#it's very. so what is the truth oprah.gif
fideidefenswhore · 1 year
There were, indeed, some observers who thought that Henry was sick and tired of Anne by early 1536, and had determined to abandon her. Chief among those reporting this was the ever-hopeful Chapuys. It is hard not to read wish-fulfilment into the evidence of one who referred to Anne as 'the concubine' or 'the she-devil', and who had made similar bitter assertions about the doomed state of Henry and Anne's relationship at the height of their happiness, in August and September 1533. Chapuys himself recognized that Henry and Anne had always been prone to 'lovers' quarrels', and that the king's character was very 'changeable'. Henry and Anne were direct with each other, got angry, shouted, sulked, got jealous—but they were also described as being 'merry' together, including throughout the autumn of 1535—and this epithet seems to be appended to their marriage more often than to any of Henry's other marriages.
1536: The Year that Changed Henry VIII, Suzannah Lipscomb
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evrayle · 4 years
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"You're my friend, Helena, and I don't have many. I have brought you into this... If nothing else, I'll get you out." "You're a good friend, Renee."
The Question - Pipeline (Detective Comics #854-865)
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lordofcrowns · 4 years
💭 (for Misto♡)
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“Misto is such a charming young man... both in appearance and in carrying. It is not easy to catch my eye in a crowded room. That he did so with such ease and eloquence is still a memory I recall with the utmost fondness. He is intelligent, studied and yet... I cannot discern his drive. Surely, there must be something he longs for beyond glamorous evenings out and fine drinks?”
For every 💭 I receive, I will write one thought my Muse has had about yours. [ PROMPT : CLOSED ]  //  Thank you for the ask, @thebratcat! 🌹
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