#it’s not seen that they’re being stared at lovingly but i know what they are
starshine-valley · 11 months
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God really loves it when gay people make a cameo in their significant other’s card and turn around, not facing the audience as they stare lovingly at said significant other.
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kooktrash · 1 year
a little thing called jealousy | jeon jungkook drabble
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ugh okay I’m sorry I tried making it a bit more of an argument but I just can’t give this couple angst 😭
anyway, 2.9k straight fluff. a little bit of jealous Koo and they’re both clingy af
Jungkook will be the first to admit that this was really all his doing. His homebody girlfriend would have preferred to stay in tonight and he would’ve loved to join you but this was Hoseok. Your shared friend Hoseok was having people over and he begged and begged Jungkook to get you to come out. He wanted to have a fun night with his girlfriend too so of course he was going to beg you to come out, right?
Well… apparently he’s an idiot.
You’re having fun alright, you’ve been drinking a bit and he’s happily taken the liberty of being sober tonight so he could still drive home but unfortunately for him that meant he was very aware of the things happening around him. For instance, you talking to some guy who you apparently knew. Jungkook is not the jealous type, he’s never been because he’s never had a reason to be. It’s been known for a while now that he could get a girl if he wanted to and you’ve been the only one in his life to make him really work for it and for that he’s thankful. You helped him be able to fully explore what he felt toward you until it was all he could think about and now he’s obsessed with you. He’s not the jealous type…
“Where’s Y/n?” Sungha asked coming over to him after watching him sulk on Hobi’s couch like there weren’t at least thirty people around him getting drunk. Jungkook shrugged, “She’s talking to someone.”
“Who?” Sungha asked, looking around with a smile on her face, “Oh! That’s Jisoo, wow, I haven’t seen him in a long time.”
Jungkook turned his attention to her, “Wait, you know him too? Who is he?”
“Uh,” Sungha thought for a moment, “He’s Y/n’s ex but It’s been years since we last saw him. Last I heard he moved to Tokyo for some time, he must’ve just gotten back.”
“Y/n’s ex?” Jungkook asked looking back to you and you felt his stare, turning to him and giving him a soft smile that made Jisoo look at him too, “I thought all her ex boyfriends were shitty.”
“All but Jisoo,” Sungha shrugged, not noticing the way Jungkook’s leg began to bounce anxiously and his lip caught between his teeth, “But it was so long ago and we were all young so it makes sense that there’s no hard feelings there.”
“I’ll be back,” Jungkook said in a rush as he hopped off the couch and practically ran over to where you were.
Your breath hitched as firm arms wrapped around your waist pulling you flush against their back and for a second you couldn’t think of who it was. You’ve been drinking all night and when you get like that you tend to just talk and talk and forget everything else. It wasn’t until you felt Jungkook place small kisses along your neck that you smiled, “Hey.”
“Hey,” Jungkook whispered into your eye as he kissed you one last time before looking at Jisoo, “I’ve been waiting for you to remember I was here too.”
Your brows seemed to furrow in confusion. You’ve only been away from him for at most five minutes. You had seen Jisoo from across Hobi’s apartment and you wanted to see how he was doing. You dated when you were 17 and it was so long ago and now you were both adults so clearly there were things to catch up on. It had been a mutual break up and since you were young it didn’t hold too much meaning so in truth you thought nothing of it.
“Jisoo this is Jungkook,” you introduced them to each other casually, Jungkook was busy kissing your neck lovingly for you to pay attention without squirming. You tried moving his hands off you because he was beginning to squeeze you a bit too much but he wouldn’t let up.
“Her boyfriend,” Jungkook clarified and you could hear the harshness in his tone. You smiled, “Yeah.”
“Good to meet you man,” Jisoo said missing the way Jungkook glared at him and he looked to you, “Alright, I haven’t had a chance to talk to Sungha or Jimin so I’m gonna go find them.”
“Yeah, go do that,” Jungkook said as you finally freed yourself from your boyfriend’s death grip. Jisoo’s brows scrunched together in confusion but he still smiled and waved you both goodbye.
“You having fun?” You asked him, slurring on your words a bit as you felt his hand go back to you waist not letting you get far from him without holding onto you. He shook his head no, “You ditched me.”
You laughed softly, still not processing how he was feeling in your drunken state, “I was just talking to Jisoo. I haven’t seen him in year—“
“Yeah and he’s your ex boyfriend that you ditched your current boyfriend to see,” Jungkook said following you down the hall toward the bathroom, stepping on the back of your shoe on accident.
You shook your head, “Yeah sorry, we ended up talking about his work so…”
You cut yourself off when you felt him step on your shoe once again but this time your foot actually lifted and it kind of hurt. “Ow!”
“Sorry,” Jungkook mumbled, “Can I go with you?”
“Where?” You asked before it dawned on you, “To the bathroom?” He nodded his head eagerly and you released a sigh, “Sure.”
You let him in and as you tried using the bathroom Jungkook distracted himself by rummaging through Hobi’s things. You hurried up to finish and you practically had to push him to the side to get to the sink. When you left, he was right there trying to hug you like you weren’t trying to walk and it was beginning to be a bit much. You were a little drunk and when you drink you tend to get hot and with him trying to hold you and step on you, you were starting to get a little annoyed. What was his deal?
He followed you into Hobi’s kitchen where you left in search of something to drink other than alcohol. Jungkook wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you into him before you could even grab a drink, “Can we leave yet?”
“We just got here not that long ago,” you told him, feeling him begin to kiss along your neck again.
“Yeah but you’ve been ignoring me all night and I just want to lay in bed with my girlfriend an—“
“Jungkook!” You groaned when he accidentally pushed you too close to the counter in an attempt to follow you even if you didn’t move and made you hit your hip against the corner, “Ow!”
“Sorry,” he rushed out to say, hand down on your hip to try and soothe the pain but you were annoyed and drunk and hot.
You released a huff in annoyance, “Jeez, you’ve stepped on me and now you made me hit the counter, can you give me some space?”
“No, I’m starting to get annoyed,” you said pushing past him, “And I haven’t been ignoring you. I’ve been with you all night, I only left for like five minutes so stop being so clingy.”
Jungkook’s jaw couldn’t help but tense up at that as he looked down at you. You really did look annoyed and typically Jungkook would apologize and do what you asked but he felt annoyed too. How was he supposed to feel when you left him to talk to your ex boyfriend, “Fine, go do whatever you want then, I’ll be waiting in the car.”
Before you could say anything you watched him storm off angrily and just before you could get to him, Sungha and Jimin were calling you over. You walked over to them reluctantly, “Hey.”
“Hey, where’s Kook?” Jimin asked offering you another drink but you refused it. “I don’t know… he went to the car?”
“I think he’s ready to go, I’ll probably just say goodbye to Hobi and Jisoo and leave too,” you told them apologetically, “He’s acting weird, and I got a little mad at him.”
“Y/n… what happened?” Sungha asked making you shrug.
“I don’t know, he was fine earlier and then when I was talking to Jisoo he just came over and got super clingy and…” you paused in thought, “Oh…”
Sungha’s smile dropped, “Oops, that might’ve been my fault. I told him about Jisoo being your ex and he got up a little upset.”
“Sungha!” Jimin yelled, “They dated for a month when they were seventeen! Why would you tell him that?”
“I don’t know!” Sungha panicked, “I didn’t think it was a big deal. Jungkook never gets jealous!”
You released a huff, feeling exhausted and a little more sober now, “Alright, I’m gonna go talk to him, bye.”
You practically ran out to Jungkook’s car and when you found him inside he was slumped over his phone, pout evident on his face.
“Ready?” You asked him shyly, wondering how you could talk about it and if he really was upset. He didn’t give you a verbal response, only nodded his head as he started the car.
You cleared your throat awkwardly, “I think I drank too much.”
Jungkook didn’t respond once again as he drove quietly, not even music playing and you felt the need to keep going, “Thank you for getting me to come out tonight. Next time I’ll drive and you can get drunk, alright?”
Jungkook just nodded as he drove. His feelings were very obviously hurt. He didn’t mean to step on you or making you hit the counter but he was anxious. The second he learned Jisoo was your ex he felt his anxiety shoot up and he just needed a little reassurance from you.
It’s just… it took him so long to get you to even think about him romantically. He put in so much work for the two of you to be where you are and he genuinely thinks he’s in love with you. He can’t help but feel hurt knowing your ex can come out of nowhere and have all your attention right away and if you’re still on good terms then who's to say there’s not still lingering feelings there? He doesn’t want to lose you when he just got you.
Tonight Jungkook was staying over at your place even if he was a little mad at how you yelled at him when he just wanted to be with you. Even mad he wanted to spend the night with you so obviously he was going to follow you.
“Koo,” you said softly as you followed him up to your own apartment. Jungkook waited quietly for you to unlock the door and you had to repeat yourself, “Are you hungry? Should I put a pizza in the oven?”
“If you want,” Jungkook shrugged as he threw himself on your couch sullenly. You released a small sigh, “Do you want water?”
He didn’t mean to brush you off but he really was upset. Maybe he’s overthinking it but it really was hard to get you to like him back and he’s just worried… he doesn’t want you to realize that you could probably do better than him.
“Jungkook,” you used his full name now as you set the glass down on the coffee table and made him sit up. Without thinking you planted yourself on his neck but he couldn’t even look at you, “Hey.”
“Are you mad at me?”
“A little,” he admitted, not wanting to bottle this feeling up, “I didn’t mean to be too clingy but you yelled at me in front of everyone and… and you didn’t even introduce me to your ex as your boyfriend. It’s like you didn’t want him to know.”
You shook your head sadly, “No, it’s not like tha—“
“Then what is it, Y/n? You ditch me to talk to your ex boyfriend then get mad at me for wanting to be with you?” Jungkook felt a bit annoyed now, “Sometimes I still feel like I’m just a bother to you and you just can’t wait to get rid of me.”
“What?” You looked genuinely taken back as you turned to straddle his lap, his hands absentmindedly finding your waist even if he was mad, “No, baby, it’s not like that. I love being with you, I… I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to snap on you. I know you didn’t mean it, and I’m sorry for ditching you but Jisoo and I…”
Jisoo and I? Great… Jungkook thought, he felt his anxiety spike up and couldn’t help but move you off his lap, too distracted with you so close. You released a small sigh, “I mean, we only dated for a month. It was nothing serious, we tried to see where it would go but we were 17 and better off as friends. Him and I never meant anything.”
Jungkook was up, trying to find a way to distance himself so you wouldn’t see how hurt he was. Maybe he was being dramatic but what if now that you’re adults you want to try it again with Jisoo? What will happen to him if you do?
“Jungkook…” you whined as you hopped off the couch, surprising him by wrapping your arms around his waist and hugging him from behind, “Please don’t be mad at me. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have left you there, I’m sorry.”
Jungkook took a deep breath, feeling his anger slowly dissipate but he needed to stay strong. You yelled at him and you were mean, it wasn’t fair.
He tried to talk but you only clung to him harder, “Kooky, look at me please.”
He took a deep breath, hand going over yours as you hugged him, “I’m upset.”
“I know,” you told him honestly as you moved to hug his front, feeling his arms slowly come up to your waist, “I’m sorry, I don’t want you thinking I want to be with anyone but you. I’m serious, I feel really bad.”
Jungkook huffed in defeat as his hand came up to the back of your head, “Are you going to yell at me like that again?”
“No!” You said feeling hopeful, looking up at him like he was the moon and stars, “I mean it. I’m sorry, I won’t do it again.”
“Mm,” he released a sigh as he thought about it, “Was I really being too much?”
“No! No,” you should your head, “No, I get it now. I was ignoring you and you just wanted to be with me but I got mad. No, I love when you get like that, it makes me feel wanted.”
“Of course I want you!” He said suddenly, “Baby, I’ve never felt that way before… I just felt scared that you would realize that you only began dating me because I basically pressured you to and seeing someone you used to have feelings for made you reali—“
“Jungkook, I love you.”
He froze, words getting caught in his throat, “You do?”
You nodded cutely, still hugging him tightly, “Of course I do, you’re the sweetest guy I’ve ever met! And you’re so cute and funny and I want to be with you all the time even if I suck at showing it. I’m sorry for making you feel like I would leave you, that’s not right. I want to be with you and only you, nobody else, please don’t be mad at me. I don’t like it.”
Jungkook brushed your hair out of your face as he thought about it for a second, “I’m so in love with you, Y/n. So fucking in love that I’m feeling things I’ve never felt before and I don’t know how to respond to this new jealousy feeling.”
“I’m in love with you,” you repeated and this time around he felt his heart burst into millions of butterflies, “And I’m so sorry.”
“Ugh,” he huffed out, “I can’t be mad at you even if I tried.”
“But it’s okay if you are,” you told him honestly — and cutely that he had to smile — “I don’t blame you for getting mad if I’ve done something to upset you. Don’t feel like you always have to be happy with me and let me have my way.”
“Okay,” he kissed the tip of your nose, “But I love you too much to stay mad.”
“Koo!” You whined, stomping your foot a little as you tried to pull away, “You can’t always be happy with me—“
“I can’t help it,” he whined too, cheeks flushing red at how cute he thought you were, “I was just being dramatic.”
“No, you weren’t, I was in the wron—“ you ended with a small squeal as Jungkook picked you up.
“We’ll talk tomorrow,” Jungkook finally said, “For now let’s get to bed and let me cuddle you.”
“I’m sorry for earlier,” you said, legs wrapping around his waist on instinct, practically clinging to him, “Seriously.”
“I know,” Jungkook smiled, “And if you really want to make it up to me then you can get your cute butt in bed and go to sleep.”
“So you’re not mad at me anymore?” You asked with a small yawn as he made it into your room and set you down gently on your bed. He went ahead and closed the door, shutting you into darkness as he joined you, “No, baby, I love you too much to stay mad.”
“I love you more,” you said and you felt disgusted by your own cheesiness.
He smiled though, loving every second of it, “No, I love you more.”
“Not true.”
“Yes true.”
“Yes! Now go to sleep.”
ugh I just genuinely feel like they can’t stay mad at each other for long
permanent taglist: @notmyfaultbutours @rerefundslocals @fandems @sugaluvmyg @guvgguk @kimyishin @libra04 @kooromiwrld @classycreationcupcake-blog @alwaysdreamingnotsleeping @cherrymonlightt t @nikkiordonez12 @asking4-sanity @thvlover @saweetspoiled @uwu2rawr @shaybts-blog @babycandy111 @tearyjjeon @joons-uparupa @jeonninja @yellowcupid08 @02010802 @knudsenheggedel @skzthinker @unnatae @aurorthi @beautywine @95ene @taekookstata @lilliankoo @shescharlie @annenakamura @lesoleile @burnahtsw @babybella337 @kooloveys @ku-ku @chaelvrx @minnie-mouser22 2 @Imeneghd @whoa-jo @evajeonsworld @marvelbun @sunnikthv v @kochycooky @heyhowyoudoin3 @acielelyseen @giselleswifeee @jeonjk25 @ilikeitlikethatt @bangmechanpls @lvr2seok @badbyeyoongi i @jaerisdiction @watermelonjuice15 @artmsmaid @xyahrinx @angeleen777 @jooniesxbby @brillantdarling
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rabbidbunwy · 10 days
🔞 Gojo x reader| Minors DNI| NSFW WARNING 🔞
Needy little things
Sum. You can't get enough of your best friend dick Warnings. fem! reader x best friend roomate! Gojo,hookup, unprotected, riding f!,f! receiving,cussing,praise,petnames,cummin outside then inside,teasing,begging,both the parties being selfish in their own way,two rounds,filling up
i'm no english native so sorry for some mistakes
please reblog 🔁 and like❤️
@muzansslxt @candy69gurl @kiwicopia @ponderingmoonlight @satorkive
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He chuckled at your words. “Break you? Don’t be dramatic” he said, his hands roaming over your body. He loved teasing you, making you squirm and whine underneath him.
“You’re taking me perfectly well” he continued, his lips finding your neck. Satoru had his fair few hookups in high school, yet he never felt this way around any of them. It felt special with you. He needed you. Only you.
"Fuck Toru, don't come inside" you phanted "fuck,if someone sees us were doomed" He was too caught up in the moment, to lost in you. Your face was flushed pink, your breathing ragged, and he thought it was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.
“And who’s gonna catch us? They’re all in a mission" he said. His lips found their way to your neck, leaving a trail of kisses behind. “No one’s going to find out.”
"Outside Gojo outside" you whined at your friend as he groaned. “You’re a tease.” Satoru did as you say, though, his release ending up on your stomach. “There. Happy, princess?” He asked, his breath panting. He’ll never understand why he does all these things with you. You know he’s supposed to be the strongest and yet here he was, listening to you like a good boy.
"More" you whined as you switched position so you were riding Gojo "Need more" you cooed “Greedy little thing, aren’t you?” He teases, his hands moving to your hips to help steady you. “Just can’t get enough of me, hm?” Satoru had a habit of getting snappy when he was riled up. “So whiny” Satoru chuckles. “Stop being so cute or you won’t get what you want.” He leaned up, his lips right by your ear. “You know how to play the game, princess. Beg.”
"Mhn please let me come Satoru" you whined riding him harder "I will let you come inside just-mhn" you whined trying to bargain. He could feel you getting needier, and he loved it. Satoru grunted, his hands gripping your hips tighter as you rode him. “Needy little princess, that’s what you are.” He smirked, his blue eyes staring up at you. “And how badly do you want it?”
"Please please,so bad" you ride him hard gripping him "i'm close" He didn’t think you would be so demanding, not with the way you usually act. Even he was a bit surprised, seeing you like this. Though he knew, he knew that he was the one who reduced you into a whiny mess. “Yeah, you’re close, huh?” He says, his voice low. His hands squeezed at your hips, guiding you as you rode him. “You’re being so selfish.”
“Not even gonna ask if I’m close?” He teased, a smirk still on his face. “Just focused on yourself, princess?” Satoru was also close, though he loved seeing you like this. A sweaty, whiny mess with your only thought being your own climax. He was addicted to how you looked when you were like that. “So pretty when you’re desperate.”
“Yeah, you look good like this. Just so desperate for release.” He grunted, his grip on your hips growing tighter. “It’s so cute how you think only of yourself.” Satoru’s breath was growing more heavy, he could feel himself nearing his own release. “Can’t even ask about me, huh?” He teased, his smirk growing. “How selfish of you, princess.” He chuckled again before a moan escaped his lips. “I’m almost there, too, you know.”
You whined as you snuggled on his chest licking it "please come" you begged “There it is.” He said softly, almost lovingly. Satoru smiled as he looked down at you. “That’s what I wanted to hear, princess.” His hands moved up to your hair to pet it. “You sound so cute when you’re asking nicely.”
You gripped him mewling as you both camed "ah ahn T-toru"
His breath was shaky as he came. “Yeah” he whispered, his hands sliding up to hold you. “That’s it princess, that’s it.”
He knew what he was doing wasn’t right, that fucking his best friend was wrong. Yet he didn’t care. Satoru didn’t care if he was being selfish, as long as he had you in his arms.
“You did so good” he said gently as he pet your hair. “So, so good.” Satoru knew he should be gentle with you afterwards, as he usually was. You always got clingy, and he’d be lying if he said he didn’t love it.
You felt his cum around your walls "mhn you had a lot" you whined humming Satoru huffed a laugh at your words. “Yeah” he said gently. “Yeah I guess I did.” He always cum a lot, but he felt a bit embarrassed when you pointed it out. Though that thought was quickly replaced with a smirk. “Maybe you bring that out of me.”
"i know you need more Toru,you're still so hard i can feel it" you moved your hips in a circular motion moaning softly. A gasp escaped his lips as you talked, his hands grabbing onto your hips again. “You really are a tease, huh?” He grunted. Satoru was already hard, even after just finishing. He was trying to keep up his smirk, yet his moans were a dead giveaway of just how much that turned him on. “You’re a little minx, you know that?”
“You just love getting me all worked up, don’t you?” He said, his voice a little shaky. “Playing with fire, princess…” He groaned as you moved your hips. “I’m gonna have to spank you if you don’t stop.”
“Or” he continued. “I could just make you behave right now.” His hands moved over your body, stopping to grab at your sensitive spots. “I know how to make you behave when you don’t listen, princess.”
you whined as he rubbed a certain spot "mhnn Toru,dont do this to your best friend" you teased moaning “Don’t do what?” He asked, knowing exactly what he was doing. “Teasing you?” He smirked before rolling the two of you over, so Satoru was on top of you now. “Or are you hinting that we shouldn’t be doing this?”
He placed a hand on your stomach, his blue eyes looking right at you. “You love doing this with me, princess, I’m just giving you what you want…”
“Just like that” he whispered, his breath warm on your neck. “It’s a good thing we don’t have a meeting tomorrow, huh?” He teased as he started to move his hips with more force. They were going to be at this for a while, though he didn’t mind. Satoru rarely had any self control, and he definitely didn’t when it came to you.
“You have anywhere to be in the morning?” He asked, his eyes locking with yours. “I’m gonna be keeping you up for a while, princess…” "mhn n..no..im free tomoroww morning" you moaned softly holding the sheets “Good” he said, his lips finding your neck. He started to lick and bite at it, leaving behind marks. “I can keep you all to myself then.” He was already leaving hickies on you, wanting to make sure everyone knew you were his princess.
You whined as you felt closer again "Toru.." “Yeah, I know” he whispered back, his mouth up by your ear so you could hear him clearly. “I know you’re getting close again, princess.” Satoru’s hands moved back to your hips as he started moving his hips a bit faster.
“I can tell by how you’re holding the sheets.” He teased gently, his smirk still on his face. “You really are so needy, princess. So, so needy.”
“But you’re cute like that” he continued between his own moans. “I love how you need me, so I don’t mind spoiling you a bit.” Satoru knew he shouldn’t be treating you that way, but his selfishness was so strong. He’d do anything to get a whine out of you, anything at all.
“Come on, princess” he said, his voice a bit softer. “You’re close, I know it.” Satoru began to move a bit faster, feeling himself getting closer as well. “I know you’re getting there, princess.”
“Come on, let go” he whispered, his breaths getting a bit ragged. “Let go for me, princess. I know you can do it.” Satoru’s mouth moved to your neck, biting down a bit harder than before. He was starting to get less gentle with you, but he knew that’s how you liked it.
“There it is” he teased gently, noticing the way you were whining more. “So close, huh?” Satoru’s mouth continued to work on your neck, leaving behind more hickies in their wake. “I love it when you’re so desperate, princess.”
“Can’t even talk” he teased, “just a whiny mess, just like I like you.” Satoru was getting a bit rougher with his hands now, his grip on your hips getting tighter. “You just love being helpless for me, don’t you? Yeah, thought so.”
He started moving a bit harder and faster now, his own groans getting a bit louder. “I’m close too” he mumbled into your ear. “Can’t hold back for much longer, being like this with you.”
“Princess, I’m gonna….” He warned, his mouth still on your neck. “Gonna come….” Satoru’s hands squeezed at your hips a bit harder, as if he was trying to hold back the feeling.
“Do you want it inside?” He asked, his voice quieter now. “Or out?” Satoru honestly would have let you choose either way. He didn’t have a preference, he just wanted you to keep making those whiny little sounds.
“Gotta tell me princess” he added with a smirk. “I need to know where I’m putting this.” His hand moved up to your hair, his fingers tangling with it again. “Can’t decide by myself, can I?”
"Mhn inside" you phanted mewling gripping his back “Inside.” He repeated, his voice even quieter than before. A small shiver went through his body as you told him that, his hands squeezing at your waist a bit more. He didn’t move for a moment, just trying to regain his breath before nodding. “Yeah, okay princess.”
“Gonna fill you up, okay?” He said, his lips moving up to your ear. Satoru was already close, so he didn’t move for a moment until he was ready. “Can’t keep anything from you anymore, princess… You have me wrapped around your little finger.”
“You own me, princess” he whispered, his tone a bit shaky. “All for you, all mine, just like you’re all mine…” He started moving again, his mouth moving to your neck. He was starting to get a bit rougher, almost a bit more possessive of you.
Satoru groaned as he released inside you, his body shaking slightly. “Yeah….” He muttered, his mouth still near your neck. “There it is… good princess.” He leaned back, looking down at you with his blue eyes
“Look at you” he said, his own breath still shaky. “All whiny and messy…” Satoru looked down at your body, noticing how much of a wreck he’d made you. “I wonder if it’ll ever be enough for you… you’re always so unsatisfied.”
“You just want more and more…” he teased gently, his hand moving up to your hair. “My greedy princess…” Satoru let out a light chuckle as he continued to pet your hair.
A small smile spread across his face when you snuggled into his chest, an arm wrapping around you to pull you in closer. Satoru let out a small sigh, the hand in your hair still playing with it. “You’re so adorable, princess…” He whispered as he watched you fall asleep.
“You’re always so cute like this…” he muttered, mostly talking to himself at this point. His other hand moved down to your hip, where all the marks he’d left were. He felt the desire to leave more markings there tomorrow, claiming you all over again.
“You’re all mine” he whispered as he looked down at the marks all over your neck, as well as the hickies on your hip. There wasn’t a single part of your body that Satoru hadn’t marked up, claiming you as his every single time.
He sighed again and relaxed, his arms pulling you even closer to him. He loved falling asleep with you in his arms, knowing you were all his. He let his own eyes close, holding you tight as he fell asleep as well.
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lwwife · 8 months
Hi!!! Request for Leah (smut), something based on the first time Leah can use the strap properly again after her ACL and she goes to town on reader with it after not being able to do that for so long. They’re still completely switch tho, so some bottom!Leah too.
I've missed having you like this
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Smut: Leah and Reader!Switch, strap on, fluff
Word count: 1,870
Leah’s pov:
Y/n and I’s sex life since doing my ACL has been uneventful, to say the least. Y/n has been able to go down on me, but I’ve still had to keep cautious of the way I move my legs. I haven’t been able to touch Y/n properly in a long time. We found a compromise for her to sit on my face, but it rarely happens. I’ve finally hit my 9-month mark since surgery and am back playing almost full games. I have an appointment later this afternoon with the surgeon which should be one of my last. Y/n is going to tag along as she has for all of them. She wants to make sure she knows how to look after me perfectly and I recover well.
“Okay Leah, your scans show an almost perfect recovery, you’ve done incredibly well in rehab and I’m going to clear you for a full 90 minutes.” I grin excitedly and Y/n squeezes my hand.
“Congratulations baby!” she turns to me, “I’m so proud of you.”, I look at her lovingly.
“Yes, you’ve done very well Leah you should be very proud of yourself.” The doctor smiles and nods.
“Excuse me, I just need to pop to the loo” Y/n stands up and kisses my head on the way out. Once the door closes, I turn back to the doctor nervously.
“Is something wrong Leah?”
“No sir it’s just I um I’m not really sure how to ask this” I look down.
“Leah I’ve heard some wild things in my years, please go ahead” He smiles softly.
“Okay well, I um I was just kind of wondering if um I would be able to you know” I raise my eyebrows and he laughs.
“Have sex?”
“Yeah, yes um that” He laughs again.
“Yes, you can, you’re practically cleared for any form of physical activity, except I wouldn’t recommend getting back to your gym time backflips just yet” he grins, and I have to laugh.
“Thank you, sir,”.
Y/n’s pov:
“Darling! Dinner’s nearly ready” I call out to Leah, who’s God knows where doing God knows what. I haven’t seen her since we came home from the doctor, she disappeared upstairs almost immediately. “Leah! babe! Come on I’m serving it up” I shout again.
“Coming bub!” she shouts from the stairs. I turn around to place the food on the table when Leah comes around the corner, hair freshly washed, skin looking clean, and I can smell her perfume from here.
“Nice scrub?” I laugh at her.
“Shush you” She comes over to me and kisses me on the cheek before sitting down. “This looks lovely baby thank you for cooking”.
“You mean like I do every night?” I raise a brow and Leah rolls her eyes and giggles.
“Mmmh” Leah almost moans, “This is delicious y/n” She runs her foot up my bare calf. I raise my eyebrows and almost choke on my wine. She just continues to eat, ignoring my hard stare.
As I’m washing up the dishes Leah comes up behind me wrapping her arms around my waist, slowly leaving kisses along my neck and up to my ear. “What’s gotten into you tonight?” I question her.
“Am I not allowed to touch my beautiful girlfriend?” She takes her hands off me and brings them to her chest, acting offended. I simply roll my eyes and giggle as she walks off to the couch.
I’m lying in Leah’s arms, in between her legs, back against her chest watching our current obsession, Game of Thrones, when Leah begins to run her hand up my thigh. I look up at her, but she continues to look forward, raising her hand higher and higher. “Leah” I whisper.
“What?” she smiles,
“What are you doing?”
“Nothing, what are you doing?”, I cock an eyebrow at her childish response. “Ugh! You can’t take a hint can you?” She whines.
“What are you talking about baby?” I frown.
“I want to fuck you, babe! We haven’t had sex in ages, I’ve been trying to tease you all night! I just had the longest shower of my life, shaving every possible inch of me!”
“Leah, darling, I know I want to too, but you’re still recovering I don’t want to ruin your rehab baby.” I frown at her again, stroking my thumb over her cheek.
“The Doctor said it’s fine” she mumbles.
“The Doctor! He said it was fine to have sex” She looks down, “I asked him” She keeps her head low but looks up at me with a pout and a small smile.
“You naughty girl” I whisper.
“Oh yes fuck! “, Leah moans and cums loudly as I suck hard on her clit. “Come here” she orders me, and kisses me hard, tongue diving straight into my mouth. “I want to make you feel good” she groans. “Stay here, I’ll be right back”. I smile, excited. Leah returns a minute later with our favourite strap attached to her.
“Oh shit” I mumble as I feel myself instantly drip.
“Turn around” She orders me, and I turn to get an all fours, just how I know she likes it. She moves me so I'm resting on my forearms instead of my hands, and my face is down into the pillow. She smacks my ass hard and I wince but moan at the feeling. “God I can’t wait to fuck you like this” she growls, spreading me open by the cheeks, moving forward a little more. She smacks my ass again and runs the strap over my clit and down, so it’s completely coated in my wetness. “Do you want me to fuck you baby?” she leans down to my ear, her front against my back.
“Yes please, I want you so bad baby please fuck me”, Leah smacks my ass one more time before she slowly thrusts the strap inside me. I moan loudly, instantly feeling the pleasure I’ve so badly craved. “Fuck! Yes, keep going” I pant, my entire body tingling. Leah's thrusts start to speed up and become more forceful.
“Yeah? You like that baby?” She growls into my ear.
“Yes! Yes! Fuck yes! Oh, you fuck me so good” I moan. Leah moves back so she’s no longer against my back and grabs at my hips roughly. She begins to slam into me, harder and harder. I moan so loud I begin to feel sorry for our neighbours. I scream and scream and scream while Leah continues to groan and tell me what a good girl I’m being. After one last hard thrust, I cum all over the strap and begin to drip down my thighs. I wince and groan at the feeling of Leah removing the strap from me.
“Shhhh it’s okay baby, I know” She hushes and turns me over so I’m on my back. She kisses my head softly and lays down next to me. “You have no idea how much I’ve missed that; I’ve been dying to fuck you like that for months.”
“Yeah, well you better not ever stop,” I whisper. “Take it off” I look down at the strap. Leah looks at me confused, as if she was waiting to go another round on me. “I’ll let you go again later you addict, let me have a turn”, I move closer to her and begin to undo the harness. I strip her of the strap and put it on myself. Leah lays, patiently, a small smile visible on her face, waiting for me to climb on top of her. I sit up and rest my back against the headboard. “Come sit” I demand. Leah almost jumps at the chance. Moving over she places herself onto my stomach, subtly grinding, her wetness coating my abdomen. I move my hands to run over her breast, we aren’t quite at eye level so she’s looking down at me, however, we both know I have all the power at this moment. I squeeze her breasts and she throws her head back. I pinch her nipples then move forward to kiss her chest. Her hands immediately find their way to my hair, pushing me in further. I lick and suck all over her chest, biting and pulling softly at her nipples. Leah’s grinding starts to get quicker, so I stop.
“Ride it,” I say simply. Leah doesn’t hesitate to move back, hovering herself over the strap, which is still wet from me. “Now sit,” I tell her. Leah slowly sits onto the strap, her mouth instantly opening, angelic noises escaping. Once she fills herself with the whole thing I grab onto her hips and begin to guide her up and down. As she moves faster her moans get louder, and her breasts jump in front of me. “Fuck you’re so good, taking it all for me” I growl at her.
“God, you feel so good, baby. Fuck!” She screams out and her motions quicken. She grabs onto my shoulder, scratching into my skin, “I’m going to cum, oh fuck!” She continues to scream, louder and louder until she finally collapses. Her body is exhausted and almost limp so I turn us over so she’s lying down, and I can pull out. She whines at the loss of contact and pants heavily. I remove the strap and quickly go to the bathroom, wash it and put it away. I return to Leah awaiting me, smiling. “I forgot how good it is when you fuck me” she grins.
“I won’t ever let you forget again” I whisper as we lean in for a sweet kiss. Hands wondering, eager for another round.
A/n: Hope this was okay and everyone enjoyed it! Feedback is welcome in my comments, messages, or asks! 😊
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cupidsdolll · 8 months
I accidentally just unfollowed and refollowed u when I went to send in prompts HAHA but pls know it was an accident!!!!! anyway 14 and 18 :))))
Sweet Loving
hahah it's okay! here you go <3.
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14 - kisses
18 - heart candies
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“Come on, just one more!” 
Harry and Y/N have been standing in the same spot of her living room for the past ten minutes. He’s supposed to go to the store to gather a small list of groceries she needs to make dinner tonight. He has the list in hand and one arm very gently trying to pull the girl’s arm away from around him. He never leaves her without a soft and quick goodbye kiss which is how they ended up here. 
He gave her one small kiss and went to the door, but she tugged on his arm and asked for one more. He’s not one to deny such a simple request so he nodded and gave her another, which turned into five more and then five more. 
“Love, I’ve been in the same spot forever. You want this dinner, don’t you?” He asks and she immediately frowns. 
“I mean yes, but I just love you.” She says and he chuckles in response. 
She’s always been such a softie for him, always wanted to make him the happiest and always looks at him with the softest and gooeyist eyes he’s ever seen. He thinks it's always been like this, can’t remember a time where she acted anything differently towards him. He doesn’t mind it at all, he finds it quite endearing if he’s being honest. He likes that she loves him so much and always wants to show him just how much. He loves the kisses as well, it’s one of his favorite things of hers. No matter what’s happening, she’ll never leave him to do anything without kissing him gently on the lips. They’re addicting in a way, his own personal drug and encouragement. He can’t ever get enough of them and honestly, neither can she. Which is why he thinks their relationship works so well. 
Y/N huffs and stares at him, a mischievous glint passes through her eyes, but Harry doesn’t pay attention to it. He already figured she’d start trying to plan things when her pouting doesn’t work on him. 
“If you don’t love me, just say that.” She says with as serious of a face she can manage, which would almost fool him if he didn’t already see this coming. 
“You know I love you, pretty. I’ll love you always even when you’re being a bratty little thing like you are right now. I will give you all the attention you want after I go to the store and get everything you need to make food; we eat and get settled for the night. I know you must be hungry by now.” He says with a smirk on his face, he knows there’s no way she can refuse that offer. She’s never refused it before. He watches as she begins to think it over, except she’s not thinking it over. She’s stalling, trying to keep him here in her arms longer. 
A beat passes before she sighs reluctantly, and he just rolls his eyes lovingly. He knows she’s given up, that he’s won and she’s about to pull away. 
“How about I go bring you some of those cute little heart candies you like so much as well? S’been a while since we’ve had some.” He says and she immediately perks up, a bright smile seemingly lighting the room before she nods excitedly.
"You would do that? Wait, I mean, are you sure? Isn’t that candy shop across town?” She asks and he just shrugs. 
“As long as it makes my girl happy, I don’t mind. You should know this.” He says as he pulls apart from her, placing a kiss on her forehead before heading to the door once again. 
“I’ll be back in like fifteen minutes tops. I love you.” 
“I love you too. Hurry up, I’m counting the seconds.” He laughs at her dramatics before he closes the door behind him, determined to make it back before she gets done counting those fifteen excruciating minutes.
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slafkovskys · 10 months
whats lukes reaction to finding out its twins and who tells him?
“i- i thought you were joking,” luke stares at the photo on his dad’s phone. after being practically bed ridden for three days, he was sent home from the road trip and was very blatantly told to ‘have his shit together’ by the time the team returned. once ellen found out, she sent jim to new jersey, unwilling to leave her new grandchildren. “i- two babies.”
“they’re healthy. drew was six pounds 7 ounces and wren was 6.2, which sounds small, but because they’re twins it’s pretty normal,” he says when luke’s face turns alarmed. “your mom called me after she got to meet them and wren gave me a little smile when i talked to her. drew just doesn’t look pleased about anything right now.”
“and she, she’s okay, too?”
“tired. resting. giving birth to one child is hard enough, much less two. she won’t let the nurses take them out of the room and quinn says drew will only heard onto her finger, momma’s boy already,” jim has such a fond smile. “they’re perfect.”
luke rubs his hands against his pants, unable to take his eyes off the picture, “you should be there, with them.”
“i’m flying out once i know that you’re okay. you’re my child too, luke, even when you have your head in your ass,” jim sighs, swiping to another picture of the babies, this time with a sleepy looking angel staring down at them so lovingly. “i’m serious. you can’t tell your mom that i showed you any of this.”
“i won’t,” he knows his dad is only showing him in an attempt to dull the ache in his chest. knowing that they were healthy and she had had a safe delivery only helps a little bit. he was still thousands of miles away, learning of the news through pictures he wasn’t supposed to see. he chuckles, “she looks just like him.”
“oh, jack hasn’t shut up about it since they were born. mom said angel came up with something like, ‘they’ve got quinn’s birthday and jack’s face so the boys could be even.’”
luke looks at his dad then, “does quinn care…”
he trails off not finishing the question how he wants to. he wants to know if quinn is bothered by the fact that the twins were so obviously jack’s. he wants to know if angel is bothered by it. he gets his answer when his dad silently swipes his finger to show a video. he presses play and he hears his mom’s voice:
“okay and who do we have here?”
quinn’s got his hands shoved into his pockets and a beanie on his head. jack’s missing from the video, but luke can faintly hear his voice in the background. his oldest brother chuckles slightly, staring down at the baby in the clear bassinet, “katherine quinn hughes.”
“and who are you?” his mother teased.
there’s a pride in quinn’s eyes as he utters his next words unlike anything luke had never seen before, “im her dad.”
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wehaveimagineshere · 1 year
could i request task force 141 + könig always admiring their s/o’s photo when they’re feeling lonely and starting to miss them pls
This is so cute omg. I had so much fun writing this 💕💕
Also reader is AFAB since it was not specified otherwise but only mentioned in Price’s and König’s
Also TW mentions of children but only in König’s
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• John would be sitting at his desk, stressed from trying to come up with infiltration plans for the safe house their target is staying at. To his left, something caught his eye. Sitting on his desk was a small framed picture
• It’s of your wedding day. You’re in your beautiful wedding dress that took you weeks to find because you wanted a specific look and he is in a traditional black tux. He had just started growing out his beard when you got married
• You were high school sweethearts. You met freshman year and you both immediately fell in love with each other
• In the photo you’re staring lovingly into each other’s eyes while having your first dance as husband and wife
• It was the happiest day of his life so far and he rubs his thumb across your face as he fondly recalls the memory
• It’s been two months since he left on mission. He misses you so much and he can’t wait to come home and hold you on his arms again
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• It would one of those sleepless nights where Simon really realizes that he misses you sleeping next to him. Your body heat and comfort always lulling him to sleep
• But you’re currently on another mission right now and left well before his ended. He hasn’t seen you in 3 months
• He switches on the light and gets up to pull out a box from underneath his bed which has several pictures of you together over the years and letters you’ve written him. He pulls out his favorite picture which was sitting on top
• He’s maskless in the picture and you’re arm in arm and both smiling brightly at the camera. It’s when you’re both home after a lengthy mission and taking a well deserved break
• He stares at it for what feels like hours. He misses you so much. He hasn’t received a letter or even a phone call in a few days and he’s praying that you’re okay. He falls asleep with the photo clutched to his chest
• You come back to back to base a few hours later and smile at the sight. You keep glancing at him to make sure you don’t wake up as you get undressed and join him in bed where he subconsciously pulls you in and hugs you tight
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• Johnny will be on the plane after he just hugged and kissed you goodbye when he already starts missing you
• It’s only been about two hours since the plane took off. Since he saw you waving from the tarmac with tears in both of your eyes
• There’s no service in the air to message you so he resorts to looking at your photos. He taps on his phone and sees a picture you took together as his lock screen. He smiles to himself as he opens the Photos app
• He has an album of just pictures of you and him together over the years. Some that he’s taken in secret. With you just doing everyday tasks or taking a nap on the couch
• He’s most favorite being the family photo you took with him and his family one Christmas a few years back. His family absolutely adored you. His mom has even jokingly told him that she likes you better than him, which made him laugh and feel so much pride in his heart
• He loved you so much. As he stares at the picture he feels a sharp pang in his chest. These next few months are going to be hell. But he knows that you’re being well taken care of by the people he loves most
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• You and Kyle were both recruited into 141 by Price but unfortunately, you’re always separated. He with Price and you with Ghost
• He would be resting at a safe house waiting for Price’s next orders when he pulls out a picture that was hidden in a pocket on the inside of his jacket by his heart
• It’s a picture of the both of you decked out in complete military uniforms not too long after you joined 141. He remembers how excited you both were to be part of something so important to not only the country, but the world
• In the picture it’s just the two of you, but you can see some of 141 in the background. He has his arm slung over your shoulder and you’re throwing up your signature peace sign. Both of you so giddy and excited for the future
• He feels his eyes start to burn a bit while looking at your face. The memory is bittersweet. You both thought that you would constantly be teamed up together but he’s lucky if he gets to see you once every 2 months
• When Price walks in on him looking at the picture, he couldn’t help but feel sorry for the Sergeant. But he tells him that he has good news, it’s time to go home. And you’re there waiting for him
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• König retired from the military early. A few years after you had gotten together. He realized that he couldn’t stay away from you for long periods of time or he’d get extremely antsy and worried about your safety without him there. You were so beautiful and some people would take it too far
• Shortly after he retired you got married and bought a cottage together in a quiet village in Austria. Surrounded by beautiful mountains and a crystal clear lake
• You were out with family you hadn’t seen in a long time with your 3 children and he decided to stay home and clean the house a bit when he stumbles across an old photo album you had put together
• In it was a timeline of your relationship. The picture he focuses on was of your first date. He wore a surgical mask and all black, trying to hide his identity since he wasn’t comfortable showing strangers who he was in fear someone would somehow recognize him
• Then König turns his eyes to look at you standing next to him. You look bright and lively. You’re wearing a baby pink dress with the brightest smile on your face. The stark opposite of him. He remembers that date fondly. It’s where you had your first kiss
• He has never felt so much love in his life like how he feels for you and the 3 beautiful children you gifted him. He wonders how you put up with him all these years. But he’s so glad you did
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little-emerald-snake · 11 months
Kinktober Day 27
Breeding - Garreth Weasley X F!MC
1.k words
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Garreth watched in delight as his and his best mate's wife played with the children. He couldn’t help but imagine what she would look like, swollen with his child, playing with one while rounded with his second.
His best mate, Leander, caught his dreamy stare and nudged him out of his daydream. “Have you two talked about having little ones? She seems to really enjoy the kids. And you have that look in your eyes.”
Garreth chuckled, looking down to his hands folded in his lap. “We’ve talked a bit about it. We want them but we never decided when we haven’t talked about it in a while. I must admit, seeing her playing with your little ones definitely makes me want to bring it up again.”
Leander chuckled and nodded, looking out lovingly at his wife spinning their little girl around in the air. “They’re little terrors. I’ll tell you that. But they’re my little terrors. And seeing her become a mother. There’s nothing more special in the world, mate.”
Garreth’s heart swelled at the thought and he’d made up his mind to bring the topic of children up later once they’d gone home.
Later, once they’d arrived home and gone to slide into bed, Garreth pulled her into his arms and cuddled her close. “Love, do you mind if we have a little chat?”
She smiled happily at him, welcoming his cuddly affections and smiling. “Of course, my darling. What about?”
He took a deep breath, imagining her playing with the children again. “You seemed to enjoy today. Playing with the little ones and all. I’d wonder if you’d still be open to the idea of having them?”
She beamed, thinking back to playing with the little ones. It warmed her heart to be with children and she’d always seen herself as a mother. “Yes, I very much want some of my own. Are you telling me you’d like to try for some after today's events?”
He smirked, hand reaching down to lovingly rub her stomach. “I’d be willing to try. I mean, you know me…I’ll never say no to fucking my beautiful, brilliant wife. And to see you swollen with my child. Mmm~”
She bit into her lip, pulling herself up to a sitting position, moving the sheets and sliding into his lap. “Yea? You want my belly to swell with your babies? Would you still…desire me while I’m so rounded and hormonal?”
His eyes tracked her movement as she straddled his hips. He was overtly aware of his underwear being the only thing separating their sexes. Her short little night camisole barely hid the fact that she had no underwear on. “Darling, I’d ravage you every day of your pregnancy if it’s what you asked of me in turn for carrying our little ones.”
She bent down, capturing his lips in a heated frenzy of teeth and tongue. His hands cupped her face as he kissed her greedily. Her own hands slid gently down to his underwear, tugging the waistband down to free his growing erection.
He groaned into her mouth, moving his hands to guide and roll her onto her back. “Gonna fill you so full of my cum your body won’t have a choice but to get nice and pregnant.”
She moaned as he slid off his underwear, crowding over her. He kissed her deeply, his heavy erection pressing into her bare thigh as he pulled up her silk nightdress.
Passionate kisses turned to heated neck kisses and bites on her tender skin. He gripped her thigh and tugged it up, lining himself up with her soaked entrance as he pulled away from her neck. “Oh darling, your so fucking wet for me.”
She gasped as he sunk into her. He started with deep languid strokes that had her clawing his back in pleasure. Slowly but surely his deep love making strokes turned to quick, aggressive thrusts into her fluttering entrance.
Her heels dug into his lower back as he fucked her deep and hard. Her nails left red scrapes over the freckled skin of his back as he drove into her sweet spot with no mercy.
She writhed and moaned beneath him as he claimed his beautiful wife. His heart hammered as he watched her fall apart underneath him, walls fluttering in ecstasy around his swollen cock.
He fucked get through it, knowing how much she loved it when he brought her to a mind shattering orgasm. “What a pretty little mess you are underneath me darling. You look so beautiful taking me like this. Gonna look gorgeous when your belly is swollen with our children.”
She tipped her head back as her body came racing toward another orgasm, causing him to chuckle. “You like this don’t you? Me dirty talking and telling you how every morning I’ll lay you out in our bed and worship your belly before licking your cunt till you scream?”
Her body shook in pleasure underneath him and he groaned, holding back his approaching orgasm. “Fuck, I love watching you cum on my cock like this. Gonna be watching it every single day till I know you’re good and pregnant, hm? Excited to be my good little cumslut?”
She cried out, pulling him deeper into her with her heels while he changed up his thrusts. Angling just where he knew he could drive into her sweet spot. He was getting close himself but the desire to feel her walls flutter around him one more time was too great.
He fucked her just right, his cock hitting all her perfect sweet spots with aching precision. Her walls clamped around him almost immediately and her cries filled their bedroom as she spasmed around his length.
His own groan ripped from his throat as she tightened. Hot streams of his cum filled her silky walls as she rode their shared orgasm till they were both spent and satisfied.
He stayed seated deeply inside of her, making sure his seed stayed in place. “Now we have to stay just like this so it takes. Maybe I’ll even get hard again and we can go for round two, hm?”
Kinktober Prompt List
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sirowsky-stories · 3 months
The Regulars
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Summary: Marcus and Missy befriend a waitress at their favorite diner.
Requested by @yourstrulylightstar283
Rating: General/Everyone Warnings: Marcus Moreno x OFC named Evey, father/daughter banter, mention of stressful working environment, otherwise just fluff and cuteness. Word Count: 1175
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   ”Again, dad?” Missy asks when he puts the menu down, already knowing what he’s picked, even though he hasn’t said anything.
   “What?” he lovingly gripes in return, smiling as he knows where this is going.
   “There’s so much delicious food in this diner, and yet, every time we come here you order the same thing: the cheeseburger with fries. Are you scared of stepping out of your food comfort zone, or something?”
   “I’m not scared,” he huffs, “this is just the best burger in town.”
   “Alright, I didn’t wanna do this, but you’ve left me no choice,” she counters, and her tone clearly suggests she’s about to change his mind, whether he likes it or not.
   He loves when she gets all smart like this, so he leans back and feels a smile grow behind his cheeks as he watches her close her menu deliberately slowly before clasping her hands together and leaning her forearms on the table.
   “Dad, you’re a public figure,” she begins, very seriously, “which means that people pay attention to you. And what they’re seeing every time we come here, is that not only does Marcus Moreno support the meat-industry, which we all know is fubar, but that he’s also entirely unconcerned with his own health.”
   Suddenly, he doesn’t feel the smile in his cheeks anymore. Instead, he feels mildly nauseous, especially after he hears the next part of her reasoning.
   “Now, if you were a member of the public, which the Heroics are tasked with protecting, would you feel safe knowing that your supposed guardian doesn’t even take good care of himself?”
   He knows that she’s being deliberately manipulating, testing herself in how good she is at persuading others, but she’s also not wrong about anything she’s saying, and it’s surprisingly jarring to hear.    Before he’s had a chance to recover, however, the waitress comes to take their orders, and he feels a creeping panic at the back of his neck, realizing he doesn’t know what to do.
   “Hello, my name is Evey, I’ll be taking your orders today,” she says with a prize-winning smile which isn’t fake or overdone or disingenuous at all, and he’s momentarily distracted by the fact that he hasn’t seen this woman before.
   “Hi, I’m Missy, and this is my dad, Marcus,” his daughter responds, saving him from having to speak through the befuddled mess that is his brain right now.
   “Nice to meet you both,” Evey nods politely at them in turn, “what will it be today?”
   His daughter confidently asks for an omelet with a side of salad instead of potato fries, and then immediately turns the attention back to him, fully aware he hasn’t made up his mind yet.
   “Uh…” is all he says, before ripping the folded two-page menu open once again and scanning the options way too fast to actually make out what they are.
   He glances at Missy over the top of the pages, hoping she’ll start talking and give him a moment to think, but she just smiles knowingly at him while she calmly waits for him to make a fool of himself.
   “I can give you some options, if you prefer, sir,” the waitress suddenly offers him a lifeline, and he dives at it like he’s drowning.
   “Please, do. I’m sorry, I’m a bit distracted today,” he tries to explain, hoping not to look like a complete moron, although that ship has probably already sailed.
   “No problem, that’s why I’m here,” she smiles again, and then proceeds to list the entire dinner menu from memory, highlighting the nutritional benefits of each dish, as well as giving him a general idea of the flavor sensation associated with the various options.
   Marcus has been at five-star restaurants with lesser service than this, leaving him staring dumbly at Evey once she’s finished, trying to comprehend what such a talented server is doing in such a simple establishment.
   “You’re new here, aren’t you?” Missy pipes up after a moment of stunned silence.
   “Yes, it’s my first week,” the waitress confirms, and the Moreno’s exchange a look of impressed bewilderment before both turn back to stare at her.
   “I’m guessing you’ve been somewhere a bit more… demanding than this place before,” Marcus suggests, finally freed of the confusion his daughter had inflicted on him.
   “Demanding is the right word for it, indeed, sir,” she replies, and while the smile is still warm and genuine, there’s a hint of something heavy in her eyes for a moment as she says it.
   He knows that many prestigious restaurants can be hell to work at, no matter how skilled or experienced a person might be, so if she’s been at a place like that, he could understand if she needed to seek out a less stressful environment.    A small corner diner might not seem like a desired workplace for someone used to the glamour of the top tier in her field, but there are benefits to be found in the simplicity and quaintness of smaller businesses.
   “Well, I hope you’ll like it here,” he smiles back at her. “It’s not too crowded most of the time, and the regulars are pretty decent.”
   Missy rolls her eyes at him in embarrassment over the last part, which Evey notices, and an adorable giggle crosses her lips.
   “I take it you’re the regulars in question, then?”
   “Oh, he’s a regular alright. A regular cheeseburger abuser,” his daughter shoots, paying him back for her embarrassment by making him look like an idiot in front of this lovely woman.
   “Am not!” he desperately fires back, succeeding only in sounding childish on top of stupid.
   “Am too! And apparently also dishonest, since you won’t even own up to it,” she counters, and he doesn’t have a good comeback for that, so he ends up just sitting there scowling for a beat, before finally closing the menu and setting it down on the table.
   “Fine. I’ll have the damned burger.”
   He expects the waitress to politely excuse herself then, as this little tiff has probably left her feeling uncomfortable.    But when she’s still by the table after a few seconds, he looks up to find out what she’s doing, only to discover her grinning at him with her head cocked to the side, looking as sweet as a labrador waiting for ear-scritches.
   “Good choice,” she says with a wink. “It’s the best burger in town.”
   Missy’s head hits the tabletop with an audible bonk, followed by her exacerbated groan of disapproval, now directed at both the adults, as her masterful plan to manipulate her father has been ruined.    Marcus, on the other hand, can’t help but laugh, and when Evey joins in even though she has both their orders and doesn’t need to stay there any longer, he feels like a friendship has just begun, and it sends a nice warmth through his abdomen.
   “I’ll be right back with your dinners,” she giggles, and then right before she turns away, she adds: “I think I’m gonna like the regulars here.”
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depressedhouseplant · 1 month
🔞 Just Fucking Write - Day 144 🔞
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Prompt: Secret OnlyFans Account
Tags: Watching porn, reference to the pandemic, unprotected sex (it’s me y’all), daddy kink, Kevin is exactly the whiny bottom you expect (said lovingly), pet names
A/N: I hope you enjoy Sangyeon’s username. Likes, reblogs, & comments welcome & encouraged.
Network(s): @tbz-network
Kevin needed new material. New material for his spank bank, specifically. He sighed as he scrolled through the free previews on his porn site of choice. A very toned torso and thighs caught his attention. The man wasn’t showing his face, just completely naked with one hand wrapped around his cock and the other resting on his thigh. He wasn’t making much noise to the point Kevin wondered if he needed to check his speakers. He preferred them loud. Whatever, call him a cliche. There was a ring on the man’s right index finger that looked familiar. The light periodically caught it when he’d buck his hips. But it was the soft “fuck” in English that made Kevin freeze. He paused the video and tried to zoom in on the ring. It only made it blurry, but it was enough. It appeared to match the one on Kevin’s own right hand. He glanced at the username - Daddy LoveLee. He slammed his laptop shut and power walked to the leader’s room.
“What?” Sangyeon asked when he opened the door to Kevin pounding on it.
“Do you have an OnlyFans account?” Kevin hissed. Sangyeon slapped his hand over Kevin’s mouth and pulled him into the room.
“How did you know that?” he demanded.
“I’m a dude. I watch porn,” Kevin replied.
“Yes, but how did you find me?” Sangyeon pressed.
“I was just scrolling. It came up on the free previews,” Kevin told him.
“Oh god,” Sangyeon put his head in his hands.
“You forgot to take off your ring. And I recognized your voice,” Kevin continued.
“I only speak English on there…I mean…shit,” Sangyeon stared at him.
“Who taught you most of your English?” Kevin asked.
“Fair,” Sangyeon sighed. “Don’t tell anyone?”
“Wasn’t planning on it. Though if you ever want to have a guest appearance, I’m happy to do it,” Kevin smirked. Sangyeon’s jaw dropped.
“I’d bottom for you, if you ever wanted to mix things up,” he shrugged. “I would, of course, expect a cut of the profits from that video.”
“You already see the profits from it. Every time I pay for dinner or drinks,” Sangyeon told him.
“How long have you had it?” Kevin asked.
“Since 2020. Money was tight because of the pandemic and I knew how I looked naked so I set it up. It was profitable pretty much from the outset. Now I’m in the top 1%,” Sangyeon replied.
“You’re the second to last one of us I would’ve expected to do that,” Kevin said.
“Who’s the last?” Sangyeon asked.
“Really?” Kevin raised an eyebrow.
“Younghoon,” they said in unison.
“Did you mean what you said? About going on the channel?” Sangyeon questioned.
“I did,” Kevin nodded.
“You’d let me fuck you and post it on the Internet?” Sangyeon continued.
“Yes, if you insist on spelling it out,” Kevin said. “I’ve always thought about trying porn and why not have it be my leader railing me? I have to warn you though, I’m loud.”
“Let me see what my subscribers think and if they’re up for it then we’ll do it,” Sangyeon replied.
“Show them a couple pictures of my abs and they’ll agree,” Kevin stepped closer to Sangyeon and kissed him. Sangyeon leaned into the kiss, walking Kevin back toward his bed.
“How about a test run?” Sangyeon suggested when they parted, his body firmly on top of Kevin’s.
“You want to fuck me for free?” Kevin teased.
“I think you want to be fucked for free,” Sangyeon smirked. This wasn’t a side of Sangyeon that Kevin saw often. He was cocky and self assured when they were filming content or playing a game he knew he’d win, but rarely when they were in the dorms just being themselves. Of course, that was before Kevin discovered his secret.
“And if it’s no good then I rescind my offer,” Kevin snarked back.
“I doubt that. I’ve seen the guys you bring home when you’re not fucking Jacob. You’ll be begging for me to fuck you every night,” Sangyeon nipped at Kevin’s jaw.
“What are you implying?” Kevin asked, enjoying Sangyeon’s weight on him a little too much.
“That you settle and now that I know you’re interested, you don’t have to,” the elder replied. Kevin knew it was true. He was more annoyed that Sangyeon clocked him on it.
“Fine, show me how you got to 1%,” Kevin said.
“Take off your clothes,” Sangyeon sat up.
“Yes Daddy,” it came out far more whiny and far less snarky than Kevin interned.
“Good boy,” Sangyeon grinned as he pulled off his shirt. Kevin whined at the pet name. Sangyeon smirked.
“I knew that would work on you,” he said, shucking off his sweats and underwear.
“You…you…are stereotyping me,” Kevin huffed as he got undressed.
“Was I wrong?” Sangyeon taunted, getting the lube out from next to the bed. Kevin tried to glare, but he knew it looked pathetic rather than annoyed. “So tell me darling, when’s the last time you took a dick?”
“Last week,” Kevin admitted. “But you don’t have to take forever to prep me. I like it when it burns a little.”
“You like when Daddy’s rough with you?” Sangyeon held Kevin’s chin between his index finger and thumb.
“I’ll tell you if I can’t,” Kevin replied, getting uncomfortably hot and hard from Sangyeon staring at him.
“Good, now on your front,” he instructed.
“You’re gonna take me from behind?” Kevin asked.
“If I’m gonna fuck you in front of a camera then yes, I’m gonna take you from behind. Viewers love to watch a useless cock bouncing while you’re being fucked,” Sangyeon hissed in his ear. Kevin swallowed hard.
“Okay,” he breathed.
“Unless you’re too embarrassed,” Sangyeon suggested.
“I’m not embarrassed! I just…haven’t been taken from behind in a while,” Kevin replied. The truth was he’d never been taken from behind. All his partners, especially Jacob, wanted to see his face when they were fucking him. Something about Sangyeon taking him from behind made it seem more illicit, more dangerous. It was hot.
“You’ll like it,” he felt Sangyeon smile next to his ear. Then he reached down between Kevin’s asscheeks and lubed his hole. He quickly prepped him then had Kevin face down, ass up on his bed. “Ready?”
“Yes Daddy,” Kevin whined. He felt the dull pop of a cockhead in his entrance. Damn Sangyeon was thick. He could tell in the video and he’d seen Sangyeon’s dick more times than he could count, but feeling his thick cock push into him was something even his wildest dreams couldn’t conjure. “Fuck.”
“You okay?” Sangyeon asked.
“Yeah, I’m good,” Kevin panted.
“I can wait,” Sangyeon replied.
“No, no keep going,” Kevin insisted.
“Okay,” Sangyeon agreed and bottomed out. This was easily the biggest dick he’d ever taken. Part of him hated that he now knew what two of his elder bandmates’ cocks felt like in his ass, but the whore part of him didn’t care. Sangyeon grabbed onto Kevin’s hips and fucked into him hard. Kevin buried his face in the sheets to muffle his moans. He had no idea if any of the others were home, but he didn’t want to expose himself just yet. The leader wasn’t showing him any mercy as he fucked into Kevin like he was a toy.
“Daddy…” Kevin whined.
“Yes baby?” Sangyeon asked.
“Touch me,” he said.
“Nope, you’re coming only on my dick. Subscribers love that too,” Sangyeon admonished. Kevin had no one to blame but himself. He was the one who suggested it in the first place. Sangyeon was gonna fuck him like a porn star not like a casual hookup or, god forbid, a boyfriend. As he gripped the sheets, he found he didn’t mind. Kevin didn’t know if minutes, hours, or years passed before he felt that distinctive heat in his hips.
“I’m gonna come,” he panted.
“Good,” Sangyeon said, changing the angle of Kevin’s hips so he was grazing his prostate. Kevin almost choked on his own spit as he came all over the bed. Sangyeon pulled out and Kevin felt hot come land all over his back. Part of him wished Sangyeon had come inside him, but that didn’t make for a good show. Kevin fell forward when he finished, careful to avoid the wet spot he’d created. He flopped on his back and looked up at Sangyeon. The older man lied down next to him and weaved their fingers together.
“So, still wanna be my guest star?” he grinned.
“Yeah,” Kevin smiled back.
“Good,” Sangyeon kissed him softly. “You need a shower.”
“God, I know,” Kevin laughed a little.
A few weeks later when they were waiting at a music show, Kevin’s phone dinged.
Transfer request: 675 million won
Then a message popped up.
Sangyeon: Your half of the video. Wanna make it permanent?
Kevin looked across the room at Sangyeon. The older man caught his eye and smiled.
Kevin: When do we start?
14 notes · View notes
theharrowing · 2 years
This Sordid Place 📲 1: We do not sl*t-shame in this house!
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Namjoon breaks down and installs Grindr after his friends complain he is “terminally single,” despite never really being into hook ups. Jungkook is an old pro at the hookup app.
Their connection is instant.
📲 Namjoon x  Jungkook
📲 word count: 10.4k
📲 strangers to lovers, dating app au, smut, fluff, slash, nsfw, 18+
📲  warnings: use of the word “slut” but not derogatorily; pining; flirting; general anxiety; Jungkook is a confident gay; Namjoon is trying his best; almost juggling two men on grindr (Joonie has options okay); side YoonJin with an appearance of Taehyung.
📲 written for the BTS Found Fest!
📲 thanks to @neoneunnajimin for beta reading! 
📲 posted dec. 2022 | read on ao3
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Namjoon stares at his phone, feeling absolutely ridiculous. He has made a Grindr account at the behest of his best friends Yoongi and Seokjin, who complain that he is "terminally single." And now he scrolls through the sea of images, deciding who he deems attractive, nervous that someone may deem him attractive enough to strike up conversation. 
Warm breath wafts over Namjoon's cheek and he jumps as he realizes how close Seokjin is sitting, his pointed features and dark brown hair coming into focus in his periphery as the man stares at the wall of profile pictures on Namjoon's phone. 
"This is just for fucking," Namjoon mutters sheepishly. 
Seokjin chuckles. "Yes, but perhaps you will enjoy fucking someone so much, you'll decide to date them."
"But what if they're...promiscuous," Namjoon says. "How do you...I don't know...stay safe?"
A firm slap across the back of Namjoon's head makes him jump, and he spins quickly to find Yoongi standing behind the sofa with his arms crossed over his chest, and his long, wavy dark brown hair nearly obstructing the glare of his cat-like eyes. "We do not slut-shame in this house, Namjoonah!"
Namjoon clears his throat and feels embarrassed. "No, I know—that's not—fuck, I'm just nervous. I don't usually meet others with the intention of hooking up, and I wasn't thinking."
"You can always ask to see a record of their last test," Seokjin says softly. "And you should get tested, yourself."
"Wear a dong bag if you're worried," Yoongi adds, and Namjoon chuckles.
"Yeah. You're right. Sorry for slut-shaming, hyungs. I didn't mean to."
The hand that slapped Namjoon on the head pats his hair like one would pat a golden retriever for a job well done. Yoongi's voice is lower and more calming than before. "You're a good boy, Joonie."
"You can search for profiles that have 'condomsonly' tagged, too," Seokjin adds.
Namjoon nods and hums. He supposes that is true. 
Namjoon's phone buzzes, and he finds a notification in his inbox. With a fortifying exhale, he thumbs over the inbox icon, only to find that someone named Jacks420 has sent a rather impressive but completely unsolicited dick pic. Namjoon quickly fumbles to shut off his screen, then tosses his phone to the table with a loud clatter and slams his eyes shut. 
"This cannot—guys, I'm—I hate this. I hate this a lot."
Namjoon's friends chuckle—because, of course, they do—and he peels one eye open to gaze around and glare at them before slamming it back shut. "Glad this is so amusing to you two."
"Oh please," Seokjin says through soft laughter, "as if you've never seen a cock before."
"Yes, but I consented to seeing it!" Namjoon whines. "I didn't—he just—what the fuck!"
"Apps like this are no man's land," Yoongi quips. "No gods, no masters."
Namjoon rolls his eyes. "Great."
While setting up his account, Namjoon settled for a nice smile-to-chest shot, not giving too much of his identity away while still showing off the two assets people tend to mention most: his dimples and his "namtiddies," as his friends so lovingly say.
Notifications pour in, and Namjoon becomes substantially more anxious as his phone vibrates across his worn, brown table. With a sigh, Seokjin picks up Namjoon's phone and shoves it into his hand, and Namjoon reluctantly unlocks his screen, opening his inbox. 
Every message is some variation of "Hi," or "Hey," or an image attachment that Namjoon decidedly does not open. He sighs and drops his arm down onto the sofa. 
"This is pointless. I can't strike up a conversation from 'Hey.' What do they want from me?"
"You could take the initiative to find someone who seems interesting and do the conversation striking," Yoongi suggests. 
As right as Yoongi is, Namjoon hates the thought of it, but he nods and lifts his phone once more, scrolling over the images. Supposedly everyone who appears at the top of the list is nearby, which Namjoon finds equal parts promising and horrifying.
"This one looks cute," Seokjin says as he leans into Namjoon's personal space and points to one of the many squares on the screen. Namjoon taps the image and opens the profile, only to immediately agree with Seokjin's assessment. 
User JayKay97 is, in fact, very cute, showing off a smile that is both soft and sharp, and a neck and clavicle that appears to slope down into a toned chest and biceps. Not that Namjoon can really tell what this person looks like, but the hints are nice, and he finds himself wanting to see more. 
On his profile, JayKay97 also has a mirror selfie that appears to be taken at a gym with a mask over his mouth. Although it is hard to see the top half of his face—which is conveniently hidden behind wavy, dark brown hair that hangs over his eyes—he can see the rest of JayKay97's arms and torso, flexing for the camera and showing off some very impressive muscles, and one arm covered in dark tattoos. 
"Ooh, he works out," Yoongi grumbles over Namjoon's shoulder. 
"You two could be gym buddies," Seokjin adds.
"Okay," Namjoon sighs, turning off his phone screen, tired of the two of them peeping in his ears. "Enough. You two have done quite enough, and I have some work to get done."
"Alright, alright," Seokjin responds with his hands raised, as if in surrender. "We get the hint; we'll fuck off. But if anything comes of this, you had better tell us."
"You know hyung loves to gloat," Yoongi mutters, mussing up Namjoon's hair with his hand. "And he will be taking credit for this if all goes well."
Namjoon leans forward to escape Yoongi's playfulness and stands from his brown leather couch, which creaks and groans beneath him. He meets them by the door and hugs them goodbye with a half-hearted wave to show them just how unenthusiastic he is about the entire ordeal. 
Then, as soon as his front door is shut, Namjoon quickly unlocks his phone and rounds his couch, plopping himself down with a huff as he opens the app and stares at JayKay97's profile. Something about this guy really appeals to Namjoon, and he can't stop thinking about him—imagining what he should say to strike up a conversation. The gym JayKay97 goes to looks like the same gym Namjoon goes to, but he feels weird opening with that. So instead, he overthinks it until, eventually, he says nothing. 
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It is around 11 PM when Namjoon finally makes his way to bed. Since bidding his friends farewell and getting started on the work that he should have done hours earlier, he had gotten a lot of vapid messages and decided to disable notifications. 
Now, with a deep sigh, Namjoon opens Grindr and navigates to his inbox. He nearly misses it in the sea of nonsense, and when he does see it, he gasps and does a double-take. A message from JayKay97 awaits him, and it was sent two hours earlier. Better still, it opens with more than just a single word, and there doesn't seem to be any photos attached. 
JayKay97 Well, hello, BonsaiDaddy94. I love the username. I don't see a "daddykink" tag on your profile, though, so am I correct to assume that it is just a clever way to say you have a lot of plants?
Namjoon chuckles to himself and nibbles on the inside of his lip, turning onto his side as he stares at the screen. He wants to respond, but feels anxiety swirl around, making him dizzy and a bit nauseated. 
On one hand, if they have nothing in common, he can just move on—no harm done. But on the other, he would feel pretty bummed if he shot his shot with someone as cute as JayKay97 seems to be, only to fuck it up. He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes on the exhale, attempting to find some inner peace. 
BonsaiDaddy94 Hey, JayKay97! I do happen to have a lot of plants. And I was just being clever. I suppose it's never too late to discover a new kink, though.
Immediately after hitting send, Namjoon feels embarrassed and mutters, "What am I doing," under his breath. He wonders if JayKay97 will read the message and think he is an idiot. He almost searches naver to find out whether or not one can delete a message that has been sent over Grindr, but then three little dots pop up, and Namjoon feels his heart pound in his chest with anticipation. As soon as a new message appears, Namjoon gasps and holds in his breath.
JayKay97 Wow, you're cute, aren't you? Do you work out, daddy? Do you mind if I call you daddy?
The breath that Namjoon had held in comes out as a scoff, and he reads the message three times, swallowing a lump in his throat as he decides what to say next. He hovers his thumbs over the keyboard, but the three dots pop back up. 
JayKay97 By the way, I found you in fresh faces. Is this your first time on the app?
BonsaiDaddy94 This is my first time on the app. And you may call me daddy, though...I'm not sure what I would call you. Maybe I should have searched naver for daddy kink terms before responding. 
BonsaiDaddy94 And yes, I do work out. 
Namjoon tosses his phone to his bed and sinks low on his pillow, pulling the soft, dark comforter up to his chin. Everything about this feels ridiculous, and yet, he already likes talking to JayKay97. The guy seems charming and charismatic, and Namjoon likes that he leads the conversation. 
Feeling antsy about having his notifications turned off, Namjoon reaches around for his phone, hitting his open palm against the mattress several times before finding the device and pulling it to his face. He opens the app to see two more messages from JayKay97, and he smiles hard.
JayKay97 Ooh, an app virgin. To what do I owe the pleasure? Are you here for hookups, or are you one of the many fools who come to this sordid place looking for a relationship?
JayKay97 Also, I suppose if you're daddy, I'm baby boy. Baby is fine, too. 
One of the many fools who come to this sordid place looking for a relationship. Namjoon hates how the phrasing makes his heart sink—hates how he already feels a connection despite knowing absolutely nothing about this guy. Sure, his profile states weight, height, and body type, but someone could put anything into those fields; there is no guarantee of authenticity. 
Namjoon nearly gives up and goes to bed, abandoning the conversation entirely. But then he decides to give honesty a chance. Worst case scenario, he remains as lonely as he already is. 
BonsaiDaddy94 I'm not really sure why I am on here, tbh. My friends complain about how "terminally single" I am, (their words,) so three beers and a lot of peer pressure later, here I am. I guess part of me is foolish enough to want a relationship; I've never really done hookups. But I'm open to possibility.
BonsaiDaddy94 What about you, baby boy? What brings you here?
Namjoon types and deletes baby boy several times before deciding to keep it. If, in fact, there is a chance that JayKay97 will want to get to know him after this pathetic revelation, he figures being flirtatious will work in his favor. And as the three little dots pop back up, his anxiety swirls, once again.
JayKay97 I'm here to find a cutie to fuck. Plain and simple. But I guess I am not opposed to the idea of a relationship. Nobody on here really tries to get to know you like that, in my experience. In fact, this is probably the most I have talked to someone without them asking if I am willing to host.
At this, Namjoon feels a wave of disappointment. Of course, there is no reason to; he came to a hookup app and is now being told that the users are just here to look for hookups. So why does he feel let down?
BonsaiDaddy94 Ah. I guess that makes sense. Well, I won't waste your time if you're just looking for a quick fuck. Not that I'm not interested in you; I just like to get to know people a little better before getting to know them like that. 
With a sigh, Namjoon drops his arm to the bed and stares at his ceiling. Since he has already jumped over the hurdle of downloading an app for meeting others, he reasons he will have no qualms with also downloading a proper dating app. 
Tomorrow, he tells himself. He has already been through enough tonight.
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Namjoon doesn't remember falling asleep, and he wakes up with his phone buzzing on his bed, pulling him from a somewhat restless slumber as the light that filters into his room causes him to squint. He has no obligations until the afternoon, but he likes to wake up every morning around 8 AM just to have a full day and not fall into a sad slump. Especially with winter arriving and the days becoming shorter, Namjoon needs to do everything he can to avoid seasonal depression. 
Once he is all stretched and yawned out, Namjoon rolls out of bed, sits on the edge of the mattress, and grabs his phone. When he unlocks his screen, Grindr is open, and there are two more messages from JayKay97, sent twenty minutes apart.
JayKay97 Now, now, not so fast. I like your vibe, and if the rest of you is as attractive as your smile and chest, then getting to know you is not wasting my time. But just so we're clear: I will absolutely be trying to get into your pants. 
JayKay97 I either scared you off or bored you to sleep. Either way, I hope you have a lovely night, daddy! 
Namjoon sets his phone down and gets up to get dressed for the day, throwing on some ripped blue jeans and a burgundy polo. He makes his way to the bathroom to brush his teeth and run a comb through his dark brown hair, tugging at strands as he marvels at how it has grown into a bit of a shaggy mullet. Then, he loads up his coffee machine, presses the start button, and returns to his room to retrieve his phone. 
For a split moment, Namjoon wonders if it is uncustomary to message someone on Grindr before 9 AM, then decides to take the chance. He has already come this far, and he would hate for JayKay97 to think he was bored to sleep or scared off. 
BonsaiDaddy94 Sorry for disappearing, baby boy. You neither scared me off nor bored me to sleep. I suppose I scared myself off? I thought my last message would solidify just how uncool I am to a seasoned Grindr vet such as yourself. 
Moments pass as Namjoon stares at the wall ahead, wondering if he is making a mistake. There is more he wants to say to JayKay97—a flirtatious tone that he would like to return. As the coffee machine in the kitchen makes a gurgling sound indicating that it has finished brewing, Namjoon sighs and sends off one more message—
BonsaiDaddy94 Perhaps your disclaimer should scare me away since I am very much still nervous to dip my toe into these waters, but I find myself intrigued by you. And, I would be lying if I said I didn't find your mouth and chest very attractive. 
—before abandoning his phone for a fresh cup of coffee and the morning news.
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Namjoon knits his brow and cocks his head at Yoongi, whose brow is knit and whose head is cocked. Judging from his expression, there seems to be something that Yoongi finds suspicious, which Namjoon finds obnoxious, and they stare at one another before Namjoon shrugs, and Yoongi shakes his head.
"I don't know, man, you seem...happy." There's an air of disgust in Yoongi's voice that makes Namjoon laugh. 
"Sorry for the inconvenience, hyung. I'll reel it in."
"You already met someone, haven't you?" Yoongi says with wide eyes as if he has just unlocked one of the universe's greatest secrets. "Oh my god, the slut-shamer becomes the slut!"
Namjoon clears his throat and glances around, happy to see that there is nobody within earshot of their park bench. It is still late morning, when children are in school, which is why they have chosen this time for their daily walk to get fresh air and pretend that they are well-adjusted adult men whose mental well-beings aren't being crushed more and more with each new leaf that falls, yellow, from the trees, welcoming the crushing cold of winter's approach. 
"I have begun to talk to someone," Namjoon admits, voice low as if he is committing a crime. "But we have only chatted some. We haven't even exchanged pics."
"Exchanged pics?" Yoongi parrots, drawing out each word as if they are spoken in some foreign tongue he cannot fathom. He waves his hand in circles, giving up on this matter, and says, "And? Go on."
Namjoon shrugs. "That's all. I haven't checked my messages in a few hours, so I'm not sure where the conversation might be heading. But I admitted to wanting to get to know someone a little before hooking up, and he stated rather brazenly that he is fine with that, but plans to get into my pants. So...things are looking up, I guess."
The grin that tugs on Yoongi's lips sends a chill down Namjoon's spine, forcing him to adjust in his seat; nothing good can come from Yoongi grinning. He pulls out his phone and begins to type, biting his lip, then returns his gaze to Namjoon and says, "Jinnie-hyung is going to be over the fucking moon. Is it the one guy with the gym photo? I'm willing to bet five thousand won it is."
Namjoon clears his throat and smiles sheepishly, regretting his choice to bring it up in the first place. Meanwhile, Yoongi wiggles in his seat as he types away on his phone, presumably to Seokjin. Namjoon is never going to hear the end of this. 
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JayKay97 A seasoned Grindr vet? What gave it away?
JayKay97 Should we exchange photos? Would that make you too uncomfortable? I figure that, if we are going to take things a little slower and get to know each other a bit better, we should at least find out what the other is working with in case one of us is shallow enough to change our mind.
BonsaiDaddy94 There were a few tells that suggested to me that you're a vet. You have a confidence that I feel comes from practiced usage of a hookup app. And you sent more than one word as a greeting, suggesting you are used to—and likely sick of—the boring one-message greetings. Also, something you said seemed like it was probably app lingo…I believe you said "host."
JayKay97 I'm impressed. You are correct; I am a veteran on this app. I have used it to hook up with several men over the past few months—practicing safe sex each time. Does that bother you?
Namjoon remembers his conversation with Yoongi and Seokjin and chuckles to himself. In this house, we do not slut-shame.
BonsaiDaddy94 It does not bother me.
JayKay97 Wonderful. Shall we exchange photos?
With nervous thumbs, Namjoon opens Instagram and searches his grid for a photo to send to JayKay97. He wants to find one where he looks attractive without being too revealing or flattering—an example of a more casual look that, should they actually date, he would most likely be seen sporting. 
BonsaiDaddy94 [Photo attachment of Namjoon wearing a black beanie with his dark hair sticking out from the back, curling slightly on the ends. He has on a light blue button-up baseball jersey, tan khaki pants, and black and white Nike sneakers. His hands are at his chest, palms open and waving, his dark brown eyes are wide and happy, and his mouth is closed but upturned into a smile, which shows his dimples slightly. Next to him is artist Takashi Murakami, and behind him is one of Murakami's art installations.] 
As Namjoon gets seated at his desk and logs in to check his email for the evening, his phone lights up. He has since enabled Grindr notifications in the hopes that the thrill of knowing when JayKay97 responds will offset the annoyance of getting messages from others. Luckily, since the first night, the messages have begun to slow substantially. When Namjoon glances at his notification, he is pleased to see it is, in fact, from the man he wishes to hear from. 
JayKay97 Um. Daddy. Wow. You are handsome as fuck. I am definitely going to continue to shoot my shot. 
BonsaiDaddy94 Flattered ;)
Despite his very outdated and not-at-all cool emoticon-laden response, Namjoon's heart pounds heavily in his chest. Sure, he had been flirted with before, but the photo he sent is one that he hardly considers flattering, and to receive such a thirsty response is quite exhilarating. 
The three dots pop up, but rather than receiving text, Namjoon watches as a photo pops up on the screen. His breath hitches, his palms immediately begin to sweat, and Namjoon mutters, "Holy shit," as he lifts his phone to get a better look. 
JayKay97 [Photo attachment of JayKay97 that is clearly a selfie taken at a slightly high angle, pointing downward at his face and chest. His dark brown hair is coiffed off his forehead with the exception of a swoop of bangs that hangs over an eyebrow, and the back of his hair peeks out just below his ear—which is adorned with several silver studs. His eyes are wide, dark brown, and gazing slightly off to the side, suggesting that he is looking at his reflection rather than into the camera, and his expression is blank—lips closed with a silver ring through the bottom one, on the side. He wears a long silver chain over a long-sleeve black shirt, and his body is at a slight angle away from the phone.]
JayKay97 I got too impatient to find a photo and shot this selca now. I can send a full-body pic, though, if you prefer.
Namjoon blinks a few times in an attempt to get his brain to boot back up, as he stares at the photo a little longer. JayKay97 is pretty. The kind of pretty that Namjoon finds intimidating. The kind of pretty that he is certain he might do anything for. 
BonsaiDaddy94 I'm sorry, my brain has logged off, and I am currently incapable of coherent thought. 
JayKay97 Hmm, that message was pretty coherent, but...whatever you say, daddy.
BonsaiDaddy94 You are...dangerously pretty. 
Immediately, Namjoon closes his eyes and curses himself for writing that. He scolds himself with a shake of his head and wonders how hard it would be to pack up and move far away from this city to prevent ever having to run into the dangerously pretty man to whom he continues to send embarrassing words. 
But then, Namjoon's phone buzzes, and he opens his eyes quickly, eager to read the man's response. 
JayKay97 Is that so?
BonsaiDaddy94 I'm embarrassed. Let's pretend I never sent those words.
JayKay97 Not so fast, daddy. I called you handsome as fuck, remember? Elaborate on what's so dangerous. 
BonsaiDaddy94 I blurted it out without thinking. Just pretend it never happened.
JayKay97 Your thumbs blurted it out and then pressed send without your eyes noticing? Interesting. 
Namjoon sighs and sits back in his leather desk chair with a huff, making it sway slightly from the movement. He enjoys the playful banter with JayKay97 a lot, but he knows he should focus on work instead of chatting so much. He decides to swallow his nervousness and be daring.
BonsaiDaddy94 Don't play coy, baby boy. You must know exactly what I am talking about. 
BonsaiDaddy94 But perhaps you would like to discuss it over drinks, instead? Sometime this weekend? My name is Namjoon, by the way.
With the way Namjoon's heart pounds, he could have completed running in a marathon, having just crossed the finish line moments ago. He sets his phone down, but it buzzes immediately, and Namjoon picks it up and smiles at his notification, feeling a swell of excitement burst and bloom in his chest.
JayKay97 Nice to meet you, Namjoon (though, I still like daddy.) I'm Jeongguk (but you can call me baby boy.) Drinks this weekend sound perfect. [Phone number attached.] 
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“You what?” Yoongi shouts over his pint of beer. 
Namjoon ducks his head down, feeling warmth rise up his neck and cheeks. Despite being in a loud pub, he feels anxious about being overheard. 
“We haven’t actually made a plan, it’s just tentative. I haven’t sent him a text since he's given me his number, yet. I was going to after work but then you two dragged me out.”
“Text him now!” Seokjin eagerly supplies. 
Rather than respond in protest, Namjoon opens his mouth and groans out a long, shaky vowel. He supposed he could text Jeongguk now—nothing is stopping him. And it’s not as if the others will allow him to change the topic until he does. 
“Have the two of you exchanged pics yet?” Yoongi asks, using his fingers to indicate quotation marks around the emphasized words. 
Namjoon nods and hums, causing both men to jump from their barstools. As if to protect his precious sanity—or what is left of it—Namjoon hugs his phone close to his chest and shakes his head. He has not saved Jeongguk’s photo because it feels like a weird thing to do, and he absolutely does not want the two of them to have access to their chat. 
“Is he hot?” Yoongi grumbles with a wiggle of his eyebrows. 
All Namjoon can do is scoff and nod, muttering, “Very.”
“Yoongi told me it’s the guy with the gym pic,” Seokjin says, leaning forward with his chin on his hands, elbows on the table. 
“I never confirmed—“ Namjoon begins, but Yoongi waves him off. 
“Didn’t have to; I saw the look.”
Curse Yoongi and his powers of observation. He has always been able to read Namjoon like a book. 
“Text him,” Seokjin urges over his nearly empty beer glass. “Don’t let us stop you.”
Yoongi raises an eyebrow and drinks from his just-as-empty glass. With a sigh, Namjoon unlocks his phone, opens Grindr, and copies the number Jeongguk sent over. A glance at his friends shows they’re intently watching him, making him chuckle as he opens his text messaging app and pastes the number into a blank message. 
“What are you gonna say to him?” Seokjin asks, leaning over the table. 
Namjoon takes a step backward and shakes his head, guarding his precious phone with his life. Then, he takes a deep breath and begins to type. 
Namjoon Hey, Jeongguk! It’s Namjoon. Sorry for not messaging sooner. I hope your day has been going well.
“There,” Namjoon says as he sets his phone down with both hands shielding it from his friends. “I sent a message. Can we drop it, now?”
Yoongi shrugs and chugs back the last of his pint, but Seokjin seems unconvinced. 
“I want to see the photos you exchanged.”
With a sigh, Namjoon concedes, unlocking his screen and opening Grindr. “I sent the shot of me with Murakami,” he says as he thumbs to their messages and finds the selfie Jeongguk sent. It gives him pause—makes the air in the room shift. He can’t help but stare. 
“You sent him a frumpy pic?” Yoongi snickers. “Bold move.”
“I didn’t want to send something too hot,” Namjoon mutters defensively. “What if he thinks that’s all I have to offer? Being hot is something I only have the energy for a few times a month, at best. And anyway, he called me handsome.”
"That's because you are handsome," Seokjin interjects, always ready to come to the defense of any of his friends who have the audacity to downplay their wealth. "Yoongi may call you frumpy, but we all know that for you, frumpy is still an 8.5 out of 10."
Namjoon continues to stare at Jeongguk’s photo while they talk. He wonders what his voice sounds like, how tall he is—wonders what kinds of food he likes to eat and what kinds of things he does for fun. He supposes he could ask, but it feels like so much pressure. 
Seokjin clears his throat, making Namjoon jump, then Namjoon tilts his phone toward Seokjin, holding tightly as he attempts to grab it. Seokjin huffs and leans in, crowding Namjoon’s space, and Yoongi rounds the table and appears between them, craning his neck to get a look. 
“Wow,” Yoongi says, and Seokjin responds with an emphatic, “Mmhmm!”
“Yes?” Namjoon asks, amused by their reactions. 
“He’s very pretty.”
“Super pretty.”
“Yeah,” Namjoon says quietly, smiling to himself. 
“He has his lip pierced,” Seokjin muses, to which Yoongi grumbles something Namjoon doesn’t catch. He is too busy thinking back to their chat and how flirty it became toward the end. He hopes the several hours of radio silence hasn’t scared Jeongguk away. 
As if on cue, Namjoon’s phone vibrates, and before he can retract it and check the notification, Seokjin grabs onto his wrist and stares at the phone with wide eyes. 
“Handsome daddy?” Seokjin huffs, amused. 
“Wait,” Yoongi mutters, getting onto his toes to get a closer look, “did someone just call our Namjoonah daddy?”
Namjoon clears his throat and tugs his phone away. His ears must be beet red, and he looks off to the side—anywhere but at his friends. 
“It’s an inside joke.”
“An inside joke?” Yoongi chides. 
“My username is bonsaidaddy94, and he thought it would be cute to—“
“Oh, it’s extremely cute,” Yoongi interrupts, “but what do you call him?”
Having had enough of the conversation, Namjoon turns to the side and opens his messages. Sure enough, there’s a response from Jeongguk. 
Jeongguk There’s my handsome daddy. I was worried you had forgotten about me. ):
Handsome daddy. Namjoon knows it is foolish to let the silly nickname affect him, but it does—it affects him quite a bit. What will become of him should Jeongguk choose to use the nickname in person? Will Namjoon live to tell the tale?
Seokjin clears his throat and raises an eyebrow. “We need shots and another pint. You,” he directs at Namjoon, “hold the fort down and continue your conversation. I need details once we return. All of them.”
Once Seokjin and Yoongi walk off, Namjoon leans on his elbow against the sticky bar table and nervously thumbs a response. 
Namjoon How could I forget someone as pretty as you, baby boy? Unfortunately, I was just working. And then my friends drug me out to a pub, where I have been asked a million questions about you.
Jeongguk You're still at the pub now?
Namjoon I am...
Jeongguk Interesting.
Namjoon What is interesting?
Jeongguk Grindr says you're only 300 ft away. I bet if I wanted to, I could figure out which pub you're at.
Namjoon shifts in place and looks over his shoulder despite knowing that, realistically, there is no way Jeongguk would be able to suddenly appear behind him. The prospect of being located by a hookup app's GPS is so nerve wracking, despite the small inkling of Namjoon wanting Jeongguk to come find him.
Namjoon Ooh, stalking before the first date? Now that is a surefire way to get into my pants, baby boy.
Jeongguk What a shame I'm too nervous to come meet you and your friends all at once. I guess I'll have to leave the stalking for another time. 
The idea of Jeongguk being nervous is something Namjoon can't help but find interesting. Of course, it is only natural to feel nerves when meeting anyone for the first time, but if Jeongguk's main mission is to get into Namjoon's pants, surely he would have no qualms with meeting Namjoon's best friends. Unless Jeongguk banks on possibly seeing them more than once.
Perhaps, Namjoon thinks, he is reading into it too much. It is quite a different thing to be assertive over text and assertive in person. Maybe dangerously pretty Jeongguk, who instantly took to calling Namjoon daddy, is actually shy. The idea makes Namjoon swoon. 
Namjoon My baby boy is shy? I never would have guessed.
Seokjin and Yoongi return with a tray full of alcohol, and Namjoon nods noncommittally at them before turning his attention back to his phone. Drinks are placed in front of him, and he absent-mindedly picks up a pint of beer, nearly spilling it on himself as he raises the glass to take a sip. 
Jeongguk Why? Because I'm promiscuous?
Jeongguk's message gives Namjoon pause, and he stops moving his drink closer to his lips, hovering the glass just inches away. Suddenly, Namjoon feels a crushing weight on his chest and back, squeezing the air out of him. The last thing Namjoon would want Jeongguk to think is that he is judging him. 
It does not help that Namjoon's mind goes completely blank as he stares at his phone in an attempt to think of anything to say. Yoongi approaches and gently takes the beer from Namjoon and sets it on the table, then softly rubs a hand over the small of Namjoon's back. Namjoon blinks rapidly and clears his throat, then lifts his idle hand to his phone—this matter requires two thumbs to navigate. 
Namjoon Because you're assertive, forward, and quite flirtatious. 
Despite having sent his message mere seconds ago, Namjoon considers more that he could say—that he should say. However, a message comes in before he gets a chance, and it throws him off. 
Jeongguk So, what have your friends been asking about me? Are they the friends who peer-pressured you into downloading the app?
Now, Namjoon cannot figure out whether Jeongguk was joking before or if he is simply deflecting after what Namjoon said. He wishes he knew the man better so that he would not have to worry about saying the wrong thing over text—a medium that can be hard to read the tone behind. For now, he decides to roll with it. They can always discuss the topic in person.
Namjoon The very same friends, yes. They more or less begged me to show them your photo. I hope it's okay that I did. And they have been trying to get to know what kind of person you are, but I am trying to save what little I know about you for myself before giving all the goods away to them.
"So...is everything alright?" Yoongi asks from Namjoon's right. His hand has stopped rubbing circles against Namjoon's back.
"Oh, uh, yeah. Everything is fine. I was just sidetracked by something."
Jeongguk That's cute of them. You're right that we know so little about one another. We should fix that. What do you do for a living, daddy?
Namjoon can't help but chuckle at how forward and cute Jeongguk is. He glances up from his phone long enough to grab his beer, this time taking a nice big gulp of it. Then he sets it down and goes back to typing. 
Namjoon I work as a museum and gallery curator. Mostly, I help acquire artwork, store it, show it. I also do guest curation for exhibits in the United States. The photo I sent you is of myself and Takashi Murakami. 
Jeongguk Oh, shit, I was so busy looking at you, I didn't even notice his art behind you. That's really fucking cool. I'm impressed, daddy.
"Encouraging him to message the boy was a mistake," Yoongi mutters, to which Namjoon hums and looks up at his friend with an attentive expression. Both men have their heads cocked to the side, and Yoongi is shaking his head. "We were going to do shots, remember?"
"Oh! Right," Namjoon says as he sets his phone down on the sticky table and turns his attention to his hyungs. Seokjin scoots a small glass of clear liquid toward Namjoon, and they all three lift their glasses to the center of the table.
"To Namjoon finally getting laid," Seokjin snickers. 
"And to us losing him completely in the process," Yoongi adds. 
Namjoon rolls his eyes but meets their shots with his, then turns his head as he gulps back soju. The taste is bittersweet, and the liquid is slightly too cold for comfort. Seokjin takes the liberty of pouring more shots while Namjoon lifts up his phone. He never responded to Jeongguk.
Namjoon Art is definitely my passion, but as someone who has no talent for making it, I stick to turning my appreciation into something I can market. What about you, baby boy? What do you do?
"After these drinks, we're going to call it a night," Yoongi announces. Namjoon turns and raises an eyebrow as he continues. "So you'd better hang out with us before we go."
At this, Namjoon rolls his eyes and pockets his phone. He can handle some time without it—he has done it before. 
Or, so he thought. 
Namjoon is mid-reaching for his beer when his phone vibrates in his pocket. The urge to pull it out and check the notification is enough to make his hand twitch, but he does his best to stay present with his friends. 
They discuss how work has been and what plans they have for the weekend, but all that does is make Namjoon think about how he and Jeongguk still haven't made a solid plan for a first date. 
He does his best to participate in the conversation, but his mind drifts. He wonders whether Jeongguk would like to see one of his latest exhibits or if he is more of a bar-on-the-first-date type. Maybe he will want to go out to a restaurant or go to Namjoon's place to cook something together. 
The phone in Namjoon’s pocket buzzes, pulling him from his thoughts, and he once again begins to reach for it before remembering his silent promise to his friends. His friends, who are tipsy and in their own world, gazing at one another with stars in their eyes. 
Ordinarily, Namjoon would groan and down his drink, whining that this is exactly why hanging out with the two of them is frustrating—that their love is just a big, heavy reminder of how lonely he is. But tonight, he doesn’t mind. His thoughts are so clouded by a pretty boy with a lip ring and big, round eyes. His friends can be gross all they want. 
“Shots!” Seokjin calls, and shots they have. And again, and again. 
They sing too loudly to some ballads Yoongi selects on the jukebox and finish their beers. And, just as Yoongi promised, once their glasses are empty, they begin their goodbyes and leave for the night—Namjoon getting a cab home, and Yoongi bickering about how well he can drive drunk while Seokjin calls a cab for the two of them, ignoring him. This is a dance the two of them play often, and in the morning, one of them will bus over to retrieve their car; they usually play scissors, rock, paper to determine who goes. 
Namjoon clambers into the backseat of the cab and, while the dome lights are still on, he snaps a selfie. He had changed into a white button-up and applied some makeup before going to the museum earlier in the evening to meet with one of the directors, and tonight, he is feeling himself, as the kids say. 
Once his phone is unlocked, Namjoon is happy to find a response from Jeongguk but disappointed that there is only one message from him, despite the two vibrations he had felt at the bar. The other message comes from Grindr, and Namjoon opens it out of curiosity. 
TaeTae That smile is too sweet for an app like this. But with daddy in the name…you’re sending mixed signals, babe. You intrigue me. Are you a wine-and-dine type? 
Namjoon’s heart begins to race. Most of the men on the app have their faces somehow obstructed so that they are difficult to identify, but TaeTae has his face showing, for all the world to see, and he is breathtaking. 
With eyes and lips that slope in a soft but almost sad way, despite his rectangular smile, TaeTae is the kind of man artists and poets use as a muse. How deadly, in combination with the slightly whimsical way in which he writes. 
BonsaiDaddy94 Is it that obvious that the hookup app isn’t quite my scene? I am the wine-and-dine type. And you?
Namjoon types and sends without giving it much thought. And then he remembers Jeongguk, and his stomach sinks. Of course, Namjoon has done nothing wrong by responding to a message—he assumes Jeongguk is also continuing to message others—but he feels guilty for checking this other man’s message first. 
Jeongguk I work part-time as a model while I finish my degree in photography. Seems you and I have similar interests, daddy. (;
Namjoon Seems we do. What kind of modeling do you do?
Jeongguk He lives. D: I thought I had lost you! How are your friends? Will you be out long?
Namjoon Friends are good! They were complaining that I was ignoring them, so I put my phone away. I'm taking a cab home now. 
Without allowing himself to second guess, Namjoon sends Jeongguk the selfie he snapped moments ago.
Namjoon [Photo attachment of Namjoon’s face from a straightforward angle. His head is slightly tilted to the side with his jaw resting on his hand, elbow presumably on the car door off-screen. Namjoon doesn’t smile, his parted bangs fall over his forehead, styled neatly but simply, and he has a faint dusting of eyeshadow. There is a small silver hoop in his ear, and the top button of his white button-up is undone.]
Jeongguk Excuse me??? Daddy!!! 
Namjoon smiles wide and lets himself revel in Jeongguk’s simple but emphatic reaction. 
Namjoon Yes, baby boy?
Jeongguk You’re. You. Your. Makeup???
Namjoon I wear makeup to work, sometimes, yes. I clean up well, huh?
Jeongguk I’m howling and barking like a dog right now; I hope you know that. 
Namjoon I’m flattered. ;)
And this time, he really is flattered. This time, Jeongguk’s response feels earned, and it feels good. 
Jeongguk Are you sure you don’t do hookups? I don’t live far from that pub. Or we can snuggle, whatever you’re into. I just need my hands on you holy fuck. 
Namjoon actually considers it. He’s intoxicated from the alcohol and high on Jeongguk’s praises, and he almost asks for the address. But he wants to stick to his guns and take Jeongguk on a proper date first. Or, at least, make an attempt to. 
Namjoon Snuggling does sound nice, but I have an early morning tomorrow, and I am a bit more drunk than I hoped to get tonight. We should solidify a date for this weekend. I’m free tomorrow evening, Saturday, and Sunday, if something works for you.
The cab pulls up to Namjoon’s place, and he clambers out with a thank you, having already paid for the ride with his phone. His phone buzzes, and he smiles as he fishes out his keys to unlock his apartment building. Through the lobby, on his way to the elevator, Namjoon sneaks a glance at his phone, and immediately, he feels overwhelmed by the sudden surge of attractive men messaging him—two feels like a lot, compared to none. 
TaeTae I’m busy this weekend, but we should grab dinner and chat Monday if you’re free. I want to know more about this bonsai daddy with pretty lips and deep dimples. 
All Namjoon can do is chuckle. He feels like he has entered some new dimension where, suddenly, he is being perceived. Not that people don’t notice Namjoon in his day-to-day life, but nobody is so brazen in their attempts to get to know him. 
As he exits the elevator and makes his way to his apartment door, he mulls it over. This TaeTae guy seems nice, but Namjoon really likes Jeongguk. Not to mention, juggling two men at once seems overwhelming. 
BonsaiDaddy94 I’m flattered, and I do have some free time on Monday evening, but I am curious what your intentions are. I’m not really into hookups, so I don’t want to disappoint you. 
Namjoon keys in the code for his apartment door and slips in, letting the door close behind him. While unbuttoning his shirt, he toes out of his shoes, and, by the time he walks through his living room, past his kitchen, and into his bathroom, his shirt is open and untucked and he is undoing his belt—running on autopilot and ready to go to bed. 
He brushes his teeth, wipes the makeup from his face, and moisturizes in slow, lazy movements. Suddenly, the weight of the day, mixed with the newfound excitement, has him feeling heavy and worn out. 
Although they hardly know one another, Namjoon wishes Jeongguk would respond so they could make a plan. It has been a long time since Namjoon has actually wanted to get to know another person—to schedule someone into his life and make time for them. Instead, his phone vibrates with enthusiasm from another. 
TaeTae My intentions include whatever you’re comfortable with, of course. The idea of wining and dining you with the promise of your body as dessert does entice me to no end, but if you like to take things slow, I am happy to oblige. 
Rather than respond, Namjoon undresses and climbs into bed, beneath his forest green comforter, which he pulls up to his chin. He exhales slowly and closes his eyes, and he wonders to himself just what the fuck he should do. Despite the rules he has always had in place for himself, he desperately wants to get laid. Picturing dangerously pretty Jeongguk and breathtaking TaeTae doesn’t help. 
And he knows he shouldn’t respond to the Grindr message, but he feels a buzz from the back and forth that they have established, and he finds he can’t help himself. 
BonsaiDaddy94 I do prefer to take things slow. Although…perhaps my body will persuade my mind to let go for one night. I am equally intrigued by you, and the sweeter you talk, the more I find my walls beginning to crumble. 
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When Namjoon wakes up, he has a headache. This is the first indication that he got too drunk the night before and may have said or done something regretful. As he stretches and yawns, he thinks about his conversation with Jeongguk—how he boldly sent a selfie and attempted to make a plan. 
And then he thinks about his conversation with the other guy, and his heart jumps into his throat. 
“Oh, fuck,” Namjoon mutters as he frantically searches his bed for his phone. For once, he must have had the wherewithal to plug it in, and he spins, twisting himself in his comforter, to find it sitting on his nightstand with one message from Jeongguk and two from his new friend.
Jeongguk I would like to see you as soon as possible, so how does tomorrow sound? 
Namjoon Good morning, pretty! Tonight sounds perfect. Are you a dinner and drinks kind of guy? Would you like to see one of the galleries I’ve curated? I’m very flexible. 
Jeongguk Flexible, hmm? (; Dinner and drinks sound great, but rather than someplace fancy, do you like noodles? There’s a hole-in-the-wall noodle spot near the pub I nearly stalked you at. Is that something you would be into? Not that I'm not into the idea of going to see art, but I may have a problem keeping my eyes off you, and I don't want to waste such a lovely experience.
Namjoon If you’re asking whether I would be interested in meeting you over the best bowl of udon I have ever had, the answer is an emphatic yes. I work from home today, and I should be done around 4, so any time after then is good for me. 
Jeongguk You know the spot! Perfect. How does 6 sound?
Finally, a plan for a date has been solidified. Namjoon feels so excited, he rolls onto his back, stares at his ceiling, and smiles. He also wants to meet Jeongguk as soon as possible and is thrilled that the feeling is mutual. 
Namjoon Perfect. See you at 6!
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It is past noon when Namjoon realizes he never read or responded to the messages from his Grindr friend. With a date in motion with Jeongguk, he almost feels inclined not to acknowledge him. Namjoon can’t remember what they chatted about just before he knocked out, and he isn’t sure he wants to. 
But then, in the depths of his mind, he recalls possibly setting up a date with the other guy, and for the second time in a span of four hours, he panics. 
“The sweeter you talk, the more I feel my walls beginning to crumble,” Namjoon recites as he reads over his last sent message. “Oh, what the fuck?”
He feels so embarrassed he considers deleting the app from his phone and never looking back. Luckily, his new Grindr friend seems to be taking it in stride. 
TaeTae My sweet bonsai father, you are kind and adorable, but I would rather go at the pace you prefer, so, no need to make lofty professions of desire. Should we be so lucky as to fuck, then we shall fuck. But I will be delighted no matter how much or how little I get to have of you.
The second message came nearly an hour later. 
TaeTae By the way, you can call me Taehyung. 
Taehyung. Namjoon likes the name and is instantly reminded of his pretty, sad smile. Both Jeongguk and Taehyung seem so different in personality, but also similar in the way they initiate conversation and steer it effortlessly. He almost wishes one of them was more boring or annoying than the other so he wouldn't feel so overwhelmed with the task of getting to know them both. But there is a part of him that really wants to get to know them both. 
BonsaiDaddy94 Nice to meet you, Taehyung. I'm Namjoon. Bonsai father is a fitting name, too, though. I would hate to stifle your creativity with something as bland as a given name.
Namjoon reads over his cheeky response, feeling pleased with himself. There is a whimsy to Taehyung that makes Namjoon's inner award-winning poet want to come out to play. When three dots pop up, indicating that Taehyung is writing a response, Namjoon feels eager. 
TaeTae You are positively splendid, Namjoon. I wonder what it is you do for a living—how you spend your time? What kind of company do you keep? What color is your favorite comforter? Do you really father a bonsai? Does it blossom? Would you like to move this conversation over to text, or does this hookup app, as you call it, suffice? (Just in case...[phone number attached.])
Suddenly, Namjoon feels like he is drowning, but not in an unpleasant way. He is underwater, gazing up at the light reflecting from the sun—beams of sunshine breaking the surface while dots of light and shadow dance and sway atop the gentle waves. He wants to surface—knows he must eventually come up for air and make a choice—but for now, he enjoys the weightlessness of opening up to and flirting with two men who, as of this moment, only live inside his phone. 
Namjoon saves Taehyung's number to his contact list, glances at his computer to remind himself that he does actually have responsibilities to take care of for the day, then responds to Taehyung, anyway. 
Namjoon Hello, Taehyung. It's Namjoon. As much as I love the blocky, uninviting vibe of the hookup app, this is much more pleasant. To answer your questions: I am a published poet, but I don't much enjoy the pressures of having to produce, simply to make a living, so I work as a museum curator. I spend a lot of my time around art and thinking about art (and talking about art.) My friends are grumpy and quiet, or enthusiastic and loud; a little over the top sometimes, but always respectful and caring. Works of art, in their own regard. My favorite comforter is forest green, and I do father two bonsai. One blossoms every few months, and it makes my heart swell with affection every time. And now I have sent you a novella, wow. Sorry?
Everything feels light and heavy at the same time as Namjoon sets his phone down and attempts to get some work done. And he is successful for a solid hour until his phone vibrates again, and he instantly picks it up to read the message. Luckily, he has already caught up on his emails and has set meetings with several artists he would like to host for upcoming exhibits, so he has a little time to breathe before deciding which item to check from his to-do list next. 
Taehyung Namjoon, darling. My god, you are perfection personified. I am foaming at the mouth. Poet and museum curator? I'm a photographer! Small potatoes, for now; I mostly dress my roommate up in our friend's latest fashions and make him pose. I also do landscapes and nature shots to make money here and there, but I have been considering the next steps for really breaking out and making a name for myself. I won't burden you with that, though; you are welcome to see my work, but I do not want you to think that I am using you to get to your power and influence. (So fucking hot that you have power and influence, though, ugh.) And now it is I sending the novella. I refuse to apologize, and so should you. 
Taehyung PS. I still haven't seen all of your face. No rush, no pressure. But I am curious. I would be happy to send a bespoke selca just for you in return.
At this moment in time, Namjoon feels at a crossroads, and he wheels himself away from his desk and stands—tall and flexed, for some indiscernible reason, as if steeling himself for battle. Something about Taehyung makes him want to be playful, and he feels dramatic—he wants to lean into the feeling a little. 
But he also wants to be straightforward and honest, so he paces around his home office—a small room with a considerably large window that overlooks a narrow street, full from wall to ceiling with art, photos, and other things he enjoys—and he stares at his phone in his hands, deciding what he should do. Taehyung needs to know that he has a date tonight, and that he is unsure about his plans and feelings, overall. 
Namjoon I would be happy to both send and receive a selca, but first I think it would be fair to tell you that I have a date tonight with someone, and I am still uncertain about my feelings and intentions with that person. I am trying to stay open to possibilities, hence chatting with you, but I also don't want to lead you on or make you feel deceived. 
Despite feeling confident in his diplomacy, Namjoon is worried and continues to pace. Juggling two attractive, interesting men is such a foreign concept to Namjoon, he considers deleting the Grindr app in an effort to save himself the trouble of possibly liking a third person. 
Namjoon nearly sits back down at his desk when his phone buzzes, and he feels himself gasp with anticipation. He paces one last time, then takes a seat in his leather computer chair and leans forward with his elbows on his knees as he opens Taehyung's message. 
Taehyung You are the sweetest; I could literally die. I hope you enjoy your date tonight and that it is everything you wish for and more! I, too, have a date tonight, but I am out of town for work, so it's more like a hookup. Don't worry; I practice safely and am very discrete (not that I get the vibe that you're judgmental, but since I am pursuing you, I feel you deserve to know.) Should you fall in love during your date, I will have no hard feelings, just let me know, so I'm not left out in the rain, okay?
Namjoon I'm so not used to dating that all of this feels strange but cathartic to talk to someone about. Usually, I meet someone from work—or school, when I was still in school—and then we go from there, exclusive from the jump. App dating is so much different. I think the laid-back nature of it all is as much of a relief as it is terrifying. 
Taehyung Sometimes app dating is the opposite of laid-back. But I am laid-back by nature, so you are safe with me. While I find drama to be fascinating and exhilarating at times, I simply do not have the energy. 
Namjoon Relatable.
Taehyung Oooh! If you'd like to make my selca wish come true, perhaps you can send me what you plan to wear to the date. Or would that be too weird? I'll do the same; we can compare notes. 
The idea of comparing date outfits with someone who Namjoon also has tentative plans to go on a date with feels strange. It also feels delightful, and he accepts. And then, he makes a valiant attempt to get back to work.
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The minute 4 PM rolls around, Namjoon is out of his chair and getting into the shower. Yoongi has already attempted to get him to hang out with him, and for once, didn't put up a fight when Namjoon declined. He must be happy that his friend has a date—which, Namjoon thinks, he should be happy about, since all of this was partially his fault, to begin with. 
Namjoon showers quickly, then towels off while preemptively stressing about what to wear. They are going to a noodle spot, and he doesn't want to wear something that might risk getting messy, so he decides on black. Namjoon styles his hair simply with his bangs parted and his hair nicely combed. He doesn't add any product, save for a bit of creme to keep any flyaways at bay, and he puts on a nice, simple black long-sleeve tee, tucked into black slacks, with a nice black leather belt. 
It is approximately 5:30 PM by the time Namjoon has finished pacing around anxiously, deciding on whether to wear any jewelry and stressing over which denim jacket to bring. He settles on the same small silver hoops he has been wearing lately, which he has left on a wooden tray in the bathroom—a catchall for things he doesn't want to shower with. 
Before making his way to gather them, however, he remembers his agreement with Taehyung and snaps a selfie for him. He sits at his desk, opts to make a peace sign, and purses his lips, with the camera slightly to the side and the photo capturing more of one side of his face than the other. Without giving it too much thought—because he will second guess it to death and decide against it if he allows himself to—he sends it off to Taehyung. 
It takes approximately twenty seconds for him to receive a response. Namjoon opens his messenger, and immediately, his jaw drops to the floor.
Taehyung [Photo attached of Taehyung standing in front of a mirror with his phone held in front of half of his face. The half that is in view is relaxed—no smile, but no frown—and he appears to be looking into the phone screen rather than into the mirror. His hair is wavy and fluffy, falling over his forehead and sticking out from under his ears in the back. Around his neck are several short, thin necklaces, including one that appears to be a string of pearls. He wears a cornflower blue button-up shirt, powder blue slacks, and a white leather belt. The shirt is unbuttoned and untucked, hanging open to reveal a generous strip of skin from his neck, to his belly button, to his hips.]
Taehyung Namjoon, bonsai father, darling. You are stunning. I hope it's not too rude to say your lips *do things* to me. 
Namjoon hardly has a chance to respond to Taehyung's text, still reeling from his photo. The glimpse of skin beneath the pretty blues—he is the one who is stunning. Namjoon shifts in his chair, clears his throat, and stands. He has to get moving if he wants to meet Jeongguk on time, so he leaves his office, shuts off the light, and makes his way to the living room, all while staring at his phone. What does he even say in response to everything that has just inundated his vision?
Finally, after slipping into some black chelsea boots and patting down his pants to ensure he has his wallet and keys, he lifts his phone to respond. 
Namjoon You left me speechless. I'm stunning? I'm afraid you are the one who is stunning. Your...everything...does things to me. And now I must attempt to go meet my date and not think about you...wish me luck. 
Namjoon isn't quite sure why he adds in that last part; Jeongguk is also quite stunning. But there is a gravitational pull to Taehyung that makes Namjoon want to flirt and be vulnerable in ways he doesn't often allow himself to be. 
As soon as Namjoon hits send, his phone lights up with a message from his date, and his heart skips an anticipatory beat. 
Jeongguk I'm leaving a bit early, so I'll save us a seat!
Ordinarily, Namjoon would order a cab, just in case he has a little too much to drink, but since Jeongguk says he lives near the noodle spot, he opts to drive. And anyway, if Jeongguk's place is close, and they do hit it off, perhaps it won't be a problem for him to drink, since he won't have to drive home. 
Namjoon Sounds good. I'm heading over now! Be there in 10ish.
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tags: @btsstan12 @codeinebelle​@dasexydevitt13 @giriiboyy @moonleeai @m1sss1mp​ @spookyminyunki 📲 this is a limited run fic, but if you would like to be added to the tag list (or all of my tag lists,) please comment or dm!
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This Sordid Place is copyright 2022 theharrowing, all rights reserved. No translations or reposts allowed!
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amiiaden · 21 days
Intertwined hands
This is my first time ever posting on here. This is a short story. Hope this isn't too messy for you guys. English is not my first language btw so plz no roasting my spelling.
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What if I told you that we were past lovers? Would you believe me? Those hands that he’s holding used to be intertwined with mine? Those smiles were only seen by me? Those big eyes staring at him used to stare at me ever so lovingly. You’d only let me pinch you in those chubby cheeks and would get so angry if anyone else would. Why won’t you recognize me? Why am I the only one that remembers all of these memories that you promised me that you’d remember? Why am I the only one patiently waiting for your beautiful soft voice calling my name? Why? Why?
It didn’t hurt when I first approached you with a relieved sigh, your eyes stared back at me strangely. When I called you by your nickname your apprehension only grew in seconds. I made the mistake of thinking that you’d remember but I never took you as a liar. I naively decided to trust those words that you kept reassuring me back then. Under the same hot and blistering sun that we’re standing under, the only difference was that your hands kept on holding mine and now they’re pushing  me away from you. 
The second time that I tried to approach you,  I was stopped by the sight of you hugging that man. His arms holding you near and never letting you go, even though you usually hated whenever someone held you for too long. His hands then rested on your shoulders before the two of you walked away, didn’t he know that you hated whenever someone used their tall stature to maneuver you around? Did you really change that much in just a couple of centuries? It only made me even more determined to try to win you back or to change you back into the woman that I fell in love with. 
The third time I tried to approach you was by the lecture hall in the east wing of our college. I foolishly had found out which classes you were taking, it was of course a sad attempt because when you noticed me it wasn’t your sweet smile I was met by, but a quiet annoyed expression that you quickly swallowed when your friends came. I kept myself in the back to try  just to get a glance of your face. The dimmed lit room was very quiet as the video that was being shown on the projector filled the silence. I could just see the back of your head but knew that you were dozing off by the way your head and your shoulders were angled. One of your many weaknesses were dark rooms and a comfortable chair. You’d always fall asleep in a matter of seconds. Not that I minded it only meant that I could study your sun kissed skin and your long eyelashes. The beauty mark near your eyes and your plump lips, all I could wonder back then was how lucky wasn’t I? To have you by my side?
The fourth time I tried to approach you was when I was invited to a study group meeting in the school library. I was so surprised when I approached closer to find out that you were also attending. Your hair was tied into a tight bun with your hair strands still lingering on your shining forehead. When I sat down with my hands sweating because you were right in front of me, your eyes focused on the screen in front of you. Suddenly your hands were now resting on the table separating me from you. I noticed the ring you wore on your ring finger, I almost couldn’t believe it. How did you still have this? The ring I gave you in the castle when I first met you. Your shy eyes stared at the ring with so much admiration and appreciation not noticing my unimpressed gaze. Reminding you again that this marriage was not going to be a romantic one. What a fool I was, you noticed my eyes fixed on your ring. I quickly coughed to conceal what I had done.
The fifth time that I tried to approach you, you’d have gotten used to my presence whenever the study group was being held. I kept my distance though, instead of sitting in front of you. I decided to sit in the far right, a perfect distance and a perfect spot where I could gaze at you without you noticing. For some reason I noticed that you stopped wearing the ring on your finger, instead a cheap ring was resting on its spot. My right eye twitched out of annoyance, who gave that to you? How dare they? Who am I to question that? We’re nothing to each other anymore. 
All I had of you as a memory from that time was your letter to me before the war broke out that killed both me and you or the old you. When I woke up in my small apartment I held an envelope in my hands. I recognized the wrapping of the paper and your neat handwriting on the front of the page. Before I died on the dimmed battlefield I always wondered why you had given me that letter. I was so sure that I would return to you and that we would be living happily together. But when I woke up I realized why you had written it to me, it was an apology. Though I never understood what you were apologizing for, from the beginning of the letter and to the end you were just apologizing for everything that was happening. It wasn’t like I knew what I was getting myself into, and what our relationship was supposed to be like from the beginning. I never regretted falling in love with your beautiful soul, I never regretted dying, never having to have kissed you again. What I regretted was telling you that I loved you that night before I departed with the soldiers, because all I wanted to tell you when I saw you that day was; 
I" love you"
The sixth time I tried to approach you was when the two of you had broken up that autumn night, you were very calm after what he had said. It was almost like your mind and your body didn’t coordinate well enough. Your eyes shut for a second taking a deep breath in as the roaring college students in the background were laughing. All of a sudden a loud laughter erupted into the lukewarm air. Your shoulders were rocking so hard that I almost thought you were crying. I tried to walk closer to you but was stopped by the sound of your crying, my heart nearly choked as your choked sobs started to get louder. “Ugh, why can’t I ever make anyone stay?” You sobbed as your legs gave out, sitting on the leaves filled with ground. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, it was almost too familiar. Like deja vu but too familiar than that even because it all felt like it was yesterday when you sobbed during our first night. I had walked out of our shared room out of frustration. Because I was still so furious about our marriage, you had been very persistent about us fulfilling our duties husband and wife. I had only dismissed you quickly before I ran out. Upon my return the door hadn’t been closed fully, I was just about to scold the servants but stopped in my tracks as I heard your quiet sobs. Something in me just started to bleed, now when I look at you sobbing on the ground tonight. I realized it was my heart that was bleeding all along. 
The seventh time I tried to approach you was when we had a festival to promote our college. You had dressed up as a horse with your friends, your smile only reaching your cheeks not your eyes. I knew you were hurting but kept myself in the background hoping that someday that you’d realize I had been here all along. I kept on keeping myself busy with answering potential students with their questions. At the end of the day you were sitting on the bench near our booth with heavy shoulders. Your eyes were closed as I approached closer, deciding to sit down in a split second. I decided to sit in silence until you opened your eyes, you glanced my way for a second, it was enough for me to scream internally. “Why are you here?” You asked in a nonchalant tone, “I was getting tired.” I explained with my sweaty hands clasping together, she glanced down to my hands and silently rolled her eyes. 
“You know,” She sighed heavily before continuing, “I feel like I know you from somewhere.” Her eyes were cheesing with her brows furrowing like she was thinking hard. “Not the first time I've heard that.” I splattered out quickly which made her glance towards me again. “I don’t think so, you’ve been following me around for a while now. Do you like me or something?” She asked in a tired tone as she stretched her neck, “Because if you do, I’m sorry to break your heart but I don’t like blonds.” Her eyes were closed as her arms were now crossed over her chest. “But wasn’t your last boyfriend blond?” I asked with a small smile, this made her open her eyes with a blush creeping on her full cheeks. She quickly stood up from the bench and coughed. “I would say he was more on the brunette way,” She bit her lip before she continued, “Whatever I’m leaving, seriously stop looking at me all the time.” She readjusted her horse costume before leaving me alone on the bench, 
The eight time I tried to approach you was at the cafeteria, I was sitting alone in the bustling cafeteria. As I sipped my milk package I spotted her within the queue that was waiting to get their food. She was all alone this time, her hair was now all out with her curls bouncing as she walked. Her eyes looking around the big dining hall but failing to recognize anyone. Her shoulders slumped and her lips were pouting a little as she kept on walking. My eyes were stuck on her as she walked around trying to find a spot to sit on, suddenly my back straightened and my left foot was shaking as she got closer. Her face was cold but her eyes were avoiding mine, her lips were twitching for a second. If I had blinked I would’ve missed it.  “Is this seat taken?” She asked through gritted teeth, “No, you can sit down” I answered almost too happily. “My friends all decided to eat out and I didn’t have any money so I had to come here,” She began rambling with her eyes still not looking into mine, i thought it was cute. Even back then whenever she was embarrassed or shy, she would ramble and refuse to look into my eyes. I would sometimes physically make her look into mine, but that night when I was departing. It was the first time that she had initiated eye contact, her brown eyes were looking into mine so fiercely that I thought I would get burnt if I looked away. “I don’t mind it, it’s nice to have company when you’re having a meal.” I assured her with a small smile before taking another bite of my food. She stared at me for a second which made me almost choke on my food. “Really?” She hesitantly asked with her hands on her thighs, I nodded before I looked away. Her gaze would randomly land on me throughout the meal and my left leg continued to shake. 
The ninth time that I tried to approach you was not something that I had thought would happen. Apparently in this life I had a part time job at a pizza parlor about 20 minutes from our college. I was so surprised when I noticed her small frame walking through the door by herself. Our eyes met and it all felt too familiar for my heart, it took everything in me not to hug her and apologize for the wait. But I couldn’t and I stood still behind the register with a blank face as she got closer. “Why are you everywhere I go?” She chuckled painfully, it was all too familiar for me. Back then whenever I walked around the castle in hope that she wasn’t there, she was standing right there. If I went to the library or the garden or even in our separate rooms. She would be there greeting me with her sweet smile and her dimples would come out of hiding. I couldn’t believe that I once despised that smile but now it was all I ever wanted to see. But now I was met by a sour expression and her face twitching whenever our eyes met. 
The tenth time that I tried to approach you  was at the beach event that our college held a hot July day. You’d always been very competitive back then, when I first mentioned horse riding. You’d just had to say that you also liked riding horses, I sighed and silently cursed myself for having to talk about it so openly. Though when I think back on it, it was probably around then when I started to fall for you. I mean who couldn’t? Your infectious laughter and the way you galopped so effortlessly. Your black curls bouncing and your high bun coming undone was the nail in the coffin. In the end I was the one that was left in a daze and couldn’t face you without my cheeks reddening into a deep scarlet color. Though this time it was beach volleyball, which wasn’t that hard to understand the game rules when the others explained it to me. In a matter of seconds my team was winning which a certain someone in the opposing team couldn’t handle. Her constant grunts and yelling at her friends made almost giggle, her constant glances and taunts made feel warm. It was reassuring that she was still a big sore loser like back then, as I laid down the last point that made my team win, we all decided to grill the food. 
“You were really good back there.” A very happy voice praised me as they sat down, my eyes met hers. I was quiet and looked straight ahead at the quiet waves with a small smile, she kept her gaze on me for a few minutes. “I know.” With that I looked at her brown eyes, my lips were quivering. “Alexandre,” She whispered with teary eyes, I couldn’t believe it. All she uttered was my name, nothing else. But it only took her to utter my name for me to crumble right in front of her. Dissolving into the very brown sand underneath our clothes.  My eyes teared up as my body moved on its own. I had been waiting for this for an eternity, I had missed her warm body underneath me. I had missed how her hands were always intertwined with mine. I had missed the sweet taste of her  lips, I had missed her sighs as our kisses deepened. 
“I love you.” I whispered between the kisses as she  nodded  as an answer, “I love you, I love you, I truly love you. I’m sorry for saying it so late.” We sobbed together under the moonlight as  the silent waves came running and swept us away. 
The eleventh time I approached you  was when I tapped your  bare shoulder. She turned around with her usual sweet and bright smile that showed her big dimples. Her eyes stared back at me so much love and yearning that I almost forgot where we were. Her hand waited for me in the air, I kept my eyes on her loving gaze as we walked down the street with our hands intertwined and our engagement rings on our fingers blinging under the sun’s big rays. The warm summer breeze and passerby’s conversations filled our ears. Though my ears were shut down and only my eyes working, taking everything that she was doing. How she licked her lips, how her lashes fluttered whenever the wind blew our direction. 
“Have I told you I love you?” I asked, smirking which earned a soft giggle before she shook her head. “You have not, do you have something to say Alexandre?” She asked with an arched brow, her tone was slightly teasing. “I love you Abeba, I’ll love you today, tomorrow and even in our next life again.” I dragged her into a bear hug which made her squeal in return before she buried her face into my face. 
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aerodaltonimperial · 2 years
(A companion to this ficlet, because I am wild and unstoppable.)
“He’s a freak,” Tony Nese says, with the sneer he’s so fond of and his arms crossed over his chest. He’s leaning back against the wall like he doesn’t have a care in the world. “Just look at him. What normal person looks like that?”
“He’s also a menace,” Mark Sterling offers, though it’s hard to believe much with the brace wrapped around his neck. “He’s taken seriously by management when, what, you aren’t? He’s got everything you deserve to have, and he shouldn’t have any of it.”
Hook doesn’t listen to them.
They don’t pay attention to how closely Danhausen watches him, the way that Danhausen’s eyes light up when Hook enters a room. They weren’t the ones to sit backstage with the bag of chips in their hands, staring down at a birthday bow carefully, lovingly tied, one of the strangest, kindest things Hook has had happen to him in awhile. They don’t see the way Danhausen smiles when Hook can’t figure out a response, can’t wrap his tongue around the words—the way he always allows Hook the space to get his thoughts in order.
“He’s, uh, a little odd,” his dad says, which is probably the nicest way he could think to phrase the actual opinion in his head. He’s got his phone in one hand and a coffee in the other, and an expression like he’s not sure why Hook is doing any of what he’s doing but he’ll grudgingly go along with it anyway. “You know. Just…not really up there, maybe.”
“The cursing is a bit much,” Ricky adds. Tactful; Ricky’s sort of good like that. But it’s still not particularly welcoming, and Ricky shrugs. “I mean, he can do whatever, right? It doesn’t really involve us. You can get out once the match is over, Hook, and you’ll never have to look back.”
Hook doesn’t listen to them.
They don’t see the way Danhausen’s eyes glint right before he lands a move no one expected him to, the thing they tend to forget about because they’re so wrapped up in his antics. They don’t notice the way he watches Hook while they’re training together and factors Hook’s strengths and weaknesses into their sparring, the way he never tries to change how Hook fights, but instead adapts around it. They don’t see the way he smiles, at the ground, at his hands, when Hook compliments the way he moves around the ring, a competitor who knows exactly who he is within the ropes, the way he preens as though Hook’s approval carries more weight than the rest of the world's.
"He's so weird though," one of the production aides whispers, a stack of papers in her hands. She looks like she's been given the honor of distributing time cues for the show and dislikes the assignment greatly. "I mean, there are a lot of weird people here, but he's…really, really weird?"
The other aide nods; doesn't try to argue. "For sure. I'm always a little afraid he'll try and curse me or something. What do you think he looks like under the paint? Maybe he's even scarier."
Hook doesn't listen to them.
They haven't seen the way Danhausen relaxes after a shower, toweling his hair to keep it from falling across his bare forehead. They don't see the way his whole face crinkles, the way his skin gleams pink after he's scrubbed the paint clean, the way it looks impossibly smooth; the way Hook wants to lean in and run his fingertips across his cheek. They don't hear the way Danhausen’s laugh grows the funnier he finds something, the way he throws his head back with the force of it; they don't see how just hearing it tugs Hook’s mouth into the mirror of a smile.
"What a loser," Austin grumbles. He's standing next to the vending machine trying to find change in his pockets, and Hook doesn't bother to offer him any. "Ugh. I'm so sick of his stupid jokes and his dumb names. All he does is make our life worse."
"Ought to kick him out of the company for being so useless," Colten says. He finally takes pity on Austin and hands him some quarters. "What's the point of him being here, anyway? He's a joke. No one takes him seriously. No one would miss him if he left."
Hook definitely doesn't listen to them.
They don't see how open and hopeful Danhausen’s face twists when Hook leans against him, setting his head on Danhausen’s shoulder. They can't hear the little gasp he makes, surprised and excited and happy, when Hook kisses him, works his mouth apart slowly, takes his time mapping out the shudder of his breathing as he exhales. They can't understand the way Danhausen’s hands cling to Hook’s shoulders, the way he holds Hook with so much reverence, the way it seems, sometimes, as though he's constantly afraid that Hook will tire of him and leave.
"You've really wasted some of your time, you know that?" Lee Moriarty tells him, running a hand through the short curls of his hair. "You could have been a lot more if you hadn't spent time running around with a clown."
Big Bill nods. Hook wants to punch his fucking teeth in. "He isn't even worth thinking about."
"Besides, he's so selfish," Lee adds. "All he cares about is money and himself."
Hook doesn't listen to them.
They certainly haven't experienced the way Danhausen kisses trails down Hook’s chest, his palms sliding across Hook’s waist, the bare skin, tracing the curve of his tattoo. They've never felt the way it's overwhelming, absolutely maddening, when Danhausen takes Hook fully in his mouth and settles there, humming just because he knows the vibrations nearly tear Hook apart, rattling all the way down to his toes. They've never heard him groan when Hook fists his hands in Danhausen’s hair in a desperate attempt to stave off his orgasm a little longer, tugging because he loves the way it summons a whine from the back of Danhausen’s throat, just needing to hear him, feel him, drink everything in before release runs him sideways like a gut punch. And they've certainly never seen the way Danhausen slides his fingers along Hook’s face after, as Hook is coming down from the high, tipsy and jelly-legged in his most vulnerable state, an impossibly sweet caress that says I'm here, I've got you.
"Oh, you have plans?" Jack says. He sounds disappointed, and it's a little unexpected. No one ever really sounds disappointed when Hook turns down invitations. He only ever gets them out of obligation anyway. "I guess I just thought we could, uh, go out and celebrate our win, you know?"
Then he shrugs. "I mean, it's fine. I sort of…well, I sort of get it. He's important to you…right?" It's a question that isn't, because Jack already knows the answer. "You…care about him."
Hook sort of listens to him, but only because he's the first person who seems like he might understand.
But even still, he doesn't know the way Danhausen rolls into Hook’s arms in the middle of the night while he's asleep, unconsciously seeking Hook out like a beacon. He doesn't feel how Danhausen’s kisses linger on Hook’s skin, tiny moments of adoration, seconds where he matters to someone, truly matters. He doesn't hear the way Danhausen whispers against the shell of Hook’s ear as the sun comes up, the sweet nothings that Hook will swear up and down he doesn't need, doesn't like, but prick at the corners of his eyes anyway as he gasps and rolls to give the other more space to continue.
Hook doesn't really care what anyone else says, when it all shakes down. He's never bothered to change himself for the opinions of others, and the only one he would do it for doesn't ever ask him to be anything else. Still, sometimes he wonders, wrapped around Danhausen’s torso like a starfish. "Why me?"
"Why Hook?" Danhausen repeats. His eyebrows rise in neat arches. "That's a silly question."
"Is it?" Hook doesn't think so; in fact, he's a little desperate to hear the answer. He thinks he might settle something beneath his skin, where doubt still trembles, cords of fear he wishes would fade away. "But you have an answer, right?"
Danhausen turns to face him, his thumb trailing along Hook’s cheek. It's so fucking sappy. Hook loves it, even when it makes his skin heat. "Of course, it's silly. There was never anyone else, only Hook. That's like asking why the moon is in the sky. Danhausen has only ever wanted Hook."
Hook thinks of the way Danhausen sends ridiculous texts with little meaning simply as a way to keep them connected; he thinks about how Danhausen gives all of the sweet treats he's gifted to Hook instead, but secretly, so Hook doesn't ever have to answer questions from curious onlookers; he thinks about how Danhausen always crawls into Hook’s room, no matter how late the filming ends, no matter how many bruises he's sustained, because neither of them want to spend the time apart; he thinks about how Danhausen writes looping messages on the hotel stationary if he leaves earlier, simple platitudes that mean the world.
Hook mouths a kiss against Danhausen’s shoulder, and smiles into his skin.
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 2 years
okay so Im going insane over the concept of the bps having a silly little spa day and I care them so much so sorry if this gets long
"SO, me and Sarah were thinking about something"
Seth looks up from his woodworking, casting a suspicious look between them. Sarah and Ces exchange glances, trying to suppress their giggles
"I know this look, you two are definitely up to good", he says
"Well,see here-" Ces starts, before being interrupted by Sarah.
"If ur idea of no good is us making you have a self care day with us, then yeah, we are up to no good", she declares, looking at him, challenging him to object. He looks at her in disbelief.
"A self care day? Sarah, I'm 35, and besides I'm perfectly fi-"
"Literally no one's buying that dad, we've all seen how stresses you are lately, and besides, how bad can it be? Don't you wanna spend time with us?", Cesar says, looking at him imploringly.
"Pleaseeeeeee, cmon, its just washing your hair, trying new hairstyles, it's not gonna kill you", Sarah says
Seth sighs in defeat.
"How long have you two been planning this?", he asks, a small smile beginning to form on his face
Sarah hooks one arm though hers, and Ces takes the other side, essentially frog marching him to the living room.
She shrugs, "A month maybe, now let the self care day start!"
They make Seth lie down on the couch and untie his hair, Ces washing it in a basin of warm soapy water while Sarah lectured him about how to take proper care of his hair. While Seth is distracted, Ces starts to subtly tie Seths hair into pigtails, fighting for his life. Sarah fails at hiding her smile, and Seth catches on, jolting upright.
"Cesar Torres. What are you doing with my hair.", he says, turning to face him slowly. Cesar bursts out laughing, tears in his eyes. Seth pats his head, detecting the pigtails.
"PIGTAILS??, really Ces?", he tries to untie them, but Sarah swats his hand.
"Noooo! They're so cute!", she picks up a mirror and shows it to Seth, whose horrified face is now staring back at him with the pigtails in glittery pink scrunchies. Seth buries his head in his hand, before getting an idea.
"Well, if you two can mess with my hair, then I guess it's only fair I do so too right?", Seth picks up one of Sarah's hairstyles catalogues, thumbing it's pages, before grinning evilly, and revealing tye most atrocious hairstyle known to man.
"You first Ces",
They spend the day trying out different hairstyles, to Ces and Sarah amusement and Seths continous shock( "People actaully do these??") and at some point, Sarah even brings her skin care routine, arms full if variously coloured gels and masks( Ces whistles, impressed, "You know she serious when she pulls out the papaya exfoliating mask". "The WHAT??" . "dw about it")
At the end of the day, Sarah brings her nail polish collection, choosing red for herself, black for Ces, and hot pink for Seth. He holds the tiny bottle, looking at her witha mixture of fondness and tiredness.
"Is the hot pink really necessary, I mean, you've already used like 30 different products on me today", he says
Sarah and Ces nod emphatically.
"No self care is complete without nail polish! And I even made Ces learn nail art to make sure it looks good as possible! Cmon, this one last thing okay? I promise", Sarah says, and Seth grumbles but holds out his hands. They cheer and get to work, Sarah with unwavering laser focus, and Ces with the tip of his tongue poking out, attempting to copy Sarah. He looks at them lovingly. These silly children and their care of him. His silly children that he was ready to burn the world down for, if it meant seeing them happy forever as they were now.
"I might have agreed to hot pink Sarah, but I definitely did not agree to the glitter"
"Aw, man"
They’re a FAMILY your honor
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Pairing - merman!patry x william
Fic type - general/fluff
Warnings - gay people🤯 none
Notes - this one also comes with a drawing 🤯 also @snudootchaikovsky I think you'll like this one :3
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William enjoys hanging out near the ocean, especially in a secluded area at the end of the beach. He sits on a rock and watches the waves break against the shore. It feels comforting to him. Because of how people treated him, he likes being alone more often. William can also take off his mask and swim around there without fear of being looked at. He takes off his clothes so he’s in his bathing suit, and walks into the water. William swims for a little while and then hangs out near the rock he sits at.
Then, he hears a noise. It sounds like someone swimming near him. He slightly panics and tries to swim away before he notices the person behind him is too close to him for him to leave unnoticed. William stops and slowly turns around to see someone. Or something. He has scaly spots and he doesn’t seem to be a human. He does have human features, though. He has long, blond and messy hair.
“Are you a human?” He asks, swimming a little closer to William.
“U-um, yes,” William stutters, feeling nervous that he saw him without his mask.
“Thank you for not running from me, I just want to know more about humans. My name is Patry,” Patry chuckles.
“My name is William, thanks for not being scared of me,” William sighs, starting to feel less anxious.
“Why would I be scared of you?” Patry asks, confused.
“My scars, people are scared of me because of them,” William frowns, looking away. Patry gets closer to William, looking into his lavender eyes as he blushes.
“I think they’re unique. How did you get these scars?” Patry questions.
“I was born with these. I got them from my mothers side of the family, from a curse. I usually wear a mask to hide them,” William points to the mask, along with the rest of his clothes sitting near the rock.
“Why are people scared of you?” William asks.
“They get scared when they see my tail, I’m not a human. Also, I’m just shy around humans,” Patry chuckles, a blush on his face as he shows his long, finned tail to him. William gently touches it, and notices Patry’s smile. He couldn't help but to blush as well.
“I think you’re unique as well…” he smiles. He then notices William trembling a little.
“A-Are you cold? I can help you warm up,” Patry insists, before giving William a hug. He protects him with his tail. William blushes even harder. He wasn’t just cold. He nervously hugs him back.
“T-Thank you,” William tries his best to hide how flustered he is, noticing Patry’s smile. He notices how William is still trembling.
“Maybe… You aren’t just cold,” Patry mumbles, noticing how William is blushing. Without thinking, William kisses him. Patry flinches, starting to blush as well. William then realizes what he did and tries to pull away, but Patry places his soft hand on his cheek, pulling William closer. The kiss continues for a few more moments before he pulls away. They both stare at each other.
“Wow… so that’s how to kiss…” Patry chuckles, slightly out of breath. He doesn’t let go of William.
“You’re such an adorable human… your scars are so gorgeous, they’re like nothing I’ve ever seen before,” He purrs, petting William’s damp hair. He looks up at him lovingly, feeling more comfortable in his arms.
“Your eyes are beautiful,” William whispers, feeling surprised he met a merman, one that loves him, even. Patry is equally surprised he met this human. Soon, William notices the sun starting to set, so he gets out of the water and dries off.
“I’ll see you here again sometime,” Patry sighs, holding his hand. William kisses him on the cheek before leaving. William’s day at the beach was a lot different than what he expected.
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sliceoflifeshepard · 1 year
3 humans, 1 Grim Reaper, vs Two Angels. - HF
This is gonna go really well
RAQAEL gets punched in the face and is surprised, stumbling backwards. HALCYON lashes out, pulling JOSEPH into her view.
JOSEPH tries again to to hurt RAQAEL, but JOSEPH’s arm is twisted.
ARCHIE and ROBERT come from the side of them to rush them all, to even the playing field. RAQAEL laughs, pushing everyone backwards with their powers and drawing weapons.
Where the hell is my wife!?
So you’re Joseph Kennedy, oh how the mighty have fallen.
HALCYON slashes at ARCHIE, snarling. ARCHIE snarls back like a rabid dog and throws a punch, which misses.
ARCHIE is thrown to the floor and ROBERT steps in to defend him, ROBERT is thrown to the floor too, being held down by a magical force from HALCYON.
RAQAEL backhands JOSEPH who is sent flying into the wall of the warehouse. RAQAEL walks over with ease and grabs JOSEPH.
You want to see your wife so badly? Fine. Its your head, not mine. Halcyon, stay outside with the two nobodies, I’ll deal with Samantha and Joseph.
HALCYON nods. RAQAEL drags JOSEPH into the warehouse, leaving the others to be tortured by HALCYON.
SAMANTHA jumps to her feet in horror at the sight of JOSEPH, who is thrown across the room at her feet, with RAQAEL laughing in their faces.
SAMANTHA tugs at her chains which seem to tighten and she tries to move to hold her husband.
Its been 35 years or so since they’ve last seen each other, and they’re both in awe of each other – not much has really changed. They’re both grey haired, looking older but they still recognise each other.
JOSEPH and SAMANTHA stare lovingly into each other’s eyes, silently taking in the other’s presence.
RAQAEL breaks through the moment by making the food and everything else disappear and SAMANTHA positions herself to stand guard of JOSEPH.
[mockingly, to Samantha]
He came looking for you, you know. Your doting husband. How perfectly pathetic.
You know I couldn’t have asked him too, nobody knows we’re here!
Someone must know! Who could possibly know?
SAMANTHA whimpers.
Do what you want with me, but let him go. Let Joseph go, he has no part in this.
[choked up]
He has no part in this? You know he does. He’s just as much at fault as you are for this whole fucking thing. Its you and your bastard family that are the cause of all this mess, because you trusted Sephania. You used her for your own gain. You were only ever supposed to do your job of ferrying souls to and from Heaven and Hell and Earth and you couldn’t even do that properly!
JOSEPH struggles to get to his feet, reaching out for SAMANTHA.
Don’t listen to her, Samantha.
JOSEPH is backhanded by a magical force. He grimaces, but stays on his feet.
SAMANTHA is getting angrier and angrier.
[to Raqael]
So what, you’d have me kill my entire family so I can suffer because I can’t die, and then you can do whatever you want with me whilst Heaven falls apart because of all your deeds and Earth will become a dystopia?
Earth is already a dystopia, we can let it destroy itself. We’re moving to a new world, where we can start all over again.
You can’t! That’s absurd!
I think you’ll find that we’re the ones with the powers, not you. Once Tiana is dead, Heaven will be saved. And you will be erased from history and time.
SAMANTHA’s hands find JOSEPH’s own and they squeeze each other in fear, before SAMANTHA swallows hard, raising one hand to summon her scythe, then holding it with both hands again.
We won’t give in to you. We’ll find a way to destroy you.
You can’t even put up a proper fight. No, you will listen. This is what is going to truly happen: You are going to watch as Tiana stumbles into our trap, with all her pathetic friends and you will pick them off one by one, leaving Zariah and Joseph for last, and then she will have to watch as you kill everyone she loves and then you will have to kill your own daughter. And then you will be our slave and thrown back into Purgatory where you belong.
If you truly believe I’m powerless, why am I still in chains? You could at least let me out.
You’re going to attack me the first chance you get, you really think I’m that stupid? Your stupid friends out there will die as well, if you even raise your scythe to me.
SAMANTHA doesn’t know what to say or do. She doesn’t know what to say to JOSEPH. She always pictured their reunion being more romantic, more like a family that they never got to be, but the thought of losing everything all over again, would break her heart if it could still beat.
Here’s what you’re going to do: Joseph, call Tiana and tell her where we are, give her the exact location on GPS. If you tell her what to expect, we’ll torture you and your friends just as much as we’re torturing Samantha. Bring her to us, to bring the end of this bullshit.
JOSEPH goes to shake his head, but he knows he has no choice. They’re all doomed either way. They’re in a lose-lose situation. JOSEPH brings out his phone, tears filling his eyes and threatening to fall.
You’re heartless.
Halcyon would have slaughtered you by now, just know I’m showing you mercy.
JOSEPH scoffs, but dials TIANA. There is no cellphone service.
JOSEPH shows RAQAEL this.
RAQAEL huffs.
You and your friends will go to a place you can get service, then bring Tiana and her friends here. I will stay here and make sure your pretty loveable wife stays pretty obedient, okay?
JOSEPH nods. RAQAEL turns and yells for HALCYON.
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