#it's like letting a bird out of its cage and watching it fly away and sing
teathattast · 5 months
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lay me bare in the open
somewhere i can't be found
somewhere close to the ocean
hear the waves crashing down
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harmonysanreads · 1 year
Since you have requests open: I love the way you write Venti, but I don’t think I’ve seen a yan!venti written by you. I’d love you see your take with him!
yandere!venti x reader
cw: yandere, venti needs therapy probably, old writing style.
I've wanted to write Yandere Venti for the longest time actually! But the reason why I stalled on writing him is because I had the nagging feeling that Venti was different from the classic yandere, however, I just couldn't pinpoint what exactly. Thankfully, I had an epiphany prior to this ask and in its honor, here's a proper oneshot for everyone's favourite drunkard :)
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Venti had let you go.
Morax and Beelzebul were baffled when the news reached them ; what went through the wind-wisp's archaic, intoxicated head were never apparent to the other archons to begin with, but this, this really might've been the most befuddling decision the anemo archon had made — by their logic, at least.
After all, they wouldn't be so careless, unclipping the wings of the object of their unbridled affections and letting them soar, watch as it pranced around the beautiful world and unto the cage of another even so — the other archons are not so rid of paranoia, they are not so selfless. Hardened by the passage of time, they merely know how to own and chain what they deem precious. Such was their simple rationale ; to hold onto the one thing keeping them sane and by doing so, rob them of their freedom.
But by what logicality, what justice, can Venti deprive you of the same freedom he preached? He might instead just steal away your ability to breathe. The anemo archon digresses, it's not like this was another one of his drunken whims, no, no. He'd already made peace with himself, as the patron of the winds, he understood the vitality of his decision and neither did he care for who it baffled or who put effort to understand.
After all, when you love a bird too much, you let it go.
Such was Venti's simple logic and when he came into terms with the same conflict that currently plagued the other archons, when the sight of your grateful and elated smile reflected on his cerulean orbs along with the unhesitant promise of returning to the City of Freedom soon — Venti knew he'd made the right choice.
For he knew this just as well, when an overly attached bird finally tastes true freedom, by its own gratitude to the owner, it'll one day fly back to its previous cage.
Therefore, the wind-wisp was worry-less ; further adding to this was the fact that despite not technically being within arms reach, you actually always are for him. Because, even the all grounding earth must stop to let the water take reigns, no thunder crackles forever, snow and fire extinguish each other and flora and fauna cannot grow in the air — but the wind, it flows to every crevice of the waking world, forever cradling it and keeping its pace to the marching of time. The winds are limitless, so there is not a single moment where Venti cannot feel your presence or hear your breath and voice. There is not a single instance where he has you out of his sight, not a single time where the same winds hadn't coerced those who'd meant you harm.
Though, it's also true that a chief characteristic of the wind is mischief. As it protects, so does it nudge towards danger. But the fun part is actually this : you'll never be able to accuse it because of its ever fleeting nature. So then, who else do you blame when everything in your life seems to go wrong in all the unfortunate times, when every turn and stride has you plunging deeper, deeper, deeper in failure and you're left beaten, broken and never having wished to leave your safe home — why, you blame the entire world and the heavens alongside it, of course.
But you can never blame the one who'd unclipped your wings, not when they'd already given their warnings but still allowed you to fly because they love you so. The blame can only be shifted to you, yourself for not listening, for being so desperate. Never to the one who'd opened the gates for you to fall victim to the world's cruelty, the same freedom's cruelty ; even if the person happened to be the patron of it.
Wandering the world, uncovering its secrets and witnessing all the events it had to offer was your wish. To not be bound to Mondstadt solely and to have the freedom of traversing the entirety of Teyvat was your one desire. The wish your ever so benevolent archon had granted you, chaining you with the shackles of gratitude. But when you finally see the world's true colours, would you wish for that same freedom again? Mondstadt is the sole nation capable of bestowing true freedom, this, Venti had told you before. But since you're so insistent, so curious, so suspecting of him — he wouldn't mind letting you see it for yourself. After all, time is something he never lacked.
Venti had let you go, yes. But it's also true that he wouldn't have done so, if he wasn't certain you'd crawl back to his arms in the first place.
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lovesickeros · 1 year
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☆ the dove
{☆} characters tsaritsa {☆} notes cult au, imposter au, drabble, gender neutral reader {☆} warnings violence, blood {☆} word count 0.7k
Her hands are weapons, forged in a tragedy as much as a war of ash and blood that seeps into the earth and rots it from within. To them, however, she is salvation. Her hands are a kindness, not a threat. She sees it in their puffy, red eyes just brimming with tears, their fragile body so delicate and weak is still remains marred by wounds new and old – the gold still stains their skin, even long after it had been washed away.
She has seen it all – and she takes the injured dove beneath her wing with the sickly sweet promise that someday she shall mend its broken wings and teach it to fly again.
And in their stupor, they do not see her clip their wings.
It is for the best.
The wolves still salivate below the nest, waiting for her little dove to fall again – no, she shall not send her little bird to fly when it will just fall into their waiting maws once again.
This..this one is hers, she has decided.
Her little bird who dreams of the sky and the woman who clips their wings..what a tragic pair they must make, she thinks.
Not for her, of course. Yet not to them, either, unaware of the way she grounds them and keeps the key to their cage tightly in her fist.
"Tsaritsa?" The soft, meek lilt of the little bird draws her from her reverie, and she smiles – all teeth and little else, wolfish and predatory.
Yet the bird sees nothing but love in the sharp points of her canines.
As it was meant to be.
"Yes, little bird?"
She coos in honeyed tones, brushing her cold, cold hands against their skin, reveling in the way they shiver and shake beneath the ever present chill in her very bones. They do not fear the claws that ghost across their skin, and the smile they offer that illuminates their eyes like stars only proves her right – she wants to devour them whole. To see the stars in their eyes burn out beneath her teeth, their golden blood burn upon her tongue and down her throat.
"You promised to take me to the gardens today, remember?"
Her pearly, sharpened fangs peer out beneath her lips as she grins wider, unnerving to all but the little bird who sees not the wolf but the wool it wears, her hands finding their place upon their shoulders as she whispers into their ear.
She will guide her little bird where they cannot go, where their clipped wings cannot take them.
She will give them that bittersweet taste of freedom and then watch them try to catch the stars..
Just to drag them back down to earth where they belong.
"Of course, Creator – I am a woman of my word, am I not?"
Such sickly sweet lies come to her with ease – she lies and she lies and they do not see past the woolen cloak of the wolf until its jaw has snapped around its throat and its blood has painted the world a shimmering gold.
She will delight in that, too.
"If I may be so bold, Creator, you have been distant lately..have you grown tired of me already?"
Her words were as sharp as a blade, yet as dull as a rock, as sweet as they were dangerous. Like watching a mouse trap luring in its prey, she would snap it shut as soon as the little bird strayed too close.
"No! No, that's not..you've just been busy lately, I didn't want to intrude."
They remind her so much of a rabbit in those moments, and she so badly wants to know what would happen if she just took a small, insignificant bite..yet she restrains herself with a far too wide smile, her jaw clenched so hard she almost thinks they will hear it creak.
"Intrude? You could ever hardly intrude, Creator – what is mine is yours. Though, perhaps I shall have to lock you in my room to ensure you compensate me for depriving me of your presence."
In just a few short words, she snares the rabbit – her little bird, her Creator. They will see nothing but the sickly sweet lure of her smile, letting out a pretty laugh of their own as they press closer, like a bird wandering into the open maw of the beast lying in wait.
"As long as it has a nice view, I suppose I won't mind."
They jest, but she does not. And oh, how easy it is to ensnare an unsuspecting prey.
"Of course, Creator – just for you."
It won't be long until her little bird returns to its gilded cage, now. Permanently.
It is better that way.
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elysabeththequeene · 1 month
i can honestly go on, and on about how much i love the one day i’ll fly away sequence and how it is both hauntingly beautiful and heartbreaking at the same time.
it gives insight to satine's feelings, about what she wants and how she hopes to find a way to make it all come true for her despite the life she's lived. a few scenes earlier while she's getting ready and dressed up to (supposedly) meet the duke with marie's help, we see satine tell her this:
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and she proceeds to look at the bird locked in the cage when she exclaims that one day she would "fly away, fly away from here!" and she's filled with hope and excitement that one way or another it would eventually happen.
by the time we get to the actual part where the song is heavily focused and featured (which in my case is like her equivalent of part of your world, an 'I Want!' anthem) we see how through and through satine sings what she feels: i follow the night / can't stand the light -> this may pertain to being a 'creature of the underworld', since at the start of the film the moulin rouge was described as a 'kingdom of night time pleasures' and the imagery of her being in the shadows that i think symbolises her place in life as a dancer/courtesan/entertainer but truly wants to fulfill her dream as an actress before she takes her steps and we get to fully see her in the light right when we get 'when will i begin to live again'
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an interesting note is when she sings the 'leave all this to yesterday' line, it pans right through the chains of the elephant zooming into the windmill and christian's garret. we see christian and satine seemingly glance back and forth at each other (?) from afar throughout this scene, which is fairly more obvious once we get to 'what would your love do for me / when will love be through with me?' like she was singing to him, we can see that she's also looking at him there though perhaps I guess she was just thinking out loud and not completely directly asking him these thoughts, and instead wondering to herself if she should let him into her life and what he could bring to it, and maybe he can be part of her dream to 'fly away.'
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once she reaches the top of the elephant, it feels like a relief when she belts out 'one day I'll fly away!' for satine and the audience watching. you feel her need and want to leave this place for something better, and to chase what she was always dreaming of and it shows how constraining it was for her to have just been there for years and years, she screams to the world how she wants to fly away and be free and allow herself to follow her heart.
later on towards the latter part of the movie, we get a reprise of this song right after the moment zidler finally tells her that she was dying. just when she was on the very brink of actually getting away from the rouge and planning to go forth to run away with christian, and it's filled with grief and agony, satine knowing that she was sick and that sooner or later her illness was going to take its last toll on her, and to make things worse is when zidler makes her have to go convince christian that she didn't love him (to prevent him from being killed by the duke) the very last shot we see of the reprise 'today's the day when dreaming ends' shows us satine looking at the bird in a cage, just like what she did previously but this time, knowing that the dream to 'fly, fly away!' one that was so close to happening, had been abrupt.
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quoththeowl31 · 2 months
Cuckoo Bird
(Endless Game)
Memory, Robbie, and Mockery were huddled outside in the courtyard. Every once in awhile the sound of CUCKOO would echo through the air and the children would begin laughing. It made Anne Lester all the more curious as she approached the trio.
Anne wondered if they had gotten hold of a darling cuckoo clock. They would probably playing with the hands to make the bird come out and count out the time of day; a fond memory she had as a child playing with her mother's cuckoo clock. Anne also remembered how delicate clocks could be too, which is why her mother told her not to play with it.
The children laughed as she approached before seeing what it was they were having fun with. She let out a small gasp; it wasn't a darling cuckoo clock, but a real darling cuckoo bird!
It was resting on Mockery's head, letting out a little call every once in awhile.
"Hi Miss Lester!" Memory greeted.
"Hiya!" Robbie waved
"Look I have a bird on my head!" Mockery pointed to the little visitor excitedly.
"I see that sweetie, looks like you've made a friend out of a Cuckoo Bird, what good fortune!"
The bird called as it flew around Anne before landing back on Mockery's head. She let out a small giggle of her own; however it came to be here it was quite clearly wanting to make some friends.
"Did you know that the Cuckoo Bird is a symbol of Spring?" Anne asked.
"I thought rabbits were!" Memory piped.
"Robbie thought flowers!"
"Indeed, all of those are symbols of Spring. The cuckoo bird represents the new beginnings coming with spring."
"But it's August." Mockery pointed out. The cuckoo bird simply sat in silence on his head. Suddenly it shot up, looking around anxiously before flying off.
"Wait come back!" Mockery called as he chased after if for a brief period with Memory close behind.
"Awww, he flew away."
Anne felt a little somber watching the bird fly away; the manor felt like a cage most of the time. Maybe one day they'd be free like the birds who fly in the sky. In the meantime many of the inhabitants did what they could to make the best of a bad situation. Anne approached the two children with Robbie following behind her.
"It's gone." Memory said.
"Do you think it got scared?" Mockey had his hands cupped around his eyes similar to binoculars in hopes to see further.
"Maybe, some of us are scary looking." Anne knelt down next to them.
"Hmmm, I bet if we build a bird house, he'd come back." The kids became excited at the thought and it made Anne excited too. Maybe they could get Bane to help with carving the wood and some fine details too.
Eli and Brooke were taking a walk outside when Brooke noticed something in the nearby tree. A chill ran down Eli's spine and he could sense something strange hiding in the leaves.
The Cuckoo Bird flew out over Eli and Brooke. It flew towards one of the windows of the upper level of the manor. The Seer sighed in relief and gave his companion a small scratch.
"Looks like someone is trying to relay a message between here and back in the real world." Eli wondered who the message was for as he watched a window open and saw an arm reach out for the Cuckoo. It hopped up onto a finger that was offered as a new perch.
"Hmmm, I hope it's a good visit" Eli said under his breath as he and Brooke continued their walk.
Miss Nightingale needed a little air, working on a new set of essences was tiring, stuffy, and she needed some natural light to illuminate her lonely room in the manor. When she opened the window a cuckoo bird immediately perched onto the windowsill letting out its familiar call.
"Hm, a rather fitting form my little Cuckoo Bird." She offered her own hand for it to perch and she slowly brought it inside.
"It's dangerous to dive this far into from the waking world. I know that much."
"Still, it's nice of you to visit, Johnathan."
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resignedbiology · 11 months
freedom — freedom?
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a kainess 'breakup' oneshot, aka alexis ness finally decides kaiser can kick rocks rated G: no warnings, just kaiser slander !!
Alexis Ness wasn't so much a man — he occupied the same niche as shadows, reflections, glancing sights from your peripheral. He'd made his home in the silhouette of Michael Kaiser; or perhaps, it had been crafted for him, a cramped little box that never grew any bigger. It was the same size as it was when they were children, meant to keep him perfectly bent and contorted into what Michael wanted. Some birds love their cages, don't they? ... some of them, certainly.
Fortunately, Kaiser had forgotten one key aspect to caging his little sparrow — he'd never clipped his wings. The air was cold. The updrift was strong. He could do it — he could fly away.
Ness turned his head to look at Kaiser, the lamplight's warm golden glow highlighting the stray blue streak of hair that had been pulled out of his hood by the icy wind. His heartbeat sped at the sight of him, just a little, as it always did. He hated it, how conditioned his body was to favour Kaiser like the monarch he so desperately wanted to be. Maybe it would always be like that. A whistle pulled the players' attention to the train lazily making its way to a stop before them, countless people disembarking with bags, coats, souveniers, umbrellas, canes; for what it was worth, Ness' eye for detail made people watching into an artistic experience.
All of these people, living such different lives, each with a story hundreds of pages long to tell. Someday, I'll have my own story too. He stood on the platform while the attendants picked up Kaiser's bags and loaded them into the sleeper car. Rocking back and forth on his heels was just one way of keeping himself calm; he'd need any help he could get.
"What are you smiling at?" Kaiser's affect was flat; not quite yet annoyed, but getting close. For once, Ness' smile didn't immediately fall back into a blank slate.
"... freedom."
"Wha — Ness, I know you're tired but you shouldn't be delusional —"
"I'm not going with you."
"What?" the blond's teeth clenched, lacing the word with an authoritarian disgust.
"I'm staying in Belgium. I refunded my ticket, and they're sold out, so I'm not going with you."
"... if you're trying to make a joke, you've never been funny, Ness."
"It's not a joke, I'm staying here. Don't make this harder than it has to be, Michael —" his sentence was harshly clipped off by the blond's fingers knotting into the collar of Ness' jacket.
"Ness, if you try me one more time —"
The conductor blew a whistle, sending a tired glare Kaiser's way. It was apparent some people didn't know or care about his highness and his temper tantrums. In that moment, he still had an audience, but they weren't there to applaud his outburst; all they saw was an angry man, one to be treated with disdain and vague worry. Something about the way Kaiser let go of his collar, with just enough of a shove to push Ness back a bit, it was — cathartic. You won't be able to push me away if I never come back.
"If you're not in Berlin by this Sunday, I will make sure you never play in Europe again."
"Goodnight, Michael."
The last caustic stare Kaiser gave him was feeble, pitiful.
As the train left Ness on the platform alone, he shuddered out a cloudy breath. Cold air cycled through his lungs, deep inhales and exhales working over time to keep his mind from spinning. Only the soft sound of someone calling for his attention made him turn his head. A woman with mousy features was giving him a shyly concerned look. Ness managed to smile free of any manipulated joy, a massive feat he'd later reflect on.
"I'm okay, ma'am, he's — he's always been like that."
"... you know, dear, men like that never change. They'll eat up space in your life until you've got nothing left. You look like a sweet boy, you don't need people like him."
For a moment, Ness' lips opened, but no sound escaped. He knew exactly what he'd intended to say — some sort of groveling attempt at covering up for Kaiser's manipulation, his arrogance, his violence — but he refrained. He didn't have the words to voice how much her words meant, how sagely that advice was to him, specifically him, in that moment. Ness put a hand to his heart, realising his pulse had calmed, no longer responsible for beating to the whims of another man.
"You're right — I don't need him."
While he waved goodbye, the woman gave him a little smile and a polite nod before going on her way. Ness' hand slipped into his breast pocket, taking the plane ticket out to hold inbetween his thumb and index finger as if to examine its authenticity. It was real; Alexis Ness could finally fly away.
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livealittleoc-cb · 1 year
Welcome to the Undercity!
Warning: long read!
All the realms lived in relative peace for many centuries. We have the godly realms where it’s divided for each mythological world, the human realm along with the magic realm. Apart of the godly realm is the Underworld also known as Hell, holding a lot of death gods and rulers. Before the gods trickled into the Underworld, Lucifer was king of the Rings, in modern time known as the 8 Districts instead of Rings, Hades being Lucifer’s right hand man during the growth of the Underworld. The 7 Deadly Sins ruled over the 7 Rings, as Chaotic Rulers until they were contained into animals, each given a guardian to keep track of them and settle some of the Chaos that had started. Once the Sins were contained, that’s when the other gods started to trickle into the Underworld, helping as best as they could while taking up space within the Undergrounds.
The 1st Ring, commonly referred to as the Undercity, is a vast metropolis that holds demons and other supernatural beings alike.
Everything was at peace until some of the gods started to sense a disturbance.
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Lucifer, “god’s” favorite, and the original ruler of Hell was sitting at the front of the room everyone was meant to meet. He was chewing at his nails nervously as he ran over the issues that Hades had brought to their attention. He had gone around to ask other higher beings about the situation. Everyone was growing concerned over what was happening knowing this could trickle into the other realms very fast and easily.
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His head perked up as he watched the first few guardians come in with their Sins. The first one in was Crow, the 1st in command of the Reaper Council. He was wearing all black, donning slicked back hair, and skull face paint plastered neatly on his face along with a majority of piercings. He had big gauges dangling from his ears. A crow was propped on his left shoulder. He sat down closest to Lucifer the crow on his shoulder squawked as he ruffled his feathers and looked around the room. The next guardian was Plague, 3rd in command. It was in semi traditional plague doctor clothing. A hood loosely went over its head, their hat hanging from a belt around their waist.
A spotted Hyena walked in front of them, spiky collar around its neck connected to a black leather leash as it panted softly, little giggles leaving him as drool pooled around his mouth and hit the ground. Plague sat a chair away from Crow with the hyena sitting next to him, its tail wagging happily. Plague petted his back as they watched Jay walk in. She was an honorary and well trusted reaper assigned to keep one of the sins since the Council didn’t have enough members. Jay was requested by multiple other reapers and some gods which got her the position she was in. They walked in, a small Black Fancy Mouse in a cage was dangling from a chain in her hands. She was in her normal attire, all black clothing with her regularly heavy combat boots. They made loud stomps as they hit the floor. She sat down, slammed the cage on the table with a huff and glared at the mouse in it as it squeaked repeatedly. “You’re testing my patience.”
The crow tilted its head sideways, looking at Jay bicker with the mouse, letting out what sounded like a laugh before flying over to Jay. He perched himself on her head and pecked at it. Jay squeaked with a groan swatting at the bird.
“You stupid crow-.” She kept swatting at it while the mouse squeaked out laughs. The hyena wasn’t paying much attention, enjoying his pets as it waited for the meeting to start. Crow watched for a bit before whistling and the crow instantly perked up, flying back before shifting into a more human form.
“Mammon.” Jay snarled lightly under her breath while the male leaned on his cheek, a little grin on their face as they wiggled their fingers at her before blowing a fake kiss at her and winking.
“Jay.” The Avatar of Greed replied, a curt nod trying to be playful, but his soulless milky white eyes showed zero emotion. Jay scoffed as she opened the cage, holding the mouse in her hand and placing it on the chair next to her. That’s when the mouse turned into a male, The Devil also known as the Avatar of Pride, glaring at the girl next to him.
“You could have put me into cat form not the stupid mouse! You also didn’t have to put me in the stupid cage!” He fumed, waving his hands around as Jay sat and blocked him out. The hyena took this as its cue to shift too, a man with nicely decorated dreads sat with their legs crossed. Beelzebub, the Avatar of Gluttony, giggled a little at the flailing blonde before earning herself a glare. “The fuck you laughing at bitch-.” Gluttony smiled sheepishly and squeaked.
“Sorry.~” His tail swished a little with a pout, laying their head on plague’s shoulder.
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Lucifer smiled and nodded his head at the 3 Reapers, his head turning as he heard the door slam open, and watched a giant Eurasian Wolf walk in. A muzzle was tightly wrapped around its snout with a chain collar and leash attached to its neck. The person holding the chain was no other than the God of the Dead, Hades. He looked annoyed and Lucifer already  knew that he had an issue handling his Sin. Right behind him was Anne Maria, 2nd in command, with a Red Fox cuddled in her arms. She sat in front of Crow the fox jumping onto the chair next to her. Hades sat down next to Lucifer, the wolf jumping onto his lap with a huff. His jaw clenched while he glanced at the male next to him, knowing he was going to say something stupid. “Hey dadd-.”
“Don’t start, I have a migraine.” He muttered and she instantly shut up. Hades sighed as he tugged the wolf off of his lap and pointed at the chair next to them. “Satan, sit down there or I’m not making anything easy for you the next couple of days.” The wolf huffed, pawing at the muzzle before shifting into a raven haired male with fire red eyes. The Avatar of Wrath growled as he tried to get the muzzle off before giving up when he saw the look from the god sitting next to him. Crossing his arms and glaring at the table he refused to look up at anyone. The fox shifted next, turning into a blonde man. He stretched a little, crossing one leg over the other. Asmodeus, the Avatar of Lust, patted Wrath’s back with a small snort while Hades looked around. “Where’s Envy?”
As if on cue a little Poisonous Tree Frog popped out of Lucifer’s breast pocket. Luc smiled sheepishly at Hades who looked at him blankly. “They were sleepy, so I let them take a nap.” The frog yawned a little before slowly getting out of the pocket and hopping onto the chair next to Lucifer. They shifted into a red haired male with bright green eyes, he stretched as she let out a yawn and whine. Leviathan, the Avatar of Envy, looked around the room as a wide grin spread along her face looking at each of the Sins with their guardians. Before anything else could interrupt them, Hades started speaking.
“Alright down to business so I can leave and lay down.” His voice came out stern and authoritative. Lucifer sat up straighter before quietly making a question.
“Should we wait for Shadow?” Hades shook his head, interlacing his fingers together on the table.
“No, they wouldn’t have much to bring to the table either way.” Clearing his throat, he looked at Mammon who tilted their head in confusion. “Crow told me you went out of the house.” Greed rolled his eyes as he leaned back, his deep voice rumbling out, cutting off Hades.
“If this whole meeting is about us sneaking out and shit hold your breath.” He said blank face looking dead on at Hades, who’s eyebrow twitched in annoyance.
“That’s not what I called you all here for.”
“Then what for. I was having the loveliest nap.” Levithan purred out, stretching to put emphasis on her words. Hades rolled his eyes at the two demons.
“Your guardians told me that you’ve all noticed an influx of humans in the Underworld. An influx of unsupervised humans and I’m pretty sure all of you know why that’s a bad thing.” Lucifer chewed at their nails nodding at what Hades was saying while the demons looked at each other. Pride burst out in cackles while Jay hit his back to get him to shut up.
“Why do I care if there’s more humans in our plane? They’ll die in a day; they can’t survive here especially not without a chaperon.” She snorted while Beel nodded in agreement.
“He does have a point Mister Hades; humans aren't made to survive in our realm so why is this an issue? One that needs a meeting?” Hades rubbed his face as he tried to calm down, Lucifer rubbing his arm trying to sooth him somewhat.
“Humans in our realm, a realm that does not allow them freely, means that the other realms can be infiltrated. The godly realms can be overtaken by humans. This can mean the downfall of our worlds, a shift in our regular balance. I had this meeting to find out what you all saw when you were cruising outside unsupervised. Your guardians have already told me what they have seen, now I need your accounts.” They all looked at each other, silence clouding the room until Greed shrugged his shoulders and pulled out gold Rosary.
“I went out to casino like I normally do, and I happened to cross paths with a group of humans. Thought they were lost or something and I bumped into one of them. A little pick pocketing got me this.” He dangled the Rosary out to give Hades a better look at it. “Religious types, I guess. I don’t know if they thought this would protect them.” Greed snorted as he pocketed the Rosary and shrugged. “That’s what I saw, and I gained a new gambling item. A win for me, I’ll say.” Hades had been writing down Greed’s account before looking at the others.
“I saw a couple with Lust and Wrath. They came along with me on a walk, and we saw a group of them. They looked…scared?” Asmodeus nodded his head while Wrath scoffed.
“I wouldn’t say they were scared. They were definitely lost but not scared. You could tell they were looking for something.” Writing it down, Hades sighed, tapping his pen on the table.
“Anyone else?” Before anyone could say anything, the door slammed open and in came a short Reaper, Shadow the 4th in command, with a Koala in her arms.
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“I’m so sorry Mister Hades, Lucifer! Belphegor fell back asleep, and you know you can’t wake him up once he’s asleep!” She rambled out rushing to sit down, tripping over herself a little. Everyone watched him running across the room before sitting. “He’s asleep right now so I can’t get him out of his animal form, but I can hundred percent say Sloth hasn’t seen anything this past week. He’s been with me all week; we’ve been trying to fix up his room a bit and I took him up to the human world.” Hades nodded his head ignoring the giggles from Gluttony or the scoffs and snorts from Pride and Wrath. The Koala in Shadow’s arms shifted around a little stretching but never waking up.
“If no one has any other accounts to say, this meeting is over. If you in any of the upcoming days, see anyone please tell your guardians. This is oddly suspicious and can mean a greater thing than just humans realm hoping unsupervised. It can mean actual danger for our realm so don’t brush it off.” Everyone stayed silent, some nodding in acknowledgement while others processed what was said.
Even if they joked around and acted as if this didn’t affect them, they all knew this was actually something that needed to be delt with. Sooner then later if possible.
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⭐: Say hello to Lucifer and the 7 Deadly Sins! Each of the Sins have two sign offs, their biblical names will be used majority of the time when they are in demon form && it will always be told based on the sign off. So if they're in hybrid or "human" form they will use their normal sign off.
This is a little bit of foreshadowing to something else I have planned so I hope you enjoyed it and it came out written well! Please make sure to look at profiles to see a little bit of each character since some are nicer then others!
🩵🩵: @monsterhigh-cb​ [🐟🤍💍 && ⚡💙 && 👻💜 && 🐺💕 && 🎤💖 && 👑💛] @evicted-oc​ [☕️🤎 && 🐼🖤 && 🔦💛 && 🧊🩵 && 💄🖤] @theinvitation-bot​ [🐭🩶💒] @welcome-to-maniac [🐇🖤 💍 && 🌻❤️ && 🌕❤️‍🔥 && 🐿️❣️] @fantasyaespa​ [🐈 💚💍 && ☀️🩵] @k-venturetime​ [🍓❣️] @multi-joong​ [🌧️🧡💍 && 🎨💚] @kardpackcb​ [🌙💝 && 🐺❤️‍🔥]
possible new residents: @faywithlove​ @badbf-cb​ @clubwnderland​​ @domxbot​​​​ @welcometosector1​​​ @lunaaofthemoon​​​ @reve-rv​ @multi-esme​ @the-hellhounds​ @3rachabot @san-cb​​ @jinju-oc @hoteldelluna-rp​​​​​ @enhanced-cb​​​​​​​​​ @camboys-com​ @lavienrosecabaretxo @yandereskzcb @oppositesattraxt @domrachaa @hwangsiblings-oc @coffeexdreamcb @silcntxnight @moonlightchn @blogger-yura @crimson-l @thesugaredalchemists @folklore-cb @neonvandalsxcb @doom-bc @hearthstone-apothecary @theboys-oc @vandalsxcb @redlight-cb @inferno-cb @damnationinc @moongoddesselene @darkloversxcb @vampireskz @urluvlyfe @9ateez-multiau-bot @k-dislyte @k-half-blood [DM + / -]
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Read on AO3 here: The Gold in the Coal Mine
Tango works in a coal mine as the resident explosives expert and as the self-proclaimed caretaker of the canary. He does his best, but some how the little guy keeps escaping his cage.
Warning: Near Death Experiences (via carbon monoxide) (also there are probably a lot of scientific inaccuracies)
His speciality on this mining expedition was the explosives: a half ton of TNT, piled high in crates and a spool of fuse. There was no need for matches when he could snap his fingers and a flame will dance across it. Some people thought he was a bit insane for handling explosives when one slip of the fingers or uncontrolled emotion could send the whole place alight, but he just loved the kaboom. Besides they trusted him just enough to let him keep lining the tunnels with it so who really cared if someone thought he was a bit insane. And if his giggling and sharp-toothed grins and constant jokes about going up in the flames he created only encouraged that thought, well who cared about that either.
The second job he had, unassigned and self proclaimed, was the caretaking of the canary. The little songbird he had affectionately named Tweeters was a brilliantly bright yellow, it shined in the sun and glistened like gold in fire light, almost like it was coated in magic. It was smart too. It managed to unclip the lock on its cage twice now and each time they found it just a couple days later, dehydrated and screeching up a storm. He kept the cage tied shut now, but he didn’t think Tweeters had made another ture escape attempt since then either.
The canary had been caught half a continent away just in the edge of the mangrove swamps (which were said to be invested with witches, so why anyone would risk going in there for a bird, he had no clue, but he was glad for it). They said it was singing up a storm and hopping right up to people. It must have been a pet that got released, though with it being an escape artist it was more likely it had released itself.
He did try to keep the bird entertained. He was sure it couldn’t be fun just staying in a wire cage all day- and then the oxygen box when traveling through the tunnels had to be even less fun. So he’d catch little bugs and stick them on the bottom, a little something for it to watch and pick at. He peppered the bird seeds with a bit of his red pepper flakes he brought along for his own meals, a little flavor that it seemed to enjoy. He talked to it a lot too, and to Tweeters’ credit it did seem like it listened and talked back a lot of the time.
Over the last few weeks he and the canary had gotten pretty close, he thought. It no longer screeched bloody murder when being moved to the oxygen box at least.
It was a cool day in the tunnels. The oxygen box sat off to the side, Tweeters chirping periodically. No one paid much attention to it as they continued with their work, it was just a nice tune to hum to as mine carts were filled with coal. He was loading crates of TNT onto a cart, ready to push it further into the mines.
There was a clatter of wire and just as Tango turned he got a face full of feathers. As he sputtered and swiped at them, and just as soon as they were there they were gone and the chirping was echoing off the tunnel walls. The oxygen box wire door had been picked open.
"Shoot! Tweeters!" He cursed and scrambled to race after the canary.
He didn't get a step before his friend and expedition leader, Impulse, grabbed his arm and pulled him back in place. "It flew further in, Tango, not out. We'll catch it later. I'd rather not have you leave a precarious stack of TNT out here."
Tango hesitated, glancing down the tunnel and Impulse's large hand on his arm. He knew he could probably out run him if he needed; could honestly probably talk him into letting him go, however he could also still hear Tweeter even as it was flying down the tunnel. He could track the bird down in an hour or two when the work was done.
"Alright, Impy," He agreed. Impulse nodded and let him go. He went back to measuring out the TNT.
It was twenty minutes later when he started to realize something was seriously wrong. The song that was almost constant had slowly petered off to nothing. He placed the TNT he had in hand down and held still, hoping to make out the tiniest tweet. When still nothing he stood and started quieting the others, the laughter and picks and general commotion slowly coming to a halt as each man strained to hear the canary. Still nothing.
“Which tunnel did it go down?” He asked, pushing down the growing panic.
Impulse set his pick down, his big hand setting on Tango’s shoulder with the weight of brick, “‘Down in the south tunnel. We’ll go seal it off so no one else gets hurt, why don’t you go back out and-”
“You’re not going to get it?” Tango interrupted, hands curling tightly, nails digging into his palms, “We can’t just leave it, it’s-”
“Oh bud,” Impulse sighed, sounding like he’s comforting a child about a broken toy and not telling his best friend that their beloved little bird was being left for dead, “I know you two were close but I’m not sending you down a tunnel with potential carbon monoxide. That’s why we had Tweeters in the first place, I’m sorry but we’re not going down where it went all by itself. Let’s get you out of here, okay?”
Tango stared up at Impulse, looking for the joke, for the “Got, you! Let’s go get your friend back before he dies”. There was no break in the sympathetic eyes and tight lips, the butthead was being serious. They weren’t going back for Tweeters.
A flame flicked across his knuckles. He let out the breath of anger and dropped his head, “Right. Great. Let’s.”
The hand left his shoulder, “Come on, we’ll-”
He turned on his heel, ducked under Impulse's arm, and sprinted down to the south tunnel.
He could just hear Impulse curse behind him before shouting down the tunnel for someone to grab him. It was easy to duck out of the way of swinging arms. He was one of the smallest ones in the mining group and it made him slippery in instances like this. One person did get a hold on his arm, though they pulled back in an instance, and Tango barely registered it was because yellow flames were dancing up his arms. Perhaps he should take a moment to calm down before something that's not supposed to catch on fire does, but that involves holding still and he’d be grabbed and dragged out in a second.
He could hear pounding steps coming after him and he made a really bad decision and grabbed up small piece of coal off the ground, flaming it, and tossing it into one of the mine carts. Immediately there was popping and several people stopped to put it out. Though that did not stop them from cursing and shouting at him, (a water elemental was already attempting to drench them with their canteen). Impulse was still following after him, but the man was big and broad and it took one swift turn to get him at least out of sight for another minute.
As he came closer to the south tunnel he took a deep breath and held his breath. Immediately his flames went out, even as his face turned red quickly. He struggled with pulling his respirator over his face, stumbling as the tunnel got rockier and smaller as it was newer. There was supposedly a natural opening back here, they had said they had sealed it off but apparently not well enough. This was way too close to where everyone was working, they’d have to completely close off this section of the mines. He held his breath and pushed down his flames as much as could, not wanting the tunnel to blow. He may want to save Tweeters but it'd do no good if he killed everyone doing so.
“Tweeters, buddy! Come on, sing me a little tune, buddy, let me find you,” He called, letting out the rest of his air and taking a big gulp through his mask. A spark traveled down his back as he started having to crouch through the tunnels and he winced and hoped his next breath didn't light the air on fire. He didn't expect to hear his bird, not really, the poor little guy had stopped singing for a few minutes now. He would be lucky if he found him still breathing.
It surprisingly didn't take long to find Tweeters once he reached the end of the cart track. A mine cart that rested on the track stop, the tunnel went on for another few hundred feet, getting smaller and smaller. He was supposed to blow this section wide open a few days from now, though that was definitely not happening anymore.
Under the cart wheel was a golden glow. He immediately reached under and cupped the little bird in his hands. He was pretty certain that normal birds did not glow in the dark, nor that Tweeters had ever glowed this way before, but it wasn't the time to question it.
He pulled the mask off his face as he started racing out the tunnel, tucking the entirety of his bird inside of it. He didn't think too hard about how still Tweeters was.
He met Impulse coming his way and the larger man immediately grabbed his arm and started pulling towards the exit. He was yelling at Tango, lecturing him and reprimanding him- Tango didn't hear a single word, letting himself be pulled out as fast as possible. The others followed them as they passed, a group accumulating after them. Impulse started relaying information about what had happened and that the south tunnels, and likely this whole mine, was compromised.
They all made it out and Impulse immediately pushed Tango down to sit on a closed crate. He was being lectured some more, but all he could think now was the bird in his hand. He ran a finger down his back, the usual sunshine feathers were still giving off the golden color, even while covered in dirt and dust. He couldn't feel the rise of breath or the tiny pitter of a heartbeat, and the more he stared the more the color was fading, even the yellow was dulling around the tail feathers and climbing up his body.
"Tweeters, buddy, please," Tango choked out, continuing to pet down his back.
Impulse went quiet then, finally looking down at Tango's itty-bitty friend, "Tango, I-" he sighed "-I'll give you a minute." He patted his shoulder and stepped away.
Tango didn't acknowledge him. Instead he felt a sob crawling up his throat and then tears dripping down his chin. He whined as he felt his chest seize up, "Please. Please don't go, little guy." His head dropped, his forehead touching the top of Tweeters' head.
The glow around him completely went out and Tango couldn't hold back his sobs anymore. Whatever the glow was, he knew it going out had to be the end. He gasped on his breath as he lifted his head just enough to press his lips to the top of his head. Then he pulled him to his chest and leaned over his little body, head on his own knees and soaking them in seconds, letting himself break down.
He missed the glow returning. Didn't see a thing, but he did hear the sudden stop in chatter around him; the gasps and then growing whispers. It took a second to get the energy to lift his head again and was immediately met with the glow- the light, bright has his own flames. It encompassed Tweeters, bright and pulsing.
There was a twitch. The wings shuffled. Then the light grew brighter, until he couldn't see any of his little friend at all. It grew larger and larger, and the weight on his lap grew heavier and heavier. It eventually slipped off of him, standing on the ground and growing taller from there, until the light was the size of a person and behind them a wingspan to match.
As the light faded features came more prominent. A hooked nose, a light speckling of freckles, bright yellow feathers clumped around where ears should be, and big brown eyes crinkled at the corners from his smile. Giant canary wings fluttered and settled behind the new man. He took a deep breath, locked eyes with Tango and immediately launched himself forward to tackle pull him up and into a hug (and gosh he was a good few inches taller).
"TANGO! You did it! I- Oh thank you. Thank you!"
"I-" Tango gasped, hands curling into the back of the new man's shirt, processing the warm body around him, "Tweeters?"
The man laughed, pulling away to grin in Tango's face, "Jimmy, actually. Oh, it's good to finally talk to you. You're a godsend, Tango. An absolute gem."
Tango's cheeks turned red and flames flickered through his fair, "I- thank you? I don't know what I did."
"You just saved my life, for one," Jimmy chirped, hands resting on Tango's arms and giving them a light squeeze, "Several times actually. I was a bit dumb flying about in the desert like I would get anywhere."
"You- You were a bird. You are a bird? What is going on?" Tango asked, looking around like anybody else would be able to explain it to him.
To his credit, everyone else seemed to be just as confused and completely speechless to what they were witnessing; at least he could ask the questions. Jimmy only laughed more, "A curse! I was cursed. I can bore you with all the details later. The important part is that I'm standing on two feet with two arms and I can hug you," he exclaimed and ended the sentence by pulling him right back into a hug.
Tango stared over his shoulder a moment. He felt over the fabric of his clothes and the thick muscles of the giant wings and focused on the feathers tickling his cheeks and the smell of gunpowder and sweat was heavy in his nose. He took in the mere presence of this person in his arms; the person who he had talked to for hours at a time and shared his favorite food and ran into a tunnel of poisonous gas for, and he closed his eyes and sobbed into his shoulder.
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roberttaylorsleeps · 3 months
Starry night (Slam Poem)
A few years ago I was picking dandelions.
I always found them in this beautiful flowery field.
The reds, pinks, yellows, and whites all blended together,
forming a warm sea that embraced me without hesitation.
Colors and scents filled my soul,
leaving me with a sense of peace.
My favorite thing to find were the white tuft dandelions.
They stood out unlike any other flower,
shining through an ocean of beauty
like the thousands of stars in the sky.
One day I decided that I wanted to keep a dandelion,
and so I tried to pick one.
Snipping the stem from the ground I held it in front of me,
and I watched as the wind began to steal the little white tufts
leaving me with a bare and broken stem.
With every attempt I was left with the same results,
but I refused to give up.
As I watched the horizon take another dandelion
I start to try and catch the tufts.
It starts off as a causal walk, reaching up trying to grab them.
With each tuft that slipped through my fingers I grew more desperate.
I began running, jumping, swinging my arms again and again,
just for the chance to hold onto even ONE of the pretty little stars,
but I always ended up empty handed.
And I could’ve let it go.
I could’ve watched the tufts fly off one more time,
accepting that some dreams simply aren’t meant to come true.
I could’ve done anything to accept the reality,
but I refused to give up.
A new approach is all I needed.
A new method, a new solution, a new anything
that might have a small chance of succeeding.
I tried cupping my hand over the little ball of hope,
blocking out the cold grasp of the wind.
Everything going according to plan..
until the last little remnants of my witt began falling to the ground.
Panic surged through my system like a shot of adrenaline.
Desperately I tried to catch the falling little lights,
only to cause more and more to fall on the flowers below.
Trying to hold onto them was like trying to hold a handful of sand.
No matter how hard I clenched my hand the grains always seemed to slip out,
until there was nothing left to grasp.
I was left in a beautiful flower field
All the colors now felt dull, and the scents not so whimsical.
When I looked around there we no dandelions to be found.
All of them seemingly picked in a naive attempt to hold onto something impermanent,
an attempt to keep a wild bird in a cage where it did not belong,
and now it was time to let it go..
At least… until I found the last white tuff dandelion.
Its little stem swaying in the wind as I slowly bent down towards it.
For the final time I took the little stem from the ground and held it in front of me.
For the final time I watched as the little tufts began to leave, riding away on the wind.
And for the first time
I watched as the little stars danced across the sky.
-Robert Taylor (RobertTaylorSleeps)
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wistfulsummernight · 7 months
A Lonely Soul - Chapter one
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I sat under the tree's shade, pressing my head against the gate as I watched all the other kids run around. I'm a caged bird inside of a house. The bird everyone sees locked up and abandoned in its tight space, but no one caring to free it. In this case, the bird is facing the window, seeing all the other birds fly freely and carelessly as I sit watching in envy as they take the blue skies and sunny light for granted. Though, it's better staying here in this cage.
I curled myself up into a tight ball, my gaze now upon the yellow grass. It's dead like the dreams I had about escaping this cage. After all, it's impossible. Cages are made of metal and steel, not plastic or paper. Though, unlike this cold cage, the grass is warm. The sun gives life, even to the dead; but when you're stuck inside of a cage the only thing you know is the midnight. The yellow tip color of the grass reminds me of honey tea my mother made for me. It's comforting, remembering the boiling sweet smell as I sat with my mother at the table, the sun basking through the windows as she told me stories of her youth. She was much different than me. She was stray and wild and free like her hair back in the 90s. She had warm brown eyes and warm brown skin. Her smile was beautiful, she was beautiful. I thought I'd inherit the warm trait from my mother but I ended up with my fathers coldness; his pale brown eyes and gray-brown skin. A stern ugly face that doesn't dare bare its teeth to anyone.
I plucked at the dead grass until I had a fistful of it in my palms. I extended my hand out into the sunlight, admiring the small sparkle it has now that the sun graced itself upon it.
"Hello!" a warm voice said to me.
No one speaks to me unless it's time to go back into the cabins or they want something from me. I clenched the grass in my hands and looked up before me.
Even though I've never spoken to him before, his face was already familiar. He had this glow that attracts everyone to him like moths to a flame. When he runs around chasing his friends he always shines just as bright as the summer sun.
I pulled my hand back, letting the grass fall to the ground.
"Do I know you?" I spoke coldly, almost sternly if it wasn't for the slight shakiness in my voice
"I don't think you do." he replied with a big smile, his pearly whites on display, "My name's August."
I glanced back down to the ground, my fist clenching the grass "Well then, what do you want from me, August?"
I looked to the side of me to see the once empty space now had him sitting next to me. He wasn't sitting obnoxiously close like those people who begged me for my money a week ago. They sat so close I felt their sweat pressed against my cold skin; with him, there was still room to breathe.
"I want to be your friend." he turned his head towards me and smiled.
I want to be your friend. Those were words I heard before, words that made me hopeful I wouldn't be this lonely bird forever, not knowing that they were lies disguised under that same sweet voice.
I stood, towering over him, and straightening my posture as I met his gaze and glared at him, trying to hide any sign of fear,
"You and your shitty friends can fuck off!" I spat. My hands began to tremble from that simple sentence, but I would never let them see that fear.
He widened his eyes, and I wasn't sure if it's from the cussing or from my rudeness; it was probably a mix of both. I knew what would happen next and that courage I had for a moment dissolved. I ran back to those cabins with my scrawny little legs as fast as I could, my breathing fast and unsteady
I ran away. Like a coward.
The sight of big and towering oak trees vanished, and now the very same oak trees transformed into humbly small cabins. The cabins, weathered by time, were chipped and their doors on the verge of falling apart.
I stood in the center right alongside the pile of logs, woods and sticks. I calmed my beating heart that felt as though it could burst through my throat any minute. I glanced around me, behind me, hell I'm paranoid enough that I even glanced up at the pale blue skies.
He didn't chase me.
I walked towards the cabin and sat down on the wooden steps, staring blankly at the ground trying to process what had just happened. I cussed out some guy because he was friendly to me.
I narrowed my eyes and kicked the small rock beside my feet, seeing it slide far away from me.
No, I had a reason. I know people like him well. They hide behind their charming looks and their friendly words to get what they want out of people. I'm not a fool, I don't fall for the same thing thrice. Okay, maybe I am a bit of a fool.
I leaned in and rested my head on my knees. The air, crisp, and carrying the subtle smell of pine carried a gentle breeze that rustled the leaves of the nearby trees. The birds were singing a soft song, I couldn't understand it but their voices were gentle and in sync, their chirps intertwining with the soft breeze of the wind. Now, in this moment, any other moment didn't matter. It's just me, myself, and the warm embrace of summer.
There's times I wonder why my mother would send me here to this hellish camp. But moments like these reminds me that I am alive with a pulsating heart, even if I am cold and bitter. It reminds me that I'm meant to be here. I could do without the other kids, without those counselors that couldn't give a shit about a kid like me. But, there's always going to be something that you hate amidst the things you love.
I sat on the rough-hewn log, my body sinking into its weathered grooves. Before me, the fire crackled, shining its orange and golden colors before each flickering spark dissolved into the night. It's fascinating how humans are able to create something gorgeous and alive with old, dirty sticks, and wood.
I looked up from the fire, everyone's settled down now. Instead of running around and playing tag they sat close to the fire talking and laughing and smiling. Though the crickets chirp the same beautiful song the birds did, the loneliness still manages to creep up on me.
My eyes caught a glimpse of him. His brown hair shines in the warm glow of the fire as he laughs with his friends. My eyebrows furrowed the more I looked at him.
August, won't you tell me what it's like to be the sun? Despite it being midnight you're still a sickeningly bright red hue. Meanwhile, I'm the dim star in the midnight sky people only see if they're looking for it, but no one does. The moon is plenty.
August's eyes looked from the boy to me, and he gave me a small smile.
He smiles far too much.
I got up from my seat and began walking. I don't know where I'm going this time, all I know is that I'm heading into a big vast forest. Maybe it's all that I need to know.
The trees cast long shadows that danced with the sway of the midnight breeze. I walked for an hour, and there's a soft pulsing ache in my legs. My eyes couldn't break off of the radiant moon and something in me knows that the moon is leading me somewhere, illuminating the long path before me. After walking a bit further, two big bushes stood in the way, and as I pushed past them I stumbled across a serene lake nestled within the heart of the forest. The moon highlighted the lake and it was sparkling, like a magical lake in a children book, one that's meant to rid me of all my troubles. I took off my shoes and sat at the edge of the lake letting the cold water embrace my tired feet, my eyes shut close as I let nature soothe me once more.
"There you are!" A voice pierced through the silence, jolting my eyes awake. I turned my head to find August walking over to me. I narrowed my eyes and looked back down at the water.
He sat down next to me, not caring about the nasty glare I just gave him and submerged his bare feet into the water. Despite knowing him for barely a day I already find him annoying. He always wants to intrude this solitude I've grown comfortable with.
"You run away a lot." he chuckled.
"Didn't I tell you to go away?" I spat.
"You did."
I looked at him "How did you even know I was here?"
He met my gaze with a smile, his brown eyes shining brightly in the pale moonlight. "I followed you." he confessed. Before I could open my mouth to say anything he continued, his voice softening "You ran off after looking at me. I was a bit hurt. Curious too."
I averted my gaze back to the water muttering under my breath, "It's 'cause you look stupid."
He let out a soft chuckle and a small smile unconsciously spread across my cheeks. His laugh, even though so subtle, is so infectious.
"Do you like video games?" He asked.
"Yeah." I looked at him.
"I got some in my cabin. My friends and I always play it at night." He said, with a hint of excitement in his voice "It's nothing fancy, all of 'em are just cheap games, but it's still fun." He shrugged.
"How'd you snuggle games in?" I asked, "I tried snuggling in a chocolate bar, and they took it."
A mischievous grin spread across August's face as he leaned in as if sharing a classified secret "Benefits of being the camp owner's son. They don't give a crap what 'ya do." and pulled back.
"You're the camp owner's son?' I asked, "Is that why you're so popular?"
"That, and my amazing good looks." He laughed as he splashed his feet in the water.
I chuckled, "What's it like being you?"
His eyebrows furrowed as he spoke "I don't like it. You gotta pretend you like people you hate." he looked at me and smiled "I actually like you, though. You're cool."
My cheeks heated up, and I plastered on a straight face to try and hide it as I said "You don't know me."
"You think celebrities are cool and you don't know them. It's the same thing." he shrugged "At least with you, I can get to know you."
His words lingered in the air. There's this part of me that believes him now when he told me hours earlier that he wanted to be my friend.
"My feet are getting wrinkly." He said, breaking the short silence as he slipped his feet out of the water and began putting his shoes back on.
"Hey, wanna play video games at my cabin? I promise the people I bring over are actually my friends," he puts on the other shoe "which means they are pretty cool."
I got out of the water and began to put my shoes on too "Maybe." I replied
"That's better than a no."
As we walked back towards the forest he asked me "What's your name?"
For the first time in a long while a smile crossed my face. I turned my head to show it as I told him.
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Thank you for reading! if you enjoyed, please don't forget to follow and interact with this post. This work is part of Wattpad's open novella contest; if you can interact with the book itself on Wattpad it would be greatly appreciated!!
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dia-souls · 1 year
Diabolik lovers Angel and Devil Story [ Chapter 03 ]
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Chapter 03: His Dark Heart
What is love? Is love real? What will the world be like without love? If there is no love in this world, then how do people live? How scary would the world be if no one believed in love? If love disappears in a person's existence, how can one light up their dark and fearful heart with love again?
The beautiful goddess is captured in the dirty hands of a devil. This devil has completely forgotten love. This devil sees the world as dark and without love. His dark heart narrates a terrifying memory. A memory that shows that this devil was different before. What made this devil forget love?
The beautiful goddess withered in the hands of this devil and lost her desire for freedom and flight to reach the top. Yui Komori is trapped in Ruki's anger cage. She tries to be released one day. To teach Ruki love again and help him see the world more beautifully.
_Yui is studying in her room and turns the pages of her book.
* Flip *
Yui: Hah... This lesson is really harder than I thought. If I could go to school, maybe it wouldn't be so difficult for me. It is really hard to learn without going to school.
* Flip *
Yui: I wish Ruki-kun would let me go to school, but he doesn't trust me. (I must not give up. I must continue to learn my lessons and not fall behind.)
* Flip *
_Yui continues to read the book.
Yui: Phew......... Ah. Well, I think that's enough for today.
_Yui gets up from the chair and goes to the window. Looking out the window at the golden sunlight, a bird sits on a tree branch and catches Yui's attention. The little bird moves slowly on the branch and starts singing.
*Chirp Chirp*
Yui: Fufu ..... how cute you are.
_Yui opens the window of the room to better watch the bird. The cold wind moves Yui's golden hair and her beautiful smile makes her look like an angel. The little bird looks at Yui. It is as if the bird saw a beautiful goddess and slowly moves on the branch to reach Yui.
Yui: Fufu..... you are so cute. Come to me. Please come closer.
_The bird approaches Yui and sits on Yui's index finger. Yui smiles at the bird and caresses it gently. The little bird that found love in Yui's heart rubs its head on Yui's hand and disappears into the warmth and kindness of Yui's heart. The bird has found a beautiful goddess and does not want to leave her.
Yui: You are very beautiful. And also lucky. I'm sure freedom feels good. Right? You are free and you can fly and always see your family. This makes you very happy. Right?
_Yui is petting the bird once more when suddenly she hears the sound of the door.
* knock knock *
_The sound of the door makes the little bird quickly fly away from Yui's hand and perch on a branch further away.
Yui: Oh... (It left.)
* knock knock *
Ruki: Yui? It's me. Are you awake?
Yui: Ruki-kun. Yes, I'm awake. Please come in.
_Ruki opens the door and enters Yui's room.
Ruki: Why did you answer me so late?
Yui: I'm sorry, Ruki-kun, but I was looking at that bird and I got distracted, so I didn't realize that you were behind the door.
_Ruki slowly approaches Yui. He stands next to Yui and looks at the bird through the window.
Ruki: A bird?
Yui: That's right. It is so beautiful. Don't you think so?
Ruki: What makes you see beauty in a mortal bird?
Yui: Oh... Ruki-kun, this is so cruel. I mean that all creatures are beautiful even if they are not all the same. Some of them are small and some of them are big. Some of them are weak and some of them are strong. The lifespan of organisms is also different. But they are all beautiful.
Ruki: ....... !
Yui: This bird is also beautiful and free. And she is trying for her life and her family.
_Ruki and Yui both look at the bird. The bird tries to find food from the tree to take it to its chicks.
Yui: Fufu..... it's very funny. Obviously, this bird loves its family.
Ruki: Its family?
Yui: Yes. Just look at it. She is trying her best to find food for her children. Obviously, this bird is a mother and she really loves her children. This is what I call love.
Ruki: Mother?
Yui: Yes. After all, all parents love their children. Don't they?
Ruki: ......... .
Yui: Ruki-kun? Are you alright?
Ruki: Huh?
Yui: You don't seem to be feeling well. Do you have a problem?
Ruki: No, it's not important.
Yui: But when I was talking about a mother's love, you seemed to get angry. Can I see if there is a problem? Is there a problem for your mother?
Ruki: I said it's nothing. Please do not ask ridiculous questions.
Yui: Ruki-kun, if you have a problem, you can tell me. I can help you. Maybe your mother ........
Ruki: SHUT UP! I told you to shut up and not ask so many ridiculous questions.
Yui: ........ !
_Yui looks at Ruki in fear and backs away to defend herself. Ruki angrily stares at Yui's eyes.
Ruki: You don't know anything about me. You don't know anything about my past and my mother.
Yui: Ruki-kun, I just wanted to help...
Ruki: Shut up. Silent. I will not let a worthless prey like you hurt me.
_Ruki angrily approaches Yui and grabs Yui's shoulders.
Ruki: You have a lot of courage to talk to your master like that.
Yui: Ahhhhh. Stop it, Ruki.... it hurts.
Ruki: Hmmm... I can't believe that a worthless person like you wants to help me.
Yui: Ruki-kun..... that's enough......
Ruki: As I said, you are just a worthless prey. It is better to know your limits, otherwise, bad punishments await you.
Yui: Ruki-kun...... STOP IT!!!!!!!!
_With this last warning, Yui pushed Ruki with all her strength, causing Ruki to lose his balance and fall backwards.
Ruki: Oh, what did you do?
Yui: I....... I........ Ruki-kun...... I...... I'm really sorry..... I..... I didn't mean to do that..........
_Yui quickly runs out of the room before she can say anything else.
Ruki: What did she do?
_Yui runs along the corridor worriedly. While breathing, she presses her heart with her right hand and goes to the courtyard of the mansion. She still runs to wipe her tears from her face. She suddenly loses her balance and falls to the ground in the garden of the mansion.
Yui: (I can't breathe. I'm scared. I can't see anything. I'm losing consciousness.)
_Yui loses consciousness while lying on the ground of the garden of the mansion.
?????: Oh Hey, wake up.
Yui: (I am hearing someone's voice.)
?????: Oi Sow, wake up. Ya slept in my precious garden.
Yui: (Sow? Oh, this is Yuma-kun's voice.)
_Yui slowly opens her eyes and looks at Yuma standing over her angrily.
Yui: Yuma-kun? I..... where am I? what are you doing here?
Yuma: Huh? I have to ask you this question. Ya slept on my precious vegetables and ruined them all. Get up now.
Yui: Oh, I'm really sorry.
_Yui gets up and shakes her clothes.
* Rustle Rustle *
Yuma: Huh. Ya are really a trouble. Do ya know how much time I spent on this garden? Then ya ruined all my vegetables that I cultivated with my own blood and sweat.
Yui: Yuma-kun, I'm really sorry. I did not want to do this. But I fainted due to anemia.
Yuma: If ya have anemia, why don't ya go to the hospital?
Yui: I want to but....
Yuma: Ah, I understand. But Ruki won't let ya go out. Right?
Yui: ......... .
Yuma: Hahaha. It was completely predictable. Ya cause a lot of troubles, no wonder Ruki doesn't trust ya.
Yui: I...... .
Yuma: But this is not important now. Ya ruined my vegetables. Now, how do ya want to make up for this mess ya made?
Yui: I don't know. But I will do whatever you say.
Yuma: Hahaha. Ya are very honest. So will ya do whatever I say?
_Yuma approaches Yui with a grin and bends his head so that his face is closer to Yui's face.
Yui: (Oh no... I'm sure he's going to ask me to do something that is not very easy.)
Yuma: Well, Sow. To compensate, how about letting me suck your blood? So much that ya will lose consciousness and I will almost dry your body until the last drop of your blood.
Yui: Ah...... Yuma-kun...... I......
Yuma: Hahahahaha... ya are so stupid. Your face is as white as hell and ya are shaking. Are ya really scared of me this much?
Yui: ....... !
Yuma: Be quick now. Come here and let me suck your blood.
_Yuma holds Yui's shoulders tightly and loosens Yui's collar. He puts his head in Yui's neck and breathes next to Yui's neck.
Yui: Yuma-kun..... Please don't do this. I reached my limit. If you suck my blood, I may lose consciousness again.
Yuma: There is no problem, I will take care of ya with pleasure.
_Yuma bites Yui's neck and starts sucking Yui's blood.
* sluuurp sluuurp*
Yuma: ..... mmm....... Nn...
Yui: Oh, it hurts
Yuma: Huh? really sweet It's strange, but your blood is very special. It makes me think that life has flowed in my heart and soul again.
* sluuurp sluuurp *
Yuma: ...... Nn....
Yui: Mmmm..... please..... stop it.
Yuma: Huh? Didn't ya want to compensate? So shut your mouth and let me enjoy my food.
_Yuma continues to suck Yui's blood.
Yui: (I can't resist. Every time he sucks my blood, I feel my body getting weaker and weaker. It's like I'm losing consciousness.)
_Yui is sleeping like a small and beautiful goddess in the bed. The golden light of the setting sun shines on her face and makes her golden hair shine brighter.
Yui: Nn...huh?
Yuma: Oi sow. Wake up now.
Yuma: Didn't ya hear what I said? Wake Up.
Yui: Oh, where am I?
Yuma: Ya are in my room. Ya are really very defenseless and naive. It is really strange that ya can sleep so comfortably in a mansion full of vampires.
Yui: Well, I was in the Sakamaki mansion before.
Yuma: Hahaha. I think ya are right. After all, those lazy nobles are also vampires, but they will never be like us.
Yui: Why are you saying this?
Yuma: Because we were human before.
Yui: Huh? You four used to be human.
Yuma: It doesn't matter. After all, it is related to the past.
Yui: (Maybe this will explain a lot of things. Maybe knowing that Ruki-kun used to be human will help me get to know him better.)
Yuma: Hurry up and get out of my room.
Yui: Oh, I'm sorry. I'm leaving here now.
Yuma: Good. Ya better go to sleep early. Ya are going to help me in the garden tomorrow. And ya should know that I don't like laziness.
Yui: Should I help you in the garden?
Yuma: Ya forgot. Ya said yourself that ya will do anything to compensate me. Ya ruined my precious vegetables. Now ya have to help me grow new vegetables again.
Yui: Oh. I will definitely do this.
Yuma: Huh? What happened suddenly, why are ya so excited?
Yui: I will be happy to help you. Just this.
Yuma: Hahaha. As I said, ya are very naive and stupid. Now get out of here. I want to sleep.
Yui: Okay.
_Yui gets up from Yuma's bed and goes out of Yuma's room. She moves along the corridor towards her room. It's almost dark and Yui again understands the feeling of loneliness and confusion in this darkness. Yui reaches her room and enters her room and lies on her bed.
* Creak *
Yui: I can't believe it. The Mukami brothers used to be human. I can't understand what happened to them that they became vampires. What happened to Ruki-kun? He forgot all his feelings. As a vampire who used to be human, he must understand human emotions. Unlike the Sakamaki brothers, he used to be human.
_Yui slowly drifts off to sleep with troubled thoughts about Ruki and his past.
_Yui and Yuma are working in the garden of Mukami mansion.
Yui: Yuma-kun? Did I do it right?
Yuma: Of course not. Ya should not cut the branch so long, it will cause the plant to dry.
Yui: Oh, I understand. What about now?
Yuma: Ummmm.... it's better now. Well, continue. Ya learn very quickly.
Yui: Fufu...... Thank you, Yuma-kun.
Yuma: Ya seem to be enjoying yourself.
Yui: Yes. I like this job. It is very enjoyable when I try to achieve a goal.
Yuma: Hmmm. I think I found a useful prey. Ya are very stubborn.
Yui: Ah... Well, honestly, I...
Yuma: Ya don't need to be upset. I like useful preys better than junk preys.
Yuma: Be quick. Let's continue our work.
Yui: (He speaks very rudely. But still, his words are much kinder than Ruki-kun's.)Thank you, Yuma-kun. I do my best.
Yui: Of course.
_Yuma and Yui continue to work in the garden.
They are not blood brothers.
They are not real vampires either.
There is something like a mystery in Ruki-kun's past.
A mystery that darkened his heart.
Ruki-kun used to be human.
I want to know more about him.
His heart is dark.
But I want to see the light in his heart again.
I believe.
I believe that even the darkest heart can light up again.
I will continue to try to light up his dark heart.
<– [ Chapter 02 ] [ Chapter 04 ] –>
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bugcatcherwill · 11 months
Cute little idea I thought about when TOTK came out and I did the rito and got tulin: what if after link left tulin went to where he looses his bow but doesn’t see the aeroconda that took it flying around anymore and is disappointed as he wanted to try and tame it due to if monsters can tame them normal hyrule races can too, then notices a weird egg in what looks like to be a nest and being a bird race tulin takes the egg as its exposed to the elements and needs to be kept warm.
He takes it home even his dad is curious about the egg so suki looks after it while teba go back to where Tulin said he found the egg to see where its parent went
Tulin is basically playing mom for this egg and noticed some guards left the village after his dad sent a bird message to them and is worried.
Later that night teba returns with the guards and a injured aeroconda it was clear what did the injuries they were done by malice controlled monsters the creature is too weak to struggle or fight
Tulin reconizes this aeroconda as the one that took his bow and it came back via blood moon
Teba tells Tulin it was by the nest area so Tulin goes to get the egg and shows it too the weak monster even telling it how well he has been caring for it
This seems to give the monster some will to live as Tulin and his parents nurse it back to health wanting to test if tulin’s theory on taming a aeroconda isn’t just for monsters.
And sure enough once it had its strength again the aeroconda stuck to rito village as its “camp” and the egg hatches into a baby aeroconda and imprints on Tulin as its owner
It isn’t long before one of the guards comes back from the mountains with a bundle full of eggs and explains he saved the eggs but not their parent and when teba asks what do you mean?
The rito guard says he seen some malice controlled monsters trying to take some eggs from a caged aeroconda and when the aeroconda fought back against its owners it was…dealt with with no remorse on the spot and as its dead body was dragged away by the malice controlled monsters giving the rito guard the opportunity to fly in and save the eggs upon realizing that’s how the malice monsters have so many aerocondas they’re breeding them but then kill the parents when the parents wont let them take the eggs.
The rito also reports while flying away with the egg bundle he witnessed some aeroconda young being beaten into submission during training.
Teba asks where this area was as all made sense how their aeroconda injured badly almost to death by its nest and Tulin finding its nest and egg was caused by malice controlled monsters breeding aerocondas for mounts and abusing them while young to be obedient to them only to betray the aeroconda when it breeds and has eggs by killing them and the cycle repeats.
After getting told where this area is teba sends link a message so link can kill the malice controlled monsters and free any aeroconda there even sending rito guard to help via helping take injured aerocondas and help them get their eggs far way from this place
A few months later rito village is now home to a flock of aeroconda’s and teba even tells Tulin as they watch tulin’s aeroconda flying for the first time: if it wasn’t for you finding that egg it probably won’t be able to fly free like this~ you did a brave and noble deed son…~ I couldn’t be more proud~
Like I said this was a cute idea I came up with after getting Tulin and watching aerocondas and wondering how malice controlled monsters tamed them
Omg I love this prompt! Tulin stepping up responsibility for this would be another great character growth for him, and I love the idea of friendly Aerocuda roosting all around Rito Village :)
It'd also be cool if one of the monster settlements around the Hebra region in ToTK is home to a whole group of Bokoblin Aerocuda Riders, who are exceptionally skilled in handling and caring for them. It'd be deep in the mountains where the Aerocuda natural habitats are and they coexist alongside Hyrule's largest flock of them.
And also because I think a whole squad of Bokoblins with matching aviator shades would be adorable lmao
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saltyr3mix · 1 year
Rust Rook Revere
Chains, keys, and iron
I’m attracted to them,
Like a bird to a cadge.
A supposed safe place, that can be comfortable. But is never truly.
That is what I am, a caged bird.
And that is what you were too,
You were quiet in your iron prison
It’s bard showing the bird within.
Others watched your little bird sing, but never helping it escape.
Watching it dace, flapping its wings, and ultimately return to its perch.
They couldn’t see their keys int their beaks, keeping themselves shut.
But I saw you.
I saw someone who needed a hand, who wanted to be free from their chains.
And who better to free a caged bird than a phoenix?
I explained to you what it would be like outside, the winds, the harsh winters, and worse friends.
You accepted it all, and more than that you accepted me.
A Phoenix in a cage.
And when it came time, you set yourself free, fleeing the mask that had been you.
You flew, and grew, sang and danced,
It was the most beautiful show.
And I wasn’t the only one to enjoy it.
Others, outside watched you soar, and joined in your joyous symphony.
And every time you flew by you ask me to join you.
And ever time just like the last, I refused.
It’s almost funny, a Phoenix afraid to fly.
A bird that could so easily escape its own cage, refusing to exist.
Yet here I sit, in this withered cage. Bars sweaty, and perch scorched. I sit like a well trained dog.
And every time you fly by the song I sing grows.
With meaning and words, with verses and rules I pour my emotion into it. So that even if I cannot touch you, you can still be warmed by my words.
And every time you pass me by the dread within me builds.
You are so beautiful, so radiant, why would someone like you care for me?
I am a Phoenix in a cage.
It would take nothing to escape, besides the stroke of my wings.
Yet here I sit.
I could soar with you in the sky, singing all day long.
Yet here I sit.
I could fill my nest with twigs and scraps from other birds on my journey.
Yet here I sit.
I sit in my cage flame so low, so that the bars do not melt.
I peek out behind them and duck back away, because I want to hide myself.
I know I can escape,
I know it would be easy,
And I know I would have others waiting for me.
Yet somehow I stay.
It’s almost funny how beautiful a Phoenix can be.
How majestic and free.
How they battle though all hardships, wearing their scars like scarfs.
Their fears like jewels,
And pain like years.
It’s funny isn’t it?
That when I no longer have to fight,
That is when I lose my spark.
My flame becomes dull, my feather ashen, and my heart returns to tired.
Isn’t it funny that when the battles over,
And when the war has been won, that the fearsome general is no longer one?
I am a rook in ash and rust.
My feathers stained red because of what I’ve done.
And I stay frozen.
you are an incredibly talented poet. You nearly made me cry how dare you/j
Anyway if you ever need my help with anything let me know. i know you know this but im just going to say it agian.
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novemberrage · 2 years
sansa stark playlist (made up of almost entirely taylor swift songs)
blinding by florence and the machine
“Seems that I have been held in some dreaming state
A tourist in the waking world, never quite awake
No kiss, no gentle word could wake me from this slumber.”
this woman's work by maxwell
“All the things we should’ve done. 
We never did. 
All the things that you needed from me. 
All the things I should’ve given”
you were bigger than the whole sky by taylor swift
“No words appear before me in the aftermath
Salt streams out my eyes and into my ears
Every single thing I touch becomes sick with sadness
'Cause it's all over now, all out to sea.”
paradise by coldplay
“When she was just a girl she expected the world
But it flew away from her reach
So she ran away in her sleep”
little bird by the weepies
“Sometimes it's hard to say even one thing true
When all eyes have turned aside, they used to talk to you
And people on the streets seem to disapprove
So you keep moving away
And forget what you wanted to say”
evermore by taylor swift
“I replay my footsteps on each stepping stone
Trying to find the one where I went wrong
Writing letters addressed to the fire
And I couldn't be sure
I had a feeling so peculiar
That this pain would be for evermore”
no plan by hozier
“Why would you make out of words
A cage for your own bird?
When it sings so sweet
The screaming, heaving fuckery of the world?”
between two lungs by florence and the machine
“The sigh that blew me forward
Trapped between two lungs
It was trapped between two lungs
And my running feet could fly
Each breath screaming
"We are all too young to die"
every single night by fiona apple
What'd I say to her?
Why'd I say to her?
What does she think of me?
That I'm not what I ought to be
She by bodie
“And she means everything to me
and I'll be okay
Admiring from afar
Cause even when she's next to me
We could not be more far apart”
“You're all on your own and you lost all your friends. 
You told yourself that it's not you, it's them”
high infidelity by taylor swift
“Storm coming, good husband
Bad omen
Dragged my feet right down the aisle
At the house lonely, good money”
winter bird by aurora
“My tears are always frozen
Rest against my pillow like the aging winter sun
Only wake each morning to remember that you're gone
So I drift away again
To winter I belong”
this is me trying
They told me all of my cages were mental
So I got wasted like all my potential…. 
And it's hard to be at a party when I feel like an open wound
It's hard to be anywhere these days.”
mirrorball by taylor swift
“I'm a mirrorball
I can change everything about me to fit in
You are not like the regulars
The masquerade revelers
Drunk as they watch my shattered edges glisten.”
running with the wolves by aurora
“Go row the boat to safer grounds
But we're running out of time
Oh, all the echoes in my mind cry
There's blood on your lies
The sky's open wide.”
you’re on your own, kid by taylor swift
“I looked around in a blood soaked gown
And I saw something they can't take away
Cause there were pages burned with the bridges burned
Everything you lose is a step you take
You’re on your own, kid
You always have been”
from eden by hozier
Babe, there's something tragic about you
Honey, you're familiar like my mirror years ago
Idealism sits in prison, chivalry fell on its sword
Innocence died screaming, oh, ask me I should know”
hoax by taylor swift
“You knew the password, so I let you in the door
You knew you won, so what's the point of keeping score?
You knew it still hurts underneath my scars
From when they pulled me apart
But what you did was just as dark”
flowers by hadestown
“Lily white and poppy red
I trembled when he laid me out
You won’t feel a thing, he said, when you go down
Nothing gonna wake you now
Dreams are sweet, until they’re not
And men are kind, until they aren’t”
wolf by first aid kid
“Wayward winds, the voice that sings
Of a forgotten land
See it fall, child of war, oh
Lend a mending hand
When I run through the deep dark forest long after this begun.”
Will i make it out alive by tommee profitt
“The drums inside my chest
Just can't seem to catch a breath
Gotta get out while you can
Gotta get out while you can
Am I gonna swim, am I gonna sink?
Am I gonna bend, am I gonna break?”
snow on a beach by taylor swift
“Tonight feels impossible
But it's coming down 
Like snow on a beach
No sound, it's all around
I can't speak, afraid to jinx it
but your eyes are flying saucers from another planet
Can this be a real thing? Can it?”
things we lost to the fire by bastille
“Things we lost to the flames
Things we'll never see again
All that we've amassed
Sits before us, shattered into ash”
shrike by hozier
“I couldn’t utter my love when it counted
Ah, but i’m singing like a bird ‘bout it now
I couldn’t whisper when you needed it shouted
Ah, but I’m singing like a bird ‘bout it now
The words hung above but never would form
like a cry at a final breath that is drawn
Remember me love, when I am reborn.”
the archer by taylor swift
All the king's horses, all the king's men 
Couldn't put me together again. 
Cause all of my enemies started out friends 
Help me hold on to you"
every single night by fiona apple
“What'd I say to her?
Why'd I say to her?
What does she think of me?
That I'm not what I ought to be
Then brother, get back, 'cause my breast's gonna bust open
The rib is the shell and the heart is the yolk
I just made a meal for us both to choke on”
death by a thousand cuts by taylor swift
“Our country, guess it was a lawless land
Quiet my fears with the touch of your hand
Papercut stings from a paper thin plans
My time, my wine, my spirit, my trust
Tryna find a part of me you didn't take up
Gave you so much, but it wasn’t enough”
peace by taylor swift
“If your cascade ocean wave blues come
All these people think love's for show
But I would die for you in secret
The devil's in the details, but you got a friend in me
Would it be enough if I could never give you peace?”
the great war by taylor swift
“My knuckles were bruised like violets
Sucker punching walls, cursed you as I sleep-talked
Spineless in my tomb of silence
Tore your banners down, took the battle underground
And maybe it was egos swinging
Maybe it was her
Flashes of the battle come back to me in a blur”
karma by taylor swift
“You're terrified to look down
'Cause if you dare, you'll see the glare
Of everyone you burned just to get there
It's coming back around
Ask me what i learned from all those years
Ask me what I earned from all those tears
Ask me why so many fade, but I’m still here”
exile by taylor swift
“I can see you starin', honey
like you’d get your knuckles bloody for me
Second, third and hundredth chances
Balancin' on breaking branches
Those eyes add insult to injury
You’re not my homeland anymore,
so what am i defending now?”
would’ve, could’ve, should’ve by taylor swift
“And now that I'm grown, I'm scared of ghosts
Memories feel like weapons
God rest my soul
I miss who I used to be
The tomb won't close
Stained glass windows in my mind”
closure by taylor swift
“It's been a long time
And seeing the shape of your name
Still spells out pain
It wasn't right
The way it all went down
Looks like you know that now
Yes, I got your letter
Yes, I’m doing better
I don’t need your closure
up the wolves by the mountain goats
“there's bound to be a ghost at the back of your closet
no matter where you live
there'll always be few things maybe several things
that you're going to find really difficult to forgive.
there's gonna come a day when you'll feel better,
and you'll rise up free and easy on that day”
long story short by taylor swift
“I tried to pick my battles 'til the battle picked me
And I fell from the pedestal right down the rabbit hole
Pushed from the precipice, climbed right back up the cliff
Past me,
I wanna tell you not to get lost in these petty things
Your nemeses will defeat themselves before
you get the chance to swing
Long story short, it was a bad time
Long story short, I survived”
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kingofsting · 1 year
Dark Shadows: Chapter 2: A new face
Aria's P.O.V We left the castle, luckily the guards didn't notice so we got out easily. We followed Merla to where the figure was standing.
"Why would someone stand here to watch the ceremony?" Zara asked.
"Maybe because the thing wants to kill you I don't know." I snap.
"Oh well excuse me for not knowing everything about killers!"
We glare at each other, and I think to myself, this is gonna be a long trip. Before I can snap back, Zara's fox Flare jumps off her shoulder and sniffs the ground. A second later, it jumps and does a swan dive into the ground and tunnels away.
"And you say you don't get my bird?!"
"She picked up their trail, she wants us to follow her, come on." Zara says and dashes after her.
"Well that makes it easier I guess." I ran after Zara and her freakin fox drill.
It goes for about a quarter mile till it stops at the town entrance and yeets itself out of the ground, landing on Zara's shoulder, somehow completely dirt free...I need tips from that fox for Merla.
"So I'm guessing your fox lost the scent?" I ask.
"No she smelt a burger nearby, yes she lost the scent." She replies.
I swear I'm about to bitchslap royalty.
"Anyways, it hasn't been long, it might still be in the town. Let's look around and find it." She says.
"BUT, you.stay.behind.me. Ok? I don't want to be responsible if you get hurt." I tell her, and I'm NOT changing my mind.
Zara rolls her eyes. "Fine, jeez, your acting like my father."
"Hey, at least someone needs to," I mutter to myself.
We walk into the town and begin looking for anyone with a cloak. Still, without getting a great look at the person or the color of his coat, or even his face, no one fits the profile. We walk around for about half an hour, and still nothing. We walked into the middle of town to an open area. Apparently, hunters have captured a live moose.
"Nothing yet, he could be long gone by now," I mutter to myself, but I get a small nagging feeling someone's watching us. I whistle for Merla and have her fly over the town to see if she spots anything.
"Your fox-miner get anything?" I ask Zara.
"Her name's Flare, and no she hasn't yet." She replies.
"Ok, well wait for Merla to do a look around for a bit then we'll try and get its scent with her, if that works, we might need a carriage if the person left."
As we walk through the town, I get a sense that something is wrong. I keep my hand near my dagger and look over at Zara. She looks as casual as can be, and not like she could get kidnapped any minute now. We keep walking around till I realize we've been walking in circles.
"Ok this is going nowhere. We haven't found any leads and we don't know where the fuck we are going. Well at least I don't. We're going back to the castle and I'm coming back here tomorrow BY MYSELF. Don't argue with that." I tell her.
As Zara's about to argue, we hear people cursing. I turn and see the people trying to keep the cage closed, but the moose breaks from the cage and starts BARRELING towards us like someone tried to stab it. I draw my dagger, but I don't know, what the fuck am I gonna do, run?! Fight!? It's a fucking moose!!!
It's about to hit us when suddenly, a cloaked man gets in between us and the moose, and it just stops...just like that, like he held a belt to a child and stopped whatever he was doing. He pets its head, and the moose calms down and walks out toward the woods. Then the man turns around and looks at the two of us, and I'm very on edge.
I see a man who looks about my age with a white coat which I can only describe as something a pirate might wear, like a swashbuckler or something with black accents, the hood up that looks a brighter white than the rest of the coat, black shirt, pants, black and brown boots, and a black fabric mask over his mouth and nose so I only see his light brown eyes, and from what I can make out, black hair. He looked behind me and raised an eyebrow.
"What. Do you need something?"
He silently points a finger behind me, and I turn around to see Zara missing.
"Oh my fucking god, where the fuck did she go?"
I can't yell out her name because the town will go fucking crazy, and news like this will spread very quickly. Then clears his throat and points to a small stand, and Zara's just hiding behind it. She was gonna let me fight a fucking moose by myself that BIT- oh wait, I told her to stay behind me and I'll do everything.....fuck her for listening to me for once.
I use a hand gesture to tell her to stay where she is, and she nods her head. I turn around and look at his coat, and it seems very familiar till I realize that it's the same guy who was in the shadows earlier. I grab my dagger and hold it to his throat, and I calmly say, "You are coming with me back to the castle, and if you don't comply, I won't hesitate to slice off your dick and feed it to my raven. You got that?"
He glared at me, and before I could react, he took my dagger, flipped me around by my arm, and shoved me away...Oh, this bitch bouta DIE.
"Ok I have A LOT of pent up anger because of that girl in the stand. You just made it fucking worse."
I grab my twin daggers and get ready to take this bitches to head off, and this bitch just turns one shoulder towards me and doesn't move like I'm just an annoyance...the AUDACITY. I run full speed because I have some aggression to let out, and the second I swing, he sidesteps it, grabs my arm, and judo-flips me onto my back. I go in full-on hashing and slashes, and he just catches my daggers...I thought this bitch was crazy till I noticed he had a weird claw thing on, and he kicked me in the gut knocking me away, and casually put his arms down.
"Ok, daggers are out," I put them away and grab my scythe chains. "Let's see you block these mother fucker."
And this bitch..this bitch. PUTS AWAY HIS WEAPONS, and just casually stands there.....I didn't think someone would piss me off more than the brat queen, but apparently, I was wrong. "OH, YOU COCKY BITCH!!!" I shout as I swing the chains at him, and this bitch just dodges it like it's high school dodgeball. I start letting out ALL my aggression, and I can't land a single thing, and I'm just getting MORE AGGRESSION TO USE ON THIS BITCH!!!!!
I swing them around into the sky, and I bring them down on him like Thor's fucking hammer, and he catches them both with some struggle from the impact. "You are very persistent," is the first thing he says, and I don't even have time to be pissed because he flips my chains around, spins around, and steps on them, and I get YEETED towards him as he grabs me and kicks me onto the fucking ground right in front of Zara, but I flip and land on my feet.
I decide, "Fine, hand to hand it is," and charge him again. I throw a punch, and he deflects it, clearly more of a defense and counter-fighting style. He throws a punch of his own as I block it and drop down and kick upwards, he jumps back, but I don't give him room to breathe as I keep attacking. We go back and forth for a while till he throws an uppercut, and I dodge it and hit him in the pressure point of his neck, and he stumbles back a bit. Any normal person would've crumpled after that, so I gotta respect him for only being stunned briefly. He holds his neck and cracks it, loosening up.
"Your good." He says I don't even have time to ready myself because one moment he's standing five feet away from me, the next I'm hit five times and on the floor with the wind knocked out of me as he holds me on the ground with his foot on my gut, leaning down towards me. 
"Not so bad yourself." I reply when I can breathe.
Suddenly we hear things fall over, and I see Zara knock a few cans over. The man looks at me, then at Zara, then back at me. He releases me, and I throw myself up on my feet, and I'm ready to fight him again because I am a stubborn bitch, but I feel a hand gripping my arm. I turned around to see Ace standing behind me, and I stared at him, wondering when he got here. "Firstly...WHY IN THE HELL DID YOU BRING THE PRINCESS HERE!?!?!?!?" He shouts, angry.
"Will you shut up and not be so loud! I don't want people to know that she's here! And don't yell at me. You said for her to be by my side at all times, did you not?" I rebut, crossing my arms. "I didn't mean to chase after someone who you were gonna fight. You're supposed to PROTECT her, not BRING HER TO DANGER!!!"
"You think I wanted her to be here?! She is almost more annoying when she begs than Richie. She even threw a fucking dagger at me, when I said that I tried to leave without her I mean I tried. Trust me. And by the way, when the fuck did you get here?"
"She's hiding behind MY stand."
I look to where she is hiding, and I see her sitting on the stand, smiling like she won some kind of award.
Oh, that little brat. She's dead when she gets to the castle.
"I know what your thinking and no you're not killing her, not that you almost did that already with THIS one," Ace says, pointing at the cloaked figure that's been standing by Zara talking to her.
I look at them and back at Ace and say, "What the hell is going on? I don't even know anymore. How are they friendly? Isn't he trying to kill her or something? And why is she talking to a random stranger that kicked my... I mean... uh... that I beat up? Can I just go back to the guild? I'm getting gray hairs from all this stress like you for god's sake."
"One, the moment you come back to the guild, Your on probation for the next three missions, two, he completely kicked your ass. I saw everything, let it go, three, I don't know what th...OH MY GOD, WHY'D YOU LET HIM TALK TO HER?!?!?!" He shouts, just now processing they were talking.
"BECAUSE YOUR HERE BITCHING TO ME! And also when the fuck did you get a stand?"
"I've had it for a while. I have to make a living somehow without the guild, ALSO YOU NEED TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT THOSE TWO!"
We both bolt towards them, weapons drawn.
"Wait!" Zara yells, but the figure calmly says, "It's ok," and once again, this bitch disarms BOTH of us. He simply grabs my arms and holds my wrists together while grabbing Ace by the face and
lifting him in the air since he didn't fight him previously, Ace took my gun from my holster and tried to aim it, but the cloaked man dismantled it in a few seconds making it useless...not gonna lie I kinda enjoyed seeing him dangling thereafter he was bitching at me.
"Now, are you two done?" he asks.
"Yeah, they are," Zara says.
"Bitch you don't tell me when I'm done." I snap.
"Oh ok do you wanna try him again, I'm sure he'd be happy to lay you out again. Plus im the queen...so i kinda do."
Now I can't tell who I hate more, the brat bitch or the boy bitch. Im fuckin torn. He puts Ace down, "I'm not here to fight, but you attack me again, i will drop you, got it?" 
Ace and I both look at each other, and I know what he's gonna say, and I REALLY don't want to get bitched at again.
"Fine," I say, putting my daggers back. "We won't-" AND ACE THROWS A SUCKER PUNCH AT THE BITCH!!!!! He catches it, of fucking course he does, but what the fuck Ace?!?!?!
And the second he said that I remembered, I said the same thing to Zara...wow, now I know how Ace feels around me...damn. Before I can say shit, though, the dude chops Ace's neck, and he's out like a light, literally like he flicked a damn switch just, click, then he just picks him up and puts him on his stand like nothing happened.
Then he and Zara have a chat and walk off, and the stands a wreck, and where did the moose g- "HEY, WAIT, GET BACK HERE!!" I shout as I storm after them, catch up, grab Zara by the arm and spin her around, "Where the hell are you going?! You need to get home and away from this guy." I say.
She blinks, and realization crosses her face, "Ok, look, it's a long story, and with the convo we just had, and you've had a long day and got your ass kicked three times now, but here's what's happening. He's not the thing in the shadows. We're gonna find it. If I stay here, I'm either dead, going to get kidnapped, or marrying that dickweed of a prince. I'm going with him because he's the only one who doesn't want to kill me at the moment. You are obliged by him," points at Ace, "To never leave my side till the thing is dead. You come with us, he'll explain everything, or you could try to argue with him and try a round four?"
I stay silent for a little before I say, "I fucking hate both of you...so.damn.much."
"Feelings mutual. Why do you think I was so happy to see him knock you around?" she says, smiling and walking away.
"...I don't get paid enough for this. Maybe I'll have the guy kill me. I mean, he CLEARY can, or I'll just shove this dagger down my throat that'll do the trick," I rant on following them, "Whoa whoa whoa, hold up, who the fuck are you anyways?" I ask the guy in the cloak.
"Sorry. My name is Nick, and your name is Aria, correct?" He asks, taking down his hood and mask, and I can see I was right about the short black hair.
"Yeah it is. And if I may ask you Zara, why are you so comfortable with him? He's a complete stranger and you just met him like," I say as I look down at my fake watch, "Fifteen minutes ago?"
"Ok first off it's starting to sound like you're actually caring about me for once. And second I don't know. I feel like I know him from somewhere. Also you were a stranger just yesterday and have said SEVERAL times you wanna kill me and he hasn't, soooo." Zara says.
"Ok first that's because I have anger issues with people that I don't know. Second, what do you mean by you think you know him from somewhere? Don't you just know if you do or not?"
"That's a funny way of saying in general." 
I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose.
"Ok I'll admit I have anger issues but that doesn't matter right now. What we do need to do is figure out what we are going to do next. Are we going back to the castle or are we going on to find this thing?"
"Yeah, uh hell no we are not going back to the fucking castle. I don't want to marry that Chad. Besides he has a crusty ass beard. It's nasty."
"Yeah, seems just like a cocky arrogant prep boy who marries for power. Seen them a lot." Nick says.
"Fair. I'm not gonna ask how, but I'm just gonna go along with it, but if it gets to much for us to handle we are coming back, and leaving you here so you don't die, ok?" I ask Zara.
"Fine, whatever." She replies. 
"Good, also Nick, you're a good fighter. You have my respect."
"Likewise." He says.
"Hey what about me?" asks Zara.
"You're getting there." I say to her.
"Your mocking me aren't you?"
"Yeah I am but you're kind of getting on my good side. Only because THIS one is taking your place on my bad one."
"Fair enough, not a lot of people like me anyways." Nick says, shrugging his shoulders.
We walk to a small shack with carriages, and there's no one there, so I guess it's closed, but there are not even horses to pull the carriage.
"Before we go, do you two need any supplies or need to stop anywhere?" Nick asks.
"Yea we do. But I have money on me so we can just buy some weapons and stuff." I say, although id much rather-
"Buying a new weapon is worse than getting ones you're used to. And it's better to use on food and essential rather then weaponry." Nick replies, almost mirroring my thoughts.
"Agreed, but little Mrs. Princess doesn't want to go back to the castle."
"Nope." Zara says.
"I'll sneak in and get some weapons and I'll be back. Meet me here." I say.
"How the hell are you supposed to sneak into the castle? There are way too many guards." Zara says.
"Oh, don't worry. I know how to handle them," I said while smirking.
"Ok, but you did technically kidnap the princes in their eyes so don't be too arrogant and be cautious, don't need you getting your ass kicked when you can beat them because of your arrogance." Nick states.
"We are not going to talk about that. But someone needs to watch her, and since you two are such a 'lovely couple', you can stay with her, and I'll go get weapons." I say, and as I do, I see something in Nick's expression change, it's ever so slight, but I can't make out what it is. Annoyance, sadness, confirmation, i have no clue and that bothers me.
I leave the two love birds and get the weapons easily, with no sweat whatsoever. I can't carry a lot, so I just grabbed what I found, a sword, a shield, and a few throwing knives. Then I went back to them and saw they got some food and items.
"Oh yay, Aria's back. I'm so happy." Says Zara sarcastically.
"Ok that was a little too much." I reply.
"Really, Coming from you. That's rich."
"Says the one who has acsess to daddys money?" "Oh you li-"
"Your the short one here, you wanna finish that sentence?"
"Ok ok, lets not do this please. Your both pretty, stubborn, and talkative people who have, by the looks of it, very different lives. I know its hard but could you TRY and get along?" Nick asks.
"Ok that first thing is a LIE but ok." I say.
"Its only a lie because you have self doubt."
"I- ok we are NOT talking about that."
"Alright then, you ready?" 
 "Yeah, I'm hungry and we are getting food. Let's go."
"We got food to last us about five days, three if you two are just snack junkies."
"No I'm not!" Zara and I say at the exact same time.
"That's a yes for both of you," He replies.
"Fine, but how are we going to travel because I don't want to walk." I say.
"The cart we got here, it'll get us around." Nick states.
I look around, and I see something missing.
"Who said horse?" Nick asks with a smile.
All of a sudden, a loud growl can be heard. Zara yelps and runs behind me, and pushes me toward the noise.
"Wow really I feel so loved by you right now."
"You really should, you said to stay behind you!!!"
"God damn you. Why do you listen to me? Anyways another question to add to that. WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT! That noise scared Merla and she doesnt get scared even though she's a bird bitch!"
Behind me, I hear Merla caw angrily and start pecking and clawing my face.
"Oi, stop it you idiot or I will put you in a cage when we get back. And don't think that I will forget about that."
Nick chuckles a bit.
"Whats so funny???" Zara asks, holding Flare close to her.
"Nothing,  it's just cute how startled you two get, especially with how aggressive Aria's reactions are." He replies, and I get a little flustered and angry.
"Ok, I am NOT cute! I'm threatning anf a killer!!." I rebut.
"Never said you wernt, compliments dont equal weakness."
I'm seriously gonna have to slap him upside the head soon, I whistle, and Merla turns into a white wolf ready to maul whatever the fuck that was, and even the brat's fox gets ready to fight. Then a stack of hay, or what we thought was hay, got up and loomed over us, and Merla and the fox turned around, but before I did, they both backed up and fuckin layed down whining. I turn around, and there's a bear behind me staring at me
"WHERE IS THAT GOD DAMN MOOSE?!?! I WANT IT BACK. Wait Merla turn into a moose."
"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Nick warns.
I whistle, and she turns into a moose. She twirls around, probably wondering what the fuck is going on.
The bear sees the moose and lets out a small roar and sends it into the shack and begins to tackle it and is about to eat it before Nick jumps in."Fluffy no!! This is a friend, not food." 
The bear gets off, and Merla turns back into a bird and BOOKS it toward me as she hides behind my back.
"The fuck." I question.
Zara just stands there with her mouth wide open.
"Ayo princessa close your mouth before a fly goes in there." I say.
"You're scared that bear almost ate your bird so you are hiding it with a joke aren't you?"
"...Would you believe me if I said no?"
"No." Both Nick and Zara said at the same time.
"Well damn."
Fluffy walks up to Zara and licks her hand, and Zara pets his head,"Awwwwww, he's so cute." Zara says and plays with Fluffy.
"Ya know what I'm not even gonna question anything...but, THAT BITCH ALMOST MADE MY BIRD INTO A HAPPY MEAL!!!" I shout.
"Emphasis on almost." Nick states.
"I want to fight the bear...but also its a bear..and it just roared a moose through a shack."
"Yeah maybe don't do that." Nick advises as he hooks up Fluffy to the cart.
"So the bear pulls the cart?"
"Faster then three horses, can swim, and has the endurance of five of them on a bad day, so yeah he'll be good."
We load up the rest of the belongings and head off into the forest...where were going, I don't fucking know, but we are too far gone to turn back now so. I'll ask more later, like where, why, and of course, what the fuck, but I've had a long day, and I just want to sleep.
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dontyoudare-please · 8 months
Kanashii approached the cliff's edge with the bird clutched closely to his chest. He could feel it's rapid heartbeat racing along his own. When he reached the part where rock dropped off into sea and into Nothing, he sat down and held the bird on one finger. They looked out together to see more birds dancing through the sky.
The choice is yours, young one. You begged for hope and here it is, the thing with feathers. Will you devour it and claim that hope for your own? Will you cage it and keep it locked away in your home? Will you clip its wings and let it ride your shoulder, trained to never stray far? It will not blame you, no matter what you choose. It accepted its fate the moment it was born.
The words echoed inside his mind and through the air. Kanashii knew the ancestors were not lying about the bird accepting its fate. He also knew that despite his desperation and the gnawing, gaping hunger he could feel eroding at him, there really was no choice to be made. He had always felt like a creature whose wings had been stolen; he couldn't bear to create another. So he raised his hand, ignoring the pang that shattered through his soul.
"Go join the others, little birdy. Go fly and dance, I'll sit here and watch. That'll be enough."
The small thing with an ancient wisdom in its eyes looked at Kanashii. He could see in its expression the doubt at his words, but it accepted his choice with no blame and, with a final nod, took off into the sky. Suddenly, it was as if the flood gates had opened, birds of all colors and sizes poured out of The Nothing in hundreds and thousands. They danced through the sky as one massive being. At first it seemed like they followed no pattern, just a flowing motion with no direction, until slowly a figure appeared from the masses.
Made up of the birds themselves, but packed so tightly one would never know had they not watched it come into creation, stood a giant. Kanashii felt that if he were to somehow clamber onto the giant's arm, he would be no larger than a single hair. This creature stood tall and proud, and it wore a wide flat-brimmed hat with streams of dark ribbons cascading down the back. It shook its whole body as it adjusted to existence and made a sound that could almost be called a laugh if one was deranged enough to call it that.
It took notice of Kanashii sitting on the cliff with his wide eyes and gaping mouth and approached with a smile. As it grew near, it shrunk until Kanashii felt that if he embraced its littlest finger, his hands just might meet one another. He couldn't find a way to wipe the shock and awe off his face, and so he sat still and frozen as it came within speaking distance. When it spoke, its voice was much like it's laugh, a cacophony of every bird call in existence tumbling over one another.
"So you want hope, dear one? But you let it go. Hope for what?" Kanashii had no idea how he was able to make out the words, let alone understand them. Maybe he really was losing his mind.
"I- I am frightened. I think I might be dying," he repeated the words he had said to the ancestors.
The laugh came again. "So what do you want from me? What can I give you?"
Kanashii felt lost for a moment as he pondered it. But then the answer came to him as easy as breathing, "I want to write my story before I die, but I can't find it."
The giant looked pleased. "Today I will give you a dance. Come back again tomorrow and I will give you a piece of the story."
And with that, the giant stepped back away from the cliff, back out the sea. It raised its arms, Kanashii watched, feeling he should be horrified but not finding anything except awe, as birds burst and tore from the giant's stomach. They flew together and soared up and around the outstretched arms. They looked like the wind itself. It was almost music as that shrieking, tweeting, cawing laugh returned. The giant spun and twirled through the air, the flurry of free birds diving and spiralling up and down to follow the motions.
As the dance went on, the energy grew more fervent, the noise grew louder, an echoing, deafening sound in the expansive space. The Giant reached up for its hat and began to incorporate it into the dance, the streams of darkness fluttering in the wind and adding even more movement to the display. More birds separated from the body to join in, the dance simplifying into one extended spin, the hat leading the swarm.
The sun caught and shined on every color ever known to him as the giant seemed to disintegrate into the spin itself. The speed increased, everything followed the hat as it spun up and up, until all that remained of the giant was the hat and the hand holding it. Finally, when Kanashii began to wonder if it would ever end, the hat reached its peak and then began crashing into the sea, flurry of birds following. Kanashii panicked and reached out as if he could stop it, but right before hitting the water, the hand, the hat, and the birds all disappeared back into The Nothing one by one.
Kanashii wasn't sure how long he sat there, ears ringing, stunned into stillness. He only knew, as he stumbled shakily to his feet, that he would return tomorrow.
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