#its a quincy arc dammit
PLEASE tell me you have plans/powers for Tatsuki in AEIWAM, she's my biggest pet peeve from Bleach, criminally underused
I don't have a lot with Tatsuki drafted out yet, but she does play a prominent role in the fic, starting with going to Seireitei with the gang instead of Uryuu in the soul society arc. Have this bit with her and Uryuu:
--- Inside urahara Shoten, a few days before everyone* leaves for Seireitei to rescue Rukia: "Ichigo." Uryuu glared magnificently at him, glasses shining in the dingy flourescent lights inside the display room of the Urahara Shoten. "I'm coming with you."
"...Uhhhh-" Ichigo began.
"I know- I have not behaved... rationally, as of late. Setting off an entire pack of hollow bait in the middle of a heavily populated city in some kind of demented dick-measuring contest with a classmate who is only peripherally involved in the cult bullshit my family is trying to escape was. Not the most hinged behavior." Uryuu started.
"That's putting it mildly." Muttered Keigo.
"-But you were right that my anger was misplaced, and you and Rukia both have been so kind to me, that- Look, this grudge between Quincy and Shinigami has gone on long enough- it's gone on so long I don't even really understand why it got started!"
"-Yeah, okay but-" Ichigo tried to speak up.
"So I'm coming with you. If Rukia hadn't stepped in with the portal closure device I don't know what would have happened, and I- I owe her just as much as you do, Ichigo!"
"You do, but-"
"Dammit Ichigo I'm sorry! I'm sorry for what I did and I need to make it up to her and bury this stupid fucking hatchet between our people and-"
"DUDE!" Ichigo shouted, slapping both hands against Uryuu's cheeks and smooshing his face until he looked like an alarmed goldfish with Hyperopia-corrective glasses. "Uryuu- It's okay. You and I are cool. You are Rukia are cool. I don't know all of what's going on with your family and soul society, but I feel like they could eventually be cool too."
Uryuu smiled as best he could with his face compressed like this, tears in his eyes.
"...However-" Ichigo sighed. "Rukia's Boss who runs the whole Soul Society is apparently the kind of maniac that sends people's own family members to arrest and imprison them for minor accidents in the field, which is, as you say, not the most hinged behavior, and not someone who I expect to be cool about anything, but especially not my friend, the son of people who were involved in something called a 'Thousand Year Blood War' with said boss, coming to said boss's house, specifically to commit crime. I feel like that's antithetical to the whole 'No more blood feud' movement."
"...I shee yourg poind." Uryu mumbled, face still smooshed in Ichigo's hands.
"Also, didn't you get hit by a truck?" asked Tatsuki.
"What?" Demanded Ichigo.
"Ah. Yeah." Uryuu said, face still smooshed. "Id'z fine though! Onngly a Hairline Fragture!" he said, gesturing to the middle of his forearm
"Bruh." Chorused Ichigo, Tatsuki, Chad, Keigo and Mizuiro.
"Based on every medical rant I've ever heard both your dads give, you absolutely not be doing magical archery when you've got any broken bone, but especially not a broken radius." Sighed Orihime.
"Well, I mean- You guys still need a Medic!" He tried.
"Orihime's shield can heal... like, anything, apparently." Tatsuki shrugged.
"Oh don't worry, I armed everyone!" Mizuiro beamed, and Uryuu noticed the holsters out on the table where Mizuiro was working. "...Ohg." Uryuu wilted, and Ichigo let go of his face.
"Don't feel too bad," Keigo said, standing on his tip-toes to pat Uryuu's shoulder sympathetically. "-Mizuiro and I aren't actually going either."
"Yeah because I'm also a Quincy, and because you just generally suck." Mizuiro called, returning his attention to the holsters.
"...Actually." Ichigo frowned at Mizuiro. "There IS something you can do here that would help out and I'm sure Rukia will be glad you did."
"Really? I mean, I'll do it." Uryuu smiled. "Its okay Ichigo, you're risking your life, the least I can do is run a few errands and do some sewing here."
"-cool, because I need you to leverage your reputation as a goody-two-shoes and lie to all our families and school about where we are." Said Ichigo.
"...Ah." Uryuu sighed. "I will do this, but I cannot promise results. I am. Not good at deception."
"Doesn't matter, everyone believes you no matter what anyway." Tatsuki shrugged. "Anyway, until then, you wanna come down and watch training while you sew?"
"Uh. Sure?" Uryuu shrugged. "Wait, why do only you three need uniforms? It's not just you guys going, right?"
"Well, Ichigo already got one with his new magical girl powers-" Tatsuki waved, walking towards the back of the shop. "Urahara's a chickenshit and not coming with us, and Yoruichi-san who is coming with us is a cat."
"A... Cat?" Uryuu asked. "Like Kon?"
"-You know? I didn't ask?" Tatsuki frowned, opening up the trapdoor in the back room of the store. "She's really good at Martial Arts though- this Hakuda shit ROCKS! See ya at the bottom!" she grinned, before sliding down the ladder. ---
It took Uryuu a solid twelve minutes to get to the bottom, unwilling to slide like Tatsuki and Ichigo, until Chad grabbed him around the middle near the bottom and set him down.
"Its okay." He said. "It took me a few days to get used to sliding too."
"Th-thanks." Uryuu muttered looking around the enormous room. There was a distant crack like lightning, and Uryuu peered around one of the many boulders in s faux-desert landscaping to see Tatsuki, wearing only a halter top and bike shorts, facing down a small black cat, lighting crackling from between her shoulder blades.
At least, he saw her for a second, before Tatsuki transformed into a blur and then vanished altogether, appearing briefly in little flashes of afterimage, trying to high-kick the cat fifty feet in the air, blocking a return kick from the cat two hundred feet away, throwing a punch right next to him, only to vanish again in a gust of air, even outrunning her own dust trail.
"Did you know that the National Champion of the High School karate Tournament almost always sits the following year out?" Ichigo asked behind Uryuu, making him jump. "Usually from injuries, but I think in her case, Tatsuki will have moved on to an entirely different class of opponent."
"Is- Is Tatsuki also a Shinigami?" Uryuu asked, deeply alarmed.
"No, we don't know what she is, actually." Ichigo shrugged, looking puzzled. And... smelling strangely skunkish.
"Do you have a new bodyspray or are we doing drug violations as well as war crimes down here?" Uryuu winced, nose crinkling.
"What? Oh, the weed. No, I'm not doing weed or anything but Kisuke always REEKS of the stuff- Shit, did it get into my clothes? It's so bad I can't even smell it anymore, my brain just blocks it out-"
"Wait, Kisuke? Like, Kisuke Urahara? Stuptid hat and Geta, looks kind of like Shaggy from Scooby-Doo?" Uryuu asked.
"Yeah!" Ichigo frowned. "...wait, how do YOU know him?"
"...He's uh- hm. Okay, I don't know the exact nature of his business relationship with my father, but I hear dad complain about him raising his prices when he thinks I'm in bed." Uryuu winced.
Ichigo frowned for a moment, before putting his hands on his hips in and turning to holler over his shoulder. "AY SANDALHAT! YOU DEALING TO URYUU'S DAD?"
"Yo, WHAT?" Shouted Tatsuki. reappearing next to them, face full of gleeful anticipation for fresh drama.
"Don't get distraOW!" Yelped Yoruichi as it dove for Tatsuki, only for her to pivot-kick the feline into the far wall anyway.
"GOTCHYERASS!" Tatsuki bellowed triumphantly.
"Okay!" Yoruichi called weakly from a pile of rubble. "Good job there- FUCK, DAMMIT GIRL!!"
"You said 'No Mercy'!" Tatsuki shouted, grinning as she followed Yoruichi across the training ground and set up to axe-kick her into the floor. "NO MERCY!!"
"I am not 'dealing' to Ryukken, I am selling him what would be perfectly legal chemical therapies to treat hollowfication and other supernatural disorders, if the leadership of the living world knew about hollows. Which they don't, but it's not illegal." Kisuke sighed, appearing at Ichigo's shoulder. "Also, what are you doing down here?"
"Tatsuki invited me." Uryuu blinked. "I'm making everyone's shinigami uniforms and providing their alibis.
"And that girl has the nerve to lecture me about Operational Security..." Urahara sighed. "Still, good to have you on board. Don't worry, mum's the word to your families- I don't want to lose some of my best customers!" he winked.
"-Or have another thing for Mr. Kanonji to write you up for!" Tatsuki beamed, appearing again with Yoruichi under her arm. "You're really slow today, do you need to go to the vet or something?" She asked with genuine concern.
"It's his fault for keeping me up all night." Yoruichi groaned, pointing a claw at Urahara.
"-Yeah but the hangover is all you." Kisuke grinned.
"My therapist says I have so many issues with authority and trusting adults because of shit like this, you know." Ichigo sighed.
"I thought those were your daddy issues." Said Tatsuki.
"I mean, they're primarily my Dad's fault, but two out of three of the adults helping us with rescuing our friend from another dimension getting wasted in the middle of training isn't helping." Ichigo glared at Urahara. "Don't let the posture and good nature fool you, watch the sword- the only reason he's not hungover is that he woke up still drunk."
"DUDE!" Tatsuki glared, tossing Yoruichi at him, who he very nearly fumbled catching.
"C'mon Uryuu, let's go say hi to Tessai, THE REAL ADULT HERE-!" Tatsuki shouted over her shoulder, throwing an arm around Uryuu's and walking off while Ichigo lit into the combat instructors about the seriousness of the situation.
"...I have to say, this is not inspiring a lot of confidence in the operation." Uryuu mumbled.
"Yeah, but who else can we talk to? Your dad?" Tatsuki sighed.
"Ugh." Uryuu moaned.
"It'll be okay- I kinda expected them to be a bit of a mess this morning, what with it being the first weekend since Yoruichi got here that we weren't also here." Tatsuki smirked, winking.
Uryuu frowned. "...Are you implying that Mr. Urahara is in a romantic relationship with a Cat?"
"I know, talk about a weird way to get your Pussy!" Tatsuki laughed at Uryuu's distraught expression. "Ease up Uryuu- Mr. Yoruichi passes the Harkness Test as-is, and I'm like... 94% sure he's a shapeshifter. We ride Mr. Urahara pretty hard as a matter of principle, but he and Mr. Yoruichi are actually pretty good teachers most of the time- we just want to keep them to that high standard, you know?"
"Hm. You ah, Have advanced significantly in martial arts since the last time I saw you fight, but that was at the club fair demo event back in March." Uryuu nodded.
"I promise I wasn't zipping around faster than the human eye moves at Nationals last month either." Tatsuki grinned as they approached the far end of the training room, where a strange golden light was glowing, interrupted by flashes of bright blue. "Ah, cool. Mr. Tessai has Orihime and Chad strength-training against each other- Chad wails on her shields until they break or his punchin' arm gets tired, they take a break and do speed training with the kids, Orihime wails of Chad's Shield arm until he drops it or she runs out of energy. They're getting close to a speed-training break so you can ask Mr. Tessai details about Shinigami uniforms." She explained, leaning against a large boulder for cover from stray bolts of energy.
"Ah. Thank you." Uryuu nodded, moving into the lee of the boulder as well. "Do you... Do you really think you're going to be able to save Miss Rukia?"
Tatsuki sighed. "Honestly? No idea. Mr. Tessai has been the best about sharing information about the shinigami with us, but he hasn't lived there for like 100 years, and he doesn't have any idea what's changed or how strong anyone who lives there now is- maybe it'll be easy peasy lemon squeezy, maybe it'll be instant death, but..." She stopped, frowning at the floor. "-I can't explain it, but now that I know? I mean, now that I know a bit? I have to go. I have to know what's going on."
"I can recap what my father told me about my family's history with the Shinigami for your notes after training today." Uryuu offered.
"That'd be great, actually." Tatsuki nodded. "You know, you're a pretty swell guy for an academically overachieving prick that sometimes causes supernatural super-predation events." Uryuu winced. "I- the whole thing with bait was- and I'm so sorry, this is just an explanation, not an excuse- It started because I found the notes my father took when he autopsied Opa, er, my grandfather- his father too."
"Your dad Autopsied his own father??" Tatsuki blanched.
"He autopsied my mother after she died too, and every other Quincy whose body he could get a hold of, to try to understand what... actually causes our abilities, and to know who and what is killing us." Uryuu explained. "-Like, as I found out a few weeks ago, Shinigami."
"Wait, what? What the fuck? Your dad- wait- Okay-" she sputtered, shaking her head. "Alright, alright- One, your Dad is fuckin' hardcore man. Two- Shinigami killed your grandfather? Like? that was recently, right? I though this whole war thing had been over for a while."
"Yeah that's what I thought too!" Uryuu grimaced, slightly manic. "-the last major battle between Shinigami and Quincy happened back in the 1800's and honestly it's not even clear WHY- but I got ahold of Dad's notes and he's pretty sure that- I mean, what happened was that Opa and I were out training- Dad hated it, but I needed to learn some control- and we were attacked by an entire pack of hollows. I was... six? Opa told me to run, and I got away but he didn't. I always thought he'd been torn apart by hollows, and according to Dad's notes, he had been ripped up and would have bled out in minutes, but the thing that struck the killing blow was a Shinigami's Zanpaktou."
"...Shit." Mutteres Tatsuki. "-Not Rukia?"
"No-" Uryuu shook his head, leaning against the boulder and sliding down to sit as Chad and Orihime continued their training, nearly drowning out Ichigo and Urahara's distant bellowing. "She only started her deployment in the living world back in May of this year. Whoever it was, I'd have to look up in the Seireitei's actual archives." He shrugged, taking off his glasses to clean them.
"...Like, I don't want to sound like an apologist but- if your grandpa was already, um, bleeding out- could it have been a mercy killing?" asked Tatsuki, chewing her lip.
"I've re-read my father's notes since the bait incident and ah. I am inclined to believe that's the case, but it's not entirely clear." Uryuu sighed. "The Shinigami destroyed the organ- I say organ, it's more like a systemic response like the immune system- he had the system that allows him to draw Reishi into a weapon destroyed before he had his throat cut. Maybe it was a mercy killing and the Shinigami was scared of him, so he disarmed Opa first. Maybe he neutralized him to bully a dying man. It's really impossible to tell."
"Shit, I'm sorry." Tatsuki mumbled. "-Like, I know that's not the appropriate response but I genuinely have no idea what to say other than that's fuckin' awful man."
"You know? I don't know what I'd want to hear, but that helps." Uryuu huffed a quiet laugh, holding his glasses up to the artificial sun to inspect the lenses for grime before putting them back on. "...But you can see how, reading those notes the first time, I just went... fucking red mist descending sort of thing."
"No, no I get it." She nodded. "...Does Ichigo know?"
"He knows Opa was killed by a shinigami for some reason. Doesn't know how I know and given that his dad knows my dad, and there's bad blood between them about something, I don't want Ichigo to know about my father's secret autopsies."
"You know Ichigo. He's not a narc." Tatsuki prodded Uryuu's shoulder.
"Not to cops or teachers, but he's really honest with his family and I don't want to put him in the position of having to keep an additional secret from them." Uryuu sighed.
"Who is Ichigo keeping secrets from?" asked a strange man, tall and burly with strangely sectioned hair, brass-rimmed glasses and a resplendent mustache, suddenly crouched inches from Uryuu's face.
"EEAUGH!" Uryuu shrieked and Tatsuki immediately uppercut the strange man hard enough to force him to his feet.
"My apologies Miss Arisawa." the giant sighed, rubbing his jaw and adjusting his glasses. "-I also recall a conversation about operational security and not letting strangers in here."
"Uryuu is already aware of the greater Shinigami bullshit." Tatsuki waved. "He's here to help, can you give him the specs and details on the Shinigami uniforms we'll need?"
"I see." Tessai nodded, looking down at Uryuu with an analytical glare that made his stomach flip for some reason. He must have passed muster because Tessai nodded and turned back to Tatsuki"Yes, but since Jinta and Ururu are on assignment for the shop, Would you be so kind as to do speed training with Mr. Yasutora and Miss Inoue today instead?"
"Oh, sure!" She chirped, and immediately vaulted over the boulder with a "-LOOKOUT! TICKLE MONSTER GONNA GETCHYU!!" and received a delighted shriek from Orihime and a wail of despair from Chad.
"I didn't catch your surname, young man." Mr. Tessai addressed Uryuu.
"Oh! Um, Ishida. I'm Uryuu Ishida. Your friend? Boss? Mr. Urahara does business with my dad." He sputtered.
Tessai stared down at Uryuu with a strangely somber look for a moment before smiling and bowing politely. "Of course you are. My apologies for treating you like a stranger, Mr. Ishida."
Uryuu blinked up at him, confused.
"Why don't you come have some tea with me while we discuss uniforms?" He smiled, gesturing for Uryuu to follow him. "Miss Inoue speaks most highly of your sartorial skills."
Uryuu nodded and followed, a little more at ease but absolutely certain that wasn't even remotely what Mr. Tessai wanted to discuss.
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Where is my TYBW Uryuu Klab?!!
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clankuchiki · 7 years
Some thoughts and other stuff about Bleach - Part 2
You didn’t ask for it, yet here it is, me rambling again about Bleach AGAIN ! I haven’t slept much tonight so excuse my typos and stuff. Also I’m re reading the last arc so expect a lot of rambling about it. (spoilers duh)
There’s a lot of salt and cursing, you’ve been warned.
These are strictly my opinion as a long term Bleach fan. You are free to disagree obviously, but do so in a respectful fashion. Thank you. I’m mostly typing all this to get it out of my head.
And yeah, I’m particularly defensive about the Kuchikis, but eh, it’s a Kuchiki blog so that’s to be expected.
Considering the time of the quincy extermination, it’s entirely possible that both Ginrei & Soujun participated in it.
How old are Soujun & Yoruichi to be honest ? Yoruichi was already an adult by the time we see Soi Fon for the first time as a little girl, we see her later as a teen and Yoruichi hasn’t changed much. Ageing still doesn’t makes sense and I’m tired to think of it. Based on his appearance, I estimate Byakuya to be around 250 year old, but if the ageing is completely fucked up, he could be way younger than that. Sometimes it feels like they all have their own personal clock and all age differently.
The quincys don’t feel like quincys !! They are supposed to fight principal with bows and arrows, WHERE.ARE.THEY ?
They also seem to be very bland to me ? I guess I’m biased because I love Soul Society so much and will automatically side with them.
Also, bitch, how dare you touch Kira ??? He’s also my baby !
Chapter 502 should be erased from existence. I refuse to acknowledge it.
If you are a long time follower, you know by now that my hate for Ichigo is as strong as my love for Byakuya (and I love him a lot). It pissed me off so much that Kubo made him BEG Ichigo to save soul society. Like, bitch, show some pride, you’re good at it. Same as when he fought against Tsukishima, saying he fought him because he’s an enemy of Ichigo, like, REALLY ??? Byakuya has acknowledged Ichigo’s strength, I think we can all agree on this, but he’s been shown to mock Kurotsuchi when they were in hueco mondo when he said he seemed to believe in Ichigo. I’m working on memory there so it might not be 100% accurate. He’s also pretty much always sarcastic when he talks about him. It just felt really insulting towards him and OOC.
Also the end of chapter 502 was the PERFECT TIME, to do a tiny flashback about the Kuchikis ! I mean, even the poor guy from the 12th division that got blew up by his captain got a small flash back. I I went to see Soujun damn. I also wanted to see more of Ginrei than like 4 panels. T^T
I didn’t understand shit of what was going on with Zangetsu, and the bitch king of quincy. It was so far fetched, it made no sense whatsoever, what is this.
Renji new bankai is super lame ... ToT Hihio Zabimaru was so much cooler ! I’m a bit sad Kubo felt it was necessary to change it.
Rukia’s bankai is aesthetically pleasing, but I found its powers to be a bit lame. Maybe because I’m used to see another ice zanpakuto, dunno ?
I feel like Byakuya was really supposed to die there, but since there’s been a lot of backlash about it, he might have decided to bring him back.
Did Unohana really had to die against Kenpachi though ?
Kenpachi is a beast, yet, he also have to be saved by Ichigo, really ?
Why did everyone looked up in the air like he was the messiah when he came back ? Pissed me off too, I can’t even take the guy seriously anymore, overpowered, hero complex and has all the powers just because.
What annoys me is that I actually liked him back then, I even rooted for him when he fought Byakuya because of Rukia. Now, whenever I reread that part, I just wish it would change somehow and Byakuya just kills him.
I’m glad we saw Akon more, he’s underrated.
Why isn’t Kisuke in prison already ? Love the guy but seriously ...
I’m happy to see Peshe back, the guy is stupidly hilarious, nothing can top his scene with Ishida from the hueco mondo.
Yamaji was as epic as ever, it’s a bit sad to see go.
A+ Human Komamura
Why is Byakuya always fighting against someone that uses “love” as its powers ??? Leave the guy alone god dammit !
I want to know how Renji’s declaration to Rukia went down, I bet it was super awkward and she probably punched him.
That’s all for now, I’m too sleepy.
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