#it was han geng and justin huang and wu lei and they got wu lei to dance in front of them
dilirebas · 3 years
some freakish coincidences between 3088 that are legitimate coincidences
30 and 88 have both been asked in interviews (two different interviews, several years apart) who was the last person they kissed, because li yifeng was the previous person to get interviewed and got to come up with a question for the next guest
they both did the “don’t be angry” dance
this caption from a 2016 episode of Happy Camp that says “LeiDi power is coming” (which definitely doesn’t refer to the ship because it didn’t exist in 2016....they’re making a joke about Wu Lei but I honestly don’t know what the joke means 🤷🏻‍♀️)
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30 and 88 have also sung the same song on two different episodes of Happy Camp and somehow ended up doing the same dance too even though 88 was just moving around spontaneously
they walked red carpets consecutively after each other
they’ve said the same things or made the same jokes including “i’m just gaining weight for fun” and their answers to why they enjoy acting
30 was the top comment on zhang ruoyun’s weibo post of his wedding photos with tang yixin and 88 was the top comment on tang yixin’s repost of the same post. you can see it here.
88’s Instagram profile pic is a face she drew in the sand. 30 wrote “LEO WU” in the sand for his Grazia photo shoot and he drew a face in the O
30 has “rescued” 88 on 3 different occasions. there were 3 collaborations where 30 wasn’t in the original plans and it should have been someone else, but the arrangement fell through and 30 came in at the last minute to save the show. those 3 collaborations were the Harper’s Bazaar shoot, the 2018 Happy Camp episode, and The Long Ballad
here’s a photo of 30 at the airport in March 2020 when he hopped on a plane with no suitcase and no assistant, rushing to the TLB set to make filming possible after the original male lead was removed from the project
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edit: 2 more coincidences here that might not be coincidences https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1v54y1V7mD
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