#it’s a company that works with innovation technology startups etc
old-memoria · 2 years
First day at work…
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Hey, what does disruptor mean? I saw it when looking at your answers. I’ve also seen people joke about it on twitter but I can’t find a meaning to it.
It's a term I personally loathe, but I'm willing to do some recent cultural/intellectual history to explain where it came from and what it means.
The term disruptor as it's commonly used today comes out of the business world, more specifically the high tech sector clustered in Silicon Valley. Originally coined as "disruptive innovation" by business school professor Clayton Christensen in the mid-to-late 90s, the idea was that certain new businesses (think your prototypical startup) have a greater tendency to develop innovative technologies and business models that radically destabilize established business models, markets, and large corporations - and in the process, help to speed up economic and technological progress.
While Christensen's work was actually about business models and firm-level behavior, over time this concept mutated to focus on the individual entrepeneur/inventor/founder figure of the "disruptor," as part of the lionization of people like Steve Jobs or Mark Zuckerburg or Elon Musk, or firms like Lyft, Uber, WeWork, Theranos, etc. It also mutated into a general belief that "disrupting" markets and, increasingly, social institutions is how society will and should progress.
I find these ideas repellant. First of all, when it comes to the actual business side of things, I think it mythologizes corporate executives as creative geniuses by attributing credit for innovations actually created by the people they employ. Elon Musk didn't create electric cars or reusable rockets, Steve Jobs didn't design any computers or program any OSes, but because they're considered "disruptors," we pretend that they did. This has a strong effect on things like support for taxing the rich - because there is this popular image of the "self-made billionaire" as someone who "earned" their wealth through creating "disruptive" companies or technologies, there is more resistance to taxing or regulating the mega-wealthy than would otherwise be the case.
Even more importantly, treating "disruptors" like heroes and "disruption" as a purely good thing tends to make people stop thinking about whether disruption to a given industry is actually a good thing, whether what tech/Silicon Valley/startup firms are doing is actually innovative, what the economic and social costs of the disruption are, and who pays them. Because when we look at a bunch of high-profile case studies, it often turns out to be something of a case of smoke and mirrors.
To take ridesharing as an example, Lyft and Uber and similar companies aren't actually particularly innovative. Yes, they have apps that connect riders to drivers, but that's not actually that different from the old school method of using the phone to call up a livery cab company. There's a lot of claims about how the apps improve route planning or the availability of drivers or bring down prices, but they're usually overblown: route planning software is pretty common (think Google Maps), when you actually look at how Lyft and Uber create availability, it's by flooding the market with large numbers of new drivers, and when you look at how they got away with low prices, it was usually by spending billions upon billions of venture capital money on subsidizing their rides.
Moreover, this "disruption" has a pretty nasty dark side. To start with, Lyft and Uber's business strategy is actually a classic 19th century monopoly strategy dressed up in 21st century rhetoric: the "low prices" had nothing to do with innovative practices or new technology, it was Lyft and Uber pulling the classic move of deliberately selling at a loss to grab market share from the competition, at which point they started raising their prices on consumers. Availability of drivers was accomplished by luring way too many new drivers into the labor market with false promises of making high wages in their spare time, but when the over-supply of drivers inevitably caused incomes to decline, huge numbers of rideshare drivers found themselves trapped by auto debts and exploited by the companies' taking a significant chunk of their earnings, using the threat of cutting them off from the app to cow any resistance. And above all, Lyft and Uber's "disruption" often came down to a willful refusal to abide by pre-existing regulations meant to ensure that drivers could earn a living wage, that consumers would be protected in the case of accidents or from the bad behavior of drivers, etc. As a policy historian, however, I find the extension of "disruption" into social institutions the most troubling. Transportation, health care, education, etc. are absolutely vital for the functioning of modern society and are incredibly complex systems that require a lot of expertise and experience to understand, let alone change. Letting a bunch of billionaires impose technocratic "reforms" on them from above, simply because they say they're really smart or because they donate a bunch of money, is a really bad idea - especially because when we see what the "disruptors" actually propose and/or do, it often shows them to be very ordinary (if not actively stupid) people who don't really know what they're doing.
Elon Musk's Loop is an inherently worse idea than mass transit. His drive for self-driving cars is built on lies. Pretty much all of the Silicon Valley firms that have tried to "disrupt" in the area of transportation end up reinventing the wheel and proposing the creation of buses or trolleys or subways.
Theranos was a giant fraud that endangered the lives of thousands in pursuit of an impossible goal that, even if it ould have been achieved, wouldn't have made much of a difference in people's lives compared to other, more fruitful areas of biotech and medical research.
From Bill Gates to Mark Zuckerburg, Silicon Valley billionaires have plunged huge amounts of philanthropy dollars into all kinds of interventions in public education, from smaller classrooms to MOOCs to teacher testing to curriculum reform to charter schools. The track record of these reforms has been pretty uniformly abysmal, because it turns out that educational outcomes are shaped by pretty much every social force you can think of and educational systems are really complex and difficult to measure.
So yeah, fuck disruptors.
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Affordable Digital Marketing Services in Delhi
Nowadays, digital marketing is essential for organizations of all sizes in a cutting-edge, competitive market. However, the cost of digital marketing service offerings may be a great barrier for small companies and startups. Several affordable digital marketing agencies in Delhi, can help businesses get the most out of their marketing budget. Bsoftindia Technologies Pvt. Ltd. is one of them best digital marketing service providers.
We provide wide range of services, including: * [SEO] Search engine optimization * {PPC} pay-per-click advertisement * Social media marketing * Content marketing * Email marketing * Website designing
By working with our digital marketing services, your businesses can improve their online visibility, reach more customers, and generate more leads. we NEVER follow the “ONE SIZE FITS ALL’ approach when it comes to digital marketing, SEO, SMM, PPC, content, website design, development, etc. Our team keeps them updated with the latest trends to create innovative and out-of-the-box solutions to drive desired results for your business.
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wolfliving · 2 years
The Great Autonomous Vehicle Capitulation
Q&A with Peter Barrett
TC: What was the biggest robotics story of 2022?
PB: The Great Autonomous Vehicle Capitulation. Ford and VW abandoning robotaxis are another indication that autonomous vehicles are decades from ubiquity. Autonomous vehicles may be inevitable, but they are certainly not imminent despite lots of very clever people and eye-watering amounts of capital pouring into the domain.
We have had autonomous vehicles driven by neural networks since the ’80s. I think we are about halfway there.
The good news is that in the interim, we do have a mature technology that improves traffic 30% and reduces fatalities at intersections by 90%. It is called a roundabout.
What are your biggest robotics predictions for 2023?
The biggest trend in 2023 will be the realization that robots are best used to amplify people rather than replacing them. Robots as collaborators that work for people in human environments is the best way of exploiting the unique capabilities of both.
How profound of an impact has the pandemic had on robotics?
There are 500,000 unfilled jobs in logistics in the U.S. at the moment. Similar gaps exist in other critical domains, in farming, mining, etc. We need more scalable and practical automation technologies to make people more productive and take on the dull, dirty or dangerous jobs that are otherwise going unfilled.
What under-addressed category deserves more focus from robotics startups and investors?
Life science is yet to have its industrial revolution. Individualized lifesaving therapies (think CAR T) are preposterously expensive, largely due to lack of scalable automation and logistics. Lab operations are stymied by islands of incompatible automation and no common ontologies or data formats, and humans are not integrated into the process. Companies like Artificial are tackling the software layer to orchestrate labs and pharma, but new classes of automation systems are needed to tackle the physical layer.
How will automation impact the workforce of the future?
Human dexterity and cognition will be amplified by strong, trustworthy, collaborative robots that literally do the heavy lifting. As stated above, it is all about amplifying people, not replacing them.
Are home robotics finally having their moment?
The Roomba is over 20 years old and is still the only non-toy robot that has any useful role to play in the home. The simple genius of the original design has been replicated countless times but is rarely improved upon: ask Rodney Brooks about the unwarranted innovation of SLAM versus random bumping.
We still don’t have robots that can cook or clean or be generally useful around the house, largely because we don’t have the cognition or dexterity to do a credible job in unstructured environments. Like the technology gaps that need to be filled to deliver autonomous vehicles, these capabilities will eventually emerge but don’t hold your breath.
What more can/should the U.S. do to foster innovation in the category?
How about a robotics/AI equivalent of the CHIPS Act?
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impactfulpitch · 2 years
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Top 10 Challenges Faced by Startup Founders in India
Starting a business has its own challenges, but it can also be like living your dream every day. In 2020, more than 800,000 brilliant ideas began their path as startups or small enterprises in the United States.
So, do all of these startups succeed?
No. Obviously not. In fact, the majority of them might not get through the first year. As fascinating and attractive as the concept of a startup may be, there are many difficulties to overcome. Your business idea is put to the test at each crucial decision-making stage. Ask any successful startup and they would describe their success tale, studded with challenges.
So, What does it take to go from having a great concept to building a brand worth a billion dollars? Just the determination to overcome challenges. Then, what are the difficulties? Read this article to learn about the difficulties startups faces in their initial phase.
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Financial Resources
Starting up a business requires capital, but for entrepreneurs who are new to this industry becomes difficult to acquire it. There are various funding sources available such as family members, friends, loans, grants, angel investors, venture capitalists, crowdfunding, etc. The aim to expand the business demands active cash flow from time to time and as the business starts to grow, the need to have capital rises rapidly. In order to have a successful startup, one must have a command of effective cash management. According to a recent survey, 85% of new companies are apparently underfunded, which indicates a possible failure.  
2. Revenue Generation
One of the main reasons behind the failure of many startups is insufficient revenue generation. The focus on the core mission and vision gets diluted as the company grows and expenses rise alongside declining revenues. This leads companies to focus more on fundraising. As a result, producing revenue is crucial, demanding good burn rate management, which is just the pace at which businesses spend money initially. The process of developing and keeping growth is more challenging than finding enough funding.
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3. Team Members
It is a crucial step which decides that whether your startup will reach the IPO stage. One must hire a team that understands your vision and mission in order to help you in your startup expansion. One should start by recruiting a team of reliable individuals with complementary skill sets. Having a team of people, where everyone is specialized in their area of work is a bonus for a startup. But not having a strong team can be one of the reasons for startup failure.
4. Strong Support System
In the lifecycle of startups, there are multiple support mechanisms that play an important role in startup success such as incubators, science and technology parks, business development centers, and many more. When these support systems are not available, there are high chances of startup failure.
5.Increasing Market Awareness
We often neglect the market barriers or sometimes unintentionally forget to take a detailed look at the market limitations. This becomes the major cause of startup failure. When you are trying out a new product, the environment for a startup becomes more challenging than for a well-established company. 
6. To Match Customers’ Expectations
Another major challenge is to understand the market’s need for the product, current trends, demand for the product, etc….In order to satisfy the customers’ expectations, one needs to come up with new changes in their product offerings and that demands innovation. If you want to stand up differently from your rivals, you need to be well-versed in your sector. As new technologies are coming continuously, it has become very important to create something that surpasses the previous innovation.  
7. The Founders' Tenacity
Startup founders need to be strong when times are difficult. Setting up a business is difficult, especially during the initial phase. The beginning process is filled with delays, setbacks, and issues that can’t be resolved. In order to pursue their goals, entrepreneurs must be tenacious and should be ready to cope with upcoming situations.
8. Rules and Regulations
One has to go under several government approvals in order to start their own business. Registering an office is difficult, even if you see noticeable improvement during the approval process. India has strict regulations governing labour laws, intellectual property rights, dispute settlement, etc.
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9. Lack of Mentorship
Having appropriate guidance during the initial phase of your startup is a must. One of the main issues in the Indian startup environment is a lack of appropriate guidance and mentoring. There are many entrepreneurs out having the best ideas/concept, but the main reason that most startups fail is the lack of mentorship, lack of proper guidance, and lack of market, commercial, or industry knowledge to get their products to customers. It is a well-known fact that a great concept only works when it is immediately put into action. The largest challenge that could put a potentially good idea to rest is a lack of sufficient mentoring or coaching.
10. An Inadequate Branding Strategy
Another problem that prevents startups from thriving more quickly is the lack of an effective branding strategy. According to Hemant Arora, Business Head-Branded Content at Times Network, branding is extremely important since it provides a product with an identity and takes up space in customers' minds.
The startup industry has numerous difficulties ranging from finances to human resources and from launch to tenaciously sustaining the expansion. As a country with a huge population, there are numerous opportunities open for startups selling goods and services ranging from food, retail, and hygiene to solar and IT applications for everyday problems that could be provided at reasonable pricing. It is appropriate to point out that some of these firms might turn into unicorns and establish themselves as household names if they extend into other emerging and underdeveloped nations.
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agiletechvietnam · 2 hours
In-House vs. Outsourcing Software Development: Which Should You Choose for Fast Growth?
Imagine you’re the founder of a promising tech startup, full of energy and excitement about your innovative app idea. You’re at a crossroads: should you build your own development team in-house or outsource the project to a specialized firm?
Picture this: In-house development like making a custom suit. You and your in-house team will handle every detail in your company development project. The biggest plus is your team understands your company inside out, so you can make sure it fits your company style and needs perfectly. But, this also means you have to handle hiring, managing, and covering all the costs yourself, which can be tough.
On the other hand, outsourcing is like buying a suit off the rack. You can outsource experts who can get the project done fast and usually at a lower cost. However, every decision-making involves negotiation, and you might face some communication challenges.
As you consider your options, it’s important to understand the differences between these two types of development and how they fit with your business’s goals. This blog will help you compare In-House vs. Outsourcing software development so you can make the best choice for your business.
1. In-House Development Overview
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1.1. What is In-house Development?
In-house development is like having your own dedicated team working right alongside you. It means building and managing a software development team within your company, allowing you to have full control over the project.
1.2. Advantages and Disadvantages of In-House Development
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Advantages of In-House Development:
Cultural Fit: The in-house team understands your company culture and values. This helps the development align with the objective that the company is aimed at.
Better Communication: Your In-House team works on-site so you can have immediate discussions and avoid misunderstandings and delays.
Consistent Workflow: All your team members are full-time committed to your project. They will be more focused on the project and raise the team’s overall performance.
Greater Control: You can directly control every aspect of the development process and make immediate adjustments as needed.
Long-Term Investment: Building an in-house team can be a valuable long-term investment for your business. As your team works on more projects, they will gain a better understanding of your company culture and values. This ensures consistency across the projects.
Disadvantages of In-House Development:
Higher Costs: Building an in-house team will need a higher cost compared to outsourcing. Some costs you need to know include hiring, training, infrastructure, etc. Don’t forget that a team also needs a working space, equipment for their job, and financial investment from you.
Time-consuming Hiring Process: It may take you a lot of time to find the right person for your team.
Lack of Flexibility: This can be a problem when your team may not meet the project’s expertise requirements, or when you want to scale up your company, you will need more developers for your company’s increased workload. However, hiring new team members will take time for hiring and training, which will also put a strain on your current team.
1.3. When to Choose In-House Development
If your software development project needs continuous support or updates, an in-house team will be the better choice for you in terms of faster response and better communication.
If you have no budget constraints, building your own development team with high expertise will be better for your company’s long-term development.
Setting up an in-house team will be a more secure option if your company has a higher demand for data privacy and security, especially proprietary technology.
For companies that need deep connections among departments, having an in-house team guarantees consistent workflow.
2. Outsourcing Development Overview
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2.1. What is Outsourcing Development?
Outsourcing development is the practice of hiring external teams or companies to develop software projects instead of relying solely on an in-house team.
An outsourced development team can manage a variety of tasks for your company, starting with software development. They design, develop, and deploy applications tailored to your specific needs. They are also in charge of quality assurance and project management.
2.2. Advantages and Disadvantages of Outsourcing Development
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Advantages of Outsourcing Development:
Cost Effectiveness: Outsourcing a developer team can help your business in reducing hiring and training costs, as well as infrastructure and equipment costs. Besides, outsourcing from countries with lower labor costs like Vietnam can help your business save money but still get high-quality products.
Accessibility to High Expertise: Employing external experts may enable you to access high technological expertise since you can not only outsource local developers but also global developers.
More Flexibility: When you choose to outsource a developer team, you can choose your team size, which is varied in different projects. You can also choose which developers in your team, which means you can pick the developers specialized in your business industry.
Focus on Core Business: Outsourcing allows your internal team to concentrate on core business functions while leaving technical tasks to experts.
Diverse Perspectives: Working with teams from different backgrounds and cultures can bring new ideas to your projects.
Faster time to market: Even if you have already had an in-house team, you can still outsource developers for faster development. Besides, you can also utilize the difference in time zone for 24/7 development.
Disadvantages of Outsourcing Development:
Collaboration Challenges: When you outsource a remote team, you may meet some problems due to differences in language, time zone, payment method, etc.
Communication Issues: Outsourcing a remote team means they may not always be at your office as an in-house team. Most discussion is done online, which may hinder immediate decision-making.
Hidden Costs: While outsourcing can save money, there may be hidden costs related to legal and compliance fees, communication tools, or unforeseen complications. You can clarify this with your outsourcing partners for better cost control.
Read more: Hiring Remote Developers: A Complete Guide
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2.3. When to Choose Outsourcing Development
If your company has a tight budget for technical-related tasks, you can consider outsourcing as a better cost-effective option.
If your project asks for high-expertise developers with experience in your industry, outsourcing can meet your demands.
If you want to boost your development time, outsourcing can be a great choice to collaborate with your team.
If your company doesn’t need developers all the time, you only need them “some time”, this will be more cost-effective.
Citation: In-House vs. Outsourcing Software Development: Which Should You Choose for Fast Growth? 
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iquallinfoweb · 13 days
Hire Development Agency Ahmedabad for Web Application Development
In the dynamic world of web technology, businesses and individuals alike are constantly seeking web applications that are innovative, scalable, and efficient. Whether you are a startup or an established company, hiring a reliable development agency in Ahmedabad can be the game changer for your digital presence. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about hiring the right development agency in Ahmedabad for your web application needs, highlighting essential steps, critical knowledge areas, and real-world examples.
Ahmedabad is rapidly becoming a tech hub, with many companies offering top-tier web application development services. Choosing the right development agency is crucial for the success of your project, and Ahmedabad's vibrant tech scene makes it a great place to start your search. By hiring a development agency, you gain access to expertise, resources, and a team dedicated to bringing your web application vision to life. This guide will help you navigate the process, offering practical advice, best practices, and valuable insights.
Why Hire a Development Agency in Ahmedabad?
Ahmedabad has a rich ecosystem of IT companies and development agencies known for their quality work and cost-effective solutions. Choosing an agency based in Ahmedabad gives you access to a wide talent pool, and many agencies here, like i-Quall, are well-known for their expertise in web application development.
Here's why you should consider Ahmedabad for your web development needs:
Local Expertise: Agencies in Ahmedabad are well-versed with modern technologies and understand the local business ecosystem.
Cost-Effective Solutions: Development costs are generally lower compared to other major tech cities, without compromising quality.
Highly Skilled Developers: The talent pool in Ahmedabad is rich in highly skilled developers specializing in various web technologies.
Time Zone Advantage: Working with an Ahmedabad-based agency allows for smoother communication and collaboration due to favorable time zone compatibility with both Eastern and Western markets.
Hire a Development Agency in Ahmedabad for Web Application Development
1. Identify Your Project Requirements
Before you begin your search for a development agency, it's essential to have a clear understanding of your web application requirements. You need to decide on key factors like:
Purpose and goals of the web application
Desired features and functionalities
Budget and timeline
Having these details outlined will help in finding an agency that aligns with your project vision and scope.
2. Research and Shortlist Agencies
Ahmedabad is home to many development agencies, but not all will fit your needs. Look for agencies that specialize in web application development and have a portfolio showcasing similar projects. Some key factors to consider while shortlisting agencies are:
Years of experience in web application development
Client reviews and testimonials
Expertise in relevant technologies (React, Angular, Node.js, Laravel, etc.)
Communication and project management practices
i-Quall is one such agency in Ahmedabad that stands out for its extensive experience in developing custom web applications for diverse industries.
3. Check the Agency's Technical Expertise
Ensure that the agency you hire is proficient in the technologies needed for your project. Some agencies specialize in specific tech stacks, while others offer a broader range of services. The agency should be able to work with the latest tools and frameworks such as:
Frontend: React, Angular, Vue.js
Backend: Node.js, Laravel, Ruby on Rails
Database: MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL
DevOps: AWS, Docker, Kubernetes
Ask the agency for a detailed breakdown of how they would approach your project technically.
4. Discuss the Development Process
Understanding how the agency plans to manage the development process is crucial for ensuring smooth project delivery. Discuss their approach to:
Project management (Agile, Scrum, Waterfall)
Collaboration tools (Jira, Slack, Trello)
Code quality assurance (Unit testing, code reviews)
Post-launch support and maintenance
A well-structured development process is key to delivering a web application that meets your expectations. Agencies like i-Quall offer clear communication, regular updates, and an organized workflow that ensures project success.
5. Evaluate Pricing and Contract Terms
Once you've selected a few potential agencies, request detailed quotes and proposals. It's important to balance cost with quality, so avoid going for the cheapest option. Instead, look for value in terms of the services offered, project timeline, and post-launch support.
Clarify all contract terms upfront, including:
Payment schedule
Project milestones
Scope of work
Ownership of intellectual property
Hiring Development Agencies in Ahmedabad
When hiring a development agency, understanding the fundamentals of web application development is essential. This knowledge will help you communicate better with the agency and evaluate their suggestions. Here are some key concepts:
Frontend vs. Backend Development
Frontend development focuses on the user interface and user experience, while backend development deals with the server, database, and business logic. It's crucial that the agency you hire is proficient in both areas to deliver a seamless web application.
Responsive Design
Ensure that the web application is responsive, meaning it works well on various devices such as desktops, tablets, and smartphones. This is essential for user engagement and retention.
Security Considerations
Security is a major concern for any web application. The agency should follow best practices for securing web applications, such as implementing SSL certificates, encrypting sensitive data, and using secure coding standards.
The web application should be designed to handle increasing traffic and data without compromising performance. The agency should build the application with scalability in mind, allowing for future growth.
Web Application Development for an E-commerce Platform
Let’s say you’re looking to develop an e-commerce platform. A development agency like i-Quall in Ahmedabad could help you create a feature-rich web application tailored to your business needs. Here’s how they might approach it:
Understanding Business Goals: i-Quall starts by conducting a thorough analysis of your business goals, target audience, and competitor landscape.
Defining Features: Based on your requirements, i-Quall would outline key features such as product catalogs, shopping carts, payment gateways, and customer accounts.
Designing the UI/UX: i-Quall focuses on creating an intuitive, user-friendly interface that enhances the user experience and drives conversions.
Development and Testing: The team at i-Quall uses modern tech stacks to build a secure, scalable web application and rigorously tests it for bugs and performance issues.
i-Quall is a leading web development agency in Ahmedabad with a proven track record of delivering custom web applications across various industries. Whether you're building an e-commerce platform, a SaaS product, or a corporate website, i-Quall offers end-to-end services, from ideation to launch. Their expertise in cutting-edge technologies, commitment to quality, and client-focused approach make them a trusted partner for businesses looking to build world-class web applications.
Hiring a development agency in Ahmedabad for web application development is a strategic decision that can significantly impact your project's success. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can ensure that you choose the right partner for your needs. With agencies like i-Quall Infoweb, you not only get access to technical expertise but also a reliable team committed to delivering solutions that align with your business goals.
Whether you’re a startup or an established business, investing in the right web application development agency can transform your digital presence and drive long-term success.
URL : https://www.i-quall.com/ahmedabad/hire-development-agency-ahmedabad-for-web-application-development/
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Guide To Choosing The Best Web3 Development Company For Your Project
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As the digital landscape evolves, Web3 technologies are transforming how we think about the internet. Web3 represents the next generation of the web, where decentralized platforms, blockchain, and smart contracts enable more secure, transparent, and user-controlled experiences. Companies and startups are increasingly investing in Web3 projects—from decentralized finance (DeFi) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to decentralized applications (dApps) and metaverse development.
However, building Web3 solutions requires specific technical expertise, and choosing the right Web3 development company is crucial for the success of your project. With so many providers offering a wide range of services, making the right choice can be overwhelming. In this guide, we’ll explore key factors to consider when selecting the best Web3 development company for your needs.
1. Evaluate Their Technical Expertise in Web3 Technologies
When choosing a Web3 development company, the first and most important factor to assess is the firm’s technical proficiency. The Web3 space is filled with complex technologies, including blockchain development, smart contracts, decentralized storage solutions, and various consensus mechanisms. Your chosen company must have a deep understanding of these technologies and how they fit into the broader Web3 ecosystem.
Look for expertise in:
Blockchain protocols: Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Solana, Polygon, etc.
Smart contract development: Solidity, Rust, and Vyper are commonly used for writing decentralized applications.
DeFi protocols: If your project involves decentralized finance, the company should have experience with DeFi platforms such as Uniswap, Aave, and Compound.
NFT standards: ERC-721 and ERC-1155 are common standards for NFTs on Ethereum.
Layer-2 solutions: Technologies like Optimistic Rollups and zk-Rollups can help scale blockchain applications by improving transaction throughput and lowering fees.
Ask for case studies or examples of past projects to see whether the company has hands-on experience with the specific Web3 technologies relevant to your project.
2. Examine Their Portfolio and Previous Projects
The best way to gauge the quality of a Web3 development company is by reviewing their portfolio and previous work. A reputable company should have a strong portfolio that demonstrates experience in successfully delivering Web3 projects.
Here’s what to look for in a portfolio:
Diverse Web3 projects: The company should have experience working across various types of Web3 applications—such as NFTs, dApps, DeFi platforms, decentralized exchanges (DEXs), or tokenization platforms.
Complexity of projects: Review whether the company has handled large-scale, complex projects similar to yours.
Innovation: Does the company bring innovative solutions to the table? Are they leveraging cutting-edge technologies and providing unique functionalities?
Security focus: Security is critical in Web3 projects, especially given the risks of smart contract exploits and blockchain vulnerabilities. Review whether the company emphasizes best practices in secure development and has implemented security audits in past projects.
By examining the company’s track record, you can better understand their strengths and whether they’re capable of delivering on your vision.
3. Assess Their Knowledge of Blockchain Security and Audits
One of the top concerns in the Web3 space is security. High-profile hacks and smart contract exploits have made blockchain security a priority for any Web3 project. A good Web3 development company should have a strong focus on ensuring the security of your platform through smart contract audits, penetration testing, and adhering to best practices.
Here are the key security elements to check:
Smart contract audits: Before launching a decentralized application, smart contracts should be audited by an independent third-party auditor to identify vulnerabilities.
Penetration testing: The company should perform penetration tests to identify potential threats to your platform, ensuring your infrastructure is resilient to attacks.
Bug bounty programs: Some Web3 development companies offer bug bounty programs that reward developers for identifying and reporting security vulnerabilities.
Secure coding standards: The company should be well-versed in secure coding practices for Solidity, Rust, or other languages used in Web3 development.
Choosing a development firm that prioritizes security will help mitigate risks and ensure that your Web3 project remains secure from potential exploits.
4. Consider Their Approach to Decentralization and Scalability
Web3 projects often prioritize decentralization to remove intermediaries, enhance security, and give users more control over their data. However, decentralization also comes with trade-offs, such as lower transaction throughput and higher costs. Scalability is therefore a crucial factor in ensuring the long-term success of your project.
When evaluating a Web3 development company, look at their approach to:
Decentralization: How do they balance decentralization with performance? What protocols or frameworks do they use to ensure that the platform remains decentralized while being efficient?
Layer-2 solutions: Layer-2 technologies, such as Optimism, Arbitrum, or zkSync, help scale decentralized applications by improving transaction speed and lowering fees. A good Web3 development company should be able to implement these solutions effectively.
Interoperability: Does the company have experience building cross-chain applications that can operate across multiple blockchains? Interoperability is a key feature for many Web3 projects that want to interact with various decentralized ecosystems.
Scalable architecture: The firm should design scalable architectures capable of supporting large numbers of users and transactions, avoiding bottlenecks that could slow down your platform as it grows.
5. Verify Their Understanding of Tokenomics and Governance Models
Many Web3 projects involve the creation of native tokens, whether for utility, governance, or staking purposes. Tokenomics—the economic model governing token supply, distribution, and utility—plays a crucial role in the long-term sustainability of decentralized platforms.
A strong Web3 development company should be able to:
Design tokenomics models: The company should help you design a token model that aligns with the goals of your project, whether it’s incentivizing user behavior, rewarding contributors, or enabling governance mechanisms.
Implement governance models: Decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) are becoming a common governance structure in Web3 projects. Ensure the development firm has experience in building governance systems that allow users or stakeholders to participate in decision-making.
Launch tokens securely: Whether through initial coin offerings (ICOs), token airdrops, or other methods, the company should have experience in launching tokens while adhering to regulatory guidelines and security best practices.
6. Consider Their Development Process and Communication
The development process and communication style are critical to the success of any project. When working on a Web3 project, frequent communication, transparency, and agile methodologies can make the difference between a project that succeeds and one that falls behind schedule.
Here are a few things to look for in a Web3 development company’s process:
Agile development: Agile methodologies, such as Scrum or Kanban, allow for iterative development and flexibility in adjusting to new requirements or changes.
Project management tools: Ensure that the company uses modern project management tools (e.g., Jira, Trello, or Asana) to keep track of milestones, deliverables, and progress.
Regular updates: There should be consistent communication between your team and the developers, including regular progress reports and demo sessions to showcase development milestones.
Post-launch support: A good Web3 development company will offer post-launch support and maintenance services, ensuring that any bugs, updates, or improvements are quickly addressed.
7. Review Their Pricing Structure and Flexibility
Web3 development projects can vary significantly in terms of cost, depending on their complexity, timeline, and the technologies involved. It’s important to choose a company that offers transparent pricing and is flexible enough to adjust to your budget constraints.
Here are some pricing considerations:
Fixed price vs. hourly rate: Some companies offer fixed pricing for specific deliverables, while others charge by the hour. Decide which model works best for your project based on the level of clarity around your project scope.
Flexibility: Web3 projects can evolve as new features or functionalities are required. Make sure the company is flexible enough to accommodate scope changes without drastically altering the budget.
Value for money: Cheaper doesn’t always mean better. Look for a company that offers good value for the services they provide, with a clear focus on quality and security.
When choosing a Web3 development company, consider factors like expertise, experience, and alignment with your project’s goals. Nex Information Technology, with its cloud-based software development experience, has a solid foundation, but its current focus on HR management software may limit its Web3 expertise. To stand out, it needs to expand its skill set and showcase successful Web3 projects, demonstrating innovation and adaptability in emerging technologies.
Source Url: www.guest-post.org/guide-to-choosing-the-best-web3-development-company-for-your-project/
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hr-realitycheck · 18 days
Enhance Your HR Management Services at HR-Reality Check
Businesses always keep running. A successful business depends on many factors, such as marketing, strategies, time and resource management, etc. However, there are two main components of any successful business: the machines used and the HR solutions. Machines, or computers, are used in many organizations to achieve their specific objectives.
However, we need human resources to operate these machines and deliver the desired output to the company. In a large organization, this task gets even more complex as there are several departments, and each department is made to perform a specific task. These departments need individuals with the required skills to deliver the desired output. 
HR management services play a crucial role in any business or company. You can contact any HR consultancy to help you in recruiting the desired individuals for the job. If you are also looking for HR consultancy in Qatar, then you need not search further. This article will discuss an HR consultancy in Riyadh, HR-Reality Check.
HR-Reality Check
HR-Reality Check is an HR consulting firm.  Here, they help small and large businesses understand and utilize the potential of Human Resources to enhance their work efficiency. When a company has the power of human resources,  it can achieve its objectives, make profits, and expand its business. Understanding the complexities of HR Management Services can become very difficult for any business or organization.
They might not be familiar with the HR term and unable to apply the concepts of human resource management. That is where HR-Reality Check comes in and helps businesses understand and use various HR management services in their organization. They strongly believe in their core values to help businesses thrive.
They believe in innovation and welcome new ideas and solutions that help them compete with other HR companies. For startups, large or small businesses, HR-Reality Check provides solutions to meet industrial demands. They understand the business at its core and work with the client for effective HR management. Let us look at various services at HR-Reality Check
Sometimes companies need a specific staff that can complete the task desired by the client. The company might not have the required staff for just that task. That is where the role of outsourcing comes in. HR-Reality Check is among the best HR outsourcing companies. HR-Reality Check will help you get the required personnel with all the necessary skills to deliver the desired task. You can even improve your talent acquisition techniques with the help of HR-Reality Check. 
They adopt a strategic plan to approach the outsourcing task. They will use technological advances to speed up the recruitment process. When it comes to outsourcing HR for small businesses, HR-Reality Check is the best. They provide the best HR solutions for any business, small or large, and help them get skilled individuals for the job.
HRIS (Human Resource Information System)
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An HR manager needs to perform several tasks with great accuracy and efficiency. Some of these include managing employee data, payroll training,  processing, analyzing employees' performance, and much more. HRIS appears as a software solution that can manage all these HR tasks. You can streamline many of your HR operations. This software also allows automated payroll management. You can even improve and accelerate the recruitment process with sufficient HRIS training.
These were only two of the many services available at HR-Reality Check. It can be inferred from this article that they are your answer when searching for “HR & Payroll Consultancy near me." You can learn more about them at HR-RealityCheck.com.
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colinwilson11 · 25 days
Rare Kidney Diseases Market To Witness High Growth Owing To Increasing Government Support For Rare Disease Research
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The rare kidney diseases market has witnessed a significant growth owing to the rise in government initiatives to support rare disease research. Rare kidney diseases are a subset of rare diseases affecting the kidneys, which includes conditions like cystic kidney disease and nephrotic syndrome. These conditions severely impact kidney functioning and require lifelong treatment. The increasing focus on development of novel treatment options has resulted in growth of this market.
The Rare Kidney Diseases Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 3.9 Bn in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 11% over the forecast period 2024-2031.
Key Takeaways
Key players operating in the rare kidney diseases are Seres Therapeutics, Inc.,Enterome,4D pharma plc,International Flavors & Fragments Inc.,OptiBiotix Health Plc. These players are engaging in new product launches and research collaborations to expand their offerings in the market.
The growing prevalence of rare kidney disorders is a major factor driving the demand for treatment and management of these conditions. As per estimates, rare kidney diseases affect over 12 million people worldwide each year. The lack of approved treatment options also presents lucrative opportunities for market players.
Technological advancements like development of gene and cell therapies hold potential to revolutionize the treatment of rare kidney diseases. Several clinical trials are ongoing to evaluate the therapeutic potential and safety of novel treatment approaches like CRISPR for genetic rare kidney diseases.
Market Trends
Growing focus on precision medicine: Researchers are actively exploring ways to develop more personalized and targeted treatment approaches for rare kidney diseases based on patient genetics and biomarkers. This includes development of molecular biomarkers for early disease diagnosis and precision therapeutics.
 Increasing clinical trial activity: A large number of phase 2 and phase 3 clinical trials are being conducted to evaluate new products in conditions like primary hyperoxaluria and nephrotic syndrome. The successful development of these pipeline drugs can drive revenue generation in the coming years.
Market Opportunities
Orphan drug designation: Regulatory agencies provide incentives like market exclusivity to support development of drugs for rare diseases. Many companies are leveraging these benefits by obtaining orphan drug status for pipeline candidates.
Partnerships and collaborations: Establishing strategic collaborations is one of the focus areas of companies to access advanced research capabilities and technologies for developing innovative therapies. Both large and small players are actively partnering for product development.
Impact Of COVID-19 On Rare Kidney Diseases Market
The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on the rare kidney diseases market. During the initial outbreak and lockdowns imposed worldwide, disrupted supply chains hampered the manufacturing and distribution of drugs and medical devices used for treating rare kidney diseases. This led to shortages and delays in treatment for many patients. Telemedicine saw increased adoption as visiting hospitals became risky. However, virtual consultations could not replace in-person monitoring and treatment needed by many rare kidney patients. Research and clinical trials also faced delays due to delayed approvals, non-availability of participants and investigators, etc. The economic slowdown impacted fund raising for pharmaceutical companies and startups working on drug development for rare kidney conditions.
As restrictions have eased in 2022, the market is recovering slowly. Manufacturing and supply chains have stabilized while maintaining necessary safety protocols. Although telemedicine continues to play a supportive role, most patients have resumed visiting hospitals and care centers for treatment. Drug developers are making efforts to recover lost time by fast-tracking certain clinical trials. Governments and private organizations are providing funding support to help accelerate research. It is expected that the market will regain its pre-pandemic growth levels by 2024. However, risks of future waves persist and the long-term impact of the pandemic on this market remains uncertain.
The rare kidney diseases market in North America holds the largest share globally, both in terms of value and volume. This is due to high awareness, favorable reimbursement policies, presence of major pharmaceutical companies and advanced healthcare facilities in the US and Canada. Europe is the second largest market. The Asia Pacific region is witnessing fastest growth and rising cases of rare kidney diseases are driving market growth in countries like India, China and Japan. Africa and Latin America are expected to offer emerging opportunities with economic development and expanding healthcare access in the future.
The rare kidney diseases market in China is growing at the fastest rate globally. This is owing to China's huge population size which increases the patient pool for rare diseases, rising healthcare spending, growing medical tourism and strong government support for the biopharmaceutical industry. Other dynamic Asian markets include India and Japan due to their large generics manufacturing base and rapidly aging demographics respectively. Government schemes for rare disease treatment are boosting market growth in India.
Get more insights on this topic:  https://www.pressreleasebulletin.com/rare-kidney-diseases-market-to-register-significant-growth-due-to-advances-in-microbiome-therapeutics/
Author Bio:
Alice Mutum is a seasoned senior content editor at Coherent Market Insights, leveraging extensive expertise gained from her previous role as a content writer. With seven years in content development, Alice masterfully employs SEO best practices and cutting-edge digital marketing strategies to craft high-ranking, impactful content. As an editor, she meticulously ensures flawless grammar and punctuation, precise data accuracy, and perfect alignment with audience needs in every research report. Alice's dedication to excellence and her strategic approach to content make her an invaluable asset in the world of market insights. (LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/alice-mutum-3b247b137 )
What Are The Key Data Covered In This Rare Kidney Diseases Market Report?
:- Market CAGR throughout the predicted period
:- Comprehensive information on the aspects that will drive the Rare Kidney Diseases's growth between 2024 and 2031.
:- Accurate calculation of the size of the Rare Kidney Diseases and its contribution to the market, with emphasis on the parent market
:- Realistic forecasts of future trends and changes in consumer behaviour
:- Rare Kidney Diseases Industry Growth in North America, APAC, Europe, South America, the Middle East, and Africa
:- A complete examination of the market's competitive landscape, as well as extensive information on vendors
:- Detailed examination of the factors that will impede the expansion of Rare Kidney Diseases vendors
Q.1 What are the main factors influencing the Rare Kidney Diseases?
Q.2 Which companies are the major sources in this industry?
Q.3 What are the market’s opportunities, risks, and general structure?
Q.4 Which of the top Rare Kidney Diseases companies compare in terms of sales, revenue, and prices?
Q.5 Which businesses serve as the Rare Kidney Diseases’s distributors, traders, and dealers?
Q.6 How are market types and applications and deals, revenue, and value explored?
Q.7 What does a business area’s assessment of agreements, income, and value implicate?
*Note: 1. Source: Coherent Market Insights, Public sources, Desk research 2. We have leveraged AI tools to mine information and compile it
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industrynewsupdates · 2 months
Corporate Cards Procurement Intelligence: A Comprehensive Guide
The corporate cards category is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.3% from 2023 to 2030. There is a high degree of acceptance of corporate cards by merchants in developing countries. The rise in merchant acceptance is driven by the convenience of accepting payments through widely used network providers like Visa, MasterCard, Amex, etc. Additional factors driving industry growth include the switch to non-cash payments for better payment visibility, management, and working capital optimization as well as the development of flexible laws to reduce interchange costs. The European region accounts for the largest category share due to rising business trip costs and a growing preference for digital payment methods among businesses in this region.
This category has undergone some significant technological innovation phases that have facilitated the quick adoption of cutting-edge technologies like blockchain, AI, and fully automated systems. These technologies are transforming the payment space's structure and typical platform architectures.
• For instance, BitPesa, a Kenya-based startup utilized distributed ledger settlement in 2021, which enabled users to send and receive low-cost, nearly instantaneous payments even without a bank account or registered wallet. The company leveraged Blockchain, which allowed high transaction-per-second throughput and faster settlement than their current card-based systems. The technology is distributed; consensus-based, real-time transaction verification makes it very difficult to fraudulently utilize systems.
• In order to generate a distinctive biometric signature, Amazon Go launched a contactless identity service linking consumers' credit cards with palm prints in 2020. When paying in a store, customers could do so by simply placing their palm over an Amazon One device.
When IoT technologies and blockchain are combined, they will serve as decentralized credit card processing platforms. This combination has reduced the value of plastic cards, which encouraged the use of customer's digital IDs being a crucial part of payment execution.
Charges associated with this category are payment-processing fees, assessment fees, and interchange fees. Payment processing fees are the costs imposed on merchants for handling client credit cards and online payments. The preferred pricing model of the payment processor as well as the transaction’s level of risk determine the amount of payment processing fees. Assessment fees are frequently calculated as a percentage of the overall volume of transactions in a specified period. Interchange fees depend on the type of credit or debit card used, the card brand, the areas or jurisdictions, and the transaction type (online, in-person, etc.). The interchange fee assists in reducing the risk of fraud and handling expenses for the card issuer. For instance, a consumer makes a USD 100 purchase with a credit card. For that USD 100 item, the merchant would get approximately USD 97.81. The remaining USD 2.19 is divided up in the following way: USD 1.75 goes to the issuing bank (defined as an interchange fee), USD 0.14 goes to the card network processor (defined as an assessments fee), and USD 0.30 goes to a payment processor (defined as payment processing fee).
Order your copy of the Corporate Cards Procurement Intelligence Report, 2023 - 2030, published by Grand View Research, to get more details regarding day one, quick wins, portfolio analysis, key negotiation strategies of key suppliers, and low-cost/best-cost sourcing analysis
Other charges involved are acquirer processing fee (APF), fixed acquirer network fee (FANF), kilobyte access (KB) fee, network access and brand usage (NABU) fee, and negotiable fees (which consist of account fees, address verification system (AVS) fee, batch fee, chargeback fee, contract cancellation fee, hosting fee, IRS (internal revenue service) reporting fee, marked-up discount rate, minimum monthly processing fee, monthly fee, payment gateway fee, PCI (payment card industry) compliance fee, service fee, terminal lease fee, and wireless access fee). The threat of substitutes is expected to be medium in this category. There is less scope for new entrants to bring down the industry's dominant player and compete with the incumbents due to high capital and regulatory requirements, historic market dominance by huge enterprises, and major players who have a large customer base in the market. The major regions of North America and Europe such as the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Ireland, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, and Switzerland are the preferred business destinations to attract customers in this category. The use of card and card program maturity are high in these regions. 
A well-planned and effective negotiation strategy will be beneficial to provide businesses with better credit card fees and rates. One of the important negotiation strategies is to negotiate card-processing fees. It is crucial to understand the key players involved in finalizing processing fee rates. The banks, the credit card network, and the payment processor negotiate with each other to offset risks and split costs. The business and the customer have little say in credit card processing fees. Customers and businesses have limited control over credit card processing costs. However, before signing a contract and implementing a processing system, firms might try to negotiate and reduce the processing prices. Firms should request rates and fees that are less expensive than the ones businesses already pay. In fact, businesses need to make continuous requests for cheaper rates from the processing firm, bank, and any cloud software that is being used for online sales.
Browse through Grand View Research’s collection of procurement intelligence studies:
• Order Fulfillment Procurement Intelligence Report, 2023 - 2030 (Revenue Forecast, Supplier Ranking & Matrix, Emerging Technologies, Pricing Models, Cost Structure, Engagement & Operating Model, Competitive Landscape)
• Credit Bureau Services Procurement Intelligence Report, 2023 - 2030 (Revenue Forecast, Supplier Ranking & Matrix, Emerging Technologies, Pricing Models, Cost Structure, Engagement & Operating Model, Competitive Landscape)
Corporate Cards Procurement Intelligence Report Scope 
• Corporate Cards Category Growth Rate: CAGR of 7.3% from 2023 to 2030
• Pricing growth Outlook: 4% - 7% (Annually)
• Pricing Models: Tiered and flat rate pricing models
• Supplier Selection Scope: Cost and pricing, Past engagements, Productivity, Geographical presence
• Supplier Selection Criteria: By corporate card type (Standard corporate card, Virtual card, Purchasing card), Loyalty and reward (cashback, reward points, lounge access), Credit limits, Credit score requirements, technical specifications, Operational capabilities, Regulatory standards, and mandates, Category innovations, and others
• Report Coverage: Revenue forecast, supplier ranking, supplier matrix, emerging technology, pricing models, cost structure, competitive landscape, growth factors, trends, engagement, and operating model
Key companies 
• American Express
• Citi
• AirPlus
• Bank of America
• Chase Commercial Banking
• J.P. Morgan
• Barclays
• Mastercard
• Wells Fargo
Brief about Pipeline by Grand View Research:
A smart and effective supply chain is essential for growth in any organization. Pipeline division at Grand View Research provides detailed insights on every aspect of supply chain, which helps in efficient procurement decisions.
Our services include (not limited to):
• Market Intelligence involving – market size and forecast, growth factors, and driving trends
• Price and Cost Intelligence – pricing models adopted for the category, total cost of ownerships
• Supplier Intelligence – rich insight on supplier landscape, and identifies suppliers who are dominating, emerging, lounging, and specializing
• Sourcing / Procurement Intelligence – best practices followed in the industry, identifying standard KPIs and SLAs, peer analysis, negotiation strategies to be utilized with the suppliers, and best suited countries for sourcing to minimize supply chain disruptions
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jcmarchi · 2 months
Rehan Jalil, CEO of Securiti – Interview Series
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/rehan-jalil-ceo-of-securiti-interview-series/
Rehan Jalil, CEO of Securiti – Interview Series
Rehan Jalil is the CEO of Securiti.AI, Venture Advisor at Mayfield Fund and an investor and mentor to many Silicon Valley startups. He was the SVP and GM for Cloud Security at Symantec.
Securiti AI is an enterprise-grade centralized platform that enables the safe use of data and AI – and the pioneer of the Data+AI Command Center.  Companies rely on Securiti for their data security, privacy, governance and compliance. Securiti has been recognized with numerous industry and analyst awards, and most recently was acknowledged by Gartner Peer Insights as Customers’ Choice for DSPM, and by GigaOm as the top-rated vendor for DSPM.
Can you elaborate on the vision behind Securiti AI’s Data Command Center and how it differentiates from other data management platforms in the market?
 Our vision with the Data Command Center is straightforward: we aim to empower organizations to fully leverage their data assets without compromising privacy, security or compliance. This is achieved by automatically scanning an organization’s data landscape (SaaS, IaaS, cloud data lakes and warehouses, etc.) and getting granular insights into all the sensitive information and AI systems. These insights, captured in a unique real-time knowledge graph, are used to enforce privacy and security controls and ensure compliance with global data regulations. This platform is particularly valuable in developing modern generative AI systems, which feed on data – especially unstructured data. Historically, organizations have relied on a series of fragmented tools to address their data obligations, which has been costly and complex. Securiti’s unified platform increases efficiency, reduces costs, mitigates risks and enables the safe use of data and AI.
What were the key challenges you faced while launching Securiti in 2019, and how did your experience at Symantec shape your approach?
 One of the challenges we faced launching Securiti was running into the Covid epidemic just six months after launching the company. In the early days of launching a company, gaining customers and early revenue is key. We had a lot of momentum, including early customer traction and winning the RSAC 2020 Most Innovative Startup. A week after we won the RSA accolade, the world shut down and we entered an uncertain economic climate. Through my experience with Symantec and previous companies, I was very familiar with working with the largest global organizations on their complex security needs. As a team, we have also been through economic downturns in the past. This experience gave us the confidence to stick to our strategy, continue to invest in solving real problems large enterprise organizations face, and patiently wait for the markets to return to a more normal state.
How does Securiti AI ensure the security of sensitive data across hybrid multicloud environments?
Securing sensitive data across complex hybrid multicloud environments demands a holistic approach. Securiti uses advanced technology to automatically discover and classify data across an organization’s entire data landscape, such as SaaS, IaaS, data lakes, warehouses, and on-premises systems including both structured and unstructured data. Securiti further enriches this information with deep contextual insights building a real-time knowledge graph, including whom the data belongs to, access entitlements, what regulations apply, where the data is located and more. This foundation is critical for automating precise controls to safeguard sensitive information and comply with relevant regulations. For example, the platform automates privacy obligations such as data mapping, data subject rights requests and assessments. It also addresses data security obligations such as data access intelligence and governance, data security posture management, data minimization and breach management. Of keen interest currently is governing unstructured data and the safe development of AI systems, including identifying shadow AI, ensuring sensitive data is not feeding AI models, cataloging and monitoring risks of AI systems, and enforcing controls with LLM firewalls to protect AI systems from misuse or abuse. Our Data Command Center provides unparalleled visibility and control enabling the safe use of data and AI.
With the increasing complexity of data privacy regulations, how does Securiti AI help organizations stay compliant and manage privacy obligations effectively?
 Navigating the complex web of data privacy regulations can be daunting. New legislation is coming at a rapid pace – like the EU AI Act, the White House AI Executive Order and California Bill 1047 hitting within a matter of months. Enterprises have new requirements to consider daily, while also adhering to frameworks such as NIST’s AI Risk Management and Singapore’s Model AI Governance. Securiti has a dedicated research team that stays abreast of all the latest regulations and builds this knowledge into our Data Command Center. This provides organizations with real-time context to highlight potential risks along with built-in templates to automate compliance with the latest regulations. Securiti’s Data Command Center automates many of the most time-consuming and complicated tasks associated with privacy compliance including data mapping, privacy impact assessments, data subject rights requests, cross-border transfers, breach management and consent management.
Can you discuss the role of AI in Securiti’s platform and how it enhances data security and governance?
 Securiti uses advanced techniques harnessing AI and ML to provide increased accuracy in data discovery and classification. These techniques significantly reduce false positives, and augment detection of sensitive content in challenging datasets like unstructured data, images and video. In addition to leveraging AI in the platform, Securiti’s Data Command Center is also critical to helping organizations govern and manage their AI ecosystems. Part of this includes securely processing large unstructured and structured datasets while making sure that sensitive or incorrect information is not fueling AI models. Additionally, there’s a huge call to safeguard privacy and data access entitlements and protect system-critical AI models from things like prompt injection and data exfiltration. Putting comprehensive controls and guardrails in place around AI systems enables organizations to embrace innovation safely.
How does Securiti’s LLM Firewall work, and what benefits does it offer in securing GenAI applications?
 Our context-aware LLM Firewall has become a key building block in our security stack. For a brief overview, the LLM firewall is equipped with advanced language processing capabilities, meaning it understands user prompts in multiple languages, analyzes multimedia content, and provides robust protection against a variety of threats like data leakage, prompt injections and harmful content. Securiti’s LLM Firewalls are unique, in that they are context aware – having real-time understanding of sensitive content and the context around data, such as access entitlements – providing continuous monitoring and protection based on real-time insights into the data landscape. Securiti’s firewalls are also unique in that they inspect three different points in the AI pipeline, including prompt firewall (between the user prompt and the LLM model, protecting against malicious attacks), the retrieval firewall (between the LLM model and the vector data base, monitoring what data is being fetched for the response) and the response firewall (between the LLM model and the user prompt, ensuring appropriate responses are being issued based on corporate policies). These provide comprehensive real-time controls to safeguard AI systems. All these interactions require real-time inspection to identify external attacks, malicious actors, and even user errors.
Can you provide examples of how global companies are leveraging Securiti’s Data Command Center to break silos and achieve unified data intelligence?
As an example, A Fortune 500 company we worked with had complex requirements across data privacy, data security and data governance. We engaged with key members of these teams at the highest levels, including their CPO, CDO and CISO. They complained about having dozens of fragmented tools in order to try and obtain the data governance they required – and these tools often had inconsistent views of their data. Stitching these systems together to meet their obligations on their data was also complex and costly. They were eager to harness our solution to get a “single source of truth” about their data landscape that could be used by the various teams, eliminating inconsistencies and streamlining operations between the groups (e.g., handling cross border transfers or data breaches, which require input from multiple teams). The unified platform improved operational efficiency, reduced complex integration costs and ensured all teams were working from the same set of data mitigating liability and risks.
Given your extensive background in security, what trends do you see emerging in data security and governance?
Organizations are struggling with a complex array of products to address their data security and governance requirements. One clear trend is the emergence of unified platforms that help reduce costs and complexity and facilitate inter-departmental coordination. Another trend is increased use of AI and automation within these solutions to help scale to address the explosion of data across hybrid multicloud and the complex array of data regulations. Legacy data discovery and DLP solutions are no longer meeting these needs. Finally, the biggest trend of all is the rapid growth in the use of AI, in particular generative AI. While everyone is familiar with consumer AI solutions, such as Chat GPT, the more compelling use case is enterprise AI solutions that can really drive innovation and competitive advantage. To successfully build enterprise grade AI systems, organizations will need comprehensive controls and data governance solutions to embed appropriate guardrails. Successful organizations will be driving hard to build innovative AI solutions, which in turn will create the need for new AI security and governance solutions.
How do you think organizations should prepare for the challenges and opportunities presented by the increasing use of AI in data management?
The explosion of AI is exciting, but businesses must prioritize responsible implementation to avoid AI becoming a financial or reputational liability.  By prioritizing trustworthy AI practices, companies – and their customers – can expect a high level of transparency, control risks, and reputational trust. This means taking control of your AI landscape, evaluating models for bias and security, continuous monitoring, and ensuring ethical data handling. AI should work for you, not against you.
How does Securiti AI integrate automation in managing data security and privacy, and what advantages does this automation bring to businesses in terms of efficiency and compliance?
Securiti AI is built on a foundation of automation, driving efficiency and reducing the risk of human error. By automating tasks like data discovery, classification, and compliance assessments, we free up security and privacy teams to focus on strategic initiatives. Our automation capabilities extend to incident response, threat detection, and remediation – so our customers can react swiftly to security incidents. Additionally, automation plays a crucial role in ensuring compliance with evolving regulations. By streamlining compliance processes, we help organizations reduce costs, minimize risks, and demonstrate their commitment to data protection.
Thank you for the great interview, readers who wish to learn more should visit Securiti AI.
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pop-communications · 2 months
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Tech companies have been at the forefront of most advancements in recent decades, across the industry. The impact of tech is far-reaching and instrumental to key developments in transport, infrastructure, government, and more. For a tech company, it is important that it is positioned in a way that the intended messaging has a far-reaching impact. This is because when it comes to tech, the goal of PR is to reach not only potential customers but also industry leaders, potential collaborators, stakeholders, and potential investors. PR messaging for tech must communicate the company’s vision, values, features, and innovation of their product.
In such a scenario, it is essential to have a specifically targeted approach when it comes to outreach, in order to effectively disseminate the message and the value of the product or service. In such a fast-paced space, it is important to have a sound understanding of trends and craft an effective strategy to build trust, credibility, and market share.
Here are a few tips from a Dubai-based PR agency to craft an effective tech PR Strategy:
Thought Leadership is one of the key tools when it comes to tech PR. It effectively cements the brand’s spokesperson as a leading industry voice. This increases trust in the organization, boosts market voice, and highlights a high level of expertise about what the market needs and what the product or service is trying to improve/fix.
Having a sound understanding of trends can help with media outreach in a way that highlights what kind of role the brand plays within the industry at large. For example, the AI boom has been steadily happening in the tech space for a while now – and many tech companies have opted to incorporate AI in their operations and promptly adjusted their messaging to reflect the same. Moving quickly with trends and industry news can highlight the message in an innovative manner, setting the brand apart in a competitive industry.
The publications covering technology can range from mainstream to niche publications. Understanding the media landscape can help generate a targeted approach to media outreach. This in turn can help maximise on potential coverage leading to more effective results, increased brand awareness, etc.
Utilizing social media to create a unique brand identity by creating content that is unique and inspiring can be a create way to create awareness, build an audience, and more. The most preferred platform for this is Linkedin as there are many like-minded individuals and potential collaborators, as well as be beneficial in developing a brand personality, and answering the niche questions that a tech startup typically receives.
As a Dubai-based PR agency, Pop Communications has worked with a range of tech brands. From auto tech firm Kavak, mobility solutions brands Powertech and Terra, and healthcare fintech management firms such as Accumed, and Santechture. Each of these brands had a targeted approach that involved the use of both traditional and social media, using a targeted approach to generate results.  These results ranged from coverage in multiple Tier 1 publications, increased brand awareness, and participation in industry events, among others.
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albicoins · 3 months
Introduction to Employee Engagement Software
What is Employee Engagement Software?
In the modern, fast-paced business environment, employee engagement software is essential for driving organizational success. These tools help companies focus on workforce engagement, resulting in increased productivity, better retention rates, and enhanced innovation. Leading platforms not only provide key features but also ensure user-friendliness, promoting a positive employee experience.
Benefits of Employee Engagement Software
Research consistently shows that engaged employees significantly boost business performance. According to Gallup’s State of the Global Workplace report, companies with highly engaged teams are 21% more profitable and 17% more productive. Additionally, engaged employees tend to stay longer, reducing turnover costs and maintaining valuable institutional knowledge. Effective employee engagement software allows companies to easily monitor engagement levels, provide real-time feedback, and track progress towards their objectives.
Essential Features of Employee Engagement Software
To maximize employee engagement, organizations should adopt innovative software solutions that go beyond traditional methods. The most impactful platforms include several core components:
Intuitive User Interface: Ensures ease of use and accessibility for all employees.
Survey and Feedback Mechanisms: Facilitates regular feedback and engagement surveys.
Rewards and Recognition Systems: Encourages positive behavior through recognition and rewards.
Communication and Collaboration Tools: Enhances team collaboration and communication.
Performance Management: Tracks and manages employee performance effectively.
Advanced Analytics and Reporting: Provides insights into engagement levels and areas for improvement.
Mobile-Friendly Design: Ensures accessibility on various devices.
Customization and Branding: Allows for tailored experiences that align with company culture.
Seamless Integration: Integrates smoothly with existing systems like HRIS and other tools.
Scalability for Remote Teams: Supports remote and distributed teams effectively.
Comparing Leading Employee Engagement Software
A detailed comparison of top platforms helps organizations choose the best fit by evaluating key features, costs, and benefits. Each solution should be matched to the organization’s specific needs, whether it’s a small startup or a large corporation.
Pros and Cons Analysis
Evaluating the advantages and drawbacks of each option provides a clearer understanding of their offerings and compatibility with your company culture. Consider factors such as user-friendliness, customer support, reporting capabilities, and integration with existing systems like HRIS and Microsoft tools.
Successful Software Implementation Tips
Best Practices
Change Management: Prepare employees for the new system.
Training Programs: Provide comprehensive training and resources.
Measuring Impact: Use analytics to track and refine engagement strategies.
Future Trends in Employee Engagement Technology
Innovative Technologies (AI, Gamification, etc.)
Explore how emerging trends like AI and gamification are transforming remote work, data privacy, and security (e.g., GDPR). AI offers personalized experiences, while gamification enhances engagement activities.
In today’s competitive business landscape, employee engagement software is crucial for fostering a positive work environment and driving success. Offering a user-friendly interface, survey tools, recognition systems, collaboration features, and analytics, these platforms enable real-time measurement and improvement of employee engagement.
The top employee engagement software solutions are customizable, mobile-accessible, and integrate smoothly with systems like HRIS and apps such as Slack. They provide insights into employee sentiment, identify improvement areas, and facilitate data-driven decisions to boost productivity, retention, and overall performance.
When choosing an engagement platform, consider ease of use, scalability, security, and support for remote teams. A detailed comparison of top options, highlighting features, pricing, pros, and cons, helps make informed decisions tailored to your needs.
Implementing engagement software successfully requires strategic planning, effective change management, and thorough training. Measuring success and ROI will help refine engagement initiatives, cultivating a culture of trust, belonging, and high performance.
As technology advances, trends like AI and gamification are reshaping employee engagement. These innovations offer hyper-personalized experiences, predictive insights, and engaging interactions across all levels.
Ultimately, investing in the right employee engagement software can transform workplace culture, unlock workforce potential, and drive long-term success in a dynamic market.
Learn more
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erinpilolla · 4 months
Apple Watch Case Study
September 9, 2023
By Erin Pilolla
Apple is an international company that is well known not only for its startup story and founder Steve Jobs, but also for its fine-tuned technology which has continued to appeal to a huge variety of markets. In 2015, the company released the Apple Watch. Over a year after the initial release of the Apple watch, the main issue the company faced was declining sales. Getting consumers to adapt to and integrate a new product into their daily life was not working, primarily based on a lack of perceived usefulness from consumers. People did not see the value of or need for the product, or how it could improve certain activities. Apple needed to not only improve sales, but also find a way to make this product something a consumer felt they couldn’t live without.
Apple is best known for its attention to detail in product design, putting elegance and a well curated user experience at the forefront of their product advantages. They are a big company, compared to others in the same markets, and have a lot of momentum. The Apple Watch was a good fit for this company’s health focused image, and the capabilities of its operating systems and design teams were readily available.
With their customer base accrued over decades, they also had to consider new possible markets. Previously, artists and educators used the Apple devices most notably, but with the Apple watch being positioned so clearly as a device that can help improve your health and habits, it was important to also start creating advertisements geared towards athletes such as runners, swimmers, etc.
During promotion and marketing, Apple partnered with Nike and Hermes, a luxury designer. They also further promoted their own family of products by making updates which allowed the Apple Watch to be paired with iPhones and access features such as Apple pay, text messaging, and more. Health focused collaboration with app developers resulted in ventures like HealthKit, ResearchKit, and CareKit.
Even with big company budgets for advertising and collaboration, competitors are still a market factor. Aside from the well-known Windows and Apple feud pertaining mostly to computers, competition for the Apple Watch was different. Their biggest competitor was Android products which utilized Android Wear software, and an early startup called Pebble which used PebbleOS.
The overall climate of the Apple company was also still shaky at this time, which could explain some of the decline in sales and ineffective promotions. Steve Jobs had just passed away, and new CEO Tim Cook was overseeing one of the first major projects they had worked on since then. It would make sense for the company and employees to take a while to find new footing after such a major loss.
Two possible solutions to decrease the resistance to innovation Apple was experiencing would both rely on increasing perceptions of value and utility for the new product.
One would have been to try and differentiate more between their smart watch and other brands in early advertising, as Apple has done in the past countless times (Microsoft vs. Apple commercials poking fun at one another and highlighting certain features). This may have helped to reinforce the advantages Apple products have to consumers compared to other brands which may be less expensive but will not offer the same advantages, and ultimately show new customers all the features it has to offer. Doing this may have made the product seem more cutting edge and exclusive.
Another possible solution, and the one that would likely work better, would be to make customers resistant to change from the company more comfortable by marketing the features of the Apple Watch which seem most familiar to people who use Apple products as well as regular watches. For example, people are already used to how a watch face looks and that it tells time, so this obvious feature could have been highlighted to the point of making it seem like not too much of a huge change from a regular watch. Another thing they could have emphasized in early marketing that may have drawn in more customers is how seamlessly the watch can work with the phone they already have (if it is an iPhone). If you are already used to and enjoy using Apple products and cellular phone features, having those in the form of a convenient wristwatch may not sound like a huge change and shows the simplicity in convenience rather than difficulty in making a change.
Overall, the Apple Watch since 2015 has done extremely well, outperforming competitors, and holding high shares of the smart watch market. Every company strives to outperform previous sales, however, so an analysis of marketing choices and company history can always be helpful.
Thomke, Stefan and Barbara Feinberg (2012), “Design Thinking and Innovation at Apple,” Harvard Business School Premier Case Collection, 609066-PDF-ENG
Bucic, Tania and Gaganpreet Singh (2020), "Apple Watch: Managing Innovation Resistance," Ivey Publishing, Harvard Business Review.
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In today’s fast-paced tech landscape, finding the right partner for custom hardware design and development can significantly impact your project’s success. Whether you’re a startup aiming to launch an innovative product or an established company looking to refine an existing system, collaborating with a proficient hardware design firm is crucial. Here’s a guide to help you navigate this important partnership and ensure a successful collaboration.
Understanding Your Project Requirements
Before you begin your search, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of your project’s requirements. Define your goals, budget, and timeline. Consider the complexity of your project, the specific skills required, and any potential challenges. Having a detailed project outline will help you communicate your needs effectively and assess potential partners more accurately.
Researching and Shortlisting Potential Firms
Start by researching hardware design companies that specialize in your industry or project type. Look for firms with a proven track record of success, as evidenced by case studies, client testimonials, and industry awards. Compile a shortlist of companies that meet your criteria.
Key factors to consider:
Expertise and Experience: Evaluate the firm’s technical expertise, experience in similar projects, and familiarity with the latest technologies and industry standards.
Reputation: Check online reviews, ratings, and feedback from previous clients. A company with a strong reputation is more likely to deliver quality results.
Portfolio: Review the firm’s portfolio to gauge their design capabilities and see if their previous work aligns with your vision.
Assessing Technical Competence
Technical competence is critical in hardware development. During your initial discussions, ask about the firm’s design process, development tools, and testing methodologies. Ensure they have the necessary technical skills and resources to handle your project.
Key questions to ask:
What design tools and software do you use?
Can you provide examples of similar projects you’ve completed?
How do you ensure quality and reliability in your designs?
Evaluating Communication and Collaboration
Effective communication is vital for a successful partnership. Choose a firm that is responsive, transparent, and open to collaboration. During your interactions, pay attention to how well they listen to your needs and how clearly they articulate their ideas.
Consider the following:
Communication Channels: Ensure they use reliable communication channels and are available for regular updates and meetings.
Project Management: Inquire about their project management approach. Do they use agile methodologies? How do they handle project milestones and deadlines?
Cultural Fit: A company that aligns with your organizational culture and values will be easier to work with and more likely to understand your vision.
Reviewing Financial Stability and Contract Terms
A partnership with a financially stable firm reduces the risk of project delays or disruptions. Verify the firm’s financial health and ensure their pricing structure fits within your budget. Review the contract terms carefully, paying attention to intellectual property rights, confidentiality agreements, and dispute resolution mechanisms.
Key aspects to consider:
Cost and Payment Terms: Understand the pricing model (fixed price, hourly rate, etc.) and payment terms. Ensure they are transparent about costs and any potential additional charges.
Intellectual Property: Clarify who will own the intellectual property rights to the developed hardware.
Confidentiality: Ensure there are robust confidentiality agreements in place to protect your sensitive information.
Starting with a Pilot Project
Before committing to a long-term partnership, consider starting with a smaller pilot project. This allows you to evaluate the firm’s capabilities, work ethic, and compatibility with your team. Based on the pilot project’s success, you can make an informed decision about moving forward.
Finding the right partner for your hardware development project requires careful consideration and due diligence. By understanding your needs, researching potential partners, and evaluating their technical and collaborative capabilities, you can forge a partnership that drives innovation and ensures project success. With the right firm by your side, you can confidently navigate the complexities of hardware design and development.
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