#it was really special that we saw barbie together
wearethewitches · 1 year
my sister went back to australia today and i am extremely sad, tears and everything, but i'm listening to the what i was made for song from the 2023 barbie movie, because she and i watched it on saturday, and at the airport she said i was the purple barbie and she was the pink barbie (i was in lavender, she had been in pink) and i didn't get it. but. but we watched all the barbie movies as children and she was the pink barbie and i was the purple barbie, and i can't stop thinking about it, and now she's on a plane and i can't stop crying.
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eggluverz · 1 year
halloween with the hsr boys
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pairing: dan heng; jing yuan; blade x reader
sof's note: guess who is in a halloweeny mood :> meee! and i'm sure a lot of y'all are as well so let's bask in these autumn vibes together LOL special shoutout to the anon who suggested dan heng would watch like 15 vids before he carves a pumpkin fhsjkghdf that is so accurate <3 pls enjoy and happy fall!!
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dan heng
not big on the spooky parts of halloween, but he loves getting in the halloween/autumn spirit by watching twitches and halloween town with you
you host a pumpkin carving contest on halloween eve between the two of you and dan heng 100% takes it seriously
days of prep before the big night, hours of youtube videos in his history… he even reads up on the origins of pumpkin carving—just to be fully immersed and prepared
when the time comes, dan heng has his tools lined up in the most efficient order as he readies himself to make his design
he, of course, wanted to carve a tree with maple leaves falling in the night sky
you stare at his template with wide eyes, quickly scrapping your happy face idea to think of something more creative…
noticing this, dan heng chuckles in amusement. “you don’t have to change your design to match mine”
you shake your head. “and risk losing the competition? no way”
“then may the best carver win”
when the two of you are done, you take a photo and send to your friends to vote
it was a close call, but dan heng ends up winning by two votes
“maybe i should’ve joined your pumpkin carving research…” you pout, staring between your finished product and his
“there’s always next year,” dan heng soothes, giving you a hug. “besides, you’re always the winner in my eyes.”
jing yuan
he would make all the pies for you
pumpkin pie, pecan pie, apple pie, sweet potato pie, apple crumble pie…you name it 
he doesn’t even know how to make pie he just googled a bunch of recipes and winged it
you think something tastes off but you try to encourage him anyway 
of course, jing yuan sees right through it
“it‘s not that i don’t like your baking, i really do, but i may have some suggestions for the future…”
“there is no need to sugarcoat your distaste, y/n,” he says with a laugh. “we can redo them together.”
the pies turn out even better the next time
the two of you end up picking up pie making as your fall-time hobby this year and bake pie for all your friends
he tries to make a mimi-safe pie as well
mimi hates it (pumpkin spice is not good on the lion’s tongue) 
but you think the effort is cute :> 
he ends halloween night off by sharing a yummy slice of apple crumble pie with whipped cream on top with you
“so sweet!” you state happily as he feeds you the first bite. 
jing yuan leans forward and smiles. “not as sweet as you” 
goes all in for halloween
is dead instead most of the year, comes to life for the halloween spirit
he likes to decorate the house with you, even making a mini “haunted maze” in the driveway for the trick-or-treaters
accidentally makes a kid cry in it…
really, he just went in the maze to do a quick maintenance check, but he looked so menacing in his costume that a kid saw him and started crying 
blade is too confused about what happened to feel bad 
you give the kid extra candy and apologize to their parents while stifling a laugh at blade’s blank expression
“i didn’t even say ‘boo’,” he murmurs curiously.
you just pat him on the head and give him a kiss on the cheek
after the trick-or-treat shenanigans, you and blade relax and unwind on the comfort of your couch
his definition of unwinding on halloween is watching old horror movies
[or, if you cannot handle horror like me: he watches the barbie movies with you to help you take your mind off the halloween scares and go to sleep :3]
you cuddle him as you doze off while eating leftover halloween candy 
blade carries you to bed and tucks you in for the night bc you deserve a good night’s rest <3
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b4b3tte · 1 year
Jealous Hearts
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꒰ ⊹ �� Summary — Ken gets jealous when you and Barbie start spending a lot of time together
Pairing — Gosling!Ken x Reader
Contains of — Jealousy,insecurities,doubting,confrontation and good ending
My note : IM JUST KEN ANYWHERE ELSE I’D BE TEN. sorry 💀 but anyway enjoy also this is very short im sorry but I wanted to put something out there and ALSO REQUEST MORE KEN STUFF PLEASE 💙
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Ken walks into the large bright Barbie dream house, only to find you and Barbie laughing and talking. His heart stank when he saw you laugh at Barbie’s jokes, the way your eyes sparkled when looking at her, he felt jealousy,envy for the very first time
He never thought you would look at anyone else that way, he thought he was the only one who made you laugh like that,made you giggle and smile that bright and loud, it made him question your guys relationship and was it really like how he thought it was?
He tried to brush off his feelings, reminding himself that you are free to be friends with anyone you chose to be with. But as the days passed, Ken found himself struggling to hide his emotions. Every time he saw you and barbie together, it felt like a punch to his heart slowly feeling replaced day by day.
Sitting alone in the dimly lit room, Ken pondered over his feelings. He realized that his jealousy stemmed from his fear of losing you to someone else. He had always believed that he was the one who made you smile the most, and now he wondered if he was genuinely being replaced by barbie.
Unable to bear the weight of his emotions any longer, Ken decided to confront you. He found you in your bedroom, arranging your collection of accessories. Taking a deep breath, he mustered the courage to speak.
"Y/n, can we talk?" Ken's voice wavered slightly, betraying his inner turmoil.
You turned around, your eyes filled with concern. "Of course, Ken. What's on your mind?"
The way you said his name made him all fuzzy inside, he always felt at peace, at warmth with you and he was realizing that the more you talk to Barbie, the more he is getting replaced which meant he wouldn’t be able to speak to you again, he wouldn’t be able to hear you talk to him and he didn’t want that
So deep in thought ken hesitated for a moment before pouring out his feelings. He admitted his jealousy and insecurity, explaining how it hurt to see you with barbie. He confessed that he feared being replaced in your heart. you listened attentively, your expression softening with each word. When Ken finished, there was a moment of silence before you spoke.
"Ken, I understand why you feel this way, but I want you to know that you're irreplaceable to me. You've always been there for me, and our connection is special. Barbie is a friend, and nothing more. You hold a special place in my heart, and that will never change."
Ken felt a weight lifted off his shoulders as he absorbed Your words. He realized that his fears had been unfounded, and he had let jealousy cloud his judgment. He apologized for doubting your bond and thanked you dearly for understanding.
From that day forward, Ken vowed to trust your guys relationship. He learned to appreciate the friendships you formed with others and understood that it didn't diminish what you guys shared. Together you guys continued to embark on adventures, your love and bond stronger than ever before.
BarbieLand became a place of love, laughter, and understanding, where jealousy was conquered by trust, and hearts grew even closer.
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Thank you for reading!!! Likes,comments,reblogs mean the world and I appreciate all of them!! I hope you enjoyed and if you want to be tagged in my next ken post, please dm or comment!! Request box is open so don’t be shy or scared I’ll write it SFW or NSFW <3
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respectthepetty · 10 months
Pit Babe Colors Ep. 4
Because I have asks in my inbox about the color coding in Pit Babe even though I don't want to watch it, I'm challenging myself with this show and seeing how good my color skills really are. I'm doing my normal thing of watching it double-speed on mute, but now, I'm going to take off the captions.
I ship it. The reds are bad, but I don't trust a single blue except Alan. Kim is a honest red. I appreciate that in a show FULL OF LIARS!
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Yes, Barbara! Be upset with this fake blue boy. Are you telling him how you saw him with Jeffery?!
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I know Babe and Charlie are end game, but without subtitles, my hate for Charles grows each episode. The visuals are telling me he is a liar who does not respect boundaries. Charles should be with Waymond the way they both are LIARS!
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And this is why I trust Alan, and only Alan. Drinking that color-coded product placement like his life depended on it.
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Waymond, I trusted you. Then you turned red last episode, and now I'm noticing how you don't. wear. blue.
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Y'all just talking freely in front of THE SPY NAMED JEFFREY!
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Every episode, I feel worse for Barbara. Someone get him out of here (not Waymond or Charles, but a secret third option).
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GOD DAMN IT! Not him! Why is everyone so handsy in this show?!
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Something is happening! I'm so tempted to turn on the subtitles. Something is going on. What is Waymond telling Barbara?! Because something is clicking for Barbara. This is good acting because Barbara's posture changed. WHAT IS BEING SAID?!
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Before he was a Slut for Christ, Barbara had a steering wheel necklace.
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Waymond, what did you do because you are in love with our Barbie? Did you make a deal with the devil aka Big Red?
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Babe's posture changed. What is Way telling him?! What is happening?! This is strange. I don't like it.
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Wait, did we know Jeff and Charlie were roommates? Was Babe just jealous of them being roommates? Did I think they were lying when Babe is just being jealous?
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What is happening?! See, nah. Even if Babe knew they were roommates, I still don't trust Charlie because this incident is too convenient. Babe gets attacked and Charlie just happens to be around. And he isn't even fighting back. This is the fight with Kim all over again. Something is off.
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I do not like it here. These two pop up every time there is trouble, and Jeffery keeps staring at everyone all sus like, and BABE RUN AWAY RIGHT NOW! Big Red is there. GET OUT!
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There are no colors to guide me here, but I trust Kim, so . . . did Winner send people to hurt Babe and Kim is upset about it? Nah. I don't trust Charles soooooo much, that I'm still betting that he set that up.
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I know you and Kim will be a thing, Kenta, and I've thought you were good since the first episode, but I need you to pick a color that ain't black. I trust your future boyfriend, so I'm extending you some grace as you stand next to the devil.
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Barbara, why is this man in your house? Did you invite him over or did he not respect another boundary? You probably told him to come over because *love* or whatever. Disgusting. I'm as annoyed as you, Barbara.
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He had an entire sling on just hours ago making sandwiches, and now he is slicing and dicing. Don't tell me they have special healing powers. I don't want to know. Babe looks unwell, and Charlie is being creepy, and I'm in my feelings about it.
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Jeffrey isn't bothered by touch anymore? Are they already sleeping together then. Babe needs to quit arguing with Jeffrey because the trailer had a car on fire, and I KNOW Jeffrey will be behind it.
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Normally, I'd be thrilled for colorful characters, but I 👏🏾 Don't 👏🏾 Trust 👏🏾 Them 👏🏾
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Y'all, does Babe know they are roommates, and is just jealous?! I still don't trust Charles or Jeffrey, but now I'm thinking I'm judging them too harshly if Babe is being irrationally jealous instead of being lied to.
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So either Jeffrey is coming up with the plan to sabotage the car or he is seeing the future (where he sabotages the car).
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I don't care if Babe knew Charles and Jeffrey are roommates and is just being jealous. Charles has no respect for boundaries and is a color faker; therefore, I hate him.
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WHY ARE YOU WEARING BLUE AND RED, PETER?! You're wearing more blue though. Why was Kenta watching you? Why did he call Big Red? Why will you end up with Way? CAN I TRUST YOU, KATNISS?!
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Babe is at his darkest watching his stalker lurk around his house.
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Barbara shook Kimberly's hand, and that's all I need to support my Kim-is-a-good-red theory. But then Charles is watching this game with Sus Bros & Co, so I'm mad all over again.
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JEFFREY, I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU DID THIS, I HOPE ALAN CHOKES YOU TO DEATH! And if it was Winner, who was SMILING, I hope Kim chokes you to death.
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Alan, don't trust either of their asses. Do you hear me?! Go save our Barbie from the clutches of Charles before it's too late.
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Afterthoughts: I really think watching this show without subs was the dumbest idea I've had because now I think I got some of the plot wrong and Babe is just super jealous instead of being lied too, and I'm wrongfully trusting Kim, but I'm committed to the bit. It's too late to turn them on now, and I refuse to go back and watch these episodes with subs since I'm so mad at Charles, Jeffrey, and Waymond who is doing some strange stuff to Barbara.
I only trust Babe, Alan, Kim, and Pete (because he is pretty).
Everyone else is a liar, liar, pants on fire.
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blehhhhhsthings · 5 months
Spathodea voice line notes
Morning vl: Alright... I tried many times to swallow three raw eggs in the morning, but all the attempts ended up failing. Maybe... maybe I should use some sugar. Will it make them taste better, like pancakes?
-spathodea dear why are you eating raw eggs😭?
Bond morning: Vertin, would you like to try a new hairstyle? Like boxer braids... Look, I 100% respect your choice, but are you sure you don't want to give it a go? I've been thinking how perfect it will look on you...
-that’s so cute also why is Vertin just the resident barbie of the suitcase? Or well ken of the suitcase for that matter she is always being dressed up by someone😭… honestly can’t blame them she’s just so handsome
-imagine just a Vertin fashion show where multiple people dress them up to see who’s design looks the best(spoiler it all looks good on her)
Night: I know a professional boxer should say no to junk food, but... sometimes I just can't control myself at midnight and I have to get up for a scoop of ice cream. When I do so, it tastes even better than usual.
-I imagine this is vertin finding her in the middle of the night and she having to explain herself
-P.S. vertin let her go and she ate ice cream until she fell asleep in vertins office while they do their paperwork
Bond night: Hey, hey! Wake up, Vertin, wake up! I was sleeping in my room and started to sneeze like crazy, and then I saw something pop into the window... It's mushrooms! From Ezra's room! They have filled up his room already and are still multiplying! We gotta do something, or the suitcase will become a mushroom garden!
-the suitcase was almost turned into a mushroom garden
-where the hell was ezra during this was he just passed out in his room?
-spathodea’s room is near ezra’s room
-also spathodea dear let Vertin sleep their a chronic insomniac and they haven’t slept all week they really need to sleep please 😭🙏
Sleeves and hands: Cold compress, physical therapy, rehabilitation care... I've mastered all the skills I need as a junior nurse! It's quite something, I know! But you gotta understand anyone can master them, like breathing, as long as they suffer enough injuries.
-spathodea knows how to treat physical injuries caused by sports
Clothing and torso: Whoa... No, haha... It tickles... Hahaha! Oh my... I-I have a strange feeling of deja vu. Something like this happened before, but I don't remember what it really was...
-Vertin tickles spathodea
-also in ulus voice line vertin also tickles her but like why is Vertin tickling them in the first place
Hobby: On the day my coach told my mom "what Spathodea will be dealing with as a professional boxer" ...I-I dreamed of Ulu that night, and her heat woke me up with a dry throat. So I went to get water, and I saw Mom sitting in the dining room alone, looking at my collection of the Uluru photos... Anyway, the next morning, she told me she would be supportive no matter what my decision would be.
-so you have a mother, A supportive one at least 😃
Intimacy: Wow, I've never had any chocolate like this! Emm, I mean, it's not the best chocolate I've had, of course. The best one has something to do with a special moment that means a lot to me... While this one, I like it simply because it's appetizing... So, can I have one more?
-vertin and spathodea enjoying chocolate together😊
Chit chat 2: Wait... Wh-What is it that you're holding? A piece of paper from my... bag? Aaaaah! That's my report card! Stop reading!
-don’t worry I’m pretty sure vertins report card was the same so they can’t even talk.
That’s all I found interesting:D bye 👋
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The Costume Contest
Plot: Garcia has made plans to host a Halloween party at the BYU office after a stressful mission. Little do you know that you and your best friend have the same plans in an unexpected way. (Friends to Lovers, Fluff)
TW: slight mention of alcohol
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The streets of Quantico buzzed with excitement as Halloween approached. Agent Spencer Reid couldn't help but feel the festive atmosphere of the crisp cold air and the smell of stale leaves. He normally found himself buried in case after case at this time of year, however, his good friend Garcia and Y/N had managed to convince him to attend a Halloween party at the office after a case. “And remember..” Garcia said, sternly, “…you HAVE to wear the costumes that will be provided by either myself or Morgan.” She gave a wink to the both of them, Their faces blush with anticipation as to what they might be.
As Halloween night arrived, Spencer found himself in front of BYU, nervously adjusting the costume that Morgan had him put on and making sure not to ruin any of the makeup Garcia did. Morgan chose Victor Van Dort, from Y/N’s favorite movie “The Corpse Bride”. They watched it together almost every Halloween, it was almost tradtion at this point. But surely a change might be good for both of them, especially after the case the crew just worked on. A typical serial killer basing her kills off of Michael Myers. Which took hours of work on all fronts in order to bring justice to the lives that were lost. As Spencer glides into the building he sees the big gathering in the office and stops. Time seems to slow down at the sight of Y/N, Her makeup done to resemble a blue corpse, with stunning Fx’s and a torn-up white bridal gown, dirtied with mud and coffee stains to make it seem older. She was Emily, his Emily. As the rest of the team look they are greeted with admiration and applause for their perfectly coordinated costume.
Y/N smiles, walks up to him, and holds out her hand. “Looks like we make a great pair, don't we?”
Spencer Chukled nervously, “I guess we do.”
The night was filled with laughter and joy. They danced, played games, and enjoyed each other's company like they always have done. They were, as always, in perfect sync, easily understanding each other in games and humor.
At one point, Y/N excused herself to get some drinks for the two of them, leaving Spence to talk to their other colleagues. As she walked to the bar she overheard two other people dressed as Barbie and Ken.
“My money’s on them becoming a real couple by the end of the night.”
Y/N blushed. There’s no way Spence would reciprocate her feelings right? What they had was something special, sure, but there was no way that she would want to ruin their relationship.
When she returned to Spencer’s side, she noticed he was engrossed in a conversation with another agent and dear friend, Derek Morgan. Spencer appeared somewhat distracted, but as soon as he saw Y/N, his eyes lit up.
‘Hey, you,” he said, smiling.
“Hey,” She replied, trying to ignore the flutter in her stomach caused by his smile.
Eventually, the party’s host announced a couple's costume contest. Spencer and Y/N exchanged amused glances. They hadn’t really planned for this, but now they were unexpectedly part of the contest.
Y/N started to fidget a little, and with Spence noticing he leaned and whispered. “We don't have to do this if you don't want too, sugar.” Y/N looked up and blushed, noticing how close they were to each other faces, She smiled softly. “Why not? Could be fun.” He nodded, both their hearts fluttering with anticipation.
They stepped onto the makeshift stage, and the crowd cheered for them, standing together, shoulder to shoulder, hand grazing each other until Spencer held Y/N’s hand gently. When it was their turn to present themselves, Spencer couldn't help but get caught up in the moment.
“Hello, everyone. Sorry about this but I would like to make a small speech.” he paused, looking at Y/N before looking back out to the crowd. “Tonight, we honor the spirits of the past and I could of think of a better partner to do that than with Y/N,” he said, his voice sincere and filled with kindness.
Y/N eyes widened and her heart skipped a beat. She kept our composure and added, “We may not have planned this, but sometimes life surprises you with the best of partnerships.”
The crowd erupted into applause, and Spencer and Y/N won the contest hands down. They were awarded a cute trophy, which they shared as they posed for pictures together.
As the night wore on, everyone ended up sharing ghost stories and Spencer, in his natural enthusiasm, explained some historical context behind the tales, captivating everyone in the room. After the party ended and they all said their goodbyes, Spencer walked Y/N back home to her apartment. Hand in hand, still basking in the glory of the evening. Underneath the full moon, they shared a few lingering glances and smiles that spoke volumes. When they both arrived at the doorstep, Spencer hesitated for a moment before speaking. “You know Y/N…I didn't realize how much I truly enjoyed your company, and just how special you are to me,”, he admitted, cheeks flushing.
Y/N nodded, her heart now pounding. “Spence, you are so incredibly special to me too. More than you know-”
Before Y/N could finish her sentence Spencer leaned in, their lips meeting in a tender kiss. It was a sweet, tender moment. Y/N pulled back a bit, smiled, and asked “Do you want to come in? Watch some corpse bride with me?”
Spencer grinned, “of course, I would love that.”
All content © hufflepuffsandghosts 2023. Do not repost, modify, or claim my work as your own.
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lorifragolina · 17 days
A well planned plan
Hello! We are almost done with the @harringrovesummerbingo, three more squares to go! This one had been funny for me, I'd like to write better the silly interaction with the siblings and the clumsiness of Billy!
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Title: A well planned plan
Square & Prompt: B1 "bily needs help putting sunscreen on"
Rating: Teen and up
Word Count: 1861
Major Tags: Banana jokes (without realizing)
Summary: Max is determined to help his brother getting the guy he likes, now that they are in good terms. They seem reluctant, but she is very good scheming in favour of the new couple!
Read it on AO3
Billy used to keep his beauty product hidden in a toilet case under his bed when he lived with Neil: the only things his father allowed were colony and hairspray, and the last was always on the edge. The hair curler, the special conditioner he used eking it out, the wax, the tweezers, not to mention the make up, were strictly forbidden and he had to be really careful when he used them.
Now, he lived with Max and Susan after she finally broke up with him, but sometimes he had difficulties to forget the old habits; anyway he now shared the bathroom only with Max and his products were more than hers, by far.
“Shitbird, did you see my headband…” he pushed Max’s door, semi opened, and caught his stepsister with his blue headband on her hair and a clay mask on her face, trying to paint her toenails.
“Max, how many times I have to say it, pink yours, blue mine,” sighed Billy, who gladly shared his things but was pretty jealous when she took them without permission.
“Well I couldn’t find mine,” she pouted, trying to concentrate.
Billy sighed again, throwing the pink headband against her. “If only you didn’t leave your things around… well, nevermind, I’ll help you with this if you help me put the rollers on”.
Max nodded and Billy sat in front of her, doing her nails.
If someone would tell him a year before that he and Max will share beauty routines so easily, he would laugh in their face. Last summer they were at each other’s throat, and they barely bared  to breath the same air; but once Neil went out from their life, it was evident that he was the culprit of the oppressive atmosphere in the house; Billy was already an adult, for his own sake, and he could choose if following his father or leave alone, and Susan let him move in; he found a job in the pool after school until graduation and now he would work full time, and he was glad to give his money to Susan while he was thinking what to do in the future.
He caught Max once trying to do a hairdo on herself, snorting frustrated, and he offered to help her, explaining how to texturize her straight hair and how to twist them in order to avoid the bobby pins to fall off. After that Max shyly asked his help for more hairstyles, then for her nails and without realizing, Billy had become the living Barbie of Max and Jane, and he would even share his collection of glosses and lipstick with them. He taught how to make a perfect cupid’s bow, they laughed a lot together trying to apply fake eyelashes and they definitely became friends. 
It had been during a shopping session in the Starcourt that Billy let his guard down and outed himself and his crush on Harrington. 
Max dragged him to Scoops Ahoy even if Billy kept saying he didn’t want an ice cream.
“Oh, come on, I want one. Look, I have the money”.
“I’ll wait for you there,” Billy crossed his arms.
“But why? I’ll buy one for you too”.
“I don’t want one, that’s all!”
Their bickering started to attract people’s attention, and even Buckley peeked on the shop door to see the source of that commotion.
Billy saw her and blushed.
“Ok, fine, I’ll come, happy now?”
Max was clueless, obviously, so entered cheerfully in the shop, greeting Steve and Robin warmly.
“Ahoy, sailor! Would you like…,” Steve started, but Billy waved a hand.
“Spare me,” he hissed. Stece chuckled.
“Well, Hargrove, with what can I tempt you today? Plain vanilla or dark, dark chocolate? Or our sweet strawberry or the tasty banana?”
Steve licked his lips and Billy lost his mind.
“… banana” he moaned, before he could really think. 
Robin made a disgusted face and Max opened her mouth wide, speechless. Steve gave his banana cone to Billy, and he took it absent minded, incapable to stop staring at him. 
“We… we have to go, Billy…” Max grabbed him for his shirt, because there was a little queue waiting behind him.
Billy grinned again at Steve. “Well, Harrington, thank you for  your banana… I mean, your cone… the… the ice cream…” he stuttered, while Max was dragging him away. Billy tried to turn back in a hot way to wave to Steve, but he stumbled on his own feets and almost fell over his ice cream.
“What was that?” Barked Max as soon as they left the shop. 
“What?” Billy pretended he didn’t understand.
“Come on, Billy, you became a clumsy chimpanzee in there, like… like Mike when he… oh, shit Billy, you don’t… don’t you…?”
“What?” Whined Billy desperately. 
“You like Steve!” Giggled Max. “Oh, are you, are you…”
 Billy looked around with panic in his eyes. 
“Please, please, Max, shut up! Ok, we will talk home, but shut up now, please!”
At home, Billy confessed in tears that he was gay and he had a bit of a crush on Harrington since last spring. Max consoled him saying that she didn’t care, she liked Jane too a little bit and she was as afraid as him to confess it. They didn’t hug, they didn’t do that, but they smiled shyly to one another and became partners in that. 
“Why don’t you ask Steve out?”
“Are you nuts? He doesn’t like me, you can be sure”.
“I don’t think so. I’m sure he is cool with you now. You should try”.
“Well I don’t know how”.
“Let it to me”.
A cold shiver shook Billy from head to toe. He was a bit scared of what he had just started.
“I have a plan”, she came out a day, maybe a week after. The summer was stuffy, and she managed that the party was trying to convince Steve, for days, without rest, to throw a pool party. It had been difficult to find pretexts, because Billy constantly gave them free passes for the public pool and they were there every day.
Max knew that Steve had come to the public pool only a couple of times since Billy worked there, and both times he suddenly ran away after seeing Billy diving in the water. She wasn’t stupid and Billy decided to follow her intuition. They only had to put them together them on a poolside, in bathsuits and see what would happen.
“The 4th of July the pool is closed, please, Steve, why can’t we have a party! Who knows where we will be next year. Steve!!” The kids constantly begged him, honking around in the Scoops Ahoy and bothering Robin until the break point.
“Oh, Steve, for God’s sake, please do something, I can’t stand them anymore. I’ll slaughter them one by one if you don’t make them stop!”
“Fine! Fine! I’ll ask my father to call the pool boy and we’ll have that goddamn party! But you will take all the food and the soft drinks, I’ll only buy the booze for me”.
Max smiled inside, pulling another thread of her plan.
“Billy had to come with me because my mother didn’t want me to go without supervision,” whined Max, in a little sorry voice, pouting with glossy eyes, when she arrived followed by Billy at Steve’s house. Billy, again, shivered seeing how good she was manipulating things for her purpose: obviously, Susan didn’t say anything about it.
“I have a watermelon,” giggled Billy, showing the fruit and the cold sixpack he was carrying.
Steve sighed looking at his shirt opened on the smooth, muscled chest and the trunk with a waistline so low he could see almost all Billy’s happy trail, and he started sweating even more. He sighed and opened a can.
Billy sat on the edge of the pool, while Max and the party were playing inside the water. MAx was on the alert at her surroundings and ready for the next part of the plan.
Steve threw the empty can of beer and walked near the pool.
Max looked at Billy and nodded, and Billy took off his shirt, spreading sunscreen on his arms and shoulders. Steve felt a little distracted when Billy rubbed it on his shiny, vibrant pecs.
“Hey, shitbird, come here and help me to put the lotion on my back,” he said in a clear, loud voice. Steve turned his head to them.
“Fuck you,” Max answered. Billy widened his eyes and started raising his voice, while Max turned her back to him.
“I’ll help you,” sighed Lucas trying to calm them.
“No”, Max looked at him with daggers in her eyes and he froze, confused about why she was acting so bitchy out of the blue.
Billy lingered with his tube of cream in his hands, and Steve could see the veins bulging on his temple. Max gave him a straight glance, that he didn’t register consciously, but he moved to the dangerous zone.
“Give me that, I’ll spread you, I mean, the lotion”, he babbled, stumbling on his feet. 
Max grunted in the water but she didn’t say anything. She met Billy’s eyes and nodded imperceptibly.
Billy reached a beach chair a little far from them and laid down on his stomach.
“Thank you, princess,” he tried to stay cool but he had to fight for letting his voice out without shaking.
Steve delicately passed his hands on Billy’s already tanned skin, tickling him with his fingertips. He spreaded the lotion well, making him jump and giggle when he touched his sensible hips. 
Steve blushed, enjoying the sensation and he couldn’t help getting sweated and drooling. 
He stretched his fingers on Billy’s neck, moving his curls, and felt the sudden impulse to kiss and bite there. He pressed a little and Billy squirmed.
“So…” Steve tried to control his voice. “What are your plans?”
“Plans? For the summer?” Billy too tried to appear cool, but he was excited and screaming inside. “I’ll work at the pool, and then…”
“No, I mean… for later,” Steve bent a little over him, and Billy had to hold a moan feeling his breath on the neck.
“I’ll take the shitbird home and then… I’m free”.
“Why don’t we… I’ll go to the hill watching the fireworks, maybe you want to join? I have weed,” Steve stuttered, managing more or less to not seem desperate.
“Ok,” smiled Billy, sitting on and taking the tube from Steve’s hand and indulging in the touch. 
Steve bit his lips a little and they smiled together, suddenly knowing everything.
“It worked, shitbird!” He screamed in the car, taking her home, and Max clapped and cheered.
“I knew! You see, I said so!”
“You’re a little smart bitch, you know!”
Billy parked at home and got a quick shower, generously spraying himself with the special occasions colony.
“If I don’t come home, you’ll know everything has been well,” he giggled.
Max nodded and sat with her mother watching TV. At midnight they watched the neighbors fireworks and then she went to bed. 
At breakfast, Billy hadn’t come home yet.
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bitchinbarzal · 1 year
Nico and Iris are watching the movie Barbie and the 12 dancing princesses (my favorite if you ask me) and in the wedding scene Iris is so excited and asks Nico “daddy, did you and mom danced like that at your wedding?”
And Nico is like shit no! He hasn't even proposed to you
That night Nico goes to bed thinking that he should ask MamaH to marry him because there is no reason why they shouldn’t get married so in the next morning he starts planning the proposal, he brings Iris to help him buy the rings
“Iris baby listen, this is very special for mom, that's why the ring we choose has to be the most beautiful in the world, okay mom deserves it”
One thing is for sure and that is Nico really wants to propose to her in Switzerland so he involves his entire family, Nico tells them the idea of ​​the marriage proposal and everyone is excited
“Your mom called me and said she would love to see the kids before you start the season, what do you think?”
“Okay, I'll buy the plane ticket to night” (fun fact he bought the tickets 3 week ago)
Days later, when they are in Switzerland, Nico tells MamaH to go for a walk while the children are with their grandparent’s
“Oh do you want to go for a hike? okay I'll go change my clothes and..”
“No, no it's not necessary, I just want to walk”
After a while, Nico and Mom stop to appreciate the landscape of the Swiss Alps
“Do you remember the first time you came to Switzerland to meet my family?”
“Of course I remember, you are very lucky to have been born in this beautiful place baby”
“I'm luckier now that I have you and my babies”
*This is where the marriage proposal begins*
“I'm very happy that we are together now, and I know that there are many ways to be happy, but none as satisfying as the happiness I found at your side, the first time I lost you I thought my world had ended because from the first time I saw you,you became my world but after so many storms we are finally together again, and I know it wasn't easy but I refuse to let you go for a second time, nothing is going to make me leave your side again my destiny is to be by your side with Iris and Luca, I can't imagine a life without you by my side, every morning when I wake up the first thing I want is to see your smile and the last thing I want to do before closing my eyes is kiss you. And I want to do this for the rest of my life, I want to give you my world... Y/N, will you marry me?”
Now I’m crying.
This is everything 🥺😭
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AU where Collège Françoise Dupont is a fancy private school. Uniforms and all. Specializing in fast tracking students towards their careers. (Fashion, acting, athletics, programming ) With students in specified fields taking specialized lessons. General classes like literature, chemistry and math still done as we saw in the show.
Chloé’s wealth isn’t taken seriously because everyone is rich and they all see her inferiority complex a mile away. Mylene is a scholarship student with her dad on the faculty.
Every year the students have an informal contest to redesign the uniforms. Marinette and Chloé get really competitive. Whichever design wins the popular vote gets pitched to the school board. All designs have been rejected and thus why most do the contest for fun rather than actually thinking they’ll wear it.
Actually I could 100% see them working together to pull off the move from Barbie: Princess Charm School where they spice up the uniforms and get away with it because 'well everything we're wearing is /technically/ made from the physical material of the school uniforms!'
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infinitystation · 3 months
it's been a LONG time since i've made any sort of personal post but i wanna ramble a bit! i've never felt more relief than finally deciding to use the term aro for myself after fighting with it on and off for at least 5 years. i'm not sure WHY it's so relieving but it is!
(under the cut bc it's long, i genuinely havent spoken here in like. years. even stopped talking on my sideblog bc i feel a bit safer on a private twitter for personal posts...)
the way i found out was a little hilarious but i am Not going into all that here that's for my private twitter, long story short someone made a post along the lines of "romance is something you FEEL not something you DO" and i was like. wait what the hell you guys Feel a crush you don't just Make one?? OH THAT'S MAKES WAY MORE FUCKING SENSE- *(&$@#)*&%^* quickly realized i had spent my whole life trying to Make crushes oops. there's more to it but that's the extremely simplified version
i had a big relief when realizing my sexuality and gender too but this one was a lot different for some reason. maybe because i'm older now? i'm not really sure. could have also been because i've been fighting with it for so long. i did the same with gender stuff too but it never felt like this big revelation, it was a lot slower and easier to come to terms with. this one made me reevaluate my entire life and go "ohhhhh that's what i was doing wrong all those years" lmao
i dont think i've ever loved myself so much since realizing this. fuck the loveless aro thing (shoutout to you guys tho, just couldnt be me), i am SO full of love. now i realize what was wrong the whole time! trying to put people above other people and put them in the Special Love category was fucking me up, love doesnt need to fall into special categories with certain terms and conditions, it can just be whatever i want it to be and as strong as it wants to be without it ever leaving the "platonic" stage and i love that. realizing that my friends are the closest people in my life and that doesn't have to change has been so nice. no more "you'll find someone Even More Special" these are just my favorite people! i love them! we dont have to get into a relationship to make it The Specialest Relationship, what we have is enough
i am also having way more fun headcanoning characters tbh, that's a silly point but it's a fun one. i never fully understood the "giving your faves your identity" thing bc i just did whatever i saw fit regardless of whether it was MY identity or not, but making random characters aro is awesome. not all of them, i'm a big fan of fictional relationships (relationships are super fun from a distance i love smacking my guys together like barbie dolls). but taking my old inkling oc and making him aro? that has made me so fucking happy. rip to his boyfriend FKJHG
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ultraericthered · 8 months
One Villainous Scene: When Love Is Gone
As Valentine's Day is the day of love, my Valentine's gift is not one but two One Villainous Scenes featuring love as the central theme, one leaning on the darkly comical side, the other on just plain dark.
This would be the latter. From the excessive amount of featuring he got in promotion and marketing forToy Story 3, it was clear in 2010 that Lotso Huggin' Bear was one of the film's most major characters, and that they likely had a lot to hide from the audience concering him given how little we were really seeing from him aside from his debut scene. The most common guess was "Lotso is actually the villain!", and....yeah, that turned out correct. It wasn't much a surprise, as it got outed in Lotso's second scene. What turned out to be the real surprise was the extent to which Lotso was a villain. No one was prepared for just how dark, how vile, and how cruel a villain he'd be.
This scene comes right at the climactic point of the film. Woody and the rest of Andy's toys think they're free from Sunnyside Daycare when down comes Lotso and his gang, having tortured their escape plan out of Chatter. Lotso mocks the notion that the toys want to leave Sunnyside to go back to their kid, who "don't want them no more." Woody decrying this statement as a lie prompts the still smug and self-assured Lotso to challenge him "If your kid loves you so much, why is he leavin'? You think you're special, cowboy? You're a piece of plastic! You were made to be thrown away!" There's actually an undercurrent of irritation at Woody when Lotso says this, like it really does bother him that the sheriff would have the gall to believe he's loved enough by his owner to be held in higher regard that your average toy, and never be discarded the way toys so often are.
"Speak of the devil", the garbage truck slowly begins to come down the lane, so Lotso proposes his ultimatum: come back to Sunnyside and be complacent with their stations in communal life together, or get thrown in the dumpster to be picked up by the garbage truck. But then not only do Jessie and Barbie tell him off rather than be shaken by his threats, but Ken, one of his own chief lackeys, comes to stop him from throwing Barbie away and advocates for structural reform to Sunnyside from the dictatorship Lotso's made of it over the years. Note that at this point in the story, we have never seen Lotso get angry. We saw him snap in his backstory, but in the present day events, he has remained mentally fettered, cheerfully authoritative, and in total control at all times. At Ken's show of care for Barbie, Lotso gets even more aggrivated than he was at Woody mere seconds ago, to the point of hurling him across the dumpster to where Stretch and Andy's toys are, and then while his smugness returns as Ken makes his plea, he again dispalys visible anger and displeasure as he argues against the idea that he's the problem with Sunnyside. "I didn't throw you away, your kid did! Ain't one kid ever loved a toy really! Chew on that while you're in the dump!" His mind is made up, and he turns to leave his victims to their coming fate.
"Wait! What about Daisy?" Comes Woody's voice from behind him, and you could almost hear a pin drop at this part. At first Lotso denies knowing what Woody's talking about so as to not expose any of his covered past to his minions, but when Woody presses the matter, the bear claims "and then she threw us out." "No" Woody counters, "she loved you." "She replaced us!" snaps Lotso, prompting Woody to scald him with the truth. "She replaced YOU. And if you couldn't have her, no one could! You LIED to Big Baby and you've been lying ever since!" Woody throwing over Big Baby's heart pin that Daisy wrote her name on is accompanied by more truth that Lotso doesn't want to hear: Daisy loved Lotso as much as a kid could ever love a toy, and it was due to that love for her Lotso Huggin' Bear that her parents bought a replacement Lotso for her after her first one got left behind. Much as she might've also liked Chuckles and Big Baby, only Lotso mattered that much to her that she'd immediately need him back. As a human, she had no way of viewing the Lotsos as their own, different and distinct sentient beings: she just loved Lotso as a toy. Therefore, it was Lotso who ultimately showed he never truly loved Daisy enough to value her happiness over his own, and his friendship with Chuckles and Big Baby proved just as fleeting, as he lied about all three of them having gotten replaced to Big Baby and made Chuckles, who'd seen otherwise, swear to uphold this lie.
But what comes next is the real telling bit. Lotso just screams at Woody "She NEVER loved me!", but Big Baby can only start to cry as he looks down at the heart with his ex-owner's name written on it. At the single utterance of "Mama", Lotso's last thread snaps. "What, you want your mommy back? She NEVER LOVED YOU! DON'T BE SUCH A BABY!" And what's striking is the parallel we can draw to the backstory where Lotso first saw he'd been replaced and snapped. To hammer in his lie to Big Baby, he'd said "She don't love you no more!" Notice that phrasing: "no more", signifying that Lotso did believe that Daisy had sincerely loved the three toys but felt like by not going back for them and even replacing him, she'd shown she'd stopped loving them. The love had been passing and transcactional on the kid's end. But the phrasing in this scene is different: she NEVER loved me, and she NEVER loved you. So over time, Lotso stopped believing that the love and affection he'd been shown by his kid was ever genuine. He stopped believing love truly existed, least of all in the hearts of human toy owners, hence "Ain't one kid ever loved a toy really." In his denial that Daisy ever truly loved him, Lotso forgot what the love felt like, and in turn forgot what it was like to love. His ever hardened heart knows only sorrow, frustration, hatred, and pain. When he established his tyrannical rule over Sunnyside, for all his talk of being a happy found family and "no owners means no heartbreak", he had no good intentions behind any of what he's done: he lives his life as a toy perpetually hurting on the inside, and figured that how much less hurt he could feel could only be measured by how much more he could hurt others.
And worst of all, Lotso reveals here that at his now rotten core, he's also a nihilist. Demanding Andy's toys and Ken get pushed into the dumpster and slugging Big Baby with his cane, he rants furiously that toys should not go thinking for themselves, as "We're all just TRASH waitin' to be THROWN AWAY! That's all a toy is!" With Ned Beaty's voice acting sounding totally deranged with rage and almost on the verge of choking up, Lotso loudly declares that he believes nothing in a toy's life truly matters if toys are all made to ultimately meet the end of being thrown out with the trash, and so he values nothing. Not life, not love or friendship, not even himself. In his mind, he exists in a "every toy for themselves" reality, and so if he can't navigate through it by the empowering self-determination of putting himself on top of others and securing that power by pushing others ever further down beneath him, then he might as well not exist at all....for what else then would he even exist as except a piece of disposable garbage?
Lotso is a strikingly dark, twisted character to come out of this franchise, who asserts himself as truly evil by his world's standards. He's such an absolute monster that we can feel nothing but satisfied glee and relief when Big Baby goes full Darth Vader on his fuzzy, strawberry-scented ass, picking him up and hurling him into the dumpster, then closing the lid down on him against his protests. You get what you deserve, Lotso....and not even for the last time either!
OK, here's the "Where's your kid now, Sheriff?" scene since that's no doubt the Losto villainous scene that comes to most minds. This one features the entire legendary sequence, including the well-deserved fate worse than the Caterpillar Room that Lotso ends up meeting.
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hauntedwoman · 1 year
tagged by @youngestdaughtersyndrome to talk about five things i'm obsessed with recently
barbie and the feminist agenda ever since i saw the movie saturday it has baffled me that so many people are holding it to impossible standards. many ppl online are criticizing it for being surface level and a two hour long "toy commercial" when the film is literally being produced by fucking mattel, a multi million dollar corporation. one of the prominent messages communicated in the film is that, in today's day and age, women are expected to be perfect at everything they do all of the time and i think audiences expected the same of this movie. i think the people that went into this movie expecting something progressive and queer and groundbreaking had the wrong expectations. greta gerwig worked as hard as she could to make a movie that had a strong feminist message while also being accessible to mass audiences. yes, the whole feminist monologue is a little bit cheesy but you have to remember that a) children are going to see this movie and i believe that the messages communicated in that monologue are very easy concepts for young girls (and boys) to grasp. b) she had to work through a LOT of red tape. even the scene where barbie tells an old woman that she was beautiful (a non-revolutionary message) was threatened to be cut for run time purposes. with the material she had to work with, i believe that greta made a movie that is funny and forward thinking and something that will stick with audiences for a long time. no, it's not anything that's advanced, but it's still special and has brought joy to so many women. the sheer experience of barbie, being surrounded by women of all ages dressed in pink and unafraid to be feminine and find joy in what society shames us for, is so beautiful and special and i loved every second.
antique photos at the moment, i'd confidently say that my antique photo collection in the 30s. antique photos are probably my favorite thing to buy (besides clothing) when i go antique shopping. i love finding photos of families from the 1900s showing off their family homestead, a couple in the 1950s sharing an intimate christmas morning, a small boy dressed up as a cowboy. these memories might not belong to these people anymore - so now they belong to me. i just love finding these moments captured in time, moments that strengthen the fabric of humanity.
american individualism in the united states today there is no sense of community. outside of organized religion, it's hard to find a way to feel connected with other people. the heightened awareness of individual freedoms and rights that has been a byproduct of online spaces that urge users to bran themselves, there is nowhere for the youth of today to gather and find people that are like them. i believe that bc of this that is why labels for sexuality, gender, and even what mental illnesses we have, have developed online. there are no malls or internet cafes, or parks for our generation to be together in and it's making the average american individual feel as if they are entitled to certain treatment due to having certain labels attached to them. it's all so fascinating how aesthetics and labels and what you look at online shapes our worldview. and yes, capitalism is involved somehow.
caledon hockley if you've been following me any amount of time you know that i've already written many thinkpieces on the antagonist of the 1997 film, titanic. notice how i didn't say villain. that said, i think people tend to forget what cal is like when we first meet him. yes, he's arrogant and pompous ("god himself could not sink this ship") but he doesn't do anything to outwardly control or harm rose. i'm pretty sure he was aware of the fact that she's miserable - sans suicidal. when he brings her the necklace he knows that something is wrong. he really tries in the only way he knows how to get close to her and yet she continues to push him away. i doubt that this is because she's unattracted to him but, rather, more the realization of what her life is going to become once they're married; being a wife and mother to his children, never experiencing any of her dreams. i want to theorize that when they met up until the engagement they were "happy" or at least what could be close enough and what we see in the movie is rose falling out of that happiness and yearning to find it in something or someone else (i.e. jack). i guess what i'm trying to say is that cal doesn't begin to shed light on his more undesirable traits (selfishness and possessiveness) until he can see rose pulling away from him and towards jack. the cal at the beginning of the movie, while he can be annoying and shallow, he's not necessarily a bad person. i think somewhere inside of him he wants to be good. but i mean there's also the whole sexual tension between him and jack and cal's hidden desire to live a life that's so free and easy and emotionally healthy. we also have to remember that he has his own suicidal tendencies - but we don't have time for all of that.
sylvia plath i'm just so so so interested in her personal life and her writings. im slowly making my way through her journals (unabridged bc fuck you ted hughes) and we are both libra moons and have prominent scorpio placements !!! i feel like i identify with her work very deeply and im excited to start reading a biography i got abt her the other day at the used bookstore !! she was such a genius and really set such a precedent for poetry today and just female artists in general she's like the patron saint of girls on antipsychotics and i love her for that
tagging: @truelovewaitsmp3 @sweetsweetjane @jonismitchell @serethereal and any other mutuals inspired to do this !!!!
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midnighttheroies · 1 year
Helluva Boss Season 2 Ep 5 Predictions
so the newest episode is coming out this month and i wanted to make a post on what i think will happen based on what we’ve seen in trailers and sneak peaks
so first off i’m kinda surprised that millie is gonna tag along, since we only saw moxxie’s appearance until now, but honestly it makes sense considering that milllie and moxxie are always together and they would want to be together in a place like earth to make sure their both okay since they work such a dangerous job
so when we see blitzo giving moxxie the job we can see he’s way more agitated then normal, and he’s holding something in his hand, i think this is phone and he’s trying to figure out what to say to stolas and if he should visit him or not, but because of his issues with intimacy and such he’s struggling on how to go about it, regardless moxxie seems excited and he alongside with millie go to the human world disgusted as human teenage campers to kill their target
now on earth, barbie wire is their disguised as a human and is seems to be with a human man who also happens to be the target that moxxie and millie have to kill, barbie is fighting moxxie off and his protecting him, alot of people think it’s because she’s in love with him, but i don’t think that’s the case, demons don’t find humans attractive at all and that wouldn’t really make alot of sense to me, 
what i do think is that barbie and verosika became somewhat good friends, or maybe verosika offered her something in exchange for helping her, like sneaking in alcohol into the rehab for an asmodeus crystal, which to our understanding disguises you as humans and teleports you to earth
i think that barbie believes that getting famous in hell ins’t possible for her anymore, so she decided to try out her luck on earth, and maybe the human man has convictions that can help her, or maybe she’s tricking that human man into doing some sort of demonic sacrifice so she can get special powers and needs the human man for whatever that demonic sacrifice may-be 
as for blitz?, i think millie might have called or he might’ve called to see how the everything was going, basically asking for an update, millie tells him everything and blitz comes, sees his sister, they have a bitter reunion (i made a whole other post about why barbie and blitz drifted apart) 
after the horrible situation with his twin and completing the mission, blitz is left with a sinking heavy feeling in his chest
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1ntr0v3rted · 1 year
Yoooo bro I’m back with my unwanted opinions LMAO
so me being me and being a wannabe critic or a wannabe explainer or whatever I looked up drama of some of my favorite people when I was little (still tbh)
I was the kid that was on the iPad 24/7 YouTube and Roblox Minecraft etc raised me than my own parents
I watched denisdaily and flamingo (flamingo later on in my life) I just didn’t watch anyone else but maybe Brent Rivera (ur stupid automatically bro idk what I saw in u)
Denis was rlly popular and stood out to me for his Roblox videos I subbed to him before he got all popular and #1 like maybe when he started his YouTubeish and I would watch him everyday I saw every single office he had even his bedroom with his roommate Sandra and Sandra’s boyfriend I rlly thought they were cool people I was really into sir meows a lot and having a character like that for a YouTube
My iPad was like child locked or smth like my dad would have to put his password in for me to download smth so his account was on there
Id beg and beg to like get Roblox and play it and become like Denis I truly looked up to him (I’m saying looked like I still don’t)
Apparently people r mad bc he took a mental health break and he had the pals situation plus the scam robux thing
But tbh the pals situation wasn’t Denis’ fault corl went haywire and so like he was gone and they all dispatched from each-other now u barley ever see Denis talking to sketch, Alex, or sub
Denis has a growing audience and rn children just know jokes like we have YouTube shorts we have TikTok and instagram which kids these days have like dude they know the jokes that are being said. There’s specific moderations u can put on ur kids device to make it only kid things and yes Denis might still pop up but he’s still pretty family friendly he’s just being himself like he is with his friends
I always wished like Denis and flamingo could meet and now they’re like literal lovers man (IK u see it bro don’t say otherwise they joke so much about being together) which also with apparently like homophobic allegations towards them both I think of it as just flirting with ur guys bro but my opinion doesn’t matter for what they have going on
Denis took a mental health break which is completely reasonable he couldn’t be with friends he just couldn’t go to YouTube anymore and have that motivation he’s on his own schedule bc he’s a person too
Now we’re onto flamingo who not everyone likes (u do he’s the #1 Roblox youtuber) and he had AlbertStuff which he said some pretty yk reasonably bad things and said some racist things and got attacked but he legit regrets who he was so he made flamingo and was family friendly with his still agressive type jokes but they’re not bad at all they’re funny and annoying and it’s great man
Also I wanna point out u guys r kinda acting like everyone who has a rep needs to be perfect like nah we all problematic (I am too bro dw)
Albert acts like AlbertStuff never happened that’s how much guilt and regret he has for that YouTube channel
And yes people like flamingo and Denis have changed to more and more PG-13 content but that’s also bc everyone else has become more PG-13 AKA THEIR OWN AUDIENCE
I grew up with them and it feels more funny and lively that they’re kinda growing up with me that’s what makes them rlly special to me (gonna cry/j)
It’s the same with the Barbie movie everyone was mad about it saying it was inappropriate for children (I don’t see it tbh) but it’s PG-13 just don’t bring ur kid?
What I’m saying is is that flamingos past is not who he is today and neither is Denis.
But the people who to this day r problematic and haven’t apologized and have ruined a community needa go
(I’m looking at you inquisitormaster lmao)
Thank you for reading my unpopular opinions !! (Don’t come for me or else I will show up as a frog and curse you)
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sharpen-jadescythe · 1 year
She knows everything, he's just Alliance
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(Contains a tiny Barbie movie spoiler quote you probably won't notice.)
Sharpen: The Barbie movie was amazing!
Trixany: You saw it without me? You're not supposed to do that!
Sharpen: Um. My name is not Ken.
Trixany: Sure you are, Night Elf Ken. You're a himbo, you're pink, you joined the same guild, but only after me. Sometimes you hold my orange juice...
Sharpen: I am not your Ken! We're also in different factions. You're a Blood Elf in the Horde and I'm Alliance so how would we even do that!!
Later in Warsong Gulch...
Trixany: Huh. Seems you're guarding the Alliance flag, Sharpen.
Sharpen: *cocks rifle protectively* Sure am.
Trixany: Would you mind moving a little to the left, there?
Sharpen: So you can steal it for the Horde?? Never!!
Trixany: It's just, well I'm so worried I'm going to spill my orange juice. And it's really nice, too. See? It's in a special pink cup.
Sharpen: Oh it's pink! That's so cute, I'm only happy to protect your adorable drink, Trixany.
Even later...
Sharpen: So! What are we doing after the Alliance loses this battleground? *jogs alongside Trixany, holding her drink*
Trixany: Ummm... there's a Tarts show so I guess that means a big bash, synchronized dancing, and bespoke music? *huffs and puffs, carrying flag* Ugh, I'm tired of running across the battleground, can you just Horde cap this flag for me?
Sharpen: Ok. But only if we get to wear matching pink outfits and dance together later?
Trixany: Yeah, whatever.
Sharpen: Soweet!!! Wahooo!! *Alliance losing noises*
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vileintcnt · 1 year
okay so just a quickie but here are some plots I’m looking for atm :
1. okay kudos because I saw it on my dash but also because I really wanna read the book that has the same connotations, but give my new ice skating muse a hockey player to rival her and constantly rub her the wrong way and always challenge her and tease her for being virginal, she doesn’t have a name yet but the plot is THERE
2. yelling and screaming still for a plot where two of my frat boys, with your choice of harrison, fitz, tobias and connor, play a game of dares with one of your naive girls, totally unaware they’re basically rigging the game to see how far she’ll go with them, lots of ‘oh well if you’re not brave enough to do it then whatever we don’t have to play, we have shit to do anyways’ and her desperate to be liked by them is just adamant on playing the game
3. give me your subby, hot anxious boys for brandy to just wreck, milf threads are very fun so
4. looking for vampire threads and categorically willing to make muses for it !
5. ok so my muse for this isn’t THAT high because I kind of think I’ll suck at writing it but I want Valentina hazing sorority sisters by putting them through humiliating and degrading sexual situations, this could be coupled with Fitz or Lottie for extra fun
6. OKAY GIVE THE BUFFET FAMILY SOME LOVE, Ted wants young girls to release tension on lmao, Wade wants hot dominant girls to absolutely walk all over this silly lil country boy, and Barbie wants hot city slickers to go mechanical bull riding with
7. I want Puck to be watching a movie with a close friend and then suddenly the film turns raunchy and they’re both turned on and it’s kind of awkward because pucks boner is like sunlight blocking and they both decide that maybe they should just like, rub one out you know? and then oops sorry I didn’t mean to touch you but wait I kind of liked it fuck are we doing this? ?? give my metal head a fuck buddy PLEASE
8. Peaches & Martina want rockstars to fuck them, thanks!
9. give my silly airhead country girl candy priests who find her devotion to church advantageous for…reasons 👀 give her pageant judges who find her devotion to winning advantageous, also for…reasons 👀 give me best friends pervy dads using her panties to jack off and her totally aware he’s watching her so she puts on a special show for him idk just semi fucked things for her pls
10. give brooke massage clients who are progressively falling in love with her and keep coming back because they’re working up the courage to ask her on a date 😫 give simone a high profile actor/musician who sees her at a party that her and cher got into by sheer luck and immediately he’s smitten, give cher best friends that are joking around and then accidentally fucking and give me the awkward tension of it all, give cat a new hot roommate that she’s desperate to have sex with and talks to her girlies about him all the time and she’s always trying to catch his attention by wearing short skirts and shit but he’s actually a really shy inexperienced guy who just looks like a sexy fuckboy and everytime he sees her trying to turn him on he just doesn’t know what to do, give Lola an older brothers best friend plot where he’s ridiculed her their entire life and they always act like they don’t like each other but all of a sudden they’re alone together and why is the sexual tension so crazy rn??? Idk just GIVE MY CITY GORLS LOVE
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