]
つ:nuzzle nuzzle nuzzle nose [guy at booth staring] [wishing you'd move and make room]
あ:obnoxious children time [throws head back] [headbutts]
つ:POH nearly falls into the booth display. Amane catches his wrist quickly. NOW the festival stall vendor shoos them out for being troublesome and we run out, holding hands. skeedaddle style
あ:deemed pests… appropriately…. i bet they really are like rats running around, to many people. weird bug eyed twins
つ:you do not like to see two unattended kids….
a funny trajectory for the night is actually like. SEEING some young couple doing stuff behind a booth while trying to just like running away from the vendor all silly. youve got your masks on half-way falling off and you stop and pant, pretending you've been like, running from something more dangerous cuz its exhilarating. then you stop and look up and theres some blowjob teens staring at you where you wandered to.
tsukasa is just like looks cluelessly. amane is like OBSERVING THE HAPPENINGS COHERENTLY WITH BRAINCELLS
あ:experiencing . the sight
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very much like hyuEUGH but also i think its like. stands there completely silently like . when griffin is like we're in enemy territory
つ:maybe a good vibe would be to… grab tsukasa's wrist and run in opposite direction like a madman, and be like. . . [gets.. manic actually] HA HA HA HAHAHAH!!!
HAHAHAHA!!!! running like madman thru tanabata with tsukasa dragged along cluelessly
the adrenaline of having already been running, and then…. this…. its way too funny. overstimulating. horny
あ:sounding hysterical for a sec lol. just really like… going to run into your lungs burn and you're catching your breath loudly scampered away from the crowds
つ:got yourself sequestered away… then clamp your hands on your knees for a second.. then maybe, on tsukasa's shoulders….? just to be like HAW HAW in his face a little kflsd;g blast him with your hot breath
i think seeing amane out of breath and running so hard always makes tsukasa feel feelings…
あ:wait its like my drawing. this emotion
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crazy guy voice UAHHHG FJKDGH
あ:ahaha… I C.. i cant believe w- hhh….[ruffling own hair fervidly]
but you know ithink amane is weird and genuinely also likes feeling like wheezy and his body burning in a moment like this… you can feel a bizarre nostalgia somehow, for coughing heavily and being all hot in the face well, you just feel GOOD rn….
つ:TSUKASA! THOSE TEENS WERE…. having… ………………. [quiet] s*x……….! …… hahahahaahaAHAhaha ears burning, hot across face mmm… tsukasa just likes to observe him like this….
あ:sucking in breath in sharp gasps sometimes. swallows audibly. wipes sweat off face. grabs tsukasa by the front of his yukata, rocks from side to side, like bouncing on either of his feet makes you wobble
s-- ss*x…… ah ah, i bet they had to, ah, sneak to do it, they probably cant do it anywhere else, this is probably theirbest chance huh…. hahah….
つ:best chance? sneak?
あ:gets like this
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well yeah… I mean, there's no way their parents would let them do it Otherwise, they'd just be doing it at home, right but -- but you're not supposed to til you're older… And all that.
You know how people are about, sex, don't you…? [uncontrollably] baka. ww [grabs either side of cheeks and plays with face]
つ:un…. [thinking, while amane holds him] [sticks tongue out, thoughtful, looking around] is it fun to do it at Tanabata? [thinking about 'cant do it anywhere else' and 'sneaking' and stuff… but does that mean it isnt fun?]
pulls candy apple he's been holding up to his mouth and starts mouthing it, stimming, hardly meaningfully eating it
あ:Ohhh… [releases, just rests a hand atop his head] it's fun. It's fun anywhere.
[thinking more himself… hums.] I mean, if they're doing it in the first place, they must at least feel like it's worth it. The risk might make it more fun…
I bet they feel… clever, like "oh, everyone thinks we're just out here playing games… but really… we're…." [sticks tongue out]
つ:amane is thinking so abstractly to tsukasa, tsukasa is like. thinking. is the weather nice for it. like is it warm. are the lights nice and the fireworks. like is it a good environment for that. much like one would wonder if its good to like do any activity in any random place
people probably do it inside but is it nice feeling outside. he's thinking but amane's answer addresses none of this, so he's like hmmmmm…. it's fun anywhere…? wow….. thinking …. risk? more fun? trying to compute….
[stupidly] are they gonna do it all night? or do they stop
あ:poor tsukasa. Your brother jumps to thinking about… things like underhandedness. gomen.
gets kinda spaced out thinking all night like geez… [8 yo thinking] Iii…. [voice gets smaller] i dunno if you can do it all night… maybe. if it's good. if they're good at it. ?
つ:[sortof thinking] [mouthing apple] should we do something we can't do at home? [amane's so interested….]
あ:uh…………………… ah………………………………. m………….. [feels . confused. ] ….. like what…?
its suddenly like. wait. what can we do that we cant do at home. [is like horny so these are difficult things to parse]
つ:ah, I dunno, something…… [literally thinking completely vaguely, brainless] like that? or something you wanna do?
あ:[just stares]
つ:[receives nothing, has no empathy, just looks around mouthing apple]
あ:… [shakes head] [stretches arms behind back] Ah… Sorry. I'm just still thinking about it. [quickly] the sex. stuff.
I can't think of anything that exciting anything, AS exciting, you know? Mnn. [crouches. flops back onto the ground. sticks legs up]
つ:looqs gets on hands and knees to join, observing
あ:ahh, it's not fair though, those kids were older… [rambling, mind wandering] it's always, like high schoolers doing stuff, you know. or middle schoolers. but we're not there yet… [sighs]
つ:[leaning on elbows, on stomach, looking at Amane] but its already not allowed, right? you said. for them. you have to wait to break rules? but people can't know theyre doing it, you said?
あ:Huhm. well, no, that's not it. chigau chigau. um, I think it's just easier, cuz…
つ:may as well tell tsukasa you cant steal until you are 16.
あ:………………………………………………. [talking out his ass] cuz………. there's more uh. there's more people who wanna do it…? you need two bodies. [seriously] at least.
あ:i guess… i guess i don't know if our classmates ever think about this stuff… [makes a face, like ew lol] but uhh, it's not like we even know anyone…. so it wouldnt matter… its uh, complicated, i guess
つ:we gotta know someone? [tilts head] we're two people thats enough, the amount? isn't it?
あ:[it's so direct that. like amane actually cannot even feel anything about this. it's just like, tilts head and kinda lopsided smiles] Tsukasa…
あ:like: oh honey…
つ:he's comically direct… thinking so simply about the rules of this
あ:It's enough, yeah. hahh. [just laughs. but like rolls to his side.]
つ:rolls with him, opposite way, just enjoying the grass… the, candied apple gets grass stuck to it…. he looks at it, then abandons it sortof carelessly….
あ:but like. [you know what? i'm not even going to address the fleet (brothers. incest. 2 boys)] … Tsukasa. are you really thinking about it
[almost like, i gotta own you a little bit about that thing you said actually]
つ:[very simply] I wanna have fun at the festival [picks some grass, looks at it]
あ:Don't we all.
つ:[the grass has become candied a little, some red off the apple melted off onto it… candied grass… wow]
I want you to have fun at the festival, Amane [looks up from grass blade]
あ:[i face you seriously and i grab your face] but think about it You remember what you saw right. yeah? [nods your head for you]
つ:looks into eyeballs
あ:Do you really think we could do that?
つ:ueh-- [i mean he didn't see it well or coherently. its like. a kinder version fo birds blurry memories of wieners all sortof distorted]
did they have something we don't? [like… a tool or toy… thinking] you dont need anything else, right? they didn't have anything else?
あ:no, that's not it… Wait, I'm wording this poorly. Let's try again I think you're thinking too much about , like technical stuff … but would you like it?
つ:[thinks… about how excited Amane's been… about this, how much he was laughing… it's like he saw people playing a really exciting game and got excited…] [nods, nods, nods, nods]
あ:[walked tsukasa all the way here himself but feels like. a little slow when he just nods.]
つ:I'd like it! Amane would like it?
あ:[covers face with hands] [turns away wordlessly]
つ:[its funny, the other foible is they dont know what side of it the other is imagining…] it might be a lil complicated for amane, lol
あ:We're not discussing it no. its like eughdfjkghdf
つ:like . you dont wanna-- 'do' all of it
あ:[dramatically] I'd only like it ONE WAY though [crosses leg] [is in denial about this conversation like. i've mentally filed this away as , just some silly weird convo we're having]
つ:[oh no, i made Amane… mad?] we can do it your way you can show me what to do! [PROPS self up on palms over him, giiiiiiiiiiii's down]
あ:[face starting to burn again… but it's not, uh, exhilarating this time. it's… embarrassing.]
No, iii don't gotta do that. i KNOW for a fact actually, you-- you must be imagining it wrong… you don't really know what you're talking about, you wouldn't like it
つ:[spiritually, ears going down. then springing back up] But I would! … and Amane can teach me! [thinking… very hard… touches, own lip] [trying to visualize] it was… a kind of…. 'chu'…. right? [there was a mouth thing going on…. and a kissing face]
あ:ohmm time to . blood pressure drop. hmm…. mouth dry… but kinda like. braindead. nods
in own mind, replaying it. seeing the… the silhouette… fsszzzz…. echoing words of tsukasa earlier, proposing they do something they can't do at home. pulse getting louder between ears. starting to feel like… suspended
つ:Its a secret thing, right? [looks around] I won't tell anyone. it can only happen at the festival, right?
あ:blinks heavily. nods.
つ:we should do something we can only do at the festival!
あ:looks around. we are indeed, away from everyone and everything. and no one is going to come looking for them.
つ:and maybe amane can even think.. that... he'd... do a better job playing it off/recovering, than those stupid teens.....
あ:my little pea is sizzling. my own stupid thoughts. of like. who would even expect it. we were supposed to just be playing games. blah blah…
つ:they're brothers, so visibly, and young, it… maybe it would be even easier to pretend anything else was going on indeed, who would… suspect it
あ:it's like everything he said is loaded into a gun who would… who would…? think….?
つ:you see one teen girl on her knees before a boy… you know what is going on… but….. …… it wouldn't… 'look like' anything… ….if it is only teens who do that stuff… not…. little kids adults would just think they were sneaking some cookies or something
あ:temptation and impulse… it is descending on him like a cinder block on the chest but I like the atmosphere of going from being so foosy and like ugh to like. just getting 100 yard stare and silent has no instructions
あ:Ehmm you like the reality of Amane having NO GRACE... fumbling mentally, like, pos.. positions....
つ:suddenly its like cant talk gotta steal gotta steal fast
あ:its descending upon me how easy it is for my yukata to shuff out of the way like oh my god i'm just wearing little boy shorts [ahmm my tummy is so tight from da apprehension ohhh]
つ:tsukasa is like ouhh the quicktime event uhmng. ? raises to, raises onto knees-- oh-- wait one was standing, one wasn't, amane.. is standing, so I……
あ:I think at least, Amane assists, like… going to pat Tsukasa's head and kind of, indicate, knees yeah… this height…
つ:crawls to... closer... thinking like ah, it IS familiar... it WAS like this [picture in brain becoming less fuzzy]
あ:[grabby hands... give me your face]
つ:ooouhh… I get to…. ….. I get to be the …. 'chu'…. one…..? little sparkles in eyes, thinking this….
あ:kiss boy….
つ:amane really feels excited….. grabbing him so much, wao… its really that kind of hands-on sortof game…! ahhhh as nearing the yukata happens, its so warm…. its like a window in summer, with the curtains drawn, when you can feel the sun baring down on the back of the curtains….
あ:radiating heat, like a beacon…
つ:thoughtlessly, he rubs his face into the material of the yukata simply 'cuz he's nuzzly…. and its warm
あ:heep-!!! sucks in a sound. gets really STIFF, and more on toes, like standing to-attention. if he weren't so tongue tied, he'd be like tsssuuuKAS!A!! but I think Amane really has a lump in his throat. hands grapple around restlessly on tsukasa's head, pattapatpat
its just like jesus…. tsukasa is really bringing his face closer…?? is he really that ready… i mean, what if he didn't like it…. [suddenly] oh but, i'll, kill him, he'll have to deal with it djkshg IDC…..
つ:I'll make fun of him for it being his idea if he doesnt like it i'll be like. well what did you think, baka i warned you!
あ:I told you so.. ugh… you owe me!!
つ:you should think before you talk, when you don't know what you're talking about!
あ:[thinking all this but looking like a scared rabbit slipping hands under own yukata]
つ:contentedly rubs head against amane's warm thigh while amane's hand fiddles under the yukata…
after a beat is like oh, [distantly] right, it's…. sex… so it involves his…….
あ:it is such a can't talk gotta steal sitch… ughh i gotta… i gotta….
lol the thought of tsukasa being like 💭I will help! reaches under and tugs down shorts but to Amane it feels so. like being pantsed. but sexual
つ:suddenly becomes proactive
あ:😭like what the hell
つ:RIGHT THAT PART…! suddenly thinks harder about what sex is just reaches under bottom of yukata and tugs. like s. so firmly that amane's cock catches on the fabric and it pulls against it, which is like HIEIEIKGHK. Amane makes a noise and Tsukasa quickly puts a finger to his own lips🤫
あ:…….💢 ugh this is going to make him impatiently grasp for his own cock and grab tsukasa by the jaw and cram a thumb in to pry mouth open. SHOVE.
つ:get back at you!!!! you cannot outpace me DONT YOU TELL ME TO BE QUIET finger in mouth does shut tsukasa up. chuu….. slides tongue against thumb while hooked forward
あ:, experiences this. ah tongue across finger sensation, distracting in its own way. like a little zap
つ:gazing up at Amane's response…..
あ:actually cute to think abt just getting distracted for a sec…
つ:is this part of… sex…? don't know…. are fingers involved? he doesn't remember…. rolls tongue over knuckle…… salty… a little grass-blood, a bitter hint of that from amane rolling around…. scent of dirt on his palms
ah, can feel his fingernail, smooth… traces tongue over that, it glides so smoothly…. ah, wait… chuuu… its a chuu thing…. wraps lips around… kisses, they make you pucker… like you're eating lemon!
あ:Ah, it's cute, it's like even this little gesture could feel complex to Tsukasa, such a tactile experience. many senses stimulated Amane watches… rubs the pad of his finger against seam of gums and teef…
つ:and from the mouth of his yukata, the sleeve, blooms the heat of Amane's body, with every movement of his arm.. its like being in front of a very dull, dying hairdryer, sometimes a hot breeze puffed out as the sleeve sways or compresses
tsukasa looks at the patterning on it, the nice dark colors…. Amane was suited to the dark color
あ:Everything scarily oscillates between feeling like it's happening in a rush, to achingly slow, grinding to a halt…
Thoughts race, as much as they are just vanished, head is an empty auditorium, silence. Just having a moment where he is touching the inside of Tsukasa's mouth. It's so weird… this doesn't feel too unlike… an interaction they could have, outside of this
…. tugs Tsukasa forward, and more decidedly positions finger to prop his mouth open. get it… get it over… Bring your mouth over, upon..
つ:ah, this isn't the final kiss, right, right…..
あ:Going to feel scary, once the wetness from Tsukasa's breath is felt, the humid exhale… reigniting that sense of-- heep-!!
つ:it smells so different from the rest of Amane…. not only unfamiliar, but not an everyday scent… not the usual sweaty scent, not like his body, nor his hair…
not even like when his arms are held over his head sleeping beside tsukasa in summer… not even that scent.. a really different scent. audible sniffs.
feels like the cloud of his own breath meets the cloud of amane's… body part, it's vaporous all around
あ:s-sniff?? smell??? smelling it-??? the sm.. the smell...??
つ:the inside of his yukata…. also is a prison of the smell, and every movement wafts it out, too.
hard to believe he couldn't smell this before, actually, even standing beside him
so distinct, and so much of it. hot in the air. maybe the yukata traps it all…. oh, his shorts, too
あ:An extra layer, hugging it all against his body… Accumulated scent….
… Tsukasa surely doesn't mean to but, lingering and drinking in details really leaves Amane feeling teased, like, mhgh…. he's really not… uhh, mentally prepared for this sort of thing, hasn't actually thought hard about self IN sex, it's only just starting to crystalize you know… puberty… so i don't think he can repress a whine… but it feels unfair.. like.. ugh but it shouldnt be me who needs to be reminded to keep quiet… YOURE. ..,, why i cant … if you just. hhurried up…
つ:like what, aren't you, serious, about doing it….
あ:[hissing whisper] Tsukasa…! … just put your mouth on it….
つ:[snaps out of the haze] [goes to say 'hai' but realizes he's supposed to be quiet] [simply, ………… kisses it] … and then rolls tongue out under it, peering up at Amane
well, the finger…. he was touching my tongue….. that was like an example, I get it the finger is like a thingie
あ:The foolish thing was, thinking that this would 'help'. Amane nearly has to bite his tongue to choke back more sound -- LOUDER too, crackling up his throat. body shivers…
ahm, but, his eyes roll back dramatically too, it's like sss..
つ:WHOA--! looks possessed!! whoa!! what'd his eyes do……
ah, wraps lips around it, wait, kiss, proper…. the kissing motion naturally sucks amane a little further in ah, how much goes in, I don't know… --AH it tastes, saltier than his finger, ah, it's really, really warm……
the skin, smoother than the ribbled divets in his knuckles, pliable, moves over the shape of it.. right, right! [forgot. he has one of these] yea the skin does that sortof thing, it can move… sortof…. experiments with it, right…. it's this part…. slides tongue firmly over and back, feeling skin tug……
あ:It f. It feels good. It feels good. Unfathomable, the immediacy of the intensity, it's-- he's just not ready to, feel so much, concentrated, feeling, in his cock. Everything at the tip feels like it sends pulses of heat, p.. pain? to the gut, up your spine, you can't stop fidgeting!! A-ah. Hot. the mouth his hot. It feels like Tsukasa drank tea. but he didn't… that's just, that's just the mouth, lips… Sssoft. Soft? Never really consciously thought a boy could have a, nice soft mouth, it's not what you think. [stupid, reductive]
Shifting weight on feet, it kind of makes Amane pivot, sway like he's in a dance -- it pulls himself out of Tsukasa's mouth a bit, rests more against the edge of his mouth. Brushes against lips lightly, side to side… but even that feels really good, since… when does it feel this good. It's a body part that's always on him, it's always been known to be like, sensitive, taxonomically, yeah, it is… But what is this-? Scary. But magical…
つ:pauses, letting Amane move it against him as he wishes, imagining its another tutorial, just like the finger….
あ:It's a magical sort of evening, actually, isn't it…? Beautiful sights and… exciting moments, ah, so much fun had… with… Tsukasa… [reduced] It felt good, to be with Tsukasa, all evening, never wanted to be too far away. It's… it's nice to have… this focused attention, time… It's like, they're in their own little bubble.
Shakes head. Trying to gather self, ah, eyes squint. It's like there's a warm fog… Ruffles Tsukasa's scalp. … what a familiar gesture…! Astounded by it, dumbly. Ruffa ruffa ruffa
つ:oouuuo i like a ruffa IT MEAN I DO GOOD??? wiggles a little. tugs hands on the draping cloth of amane's parted yukata, against his either thigh. he's having fun, isn't he…?
あ:Maybe this is fine… Mmmaybe Tsukasa could just, grant him this little taste of excitement. Why wait… and ah, why not… like this, what more trouble would there be to get into-? Right? [not thinking very logically…. getting wrapped up in own pleasure]
つ:nobody has to ever find out, and its only for Tanabata....
あ:Tries to focus… Slooowly… pushes hips forward… Like the- like… hump gesture… yeah… Pull hips back… move them forward…
つ:like the colored chicks and the masks, it'll go away after today, when the stalls disappear in the morning….
あ:An indulgence… like, as much as maybe mom or dad wouldn't like how much food you guys bought and ate really or, this and that, too many sweets… but who needs to know…
つ:tsukasa tries to keep up… take the hint, of pressure, as it pushes against lips, I'll kiss it into my mouth, again, then…..
あ:Catching up mentally for a sec like, ugh , wait, s. sex. SEX motions… mghh… shove.. ah, wanna do it… like, like TEENS do it, not tepid!! but n. but no, I could do it more…
つ:what is even the point of doing a risky thing carefully
あ:I could do it better [has nooo metric for what that would even mean]
つ:a risky thing. it's already a risk whether it's full force or weak, it's the same degree of risk, it's the same--! he could do it better than teens
あ:all this swirling around in his head… while he clutches at Tsukasa's face, two hands planted firmly. and bucks forward -- though.. for all the resolve, it's quite clumsy, he's not… thinking to make sure they're lined up. but it's probably entirely exciting for Tsukasa -- Amane seems so purposeful nonetheless
Cock kind of crushes against outside of lip, clumsily bumping up Scent is coating Tsukasa's skin…
つ:scent is so strong…. all he can smell anymore, the grass is gone, the festival booths are gone, the fried oil scent and the candied apple nearby, gone, nothing but this new fog….. pushing into his skull, vision blurring, it's like a steaming window inside of his head
exciting to be held, to be directed-- want to be directed.. please show me don't have to be polite while showing me, can always push me around, just want to know what to do, don't want to mess up, don't want to be called stupid….. want to do it well, make it nice, it's only for Tanabata
why did Amane want to know if I'd like it… it doesn't matter does this mean Amane is liking it?
so purposeful-- is it because-- he is frustrated, or, because it's good… these thoughts finally make tsukasa's throat make a small noise, which buzzes around amane
mysteriously… more overwhelming than usual, and he doesn't know why… the feeling of wanting to do something well, for Amane
the feeling of anxiety inside of him, is not unusual…. but it accosts him differently. pulling his chest a little… its like all the things that can't fit in his foggy hot brain are tangling in his chest with nowhere else to go
あ:Focused boy… just really thinking about… his performance. Ehmm, wanna be impressive… Shuffling about, adjusting his posture ever so slightly, trying to adjust how he's balancing his weight. Scuffing zori against the ground. Bump, bump… He has the looping gif of the teens in his head, though they're comically becoming less vivid in Amane's mind, like guff, like your brain can't retain too much about them. They've given you the information you need… becoming slippery in your mind… Just reduced to silhouettes, motions. But it's also being used to think about what the two of them must look like right now…
The idea of discretion is actually carelessly discarded, in favor of obsessing over how much their postures, everything, must undeniably resemble sex right now. Tantalizing. Looks just like it….
This is all occurring before Tsukasa makes a sound, I think. Because that sensation is a new thing to feel overwhelmed about -- vvv… vibrations…!!
BUz..z… buzzing…!! All around…!! Feels like Tsukasa hummed all throughout his body…!! it reverberates… creates a shiver, while he really leans on his tippy-toes. startling… but ah, sssso cool. [braindead] h.ttt..t. h… hot. hot hot. It's muffled, because… cock is in his mouth… blocking the sound…
Pat pat pat pat pat… Pets hair, dances hands all around. Uahhg.h….
つ:uueuueee hhhe feels excited, Amane, he doesn't move like that any other time….
WISH I KNEW WHAT INCREASING THE THING MEANT, how to do it more harder better…. doing something so cluelessly is difficult for Tsukasa!!! the feeling in the chest is so much!! like worms wriggling tickling his lungs and heart, hah, haaahhhhg.. whines again, like an overstimulated puppy
he likes it he likes it, right? not, , impatient because i'm-- too slow, it's because Amane is excited?? I don't wanna be quiet--!! pulling at his yukata…. mmm but i gotta be quiet… thats the only thing he told me
あ:Ugh… Amane is just soooo… pleased, on this evening, he's more open and receptive in ways. He's also just so young, and sexuality is so new… I think the end result is feeling like UAHHh uahhh i wish i could hug tsukasa right now. you're doing me such a favor lol-!!!
ah poor Tsukasa though… Even experienced adults can struggle during sex, and they have more communication going on….
つ:amane's role is simply to feel like god this is fucking awesome tsukasa is such a trooper i would not do this AOAUooo hmmmmmm
あ:your brother is no help… He thinks that, maybe you, somehow understood the noises were hot-? doing them more…? feelszzlzz goood hhghhgf.g…
つ:he really isn't getting grossed out and stopping
あ:shoves harder…
つ:can't help but make a sound in surprise, O-okoh, faster, or, d, deeper!! its nto deep enough-- ITS SUPPOSED TO BE IN ALL THE WAY, IS THAT IT? SWALLOWS TO BASE, closes the small gap until his face is pressed flush to amane's torso before him
あ:this is awesome > this is agony cock experience. but its still awesome. I think he comically was not going as 'deep' bc of like, already overwhelmed with it all. but mgngh but also oh god all the mouth… scrabbling, clawing hands grasping at Tsukasa and tugging at the fabric of his own yukata. Let's out his own whine… starts out quite strained, but is finally a sound that really escapes him. mirroring your overstimulated puppy status
really. coughs. slaps palm over own mouth for a sec.
あ:panting heavily into his own sweaty palm… feeling the way moisture just traps against…. feels like if you both peered at each other, you'd be… pleading eyeballs
つ:looks up so quickly with such thoughtless ferocity that Amane's cock pops clean out of his mouth with a noise that rivals the fireworks, then feels like AHH OH NO and immediately swallows it back down
あ:angh, [rub rub rub rubs own face]
つ:when your cock is small. it easily pops out and back in. such is the way of the little boy didnt think about that when you decided to have preteen sex
あ:I did not remember my baby cock.
hmm thinking… I kinda like the thought of like. amane genuinely starting to buckle so much it slike gdhf.gh. fumbles backwards to rest back against the back of a stall… or some sort of structure… but this is like a. [grabs tsukasa by the hair and moves him with me] deal
つ:need support oh god the blowjob has become dangerous and life threatening can 8 year olds die from blowjobs
あ:ahmm but you like the look… shoulders pressed back, legs more out.. chest rising and falling quickly
but i st. but i still push into mouth god help me continues whining. hiccups. maybe this is a way to die
つ:ah… agog… it. really looks like amane is…. feeling the same things….
i wish i could tell amane, that i like it and it feels good and he smells nice. can we talk now? he's talking. sortof . i want to let amane know!! I-- !!! [BRAZEN IDIOT WILLL] "Ahmah-- ne," cock drapes, drags, against his lower lip as it slips out, but he keeps it close, as close to it as he can, muffling just a little, "Ilike, it--feels, good! its good! you-- aha--!" aaouhh my head is so dizzy…. "I-- I like it, Amane!" he was worried he wouldn't, right? ah.. and tsukasa…. he wasn't even thinking about liking it, that wasn't … why…
あ:Watches on, feeling awed genuinely, at the look of it all, Tsu... Tsukasa just talking around, it, and ah, as it's out in the open air... it feels cooler, because it's wet... from Tsukasa's spit... Tsukasa's words pelt him, the tone makes him blink slowly. It takes longer to process what is being said
Tsukasa stopped to, breathlessly tell him that he liked it…? Mmh… Such a, such Tsukasa thing to do, really, get all caught up in the moment and stop what he's doing thoughtlessly. He's out of breath too… well, that makes sense, aha… Marvels as well, at the ways they feel similar. Tsukasa's face is flushed too… [reaches out and touches it compulsively] It's so much hotter than his palm… His bangs are sticking to his forehead from the sweat. The hair has gotten more ruffled, from all of Amane's grabbing and tousling… Looks fluffier… It's honestly, a messiness that suits him though. What a picture this is-! Framed by the pale of his yukata, so pristine by comparison, bright and light and delicate…
[exhales] this is, a safe space and also this Amane cannot read the commentary. but i think you could describe him as feeling something like, love struck… ugh, but he's really feeling it all, you know!! A night with your best friend. It's like fireworks in your chest!! And then getting to do something like THIS, this thrilling, and, Tsukasa likes it… ahahah…
laughs aloud. Aha….! Offvvv. Of course-! you do…
eyes squinch I was overthinking it….
つ:its simple, finally the familiar feeling of comfort comes into play, just hearing him talk as simply and directly as always....
あ:mm mmm…. crouches! touches foreheads rubs… back and forth
つ:LEAAANSS!! M!!!! "Amane….!"
あ:"… haha. You smell like me." [voice low]
つ:>:o "I DO!!"
あ:"It's weird…"
つ:"its really strong" "its everywhere"
あ:…………………………………… [closes eyes.]
つ:[dumbly] "it all smells more right now." [beams, pleasantly]
あ:"You're smelly too." defensive. "It's hot out." what do you want from me!!!
つ:"I am?! oh."
あ:"Yeah. I can smell you alot." [inhales.] [gets. dizzy.]
つ:"I can't tell." "I can only smell you"
あ:imagine he tucked his face closer to like, crook of neck to whiff
つ:stiffens a little at being sniffened like a dog at a dog park
あ:"Well, I'm letting you know, your stink is in there too."
つ:ah. well. brazenly nuzzles against Amane's cock, because there's no reason not to. feeling so pleasant. I like that Amane said he could smell himself on me… mmmm…. mmm i want. smell….
あ:cough cough ahghh ahckg hacl hakc
つ:as amane is crouching the idea of getting even lower to do this is funny tbh
あ:you duck between his legs like a cartoon ostritch
the way the dynamic simply seamlessly continues. even if you make me horny sighs. but like gets back upright pat pat.
つ:its just tsukasa…… amane while he isn't literally immediately experiencing the blowjob: it's no big deal amane in 2 sevonds experiencing the blowjob: AHAOUEUGOHGG
あ:OOO UUHE AHHH OUHGHH ouhghh eve six. somehow haughtily is just like eh whatever…. Oh it's just messing around. like whatever.
つ:tsukasa is just having his simple little good time isn't he…. hehe
ah but so pleased to have talking confirmed okay…. "Amane..!" nuzzle, nuzzle ahhh anxiety gone resolved amane… love meeeee, happy with me, playful, we are having fun
あ:rubs your shoulders "Tsukasa." curtly.
あ:[tilts head.]
つ:why things feel different right now is an enigma….!
あ:"…? Tsukasa…? You… okay?"
つ:laughs, breathily, "uh huh! un" paws at Amane's yukata… "I wish it was OK to do this at times other than a festival." matter of fact
あ:[looks at you with immense pity] [but then the concept like stirs around in his skull and a tumbleweed blows through amane's brain] opens mouth closes mouth opens mouth
つ:tsukasa thinks but oh well, and licks your cock
あ:aghh fh oh not again
Tsukasa you don't know this but that's actually well played. i think amane was just going to be enigmatic and quiet but feeling tongue on cock again is like ohg of hgjfkd
"Ahhgh mmmmaybe wec an just get good at sneakingg" like oh my god im not ready to leave it "It'ss hgjust gotta be a secret"
つ:mouth is hung open w cock resting on tongue, tsukasa doesn't understand what he is quite hearing. hm?
つ:….. …. "ih-- duhn't havf be , fessval….?"
あ:"Maybe there's other eventssor….g h…." [feeling like lungs are filling up with water] "or….f fffff….. no one sns… home….?" [bumps hips]
つ:for the first time of this event simply holds amane's cock with his hand like he's never thought of this, to lift it a little away but. ilke keep it. warM? held? odd impulse and not thinking about it
ah, he bumps into tsukasa's hand…. wah, the skin movement, felt it there--! so interesting
あ:simply keeps dipping in and out of Tsukasa's palm, even as he is trying to pause
つ:…. "… we can do it at home?" wide-eyed, head tilting. hand pumps a few times on sheer instinct
あ:"Mhm mh mhmh" voice gets unflatteringly high. OH ANYHT GUIHNF stamps feets
つ:"really????" pumps cluelessly, its like momentum more than conscious action at all
あ:"Un, un, home… at home wh. i m. ah. if we're alone and…" [eyes rolling] "I dunnno maybe w'ell just get good at it..g…h…" teeth chattering holds tongue between teeth pads out the motion
つ:ouuhhhg also feeling gassed by this..a aaouuhh…..? gets… visibly dizzied "good at it… I wanna be good at it…." wobbling a little "for Amane…."
turns… back to his cock in his hand, thinking about this simple phrase, which is satisfying to think about…. ah, a skill… something to do, beyond just… existing, with Amane, something he could practice…. that Amane wanted to do, mentioned, first….
Amane really seems to like it… I don't see him like this….. it's so different. it doesn't have to be just Tanabata….? thats so much to think about….
あ:"You…" swallows, squeezes eyes tightly, before opening them, and they're less hazed and lost but more… focused, suddenly, affixed. Staring down at him. Thoughts were swirling, trying to conceptualize… variables of, house, home, hours? School… time alone? Parents? How does it all come together…
But-- it all gets knocked out, hearing that reply. Squints… "Tsukasa." swallows again, licks teeth. "You… you'd really like that…?" voice getting quiet. "This…" punctuates, sliding in and out of hand…
つ:mmmmezmerizing…. looks at hand like oh i didn't know i was doing this. whoa whats going on here. watches wetness bead out… leans forward to lick it on instinct, just as he would tears
あ:breath quickens… sounds like he's hyperventilating…
つ:doesn't taste too dissimilar from tears….. saltiness…..
ah, distracted by the taste hitting and buzzing brain/tastebuds, so he forgets a question was asked, falling out of time, instead getting back to putting it in his mouth, thinking: wait, its supposed to be mouth…
i got distracted talking… supposed to…. do this, right now
becomes very focused, for the first time in all of this, for some reason. perhaps doing a few pumps taught his hindbrain something intuitive. bobs on his own, over it, in-out
fingers still wrapped around the base a bit, but more out of thoughtlessness-- like holding something while you leave the room unnecessarily….
brain is…. leaving…..
i really wanna be good at something. for Amane i really want to be good at this, if he likes it
あ:It's just so easy to derail one another, mutually. It's all so pressing and distracting, isn't it? Watching Tsukasa's mouth enclose around it, the motions, feeling… graceful…. Stomach-turning kind of grace… It looks natural. ah, it's pretty….
Isn't it weird to think… pretty… But, ah, what about it isn't pretty…. Like the yukata… It's made of nice fabric, print… Our shared face, there's nothing wrong with that… Look at it, all day, don't we.
つ:its the serene devotion emanating
あ:Having focused more, Amane's able to drink in more details… The concentration… the lack of hesitation… … there's no way the people earlier were experiencing something like this, actually… [becoming strangely certain…]
つ:probably just some . fffucking…. stupid teens, barely know each other barely doing anythin,g, barely wanting it
あ:What, some classmates? If, even that
つ:no way. no way she. told him shelikes it no way
あ:She couldn't have looked so into it. Must've felt like a chore… her mouth would just get tired and… that'd be that…
They aren't going to go home, to the same house, at the end of the day. They're not going to take a bath together.
つ:they are not in matching yukatas amane i assure you that
あ:[exhaling] "You really do. You just do like it…" muttering… fills in the blanks himself…
つ:humms in reply… feeling serene being told a plain fact
ah, i do like to think it's… somehow become bizarrely graceful bobbing. hit a stride… reached pure bliss
あ:"If you could do it more… you'd do that?" ah, squeezes pea. mnn wait ugh… "For me? Like you said…."
つ:comprehend the rhythm-- motions-- experienced it enough, subconsciuosly logged it
あ:ugh, chest squeezes to see…
Unfiltered admiration… It's, it's impressive. Tsukasa is being impressive. Fff… feels good… ahh… teeth what to chatter, feel overwhelmed. Tingling all across the skin.
つ:humms... "for Ahmma-ne"..... thinking the words to self. ah, feels good to do things for Amane.... swirls tongue around
あ:Chases after, trying to sync rhythm with own motions now… though, they're understated, slow pumps… He's trying to not lose his thoughts. Though, what comes out is less… thoughtful than he means
"It'd have to be for me. Like this. Iiii. I wouldn't wanna do, what you're doing." huffs…. "- ssso… you'd have to keep doing it…" "Like this…"
つ:ah can barely understand but is a dizzy mess and nods obediently. heard 'you'd have to keep doing it like this' and that sinks in. feels like a bell rung.
あ:presses palm heavily against one of his eyes
つ:wants me to do something....
あ:… can't help but get severe, suddenly… "If we do this, you couldn't back out. O-kay. It ff… itffffeeels really good, it wouldn't be fair. You can't. Say you're gonna and then… change your mind…"
Muttering under breath at times, rubbing own mouth. it's not liable that tsukasa will hear or understand all of it, but Amane is moreso talking to himself
つ:its so high concept. its unthinkable for tsukasa to even consider the imaginary concept of changing his mind or backing out
あ:"Seriously…" sucks in saliva. "If this is… going to happen outside of Tanabata…" still struggling with such a thought. looks down. "It's only fair…" huffs. "You're." huffs…. h-hhaha…? "You're."
"You're already good at it…" losing. faculties.
つ:aaoaooguooououououawo whiiiines WANNA BE GOOD A T SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
あ:heep…. eyes roll back again -- do eyes DO that this often?? feels like they are spinning… can't- can't even control them… do they just DO that… what the hell… why would your eyes do stuff…
つ:ahhh overstimulated but determined to not stop but struggliiiiingggg, whines.... whiiiines
あ:Starting to open-mouthed pant…
つ:aahhh good at it. . not only for tanabata. going to be good at something. pppraised. aahhhhh please
あ:Ohhm… he's freaking 8 years old…
"Tss…. tsu.. tsukasaa…." whines back… parallel… IT'S OVERWHELMING, WE'RE ALL OVERSTIMULATED ACTUALLY BY THE THOUGHTS. feels a LITTLE nauseaous. but also it's the. feeling close. to coming. antsy.
degrading into just whining… back and forth. ahhh name is, love to, hear it, like this, why?? what does it mean, if amane whines it? mm nn no, wait, ah I'm whining rn, ah… didn't notice, oh, it's the same feeling again….
there's. no way amane feels like this….. the same, really?! nnn.. bbbut he's the one saying good things. whiiiness
to tsukasa he's, on the better end of things. spoiled here praised, played with, tasting smelling so much…. a dream
あ:There are ways it feels like a whoole experience surely, hard to imagine what Amane is getting out of it, by contrast… Not being talked through the experience or pet…
あ:But that's just the bias, feeling like Amane is all enchanting… on Amane's end I think at this point Tsukasa is lke scary, my scarily capable and sexually potent otouto actually, i'm starting to preemptively feel afraid at the thought of experiencing a taste of this and somehow this not going well later. DON'T YOU DO THIS TO ME. THIS IS RUINING ME AND IF EEL IT SO HELP ME…
I think it'd be cute actually if he came while rushing to cover his own face… hide… and then also immediately FALL. slide down to the ground. lays on the ground like a rabbit shot with an arrow bleeding out
つ:tsukasa would be so shocked by fluid and dealing with that WHOA if its dry though its like what is happening i dont know excessive twitching and squeezing and then amane dying
あ:one likes either option… romantic first fluid nut on tanabata
あ:ohhhh ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the moon and stars
つ:either way its like its suddenly become more alive than ever which is startling and slightly scary. like its doing everything. then spits in his mouth then just slips clean out as Amane flies away to the ground
left on hands and knees processing liquid in mouth, dripping down chin….. takes a second before moving it around with tongue, feeling odd thickness to it, no idea what it is at all, spit? it spit in me? it did something…..
kiss me… back? i drool all over it it drooled in me
あ:whoa. so mysterious feeling bodies can do so much
つ:uhm uhm… swallows it.
あ:amane is kind of writhing. i think the mania is also getting to him like thrashes kicks legs
つ:licks lips. looking like birthday table boy swallowing licking and then looqing
あ:hmmm. this is one of those. like. post nuts that just isnt graceful. GROANS AND KICKS. and moans. OHGHHGH
つ:watching amane like a very interesting bug. whoa
つ:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW WE'RE REALLY NOT BEING QUIET ANYMORE
あ:rolls over and rips up grass claws at the dirt
つ:blinks. whoa! "whoa….."
あ:somehow im thinking about him getting up though and looking at tsukasa like. flushed. panting. about to cry. and yet menacing. "YOU'RE going to keep doing that later."
あ:[closes eyes] "Good." keels over again
つ:[stupid] "…. do you want more now?"
あ:hm……. "I w…" [quiet] "………. yeah………….. b-but."
つ:crawls towards accidentally menacingly
あ:HIEHYGF crawling backwards like its a zombie movie MATTE MATTE matte matte matte ahh nnn TSUKASA!!!
つ:tilts head. why go
あ:My st. my tu… my tummy hurts. w.. wait!!! wait aminute
あ:and my… **** feels sore.
つ:!! ah!!
あ:[holds hand over it like its a wound] s…. so… not right now…
つ:IT SPAT something at me, is that 'cuz it got hurt??
あ:…………………….. I GUESS? [RUBS FACE] chigau.
It um… [i dont fucking know the science of come.] It did the thing Cuz it felt really good, actually. Umm… Like.
Well it was all good. [serious.] but that part.. um… [looks around] like.. LIKE!! like the "pop" [hands close and open] part of the firework
あ:… it felt like… it felt like that… I think… even the.. the part like.. up up up… going higher… [frazzled, ruffling own hair] like, uh… yeah… and then… pwhhh…
つ:[listening to attentively]
あ:[wiggles fingers]
つ:…… oh its a thing you can do too much. like eating or running. or something. are you tired?
あ:………… nods.
つ:we could go home now
あ:… aren't you tired…
あ:… Your mouth isnt tired…?
つ:[WIDE AWAKE] [sortof. testing jaw out. messing with it] …. no!?
あ:mh. [… well then i wont feel bad about anything wtf…] Sure… okay, then. Let's just go home. =,= ……………………………………………… i wanna bath….
つ:beamssssss we'll take a bath!!!!
あ:you run it…. [yawns] saying this and dusting self off… settling things back in place.. ah, but mindlessly hold hands at the end of it all
つ:as we always do. walk home hand in hand
あ:Gonna sleepily slump on tsukasa in da tub Gonna be like mghh tsukasa….. Get me… a snack… Before bed… fetch
つ:he will be so fetcheth you things master. and amane will feel so justified the penis incantations i have been weakened. tsukasa is fine. i almost died. inch of my life out there on the grass
あ:You got allll hot and sexy sucking coxk for no reason and it almost killed me. i need to learn to forgive you for that
つ:Tsukasa: [laying on tummy, idly asking after a few sessions] does it really feel good for Amane…. ?
Amane: of course it does [annoyed]… it's you who's the confusing one… [defensive] what do you even get out of it…
Tsukasa: ? you pet me and tell me i did it good, i always like that!
Amane: [got so horny hearing that he got nauseous-- yeah you like that, don't y-- but then recovered quickly and doesn't like the statement anymore, in a pragmatic way] is it really like anything then? for you? it's not different? [sortof … a little reserved about this… suddenly like: wait I…. maybe don't like it if Tsukasa isn't horny whatsoever and its just me]
Tsukasa: …. [no mouth] no its different from stuff [no idea how]
Amane: ok. it feels different, right. but how. I'm not touching you. you know?
Tsukasa: no, you pet me [literal]
Amane: NO-- I mean. y. [sighs] okay … do you… does it feel like… [realizes this takes more.. braincells, to talk about. and that he has a real question in his heart right now! how to tackle it…] [clutches…. own shirt] like here… it goes fast [heart] … and. it's hard to breathe…
Tsukasa: [mystified that Amane is confirming, aloud, the synchronous feelings] hai….
Amane: [nods] and… its. tingly. All. over.
Tsukasa: IT IS TINGLY!
Amane: [doesn't like this conversation but does] [you dont' like Tsukasa Not being horny and you also don't like him being confirmed horny.] yeah, and. and it's different. it's different. uhm. its even different-- hearing. listening. to. uh. each other. like- like, say, names….
Tsukasa: whoa, you're right. [staring at nothing]
Amane: [also staring at nothing] yeah. [shakes head, knocks out of it] wait, so you really feel that stuff? just doing it? I thought it was just, what you did to me that made me feel that. I don't get it.
Tsukasa: why not?
Amane: [frustrated] its like if-- I ate a sandwich and YOU got full! or something! like why would that happen? m- [struggling] my body. feels new. and weird things. 'cuz of. you know. you're. touching it.
Tsukasa: mhm.
Amane: but why would just you touching it make you feel weird
Tsukasa: I dunno. It's special?
Amane: [flinches. mrngh ugh no… lame, to say that. ew] I guess…
Tsukasa: [simply] I've never heard you make noises like that. Or look like that
Amane: [feels called out] you make new noises, too…. [defensive]..
Tsukasa: [oh true, the whining is so new-feeling] do you like them?
Amane: ………………….. [puts a pillow over Tsukasa's head] [has no pupils or mouth]
just like thing in my brain last nite/this morning the way convos could be so casual and so stupid is funny to me, the charm of being way too familiar
あ:kawaii… Whimsically I was enjoying the thought of, like later just getting to rap about stuff, talk about the details i was thinking of Amane just being like. so……….. what's it. taste like. [uncontrollably curious] Like… is it just, whatever. is it neutral. or is it a little ah.. weird but…. like Tsukasa just is good at working past that.. or.
つ:Tsukasa the world's biggest freak: oh it reminds me of your tears! but its a lil different [touches finger to lip] bi..tter? like… [thinking] … tea? [thinking] if you put tea and sweat and crying together ina cup
あ:LOOKS………………….. [but says nothing.]
so if you put all of those in a cup, you would drink that.
つ:if Amane wanted me to
あ:oh one of those moments where Amane just pities you. like, Tsukasa… clicks tongue
I worry about you, you know. [holds your face condescendingly though]
Would you really drink anything if I made you. [going to get horny about the sureness of tsukasa's reply]
あ:ooooooooooooooooooooh youve made me so. [redacted]
I was really enjoying thinking of the immediate aftermath of this sitch where. They have almost like an entirely normal night and Amane passes out so hard snzzzzz…. And we just fall into our routine so normally it's like w/e, we have breakfast, oh another day. Like Amane's brain just suspends from the events and you're just eating dinner with your parents. I actually was kind of thinking about, like a whole 2 days passes by or something, a lot of time just doing normal stuff. but then you're both alone in your room and you process your parents went to do some errand, or you're not going to be really bothered for hours, and it's like …………………………………. [the room darkens]
Looks around
つ:darkness descends upon you
あ:Sensing… opportunity its like ah god i wasn. i wasnt really thinking about it
つ:you have blowjob vessel with you at all times
あ:Tsukasa innocently fiddling with some toy has a plastic dinosaur wordlessly walk up to and be like. tug tug. but after this it's really like the cumrotting. OHH ITS JUST SO EASY!!!
つ:for tsukasa it is also like oh fell out of my head haven't been sminking about it but its like-- THE SMELL is back
whoa i can just smell it again. though i do like to think after blowjob tsukasa is suddenly vaguely atuned to cocksmell wafts when they happen. like you guys get into the bed and the sheets plume as they do and youre like snf.
あ:There's a good smell here :) I'm sure it's just ilke a-ah… there it is…! It actually exists normally, I just didn't know that was the smell…
つ:now i recognize a new color
あ:And the world. became a little MORE special of a place.
あ:I actually had a bunch of miscellaneous thoughts within this scenario… like, random little conversations where Amane is curious what Tsukasa is experiencing/feeling, but also since the "nut and keep sucking" experience is on my mind, thinking about Amane dealing w frustrations of penis limits. feeling like, but i want it more and longer. trying to overcome this. it's also like, he doesnt like feeling as though someone Tsukasa has more stamina, it's always me prying Tsukasa off… huff huff. [want to be impressive]
Just bemoaning to Tsukasa outright, about wishing it could last longer. which could be interesting for Tsukasa to hear bc. [memories of Amane ripping him off abruptly] its just interesting these desires could exist, conflictingly
つ:oh. then why do you pull me off. sortof mindset about it
あ:[finger to mouth innocently] Especially when its like. pries off. AND. is like. dont touch me ouhh dont lay on me
Amane both petulantly, flippanyly huffing about wanting this outside of it happening, but then also agonized whining for it during… Much for Tsukasa to digest
Tsukasa, who always wants Amane to get what he wants. like hueue…. how do i halp…
つ:its like awe… what do do i keep going or not…..
あ:Which Amane do I listen to…😰 But one day Amane just humbles himself and tasks you with a mission Sits on my knees in front of you we are facing each other sitting
つ:tsukasa listening to this like. hmm…. so. I listen, to the Amane, now but I don't listen to the Amane, later. but what if the Amane later wants me to listen to him….?
あ:Like Amane is underestimating his own reaction here I'll just power through it I'll just…. want it
つ:when the time comes he's going to get scared when tsukasa doesn't stop easily and does indeed just bare down and continue
あ:The resistance. It can be scary We make, some new noises today
Thinking about the Amane tasking Tsukasa with this like. Trying to emphasize, like, we'll just experiment. I wanna see what it feels like… maybe we could just make it last a bit longer… I'll just like… try and focus. But if you're not tired, you should just keep at it [not expecting to tear up from fear]
つ:brain is like nOOO I'M UNDER ATTACK HELP!!
あ:you cave and are just like ST. STOP!!! STOP!!!
I actually like the dramatics of saying "stop" and "no" aloud its really ilke. well its the part where its noncon
i think it would be interesting whether or not tsukasa listens… like i think it's cute if he's just so good boy brain and like :< about it and does let up… but then you have amane meditate on it and is like. wait. no. i mean. i thibk. i think we're ontos oemthing [hand over mouth, thinking]
つ:i imagine the first 'try' tsukasa doesn'thave the werewithal to continue ignoring once he keeps pulling and asknig stop and sounding upset
maybe only lasts a little while… then is just like…. amane….. do you really want me to stop….. i know what you said before….
あ:He's just so programmed to listen…. er, and, I mean, the second Tsukasa lets up, amane will shove him awayand pull his hips back like. >_< [wheeze] So… its not like… reassuring at first
つ:just be like.. mm. p. pets. pets. you… did it good…. tsukasa [straining] uhm, i just wanted to. uh feel it. right its … hard…
あ:mutter an apology. its like. sorry… its confusing…. but you were doing what you were supposed to
つ:you just want to do what I say, don't you…… 💭I… need to get better.. at not saying…. no, or stop….
あ:See i like the thought of Amane having to problem solve actually you meditate on it… it was an educational experience
Actually i think a babystep could be like… just… staying completely still… and letting it rest in Tsukasa's mouth… we just breathe here
Maybe if we go… reeeally reeeeeeally slowly…. but I think this is more soothing for Tsukasa as well, like. just getting pet repeatedly. Amane can have more mental faculties to be like. [swallowing] "um, you're doing fine…"
つ:when he starts hissing and flinching, having a mind to pet
あ:Maybe you still just have to tap out, but you feel better about how far you got… crawls over and just nuzzles
… without all the primal terror… you can report that this time it was um um… interesting… it's, it's nice, it's.. intense but. like… feels good still….. It was better that time…
つ:fidgeting. I like that it lasted a .. a long time. tsukasa is just wigglewiggle uuuu ah good…. did it good…
あ:[quietly] It's fun.
つ:I'LL DO IT AS LONG AS YOU WANT! we'll get really good at it!! we'll do it for hours! I know you can, Amane! if you want it you're good at difficult stuff
あ:chokes coughs blood spiritually. ohhh you think i can be your little blowjob champ get real good at getting a blowjob. help
つ:a part of amane like . we shouldn't ought have hadsex at the tanabata
あ:I have a feeling it was a mistake.
あ:I think this is why. People don't have sex. With their siblings It's too easy, isn't it Teens need… to sneak out of the house to do it It must be good for you. Growing up
つ:to have to wait for the festival times and then to sneak theres gonna be a day. in the middle of the night amane is like. wait it could happen now. if we're quiet
あ:That's when you'll really be broken I also feel like. when you discover. just pantomime. its over part 2 invent humping. uahhhhhhh [brain disintegraets]
つ:ahh i was thinking about inventing humping… to one day be like. tsukasa. there's something else we can… do. like what we've been doing. something. teens typically do if we're already doing this…. i figure why not…. if we don't like it. we just won't try it again
あ:Scuffs shoe It's whatever you know. Just. We'll take our temperature on this
[the air increases humidity as you both feel the, like vibe of 'marking property' that humping gives]
つ:something neither of you can begin to articulate, to yourselves or each other. amane would see it as simply a physical transaction-- like the BJ, it's just about acquiring a sensation and being horny….
there's some subtle feelings of ownership to a BJ, but not too much, and its easy to handwave, I feel.
あ:The ahh part where, cock makes you weak, a blowjob makes you feel. weak.
being so young and tender too, you're more often just whimpering and clinging while getting sucked off
つ:it's the act of it all, you cant have many thoughts during.
あ:it can often feeeeel like tsukasa is just doing you a favor…
つ:he is fanning you with a big leaf now and again
when you get into…. baring down on Tsukasa…. grabbing him in place, squeezing him steady, pushing him against the floor, humping….. it feels… different….. and tsukasa feels it, too. it's just… visceral. forceful.
あ:It is simply different to… grab, move, squeeze, shove against Tsukasa's whole body… pin him against a surface… You're also more ah, coherent. for it
In the first place, I think instructing Tsukasa to get into position already feels like "."
つ:face away from being the logical first attempts.. lets not make this awkward
amane also like. fidgeting. look. if you dont like it-- or wahtever-- just. tell me later okay. and don't. laugh or…. I'll do something
あ:Eheh yes, especially since we're trial running… Can't deal with Tsukasa having his very focused little pinpricks. dont look
つ:I don't want you to talk. just-- put up with it. for. this first time.
so awkwardly…. having tsukasa maybe palms against a wall. standing or on knees, i wonder…. but its comforting to have tsukasa pressed to something, so he really can't move much….
あ:I like the vibe of against a wall Let me… approach this
つ:holds.. hips hips. i imagine it would be like… mmm… awkward. just looking, thinking. but actually starting is like. ffffine ok ok here i go uhm. just. does it
grabs. bumps against… more uh, cartoonishly at first pull to, and away from not knowing the actual hip-movement
あ:A lot of it just feels awkward and, like "is this anything"… is it going to feel like anything, for either of us.. but some part of you vaguely is like, interested, seeking something. so…. persist
Kawaii. like approximations it really takes a second to figure out how. like. to get a rhythm It can feel sort of wrong… like… isn't it smoother… it should just be like. bump bump bump
End up feeling like, it was essential to instruct Tsukasa to not look or say anything. Feel like he would turn around and leave , to be interrupted rn
But mm… I believe in Tsukasa's gracefulness and , also eagerness, just going to be receptive and quiet. Maybe wiggle… Whatever Amane is doing is interesting
つ:bumpbumpbump.. it feels interesting… more of his body is involved in this….. can feel that thang up against him. amane wants to rub it places….
あ:It is interesting to feel it like this. Something you've been getting familiar with Can't see it but know it…
I think any sort of… like, receptive, or playful sort of wiggle/sway from Tsukasa is good incentive. it ah. make you horny to feel/see [grips tighter]
… it's all… not nothing… I always think the way a curved spine contours very artfully against the chest, when you're looming from behind. it feels so neat. like ah, bodies… its nice to rest your face against shoulders/back too…
つ:i like to think of amane getting an increasing urge to press closer…. pull harder… at first being sortof like, ah, at a distance-- more similar to like, how we casually hump at fridge
bump. bump…. not wanting to immediately be too overinvested, a reserved amount of involvement like if you did just this and felt really embarrassed you could just, forget about it…
あ:Uhuhm… noncommittal enough. not even holding onto Tsukasa that firmly or anythin…
Light pressure. just ah, getting a feel for the territory but as a result it's cute, the spike of interest and intensity…
thinking about him really leaning face against and rubbing between shoulders. i always feel like this is just comforting. inhale Traps hot breff against Tsukasa's back
つ:feels tsukasa shudder from the breath and feels sadistic
あ:Man when I remember how little self control we had before though. how much it felt like goootttta do it... gotta hump until we're sore
つ:my creep goosebumps are manifesting m.mmm
oh yeaaahh babyyy. my spine and his muscles and hips.. unlike BJ you can really hump for a long time, especially if you dont really have apointed goal to it and aren't coming….
あ:Oh you can feel like such a creep all loomed from behind. tbh the quality where you can't see the other's expression….
つ:first session could get pretty ribbled and last a long time.. despite the start. wrap arms around his waist. really make him feel like. fklsgjlfh….
oh, this one really involves more than, just my mouth or something….. if the other thing is a kind of kiss, this is like a kind of hug
あ:oughh. the way you see the world but youre not wrong
つ:more firm…. shallow… quicker humps. i dont need to pull away all the way, he thinks… ah, its like the BJ…. its nice to do it shallow and stuff…. it doesnt have to go in-out full length every time….
あ:Sometimes doing staying really close and against is nice… mm…
つ:… but it is fun sometimes….. mmm… experiments with shallow, short humps close to tsukasa's body… then pulling away, holding him by a hip at more distance, and slamming into
あ:Really exploring the territory hmm i fjsdgh i do think it's just easier to feel like. egotistical about it. maybe its hard to leave it due to this as well
つ:stands still. like ah hm, wait a minute... he moves his head to me sometimes.... hmmm.. grabs tsukasa and pulls HIM towards, but keeps himself still.. moves tsukasa to his hips. brain pops fizzles
あ:Drags you upons… the collision can feel so dramatic!! impact…
つ:tsukasa himself easily sorta wobbly and not sure wtf is happening, trying to stay steady, has to get a better stands on the ground to not be shaken
あ:All the partition of clothes and stuff really helps keep it from being as, overwhelming and raw as a bj. but still very satisfying
つ:amane can see the utility of it all…. that you can be harsher, and the 'target' is so broad, its not like trying to aim for mouth… so you can really pull away, and pull back, and slam….
it all feed into itself though-- doing this like. mmm but i should try to do some slam with the other thing too, can't i do some…. not exactly like this, but…. more than I have
あ:Getting more comfortable and aware of yourself. yabai
つ:[pulls tsukasa over harshly a few times repeatedly, until tsukasa is panting trying to stay steady, and jostled] Amane, despite being the one requesting silence as always, is like…… [way too careless, because he expects how tsukasa will answer, by now] you really don't mind even if it's so rough?
shakes his head. he's try to be GOOD BOY UNLIKE YOU and was told to be quiet again…
[sneering behind him] can I get even rougher. [knows how you willl answer but wants to fuck with you] …. tsukasa nods, of course
あ:He is shitty like that
つ:horrible brain: i will make you regret agreeing so easily
あ:Maybe you should think twice. sticks tongue out
つ:finally a situation where maybe i can make tsukasa blanch first really awful harsh slamming repeatedly awful porno manuevers and he's amane, so he really can be tongue out THIS . HO
あ:Making Tsukasa pant is exciting… any involuntary sounds made are, like. It makes Amane feel like he "won" =,= he sucks
つ:little stops and hiccups and ah-- hhg--khk-- scritch scritch, feet unstable on the floor hands scratching the wall….
あ:Squeezes your middle so hard you squeak… and so on fucking. he's amane also so. he laughs
つ:tsukasa is . very surprised just by all the-- roughness. amane isn't really such a… ah, he's not your, jock brother in such a way, you know, he's not like headlocking you or something….
he's not. wrestling you to the ground typically…you have your little games, and when younger you had some rowdy ones, but…. he's not a frat boy! he's not usually just. i mean hitting you or something. just slamming is wild!
tsukasa thinking… so he wants to be rough….? he wants to be this rough….?
あ:We're.. weird little guys, we're typically sentimental and hand-holdy, the familiarity just lends to some playfulness, but… I think even the rougher rowdier games were under the pretense of, some RP or imaginative play. we're at most liable to get wily in the pool or something
I think the lack of proxies is really interesting… it means, Amane, just wants to be rough with, Tsukasa so Tsukasa has to process…. you want to do that to me…? He wants to hear me make these sounds…?
つ:its all so. very blank while this is all going on. despite panting physically mouth open stares at the wall
あ:… I think it's uniquely overwhelming for Tsukasa to process…. simply because it is not typical of Amane to do this… Like mnn… because it's not just in his general nature to be aggressive like that. What is this… [radio static]
つ:i think it would be really funny if Amane was having fun being really gnasty tongue sticking out snarling a corner of his lip slamming tsukasa and then unexpectedly comes and is like. stills.
forgor it could happen. didn't. wasnt trying dont feel strong anymore
あ:How do you play this off You feel the come leaking down your leg
つ:going from crushing it to just still is incriminating
あ:the wet spot. its just like. i mean theres no good options bc weakly bumping and then being like hue is also like. i think tsukasa understands What happened
You simply linger. still. hand on tsukasa. and then cough. [jenny's awkward christian grey voice] Well, that was great. (edited)
つ:maybe its just like. walks. away. goes to bathroom to like. handle this. like. wipe cock down just came all over yourself. its just. covering your cock in your shorts. soaking
sssmmmmallest spot of soaked-thru come on tsukasa…. he simply rubs his hand against the spot and brings it to his nose while amane is gone, licks it tooo…. like ah. it is the stuff.
あ:incriminating… It's interesting to think, that even without umm… mouth stuff… wetness… it could happen just force… rubbing against…
つ:he liked it as much as the other thing���..
a dokis moment alone against the wall still, unsure also if he should move or not.. its cute for amane to come back in and tsukasa has not moved an inch.
dokis of. ah he-- mm… we'll do this more, then… if he liked it.. we might start doing this too…. regularly… whenever we can…
あ:[gets dizzy]
つ:and... if we dont have to take off any clothes or, get anything out...... that seems easy
あ:[rubs face.]
つ:really don't understand his own feefee, but it's the odd ownership feeling of it… feeling, branded… roughed with treated like his… just can't have that thought formed, yet
あ:This stage where everything is just percolating…
Ah for the humble little Tsukasa I think there are dokis to be had, also, at like -- oh, yay, another thing I can do… that Amane likes… two whole things. a frog in a well like me… maybe feel a little spoilt. How did I get here…
つ:and, uhmmm it was my, suggestion sortof in the firstplace… that we could do it… so….
あ:._. me do something good 👉👈💦…
つ:i do think dryhumping is a new problem eventually, but at least at first maybe amane is a little like. avoidant of doing it again for a Second
like i. cant think about how i was there immediately >> whyd i come so hard so suddenly
あ:It's kind of embarrassing. To reflect on.
つ:and you gotta come back into the room and be like-- … tsukasa…. tugs pulls him away from the wall its over, tsukasa…
you. [through teeth] did good… pets…. ruffles hair.
あ:Trying to balance, wanting to breeze past this/move on but affirm it was good >> Like ah. that was good. maybe it's something we can do together, too. Oh uh, you can talk. now.
つ:[EXHALES LOUDLY AS IF HE WAS HOLDING BREATH] turns around and beams at Amane
あ:[looking put off] ….
つ:...... [OPENS MOUTH WIDELY] [has nothing coherent to say immediately] [looks around] [thinks so hard]
あ:............................................................. [im choosing to not be mean.... so i wont tell him to actually be quiet again....]
つ:HOLDS amane's hand in both of us suddenly it-- was-- fun! really fun! [SHAKES HAND AROUND]
あ:[resigned] Mhm…. [sigh] Good to hear you had fun. [but like… stretches leggy out] It was… interesting. [kinda kickin leg out, crosses it behind other] It gave me… ideas~ ^^
あ:[feeling smug again finally] So, look forward to.. the future~ [tongue sticky outy face]
this does feel like. its time for sadist brother to percolate thinking about. fucking you hard. sorry here it comes
つ:going to dream about slam now that i know the slam going to bleed this into the BJ stuff its like. but tsukasa has been such a good sport. and he doesn't. mind so. why should I… hold back
あ:going to treat you worse during it
つ:start really moving tsukasa's head forcefully. get more creative with positions.
あ:if tsukasa likes it so much…. really. grab by the hair. freely move you over cock the… objectification
つ:like moving over top of m.
あ:Hm the appeal of this scenario is like watching Amane like, real-time evolve into horrible pervert naturally as he gets more confident and acts rougher its like… gets more talkative during.. starts. dirtytalking. im sorry tsukasa.
あ:Like oh. he's saying so much Since this stuff started so 🤐 its … an unexpected shift but also its like wjfdgjhf when the dialogue is like [warped voice] you like that don't you, you little
つ:oh its all gonna be. tell me you like it. wanna do it. more tell me don't you wanna do this for hours?
あ:I can tell you're thinking it [out of breath]
つ:you like it more than you can say. i can tell. cuz of how you. hhlook at me
あ:you should tell me though. how you want it. don't you think i should hear it. it's just you and me here. why hold back
つ:LIhkKE-- [Amane hooking a thumb in his mouth to make it harder to talk. kind of just as a bullying thing. coming out.]
あ:hooking thumb in mouth, tilting head side to side
つ:Wannit! Wanna-- lihkk-tt do it! aaahahaaa.. I liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiike… I lliiiiiiiiike when… Amane…. ♥ isssz, rrrough, haha like this… he's rougher when we do this, you don't hold back
あ:Mmm oh he loves to hear it…. it's just like [nastily] That's right The way you are means, I don't have to hhold back. at all! aha You're easy like that
つ:I want, to be the person Amane neeverr holds back with.... [dazed, out of it...]
あ:Hahaha… hahah, aww, Tsukasa… [mock scandalized tone] You want to be special-? You want to get what no one else can… ?
つ:eeouuuhhmm… squints one eye . kicks at floor nnhnnnn.
あ:[tilts head] Hmm, it would be nice, wouldn't it…
つ:it sortof hurts to hear….
あ:[going on] getting to be special… mmm… I can see why you would want it…
つ:Amane…. I like when, Amane looks at me… [wobbly] you look at me more since starting this I like that
つ:touch… [paws at a sleeve] me more…. since….
あ:Amane is stupid, he doesn't expect to have words pain him… but it's like ahh.. The sincerity… I think it's a real balance of being horny about it and getting chest pain
つ:and feeling condescending, as he does amane with his capacity to pity the little creatures
あ:Yes. like ah. Tsukasa is… being pathetic….💔 Holds face in both hands
つ:is that what's under tsukasa's surface… tsk tsk… hold my little dummy
あ:[lower voice, pitying] It's nice to be looked at, and touched, isn't it…
つ:nodddddd… no mouth gazing at. pitiably
あ:Well, as long as you always listen to me… if you keep being, just like this. [pat pat] Thennnn why would I ever hold back…? You got this far, right?❤️
つ:mmmmm. nuzzles into hand for a moment, sortof restlessly. presses face into palm by turning himself
I WANT Amane to do whatever he wants!! I want [thinks about these words.. Amane was asking him about whwat he likes and stuff…….. its so hard to think about things in terms of whatever he's wanting…]
I want… Amane [gets still and looks around at the floor] I do like it [thinking harder.] it tastes good because it's you and it all smells good I like it.
[very simple. but it is going to sound the way it does] I like that I can swallow something from Amane and put it in me and I have it in me all day
あ:It's so simple and yet. amane really needs it to be so blunt. rghhhg…. that IS what's hot about it, isnt it…!?! rhgh
You like it cuz its me… JUST me… it. [becoming severe] it couldn't be just anyone, right-? You wouldn't like just any person… You wouldn't get on your knees for someone else. right.
つ:[FLABBERGHASTED] NO!? NO ONE?! no….! no….. no one else-- ?! no! [getting caught in it] I dont wanna smell like someone else!!!! I dont wanna put someone else in me!!
あ:spiritually Amane is steepled fingers pleased and simmering thats right…………………….
つ:only Amane!!!
あ:but you know like. thinks about it for 1 second as well and is like ugh. no. fufjghf.g never anyone else's come. oooh. OOOH. ONLY me. Never anyone else, okay?
つ:possessive guy discovers an inch of his fetish
okay!! yes! never ever! never!
あ:I don't want you to smell like anyone else either
つ:no! gross
あ:You don't need that
つ:no! never need it!!! [very definitive. firm] only AMANE. [but childishly so.]
あ:Good, good. I like the sound of that
つ:if Amane stops doing it it'll never happen again [surprisingly intense statement but said very plainly]
あ:Im-impressive… this is actually kind of high concept for amane. the future? houh….
つ:never ever. not even at a festival [as if festivals are places you just have sex. tsukasa's conceptualization of being a teen]
あ:Never... ever, even if years pass...? [quiet]
つ:never ever til I die [so easy for tsukasa to say things like this]
あ:impressive good boy otouto wtf… ah. kinda got blasted with a beam by this [breathing 1 inch from your face] That… that is how it should be… why- why should it be any different? Til.. til we die We'lllll [getting manic] WE'LL JUST do it lotssss then cuz whoo.. who cares !!
つ:oh in his miasma. staring. breathing shallow uh. uh huh.
あ:Who cares… who cares!! It's just us… hhahaha-!! ah…
あ:but it's always just us… isn't it?
あ:mm…. [rubs face on face]
あ:ohmmm my amane brain. im inventing the thought of kissing its happening what are we doingggggg [tongue lolling] its almost funny we havent gotten here but if i have your undying loyalty. idk lets fuck around
つ:its always funny how its not a thought between them it has to be like, amane thinking like….. ah. i always feel like… it's amane…. pitying tsukasa…. in a way… in the way he pities yashiro for clearly being into him…. the feeling of ahh… poor little thing…. really likes me, huh? hmm..
あ:ah, if the only way you're going to experience anything is through me… I grant you a little somwthing
つ:the easiest way to crack into it isn't as an earnest confrontation of his own love, but pitying tsukasa for being. madly in love with him it would seem
I like the thoguht of it being like a little pin drop for Amane… like ah Tsukasa… is a little weird about me.
あ:i think he's sick
[suddenly entering a 1000 yard stare state as i think harder about kiss] … ah, but I do like it being out of some sense of pity, ohhhh pity for your circumstance… In the middle of nuzzling their faces together, it occurs to him suddenly, the impulse. A real spur of the moment thing, where Amane holds Tsukasa's face and tilts it, firmly, aligns their moves. Soft press for a second, while Amane peacefully lids his eyes shut, then swipes his tongue out, over Tsukasa's mouth. Kisssss with tongue… that real stuff, like teens do. Won't be satisfied until it feels properly 'adult', tongue meets tongue. Though it doesn't end up lasting very long (still childish in this way) — it's exciting nonetheless… makes it feel like there are sparks in Amane's throat, very low in it. Crackly. Exhales heavily into Tsukasa's face.
"A little something. Siiiince, you won't be kissing anyone else, either." laughs. evilly. "I don't want my little brother to die a kissless virgin though." [you have my pity voice]
i am, throwing you a bone.
つ:stares with tongue barely poking out. aohhh ppooor tsukasa…. little brain obliterated
you're talking to him from the other end of a wide expansive gymnasium. its like that hannibal scene though where theres two hannibals and one is right next to his ear. saying the words.
kiss. kissing….. mouth to mouth. he kiss me…. kissing? kissing…. a kiss. amane… kiss me? does not say anything but starts wide-eyed leaning closer to amane again….. o 3o
あ:………………….. [looks at you.] [but like lol. yeah let's do it] [like the kombucha girl like AHAH.]
つ:oh sure. so pitiable…. are you so eager for it… lol
あ:in amane's perspective, he is giving you an extra 5 kibbles. cuz he feels so sorry for you.
つ:just a little something for my hungry pet
あ:leans in
つ:makesa tiny noise ah
あ:Wow. it is like kissing a virgin tho licks
あ:it must feel so strange right. like tsukasa is usually the one whomst licks. for tsukasa it's like mgahhh lick ME? but this is a context where amane is like. oh i know people use that thang. tongue.
つ:HE LICK MEEEE!!! drool on. me i want to have amane's drool in me
あ:desire unlocked
つ:more. substances this time i wil focus on the taste of it very very very hard
あ:moar… it is of course, not fair if amane walks out of this fine, so he should have to deal with being miserably horny about kiss. even if its delayed. like you walk yourself this far out of a sense of, i'm pitying my poor lil brother lol. but it is you who is lying in the middle of the night on your futon like . wish i was making out rn [arrested by it]
つ:I would like him to suffer despite it all. Eventually should roll over in the night get on top of Tsukasa to kiss him in a wild impulse. Had a boner for so long its painful. But fsr instead of protocol drag tsukasa to cock the makeout urge manifests. but then you're on top of tsukasa who is groggily startled and gasping confused for hair and. you realize. through the force of your hips moving on their own while these responses arouse you. that you can. make out and hump at the same time
あ:it doesn't have to stop…. [math equations flying aruond] Actually everything at once
つ:eventually going to crawl over tsukasa's head to put dick in mouth its going to be everything all at once like ughruhgjgh ouhhg wait waaait wait mm wait i canmm
あ:yes chasing it like…. AND, I WANT -- THIS its like unlocking a skill tree i can think of.. POSES Ah the intensity of like. cocksuck while straddling face though. hueee….
つ:getting all the way to humping down into face. its gotten as bad as it can get for Amane
あ:ooo eee ooo. In a way this is actually the worst timeline zim voice worse…….. or better
(~link to PART 2 down here for convenience~)
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fvk-evrythn · 1 year
I don't like when I dream..
Most of the time they never end well, and are usually really dark. Like 'oh the apocalypse is here' or 'ahh spooky ant monster demon thing' (don't ask, it was actually really scary(also I was like 5 lol)).
But this time it was worse..and I think that that's cuz 1) I knew ahead of time it was gunna go to shit, and 2) they were both there..and I just wanted to protect them..
This time it was 'axe murderer breaks into ur home' but it was kinda weird..like it was my house, but it was my house from when I was little(I've lived in the same house my whole life), and so I was having a party..but it all felt like I was back in elementary school.. Also he didn't have an axe, he had a hoe lol.
Anyway, so it was(in this order): Tristan, me, JJ, Seth, Spenc..then later for some reason the entirety of my mother's side of the family was back in the dining room(me and my friends being in the living room).
So(a vry quick nd watered down version) we were all chillin, messing around, and I heard a knock on the door. So, me being me(paranoid lil bitch) I looked through the window, but ofc that let light outside(it was like 3am pitch black the whole time for sm fucking reason lol). So he saw the light and walked up(important to know that he had been walking up to the door, knocking, waiting, then walking away for a few seconds then coming back n doing it again(also we could see his light from under the door)) to the window, and stuck his hoe through(he had already broken the window?(nd no more light ig?)).
So ofc he swung the hoe back away from me, then swung towards me(I was stuck by the window, but had closed the curtains, he couldn't see where I was) but I grabbed it n stopped it from hitting me. Then as he swung it again to strike me, as he now knew right where I was, I signaled to Spenc to come pull me away. So as Spenc was scrambling to me, and the 'axe' murderer was swinging to kill me..i woke up. Wow big scam right? Like stopping a movie mid way through lol..
But the thing is..when I wake up, it keeps going...like I still know what happens after I woke up.
I blocked his hit with my hand, though ofc it went through my hand. And so he broke the window again, and grabbed me, pulling me outside..then cut away from me(my dreams are weird..its always like a game or movie: I'm not me, like the view is from over my shoulder, but smtimes it'll cut away from me completely and show smthn/smone different..). And cut back to my friends running away and Spenc still trying to get to me.
That's where it really ended, though if I had tried to go back to sleep..it would have continued(though I am assuming that I just fucking die, or I smhow beat the shit out of him lol).
And ofc we can't forget the big thing..these dreams really fuck me up, like when I wake up, I do so in a complete panic(then ofc it keeps going in my mind, so that doesn't help :p)..like I wake up feeling as if that really just happened...and it's fucking terrifying. Like that shit fucks you up..
(Like imagine what you think it would be like..now forget that cuz it's nowhere near enough. And it really doesn't help that I have heart and lungs problems..so I basically wake up kinda choking on both not having air and on my pulse...its wonderful)
Thats why I'm glad I don't dream often... Like I've had ppl ask why I don't like dreaming..well here ya go lol.
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jinmukangwrites · 3 years
@damianwayneweek 6 (6-18): Baby Damian | Family bonding | First crush
Warnings: none
Notes: Short, sweet, barely edited cuz it's 1am. Please enjoy some de-aged Damian and frazzled Dick. Yes I'm back on my Damian and Dick bullshit. I just love them so much.
Three days, according to Zatanna. The magic that hit Damian isn't permanent, and should wear off on its own within three days.
Dick already doesn't know what to do with himself. He was hardly prepared to take over and raise a ten year old, let alone a toddler.
But here he is, sitting in the manor living room watching as a small version of his already little brother toddles around on chubby baby legs. He can't be more than two. He can walk around on his own well enough—though Alfred did block off all of the stairs in the manor anyways—and every so often he'll point at something and say... Something that sounds like a demand.
Dick wasn't really ever good with understanding baby gibberish. It doesn't help that Damian seems to have reverted in memories as well... so the things he's demanding probably aren't in English as it's not his first language.
Damian wobbles up to Dick, holding out a toy train that Alfred dug out from the attic that used to belong to Bruce. Dick takes it and thanks him, but Damian pays him no mind and returns to his toys, babbling about something only he understands.
It's so weird seeing him like this. All small, chubby, soft, and bright eyed. Dick doesn't know everything Damian has gone through... growing up in the League... and as much as Dick dislikes Talia, he knows she was the best mom she could be to him. She's raised him to be a smart, strong young man, and taught him to be able to protect himself in his dangerous surroundings... and of course Dick has known Damian long enough to have gotten through his walls and see the wonderful boy underneath, but as he watches this toddler squeal as another toy train turns on and runs on its own...
He cannot help but mourn the child Damian could have been. Should have been if every child in the world had the privilege of growing up in a safe home and no worries besides homework.
He shakes his head. He cannot think like that. Whatever child Damian could have grown into if he hadn't been raised by the League is still in there. Just a bit harder to bring out. Dick can feel himself getting closer every day.
Damian notices him shaking his head and makes a curious ah sound. He walks over to Dick, lifting his arms, and Dick assumes he wants to be lifted. He smiles at the kid and grabs him under the armpits and lifts him into the air perhaps a bit quicker than what he was expecting. The kid screeches as Dick lifts him over head and let's go for just a moment to catch him and bring him back down to his face.
Damian scowls a familiar scowl and hits Dick on the nose with his stubby little fingers.
"Bah," he scolds, and a laugh bursts from Dick's throat.
Yup, Damian is still in there.
"I'm beginning to understand why B adopted all of us when we were already in elementary," Dick complains as baby Damian screams in his wooden high chair—yet another thing dug up from the attic that probably belonged to Bruce.
Alfred hands Dick a rag with a smirk. The thrown bowl of mac-and-cheese is all over Dick's shirt.
"Master Bruce always had a tenderness for infants," Alfred replies as he uses another rag to wipe off the still screaming and complaining Damian. "He always found joy in finding whatever excuse he could to hold and play with a baby. We used to go to a church when he was still a child himself, and there was a woman there without a husband who would always bring her infant. He would always offer to hold the child for her during the sessions to give her a break."
There's a twinkle in his eye when he looks over at Dick. "I imagine that if this had happened to you, or your other siblings, when he was still around, he would have loved every second of it. Food throwing, tantrums, and all."
Dick can't help but smile. He looks over at Damian who's now kicking his legs and waving his now clean hands in a fit. "Still, I wonder what's making him so mad."
"He might not like the taste," Alfred says, "or the texture. Perhaps some experimentation is due."
After some expiration and a lot of screaming through baby lungs that couldn't possibly hold that much air, they find that Damian really likes tomato soup, apple sauce, and broccoli.
"Master Dick," Alfred speaks up on the first evening while they were showing Damian Pooh's Heffalump Movie. Dick was relaxing and watching the movie, trying to remember if he's seen this one or not, while Damian was on the floor playing with an old kitten stuffed animal.
"Yeah?" Dick asks. He looks over at Alfred, only to see Alfred raise an eyebrow down at Damian. Dick follows his look, then his stomach drops when he finds that under the recently shopped for infant clothes, is a full looking diaper.
Dick looks back up at Alfred.
"Please, god, no."
Alfred drops a diaper, a bag of wipes, and a cloth into Dick's hands. "Good luck, sir."
Dick's about to lose his mind. He did everything Alfred told him to. He read a bedtime story—Where the Wild Things Are, as it was Dick's personal favorite as a child. He made sure his diaper was clean. He turned on some white noise. He even gave him Zitka. Yet, everything he did, Damian would scream and sob in his borrowed crib until Dick picked him up and started to sing the lullabies sung to him as a child. He sings the ones from his own native language, and even though there's no way Damian understands Romani, the kid calms down and reduces to exhausted little hiccups and almost seems to fall asleep with his little fingers curled in Dick's shirt.
And the second Dick puts him down, the crying rekindles.
Dick doesn't know what to do. Damian cries and cries until he's held and sung to, but Dick can't hold and sing to him all night. He paces Damian's room, bouncing the aforementioned kid-turned-infant in his arms, mumbling tunes to whatever lullaby decides to leave his lips.
Alfred told him he has permission to wake him up if he needed anything with Damian through the night, but Dick can't bring himself to. Alfred already works so hard during the day and night, keeping the manor in shape and making sure Dick doesn't get himself killed during patrol... He shouldn't have to be relied on to take care of a grumpy baby that won't go to sleep.
No, no Dick can handle this. Damian is calm when he's held and sung to, so that's what Dick will do. He walks to the cradle and pulls out Zitka, then goes to his own bedroom to sit on his bed and holds Damian close to his chest, singing and bouncing him gently.
Eventually, Damian goes completely still against his chest, snoring slightly, but Dick's too fearful to risk anything now. He stops singing though, resorting to simply holding Damian and trying to keep his own eyes open.
He fails, but he wakes up in the morning with Damian laying on his chest, still fast asleep and drooling all over his shirt.
Dick doesn't look a gift-horse in the mouth. He shifts into a better position, then allows them both to sleep in a little longer.
Alfred discovers the problem quickly when Dick tells him how hard it was to get Damian to sleep. Turns out, Damian's teething. By noon, Alfred had returned from the closest grocery store with a few tools to help with that. He puts a few water filled plastics into the fridge, then gives Damian one to chew on in the meantime. And chew on it, Damian does. He gets slobber everywhere, but at least he's no longer so upset, especially once a cold one is exchanged into his grubby little hands.
"That's absolutely adorable," Barbara says over the phone. Dick's just finished sending her a massive amount of pictures he's taken of Damian after taking him outside to play in the backyard with the dogs. He's sent her the pictures mostly because he needs people to see how cute Damian is while trying to tackle a dog twice the size of him... but also partly because he gets the feeling once Damian's back to his normal age, he will make sure all evidence of this is destroyed.
Barbara is someone Dick's sure can keep pictures hidden in a safe place... just in case Dick wants to see them again after lying to Damian he deleted them.
Dick's beginning to understand why people like babies. Like, they're cute, yes. The sounds they make are cute sometimes too. The things they find funny are usually very goofy and enjoyable to watch. Their laughs are contagious, and their babbles are enjoyable to try and decipher...
But nothing beats watching them sleep, curled up against your chest. Full trust in you that you'll keep them safe. It's nap time, and instead of trying to peel Damian off from him and put him in the crib, he's decided to just let the kid pass out in his arms and use the opportunity to take a nap himself.
Apparently it's bad to always let babies sleep with you, but Damian's not going to be this small forever. Might as well enjoy holding him like this in pure peace while he can.
It seems Zatanna was generous with her prediction, as he wakes up with his breath being knocked out of him. Damian, his rightful age and dressed in his full Robin uniform, scrambles off of Dick's chest. It's all knees and elbows, and Dick's left rubbing his ribs as Damian pats his body, as if making sure he's really a 10 year old boy and not an infant.
"Good to have you back," Dick grunts, rubbing his eyes and holding back a grin.
Damian whirls on him and points an accusing finger. "I don't remember what all happened," he hisses, "but you will delete any photos immediately."
Dick bursts into laughter, grabbing Damians pointed hand and tugging him into a proper hug. Damian squawks just a little, but relents when Dick squeezes him tighter than what he would to an infant. Yes. This feels right. Baby Damian was cute and cuddly, but he really missed the prickly attitude of this rascal.
"Okay," he says, releasing his charge. "I'll delete the photos, after we tell Alfred you're back and you've changed out of the suit."
Damian huffs and nods. "That was horrible."
"I don't know, I thought it was fun," Dick teases. Damian glares at him and Dick grins back.
Yeah, he missed his kid.
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Check In (Intrulogical)
A/N: Finished this fic relatively quickly! It's a lot shorter than the Roceit one I posted earlier this week but it's still kinda a long fic lol!
Summary: Directly following the events of WTIT, Remus pops into Logan's room for what he claims is a quick chat, but that quickly grows into something more when the two actually get to talking.
Content Warnings: innuendos, swearing, intrusive thoughts, implied NS/FW (but nothing happens, dw), hurt-comfort
Logan had taken shelter in his room the moment Thomas got home from his outing with Nico. The logical side couldn’t stand to be around the other sides at the moment and he needed to sort out what was going on in his head.
The spectacled side took a deep breath and sat at his desk, staring at the wooden tabletop before slamming his fist down on it. “Fuck!” He yelled at the top of his lungs, infinitely thankful for the magic soundproofing around everyone’s rooms. What would the others think if they heard the rational, level headed (yeah right) Logic yelling expletives at random in his room?
He straightened his tie and glasses and got up, summoning a straw dummy labeled “Thomas”. He stood in front of it and glared at the doll, visibly angry, before he began ranting to it. He talked and talked, yelling at the dummy about how angry he was at being constantly ignored and pushed aside and made fun of, and if the familiar 10 notes announcing a certain Creativity’s presence hadn’t gotten his attention, he would have continued.
“My my Logan, you’ve got so much to say and no one to say it to, huh!” The moustached side raised an eyebrow, smirking at the nerd.
“...what do you want, Remus.” Logan’s words were curt, like he was trying to say just little enough to make the Dark Side leave.
“Gosh, I can’t just talk to a friend?-”
“We are not friends.”
“Ouch!” Remus pretended to be injured. “You’re so prickly, like a kinda sexy cactus! What’s up your ass today?”
Logan stopped and consulted his flashcards, hearing Remus snicker at this and trying to ignore the fact that his face was burning slightly. “Um… Ah.” He found the card he was looking for and examined it a little. “Nothing is ‘up my ass’ today, Remus. You know full well why I’m upset.”
“Uh huh, cuz I called you out on your lying ass.” He sounded irritatingly proud of that fact.
“Yes, well, you got what you wanted. Are you just here to rub it in my face?” Logan stared at Remus, though he noticeably avoided direct eye contact with the gremlin of a side.
Remus frowned. “No, actually.”
“Then you’re here to make me… feel… worse, correct?”
“Nope!” The green-sashed monster grinned.
“Then what do you possibly hope to gain from this interaction?” The blue tied Side frowned. Remus wasn’t here to bug him, or to upset him further? What reason, then, did he have to come to Logan’s room?
“It’s like I said earlier, I wanted to talk to you!”
“...what about?”
Remus shrugged. “I dunno! What do you wanna talk about?”
Logan blinked. “...excuse me?”
“Yeah! Let’s hear what you wanna talk about!” The Duke sat down on Logan’s bed and grinned up at him.
“...” The teacher was silent. “...you’re mocking me, aren’t you?”
“Huh?” Remus blinked and raised an eyebrow. “Why would I-?”
“Yes, I figured as much. Remus, I don’t have time for your games and if you’re simply going to make fun of me you can just-”
“Woah! Pump the brakes Lo, who said I was making fun of you?” The green side looked legitimately confused.
Logan crossed his arms. “Remus, statistically speaking, a total of… Zero sides share any of my interests. A total of three sides have shown aversion to or have mocked the things I consider interesting or enj- er, have a vague liking towards. Why should I believe you aren’t here to add to the latter set of data?”
“First of all, because I sat through that whole talk.” Remus joked. Seeing that Logan just rolled his eyes, he continued. “And secondly, because we also have some of the same interests! Your census of mockery only includes J-Anus, Emo Boy, Hop-Pop Patton and my dumbass brother!”
“Really? Then what are some of those shared interests, oh Duke of Imaginary Death?”
“That was terrible, one.” Remus held up his pointer finger. “And two, we both like chemistry, and poisoning, and astronomy-”
“Wait wait wait.” Logan held a hand up to silence Remus for a moment. “You… like astronomy?”
“Sure! What’s more existentially terrifying than imagining going hurtling right into the sun, or a black hole, or-” Remus’s eyes widened as he talked about the possibilities.
“Thank you, Remus.” Logic sighed. “But… why talk with… me?”
“Cuz… I kinda owe it to you? After being a dickhead all day?”
Logan blinked. “You didn’t have a phallus for a head today?-”
“Figure of speech, teach.” Remus explained curtly.
Logan ‘ah’d’ and nodded.
“And anyways… I wanted to apologize.”
That caused Logan to stop. “...you… wanted to apologize… to me?”
“Yeah, it’s weird for me too, but it’s true! I didn’t mean to make you so mad you - figuratively - blew up, I just wanted to prove a point.”
“I appreciate your use of the word figuratively Remus, and… thank you.”
“No problem!” Remus grinned and thought for a second. “So… wanna talk about forensics?”
Logan’s eyes lit up. “Do I ever!-” He stopped. “Ah, uh, I mean… If you’d like to…?”
Remus giggled. “Cute! But you don’t have to hide that, not around me at least!”
“...thank you…” Logan smiled softly and the duke’s heart just about stopped.
“Uh, um… no problem Nerdy Wolverine.” Remus smiled weakly at the cute nerd.
The logical side rolled his eyes and playfully pushed Remus’s shoulder, which brought the moustached side’s attention to just how touch starved he was - a problem for another day, Mus.
“So what d'ya wanna talk about? Black lights, true crime?”
“Both interesting conversations, but… how about another topic you mentioned earlier?” Logan sounded timid, like he was scared Remus would stop listening if he dared to change the subject.
“Oh? What’d you have in mind?” The intrusive thot tilted his head at a sickening 180 degree angle, but that didn’t seem to bother Logan.
“You mentioned being fascinated by astrology as well. Would you like to talk about that?”
“Of course I would, my nerdy Astro-Boy Toy~” Remus laughed at his own nickname, to which Logan rolled his eyes again. “What about space, starlight?”
Logan’s smile grew ever so slightly, thankfully drawing Remus’s attention to that as opposed to his pink cheeks. “Well… let’s talk about constellations. You’re a storyteller of sorts, what’s your favorite constellation origin story?”
“Ooh, how fun!” Remus grinned. “Well, I personally love the story of Aquila, the king who got turned into a golden eagle messenger thing because Zeus got jealous of how much people liked him! You know, he’s the one who brought Zeus his cupbearer, Ganymede? That’s where the Aquarius constellation comes from! He was some Trojan prince, he ended up being the god of homosexual love! Historians think his name was a euphemism, since it’s a combination of the Greek words for ‘gladdening’ and ‘genitals’!”
Logan nodded and watched Remus explain the stories, smiling at how enthusiastically Remus shared the information. Remus noticed this and stopped. “Well, how ‘bout you, teach?”
“Huh?” Logan blinked, being pulled from his thoughts by the sound of Remus’s voice.
“You wanted to talk about constellations! What’s your favorite story?”
“Oh, um… I enjoy the story of Orion, the hunter who killed so many innocent creatures that Gaea sent a large scorpion to kill him and then put both of them in the stars for all eternity.”
“Huh! So that Scorpio constellation…?”
“Yes, that’s its origin story as well.” Logan smiled.
“Funny! I would never have guessed it!” That wasn’t true. Remus knew each and every constellation origin story like the back of his palm. He loved Greek mythology, but the only thing he loved more than that was seeing how Logan’s face lit up when he got to explain it. “Any other stories?”
The teacher blinked and adjusted his glasses. “Oh, um… I also enjoy the Cassiopeia story…”
The duke’s face brightened, eagerly awaiting Logan’s explanation. The spectacled astronomer’s face turned pink when he realized this, not sure what to do with this sort of attention.
“Well, Cassiopeia was a queen in Ancient Greece and she claimed to be the most beautiful thing in creation, which Posideon took personally since he had made what he considered to be the most beautiful creatures, and those were the sea nymphs. So Posideon sent Cetus, this giant sea monster, to torment the town, and he told the citizens that if they wanted him to get rid of the monster, Cassiopeia would have to apologize. She didn’t, so they asked if they could do anything else, and Posideon said if they sacrificed Cassiopeia’s daughter Andromeda to him that Cetus would go away, so the townspeople kidnapped her and brought her down to the pier. Poseidon didn’t like that, of course, since he was really just trying to get Cassiopeia to apologize and didn’t want some poor mortal’s blood on his hands so he let Perseus save her and kill Cetus.
“As punishment for almost letting her daughter die to save her own pride and for insulting the gods, they put her in the sky upside down on a chair to humiliate her for the rest of time.” Logan had gotten pretty excited while he explained the story, grinning widely as he finally finished it.
Remus was silent the entire time, watching how happily Logan told him a story he’d heard a million times before and thinking about how nice it was to be able to hear it from the nerd’s perspective.
Logan, finally remembering Remus was there, coughed softly and adjusted his tie, his smile fading. “Um, apologies, Remus. Thank you for letting me ramble.”
“Lo, you were telling a story! That’d be really dickish for someone to just cut you off during a story, you know?”
“I know, but I still appreciate it.” Logan yawned and Remus realized he looked tired, like the story had exhausted him.
“You wanna take a nap, teach?” The duke frowned and tilted his head.
“I… I have to finish up my work for the day…” The logical side moved his glasses and rubbed his eyes.
“You had a long day. Yes it was cuz I was being a bitch, but still, you need to get some sleep. Or, y’know, I’m gonna be even more of a bitch to deal with!” Threatening intrusive thoughts usually worked to get Janus to go to bed when he refused to sleep, so he figured he’d try the technique out on Logan.
The nerd however simply shook his head and laughed softly. “I don’t think so, Remus. I can… I can handle you…”
“You couldn’t today, could you?” Remus accidentally blurted out before immediately covering his mouth. “Oh my god I didn’t mean that-”
“It’s fine, Remus.” Logan stated, rubbing his eyes. “You’re right. I couldn’t handle you today. But I really do have to finish working on this-”
“I’ll stay with you if you go to bed!” The duke once again blurted out. “Cuz I don’t think you’d wanna stay alone with Orange so close by, y’know? I can stay and like, fend him off!”
Logic blinked at the proposition and squinted. “...you… want to stay with me? Why are you so adamant about me getting proper sleep?”
“Well one, cuz it’s already 10:30 at night, and two, cuz… you know, I don’t wanna end up actually hurting you!”
That further surprised Logan. “You don’t want to end up hurting me? I was under the impression that that’s something you enjoyed.”
“Well…” Remus was hesitant to explain - that tipped Logan into the fact that it was probably something more than that.
“What’s really going on Remus?” The stern side crossed his arms and stared at the Creativity.
“...okay, I don’t wanna be alone tonight!” The duke stomped his foot and crossed his arms, looking away. “My nightmares have been getting worse and Janus is hanging out with Roman and Patton today and Virgil hates my guts so I figured I’d at least try to hang out with the one side that for some reason still tolerates my dumb ass!” He sounded a little hurt, and added, “Or, one that wouldn’t immediately kick me out or hit me with a broom at the mere sight of me.”
Logan blinked. “Nightmares? You suffer from nightmares?”
Remus sighed and tugged on his sash. “Yeah, they suck ass - not in a fun way - but it’s part of the job description, y’know?”
“I don’t. But… does this mean you also suffer from intrusive thoughts?”
“...yeah… They’re kinda the reason I came in here in the first place...”
The logical side sighed. “Remus, you could have told me sooner you just needed company. I’m not the best at keeping up conversation but I could have at least put on a movie for you to refocus on something other than your intrusive thoughts.”
The duke blinked. “You… you’re not gonna just kick me out?”
“Why would I? You’re in need of assistance and I’m going to provide it for you.” Logan got up and rummaged through his DVD stack. “What would you like to watch?”
Remus stretched and looked over. “Whatever ya want, Sub-astute but Super Cute Teacher.”
Both sides flushed red when they realized what Remus had said.
“...interesting nickname, Remus.” Logan gulped, looking down.
“Yeah, uh…” The duke laughed weakly. “Well, I guess that cat’s out of the plastic bag it was choking in, huh?”
“What, that you think I’m cute?” The teacher looked over at the moustached Creativity. “You already called me sexy.”
“Well yeah, but that felt less… sappy, than calling you cute. And anyways, I meant that I was into you. Ooh, do you have Coraline?”
Logan stopped. “...repeat that, please?”
“The Coraline thing?-”
“The thing before the Coraline request.”
“Oh yeah, I like you.” Remus was right to the point, like always. “When I saw you take the shuriken to the face and just keep on moving right along… God, that was an image!” The duke gripped his thigh and shook his head, stopping himself from reaching down his pants.
“And you’re telling me this now… why?” The teacher was still reeling from the initial confession.
“We don’t get to talk one-on-one a lot! Plus, I don’t really like talking about cutesy emotions - that’s Roman’s department, y’know?”
Logan nodded slowly.
“Anyways, I changed my mind on the movie, can you put on Monster House?”
The spectacled side nodded and got the CD for Monster House, putting it in the DVD player and sitting next to the green-sashed side. He should have figured Remus wouldn’t be the type to linger on his feelings, and he was grateful for that at least. He couldn’t handle talking about feelings for long periods, especially not his own, but to have one of the most passionate sides just drop the fact that they liked him and immediately move on from that fact? It was odd. He almost couldn’t believe it.
Remus meanwhile was laying on the bed and watching the movie intently, smiling brightly at the screen before realizing that Logan had gotten into bed next to him. He turned over a little and growled “seductively” at the teacher, who laughed softly at the dark creativity. The sound caused butterflies to erupt in the duke’s stomach, flustering him a little. He smiled back at the logical side before returning his attention to the movie.
Logan meanwhile admired Remus, watching as he talked excitedly about the movie. He found it strangely endearing, how excitable Remus got when he was able to talk about things he found interesting. He didn’t have much time to think about it though, as he found himself falling asleep soon after the thought passed through his head. The astronerd yawned and passed out, sleeping peacefully next to the intrusive side.
The duke didn’t notice until he felt warm arms wrap around him. It startled the hell out of him, but he relaxed after he realized it was simply the sleeping teacher clinging to him. He carefully took Logan’s glasses off and turned off the TV before closing his eyes and falling asleep.
**The next morning**
Logan woke up first the following morning, still a little tired but feeling much better than he did the previous night. Vision blurry, the blind scholar felt around his nightstand for his glasses before realizing he was curled up into another person. He quickly got his specs on and saw the sleeping form of Remus below him, remembering that Remus had asked to stay with him the night before.
He looked at the sleeping creativity, who looked much more peaceful (and admittedly much cuter) asleep than he ever did awake. Still feeling somewhat tired, the Sherlock kinnie looked away and closed his eyes, feeling his face start to burn. When did he start thinking of Remus as “cute”?
Logan didn’t have too much time to dwell on it as he heard Remus start to stir. “Ugh… morning starshine…”
The teacher jumped and sighed. “Oh, good morning Remus. Did you sleep well?”
“Like an asphyxiated baby… you?” Remus groaned and stretched, waking up a bit more.
“I slept well too.” Logan fidgeted with his hands. The dark creativity, sensing the spectacled nerd’s unease, sat up and went to get off the bed. He was somewhat shocked to feel Logan tug on his sleeve. “Stay. I wanted to talk about what you said to me last night.”
“Oh… that.” Remus sighed and sat back on the bed. “What about it?”
“I… I’m not entirely sure what it feels like, but I think I reciprocate your feelings?”
Remus’s expression changed from slight concern to a poorly hidden malicious grin. “Oh? You’re into me?”
“I… think I am.” Logan nodded slightly.
The duke was silent for a moment before bursting into a grating cackle. “Oh- oh my god! Oh my god, you’re gonna kill me nerd!”
The scholarly side tensed up and blinked. “Excuse me?-”
“Are you fucking kidding me?! What kind of goddamn loser are you, to think I - or anyone really - would like you?! Especially after the bullshit you pulled yesterday, like Jesus Christ you’re pathetic!”
Logan’s heart sank as he heard Remus say this. “So you were, what, mocking me?!”
“No shit, Sherlock!” The intrusive side cackled once again before morphing into a huge octopus-human hybrid monster and grabbing the teacher. “You’re so fucking stupid! What on Earth made you think someone like me would like someone like you?! You’re lucky any of the others even talk to you anymore!”
Logan panicked as the tentacles pulled him up to Remus’s razor sharp teeth, about to chomp down on his head, when-
“Lo! Logan, wake up!” The logical side heard Remus’s voice coming from somewhere it should not have been, and Logan woke up with a start. Remus frowned as the teacher practically flung himself away from him.
“Get away from me!” Logan’s voice sounded frantic and panicked, like a cornered animal.
“Woah, woah!” The creativity held his hands up in surrender. “Teach, it’s me!”
The teacher took a few deep breaths and grounded himself, looking around. “...right, right… Apologies, Remus…”
“No problem, Nerdy Wolverine. Now, care to tell me what happened?”
Logan sighed and moved over to Remus, explaining to him his nightmare, tentatively telling the nightmare inducing side that he’d tried professing his mutual love to the other before getting horrendously mocked and belittled.
“Sounds a lot like my Nightmare Nico scenario. Has this happened before?” Remus had managed to ignore his thundering heartbeat and the cheering going on in his head - Logan likes me back!! He could focus on that later. Right now, Logan needed his help.
“No. I don’t normally dream, period, so to get a nightmare is extremely unprecedented.”
“Huh… so, I’m the reason you had the nightmare?”
“That would be the logical conclusion, though I had assumed that your effects would be… muffled, in my room?”
“Maybe it’s a mix of psychological and my effect on you guys? Like you were stressed or anxious about last night so my ability to give people nightmares got amplified?”
Logan nodded. “Interesting hypothesis, and it’s… definitely possible. I apologize for yelling at you earlier.”
Remus shrugged. “Eh, it’s okay, I’ve heard worse.”
The nerd nodded and the two were silent for a moment before Remus sighed and asked what they were both thinking. “So. I like you, and you… apparently like me back? What does that make us?”
Logan hesitated. “I… I’m not sure. What would you like us to be?”
The duke grinned. “How about boyfriends?”
The scholar smiled. “I think I’d like that.”
Remus beamed brighter and moved a bit before stopping. “Can I kiss you?”
Once again mildly surprised by the other’s bluntness, Logan nodded and scooted closer to the dark creativity. Remus quickly pulled the former into a kiss.
Logan was the first to pull away, flushed red and smiling to himself. “I think I could get used to this.”
Remus grinned and took the scholar’s hand. “Me too, Lo. Me too.”
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missramu · 3 years
Back with the kisses!
Hiya! I know it's been a while, but, good news! Have some sappy JKRM beach episode
Kiss number 26: as an apology
“Are you ready, hun?”
The doctor asked while he went down the checklist. Organized as he was, he insisted on checking every item that was lying by the sofa right in front of him, in order to make sure they wouldn’t forget to bring anything important. It was finally August, and Jakurai’s summer holidays had just started. And, with that, their summer trip.
“Ngh-- Almost! Oof!--”
Replied the younger one, as he tried to close a small suitcase by sitting on top of it. Jakurai, intrigued by his partner’s frustrated noises, went to see what was going on in their bedroom. As soon as he stepped inside, he found the designer struggling with his luggage.
“What on earth could you be possibly packing, Ramuda-kun? We’re going to stay at the hotel for a week, not a month.”
The doctor said that mockingly, but Ramuda stopped right on the spot, looking at him as if he just asked the most stupid of questions. How dare he question his fashion needs?
“And? You never know when you will need fancy clothes! What if I need more shirts because I get mine dirty? Or--!”
Jakurai sighed, drawing a half-smile on his face. This was their usual procedure, after all. Ramuda insisted on packing –excessively– extra clothing, and he had the task of making him see he didn’t need that many.
“You never cease to amaze me.”
After a quick rearrangement and a couple of pouty faces, Jakurai made the pink-haired man realize it was alright to leave behind a three-piece suit –which he wouldn’t have needed anyway– as well as, at least, 7 extra shirts and tees. No need to say that it took them a little while, because Ramuda was stubborn and refused to leave without the garments, but the doctor managed to convince him. He just knew too well how to deal with him at this point.
“It’s good to be ready ‘just in case’, but that was… exaggerated”
Once everything was settled, Jakurai checked his mental list again, trying to recall if something was missing. Meanwhile, Ramuda fastened his sandals and waited at the entrance, swinging his feet back and forth playfully.
“Good thing we’re driving there, cuz if we had to take a train, we’d have probs missed it by now”
The taller man raised an eyebrow as a response, turning to face him.
“Says the one who made us lose our time because he couldn’t decide whether he should bring a blue or yellow sweatshirt on August”
“A sweatshirt. August.”
Ramuda puffed, unwilling to recognize his defeat. The doctor gave him a small pat on the head, offering him his suitcase as a truce.
“Let’s go, then. Our holiday awaits, doesn’t it?”
The younger’s gloomy face suddenly lit up, and it only took the designer a small jump to stand on his feet again. He waited with their luggage outside –since he was already wearing shoes– while the doctor checked every door and window. He knew they had asked their teammates to keep an eye on their apartment just in case, but he couldn’t help but double-check before leaving.
“C’mon, Jaku! It’s gonna be night by the time we arrive!”
It was undeniable that the younger man was excited. Sure, he had the liberty to have his holidays whenever he felt like –benefits of self-employment–, but going on vacation together felt… different. It felt better, just like the old Kuujaku Posse days. It wasn’t their first trip together, he knew that. The designer could never forget their training camp, after all. However, he was beyond excited: it was their first trip to the beach since he got the mastectomy. Ramuda couldn’t wait, and Jakurai was also looking forward to it.
As soon as they got everything in the car and were ready to go, the doctor started driving to their destination: Oarai Sun Beach. They were in for a ride that would be two hours long, which the designer was planning to spend between snacks and Instagram stories while his partner drove. Besides that, Ramuda had a self-imposed duty in every single one of their road trips, and that was to take pictures of the scenery and, more importantly, of his boyfriend. Jakurai wasn’t the only one fascinated by his partner; and the younger man loved to see how every single scenery and light managed to boost up his partner’s mature beauty.
The hours went by, and before they could realize it, they were already reaching their destination. The pink-haired man screamed enthusiastically as he saw the sea through the window, losing interest even on the snacks he was eagerly devouring merely 30 seconds ago. After 20 minutes or so, they arrived at the hotel, did the check-in, and rushed to the beach. Jakurai would have loved to take his time, but his partner’s actions didn’t seem to agree with his ideas.
Energetic as always, Ramuda rushed towards the sea as soon as he saw it from the seafront promenade, without caring about the sun cream nor leaving his tee somewhere that wasn’t the sand after launching it. That took Jakurai by surprise –although he should have seen that coming–, quickly finding himself running after his partner, as if he was running after a dog who had something in his mouth that he wasn’t supposed to have.
The designer laughed at the top of his lungs, ignoring his partner’s yelling. Having fun was his top priority right now.
“Oh, shoo! Don’t be such a party pooper! The water’s warm!”
The doctor stopped at the shore, sighing. The younger man was already splashing around in the water, and there was nothing he could do against that. Oh well, at least he was happy.
“You could have waited until I had prepared everything here… Or until you had cream on”
He complained again, as he picked up the t-shirt from the sand, shaking it a little before folding and putting it inside the bag. While the designer was swimming around, the doctor started to set up their beach umbrella, as well as two chairs and a small fridge. He watched Ramuda having the time of his life, now free from the burden of having to wear swimming t-shirts and a binder under it. He could see his boyfriend jump, swim and run in the beach with a liberty he hadn’t had before; and, for him, that was enough to make the trip worth it.
The taller man took his time with the sun cream, and he headed to the water only after being sure it was absorbed. The pink-haired man didn’t hesitate to approach him, sporting a pink and white striped short swim trunk, decorated with lollipops. It was part of his new summer collection, as well as Jakurai’s: his had a light-grey and white plaid pattern and was knee-length. Although it wasn’t as colourful as Ramuda’s, it still had his touch, since it had little lilac plum blossoms around, as well as lilac laces.
Spontaneous as ever, the smaller man jumped into the doctor’s back, taking his chance to braid his hair and make said braid into a low bun. He left a kiss on his partner’s shoulder before jumping back into the water, splashing around once again.
“I wonder how many ways of braiding my hair you know”
Ramuda laughed cheerfully, swimming by Jakurai’s side as he entered the water.
“I’ve always liked to do your hair! So there’s nooo absolute way I’ll ever stop doing so!”
Jakurai stopped walking as soon as the water reached his waist, took a deep breath and submerged for a couple of seconds. Ramuda clapped and followed him to do the same, only to find out that, while that depth was acceptable for Jakurai, it covered his chest and almost his neck. The doctor tried to suppress a laugh at the scenery of his partner floating because of his short height, but in the end, the effort was in vain.
“What’s so funny?! Not everyone’s a damn tower, you know!”
Jakurai laughed again, picking the designer up and letting him sit on his shoulders.
“Then, how does it feel to be one, then?”
The pouts and complains quickly were changed by laughter, as he held tight onto his head, watching his surroundings from his privileged seat.
“It feels… weird! But it’s also funny! It’s like I could crush everyone under my feet like widdle ants!”
They both laughed at the designer’s comparisons, and after a couple of minutes, he took the freedom to launch himself back into the water from his shoulders, swimming somewhere where he could reach without problem –or, at least, stand–. Pitying him, Jakurai followed his partner and stood by his side once he found the perfect depth for himself: now the water was at Ramuda’s waist level, and barely reached Jakurai’s hip.
“That’s on you for being so tall, you know”
The doctor sighed, shaking his head.
“And there’s nothing I can do about that either, my little one”
Ramuda splashed him in response, cracking a laugh. Accompanied by that laugh, the doctor saw behind his blue eyes that he had mischief planned. Whatever it could be, he had no idea.
Like a shark ready to attack its victim, the younger man kept watching his partner closely. The doctor realized his gaze upon him, and although he was ready to counteract, he didn’t pay too much attention to it. He thought that, perhaps, Ramuda would get tired of waiting and would eventually forget whatever he had in mind ready to mess with him. However, he was wrong in thinking that, and he definitely should not have let his guard down. It is not as if he had ever had his guard up around Ramuda, after all.
As soon as the designer noticed him trying to go out of the water, he ambushed. His plan was to run towards him and throw him back into the water. Still, it was quickly thwarted by Jakurai’s height; since he just kind of stumbled against his legs on an attempt to sink him.
“OH, C’MON!”
Jakurai watched him bump against him, raising an eyebrow with curiosity. Ramuda crossed his arms with frustration, sitting in the water by his side.
“Was that your attempt at… sinking me?”
“Yes! And it didn’t work!”
The lilac-haired man laughed playfully, ruffling the younger’s wet hair.
“I’m sure you can do better than that”
Obviously, Ramuda took that personally. He got up and sat back in the shore, arming himself with patience. There, he waited until the doctor tried to leave the water again, and prepared his attack once more: this time, he charged against Jakurai’s knee pits and successfully made him fall into the water. What he didn’t plan, though, was that he would fall with him too, making a splashing mess that could have ended in broken bones if it weren’t for the doctor’s quick reflexes.
“What were you thinking now, Amemura-kun? You could have hurt yourself! What if I had fallen on top of you? Did you think we could have gotten serious bruises, or even worse?”
The designer quivered at his partner’s angry tone, lowering his head while he was being scolded. He just wanted to joke around, but ended up taking it so seriously that he didn’t really think it through. The fact that surprised the designer was that Jakurai wasn’t concerned at all about himself, but rather about him.
“I’m… I’m sorry…”
He replied in a quiet voice, looking at Jakurai with honest puppy eyes. The doctor tried to hold his ground, but Ramuda did know well his weaknesses. He clicked his tongue, sitting on the shore and placing his boyfriend on his lap.
“Are you alright? Does it hurt somewhere?”
The designer climbed onto his lap, hugging him and leaving a shy kiss on the taller-man’s lips. Jakurai replied tenderly, pressing him against himself in an embrace, as he realized it was Ramuda’s silent apology.
“Next time you’re tempted to do such a thing, at least do it where the water covers me”
Ramuda nodded, and said gesture earned him another kiss as a way of settling things up.
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alirhi · 3 years
random story snippet
@goblin-tea this is part of that story I was talking about/sending you bits of. I'll get into the better stuff (imo) in a bit, but this is a much better example of what the main characters are like than what I sent earlier lol
“I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore, Toto,” she mumbled, still clinging to Audrey’s hand as she nervously followed Fiona’s example and took a moment to study the immediate area.
“No shit, Sherlock,” the blonde growled, yanking her hand away. Rebecca could stand there like an idiot if she chose, but damn it! She was going to explore and find a way home, right now. Clearly, her friend’s oh-so-brilliant spell had backfired quite horribly, and now they were lost, with no idea of where they were, when they were, or what was going…
Her thoughts were jarringly interrupted when Rebecca suddenly let out a short, high-pitched scream, causing both of her friends to jump.
“WHAT?!” Spinning to face the taller woman, she took a deep breath in preparation to chew her out, and then promptly hid behind her. “…Is that a dinosaur?”
“Deinonychus,” Rebecca confirmed in a reverent whisper. Her screech had been from excitement, rather than fear; the giant grin on her freckled face was evidence enough of that. Though she knew she was the only one who cared about the details, she still explained in a rush, “Fast, smart, and very deadly carnivore from the late Cretaceous period, probably the basis for the oversized velociraptors in Jurassic Park… A raptor’s colorful feathers make it look like a ridiculous, disproportionate toucan, which is probably why the producers chose to make it look more like our friend here. Fossils of the deinonychus have never been found with any indication of feathers.”
“It does have feathers, you walking Wiki!” Audrey hissed, stepping back. No way in hell was she going to stand there like an idiot and get eaten by some parrot on crack.
Fiona remained rooted in place beside the other redhead, though she did stoop to pick up Rebecca's forgotten staff, just in case the curious animal decided to attack. A tiny smile played at the edges of her lips at the toucan comparison. It did sort of look like one, in a weird way…
Swallowing past the sudden lump in her throat, their nerdy friend nodded. “Yeah… Most of this type of dinosaur did, so paleontologists kinda figured the deinonychus would, too.”
The prehistoric bird of prey studied them, almost seeming to ponder something. Just as Rebecca was about to make a Philosoraptor joke, the fascinating – if deadly – beast twitched, letting out a series of loud clicking noises.
“…Huh. Whaddaya know. That dude on youtube was right…” An answering call echoed from somewhere to the left of the three shivering girls, and startled the amateur paleontologist out of her daze. “Oh shit.”
“What?” Both of her friends shot her nervous glances, reluctant to take their eyes off of the giant predator. Why wasn’t it moving?
“Run.” When Fiona shot her an incredulous look, Rebecca shook her head. Normally, yes, she would caution against any sudden moves around a wild animal, but this was different. More clicks from their right, answered by the one animal they could see, illustrated why. “He’s calling in reinforcements – run!”
That was all the motivation the shivering blonde needed. With a terrified shriek, Audrey turned and bolted into the forest, Rebecca and Fiona hot on her heels.
“I think it’s safe to assume,” the oldest woman gasped out, jumping over a fallen tree limb, “that we’ve somehow been sent back too far.”
“Ya THINK?!”
"Now's not the time to get snippy!” Her lungs were burning, her legs cramping, and though she could hear the creature gaining on them, she had a sneaking suspicion that it wasn’t putting forth much effort. She and her surrogate sister were both overweight to the point of obesity, and as such, speed wasn’t exactly on their side. In fact, it had been one of the things they’d hoped to go back and change; if they never got fat, they wouldn’t have to deal with the health problems associated with it or the hassle of constantly trying and failing to lose it.
Risking a glance to the side, she noticed Fiona keeping pace with them, and winced. She was hanging back to help them, she knew. By far the skinniest and healthiest of the three of them, she was lightning fast compared to the other two. While both her companions were morbidly obese, Fiona was lithe and fit, with legs like a gazelle. She was going slowly so she could defend them with that big stick if she had to. That was the only logical explanation Rebecca could come up with. The fact that the 'big stick' was her own walking stick was momentarily lost on the eldest of the three.
Mother above, she prayed desperately, if there’s even a trace of magic left in my blood, please, please unleash it now to give us speed.
Too angry and frightened to bother with logic, Audrey just rolled her eyes, yelping when it caused her to trip over a rock and nearly sent her sprawling. Fiona caught her by the arm and helped her steady herself, and she managed a tiny grateful smile, even as she snapped at the redhead, “Shut up! It’s your fault that we’re in our own personal Jurassic Hell, being chased by a fucking raptor!”
“Cretaceous!” Rebecca snarled, dodging around a rather intimidating thorny bush. “And it’s not a raptor, it’s-”
“It’s actually quite fascinating,” Rebecca asserted through wheezing gasps for breath, “if you think about it. We finally… get to see… proof… that dino…saurs… were more like…flightless…birds…than…”
“I don’t give a shit if we’re being chased by an ostrich or a crocodile!” Audrey screeched before her friend could finish. “If I end up something’s lunch, it’s your fault! And you know what? Fuck you! Fuck your stupid spell. Fuck your obsessions. Fuck your fucking imaginary friend and the horse you both rode in on for good measure!” Even in a life-or-death situation, somehow an old inside joke popped into her head, and she managed to suck in a deep enough breath to scream, "AND YES, HE'S NAMED 'SIDEWAYS'!"
“Guys, this really isn’t the time to be arguing,” Fiona pointed out as calmly as she could, glancing over her shoulder to see how they were faring. It wasn't good. She could deal with Audrey and her rather offensive temper tantrum later, she decided; escaping the turkey-sized ball of feathers and teeth chasing them took precedence.
“Sorry…” Pouting a little, the blonde risked a glance back, and nearly wet herself when she saw that their prehistoric pursuer was getting closer and closer. “Oh, fuck me…” Something brushed the side of her head, and she jumped, but it was only a leaf hanging down from another large tree.
Wait. Leaf…tree… She glanced up, relieved to see that the branch was low enough for her to grab hold. Circling around so that she wouldn’t get caught by their feathered menace, she pushed herself just a little bit more and managed to haul herself up onto the branch. “Guys!”
“What are you doing?!” Rebecca cried, having been too focused on running to notice where Audrey had gone. Fiona had been taking up the rear, focus switching between the others and the predator, but had been looking primarily in the latter’s direction for a few minutes. When she turned and saw only Rebecca standing there, she froze and glanced around. As they spotted Audrey in the tree, they also became aware of the fact that their enemy seemed a lot closer than before.
“Can raptors climb?” Audrey called out, wincing as she watched the scene unfold. Though she had long legs and strong, muscular calves, Rebecca outweighed her by a good fifty pounds, and it was visibly taking its toll. She was tiring, and the blonde just prayed she could pull herself up to safety before that thing or its as-yet unseen companions ripped her apart. She had plenty of reasons not to worry too much about Fiona.
“Come on.” Urging her tiring friend on, the skinnier redhead decided to take at least this one cue from Audrey and circled around the trunk of a massive tree, making sure Rebecca followed. It confused their attacker, bought them a little time, and kept them from getting out of earshot of Audrey.
At her friend’s soft, gentle reminder of what she’d been asked, Rebecca frowned. She wanted to remind the treed woman that they weren’t being chased by a velociraptor, but dismissed it as a waste of time. Instead, she considered her question as she doubled back.
Could this breed of dinosaurs climb? “I…I’m not sure,” she panted, one hand coming up to press against her chest. “I don’t think so. Their arms are probably too small to pull them up.”
“Then get your ass up here!”
They reached the tree, and Fiona quickly jumped up like it was nothing, setting the staff aside and braced across two nearby branches to keep it from falling. She and Audrey then each stretched out an arm, hands extended to grab Rebecca’s and pull her up as the youngest of the three continued, “And pray Jurassic Park was wrong about more than just the raptor’s appearance, cuz here he comes, and if he brought friends, you’re toast!”
“It’s not a raptor!” Rebecca reached for their hands, though she harbored little hope that she could actually get her fat ass up there. With or without their help, in her mind, she was dead.
“Please note, you’re the only one who cares,” the other young woman grumbled, grasping her friend’s wrist and exerting every bit of strength she had left to pull her to safety. Rebecca had virtually no upper body strength, and without Audrey and Fiona, would never be able to make it up onto the branch, despite being taller than both of them.
She almost dropped the larger girl when she suddenly yelped. Fiona glared at her, trying to compensate by taking more of their friend’s weight until she got a better grip on her arm.
Still a bit startled, she searched Rebecca’s eyes for some sign of what the hell that had been about, and found only fear. “What? What’s wrong?”
“Pull me up! Pull me up!” Refusing to say anything else, she gritted her teeth and pushed with all her might, kicking all the while. What she knew the blonde couldn’t see from her perch was that the dinosaur had caught up to her while they both struggled, and had grabbed hold of her calf with its sharp claws. Suddenly, she was glad for the long leather boots that, only moments before, she’d been cursing.
As the creature went for Rebecca again, Fiona grabbed the staff and whacked it as hard as she could over the head. It turned on her for a moment, but before it could do anything, Rebecca kicked it in the face. Taking advantage of the opportunity she’d just created, she stood on the hungry animal’s head and pushed off. At last, she was seated on the rough limb, with the deinonychus just barely out of reach. Gasping desperately for air as she turned and clung to Audrey, she glanced down at the bewildered creature and managed a breathless “thanks!” The moment Rebecca was safely out of reach, Fiona crept along the branch and headed for a different one. The tree was old and strong, but the three of them in the same spot could easily snap the branch and send them right to the dinosaur’s clutches.
Once she settled on another perch, they sat there for a moment, contemplating their luck, both good and bad, and watching the hungry animal watch them. All three knew that with a little effort, the thing could probably reach the two on the lower branch with those lethal, powerful jaws. Since it had clearly not yet figured this out, none of them really cared. Audrey was exhausted and sore, the entirety of her plump body throbbing unbearably now that adrenaline had begun to flee her as she had fled the dinosaur. Fiona was desperately trying to get her breath back, and though she felt fine otherwise, she knew she’d feel like she’d been hit by a bus in the morning. Rebecca, too, was exhausted and sore, though the pain in her muscles and joints hadn’t yet registered. Her gaze shifted from the restless animal to the long jagged tears in the back of her skirt, which she studied with a sort of numb, detached fascination.
“Well,” she said finally, still scarcely able to breathe. “That was exhilarating.”
Fiona laughed.
“Exhilarating?” Audrey gaped at her. “Are you fucking kidding me? We just almost became something’s soon-to-be-fossilized lunch!”
Shrugging, Rebecca glanced down at the prehistoric lizard…bird…thing. And suddenly she felt pity for it, and all the living things around them. After a long silence, during which the deinonychus finally lost interest and stormed off in search of easier prey, she finally murmured, “We survived, didn’t we? That’s more than anything else in this time period can say.” Where were its companions? The question bubbled up out of nowhere, and once formed, refused to be dismissed. She'd heard it call to someone, and heard an answer... Or had she? Had she imagined it all?
“We don’t belong in this time period!” Audrey's reply startled her out of her confused reverie. Her voice was shrill, expression aghast as she stared at the other woman as if she’d lost her mind. Perhaps that was obvious. For a second, she considered that maybe shehad gone mad, and this whole nightmarish situation was just a scene playing out in her ever-overactive imagination.
Then she shifted, and the ankle she’d twisted when she tripped on a rock sent a twinge of pain up her leg. The idea of any of this being anything less than horribly, undeniably real was scrapped, and she glanced around. She would merely search for makeshift supplies, she decided. She would rewrite Rebecca’s stupid spell, and get them back to the present. If this experience was meant to teach them anything, she was sure it was that the past can’t be changed, which she was suddenly ready to accept as Gospel truth. Life sucked, but they could make it better if they just focused less on whining about it, and more on actually doing something about it.
A strange weight on her mind drew her from her thoughts and she turned to look. Rebecca was staring at her.
Huffing a bit, she gestured to her shredded clothing. “That’s going to get infected. You’ll probably die before the week is out.”
“Thanks, Captain Optimism,” the other woman growled, rolling her eyes.
“We don’t have anything to wrap it with!” she snapped, interrupting her friend’s attempt to assure her that she was fine.
“I can rip something if you want,” Fiona offered, gesturing to her clothes.
“We have no idea what’s poisonous and what’s not,” Audrey continued to rant as if the other young woman hadn’t spoken, “We’re about sixty-five million years away from peroxide, never mind penicillin. And all of this is assuming you just get some kind of nasty infection. Every carnivore with at least one nostril can probably smell all that blood for miles. If we don’t get the hell back to modern times, you are going to die!”
To shut her up, Rebecca sighed and reached down, shoving her torn skirt out of the way to show the long scratches across her boot. She could see them alright through the slashes in her skirt, but clearly Audrey was less observant. “I’m not bleeding, genius. He was aiming to grab, not gut; he didn’t get through the leather.” She gestured, but wasn’t the least bit surprised when Audrey only shook her head and looked away.
“I’m just worried about you,” she whispered, much more subdued as the fight slowly drained from her. “You got lucky this time, but as long as we stay here, we’re in danger every second, from everything.”
As if only just then remembering that Fiona was there, she whipped around and stared up over her shoulder at her. "And how the hell are you still corporeal? How were you ever in the first place? I mean, nice to meet you, I guess? But what the actual fuck is going on?!"
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darkvolley · 6 years
I have finally finished transcribing the XemSai werewolf fic I wrote from when I was 12. It’s not actually finished but I don't plan on doin that. I’m kinda only posting it as a shitpost anyway. So don’t try to critique it. It’s very out of character to the point Xemnas is basically a hyper empathic twink, and I’m not exaggerating that. It’s also not formatted cuz I wanted to keep that genuine historical 12 year old from 2012’s fanfic in a school notebook feel. The only things changed are spelling errors, grammar mistakes, and missing words. Otherwise it’s all directly transported right out of 2012. And trust me, this thing hurts me or than it hurts you. (Thoughts didn't stay in italics during the copy paste from Google Docs and I don't wanna fix it, let alone ever look at this thing again.)
A lone blue beast raced through the forest, crunching leaves and twigs it stepped on as it tried to escape. Suddenly the blue beast was surrounded by five others. They inched closer to it with every passing moment, deep growling emitting from the blue one. With a loud roar the supposed leader, a black and white beast, lunged forward and slashed its claws in an 'x’ on the blue's face. All at once three of the others charged at the defenseless beast. The red one chomped down furiously on the petrified blue's left hind leg. The only female bit hard upon its ear, causing the blue to yelp. A more younger, dark blonde one dug his claws into its backside, the beast finally collapsing. The youngest, still a pup, watched from the sidelines as the leader pawed at the fallen beast. The four trotted away, then the female turned, growling when she noticed the blue's nose twitch. The beast's eyes opened and it lifted his head. It barked at the female, which she responded with a low growl. “I'm sorry.” The barks spoke. “It's too late for apologies, you betrayed us and we did what we had to do to protect the pack.” The female growled. “You go against one of us and you go against all us. You should know that more than any of us, Saix.” The leader barked as he and his followers ran off back to the pack and left the blue all alone to die.
“Xemnas! Hurry up!” Vexen yelled. Six boys were running home after school so they could get their work done and hang out together at the park. The only problem… “Xemnas. Do we need to carry you?” Marluxia asked. Xemnas can't run. “No Marly, I can keep running.” Why does my house have to be on the other side of the forest? He was lying on the ground, a leaf stuck in his hair, breathing heavily and trying to regain himself. Zexion crouched down to face Xemnas. “You need to get in shape, Superior.” Zexion taunted, adding his 'go-by name’ that most of them called him. “Oh shut up Zexion. Just leave me here for a little while, I'll catch up later. He requested. They all respected his request and left to their own homes. After several minutes, Xemnas sat up and removed the leaves from his hair. He became silent for a moment, listening to the sounds of nature. He heard the birds chirping, squirrels climbing up trees, leaves falling off their branches, and a quiet whimpering noise from far away. Whimpering? Xemnas stood up and tried to listen carefully to where the noise was coming from. He tried to follow the noise until it became so loud, no one could miss it. He reached towards a bush, the sound of growling startled him and he flinched, taking his hand back. He grabbed part of the bush again and parted the branches to reveal a big, blue, bloody dog. Xemnas gasped and backed up at the sight of the large odd colored canine. The beast had long blue fur that looked like hair a human girl would have. A large bloody wound on its face that resembled an 'x’ was the most prominent feature on the beast. More injuries such as a small portion of his right ear was missing. It was also odd that it had floppy ears with piercings rather than pointed, like Xemnas always saw on wild dogs in the area. Its left hind-leg had a large bite wound that looked like it wouldn't stop bleeding for a long time. Claw marks on his right side stained the fur on it's back with blood. The dog was growling furiously at Xemnas in fear of being hurt anymore than it already had been. “It's okay big fella, I won't hurt you.” Xemnas spoke softly and reached his hand out. The blue canine didn't stop growling but seemed to only be trying to scare Xemnas rather than warn him of getting bitten. Xemnas ignored the attempt at scaring him and took a risk, he gently placed his hand on the beast's head. He waited a moment so that the blue could get used to his hand and accept it. The blue's growling became quieter, knowing that for now he would not be harmed, but still keeping his guard up just incase. Xemnas patted his hand on the blue's head and the growling seemed to abruptly stop all together. “You poor thing you. Who could have done such a terrible thing to a guy like you? You're so cute and fluffy I can't think of any reason someone might want to hurt you. And look at this blood, you must be in severe pain.” The blue whimpered slightly and nudged into Xemnas's touch. He moved his hands to scratch behind its ears. The beast's tail wagged at the fluffy feeling and barked happily. Xemnas jumped slightly at the loud noise the blue made and giggled, lifting its head up. “You need a name big guy.” Xemnas thought aloud. He studied the blue fur a moment, several names ran through his head like X, that's probably not even a name, Fluffy, too girly and over used, Woolfie, he wasn't even sure if the beast was a wolf, and Buddy, too common just like fluffy. Then it hit him. “I'll call you Blu!” He cheered. 'Blu’ turned his head to the side and did a quick little bark as if he was testing out his new name. “So you like the name?” Xemnas asked, getting a tail wag and hand nudge in response. “Glad you like it Blu. I'm-” “Xemnas!” He heard Marluxia calling his name. “Superior, where are you?” Xaldin shouted. “Sorry Blu, I-I gotta go.” Xemnas said. Blu whimpered and let his ears droop. Xemnas got up to leave but Blu pawed at his leg. “I'll come back tomorrow to see you, I promise. Blu.” Xemnas looked down at Blu and patted him on the head. “Superior, is that you?” Luxord asked. Xemnas ran over to his friends and they all walked away from the area. Xemnas turned back to see Blu laying behind the bush, his wounds still bleeding slightly. “Superior, why are you covered in blood?” Lexaeus asked. “Hmm, what? I'm not- oh, this is- uh- it's… not blood. It's, uh red ink. I-I dropped my pen and when I tried to pick it back up, it broke and red ink got everywhere. Why did you think it was blood?” Xemnas lied, that last sentence to be as a distraction. “Yeah Lex, why did you think you think it looked like blood?” Marluxia repeated Xemnas's question. While everyone was pestering Lex, Xemnas took a quick look at himself. His black jacket had blood at the bottom and on the sleeves. His pants also had blood and it even on his hands. “Poor Blu.” Xemnas whispered. Zexion, who had a great sense of smell, abruptly stopped his own Lex pestering and sniffed the air. “It is blood!” He shouted. Everyone stopped where they were, leaving Marluxia, Luxord, and Lexaeus in a rather odd position, and stared at Xemnas. He turned to face the others’ rather terrifying stares. “Superior, what is it that you're not telling us?” Vexen asked. And with that, Xemnas ran all the way to his house with his cat and grandfather waiting. “Why is he acting so weird?” Xaldin asked.
Before the bell rang Xemnas checked his backpack for the bazillionth time today just to make sure all his supplies were there. He took a couple medical supplies from his grandfather's office to bring to Blu so he can try and he him. Zipping up his bag, the bell rang and everyone left the room to get home. Walking out of the classroom he went right past all his friends and headed straight for the woods to go see Blu. “Hey, Superior! Where ya going?” Luxord called out. “Woods. That's where. Don't wait up, don't follow me. I got some private stuff I need to do.” Xemnas yelled at them in a hurry, too busy to turn around. He walked out of the school zone and entered the woods. Xemnas couldn't quite remember where he was when he found Blu, only that the bush was next to the biggest tree in the woods. Unfortunately, it always felt like the tree was in a different place every time you visit. Xemnas wandered around for quite awhile. He started getting more concerned for Blu and searched every nook and cranny in the woods. “Blu, Blu where are you? Bark if you can hear me!” Xemnas called out, but received no reply. I hope you're okay, Blu. He walked into a rather bright part of the woods where the sky had shown through all day and night. Xemnas looked high into the sky and saw the top of a large tree. He headed towards the tree in a desperate attempt to help Blu. Eventually he stopped and could see the tree a far ways away. “Blu! Are you there Blu?” He yelled. A bush to his right rustled and startled Xemnas. “Blu, is that you?” He asked. “Superior, who's Blu?” Emerging from the bush was Xemnas's closest friend, Xaldin. “Xaldin? Wha-what are you doing here?” Xemnas asked. “Well we all got worried about you so I agreed to follow you and see what you were up to.” Xaldin explained. “You really shouldn't get involved, Xaldin. I'm not even sure of what I'm doing is okay.” Xemnas warned. “What are you doing? Does this have anything to do with what or who Blu is?” Xaldin questioned. “Listen, it's nothing against you or the others but, I just don't want you guys getting involved. I really think it's for the best if you just go home and leave me to my own business.” Xemnas told him, which obviously upset Xaldin. “What could be so private that you can't let us know, not even me, and I've known you longer than all of the others!” At this point, the two friends were getting furious at each other. “If you wanna know so bad then I'll tell you! I saw a wild dog yesterday that was hurt really bad and so today I brought some medical supplies to help him and I didn't want you guys to find out because I knew you would want me to stay away from Blu because he could be dangerous and I don't care about that, I just want to help him because there's something special about Blu, I just know it. I even felt this weird connection with him, like we needed each other somehow!” Xemnas finished his long explanation and breathed heavily from the loud, fast yelling at his friend. Xaldin just stood there for a moment, certainly confused from the speed his friend was talking inm “You… found a wild dog, and it was hurt?” Xemnas, finally collecting his breath, stood upright and cleared his mind. “Yes Xaldin, I found a wild dog and he's hurt. Are you going to tell me to leave it alone and let nature take its course or not tell a soul and help?” Xemnas desperately awaited a response, hoping that his friend wouldn't tell an adult. “Superior,” Xaldin started, “if you really believe you can help the animal, then be my guest. As long as I get to help.” Xemnas ran up to Xaldin and gave him a big hug. “Thank you Xaldin!” He simply patted Xemnas on the back and smiled. “So where is this 'Blu’ at, Superior?” Xaldin asked. “I found him in a bush near The Tree That Never Was.” Xemnas answered, pointing towards the giant oak tree. “Then let's go get him.” Xaldin replied. They both walked for a few minutes towards the tree, which got bigger the closer they got to it. The reason it was named The Tree That Never Was is because long ago the townspeople chopped down the only oak tree in the forest and over night three appeared the way it is, a forty foot tree just popped up overnight. They reached the tree and stopped for a moment. “So where's Blu?” Xaldin asked. “Somewhere around here. Blu shouldn't be that difficult to find. He is blue after all.” At the sound of Blu's name being said so by Xemnas, a low bark was heard nearby. Xemnas ran from the tree and towards the bark. He called Blu's name again and another bark was heard. Xaldin walked near a bush and a loud roar erupted from behind the bush. The roar scared Xaldin to the ground. From behind the bush a big blue dog limped out, its fangs barred and it growled deeply. Blood covered most of the face and back and it couldn't even place its leg on the ground. Xemnas ran in front of Xaldin and guarded him. “Blu calm down, he's my friend, he won't hurt you. I came back just like I promised and I can help you too.” Blu stopped growling and his tail was wagging like a puppy's. “See Xaldin, he's only scared. He's just trying to protect himself.” “Then why isn't he growling at you?” Xaldin asked. “He trusts me and knows I want to help him.” Xemnas replied. He walked over to the dog and scratched behind his ears. “What happened to him?” Xaldin asked. “I'm not really sure, but maybe he was attacked by people, or other wild dogs.” Xemnas answered. He took off his backpack and opened it up to reveal all the medical supplies. “Where did you get that stuff?” Xaldin asked. “I got them from my grandfather's office. He locked himself in his lab again today so I took them for Blu.” Xemnas pulled out some peroxide and poured some on Blu's face wound who flinched and whimpered. “So what are you gonna do with Blu, take him home with you or something?” Xaldin inquired. “You and questions, I swear. But that is something to consider. Maybe I should take him home with me.” Xemnas bandaged up Blu's head and moved to the side to treat the wound on his right. “That's a crazy idea! What if he freaks out and kills your cats or bites your grandfather, or your dad, maybe even your brother if he comes to visit! What if he bites YOU!?” Xaldin freaked out, the worst case scenarios running through his mind. Xemnas, who was unfazed by Xaldin's concern continued to treat Blu by moving onto heal his damaged leg. “Xaldin calm down, Blu isn't a threat to Terra, Vanitas, Grandfather, Dad, Ansem, or me. Blu is too nice. You like cats, right Blu?” Surprisingly, Blu let out a deep bark in response. Unfortunately, they couldn't tell if Blu was agreeing or disagreeing with what Xemnas said. “I still don't completely trust Blu. What are you gonna tell your grandfather, how are you even going to get him to your place if he can barely walk? And you do realize tomorrow's Saturday so you won't be able to see him.” Xaldin informed the other teen. “I know that if Grandfather finds him I'll be in big trouble, but I think I have an idea for a way to get him to my house today without making him walk.” Xemnas moved on to fix Blu’s ear though he couldn't do much since part of it was ripped off. “What are you planning Superior?” Xaldin asked. “Well, you remember that red wagon I had that we would ride down the street in, right?” Xaldin nodded and Xemnas continued. “I'm gonna go home and get the wagon while you stay here and watch Blu.” “What! I don't trust that beast! What if it attacks me, what if he runs away, what if-” “Fine, you go to my house and get the wagon while I stay here and watch Blu. He actually trusts me, unlike you trusting him ya big sissy.” “...I'll watch Blu.” “That's what I thought.” Xemnas walked out of the woods and back to his house. He went in and placed his backpack in his room. He searched in the garage for the wagon and when he couldn't find it, he headed straight to his grandfather's lab. Xemnas knocked on the door which opened by itself. He stepped in and looked around. His cats were in the lab and meowed at each other. The brown cat, Terra, walked towards the back of the room and pawed at a red shelf on the floor. Looking at it, Xemnas realized it was the wagon and his grandfather borrowed it to put some jars full of samples on. Xemnas walked over to the wagon and patted Terra on the head then removed the jars from the wagon. He wheeled it out of the house and down the street to the woods. He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket and checked it to see that he had a text message from Xaldin. Where are you? At the end of the street I have the wagon. Hurry, I'm kinda scared with this dog next to me watching me text. Hi Blu! jffhgddsl What? I think Blu said hi. He put his phone away and pulled the wagon deeper into the woods until he saw Xaldin and Blu. “There you are. So let's get him on the wagon.” Xaldin said. “Can you get up yourself Blu, or do you need our help?” Xemnas asked. Blu tried to limp his way over to the wagon and he tried to place his front paws up on the wagon but he couldn't jump all the way up. Xaldin pushed Blu up and Xemnas pulled him forward so he was secure in the middle. “Xaldin, you pull the wagon.” Xemnas demanded. “What? Why me?” Xaldin questioned. “Look at you, then look at me, which one of us do you think can pull the wagon better?” Xemnas sarcastically asked. “I'll pull the wagon.” Caldin replied. That's also what I thought. Xemnas and Xaldin walked through the woods with Blu on the wagon. Xaldin pulled the wagon out of the woods and they ended up on dirt road. The two boys walked on to Xemnas's house. Once they reached the driveway Xaldin's phone beeped and checked it. “Sorry Superior, my mom wants me home now.” Xaldin said. “Aw man. I guess I'll see you Monday then.” Xemnas said, sounding disappointed. “I'll see ya later, and you too ya big blue puffball.” Xaldin scratched the top of Blu's head, waved by to Xemnas, and left for his house. I hope he doesn't tell anyone. “Alright Blu, let's get you inside.” Xemnas pulled the wagon in the house which took longer than it would have if Xaldin were pulling it. He closed the door behind him and assumed his grandfather wasn't home from the research facility yet so he left the door unlocked. Xemnas helped Blu down from the wagon and let him lay on the couch. He heard meowing in his grandfather's lab. Xemnas glanced at the clock, four thirty-six, way past the cat's lunch time. “Alright Blu, you stay here while I feed the cats. I'll be right back.” Xemnas told the dog, scratching behind his ear. He went into the pantry and got two bowls full of cat food. He headed to the lab and placed down the two bowls. Terra and Vanitas ran toward the bowls and chowed down. Xemnas watched his cats eat for a moment before getting up and leaving to check on Blu. He left the lab and entered the living room. Something felt odd in the room which made Xemnas feel uneasy. “Blu, are you okay?” He asked. At the sound of the name, a man on the couch where Blu was turned around. He had long blue hair and yellow eyes. His ears were pierced and the tips were pointed like an elf. His face was slightly bandaged and some blood was shown in his face. He was dressed in a long black coat that zipped down to his waist. “Hello Xemnas.” He said. “Who are you?” Xemnas asked, rather nervous. “It's me, Blu.”
“Y-you're not Blu. You can't be, Blu's a dog not a human.” Xemnas stuttered. “Well, actually, Xemnas, I'm not really a dog. I'm more of a wolf dog, half wolf half dog.” The man stated. “I don't know what you're babbling about but I'm calling the police.” Xemnas went to the kitchen and reached for the phone but the man jumped over the couch, ran into Xemnas, and landed on top of him. “Please don't Xemnas. I know it's hard to believe, but you gotta trust me.” Xemnas glanced behind him and saw a rather peculiar seeming object. It was blue and curled up slightly. Looking closer, Xemnas noted that it looked furry. The man caught onto Xemnas looking. He looked behind himself to see what caught his attention. “Oh this? It's my tail. Now you believe me, right?” “What are you?” Xemnas asked. “I already told you, I'm a wolf dog.” “You can't be, you're a human… with a tail. There's no way you can be Blu, let alone any animal in general.” “I know it's hard to believe, but some animals are capable of transformation. Not just into humans, but anything, and for some they aren't very good at transforming so they retain so they retain a trait from their real form. In my case, my tail.” “Why should I trust you?” “I know your name is Xemnas.” The man said. “That's not enough, you could have seen my name anywhere.” Xemnas responded. “...You told me I was cute and fluffy yesterday.” He replied. Xemnas blushed slightly, sure he remembers saying that to Blu, but he never thought he would understand what Xemnas said. “I… I still don't know if I can trust you.” The man sighed disappointingly. He reached up and moved his bangs behind his ears. At a closer look Xemnas could see that the top part of his right ear was missing and the edge was slightly jagged. “...Blu…?” The man reached down and enveloped Xemnas in a big hug. “Oh Xemnas! I knew you'd know it was me!” “Okay, yeah that's good. Now can you let me get off the kitchen floor please.” Blu stood up and helped Xemnas to his feet. “I still don't understand though. Why… how… what are… Why don't you just explain all this to me. Who are you really Blu?” They sat down on the couch and Blu thought of where he should begin. “You see, the world is full of more wonders then the normal human truly sees. What most people see as a… wolf, for example, is actually a wolf but with great abilities. Like many animals, a wolf can transform into anything they please. Wolves who are still learning or just not that good often have trouble transforming into non-living things. They also retain something from their true form, like I said earlier for me it’s my tail. It's a little different for me though. As a wolf dog I only have limited transforming abilities. I'm lucky though 'cause its very rare. Anyone you see could really be an animal. I want to thank you though. You just happened to come along after I started to give up. Because you helped me I regain enough strength to use this form to talk to you. When you left that first day I was afraid you would never come back. You wouldn't believe how happy I was to see you again. I'm so grateful.” Blu hugged Xemnas tightly and placed his head between his neck and shoulder. Xemnas flinched and blushed slightly but placed one hand on Blu's back and the other on the back of his head. “How did you get hurt Blu?” “...I-I'm not ready to talk about it.” It was silent for a moment as Xemnas thought. This is crazy. There's no way this can be true, but yet here he is in front of me as a human. Should I tell Xaldin or the others? What if Grandfather ask about him? I need to stop worrying about this and wonder what I'm gonna do about Blu. Something alerted them and Xemnas reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out his phone. Blu looked over and saw Xemnas read a text message. Xemnas looked over the text that Xaldin sent him. Hey just got home. How's it going with that dog? Xal, we need to talk. Only seconds after sending his reply Xemnas and Blu heard the front door opening. “Quick Blu, hide!” Xemnas pushed Blu off the couch and shoved him in his room. “But Xe-” Xemnas shut the door behind Blu and rushed back into the living room. His heart was racing as the door flew open and he saw his grandfather. “Oh, there you are Xemnas. What did I tell you about leaving the front door unlocked?” His grandfather said. “It must be locked because if Father or Brother decide to come home they won't be able to because they don't deserve it.” Xemnas said. “Atta boy.” His grandfather patted his shoulder and headed to his lab. “Did you feed Terra and Vanitas?” “Yes I did.” “Why is your wagon in the living room and not in my lab?” Dammit, I forgot about the wagon! “Me and Xaldin needed it to… uh… move a… a rock!” A rock!? How stupid am I!? His grandfather just stared at him confused. “You had to move… a rock?” He asked Xemnas. His phone suddenly rang in his pocket and he fumbled to get it. “Yeah and looky here, it's Xaldin. I should take this.” He ran into his room and locked the door behind him. When he answered his phone he noticed a blue tail poking out from under his bed. Hiding under the bed wasn't really necessary. “Hey Xal.” He said. “Hey, what did you wanna talk about?” “Well… Blu isn't any normal dog.” Xemnas saw Blu peak his head out at the sound of his name, who had already turned back into a dog. “What do you mean?” Xaldin asked. “Do you think your mom will let you come over?” “Probably…” “Then get over here now.” Before he got a response Xemnas closed his phone and put it back in his pocket. Blu crawled out from under the bed and limped over to Xemnas. He placed his hand under Blu's chin and bent down to his level. “Your leg still hurt?” He asked. Blu nodded in response but perked his ears up when he heard a knock at the bedroom door. Blu went under the bed again and Xemnas turned and opened the door, but only slightly in case Blu was visible. His grandfather was at the door. “Oh, hey, Gramps.” Xemnas greeted him nervously. “Xemnas, can I keep the babies in your room? Some of the chemicals in there I need to open and I don't want the little darlings getting ahold of them.” He asked his grandson. Why do you always call the cats your babies or darlings? “Uh… that might not be a good idea.” Xemnas replied. “Good idea? Why thanks, I'll go get them!” He said. “Wait! I didn't…” Why does he do that every time I refuse something? He came back with both Terra amd Vanitas and placed them in Xemnas's room. When the door closed Blu came out and encountered the cats. All three barked and meowed at each other and Xemnas assumed they were all talking. He walked over to his window and looked for Xaldin. Where are you? He turned back around and when he came face to face with human Blu he jumped and screamed. “Stop doing that Blu!” He yelled. “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.” Blu pouted and he tucked his tail down. Oh great, here comes the guilt. “No, I'm sorry. Just let me know when you're gonna do that.” Xemnas patted Blu's head and lightly giggled at how funny Blu looked with the bandages wrapped on his head and face. “The felines say the old man is crazy.” Blu stated and the cats meowed in agreement. Xemnas giggled again. “He is a little cooky, but I think that every scientist is a little psycho, even Vexen is going crazy and he wants to be a scientist.” Xemnas heard a knock on his window and looked past the blinds to see Xaldin. “Okay Blu, stay here, watch Terra and Van, and I'll go get Xaldin.” Man, he gets here fast. He left his room and got the front door to let Xaldin in. “Alright, will you tell me now?” Xaldin asked. “Why don't I just show you.” Xemnas pulled Xaldin into his room and luckily Blu was still a human. “Who the hell is that?” Xaldin asked. “Don't you remember me? It's Blu.” Blu said. “Okay, I know this is hard to believe but-” Xaldin raised his hand in front of Xemnas's face. “I'm going home.” “No wait! It's true really!” Xemnas yelled, stopping him from leaving. “Oh, I believe you. I just don't want anything to do with this.” Xaldin pushed his younger friend aside and left the room. Running in front of him in the hall, Xemnas blocked his oath with his arms. “Please Xaldin, you're my closest friend. I've known you longer than any of the others. I think you're the only one who can help.” Xemnas pleaded. Xaldin was irritated by now at his friend. “Help with what? When his wounds heal just put him back into the wild. It's that simple!” Blu limped into the hall and used the wall as support, the cats peeking from behind the door. “I can't go back. My pack won't accept me.” Xaldin turned to face him. “What do you mean?” “They thought I was a traitor so they chased me out.” Blu tried to place his foot firmly on the ground and yelped. He almost fell to the ground but Xaldin grabbed his arm and caught Blu before he fell. Blu looked up at Xaldin with yellow piercing eyes. Xaldin felt a light tug at his heart and quickly looked away from the puppy dog eyes. What is it about animals that make me want to care about everything? “I'll stay…” Blu jumped up and snuggled his arm, and Xemnas ran over to hug him. “Thank you so much Xal!” What have I gotten myself into?
Ch. 4
Xaldin and Xemnas sat on the couch in the living room watching wolf Blu play with the cats. “So, what do we do with him?” Xaldin asked. “...Well he definitely needs to stay while his wounds heal… and I guess if I word it right I can convince Gramps to let me keep him.” “But he's part wolf. It's possible that he could snap at anything. And what if he bites someone, he could be put down!” Xaldin worried. “Blu seems too sweet to bite someone. I'll just keep him on a tight leash so he doesn't misbehave.” Xemnas reassured him. “You know, a leash might not be a bad idea.” “I'm not putting him on an actual leash, Xal.” “Fine then, but don't come crying to me when he bites someone's finger off.” Xaldin simply got a glare from Xemnas. He turned his attention back to Blu. “Blu, you hungry?” Xemnas asked.  Lu barked back and wagged his tail joyfully. “Oh great Superior, what are you gonna feed him?” Xaldin asked sarcastically. “I could always feed you to him.” “Touche, Superior, touche.” Blu limped to the kitchen and sat down to observe everything. Xemnas and Xaldin followed behind him. Xemnas looked around at all their food, looking in the fridge he asked, “Should we feed him human food or animal food?” He looked back at Xaldin to see he was awkwardly staring towards Blu. “What are you staring a-Aahh!” He turned around mid sentence to be surprised by human Blu. “What did I say about doing that?!” Xemnas's voice got very high pitched and Xaldin snickered at him. “Oh… I'm sorry Xemnas.” Blu tucked his tail down. “No, I'm sorry. Just… please, give a warning.” Blu nodded and Vanitas jumped on the counter. He pawed at Blu to get his attention and when he turned around Vanitas seemed to be telling him something. “Vanitas said the old man keeps a stash of sweets in his lab.” Xemnas and Xaldin momentarily glanced at each other. “Blu, he's got a lot of chocolate in that stash of his. I don't think that'd be healthy, ya know the whole 'dogs with chocolate has a heart attack’ thing?” Xemnas told him. Blu didn't understand the issue so Xaldin had to tell him the story about Marluxia's neighbor's dog that died because the man's daughter gave it chocolate. Of course that made Blu terrified of all human food, so Xemnas ended up feeding wolf Blu some meat from the freezer. “I still can't believe any of this.” Xemnas said as they watched Blu eat. “Yeah, well I've seen crazier things.” Xaldin told him. “What are you talking about?” Xemnas asked. “Let's just say that there are weirder things in that forest than shape shifting wolves.” He said to his younger friend. It was some sort of silent moment between all of them as Xemnas wondered what that could possibly mean. Blu finished eating only seconds after, it was obviously a while since his last meal. It was now getting dark and maybe around seven or so. “What are you gonna do with him when you're at school?” Xaldin asked.
And that’s it! To elaborate on a bit Vanitas was hoping Saix would eat some chocolate and die. Zexion was secretly a wolf. And I have no idea what the thing Xaldin mentions at the end was supposed to be about. Oh and Terra and Vanitas could shape shift too. And Axel set up Saix so he wouldn’t get found out. That’s all I remember that wasn’t brought up in what was already written.
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filmfreak1994 · 6 years
Change the Channel
A lot of people have been talking about their experiences with Channel Awesome in the wake of the 60+ page document released by Allison Pregler and several other former content creators for Channel Awesome. I figured I might throw my own experience with the site and its people (mostly Doug) too while the topic is relevant, even considered dusting off the old camera I got for Christmas to film a video but allergy season is upon us and I’m coughing up my lungs so the written word it is.
I was a frequent user of YouTube in the early days of its inception, mostly to look up viral videos and just go on a stream of pointlessness for hours on end with each recommended vid in the sidebar (mostly consisting of parodies to Star Wars, LotR, and entire Simpsons episodes uploaded before the great purge of early 2008). In all that time between 2006 and 2007, reviewers like the Angry Video Game Nerd and The Nostalgia Critic eluded me. I saw plenty of the 5 Second Movie clips and thought they were hysterical but didn’t even make the connection that they were made by a “Nostalgia Critic” until around the end of 2009, when a friend of mine at school told me to look up NC’s review of Sonic the Hedgehog (the weird TV show and the futuristic evil Jim Cummings one). I finally gave in which led me to watching some of his other, recent reviews like the “Star Wars Holiday Special” which was freaking hysterical (and still brings a warm smile to my face just thinking about it). By the time the new year rolled around and I had discovered That Guy With The Glasses I was hooked.
For a while I stuck to watching reviews on YouTube when fans would rip them from the main site, but decided to eventually support the site itself where I mostly stuck to NC videos but also watched content from the other producers when it interested me; Spoony and his Final Fantasy reviews, Linkara and any comic with a subject material I was familiar with, Marzgurl and her Don Bluth retrospective, so on and so forth. Like many other people, I wasn’t keeping up with every producer’s videos weekly like I was with NC, but when I decided to watch something else their content was worth it, being funny and informative all at once, even creating new branches of my interest and giving me new perspectives on media criticism.
I watched Nostalgia Critic religiously every week and, sorry to say, started to take his opinion as gospel, and the opinions of other reviewers as well, treating certain movies and shows as bad just because they said so and didn’t have an opinion for myself for the longest time. It was when I started to pay attention to Doug Walker himself and his philosophy that you should like what you like and every movie is a miracle that I started to chill out and even disagree with his opinions at times (I remember his “Little Nemo” review made me seek out that movie and I actually quite enjoyed it).
TGWTG was a formative site for me in my high school years, developing much of my sense of humor and how I look at movies. I watched all the anniversary specials, started to watch a greater portion of producers that included Lindsay and Kyle’s more analytical reviews and Brad Jones’s and Matthew Buck’s mix of cynicism and snark with genuine analytical praise and criticism. I even started to look at music critics like Paw or Todd even though I can’t judge music for shit (if it has a catchy beat I’ll more or less dig it, I’m not picky). I always imagined when I moved out for college (yeah, how’d that work out for ya, younger me) that I would start my own review series in the vein of these online personalities and even be picked up for the site where I too could join in on the anniversary movies and have a swell time and make friends with the people I looked up to and have a good time filming huge crossover events with them (in hindsight I can only imagine what role Doug would have me play in them, if I was even deemed important to be in them at all). Whenever people criticized the anniversary movies I just shrugged it off and said, “Yeah, they’re dumb, but I like em anyway,” and when rumors starting going around about some upside down crucifixion going on I shrugged them off as just rumors (and to be fair it wasn’t upside down but the real thing isn’t much better).
Anyway, around the time when To Boldly Flee came I enjoyed the movie a lot (I only saw it the once and I was eighteen, eighteen-year-old me and present me don’t get on anymore) and thought it was a bittersweet conclusion to The Nostalgia Critic but was excited to see what new projects Doug and the company would do after its conclusion. Plus the other contributors still had their content to keep TGWTG going strong into the foreseeable future. At least I thought.
I didn’t hate Demo Reel, but I didn’t like it all that much either. I only caught around a few episodes before losing interest, saying I’d get back into it eventually but never going out of my way to see them. By accounts they got better as they went along and I was interested in the episode that paid tribute to Elizabeth Hartman (which I think is the same episode that had Mara Wilson and Arin Hanson? I might be wrong (I didn’t even know who Arin was at the time but hindsight is 20/20)), but I just put off watching them until, oh look, NC’s back. At the time I thought this was interesting, there was plenty he could still do with the character given his new ground rules and the emphasis on skits gave the show a different tune that I felt, at the time, kept it fresh from what it was before. I missed the simplicity of the earlier reviews but I happily stuck with the NC again, as well as the same creators I’d happily watched before and plenty more I started to watch like Phelous (around the time he did that weird Aladdin meets Pagemaster movie, I used to rent that from Hollywood Video all the freaking time).
It was around this tumultuous time that Doug actually kinda started to annoy me. Never to the point where I stopped watching NC, but he sort of seemed to forget his whole “Like what you like,” message and outright attacked fans who disagreed with him. Certain jokes in his reviews rubbed me the wrong way (if Irate Gamer can’t get away with blowing up Ubisoft cuz they wouldn’t let him into a conference, you can’t get away with pretending to blow up Happy Madison just because they make shit movies) and he had a general vindictiveness to those who liked movies like “Man of Steel” or “The Lorax” that just seemed mean spirited and not a funny little video meant to entertain (though I guess the signs were always there like when he added in a dig at “Avatar” in his “Conan” review for no reason). But by and by he seemed to mellow out (no doubt dealing with problems letting go of Demo Reel and how big a success he thought it would be) and I still watched his stuff, including the vlogs he did with Rob regarding “Avatar” (the good one, hey I did it too!), “Korra,” “Adventure Time,” and any recent movie that came out. I started to agree with them less and less but they were still entertaining guys and I liked what they were doing.
Some of the shadier stuff going on at the site more or less flew over my head. The game show they did was pretty much “Demo Reel” part two for me in how much interest I had in it and that faded from public consciousness pretty quickly, and it was around the time the site switched from TGWTG to just Channel Awesome that a real shift began to become more noticeable. People were leaving. People I may not have watched all the time, but they were leaving, often times unannounced and seemingly unprovoked (because quite a few of them were). I read about what happened to Allison, aka Obscurus Lupa, who I had watched on and off again and thought that was pretty shitty, and got a general grasp that the management of CA itself wasn’t very good from what she and Lindsay alluded to (or just straight up said, they really should’ve had some NDAs if they cared so much about how they look) in some posts on Tumblr or Twitter but I still carried on watching NC and the other creators on the site mostly because I just figured what every fan figured at the time, Doug was mostly innocent and it was Michaud and Rob who were the real strings behind big decisions like who stays and goes (I liked Rob fine, but even back then I knew he could be kind of an ass).
More and more people from the classic era of TGWTG were leaving or not producing as much for the site as they did and that was a shame. CA was never what TGWTG felt like to me, even if the purpose was to put more focus on the other producers (supposedly (hell, TGWTG did a way better job of featuring producers in my opinion even if it wasn’t perfect)). But whatever, I carried on every Tuesday watching NC, watching other creators when their stuff interested me, but it still wasn’t quite the same as before, and I had become more aware of the general bad experience most people had filming the anniversary movies even if the full extent of that didn’t come until a few days ago.
It was really when Lewis announced that he had left and I found the Change the Channel hashtag that I started to take notice of these stories, finding plenty of them on my own from the links to Twitter conversations many of the former contributors were having before reading them on the Google doc. I was torn, wondering if I should boycott NC with all that I had read and decided to make it a temporary one until the doc came out and to see if he or CA would provide a statement. Well, the doc came out and the apology not long after. And yeah, I moved it to a permanent ban after that bullshit.
I’ve given up watching people I loved before, JonTron and his racist bullshit was the last straw in supporting anything he did, and even with the Me Too movement I’ve given up any kind of support for people like Kevin Spacey who I used to love as an actor (now it’s pretty easy to see how he was able to play such scumbag villains over and over again). I know Doug isn’t a Nazi or Nazi sympathizer, and to my knowledge he hasn’t used his position to sexually take advantage of anyone (though he has turned a blind eye to others doing the same and the same can’t be said for taking advantage of people in other ways), but I just couldn’t watch stuff directly made by him and for Channel Awesome with all this information. It wouldn’t be right, even with an adblocker. 
I don’t mean to threaten the livelihood of people on his team like Malcolm or Tamara, I like them a great deal and they’re very talented, heck I even enjoyed the skits on NC a lot more than most because of them (and Rachel, she was great too). But I said to myself until an actual apology is listed and some form of action is taken to truly better the site, I wouldn’t watch them. Others have suggested and I have thought the same, that the best thing to do would be to fire Michaud, though I realize this would create a slew of problems given that he owns the IP for NC and is the founder of CA. Still, some form of acknowledgement from the Walkers would go a long way to bettering the public response to all this. More and more contributors have left in the wake of this document, either out of fear for their own image or to show solidarity with the many complaints levied toward the site (and their reasons are completely valid no matter what, they’re trying to make a living), looking at the site today it’s practically a ghost town. I don’t blame those that have stayed for anything, but the reputation of CA is tarnished and at this point, especially with that piss-poor “apology,” it’s going to take several huge leaps to get it back.
I realize the purpose of Change the Channel was never to create a boycott of NC or any of the Walker’s content, at least by the majority of those who contributed to the docs, and those who choose to boycott do so of their own volition. Well, that’s my volition. No matter how much NC shaped my sense of humor in my younger years and inspired me to look at movies critically myself, I can’t deny the damage that Doug and Rob have been complicit in nor turn a blind eye to the shady practices they, Michaud, and past executives on the site have done. 
I really do wish that what was seemingly apparent in front of the camera, that this was a site filled of talented people who were also good friends having a good time, was true behind the scenes as well. People have been hurt, assaulted, taken advantage of, and tossed aside when they were no longer useful to the site. It’s not right, and I’m literally changing the channel until actual change is made.
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looksalikes · 4 years
2:52 AM February 2nd Tuesday
I just moved into our apartment in NYC. I know I should be happpy but I feel utterly guilty all the time. Hearing my friends struggle just to eat, and here I am in this nice ass apartment in Manhattan. Only to feel bad for myself. My anxiety is going off the charts I feel nervous constanstly. I guess I’ve been pretty productive in comparison to how I usually am. I feel like I’ve really underestimated this city, the people are so much bigger than me as well as uncaring. Not uncaring in just a bad way, just a very...independent way. Frank. People here are very frank. They are upfront about they’re feelings, and they either decide to make that your problem or don’t.
Today I had a guy come up to me when I was smoking and motioned his hand, like he wanted a cigarette. So I wordlessly grabbed about 4 or 5 and handed it to him. He looked at it and then threw them in the snowy ground next to me and walked away. I didn’t really care at first, as I laughed after he walked away and picked up the damp cigarettes and tossed them. Better on the floor than in our lungs I guess, so no harm no foul. Yet later, I don’t know why but I can’t stop thinking about it. I thought perhaps he was just the typical Crazy dude you find in NYC, but he looked like he could also not be. I then thought maybe he was just mad I was smoking, which yeah fair. Or perhaps he was mad some white hipster was taking up space in his neighborhood. This one bothered me the most.
I didn’t realize how much this neighborhood was pretty much Chinatown, I thought it was on the outskirts but after moving in I realized how much this wasn’t so. And from what I found out this apartment complex was bought out and renovated recently, so I’m assuming a lot of its old Chinese residents are being plagued by asshole white fuckers like me one by one. I was initially mad that Hana didn’t tell me, but who could blame her. I should have done more research in the first place. And not even just on the neighborhood but also in our search all together. I keep playing these fake conversations with my friends, that they’re accusing me of being a sellout and a spoiled brat. Yeah sure it’s not like we were in actual Chinatown or Lower East Side officially but I should have been more involved. Or yeah maybe it’s worse Brooklyn or Queens than Manhattan. And yeah I wasn’t trying to live in a new high rise. But I know I’m part of a problem. That in the end of the day after interacting with these locals, they don’t give a shit if “I didn’t know” because I SHOULD have known. No room for pity here because it’s not about hurt feelings, people are losing their homes.
Or cigarette guy simply was just some guy who was just being asshole for assholes sake.
Whatever reasoning or lack of, I don’t blame him.
I’m starting to think maybe I wasn’t cut out for the city. Or cities in general. Maybe it’s because it doesn’t feel earned that I feel this insecure. God damnit why do I take things so personally? I hurt so easily these days idk how I’m going to make it through NYC. Or maybe I can make it through the 15 months, but then after...then after. What? Do I just hang on until the next year and the next and the next? I know the answer is yes but feel heavier as it crosses my mind. It’s comforting to know you can say no to that, freeing almost. Even if it’s empty promises, knowing I have a escape plan, even if it’s the worst kind of plan, somehow ironically gets me through the day. But for how much longer? And my life is essentially perfect so why do I feel this anxious and guilty all the time? How pathetic would it be to kill yourself after getting everything just handed to you
God I wish I could have a ducking cigrette. But I don’t wanna go outside in fear of getting fucked over again. Fucker. Ok that’s not fair... but it is fair to say my sister insanely sociopathic berading of my vaping-turned-2-cigarettes makes me want to smoke more than ever. She thinks by traumatizing you you’re helping them stop. Bitch doesn’t even know how much I actually now thinking of buying a $20 vape now from the stress she giving me. Before I wasn’t even considering that but now. But now.
But now I’m victimizing myself because some dude was making a point albeit weirdly or incredibly successful at just plain throwing me off (which honestly If he was then can I even blame him?) and my sis unhealthy well-intention actions to “help” me. This is what I mean when I said all I do is pity myself. Cant say fuck him cuz that’s not fair, can’t say fuck her cuz that’s not fair, Cant say fuck the world, can’t say fuck myself because it’s all a cry for attention. Cant say nothing without looking like hypocrite. Fuck fuck fuck.
God any normal person would just say, that was weird or tha was fucked up. But me, I cant even get it together and use my position to help orbers. All I do is take and take. I could be doing so much more, yet I wallow in my self pity.
0 notes
afterspark-podcast · 5 years
Mars Attacks the Transformers: Transcript
Episode Show Notes
[This can also be found on AO3!]
S: The reason the Decepticons are evil is because they're trying to support their wives and children.
[Intro Music]
O: Welcome to the Afterspark Podcast!  On today's episode we're gonna be talking about the one-shot crossover comic from IDW, Mars Attacks the Transformers!
S: This is going to be an experiment.
O: Yes!  The Mars Attacks 1996 film was based on a trading card game from the 60’s.  It was about some goofy looking aliens from Mars that invade Earth.  The biggest thing you should take away from this if you haven't seen it is that--you should never, ever, ever, trust the aliens as they are complete and total bastards.  Anyway these alien designs scared the shit out of me as a child, so on with the show! Or comic.
S: [laughs] On the cover we've got Optimus Prime and Megatron standing shoulder to shoulder firing on aliens as flying saucers destroy a city in the background, all against a burning sunset sky.
O: We open with Optimus whaling on Megatron, finally knocking him down and declaring the Autobots the victors.  There is an amazing big panel of the victorious Autobots.
S: Bumblebee is sitting on Soundwave.
O: Ironhide has Starscream in a headlock.
S: Thundercracker is, uh...face-first through a skyscraper in the background.
O: We laughed so hard when we found that.
S: Um-hmm.
O: Grimlock is holding Ravage and his teeth.  Kind of like a mama cat goes with her kittens? [laughs]
S: It’s adorable!  But--and then Astrotrain is out cold on the ground, framed by Optimus Prime's magnificent thighs.
O: It's amazing!  Speaking of the art, it is excellent in this!
S: By artist Matt Frank and colorist Josh Perez.
O: It's bright, it's colorful, it's expressive!
S: Everyone has a wonderfully emotive expressions and body language and you just know that they had a great time working on this.
O: I really hope they did, cuz it looks like they did.
S: Ah, I really hope so too.
O: And it really feels like it's the G1 cartoon, if the G1 cartoon was done well.  Like they--like it was actually drawn well instead of extremely blocky.
S: And written well.
O: And written well, yes.  With the just the Decepticons having been defeated they are led away into stasis cuffs never to be seen again, surely.
S: Megatron gets his own bed though.
O:  Truck bed!
S: With his legs in stasis cuffs as well.
O: They really want to make sure he can't move--not that I blame them!  This is a good plan.
S: It really is.  And then Spike shows up, super excited about kicking some Decepticon keister.
O: An army general is a dick, making fun of Spike’s bright yellow rubber boots and yelling at poor Spike.
S: Poor kid.  In the next panel we see a dejected Spike walking towards Bumblebee who appears to be attempting to cheer his buddy up because you know, Bumblebee is such a good Bumble-buddy.
O: [laughs] But as the general’s going on about the U, S, of A he is suddenly disintegrated.
S: A surprised Optimus looks into a sky that has suddenly been filled with flying saucers and Martians in jetpacks with laser guns, who are so down for demolishing the city.
O: Oh yes, and at the bottom of the page we get a panel of all the Autobots clustered together reacting to the ‘surprise’ aliens.
S: Some of these expressions are greatttt!
O: From Bumblebee’s confusion to Prowl’s dumbfounded shock, all of it is delightful.  A ten out of ten.
S: Optimus is concerned about his Autobots being dragged into another battle with them still being so worn out from just defeating the Decepticons.
O: Ironhide’s relatively uncon--unconcerned about all of this though.
S: “They're tiny, what could they do?” to paraphrase Ironhide.
O: Very shortly, Ironhide learns that they can do quite a lot, as his arm is blown off by the aliens.
S: The framing for that--for that realization that his arm is gone is fantastic.
O: It is also great, yes. [laughs]
S: Optimus orders everyone to seek cover.
O: Cliffjumper gives Ironhide shit about his underestimation of small things.
S: Ironhide proceeds to bonk Cliffjumper on the head with his dismembered arm in retaliation.
O: Elsewhere Bumblebee and Spike are hiding in a partially demolished building.
S: Spike asks Bumblebee if he can understand the aliens and wants to know what they're saying.
O: What are they saying, you may ask?  Well, they're saying, “Surrender now or we shall do unspeakable things to your faces and your pets.”
S: Bumblebee’s expression as he listens to this and replies to Spike saying, “Nothing good,” is amazingly disgusted.
O: [laughs] Because he can, in fact, understand the aliens.  The alien fire hits the vehicles hauling the Decepticons which, frees them...of course.
S: Somehow getting thrown off the trucks breaks um, Megatron's stasis cuffs and I guess that ends up--I don't know, all the other stasis cuffs end up being broken too?
O: I--I think it broke Megatron's and, I want to say [either] Thundercracker or Skywarp’s? Um, and they both broke everybody else out, I think.
S: That would make sense, yeah.
O: Also, we see that Megatron's Fusion Cannon has its own trailer hooked up to Megatron's and Soundwave is also on a separate truck.  Probably safe to say all the Cons had their own at this point, but the separate one for the Fusion Cannon really amused me.
S: Um-hmm.  It’s like, gotta keep ‘em together, but you gotta--
O: You gotta keep them together and then I still stand by, maybe hand the Fusion Cannon off to the Autobots who hopefully will know how to handle this black hole generator!?!  It's not a black hole generator, but black holes are involved somehow--I'm just saying, I don't know if I trust the army with that!
S: Yeah, it draws its power from a black hole or something.
O: Yeah.  By the way that's from the G1 comics and I was reading the comics, and was like, “Wait a minute!  You're telling me they didn't pull this out of nowhere!?!”  [Referencing IDW’s MTMTE run, which had Megatron himself using black holes during the Dying in the Light arc.]
S: Nope, nope, that’s been there from the beginning, it’s so weird.
O: It is very weird!
S: With the Decepticons freed they seem about as disturbed about the alien menace going on as the Autobots are.
O: Megatron seizes an opportunity to speak to the Martians, much to Starscream's consternation.
S: And to the surprise of literally all the other Decepticons, Megatron asks to be taken to the Martians’ leader.  Just looking at Soundwave’s and Starscream's faces here, they are so not down for this.  They were expecting crushing.
O: Why crush when you can be a conniving bastard instead? [laughs]
S: Everyone just wants to double-cross each other here.
O: I told you, don’t trust these aliens.
S: Which makes me wonder by the Autobots freaking trust the Decepticons anytime Megatron challenges them to a thing!
O: I don't know!  Uh, meeting with the Martian leader Megatron offers a deal.  They'll work together so they can wipe out the Autobots otherwise the Martians will have to fight with both factions.
S: Soundwave attempts to correct the aliens‘ vocabulary without success as Megatron waves him off.
O: The aliens are calling the Cybertronians ‘machine men’.
S: And Soundwave just likes his accuracy, which I can't blame them for.
O: Me neither.
S: The Martians agree to this deal..
O: Never mind that as I've said, you should never trust either of these parties.
S: The Autobots prepare fight back and poor Optimus is wondering how the hell Megatron got here.
O: Last he saw, he was being taken away and now he’s on the other side of the battlefield, again.
S: It’s like, “Whyyyyyyyyy!?!”
O: [laughs] It’s just like, if my problems could stop piling up today that would be great.  Megatron proceeds to look like a snarky ass bastard as the Decepticons look ready to throw down.
S: Particularly Astrotrain, who's like, I need, to give someone some payback.
O: Megatron orders an attack while mocking Prime's tendency to spout sanctimonious speeches before and during fights.
S: And then we got another great panel of the Autobots and Decepticons fighting.
O: Starscream is panicking in the background as Grimlock seems to be lunging at him in a vaguely ready to eat him kind of way.
S: Megatron and Optimus are clashing in the mid-ground.
O: And Bee is shooting at Astrotrain, while Ravage lunges at him from below.
S: And then Ironhide and Soundwave are facing off in the foreground and it's just very nice organization.
O: It is, like very good job, very um, good composition.
S: Yes.
O: Clear what's going on and it looks interesting.  Also--Face-Off!
B: [laughing]
S: The Martians trapped the Cybertronians in a green, glowy force field doohickey thing betraying the Decepticons.
O: As I was saying earlier, never trust these aliens!
S: They're all conniving and they're all planning on backstabbing each other.  Except the Autobots, the Autobots are the upstanding, sanctimonious ones.
O: Apparently!
S: Megatron is enraged, how dare they betray him!?!
O: Pot, meet kettle. [laughs]
S: And then Cliffjumper’s reaction is pure perfection here.
O: His dialogue, his deadpan expression.
S: His positioning.  He's just--he looks like the peanut gallery.  He's like right underneath Megatron, looking up at him.
O: As he says, “You know for someone with a name like the Decepticons, you think you would have seen this coming.”
S: You really would, you’d think so.
O: It's great.  As the aliens walk away we are treated to another entertaining panel this time with Optimus telling Megatron they will need to work together to get out of this.
S: Prowl and Starscream are standing, well ok, so the way there actually posed: Megatron and Optimus are in the background with their backs towards us and Starscream and Prowl are in the foreground.  So, Prowl and Starscream stand behind their respective leaders with great uncomfortable expressions, as they attempt to tune out to this awkward but very necessary conversation.
O: Megatron reluctantly agrees with Optimus’s assessment of the situation, and orders Blaster over.
S: Blaster seems pretty game for this plan!  Despite, you know, being ordered by Megatron.  A plan that involves him and Soundwave combining their, you know, assorted sound abilities in an attempt to break the force field.
O: We also get some more Bumblebee sass as he takes issue with Megatron's bad attitude--some Bumble-sass if you will.
S: Blaster and Soundwave’s synced abilities do take down the force field with the combined forces of the Autobots and Decepticons charging to meet the Martians.
O: Megatron has some of his signature dialogue about the “Might of Megatron!”
S: Cliffjumper and Thundercracker share a moment commenting on Megatron's ego and then the aliens retaliate by shooting Megatron with a shrink-ray.  And we quote, [in an alien voice] “I have shrunk your master to the size of a small girl's plaything.”
O: So I think Megatron is even smaller than a human here and it is amazing.  [laughs]
S: Um-hm, because you can see like a crushed coke can beside him?
O: In like--yeah, and so it looks like he's-he's about, yeah toy size.  We-we had jokingly said we think he's about the size of the Masterpiece toy?  Which was funny, because I had gotten that like, the day we were scripting.  So it's just like--oh my god that's amazing!
S: Yep, yep.  The lead Martian begins monologuing but tiny Megatron shoots him through the head with his tiny Fusion Cannon.
O: Proving that even ridiculously small Megatron is a stone-cold badass.
S: Awkward team-ups abound as the Autobots and Decepticons fight against the Martians side-by-side.
O: Cats and dogs--living together!
S: In harmony.
O: [laughs]
S: Except not.
O: To a point.  Uh, next we see Starscream do an incredibly Starscream thing.
S: That thing that we see him do every other episode.  He tells Megatron he's going to crush him and take his rightful place as leader of the Decepticons.
O: Megatron's face here is fucking amazing by the way.  He looks so, so done.  Like, Starscream, really, you're really going to do this right now? [laughs]
S: And then Megatron pounces on Starscream's face.  He just--Starscream leaned down to--
O: To like, tell him this.
S: To deliver it directly to his face and Megatron's like, [evil laugh] pounce!  Right on his face, leading to Starscream running around in the next panel screaming, “Get him off!  Get him off!” With poor Soundwave following behind having reversed the shrink ray to attempt to get Megatron back to normal size.
O: Elsewhere, the aliens had been enlarged some ants that are ready to attack Jazz and Ironhide.
S: I don't really know why the ants would have been ready to attack Jazz and Ironhide?  I mean since they’re just normal ants honestly, they probably should have collapsed dying due to lack of oxygen.  Uh, but yeah.
O: Then it's the Insecticons to the rescue as they transform into their insect alts to challenge the ants, who flee.
S: Because apparently...the ants have sense of self-preservation about giant metal bugs.
O: More so than the Martians do right now.
S: Yeah.  Next we see Spike standing in a puddle of water coming from a broken fire hydrant surrounded by Martians who are ready to fire on him.  A loose electric line hits the puddle, frying the aliens but leaves Spike perfectly fine due to his rubber boots.
O: He exclaims, “Yeah, in your face general!”
S: Take that, dead dude!
O: [laughs] Indeed!
S: Spike gets the last laugh.
O: He does.
S: The Martians begin to board the ships, ready to fire on the Cybertronian forces but our deus ex Cosmos emerges from the sunset and blows them all up.
O: [squeals] My baby!  My baby spaceship, I love him so much and we haven't got to see him in the show, but I got to see him with this. He was the deus ex machina and I loved it.
B: [laughing]
S: He has a very convenient alt mode for this.
O: Yes, like Prowl even comments on like, he hadn’t seen the point of his alt mode before now--which was also pretty great.
S: Um-hm.  Optimus and Megatron are shaking hands as the comic ends.  Optimus giving a very in character motivational speech about cooperation before pausing and asking Megatron, “You're just going to go back to trying to kill us aren't you?”  To which Megatron replies, “Absolutely!”
O: It’s very in character.
S: It is, it is.
O: So, what's our verdict about this special?  For me, it was very well done.  It feels like such a good homage to G1, has a lot of the humor and silliness that I get when I watch the cartoon but in comic form.
S: It was campy and it didn't take itself too seriously, and it's a good addition to the franchise.  Pairs well with the G1 cartoon and the Marvel Comics.
O: The art was excellent, I know we've mentioned that multiple times but seriously.  Uh, I-I adored the characterizations uh, everybody was written in a way that like, it felt like them but enjoyably them.
S: Yup, and Josh Perez's color work is always lovely to see.
O: And we both really enjoyed it.  We certainly recommend it to you if you enjoy kind of campy Transformers media as well.  We will post a link for the comic itself as it is sold online by IDW for about two bucks and it is a one-shot, so you only need the one issue.
S: You don't need to have previously seen the Mars Attacks movie for this to enjoy it because it's perfectly enjoyable on its own, and I mean, I haven't seen the movie or--actually any of the other uh, previous Mars Attacks, uh--
O: Stuff?
S: Media?  Stuff, yeah.  And I read through this without issue it was--it was great.
O: I actually have seen the movie.  I'm not very fond of the movie (sorry movie fans!)  Um, it was nice to have a background on just how much of a dick these aliens are um, within that context, but it’s really not required.  And that's all for us today, thank you so much for listening!  Hopefully this was enjoyable, as we said--we really enjoyed this comic and we want to try to do things like this when we kind of come to milestones.  In this case we finished season one.  Um, and let us know what you think!   Join us next time as we will begin season 2 with, “Autobot Spike.”  Did someone say Frankenstein?
S: Um-hm, and that just about wraps it up for us today.  Remember to check us out on Tumblr or Pillowfort as Afterspark-Podcast for any additional information, show notes, or links we may have mentioned.  You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter at AftersparkPod (all one word) and various other locations by searching for Afterspark Podcast, such as AO3, iTunes, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, and Youtube just to name a few.  Until next time, I'm Specs!
O: And I’m Owls!
S: Toodles!
[Outro Music]
0 notes
skarmorydraws · 8 years
Tumblr media
@tyrantisterror ATOM Create-A-Kaiju Contest Entry #4: Gnashphalt
Aliases: The Tarbaby, The California Creeper, The Unstoppable Ooze
Date Discovered: September 12, 1958
Place of Origin: The La Brea Tar Pits
Notable Stomping Grounds: Western U.S. Seaboard
Height: 80 feet
Few living things on Earth are quite as enigmatic as Gnashphalt. It is not precisely known how he was formed from the La Brea Tar Pits, for although there are Yameneon deposits in proximity to the area, no major nuclear testing has occurred near enough to Los Angeles to have affected them. It is possible that continuous geologic activity over the ages led to a buildup of Yamaneon radiation, which was in turn gradually released via disruptive mining activity when the pits were harvested for asphalt. More confusing still is how Gnashphalt even exists; while the bitumen forming most of his body IS comprised of the remains of microscopic algae and other long-expired living things, it is difficult to imagine Yamaneon radiation reanimating these materials without cells to work from. His relatively recent appearance in the geologic time scale suggests that the Yamaneon caused cells from animals that had been trapped in the tar during the Ice Age and preserved in its depths to mutate and begin regenerating haphazardly upon imbibing the radiation, taking in the tar around them to form one giant protoplasmic matrix which often struggles to form some sort of animal-like shape.
About the only identifiable features Gnashphalt can form are eyes, a mouth, and rudimentary limbs, their arrangement giving him an appearance coincidentally akin to frogs and toads. However, these features are often all he really needs - his entire matrix and the cells within work as one giant fusion of circulatory, respiratory, digestive, and nervous systems, giving him rudimentary control of his form and allowing him to move, breathe, sense his environment, and digest everything degradable he oozes over, at the same time assimilating harder things into his hulking form for personal use.
Gnashphalt is slow-moving, hauling himself along with his stubby "legs" and sometimes rolling from place to place. His name comes from his large mouth, which armed with fangs made of bones, broken PVC pipes, metal bars, splintered wooden planks, and other inedible bits of debris. This mouth can lunge forward with deceptive speed and power, inflicting a nasty, septic bite that can snap smaller mutations in two. His viscous, tarry body can also form crude, short-lived "tentacles" to attack and grab things, and mires anything that makes physical contact with it, holding fast the fists and fangs of enemy monsters and dragging in anything small enough to eat for perfunctory digestion. Aside from this, he can also secrete a foul-smelling and highly corrosive vapor, capable of melting through any material - including stone, concrete, or even metal - that hasn't been specially treated to resist oxidization; he uses this vapor to both disable and predigest bigger and/or livelier prey, allowing him to catch up to and swallow it easily.
Gnashphalt therefore adds a number of deadly powers to the standard kaiju power set:
Super strength An enhanced healing factor Immunity to radiation Sticky Touch Acid Fumes
Gnashphalt has been compared by frantic media outlets to Pathogen, another monster dictated by hunger and wanton destructive urges. But while Pathogen exists only to consume, Gnashphalt is a more subdued type of hunger. He eats to live, rather than living to eat, but eating is basically the only thing he cares about. No other living thing matters to him except himself, and it is perhaps thankful that he eats merely to derive sustenance rather than for the sake of eating. While capable of devouring most organic matter, he prefers things that have a similar chemical consistency to tar or petroleum, and therefore gravitates towards large cities and oil refineries where these substances are plentiful. If no such substances are around, however, he'll try just about anything once, even scarfing down the contents of landfills and radioactive waste deposits at a whim.
For a time, it was assumed that Gnashphalt was much like Pathogen in that he had no emotions to speak of, just mindless hunger. His rare interactions with other kaiju have proven this notion wrong to some extent, however - he isn't mindless, just incredibly selfish and ignorant. Other monsters dislike his tendency to figuratively strong-arm his way around, carelessly oozing over other life forms and toppling or melting obstacles to reach what he wants; his answer to any problem is to either eat it or dissolve it, with no third options to speak of. That being said, he also seems to be quite aware of his durability, and engages with other monsters with a rather nonchalant air - followed by excited drooling if his opponents realize that they're not going to win. Indeed, it seems that he can sense the Yamaneon-induced mutation in other kaiju, which (in the absence of oil) appear to be just the thing to tickle his fancy, his tastebuds, and sometimes his insides - he has a habit of swallowing smaller mutations whole, enjoying the sensation of their agonized writhing inside him as they're slowly digested for hours at a time.
Despite his gluttonous nature and sheer durability, Gnashphalt has a few weaknesses which are relatively easy to exploit. Being made of an oil-based substance, he is deathly afraid of fire, and avoids heat sources such as volcanoes; a literal firewall can therefore keep him at bay although the risk of causing other fires is certainly an issue. More importantly, however, Gnashphalt is driven by his appetite rather than any form of common sense, and can be easily led away from a valuable area simply by transporting oil or tar; when dealing with other kaiju, chasing after potential food sources could also get him into fights he can't win, as some other monsters have learned to their advantage.
Gnashphalt's greatest weakness, however, is actually himself - indeed, he seems to be dimly aware that he actually requires fuel and waste to not only grow, but also to keep his own overcrowded digestive enzymes from dissolving him from within. In theory, if kept pacified in the short term, he could be managed only until all the fuel and waste in the world runs out, leaving him to "eat" himself to death later while man picks up the pieces and looks for more sustainable and environmentally friendly ways to power his global infrastructure. His time on Earth is thus limited, but when he passes, he will likely leave a cleaner and hopefully wiser world behind him.
And here’s my last entry to this awesome contest - I hope I’m not too late! I feel like it’s kind of a rush job, but I still like the concept enough to submit it anyway.
One of the archetypes that I feel has been missing from the ATOM universe is a trash monster like Hedorah or Raremon, and I decided to work with that along with addressing the lack of a slime monster archetype. (I see the Writhing Flesh, while a solid concept on its own, as not a true blob monster, more like a giant sentient tumor.) Fun fact: The “Date Discovered” references when The Blob was first released in theaters. ;)
I wanted a blob with a giant mouth pretty much right out of the gate, but after I added some crude limbs to its sides I noticed how much it looked like a frog with weird eye placement, and honestly I think it’s appropriate, seeing as some frogs are literally mouths on legs. I also wanted an “antagonist” monster this time around, though he isn’t a mindless force of pure evil so much as a stubborn, selfish, socially inept slob who just wants to pig out on trash and make other monsters’ lives miserable. I also tried to balance him out by having him not in fact spread filth like other trash monsters do but clean it up instead, even if he causes way too much collateral damage in the process; it also means he can’t stick around indefinitely because non-renewable energy and pollutants probably won’t, either. That doesn’t mean he’s not dangerous, though - just ask the small monsters he’s probably eaten. :P I wanted to color him poop-brown at one point but I decided that look wouldn’t be in good taste, and I hadn’t had a green-colored monster submitted yet, so I went with a dark sewage sludge green instead - also a subtle hint that tar used to be plant matter. ;)
Alright, with that I’m pretty much done with my entries, ‘cuz I probably won’t have the time to draw and send in another methinks. Good luck to all the entrants, and I’m sure that each and every one of them is awesome in their own right! :D
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dosairhead · 8 years
Old Love;New Love (WT fanfic)
☆some(many) grammar error ☆angst alert ☆hanahaki disease ☆title not related to content ☆rushed w many plothole cuz im a lazy cassava ☆find ouf the pairing by yourself —–
. . . —– At first it was nothing. Even when his throat felt itching. Inukai only shrugged it off. ‘It’s just a cold’ He thought. Not long, he started coughing, just a bit. Like before he took it lightly. 'This will heal soon ’ He told himself. He hasn’t realised his sickness yet.
In HQ he always wore his trion body, so no one would notice his sickness. He himself didn’t pay much attention to it. He only took it as normal disease that everyone could have, of course he also took a medicine for it.
 Until that day, when he prepared his things for school, he had terrible urge to cough, so he rushed to the bathroom. His cough got worse, it didn’t stop until he spat something that seem like a flower bud coated with his blood. He look at it closely, was that really a flower bud? Seriously? He then picked up the bud, brought it close to his eyes, and examined it. Yes, that was flower bud with size just about a peanut. By that he realised what he got into, a disease that he believed not real and pretty dramatic yet tragic — a Hanahaki disease, a disease that occurred when a person got a severe unrequited love. He stood there silently facing a mirror in front of him and then looked down at the sink stained with his blood, he gritted his teeth and then sighed. “Why….?” Looking up at the ceiling, he started to laugh bitterly. Laughing at his-now-terrible-fate.
Despite of his sickness, he still went to school as always. His cough was not that frequent so he could at least pretended that everything was fine. Even when someone asked why he has coughing fit, he could replied 'It’s just a cold and bit sore throat’ with smile plastered on his face, a fake smile like he always do when needed.
The real problem was why he got this disease when he practically didn’t love anyone. Yes, he didn’t love anyone.
He didn’t …
Did he?
He shook the thought of love. There was no way he loved someone without noticing or so he thought.
He still shut his disease out of anyone. No one would know. He never let anyone found out about it because he wouldn’t want to cause a fuss and made others worried. Well other stupid reason was… It was embarrassing for him, things like unrequited love sound pitiful and ridiculous.
If he were really honest with himself, actually he did knew who was  the cause, he just didn’t want to admit it. The one who gave him this beautiful now-growing-flower inside him none other than the person who despise him deeply.
As time flies, it was miracle that he could passed through the day  without made anyone suspicious about his disease, except one, his junior and teammate— Tsuji(he only knew if Inukai has severe throat disease like TBC, not Hanahaki disease)
“Are you really okay, Inukai-senpai?” He asked, worried.
“I’m perfectly fine, Tsuji-chan~ just a bit cough won’t hurt me” He replied as they walked to the HQ after school.
“Liar” Inukai only smiled at his junior.
Chatter and humming filled their stride (mostly Inukai though). As they walked, Inukai felt more sick than usual, it’s weird he thought because he was okay not long ago.
It getting worse and unbearable as he unconsciously squeezed his chest out of pain. He lost his balance and fell on his knees. Beside him Tsuji panicked “Inukai-senpai !”
Before he turned his head to Tsuji, he saw a flash of image, inside the shop on their left . His eyes didn’t lie, inside the shop, there was Kage and…
Nire.  . .
Kageura unit’s Operator. Oh, it’s like that, his sources of pain was them. The distance was close, so the pain becoming more and more worse as the sources getting closer.
“Don’t. … worry–” He turned to Tsuji who stretched out his hand to help Inukai stand again. He reached it “Thanks~”
(they caused a little scene but soon the people around them return to their own matter)
“You must go to the hospital” Tsuji was serious. His saddened gaze made Inukai uncomfortable, it’s bit annoying. He hate being pitied. 
Inukai once again glanced at those two, the pain still worse than before but it less painful as they walked away farther “Let’s go, Tsuji-chan”
“Senpai….” Tsuji followed his senior’s gaze, on the distance he could see …..
Captain of B-002, Kageura and their operator—Nire Hikari What are they doing there? He thought. No, he wasn’t suspecting anything. It’s not his problem anyway.
 Then he followed his senior who walked slightly in front of him, to be honest he did really worry about his senior, Inukai seemed rather gloomy recently. Even though he still as cheerful as always, Tsuji knew that cheerful attitude was just a facade, yes, he always like that, that was unfair. Inukai could easily hid his real self and carried his own burden. Ah, he couldn’t hold back anymore.
“Please stop that, Inukai-senpai…” He said calmly yet sad.
“Hm? Stop what?” Inukai replied, it’s not clear whether he really innocent or pretended to be one.
He gritted his teeth “If you’re hurt then say so, if you’re tired just say you’re tired, stop pushing yourself too hard. I know you’re sick, so stop pretending that you’re fine” He said it all, no holding back.
“It’s unusual for you to talk this much, Tsuji-chan~” He smiled. “But I don’t understand what you mean”
Tsuji grabbed Inukai’s collar “you…. I want you to stop acting like everything is fine, you liar !”
“Get off” Inukai said coldly. His expression changed, it turned grim and cold. “So what if I told them 'oh I sick, I’m hurt please help me’ what would I get? It’s troublesome you know, I bet they’re not genuinely care about me, it’s just formality”
“Of course they’ll help you”
“I don’t need anyone’s help, I’m not that weak”
“Don’t be so stubborn, Senpai”
“Shut up, please  end this ridiculous chattering and stop pestering me that’s annoying” He said harshly and walked faster leaving Tsuji behind. He hated it, was he became that weak to the point his junior worried sick about him? He felt so worthless already.
Days passed, his disease got worse. He started skipping classes once in a while. He even didn’t come to school sometimes with various excuses. However, he still went to Border’s HQ, doing patrol and such, but his trion depleted faster, he couldn’t maintain his trion body much longer, in battle especially. He really grateful to have unit as great as Ninomiya’s because they always finished the battle quickly. Still, his 'real’ disease hasn’t found out by anyone, not by his teammates nor his parents as his parents often work overseas.
And now he was, standing in front of the mirror with his pathetic reflection on it. Face that losing its colour, teary eyes, quivering lips and streak of blood stained the corner of his mouth. He never expected to become like this. He wanted to curse his fate, why god could be this cruel to him. Made him loving someone that could never loved him back. Even giving him this ridiculously tragic disease.
The sound of countdown for his life could be heard. The painful harmony echoed in his bathroom piercing through his ears. A petal, two, then three and now many petals fell to the sink. But the cough didn’t stop, again he spat petals at first, as the worst cough came he didn’t throwing up petals, but a whole flowers, with ironically beautiful purple colour which now tainted by his crimson blood. It was ….
It’s Kage favourite flower and  the flower he hates the most. “Fuck” He hissed.
Tears began to pour down silently from his eyes, made its way to his cheeks. “Why did this happen to me?” Inukai rarely cry even when he was in his deepest depression, but in this situation he deserved to cry.
 If he never saw Kage in his depression state, if he never saw his vulnerable form and if he never saw his tears he wouldn’t have through this torture, he would never fell for him. He would live his life peacefully these past weeks. and absolutely he would never suffering with this cursed disease.
Enough with his regret, his mind barely clear and his whole body screaming in pain as energy slowly leaving him. The flower might already invaded his lungs and clogged his pipeline. "It’s goddamn…. h-hard to… breath" He panted heavily. Later, his legs has given up, he couldn’t stand anymore. He could only sat there, leaned over the nearest wall smiling bitterly as he waited for his end along with the pain that didn’t leave him dead peacefully.
Was he going to die?
Died like this?
Alone, without saying goodbye and sorry to his dearest people ?
As his eyes began to feel heavy and he felt tired he could hear a faint sounds of footstep that became louder and louder. Surprisingly the door slammed hard, snapped him back to his sense 'who is that?’ He thought. His vision already blurred enough, he couldn’t see a thing.
“Inukai-senpai! ” He knew this voice—Tsuji.
Tsuji rushed to Inukai side, held his body gently and then rested his head on his lap. “How can … this happen to you….” He cried.
“Oh… Tsuji-chan?” Inukai called his name weakly. His lap surprisingly warm and comfortable, it’s nice.
“I’m gonna call Ninomiya-san” Tsuji quickly took out his phone and immediately called Ninomiya until his hand stopped by Inukai “No…” He said.
“We must hurry, Inukai-senpai ! It’s for your sake!” He cried, tears fell onto Inukai’s forehead.
Inukai didn’t give up. “Don’t call him”
But Tsuji called Ninomiya regardless Inukai concerns, just a little wait until it connected to their Captain. “Hello, Ninomiya-san please–”
“Tsuji!  I’m gonna hate you stop now…” Inukai dead serious although his voice was hoarse and barely audible.
“Hate me for eternity, I don’t mind as long as you’re alive !” After saying that Tsuji continued calling Ninomiya, explaining everything that recorded in his eyes right now.
 Inukai couldn’t do anything, he was way too weak to distract Tsuji. “Bastard…” He muttered while crying. “I’m not going to stop you anymore, but please don’t tell anyone beside our unit, I beg you” Tsuji nodded. —–
Like Tsuji has requested, Ninomiya didn’t tell anyone and manage to do surgery to save Inukai, lifting his curse out of his body. At first Inukai refused he didn’t want to forget his feelings. But Tsuji and even Ninomiya begged him to do the surgery, Hiyami might not saying anything but her tears proven enough. Inukai couldn’t refuse anymore and took the surgery.
—- Ninomiya covered up Inukai’s absence perfectly, so no one in Border felt suspicious about it. As for Inukai’s parents, they haven’t come home so it was okay.
After that, Inukai’s feelings that never reached the other now gone along with the flowers. He regretted it but overall he was grateful he could live another day without suffering anymore.
Thanks to his junior that always there for him and prevent the god of death took his soul that time. —–
“I can’t thank you enough, Tsuji-chan, but thank you very much for saving me” He suddenly hugged Tsuji.
As for Tsuji, he surprised by the sudden hug. “I-it’s n - nothing, se-senpai” He hugged Inukai back. “It’s natural, I love you after all” He accidentally said something he shouldn’t have said. He mentally slapped himself.
“Wait what…?” Inukai blinked few times, he must heard a thing.
“Geez… Inukai-senpai….” Tsuji rolled his eyes. Even though he said it loud enough for him to hear.
“Don’t make a face like that~” Inukai brought his face closer to him, this made Tsuji felt heat crept to his face. Not giving a chance to talk, he has been shut out by a gentle kiss Inukai gave to his forehead. “This will suffice for now, okay~” He said happily, leaving Tsuji stunned without a word.
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