#it was kinda like a gut reaction tbh
startistdoodles · 1 year
The closest I've come to clicking on a Tumblr livestream is when I mistakenly thought the thumbnail was someone holding a really cool shiny black rock when it was just a lady in a shimmery black dress. devastated
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kagrenacs · 8 months
If Ithelia and Meridia really are split entities I’m going to chew my fingers off. What’s wrong with the Meridia we have? ): Why did you have to make a whole new woman
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bastardlybonkers · 5 months
i feel like not enough ppl are factoring in the cultural clash between laios and shuro and the many micro agressions shuro faced while being in their group. literally the name 'shuro' in itself is one
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his name is toshiro 😭 lets also not forget that he has his own communication issues, in the opposite way that laios does- thats literally a factor in their argument, that his envy for laios's ability to express himself sincerely manifested as part of his distaste for him.
ig all this to say like, was their fight heart wrenching, especially when reading laios as autistic? absolutely. anybody whos ever been in laios's position knows how much it hurts to realize someone you thought was your friend doesnt actually like having you around, especially when they didnt tell you and you had no way of knowing due to not understanding their cues. but im begging yall to step back and see the nuance of this situation cause im gonna be real a lot of you are kinda just brushing over it acting like everything is toshiros fault and that hes a terrible person when in reality hes an average guy who really, really clashed with laios and it led to a very long misunderstanding due to their supremely opposite methods of communication. even laios and toshiro, after letting everything out in their fight, were able to come to an understanding and start a foundation for an actual friendship built on better communication
ok yknow what Edit: i shouldve made it even more explicit at the end of this post, i hadnt thought i would need to since i started the post with this, but i think a few too many people are missing my point so i just wanna clarify. i shouldnt have said 'really clashed' and left it at that because yeah they did, but it wasnt just their opposite methods of communication, it is also very much that toshiro was experiencing microaggressions via laios. it may have been unintentional on laios's part, but it still happened and wore him down, made it harder for him to communicate on top of both the more subtle social cues that he was raised with and his own communication difficulties. i also want to say that the fandom reaction to toshiro and the complete ignorance of this point is also racist tbh or at the very least ignorant. i understand that the anime did not cover this panel, and neither did the manga, as this was an omake, but im gonna be real with you guys. there are enough context clues within the story to clue you into this. if you didnt pick up on it thats ok, but i think this is a good lesson in picking up subtext in the stories that youre watching and/or reading. kui shouldnt have to explicitly say 'by the way laios was racist to toshiro' for this point to be understood, and at the very least, when the author portrays a character in a sympathetic light (as kui clearly does) it should make you question Why they are doing so and what makes them sympathetic, rather than youre immediate and only reaction to be 'well i hated what this guy did/said so i hate them and they suck'. idk exactly how to finish this, just. idk. question your biases and gut reactions to things you see in media and stories, and think about whether or not theres subtext that youre missing.
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Case 143! //h.h.j\\
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HyunjinxPlusSized!Reader, kinda slow burn? Friends to loversssss, she fell first he fell HARDER, flufffff
Warnings: a bit of like self-image stuff but not too much. Not edited as well as it could be. Tooth rotting fluff tbh. Hyunjin is a simp but ofc he is.
“Why do I keep getting attracted?? I cannot explain this reaction.”
Hyunjin thought he would never see you romantically, that is until he realizes too late that he’s fallen head over heels for you.
The day you met Hwang Hyunjin was chaotic from the very start. You had managed to sleep through all three of your alarms, barely made it in time for work, and thought your bad luck was over when you arrived at the coffee shop. However, as you quickly turned from the counter after grabbing your large iced macchiato, you ran directly into Hyunjin, who had been waiting his turn.
“Oh my god! I’m so so sorry!” You apologize profusely, looking for the nearest napkin dispenser. He was still in shock, looking down at his now stained sweater. “Um, I can buy you a new one?” You suggest, trying your best to clean up your mess without being weird and gropey.
“This sweater was a custom limited edition Prada.” He muttered, looking sadly down at himself. You felt your heart drop into your ass at the realization that this sweater was probably worth more than your entire existence.
“Oh, uh, well…” you trail off, still dabbing napkins against his sweater as your face flushes bright red.
“Don’t worry about it.” He gently rests his hands on yours and pushes them towards you. “I have a really good dry cleaner.” He gives a small smile and turns to leave.
“Let me at least buy you a coffee?” You grab his arm, stopping him before he could leave. “I need a replacement anyway.” You shrug sheepishly. He gives you a once over, trying to decide if you should be trusted before shrugging and agreeing.
“I’ll take an iced americano.” He replies softly before taking a seat in the corner.
Thus began your wonderful friendship. Hyunjin made it clear pretty early on that you weren’t his type, talking to you about the girls he liked or hooked up with. Almost in too much detail at times. He didn’t see you romantically, just as someone to hang out with. Someone who listened to him and liked to sit in silence with him while he painted.
At first, of course, you thought he was cute. You have eyes. But realizing he wasn’t interested in anything like that with you was enough to push you past those feelings quickly. Now, well over two years later, you two have settled into a comfortable platonic relationship.
“What do you need, Jinnie?” You answered the random FaceTime from your best friend, applying makeup to your face.
“Huh? What are you getting all dolled up for?” He asked, clearly forgetting whatever reason he had called you for before.
“I have a date tonight. One of my coworkers set me up with a friend of hers.” You responded simply, dabbing on some lipstick and not even looking at your phone.
Hyunjin was quiet for a moment, watching you with furrowed brows. What was this feeling stirring in his stomach? Surely it wasn’t what he thought it was.
“Have you met this guy before?” He finally asked, clearing his throat.
“Uh, no. But I trust my friend. She wouldn’t set me up with anyone weird.” You shrug, now glancing over to see his concerned look. “Hyunjin, you go out with girls all the time. Don’t tell me you’re suddenly being protective.” You tease, laughing and shaking your head.
“No, it’s not anything like that. I’m just concerned… as your best friend…I want you to be safe.” He tried to argue, but the feeling in his gut kept growing and latching onto every fiber of his being.
How dare someone else get to see her beautiful smile. See how pretty she is with all of her makeup done- Oh my god, what? Get a hold of yourself, Hwang Hyunjin.
Hyunjin shook his head and dismissed the weird thoughts.
“Why did you call, Jinnie?” You asked, eyes narrowing on him in concern.
“Oh, I was just wanting to hang out while I paint. But you have plans, so no worries. Guess it’s just me and Spotify tonight.” He gives you a smile that doesn’t quite reach his eyes and waves before signing off.
A few weeks later, the two of you met up for a late night movie night. You wore what you normally would, a t-shirt and baggy pajama shorts, since you had no one to impress. When Hyunjin gave you a questioning brow, you teased him by saying,
“Changbin isn’t here, so there’s no point in dressing up.” Which earned you his signature side eye and made you laugh. You found your spot on the couch, scrolling through your phone while Hyunjin grabbed the snacks from the kitchen.
“They didn’t have the chips you like, so I-“ He stops short when he glances up at you sitting on the couch. His eyes locked onto your bare legs, which he had seen a million times at this point, and felt his heart lurch. You looked up at him in confusion, your brow slightly furrowing.
“Which ones did you get?” You reached out for him to hand you the chips, but he was frozen. You stand up and gently pull the bag from his hands, narrowing your eyes at him. “You’re being weird.” You mutter before turning and taking your seat on the couch.
“I’ll be right back.” He quickly leaves the room, heading straight for the bathroom. Once inside, he splashes his face with cold water, patting his cheeks frantically. He then looks himself squarely in the eye through the mirror. “Get a grip, Hwang. This doesn’t even make sense. You just haven’t been with someone in a while. Yeah, just touch starved. That’s it.”He whispered to himself, taking deep breaths to steady his heart. After he finally calmed himself enough, he reemerged into the living room with a small smile on his face.
“You okay, bestie?” You looked up at him in concern. “I’m sorry if I took it too far with the Changbin thing. I was just joking.” You had clearly spent the last ten minutes wondering what could have upset him.
“No, it’s not that! It’s nothing, actually. I just had a weird stomach cramp.” He smiled assuringly and took his seat beside you. However, he almost immediately realized that he had sat too close and your arms were pressed up against one another.
“Feeling a bit clingy, are we?” You teased while leaning into him and he could feel the red slap its way onto his cheeks and quickly spread down his neck and up to the tips of his ears.
“Sorry, I didn’t realize-“ He moved to scoot away, but you grabbed his arm and stopped him.
“Oh, c’mon. It’s not like this is the first time we’ve sat this close.” You rolled your eyes and turned your attention to the movie. He, however, couldn’t look away from your side profile. The curve of your nose, your lips that pouted without even trying.
The second you left his apartment that night, he basically ran to his studio and began sketching you from his memory. Putting love and care into every single curve and freckle. It was frantic- his heart racing the entire time, his fingers trembling. As he sat back from his drawing, gasping for air, it finally dawned on him.
“Oh my god, I’m in love with her.” He muttered, all of the pieces of the puzzle clicking into place. He was wracking his brain trying to understand when this happened, how this had happened. He swore he hadn’t been interested in you, that you were far from his type. He immediately stood up and began pacing his studio, muttering to himself and trying to figure out how this could have occurred.
Before he knew it, morning had come and he hadn’t gotten a minute of sleep. He entered dance practice that day looking like a zombie, especially with the dark bags under his eyes. The guys kept asking him what was on his mind, but he waved them off and gave excuses. He had barely grasped what this was, he wasn’t going to have them teasing him on top of it.
To make matters even worse, they had a comeback right at that time and so he wasn’t able to see you even if he had wanted to. Time seemed to drag on but he soon realized that it had been a month since he had last seen you. Since he realized his feelings. He found himself missing you, scrolling through his camera roll and looking at the photos he had of you. Textbook definition of lovesick (even though he hadn’t confessed his feelings yet). Being ever the observant one, Seungmin caught on rather quickly. He also had happened to glance over Hyunjin’s shoulder and see him sketching your smiling face on his iPad.
“Does y/n know you like her?” Seungmin asked quietly one morning over breakfast. Hyunjin choked on his soup, looking up at his member with wide eyes.
“What are you talking about?” He tried to ask cooly, but the terrified look in his eyes was dead giveaway that Seungmin was right.
“Hyung, it’s written all over your face. I’m guessing you haven’t confessed then.” The younger one nodded to himself and took a bite of his rice.
“I… I don’t know if I should. We have a good thing going right now. I think I’m just being greedy.” Hyunjin shook his head and sighed.
“You’ll never know how she feels until you tell her, Hyung.” Seungmin warned as he stood from the table and took his dishes over to the sink.
It had been at least a week since you had spoken with Hyunjin. While you missed him a lot, you also wanted to check in on him. He had been distant lately. So, you grabbed your phone and sent him a message.
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He quickly stood up and quietly went to his room, shutting the door behind him. Just like magic, your face popped up on his screen. He opened the FaceTime call and smiled softly.
“Hey bestie! Haven’t heard from you in a while, so I just wanted to make sure you still liked me.” You teased, laughing. His eyes widened, afraid you had found out his secret. “Not like that, dummy! I already know that one.” You were sure his reaction was because he was shocked you made that assumption.
“R-right. Yeah, you’re still my bestie.” He smiled, his heart rate slowing. He felt like he was going to melt into the floor at the sight of your relieved smile. Had you always been this pretty? It seemed amplified now that he was pining for you. “Uh, have things been good for you?” He tried to seem normal as to not key you in to the fact that he was definitely memorizing the way your hair fell into your face right now so he could draw it later.
“It’s been good! I miss you, though. My work friends are okay, but who am I supposed to watch dramas with when you’re gone?” You laughed at yourself and felt a little sheepish at your admission. “Can we do a self-care drama night when you get back? I just got some nice face masks.”
“Yeah, that would be nice.” He smiled dreamily as he thought about it. He definitely wouldn’t feel nervous the entire time, no way. He’s the rizz-master.
His hands trembled so badly when he tapped on your door that he nearly dropped the drinks he was holding in his other hand. Why was he so nervous? He had done this a hundred times by now, if not more. His mind went completely blank when you opened the door in your baggy t-shirt and sweats.
“Bestie!” You pull him inside and wrap your arms around him in a tight hug. The sudden skinship had his heart pounding even harder than it was before. You pull away from the hug and smile up at him. “I’ve got everything ready! I’ll stick these in the fridge.” You take the drinks from his hand and disappear into your apartment.
Hyunjin wandered over to sit on the couch, wiping his now clammy hands on his sweats hoping you won’t notice. You sit beside him and excitedly begin pulling stuff out for your self-care night.
“Your headband, sir.” You hand him the llama one you had picked out for him a while ago, then you grab your frog one and you both push your hair back from your faces. “You’ve been traveling a lot, so I picked this one out for you.” You explain as you open a face pack and lean over to put it on his face. Normally, he leans in and closes his eyes, “sitting pretty” as you mentally called it. However, this time he moved out of the way with wide eyes.
“I-uh- I can do it!” He reaches for the mask, but you pull back frowning.
“We’ve always put them on for eachother… why are you being weird?… Do you have a new girlfriend?” You searched his face for answers, only to see his eyes somehow go even wider as his head shakes quickly.
“No! Definitely not!” He makes an “x” with his hands and aggressively shakes his head. “I just- whatever. Just put it on.” He leans in, his eyes closed and waits for you to gently put the mask on. Every touch feels like shocks of electricity, so much so that he finds himself holding back shivers.
“There we go.” You say slightly and sit back, admiring his handsome face before he opens his eyes and looks back at you. He quietly grabs your face mask and opens it, hesitantly reaching forward to put it on. Your eyes are closed, complete trust in him as you lean forward slightly.
“How did that double date go?” Hyunjin asked later as you two were letting your masks set and watching a drama.
“That was like forever ago, Hyune.” You tease, rolling your eyes. “I mean, it was fine. But he just wasn’t really into me. I could tell he didn’t expect me to look like this,” she gestures to herself as a whole, “when he agreed to the date. I guess I’m a bit of a catfish.” She giggled, shaking her head. His brows furrowed in confusion as he looked you over.
“There’s nothing wrong with you, so I don’t get what his problem was. And you look nice in all of your pictures, yeah, but you look just as lovely in person. He must be an idiot.” He grumbled, focusing on the tv.
“Jinnie! People are allowed to have a type. You have one and I’ve never said a word about it.” you tried to reason, looking at him in shock.
“Your type doesn’t determine whose name your heart chooses to call.” He says seriously, looking into your eyes. You feel the mood shift, see the intensity of his gaze. “I… I have been… realizing some things lately. About myself. And uh… about you.” His hands are trembling in his lap, but he knew he had to get this out now. “Y/n, you’ve been by my side for so long now. Through a lot of things. And I’m sorry it took me this long to see you. Truly see you.”
“Hyunjin, what’s happening right now?” Was all you could muster, eyes wide as you watched him carefully. “If this is a joke, it’s not funny.” You warned, frowning.
“It’s not a joke, y/n. I… I love you. I have for so long that when I finally realized it, it hit me like a ton of bricks. My heart calls your name. I find myself doodling sketches of you without even realizing. I-” He pauses, realizing his rambling and looks down. You sit there in stunned silence, your brows furrowed and eyes set directly on him. “Please say something. Anything. I-I know this is sudden, but I can’t help-“ before he can finish, you cross the space between the two of you and gently place a kiss on his lips. He lets out a squeak of surprise but melts into you immediately after, his hands holding your face tenderly.
When you finally pull away, you can almost see the hearts swirling in his eyes. There’s no need for words as the two of you smile at one another, gazes full of love.
“Thanks for finally seeing me, Hyunjin.”
(I got the Inspo for this from a “would skz date a plus sized person” tiktok and now we are here. Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed! Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated! 💗)
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seitosokusha · 2 months
Hi sorry I just got done reading Before Dawn and first of all ouchie ow ow ow ow. That hurt in the best way possible, but also do you have any ideas for other Dying Will Flames for any other characters? I’m a huge fan of khr and so it was a big treat to see such a well thought out au in the fandom
>:3ccc I am here to hurt with Before Dawn haha.
SO! okay, it's not really in the fic but it's something I kept in mind while writing it and it's kinda colored the assumptions. This whole idea was inspired by saunne and day on the jrh server who basically said sky!jy and lore bit of "thanks to the pact Lan made with the Flint Emperor, Xianzhou people have Dying Will Flames". This is why the Astral Express crew don't explicitly say what Flames they have because they don't have any.
It also means there's this whole side story in my head on why Yingxing, who isn't a Xianzhou Native, has Dying Will Flames. It's mostly an adoption thing and "what does it mean to be claimed as a xianzhou alliance citizen".
Huaiyan: I've adopted you Yingxing: Cool? -explodes with Dying Will Flames- Uh... Huaiyan: Allow me to explain...
This means Gui and Luocha who are both associated (or "associated" in Luocha's case) with the Xianzhou Alliance in-game don't have flames as they're not Xianzhou Alliance Citizens.
The only other XA characters not in the fic are Sushang and Yukong. Sushang never travels to the Luofu. She's a Lightning in my book. There's something inflexible about her that I just associate with the Lightning Hardening effect lol.
As for Yukong, uh well tbh I don't know why she's not in the fic. If I had to pick a flame for her though, I would like to give her Sky Flames. A Sky Flame user who lost the only Element she connected with Caiyi. And I think Sky flame fit her natural Helm Master position leadership role. (And having just written that, that might be the reason why she isn't in the fic because she was taken out early by the Ten-Lords).
Hanya and Xueyi are Judges. They're... well thanks to the sheer amount of experiments that the Ten-Lords have done, they're effectively Flameless. As Dying Will Flames are the "regrets you have as you're dying"/the "willpower to live", the somewhat mindless obedience that the Ten-Lords enforced on them means they're nothing more than puppets who follow orders. If we're talking pre-them becoming judges, Hanya would be a Rain Flame user (to match her mellowness) and Xueyi would be a Storm Flame user (to match her doggedness persistence at hunting criminals).
Oh! Wait Ruan Mei counts. She's a Cloud in my book to match with her natural aloofness and well Cloud's Propagation effect goes really well with the fact that she tried to make the Emanator of Propagation.
If I throw out that worldbuilding tidbit completely, my gut reactions are
Stelle - Sky (as fitting for an MC) March - Sun (to match her sunny personality) / Mist (to match her limitless creativity) Himeko - Storm (because just think of the relentless hours she must have put in to fix the the Astral Express. Also the sheer amount of destruction she causes with her sub-orbital cannon.) Welt - I can go two ways. He's either Flameless (since from another dimension) OR you give him Earth Flames (that gravity manipulation he does is basically just Earth Flames in use).
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adracat · 1 year
GWitch 23 thoughts
Sorry for the wait on this, I had to rewatch a few times to really drink in everything that was going on. I didn't have the best knee-jerk reaction initially ( I enjoyed it ofc but was a bit ambivalent about some things) and wanted to give it a fair shake.
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First up, seeing Suletta zip around like the ace pilot she is was quite rewarding and fun! Now all those auto-pilot rumors can be laid to rest. However, the circumstances weren't the best and it broke my heart she was gasping for air the entire time. I had no doubt she'd live but it's still miserable to witness that
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Ah Lauda. Your tomfoolery knows no bounds. We knew this was coming after the last ep, but it's still a bit frustrating. On a technical narrative level, it works since we're seeing two sets of siblings confront their simmering tension with one another. On a personal level, I wasn't very amused. I first saw this at 4 in the morning and had no patience for Lauda lmao. But rewatching it a few times gave me a deeper appreciation for what's going on. He's really intent on scapegoating Mio for everything wrong in his life. Fitting for her role as the Rose Bride and Lauda's demonized witch
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This little aside from Chuchu is so suspicious tbh. Considering Mio's failure at piloting, this seems to imply either she does not have a permet implant of any sort or a flat intolerance. I have a sneaking suspicion it'll become a factor in the next episode.
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Mio staring wistfully at Cool-san/etc memento of Suletta will always grab me by the throat. Girl wants to wife up Suletta so bad. And really, who could blame her?
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Schwarzette is so pretty and cool. Unfairly so. Like, why did you make that thing so unique and cool? For dipstick Lauda?? Who is that pink permet for and why does it look like Utena??? ANSWER ME OKOUCHI
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That's nice of Delling to rise from his sickbed to try and negotiate with the SAL. Unfortunately, this would be for naught because they're here to purge and replace. Not make nice. It was the thought that counts, I suppose.
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Speaking of, the debut of a solar ray blindsided me. I mean, yeah it's Gundam, but I kinda thought we were skipping the big death ray lmao. After sitting on it, I think I know where it's headed. Totally on brand for SAL too in hindsight. They like to act removed, but they're just as entrenched as Benerit in the skeevy corpo politics. Allying with Ochs and now Peil cements it
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Check the link above to see my Utena related thoughts on this moment btw. It might be the highlight of the episode beyond the Prospera confrontation. Stunned they finally stopped playing coy and seemingly confirm Notrette is indeed a GUND entity residing in pseudo hell, and likely a GWitch newtype like Eri
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This was very sweet and I enjoy it more on a rewatch but I also understand why I and so many people had a gut-deep aversion to this subplot. The issue is entirely investment based imo, and tbh I just don't care that much about the Jeturk family dynamics. At best, I don't mind them. Guel is a bro but Lauda is SO exhausting on multiple levels. His misogyny and gross negligence of Petra in favor of revenge doesn't help.
If something came of this other than Lauda/Guel sibling closure, I'd consider it fulfilling. But if you lack investment in the conflict, it's going to feel limp or frustrating in comparison to the siblings you want to see. So while I appreciate the parallel with Suletta/Eri and the continuing subtext of witch coded Mio, that's it for me. But hey, it serves a purpose. A tragic cycle was broken after all, thanks to love and MVP Felsi!
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The one big gripe I have after consideration is this man's continued existence. Kenanji doesn't deserve to play buddy buddy with the cast. He's a dirty space cop who bullies children and murdered Nadim, now he's joking with 5lan? The hell. I get the theme of the show is forgiveness and not perpetuating the cycle of revenge but... really? KENANJI gets to be happy but Norea/Sophie don't? Sigh
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It was so dirty of Eri to use Suletta's love for Mio against her. She knows Suletta would panic over their mother possibly 'gaining two'. It's crafty and unrepentant, but Suletta holds fast. Her faith in Mio is greater than her idle fears
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Mio scolding Prospera over her favoritism was great. We love a fiancé willing to take a stand against her shit in-laws. Speaking of, looks like Mio has fully embraced becoming a Mercury one day. 'All of us will be family' YEAH YOU WILL so suck it up Prospera. The holidays are gonna be so awkward
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Btw love Mio was shouting at her while having an emotional breakthrough deciphering her mother's QZ riddle. This moment was excellent and easily superceded my minor gripes. UGH when will you reveal Notrette's whole deal GWitch? We're waiting
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Such a bittersweet moment. We know from the Blessing and Cradle Planet that Eri loves her sister but it may not have been until this moment that Suletta understands her feelings. Now, I don't think she's 'dead' tbh. Or deader anyway. I suspect it's a false flag to hook you until the finale. It would be quite anti-climactic if she passed without a proper goodbye. I'm still holding out on a Tempest end where Prospera voluntarily sets her free.
The next Sunday will be our last. Hard to believe tbh. Feels like just yesterday we set out on this spectacular journey. Que sera sera! I'll see y'all in the finale~
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definitelynotshouting · 9 months
you've talked before about how the watchers are going to go extinct at some point in the future due to being competed out of their ecological niche by the listeners. which got me thinking. couldn't... something that might prevent that... be... whatever doc's machine is going to be? LIKE. don't get me wrong that would not be a good or workable idea for many, MANY reasons on ALL sides here. it's not like the continued existence of the watchers as a race is even something that literally any character in the fic, including and especially grian, even actually wants, like grian would be jumping for joy if you walked up to him and told him the watchers are gonna go extinct. but like. it's coming to me that the eventual endpoint of the fic is that grian's food issues are taken care of and he will be secure and well-fed for the foreseeable future, while the rest of the watchers as a society are doomed to slow extinction via starvation. which just. idk. makes me feel stuff.
Tbh i also feel things about this-- theres a very grim undertone to the whole au when you really look at it beyond Grian's experiences. It is, i think, at its core a quietly bleak concept, and i dont blame you for having some weird feelings about it. I dont necessarily set out to make those canon ofc, but sometimes the worldbuilding leads to these kind of conclusions, and its definitely very gut-wrenching when you really think about it
Ideally, yes, Doc's machine would be able to feed the Watchers-- though whether or not they'd accept that solution is a different story. I think the best way i can give some insight on this is via an analogy; think of, lets say....... livestock. You're a keeper of livestock, and one day one of your cows comes up to you and offers you a limitless supply of raw potatoes in exchange for not eating cows anymore. And like-- you could!! You could do that!!! Potatoes are nutritionally capable of supporting the vast majority of your needs, food-wise, but theyre just. Raw potatoes. They taste bad and they're ultimately very boring to eat day after day. And maybe if you're looking to turn vegan, you'd take this offer in less than a heartbeat. But your average person is not gonna wanna give up dairy or steak, or their livelihood. Its kinda like that-- the Players are a food source for Watchers, and barring that, a cradle for Watcher larvae.
I think ultimately Grian wouldnt like. Be jumping for joy at the concept of the Watchers going extinct-- i think his reaction would be far more complicated, marked by both compassion (he's starved-- he knows how terrible it is) and fear (they are the main source of his trauma). Like i just generally think his feelings on the matter boil down to "i hope i never have to see them again, they can go exist over there as far away from me as possible" if that makes sense. But i wouldnt say he'd be cheering for their deaths-- just that once its clear Listeners are competing them out, it'd be a foregone conclusion to him. A very objectively sad but inescapable inevitability :(
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literaticat · 3 months
hi jenn! im in the very fortunate position of having multiple offers on my book. what sort of questions/things should i look out for to choose between—what seems like—two stellar agents? thanks!
Congratulations! That's definitely a "champagne problem" :D
The other day (week? idk) I wrote a post about what you might expect on "the call" with a potential agent, and there was a link in there to potential questions to ask. (There is LOTS and LOTS of advice on the internet about what to ask a literary agent, too, so I won't reinvent the wheel by writing it all down here!)
Basically, though, just go into each call with an open mind and see what they have to say. You can by all means have a list of questions like the ones in that link above -- but I bet they will answer many of them before you even have the chance to ask. You can absolutely compare and contrast their agency agreements. You can absolutely ask to be connected to a couple of each of their clients to ask them what THEIR experience has been. (Caveat that obviously they aren't gonna give you the info for people who hate them, so it's likely the clients will give nice recommendations -- but still, it's useful to hear!)
Remember that this is about YOU and YOUR needs and YOUR book. So don't base a decision solely on "this agent/agency is more flashy" or "this agent is more internet famous" or whatever -- I'd listen to them both and see if you like their communication style and agree with their assessment of the book. Does one of them seem to "get it" more than the other? Is one of them more "editorial" than the other (and do you WANT that)? Does one of them have a big track record in that kind of book specifically? What are their thoughts about a strategy for YOUR book?
Let's say one of them says, "oh, this will sell for six figures tomorrow, I'd send it out as is" and the other one says "well, I think this needs some revisions" -- the first one, I'd raise my eyebrow at a little, tbh, because I don't give a shit who you are, NOBODY can guarantee that a book will sell quickly and for a large pile of money. (In THIS economy???) -- the second one, I'd want to know what kind of revisions -- major, minor? Do you agree with the general thrust of them? Do they, in talking about the book, seem to be nailing things that you have actually thought about already? IF SO, that would make me feel like... yeah, they are probably right! And I'd lean toward Agent 2 in that scenario. If, on the other hand, I really wasn't feeling the revision they mentioned, maybe that would make me lean toward Agent 1 -- I'd just temper my expectations by putting a large grain of salt on the "six figures tomorrow" business! ;-)
After you talk to them both about themselves and their agency and their feelings on the book, and you've asked every question you can think of or find online, and you've compared their agency agreements, and you've spoken to their clients -- well, it could be that they are both perfectly excellent in the exact same ways -- but I'll BET they are both excellent in slightly different ways. So sleep on it. What does your gut say? Does one just FEEL right to you?
(If after ALL that you truly can't decide, well, they both must be great, so really, it'll be fine either way! So at that point, I guess you do what I do when I'm trying to decide what to eat for dinner. Get a coin. Agent A is heads, Agent B is tails. Flip it. Whichever way it lands, what's your instant reaction? Do you feel satisfied? Or kinda disappointed? That's your answer!)
Good luck! Yay!
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honestly, this was probably the best thing to happen to Dieter. So while I’m gutted he and everybody else had to go through this, it can only go up from here!
but also… he called Talia in that moment 🥺 that just kinda makes me 🥺😭😭
And also. I’m gonna say it and I know I’m probably alone with this but man… I found Lauren kinda annoying this chapter lmao 😂 like I know where she’s coming from with Talia not actually dealing with her shit but come on.. cut her some slack? Her famous actor boyfriend broke up with her via a phone call and then got permanently drunk while basically the whole world was watching.
I just found her a bit too righteous and pushy. Also the song choice for her, that was kinda messed up? It’s not like Talia wanted to break up with Dieter?? She didn’t have to show or prove anything to him really, so I just kinda didn’t like that tbh!
But this chapter was great!! I wish I could just continue reading to find out what happens next because aaaaaaah!! I’m so desperate for them to reunite when whatever was up with Dieter is finally better. I feel like he’s gonna be so sorry and I can already see him in a hospital bed looking all small and sad and puppy eyes 🥺
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Thanks for the message anon! Looks like you’re putting me to the test today. 🤣
This response includes spoilers for chapter 24 of Destiny & Deliverance below the cut.
It’s definitely a good thing that it happened the way it did. It could have gone very badly if Dieter hadn’t of made that call. I think once it’s revealed what is going on with him, everyone will be surprised and realize it should never have happened at all. It is sad for all involved obviously…and to think, these types of things really do happen every day.
Yes! Talk about drunk dialing…The fact that he called her tells us he was ready to stop fighting his feelings. He wanted to fix it and he knew he fucked up. Unfortunately, he was too messed up to really get any of that out. It did hit the feels extra hard though. I also love that Talia didn’t hesitate to go to him once she realized something was off. She’s going to take care of him no matter how big of an ass he has been. She loves him too much not to.
So Lauren…I think it may help to have some insight on where she’s coming from. Let’s remember, it’s been several months since Talia and D split. Also, we have to consider Talia’s history. Lauren knows that Talia holds things in and will self destruct over it. She did it with her marriage and she’s doing it even worse with D. Lauren just wants to get through to her and prevent something bad from happening (again). Keep in mind, Talia knew an awful lot about alcohol poisoning. We will circle back around to that topic eventually. So, Lauren starts taking a bit of a tough love approach. Sometimes, that is something you have to do with people (trust me, I’ve been there). It’s truly coming from a place of love for her friend. She’s worried about her.
Now, on the flip side of that, Dieter was one of Lauren’s few close friends too. Talia wasn’t the only one who lost him when he hit that self destruct button. Lauren is also now dating D’s brother and sees the affect D’s spiral is having on Alex too. She is privy to information that Talia doesn’t have. She has communicated with Dieter and tried to talk to him just like his family has. Remember in chapter 23 when she said, “You’re both so fucking stubborn”? She was totally working behind the scenes to sort D out and getting nowhere with him. Why? Because he had convinced himself that Talia was moving on and didn’t need him in her life. Outwardly, Talia seemed to be ok with the split and he didn’t believe Lauren when she told him otherwise.
Now the song… was it messed up? Yes, a little. Lauren honestly wasn’t expecting that type of reaction from Talia though. However, Lauren did hope that it might make Talia think about how she was really feeling. It worked, a little too well.
As far as Talia having something to prove to D…you’re right, she didn’t have anything, but Lauren did. Lauren wanted D to know that Talia was in fact hurting over the split and missed him because he didn’t believe it. We have to remember, at this point D is not speaking to the family (or Lauren by extension) and she was looking to reach him any way she could because she knows how bad off he really is. The family is grasping at straws by this point. She saw the situation as an opportunity.
So long story short, Lauren really is stuck between a rock and hard place. She’s trying to navigate it the best she can, but it’s to the point where they are all getting a little desperate.
Hopefully that gives a little more insight into Lauren’s POV on everything. She really has no malicious intentions, she just wants her friends to be healthy and happy.
They will be reunited eventually. It’s going to be a long road for him, and Talia too. And yes, there will be a lot of sad puppy dog eyes in the coming chapters. 🥹
I’m happy you enjoyed the chapter. Thanks for following along on this little adventure! 💜
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CC: @rhoorl @bitchwitch1981 @readingiskeepingmegoing @runningmom94 @for-a-longlongtime @hisandsnakes @chaoticfestninja @survivingandenduring @partyofone3413 @cakipy-blog @titlee78 @poodlebae @guelyury @missladym1981 @maried01 @alokaerza @samiamproductions @misstokyo7love @themonadiaries-blog @madnessofadaydreamer @darkheartgatita @avastrasposts @weho2kcmo @harriedandharassed @tkchaos
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elialys · 1 year
I’ve finished season 2 of The Newsreader two hours and a half ago, and I’ve yet to be able to talk about my feels with ANYONE, so I’m doing what I do in most cases when I have too many feels about something—opening a new word document to write things down.
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This season genuinely surprised me so many times. I had no actual expectations, but I had thoughts on what might happen from the season promo and the episodes' synopses. Most of the time, turned out I was absolutely wrong, and I’ve never been happier to be wrong.
This is not very coherent, more ‘string of thoughts’ than anything else, and I’m skipping soooo many things but here are my main thoughts/emotions on each episode:
Episode 3 Greed and Fear
I knew it would be about Helen’s past being dug out and was so worried. Didn’t expect to be laughing so much?? Like, only a couple of scenes but god those were genuinely funny. Gerry’s wife telling Helen’s about her torn vagina from giving birth? Lindsay’s song about Charlie being hit hard in the economic crash? Absolute gold.
The "hey let’s get married to give that columnist something else to write about” idea from Dale and Helen’s reaction to it went about as well as I expected it to go.
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I have to say, I did not expect the Helen & Charlie’s interactions to get that real that fast but I…kinda liked it? I still think Charlie’s a shit head but I loved that they made him feel like an actual human? Genuinely fond of that scene of him and Helen in his office waiting for midnight, with her on his couch telling him about her past, it just felt genuine.
Don’t get me started on Helen and Dale on HER couch at the end of the episode though. Just, I want to live there, in that scene. With them cuddling on that couch, and nothing bad ever ever happening to their couple, ever.
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Episode 4 The Hungry Truth
This episode was a punch in the gut. The way the approached the Bicentennial event and the Aboriginal side of the story was so poignant and heartbreaking. That shot of them watching the cheery News at Six promo at the end instead of the planned interview with Lynus was captivating in a ‘I feel sick in the stomach’ kind of way.
Helen’s convictions and hard work being cast aside and spat on again at the last second was infuriating, she tries SO HARD to stand up for those who don’t have a voice and she hits walls every step of the way.
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Dale’s real proposal? I'm still recovering. When I read the initial synopsis, I worried he was going to do something *big*, but he didn’t. It was intimate and romantic and sincere, and holy hell couldn’t have happened at a worse time ??? I know there was no way for him to really ‘hide’ his preparations from Helen at that point but ugh.
That end scene had me in tears tbh, both Sam and Anna just killed me. Because you can tell Helen loves Dale and he loves her yet she turns him down and everything hurts?
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Episode 5 A Model Daughter
Let me just say I’ve loved Kay’s character. I love the extra depth it brought to the Walters family, and I love how she allowed for the very real issue of heroin addiction to be explored this season. And obviously, I love how her story intertwined with Helen’s and the way it made this episode unfold, like, DAAAAMN.
But first of all, Helen and Dale. Oh the pain. Oh the sweet sweet pain. I binged so I barely had time to process any of my feelings, but I felt all the feelings. It was dramatic without being overdramatic. Again, all of it felt so human. I wish we’d seen more actual conversation between Helen and Dale with Helen explaining exactly why she doesn’t want marriage and why she broke it off completely, but there’s enough there to get it and just hurt with them.
That scene of them in the make up room, after Dale realizes there’s been some ‘flirting’ going on between her and Charlie? SO many things are said without them needing to actually say them, it just hangs in the air and OH THE DELICIOUS PAIN.
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That award party was so good, they were all so drunk and I was so worried about Dale. And then the whole Gerry, Tim, Dale thing was wholesome for about two and half seconds. I wasn’t sure when the ‘gay club’ scene would happen or how Dale would end up there, I didn’t expect things to happen that way, it was like watching a car crash in slow motion. I feel sad for people who ship Dale and Tim because I’m sure this is not how they hoped Tim’s character would come back—and that the random dude Dale wakes up next to is not who they were hoping for. Dale’s whole spiraling out this episode was just painful in a painfully perfect way.
Everything about Kay’s interview, every character involved…ugh so damn good. The interview itself made me cry, but that’s probably because of my own issues haha. Kay going to Helen and begging her to take her part off the story, not knowing Lindsay decided to make the story ALL about her and her parents against Helen’s assurances that they wouldn't do that.
Helen’s demeanor sitting at that desk, finally deciding that enough is enough. HELEN STANDING UP, GETTING THE TAPES AND DESTROYING THE TAPES WHILE WALKING OUT.
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Actual Queen. Might be my favorite sequence in the entire season, but don’t take my word for it yet. Of course she goes to Charlie and jumps on him right after that but everyone’s human hahahaaaaa.
Episode 6 Fireworks
I don’t even know what to say, I’m still trying to process this. They gave us time with everyone, and I loved every second of it, but I still begged for more time with Helen and Dale, individually and together. Now I get what Sam meant by ‘Dead Dale’. Oh yes he’s the Big Guy now with the Big House, King of News and all that but he’s clearly dead inside too, so that’s nice I guess.
The way they resolved the issue of “Helen and Charlie” being a thing in under 3 minutes combined was beautiful to be honest. I was losing it watching that short, extremely distressing montage of Charlie and Helen like, might have clawed at my face a bit. But the way she threw him out of her life the second he dared say some shit about Dale? Beautiful.
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Lindsay needs to die in a fire though. I’m so glad Dennis punched him in the face but someone needs to push him in front of a bus. That scene between him and Helen in his office was just VILE. What a pathetic excuse for a human being, all these things he did to her and SAID to her, I am not okay. And him sabotaging her at her new job like, DIE ALREADY OMG.
Was it really Gerry who told the columnist about Tim though??? Because that scene between Gerry and Dale, all unspoken? GOD. This damn show.
Gotta end with Helen and Dale. I am so upset. I think/hope they will find their way back together WHEN we get a 3rd season, and I believe them learning to live apart is needed and necessary, BUT GOD I AM GENUINELY HURTING. Helen’s desperate proposal was so upsetting. The fact that Dale was too dead inside to tell her more than “no” and “just do your job” like.
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I don’t even blame him because he’s a hot mess trapped in his own catatonia but THE PAIN. That airport scene, someone put me out of my misery please, how dare they use THAT song (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, anyone??). Also, I realize I’m extremely biased given how much I love Anna Torv but??? She doesn’t say a single word in that scene as she watches Dale on the tv yet you know exactly what she’s thinking and feeling and everything hurts.
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Noelene and Rob? So sorry I didn’t mention you at all in this post yet, you were so lovely and precious and so necessary for my emotional sanity, absolutely love how they “mirrored” and contrasted Helen and Dale, even if it adds to my pain as a Helen/Dale shipper who just watched three failed proposals in the span of 8 hours.
This show better be renewed. I need them to fix this mess. Wonderfully crafted mess but still a mess.
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hayakawalove · 2 months
❗️Food for thought ❗️
Hypothetically speaking, If curses ceased to exist all of a sudden, would gojo be happy/relieved?
Since it was mentioned/insinuated by nanami I believe in the afterlife chapter that gojo enjoys and gets a sort of thrill from exorcising curses and that’s his motivation to keep going? Idkk I’m kinda confused abt this tbh…. 😭
I’m gonna be real with you. I haven’t read that chapter yet KDKFKKFKFKFOF I am reading the manga just not there yet, I’ve taken a break as I’ve been busy but I’m past the anime part so. I do know what you’re talking about, I’ve seen stuff about that. Here are my thoughts. ITS MY OPINION but. Yeah.
So I think it’s very different if curses Didn’t exist and if they Cease to exist. I think if they didn’t exist gojo would just be normal. Well, as normal as his personality allows. But if they cease to exist I think….he would be very confused. His entire life and his entire purpose has been to exorcise curses. He’s never been Satoru Gojo, he’s only ever been Satoru Gojo, the sorcerer with the six eyes and limitless. So I think he may struggle to figure out what to do from here on out. I don’t wanna say he would struggle to find his purpose, cause I don’t think he would ever think it’s that deep, but I do think subconsciously there would be a part of him that would be like Now What. Like he’d have all this free time. He would for sure try a bunch of different hobbies to fill his time. That being said, for someone who was basically groomed into being a sorcerer from birth, I feel like he already has a good foundation of personhood. Like he isn’t this blank slate. I think he would just need to build on that. I could see him enjoying traveling or getting into sports.
I think it’s interesting to think about whether or not he’d still be a teacher or something like that. My gut reaction is No KDJKDJDKDK but maybe. I’ve talked with my friends before about how helpful Gojo is as a person. I think a lot of the reason he’s a teacher is circumstantial, so I’m not sure if he’d like. Want to help students or whatever. But I do think he’s used to being useful, because he’s been treated like a tool his whole life (whether or not he acted like one is up to you, I would say he didn’t. He’s more like a stubborn nail that wouldnt get hammered down). But helpful and useful possibly could go hand in hand…. I don’t know, I’ve heard good debates from both sides, and I don’t really have an opinion. But if he was a teacher, that could be another way for him to fill his time and to be less bored, or to feel useful.
Anyway. I think Gojo would see it from an objective point of view. Curses are bad. Curses cease to exist. That’s good, right? He would see it as good. I think he would have two outlooks. On one hand I think he would be happy because curses are bad. But on another hand I think a part of him would be like hmmmmmm…. But not in like a disappointed way. He would just have to figure out how to live his life. I think above all else he’d just be bored. Of course he would be happy that curses ceased to exist, but I think he wouldn’t have a major reaction to that part. I think the main thing is now he has to figure who he is as a person and what he wants to do. He’d finally get to be Satoru Gojo, whoever that really is. Did this answer your question? I hope so.
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mssf-milk · 1 year
Chara's reaction on different Sans aus (headcanon thingy)
Warning: just for fun and not canon! These are my Chara's opinions on these Sanses, not mine.
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1. Classic (Undertale)
- mine.
2. Killer (Something New)
- damn just like me fr
- brother killer
- his chara really did a number on him
- a shame i can't have a conversation with them, could be useful
- barely recognizable as sans anymore
- probably because he is something in-between monster and human, relatable tbh
- could be entertaining company
- but way too scattered and unstable
- one day that will be his undoing
- should take note of his situation for future discretion
2. Horror (Horrortale)
- how is he even still alive?
- made everyone eat human flesh, yet does not indulge himself, baffling
- it's not like he has much to lose...
- do understand how he feels due to undyne's and alphys's betrayal
- keeps his village fed and turned the lizard into a vegetable, respect
- but then destroyed the core leaving the underground without any solution
- mixed feelings
3. Murder (Dusttale)
- damn... kinda hot
- would hate my guts, also hot
- interesting eyelights
- hallucinates papyrus everywhere, has gone coocoo lol
- is similar to killer in some ways
- both killed everyone to get out of the cycle
- except he did for a clear purpose, not to "feel something different"
- now is doomed to either battle his human forever
- or live completely alone for years on end
- was it all worth it, sansy?
4. Fell (Underfell)
- edgelord
- go outside
- is just annoying in all honesty
- the dynamic with his brother is weird
- as his choice of clothing
- quick to anger, could be fun to annoy
- but mostly just pathetic
5. Outer (Outertale)
- same thing different font
- except even the font is the same
- yet is still just somehow boring
- i am not even sure how that is possible
6. Error (Errortale)
- what the hell is this
- manchild
- hobo
- also likes chocolate, but is that supposed to make me like him?
- if not for his strings he'd just be too easy
- you can see how vulnerable he is behind it all, renders him also pathetic
- but aside from that, could be a capable opponent
- when he's not glitching over just some light touch again
- better not interfere with my universe
- or i'll put his phobia to the use
7. Ink
- forgetful and childish
- also should steer clear of me
- might kill him even if tried to hold it in
- is soulless like flowey
- will probably one day just grow bored
- but hopefully can keep the hobo busy
8. Fresh (Underfresh)
- goodbye.
- don't even breathe in my direction please.
9. Blue (Underswap)
- papyrus in sans's body
- would whimper
- and be fun to break
- but not my cup of tea
10. Cross (X-Tale)
- also killed everyone
- why is that so common?...
- also kinda of an edgelord
- used to have a male version of me in his body, cool i guess
- don't have much to say really
12. Lust (Underlust)
- whore.
- but at least he recognizes that.
13. Dance (Dancetale)
- my sans but can breakdance
- is that really it
- how exciting
14. Nightmare (Dreamtale)
- we are not so different you and i
- i can respect a man with class!
- but don't touch my universe
- you'll regret it
15. Dream (Dreamtale)
- has some drip
- but too positive for my liking
- his entire worlview is naive and foolish
- nightmare was right about you
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notjustjavierpena · 1 year
Hey! I was- still am obsessed with Switch and tbh, I kinda began yearning for something a previous anon mentioned. What if reader ends up pregnant and both agree on an abortion? I know it's a sensitive topic and you don't have to write anything like it at all if it's a nono, but I wish Joel would have been with me when I went to the clinic. I really missed the comfort and reading something like that would kinda heal a big wound for me, I haven't seen auch a fic anywhere. Again, no pressure, I think anon had a good idea there.
A/N: I made this very short because I wanted to do it tastefully and without too many details. I debated whether to write it because this author (it’s me, i’m the author) got a full hysterectomy three months ago and I still feel a little puzzled by the whole hospital experience. Additionally, this is a continuation of Switch, but it won’t be a canon part of my DBF universe since my Joel would never continue the relationship with reader after this. It would be a deal-breaker.  Furthermore, I wasn't completely sure that this suited the mood of my blog :')
Tags: Angst, hospitals, implied abortion, dbf!joel 
Word count: 472
Dbf!Joel x f!reader
You wake up in a hospital bed with eyes so tired that they make your eyelids sting, nausea present in your empty stomach. It’s all a blur of white, painful and sterile, causing you to look around with slight confusion and panic. 
“You’re awake, let me get a nurse,” Joel’s voice makes you instantly cry from relief. He is just about to leave the tiny hospital room, but stops dead in his tracks as soon as he hears the same sniffles as he had on the phone not long ago when you had told him you were pregnant. 
Were pregnant.
He hates to be the one who makes you cry. 
Whipping around, he goes to stand by your bed. Instinctively, he reaches out to run a hand over your hair in the most parental of ways and it soothes you whilst you push away the thought of how twisted this is. 
“Shh,” he coos, using his knuckles to wipe away a tear that’s on its way down into your ear, “S’alright, baby girl. Everything went according to plan. Nothing to be scared of anymore.”
“I’m so sorry, Joel, I didn’t know who else to bring,” you sob, certain that the pain meds have upped your emotional reaction because your crying turns absolutely uncontrollable. 
Joel feels worse than after any gut punch. He leans down over you, but only slightly so as to make eye contact. His voice is firm but soft, “Listen. It’s okay. Alright? Breathe. You’ll be okay. What were you supposed to do? Go alone?”
You shake your head, fresh tears running down your cheeks so fast that Joel cannot catch them. You avoid his eyes.
“No no, look at me.”
You force yourself to stare up at him. 
“I’m sorry,” he tells you, and oh fuck, does he mean it, “This— this, us, can’t happen again. We don’t have to ever speak of it.”
That hurts you more than you thought it would, and you frantically shake your head, “No, no, Joel, no. I don’t want you to leave me hanging.” 
How do you tell him that he had made your loneliness a distant memory when you had been in his arms?
He says your name with a sigh, but you pull him down for a kiss suddenly. You hadn’t kissed during your meeting (You aren’t sure what else to call it) in your room. It takes Joel by surprise, even more when he finds himself kissing you back ever so softly. 
“No, we can’t,” he pushes gently at your chest to stop himself from feeling anything more, and you untangle yourself from him with disappointment. He swears under his breath, fist clenched by his side.
“But Jo–”
“Let me get that nurse.”
You stare down at your hands from where you are lying, not knowing where this’ll go.
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
so as someone who lived in an abusive household that has since then moved into my own apartment the one thing i always hated was how dirty the house was and how unkept it was and it has made me so particular about cleaning and how things should be cleaned so basically what i want to ask is how are their living conditions? i know its a sewer but is it really dirty because of lack of care (splinter not giving a shit unless its his room) or is splinter really really strict about how nothing should be dirty and out of place
it's dirty but in a kind of "raph is a kid and can't keep everything clean so he mostly focuses on picking up after the parts of the house Splinter cares about" kind of way.
kind of alluded to it here with the turtles sleeping setups, but their furniture situation isn't great either. Splinter is the only one with an actual bed set up and like, good furniture. most of the tables/shelves in the boys rooms are either cheap fold out stuff or pretty broken. the better furniture is usually claimed by splinter or Leo, and if not they decide who gets what amongst themselves.
cleanest places are Splinters room, the dojo, the dining "room"/table, and I wanna say the kitchen but lets be real here that place is a mess. barely any counter space at any point in time. RIP.
everywhere probably has cans and cups and grime and stuff around the edges of the room. forgotten books shoved behind furniture. trampled paper, piles of clothes that don't fit anymore. holes in the walls and floor that people just get kinda used to. the works. (basing it off of my house lol tw for unsanitary living conditions i guess?? Idk it's just poor person shit. house collapsing, this aint even really a negligence thing but there are other parts of the house that FOR SURE are)
sidenote: I'm kind of the opposite. I just learned to live in filth and now my acceptable standards of filth and decay are way higher than other people's. this irritates everyone because it means I get grouchy about cleaning (cause it's like, I'm not even the one who cares if things are clean like im ok with FILFTH) and my gf gets annoyed cause like. im being gross.
and i know im in the wrong here so when i stay at her place i try to clean anyway lmao. doesn't stop the bitter gut reaction i have about cleaning tho (i'd probably be better at it if my mom didn't make cleaning so unpleasant and miserable that now it's something I avoid habitually)
anyway the brothers probably get into fights about cleaning and stuff when they move out together cause some of them might be really particular about cleaning (I'm thinking Donnie and possibly Leo, which would be weird for them to be on the same side) and some of them are kind of just ok with living in a bit of filth (Mikey for the most part)
Raph is fine with whatever tbh, he's more concerned about everything being easy to access than like, how many dishes are on the table. especially now that he doesn't have to pick up after everyone anymore :) he's let himself relax a bit.
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feathers-little-nest · 6 months
And here it is, the list of my fav Iron Widow moments! Enjoy?
As always feel free to discuss with me or share your favorite moments!!
It's below the cut bcs spoilers
- chapter 5, I figured that I could note my fav moments of this book as well XD
- starting on not the best note, I fucking hate Yang Guang, I hate him so much, I want to rip his guts out,
- chapter 8, the fight was so epic!! I love how MC just kinda forgor about the whole dying thing and went with the flow
- and that she killed that motherfucker! I didn't have to tolerate him for too long >:D
- it's honestly quite funny that Qin Zheng was killed by pox (I hope I'm getting the name of the illness right lol, I'm reading this in Polish translation and have 0 knowledge about any medical terminology in English)
- just a note but it's harder for me to keep up with those notes for Iron Widow than for Qian Qiu. I think it's because 1. its pace is faster 2. its chapters are shorter. so anyway
- chapter 10, Wu Zetian just needs to scream 24/7 and I respect it so much
- chapter 12, idk, Li Shimin is kinda cute
- I also like strategist Zhuge but that may be just because he has a fan
- chapter 13, those qi power statistic are so untrustworthy lol. I wouldn't be so happy to have so much higher qi stats than the average if the margin of error is like 17k
- chapter 14, damn, I miss Yizhi...
- chapter 19, oh my god, Yizhi is back!! T^T
- I absolutely love all the tiny historical details in this story. I'm probably missing a lot but those which I can catch are amazing (and satisfying, good to know that I know something about Chinese history after all that learning)
- omg Gao Yizhi grabbing Li Shimin's leash is one of the things I need to draw, damn, it paints such a clear picture in my mind
- chapter 21, Sima Yi is just a hater by nature and I start to enjoy it,
- chapter 23, Yizhi screaming "you can't shoot me I'm rich!!!" I love this boy
- chapter 29, god, Yizhi, Shimin and Zetian are sooo cute
- also "one traumatized Xing Tian", that made me laugh out loud
- "usually adding qi of a third person only strengthened the dissonance (...) no one knows why we succeeded" yeah I wonder why, hmmmmmm
- I kinda like Gao Qiu. I know he's probably bad news but damn, he's fun
- also a Wu Zetian fan nr1, seeing his reaction I'm surprised that he didn't ask for an autograph (I forgot that he's sexist af)
- tho, tbh, I think he's more afraid of what he can't control than purely sexist; interesting guy, I want to dissect him,
- I wonder if anything happened between LSM and GYZ during that party at Gao's, hmm,
- chapter 36, I actually think Sima Yi might be one of my fav characters? come on, the guy came to the wedding just because he wanted to support his little dumdums
- chapter 39, YES FUCK AN LUSHAN
- damn I didn't think they'll actually kill him. oh well. he won't be missed. judging by his character, even his son won't miss him
- Yizhi is the wife in this throuple, isn't he /jk
- chapter 42, I like how Wu Zetian's reaction to something not going well is just "maybe we should burn ourselves alive actually", relatable queen
- Sima Yi just lost his good guy badge. he better have a damn good excuse for abondoning MCs this easily,
- chapter 44, QIN PIERDOLONY ZHENG, już zawsze będę go tak nazywać 🫡
- chapter 46, is Qin Pierdolony Zheng playing snake with hunduns instead of apples¿?
- I still can't believe that Shimin is actually dead. Like. Dead dead. Super dead. Human marmalade dead. How... why him T^T
- chapter 47, I love how among all this death and destruction the worst problem Qin Pierdolony Zheng has is inflation,
- Qin Pierdolony Zheng has a beef with gods, I think he's the most rel character now
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Binged Ore ga Watashi ni Naru made, AKA Until I Become Me, in the last couple days (or rather caught up, since it ain't finished). P short, but sweet GB manga with a bunch of gender feels (and middle school drama lel). Does the "you contracted the genderswap disease when you were 8 years old and there is no cure" and actually plays it kinda seriously.
Since he was a bully as a boy, he kind of gets isolated, harassed, and has to move schools and just 100% commit to being a girl. It's played as like a p traumatic experience. Enough that the MC prioritizes fitting in as a girl as much as he can and his family is always worried about this being a burden on him. The english fanslation actually uses "I(♀)" and "I(♂)" to denote when he's using Watashi(♀) or Ore(♂).
The way things progress is that the MC slowly starts to like feminine things more because it connects her to her best friend. This progresses more and more, but the MC continually feels guilt around her family because she feels like she's not lining up with their expectations (she's not supposed to like this). There's a funny moment where her mostly absent, businessman dad buys her this keychain because he remembers that she liked stuff like this when she was a boy, but she's like a teen now so it's like:
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Actually, on that note, I really like how this manga voices it's MC's thoughts a lot at different times. It gives a lot of her gut reactions, her guilt, her social anxiety, her random hate of this bitchy classmate, etc. It also kinda confirms that she still doesn't feel 100% a girl. Like still using majority Ore in internal monologue as of recent chapters. There's even a more direct statement of it of her venting to this nurse who sorta became her Onee-chan she relies on in v tough situations:
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Iunno like all of this together makes it feel v real. Stuff you can't tell friends your own age or family because it would completely change your life so you can only tell this nurse/friend you trust. Honestly, if I were in her situation, I could easily see myself turning into this weird Bigender mess.
I don't think the series will fully go that way. It's sort of taking steps so that the MC sees he can enjoy the male hobbies that he's still attached to despite being a girl, so I'm expecting her to fully just accept being a girl eventually. Which I'd actually be p happy with; the internal monologue walking us through her direct reactions to a lot of these moments has made that feel like a viable option I'd be happy with. I think that's partially why I like this story a lot more than other GB manga. A lot of those just don't show the MCs thought process much at all, which leads to me interpreting things that can eventually leave me feeling burned when they start identifying as something I didn't feel coming by the end.
Honestly, an ultra-based option would be her eventually becoming an orekko, since that'd be her finally being comfortable with her inner voice coming out. I have less hope for bigender (or even boy beyond that, this is a GB story after all), but I still got a sliver.
Oh also, the best friend earlier, v fun. They're v sweet together and it feels like it might eventually end up going for a yuri route with her and MC. Even if they don't, they've just been through so much together and been supportive of each other that I'm super sold on the friendship. I like the gag where BF calls MC a perv.
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Overall just p sweet manga. There's drama, but it doesn't feel too heavy (even if the MC is freaking out about it).
TBH maybe I shouldn't count out the boy/boy-adjacent ending options, recent chapter, although untranslated, had him in a sweater-vest.
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