#it's the railing that separates the spectators from the ''well'' which is the area where the trial proceedings occur
artykyn · 1 year
Just learned that when law people talk about “passing the bar” they are talking about an actual literal physical bar that they are walking past
Like idk man I guess I just figured they called it a bar exam because that’s just what you call it. People name things sometimes and it means nothing. Language is weird like that. I never cared enough to look it up before.
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bubble-tea-bunny · 6 years
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the sacred place
[orm marius x reader]
author’s note: i just found out there’s fanfiction for stardew valley and i lowkey wanna write my own lol
word count: 2,847
The fall of Atlantis had been naught but a bump in the road. When it rebuilt, it became greater than before. Books from the surface contain only classical descriptions of the lost city. For people on land, this island swallowed by water is no more, and so on the ocean floor are pieces of a once great civilization, and its stories are told like fairytales or mythos. But the reality lends itself to the contrary. Down here, away from prying eyes, too far down for any human to venture, the Atlanteans flourish. To write of the wonders and technologies of this sprawling metropolis indeed sounds like make-believe, but for an entirely different reason. No longer is Atlantis a glimpse into the past. It’s a herald of the future.
Changes had been vast, but the evolution was deemed logical. A second chance meant an opportunity to be greater. Visionaries were all too enthused by the idea, and the city as it is now is what they have to show for their efforts. More than worthy, and enjoyed all to themselves. Those on land would never know. But throughout these transformations, from rising to collapsing to rising again, there is one constant, one piece untouched.
It seems strange to leave alone the bridge on the edge of Atlantis. It’s not very large, just wide enough for a chariot, which it had often hosted at the dawn of this civilization. No one has much use for it anymore since a separate stream had been created for all the ships coming in and out, which are much larger than any old chariot. The stones of this bridge are worn and aged, tinged green from algae. Most Atlanteans have a silent understanding that it will stay as it is.
Children are the ones to question its existence, wondering why it’s so special and why they aren’t allowed to visit. The answer is the same no matter who is asked. The bridge is a sacred place. Don’t disrespect it. Usually this is enough for a child to be satisfied, if not because of the words themselves then because of the stern tone of the one responding. It signals the end of the subject.
What goes unsaid amongst everyone is why. No one is confident on the reason the bridge is held in such high regard. It had been a sentiment passed down until it was commonplace. Most believe it remains as a cultural landmark, a small part of their history. But others speculate there’s more to it than that. They toss around stories of a creature looming in the depths below the bridge, and should it be disturbed, it would disrupt the way of life in Atlantis. Enough to wipe it out again, some of them dare to say, relishing in the shudders of those listening.
Whispered rumors of a monster keeping watch of the bridge eventually manage to reach the ears of Orm Marius. He’d never thought much of it, dismissing it as just that—hearsay by people with overactive imaginations looking for a good story to tell when they’re sitting round a table with companions and drinks in hand. If there truly was a threat, it would’ve been looked into long ago. But no tome in the library has addressed the issue, so as far as everyone in Atlantis knows, the bridge is there because it had always been, and thus, it will stay.
Even for all that ease Orm had been able to brush aside the tall tales, a nagging curiosity keeps him awake one night. He dreams of that archaic pathway and he’s not sure why. It hadn’t crossed his mind recently. So when he’s staring up at the ceiling, now fully alert, he takes it to be his subconscious desiring to put to rest the theories and guesses. There’s nothing there. He could tell that to the citizens, but he’d only be believed if he checked for himself. While the rest of the city sleeps, he slips out of bed.
He tells the guards keeping watch at the front of the castle where he’s going, and he doesn’t miss the slight furrow of their brows. Concern. They’ve heard the stories, and they haven’t been so quick to ignore them. I won’t be long, Orm tells them. Even if they’d expressed their worry, Orm would’ve gone anyway. He can handle himself. Besides, he isn’t going unarmed: he clasps his trident tightly as he makes his way to the bridge. Just a precaution, since he would be a fool to go somewhere unfamiliar without a weapon. Though he isn’t expecting to use it, since of course, there would be nothing to greet him there.
Despite the bridge being well within the walls of the city, when he approaches, his surroundings grow quieter. The bustling of the ships fade into the background, and all that reaches his ears is the sound of the shifting water as he moves. It’s as if he’s entered a bubble. He stands at one end, and he can see the other from here. Relative to all the other structures of Atlantis, this one is tiny. He supposes he’d never gotten a good look until now. No beast could possibly be hiding beneath.
He steps onto the bridge and comes to a stop in the center, remaining unmoving for a few moments to see if anything happens. But he’s all alone from what he can tell. With narrowed eyes and a resolution to be thorough, he braces his free hand on the rough stones and leans forward to gaze below. If something were there, he’d see it.
Or at least, he thought he would. He can’t see the ocean floor. An abyss stares back at him, fading from dark blue to black the farther it goes. Is this where those rumors had stemmed from? But who could’ve known this was here? Coming to the bridge wasn’t illegal, but it wasn’t the first thing someone would think to do. It was always observed from a distance, whether out of reverence or fear. Could there truly be substance to those stories?
Suddenly, a figure emerges from the depths, entirely too quickly for him to see exactly what it is. It shoots straight up, and Orm stumbles back. The force with which it propelled itself kicks up a stream behind it, and, regaining his footing quickly, he braces himself, trident at the ready. But he hears no roars nor sees any monster coming to attack.  
You float in front of him, high enough that he has to tilt his head back to look at you properly. In the midst of his confusion, for you’re not what he had been anticipating, his stance relaxes slightly and his shoulders drop, trident lowering in turn. The warrior in him prevents him from completely letting down his guard, because though you don’t appear to be a threat, you could still be dangerous and lash out if he does something you don’t like.
Orm keeps his trident between the two of you, and notices your gaze drop down to the glistening silver prongs. His fingers tighten around the handle, prepared to defend himself, but you show no sign of aggression. When you’ve had your fill of surveying the weapon, you look up at him again. Your long hair splays out like sun rays, curling gently as you keep still, suspended in the water. The dress you wear is plain, and certainly doesn’t seem fit for the smoothest swimming, unlike Orm’s suit, nor the suits of many other Atlanteans. But the article of clothing doesn’t bother you or hamper your ability to move around, if the speed you’d demonstrated just moments before was any indication.  
“Who are you?” he inquires quietly. Could you even understand him?
You don’t respond, so he thinks perhaps you can’t. In lieu of speaking, you start to lower yourself, and Orm lifts his trident out of habit, but you don’t attack. The thought crosses his mind that if you’d meant to, you would’ve moved much faster in an attempt to get past his weapon. Instead, you come to float on the other side of the bridge railing, your arms braced on top of it. You’re keeping your own layer of separation between both of you, as he had with his trident. He wonders if it’s to your benefit or his because the longer he observes you, the more he begins to speculate there is more to you than meets the eye. Had you really been living here this whole time?
He decides to ask another question, one that might be answered more easily than the first. “Do you keep watch over this bridge?”
You nod once, and it’s this simple confirmation that causes him to understand the importance of keeping this old and unused road into the city, an importance that had never been outlined with words, but merely by the respect held by one generation to be observed and practiced by the next. The bridge is your responsibility to guard, and the fact it’s no longer traveled on has no relevance. You’re bound to it, and you always would be. So the structure remained as it is, from the rise of Atlantis to its fall and to its rise again. It was all because of you.
The depths in your gaze are enough to compete with the depths from which he’d watched you emerge, a testament to all that you’ve witnessed over the centuries, the changes you have stood spectator to from this place. He can only begin to imagine the things you have seen. As he continues to stare, and as you stare back, it occurs to him that you hadn’t gotten aggressive because you don’t deem him a threat. For you, his presence on this bridge is one of many you have encountered, and far from the first potentially hostile. And how strong must you be to be left alone here over the years, for rulers to concede this area as yours?
Orm allows himself to relax fully, and he holds his trident at his side, prongs facing upwards to show you he has no intention of attacking. This time your eyes don’t follow the movement of the weapon. You watch him closely, head tilted, and only one word escapes his lips, breathed out in a sigh of disbelief and fascination—Incredible. It’s a low murmur but you can still hear it well, for Orm swears he spots the corner of your lips lift in a small smile.
To those who ask him what he’d found at the bridge, Orm says that he hadn’t found anything. Empty. Just as suspected. Some deflate upon hearing this news, knowing that not even excitable gossip and hearsay was adequate to give their tales legs to stand on now. It had been confirmed by the king who actually went there himself that no such monster lurked beneath.
He’d been honest, to a certain extent. There was no monster. Just you. (Considering it now, this hadn’t been the best phrasing; it’s not just you and to phrase it like so was to minimize how remarkable you are and Orm, for one, believes you’re extraordinary.) He doesn’t reveal your existence, not even to his court, because if you’ve lived in secret this long, you must prefer the privacy. Maybe your favorite place to linger is in dreams, toeing the line between imagination and reality. He wonders if you’re aware of the stories people tell of you, and wonders how it makes you feel. For the ones more devoted to the stories, the likes of which are undeterred by Orm’s claims that no creature guards the bridge, you’re practically a god.
Another reason he keeps you a secret is because he wants you to be his secret. He’d been drawn to you from the first time he saw you, and wanted to know you better. He wanted you to himself. You don’t seem to mind his late night visits. Maybe you looked forward to it, just as he did. The guards on duty when he goes to the bridge figure it’s because it’s a good place to think; it’s quiet out there. He doesn’t make much noise when he approaches, yet you always seem to know when he arrives. You pop your head up over the side of the railing, a playful peek, and he can’t help but grin when he notices.
The guards were right—this is a good place to think. And he does so out loud, to you. He tells you about everything, the deliberations he makes and the duties he attends to. You listen as you twirl around aimlessly above him. Most of your responses to what he says are sympathetic smiles and nods and sometimes a quiet laugh if he’s said something funny (though this sounds more like an awkward rasp, owed most likely to your different set of vocal chords, and while odd at first, it’s almost endearing). Sometimes he comes to you with problems weighing heavy on him. He’s stuck at an impasse, and he voices a question of what to do and it’s then that he wishes you could talk.
During those moments, the instances of uncharacteristic vulnerability and hesitation, you settle down to be nearer to him, bare feet settling upon the aged stone pathway, and he’s looking down at you rather than up. When you’re this close, the gleam in your eyes is clearer than ever. There’s a softness to them, like you’re telling him to follow his gut feeling, to make the decisions he deems right. It’s all you can offer but for Orm it’s more than enough. You’re the angel on his shoulder that need not speak to offer advice. You remind him to slow down and take a deep breath. And that’s no small matter. In fact, it matters the most.
You must think these issues so small, given the scope of time you’ve been here, with your bridge and your own devices. A small piece of the timeline passing by. The coming years which Orm views as long and rife with difficulties (as such is the nature of being king), is just a blink of the eye to you. Maybe that’s why do you so well to calm him down when he feels himself drifting too far. Maybe you know that it will all be okay in the end.
He trusts you more than his advisers, and he finds a sense of comfort to be in your presence. When he comes to this conclusion, he realizes how special you’ve become, and how special you would always be to him from this point on. He wonders if you realize that. He doesn’t want to be just a blink of the eye, a quick flash behind your eyelids, there one second and gone the next. He wants to be what you see when you close your eyes to sleep, to be with you in a realm where hours feel like eternity.
Being on the bridge with you is the closest he figures he’ll get to forever. Time seems to stand still and he’d gladly watch millennia fly by because you’d be with him. That’s all he wants. One night you’re standing before him again and he slowly, carefully, sets a hand on your face, thumb gently stroking your cheek, and he lets out a quiet breath when he makes contact. He’d almost expected to be met with thin air, for a part of him doubted you could be real, that you were a figment of his imagination or just a dream from the beginning. So to touch you was to quell all those concerns.
You’re enchanting. He whispers the words to you, and they’re followed closely by his confession that he’s fallen in love with you, wholly and utterly. There were many before who could’ve dared to venture here, to stumble upon you and fall in love with you, and Orm considers himself lucky to be the one who had. He hopes you love him too. Maybe there is substance to the claim that you’re a god, because maybe you could see all of time, hold it in your hand, and had been looking forward to the day you knew you would meet him, and you wouldn’t be so quick to let it pass by.
Perhaps you were waiting at the bridge for him, anticipating the night his curiosity would guide him to you. It wasn’t his time with you that would be gone in one blink; it was the time spent waiting until you reached this very moment, as you watched the world around you rise and fall and rise once more with the knowledge that with each shift you were only getting closer. Centuries were mere seconds. And so maybe the delicate smile you grace him with now upon his admission, which looks much like the smile you first gave him on the day you met, is a smile of love and of the realization that you have finally arrived.
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thethespacecoyote · 6 years
"are you bleeding?" and/or "you should see the other guy"
sorry this took so long anon but i had fun with this! a bit of a fighting club sort of send up  with omegaverse
Jack had been hearing rumors about the alpha fighting ring deep within Helios for awhile now, but had largely dismissed them as that—just rumors.
But then he’d caught Rhys’ little musclebound friend running his mouth off about it one day when he’d snuck up on the pair’s conversation, and even with instinctive lip-lock Vaughn got whenever the intimidating alpha came around, he still caught enough verification to get his interest piqued. The beta hadn’t been very forthcoming with any more info, quickly excusing himself from Jack’s presence—thankfully, however, Rhys could be coaxed far more easily, and by the time they started heading home themselves, Jack had the location and time of the fighting ring squeezed out of his lover.  
Jack thought it might be a lark to tussle with the wannabe tough-guys a place like this would inevitably draw for a bit. Figured it’d be a bit of a show, for the CEO of Hyperion himself to roll up and take on a couple challengers. Rhys seemed a little reluctant, annoyed he’d let Jack wring the information out of him, but when the alpha teasingly offered to buy him ice cream afterwards for being such a good sport, it buttered him up enough to convince him to tag along.
The fighting ring sat hidden in a grimier part of Helios, far away from the remodeled splendor of the Hub, as well as the bulk of the apartment blocks and offices. The hallways he and Rhys followed grew dimmer and grimier the farther they walked, with only the occasional cleaning roomba attempting to tidy up the musty floors. They even found streaks of graffiti on the walls, both remnants from the Lost Legion occupation and fresher, more juvenile messages criss-crossed over the stained steel.
Rhys followed close behind him, occasionally grasping at Jack’s arm and swearing at the random, metallic noises echoing through the halls.
“Jack…this is creepy,” Rhys grumbled as he pressed himself close to the CEO’s side. “That ice cream better be amazing.”
“Hush, kiddo, I told you already I’m gonna make it up to you,” Jack reassured as the rounded a corner, both quickly detecting loud, rhythmic sounds from further down the dingy hallway. Rhys grumbled in soft discontent, but didn’t dig his heels in nor insist they turn around and head home, continuing to follow Jack towards the source of the noise.
It didn’t take too long to find. Two more corners and a creaky, half-broken automatic door later and he and Rhys were greeted by the sight of a large, already raucous looking crowd. Their nostrils both flared at once, quickly picking up on the heavy, musky odor of alphas that smelled soaked into everything. The crowd clustered in some vague semblance of a line outside what must have been an old office at one point, by jammed open glass doors and the busted ID placard sparking besides it. Jack felt Rhys press closer to his side, an affronted hiss building under his breath as he eyed the gathered alphas suspiciously.
“If any of them touch me, you’re going to have to kill them,” Rhys muttered as he followed along Jack, the pair walking right up to the double doors past the line. Jack’s presence, predictably, didn’t go unnoticed, as heads turned and eyes widened all along the group of alphas as they passed.
“Holy shit—“
“—it’s him—“
“—he’s really here!—“
Jack’s ego puffed bigger and bigger at the chorus of whispers as he strode right up to the two, beefy alphas in unbuttoned dress shirts that passed for security. They let him in without question, and as Jack passed on through the entrance to the ring he could hear them gossiping in low voices, like awestruck teenagers.
Shock and excitement rippled through the crowd as soon as Jack entered the huge, dingy room proper, all gathered quickly bursting into raucous, unhinged cheering when the CEO roared and threw his metaphorical hat into the ring, swaggering about as the organizers scrambled to find him an acceptable challenger.
Scars of old motivational posters on the walls and abandoned, half-broken cubicle walls—some of which had even been ripped off the carpet and shoved away from the crowd—confirmed Jack’s earlier hunch regarding the room’s origin. For the life of him, he couldn’t remember which department used to occupy this area of Helios, but the idea that an old button-down cubicle farm had been infested with such a dingy, violent spectacle got him a little giddy.
Soon enough Jack was ushered away from Rhys and into the ring, where he stripped himself of his more restricting garments, draping his jacket, vest, and undershirt on the battered metal barrier separating the arena from the audience.
Jack felt deep in his element. Roaring crowds, all eyes watching him, voices chanting his name in between calls for blood. His heart raced, leaping against his sternum and itching for the fight. He jumped about the perimeter of the ring, occasionally slapping high-fives or bumping knuckles with the spectators as he waited for his opponent to step into the fray.
Jack had left Rhys with his gun, not fully trusting the hoards of sweaty, hormone-flush alphas, even with his presence warding most of them away from messing with his mate. He could see Rhys awkwardly fidgeting the handle of the gun sticking out of the chest holster, his expression alternating between a disapproving frown and the undeniable excitement brimming just below the surface. After another pre-victory lap, Jack finally bounded over to where Rhys had come to lean up against the railing, fingers drumming up against the dented metal.
“How about a kiss for good luck, sugar?” Jack leaned up and over the barrier, cheeky grin splashed across his face. Rhys rolled his eyes, but smiled and planted a kiss right on his alpha’s lips anyway.
“Go get ‘em, tiger.”
A voice suddenly crackled over the transformed office’s old loudspeaker, static hissing on each consonant as it announced Jack’s presence—little redundant, the alpha thought, but whatever—as well as the name and title of his challenger. Jack’s eyebrows raised up in interest as one alpha parted off from the crowd clustering up against the barrier, vaulting up and over the boundary and landing with a resounding thump in the ring.
He looked like nothing special when compared to the rest of the masses, generically muscles in the arms and chest, with his hexagon-patterned jacket slung all casual over his shoulder, like he fancied himself some kind of old-fashioned street tough. The only thing distinct about him was the angled, freshly shaved cut of his facial hair that spiked up along his jawline that didn’t add much to the intimidation factor, in Jack’s opinion.
The CEO grinned wildly and he sized the other man up proper, hands on his hips as he swaggered forward. He sniffed the air, trying to get a decent read on the alpha, but the hundreds of odors clustered around the ring smothered his senses. The guy had to be a little bit scared though, right? Staring down Handsome Jack, of all people? He figured a little pants-pissing would be in order.
Maybe he needed to turn it up a notch.
“Well well well, this is it?” Jack boasted, more to the crowd than his challenger. “This is the son of a taint who decided to challenge Handsome Jack himself? Gotta say, I admire your balls, kiddo. It’ll be fun to rip ‘em off your carcass.” The crowd roared its approval as Jack cracked his knuckles, smile wide and brutal as he circled his opponent. To his slight surprise, the other alpha didn’t look all that phased as the corner of his mouth quirked up in a confident smirk.
“You going to keep that mask on the entire fight, old man?” His adversary growled, tossing the coat off his shoulder and onto the railing behind him. “Probably makes it a little hard to see properly…sure those eyes aren’t painted on?”
Old? Now that was something that got Jack’s blood simmering. Rhys could get away with something like that, poking fun at his age, since he knew the omega didn’t mean it. But this little prick? Oh, now he was going down.
“You think this is a handicap or something, buddy?” Jack laughed away his anger, pointing at the mask. “Trust me, keeping this on won’t screw with my eyesight at all—in any case, even the blind could see you’re a blowhard little bitch.”
Delighted howls vibrated through the crowd, and Jack could see his opponent’s cheeks redden slightly. He quickly hid part of his face—including that awful beard—behind a pair of clenched knuckles, lips tight and apparently unwilling to talk any more shit.
Fine by Jack, honestly. The point here, really, was to speak with their fists.
The flickering, green-white lights above cast a grimy sheen on the already sweating skin of both Jack and his foe. The air was warm, humid from the hundred panting, spit flecked mouths gathered around the ring, fanatically thirsty for blood. A primeval fervor thrummed through the air like a constant deep bass, shaking through Jack’s muscles and squeezing adrenaline through his veins. His nostrils flared, the scent of alpha hormones the strongest here in the ring, the heart of the violence —the cacophony of senses driving him mad and pumping him up to fight, to draw blood.
Jack rolled the sleeves of his sweater up to his elbows before he fell into a ready stance, fists clenched and guarded in front of his body. He shifted his weight steadily from foot to foot, rocking back and forth in place as he waited for the buzzer to sound.
Briefly, Jack caught where Rhys was standing  out of the corner of his eye. He turned to wink and sent a short, reassuring finger-gun straight at his mate’s engrossed pout, a split second before the raspy buzzer rang out across the arena.
His opponent’s sudden rush of speed nearly caught Jack off guard—fortunately, he quickly sidestepped the rushing alpha, giving him a wide berth as he skidded to a halt right in front of the metal barrier. Jack again danced out of reach when the alpha surged after him with two wide, swinging blows, the momentum leaving him wide open for Jack to charge in and sink a fist right into his opponent’s abdomen.
It didn’t wind him quite the way Jack wanted, but the punch distracted his opponent enough for Jack to catch a glancing blow against his cheek before the other alpha’s fist socked into Jack’s shoulder, driving the older alpha away.  
His arm trembled slightly from the blow, pain ringing down to his elbow. Jack shook out his hand, leaping back to put some space between the two of them. A moment’s recovery was all Jack needed, and as his adversary lunged after him he sprung ready to meet the oncoming assault.
Jack could tell already that the guy had been hoping to overwhelm him with pure brute strength straight off the bat, but the older man’s unexpected speed and agility had cut that strategy off at the head. Not that Jack had ever thought he could possibly lose this fight, but now he felt even more confident than he had beforehand. One-hundred percent assured he could wipe the floor with this guy as soon as he either tired him out or frustrated him into making a key mistake.
Jack laughed as he continued dodging and deflecting the guy’s punches, feet dancing on the floor of the ring. He nimbly hopped on the clean patches in between fresh and old blood alike. Jack felt alive, far more fleet and forceful than any other alpha his age could claim to be. And when he landed and clawing punch against his younger opponent, it only served to inflate his throbbing ego further. Blood surged through his veins like fire, and he couldn’t help but laugh triumphantly when his knuckles connected once against with his adversary’s chin with an audible crack of teeth.
“Give up yet, kiddo?” Jack gave the other alpha a scant moment to recover from the blow—though really, it was more so he could have a chance to properly taunt his foe. That was part the fun, anyway, make the guy really feel the shame of his oncoming loss.
Unfortunately, the guy remained annoyingly tacit, merely panting a couple of times and wiping blood away from his lips as he shot an angry glare in Jack’s direction. The CEO smiled, holding out his arms in a mocking shrug, trivializing his enemy’s intensity.
“What, don’t wanna pipe up? Come on! Are you an alpha, or just a kicked puppy?” The crowd’s laughter echoed triumphantly in his ears, though he thought he heard a couple errant voices calling for his ass to be kicked. He narrowed his eyes and glanced about, making a mental note to do a little purging of the audience after the fight. Just to remind those dissidents just exactly who he was, if they’d been dumb enough to forget.
But that would have to wait ’til after—his opponent was charging again, emboldened by a second wind as he knocked a flurry of punches about. Jack’s forearms rang with the blows as he tried to block them, one even catching the clip of his mask as he just barely dodged his head. Flecks of red flew through the air, his adversary’s knuckles sliced open by the edge of his clasp, but he didn’t seem to care as he continued pummeling Jack’s guard.
Distracted by his adversary’s sudden resurged strength as he was, Jack failed to notice the large puddle of fresh blood—presumably from one of tonight’s previous fights—until his sneakers were already sliding through it.
He managed to catch himself before he slipped and fell completely, but it gave his foe an opportunity to strike him off guard. Jack grunted as a hand lunged forward grabbed the front of his sweater, yanking the collar sharply against his neck as it pulled him forward, right into a cruising fist.
Bright colors burst in Jack’s vision as something in his face snapped. He suddenly felt weightless, as if his soul had been knocked right out of his body by the blow and try as he might, he couldn’t claw his way back in time before his sight went completely black, and he fainted dead away on the ring’s stained floor.
The sounds of the world around Jack rushed in long before his sight returned. Along with the pain—the pain was bad enough to nearly knock him out again, but then he caught a whiff of Rhys’ scent through the blood and sweat of the ring and his eyes flew open, suddenly concerned for his mate’s welfare.
“Rhys—ow—“ Jack swore at the sudden lancing pain in his head, his vision blurring all dizzy as he swayed. He fell back, only to be caught by a warm hand that then carefully laid him back against the floor.
“Shhh shh shh, easy.” His omega’s soothing voice, the one he used when Jack had had a long day or a nightmare, rolled over him, easing the throbbing pain just a tad. After a moment’s recovery, he tried opening his eyes again, keeping them to slits just so he could see Rhys’ face above his own.
Jack had already sensed his mate’s worry through his bond, so the concern in his eyes and pouting lips surprised him little. Yet with his fuzzy, fractured mind, it was hard to put two and two together as to why Rhys was so upset. Jack squinted in thought.
He…he remembered the fight, the fact that he was winning up until the point where he slipped and…
Pain, blood, then nothing. Jack hissed at the sting of the memory, as well as the throbbing in his head and face. He tried to relax in Rhy’s hold as he pried his eyes open wider, taking in his mate’s face further. As soon as the fuzziness started to dissipate towards the periphery of his vision, he noted something glistening and red near Rhys’ port.
“You’re…you’re bleeding.” Despite the fact that he was in no position to fight any longer, Jack felt a surge of rage at the cut on his omega’s temple. Rhys touched his fingers to the blood leaking from the cut, before snorting and waving his hand dismissively.
“That’s nothing. You should see the other guy.”
“Other guy?”
Jack raised his head as best as he could without risking further pain. From across the dingy ring, he could see two other alphas dragging Jack’s former opponent by the arms. With his blurry vision he couldn’t tell if the guy was still moving or not, but the copious amount of blood staining down his shirt told him all he really needed to know.
“Holy crap…”
Rhys smirked proudly at the awe in Jack’s voice.
“Did you think I was just going to let you forfeit because you got knocked out cold?” The omega’s cybernetic fingers, stained and tacky with drying blood, stroked Jack���s hair back off of his forehead. “You dragged me all the way here. There was no way you were losing. Not on my watch.”
A dumb smile spread across Jack’s lips as he looked up at his mate with a dreamy, glassy-eyed glance.
“Baby….if I didn’t have a concussion right now…this would make me super horny.”
Rhys answered him with the typical, resigned sigh Jack had long gotten used to, but the omega’s thrill and pride from his victory shone through nonetheless as he leaned down and brushed his lips against Jack’s uninjured cheek.
“Save it for after we get you home and patched up, handsome.”
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classyfoxdestiny · 3 years
Conservatives ‘receive donations worth £17,500 a day from developers’
Conservatives ‘receive donations worth £17,500 a day from developers’
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Labour has accused Boris Johnson’s government of siding with property companies over planning law and workers’ rights, after new research showed the Conservatives are receiving donations worth £17,500 a day from businesses in the sector.
Deputy leader Angela Rayner published analysis indicating that gifts to the Tories from companies directly linked to property development have totalled just over £10m since the start of 2019.
It came as separate research published in the Financial Times found that gifts from a wider group of companies and individuals with an interest in property development – also including groups like hotel and care home operators – now make up around a quarter of all donations to the Conservatives, totalling almost £18m since Mr Johnson became leader in 2019.
Transparency International calculates that the share of property-sector cash in Tory donations has risen from annual figures between 4 and 12 per cent under Mr Johnson’s predecessors Theresa May and David Cameron.
Ms Rayner told The Independent that Mr Johnson’s government had consistently “put the interests of the donors who bankroll the Conservative Party ahead of the interests of the public”, whether through “crony contracts”, tax breaks for developers or reforms to planning rules which Labour has denounced as a “developers’ charter”.
But she said that the government’s favours for the sector also extended to resisting the expansion of rights to work flexibly, which are opposed by many property tycoons.
Even at the height of the coronavirus pandemic – and in the immediate post-election period when donations usually fall – the Conservatives were still taking in £200,000 a month from the property industry in 2020, said Labour. And donations from the sector rose to £282,000 a month in the first quarter of this year.
UK news in pictures
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A man walks past an artwork by Will Blood on the end of a property in Bedminster, Bristol, as the 75 murals project reaches the halfway point and various graffiti pieces are sprayed onto walls and buildings across the city over the Summer
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People during morning prayer during Eid ul-Adha, or Festival of Sacrifice, in Southall Park, Uxbridge, London
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The sun rises behind the Sefton Park Palm House, in Sefton Park, Liverpool
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14 July 2021
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13 July 2021
Rehearsals are held in a car park in Glasgow for a parade scene ahead of filming for what is thought to be the new Indiana Jones 5 movie starring Harrison Ford
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12 July 2021
A local resident puts love hearts and slogans on the plastic that covers offensive graffiti on the vandalised mural of Manchester United striker and England player Marcus Rashford on the wall of a cafe on Copson Street, Withington in Manchester
Getty Images
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11 July 2021
England’s Bukayo Saka with manager Gareth Southgate after the match
Pool via Reuters
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10 July 2021
Australia’s Ashleigh Barty holds the trophy after winning her final Wimbledon match against Czech Republic’s Karolina Pliskova
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9 July 2021
England 1966 World Cup winner Sir Geoff Hurst stands on top of a pod on the lastminute.com London Eye wearing a replica 1966 World Cup final kit and looking out towards Wembley Stadium in the north of the capital, where the England football team will play Italy in the Euro 2020 final on Sunday
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8 July 2021
Karolina Pliskova celebrates after defeating Aryna Sabalenka during the women’s singles semifinals match on day ten of the Wimbledon Tennis Championships in London
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7 July 2021
The residents of Towfield Court in Feltham have transformed their estate with England flags for the Euro 2020 tournament
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6 July 2021
A couple are hit by a wave as they walk along the promenade in Dover, Kent, during strong winds
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5 July 2021
Alexander Zverev playing against Felix Auger-Aliassime in the fourth round of the Gentlemen’s Singles on Court 1 on day seven of Wimbledon at The All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club
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4 July 2021
Aaron Carty and the Beyoncé Experience perform on stage during UK Black Pride at The Roundhouse in London
Getty for UK Black Pride
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3 July 2021
England’s Jordan Henderson celebrates after scoring his first international goal, his side’s fourth against Ukraine during the Euro 2020 quarter final match at the Olympic stadium in Rome
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2 July 2021
Dan Evans serves against Sebastian Korda during their men’s singles third round match at Wimbledon
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1 July 2021
Prince William, left and Prince Harry unveil a statue they commissioned of their mother Princess Diana, on what would have been her 60th birthday, in the Sunken Garden at Kensington Palace, London
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30 June 2021
Dancers from the Billingham Festival and Balbir Singh Dance Company, during a preview for the The Two Fridas, UK Summer tour, presented by Billingham International Folklore Festival of World Dance in collaboration with Balbir Singh Dance Company, inspired by the life and times of female artists Frida Kahlo and Amrita Sher-Gil , which opens on July 10 at Ushaw Historic House, Chapel and Gardens in Durham
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29 June 2021
A boy kicks a soccer ball in front of the balconies and landings adorned with predominantly England flags at the Kirby housing estate in London
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28 June 2021
Emergency services attend a fire nearby the Elephant & Castle Rail Station in London
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27 June 2021
People walk along Regent Street in central London during a #FreedomToDance march organised by Save Our Scene, in protest against the government’s perceived disregard for the live music industry throughout the coronavirus pandemic
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26 June 2021
A pair of marchers in a Trans Pride rally share a smile in Soho
Angela Christofilou/The Independent
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25 June 2021
Tim Duckworth during the Long Jump in the decathlon during day one of the Muller British Athletics Championships at Manchester Regional Arena
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24 June 2021
A member of staff poses with the work ‘The Death of Cash’ by XCopy at the ‘CryptOGs: The Pioneers of NFT Art’ auction at Bonhams auction house in London
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23 June 2021
Bank of England Chief Cashier Sarah John displays the new 50-pound banknote at Daunt Books in London
Bank of England via Reuters
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22 June 2021
Actor Isaac Hampstead Wright sits on the newly unveiled Game of Throne’s “Iron Throne” statue, in Leicester Square, in London, Tuesday, June 22, 2021. The statue is the tenth to join the trail and commemorates 10 years since the TV show first aired, as well as in anticipation for HBO’s release of House of the Dragon set to be released in 2022
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21 June 2021
Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon receives her second dose of the Oxford/AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine
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20 June 2021
Joyce Paton, from Peterhead, on one of the remaining snow patches on Meall a’Bhuiridh in Glencoe during the Midsummer Ski. The event, organised by the Glencoe Mountain Resort, is held every year on the weekend closest to the Summer Solstice
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19 June 2021
England appeal LBW during day four of their Women’s International Test match against India at the Bristol County Ground
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18 June 2021
Scotland fans let off flares in Leicester Square after Scotland’s Euro 2020 match against England ended in a 0-0 draw
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17 June 2021
Members of the Tootsie Rollers jazz band pose on the third day of the Royal Ascot horse racing meet
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16 June 2021
A woman and child examine life-size sculptures of a herd of Asian elephants set up by the Elephant Family and The Real Elephant Collective to help educate the public on the elephants and the ways in which humans can better protect the planets biodiversity, in Green Park, central London
UK news in pictures
15 June 2021
Hydrotherapists with Dixie, a seven-year-old Dachshund who is being treated for back problems common with the breed, in the hydrotherapy pool during a facility at Battersea Dogs and Cats Home’s in Battersea, London, to view their new hydrotherapy centre
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14 June 2021
Scotland’s David Marshall in the net after Czech Republic’s Patrik Schick scored their second goal at Hampden Park
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13 June 2021
Raheem Sterling celebrates with Harry Kane after scoring England’s first goal of the Euro 2021 tournament in a match against Croatia at Wembley
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12 June 2021
Oxfam campaigners wearing costumes depicting G7 leaders pose for photographers on Swanpool Beach near Falmouth, Cornwall
UK news in pictures
11 June 2021
Members of the Vaxinol team, who are commercial, industrial and residential cleaners specialising in disinfection and decontamination, use electrostatic spray systems to deep clean the Only Fools Bar in Liverpool
UK news in pictures
10 June 2021
A woman walks her dogs as the incoming tide begins to wash away the heads of G7 leaders drawn in the sand by activists on the beach at Newquay, Cornwall
Ms Rayner said this coincided with the government kicking a manifesto pledge on making flexible working the default “into the long grass” and Mr Johnson issuing calls for workers to go back to the office.
As the UK emerges from a prolonged period of enforced working from home due to Covid-19, Labour is demanding the right to flexible working for all workers as a default and the ‘right to switch off’ to enable workers to disconnect from work.
Ms Rayner said: “There is no question that the companies that bankroll the Conservative Party have a financial interest in maintaining the status quo, whereas working people want the right to work flexibly after the pandemic.
“By refusing to give people the right to work flexibly, yet again Conservative ministers have shown they are only interested in acting in the interests of their mates and their donors, not working people.
“As we emerge from this pandemic we need to fundamentally change working practices for the better and to improve the lives of working people.
“The ‘new normal’ must mean a new deal for working people that enables them to enjoy the benefits of flexible working, from a better work-life balance to spending less time commuting and more time with their family.”
A Conservative party spokesperson said: “Government policy is in no way influenced by donations the party receives. They are entirely separate.”
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architectnews · 3 years
Allianz Arena: Bayern Munich Football Stadium
Allianz Arena Munich, Bayern Munich Football Stadium, TSV 1860 Building
Allianz Arena : Munich Football Stadium
Bavarian Arena, Germany design by Herzog & de Meuron Architects / ArupSport
23 Jun 2021
Allianz Arena Munich Lighting
Allianz Arena not to be lit in rainbow colours
The Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) has declined a request to light up the Allianz Arena in rainbow colours before Germany’s Euro 2020 match against Hungary on Wednesday, report the BBC today.
Allianz Arena photograph from ArupSport
Munich mayor Dieter Reiter made the request in protest against a new law in Hungary that bans the sharing of any content seen as promoting homosexuality and gender change to under-18s.
Uefa says it denied the request because of the “political context”. Mayor Dieter Reiter described Uefa’s decision as “shameful”.
In a statement, European football’s governing body said: “Uefa understands that the intention is also to send a message to promote diversity and inclusion – a cause, which Uefa has been supporting for many years – having joined forces with European clubs, national teams and their players, launching campaigns and plenty of activities all over Europe to promote the ethos that football should be open to everyone.
photo courtesy of pixabay
European football’s governing body has instead proposed alternative dates for the stadium, home to Bayern Munich, to be lit up in rainbow colours.
It suggested either 28 June – the Christopher Street Liberation Day – or 3-9 July which is the Christopher Street Day week in Munich. The events are held in memory of protests by gay people in New York in 1969.
photo courtesy of AP
Video clip from France 24:
22 Jun 2012
Allianz Arena Munich
A new football stadium for Munich, Germany
Design: Herzog & de Meuron Architects with ArupSport
Dramatic, exciting, and iconic architecture enhances and amplifies everyone’s experience. In the modern world, where image is critical, it can also significantly increase the brand values of a stadium and its sporting team. Modern stadia have become complex and sophisticated buildings, providing a range of facilities for spectators, the media, participants, and operators. But although the mix and standard of facilities can have a significant impact on the user’s experience, the key to a stadium’s success is its heart – the viewing bowl.
Allianz Arena photo from ArupSport
The Allianz Arena in Munich sets a new architectural milestone in stadium design. It opened in May 2005, replacing the city’s old Olympic Stadium as the new home to the football clubs Bayern Munich, in 1 Bundesliga, and TSV 1860 Munich, in 2 Bundesliga. Designed and built purely as a football stadium, it will also host the opening ceremony and initial game on 9 June for the 2006 World Cup, as well as five subsequent matches including the second semi-final on 5 July.
In 2001 a design competition was instigated by the two clubs and the city council. ArupSport and the Swiss architects Herzog & de Meuron joined a team led by Alpine Bau and HVB Immobilien Management GmbH, and secured the job despite strong competition from architects such as German-based Gerkan/Marg (runner-up), Foster, Murphy/Jahn, and Eisenmann.
Allianz Arena photo from ArupSport
The competition called for a 66 000-seat arena with a closing roof, but it was immediately clear that this brief and the budget were not compatible. The design team aimed, therefore, for a visual impact that would be undiminished if the moving roof was not built – of all eight finalists this was the only one with this approach.
Allianz Arena photo from ArupSport
The most striking – and currently unique – feature is the façade, made of ETFE (a polymer of tetrafluoroethylene and ethylene), which can be illuminated in the colours of whichever home team is playing. This simple but very effective idea makes the stadium immediately identifiable. The enclosure design evolved from a basket-like arrangement of woven ribbon elements to diamond-shaped ETFE pillows patterned in similar fashion to the Bavarian flag.
Allianz Arena photo : Ulrich Rossmann-Arup
As the site is some distance from the city centre, and near a major motorway, a huge car park was needed, as well as a rail station. The team decided to conceal the 12 000 parking spaces beneath a planted plaza deck stretching from the rail station to the main entrance (Fig 4). The result is a long, rising, curved plinth that imparts a sense of excitement for spectators as they approach the glowing stadium destination emerging over the horizon. On arrival they encounter another unique architectural feature of the building, the geometrically extremely complex “cascade” of stairs that wrap around the perimeter of the building, just visible behind its glowing, translucent skin.
photograph courtesy of pixabay
ArupSport was jointly responsible for the competition architectural design, design development for the planning submission, and subsequently for the preparation of production information for the viewing bowl. ArupSport was also responsible for the overall structural design for the competition and planning stages, and Arup GmbH for the on-going design of the substructure, frame, and seating bowl.
photograph : Ulrich Rossmann-Arup
The very tight time schedule between winning the project in February 2002 and start of construction the same October led to an early decision to create a “design village” in Munich. While the detailed structural analysis and design were still carried out in Arup offices, the design partners, including the ArupSport team and the contractor, used the design village for co-ordination and meetings, which enabled everyone to contribute far quicker to design solutions. Thus value engineering was exercised from the very outset of the project.
photo : Ulrich Rossmann-Arup
ArupSport’s three-tier design brings spectators as close as possible to the pitch action, and at the same time takes in emergency strategies – the width of escape routes and numbers of vomitories and stair cores being determined to allow for smooth egress should the stadium have to be evacuated. The height of the spectator positions and hence the vertical angle of view of the arena were optimized by balancing the tier sizes and overlaps to create a smoothly flowing bowl form. The design even allows the option of changing some corner areas from seating to standing, still not uncommon in German stadia.
The quality of view for spectators in the lowest tier of a stadium is often compromised, as viewing standards that are appropriate for upper tiers tend to result in poor views of play near the touch and goal lines for those in the first tier. At Munich this has been avoided by lifting the first row of seating slightly, thus making the lower tier steeper than usual. The spectators are happy, though raising the first row even slightly has a significant impact on the overall size and cost of a large stadium.
Allianz Arena photo : Covertex/B Ducke
From the external concourse, a perimeter ‘apron’ to the stadium gives access to the lower and the middle tiers, whilst the upper tier is reached via 15 cascading façade stairs. The VIP and press seating areas have their own dedicated circulation routes.
The brief required the stadium to be designed for a range of games from Bundesliga to the World Cup, and two separate seating layouts and facilities plans were developed to accommodate the very different media numbers and requirements. Also each of the two resident clubs had different requirements for its fans and facilities, and these overlays needed to be added to the design.
Allianz Arena image : Herzog & de Meuron / acadGraph
Design of the seating bowl started with FIFA and UEFA’s requirements for the pitch, the pitch margins, and the now obligatory pitch-side advertising. The form of the seating bowl and the distribution of seating types within determine or influence almost every other aspect of a stadium’s design, from the shape and structure of the roof to the levels and areas of the concourses and premium facilities, from the positions of the giant screens to the amount of sunlight, daylight, and wind reaching the pitch. Even the number, size, and distribution of stairs, lifts, and escalators are effectively set by the bowl design, and the decision to bring most of the spectators into the stadium at the top of the lower tier significantly reduced vertical travel distances and helped separate spectators from the participant, media, and operational facilities.
Allianz Arena image : Herzog & de Meuron / acadGraph
Allianz Arena Munich – Building Information
Client: München Stadion GmbH General Contractor: Alpine Bau Deutschland GmbH Project management and quantity surveyor: HVB Immobilien AG Architects: Herzog & de Meuron Sports architecture: ArupSport – Anthony Day, J Parrish, Roland Reinardy, Eugene Uys
Bowl and roof structural design (competition/scheme): ArupSport – Fergus Begley, Stephen Burrows, Burkhard Miehe, Darren Paine Bowl structural design (construction): Arup GmbH – Aysen Agirbas, Ute Bobzin, Christopher Clifford, Thomas Dossenberger, Konrad Ecker, Jens Eisner, Joachim Guesgen, Sorabh Gupta, Volker Hass, Eva Hinkers, Christiane Kleinke, Patrick Luermann, Volker Luschnitz, Rudiger Lutz, Pieter Moerland, Jochen Ristig, Nina Rutz, Florian Schenk, Ian Thompson, Christian Wrede
Roof structural design (construction): Sailer Stepan and Partner GmbH, Munich Façade structural design: R+R Fuchs, Munich ETFE façade manufacturer: Covertex GmbH, Obing Building services design: TGA-Consulting, Munich Checking engineer: Dr D. Linse, Munich
Illustrations: Ulrich Rossmann-Arup; Herzog & de Meuron; ArupSport; Herzog & de Meuron/acadGraph
Allianz Arena Munich images / information from ArupSport
Munich Stadium
Allianz Arena lit in the colours of TSV 1860 München: Allianz Arena photo from architects
Allianz Arena design : Herzog & de Meuron, architects
Location: Allianz Arena, Munich, Bavaria, Germany
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FS20, Project, Arena, by Group 14
Albis BMX-Arena - The Transition Zone
When you visit the Albisguetli you notice you’re not only at a simple shooting range. It’s a particular place… may say a connection point between the Uetliberg and the city of Zurich. We perceive it as the place where nature starts to become more urban.
The main intention of our project is to create a BMX track with its surrounding. It should be accessible to all the inhabitants of the city and also the track itself should work for all kind of BMX riders, no matter if they’re amateurs or professionals.
There are two buildings that enclose our arena and it “separates” it from the overstepped limits from nature and city . This area has a very special topography which allowed us to develop different sections of a same and unique track. When you look from the target building (nearer or farther from this) towards the city, depending on the level you are in, you perceive the whole area in a completely different way. And this was precisely the feeling that inspired us and helped us develop some kind of principles and hierarchies for our arena.
Otherwise, we found very interesting how the whole area is not only divided by 3 large levels, but also from a stream that flows almost through the middle and creates another type of zoning. But we don’t consider this should be interpreted as a separation element, but create other  interesting connection points and new situations. Near to it, there’s another slope, which considering that the most interesting thing in our field is what happens between those two buildings, we thought is the perfect place that creates a connection between them. In this way,  the middle part of the arena is not only the place where all comes together but also the topography can be reinterpreted. The starting hill divides into three directions leading to different parts of the track. The hills function as well as ramps as jumps. This extraordinary track allows riders to improve their skills through the different levels. However, its form also allows to make a more traditional race.
We designed these parts in various difficulties and experiences, thinking about different types of riders. However, all of them are interconnected, making it possible for the athlete to change circuits. These interconnections are given by the topography. The analysis of the transition of the levels let us react with different solutions of using the change of height efficiently.
The first level of the three existing parallels gives a feeling of shelter, a little more comfort, so we decided that it should be a circuit with extensive and not very high and complicated jumps.
The second level, has a higher degree of difficulty, because the rider should be more experienced to be able to carry out successfully the curves.
The third level, which has the best view of all, gives the feeling of openness and height, which is why we believe that this should have jumps that require greater mastery of the sport.
The spaces that result in between the tracks are very different and have their own qualities, what allows as well a riders as spectators to decide how close do they want to be involved with the action. Newly created grass-stairs should simplify the possibility to move through the area and see at the current race. Also the pathway offers space for accidentally passing by strollers to take a seat and watch the scene.
The two buildings should as well offer spaces for riders and spectators to be and exchange but especially they contain spaces for the spectators to watch the track. The shooting building has been designed to have different uses inside. Thinking about the spectators and hungry riders, the highest floor is a restaurant that has a wide view of the arena and from the other side an incredible one of Zurich. For the riders it's the perfect space to store their bicycles on the ground floor. The first floor includes changing rooms and other administrative work. The glass facade allows the spectators to see the track on two different levels.
The target building becomes a very special and intimate place for the riders, a place where they can totally take over and express themselves. They can even use the rooms inside to hang out, fiddling with their bikes or whatever they want to do. Also the surrounding of this building should be adapted for an easier use of the space by creating stairs with ramps, railings and openings to the building.
Our goal is to keep the energy consumption for the structure and its construction as low as possible. Because the first BMX races took place on earthy or sandy ground it is important for us to use only natural materials. So all the required resources should be taken from the existing structure, reuse, redistribute and reshape. This will be essentially earth and mud.
“Natural imitates art- and the artificial mimes the natural” - Dan Graham
Taking Multiple Rides
Location Drawing
Track Slope Interaction
Stream Situations
Experiencing a Ride
Spectators Perspective
Use of Shooting Building
Riders Space
Atlas Sheets
0 notes
the-master-cylinder · 4 years
SUMMARY In 1906, Saxton (Cristopher Lee), a renowned British anthropologist, returns to Europe in the Trans-Siberian from China to Moscow . With it he carries a box containing the frozen remains of a primitive humanoid creature he discovered in a cave in Manchuria. He expects it to be a missing link in human evolution. Dr. Wells (Peter Cushing), Saxton’s friendly rival and his colleague at the Royal Geological Society, is also on board but traveling separately.
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Before the train leaves Shanghai, a thief is found dead on the platform. His eyes are completely white, without irises or pupils, and a spectator initially confuses him with a blind man. A Catholic monk, Father Pujardov (Alberto de Mendoza), spiritual advisor to the Polish Count Marion Petrovski (George Rigaud) and Countess Irina Petrovski (Silvia Tortosa), who are also waiting to board the train, warns that the contents of the box that wants to move Saxton is threatened by a prophecy, something that Saxton rejects as a superstition. Saxton’s eagerness to keep his scientific discovery secret awakens the suspicion of Wells who bribes a doorman to investigate the contents of the box. The humanoid that is inside (Juan Olaguivel), the result of defrosting, wakes up and murders the goalkeeper and then escapes.
The humanoid, while traveling the train, finds more victims on its way. Each new victim has the same opaque and white eyes. Autopsies suggest that victims’ brains are draining from memories and knowledge. When the humanoid is shot by police inspector Mirov (Julio Peña), the threat seems to have been eliminated. Saxton and Wells discover that external images are retained by a liquid that is found inside the eyes of corpses that reveal a prehistoric Earth as seen from space. They deduce that the real threat is somehow an amorphous extraterrestrial being that inhabited the humanoid’s body and now resides within the inspector. Pujardov, feeling the presence within the inspector and believing that it is Satan’s, renounce your faith, promising loyalty to the entity.
Russian authorities get news of the murders. An intimidating Cossack officer, Captain Kazan (Telly Savalas), tackles the train with a handful of his men. Kazan believes that rebels are being transported on the train and is only convinced of the alien’s existence when Saxton turns off the lights and Mirov’s eyes shine, revealing that he is the alien’s host. The alien has absorbed the memories of Wells’s assistant, a train engineer and other victims on board, and now seeks the metallurgical knowledge of the Polish count to build a ship with which to escape from Earth. Kazan shoots and kills Mirov, and the alien is transferred to Father Pujardov.
Passengers flee to the freight car while Pujardov kills Kazan, his men and the count, depleting all his memories. Saxton rescues the countess and stops Pujardov at gunpoint. Saxton, after discovering that the bright light prevents the alien from draining minds or transferring to another body, forces Pujardov to enter a well-lit area. The alien Pujardov explains that it is a collective form of energy from another galaxy. Trapped on Earth in a distant past, after being left behind in an accident, he survived for millions of years in the bodies of protozoa, fish and other animals. You cannot live outside a living being for more than a few moments. The alien begs to be saved tempting Saxton with his advanced knowledge of technology and the cure of diseases.
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Saxton and the Countess flee but the alien raises all their victims as zombies. Battling down the train Saxton and the countess finally arrive at the tail van where the rest of the survivors have taken refuge. Saxton and Wells work desperately to unhook the tail car from the rest of the train. The Russian government sends a telegram to an intermediate station, ordering them to destroy the train by diverting it by a cut track. Believing that the war has broken out, the station staff starts the maneuvers. The alien takes control of the locomotive. Saxton and Wells, finally, manage to separate the tail van from the rest of the train. The alien tries to stop the locomotive but fails to do so, crossing a barrier of spurs, and plunging into a deep cliff. The tail van rolls precariously at the end of the track before stopping a few inches from the cliff. The survivors leave quickly while Saxton, Wells and the countess contemplate the ravine and witness the explosion that surrounds the train and its supernatural inhabitant.
DEVELOPMENT Pánico en el Transiberiano better known as Horror Express, stars British horror icons Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee, Greek-American Telly “Kojak” Savalas, Argentinean Jorge Rigaud and a host of well-known Spanish actors. The director, Eugenio Martin explains how his first full-blooded horror movie got off the ground: “When I made Horror Express, I was under a three-movie contract with Phil Yordan, although he had somebody else (Bernard Gordon) fronting this project, and the picture was made as an Anglo-Spanish co-production.”
The inclusion in the distribution of the two icons of the British producer ” Hammer Films “, Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing , helped to give more prestige to the production. Both had a separate contract to film a movie with Yordan, so he thought it would be a good idea to put them together in a film. The duo ” Hammer ” was joined by Telly Savalas , very popular at the time for ” Kojack “, the well-known detective TV series, which he accepted without hesitation, since he was joined by a certain friendship with Eugenio Martín . “Suggested to unite the two and everything was on wheels. The script was sent to the two actors, it was also talked to Telly Savalas who had just worked with me on ‘Pancho Villa’. We got along very well and then we gathered three great stars .
Different sources variously credit the final screenplay of Horror Express to any or all of the following: Martin himself, Arnaud D’Usseau and occasionally to Julian Halevy (a pseudonym of Julian Zimet, who also cowrote Psychomania with D’Usseau). As becomes clear from the synopsis, the end result of these scribes’ efforts is a veritable patchwork of themes and styles, verging on pastiche.
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Much of the film’s technical team was Spanish. The reason for the inclusion of native professionals was purely economic. The Spanish technicians were very competent, and did not charge large sums of money for their work. They were not imposed by the director. “No, more than an imposition of mine, that was the result of an economic approach by Philip Yordan and Bernard Gordon. They just had the idea to say; ‘As in Spain, the cost of filming is cheaper, there are good technicians … what does Spain need? International figures in the cast. Well, I take international stars and employ national technicians. ‘ Even as a director, he spoke with several people he knew in Spain and at that time I was well placed because he had made a film that had worked. You already know that in the cinema a director is up or down according to the last movie he made, and mine made money and my name sounded right away and also the circumstance occurred that he could speak in English, not perfectly but he defended me, and we had a meeting and we understood each other very well. By the way, Gordon spoke a little Spanish and asked me: where have you learned English Eugenio? And I told him the truth, that he had learned doing some courses at the University of Granada. And your Spanish?; In the tavern, in the tavern!  And that told me that this guy had more talent than me”
“For the opening scenes,” Martin recalls, “we used a real locomotive filmed at Madrid’s main rail terminal, dressed to resemble the Chinese station at the turn of the century. For the interior shots, we constructed a number of cars in the studio. To get the effect of movement, we built them on rocking hydraulic platforms. We’d run through the rehearsals with the carriages in static mode, and once the camera started to roll, we’d set them in motion. There was a revolving backdrop to achieve the effect of scenery flashing past the windows, and we used the usual dry ice machine to simulate steam and fog. It was all perfectly simple and straightforward. We intercut these scenes with long shots of the model train, and I think the final effect was pretty convincing.”
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“Anyhow,” Martin continues, “the producer had got a hold of this marvelous large scale model train which had been used in the movie Nicholas and Alexandra (1971), and he came up with the idea of writing a script just so he would be able to use this prop. Now at that time, Phil was in the habit of buying up loads of short stories to adapt into screenplays, and the story for Horror Express was originally based on a tale written by a little-known American scriptwriter and playwright
Beyond its first-rate technical qualities, Horror Express is superbly acted by all involved. Martin has nothing but fond memories of his three “foreign” stars. “Working with Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee and Telly Savalas was an absolute delight,” he says. “Apart from being wonderful people, they were tremendously responsible and professional. I found Telly to be the more “emotional’ one as an actor, while Peter and Christopher were rather more rational, so to speak. I mean, if we occasionally strayed from what was written on the page, they seemed to be at a bit of a loss, whereas Telly was always more open to improvisation, to playing it by ear, so I’d say that from my personal point of view, Telly was more fun’ to direct in that sense. But the three of them gave perfect performances; they were magnificent.”
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“From the beginning the casting was Telly Savalas who had just shot with us. Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing had a principle of agreement to shoot another film. They were sent the script, it seemed good and they accepted. Martín says that Cushing, depressed by the death of his wife, did not want to work. The grief and loneliness I felt were very strong. It was his partner Christopher Lee who had to convince him to continue in the film. ” It turned out that as Cushing did not want to work because he had an obsession that he felt very lonely, that he wanted to leave and it was Lee who told Bernard Gordon and me; Quiet and do not worry and leave it to me that tonight I talk to him at the hotel. I think it was a day or two before filming and Christopher Lee told him; ‘Well Peter, tomorrow we were to go together to the filming in the car and such’, and Cushing stared at him and did not say anything and they started the movie . ”  Despite feeling very affected by the death of his wife, Cushing, he behaved at all times with great education and professionalism. ” Exquisite. In the first place he was a man who dragged his recent pain over that death. But it is also that his way of being and behaving was so polite and helpless that we all appreciate it immediately in a unique way . “
“Alejandro already had a great experience when he made this movie. He was a very fast man in his work. It was a standard type of photography, but using the standard word in the best sense. I mean, it was a pretty American photograph, where you could see everything and there was always a lot of volume, many shadows, many shades between lights and shadows that gave a tone to the film very similar to the American ‘B’ series films, which is what we wanted, and in that sense he did it very well and very quickly. I am very happy with Alejandro’s photography . – Eugenio Martín on Cinematographer Alejando Ulloa
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Director Eugenio Martín
Horror Express is just one of your many fantastic pictures. When did you realize that you wanted to spend your life in cinema? EUGENIO MARTIN: When I was a child. After the Spanish Civil War, we had no money to go to movies. But every time I was lucky enough to see you, I just went to the street, surrounded by other poor children, to tell you about the picture of the first. I succeeded in getting my “audience” enthralled that I supposed I was a jester, a buffoon. Telling tales suited me.
The film was produced by Bernard Gordon and written in part by Julian Zimet (as Julian Halevy) and Arnaud D’Usseau, three expatriate victims of the McCarthy witchhunts. Do you think any socialist politics ever made their way into the storythe creature’s persecution, perhaps? EUGENIO MARTIN: Well, first of all, Arnaud D’Usseau actually did not write anything for the script at all. In order to use the train we had left Pancho Villa, D’Usseau and Gordon sent him away. The actual authors of our script were Zimet, Gordon and myself. We understood each other so well on a human level, we got so nicely, that there was no need to actually discuss any political leanings. Anyway, I have so much their situation, the exile situation. It was very difficult for them. Whether or not any of that is in the film. who’s to say? You can find many underpinnings in almost all good stories if you look hard enough. But we never did that kind of writing on purpose.
Horror Express What the first movie Peter Cushing made the death of his wife Helen, and he almost did not do it. What are your memories of him? EUGENIO MARTIN: Peter was not only a marvelous professional, but also a very sweet person. He touched his fingers, made him feel more vulnerable, so he loved him on screen and off.
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How about Christopher Lee? EUGENIO MARTIN: He was very easy to direct, a perfect professional as well. He never missed a line, never made a wrong movement. As an actor and as a human being, just terrific. He was very happy making the picture, I might add, and used to sing opera arias and Russian folk songs all the time on set God
I understand the commercial need to put on an international cast in thesis sorts of films, but having a bald , Savalas in the movie was opening an eccentric touch. What is some of that performance improvised? EUGENIO MARTIN: Oh yes, I gave more freedom to Savalas because of his having had a bit of baroque madness thrown in. It was a nice contrast with the mannered English of Cushing and Lee, and his performance is a highlight of the film , As far as the rest of the cast, the Spanish actors in the film spoke enough to manage, so it all worked well.
Jon Cacavas’ score is just great, all based on that eerie whistled refrain we hear almost as soon as the movie fades in. EUGENIO MARTIN: You’re right-it’s a brilliant piece of work. The sinister whistle of the creature! I could not work with Cacavas did much Either in pre- or post-production, Because we were solving many production problems elsewhere, so I just entrusted the music to him, and it paid off. Actually, we ran a great risk with him. INITIALLY. He was a good musician and a good friend of Savalas, but he was new to movies. When Savalas proposes him to Gordon, he asked, “Salary?” And Savalas replied: “He does not get any money.” He is a beginner in film. This pleased Gordon, of course, who gave him the job!
Did you treat the movie as “product” while making it, or did you aspire to greater heights? EUGENIO MARTIN: It seems to me that you use the word “product” in a sort of negative way. This film is a simple and beautiful adventure story with no pretensions, but with fantasy and subtle humor in its narrative, and that’s perfectly fine. It’s never needed to be anything else. I’m sure that if we had attempted to introduce an original theme or tried to make a movie, the result would have been false. Let’s remind you of David Mamet’s words that I think are very true: “For centuries, people have tried to change their lives, to influence them . ” I concur.
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PRODUCTION/SPECIAL EFFECTS In charge of special FX was Pablo Pérez, who, like Martin himself, had worked on a number of movies during the heyday of Hispano-U.S. co-productions; he subsequently handled the FX on Paul Naschy’s Dracula’s Great Love in 1972 and Amando de Ossorio’s Templar opus Night of the Seagulls in 1975. “Pablo had done a lot of work on American productions, and in fact, the materials he used when we made Horror Express were stuff left behind when the Samuel Bronston outfit packed up their operations in Spain.”
The special makeup for the creature’s victims consisted basically of bright red blood flowing from eyes, mouths and noses and grotesque, bulging blank eyeballs like the eyes of boiled fish,” as one character remarks. To achieve the desired effect, chief makeup artist Julian Ruiz had special contact lenses made by Madrid opticians Óptica Collet-all white ones for the corpses and red ones for the bodies possessed by the alien.
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Pablo Pérez helped with his ” FX ” to make the film’s tricks credible, and the makeup artist Julián Ruiz frightened a whole generation with his ” Zombies “”, The hominid creature found by Lee at the beginning of the film, the brain dissection of the key-keeper and the fluorescent red eyes. This effect was achieved by placing a few tiny bulbs to the red lenses of the prosthesis placed in the eyes of the actors. The bulbs were charged with a small battery powered by the actor himself. More complications brought the white lenses of the ” Living Dead “. A Madrid optician made them in exchange for the establishment’s name appearing in the credits, but the desired effect was not achieved. After two months of testing, it was possible to create white contact lenses through which nothing could be seen. The actor was totally blind.
“The most important effects were those of the contact lenses because at that time there were no means and we had to do a lot of tests before starting the shooting, we even got to establish a kind of contract with an optics house, one of the main ones in Madrid at that moment. An agreement was reached to sign the name of that company in the film. With this company we spent two months doing tests but that did not work. It was very difficult and in the end it worked on the basis that the actor was blind because with the lens he was wearing he could not see anything, then of course, the actor could not be told to perform a long or complicated scene because he did not see anything. It was the hardest thing to solve. It is good but at that time a problem that did not have to be, gave us problems to solve it.”
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When the actors were totally blind when the contact lenses were placed, they had to walk with great care for the decoration. ” There was always a previous test. In the trial the actor already knew what he had to do. I had to walk five steps … be careful with a small table on the left … Always with a little trial and error. It even seemed to include a bit of mystery . ”
Let’s talk about the creature created by the make-up artist Julian Ruiz and let’s uncover the mystery. Who interpreted it? ” He was played by a very big guy, very clumsy. Juan Olaguivel, was a beast. It was hard to explain things to her because it was very closed. We took it, not only because it was already a monster , but because it had this aspect “.
The American composer of Greek origin John Cacavas , recommended by Savalas himself, was the author of the famous main theme. A simple melody that takes center stage when listening to the conductor interpreted by Victor Israel while he whistles her during his chores. ” The musician brought Telly Savalas. He was a friend of his from Greece and Telly wanted to give this musician a chance. He made the proposal to me and to Philip Yordan and then he gave us to listen to some things about him and I liked them a lot. I passed a report to Yordan and he asked me, “How much does it charge?” , and since I was going to charge little I accept and in effect, it was a success. I think it was very good . “
CONCLUSION ” Panic in the Trans-Siberian ” sold very well all over the world . In the Spanish billboard had a moderate acceptance. Martín blamed the little repercussion at the box office on the political climate that Spain was experiencing in the first half of the 1970s. “In America, in England … Everywhere. It worked much better than in Spain. Here it premiered at a very bad time. It was the end of Francoism and it was a time when in Spain or you made a film that supported anti-Francoism or you were a pariah, you were nothing in the cinema. At that time, making a fantastic movie had no interest for Spanish critics. Then the time has passed and they have said … ‘Hey, well, if it turns out that this movie is okay’, but they have had to spend many years ” .
At present it is a film very appreciated in great part of the world. His director is invited to Festivals and shows to talk about the most remembered film of his entire extensive filmography. ” Yes, I notice it because sometimes they invite me to talk about her and I tell them, but do you really want to talk about something that was done so many years ago?  Sometimes I do not explain it, but in finish. Bernard Gordon has told me; ‘You cannot imagine what they asked me. I go to universities and places to talk about this film ‘and I have been amazed, really . ”
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In his autobiography, Lee recalls his dissatisfaction with conditions at what he calls the “unspeakable, ghastly studio.” Although the Studio 70 complex had only recently been inaugurated, with a mere four films being shot there prior to Horror Express, it appears that the quality of the food and dressing rooms, among other things, were far below Lee’s expectations. Fortunately, a gentle reproach from Cushing brought him down to earth, and Lee gave another fine performance despite his off screen tribulations. The old magic evident in most Lee/Cushing collaborations is clearly present here, as in the scene where the pair sets off to track down the creature’s latest human host. The wary Inspector Mirov protests, “The two of you together. That’s fine. But what if one of you is the monster?” Cushing and Lee exchange a look of indignation, and the former delivers the priceless retort, “Monster? We’re British, you know!” Horror Express proved to be a big success, both financially and critically, almost everywhere-except in Spain. “Yes, it went down really well abroad, but nobody thought much of it here,” sighs the director. “The Spanish critics reviewed it following their usual negative criteria, writing it off as nothing more than a throwaway commercial sub-product for mass consumption, and as such unworthy of serious attention. Actually, I was a bit surprised myself at the film’s popularity overseas, but it didn’t really do a great deal for my subsequent career.”
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CAST/CREW Christopher Lee as Professor Sir Alexander Saxton Peter Cushing as Dr. Wells Silvia Tortosa as Countess Irina Petrovski (dubbed by Olive Gregg) Telly Savalas as Captain Kazan Alberto de Mendoza as Father Pujardov (dubbed by Robert Rietti) Helga Liné as Natasha (dubbed by Olive Gregg) Alice Reinheart as Miss Jones (dubbed by Olive Gregg) Julio Peña as Inspector Mirov (dubbed by Roger Delgado) Ángel del Pozo as Yevtushenko José Jaspe as Conductor Konev George Rigaud as Count Marion Petrovski Víctor Israel as Maletero the baggage man Faith Clift as American passenger (credited as Faith Swift) Juan Olaguivel as the Creature (credited as Juan Olaguibel) Barta Barri as First telegraphist
Production Design Ramiro Gómez (as Gomez Ramiro)
Set Decoration by Ramiro Gómez
Makeup Department Rafael Berraquero assistant makeup artist Fernando Florido makeup artist Romana González assistant hair stylist Julián Ruiz makeup supervisor
Special Effects Pablo Pérez special effects Fernando Pérez special effects (uncredited) Visual Effects by Brian Stevens optical effects
CREDITS/REFERENCES/SOURCES/BIBLIOGRAPHY Monsterworld No. 2 September 2007 Famous Monsters of Filmland#105 Fangoria#186 Fangoria#305 Starburst Magazine 419
Horror Express (1972) Retrospective SUMMARY In 1906, Saxton (Cristopher Lee), a renowned British anthropologist, returns to Europe in the Trans-Siberian from China to Moscow .
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nervouswreck-96 · 7 years
Supernova - Chapter 3 (Unfinished Business)
I’m sorry this took so long. The process behind this was a process I swear I will never repeat. Basically, I wrote this chapter in chunks. That way, if I didn’t like how the chapter was panning out, I could simply replace one chunk with another chunk and smooth the cracks over. Things didn’t work out that way, and I spent ages trying to find out how to make this battle scene work. What I’m really afraid of at this point is that I’ve used up every narrative convention and cliché I know and that I’m just repeating them over and over.
A reader on DeviantArt (thanks a bunch, Blazerona!) pointed out a sentence in the last chapter that inexplicably repeated itself. No, I did not intend to write it that way; it happened after I saved the file to a cloud and some kind of conflict arose. But I still should’ve caught it. In response, I have gone back and edited the previous two chapters for similar atrocities, undid previous edits which were meant to tie into the deleted second chapter, and added new scenes and dialogue.
Remember, reviews keep my creative juices flowing! Even if you’re uncomfortable at peer reviewing, I need all the feedback I can get, whether positive or negative.
(Psst...I don’t think the Metonic shippers out there are gonna like this one very much...)
Punch. Climb. Release. Punch. Climb.
With each pull of his arms, Knuckles found it harder and harder to ignore the feeling that something was wrong. Gone was the numbness that once immunized him to the wounds on the sides of his body, replaced with a stabbing pain that reached down to his gut. Worse yet, he could feel the blood slide down his legs, tickling each piece of fur on the way down like a wet feather. Still, there was nothing Knuckles could do to cover the wounds. His hands were otherwise occupied holding up the entire weight of his body as he ascended the maintenance shaft.
But it wasn’t just the sides of his body that hurt.
Each pull brought him closer to the top, and closer into the faint green light that bathed the shaft. There lay the mystery that had eluded him since the moment he set foot on the ship. His sixth sense acted accordingly, sending him flashes that increased in intensity the closer he got. But it was telling him something else...something troubling. He couldn’t put a finger on it, but it felt familiar. It brought him back in time to a memory he would have rather forgotten, where everything could have been wiped out in the blink of an eye...
Knuckles pulled himself back to reality. Everything could be wiped out in the next hour if he didn’t get his red echidna butt moving.
Just...a little more...
The negative sensations only intensified, as if something drilled a hole inside Knuckles’ skull. No force on this earth could keep him from the Master Emerald for a second longer.
Then he saw it. Five horizontal columns of light poked through the darkness, illuminating a metal ventilation grate. He brought himself to its eye level and clawed over to the opposite side of the cylindrical shaft to take a peek through.
No...oh, Chaos, no...
On the opposite side of the grate, the Master Emerald was perched on a hastily-assembled shrine, wires attached to every surface of the iridescent jewel as if it were under intensive care. The once-constant green glow faded dramatically between full power and complete darkness, with almost no in-between. As far to the left as Knuckles could see from his limited perspective, he could make out a computer monitor perched on the wall, no doubt giving readouts of the Master Emerald’s energy.
Knuckles’ head exploded, and it wasn’t just his sixth sense that triggered it. He’d burst into the room and tear the whole place to shreds if the grate weren’t so damned tiny. The damned thing had been violated...taken advantage of for power. All the pieces came together in Knuckles’ head. If his theory held up, Sonic and Tails were in grave danger.
Lucky for him he never got around to crushing Tails’ annoying earpiece.
If Eggman’s robots were built with facial muscles, Metal Sonic would have a Cheshire grin a mile wide. He had every reason. For once, he was looking down on Sonic, and not the other way around. A new set of crosshairs appeared in Metal Sonic’s information-enhanced point of view, closing in around the boundaries of Sonic’s body in the frame. Once an identification match was confirmed, with the help of a picture of Sonic that Dr. Eggman helpfully stored in his internal memory, a blinking red message appeared before him: “BEGIN TERMINATION PROCEDURE”.
Not that he needed the hint. He had waited a year for this moment.
Below him, Sonic and Tails glared at the golden apparition, all the while trying in vain to hide their own fatigue – Sonic from the first missile impact, Tails from hauling him up two floors.
Metal Sonic forced Sonic and Tails to drink in his own magnificence as he descended from the rafters, arms held out at his sides, looking nothing less than the angel of death. Below his feet, clouds of rocket exhaust billowed out to herald his landing, forcing the two to turn away and squirm backward to avoid inhaling the noxious fumes. As the exhaust cloud loomed ever closer, they each met with a sudden bang against hollow steel piping, stopping them in their tracks.
They had backed all the way to the crude safety railing that separated them from falling two stories. From that point, there was nowhere for them to go but down.
There were doors up ahead. Plenty of them. Twenty or so, by Tails’ count, give or take two that might have been obscured by Metal Sonic’s presence. However, they were all sealed, each one flanked by a numeric keypad on the side wall on which, presumably, one of Eggman’s robotic assistants would enter the passcode to pry it open. Whatever dark secrets lay on the other side were obscured. All possible escape routes were cut off.
No way back. No way forward. No way up. The only way out was to fight.
Even with his eyes glazed over in pure terror, Tails couldn’t help but notice something oddly familiar. A bright, piercing golden aura surrounded Metal Sonic, illuminating the entire area and casting well-defined shadows in every direction. It was almost a carbon copy of the scene that usually followed Sonic’s super transformation.
Emphasis on “almost”.
He was the only one presently in the room to have ever gotten a first-hand look at such a scene from an outsider’s perspective, and yet even with his genius-level intelligence, he would be hard-pressed to put into words the raw, surging emotions he felt each time Sonic “went Super” – as was the crude term they came up with. No matter the level of danger they faced, no matter how close they brushed against death, Sonic’s golden aura of positive energy was enough to convince the world that everything was going to be okay. Even as a mere spectator from several feet away, the glow felt as warm and comforting as cozying around a warm fireplace even as the harsh winter closed in from outside.
But this was different. In Metal Sonic’s presence, Tails felt nothing of the sort. He felt nothing, period. Metal Sonic’s aura was not warm, or comforting, or in any way positive. Not that anyone should have expected it to be, of course. It was just...there, surrounding him almost as a display of power for power’s sake, just to show he could make one out of thin air. Or worse.
Inches above the floor, Metal Sonic’s rocket boosters cut out, allowing him to land face-to-face with the two. Sonic took this opportunity to examine his own reflection in his counterpart’s shimmering golden finish. Naturally, he came to admire it, despite the cuts and bruises he sustained not two minutes earlier.
“Say...nice paint job, Metal!” said Sonic. “Really brings out your eyes, y’know?”
“So...you do remember me,” said Metal, in an all-too-perfect synthesized replication of the real Sonic’s voice. “And yet, after all this time, you thought I had vanished into thin air?”
Sonic made a noise that could only be described as half-cough, half-scoff. “Yeah...wouldn’t say I’ve been cryin’ my eyes out over it.”
“Really? Well, I can arrange that.”
Tails could no longer hold himself together. He stepped out from behind Sonic’s shadow and pointed an accusing finger at Metal Sonic. “Where’s Eggman? What did you do with him this time? Is this your ship?” he asked.
“Oh, that? That was eons ago. Believe me, if I was up to that kind of nonsense again, I wouldn’t have bothered to keep up this level of subtlety,” said Metal Sonic.
“Believe you? Hmph. Yeah, right.” asked Sonic.
Without even realizing it, his head nudged closer to that of his metal counterpart. Soon enough, Metal Sonic’s drill-shaped approximation of a nose poked against Sonic’s organic, beady sniffer. As the two stared each other down, Sonic found himself permanently locked into a staring contest with a competitor who couldn’t blink, whose eyes were merely tools for intimidation that never surfaced. They weren’t merely staring into the face of a longtime rival. They each gazed into their own inverted image; Sonic’s streaming blue quills contrasting with Metal Sonic’s reflective golden paint scheme, Sonic’s vibrant and passionate emerald-green and white eyes gazing into Metal Sonic’s cold, heartless red and black.
Eventually, Tails grew tired of standing around. Something had to happen soon, if only to get this over with sooner. He poked his finger into the back of Sonic’s shoulder once. Twice.
No response.
He decided not to press the issue any further. After all, if years of experience taught him anything, there was method to Sonic’s madness. As far as he was concerned, this was Sonic’s Super-Happy Adventure Thrill Ride, and he was only tagging along. Stopping the ride while it was in progress would only turn out badly for all involved.
“If you must know...I don’t care who or what you ‘believe’. I am far beyond that...imposter you met last time,” said Metal Sonic, seemingly spitting on the “I” word...that is, if Eggman’s robots had any saliva. “I am far beyond you. Far beyond any of this...crude matter you call life.”
Sonic sighed and shook his head. “It’s always the same ol’, same ol’ with you, isn’t it? Tryin’ to make the whole world pay for your insecurity? Well, shove this into your hard drive! There is only one Sonic in this room, and I ain’t lookin’ at ‘im!”
Though Metal Sonic had no visible mouth, a faint chuckle could be detected from the mere bobbing of his head. “You fool...you imply that I want to keep up that old charade?”
But whatever witty repartee Sonic planned on using plummeted back down his throat. He stepped back and replayed what Metal Sonic just said, unsure if he even heard it right.
All right, what crazy pills did Eggman feed him THIS time?
“Being the ‘real Sonic’…keeping up with you? Hah! It means nothing to me anymore. You. Mean. Nothing. Why would I dare limit myself to such...pitiful standards, when the entire world is within my grasp?” said Metal Sonic.
Sonic rolled his eyes, calling attention to it by bobbing his head – a faux-dramatic gesture that Metal Sonic either failed to detect or simply pretended not to notice.
“Heh…pretty big talk for a three-time loser,” said Sonic, in the most mocking, singsongy tone he could manage.
As he turned away to let Metal Sonic absorb the barb, a distinct whirring sound from the other side convinced him to turn his gaze back.
The air itself swirled around his palms in an ever-increasing vortex, obscured by pinpricks of light that represented energy in its purest form. Soon, those pinpricks faded into a glowing ball from which miniature bolts of lightning shot forth. With a short burst of his rocket boots, he rose off the floor and wound his arms into a sidewinder throwing motion. The staring contest was over. Metal Sonic had blinked. Sonic spared a quick glance at Tails and realized this was a bad time to stand directly next to each other.
“Move!” they each said in unison.
With one lunging step, Tails took the mightiest dive he could manage, arms outstretched with the MilesElectric in unsteady hands. For an inch or two, his nose scraped against the floor, churning his stomach at the prospect that the rest of his body would follow and leave him an open target for Metal Sonic. Then, just when he needed it to, the motion of his tails kicked in, providing the lift he needed.
Without warning, the fur on Tails’ backside and head shot up. This couldn’t have been some sort of internal bodily reflex caused by his own excitement. If it was, this would have happened the moment he stepped onto the ship. Behind him, a thundering roar split the air, throwing Tails for a loop. When he turned around to get a look at the source of the noise, he noticed a charred black crater in the floor where the two had previously stood, and a pair of skid marks just inches in front of it. Tails didn’t need to be a forensic scientist to realize which direction those skid marks pointed.
Forwards. Into the danger.
A lump formed in Tails’ throat. When they said to move, they didn’t specify where.
Not taking any chances, Metal Sonic indexed every single file in every single folder on his considerable file system, leafing through essential drivers, blueprints, and documents, tossing aside anything that did not bear the name of the file he needed. Within the amount of time it took Sonic to take a single step, the task was completed, and a command appeared before him on the scan-lined viewscreen that represented his view of the world.
Without sparing a moment for showmanship, Metal Sonic fired off more energy blasts toward the onrushing hedgehog as fast as he could charge them up. He fired in an arc from left to right to left, gradually moving the line of fire back toward the ground directly below him, making sure that any earth where Sonic might have set foot would be scorched along with the hedgehog himself. Each blast struck the floor with a blinding flash of light and a deafening roar, leaving smoking, bubbling indentations so close together that cracks started to form between them.
Yet through the savagery, a familiar blue flicker danced around certain death, bouncing over the energy balls before they even struck the ground, zipping through the tiny cracks between impact zones. Metal Sonic increased the rate of fire, but still Sonic effortlessly navigated the maze of cracks that consumed the floor. The green on-screen targeting reticule that guided Metal Sonic’s fire was unable to cope with the lofty demand, jumping about in all directions in a hopeless attempt to follow something it could not possibly follow.
Something in Sonic’s head clicked. How he knew, even he didn’t exactly know. But he knew. He had reached the sweet spot.
“Heads up, faker!”
One well-aimed shot could end this battle before it started. With inches to spare, Sonic leapt headfirst for Metal Sonic and curled into a spin attack, and braced for the usual shower of smashed circuit boards, shorted wires, and infinitesimal capacitors that pierced his body as he thrust himself through the brains of the machine.
All he got was a dull thud.
No bending, no flexing, no sign of damage. He just...bounced off Metal Sonic.
What? Did...did he just...
His spin attack could deflect hollow-point bullets, cut the strongest of steel alloys into ribbons, tunnel through miles of the earth’s surface without breaking much of a sweat…and yet this…clone held up to it without taking so much as a scratch.
Before he could even consider the variables that could lead to that result, he had to coordinate his own landing. His fears were confirmed the instant he looked up: Metal Sonic came out completely unscathed. All Sonic managed to do was knock him a few feet out of the air, for which he could easily compensate with his rocket boosters.
Almost the second after he landed, Tails rushed to his side. He had only one question: “What the heck just happened over there?”
“Buddy, I was just about to ask you the same thing...” said Sonic, rubbing his head. Tails shrugged, his mouth still agape. For once, he didn’t have the answer Sonic needed.
Metal Sonic crept ever closer to the two, making sure the sound of his laughter would drown out any conversation the two could possibly carry out. Gently, he decreased the power of his rocket boosters, allowing himself to drop to the ground.
“Was that the best you could do?!” he asked.
Sonic’s expression was reinvigorated by the personal challenge, draining all sense of shock from his eyes. “Heh...I’m just getting warmed up!” he said.
“Is that so?” said Metal Sonic.
Even as Metal Sonic spoke, the engine inside his chest cavity slowly purred and roared into life. When it reached a specific speed, a spark ignited, and a trail of blue flames burst out of his backside.
“So am I,” he added.
The pocket of air immediately surrounding him vibrated, tore, and rippled with the sound of the initial blast before settling back into place, as if oxygen itself feared for its safety in Metal Sonic’s presence. Only specialized boots kept him bolted to the ground, preventing him from careering into Sonic and Tails right then and there. Without a second thought, Sonic turned toward his partner, knowing deep down that he might not get another chance.
“Back off, Tails!” said Sonic, pointing his finger forcefully at the ground. “It’s me he wants!” But Tails didn’t even need the signal. One look into Sonic’s eyes told him more than he needed to know.
“But...but I...thought he said…” said Tails.
“That’s what he says,” said Sonic, flashing his trademark thumbs-up. “But trust me. He’ll change his tune soon enough.”
“Sonic, wait!” shouted Tails. “He’s...”
But it was too late. It had been too late from the time he opened his mouth. While Metal Sonic was still boosting in place, Sonic charged forward with everything he had.
The first die had been cast. Sonic’s first step triggered Metal Sonic to unclamp his boots from the floor, releasing all his stored energy in the form of raw, uncontained speed. Two unstoppable forces converged on one another, racing to become the first to the center of an imaginary battlefield, each lowering their heads for the inevitable collision. Tails braced himself as well, gripping the MilesElectric firmly to his chest with both arms.
It took less than a second for the two forces to plow head-first into one another. The energy of one directly counteracted the energy of the other, and there was nowhere else for it to go but outward, resulting in a shockwave that resounded across the massive expanses of the ESS-1. Tails barely managed to get his feet off the ground before the blast consumed him and his precious device.
In an instant, both Sonic and Metal Sonic found their forward motion curtailed completely. No matter how far Sonic pushed the limits of his speed, his shoes slipped and slid across the floor with each step, pushed beyond even the limits of their endurance. The same held true for Metal’s afterburners, held into submission by Sonic’s sheer persistence. Even as they pushed their ailing engines harder and harder, neither one of them was willing to give an inch. The unstoppable forces had become immovable objects.
Grunting and straining as his muscles screamed out for mercy, a Gallic smile was fixed on Sonic’s face.
“Tryin’ to…pass yourself off as Super Sonic now…are ya?” he asked, struggling for each word. “Let’s see…if you’re as fast as him!”
His feet skidded across the floor at speeds that would propel him to Mach 3 under normal circumstances. Under these circumstances, however, his shoes kicked up a plume of thick, grey smoke from the constant friction of rubber and metal. On the other side, Metal Sonic’s rocket fire had long since surpassed the melting point of the steel floor, creating a puddle of silver magma that bore all the way down to the core. Second by second, Metal Sonic’s head pressed itself deeper and deeper against Sonic’s skull, crushing blood vessels flat, forcing vital cranial fluids into retreat, sending a rush of throbbing pain across his forehead. It seemed inevitable that the whole structure would crack open and collapse in on itself at any moment. But until it did, Sonic reached deeper into his reserves for that one extra helping of strength that would force Metal Sonic back.
Suddenly, a feeling of weightlessness jolted through Sonic’s every nerve. What was happening? He couldn’t turn his head, but he could turn his eyes toward the ground. That’s when it came to him – familiar debris marks on the floor began to move. Forwards.
Metal Sonic was pushing him back.
What is this thing even made of?! Urgh...doesn’t matter...I’ll tear through it no matter how long it takes! Sonic thought.
There was no recourse left for Sonic. He had to reach the upper limit of his speed, a point that even he wasn’t sure of. And yet…had he reached it already? His legs simply wouldn’t accept a command to “go faster”. Blood vessels and lungs, already conditioned to the rigors of hypersonic travel, were on the verge of exploding. Just one more burst of effort, it seemed, would be enough for the whole system to shut down. Yet for all of that, Sonic still lost precious ground against Metal Sonic’s ferocious assault.
He couldn’t escape that. In fact, it consumed him. His brain no longer listened to any impulses from tortured nerves begging him to give in. He couldn’t give in. He couldn’t accept the mere concept of giving in. Not after he had come this far. Sonic readied himself for his last valiant sprint...
…and took one bad step. That was all Metal Sonic needed.
For a fraction of a second, Sonic’s stumble forced both his feet above the ground, where his friction-enhanced rubber soles would be useless in holding him steady. With no opposing force to keep him in check, Metal Sonic shot forward like a bullet, dragging a stunned Sonic with him. By the time he even noticed where he was, Sonic’s face, chest, and shoulders had all come into contact with the floor, spewing a trail of blood from his facial wounds. He came to rest just inches short of the same wall where he had been attacked earlier, with his limbs thrown about into positions they were never intended to occupy.
A thick curtain of indistinct noise clouded his vision, causing him to lose a grip on his normally-keen sense of orientation. As he struggled to his knees, he couldn’t tell which way his head was pointed. He blinked once. He blinked twice. It made no difference; the fog was imprinted upon his eyes. The simple act of tilting his head forward brought an unwelcome splash upon Sonic’s upper lip. A nosebleed, once a mere trickle, soon became a mighty waterfall that threatened to engulf his entire face. Any effort he made to snort back the rush was futile.
After doing a complete aerial circuit of the room, Metal Sonic came to a stop hovering just over Sonic’s body. He slowly brought his head down closer to Sonic’s level to further twist the knife.
“I win,” he said.
After a few seconds, Sonic noticed a shrill ringing sound in his ears, a common side effect of a concussion. But...that didn’t make any sense. They weren’t ringing this much even in the first moments after he struck the ground. This wasn’t a ringing sound...it was a whirring sound. It couldn’t have been in his head. Metal Sonic was up to something.
A harsh blue light suddenly poked through his sealed eyelids, jolting him to force them open. Vague, formless streaks of blue light dotted Sonic’s vision, in tune with the movements of Metal Sonic’s left hand. A blue orb of light emerged from the inside of the robot’s palm, charged up with an unseen, amorphous weapon. Sonic didn't need telling what it was. He needed to move. But this time, of all times, he couldn’t. Each time he tried to forget about his injuries and keep moving, the pain only intensified, keeping him glued to the floor. The urgency of the situation did little to infuse him with life – a life that could be extinguished in the blink of an eye.
Suddenly, he felt a hand grip tightly onto his right wrist, yanking his entire arm up in one swift motion. And then the expressions changed.
“Don’t count your eggs before they hatch,” said Sonic, with a smirk. The Tails Express had arrived right on schedule.
Soon, the rest of his body gracefully ascended from the floor, leaving an empty-eyed Metal Sonic aiming at nothing but the opposite-side wall. His targeting reticule bounced around his line of sight, searching for someone who wasn’t there. The doppelganger looked up, only to find Sonic waving back at him as he dangled off the arm of his savior.
Tails carried Sonic as far away from Metal Sonic as possible, buying them time to come up with a new strategy. Sonic closed his eyes, letting the rush of the wind renew his life force and permeate his body and soul. He felt normal again. No...better than normal. He felt like he could take on the world. But Tails saw the world in a different way. A significant portion of his view was consumed by Sonic’s gashed, bruised head. His nosebleed oozed onto Tails’ right arm as it held him aloft. And this was just his head. Tails shuddered at the thought of the possible injuries to the rest of his body, which he hadn’t been able to see yet.
“I tell ya, buddy...” said Sonic. “I don’t know what I’d do without you!”
“Oh, Sonic...” said Tails, his voice cracking. “What did he do to you?”
“Nothin’ I haven’t gotten through before!” said Sonic, flashing a thumbs-up with his one free hand. “And I’ll get through this!”
“Not without me, you won’t! The only way we can beat this thing is if we do it together! He was built to destroy you…hate you…but I don’t think he’s prepared to take on both of us!”
Sonic beamed. Apparently someone was listening to his impromptu sermons on teamwork.
“Turn this ship around, cap’n!” he said. “Let’s get ‘im!”
Tails made a tight 180-degree turn, leaving Sonic to swing dangerously off to the side. But he would never let go – not of Tails’ hand, nor of this moment. For one fleeting moment, hope triumphed over despair. There was a chance they could pull this off.
It took only one second for that chance to be snuffed out. The entire cavernous space on the ESS-1 flashed with a sudden burst of illumination, and the room temperature shot up several degrees.
“What the heck--” Sonic asked.
In the blink of an eye, a blinding white laser streaked across the air, buzzing past Sonic’s head. A sudden pull of gravity forced Sonic back to the left, taking him out of the beam’s path with a split-second to spare. Tails was pulled into a temporary state of shock by the flash, just long enough for him to forget what he was even doing. Without him realizing it, his tail-blades momentarily came to a halt, only for him to fire them up again when the two began to drop out of the air like rocks.
A deafening metal crash above them commanded their attention. When they looked up, they beheld the full effect of Metal Sonic’s weapon for the first time. A steel beam on the ceiling had melted through as if it were a chocolate bar, and flashed a bright orange on the edges of where the laser had struck it. The blast destroyed the joints connecting it to the ceiling, causing the two-ton object to break free from its chains and swing on its one remaining hinge. Miraculously, the hinge held up, preventing the beam from collapsing.
“Whoa!” said Sonic, just after the noise settled. “Evasive maneuvers!”
The room lit up a second time, but Tails, recognizing the cue, made a swift turn to the right. Sonic’s legs escaped incineration from the second laser by mere inches.
“You’re kidding me! He’s got lasers now?” asked Tails.
“Apparently!” said Sonic.
Tails’ heart rate soared with the anticipation of the next one. He was trapped in a virtual thunderstorm, dreading the next flash of lightning that could strike at any moment. His right arm shook like pure jelly down to the wrist, where his glove became soaked in sweat that dripped off his brow. His mind whizzed between stations, with so many things to keep track of at the same time. Airspeed, heading, Sonic’s status on his right arm, the status of the MilesElectric still lodged in his left arm, when the next laser could strike and what the best strategy was to avoid it. He had committed himself to the world’s most dangerous aerial juggling act.
“Hold on tight, buddy! This could get rough!” said Sonic.
As if in reply, Sonic heard a voice crackle to life in his left ear. But it wasn’t Tails’. He was too preoccupied to talk. He couldn’t tell what it was saying in the middle of the chaos, but its identity came to him soon enough.
“Knuckles?!” said Sonic.
“What?!” asked Tails. “Where?!”
“On the ear-thingy! Didn’t you hear him?”
Tails made another 180-degree turn, so that they might be able to at least get enough quiet to make out what Knuckles had to say – hastily pulling Sonic above a fourth laser in the meantime. Finally, the two landed on the next floor down, buying themselves time for at least a few seconds of conversation. On this deck, they ran into the exact same layout – a wide enclosure with multiple locked security doors blocking the way forward. It was no less wide and no less deep than the deck above, but given the circumstances, somehow it didn’t feel that way.
“Guys! You’ve got to listen to me!” shouted Knuckles. “You’re in grave danger!”
The few seconds expired. Another flash, and the ceiling above Sonic and Tails rumbled and shook, knocking a tile to the floor.
“Tell me something I don’t know!” said Sonic.
The ear-piercing sounds of battle, destruction, and desperation clued Knuckles in. His discovery had come too late. Still, better late than never. On Sonic and Tails’ floor, more blasts came from above. More tiles fell from the ceiling. Metal Sonic dared the two to come back up and face him.
“Listen, there’s something more! I don’t know what’s going on, but I can feel it! It’s as if...as if the Master Emerald itself is being warped and distorted and...!” said Knuckles.
“Would you just get to the point?!” said Sonic.
“It’s negative Chaos Energy! Only it’s more concentrated than I’ve ever felt it! It’s...almost tearing me apart!”
Negative. Chaos. Energy. Three words that brought shivers through the spines of anyone who knew their significance. Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles were three of the unlucky ones who experienced their effects first-hand on multiple occasions. They could add this occasion to the list.
“Wait, you’ve got the Emerald?” asked Tails.
“No...it’s locked away. There’s only one entrance to the chamber, and I can’t break through. Believe me, I’ve tried,” said Knuckles, rubbing his sore fists.
The sound of a rocket engine overpowered Knuckles’ tinny voice, capturing Sonic and Tails’ attention. Just beyond the ledge of the deck hovered Metal Sonic, with yet another laser at the ready. With little time to think, Sonic grabbed hold of Tails’ wrist and yanked him along for a supersonic dash to the opposite end of the hallway. The next laser fired on their initial positions and gradually moved toward their current ones.
“You wanna speed this one up?” asked Sonic, as he and Tails made a perfectly-timed jump over the oncoming laser to save themselves from certain death.
“There’s a passcode, and no one here is nice enough to give it to me straight! I need Mr. Hacker over there to let me in!” said Knuckles.
Tails gulped. “Wait…I—”
“Go! I’ll keep ‘im busy!” said Sonic.
“What happened to sticking together?!” asked Tails. “I thought…”
“We are sticking together…all three of us! Knuckles needs you right you right now! Don’t worry about me, I can handle it!”
That was a hard sell to Tails, now that he could actually see the extent of the cuts and bruises throughout Sonic’s entire body. Tails couldn’t help but wonder if Sonic was hiding an even deeper pain from him, but if this were the case, it seemed nothing less than betrayal to not be there for him. He stared into his own reflection in the MilesElectric’s screen, and then back at Sonic, hoping that his mere aura of fortitude could force a decision.
The next moment, Metal Sonic fired off yet another laser, forcing them to dive in opposite directions.
“Hey, you said we were gonna have to ‘wing it’, right?” said Sonic.
That was all Tails needed. He scrambled to his feet, jumped to avoid the laser beam, and soared over the ledge back down to Deck 6 where they started. If this fight was going to be won, his place wasn’t with Sonic. His place was among machines. Ironically enough, so was Sonic’s. He rose to his feet, standing with a slight wobble, but no less tall and proud. He had been beaten up. But he hadn’t been beaten.
All right, faker. The kid gloves are OFF. It’s just you and me now.
On the next Supernova: The race to shut down the ESS-1!
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aretia · 5 years
Family Lawyer American Fork Utah
Utah law has provisions for the appointment of guardians. When a Utah court appoints a guardian, then that person (the guardian) has the right and power to take decisions – personal, property and financial on behalf of the ward – the person whose is the subject matter of the guardianship. The Judge will consider the evidence before him and decide if a guardian should be appointed and what the rights of the guardian should be. The judge may impose restrictions on the powers of the guardian. Before you apply for the appointment of a guardian for your relative, speak to an experienced American Fork Utah family lawyer.
The earliest forms of guardianship, however, developed as a way to control the property of a person with mental disabilities, rather than to provide for care or protection.
Guardianship is an ancient legal device with roots stretching back to early Greece and the Roman Empire. Once an archaic “backwater” area of probate law and mental health, adult guardianship has over the past few years been brought to public scrutiny. The concept has evolved and matured with the “graying” of the population, increased numbers of persons with mental disabilities, and the rise of the civil rights movement.
Adult guardianship is a state, rather than a federal, function. All states have a general guardianship code. These laws have undergone significant change in the past two decades, with particular emphasis on procedural protections, the determination of capacity, limited guardianship, and court oversight.
The purpose of legal guardianship is to protect adults who are unable to make reasoned decisions, and, as a result, need help managing their affairs. Adults may be judged to lack capacity to manage if they are unable to provide for their basic necessities such as food, shelter, and clothing, putting them at risk of physical and/or financial harm. Adults, who have been adjudicated by a court of law to lack capacity, generally referred to as “wards,” may also be called “conservatees” “incapacitated persons,” or “protected persons.” The ward is relegated to the legal status of a minor child by being placed under “guardianship” and appointed a legal “guardian” who is authorized to act on his or her behalf.
Always seek the assistance of an experienced American Fork Utah family lawyer if you are seeking the appointment of a guardian for your close relative. Legal guardianship is initiated when a petitioner files a formal request for guardianship with the court, setting in motion a court hearing before a judge. The decision to file a petition may be triggered by a specific event, such as a health emergency, acute mental health problem, financial mismanagement, or the need for nursing home placement. The petitioner, who in many cases becomes the guardian, may be a family member or friend, a private agency, a private professional such as an attorney or accountant, or the public guardian.
Filing the petition sets in motion a court hearing before a judge that includes the petitioner and the respondent—the person who is being evaluated for guardianship— and if requested by the respondent, an attorney.
To get a guardian appointed, you must file an application or petition in the court. Seek the assistance of an experienced American Fork Utah family lawyer. The petition must be supported by evidence. After going through the evidence, the court will decide on whether or not to appoint a guardian. There are two procedures to initiate guardianship – voluntary and involuntary. In voluntary proceedings, the person is still competent but his capacities may be declining and so he chooses to file a petition seeking appointment of a guardian for him. In the case of an involuntary guardianship, the person is not competent and others such as his relatives or the state will file a petition seeking the appointment of a guardian for him.
Courtrooms can be intimidating for many reasons. The language of the law is not familiar, the physical layout of the courtroom may be unfamiliar, and the roles of the people working in the courtroom are mysterious. Judges make life-changing decisions that may not be expected or understood. In general, people do not spend time in courtrooms unless their lives have become complicated in ways they cannot control or resolve by themselves. Emotions can run high. While television programs that feature judges and courtroom proceedings have helped the public understand courts to some extent, there is still uncertainty.
The Family Law Courtroom
The court process can be intimidating if you do not know how it functions. Always use the services of an experienced American Fork Utah family lawyer. Most guardianship hearings are held in courtrooms. In rare circumstances, a judge may go to the place where the person is living. Courtrooms and courthouses are public buildings and must comply with the Americas with Disabilities Act in providing services, policies, practices, and procedures to make services accessible.
If you have never been to a court before, make sure you speak to your American Fork Utah family lawyer and understand how the court looks and functions. The judge sits at the front of the courtroom on a massive elevated desk that is called the bench. The judge wears a black robe, which designates her as the person who conducts the hearing or trial. The robe symbolizes the solemnity and objective detachment of the judicial role. The judge listens to the attorneys and people in each case, and makes certain that people have a chance to speak without being interrupted.
A witness stand or witness box is at one corner of the bench and the court clerk sits at the other corner. The witness box is usually elevated and has a microphone so that the witness can be clearly heard.
The court clerk announces the cases to the courtroom one by one so that the parties in each case know when their case is being considered, and they can come forward. The court clerk keeps track of the court files and any documents the attorneys may want to show the judge in the courtroom. The court clerk will also assist anyone who is part of the proceedings who needs an assistive hearing device. This generally must be arranged in advance.
The court reporter sits in front of the judge, or in some courts, at the other corner of the bench. The role of the court reporter is to record all that is said and done so there will be an accurate and written record of the proceedings, word for word. The reporter uses a coded machine and transcribes the notes into English at a later time. Some courts use tape recordings and some have video screens that allow the judge and possibly the participants to see the spoken words as the court reporter takes them down. This is called “real time” reporting.
There may be a podium in the middle of the courtroom. The attorneys will stand in front of the podium when speaking to the judge. Otherwise, they sit at one of the counsel tables and so do their clients. The question of who sits at which counsel table is determined by local custom or by who gets to the table first from the spectator section of the courtroom. The only people who sit at the counsel table are the attorneys and their clients. On rare occasions, a health or social service practitioner who is involved in a case may sit at the counsel table of the side he is supporting. It is more appropriate, however, to sit in the spectator section of the courtroom and be called as a witness if needed. The bailiff sits at the entrance of the front of the courtroom, just inside the bar railing. The bailiff calls the court to order when the judge takes the bench, at which time everyone in the courtroom is expected to stand briefly, out of respect for the role of the judge and the seriousness of the proceedings. The bailiff also keeps order in the courtroom. If people are talking or disturbing the proceedings in any way, the bailiff will ask them to be quiet. If they are actually being disruptive, the bailiff may ask them to step out of the courtroom. If they are belligerent or physically threatening, the bailiff may call backup bailiffs, and the person(s) may be escorted out of the courthouse. It is rarely necessary to make an arrest.
A railing called the bar separates the front of the courtroom from the seating provided for the attorneys and their clients who are waiting for their cases to be heard as well as for people who are spectators or who have come in support of friends or family members whose cases are being considered that day.
Family Law Judicial Decisions
The two major issues a judge must decide are if the person is capable of making decisions in keeping with his values and if not, if a guardianship or less restrictive option is appropriate to safeguard the person and his assets. If the judge decides a guardianship is appropriate, the next decision is who should serve as guardian and then, what powers should be given to the guardian. The judge in guardianship matters can be faced with highly conflicted situations in which it is difficult to determine the facts of the situation, the credibility of the parties, and the best interests of the person with diminished capacity. But in the end, it is the judge who must make these decisions. Jury trials are rare in guardianships cases in Utah.
You must provide evidence in support of the petition. Merely claiming that your relative requires a guardian will not suffice and your petition will be thrown out. Always speak to an experienced American Fork Utah family lawyer before you file the guardianship petition. The judge bases decisions on the evidence that is provided before the court hearing, the standard of proof that is required by Utah law, the statements of the parties at the time of hearing, and, ideally, the wishes of the person with diminished capacity. The same set of facts may result in different decisions by different judges, because of the vague definition of the term “clear and convincing,” the quality and quantity of the evidence that is provided by the attorney (s), the credibility of the parties, the skill of the attorneys, and the background of the judge.
Usually the judge will make the decision at the time of the hearing when the parties are present. One of the most common decisions will involve the living situation of the person with diminished capacity, specifically whether the person should be moved to a nursing home. Elders with diminished capacity commonly fight this even when they realize they need help making decisions and handling their affairs. Courts may order that the guardian consider and implement home services if possible, or that a reverse annuity mortgage or less restrictive protected placement be investigated. Judges can always order that there be no change in the living situation until there has been another court hearing to consider further information.
Guardianships are sometimes contested. If you wish to contest a guardianship, an experienced American Fork Utah family lawyer is your best friend. You can challenge a guardianship on many grounds. It may be that the person with diminished capacity does not want the guardianship or is concerned about particular actions the guardian might take. More likely, the issue is who should be the guardian. It is rare to have contesting parties acting only out of self-interest or only out of concern for the person with diminished capacity. Usually, both parties have mixed motives. When there are conflicts as to who should serve as guardian, the judge may ask each side to submit a written guardianship plan that outlines what they would do to assist the person with diminished capacity. This information can be very helpful to a judge, because the plans will reveal the intentions of the parties as well as their thoughtfulness and resourcefulness.
Always seek the assistance of an experienced American Fork Utah family lawyer when you are seeking the appointment of a guardian for your relative. It is important that you understand the process.
American Fork Utah Family Lawyer Free Consultation
When you need legal help with a family matter in American Fork Utah, please call Ascent Law LLC (801) 676-5506 for your Free Consultation. We can help you with Divorce. Child Support. Child Custody. Alimony. Legal Separation. Modification Of Child Custody Order. Modification Of Divorce Decree. Guardianships. Conservatorships. Adoptions. And Much More. We want to help you!
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
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mayarosa47 · 5 years
Family Lawyer American Fork Utah
Utah law has provisions for the appointment of guardians. When a Utah court appoints a guardian, then that person (the guardian) has the right and power to take decisions – personal, property and financial on behalf of the ward – the person whose is the subject matter of the guardianship. The Judge will consider the evidence before him and decide if a guardian should be appointed and what the rights of the guardian should be. The judge may impose restrictions on the powers of the guardian. Before you apply for the appointment of a guardian for your relative, speak to an experienced American Fork Utah family lawyer.
The earliest forms of guardianship, however, developed as a way to control the property of a person with mental disabilities, rather than to provide for care or protection.
Guardianship is an ancient legal device with roots stretching back to early Greece and the Roman Empire. Once an archaic “backwater” area of probate law and mental health, adult guardianship has over the past few years been brought to public scrutiny. The concept has evolved and matured with the “graying” of the population, increased numbers of persons with mental disabilities, and the rise of the civil rights movement.
Adult guardianship is a state, rather than a federal, function. All states have a general guardianship code. These laws have undergone significant change in the past two decades, with particular emphasis on procedural protections, the determination of capacity, limited guardianship, and court oversight.
The purpose of legal guardianship is to protect adults who are unable to make reasoned decisions, and, as a result, need help managing their affairs. Adults may be judged to lack capacity to manage if they are unable to provide for their basic necessities such as food, shelter, and clothing, putting them at risk of physical and/or financial harm. Adults, who have been adjudicated by a court of law to lack capacity, generally referred to as “wards,” may also be called “conservatees” “incapacitated persons,” or “protected persons.” The ward is relegated to the legal status of a minor child by being placed under ��guardianship” and appointed a legal “guardian” who is authorized to act on his or her behalf.
Always seek the assistance of an experienced American Fork Utah family lawyer if you are seeking the appointment of a guardian for your close relative. Legal guardianship is initiated when a petitioner files a formal request for guardianship with the court, setting in motion a court hearing before a judge. The decision to file a petition may be triggered by a specific event, such as a health emergency, acute mental health problem, financial mismanagement, or the need for nursing home placement. The petitioner, who in many cases becomes the guardian, may be a family member or friend, a private agency, a private professional such as an attorney or accountant, or the public guardian.
Filing the petition sets in motion a court hearing before a judge that includes the petitioner and the respondent—the person who is being evaluated for guardianship— and if requested by the respondent, an attorney.
To get a guardian appointed, you must file an application or petition in the court. Seek the assistance of an experienced American Fork Utah family lawyer. The petition must be supported by evidence. After going through the evidence, the court will decide on whether or not to appoint a guardian. There are two procedures to initiate guardianship – voluntary and involuntary. In voluntary proceedings, the person is still competent but his capacities may be declining and so he chooses to file a petition seeking appointment of a guardian for him. In the case of an involuntary guardianship, the person is not competent and others such as his relatives or the state will file a petition seeking the appointment of a guardian for him.
Courtrooms can be intimidating for many reasons. The language of the law is not familiar, the physical layout of the courtroom may be unfamiliar, and the roles of the people working in the courtroom are mysterious. Judges make life-changing decisions that may not be expected or understood. In general, people do not spend time in courtrooms unless their lives have become complicated in ways they cannot control or resolve by themselves. Emotions can run high. While television programs that feature judges and courtroom proceedings have helped the public understand courts to some extent, there is still uncertainty.
The Family Law Courtroom
The court process can be intimidating if you do not know how it functions. Always use the services of an experienced American Fork Utah family lawyer. Most guardianship hearings are held in courtrooms. In rare circumstances, a judge may go to the place where the person is living. Courtrooms and courthouses are public buildings and must comply with the Americas with Disabilities Act in providing services, policies, practices, and procedures to make services accessible.
If you have never been to a court before, make sure you speak to your American Fork Utah family lawyer and understand how the court looks and functions. The judge sits at the front of the courtroom on a massive elevated desk that is called the bench. The judge wears a black robe, which designates her as the person who conducts the hearing or trial. The robe symbolizes the solemnity and objective detachment of the judicial role. The judge listens to the attorneys and people in each case, and makes certain that people have a chance to speak without being interrupted.
A witness stand or witness box is at one corner of the bench and the court clerk sits at the other corner. The witness box is usually elevated and has a microphone so that the witness can be clearly heard.
The court clerk announces the cases to the courtroom one by one so that the parties in each case know when their case is being considered, and they can come forward. The court clerk keeps track of the court files and any documents the attorneys may want to show the judge in the courtroom. The court clerk will also assist anyone who is part of the proceedings who needs an assistive hearing device. This generally must be arranged in advance.
The court reporter sits in front of the judge, or in some courts, at the other corner of the bench. The role of the court reporter is to record all that is said and done so there will be an accurate and written record of the proceedings, word for word. The reporter uses a coded machine and transcribes the notes into English at a later time. Some courts use tape recordings and some have video screens that allow the judge and possibly the participants to see the spoken words as the court reporter takes them down. This is called “real time” reporting.
There may be a podium in the middle of the courtroom. The attorneys will stand in front of the podium when speaking to the judge. Otherwise, they sit at one of the counsel tables and so do their clients. The question of who sits at which counsel table is determined by local custom or by who gets to the table first from the spectator section of the courtroom. The only people who sit at the counsel table are the attorneys and their clients. On rare occasions, a health or social service practitioner who is involved in a case may sit at the counsel table of the side he is supporting. It is more appropriate, however, to sit in the spectator section of the courtroom and be called as a witness if needed. The bailiff sits at the entrance of the front of the courtroom, just inside the bar railing. The bailiff calls the court to order when the judge takes the bench, at which time everyone in the courtroom is expected to stand briefly, out of respect for the role of the judge and the seriousness of the proceedings. The bailiff also keeps order in the courtroom. If people are talking or disturbing the proceedings in any way, the bailiff will ask them to be quiet. If they are actually being disruptive, the bailiff may ask them to step out of the courtroom. If they are belligerent or physically threatening, the bailiff may call backup bailiffs, and the person(s) may be escorted out of the courthouse. It is rarely necessary to make an arrest.
A railing called the bar separates the front of the courtroom from the seating provided for the attorneys and their clients who are waiting for their cases to be heard as well as for people who are spectators or who have come in support of friends or family members whose cases are being considered that day.
Family Law Judicial Decisions
The two major issues a judge must decide are if the person is capable of making decisions in keeping with his values and if not, if a guardianship or less restrictive option is appropriate to safeguard the person and his assets. If the judge decides a guardianship is appropriate, the next decision is who should serve as guardian and then, what powers should be given to the guardian. The judge in guardianship matters can be faced with highly conflicted situations in which it is difficult to determine the facts of the situation, the credibility of the parties, and the best interests of the person with diminished capacity. But in the end, it is the judge who must make these decisions. Jury trials are rare in guardianships cases in Utah.
You must provide evidence in support of the petition. Merely claiming that your relative requires a guardian will not suffice and your petition will be thrown out. Always speak to an experienced American Fork Utah family lawyer before you file the guardianship petition. The judge bases decisions on the evidence that is provided before the court hearing, the standard of proof that is required by Utah law, the statements of the parties at the time of hearing, and, ideally, the wishes of the person with diminished capacity. The same set of facts may result in different decisions by different judges, because of the vague definition of the term “clear and convincing,” the quality and quantity of the evidence that is provided by the attorney (s), the credibility of the parties, the skill of the attorneys, and the background of the judge.
Usually the judge will make the decision at the time of the hearing when the parties are present. One of the most common decisions will involve the living situation of the person with diminished capacity, specifically whether the person should be moved to a nursing home. Elders with diminished capacity commonly fight this even when they realize they need help making decisions and handling their affairs. Courts may order that the guardian consider and implement home services if possible, or that a reverse annuity mortgage or less restrictive protected placement be investigated. Judges can always order that there be no change in the living situation until there has been another court hearing to consider further information.
Guardianships are sometimes contested. If you wish to contest a guardianship, an experienced American Fork Utah family lawyer is your best friend. You can challenge a guardianship on many grounds. It may be that the person with diminished capacity does not want the guardianship or is concerned about particular actions the guardian might take. More likely, the issue is who should be the guardian. It is rare to have contesting parties acting only out of self-interest or only out of concern for the person with diminished capacity. Usually, both parties have mixed motives. When there are conflicts as to who should serve as guardian, the judge may ask each side to submit a written guardianship plan that outlines what they would do to assist the person with diminished capacity. This information can be very helpful to a judge, because the plans will reveal the intentions of the parties as well as their thoughtfulness and resourcefulness.
Always seek the assistance of an experienced American Fork Utah family lawyer when you are seeking the appointment of a guardian for your relative. It is important that you understand the process.
American Fork Utah Family Lawyer Free Consultation
When you need legal help with a family matter in American Fork Utah, please call Ascent Law LLC (801) 676-5506 for your Free Consultation. We can help you with Divorce. Child Support. Child Custody. Alimony. Legal Separation. Modification Of Child Custody Order. Modification Of Divorce Decree. Guardianships. Conservatorships. Adoptions. And Much More. We want to help you!
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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michaeljames1221 · 5 years
Family Lawyer American Fork Utah
Utah law has provisions for the appointment of guardians. When a Utah court appoints a guardian, then that person (the guardian) has the right and power to take decisions – personal, property and financial on behalf of the ward – the person whose is the subject matter of the guardianship. The Judge will consider the evidence before him and decide if a guardian should be appointed and what the rights of the guardian should be. The judge may impose restrictions on the powers of the guardian. Before you apply for the appointment of a guardian for your relative, speak to an experienced American Fork Utah family lawyer.
The earliest forms of guardianship, however, developed as a way to control the property of a person with mental disabilities, rather than to provide for care or protection.
Guardianship is an ancient legal device with roots stretching back to early Greece and the Roman Empire. Once an archaic “backwater” area of probate law and mental health, adult guardianship has over the past few years been brought to public scrutiny. The concept has evolved and matured with the “graying” of the population, increased numbers of persons with mental disabilities, and the rise of the civil rights movement.
Adult guardianship is a state, rather than a federal, function. All states have a general guardianship code. These laws have undergone significant change in the past two decades, with particular emphasis on procedural protections, the determination of capacity, limited guardianship, and court oversight.
The purpose of legal guardianship is to protect adults who are unable to make reasoned decisions, and, as a result, need help managing their affairs. Adults may be judged to lack capacity to manage if they are unable to provide for their basic necessities such as food, shelter, and clothing, putting them at risk of physical and/or financial harm. Adults, who have been adjudicated by a court of law to lack capacity, generally referred to as “wards,” may also be called “conservatees” “incapacitated persons,” or “protected persons.” The ward is relegated to the legal status of a minor child by being placed under “guardianship” and appointed a legal “guardian” who is authorized to act on his or her behalf.
Always seek the assistance of an experienced American Fork Utah family lawyer if you are seeking the appointment of a guardian for your close relative. Legal guardianship is initiated when a petitioner files a formal request for guardianship with the court, setting in motion a court hearing before a judge. The decision to file a petition may be triggered by a specific event, such as a health emergency, acute mental health problem, financial mismanagement, or the need for nursing home placement. The petitioner, who in many cases becomes the guardian, may be a family member or friend, a private agency, a private professional such as an attorney or accountant, or the public guardian.
Filing the petition sets in motion a court hearing before a judge that includes the petitioner and the respondent—the person who is being evaluated for guardianship— and if requested by the respondent, an attorney.
To get a guardian appointed, you must file an application or petition in the court. Seek the assistance of an experienced American Fork Utah family lawyer. The petition must be supported by evidence. After going through the evidence, the court will decide on whether or not to appoint a guardian. There are two procedures to initiate guardianship – voluntary and involuntary. In voluntary proceedings, the person is still competent but his capacities may be declining and so he chooses to file a petition seeking appointment of a guardian for him. In the case of an involuntary guardianship, the person is not competent and others such as his relatives or the state will file a petition seeking the appointment of a guardian for him.
Courtrooms can be intimidating for many reasons. The language of the law is not familiar, the physical layout of the courtroom may be unfamiliar, and the roles of the people working in the courtroom are mysterious. Judges make life-changing decisions that may not be expected or understood. In general, people do not spend time in courtrooms unless their lives have become complicated in ways they cannot control or resolve by themselves. Emotions can run high. While television programs that feature judges and courtroom proceedings have helped the public understand courts to some extent, there is still uncertainty.
The Family Law Courtroom
The court process can be intimidating if you do not know how it functions. Always use the services of an experienced American Fork Utah family lawyer. Most guardianship hearings are held in courtrooms. In rare circumstances, a judge may go to the place where the person is living. Courtrooms and courthouses are public buildings and must comply with the Americas with Disabilities Act in providing services, policies, practices, and procedures to make services accessible.
If you have never been to a court before, make sure you speak to your American Fork Utah family lawyer and understand how the court looks and functions. The judge sits at the front of the courtroom on a massive elevated desk that is called the bench. The judge wears a black robe, which designates her as the person who conducts the hearing or trial. The robe symbolizes the solemnity and objective detachment of the judicial role. The judge listens to the attorneys and people in each case, and makes certain that people have a chance to speak without being interrupted.
A witness stand or witness box is at one corner of the bench and the court clerk sits at the other corner. The witness box is usually elevated and has a microphone so that the witness can be clearly heard.
The court clerk announces the cases to the courtroom one by one so that the parties in each case know when their case is being considered, and they can come forward. The court clerk keeps track of the court files and any documents the attorneys may want to show the judge in the courtroom. The court clerk will also assist anyone who is part of the proceedings who needs an assistive hearing device. This generally must be arranged in advance.
The court reporter sits in front of the judge, or in some courts, at the other corner of the bench. The role of the court reporter is to record all that is said and done so there will be an accurate and written record of the proceedings, word for word. The reporter uses a coded machine and transcribes the notes into English at a later time. Some courts use tape recordings and some have video screens that allow the judge and possibly the participants to see the spoken words as the court reporter takes them down. This is called “real time” reporting.
There may be a podium in the middle of the courtroom. The attorneys will stand in front of the podium when speaking to the judge. Otherwise, they sit at one of the counsel tables and so do their clients. The question of who sits at which counsel table is determined by local custom or by who gets to the table first from the spectator section of the courtroom. The only people who sit at the counsel table are the attorneys and their clients. On rare occasions, a health or social service practitioner who is involved in a case may sit at the counsel table of the side he is supporting. It is more appropriate, however, to sit in the spectator section of the courtroom and be called as a witness if needed. The bailiff sits at the entrance of the front of the courtroom, just inside the bar railing. The bailiff calls the court to order when the judge takes the bench, at which time everyone in the courtroom is expected to stand briefly, out of respect for the role of the judge and the seriousness of the proceedings. The bailiff also keeps order in the courtroom. If people are talking or disturbing the proceedings in any way, the bailiff will ask them to be quiet. If they are actually being disruptive, the bailiff may ask them to step out of the courtroom. If they are belligerent or physically threatening, the bailiff may call backup bailiffs, and the person(s) may be escorted out of the courthouse. It is rarely necessary to make an arrest.
A railing called the bar separates the front of the courtroom from the seating provided for the attorneys and their clients who are waiting for their cases to be heard as well as for people who are spectators or who have come in support of friends or family members whose cases are being considered that day.
Family Law Judicial Decisions
The two major issues a judge must decide are if the person is capable of making decisions in keeping with his values and if not, if a guardianship or less restrictive option is appropriate to safeguard the person and his assets. If the judge decides a guardianship is appropriate, the next decision is who should serve as guardian and then, what powers should be given to the guardian. The judge in guardianship matters can be faced with highly conflicted situations in which it is difficult to determine the facts of the situation, the credibility of the parties, and the best interests of the person with diminished capacity. But in the end, it is the judge who must make these decisions. Jury trials are rare in guardianships cases in Utah.
You must provide evidence in support of the petition. Merely claiming that your relative requires a guardian will not suffice and your petition will be thrown out. Always speak to an experienced American Fork Utah family lawyer before you file the guardianship petition. The judge bases decisions on the evidence that is provided before the court hearing, the standard of proof that is required by Utah law, the statements of the parties at the time of hearing, and, ideally, the wishes of the person with diminished capacity. The same set of facts may result in different decisions by different judges, because of the vague definition of the term “clear and convincing,” the quality and quantity of the evidence that is provided by the attorney (s), the credibility of the parties, the skill of the attorneys, and the background of the judge.
Usually the judge will make the decision at the time of the hearing when the parties are present. One of the most common decisions will involve the living situation of the person with diminished capacity, specifically whether the person should be moved to a nursing home. Elders with diminished capacity commonly fight this even when they realize they need help making decisions and handling their affairs. Courts may order that the guardian consider and implement home services if possible, or that a reverse annuity mortgage or less restrictive protected placement be investigated. Judges can always order that there be no change in the living situation until there has been another court hearing to consider further information.
Guardianships are sometimes contested. If you wish to contest a guardianship, an experienced American Fork Utah family lawyer is your best friend. You can challenge a guardianship on many grounds. It may be that the person with diminished capacity does not want the guardianship or is concerned about particular actions the guardian might take. More likely, the issue is who should be the guardian. It is rare to have contesting parties acting only out of self-interest or only out of concern for the person with diminished capacity. Usually, both parties have mixed motives. When there are conflicts as to who should serve as guardian, the judge may ask each side to submit a written guardianship plan that outlines what they would do to assist the person with diminished capacity. This information can be very helpful to a judge, because the plans will reveal the intentions of the parties as well as their thoughtfulness and resourcefulness.
Always seek the assistance of an experienced American Fork Utah family lawyer when you are seeking the appointment of a guardian for your relative. It is important that you understand the process.
American Fork Utah Family Lawyer Free Consultation
When you need legal help with a family matter in American Fork Utah, please call Ascent Law LLC (801) 676-5506 for your Free Consultation. We can help you with Divorce. Child Support. Child Custody. Alimony. Legal Separation. Modification Of Child Custody Order. Modification Of Divorce Decree. Guardianships. Conservatorships. Adoptions. And Much More. We want to help you!
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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from Michael Anderson https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/family-lawyer-american-fork-utah/
from Criminal Defense Lawyer West Jordan Utah https://criminaldefenselawyerwestjordanutah.wordpress.com/2020/01/07/family-lawyer-american-fork-utah/
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asafeatherwould · 5 years
Family Lawyer American Fork Utah
Utah law has provisions for the appointment of guardians. When a Utah court appoints a guardian, then that person (the guardian) has the right and power to take decisions – personal, property and financial on behalf of the ward – the person whose is the subject matter of the guardianship. The Judge will consider the evidence before him and decide if a guardian should be appointed and what the rights of the guardian should be. The judge may impose restrictions on the powers of the guardian. Before you apply for the appointment of a guardian for your relative, speak to an experienced American Fork Utah family lawyer.
The earliest forms of guardianship, however, developed as a way to control the property of a person with mental disabilities, rather than to provide for care or protection.
Guardianship is an ancient legal device with roots stretching back to early Greece and the Roman Empire. Once an archaic “backwater” area of probate law and mental health, adult guardianship has over the past few years been brought to public scrutiny. The concept has evolved and matured with the “graying” of the population, increased numbers of persons with mental disabilities, and the rise of the civil rights movement.
Adult guardianship is a state, rather than a federal, function. All states have a general guardianship code. These laws have undergone significant change in the past two decades, with particular emphasis on procedural protections, the determination of capacity, limited guardianship, and court oversight.
The purpose of legal guardianship is to protect adults who are unable to make reasoned decisions, and, as a result, need help managing their affairs. Adults may be judged to lack capacity to manage if they are unable to provide for their basic necessities such as food, shelter, and clothing, putting them at risk of physical and/or financial harm. Adults, who have been adjudicated by a court of law to lack capacity, generally referred to as “wards,” may also be called “conservatees” “incapacitated persons,” or “protected persons.” The ward is relegated to the legal status of a minor child by being placed under “guardianship” and appointed a legal “guardian” who is authorized to act on his or her behalf.
Always seek the assistance of an experienced American Fork Utah family lawyer if you are seeking the appointment of a guardian for your close relative. Legal guardianship is initiated when a petitioner files a formal request for guardianship with the court, setting in motion a court hearing before a judge. The decision to file a petition may be triggered by a specific event, such as a health emergency, acute mental health problem, financial mismanagement, or the need for nursing home placement. The petitioner, who in many cases becomes the guardian, may be a family member or friend, a private agency, a private professional such as an attorney or accountant, or the public guardian.
Filing the petition sets in motion a court hearing before a judge that includes the petitioner and the respondent—the person who is being evaluated for guardianship— and if requested by the respondent, an attorney.
To get a guardian appointed, you must file an application or petition in the court. Seek the assistance of an experienced American Fork Utah family lawyer. The petition must be supported by evidence. After going through the evidence, the court will decide on whether or not to appoint a guardian. There are two procedures to initiate guardianship – voluntary and involuntary. In voluntary proceedings, the person is still competent but his capacities may be declining and so he chooses to file a petition seeking appointment of a guardian for him. In the case of an involuntary guardianship, the person is not competent and others such as his relatives or the state will file a petition seeking the appointment of a guardian for him.
Courtrooms can be intimidating for many reasons. The language of the law is not familiar, the physical layout of the courtroom may be unfamiliar, and the roles of the people working in the courtroom are mysterious. Judges make life-changing decisions that may not be expected or understood. In general, people do not spend time in courtrooms unless their lives have become complicated in ways they cannot control or resolve by themselves. Emotions can run high. While television programs that feature judges and courtroom proceedings have helped the public understand courts to some extent, there is still uncertainty.
The Family Law Courtroom
The court process can be intimidating if you do not know how it functions. Always use the services of an experienced American Fork Utah family lawyer. Most guardianship hearings are held in courtrooms. In rare circumstances, a judge may go to the place where the person is living. Courtrooms and courthouses are public buildings and must comply with the Americas with Disabilities Act in providing services, policies, practices, and procedures to make services accessible.
If you have never been to a court before, make sure you speak to your American Fork Utah family lawyer and understand how the court looks and functions. The judge sits at the front of the courtroom on a massive elevated desk that is called the bench. The judge wears a black robe, which designates her as the person who conducts the hearing or trial. The robe symbolizes the solemnity and objective detachment of the judicial role. The judge listens to the attorneys and people in each case, and makes certain that people have a chance to speak without being interrupted.
A witness stand or witness box is at one corner of the bench and the court clerk sits at the other corner. The witness box is usually elevated and has a microphone so that the witness can be clearly heard.
The court clerk announces the cases to the courtroom one by one so that the parties in each case know when their case is being considered, and they can come forward. The court clerk keeps track of the court files and any documents the attorneys may want to show the judge in the courtroom. The court clerk will also assist anyone who is part of the proceedings who needs an assistive hearing device. This generally must be arranged in advance.
The court reporter sits in front of the judge, or in some courts, at the other corner of the bench. The role of the court reporter is to record all that is said and done so there will be an accurate and written record of the proceedings, word for word. The reporter uses a coded machine and transcribes the notes into English at a later time. Some courts use tape recordings and some have video screens that allow the judge and possibly the participants to see the spoken words as the court reporter takes them down. This is called “real time” reporting.
There may be a podium in the middle of the courtroom. The attorneys will stand in front of the podium when speaking to the judge. Otherwise, they sit at one of the counsel tables and so do their clients. The question of who sits at which counsel table is determined by local custom or by who gets to the table first from the spectator section of the courtroom. The only people who sit at the counsel table are the attorneys and their clients. On rare occasions, a health or social service practitioner who is involved in a case may sit at the counsel table of the side he is supporting. It is more appropriate, however, to sit in the spectator section of the courtroom and be called as a witness if needed. The bailiff sits at the entrance of the front of the courtroom, just inside the bar railing. The bailiff calls the court to order when the judge takes the bench, at which time everyone in the courtroom is expected to stand briefly, out of respect for the role of the judge and the seriousness of the proceedings. The bailiff also keeps order in the courtroom. If people are talking or disturbing the proceedings in any way, the bailiff will ask them to be quiet. If they are actually being disruptive, the bailiff may ask them to step out of the courtroom. If they are belligerent or physically threatening, the bailiff may call backup bailiffs, and the person(s) may be escorted out of the courthouse. It is rarely necessary to make an arrest.
A railing called the bar separates the front of the courtroom from the seating provided for the attorneys and their clients who are waiting for their cases to be heard as well as for people who are spectators or who have come in support of friends or family members whose cases are being considered that day.
Family Law Judicial Decisions
The two major issues a judge must decide are if the person is capable of making decisions in keeping with his values and if not, if a guardianship or less restrictive option is appropriate to safeguard the person and his assets. If the judge decides a guardianship is appropriate, the next decision is who should serve as guardian and then, what powers should be given to the guardian. The judge in guardianship matters can be faced with highly conflicted situations in which it is difficult to determine the facts of the situation, the credibility of the parties, and the best interests of the person with diminished capacity. But in the end, it is the judge who must make these decisions. Jury trials are rare in guardianships cases in Utah.
You must provide evidence in support of the petition. Merely claiming that your relative requires a guardian will not suffice and your petition will be thrown out. Always speak to an experienced American Fork Utah family lawyer before you file the guardianship petition. The judge bases decisions on the evidence that is provided before the court hearing, the standard of proof that is required by Utah law, the statements of the parties at the time of hearing, and, ideally, the wishes of the person with diminished capacity. The same set of facts may result in different decisions by different judges, because of the vague definition of the term “clear and convincing,” the quality and quantity of the evidence that is provided by the attorney (s), the credibility of the parties, the skill of the attorneys, and the background of the judge.
Usually the judge will make the decision at the time of the hearing when the parties are present. One of the most common decisions will involve the living situation of the person with diminished capacity, specifically whether the person should be moved to a nursing home. Elders with diminished capacity commonly fight this even when they realize they need help making decisions and handling their affairs. Courts may order that the guardian consider and implement home services if possible, or that a reverse annuity mortgage or less restrictive protected placement be investigated. Judges can always order that there be no change in the living situation until there has been another court hearing to consider further information.
Guardianships are sometimes contested. If you wish to contest a guardianship, an experienced American Fork Utah family lawyer is your best friend. You can challenge a guardianship on many grounds. It may be that the person with diminished capacity does not want the guardianship or is concerned about particular actions the guardian might take. More likely, the issue is who should be the guardian. It is rare to have contesting parties acting only out of self-interest or only out of concern for the person with diminished capacity. Usually, both parties have mixed motives. When there are conflicts as to who should serve as guardian, the judge may ask each side to submit a written guardianship plan that outlines what they would do to assist the person with diminished capacity. This information can be very helpful to a judge, because the plans will reveal the intentions of the parties as well as their thoughtfulness and resourcefulness.
Always seek the assistance of an experienced American Fork Utah family lawyer when you are seeking the appointment of a guardian for your relative. It is important that you understand the process.
American Fork Utah Family Lawyer Free Consultation
When you need legal help with a family matter in American Fork Utah, please call Ascent Law LLC (801) 676-5506 for your Free Consultation. We can help you with Divorce. Child Support. Child Custody. Alimony. Legal Separation. Modification Of Child Custody Order. Modification Of Divorce Decree. Guardianships. Conservatorships. Adoptions. And Much More. We want to help you!
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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Source: https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/family-lawyer-american-fork-utah/
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coming-from-hell · 5 years
Family Lawyer American Fork Utah
Utah law has provisions for the appointment of guardians. When a Utah court appoints a guardian, then that person (the guardian) has the right and power to take decisions – personal, property and financial on behalf of the ward – the person whose is the subject matter of the guardianship. The Judge will consider the evidence before him and decide if a guardian should be appointed and what the rights of the guardian should be. The judge may impose restrictions on the powers of the guardian. Before you apply for the appointment of a guardian for your relative, speak to an experienced American Fork Utah family lawyer.
The earliest forms of guardianship, however, developed as a way to control the property of a person with mental disabilities, rather than to provide for care or protection.
Guardianship is an ancient legal device with roots stretching back to early Greece and the Roman Empire. Once an archaic “backwater” area of probate law and mental health, adult guardianship has over the past few years been brought to public scrutiny. The concept has evolved and matured with the “graying” of the population, increased numbers of persons with mental disabilities, and the rise of the civil rights movement.
Adult guardianship is a state, rather than a federal, function. All states have a general guardianship code. These laws have undergone significant change in the past two decades, with particular emphasis on procedural protections, the determination of capacity, limited guardianship, and court oversight.
The purpose of legal guardianship is to protect adults who are unable to make reasoned decisions, and, as a result, need help managing their affairs. Adults may be judged to lack capacity to manage if they are unable to provide for their basic necessities such as food, shelter, and clothing, putting them at risk of physical and/or financial harm. Adults, who have been adjudicated by a court of law to lack capacity, generally referred to as “wards,” may also be called “conservatees” “incapacitated persons,” or “protected persons.” The ward is relegated to the legal status of a minor child by being placed under “guardianship” and appointed a legal “guardian” who is authorized to act on his or her behalf.
Always seek the assistance of an experienced American Fork Utah family lawyer if you are seeking the appointment of a guardian for your close relative. Legal guardianship is initiated when a petitioner files a formal request for guardianship with the court, setting in motion a court hearing before a judge. The decision to file a petition may be triggered by a specific event, such as a health emergency, acute mental health problem, financial mismanagement, or the need for nursing home placement. The petitioner, who in many cases becomes the guardian, may be a family member or friend, a private agency, a private professional such as an attorney or accountant, or the public guardian.
Filing the petition sets in motion a court hearing before a judge that includes the petitioner and the respondent—the person who is being evaluated for guardianship— and if requested by the respondent, an attorney.
To get a guardian appointed, you must file an application or petition in the court. Seek the assistance of an experienced American Fork Utah family lawyer. The petition must be supported by evidence. After going through the evidence, the court will decide on whether or not to appoint a guardian. There are two procedures to initiate guardianship – voluntary and involuntary. In voluntary proceedings, the person is still competent but his capacities may be declining and so he chooses to file a petition seeking appointment of a guardian for him. In the case of an involuntary guardianship, the person is not competent and others such as his relatives or the state will file a petition seeking the appointment of a guardian for him.
Courtrooms can be intimidating for many reasons. The language of the law is not familiar, the physical layout of the courtroom may be unfamiliar, and the roles of the people working in the courtroom are mysterious. Judges make life-changing decisions that may not be expected or understood. In general, people do not spend time in courtrooms unless their lives have become complicated in ways they cannot control or resolve by themselves. Emotions can run high. While television programs that feature judges and courtroom proceedings have helped the public understand courts to some extent, there is still uncertainty.
The Family Law Courtroom
The court process can be intimidating if you do not know how it functions. Always use the services of an experienced American Fork Utah family lawyer. Most guardianship hearings are held in courtrooms. In rare circumstances, a judge may go to the place where the person is living. Courtrooms and courthouses are public buildings and must comply with the Americas with Disabilities Act in providing services, policies, practices, and procedures to make services accessible.
If you have never been to a court before, make sure you speak to your American Fork Utah family lawyer and understand how the court looks and functions. The judge sits at the front of the courtroom on a massive elevated desk that is called the bench. The judge wears a black robe, which designates her as the person who conducts the hearing or trial. The robe symbolizes the solemnity and objective detachment of the judicial role. The judge listens to the attorneys and people in each case, and makes certain that people have a chance to speak without being interrupted.
A witness stand or witness box is at one corner of the bench and the court clerk sits at the other corner. The witness box is usually elevated and has a microphone so that the witness can be clearly heard.
The court clerk announces the cases to the courtroom one by one so that the parties in each case know when their case is being considered, and they can come forward. The court clerk keeps track of the court files and any documents the attorneys may want to show the judge in the courtroom. The court clerk will also assist anyone who is part of the proceedings who needs an assistive hearing device. This generally must be arranged in advance.
The court reporter sits in front of the judge, or in some courts, at the other corner of the bench. The role of the court reporter is to record all that is said and done so there will be an accurate and written record of the proceedings, word for word. The reporter uses a coded machine and transcribes the notes into English at a later time. Some courts use tape recordings and some have video screens that allow the judge and possibly the participants to see the spoken words as the court reporter takes them down. This is called “real time” reporting.
There may be a podium in the middle of the courtroom. The attorneys will stand in front of the podium when speaking to the judge. Otherwise, they sit at one of the counsel tables and so do their clients. The question of who sits at which counsel table is determined by local custom or by who gets to the table first from the spectator section of the courtroom. The only people who sit at the counsel table are the attorneys and their clients. On rare occasions, a health or social service practitioner who is involved in a case may sit at the counsel table of the side he is supporting. It is more appropriate, however, to sit in the spectator section of the courtroom and be called as a witness if needed. The bailiff sits at the entrance of the front of the courtroom, just inside the bar railing. The bailiff calls the court to order when the judge takes the bench, at which time everyone in the courtroom is expected to stand briefly, out of respect for the role of the judge and the seriousness of the proceedings. The bailiff also keeps order in the courtroom. If people are talking or disturbing the proceedings in any way, the bailiff will ask them to be quiet. If they are actually being disruptive, the bailiff may ask them to step out of the courtroom. If they are belligerent or physically threatening, the bailiff may call backup bailiffs, and the person(s) may be escorted out of the courthouse. It is rarely necessary to make an arrest.
A railing called the bar separates the front of the courtroom from the seating provided for the attorneys and their clients who are waiting for their cases to be heard as well as for people who are spectators or who have come in support of friends or family members whose cases are being considered that day.
Family Law Judicial Decisions
The two major issues a judge must decide are if the person is capable of making decisions in keeping with his values and if not, if a guardianship or less restrictive option is appropriate to safeguard the person and his assets. If the judge decides a guardianship is appropriate, the next decision is who should serve as guardian and then, what powers should be given to the guardian. The judge in guardianship matters can be faced with highly conflicted situations in which it is difficult to determine the facts of the situation, the credibility of the parties, and the best interests of the person with diminished capacity. But in the end, it is the judge who must make these decisions. Jury trials are rare in guardianships cases in Utah.
You must provide evidence in support of the petition. Merely claiming that your relative requires a guardian will not suffice and your petition will be thrown out. Always speak to an experienced American Fork Utah family lawyer before you file the guardianship petition. The judge bases decisions on the evidence that is provided before the court hearing, the standard of proof that is required by Utah law, the statements of the parties at the time of hearing, and, ideally, the wishes of the person with diminished capacity. The same set of facts may result in different decisions by different judges, because of the vague definition of the term “clear and convincing,” the quality and quantity of the evidence that is provided by the attorney (s), the credibility of the parties, the skill of the attorneys, and the background of the judge.
Usually the judge will make the decision at the time of the hearing when the parties are present. One of the most common decisions will involve the living situation of the person with diminished capacity, specifically whether the person should be moved to a nursing home. Elders with diminished capacity commonly fight this even when they realize they need help making decisions and handling their affairs. Courts may order that the guardian consider and implement home services if possible, or that a reverse annuity mortgage or less restrictive protected placement be investigated. Judges can always order that there be no change in the living situation until there has been another court hearing to consider further information.
Guardianships are sometimes contested. If you wish to contest a guardianship, an experienced American Fork Utah family lawyer is your best friend. You can challenge a guardianship on many grounds. It may be that the person with diminished capacity does not want the guardianship or is concerned about particular actions the guardian might take. More likely, the issue is who should be the guardian. It is rare to have contesting parties acting only out of self-interest or only out of concern for the person with diminished capacity. Usually, both parties have mixed motives. When there are conflicts as to who should serve as guardian, the judge may ask each side to submit a written guardianship plan that outlines what they would do to assist the person with diminished capacity. This information can be very helpful to a judge, because the plans will reveal the intentions of the parties as well as their thoughtfulness and resourcefulness.
Always seek the assistance of an experienced American Fork Utah family lawyer when you are seeking the appointment of a guardian for your relative. It is important that you understand the process.
American Fork Utah Family Lawyer Free Consultation
When you need legal help with a family matter in American Fork Utah, please call Ascent Law LLC (801) 676-5506 for your Free Consultation. We can help you with Divorce. Child Support. Child Custody. Alimony. Legal Separation. Modification Of Child Custody Order. Modification Of Divorce Decree. Guardianships. Conservatorships. Adoptions. And Much More. We want to help you!
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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Source: https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/family-lawyer-american-fork-utah/
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melissawalker01 · 5 years
Family Lawyer American Fork Utah
Utah law has provisions for the appointment of guardians. When a Utah court appoints a guardian, then that person (the guardian) has the right and power to take decisions – personal, property and financial on behalf of the ward – the person whose is the subject matter of the guardianship. The Judge will consider the evidence before him and decide if a guardian should be appointed and what the rights of the guardian should be. The judge may impose restrictions on the powers of the guardian. Before you apply for the appointment of a guardian for your relative, speak to an experienced American Fork Utah family lawyer.
The earliest forms of guardianship, however, developed as a way to control the property of a person with mental disabilities, rather than to provide for care or protection.
Guardianship is an ancient legal device with roots stretching back to early Greece and the Roman Empire. Once an archaic “backwater” area of probate law and mental health, adult guardianship has over the past few years been brought to public scrutiny. The concept has evolved and matured with the “graying” of the population, increased numbers of persons with mental disabilities, and the rise of the civil rights movement.
Adult guardianship is a state, rather than a federal, function. All states have a general guardianship code. These laws have undergone significant change in the past two decades, with particular emphasis on procedural protections, the determination of capacity, limited guardianship, and court oversight.
The purpose of legal guardianship is to protect adults who are unable to make reasoned decisions, and, as a result, need help managing their affairs. Adults may be judged to lack capacity to manage if they are unable to provide for their basic necessities such as food, shelter, and clothing, putting them at risk of physical and/or financial harm. Adults, who have been adjudicated by a court of law to lack capacity, generally referred to as “wards,” may also be called “conservatees” “incapacitated persons,” or “protected persons.” The ward is relegated to the legal status of a minor child by being placed under “guardianship” and appointed a legal “guardian” who is authorized to act on his or her behalf.
Always seek the assistance of an experienced American Fork Utah family lawyer if you are seeking the appointment of a guardian for your close relative. Legal guardianship is initiated when a petitioner files a formal request for guardianship with the court, setting in motion a court hearing before a judge. The decision to file a petition may be triggered by a specific event, such as a health emergency, acute mental health problem, financial mismanagement, or the need for nursing home placement. The petitioner, who in many cases becomes the guardian, may be a family member or friend, a private agency, a private professional such as an attorney or accountant, or the public guardian.
Filing the petition sets in motion a court hearing before a judge that includes the petitioner and the respondent—the person who is being evaluated for guardianship— and if requested by the respondent, an attorney.
To get a guardian appointed, you must file an application or petition in the court. Seek the assistance of an experienced American Fork Utah family lawyer. The petition must be supported by evidence. After going through the evidence, the court will decide on whether or not to appoint a guardian. There are two procedures to initiate guardianship – voluntary and involuntary. In voluntary proceedings, the person is still competent but his capacities may be declining and so he chooses to file a petition seeking appointment of a guardian for him. In the case of an involuntary guardianship, the person is not competent and others such as his relatives or the state will file a petition seeking the appointment of a guardian for him.
Courtrooms can be intimidating for many reasons. The language of the law is not familiar, the physical layout of the courtroom may be unfamiliar, and the roles of the people working in the courtroom are mysterious. Judges make life-changing decisions that may not be expected or understood. In general, people do not spend time in courtrooms unless their lives have become complicated in ways they cannot control or resolve by themselves. Emotions can run high. While television programs that feature judges and courtroom proceedings have helped the public understand courts to some extent, there is still uncertainty.
The Family Law Courtroom
The court process can be intimidating if you do not know how it functions. Always use the services of an experienced American Fork Utah family lawyer. Most guardianship hearings are held in courtrooms. In rare circumstances, a judge may go to the place where the person is living. Courtrooms and courthouses are public buildings and must comply with the Americas with Disabilities Act in providing services, policies, practices, and procedures to make services accessible.
If you have never been to a court before, make sure you speak to your American Fork Utah family lawyer and understand how the court looks and functions. The judge sits at the front of the courtroom on a massive elevated desk that is called the bench. The judge wears a black robe, which designates her as the person who conducts the hearing or trial. The robe symbolizes the solemnity and objective detachment of the judicial role. The judge listens to the attorneys and people in each case, and makes certain that people have a chance to speak without being interrupted.
A witness stand or witness box is at one corner of the bench and the court clerk sits at the other corner. The witness box is usually elevated and has a microphone so that the witness can be clearly heard.
The court clerk announces the cases to the courtroom one by one so that the parties in each case know when their case is being considered, and they can come forward. The court clerk keeps track of the court files and any documents the attorneys may want to show the judge in the courtroom. The court clerk will also assist anyone who is part of the proceedings who needs an assistive hearing device. This generally must be arranged in advance.
The court reporter sits in front of the judge, or in some courts, at the other corner of the bench. The role of the court reporter is to record all that is said and done so there will be an accurate and written record of the proceedings, word for word. The reporter uses a coded machine and transcribes the notes into English at a later time. Some courts use tape recordings and some have video screens that allow the judge and possibly the participants to see the spoken words as the court reporter takes them down. This is called “real time” reporting.
There may be a podium in the middle of the courtroom. The attorneys will stand in front of the podium when speaking to the judge. Otherwise, they sit at one of the counsel tables and so do their clients. The question of who sits at which counsel table is determined by local custom or by who gets to the table first from the spectator section of the courtroom. The only people who sit at the counsel table are the attorneys and their clients. On rare occasions, a health or social service practitioner who is involved in a case may sit at the counsel table of the side he is supporting. It is more appropriate, however, to sit in the spectator section of the courtroom and be called as a witness if needed. The bailiff sits at the entrance of the front of the courtroom, just inside the bar railing. The bailiff calls the court to order when the judge takes the bench, at which time everyone in the courtroom is expected to stand briefly, out of respect for the role of the judge and the seriousness of the proceedings. The bailiff also keeps order in the courtroom. If people are talking or disturbing the proceedings in any way, the bailiff will ask them to be quiet. If they are actually being disruptive, the bailiff may ask them to step out of the courtroom. If they are belligerent or physically threatening, the bailiff may call backup bailiffs, and the person(s) may be escorted out of the courthouse. It is rarely necessary to make an arrest.
A railing called the bar separates the front of the courtroom from the seating provided for the attorneys and their clients who are waiting for their cases to be heard as well as for people who are spectators or who have come in support of friends or family members whose cases are being considered that day.
Family Law Judicial Decisions
The two major issues a judge must decide are if the person is capable of making decisions in keeping with his values and if not, if a guardianship or less restrictive option is appropriate to safeguard the person and his assets. If the judge decides a guardianship is appropriate, the next decision is who should serve as guardian and then, what powers should be given to the guardian. The judge in guardianship matters can be faced with highly conflicted situations in which it is difficult to determine the facts of the situation, the credibility of the parties, and the best interests of the person with diminished capacity. But in the end, it is the judge who must make these decisions. Jury trials are rare in guardianships cases in Utah.
You must provide evidence in support of the petition. Merely claiming that your relative requires a guardian will not suffice and your petition will be thrown out. Always speak to an experienced American Fork Utah family lawyer before you file the guardianship petition. The judge bases decisions on the evidence that is provided before the court hearing, the standard of proof that is required by Utah law, the statements of the parties at the time of hearing, and, ideally, the wishes of the person with diminished capacity. The same set of facts may result in different decisions by different judges, because of the vague definition of the term “clear and convincing,” the quality and quantity of the evidence that is provided by the attorney (s), the credibility of the parties, the skill of the attorneys, and the background of the judge.
Usually the judge will make the decision at the time of the hearing when the parties are present. One of the most common decisions will involve the living situation of the person with diminished capacity, specifically whether the person should be moved to a nursing home. Elders with diminished capacity commonly fight this even when they realize they need help making decisions and handling their affairs. Courts may order that the guardian consider and implement home services if possible, or that a reverse annuity mortgage or less restrictive protected placement be investigated. Judges can always order that there be no change in the living situation until there has been another court hearing to consider further information.
Guardianships are sometimes contested. If you wish to contest a guardianship, an experienced American Fork Utah family lawyer is your best friend. You can challenge a guardianship on many grounds. It may be that the person with diminished capacity does not want the guardianship or is concerned about particular actions the guardian might take. More likely, the issue is who should be the guardian. It is rare to have contesting parties acting only out of self-interest or only out of concern for the person with diminished capacity. Usually, both parties have mixed motives. When there are conflicts as to who should serve as guardian, the judge may ask each side to submit a written guardianship plan that outlines what they would do to assist the person with diminished capacity. This information can be very helpful to a judge, because the plans will reveal the intentions of the parties as well as their thoughtfulness and resourcefulness.
Always seek the assistance of an experienced American Fork Utah family lawyer when you are seeking the appointment of a guardian for your relative. It is important that you understand the process.
American Fork Utah Family Lawyer Free Consultation
When you need legal help with a family matter in American Fork Utah, please call Ascent Law LLC (801) 676-5506 for your Free Consultation. We can help you with Divorce. Child Support. Child Custody. Alimony. Legal Separation. Modification Of Child Custody Order. Modification Of Divorce Decree. Guardianships. Conservatorships. Adoptions. And Much More. We want to help you!
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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from Michael Anderson https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/family-lawyer-american-fork-utah/ from Divorce Lawyer Nelson Farms Utah https://divorcelawyernelsonfarmsutah.tumblr.com/post/190118805885
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advertphoto · 5 years
Family Lawyer American Fork Utah
Utah law has provisions for the appointment of guardians. When a Utah court appoints a guardian, then that person (the guardian) has the right and power to take decisions – personal, property and financial on behalf of the ward – the person whose is the subject matter of the guardianship. The Judge will consider the evidence before him and decide if a guardian should be appointed and what the rights of the guardian should be. The judge may impose restrictions on the powers of the guardian. Before you apply for the appointment of a guardian for your relative, speak to an experienced American Fork Utah family lawyer.
The earliest forms of guardianship, however, developed as a way to control the property of a person with mental disabilities, rather than to provide for care or protection.
Guardianship is an ancient legal device with roots stretching back to early Greece and the Roman Empire. Once an archaic “backwater” area of probate law and mental health, adult guardianship has over the past few years been brought to public scrutiny. The concept has evolved and matured with the “graying” of the population, increased numbers of persons with mental disabilities, and the rise of the civil rights movement.
Adult guardianship is a state, rather than a federal, function. All states have a general guardianship code. These laws have undergone significant change in the past two decades, with particular emphasis on procedural protections, the determination of capacity, limited guardianship, and court oversight.
The purpose of legal guardianship is to protect adults who are unable to make reasoned decisions, and, as a result, need help managing their affairs. Adults may be judged to lack capacity to manage if they are unable to provide for their basic necessities such as food, shelter, and clothing, putting them at risk of physical and/or financial harm. Adults, who have been adjudicated by a court of law to lack capacity, generally referred to as “wards,” may also be called “conservatees” “incapacitated persons,” or “protected persons.” The ward is relegated to the legal status of a minor child by being placed under “guardianship” and appointed a legal “guardian” who is authorized to act on his or her behalf.
Always seek the assistance of an experienced American Fork Utah family lawyer if you are seeking the appointment of a guardian for your close relative. Legal guardianship is initiated when a petitioner files a formal request for guardianship with the court, setting in motion a court hearing before a judge. The decision to file a petition may be triggered by a specific event, such as a health emergency, acute mental health problem, financial mismanagement, or the need for nursing home placement. The petitioner, who in many cases becomes the guardian, may be a family member or friend, a private agency, a private professional such as an attorney or accountant, or the public guardian.
Filing the petition sets in motion a court hearing before a judge that includes the petitioner and the respondent—the person who is being evaluated for guardianship— and if requested by the respondent, an attorney.
To get a guardian appointed, you must file an application or petition in the court. Seek the assistance of an experienced American Fork Utah family lawyer. The petition must be supported by evidence. After going through the evidence, the court will decide on whether or not to appoint a guardian. There are two procedures to initiate guardianship – voluntary and involuntary. In voluntary proceedings, the person is still competent but his capacities may be declining and so he chooses to file a petition seeking appointment of a guardian for him. In the case of an involuntary guardianship, the person is not competent and others such as his relatives or the state will file a petition seeking the appointment of a guardian for him.
Courtrooms can be intimidating for many reasons. The language of the law is not familiar, the physical layout of the courtroom may be unfamiliar, and the roles of the people working in the courtroom are mysterious. Judges make life-changing decisions that may not be expected or understood. In general, people do not spend time in courtrooms unless their lives have become complicated in ways they cannot control or resolve by themselves. Emotions can run high. While television programs that feature judges and courtroom proceedings have helped the public understand courts to some extent, there is still uncertainty.
The Family Law Courtroom
The court process can be intimidating if you do not know how it functions. Always use the services of an experienced American Fork Utah family lawyer. Most guardianship hearings are held in courtrooms. In rare circumstances, a judge may go to the place where the person is living. Courtrooms and courthouses are public buildings and must comply with the Americas with Disabilities Act in providing services, policies, practices, and procedures to make services accessible.
If you have never been to a court before, make sure you speak to your American Fork Utah family lawyer and understand how the court looks and functions. The judge sits at the front of the courtroom on a massive elevated desk that is called the bench. The judge wears a black robe, which designates her as the person who conducts the hearing or trial. The robe symbolizes the solemnity and objective detachment of the judicial role. The judge listens to the attorneys and people in each case, and makes certain that people have a chance to speak without being interrupted.
A witness stand or witness box is at one corner of the bench and the court clerk sits at the other corner. The witness box is usually elevated and has a microphone so that the witness can be clearly heard.
The court clerk announces the cases to the courtroom one by one so that the parties in each case know when their case is being considered, and they can come forward. The court clerk keeps track of the court files and any documents the attorneys may want to show the judge in the courtroom. The court clerk will also assist anyone who is part of the proceedings who needs an assistive hearing device. This generally must be arranged in advance.
The court reporter sits in front of the judge, or in some courts, at the other corner of the bench. The role of the court reporter is to record all that is said and done so there will be an accurate and written record of the proceedings, word for word. The reporter uses a coded machine and transcribes the notes into English at a later time. Some courts use tape recordings and some have video screens that allow the judge and possibly the participants to see the spoken words as the court reporter takes them down. This is called “real time” reporting.
There may be a podium in the middle of the courtroom. The attorneys will stand in front of the podium when speaking to the judge. Otherwise, they sit at one of the counsel tables and so do their clients. The question of who sits at which counsel table is determined by local custom or by who gets to the table first from the spectator section of the courtroom. The only people who sit at the counsel table are the attorneys and their clients. On rare occasions, a health or social service practitioner who is involved in a case may sit at the counsel table of the side he is supporting. It is more appropriate, however, to sit in the spectator section of the courtroom and be called as a witness if needed. The bailiff sits at the entrance of the front of the courtroom, just inside the bar railing. The bailiff calls the court to order when the judge takes the bench, at which time everyone in the courtroom is expected to stand briefly, out of respect for the role of the judge and the seriousness of the proceedings. The bailiff also keeps order in the courtroom. If people are talking or disturbing the proceedings in any way, the bailiff will ask them to be quiet. If they are actually being disruptive, the bailiff may ask them to step out of the courtroom. If they are belligerent or physically threatening, the bailiff may call backup bailiffs, and the person(s) may be escorted out of the courthouse. It is rarely necessary to make an arrest.
A railing called the bar separates the front of the courtroom from the seating provided for the attorneys and their clients who are waiting for their cases to be heard as well as for people who are spectators or who have come in support of friends or family members whose cases are being considered that day.
Family Law Judicial Decisions
The two major issues a judge must decide are if the person is capable of making decisions in keeping with his values and if not, if a guardianship or less restrictive option is appropriate to safeguard the person and his assets. If the judge decides a guardianship is appropriate, the next decision is who should serve as guardian and then, what powers should be given to the guardian. The judge in guardianship matters can be faced with highly conflicted situations in which it is difficult to determine the facts of the situation, the credibility of the parties, and the best interests of the person with diminished capacity. But in the end, it is the judge who must make these decisions. Jury trials are rare in guardianships cases in Utah.
You must provide evidence in support of the petition. Merely claiming that your relative requires a guardian will not suffice and your petition will be thrown out. Always speak to an experienced American Fork Utah family lawyer before you file the guardianship petition. The judge bases decisions on the evidence that is provided before the court hearing, the standard of proof that is required by Utah law, the statements of the parties at the time of hearing, and, ideally, the wishes of the person with diminished capacity. The same set of facts may result in different decisions by different judges, because of the vague definition of the term “clear and convincing,” the quality and quantity of the evidence that is provided by the attorney (s), the credibility of the parties, the skill of the attorneys, and the background of the judge.
Usually the judge will make the decision at the time of the hearing when the parties are present. One of the most common decisions will involve the living situation of the person with diminished capacity, specifically whether the person should be moved to a nursing home. Elders with diminished capacity commonly fight this even when they realize they need help making decisions and handling their affairs. Courts may order that the guardian consider and implement home services if possible, or that a reverse annuity mortgage or less restrictive protected placement be investigated. Judges can always order that there be no change in the living situation until there has been another court hearing to consider further information.
Guardianships are sometimes contested. If you wish to contest a guardianship, an experienced American Fork Utah family lawyer is your best friend. You can challenge a guardianship on many grounds. It may be that the person with diminished capacity does not want the guardianship or is concerned about particular actions the guardian might take. More likely, the issue is who should be the guardian. It is rare to have contesting parties acting only out of self-interest or only out of concern for the person with diminished capacity. Usually, both parties have mixed motives. When there are conflicts as to who should serve as guardian, the judge may ask each side to submit a written guardianship plan that outlines what they would do to assist the person with diminished capacity. This information can be very helpful to a judge, because the plans will reveal the intentions of the parties as well as their thoughtfulness and resourcefulness.
Always seek the assistance of an experienced American Fork Utah family lawyer when you are seeking the appointment of a guardian for your relative. It is important that you understand the process.
American Fork Utah Family Lawyer Free Consultation
When you need legal help with a family matter in American Fork Utah, please call Ascent Law LLC (801) 676-5506 for your Free Consultation. We can help you with Divorce. Child Support. Child Custody. Alimony. Legal Separation. Modification Of Child Custody Order. Modification Of Divorce Decree. Guardianships. Conservatorships. Adoptions. And Much More. We want to help you!
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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Source: https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/family-lawyer-american-fork-utah/
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Family Lawyer American Fork Utah
Utah law has provisions for the appointment of guardians. When a Utah court appoints a guardian, then that person (the guardian) has the right and power to take decisions – personal, property and financial on behalf of the ward – the person whose is the subject matter of the guardianship. The Judge will consider the evidence before him and decide if a guardian should be appointed and what the rights of the guardian should be. The judge may impose restrictions on the powers of the guardian. Before you apply for the appointment of a guardian for your relative, speak to an experienced American Fork Utah family lawyer.
The earliest forms of guardianship, however, developed as a way to control the property of a person with mental disabilities, rather than to provide for care or protection.
Guardianship is an ancient legal device with roots stretching back to early Greece and the Roman Empire. Once an archaic “backwater” area of probate law and mental health, adult guardianship has over the past few years been brought to public scrutiny. The concept has evolved and matured with the “graying” of the population, increased numbers of persons with mental disabilities, and the rise of the civil rights movement.
Adult guardianship is a state, rather than a federal, function. All states have a general guardianship code. These laws have undergone significant change in the past two decades, with particular emphasis on procedural protections, the determination of capacity, limited guardianship, and court oversight.
The purpose of legal guardianship is to protect adults who are unable to make reasoned decisions, and, as a result, need help managing their affairs. Adults may be judged to lack capacity to manage if they are unable to provide for their basic necessities such as food, shelter, and clothing, putting them at risk of physical and/or financial harm. Adults, who have been adjudicated by a court of law to lack capacity, generally referred to as “wards,” may also be called “conservatees” “incapacitated persons,” or “protected persons.” The ward is relegated to the legal status of a minor child by being placed under “guardianship” and appointed a legal “guardian” who is authorized to act on his or her behalf.
Always seek the assistance of an experienced American Fork Utah family lawyer if you are seeking the appointment of a guardian for your close relative. Legal guardianship is initiated when a petitioner files a formal request for guardianship with the court, setting in motion a court hearing before a judge. The decision to file a petition may be triggered by a specific event, such as a health emergency, acute mental health problem, financial mismanagement, or the need for nursing home placement. The petitioner, who in many cases becomes the guardian, may be a family member or friend, a private agency, a private professional such as an attorney or accountant, or the public guardian.
Filing the petition sets in motion a court hearing before a judge that includes the petitioner and the respondent—the person who is being evaluated for guardianship— and if requested by the respondent, an attorney.
To get a guardian appointed, you must file an application or petition in the court. Seek the assistance of an experienced American Fork Utah family lawyer. The petition must be supported by evidence. After going through the evidence, the court will decide on whether or not to appoint a guardian. There are two procedures to initiate guardianship – voluntary and involuntary. In voluntary proceedings, the person is still competent but his capacities may be declining and so he chooses to file a petition seeking appointment of a guardian for him. In the case of an involuntary guardianship, the person is not competent and others such as his relatives or the state will file a petition seeking the appointment of a guardian for him.
Courtrooms can be intimidating for many reasons. The language of the law is not familiar, the physical layout of the courtroom may be unfamiliar, and the roles of the people working in the courtroom are mysterious. Judges make life-changing decisions that may not be expected or understood. In general, people do not spend time in courtrooms unless their lives have become complicated in ways they cannot control or resolve by themselves. Emotions can run high. While television programs that feature judges and courtroom proceedings have helped the public understand courts to some extent, there is still uncertainty.
The Family Law Courtroom
The court process can be intimidating if you do not know how it functions. Always use the services of an experienced American Fork Utah family lawyer. Most guardianship hearings are held in courtrooms. In rare circumstances, a judge may go to the place where the person is living. Courtrooms and courthouses are public buildings and must comply with the Americas with Disabilities Act in providing services, policies, practices, and procedures to make services accessible.
If you have never been to a court before, make sure you speak to your American Fork Utah family lawyer and understand how the court looks and functions. The judge sits at the front of the courtroom on a massive elevated desk that is called the bench. The judge wears a black robe, which designates her as the person who conducts the hearing or trial. The robe symbolizes the solemnity and objective detachment of the judicial role. The judge listens to the attorneys and people in each case, and makes certain that people have a chance to speak without being interrupted.
A witness stand or witness box is at one corner of the bench and the court clerk sits at the other corner. The witness box is usually elevated and has a microphone so that the witness can be clearly heard.
The court clerk announces the cases to the courtroom one by one so that the parties in each case know when their case is being considered, and they can come forward. The court clerk keeps track of the court files and any documents the attorneys may want to show the judge in the courtroom. The court clerk will also assist anyone who is part of the proceedings who needs an assistive hearing device. This generally must be arranged in advance.
The court reporter sits in front of the judge, or in some courts, at the other corner of the bench. The role of the court reporter is to record all that is said and done so there will be an accurate and written record of the proceedings, word for word. The reporter uses a coded machine and transcribes the notes into English at a later time. Some courts use tape recordings and some have video screens that allow the judge and possibly the participants to see the spoken words as the court reporter takes them down. This is called “real time” reporting.
There may be a podium in the middle of the courtroom. The attorneys will stand in front of the podium when speaking to the judge. Otherwise, they sit at one of the counsel tables and so do their clients. The question of who sits at which counsel table is determined by local custom or by who gets to the table first from the spectator section of the courtroom. The only people who sit at the counsel table are the attorneys and their clients. On rare occasions, a health or social service practitioner who is involved in a case may sit at the counsel table of the side he is supporting. It is more appropriate, however, to sit in the spectator section of the courtroom and be called as a witness if needed. The bailiff sits at the entrance of the front of the courtroom, just inside the bar railing. The bailiff calls the court to order when the judge takes the bench, at which time everyone in the courtroom is expected to stand briefly, out of respect for the role of the judge and the seriousness of the proceedings. The bailiff also keeps order in the courtroom. If people are talking or disturbing the proceedings in any way, the bailiff will ask them to be quiet. If they are actually being disruptive, the bailiff may ask them to step out of the courtroom. If they are belligerent or physically threatening, the bailiff may call backup bailiffs, and the person(s) may be escorted out of the courthouse. It is rarely necessary to make an arrest.
A railing called the bar separates the front of the courtroom from the seating provided for the attorneys and their clients who are waiting for their cases to be heard as well as for people who are spectators or who have come in support of friends or family members whose cases are being considered that day.
Family Law Judicial Decisions
The two major issues a judge must decide are if the person is capable of making decisions in keeping with his values and if not, if a guardianship or less restrictive option is appropriate to safeguard the person and his assets. If the judge decides a guardianship is appropriate, the next decision is who should serve as guardian and then, what powers should be given to the guardian. The judge in guardianship matters can be faced with highly conflicted situations in which it is difficult to determine the facts of the situation, the credibility of the parties, and the best interests of the person with diminished capacity. But in the end, it is the judge who must make these decisions. Jury trials are rare in guardianships cases in Utah.
You must provide evidence in support of the petition. Merely claiming that your relative requires a guardian will not suffice and your petition will be thrown out. Always speak to an experienced American Fork Utah family lawyer before you file the guardianship petition. The judge bases decisions on the evidence that is provided before the court hearing, the standard of proof that is required by Utah law, the statements of the parties at the time of hearing, and, ideally, the wishes of the person with diminished capacity. The same set of facts may result in different decisions by different judges, because of the vague definition of the term “clear and convincing,” the quality and quantity of the evidence that is provided by the attorney (s), the credibility of the parties, the skill of the attorneys, and the background of the judge.
Usually the judge will make the decision at the time of the hearing when the parties are present. One of the most common decisions will involve the living situation of the person with diminished capacity, specifically whether the person should be moved to a nursing home. Elders with diminished capacity commonly fight this even when they realize they need help making decisions and handling their affairs. Courts may order that the guardian consider and implement home services if possible, or that a reverse annuity mortgage or less restrictive protected placement be investigated. Judges can always order that there be no change in the living situation until there has been another court hearing to consider further information.
Guardianships are sometimes contested. If you wish to contest a guardianship, an experienced American Fork Utah family lawyer is your best friend. You can challenge a guardianship on many grounds. It may be that the person with diminished capacity does not want the guardianship or is concerned about particular actions the guardian might take. More likely, the issue is who should be the guardian. It is rare to have contesting parties acting only out of self-interest or only out of concern for the person with diminished capacity. Usually, both parties have mixed motives. When there are conflicts as to who should serve as guardian, the judge may ask each side to submit a written guardianship plan that outlines what they would do to assist the person with diminished capacity. This information can be very helpful to a judge, because the plans will reveal the intentions of the parties as well as their thoughtfulness and resourcefulness.
Always seek the assistance of an experienced American Fork Utah family lawyer when you are seeking the appointment of a guardian for your relative. It is important that you understand the process.
American Fork Utah Family Lawyer Free Consultation
When you need legal help with a family matter in American Fork Utah, please call Ascent Law LLC (801) 676-5506 for your Free Consultation. We can help you with Divorce. Child Support. Child Custody. Alimony. Legal Separation. Modification Of Child Custody Order. Modification Of Divorce Decree. Guardianships. Conservatorships. Adoptions. And Much More. We want to help you!
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