#it took a long fucking time to figure out how to get iggy to stop photobombing
dragonpropaganda · 2 years
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Power station’s getting a bit of a makeover visually, since it didn’t really feel as interesting as my other regions.
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bowser-is-the-best · 1 year
Bowser had headed out early today, Junior said he wanted to explore the island and who was he to say no to his son? The two were just going around route 8 near the Lush Jungle looking for anything interesting. Well it was more Junior was but Bowser was going along with his son.
Everything was normal until what sounded like a big branch, no a few branches, breaking came from nearby. Soon after came what sounded like a bunch of people yelling at each other, those voices sounded very familiar.
Junior seemed to have taken note of it too, immediately turning his attention away from whatever pretty rock he had found.
"What was that?", Junior asked looking towards the source of the sound.
"I don't know...", Bowser replied.
"Well then let's go find out!!!", Junior said as he began running towards where the sounds were coming from.
"Wait Junior-", Bowser tried telling his son not to go but before he could he was already gone.
The Koopa King simply followed behind his son to the source of the noise. As they got closer it was easier to hear the exact words that were being said and separate the voice better.
"I'M BEING SQUISHED HELP ME!!!", one very strained voice said.
"Excuse my language BUT WHOEVER IS SITTING ON MY TAIL GET THE FUCK OFF", Another one said, that particular phrasing and how it was said was very familiar to Bowser.
"SORRY BUT MAYBE IF ROY COULD GET OFF MY LEGS I COULD!!! NOT MY GODDAMN FAULT I CAN'T!!!", this voice was distinctly more feminine than the others.
Now that he thought about it, that did sound like Wendy. Oh fuck did this mean the rest of the Koopalings were here now?
Finally getting to the source of the yelling, yep that was a pile of kids alright. Junior had stopped nearby a tree, and his father joined him soon after. Bowser was still trying to figure out if these were in fact his other kids. He didn't have much time to think before another voice spoke right next to the two.
"Who are you two?", a small kid probably only a few years older than Junior with multicolored hair asked.
"AHHH!!", Junior exclaimed as he jumped into his father's arms.
Bowser was equally surprised as he caught Junior. This was probably Lemmy judging by the hair color, how'd he get out of the pile so fast?
"Uhhh...", Bowser didn't have a good response.
"WAIT WHERE'D LEMMY GO?!", one of the people from the pile, which was no longer a pile, exclaimed.
"HI I'M OVER HERE! THERE ARE TWO WEIRDOS HERE AS WELL!", Lemmy replied pointing and Bowser and Junior.
The other seven people that were other there looked over at the two. They definitely reminded the Koopa King of his kids and Kamek.
"Hi?", Bowser said, not knowing what to do now, as he put Junior back down.
The person who Bowser assumed was probably Kamek took a long look at the two before seeming to recognize them.
"Your Surliness, is that you?", Kamek asked
"It's nice to see you again Kamek...", Bowser replied trying not be be awkward.
All the Koopalings looked over at Bowser and Junior with wide eyes.
"WAIT THAT'S KING DAD?!", Larry asked.
"It makes sense if you ask me, we were turned to humans, well mostly human, upon arrival I wouldn't see why he and Junior wouldn't as well.", Ludwig responded.
The twins Larry and Iggy didn't even wait another second before running up to Bowser and just hugging him.
"YOU'RE NOT DEAD YAY!!!!", Iggy said extremely happy.
"AND YOU'RE ALL HERE NOW TOO!!!", Junior added as he joined the hug.
It devolved into everyone just joining in the hug, Bowser liked this. It had been a while since he had seen his whole family and this was nice. After the hug he quickly explained the basics of the world and the situation, he wanted his kids to be up to date on this all. He'd need to have a more private talk with Kamek about this later however. Right now he just wanted to head back to the Pokemon Center.
YES I DID BRING ALL THE KOOPALINGS PLUS KAMEK HERE!! PEER PRESSURE GOT THE BEST OF ME! Plus now Bowser gets to actually be happy for a bit, and I get to roleplay the little shits. I don't have designs done for all the Koopalings yet and not all of them are Pokehumans because Idk what to make them all or just think it'd be funny if they were just human.
The ones I have figured out are Kamek (Alakazam), Lugwig (Braxin), Morton (Quilladin), Iggy (Froakie), and the twins (For now human but will change if someone has a funny Pokehuman idea for them)
Yes I did to Kalos starter trio for three of them I thought it fit.
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ahoge-fish · 3 years
AU where Alex is a marine biologist and the Crusaders are a pod of mermen who save her from drowning and eventually befriend her. also Iggy is a seal
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To the rescue!
Alexandra's team was on the boat getting ready for their last dive in that territory, checking their equipment to make sure that there wouldn't be any problems.
Their ask was to check on some corals that were under control. Easy, right?
Well, at first yes. It all went well.
They dive down to the corals, the water was pretty deep and it was even deeper where there weren't any other corals that they had to check.
Alex and her dive buddy were... not so friendly towards each other in that period. But for being young adults, they were mature and they knew that if something went wrong, they had to collab to not end up dead in the ocean.
So they made this agreement and they were all good.
Or at least that's what she thought.
They stayed under the water for a pretty long time, noting everything on their waterproof notepads. They also saw some fish swimming in that zone.
When everyone was low on air, it was time they had to go up.
Alex's dive buddy makes her a thumbs up, telling her to get on the boat.
The young woman being distracted with the wonderful world underwater didn't even notice that it was time to go. So she checked her air on her divecomputer and it was a little bit low.
But Alexandra was not done finishing her work, so she pointed at him and then made a thumbs up to tell him to go without her.
And that was her biggest mistake. It was even her buddy's mistake because instead of insisting to go up together, he just shrugged and leaved her.
Then the current started to increase. Strange, when they checked if there was to be any current they saw that the sea was supposed to be calm that day...
So after that, Alex decided to go up. She saw from afar that her teammates were doing the same, while others where already at the top doing some decompression safety stop. Near them was her dive buddy.
But when she took her last glance at the coral reef, she saw a turtle that was struggling to swim. So Alex started swimming towards it.
She saw that a fishing net was around its fin and now also around some corals, making the turtle unable to move.
The young woman took her diving knife and then started to cut first the net around the turtle's fin. She had to be very careful since the net was tightly wrapped around it. That must be feeling painful, poor guy.
After the turtle was free, it swimmed happly away and Alex waved slightly at it; putting the net in her little bag. She then looked at the coral and started carefully cutting the net from it.
In the mean time, the current started to increase by a lot, making it difficult to stay in place.
But Alex didn't want to go up after she cut all the net from the coral. It was difficult, because the current kept moving her to the side.
She tried her best not to kick with her fins on the corals under her and by doing that, she failed in remaining still.
The current increased enormously and Alex was trying her best not to go too far from the boat.
Then when she tried to swim up, she notices that it was very difficult to do so. And then she realized:
She was cought in a down current.
Water kept pushing her far and down while she tried to swim against it. It was exhausting.
She tried to keep her breath steady to not consume any more air, but it was nearly impossible since she was doing so much work with her legs and she also started to panick a bit.
She couldn't even hold her breath to avoid using more air, because doing so was very dangerous. She must continue to breath underwater no matter what.
While she was kicking hard to try going against the current, she checked her divecomputer and she was dangerously low on air.
She snapped her head towards her dive buddy that now, was very far from her. That bastard! He didn't even bother checking if his dive buddy was coming up. And she couldn't even see her other teammates!
So she understood that she had to go through this alone.
She tried to hold herself by grabbing some corals and rocks, but she kept slipping from them and also sadly breaking some of the fragile and sick corals.
She thought to put more air in her BC, but then it would've costed her some precious air. And as said before, she couldn't even hold her breath under that depth.
She then thought to put just a little bit of air in her BC and then taking off her weight belt, but even that would've been dangerous. She could've popped out from the water like a ball after you forcefully put it underwater! And she wouldn't even be able to do a decompression safety stop, causing her decompression sickness.
While she thought of that, her legs started to slow down for exhaustion and the very strong current kept dragging her far and deep from the boat; into the depht of the ocean.
She was officially panicking, favoring to the fact of her breathing faster and consuming more and more air.
She checked one more time her dive computer and saw that the tank was almost empty.
Tears of fear started creating in her eyes. She was starting to feel dizzy from the panicking and the exhaustion.
When her head started spinning, she thought 'fuck it' and decided to put some air in her BC. With the little air that remained, she took one last short breath and put the rest in her BC.
This situation was extremely dangerous.
Her vision started to black out when she tried to reach for her weight belt.
Before she could've even do it, all of her strenght leaved her body and all she saw was black.
She let the current dragging her far and deep.
It was the end for her. She fucked up really bad this time, but no one could've scold her after hearing from her this absurd story.
Because dead men tell no tales. (See what I did there? R e f e r e n c e)
Alexandra had still her eyes closed, but she felt weird. Like she was out of the water and she felt... warm?
Is this what the afterlife was like? Weird and warm?
Alex then tried to process if she was standing up in front of the heaven's door or laying on the ground. Or perhaps... sand?
She even heard the waves crushing on the shore. So she felt warm, sand under her hands and waves. Huh. Heaven must take in your favourite place to go apparently.
She then heared some voices, but she couldn't understand what they were saying. Maybe they were the angles.
Alex's vision slowly went from black to red, due to the light passing through her eyelids. She squeezed them and managed to move her head a little.
Then she heard like something was dragged on the sand, and then heard a voice saying something.
Alex heard some other dragging on the sand and other noises coming towards her, before slowly opening her eyes, regretting instantly doing so for the strong light.
Before shutting them again, she saw some strange figures towering on her. Damn those angels were massive.
She fluttered again her eyes open, weakly bringing her hand towards her face to rubbing one of them.
When she finally decided to give them a better look, that's when she realized that maybe those weren't angels.
They were mermans.
She widened her eyes and slowly moved from a laying position to a sitting one. But she then started coughing.
While she was doing that, the red-headed merman patted her back to help her cough out all of the water.
In the mean time, the others speaked to her telling their names and what happened.
There was even a seal!
And those mermans where huge. Like, okay she had a little body in the first place, but damn these guys were big.
They told Alex that they saw her sinking to the bottom, so they picked her up and brought her there.
They didn't brought her to her crew, because it was too risky for them, but hey at least she was alive!
She was alive...
At the thought, Alex started crying from happiness. The silver-haired merman named Polnareff approached her and hugged her.
But then she asked why they saved her. The older merman simply said that they saw how she treated the marine life in these days that she was here. She was so kind a gentle. Man that day she even risked her life for saving that turtle and remove the fishing net from the corals!
They understood that she was part of that little slice of "good humans", so letting her die when they could've saved her seemed a waste.
She thought that no one deserved to die, especially in a scary way that she experienced. But at least she was glad that she was still alive.
They asked her what happened, and even if she doubted that they knew how the diving gear worked, she told them anyways about what she experienced.
But then it clicked: where the hell was she and how she'll get home? The mermans at that reassured her that she wasn't so far from the land lived by people.
Of course her crew would've be panicking, but they couldn't go dive again and search for her that same day. Following that, they might've have thought that she was dead or that the strong current brought her away.
Either way, someone had to search for her. But how much time could've that take? Maybe tomorrow she'll be home? Will it take some days, weeks? Will they even find her? Would her crew even report that she was missing?
The young woman started to worry and she slighty breathed heavier than before. The ravenette merman named Jotaro noticed that and said to her to stop worring. He reminded her that they weren't so far from land, so sooner or later someone that fished in that zone would've spotted her and helped her.
Polnareff then suggested to take her directly where the other humans lived, but the dark skinned merman named Abdul responded saying that it was too dangerous; he then said that waiting was the best option. He finally said that they could've helped her by bringing her food while she waited for someone to come and rescue her.
After some other arguments, they sticked up to Jotaro and Abdul's plan.
Since Alex started her dive early in the morning, it was just late afternoon in that moment. The sun was close to setting, but it was still there making light and making warmth.
And since it was hot, she decided to take off her wetsuit and to remain just in her bikini. Polnareff was immediately fascinated by her smooth legs, and so he started being his flirty self; making the other sigh and laugh.
Their time together on that island passed with talking, laughing and knowing eachother. All good memories.
She slept on the sand and even if she told the mermans that she will be alright during the night, they insisted on taking turns to stay with her while she rested and recovered.
The next evening, fortunately, Alex was rescued and brought to her crew.
The young woman and her dive buddy made peace with eachother and they promised to not make any other mistakes in the future.
But it wasn't a goodbye for Alex and the mermans, since they promised to see eachother again.
And as it said, it happened.
Idk about you guys, but the draw that I've made + knowing that they looking at Alex layed on the sand kinda reminds me of this photo
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And I've said everything. Have a good day >;)
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apolloloki97 · 3 years
“Back On Solid Ground” Ian Gallagher x Mickey Milkovich
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Summary: After Mickey is released early from prison, he is in no rush to go back into the arms of Ian Gallagher. After unsuccessfully trying to win Mickey back, the rest of the Gallagher siblings and a couple of friends try to help out their favourite Southside couple.
Or when Ian's friends and siblings try to get Mickey to talk to Ian after Mickey gets out.
Word Count: 7302
Warning: Swearing, Mentions of Mental Illness
Song I Wrote To: “I Found" by Amber Run
Note: Now, I am not a lawyer and I usually do research for fics, but just go with me on the legal proceedings for this. I love this story a lot and I always wanted more of Mickey's emotions after he was released. I needed this after the show finale as well.
The last thing Mickey wanted to do was drink alone and so he called his favourite cousin.
Sandy was finally back in town after leaving once she got out of juvie for the last time. Iggy had told Mickey that Sandy was trying to go straight, but the younger Milkovich brother knew that the only straight thing about his cousin was her hair.
Regardless, once he was out of prison, she was his first call. Turns out that when the woman who presses charges on you for attempted murder goes insane and is deemed a pathological liar, the justice system becomes much more lenient. Mickey still remembered the moment the warden told him that he was getting out. He thought it had been some kind of sick joke from Terry or one of the other delinquent Milkoviches. Yet, everything was soon in order and Mickey was released with a few strokes of a pen.
That was a week ago and after crashing on Sandy’s couch and wallowing in his own sorrow over losing the man he loved, he finally ventured out into the world to interact with people. Well, only if you consider the lowlifes at the Alibi Room, people.
Mickey sat across from Sandy as she drank her second beer, very happy to be out with him rather than cooped up watching reruns of some horrible sitcom. Sandy was his favourite Milkovich next to Mandy, but Mickey hadn’t seen his sister in some time and he wasn’t even sure where she was. He got a text or a voicemail every couple of months just to let him know she was still alive, but that was it. He missed Mandy, but he knew she needed to get out of the Southside and he was happy for her.
Mickey glanced around the room, the afternoon sun filtering through the windows as it illuminated the day-drinkers. Mickey was itching to do something other than sitting at a dive bar and trying to dodge questions that he knew Kev and V both had. However, he was happy to be with Sandy who grinned at him from across the table.
“What?” Mickey asked, taking a sip from his beer. “You keep staring.”
“I’m just happy you called,” Sandy said with a shrug. Mickey watched her for a second before snorting.
“Who else would I call?”
“I don’t know. Colin?” Sandy paused for a second before looking at him over the rim of her glass. “Ian?”
“Don’t,” Mickey warned, not willing to talk about Ian, especially not to someone who didn’t even know him. Mickey had been hurt when Ian broke up with him on the stoop of the Gallagher house. Mickey had done everything for Ian. He had come out for him, tried to take care of him when he was at his lowest with his bipolar, and even protected him when the handsy old men would try things when Ian was drugged out of his mind on whatever anyone was willing to give him.
“Have you seen him yet?” Sandy asked.
“Nope,” Mickey said with a dismissive look as he sipped on his beer again.
“Mickey…” Sandy tried again.
“Why should I, huh? Bitch never visited me, did he?” Mickey said. It still hurt that as soon as Svetlana stopped asking him to do jobs for the Russian mob, Ian had essentially blocked him out of his life. Ian hadn't even taken calls from Mickey while he was locked up. He knew that Ian had left him, but he never expected the redhead to completely lock him out of his life, not when Mickey needed him the most.
“I thought you loved him,” Sandy said, folding her arms in front of her on the table.
“Didn’t mean much to him, did it?” Mickey said bitterly.
“He was sick, Mickey,” Sandy said, trying to rationalize.
“You don’t think I don’t know that?” he asked. “I was the one that was there for him. I took care of him and he just threw me away while his bitch of a sister…” Mickey trailed off, not wanting to lose his temper. He had been trying to work on that for a while and now was not the time to come undone. Mickey needed to keep calm for his own sake and Sandy's.
“Have you told anyone you’re back?” Sandy asked. “You know, besides Kev and V?”
“No,” Mickey said as he finished off the glass of beer before him.
“So, we’re here because…” Sandy said, gesturing around the bar that was a Southside staple.
“It’s early,” Mickey said. “Gallaghers don’t get day drunk. Well, Frank does, but fuck Frank.”
“Maybe you should tell someone,” Sandy said, trying to be comforting and supportive. This was one of the many reasons why Sandy and Mandy got along so well. They were always getting into other people’s business and especially Mickey’s. If he was being honest with himself, and he always was, he figured that they were the same person at times.
It was terrifying.
Still, she had a point. Some of the time.
“Who would I tell, hmm?” Mickey asked, leaning forward on the table in front of him. Sandy’s eyes flickered from him to the door over Mickey’s shoulder, trying to predict the reaction that she knew was about to happen. However, she didn’t back down. Mickey had been avoiding it all for too long.
“Start with him,” Sandy said, gesturing over Mickey’s shoulder. Confused, Mickey turned around in the booth to see Ian. The third eldest Gallagher sibling had entered the bar with his older brother Lip and Lip’s boss, Brad. Lip and Brad were more focused on the game on the TV above the bar than Ian was. Ian was staring right at Mickey with a surprised expression.
Their eyes were locked together and Mickey felt as if he couldn’t breathe. As soon as Ian took a step forward, Mickey turned back around and shut his eyes tightly. “No, no, no,” Mickey said under his breath, trying to calm his heart rate.
“Mickey, stay calm,” Sandy tried, reaching for her cousin’s hand. Mickey pulled away as if he had been burned. Shaking out his hand, he got to his feet.
“Please don’t,” Mickey breathed out as Sandy watched him clamor out of the booth. From his pocket, Mickey slammed some bills onto the table.
“Mickey…” Sandy said, her tone almost desperate. Mickey ignored her pleas, pressed a kiss to the top of her head, and then headed through the back of the bar, ignoring the ginger-haired Gallagher that waited behind him. Just as he shrugged into the back room, he ran into Veronica. V stared after him in confusion, watching as her friend disappeared up the stairs that led to the old apartment above the bar.
V then turned to Sandy with a question on her lips. Sandy simply nodded towards Ian who was in the same spot as he had been when Mickey had noticed him. V sighed, understanding immediately. She didn’t know every detail about how the relationship had ended, but she knew enough. Most importantly, she knew how much Mickey loved Ian and how much Ian had hurt the man who had done everything to make sure he was okay.
Veronica turned her attention back to the bar, going to restock the Jameson and whatnot. Sandy added her own bills to the pile that Mickey had left before grabbing her bag and hoisting it over her shoulder. Sliding out of the booth, she approached the front door, trying to avoid the Gallagher brothers when Kevin appeared, stepping into the bar with a large black duffle in his arms. Sandy stopped as he went up to her, stopping just shy of Ian.
“This is all I could get before I heard Terry’s asshole cronies coming back up the street,” Kev said, gesturing to the bag. “Iggy had to hurry me out before anything got too ugly.”
“Thanks, man,” Sandy said, relaxing a bit more knowing that Mickey would have some things of his own for a while before he found something more stable.
“I’ll bring this upstairs for him,” Kev said as he moved past Sandy and headed for the back staircase that led to the apartment. Sandy watched after him for a moment before heading back to the front door. However, Ian moved first. He stepped in front of Sandy, set on intercepting her escape.
“Sandy, right?” Ian asked, recognizing her from the many photos Mandy had shown him years before.
“Yeah,” Sandy said simply.
“I know,” she said, cutting him off. It wasn’t hostile or anything, but Sandy didn’t think she should be talking to him right now. Mickey should have been the one to build back the bridge between the Milkovich and Gallagher family, not her.
“I didn’t know he was out,” Ian said, his eyes on the door that Mickey had escaped through.
“Yeah, well, that’s what happens when the charges are dropped,” Sandy said. However, she elaborated after a flash of confusion overtook Ian’s face. “Your half-sister had some sort of meltdown in lock up,” Sandy said. “I’m not exactly sure what happened, but it was enough for her to be deemed mentally unstable. The judge figured if she was lying about most things, then she was lying about Mickey trying to kill her,” Sandy said with a shrug. “I picked him up about a week ago.”
“Shit,” Ian said, not surprised that Sammi was unstable, but that the judge had actually approved Mickey’s release.
“Yeah,” she said, just as amused and surprised.
“So, he’s staying here?” Ian asked.
“He can’t go home,” Sandy said with a sigh. “Terry has been on a warpath since Mickey came out. He never got over it and I guess he figured Mickey being in prison was punishment enough. He didn’t like when I came out either so I’m not surprised. Kev and V are letting him stay upstairs until he finds a better place.” Sandy hiked her bag higher up on her shoulder as she shifted on her feet. “Look, I gotta go, but try to talk to him, will ya?”
“It didn’t look like he wanted to talk to me,” Ian said with a frown.
“He’s hurt, Ian,” she said, “but he’s still in love with you. Mickey thought he’d be in there for almost a decade and regardless of who his family is, that isn’t easy. He doesn’t know what to do right now. Please, just give him something to hold onto.”
Ian frowned at that, trying to wrap his head around the fact that Mickey was feeling lost. It wasn’t something he was used to witnessing. Mickey was a rock, his rock and he never thought that something like a quick stint in prison would get to him. Then again, as Sandy said, he had thought he would be locked up for a good chunk of his life and Ian knew how Mickey felt about being isolated.
Mickey needed to be free in every sense of the word and Ian would always try to make that happen for the man who had always loved him unconditionally. However, that meant working through their differences and of course, Ian making up for everything he had said when he was off his medication.
“I’ll try,” he promised Sandy. Satisfied with the answer, Sandy moved past him and shoved out into the warm Southside air, leaving the Alibi behind her.
Lip, who was sipping on a Coke at Ian’s side, moved closer to his younger brother. “Are you going to talk to him?” Lip asked.
Ian sighed, running a hand through his hair. “I’m going to try,” Ian decided, letting his eyes drift up towards where Mickey was staying, needing to see him.
Ian waited until the next day before going to speak to Mickey.
He had been up all night trying to figure out what he was going to say. There was a part of him that was angry that Mickey hadn’t called him the second he got out, but he also knew that he had broken up with him and that he didn’t have the right to ask about him anymore. Yet, Ian still loved Mickey with everything he had. He just hoped that Mickey’s feelings hadn’t changed in the short time that he had been locked up.
Even after the few relationships he had been in since Mickey got arrested, none of them would ever compare to Mickey. It didn’t matter who Ian was with or where he was, Mickey was always going to be it. Which is why Ian found himself outside the small apartment above the Alibi just as morning turned to noon. The sound of the old pipes in the cracked walls was only making the rising anxiety in Ian’s chest worse. His hands clenched and flexed at his sides as he forced himself to raise his fist and knock twice on the wooden door.
It was quiet on the other side and Ian was worried that he may have missed him after all. Ian knocked again and then finally heard the sound of footsteps inside the apartment. “Dammit, Kev!” Mickey yelled as he approached the door. “I told you I wasn’t going to bartend for your shitty customers. For fuck’s sa–” Mickey’s sentence cut off as he tore open the door and realized it wasn’t Kev standing in the hallway at all. “Ian,” he said as he stared at the taller man in front of him.
Ian was looking back and he had to take a minute to take Mickey in. He was just as beautiful as the last time Ian had seen him, but he looked stronger. Clearly, Mickey had been taking advantage of the gym in the prison yard. His arms were more defined underneath the long sleeve t-shirt he wore and Ian could even tell that his back and shoulders had more muscle on them than before. Ian couldn’t help but look at Mickey’s chest, knowing the mangled tattoo of his name was just below the thin fabric.
“Hey, Mick,” Ian said, finally finding his voice. He offered Mickey a small smile, but the latter just stared back, breaking out his shock and slipping into a mood that told Ian that something was very wrong.
“The fuck do you want?” Mickey asked. Ian stammered for a second. He knew that Mickey was upset, but they usually always started off as pissed at each other before the reunion turned into a flurry of removing clothes and hands gripping at hair. However, he was realizing that wasn’t how this one was going to go at all.
“You’re out,” Ian observed and Mickey just raised one of his eyebrows at him.
“No shit,” Mickey bit back.
“I just, uh, I wanted to say…” Ian tried, still not sure where he was going with any of it. He had been prepared to speak to Mickey, but he had figured Milkovich was going to be a bit more willing to hear him out. The Mickey before him looked as if he’d rather be throwing his head against a wall than standing in that doorway.
“What?” Mickey asked.
“I don’t know how to put this…” Ian said, the anxious feeling returning to his hands.
“Spit it out, Gallagher,” Mickey said, “I got shit to do. Prison took up a lot of my time.”
“Right,” Ian said. “Well, uh, maybe…”
“Yes?” Mickey urged, shifting on his feet. Ian was looking at him and then he couldn’t do it. He couldn’t say any of the things he had wanted to because Mickey had never looked at him like this. Ian was used to the glares, the smiles, the annoyed little glances whenever Ian would make some dumb joke that Mickey pretended to not find funny. However, now, it was as if Mickey was looking at him, but he had no idea who he was. Ian switched gears quickly.
“Fiona’s gone,” Ian blurted out causing Mickey to narrow his eyes.
“Yeah, guess she finally got out of the Southside,” Ian went on. “Looks like she’s one of the lucky few,” Ian said with an attempt at a laugh, but Mickey was not amused. In fact, he seemed even angrier.
“Seriously?” Mickey said with a roll of his eyes. “Damn Gallagher, well I am so glad your life is so fucking interesting,” he said before he slammed the door in Ian’s face. Ian stood there for a second, stunned before he took a few steps back and pushed his hands into his hair.
The next time a Gallagher brother knocked on Mickey’s door, it was not the one that Mickey had been expecting.
“Oh, what the fuck do you want?” Mickey said as he beheld Lip Gallagher at his threshold. Lip was standing there, an unlit cigarette behind his ear which only made Mickey want to punch him even more. He never liked Lip and he had liked him even less after Lip had constantly expressed his dislike of Ian and Mickey’s relationship.
“Ian’s been trying to call you,” Lip said with a pointed look. Mickey knew that and he had been purposely ignoring every call and text for a reason.
“And?” Mickey asked.
“You’re really going to be a dick about this?” Lip challenged.
“About what, Philip?” Mickey asked, using his full name just to annoy him further. “About how I got locked up after trying to stop your crazy bitch of sister with the help of your other crazy bitch of a sister? Who, by the way, never got picked up for helping me shove Sammi in that box. You’re welcome for that considering I could have rolled on her at any moment but I fucking didn’t.”
“You want me to thank you for not ratting out Debbie?” Lip asked, shoving his hands in his jacket pockets.
“Nah, I don’t want shit from you,” Mickey said. “Your brother dumped me before I got my ass shackled so he and I are nothing and you and I don’t owe each other shit.”
“I never liked you,” Lip said, already hating that he had agreed to go and speak to Mickey after Ian had begged him for two days. The only reason he was even standing in that hallway was because of Ian, but even Lip had his limits when it came to Mickey Milkovich.
“Wow, thanks,” Mickey deadpanned.
“But my brother loves you,” Lip went on. “And you make him happy so I need you to call him because whether or not you see it, you’re probably the only person for him and I think I've known that for a while."
“Right,” Mickey scoffed, “so you never said that Ian could always find someone better?” Mickey challenged.
“He told you about that?” Lip asked, surprised, remembering back to that conversation he had with his brother.
“He did,” said Mickey.
“I didn’t get it back then,” Lip said.
“You clearly don’t get it now.”
“He cares about you for some fucking reason, Mickey,” Lip said, trying again for the man in front of him to see some reason.
“Then maybe he should fucking figure it out,” Mickey shot back. “Now, don’t you have some think tank to go smoke some fancy weed in or some shit? Get the fuck out of here.” Mickey slammed the door in Lip’s face just as he had with Ian.
“Dammit,” Lip muttered as he pulled the cigarette from behind his ear and lit it. Placing it between his teeth, he pulled out his phone and sent a quick text to Ian letting him know he had hit and missed with Mickey. He didn’t wait for a reply as he headed back downstairs and out into the cool air of Chicago in search of a meeting for the afternoon.
Debbie found Mickey a day later playing pool in the Alibi.
He was just finishing up hustling some drunk hipster when Debbie approached him with Franny at her side. Mickey looked up as the two walked up to him. “Jesus,” he said with a look at Franny, “what are you feedin’ that kid?” he asked.
“Kids grow, Mickey. That’s how it works,” Debbie said with a roll of her eyes.
“Whatever,” Mickey said, turning back to the game. Debbie remained where she was, giving him a pointed look as she kept hold of her daughter. “Can I help you?” Mickey asked, turning back towards her, already tired of the Gallagher bullshit. He already had to stop Frank from breaking into the apartment in the early hours of the morning. He didn’t need Fiona Jr. bothering him right now.
“Why won’t you take Ian’s calls?” she asked.
“Jesus Christ,” Mickey swore, running a hand over his face.
“He needs to talk to you,” Debbie said.
“I’m sure he’ll live,” Mickey said, grabbing his beer from the bar behind him and taking a deep drink.
“I don’t know about that,” she said. “He’s pretty upset.” That made Mickey pause. He set his beer down.
“He taking his meds?” he asked her.
“Do you care?” Debbie challenged which was the wrong thing to do. Mickey glared at her.
“Don’t pull that shit with me,” he warned her. “Answer the fucking question.”
“Yes, he’s on his meds, but he’s still upset you’re ignoring him,” she said.
“Well, he ignored me so now he knows what it feels like to go AWOL,” Mickey said.
“Call him,” Debbie urged.
“Debbie.” Mickey crossed his arms, staring her down. Franny was silent as she stood next to her mother, confused as to why they were talking to the man in front of her. Debbie glared at him for another moment before scoffing.
“I don’t know what he sees in you,” she shot at him before tugging her daughter away. Mickey watched them leave and Debbie’s words remained in the air around him.
“I don’t know either…” Mickey said quietly to himself before returning his attention to the game and his own thoughts.
Mickey was out in the alley behind the Alibi when Carl Gallagher showed up dressed in a police cadet uniform.
“You’re a fucking cop now?” Mickey asked as he looked up, taking the cigarette he was smoking from his mouth.
“Almost,” Carl said, stopping in front of Mickey. The last time Mickey had even thought about Carl, the kid was going to some fancy military school or something. If he really thought about it, Mickey never really knew what Carl was up to half the time. There was a time that Mickey thought the kid was going to end up in the joint with him rather than trying to get a badge and service glock.
“Weren’t you supposed to grow up to be a serial killer or some shit?” Mickey asked.
“Things change,” Carl said with a shrug. Mickey nodded at that, returning his attention to his smoke. “You talk to Ian?”
“Nope,” Mickey said.
“Are you going to?” Carl asked.
“Nope,” Mickey repeated. Carl nodded, weighing his options before settling on a new tactic.
“If I handcuffed you and dragged you to the house, would you do it then?” Carl asked nonchalantly.
“You try to put those fucking bracelets on me and I’ll break every bone in your hand,” Mickey said without missing a beat. Carl didn’t retort, he just smiled. Mickey never liked when the Gallaghers smiled, it always meant they were up to something or drunk or both. “What?”
“Nothing,” Carl said with a shrug. “I just missed that Milkovich snark.”
“Whatever,” Mickey said dismissively. Suddenly, Carl’s phone chimed, drawing his attention. Seeing who it was, Carl pocketed it again before turning back to Mickey.
“I gotta go,” he said and Mickey just nodded. “Hey, stop being an asshole and call my brother before he runs out of love ballads to annoy us with.” Carl then left Mickey standing there, more confused than ever.
“Love ballads,” Mickey repeated. “What the fuck?”
The next ambush came when Mickey was sitting at the bar in the Alibi looking over the books for the Southside establishment.
V set a drink in front of him as she wiped off the bar. “Thanks again, Mickey,” V said. “Since Lana left, we’ve needed someone who’s good with numbers.”
“Not a problem,” Mickey said. “Least I can do considering I’m staying here rent-free, right?” Mickey continued to tap away at the calculator, but soon realized he was being stared at. Glancing up, he saw that Kev and V were both looking at him with innocent expressions on their faces. “What?” Mickey asked, already regretting doing so.
“Ian called us,” V said with a grimace as she set down the rag in her hands.
“Of course he did,” Mickey sighed. “Alright, lay it on me. At this point, I’m waiting for fucking Frank or Kermit to show up at my door at the ginger’s request.”
“What about me?” Kermit said, turning away from Tommy.
“Fuck you, Kermit,” Mickey said as he flipped him off. Kermit just frowned and turned back to his friend. Mickey looked back at the Balls and waited.
“I’m not gonna tell you what to do,” Veronica began.
“Good,” said Mickey, picking up his pen again.
“But,” she went on, “he has been going through a lot.”
“Right, like the two boyfriends and the fancy EMT job?” Mickey scoffed. “Yeah real tough.” V frowned.
“You know that he puts on a façade. Always has,” V reminded him.
“Yeah man,” Kev interjected. “Ian may be smiling with those pearly whites of his, but his heart is actually blue beneath that ugly uniform he wears.”
“That was beautiful,” Tommy added as he eavesdropped. Kev nodded to him in thanks.
“Thank you,” he said with gratitude.
“Kevin,” V said, her tone full of warning. Kev then ducked away, leaving his wife alone with his former business partner. V leaned in then, resting her forearms on the bar. “Maybe just hear him out,” she tried.
“I tried that,” Mickey admitted, grateful to have someone to talk to that wasn’t a Gallagher. “He doesn’t seem to know what the fuck he wants.”
“Do you?” she asked.
“I don’t know,” Mickey said softly. Veronica gave him a soft smile as she laid her hand on his arm, giving it a firm squeeze.
“Maybe you should figure that out first.”
Mickey was tired and all he wanted was a hot shower and then maybe some free beer from downstairs.
However, like always, he never got what he wanted. Opening the door to the apartment, he nearly jumped out of his skin at the sight of the youngest Gallagher sibling sitting on the couch in the small living room.
“Jesus,” Mickey swore, trying to catch his breath. “How the fuck you get in here?” Mickey asked as he shut the door behind him and took off his coat.
“Veronica let me in,” Liam said patiently.
“Why?” Mickey asked though he could guess why Liam was there. After the rest of his siblings had shown up, it wasn’t a long shot to figure out he would be next.
“I think we should talk,” Liam said, gesturing for Mickey to sit in the chair across from the couch. Mickey, amused, decided to humor the kid and took the seat Liam was offering even though it was Mickey’s house the kid was invading.
“I can’t remember us ever doing that but go on,” Mickey said as he settled in the frayed cushions. Liam was quiet for a moment before he finally nodded and folded his hands in front of him like a grown man in a kid’s body. Mickey still had no idea how he was related to Frank.
“I remember when Ian was going through the worst of his bipolar,” Liam began. “You looked out for me.” Mickey was surprised to know that Liam actually remembered all the things Mickey had done for him when Fiona was too stressed over Ian to look after her baby brother. Mickey would take Liam to the clinic for checkups, always carried him into the house when the boy was too tired to walk, and even made sure he always had something to eat whenever Lip or Fiona forgot to go grocery shopping. He had a soft spot for the smallest Gallagher sibling and he was never too proud to admit it.
“So?” Mickey asked.
“So,” Liam continued, “I’m going to do the same for you.” Liam seemed proud of himself for being the one to actually want to talk to Mickey rather than at him and the latter appreciated that. Mickey paused, eyeing Liam for a second before furrowing his brow.
“Are you sure you’re Frank’s son?” he asked
“Seem to be,” Liam said with a shrug.
“That’s unfortunate,” Mickey said, leaning his forearms on his knees as he leaned forward a bit.
“It’s not so bad,” Liam said. “I got great brothers and sisters out of it.”
“Right,” said Mickey.
“Ian told me about the time you were shot by his old boss,” Liam said suddenly.
“Kash and Grab?” Mickey asked and Liam nodded. Mickey hadn’t thought about that man in years because if he did, all he felt was rage. Lip and Mickey both knew what Kash had been doing to Ian, essentially grooming him, and they both hated it. If anything, it was the one thing that they agreed on.
“Yeah,” Liam nodded. “He was really worried about you.”
“I think he was just worried about getting fired by his viagroid boyfriend’s pissed-off wife,” Mickey rationalized, but Liam disagreed.
“I don’t think so. Other people he’s dated have been hurt or upset and Ian’s never reacted like that with them,” said Liam.
“How are you so observant?” Mickey asked, trying to gauge where Liam’s head was at.
“It’s a big house,” Liam said with another shrug. “People tend to forget that I’m around most of the time.”
“That’s rough,” Mickey said.
“Rough like being ignored by the person you love?” Liam asked and Mickey’s brows ascended towards his hair.
“I needed time,” he said, unsure of why he was having this conversation with a ten-year-old.
“Did you tell him that?” Liam asked.
“I was pretty clear, kid,” Mickey said, leaning back into the chair and propping his leg up on top of the other.
“That might work for other people, but Ian needs a bit more,” Liam explained. “He’s smart, but he doesn’t always pick up on things like the rest of us.”
“Can’t argue with that,” Mickey said, knowing very well how unobservant Ian could be at times.
“I always knew Ian was gay, you know?” Liam continued on.
“Yeah?” Mickey asked.
“Yeah, I mean by the time I was old enough to realize what was going on, he was already out and telling people. Then when you were together, I just figured it was normal for you to be around, and then… then you weren’t,” Liam said with a small frown.
“I was in prison,” Mickey reminded him.
“No, before that,” Liam said. “You would come and go and then just show back up and Ian would be happy again and I liked that for however long it lasted. I know he feels bad for what happened with Sammi. I know he blames himself.”
“It wasn’t his fault,” Mickey said and he meant it. Ian hadn’t asked Mickey to drug Sammi or lock her up in the crate, he had purely done it to protect Ian.
“To him, it was,” Liam divulged. “You brought back his happiness and then you got taken away because Sammi called the police on Ian for something he did. He got better when he got the new job but there was still something missing.”
“Which was what?” Mickey asked as he tugged on his fingers, trying to ignore the hammering in his chest.
“You, Mickey,” Liam said. “You were missing.” Mickey was silent then, letting Liam’s words crash over him like rolling waves. He had always figured that whenever he was in Ian’s life, it was doing more harm than good. Ian made Mickey’s life better, brighter, but Mickey had never realized what his presence had done for Ian’s. Liam, however, had a pretty good idea of what it looked like.
“How are you so damn wise?” Mickey asked him after another moment of silence.
“Must be a Gallagher thing,” Liam said with yet another shrug. Mickey was starting to think that was his go-to thing when he spoke his mind.
“Gallaghers are wise?” Mickey asked, not buying it.
“When we want to be,” Liam said as he got to his feet. He looked down at Mickey and gave him a tight-lipped smile. “I missed you when you went away,” he admitted. “You were one of the only people who took the time to talk to me and I know that Ian missed you too.” Mickey couldn’t help but feel a bit of pride at that.
“So, you’re saying that I should call him?” Mickey asked.
“No,” Liam said with a shake of his head. “You should go see him. After living with my siblings my whole life and seeing all their failed relationships, I’ve realized that these things are better-said face to face.” Liam then approached Mickey and patted him on the shoulder. “Ian has a late shift tonight so he’ll be home all day tomorrow. I’ll try to make sure nobody else needs to be home so you guys can talk.”
Mickey just stared after Liam as he made his way to the door. Just before he turned the handle, Mickey stopped him. “Liam,” he said, gaining the kid’s attention.
“Yeah?” Liam asked with another patient look on his face.
“I never forget you’re there,” Mickey admitted, letting out a breath. Liam simply smiled at him before leaving the apartment and leaving Mickey to his thoughts.
Sitting back in the chair, Mickey ran his hands over his face. “Ian Gallagher, you sneaky son of a bitch.”
The next day, Ian was finally up after sleeping for most of the morning.
The quiet of the house was a nice change of pace, but that meant he was alone with his thoughts and that was not a comforting thought. Just as he was about to find coffee, there was a knock at the door. Hoping it wasn’t Frank, Ian sauntered over and pulled it open.
“That was low, calling in the little brother,” Mickey said in greeting as he beheld a surprised Ian. “That kid is convincing as fuck.” Ian took a step to the side as Mickey pushed past him and into the Gallagher house. He looked around and was thankful that Liam had come through and nobody else was home.
“I had to try something,” Ian said as he shut the door and followed Mickey into the living room. Mickey turned to look at him, trying to figure out how to start. Ian beat him to it though. “I’m so sorry, Mick,” Ian began. “I just left you alone and I never thought about what that would mean besides just breaking up with you.”
“You can’t…” Mickey paused, trying to keep his emotions in check. “You can’t just play with my feelings like that. You can’t just choose when you want to be in love with me or whether I’m worth it or not,” he said, finally getting the words out that he had been mulling over since he saw Ian walk into the Alibi with Lip and Brad.
“I know,” Ian said.
“Do you?” Mickey asked. “Cause I get it. I was an asshole to you when we were just starting out and fuck, I know I fucked up and did some horrible shit.”
“Which I forgave you for,” Ian reminded him. Mickey knew what he was referring to. All the comments about him not caring about Ian, the “warm mouth” moment in the store, and especially when Mickey had beaten Ian up after Terry’s attempt at forced conversion therapy.
“And we worked through it,” Mickey went on. “I came out, I told you that I loved you, and then…”
“And then I got sick,” Ian finished, but Mickey was shaking his head.
“It wasn’t just that," Mickey said. “I felt like because I was trying, you didn’t want me anymore. It was like you preferred it when I was an asshole to you and only using you for sex.”
“I didn’t,” Ian said, taking a step forward. Mickey took one back.
“I don’t believe you,” Mickey said, his voice cracking slightly as his emotions began to win.
“I remember the exact moment I found out about you marrying Svetlana,” Ian began, shifting gears. “Mandy had casually mentioned it at school one day. She didn’t know about us and I had tried not to react, but it broke me to hear that you were marrying the woman who did...that to you. It made me sick. All I wanted to do was run away and take you with me.”
“That’s not how life works,” Mickey said.
“I know, but I still wanted to try,” said Ian. “I tried everything I could to keep you out of my head the second you had me pinned in your room that day but I couldn’t do it. I tried to be with other men, brush you off when it was too hard to keep my hands off you, but you always roped me back in. The day at Ned’s when you kissed me for the first time… Man, I felt like I was on fire. Then after what happened with your dad, I knew that I wouldn’t be able to stay away, but I also knew you were going to shut me out.”
“I had my reasons,” Mickey said, trying to get Ian to understand why he had shut him out.
“I know,” said Ian. “You were doing it to protect me from Terry.” Mickey nodded. “Still, it didn’t stop me from falling in love with you. You never gave up on me even when you wanted nothing to do with me. The night you found me passed outside the Fairytale, on the way home you told me that you’d always be there to pick my ass off the street and you always kept that promise.”
“You remember that?” Mickey asked, surprised Ian could remember anything about his club days. Mickey had said a lot of things in the Uber on the way home, but he didn’t think Ian was even conscious half the time.
“I remember everything you’ve said to me,” Ian said, taking another step and was glad to see that Mickey didn’t retreat this time. “I should have been there when you were locked up.” Mickey nodded, running a hand through his hair.
“I didn’t expect you to fucking live behind that glass wall, but I needed… I needed you and I needed to know if you were okay, Ian,” Mickey admitted, looking at the man in front of him with a near pleading expression. “I had nightmares that you were in a ditch somewhere, out of your mind, while full bottles of pills were still in your room.” Ian grimaced, hating how Mickey had worried about him.
“I didn’t want you to worry, Mick,” he said.
“Tough shit,” Mickey shot back. “That’s what you do when you’re in love.” Ian was startled by that.
“You still love me?” he asked.
“What the fuck do you think?” Mickey asked, incredulously.
“You seemed so angry,” Ian said, reminding him of their last conversation.
“I was,” Mickey said, “and I needed a minute to breathe. Contrary to popular belief, I do care about being in prison and I don’t want to get familiar with those fucking concrete walls. I’d rather not be another frequent flyer Milkovich,” Mickey admitted. “You always say that you need to get your shit together, well it was my turn, Ian.”
“I get that,” Ian said.
“My life ain’t gonna be a carbon copy of Terry’s. I’m gonna be better, I have to be the better man,” Mickey said, unable to stop himself now that he was letting it all out.
“You already are,” Ian said, walking right up to him.
“I can’t go back,” Mickey said, looking up into Ian’s bright and attentive green eyes. “I have to think straight and when I’m with you or not with you… I ain’t gonna survive if you suddenly decide I’m not worth it again.” Ian reached up and took Mickey's face in his hands. Mickey had never outwardly expressed his desire to break the Milkovich mold like this. Ian could hear the fear behind every word and it hurt him to see Mickey like that. He was the strongest man Ian had ever known, but he always admired the strength it took to tell Ian all of this.
“I won’t,” Ian told him. “You are always worth it. Always. I love you, Mickey, and I don’t want to lose you.” Mickey was shaking his head as he placed his hands over Ian’s.
“You never lost me,” Mickey said softly, relaxing under Ian’s touch. “You may have wanted to end things, but I never got rid of us.” He then took Ian’s hand and lowered it to his chest, right on top of the tattoo that remained on Mickey’s heart.
“I’m so sorry,” Ian said again and he was willing to say it as many times as it took for Mickey to hear him. Ian looked into Mickey’s eyes then and saw something that reminded him of something Mandy had once said to him. That look in Mickey’s eyes finally made him relax.
“I’m sorry, too,” Mickey said, reaching up to run his thumb along Ian’s cheekbone.
“For what?” Ian asked, his brow furrowed. Mickey smoothed out the crease between his brows, not letting Ian stress about anything else.
“For not letting you in sooner,” Mickey said. “We could have more, so much more. Fuck, I missed you,” Mickey breathed out as he tugged Ian into him. Their lips met with a warm and firm kiss. Ian threw his arms around Mickey’s pulling him even closer. Mickey savored the feel of Ian Gallagher’s lips on his own as he sighed into the kiss.
Shoving his hands into Ian’s hair, he tugged on it, eliciting a moan from the taller man much to Mickey’s satisfaction. Ian kissed him a few more times before he pulled back, letting his forehead rest against Mickey’s so they could catch their breath. “Tell your family to back off now,” Mickey said with a smile.
“Tell them yourself,” Ian said. “You're moving in with me.”
“Is that so?” Mickey asked as he pushed back a bit so he could see Ian’s face.
“Don’t argue with me, Mr. Milkovich,” Ian said, his fingers playing with the hair at the nape of Mickey’s neck.
“You know I don’t like taking orders. I had enough of that shit in the joint,” Mickey said.
“You never complained before,” Ian said seductively as he ran his hand down Mickey’s stomach and towards his hips. Mickey raised his brows then, leaning into Ian’s hands.
“You are something else, Gallagher,” Mickey said, grateful to be with him once again, “but fuck I love you.”
“Then come here,” Ian urged as he reached for Mickey’s belt. Looking at Ian’s face, his expression filled with not just lust but love as well, Mickey melted beneath Ian’s gaze and finally felt as if he was free for the first time since getting out.
“Fuck it,” he swore as he tugged Ian in close. “Yes, Sir.” Ian grinned as he wrapped himself around Mickey again, letting everything between them solidify as they had found their way back to each other once again.
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Omens Finale
I’ve had a few request about Omens, just wanted to make sure that it was concluded properly and I wasn’t phoning it in. So without further ado Omens’ Finale.
“I love to.”
I hate it!
“Please, my love?”
Fuck you!
You hated this, you hated this so much! No matter what you wanted to say, the opposite is what came from your mouth, all because of that spell.
 That spell, that damn spell backfired on you! You had misread one line, one Six Damn line and now you were a prisoner of your own design. You figured that you were well versed in ancient writings and reading! There was no way that you misread the stupid spell!
Place on the heart and by the mind, your spell will work in due time. A peaceful rest and you will find, your hearts and soul quite a lined
a lined
At the time you were so caught up in trying to escape, that hadn’t even realized it.  Of course that wasn’t a break up spell, it was a stupid heart to heart spell. Only when you found yourself awakened three days later in that false embrace did you even realize that you were still in this hell. 
 How foolish could you be? 
Apparently dumb enough to pick one that had been working for well over a month at this point. Each time you try to pull away, it would only make the spell work harder against you. At times you weren’t even certain of what you truly wanted.
Your body felt like it was trapped within some type of limbo all the time. You were always arguing with yourself, constantly fighting as the you that hated this, that hated being this way. Treated so fragile, so coddled and weak.
Against a part that started so small and quiet, who loved it. It was so soft at first, you were able to ignore and over power it from time to time, but eventually you began to notice that it was becoming something stronger.
In moments of clarity you’d find yourself tearing through libraries and ancient tomes trying to find a way, some way to leave, to break this spell but then you heard the other you.
They love us, don’t you see?
As you sat in this room, alone with your thoughts, you wanted to try, you wanted to try and find some way to break this curse, but each time you attempted to stand to go to those book lined shelves that got you into this mess, that other voice you tried to kill, would stop you.
“They love us.”
They don’t!
“They always have, can’t you see.”
They want control, they want to keep me a pet.
You weren’t even aware that you had begun to pace, the long trains of the dress you were wearing dragging against the floor, as your heels clacked against the cold hard floor.
“They don’t, they truly do love us.”
There is no us! This is my body and you’re just a spell, a spell that has gone on too long.
“No, can’t you see,” You feet stopped pacing as you moved before the large floor length mirror, framed by spirals and swirls of beautiful design. Still the beauty of the mirror was long forgotten as you stared ahead directly into the mirror meeting your own gaze. 
Red, a beautiful red, that may have once reminded you of love, sat in a heart shape in your eyes.
“You are me.”
Those words left your lips, at the same time you grabbed one of the vases from one of the side table, throwing it as hard as you could into the mirror with a scream of defiance, watching as the large mirror shattered around you. Almost in slow motion as you kept catching glances of that red, that beautiful red seeming to be mocking you time and again. You felt like you were drowning, but still you kept screaming.
I’m not crazy!
You chanted this time and time again like a mantra, but it seemed like it was getting softer, quieter each time. Were you crazy, was that a part of this spell, was it making you insane? You were fighting with yourself.
You turned, tears in your eyes, a whirlwind of destruction around you. So caught up in the rage and hate, you hadn’t noticed the destruction around. Books destroyed, glass everywhere, furniture upturned. But in all that destruction, there they stood, almost like a beacon of hope. 
A glass of water in this horrid desert you found yourself in.
You gave a sniff, feeling one of your shoes slip on a torn page, as you raced across the room with a soft wail into arms opened for you.
“Shh, shh it’s okay, Y/N.”
You gave another cry, hearing those sweet comforting words from Prompto.
“Darling, you’re hurt.” 
You felt Ignis trying to take your hand from where you had clenched tightly to Noctis, trying to form some type of sentence, but each time it came out in frustrated wails.
“Let Iggy, see you hand, Babe.”
At the soft voice of Gladiolus, you allowed Ignis to see to the hand, your face still buried into Noctis’s neck. Prompto’s comforting hand caressing your back, it felt so lovely.
“What happened, Y/N?” Noctis inquired, his arm tightly around you.
You gave another sob, you couldn’t face them right, you just couldn’t. All you wanted right now was…
Their warm comforting touch.
“Do you feel better, Darling?” Ignis asked, taking your mug from you, that was once filled with soup.
You gave a weak nod, sharing Gladiolus’s lap, with Prompto who had refused to release you. You didn’t trust your voice, it was still raw from your screaming, and the apparent tantrum within the library. The other voice was also much more silent than before.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Prompto asked, a hand stroking your hair.
You shook your head, leaning into the touch.
“Just a bad day?” Gladiolus followed up.
You thought for a moment, before nodding. Your eyes turning to Noctis, as he moved before you, taking your left hand, looking it over. Just an hour ago, it was covered in blood from a large gash, from throwing furniture or the glass, but thanks to a potion it had healed rather nicely.
“Y/N, this is mine.” Noctis stated, those blue eyes turning to meet your gaze. “You are mine, do you understand?”
There was no hesitation, no fight, just a firm,
“Yes, Noctis.”
A blur, you struggled from time to time, but the fight, that fire just seemed to die, you hadn’t even realized it. Was it over time, or was it just removed in one go?
You recalled, standing within the garden with Ignis, every opportunity, you had every chance to go, to run. No one was holding you back, there were no chains, no tethers, nothing to hold you to him, but still you stayed, never too far away from him. At most you made certain to stay within his sight, or so that you could always see him. It made you uncomfortable not to know where he was, or not be within his sight, or any of their sight for that matter.
You recalled smacking a tray of food from Prompto, but the moment your hand came into contact with the tray, you immediately found yourself in his arms, apologizing, checking him over to make sure he wasn’t hurt. He constantly assured you it was an accident and when you thought about it, it really was, there was no ill will, simply a wrong place at the wrong time.
You recalled resting in the large nook window of the apartment, only to suddenly find yourself being lifted. You flailed and shrieked, pulling away only to relax when you heard that deep chuckle from Gladiolus. Your panic immediately became affectionate cuddles.
You recalled running, fast and hard. Your dress picked up, almost as if working on muscle memory, your feet dragged you to an exit, but then you’d turn. Only to gasp as a flash of blue appeared for you, and you were face to face with a soft smile, that you were certain was a reaction to one on your own face.
Noctis had caught you again.
You didn’t fight his victory kiss, no any of the kisses. You craved them, wanting nothing more than to be physically shown their love.
You thought of the freedom you had gotten in  the halls of the Citadel, no longer escorted, but still you feet your dragged you somewhere familiar somewhere close to them. Almost as if you were searching for something, trying to find something, only to find that it was taking you to them.
There were a few times when you’d find yourself outside in the middle of the night, suddenly awakened as you fell into the river. There was no one there to take you back, but still you climbed from the river, wet, and you sat and waited.
It never took long, before you were found, wrapped in arms and escorted back.
Back Home.
“Is it really okay?” You asked.
“Yeah.” Noctis chuckled.
You only asked, because you were supposed to be down in the central ballroom, being introduced as the Prince’s betrothal party. Your veil finally to be removed, as you were introduced as the future Princess of the Kingdom. While most of the party was underway, you were assured time and again that it was okay for the five of you to slip away for a breather, as the future Princess was of “Delicate health” and just needed a moment.
What you hadn’t expected was to find yourself in this more office suite apartments. This one was stationed not too far from Ignis’s but sat higher up within the citadel, appearing almost to be a high rise apartment within itself, if not for the hundreds of books behind the large desk, and beautiful dark furniture that littered the room. But the most amazing thing of all was the huge window, one entire wall was just a window. Seeing that it was high enough from the ground floors, the lights from the city and the castle didn’t object to the stars.
“How pretty.” You found yourself cooing, as Noctis moved you over to the window. From up this far, everyone and everything looked so small, like little toys.
“It is a wonderful view.” Ignis stated, having poured a few drinks, handing yourself and Noctis the first two.
“Thank you, Iggy.” You cooed accepting the glass, before he moved over to hand Gladiolus and Prompto theirs.
“Tonight’s been pretty awesome.” Prompto smiled, “How about a toast?”
“A toast?” Gladiolus chuckled.
“Yeah, to an awesome future.” Prompto laughed, his glass high.
“Whelp Iggy, you’re up.” Gladiolus smiled, raising his glass alongside Prompto’s.
Ignis gave a playful sigh as he raised his glass, “I believe that the honor should be Y/Ns.”
“Yeah how about it?” Noctis chuckled his glass raised next to you. 
You held the glass in your hand, thinking for a moment before raising it to the sky, “May the worst day of our futures, be the happiest day of our past.”
A round of cheers echoed the room, as everyone's glass moved to their lip
As you sipped your drink, your eyes turned back towards the night sky, only to find them focused back on you, that red had returned, much brighter in your eyes. But not just there, on your chest, there was no mistaking it, the same color red, in the shape of a heart glowing brightly. seeming to be beating along to your own heart. You stepped towards the window, hand raised to touch your reflection.
“What is...?”
“Didn’t think it would take this long.” Noctis replied beside you.
“What would take this long?” You asked, only to turn as you found Ignis behind you, having removed the power dampening necklace from your neck. A surge of trapped magic flooding through you.
“The spell.” Noctis stated, as if that would answer your question.
“The spell, what do you...no.” You gasped in horror, that small flame suddenly began to roar again as the pieces begun to fall. That veil you allowed to control you begun to fall. “You, you did this. What did you do to me?”
“Sorry, Y/N, it was the only way we could protect you.” Prompto offered reaching out, only for you to shove him away. “Don’t be angry.”
You suddenly realized that you were being surrounded, you held tightly to the glass of booze within your hand to ground yourself. “What the hell did you do?”
“Y/N, careful, the dampener was removed…” Gladiolus began as he reached for you, only to have you pull away, releasing another surge of magic.
“Answer me!” You screamed, that fire was raging now, you knew, you knew that there was no way you would have messed up this bad. The fight was coming back, “What the fuck did you do to me!?”
“We’ve removed the dampener, we don’t want it to react to the final steps of the spell.” Ignis stated, always calm and collected, he stayed out of your striking range but close enough that he could get to you.
This only pissed you off more, “You fucked up the spell and you did this to me, this isn’t me.”
“Y/N, I’ve told you time and again,”
You turned toward Noctis before you, all of your anger was boiling over, you almost fell for it. You almost fell for this false love, this false joke of love. You almost let them win!
“...I’m going to protect you.”
You hadn’t realized what you had done until you felt both Gladiolus and Ignis grab a hold of you, the empty glass shattering at your feet. You had tossed your drink directly within Noctis face, “Fuck you! You son of a bitch! I’m not…”
You were quickly hushed as you felt your back slammed against the window, Noctis standing before his hand tight to your chin, keeping you facing him, your gaze unable to go anywhere else but his own. That predatory magic was what was keeping you pressed against the wall, at his mercy.
You tried focusing, a way to escape. You could try the window. There would be no way you could survive the fall from this high, but maybe you could drag this bastard down with you. You tried again and again but the window was too thick.
“Don’t try that, you’ll just wear yourself out.” Ignis stated.
“Noct’s office is the most secure. Sound proof and resistance.” Gladiolus followed up.
You felt your flame flicker as that bright red begun to slowly creep over you vision. As if rose colored glasses were being forced on you.
“This is for your own good, I tried to make you see, we all did. But you go and you take a book to try and leave us. Luckily Specs found it before you could do anything foolish.”
You thought about it, there was no way they didn’t find it, you had fainted and they had changed you out of the dress. “How?”
“A photocopied page, simply switched two spell names.” Ignis replied. “You do recall the, amor aeternus spell.”
Amor Aeternus? The eternal love spell. That’s what they used! A spell that was banned and said to have been destroyed thousands of years ago due to the fact no one could break it. It would start my taking over the mind and then the heart.
“Once it’s completed we won’t have to ever have this conversation again. It’s too late now, Y/N.”
There appeared to be a sad smile on his face. Did he have some guilt behind this? Did he honestly feel sorry? Or was it all part of his act too?!
You let out a sob, you just wanted to know, you deserved to know, “Why, why me?”
“Because there’s no one else.” Noctis removed his hand from you chin, to stroke you cheek. “You are mine, Y/N.”
You followed their gaze to the glowing heart on your chest, noticing now that it was filling up before it disappeared. You turned horrified eyes back to Noctis’s gaze finding his staring directly at you, you felt tears fill your eyes, you had lost.
You had already known the answer but the tears fell as you gave a shuttered, “Why?”
You tried again and again to resist.
Begging yourself to resist.
But found yourself screaming
For more.
For their affection and their love.
The small inferno, gone, not even an ember left into existence. The spell had done its job.
You felt the hand leave your cheek as Noctis stepped away. All of them hovering over you, watching intently.
“Their is only one thing left Noct.” Ignis stated as Noctis nodded.
“Y/n,” Noctis called, the only way he knew you heard him was from your body stiffening at his voice. “ I love you.”
“Y/N, I love you.” Prompto echoed.
“I love you, Y/N.” Gladiolus repeated.
“I love you.” Ignis duplicated.
Without any second thought or hesitation, you lifted your head. The red heart on you chest vanished, as the red within your eyes flashed once before returning to their normal color.
You responded.
“I love you too.”
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danddymaro · 4 years
Before I Go | Jean Pierre Polnareff x Reader
Set during Part 5. AU Where sweet Baby Polnareff doesn’t get fucked and instead gets a happy ending, surviving Diavolo.  
Kind of, sorta angsty (???)
Thoughts are italics in quotations = ‘Example’
Flashbacks are in italics = Example
Word count:  2395
Before I Go
“ How was I supposed to tell him?” She said quietly as a soft, little look of remembrance touched with sadness melted onto her features as she remembered each and every time the question went over her head,
‘How Polnareff? How could I have even stood before you ?’ She asked herself, not knowing how she could ever come to face him again.
By then, the stark night was illuminated by the large glowing moon, the only light that could lovingly touch her now, something she detested with a passion, because it just reminded her of how seldom her life would remain while stuck lurking in the darkness.
Furthermore, it reminded her of  her loss of humanity,
“ How was I supposed to admit that the entire time we’d been together, I had been nothing but a monster,” She revealed, her (e/c) eyes glaring down at her open palm, her overgrown nails, both pointed and black coming into perfect view as she brought her fingers down, forming a tight, shaking fist.
“Every time he’d look at me, he'd know I was just as revolting as those two…” She said while sucking in a harsh breath, “ Those...two…” She added through her tightened teeth, unable to finish her sentence, woeful tears leaking from her (e/c) eyes as she recalled the events which took place many years ago.
Suddenly calming, she then let loose of her tightened fist, her shoulders coming down in a slacking state during the process,
“It's been years and I haven't heard a word from him,” she started, continuing to speak to the golden haired teen to reveal all of her truths, “ But to be fair, I hadn’t really searched much,” she admitted, “Because...well... I was too afraid he’d know I was still around. ”
It was then that she cracked a small smile, a very minuscule one that showed tenderness,
“ He'd no doubt found a wife,” She doted, certainty in her (e/c) drops. “... someone to share little moments with, just as he'd always dreamed of. - All like he said he would one day.” She said with a touch of amusement, remembering how everyone would roll their eyes at his flirtatious nature,
‘ He was such a romantic...’
“ And of course....I can imagine him with so many children,” she said smiling, her voice cracking in between the sentence, because she’d always wanted to have children as well.
“ I can see him playing with them, both arms outstretched as he spins them around,” she added with a hiccup, shaking it off with an unsteady chuckle instead to try and drive away the unbearable pain in her chest,
‘ Just like with sherry...like you said you'd done so many times…’ She recalled with fondness.
“ I miss those days, those few days we knew each other, because while they hadn’t been the longest, I can admit without a shadow of a doubt that I'd never been happier than I was at that point in my life!” She confessed, her arms tightly hugging her own figure.
‘Every day we struggled to make it to the next, and even then I’d never smiled so much. I’d never been so damn happy than when I with all of them... Especially you Polnareff,’  She thought while thinking back to all of the men she’d traveled with. 
She missed jabbing Jotaro until he grew annoyed, physically poking him out of boredom until he fought her back, doing just the same out of rebuttal. Occasionally, she’d catch his scowl take a turn, twitching into a smile during his own attack.
“Good Grief,” He’d mutter, “You’re so annoying!” He huffed in between his assault.
She missed hearing Kakyoin jabber on about his gaming strategies, promising they’d one day play together. There was a smugness to him during his talks that she found funny, because he was sure no one could really beat his technique, no matter what video game they’d pick. 
“You know,” Noriyaki started, “I’ve never really played against anyone else,” He admitted, “Not with a friend,” He added, smiling at her with appreciation for even bothering to take interest in something he had a passion for.
She missed Avdol’s calm, warm air, and the ease she had when she was around him. Out of all of them, he felt the closest to family, being the wise one, the level headed one she could ask for advise and trust with her life, 
‘I never had a doubt you’d give yours for one of ours,’ She thought as she remembered him with fondness, appreciating his sacrifice, the very one that kept her from falling into Vanilla Ice’s mercy. 
The same one that kept Polnareff out of danger more than once...
She missed Mr. Joestar’s pleasant company, always beaming as he’d lay a hand over her head as a little act of affection he’d grown accustomed to doing. She also enjoyed his stories, listening on attentively to them with amazement, 
“You know...” Joseph said while looking down at his prosthetic, feeling just a smidge bashful at his admittance, “ Sometimes I feel like no one listens to this old fool,” He confessed to her. “For a long time now, even Holly seemed to grow tired of me, focusing more on her own life,” He said while offering (f/n) a soft smile, “ Thank you for listening (f/n). Thank you for taking the time,” He added, laying his hand over  her head, scuffling up her combed (h/c) strands while she responded with a happy smile, truly at peace.
‘I even miss that gas machine Iggy,’ She mused, loving the tenderness he showed when they were left alone,
“Why can’t you be this sweet all the time,” she asked the creature while pouting, touching the little sensitive spot behind his ear, “It wouldn’t hurt to stop acting so tough,” She suggested, watching as the Frenchie scoffed, nonetheless staying still to keep being caressed.
And then there was Polnareff, the man who she simply could not let go of, no matter how much time progressed. 
- The same man who currently hid from her, the entire time sitting in disbelief as he heard her voice.
Listening on, the silver-haired male closed his eyes tightly, keeping himself hidden away from her, listening on to the woman as she poured her heart out to Giorno.
‘I hadn’t forgotten you either.’ He thought to himself, having spent nights with the same heartache, yearning for the woman he thought had died back in Cairo at the hands of the golden-haired fiend.
“ Is that why you helped us?” Giorno asked, his voice soft as he stared at the woman with interest, finally having understood her strange behavior. "Just to find him again," He added with a soft smile lifting up his features, truly taken by the dedication that existed within her.
With a somber nod, she confirmed it.
“It’s also why you only showed yourself during the night,” He added with understanding.
“Precisely,” She said with a soft blow of air coming out from her nostrils, “I did all I could to aid you,” She said lowly, " Just know, I’m sorry I couldn’t do more,” She added with regret, knowing there were none but three of them left.
"Yeah," he responded back with the same gentleness.
In the end, he couldn't blame her for what happened, especially not now that he understood her restrictions.
“ I  just wanted to see him one last time,” she admitted, “ One last time before…” stopping herself, she swallowed thickly, instead, trailing her eyes up to the full moon where in the morning the sun would soon arise,
“ Before?” Giorno asked her, urging her to continue.
Looking at him straight on, the woman smiled wholeheartedly, her eyes shut tight as  a large grin itched over her face, painfully being forced to stay,
" Before I let the sun rise over me. Before I turn to nothing but ash," She revealed to him.
" I wanted to see him one more time before I go.
 I haven't found happiness in all this time, and I doubt I'll ever come to hold it within my chest again." She added.
“ I don't mind him looking away from me, not when even I can’t stand the sight of my own figure.” She spoke with the same melancholy,  “ At this point, I don't care if he detests me, because I've lived with that thought every day for years.
I know he’d despise me.
The only comfort I have from that is that I know that once he finds out what I've become, he'd be much happier knowing I was dead. And then...then I could make him happy just once before I die. "
The teen’s Green eyes open wide as he heard her, his  mouth opened up to speak before another voice cut him off,
“Tch! Are you insane?” Polnareff said out loud, barking at her as he revealed himself to her, his arms straining to push his chair forward.
“P-pol…” she couldn't finish, her eyes grazing over the filthy murky silver of his chair, and then his artificial limbs that were now useless.
Stopping, she held in a breath, her heart stilled at his miserable sight,
"I don't care about any of that !" He cried out to her, having willed himself right to her, his two hands tightly grasping hers to pull her down.
"Pol-" she couldn't finish her surprised outburst before she fell down to him, his lips immediately latching onto  hers.
Through his shut eyes, crystal droplets escaped, mixing with her two falling streams as they traveled down, their paths once again coming together to taste bittersweet,
“I could care less...” He murmured between their mashed lips,  “Mon amour,” he muttered softly, drawing back slightly to gaze into her (e/c) colored eyes,  the pad of his thumb brushing over the flesh of her lips, both top and bottom, relishing in the softness of them, something he hadn’t been able to do in the past, despite all the overwhelming desire he'd had during those days.
“Do you know what my life has been without you?” he asked her, moving his hand to take a hold of the side of her face, collecting her tears and gently  wiping them away,
“Do you know how many pieces my heart shattered into?” he added, a shuttered breath leaving him as he thought back to the last night he'd seen her,
He moved too slow, his royal blue eyes watching with horror as her body curled onto the large arm impaling her, clean going through her.
Frozen, he watched while she was then  thrown aside, her beaten body rolling across the concrete ground. A trail of red was painted upon the empty road, starting from the woman’s carcass, and leading back to DIO.
"(f/n)! " He cried out, crawling towards her, his vision blurred as he stared at her longer.
Pushing himself he cried out in lament as he stopped, his sluggish body unable to move further,
"I couldn't help Jotaro," He mumbled, his cheek pressed against the chipped , concrete ground,
"I couldn't save Avdol.
I couldn't  save Iggy.
I wasn't there for Kakyoin.
I couldn't even reach out to Mr. Joestar .
And now....Now... (f/n)… I can't even make my way towards you,"  
He said while tightly shutting his eyes, the smothering embrace of slumber taking over, his last thoughts on the woman  slain a few feet before him.
Silently signaling both Trish and Mista, Giorno took his leave, deciding it best to leave the other two to themselves, sparing one last glance at them with a placid smile, wishing them the best. 
"- I searched for you," Polnareff  told (f/n), "The first thing I did was look for you when I woke up in the hospital," he revealed to her. " But by then you were gone. Jotaro said that you were gone when he went back, and we didn't know what to think of it." He went on,
"Last I knew you'd been struck by him... You'd been beaten bloody...
After that, I would have never imagined you alive," he said with relief.
"But here you are," he marveled at her, seeing how little she'd changed, retaining all of the beauty she possessed in the past, and in fact,  growing even more stunning now.
"I am, "she said back to him, " I am here...but I'm a monster nonetheless," She told him. "He'd given me his blood and whether or not I knew of it, it doesn't change the fact that I -"
"That I love you." he interrupted her, " It doesn't change the fact that I love you.” He flat out told her, “ It doesn’t change that I'd thought of you every day since then. That no matter how much time passed by, I could never find it in myself to even look at another woman." He went on,
"(f/n) ," he started, his face soft and uncertain, a gentle, rosy color rising over his face as he continued to look up at her, reminding her of the past version of himself that was still young,
"You're nothing like him.” he assured her, “ You're no monster, because all in all, you're still (f/n). You're still my dream, " He admitted.
Grasping both her hands, he took them up to his lips, kissing them sweetly, his blue eye gazing up at her with unwavering love,
"I've spent years without you, having been unable to tell you in the past how much I loved you.
I know I'm only a fraction of the man I was before, and so much time has gone by. 
But (f/n), I'd still love to spend the rest of my days with you. Grow old at your side. " He told her.
Her hand rose to take hold of his cheek, caressing it tenderly before drawing in towards him, answering him with a sweet kiss in return,
'I can't grow old.
I can never live a normal life...but even so, even while knowing,
you still propose such a thing to me,' She mused.
"If you still love me the way I am... If you'll still want to spend the rest of your life with me, then I want nothing more than to live in that future,
With you Polnareff,"  She said with happiness.
The warmth of his body radiated to hers, and for a fraction of a second she felt the same as she did before, 
Alive and human… 
Happy and accepted...
“I love you,” He said while not taking his eye off of her, never wanting to go another day without his love.
“Forever... and always,” He said with evident adoration.
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renohasbigtits · 4 years
I love your Ignis mpreg headcanons, especially the ones involving his uncle. I see headcanons of Iggy having two moms, but they have lines of work that are frowned upon, so despite them caring very much about him, they have very little contact, to not ruin his chances. Can you do some headcanons of Ignis going to see them and shows up already showing and surprises them?
Sure! But I’m gonna experiment with this one. If you guys like this or want me to stick to my normal writing style, let me know!
Growing up, Ignis has had to raise himself. Especially when your “taking care” of a prince. though honestly, he’s basically his Mother. Not that Ignis minds. That’s what he’s taught to do.
Take care of Noctis.
Ignis genuinely loves Noct. He feels like a Mom to Him. Not that he’s been able to forget that.
He’s still called Mama Ignis, even after leaving the Academy.
Truthfully, Ignis and Noct have a lot in common. Noct’s mom was killed, Ignis, well that ones tricky.
Ignis has Two Mom’s. No there not dead, it’s just that....
He has a very rocky relationship with them. He doesn’t see them much. they work at a job that’s frowned upon (I literally couldn’t come up with anything, so I’ll leave it your imagination on what they do.)
Plus they want to give him a chance. A chance to do better than they can. It’s worked but with consequences.
Ignis almost never sees them. They try not to see him too much, in his youth, He spends time alone. He, kinda understands why but it hurts.
He sees so many kids have great relationships with their parents, meanwhile he’s lucky he gets a hi from one of them.
But fortunately, He has a wonderful relationship with Noct. Their like Mom and Son. 
Truthfully, Noct is his main priority. He couldn’t imagine anything being first than Noct. Or was, until he find out he’s pregnant. 
He was surprised to say the least. He was barely an adult and he was already expecting a baby. Excited but scared to say the least.
He tries to get the support from his parents but to no avail. He has to turn to His Uncle and Noct. There’ll supportive. He’s had to raise himself, now he has raise a baby.
As he’s continued to get bigger, he’s still haven’t been able to tell his Mom’s that there expecting a grandchild. 
Already 6 Months, He’s tried to call his first Mum, since she’s more likely to answer. Finally! It worked!
“Hello?” She asked.
“Mum!” Ignis replied. “Can we meet? I have to tell you guys something.”
“Oh! Hi sweetie! Well... I don’t know. We’re very busy. How about tell us over the phone?”
“No. It’s important.” He said as he rubbed his belly. “Please.”
They sighed. They don’t wanna let him down... again. But they very busy.
His Second Mom sighed. “We have to see him honey, We can’t let him down again. He sounds like he’s needs us.”
She agreed. “Cafe?”
Cafe 18. 4:57 p.m.
They got there early. There not going to fuck up this time. They don’t know what he needs to tell them but call it motherly instinct, they know it’s serious.
Hopefully he’s ok.
4:59 p.m.
Ignis walks down the street to Cafe 18 with a weak stomach. He’s so nervous. “How well they react to the news?”
Will they be happy? Excited? Disappointed? Mad?
Normally Iggy is good at figuring people out but his parents are a whole can of worms. He really doesn’t know what they’ll th ink. That scares him. When his Uncle asked if he was nervous, He tried to put up a front but He saw right through him.
His Uncle said that they’ll be shocked but that’s normal. All in all, They’ll be Shocked but they’ll be supportive. They love there only Son. There not gonna turn him away. He knows his sister.
5:00 p.m.
Ignis walks in Cafe 18 and looks around. He feels sick to his stomach. He feels like he’s gonna throw up on the spot.
Poor baby.
Then he sees his parents. Here he goes.
He walks very slowly towards them. Almost like a movie. His whole body is telling him to leave but it’s already too late to back out now.
His first Mum saw him and got excited. She hadn’t realized til now that it’s been a long time since she saw him.
She was so excited to see him again that she hadn’t noticed the clear baby bump. Her wife got up and smiled. Ignis had changed so much.
“It’s been so long!” She exclaimed happily. Iggy couldn’t help but smile. It’s the affection he hadn’t had in so long.
His mum stepped back and looked at him. She looked up and down til she saw the bump in his stomach.
She was confused til she realized.
“Are you pregnant?!” She exclaimed. His mom looked to and saw the bump.
Ignis got nervous. Than His Mum hugged him. Than his other Mom got in on the hug.
She whispered. “I’m gonna be a grandma!”
“I’ll have to buy a onesie!” Her wife exclaimed.
Ignis chuckled while tears ran down his face near there seats. “Suprise!”
After leaving Cafe 18, They entered the park and sat down at the bench.
His Mum couldn’t help but put her hands on his belly. She had to feel her grandchild. Ignis was shocked but didn’t stop her.
The baby moved under her left hand. It was the best thing she felt in a long time.
She and her wife knew right then and there that they have to try be there for him more. It’ll be hard but they feel so guilty that it took six months to figurer out that they were having a grandchild!
They don’t know if it’ll work but they have to!
For there Son and there unborn grandchild 💙
A/n: I changed the writing style because I wanted to shake things up. I hope it’s ok!
If y’all want me to change it or go back to the old one, please please let me know!
I really enjoyed making this!
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your-1up-girl · 4 years
Working on Weapons (Cindy Aurum x Fem!Reader)
Author’s Note: I love Cindy. This is my first time writing smut. I hate it. Please enjoy :)
Word Count: 4756
Link to AO3
Ever since you and the guys first showed up at the garage and you saw her walk towards the car with a smile that seemed to taunt you and a sway in her hips that spoke a language of their own, you knew that you stood no chance against this woman’s spell.
Every so often when you had to make a visit for supplies or do a task for her, you would do your best to turn on the charm. You weren’t bad at flirting, hell one time when you were at a bar, you and Gladio made a bet to see who could get the most numbers by the end of the night. Long story short, you had him beat and had an amazing night with one of those numbers. 
The problem with flirting with Cindy was that she just seemed so used to it that it felt like nothing you did even phased her. Much to your dismay (and Gladio’s utmost entertainment) all of your subtle and not so subtle advances had no effect on her. The winks, cute nicknames that you reserved only for her, lingering touches, soft eyes and smiles that seemed to convey both innocence and hidden suggestive messages. Absolutely nothing. It was driving you crazy. It was at the point that even poor Prompto was rooting for you (“I have to live vicariously through you so you better make this happen,” It was a joke, one followed by a playful shove and a wink).
Just when you were at that point of giving up, it finally happened one afternoon. You all were returning from picking up headlights from that Gods forsaken sewer system. The whole party was exhausted and you wanted nothing more than to take a shower in the caravan. 
“Hey Cin!” You called out catching her attention from another hunter who, from the look of dejection, struck out with her. “We got it.” 
Cindy took the headlights from you but not before giving you elevator eyes, your appearance was intoxicating to her. Perfectly disheveled hair, a tank top that clung deliciously against your chest and hips, small bruises perfectly stamping your skin (some, she made note of, appeared to be about the size of her mouth), and a light sheen of sweat on your skin. If she hadn’t known why you were gone, she may have just gotten other ideas in her head about your look. Not that you noticed of course, Gladio convinced the others to take a hunt that was also in that sewer system. It took far too long to find and kill; with the exhaustion setting in you hadn’t noticed how the tables were turned and the woman of your dreams was now unapologetically checking you out.
“Didn’t realize these little ol’ things would be such trouble.” You smiled at her, combing your hair back with your fingers causing Cindy to flush ever so slightly.
“Don’t worry about it, we’re back and no one got too hurt other than Noct’s pride. But I’m letting you know now, if you want us to go back there for anything else, I’m gonna have to tell you to go fuck yourself.” Cindy laughed. It was a joke and she knew it, the smirk on your beautiful lips and the playful glint in your eye told her that.
“I’ll be sure to keep that in mind darlin’,” Turing, she saw that Ignis had put the car in her garage to prepare for the lights modification. “Looks like I got to get back to the ol’ girl. She’s gon be shinin’ so bright that the stars’ll wanna take notes.”
“If they wanna learn so badly they should just look into your eyes.” Gods that was corny even her face scrunched up on that one, but she still had that sweet, weak-in-the-knees smile so you assumed she somewhat enjoyed it? Thought it was cute at least?
“Anyways, to save myself from further embarrassment, I'm gonna go. Got a nice cold shower and a hot meal with my name on it.” You turned on your heel thinking the conversation would just end at that but what Cindy said next would forever stay in your mind.
“I thought I was the only hot meal you wanted to eat baby girl?”
Did you just hear that correctly? You tripped on your own two feet and barely had the nerve to turn around to see the beautiful mechanic giving you a small smile with slightly parted lips and half lidded eyes. She looked you up and down once more and licked her lips with a subtly that almost went missed by you. You knew that she was practically undressing you with her eyes because you had done the same on many occasions. Wondering if she was thinking about the same lewd thoughts made you unconsciously rub your thighs together. Opening and closing your mouth trying to think of something to say, Cindy just shook her head smiling at the ground before leaving you with, “Have a nice cold shower hun.”
Later in the evening, after you and the boys had cleaned up, and Ignis was making something in the caravan because no matter how late it was Ignis always wanted to make sure everyone was fed. You sat outside reading with Gladio, Noctis and Prompto as they played rounds of King’s Knight. But couldn’t care less about whatever they were doing or about what you were doing for that matter. You read the same page about 20 times now, but you just couldn’t get that interaction out of your head. Had all your flirting finally worked? Or was she just playing you? 
“How y’all doing?” Speak of the gorgeous devil. All heads turned as Cindy approached the caravan. She wore black skin tight leggings, a loose gray crop top that hung off her left shoulder, and of course her signature cowgirl boots. It was nice to see her in casual clothes. The domestic look was one that suited her nicely you thought. You loved it when she wore her work attire but seeing her so relaxed, it made you imagine a possible future with her.
“You look comfortable Cindy. Done for the day? Thought you never close up shop.” Gladio asked. 
“Yeah just about wanted to finish early today; the Regalia looks real nice now that she’s got new lights on ‘er. And you don’t gotta worry about those damn daemons either.” 
Prompto gave out a happy shout at both the no more daemons news and for winning the match. 
“What would we do without you Cindy.” Noctis relayed the gratitude with a slight pout.
“Aw don’t give me too much credit now. I just connect some wires and do some modifications. Speaking of, (Y/N).” Your head snapped so quickly to her she giggled making you blush, “My reason for closin’ early was so I would use you as my guinea pig.” She paused on purpose, wanting to get your reaction at her choice of words. She approached you to where you were, sitting on the table with a tilt of her head and a sly smile she continued. “Well, your weapons that is. See, with Paw-Paw modin’ things for the Prince, figured why not throw my hat in the ring too. If everything goes well, I could fix up equipment for other hunters as well.” Cindy crossed one leg over the other bouncing the top leg lightly as she spoke giving you an eye full of her calves. And dammit, you could not help yourself as your eyes wandered up to her thighs to the curve of her ass. Up her hips and exposed waist and to where the shirt peaked from her breasts, the soft skin of her neck just waiting to be bitten and finally to her face where a knowing smirk and lecherous eyes watched you take in her appearance. 
She had you now more than ever. To think, you had been flirting with her on every occasion you could. All of a sudden she struts over here and says the right words, acts a certain way and you become putty in her hands. “So (Y/N) what’d ya say?” Prompto had to kick you lightly under the table to get you out of your shocked state. 
Stuttering you gave an answer, “I yeah-yes, of course you can use me—My weapons! You can use- fix them if you want to.” Gods just kill me now! Face beat read you could hear Gladio and Noctis containing their snickers at you making an utter fool of yourself in front of Cindy. She didn’t seem to mind however, just turned that smirk into a smile and hopped off the table and began to walk towards the garage. She was about half way there and you were still glued to your seat like an idiot when someone spoke from the door of the caravan.
“I don’t think you should keep her waiting (Y/N).” Ignis took a sip of Ebony.
“Wha-? Weren’t you cooking-? How long have you been-”
“Long enough to know that you won’t be joining us for dinner. Now, you have much better things to attend to than staying here with me and The Three Stooges.” He was right, you got up from your seat already noting how you felt a bit of slickness at your core as you began to walk over to the garage. “Oh and (Y/N),” Turning to Iggy you saw the smirk as he took another sip of coffee, “Have fun.” 
You didn’t say anything and just made your way to the garage. Taking the back entrance seeing that the large main door was closed early for the afternoon. Once inside you saw Cindy working on something at the workbench biting her bottom lip in concentration. She looked up at you when she heard the door shut, “Hey doll come ‘er.” You approached her as she told you to place your weapons off to the far right of the bench. Doing as you're told, you summoned your short sword and placed it on the bench. You turned around but as you did Cindy came up to you and kissed you. She had her arms on either side of you, effectively trapping. The kiss was one with a fever that you made your whole body tense and heat go straight to your core. That feeling bubbled so pleasantly within you.
However, you were in such a state of shock because Cindy Aurum was basically making out with you that you had yet to return the kiss. Cindy stopped to look at you with a hint of fear in her eyes.
“Have I overstepped my boundaries? I’m so sorry hun’ I just, you were always flirtin’ with me, so I took that as an opportunity to- You can leave if I made ya uncomfort-”
“No.” It was soft, you didn’t want to scare her any more that she clearly was. “It’s just that-” You dragged your hands across the exposed sink of her waist and brought her closer to you. Taking your time to feel just how soft it was. Your left hand played with the shirt hem and your right drew small infinity signs on the small of her back. “In all the ways I’ve had this dream play out, that’s all it ever was. A dream.”
It looked like that relaxed Cindy because next thing you knew she placed her lips on yours once more and pulled you close as well. Thank the Gods that your brain returned to a functional state as you kissed her back. Making sure to match the force and passion behind it. 
“Let me tell you baby girl, I am very,” Cindy grabbed your hand, “Much.” Open palm she allowed it to ghost over her breast. “Real.” A quick glance down and a nod was all you need to knead the soft flesh in your hand. The sigh that fell from her lips sent shivers throughout your entire body. 
“You're not wearing a bra?” 
“Oh? I guess I ain’t.” She bit her bottom lip and laughed. “Honestly (Y/N), I’m surprised you just noticed. Just so you know, I ain’t wearing a thong either darlin’.” A whine escaped you and you leaned forward to kiss her again moving in tandem with her as you gave the other breast some attention as well. Her arms found their way around your waist and down to your ass, giving it a squeeze. Every moment that passed you expected one of the boys to shake you awake but the way Cindy felt, her breasts and hands, her dangerously addicting mouth, it all felt too real to be anything but reality. And thank the Astrals for that.
With caution, you allowed your fingers to graze over the nipple, already, it began to harden under the shirt at your touch. The kiss broke only for a moment as Cindy whispered in your ear, “Pinch it darlin’.” 
And that is exactly what you did. Tweaking and twisting the small bud between your index finger and thumb. The action rewarded you the most intoxicating sound as Cindy moaned softly in your ear. In a bold move on her part, she brought one leg in between yours. The moan was one so sinful you didn’t even realize that you were capable of making such a noise. 
That noise gave fuel to Cindy as she applied more pressure to your core with her leg. More sounds escaped both your mouths and you grinned into her thigh, mentally wishing you wore something much thinner than skinny jeans.
“Want to take this somewhere more private?” The infatuation in both hers and your eyes were apparent and Cindy laughed.
“We have a whole garage to ourselves, that not enough privacy for you?” 
“Well, as hot as it would be to eat you out on the hood of the Regalia, I feel that if Noctis found out then he would literally behead us.” 
Cindy smiled at you, with a peck on the lips and said, “I don’t think he’ll mind. What he don’t know won’t kill him, right? But, a bed is always good.” With your hand in yours, she led you to a side upstairs part of the garage. Opening up the door at the top of the side staircase revealed a quaint, rustic studio apartment of sorts. One central open area that had a small kitchen and dining area. There were some built in bookshelves that contained various books and pictures. A small love-seat with two pink pillows located near a door which you assumed was the bathroom. And on a more raised part of the room was a small dresser and her full sized mattress, adorned with pillows and a gray, chunky knit throw blanket. 
On said mattress was the woman of your dreams. Seated on her haunches, leaning forward ever so slightly to accentuate her breasts and hair tousled from your hands moments before, she beckoned you to the bed. Wasting no time, you all but ran to her, crashing your lips against her and laid her gently against the soft duvet covers. Her hands were on your hips again, fingers finding their way to the button of your jeans. You smiled into the kiss and helped her out undoing it yourself and shimmying out of the article. 
“What were you thinking about over there when you came in hun'?” The small circles being rubbed on your clit made it differently to answer but you did.
"Ahhh, just thinking that you got a real nice place. I guess it kind of surprised me." Deciding to return the favor and give an eye for an eye, you lifted her shirt off and tossed it. Taking in her beautiful upper body; chest of full display and nipples harden from when you played with them. Further grinding into her fingers you took one nipple into your mouth and began to suck and flick your tongue across the skin. Cindy arched her back at the sudden stimulation and momentarily stopped the rubbing.
"Oh God's (Y/N) that feels…"  She couldn't finish as you moved to the next breast but still played with the other with your expert hands. "Ah! Based on how much attention you give my boobs, I take it that you're a tit girl then?"
You released from her with a pop, “When it comes to you, I just adore everything.” and began to attack her neck and collar bone. Kissing and nipping at the sun-kissed skin. She held you close running fingers desperately through your hair and leaving scratches along you back, your shirt discarded a long time ago. 
"Keep doing that and I'll have to wear an actual shirt tomorrow hun'." The smirk on her lips was evident that she would do nothing of the sort. The thought of her working tomorrow with the bruises, bites and hickeys exposed for all the world to see made the fire in your core burn even hotter.
"Something tells me you'll be fine. And if you can still form sentences then I'm clearly not doing a good enough job." You started at the valley of her breasts and left a trail of kisses and worked your way down to where her leggings laid just above her pelvic bone. 
"My my my, aren't you all worked up." The comment acknowledged the prominent wet spot on her leggings. You looked Cindy dead in the eyes, hers were a bit furrowed.
"Oh please darlin', don't act all high and mighty like you aren't as wet as- AH!" You rubbed your fingers on that mark and Cindy moaned so beautifully that it grew a smirk on your face. 
You positioned yourself between her legs and licked your tongue across her sex. Cindy threw her head back against the pillows and begged you to do that again. Her thighs found homes on your shoulders and your hands on her abdomen to pin her down. 
You licked her through her leggings knowing that the fabric both gave a good feeling but also was a frustrating barrier. Sucking on her clit one more time, it was time that you took off her leggings. She got the queue and lifted her hips to help you and threw them off the bed. 
Just to even the playing field, you took off your panties and unhooked your bra. Your boobs bounced out of the lacey prison and Cindy didn't even try to hide how she stared. 
Legs spread wide, her clit wet from her own arousal and your mouth you added one finger and watched as she arched up from the bed. The perfect arch of her back made her look like a sculpture at the Citadel. Along with a gorgeous "O" forming on her mouth. 
Your finger moved back and forth. Cindy's grip on the messed up duvet below her tightened. You took this as an opportunity to add not only a second finger but also your mouth to the party. Your other unoccupied hand found and held hers as you continued. 
Some instructions were given, A little to the... Yeah there. Curl your fingers (Y/N). No, that’s more like scratchin’. Oh! That’s perfect. Now, if ya can… go deeper. Ah. Ahh! AH! Yes darlin' right there!
You devoured not only her but every moan, gasp, shudder, and sigh that left her mouth. You sent your fingers deeper, down to your knuckles and Cindy screamed out. “AH! YES! YES! YES! Oh sweet ASTRALS baby girl! Keep going! AH!!” Hands took desperate hold of your hair pushing your face further into her wanton sex. You could feel her walls tighten around your fingers; it encouraged you to go faster but then Cindy called out.
“WAit… wait (Y/N).” There was a hard tug on your hair that lifted you from her slick center. You took a deep breath mouth wet from her arousal and took your fingers out of her.
“Did I do something wrong?” It took a moment for Cindy to respond. It was obvious that she missed your feeling already, what with her flushed face, blown out pupils and the sheen of sweat on her body.
“Naw baby girl… you didn’t do anything wrong.” 
“It ain’t fair for me to be the one getting all the attention.” The mechanic found strength to give you some attention, her hand rubbing against your sex, she took your moan to memory and held nothing back as she gave you much needed friction to your core. Cindy was more rough with you. Even when she took one nipple in her mouth, she sucked and flicked the bud with force. Teeth were used to lightly tug and twist, her ultimate goal was to bring the soft bud to peak. 
Breaths began to shudder at the stimulation you were receiving. Cindy turned you around so you could lay against some pillows at the head of the bed. Her fingers entered you with ease, you slick with arousal as you held her close. Minimal assistance was given on your part, what with your brain practically shutdown from her actions but Cindy knew how to read you. Noticed little movements, subtle gasps or even when your face scrunched slightly telling her to try a different spot. The ragged breaths that came from both your bodies and the squelching noises that were produced from her working your mercilessly were the only things heard in the studio room. She worked her way up from your breasts and to your neck, leaving the same, if not more marks against your skin that would be a bitch to cover in the morning. 
She gave you a heated kiss and you could feel the smile on her lips as she danced with you. Your bottom lip earned a small bite when you snaked your arms up her back and clawed your way down. When she released your lips, the smile was more present than ever and Cindy licked her own.
“You never told me that I tasted so good darlin’.” A small peck on the lips. “You wanna find out how you taste?” Her fingers left your core and you whined at the emptiness but it was cut short when she put her two fingers in your mouth. You sucked them letting your tongue rub against the pads of her digits. When pulled out she laughed at the face you made.
“Kinda bitter, but I’m not surprised. Noct has been taking more hunts at night and coffee is the only thing keeping me awake.”   
She hummed and you barely caught the whisper of, “Mind if I try?” Before she put her two fingers back in and massaged you. Fingers curled in just the right way, the slow pumps along with her thumb rubbing your clit. Not breaking her gaze at you as your head fell back against the wall with a soft thud at the languid pace she kept. The blonde woman placed a small pillow behind your head to keep you from hurting yourself. 
“Gods! Cindy! Please!” Fingers were removed and placed into her mouth, self-satisfied smile at the flush ever present on your face. Legs on either side of you in a straddle, she put her fingers back in you, catching your neck with her mouth as you bucked at the insertion. “I think you taste divine baby girl.” Whispered against sensitive skin, it formed goosebumps all along your body. 
Finally, you put your fingers back into her. Your breaths mixed beautifully with her moans against your skin. Cindy took your nipple in her mouth again. Deft fingers worked you so well that when you finally climaxed, you stopped working Cindy for just a moment. The way you called out her name as your orgasm washed over you was music to her ears. “AH! CI-CINDY! Don’t stop! AH-AHH! OH GODS!” How she was able to get you so loud, you would never know. Normally, you were a quiet love maker but with Cindy it seemed she could turn you into a pornstar. Giving you one last pump she took in her work. Your chest was heaving, mouth slightly parted, pupils dilated and hair an absolute mess; you looked like sin in your post orgasm state. 
Cindy didn’t blame you for being so worn out but she was impressed when you still pumped your fingers into her. She took mercy on you and began to ride your fingers but not before removing hers from you and placing them back in her mouth lapping up the release you left on her. Her bundle of nerves got stimulation from your thumb. You just enjoyed the sights and sounds of her breasts bouncing, whimpers from sucking her own fingers clean of you, and the soft wet slaps of her grinding, as she took her own release on your fingers.
One final desperate shout escaped her as she fell forward against your equally exhausted body. Both parties laid on the bed and tried to catch their breaths. Cindy sat up against and kissed you, this time it was soft, meaningful and somewhat fleeting. 
“I think we ruined your duvet…”
“Aw don’t worry ‘bout it darlin.’ Nothin’ a quick wash won’t fix. How ‘bout you get this off the bed and I’ll get us a warm towel to clean us off.” You nodded and she hopped off you and to the kitchen to wet a towel with warm water as you made quick work of the duvet and throw pillows. Cindy came back, pulled the sheets back and motioned for you to get into bed with her. Gently you cleaned each other up and placed the towel on the nightstand near her bed once finished. That was also when you noticed that it was so late into the night and you hadn’t eaten anything. Stomach catching up with your mind it made a loud rumbling noise that you both laughed at. 
“I totally forgot that I skipped dinner.”
“It was worth it though right?”
You caressed her chin and guided her to a small kiss. “Oh absolutely. But Ignis’ll flip if he finds out I didn’t eat.”
“Well (Y/N) you kinda did eat.” Cindy sat on her haunches with her legs just barely spread. “I’d say you had yourself a full course meal.” A playful tackle to the bed wiped that smirk off her face as laughter filled the room. You blew against her stomach and she tried, in vain, to push you off. “Okay okay! How ‘bout this: You get yourself to the bathroom if you need to I’ll leave you a shirt of mine and get started on makin’ us something proper to eat? May not be like the Prince’s Advisor, but I consider myself a good cook at times.”
“Sounds like a plan.” To the bathroom you went and did what you had to do there, and true to her word, Cindy left you one of her shirts. The soft fabric was gentle on your skin, it was much larger than you expected it to be, just going past the curve of your butt, and it had the smell of Jasmine, vanilla, and motor oil. When you met Cindy at the stove she already began to warm up what appeared to be a breakfast like dish. She asked you to watch the food as she went to the bathroom herself.
Maybe five minutes passed. You hummed a tune as you cooked the food. Cindy wrapped her arms around your waist, she too wearing an over-sized shirt.
“You look nice like this.” It was whispered against soft fabric and love-bitten skin.
“Like how? In one of your shirts?”
“That, and here with me.” One kiss was barely pressed on your shoulder. “I could get used to late night or, I should say early mornin’, meals with you. Waking up with you. Being able to call you my girl.” The food sizzled on the stove as Cindy all but confessed to you. “That is… if you’ll want to. Don’t wanna force you or anything but, having you here with me has made me more happy than you could now.”
You turned and kissed her. The answer to the request, your hands grazing up and down her back while hers gripped tightly to the shirt you wore. Both of you were smiling before, during and after the kiss. Your foreheads rested against one another as you happily whispered, “Cindy, nothing would make me happier.” 
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Tim’s Secret Weapon: Chapter 2
I’ve been slightly obsessed with @ozmav​ ‘s Damien Wayne/Marinette Dupain-Cheng pairing as of late, and just saw a post that has inspired me more than anything else has in months, so I felt the need to write it
Summary- Tim has always seen the numbers floating above people’s heads, been able to perceive their threat levels with a single glance. After being a hero for so long he thought he was desensitized to seeing high numbers above people’s heads until Damien brings a new friend home.
Part 1 
Part 2 (HERE)
Part 3
Of all the ways Tim had imagined his secret getting out, he had to say that his family finding his research into Damien’s girlfriend was pretty low on the list, practically nonexistent. Especially since it didn’t take a genius to figure out what they thought his interest in her was more than a little creepily obsessive in the worst way possible. 
Though he had to admit that the evidence against him didn’t paint a pretty picture. Any other twenty three year old with this much info on a sixteen-year-old would no doubt be placed on a list. Though he’s pretty sure from the white-knuckled grip his brothers had on their weapons, they’d rather rip him a new asshole if he didn’t give them an answer they liked soon. 
He settled for an even, “I do background checks on people that spend time here, why is it surprising that I have one on Marinette?” 
He was fairly certain that the others would be able to hear his heartbeat if it started pounding any faster. He worked with heroes of all shape and size, seen powers of all types, faced down villains of every magnitude and yet the idea of his secret getting out terrified him more than anything he’d ever experience.  Bruce gave him a steely look, “Tim, your file on Rah al Ghul is 3.4 GB, your file on Marinette Dupian-Cheng is nearly 8 GB.” 
“Not to mention,” Dick’s voice was dripping with so much venom Tim couldn’t help but wince, that didn’t sound like his carefree brother, “You went to great lengths to hide the check from us. You’re paranoid, but this is different Tim.” 
“I just wanted to talk to Marinette about something before I put it on the server…” He snapped, trying to shift the fear clawing at his very essence to anger, “Just because I did background on her doesn’t mean she’s not allowed to have her privacy. She… ” 
He knew it was a flimsy excuse, but the glares getting icier around him made everything instinct he ever had told him to run. He can see why Bruce had said no costumes tonight, he would have been on his motorcycle halfway to Star City by now if he was wearing his mask. 
“Tim,” Bruce cuts in, “Just tell us what’s going on. We can’t help if you don’t tell us.” 
He clenched his hands into his pants, trying to get them to stop shaking.  He had no choice, did he? 
“Okay,” He agreed, “I need to grab something from my room, first.”
“Todd, Go with him,” Damien ordered. Tim was sure the brat wanted to go himself, but Dick had a strong hand on his shoulder, no doubt holding him back from using “non-approved by Bruce” interrogation methods. 
Jason clapped a hand on Tim’s back making him flinch before the taller man pulled him back up the staircase. 
“This better be good, replacement,” 
“Do you really think so little of me?” Tim couldn’t help but ask as he was shoved through his door, “because it’s not hard to figure out what you guys think of me right now, but…” 
Jason's refusal to look at him hurt more then he was willing to admit. 
“We’re praying we’re wrong,” He finally said, “but we can’t think of a single other reason for you being like this.” 
Tim flinched as he entered the code into the padlock on his side table, he knew that at least two of his siblings knew the code at this point, but placing the embarrassing pictures of him from his first year as Robin seemed enough to appease them from looking further. 
“Bruce doesn’t like working with Metas,” He managed out as he pulled up the false bottom and snatched his journal. As he turned back to Jason he could see the older boy blinking at him in startled befuddlement. 
“Marinette is a Meta?”  He questioned causing Tim to hug the book tight to his chest, eyes focusing on the rusty looking 10 over his brother's head as it twisted around, he couldn’t be more relieved when it faded from the venomous green as the Laruaz sickness faded. 
He didn’t answer instead brushing past him towards the stairs to the Batcave. Jason was right on his heels. 
“What the fuck Timmy,” He questioned instantly. Tim let out a weak chuckle. 
Jason wasn’t stupid, no matter what he tried to convince people, and Tim knew his brother would put it together quickly if he said anything else, but he didn’t want to talk about it, but… he kinda wished he had longer in the shadows he was used to. He remained quiet. 
“You can’t just say that and go rushing off,” He pushed as they entered the stairwell, causing Tim to scrunch his shoulders more. 
Tim was halfway down the steps when he felt Jason stop behind him, a heavy hand landing on his shoulder. He held back a wince as he glanced at his brother's face. 
The serious set of Jason’s jaw and the understanding in his eyes put Tim on edge. 
“Mari’s not the one that’s Meta, is she?” 
“Come on Tim, answer the question.” 
I don’t know if she is or not…” 
“But she’s not what you meant when you said Bruce doesn’t like working with Metas, is she?” 
Tim couldn’t force his mouth to work. 
“Shit…” Jason groaned, rubbing a hand down his face as he sank down to sit on the stairs, “We really are assholes.” 
He waved a hand dismissing Tim’s questioning tone, “You kept notes about what you can do in that book?” 
“I…” Tim’s brain was having trouble keeping up with what was happening, “Yeah?” 
“Great, hand it over and go back upstairs,” 
Tim flinched back, grip tightening, “What?” 
Jason just looked away, crossing his arms, “Look, we jumped to the wrong conclusion, and I don’t know what your power is but it made you wary of Marinette. You look like a frightened rabbit right now, so I doubt you’ll want to go through Bruce’s shitty menagerie of questions on your powers, so give me the fucking notes you have on yourself and I’ll keep them down here until we’ve gone through your book and figure it out. Then maybe by patrol, we’ll all calm down enough to… ya know fucking talk about it.” 
Tears weld up in Tim’s eyes as he sits on the stairs next to Jason, knees trembling too much to hold him up, “You… You don’t hate me?” 
The ideas startled the older boy into looking back to Tim’s face, face softening as he saw the look in his eyes. 
“Ah Timmy,” He sighed, pulling the other boy into his side “None of us are going to hate you for being meta.” 
Tim gave a shaky nod into his shoulder, reluctantly holding out the book, “It’s mostly just data… I…” 
Jason took the book carefully, bouncing it in his hand lightly, “Did you write down what your power is?” 
“Yeah but…” 
“Great skedaddle,” 
“Wait,” Tim cut Jason off as he goes to stand, “I… I want to tell someone before you find out through… through my journal.” 
Jason settles back down, “Alright replacement, What can you do?” 
Slowly he explains the numbers, the levels he had been able to see since he a baby, how he used it to know where to focus in a battle, used it to figure out every secret identity without trying. 
“Well damn,” Jason whistled, once Tim’s explanation started trailing off, “No wonder you were always good at the detective shtick, no one could hide from you.” 
Tim let out a startled laugh, “Ye... yeah, even if the color and number themselves change the font stays the same so it’s pretty easy to keep track of people...” 
“So two questions before I let you go hide in the woods, and go relay all this info to the others.” 
Tim nodded, relaxing more. He never imagined his power being revealed going so well.
“First, who’s the most dangerous of the Batfam?” 
Tim smirked, “Alfred, he’s a 12, same as Wonderwoman. Bruce and the demon spawn are tie for second at 11 and then you and Dick both have 10s, same as Superman. I... I don’t have a number.” 
“Fucking knew it,” 
“We all knew Alfred was dangerous, even without my power.” 
“Truth. Alright question dos, Why does Marinette freak you out?” 
His jaw clenched, he knew this one was coming, but he also knew how it would sound.
“She’s... She’s a 15.” 
Jason’s eyes bugged out, “15?! We’re talking about the same girl, right? Pigtails, freckles, makes sweets for us every time she visits, looks like a strong wind will fly her back to Paris?” 
“Yes!” Tim groaned, “I can’t find a single fucking thing that explains why she’s so high! Before this, the highest I’ve seen is 12!” 
“No wonder you’ve been going insane... or well more insane.” 
“Thank you for being an understanding asshole.”
“Hey what else are brothers for?” He asked, smile a little tight as he climbed to his feet, still holding Tim’s journal, “Now let's go, before the brat knocks out Dick and comes looking for you.” 
Tim gave a weary smile before disappearing up the stairs. 
When Jason reached cave the others were starting to look impatient. 
“Where’s Drake,” Damien asked instantly, body coiling dangerously. 
“I don’t him to scram,” The tall man said with a shrug, “He explained what’s happening to me, and trust me he has a good fucking reason, and probably thinks that Bruce is going to kick him out so I told him to take it easy until I calm all of you down.” 
“He what?” Bruce choked out, as the other boys stopped, all eyes focusing on Jason. 
“Yup!” Jason popped the ‘p’ before holding up the book Tim had given him, “Who’s ready for story time?” 
Taglist: @vixen-uchiha @iggy-of-fans @mewwitch @roseinbloom02 @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @mochinek0 @royalchaoticfangirl @09shell-sea09 @mystery-5-5 @derpingrainbow @aloha-posts-stuff @hauntedfreakdeputyhero @maribat-archive @blue-peach14 @kae690 @zazzlejazzle @vincentvangoose
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rocket-remmy · 4 years
A New Perspective || Luce and Remmy
TIMING: A little after Luce got back in town PARTIES: @divineluce and @whatsin-yourhead SUMMARY: Luce is back in town and Remmy needs to see her with their own two eyes. CONTENT: Food poisoning mention, Domestic abuse mention
“If you bite me, I’ll stick you in the closet with the hamster.” Luce warned Rhiannon, as she played with the large grey cat that batted at the toy she dangled over the cat’s fuzzy head. For once, the cat seemed to listen to her, which earned her a scratch under the chin. Glancing over at the clock, Luce saw that it was nearing midnight and let out a sigh. As soon as she stopped petting the cat, she felt claws press into her leg, just at the edge of her shorts. “Jerk.” She said to Rhiannon before making her way out of her room. Being back here, after she’d been gone for so long, it felt like she was walking on eggshells. She’d left her sisters. She’d left the people who cared about her, just because she couldn’t deal. And yeah. It was the right decision, she still believed that. But, it fucking sucked that no one else could seem to get that. When the knock came at the door, Luce opened it, tilting her head inside. “Hey.” She said, not looking directly at them. She really didn’t want to fucking see the judgement in their face, not right off the bat.
Luce had been gone for over a month and Remmy really should have been angrier with her-- but all they felt was relieved. They’d missed her, god they’d missed her, and their skin was vibrating as they raced down the road towards the Vural house. They wanted to know where she’d been and they wanted to know what made her come back. They wanted...a lot of things, but they also wanted to make sure Luce understood they weren’t there to force her to do anything. She needed to decide this on her own. Either way, whatever happened here, it was going to be easier than what they’d been dealing with here. Lydia and Deirdre and Morgan and...all the people who had hurt them, lately. All the people who had decided their commitment to non-violence was too much for them. For a moment, their heart hitched and they slowed. They could feel their heart pounding, the ghost of it at least, from when they were “alive” in their costume. Took a moment to regather themself before they made it up to the door and knocked. “Hey--”  they started, but Luce was already walking away. Remmy scrunched their face, but stepped inside, closing the door. Remmy reached out to grab her hand, stop her from walking too far away. “I’m glad to see you,” they said, “thanks for letting me come over.”
Luce didn’t really want to linger in the hallway-- she didn’t want to get in Nell’s way, or Bea’s for that matter. She’d put the two of them through enough shit. She didn’t really want to deal with them running into Remmy and have to handle multiple people who were pissed at her for disappearing from town at the same time. But, as she made her way down the hallway, heading back towards her room, Luce felt Remmy’s hand reach out for her. She felt the comforting cold of their skin against her own. Still not looking at them, she shrugged. “Yeah. For sure.” She said before looking down the hallway again. “Can we get back to my room? I don’t really want to run into Nell or Bea out here.” She said, shifting slightly so her hand tugged theirs. It wasn’t enough to free herself from their grip, but just enough to pull against them.
Remmy could feel the resistance in Luce’s steps, in the way she tugged on their hand. They sighed and nodded, but found that she wasn’t even looking at them. Was she afraid to? Did she really want them here? “Yeah, sorry, of course,” they agreed and followed after her. Admittedly, they also didn’t want to run into Nell or Bea here, they knew it would be strange and awkward, and they didn’t want to deal with that, either. They wanted to talk to Luce. When they made it to her room, they waited for her to open the door before stepping in, closing it quietly behind them. They looked at her with the same soft expression they had when she’d opened the door, which they now realized she hadn’t even seen at first. “Better?” they asked once they were alone.
Nodding, Luce led Remmy back to her room. With every step she took, there was a strange sensation in her stomach-- dread? Fear? No, it wasn’t either of those, not exactly. She couldn’t quite put her finger on what it was, but she knew that prolonging this wouldn’t make it any easier. When they entered the room, Rhiannon’s eyes flicked open from where she was sleeping on the bed, but didn’t move otherwise. Luce leaned against her desk, resting a hand next to Iggy’s terrarium, her familiar’s back the color of smoldering embers as he slept. “Yeah. Things have been… tense, since I got back. Which, no shit they have been, it’s just a lot right now. I didn’t want you to get caught in the middle.” She said before looking at Remmy for the first time. And, for a moment, she was startled. Their face-- well, their eye. Their eyes. “Oh.” She said, confused. “That’s new.” She said, gesturing to their left eye. They looked so different without the eyepatch she’d come to associate with their face. Younger. Softer, in a way. 
“How sweet,” Remmy said, with only a bit of sarcasm. They weren’t here to judge Luce, though, or to make things more complicated for her. They just wanted to know that she was okay. Physically, at least. Finally, she turned to look at them and Remmy watched the confusion wash through her face. For a moment, they weren’t sure what it was about, but then she cleared things up and Remmy reached up to touch the corner of their eye. “Oh, yeah,” they said, shrugging, “it’s glass. I got it a few weeks ago. My old one had shattered well--” they rubbed their head, “--a long time ago.” When Morgan had died. When they’d been crushed by a car and watched her bleed out in front of them. They cleared their throat. “I can take it out if it’s too weird,” they teased, giving her a little grin. “I’ve still got the eye patch.”
Shooting an annoyed look at them from the corner of her eye, Luce resisted the urge to sigh. But, she really didn’t have much of a leg to stand on when it came to getting annoyed with people, did she? So, instead, she studied their face. It was still strange. Had she ever seen them without the patch? “Glass. That tracks.” She said, tilting her head as she continued to stare at them. Raising an eyebrow, Luce held up a hand, nose wrinkling at the thought of them taking the glass eye out of their skull. “Yeah, don’t do that. It’s not weird, just different.” She said. For a minute, she stood there awkwardly. A first. She didn’t do awkward. But, she really didn’t know what Remmy wanted, why they’d wanted to see her. Was it because they were pissed off at her, because they wanted to yell at her in person? Or was it something else? She didn’t fucking know. “Congrats on the eye, though. It suits you.”
Remmy frowned a little. They figured Luce was going to be resistant, she always was, but they didn’t know if they expected this dejection from her so early on. Did she think they were going to yell at her? They’d already yelled at her, there wasn’t much else to say, really. “Yeah, thanks,” they said, moving around awkwardly. “So, how was it?” they asked, then, looking back and forth, then over to Luce. “Wherever you went. Um--” their eyes fell to the cat on the bed and they shuffled by Luce over to her, kneeling in front of the bed. Held their hand out to let her sniff, which she did gently, before going back to sleep. Remmy scratched her head and glanced back over at Luce. “Who’s the cat?”
There had been moments of tension between her and Remmy before. Anger, frustration, irritation, fear. But as they stood here in her room, the distance very apparent between them, Luce couldn’t put her finger on the particular kind of silence. Blinking, she nodded. “Boston. I have a friend who has a shop down there, spent some time working with him.” She said. “It’s a cool city. Worth the trip down, at the very least.” She drummed her fingers against the side of her desk and watched as they reached out to Rhiannon. The cat regarded them with mild disinterest before curling up again. At their question, Luce shrugged. “Rhiannon. She’s not mine, I’m watching her for--” Not a friend. No, Nadia wasn’t exactly a friend. “Nadia. She wanted to make sure that she was safe and I volunteered.”
“Boston, huh?” Remmy answered, lifting themself up enough to sit on the bed next to the slumbering cat. They regarded Luce with concerned eyes, but tried not to let their look get too intense. They knew she hated that. “I was stationed in Boston before they sent me overseas. I always liked that city.” Remmy reached out to pet the cat again, smoothing the fur on the top of her head down with thought. “Nadia’s cat?” they blinked. “Oh.” Nadia wasn’t what Remmy had come here to talk about, but they knew Luce was worried about her. They wondered if she had tried to contact her. “That was nice of you,” they answered finally, “to volunteer.” Glanced sideways at her. “Can I ask how you are?” 
“Yeah, I know.” Luce said, the words coming out before she realized she’d said them. She remembered them talking about it, how they’d been there when they’d first joined up and were in EOD classes with the military. Why the fuck did she remember that? Instead of trying to figure out what that meant, Luce watched as Remmy continued to pet Rhiannon. Maybe it was because she was tired and it was late, but the cat was a lot more docile with them then she was with Luce. Brat. “It was the right thing to do.” She said after a moment, thinking back to how she’d seen a flash of Nadia in the mirror that night. How she’d stayed over that night, before she realized what had happened. She’d tried to do the right thing, tried to study up on the runes that could be used to banish a ghost, but it hadn’t mattered. She’d been too scared to try anything and now? She’d never get the chance to. Nadia wasn’t there anymore. At their question, Luce shrugged. “I mean, you can do whatever you want.” She replied.
Something seemed to be bothering Luce, or at least preoccupying her mind. Remmy didn’t mind all too much, but they did frown a little, furrowing their brow. Whatever she was going through, whatever had made her run away, it clearly was still happening. “Do you wanna sit?” they asked, shifting on the bed to make room for her beside the cat. “Are you gonna give me an honest answer if I ask that? Cause, like, if not, then there’s no point in asking it, really,” they continued on after a moment, looking from the cat to Luce. They didn’t know what to do with their hands anymore, aside from pet the cat. They sighed. “If it makes you feel better, I’m not here to yell at you, Luce. I just genuinely wanted to see for myself that it was actually you and that you were actually, I dunno...okay. Alive.” They looked at her with a sad smile. “I just missed you.”
Luce didn’t really want to sit. As confusing as the distance between them was, distance was something she was used to. Sitting next to them would be closing that gap, at least in a physical kind of way, and what was meant to happen after that? But, she was too tired to think of an excuse out of it, so she sat next to Remmy. Rhiannon let out a sleepy mewl before butting her head against Luce’s thigh. She liked the witch’s warmth, something that her owner had also seemed to like. Something that Remmy had liked too. Leaning back on her arms, Luce nodded. “I’m alive. And as far as how I am,” She paused, letting out a breath. She was tired. Pissed, but she wasn’t allowed to be pissed off, was she? Everyone else got to be angry at her, for leaving, but she couldn’t be angry at them for thinking that she could just keep going when things kept changing around her, when it felt like the world was on the verge of coming crashing down every day. “Well. I’m alive.” She offered a tight lipped smile, more grimace than grin. At their words, she wanted to say that they shouldn’t miss her. But, the words caught in the back of her throat. Luce chose instead, to ignore the words. “What about you? How are you?” What happened to you? was what she wanted to ask, though.
“Alive is…” Remmy started, but they didn’t know what to tack on to the end of it for a moment, “good.” They finally finished but it didn’t quite feel right. Still, they let it lie. Looked over at Luce as she came to finally sit by them, but the awkward uncomfortable distance made them wonder if they shouldn’t have invited her to sit at all. She looked...tired. And anxious and maybe even worried. They supposed there was a lot to be worried about, though, wasn’t there? “Me? Oh, I’m, well--” fine and okay certainly weren’t the right words, but they weren’t sure Luce wanted to know how they actually were-- “working through some things, I guess. Complicated things.” Well, maybe not complicated, but certainly not easy to explain. If they even could. Their tongue still caught whenever they tried to talk about Lydia or think about her. It always reminded them how much they actually missed her and then the pain would start all over again. “I learned some not so fun things about people I trusted and sort of decided...I can’t trust them anymore. So that’s uh...fun.”
Idly pressing her fingers against the tattooed skin of her leg, Luce traced over one of the images above her knee, moth that Rory had done a few years ago. She ran her finger tip over the wing before focusing on them. “Working on things.” Luce echoed, eyebrows bridging together but she let them finish their words. “What happened?” She asked, voicing the question she’d wanted to ask them when they’d first messaged her since she’d gotten back. “You don’t need to tell me everything, but… what happened to you?” She wanted to reach out to touch their face, to look at them and try to see just what was going on in that head of theirs, but she held back. She didn’t know if she was part of that group, of people who’d lost Remmy’s trust. 
“A lot happened,” Remmy grumbled, unsure where to start. “Like....the uh, the person I’ve been staying with for a while, I sort of found out something...shitty about her. Something I couldn’t get along with.” They found that they wanted to tell Luce-- that somehow Luce was one of the only people they wanted to tell about this-- but they just couldn’t. Whatever loyalty Lydia had built in them, they couldn’t bring themself to out her. They just couldn’t. Their love for the woman, no matter how tainted, remained intact. “I’m fighting with Morgan because of it, too. It’s just...a lot at once, I guess,” they mumbled. “I moved back into the haunted mansion, too. But-- oh, you’ve never seen it. You should come by sometime. It’s nice and quiet. Erm-- at least for people who can’t see ghosts. Do you mind ghosts?” They were rambling now, and they knew they were rambling, but they couldn’t help it. “Um...they’re all nice, though. They mind themselves, really.”
“Do I know her?” Luce asked, partially out of curiosity but mostly out of concern. What could this woman have done to lose Remmy’s trust like that? What could have changed them so much? They weren’t the same person that Luce had left behind a month ago. And, Luce wondered, what could she have done that would have caused a fight with Morgan? Luce didn’t particularly like the other woman, didn’t want to like her. But, she knew that Morgan mattered a lot to Remmy, for a whole host of reasons and vice versa as well. “Yeah. Yeah, that sounds like a lot to go through.” She nodded. “Are you-- Is there something I can do that would… help?” Luce asked, the words tentative. She didn’t know what she could do or what they’d accept. But, seeing the way they sat there, so crestfallen, so unsure? She just wanted… to make up for what she’d done. “The haunted mansion, huh?” Luce raised her eyebrows at the mention of ghosts, expression turning grim for a moment. Looking at Rhiannon, she rubbed the cat’s head for a moment. “No, I don’t like ghosts. But,” She glanced up at them, “I could make an exception.”
“I don’t know if you do,” Remmy admitted. They really didn’t know that much about Lydia’s actual life, when they thought about it, but digging into her personal life via the internet almost seemed intrusive. Not that she deserved that dignity, it just didn’t feel like a line Remmy wanted to cross. Still...they had to wonder, how many people had come before Chloe? If Lydia was older, in her 60’s she had mentioned to them once, then there had to have been more before her. The thought soured Remmy’s stomach and they bit the inside of their lip. “No, I’m-- well, not fine, I guess, but I can handle it. It was my choice after all, to walk away. I should live with it,” they answered finally, determined to not let it show how much everything really was affecting them. They let out a long sigh and flopped back on Luce’s bed, rubbing their palms against their forehead. “Everything’s just gonna suck for a bit, but, like, at least it doesn’t suck in a ‘I almost died or get ripped in half or poisoned by a friend’ kind of way, right?” Peeked at Luce from behind their fingers. “Oh, uh, yeah. My friend Nora named it that, she’s kinda like...really into Goth stuff. She owns the place. Erm-- she bought it. It’s a huge house, got like twelve bedrooms, and all those strange, fancy rooms old houses have. Like a foyer? And a conservatory? What even are those for?” Smiled wearily at her. “Wow? Just for me? Careful, Luce, I might think you care,” they teased.
“If she’s out of your life now, that’s really all you can do, right?” Luce asked. Whatever this woman had done couldn’t have been good. But, she wasn’t going to push. Remmy didn’t need to tell her shit, she didn’t need to know and, fuck, she really didn’t deserve to know. So, she sat and listened as they talked. It sucked, seeing them like this, hurting in a way that they couldn’t just heal from. She watched as they lay back on her bed, rubbing their head with their hands. “That’s one way of looking at it.” She said, though neither situation was “better” than the other by any stretch of the imagination. Christ. Even before she’d left, they’d been fucking through it and then all of this? Leaning back so she was propped up on her arms, Luce grinned, “Sounds like you’re living large. Ghosts and all.” But, at their joke, her smile faded and she shifted her gaze. She did care. She cared about them more than she wanted to admit. Why couldn’t she just say it, act like it? Because Remmy deserved better? She’d hidden behind that excuse before, but it was truer than ever right now. Shifting, she shrugged. “Fooled you, huh?”
Remmy frowned, furrowing their brow. They looked at Luce so often, but somehow seeing her here, in this quiet peace of her bedroom, she looked sadder than normal. Remmy looked away. They didn’t know where their heart landed with Luce anymore. They liked her, a lot, and if she’d ever give them a chance, they’d say yes-- but they weren’t sure it was ever going to happen. And...maybe that was okay. Maybe it was okay to just be this way. Still, they longed to reach out and touch her, feel her. Kiss her. Swallowing, they looked back up at the ceiling. “You can’t fool me,” they mumbled after a minute, “not anymore.” 
Glancing down at Remmy, Luce caught them staring at her, watching her. They’d done that before, looked at her many, many times before. But, there was something different about the way that they looked at her. Instead of the defiant frustration that she’d seen on their face when they’d had similar conversations, all she saw was… defeat. And, she should be satisfied with that. She should be glad that she put that mistake to rest. But. “Fuck.” Luce swore under her breath. What did they do to you? What did I do to you, she wondered, but didn’t say the words. 
Instead she said, “You’re right. But, not entirely right. I don’t think I ever fooled you.” Luce reached out to touch them, gently cupping their face with her hand. She wanted to hold them, to kiss them, to feel the cool relief of their skin against hers. She shouldn’t. She should. She wasn’t enough. But they wanted her, they’d wanted her once, so maybe that meant she was enough. She didn’t know how to care about someone. But maybe she could. “Can I? Care about you?” She wasn’t just asking permission; could she even do that? Did they think she could?
The touch came as a surprise. While Luce often initiated their more sexual moments, the intimate moments were few and far between, and it was usually Remmy acting on them. They looked up into her eyes, still splayed on the bed, and blinked, confused for a moment. “What do you mean, can you?” they asked, then scrunched their brow. “Of course you can, Luce, that’s never been up for debate.” Lifted their hands to cover the ones on their face, dropping them down to hold Luce’s wrists loosely. “It was just about whether or not you would let yourself. I fought you for so long on that, all I ever wanted was for you to admit you could care,” they mumbled, eyes tearing up a little, “it didn’t even have to be for me. Although, that woulda been a nice bonus.”
The familiar, comforting coolness of their skin was something Luce hadn’t even realized she’d missed until the moment they held her hands. “You’ve got a lot more faith in me than I did. Do.” She said, still not sure if they were right. She didn’t know how to be there for people, not in any real kind of way. She ran away from her problems, she left the people who mattered behind, she’d always done that. She was still running. And, though she’d vowed to be different on her birthday, the fear of what the prospect of changing had overwhelmed her. She’d done the exact same thing she’d always did. And it had hurt everyone that mattered-- her sisters. Remmy. Ulf. Fuck, even Nadia wasn’t in her body any more. If she had stayed, could she have helped them? Could she have defended her sisters against the threats to the coven and all the spellcasters in White Crest? Could she have helped Remmy with their falling out, been there for them? Could she have stopped Nadia from losing her body? She’d never know. Because she’d been too busy running. And she had to stop. She had to. “I care.” Luce swallowed before continuing, “I care about you. And I want to be here to prove that. If you want me here.”
Luce was silent for a long time, but Remmy knew to give her the space she needed to work through her thoughts, her feelings. They could see it in her eyes, watching the cogs turn behind the dark hues. The relief that flooded through Remmy was one that felt nearly overwhelming. How long had they been waiting to hear those words? It felt like years. They felt like maybe they’d been waiting for a moment like this their entire life. For someone to finally pick them, choose them. Want to be with them. Want them. After all the shit, after all the pain, Luce finally said it. Remmy couldn’t help the smile that grew on their face. They reached up, then, and met Luce’s face halfway, pressing their lips together. Kissed her with a vigor they had been holding back for ages, smiling against her. “You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to hear you say those words,” they chuckled after a moment. Finally, finally, something good in their life.
Their smile eased some of the tension in Luce’s shoulders. They wanted her. They still wanted her, even after everything she’d done. They deserved better than the way she’d treated them, they did. But in this moment, a warming radiating sense of happiness filled her. It was a foreign feeling, one she wasn’t used to experiencing when it came to other people. The charged energy of the kiss brought her back to the present, pulling her back to Remmy. She could feel the way they smiled, feel how their lips curled against her own. Drawing back, she rested her forehead against theirs, suddenly breathless. “I’m-- Sorry. I just, I don’t know, how to do this. But I want to.” For you.
“You know,” Remmy said, looking up into Luce’s eyes, “it’s really not that hard. But...I don’t mind having to teach you.” After all, they’d gone so long in life without being able to freely choose someone. Simply always going along with what other people told them was right, what they should do. Maybe they’d held on so long for Luce because she was their choice, she was the one their heart picked, and letting that go felt too painful. Or maybe it was just that Remmy really never gave up on people. Or, they didn’t want to, at least. There were circumstances, obviously, lines that needed to be drawn. But here, now, they weren’t important in this moment. Just they were. Just Luce was. “Rule number one, though-- don’t run off without telling someone,” they tacked on with a crooked smile, “okay? Leave like...a sticky note or something. Anything.”
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archonssun · 4 years
Proposal HCs
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This is so cute!!!!! As soon as I saw this, I realized I’ve never really figured Nyx’s character out, so I must apologize in advance if he seems ... strange. But I will still try! I won’t get better if I only write for characters I’m comfortable with!
Proposal HCs
WC: 1720
Prompto Argentum
(Note: this will take place in the first five years after Noct is taken by the Crystal)
You and Prompto have been together for about four years after you two literally ran into each other in the Citadel lobby.
He had just started his Crownsguard training, and you were an assistant to one of the King’s council members.
You were carrying papers that were stacked pretty high, and he was so nervous about training that he didn’t see you walking towards him. When y’all collided, you were fine, but your papers flew everywhere. And I mean everywhere. They were still finding papers a few months later.
As soon as you hit each other, Prompto was snapped out of his daze and his beautiful blue eyes were wide with fear. He’d already fucked up, and he hadn’t even started!
He was quick to try and help you gather the papers, and it was when he looked you in the eyes that he accidently asked you out. Even years later, you would tease him: “How do you accidently ask someone out?” “It just slipped, okay?!”
Coming back to present, he was really nervous. It had happened during a pretty peaceful day about a year after Noct disappeared. You two were just chilling in Hammerhead, waiting for your next hunt. You were inside Takka’s old diner, sitting in one of the few remaining booths.
Prompto’s arm was around your shoulders, keeping you close against him, and you had rested your head against his shoulder. As he watched you fall asleep, he knew that he wanted to marry you.
The thought was surprising, to say the least, and he immediately tensed up, which woke you up.
“What’s wrong, Prom?”
“It’s nothing, (N/n). Get some rest, ‘kay?”
He sat on that thought for almost another five years before he actually asked.
This time it was after a hunt. The daemons had been getting stronger over the past couple years, and this was the first night he thought he wouldn’t come back alive. And as soon as he saw you in Hammerhead, waiting for him, he almost broke down.
You two had been intimate before, but that night was ... something else. Prompto was frantic, almost like he wasn’t sure he was still here with you. (You wouldn’t know what had happened on that hunt until a few years later). And it was rough. Not like he was never rough during sex; he’d get that way sometimes, more often than not after a taxing hunt. But that time he was sloppy, and afterwards he was more cuddly than usual. 
That’s when it slipped.
“(Y/n),” Prompto mumbled into your shoulder, your back flush with his chest as his lips ghosted across your skin. His arms around you tightened as his nose nuzzled into your hair. You hummed, consciousness quickly fading. You were nearly asleep when he spoke up.
“Marry me.”
That got you awake, and you shot up, bringing him with you. You turned to face him, to maybe find some sort of sign that he had been joking or not. But he hadn’t been; his eyes were focused on you, and you were quickly falling into them.
“(Y/n)?” Prompto frowned. You realized you hadn’t said anything, and shook yourself.
“You’re serious?”
“Of course I’m serious,” he retorted, his frown deepening slightly. “I want to marry you. I’ve known for years, but I never--”
“Yes.” His ocean eyes were wide as saucers as you took his face in your hands. You brought your face before his, your lips barely touching “Of course I’ll marry you, Prompto.”
“Gods, I love you,” he groaned, capturing your lips in a tender kiss.
Ignis Scientia
Ignis would probably be the most romantic when he asks you, to be honest. (He’d also be kind of like Kunikida from Bungou Stray Dogs (at least, I think so) in the fact that he’d only ask you after a certain amount of time has passed.)
When he asks, you two had been together for six years, knowing him when he was a teenager. It surprised Noct when he found out his future advisor had a significant other. The poor boy was speechless when he first met you. You were a snarky little spitfire that rivalled Ignis at every turn, even in cooking, and the crown prince had difficulty deciding who he was more scared of enjoyed having over to cook.
You got along with the prince right from the start, and you rarely treated him as royalty, which he appreciated.
The day you met Gladiolus Amicitia was the day Noctis swore off every trying to spar with you. For having no formal training, you kicked ass. Gladio’s, to be specific. And Ignis was just watching with a smirk, like he knew what was going to happen.
N e ways, you joined the boys on their journey after they had reached Lestallum to meet up with Iris. You had gotten out with the young Amicitia, and during your travels to Lestallum, you regaled her with the stories of you kicking her brother's ass (yes, it happened more than once)
Ignis was loathe to let you come with, but after he had watched you tear into a man that had gotten too close to Iris, his was miraculously fine with it (in actuality, he knew you’d kick his ass if he tried to talk you out of it, and he decided that letting you come with would lead to less broken bones for the bros, specifically him tho)
When he asked, you were in Altissia (Cliche? Yes. Romantic? Fuck yes)
Y’all were to help with evacuating the city the next day, and they all thought that you all deserved a little breather before then. So you and Iggy went walking around the city. (okay, he doesn’t really ask you, per se, but you’ll see what I mean...)
“(Y/n),” Ignis called, and you turned (e/c) hues to him. You were smiling broadly, which caused him to smile in return. “How was tonight, love?”
“It was perfect, Iggy,” you cooed, hugging his arm and resting your head on his bicep. Your eyes turned to face forward, and Ignis reached into his pocket. His touch was featherlight as he slipped the ring onto your finger.
At the feel of cold metal on your hand, you looked down and your heart nearly stopped. He had placed a beautiful band on your ring finger. It was carved to match Ignis’s daggers, complete with an emerald gem flanked by two smaller and paler green jewels.
“I love you, (Y/n),” he interrupted, and you cocked an eyebrow. He exhaled a quick breath before coming to stand in front of you and taking your hands in his. “I had planned to do this when we had gotten back to Insomnia, but then the Empire overtook the city and I thought you lost to me.
“I was so, so happy when I learned you were with Iris, and that you were alive and well,” he continued. With each word, his voice grew smaller and his eyes strayed from yours to gaze at the ground. After a pause, he met your eyes once more and gave you a delicate smile. “So, allow me to ask: would you marry me, (Y/n)?”
The tears fell from your eyes before you could stop them, but you were quick to wipe them away and give the man your brightest smile.
“Yes. Yes, Ignis, I’ll marry you,” you sputtered, wrapping your arms around the man that had stolen your heart oh so long ago. “It’s always been yes.”
Nyx Ulric
(Okay, here’s where I hit a bit of trouble. I tried to research what Nyx’s personality was like, and I think I found something? But I’m not sure, and so I’m going to be using a lot of artistic liberty with this one, along with some things I found on the FFXV Fandom Wiki (yeah, I know you can’t always trust it, but it was the only lead I got after researching for half an hour😑). Okay, obligatory warning over. Enjoy 😋)
You and Nyx were from the same area of Galahd. You grew up with him and Libertus, had even fought with them when your homeland was occupied by the Empire.
You were just a year younger than the fearless man, and it was known that wherever one of you was, the other couldn’t be far behind. And that was pretty accurate, actually. After his sister died, you were always at his side; both to reassure him that you were safe (cuz at that point he thought of you like another sister) and to keep an eye on him (he’d get pretty reckless sometimes *cough* saving Libertus from Cerberus *cough*)
It was only when you both joined the Kingsglaive that his feelings for you changed. Not that it surprised him, really, but what did surprise him was how little time had passed between him realizing his feelings and him knowing he wanted to marry you. Seriously, it was like a month, tops.
After that, it only took him four months to work up the courage to ask you.
In Galahd, they had different marriage customs, and that included asking for one’s hand in marriage. And each custom differed depending on the area one lived in Galahd. For him to ask you, he’d have to have something made for you; something with the symbol of his family on it. In this case, he had decided on a metal cuff in the shape of a Galahdian Coeurl -- the symbol of his family. The Coeurl’s one visible eye was a pale, almost icy blue to match his own, and it would coeurlurl around your wrist to bite its own tail.
You groaned as you rolled onto Nyx’s chest. You did not want to get up and go to work, especially after your and Nyx’s escapade last night. (E/c) eyes travelled down to your wrist, a soft smile reaching your lips as they were met with the bangle carved into a Coeurl. You felt the man below you stir, and you lifted your head to meet his gaze.
“Morning, Nyx,” you cooed, pressing a kiss to the tip of his nose. You watched with a laugh as his face scrunched in disgust. The man sent you a glare, and you laughed more, almost wheezing when Nyx’s lips latched onto your throat.
“Morning, (N/n),” he groaned, nipping lightly at the skin. Your eyes went wide and you started to smack his back.
“Nyx! Don’t do that there! Everyone’ll see ‘em!” you hissed. Even though you had told him no, you were still disappointed when he retreated, but not for long. Nyx placed quick, light kisses all over your face with a smile until you had devolved into a giggling mess.
“C’mon, babe. We gotta get ready for work.”
You groaned before throwing a pillow at your fiancé.
tagging @blackstrawberrynightmare​ cuz they requested this beautiful fluff😘
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deerlyloved · 3 years
under cut: a story of mei’s friends coping with her death, at least until...
There was no average time for how long it took people to grieve. Every mind processed loss differently, mourned differently, so there was no way to actually tell how long it would take someone to get better ‘usually’. 
Maybe it was a few weeks, a month, a few years, never. Everyone did it differently. So when the entire unit was placed on mandatory bereavement leave for an undisclosed amount of time after the loss of Private Amari, they all found themselves at different points at different times, coping entirely differently.
Jonas couldn’t bear to look at his workspace, and more often than not he laid in bed or on the couch when he was dragged out by Ana, who’s only understanding of how to grieve was to help others around her. She was the eldest sister, so she saw it as her job to make sure everyone took care of themselves while she barely stopped to take care of her. Get Jonas up, make him eat, calm Rea down, call Icka and get no response, find Kro, offer to cook H something and get no response.
Clockwork. The unit always, always ran like clockwork, even when things were the most chaotic and unorganized. Rea didn’t wake them up anymore, so Ana did it instead. After an hour, she’d go knock on the captains door and pretend she didn’t notice how shaky he looked when he opened it and pretended to be annoyed with her. They rarely saw hide nor hair of H anymore, but that was expected, right? So Ana left food outside their door three times a day, talked to them through the walls, reminded them that the others would always, always be there for the Kayojin, and that they could stay on the unit or leave at their own will.
Kro’asha didn’t skitter through the vents because most of them passed Amari’s room, so Ana fetched things here and there that he had stashed… before. 
Iggy was contained. Major’s orders. He was getting some great treatment, but apparently it was hard for the not-dog to rebond with someone like he did Mei. Ana got it, she’d feel the same way if she were a poor little alien canine.
The carpet was singed from the dogs last outburst before he was deemed a health hazard.
Karen disappeared. The moment they got back to base, the android disappeared, took a ship out of the Citadel and had gone completely off the grid. That made plenty of sense too, of course, Mei made Karen so of course the robot would be similar to her. Maybe it was good that they had left… the witty comebacks would have sat heavy on their hearts.
Her feet slid against the carpet as she carried a mug out to the living room, leaning over the back of the couch to offer it to Jonas. The man was curled up, silently watching a movie on the TV. He sighed, though, and took the cup offered to him with a quiet thanks.
“No problem, Jonesy.” Ana replied, teasingly, though her tone made the real hollowness of her words stick out like a sore thumb.
They both went quiet again, and they stayed that way for a few minutes before Jonas spoke up this time. The engineer leaned forward, setting the mug of cocoa down and locking his hands together. “I think we need to clear out Mei’s room.”
“Wow, first thing you’ve said today and you’re already off to a bad start.”
“No, no, I…” Jonas sighed and rubbed his face roughly before he spoke again, “Ana, it’s just… It’s just there. Full of everything that she was, and would be, and it’s like a fucking ghost just staring all of us down. I think it’s why H doesn’t leave their room. Hard to look across and see Mei’s room, ya know? And I…” He scanned the room around them, “I don’t think we should trash it, just… I think we should pack it up. Get rid of all the little ghosts that she left.”
“You wanna just erase our friend out of our lives?” Ana scoffed, “No. No! We’re not just going to pack everything away! Mei belongs… She belongs here! She can’t just get pushed in the back of all our minds!”
“She won’t be!” Jonas retorted, “It’s impossible to forget Mei even if you want to, and none of us want to, Ana. We also don’t need constant reminders that she used to be here, and now she’s not. I’m not saying today, or tomorrow, just… Eventually. Eventually we need to accept that it’s okay to put all her stuff away and move on.”
“I’m sure Icka’s gonna have a ton to say about that.” Ana mumbled to herself.
“If she ever comes back.”
“I…” She had lost this argument, she already knew it. Even if she didn’t want to admit it, Jonas was right. They didn’t need to leave Mei’s books out, or her shoes, the cat keychain she had imported… Those could all be put away, for their sake, and they wouldn’t stop thinking about Mei.
…But there was no way in Hell she was going to be the one who presented the idea to Rea.
The man was a bit of a hard-ass before he started the grieving process, but now? When he could be bothered to interact with his friends at all, he never followed schedule. He’d show up, ask how they were, then leave. Headed back for the training room. If you asked him anything between that, whether a general question or a request, you were going to get told to do it your own damn self.
Everyone grieves differently.
Rea worked, and got frustrated, and didn’t want anymore responsibility because he knew, knew, knew that he was the reason Mei died.
Jonas couldn’t work, and he was quiet and sleepy because he never slept anymore, hard to when all he could think about was how he could have stopped it from happening. Maybe if he’d just moved the sensors here, or made them stronger, or gone further up with the metal, or…
Icka formally resigned from her position as a medic and unit psychologist and went back to her home planet. She never talked to the unit anymore. Sometimes you just need to get as far away from your issues as possible.
H was mourning in their own way that was certainly frustrating for the rest of them. Ana cared for others to never think of her feelings. Kro’asha left the duplex and spent most nights in the general bunks so he wouldn’t have to see Mei’s things. Karen left the CCF entirely. Iggy bit people.
Clockwork. The unit ran like clockwork. Get Jonas up, make him eat, calm Rea down, call Icka and get no response, find Kro, offer to cook H something and get no response.
 Get Jonas up, make him eat, calm Rea down, call Icka and get no response, cry in the bathroom, find Kro, offer to cook H something and get no response...
Get Jonas up, make him eat, cry in the bathroom, calm Rea down, call Icka and get no response, cry in the bathroom, find Kro, offer to cook H something and get no response, cry in the bathroom.
Get Jonas up, cry in the bathroom, make him eat, cry in the bathroom, calm Rea down, cry in the bathroom, call Icka and get no response, cry in the bathroom, find Kro, cry in the bathroom, offer to cook H something and get no response, cry in the bathroom.
Cry yourself to sleep, then get Jonas up, then cry in front of him, then make him eat, then cry in the bathroom, then…
Ana was given mandatory meetings with another therapist as opposed to the grief counselor the unit was talking to already.
Three months, fourteen days, Kro’asha rejoined the duplex. Four months, three days. Jonas got up and made his own food. Five months, sixteen days, Rea woke everyone up at 7am. Seven months, eight days, Ana went through and packed away everything of Mei’s. Seven months, twenty days, H came out and joined them for dinner. Eight months, nine days, Icka called the unit.
Nine months, ten days, Karen sent them coordinates.
“Mandatory bereavement leave is mandatory.” Rea said as he followed his friends through the docking bay of the Citadel ship, “If they know we’re leaving for a possible mission, we’ll get added therapy, and I don’t think any of us want that.”
“Maybe you don’t, but I think Icks could use it.” Jonas replied.
Icka didn’t reply. The avian had come back just to investigate the coordinates sent, and she was certainly not the same alien who had left. None of them mentioned it.
“Listen, as far as we know, this is Karen just inviting us out to their cool new house!” He said, “No need to go worrying, okay?”
“When is anything that simple when it comes to an Amari?” Rea replied.
“He has a point.” Ana said as she stopped in front of a ship and turned, “This is the one we got, real clunker, but it’s not for fighting anyway so if we get in trouble… We’re thoroughly fucked.”
“We should not get in trouble.” H pipped up.
“Yeah, ‘cause Mei--ehhhhhhhhsnevermind.” Jonas quickly pushed past Ana to clamber onto the ship.
Everyone boarded quickly, got settled even quicker, and soon enough the on-leave unit was off with a rented pilot. “So, where are you guys headed? These are kinda in-the-middle-of-nowhere coords…” She asked.
“A friend invited us out to them, we figure they’ve either decided to go all mad-robot on us finally, or they have some cool party planned.” Ana replied.
“Cool, cool, but uh… Why on this place?”
“What place?”
“Do you guys not know?” The pilot cocked an eyebrow, leaning up to flip down a holographic screen that projected the area they were headed to, “It’s some little rinky-dink dwarf-planet set up, real seedy place. Mercs love the area.”
“Sounds like Amari territory…” Rea grumbled.
“Yeah, well, just be careful out there, it’d be a shame if I had to go home empty handed. Major’ed be all over my ass…” She sighed, her long, curled ears flicking.
The trip didn’t take much longer until the on-leave-unit saw the planet in the distance. The cities built on it clearly took up most of the area, the geography was all over the place but mainly seemed to be plains and hills, and as they approached the ground and actually broke the cloudline into the city it became very clear that this place was, in fact, ‘rinky dink’. The buildings were in poor condition, the streets were packed, the ships parked in the bay all looked stolen or like they were about to be hauled off for scrap. Rea sucked in air and sighed.
“Alright, we’re going to stick together out there, no need getting lost. H, try and stay somewhere in the middle, you’re incredibly small.”
“Kro’asha is smaller than me.”
“That’s why he’s going to be jumping on my shoulders. We aren’t that close. So stay close to me.”
The group unfurled themselves from their seats and piled out onto the streets. It definitely smells like a city, despite how cramped and busy it seemed the air was clean, the water was clean… Good ol’ Citadel influence.
“Coordinates are up ahead, a little to the right.” Rea announced as he led the group through. He was certainly an intimidating figure, and the crowd seemed to begrudgingly part for him as he walked through with little concern for who was in front of him. 
“What, in the apartments?” Jonas asked from the back of the group, “Shit, Ana, you might be right, Karen’s inviting us to their house.”
“Never that easy.” Rea retorted as he cleared a path towards the clearly labeled apartment complex, opening the gate and letting his friends file through. “No one make a scene, okay?”
“Yeah, ‘cause I was planning on doing some fuckery.” Jonas replied.
“I mostly meant Kro’asha and Icka, but I do appreciate the energy.” 
“Can we please just go inside?” Icka replied, a harsh tone to her voice. That was definitely knew for the group, and all of them seemed to share the same discomfort as they nodded and walked quickly for the entrance. As soon as they had all filed in, a young alien at the front desk turned to them, and went pale. Their hands were webbed, but they still typed at the computer in front of them quickly as they stared at the group with large, completely pink eyes. They almost looked like a frog, honestly.
“Karen Amari is in 247, they’ve been expecting you. They said you’re late.” They said, motioning for the group to head towards an elevator.
“This is terrifying.” Ana stated.
“We are on time, I don’t know why Karen said we’re late.” 
“Focusing on the real issue as always, H.”
Still, despite the obvious discomfort that the building held, the feeling that they were walking into a trap, the unit persisted. What else were they going to do, ya know? They’d already made it all the way out here, and knowing Karen, they’d kill the whole group if they never showed up.
The large group managed to cram themselves into the elevator, then down the narrow, twisting hallways that led to Karen’s apartment. That they somehow got… The Amari’s really were an enigma, weren’t they?
H was the first to spot the door, stepping over to it and giving a simple knock. Before they could rapt their knuckles against the wood a second time, though, the door swung open to reveal Karen, staring out at them all. Their stickers and bow had been peeled off, and they seemed to have acquired some new… stains that definitely-were-not-blood… But it was Karen.
“Hello, H.” Karen replied, “It’s nice to see you, I’m glad you all made it, I’m going to need as much help as I can get with this.” The android stepped back and motioned for them all to come in, “It’s easier to have familiar faces here, reduces time spent in a natural state--”
“Karen, I’m begging you, begging you,” Icka said, “To please, those above, not waste our time mumbling vagueness and incoherent sentences, and just tell us why we’re here. I came a very long way, and I’d like to get back to my pottery and mourning in peace, thank you.”
“I see grief has left its mark on you.” Karen replied quickly, “A shame that it was all for not.”
“Charming as always when it comes to opinions on emotions, K.” Jonas murmured.
“All for not, because you had no reason to grieve. Mei is alive.”
Nine months, eleven days, and Karen had gone fucking insane.
H was the first to reply with a grimace and a firm shake of their head, “No, she is not.”
“Yes, she--”
“No, no, Mei died in my arms, she is not alive. You can’t tell me she is. You can’t make me believe that. You can’t.”
Ana reached a hand out to put on the Kayojins shoulder with her own grimace, “Karen, you should come with us, okay? You obviously aren’t doing well out here, and… Listen, I know it’s easier to believe--”
“Would you like to see her?”
The silence that overcame the group was deafening and instant. H’s breath hitched, Icka’s feathers puffed, Rea simply closed his eyes and shook his head almost disappointedly. Despite their pleas, how desperately they wanted to not fall for something so impossible, H spoke up, breathily, “Yes.”
“Over here.” Karen turned and walked towards the other side of the apartment, where the walls had been carefully cut to reveal the apartment next door. They walked through the gap they had clearly created, and stood off to the side to reveal a large room that was clearly better taken care of than the rest of the building. A soft lighting shone into a covered box that was connected to different canisters and boxes with long, thick hoses, and Karen carefully stepped over them to reach a screen just on the other side of them.
“She took the idea from her father, he wanted to use Talvak genetic research to help heal injuries, but never perfected it before his death. She had an endless supply of Talvak DNA, however, which made it easier.” Karen was intensely staring at the screen as they typed in various things, “The base idea was there, but Mei also never finished the project before her death, which left it in the very capable hands of me, her firstborn.”
“I don’t know why I was expecting a response.” The android murmured before carefully pushing the curtain that draped the box off to the side of it’s rod, revealing a UV light shining down on a metal capsule. The top of it had a glass window, though the group was too far away to see inside, wires and the likes connecting it…
“Come here, H.”
They were moving without a second thought, nearly stumbling over to the robot and hopefully moving to their toes to peer into the container in front of them. They had an aching feeling that it would be empty, that they wouldn’t see whatever they were expecting… Mei, or someone like Mei, or...or… Something. Anything to remind them of her. But they still looked, just in case, just in case Karen hadn’t truly lost themself in the grief.
And wouldn’t you know it…
Black hair, pointed ears, sharp features… No scars, but still so very much Mei Amari, and H’s heart skipped a beat, their breath stopped. This couldn’t be real, could it? No, no, she was dead, so very dead, and she didn’t look like this when she died, but here she was and… And she looked just like her old pictures. With her dad. 
H spoke in Kayojin, and the unit each had their own hopes as they crept forward.
It was… a loud few minutes.
Finally, Icka lurched forward and grabbed Karen’s shoulder with a frantic look in her eyes and a wide, sharp-toothed smile, “How. How did you do this? Is that her? Really her?”
“Mei was careful to have a constant digitization of herself both mentally and physically. She often scanned and mapped out the salient features of her brain, and then stored and copied that information state into a harddrive that just so happens to be me.” Karen explained it like it made sense, like it was absolutely nothing.
“The day before the mission, she uploaded, and using what DNA I had from her I was able to facilitate a regeneration of a biological body with the information I had. Of course, I also needed her actual body so I… Listen, is it important? She’s here! And I broke intergalactic law, so I would rather not tell you every detail.” The robot gently removed Icka’s talons, “I spent months perfecting her body and keeping it alive, and her brain was no help, always trying to rebel against the process. I tried releasing her once,” Their yellow hand brushed up against an obvious dent in their chassis, “It appears that when initially released, she’s reverted back to her Talvaa instincts until her brain can properly cope with what’s happened.”
“So… You… You brought us here to make her remember us?”
“Correct. Step back please, all of you. Please be warned, she is very naked, and given her last physical scan was after her amputations… While she can’t walk, she’s still very fast.”
It’s an odd thing, standing back so a robot can open up a metal box that contains a reconstructed version of your girlfriend. But H did it, nervously, hopeful, hands clasped as the lid raised with a hiss and Mei sat straight up with a cough and a sputter, leaning right over the side of the container with a dry heave and a shudder.
“Mei.” Karen called.
Mei flinched away from the noise, snarling as she jumped back further into the box she sat in. Everything about her seemed wrong in that moment, the way her body moved, the look in her eyes, and that’s why H stepped forward. They couldn’t help it, they saw Mei and she looked so scared and the last time she had looked like that… It made H’s stomach churn, and when they stepped forward Mei’s head snapped towards them.
It was a tense few seconds, silent seconds, and Rea also moved forward to put a hand on H’s shoulder, just in case… Listen, he didn’t want to boot a friend he’d missed for months across the room, but he would if she was about to bite someone.
Thankfully, that moment never came. The confusion and fear on Mei’s face slowly faded, and she blinked rapidly before she shook her head and looked back up at H. Then, a smile. A stupid, crooked, fanged smile as the Japanese woman leaned forward and motioned for H to come forward.
“Shit, I feel like I died.” She joked as the Kayojin stumbled forward, throwing their arms around her as soon as they could and pulling her into a tight hug. “Least I don’t…” Mei tightly hugged them back with a grin, “Least I don’t look like death, right? ‘Cause I know my ass looks great naked.”
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bgn846 · 4 years
The Niflheim Experiment Chapter 7
Gladio was struggling to determine whether his mind was playing tricks.   They’d just stormed the citadel gate.   Or maybe that had been a dream. He was too overwhelmed to process things and could only focus on what was literally right in front of him.  Uncertain if he’d blacked out or simply had a panic attack Gladio pried his eyes open to check.
Clarus was hovering over him and holding his hand.  Thank the six, he’d only been asleep earlier, he was home.  Sighing in relief Gladio slumped further into the man’s arms.  He was about to let his eyelids slip closed once more when he saw it, a white lab coat and the man wearing it briskly coming his way.
Panic bubbled up inside his gut as he looked on with worry.  He wasn’t going to let them experiment on him any longer.  He was going to fight back this time.  Gladio physically recoiled in Clarus’ hold and tried scraping his feet on the ground to get away.  “Don’t let them touch me!” He yelled, “I don’t want to go through that again!”
“Gladio what are you talking about?  Who do you see?” Clarus asked as the man in the lab coat finally reached them. “Calm down I can help!”
Gladio couldn’t explain himself clearly and opted to shove the newcomer away with his free hand.  “Don’t fucking touch me!” He bellowed.  “I won’t let you hurt me anymore.” He tried to summon his shield to block the man but nothing appeared.
“Are you in pain?” Clarus asked with worry.  “The doctor needs to look you over befo--.”
“No!” Gladio interrupted. “Please dad, I just wanna go home.  Luna healed me already, please just take me home.” He pleaded.  Gladio had been through enough and he wanted to be away from everyone more than anything right now.
“Can I try and help?” Another voice asked from overhead.
Gladio craned his neck up to see.  The afternoon sun was illuminating the silhouette of whoever had just spoken, making it near impossible to see clearly.  However, when they stepped to the side in a familiar fidgety manner Gladio thought he knew who it was.  Prompto’s tuft of blond hair was shining in the sunlight as he stooped down to talk.
“Hey big guy,” he croaked.  “Um --.” The kid paused and looked completely lost for words.  He face was red and blotchy and Gladio could see fresh tear tracks down his freckled cheeks.  
“Prompto? How – how.” Gladio wanted to say more but his brain was suddenly assaulted with strange memories of people in giant glass tubes.  Squeezing his eyes shut he tried to blot the image from his mind.  Instead the mental imagery became more vivid.  Some of the faces of those people had been familiar.  They’d had the face of someone he knew.
The terror he’d experienced in one of his more lucid moments while being held captive had come to the surface.  Gladio had been positive he’d seen Prompto in one of those tubes.  The kid wasn’t in the guard so there was no way he’d been captured.  Gladio had forced himself to accept that as the truth.  Otherwise, he would have gone mad with worry over his friend.  
“You didn’t get captured? Right?” Gladio asked desperately.
“Wha – n--no!” Prompto spluttered.  “I’m fine! I just wanna make sure you’re okay.”
Gladio didn’t have a chance to reply; the dude in the lab coat was back.   Lashing out with his fist Gladio got the guy to back off pretty quick.   He was about to start kicking when his dad waved the man off. Taking a deep breath to try and calm his nerves didn’t help and Gladio started having another panic attack.  Gasping for air he was only able to cling to his dad and clamp his eyes shut.  An all-encompassing feeling of silence engulfed his body, and he passed out.
The next time Gladio opened his eyes, he saw something familiar.   A textured white ceiling complete with the scratch he made while testing his sword for the first time.    His brain didn’t register this as reality for a good thirty seconds.  Sighing woefully, he rolled over expecting to wake up, and instead bumped into his sister’s head.
What little vestiges of sleep remained were banished in an instant.  Gladio sat up in a rush and grabbed Iris by the shoulders.  “Hey? Are you real?” Six he hoped he wasn’t dreaming.
Iris went to shove him away and then froze.  “Gladdy!” The scream she let loose probably woke shiva.  His sister tackled him for a hug and started sobbing, loudly.
It didn’t take long for Gladio to start crying as well.  Iris was really there and he was hugging her with all his might.  Neither of them could speak and could only try and express their emotions through tears and hugging.  Another touch on his back caused Gladio to snap his head up.   Clarus was there and reaching out to embrace them both.
Gladio let his emotions take over as he broke down with his family.  This was real and he was finally home.  After what felt like an eternity he managed to lean back and take a deep breath.  “S –sorry I need air.” He gasped.  It was in this moment he noticed there was one other person in the room.  Ignis was hovering near the side of the bed.  He was crying but with much more poise than the rest of them.  “Iggy – babe,” Gladio rasped as he moved to hold his arm out.  Ignis thankfully didn’t hesitate to take his hand, and Gladio quickly pulled him over to join the hug.  “Six, I missed you all so much.” Gladio exclaimed.
“Are you in pain?” Clarus asked with concern once he’d leaned away.
Gladio shook his head. “Luna healed me, so I’m not in pain.”
“That means you were at one point though, right?” Iris asked with wide eyes.
Unsure if he should tell his little sister the whole and complete truth or just the abbreviated version Gladio opted for vagueness.  “Yeah, I was hurt, but Luna helped me.”  
“Did they torture you?” Iris asked, this time with a touch of anger.  Gladio could tell Iris was itching to pick a fight with the people who’d hurt him.
“Um – a little?” He answered.  Looking to his dad for guidance he was met with the same look of determination.  Great, they both were out for blood. Ignis remained quiet and simply held his hand, albeit rather hard.  “Don’t you know already?” Gladio inquired. “Didn’t they tell you?”
“I’ve not been made aware of the full details at this time.  We’ve all been by your side since you got back.” Clarus supplied.
“Oh – well um – honestly I don’t remember much.  There was a lab and it sorta sucked to be awake.  Then they broke me out and we all escaped on Aranea’s dropship.”
“Luna was in Niflhiem?” Clarus asked with a furrowed brow.
“Huh – uh – no, we had to stop and pick her up, but I don’t remember that at all.  I was in that dropship and then I was in a hotel room and Luna was there.  Seriously dad, I don’t remember a lot.  I was passed out for most of the trip back here.”
“Did they drug you?” He asked fiercely.
“No, I was tired and needed to sleep.  Whatever process Luna used to heal me made me super tired.  I couldn’t even stay standing on my own until yesterday.” At the mere mention of his body, Gladio became aware of how tired he still was.  “I need to lie down.”  He mumbled before he began to topple backwards.
Iris squeaked with alarm when Gladio thumped against the pillows.   “Gladdy, don’t pass out again, please.”  She begged.
“M’not gonna do that,” though the idea of sleep did sound nice.
“Perhaps some food might help?” Ignis offered as he squeezed his hand.
“Yes!  Gladdy loves eating!” Iris enthused.  “Stay awake I’m gonna go tell Jared we need some food.”
Gladio didn’t have time to reply.  Iris dashed off the bed and ran out the room like her hair was on fire.  
“Son, why did Luna need to heal you?” Clarus asked solemnly once Iris was out of earshot.  
Sighing heavily Gladio figured they’d find out one way or another.  “I was turning into a daemon.”
Clarus reached out in an instant and grabbed his arm. “Son we need to get you to the doctor, now!  Are you fe--.”
“Dad, trust me, I’m healed.” Gladio interrupted. “My fucking arm was totally black and the pain was unbearable, believe me when I say Luna healed me.”  He paused and took a breath.  “I can’t handle any doctors right now.” It seemed as if his dad wanted to ask a million more questions but he pursed his lips instead and looked away.   “Give me time.” Gladio added quietly.
“Gladiolus, I’ll give you as much as you need and more.” Clarus announced with conviction.  “I’m merely working to control my anger so I don’t do anything rash.”
A soft sniffle drew Gladio’s attention and he peered up at Ignis.  His was still crying and looked terribly exhausted.  “Babe, what’s wrong?  You look so tired.”
“He’s worse than me.” Clarus offered before Ignis could reply.  “I don’t think either of us has gotten much sleep since you were captured.”
“Can he use one of the guest rooms?”
“I’m not – I’m not leaving you.” Ignis sputtered. “I’m fine.”
“Like titan’s ass you are Ignis, you need to rest.” Clarus grumbled.
“I slept a little, earlier.”
“Sleeping on a cot doesn’t count as a good night’s rest Ignis.”
“Neither does sleeping in an arm chair.” Ignis shot back.
Clarus barked out a laugh and sighed heavily.  “Your boyfriend suits you Gladio.”
It was in this instant that Gladio realized he’d called Ignis babe and they were still holding hands.  There was no going back, his dad knew their secret.  “Does Iris know?”
“Know what? That you’re dating Ignis?”  Clarus asked with a raised eyebrow.  “Of course, she’s just as bad as you!”
“I’m not bad!” Iris trilled as she appeared in the doorway a split second later.  “What’d I do?”
“Nothing horrible sweetheart.” Clarus supplied with a warm smile.  “Tell your brother what you said when you found out about Ignis.”
Iris had by now clambered up on the bed and taken Gladio’s free hand.  “I wanted to know if I could be a flower girl at your wedding.”
Gladio could feel his eyes nearly bugging out of his head.  “Wed—wedding – would you – um – six.”
Thankfully Ignis saved him from fully choking.  “Should Gladio and I stay together long enough to take that step, I don’t see why not.”
Iris squealed in delight and flopped down next to him on the bed.  “I wanna help plan everything.”
Still dumbstruck by the conversation that had transpired Gladio could only nod and smile.  His mind was reeling and he was having trouble keeping up.  When the sound of footsteps outside his room made Gladio flinch, he knew it was going to take a while to get back to normal. Jared appeared a second later with a tray full of food and his smile was enough to momentarily ease Gladio’s worries.
“I was informed that someone might be hungry.”  The man smiled warmly as he set the tray down.
“Thanks for helping me out earlier Jared, I didn’t know who else to call.” Gladio offered while trying to sit up again.  Eating lying down wasn’t such a good idea.  Ignis had to haul him upright and Iris rearranged the pillows to support his back.
“Anytime Gladio, though I am very curious to learn more about that incident when you are feeling better.” Jared replied as he sat on the end of the bed.
Thinking back to how they’d all gained entry into Insomnia Gladio suddenly realized he didn’t know what had happened to everyone.  “They aren’t in jail are they?” he blurted without thinking.
“Are you referring to your traveling companions?” Clarus checked.
“They helped me, six, they are gonna be so pissed at me if they got chucked in jail.” Gladio lamented.
“Honestly I’m not entirely sure what their status is at the moment.  We’ve been a little preoccupied.  Perhaps it might make sense for me to call in and update everyone.  I can gather some more information.  Just to clarify, you maintain their innocence and can assure me that they treated you well.”
“Yeah dad, they helped me.  We need to hear them out on what they have to say.”
“Very well, I’ll go see what I can find out.” Clarus announced as he stood up. Turning to Iris he added.   “Munchkin, why don’t you come keep me company.  I might get a chance to talk to Noctis, you could say hi if you wanted.”
Iris looked torn between wanting to go with Clarus and staying with him.  “It’s okay, I’ll be alright.” Gladio offered.   “I’m gonna eat all that food and then take a nap.  I’ll start snoring and I know how much you love that.” He teased.
His sister pulled a face and rolled her eyes.  “You are soooo loud, it’s a wonder you don’t wake the neighbors.”  Both Clarus and Ignis did a poor job of hiding their laughter at the remark.   “Are you sure?” She asked softly.
Nodding Gladio squeezed her hand, “I’m home, and I’m not going anywhere.”
“Okay, yell if you need us.”  Iris ordered with bright eyes as she went to follow Clarus.
It didn’t take long for the room to clear out once again, aside from Ignis, who’d not moved an inch since he’d sat down next to him.  Turning to face him Gladio saw the dark circles under his eyes.  Ignis looked exhausted.  “Babe you should lie down, you look worse than me.  That’s wrong.”  Gladio mused.
Ignis opened his mouth to reply but dropped his head and leaned over to rest on Gladio’s shoulder.  “I love you,” was all he managed to say.
“I love you more,” Gladio responded. “Now, help me get that tray closer and then grab a blanket and take a fucking nap with me.” Gladio smiled as he watched Ignis carefully retrieve the tray and balance it on a pillow for him.  Ignis then snagged a large blanket and joined him a moment later.
Gladio had barely finished half of a juicy roast beef sandwich when he realized Ignis was already asleep.  His slender hand was lightly resting on Gladio’s bicep and Ignis’ mouth was already starting to part.  It was a rare sight seeing Ignis so vulnerable.  Clearly they’d all had a very rough time while he was away.  A thought flashed through his mind of the awful facility in Niflheim and it made Gladio’s skin crawl.   He had to figure out how to move forward from this, and heal.  Gladio had a duty to do and he wasn’t going to let this take over his life.   He wasn’t going to live in fear.  
Eating slowly so as not to disturb Ignis, Gladio focused on relaxing. The stress of trying to make it home was gone. He’d made it.  However, it didn’t take long before his eyes were starting to droop, sleep was calling.  Leaning back Gladio was able to rest comfortably, and for the first time since he’d been captured, he was actually aware of drifting off.
A weight being lifted off his chest made Gladio sigh, and his dad’s voice reached his ears a second later. “You fell asleep with the tray.  Sleep more if you’d like.”
Gladio only managed a grunt in response. It was easy to go back to sleep, but he started to think of things he wanted to ask his dad about.  Cracking his eyes open showed his father hadn’t walked very far.  “What’d I miss?” He asked groggily.
“Lots of things, but nothing you need to know about this instant.” Clarus supplied.
Turning his head revealed Ignis sleeping soundly, the dark circles under his eyes were still there but his face looked relaxed.  “Are they okay?”
Clarus seemed to understand his meaning and nodded.  “They aren’t in jail, and it appears they’ve been asking about you.”
“That seems to be the case, at least according to Cor.  He’s been in charge of interviewing them all.”
“How’s Loqi?  He got shot.” Gladio checked with worry.
“That’s the short spunky blond one right?” Clarus confirmed. “He’s recovering well.”
“Noct is better right? He wore himself out warping over to me when we arrived.   Oh six, and Nyx too!” Gladio breathed.
“They are both fine.  Noct and your other friend Prompto wish to visit as soon as you’re up for it.  I assumed you’d rather be more alert for receiving guests.”
“Yeah, sure, that works.” Gladio paused and couldn’t help but voice the thoughts beginning to bubble up in his head.  “Sorry, dad.  I didn’t mean to make you all worry.  I – I did my best.”
“My sweet boy, don’t think like that.  I’m not going to lie, it’s been a hard few weeks thinking the worst.  You fulfilled your sworn oath and protected Noct.  What was supposed to have been a simple diplomatic trip, outside the wall, went to hell in a handbasket. You went above and beyond so don’t apologize for anything.” Clarus paused and bit his lips.  “You displayed such valor in the face of impossible odds.  I’m so proud of you.”
Gladio could feel the tears welling up in his eyes.  He’d not heard his dad talk like that in a long, long time.  His mother’s death was the last time he’d gotten so serious on the matters of life.   Sniffling softly Gladio choked out, “love you dad.”
“I love you too.  Why don’t you get more rest and perhaps we’ll talk later.”
Nodding Gladio wiped his tears away and reached out to grab his dad’s hand.  “Thanks for taking care of me.”
“I may be shield to the king but I will always protect my family.” Clarus replied with conviction.  “Rest, Ignis has the right idea.  You don’t have anywhere to be, relax and heal.”
It wasn’t long before Gladio was feeling the pulls of sleep once more.  He couldn’t wait to be stronger again and have some mobility back, but for now his dad was right.  He could rest without worry.
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moonraccoon-exe · 5 years
Hello! I was going through your supportive Regis to Iggy stuff and I’M MELTING!! I love it so much! Do you have anymore Regis-Ignis stuff or even other characters who support gladnis? I really wanna know!
I’m very excited to answer this because even though I still have 60+ asks (WAY over a year old now, god damn it), it made me so happy to get a new one with such old vibe? Idk how to explain it, it just felt like the first times I’d get asks anD IT MADE ME SO HAPPY OMG THANK YOU ;w;
But not gonna make the intro too long, you here for the nice stuff, so here we go!
The supportive Regis to Iggy stuff is old, some of my first, AND I FREAKING LOVE IT. Here you have supportive Regis being a good papa, and supportive Regis multiple headcanons if you missed it/don’t remember! :3
AU where Regis is Ignis’ supportive dad figure:
Quick summary following the previous posts’ canon: Iggy’s parents love him but aren’t very good parents. He’s just Noct’s adviser and a kingdom’s servant for them, and don’t care about Iggy’s relationships, not even his romantic one, so they never make any space to talk about it or interact or even care. Not kingdom issues? Then I don’t have time, sweetie, focus on your job and don’t make me waste my time.
Regis always gets some time to listen to Iggy about Gladio. Even if it’s a few shared whispers while crossing the door to Council meeting, he’ll always ask. Ignis has gotten a grip of that, and they’ve managed to get away with it, be it a long conversation, or two sentences, all so long Iggy gets to express a bit of what he feels :’)
You know what Regis does most? He disguises lots of forms of support in formalities so that Ignis can get away with his things.
Like the one post shared above where Regis made up the lame excuse of “oh, uh, you: drive the Regalia to the Amicitia house and then you’re free lmao” (it’s sO CUTE OMG HOW DARE PAST-ME WRITE SOMETHING SO CUTE). 
Ignis’ parents and council in general are always overwhelming and overloading Ignis of so much work, it’s sometimes a real struggle to find the time to dedicate to his relationship. Gladio understands, but it’s still not fair for Iggy.
So Regis is going to do the Thing: POWER ABUSE. FOR THE BABY.
Not rly power abuse lmao but he’s the king, he has the ultimate word and orders, right? So if he wants Ignis to have some time to himself, HE’S GOING TO FUCKING HAVE IT. But, so that his parents don’t notice or don’t have an excuse to complain, Regis will disguise some Ignis Free Time as orders.
Ignis wants to write a love letter for Gladio, but is stashed to the very last pore of politics paperwork.
“Excuse me, lord, ladies, can you be so kind as to get this paperwork done? I require of this young lad’s presence to be my personal scribe for a very, very important speech. *Closes door* Yes, right, where do we start? The…importance of…the crown, symbol of the city, emblem of…you write your thing, Ignis, I’ll just babble things, ok? the light and…stuff and things and I’ll just start reciting the whole of Kupo Wars intro speech and no one will notice if I speak regal and kingly like this are you good? you need anything you tell me, alright? LONG AGO IN A FAR AWAY GALAXY-”
It’s a special date and Ignis wants to bake something for Gladio because GladiO LOVES EATING SO MUCH, YOUR MAJESTY, HE’S SO HAPPY WHEN HE EATS AND I WANT TO MAKE HIM HAPPY
“Yes, hello, it seems like Ignis won’t be able to attend this interview because I want to impress the Tenebrae diplomats and I need the best chef of Eos aiding me, come here on royal duty, Ignis.”
((after Ignis finished baking the cake and people expected Regis to try it he just went “AAAH, GOODNESS, I FORGOT I’M ALLERGIC TO CAKE, WHAT A DUMBASS I AM, WELP, WE DON’T WANT IT TO GO TO WASTE SO WHY DON’T YOU TAKE IT TO SOMEONE ELSE YOU KNOW WILL LOVE IT, IGNIS? ( ´ ▽ ` )))
((regis how is anyone allergic to cake as a whole lmao))
Ignis is just sad because he wants to spend a bit of time with Gladio.
“well, Cor is-”
Soft and gentle and loving as he is, Regis can also be shady af with people that deserve it.
Scientia father is talking about some stupid thing and he mentions his son.
Regis is giving him the most deeply confused frown of the world, and ultra genuinely asks “You have a son???????”
He does this. EVERY. TIME. Scientia parents talk about Ignis LMAO, EVERY FUCKING TIME
(just wants to make it clear he doesn’t see them as parents to Ignis but that’s just his opinion, right, what does it matter, fuck him)
Regis isn’t only a supportive dad for Iggy when it comes to Gladnis. He’s also a supportive papa in general.
Kiddo Ignis can’t. STOP STARING. At the aerial rope acts and acrobatics on TV. THEY ARE JUST. SO FUCKING ARTISTIC. SO ELEGANT. SO BEAUTIFUL. KIDDO IGNIS LOVES THE ACROBATS HELOVESTHEMSOMU- ok Iggy TV time is over, you have to go make your ridiculously advanced homework that sucks the childhood out of you ok baby boy?
40 year old Regis Papa Sense tingles. 
40 y.o. Regis is taking Ignis from his parents at a hallway while they were leading him to his first Crownsguard training lesson “Yes, I take it from here, I want to give him a little encouraging speech, you know how this can be a little disheartening from how hard it is? Haha yeah, children these days am I rite”
Ignis walks into the training hall expecting Cor or Clarus or some Crownsguard with a pole ready to fucking SMACK HIM.
Ignis walks into the training hall being received by Insomnia’s fifth best circus arts coreographer. 
“Hello, you must be Ignis. The king said you’re very excited about aerial ropes and acrobatics? That’s so cool. Are you excited to be learning it yourself, now?”
Little twelve years old Ignis is GASP .A. *looks up at Regis like ¿¿¿¡¡¡¡???!!!*
“It’s OBVIOUSLY just to have an expert acrobat fighter, the only one of your kind, flexible, agile fighter that can jump, am I rite, enemies won’t expect that. So this is NOT arts class, it’s…OBVIOUSLY your Crownsguard training as we told your parents. OBVIOUSLY. Right, boy? Now, we don’t want to spoil the surprise. No telling mom and dad, ok? You tell them it’s Cor teaching you to punch things. Have fun. I mean. TRAIN HARD, HUFFFFFFFF”
Nineteen year old Ignis figured out his first real strategy at war table and it was an utter success.
Papa be like, not even looking away of his papers, “It’s your responsibility.”
REAL PAPA Regis rushed to hug him, grinning, and goes “Wow, Ignis, that’s fantastic!! Congratulations!! You worked very hard on it, and you helped save so many lives. Imagine all the families that will reunite thanks to you. You, fantastic boy, you’re so young and so skilled already, I’m so proud of you.”
Ignis had a literal nervous breadown out of stress overload.
Mama be like “take these pills, rest five minutes, now go back to your office, you can’t stay behind, you have all these paperworks DUE TOMORROW, YOU CAN’T JUST CALL IN SICK??? LIKE IT’S AN EXCUSE¿¿¿”
Ignis arrived to his office to find two sofas placed there together like a bed, comfy, cozy, with a blankie and cushions, and a therapist waiting at the desk.
“Hello. You must be Ignis. The king scheduled an appointment for you today. He also said you don’t need to worry about the paperwork, and said, I quote *reads paper* “…fuck paperwork”. Oh my. Anyway, come here, please lie down and let’s see what we can do for you, ok, sweetie?”
Papa be like “But?? I thought you were staying in today for training????? What about the prince’s interviews you have to cover for the day after tomorrow?? The paperwork for monday?? Your HOMEWORK¿¿ Ignis, you’re way better than this, leave the teenage drama alone. Free time? That you’re a teen and just want to go out and I just think about work??? Yes, no, I understand that, of COURSE I do, I just…nervous? IT’S JUST A DATE IGNIS OHMYGOD, don’t be so immature, just wear anything, go to your date, and be back as soon as possible, I won’t tolerate you being out after eight.”
Papa Regis is stopping a deep breathing absent-looking Ignis in the middle of the hallway to ask if he’s fine. It took like fifteen minutes of an embarrassed Ignis melting and becoming a puddle of shyness making excuses before he spilled the truth, blushing in embarrassment, whispering, feeling absolutely fucking stupid and like a dork.
“…I just…don’t know…what to wear…”
Regis be (・_・ )
An hour later locked away in Ignis’ office after having had an ACTUAL KINGSGLAIVE FUCKING SNEAK INTO IGNIS’ HOUSE AND BRING ALL HIS CLOTHES IN A HURRY (under royal command lmao), Regis is adjusting Ignis’ hair and glasses over and over, stepping back, staring with a >:| look, then going back in, re-arrange, step back, stare like >:|, step in to re-arrange, and so over and over, all while both discuss over it like it’s a death or life issue.
Regis becomes expert fashion critique
“HOW. Are you going to put those shoes on with THAT shirt.”
But being serious, Regis made sure to spend so very long in there with Ignis not because he didn’t know what to have him wear; that was the excuse to spend a while with Ignis to help him calm down. Boy was absolutely GONE, he needed to put his feet back on earth before his date or he was going to combust lmao
Ignis’ shift is over and he goes “I wasted my last hour doing NOTHING ;A;”
Ignis is more honored by having had the king help him pick his clothes than working so it doesn’t feel as bad. Plus, Regis knows his way through the mess of his head to make him not feel guilty
Before going out of the office, Regis is taking his time to smile a lot and stare at Ignis, before he drops the whole king attitude or fashion expert and goes with this tender, warm, and genuinely happy voice “So he finally asked you out.”
Ignis absolutely changes then. He just…glOWS HAPPY AND LOVING. And of course he starts sharing the whole thing with Regis, from asking out to how long he had been liking him to how he feels about it and stuff. Regis listens patiently, and then he gets up from his place and goes to grab Ignis’ face and helps a bit with his hair, and he can’t help but stare and stare with these…these IMMENSELY WARM EYES AND THIS HUGE SWEET, TENDER SMILE
“I’m so happy for you two. You two have always looked good together, and I think you’re meant to be. You’ll be fine, son.”
Ignis may have teared up a little and looked down. He feels…sO ENCOURAGED, SO SUPPORTED, HE FEELS LIKE SOMEONE CARES, IT’S SO NICE AKLSDJFDG
of fucking COURSE it was the best first date EVER
Ignis sometimes wants to get Gladio presents, but he doesn’t know where to put them (as in, if he gets Gladio a gift, it may be a few days earlier, so where does he store it during those few days?). No way to put them in his room because his parents check his room (never looking for anything in particular but it’s to ‘’keep him in check’’ or some bullshit), and they have key to his office too. 
Regis motherfucking Lucis Caelum is going to store that unicorn plushie in armiger and you better not question him.
You know how Regis and Noctis have royal portraits taken each certain years?
Yes, there is an official royal photograph or Regis with a twenty year old Ignis because what the fuck do you mean it’s just for the Lucis Caelum last name he’s my son regardless of last names fuck you give me that stupid camera
Of course it didn’t count to the ‘official’ archives of the heir and monarch portraits but goddammit is Regis going to make sure it’s hung somewhere in the fucking Citadel.
He keeps making that little adorable slip of thinking of Noct and Iggy as literal brothers because he’s just so into supporting Ignis he keeps forgetting he’s not his son neither legally or genetically.
“You can’t just get rid of your brother-in-law, that’s ridiculous.”
“Gladi- ooh, yes, lmao, I forgot. I meant Gladio”
“But I don’t have a brother.”
“You should follow Ignis’ example, that’s what big brothers are for.”
“Dad you’re doing it again.”
“Hello, Ignis? I wanted to talk to your brother. Ah, fuck, I meant, Noctis.”
Regis gets really moody every time Scientia parents are around. He knows they’re not necessarily evil, but that doesn’t mean they’re not abusive. He’s been reflecting long about it and he sees them as abusive even if incidentally so of course he gets moody. HOW DARE THEY MISTREAT MY CHILD LIKE THAT.
Regis had Clarus review a literal petition to change Insomnia’s adult age from 21 to 19 so Ignis could move the fuck out of his house sooner.
council said no those pieces of shIT
Regis insisted
“Your Majesty, we can’t just change that law so easily and fast, and think of-”
Regis mopped about it for a month
When Noct moved to his flat near school, Regis did it so he could grow a bit of independency…and to give Ignis the spare key.
“My son may need some watch every now and then. Leave the house duties to him, that’s fine, son, just…uh…keep an eye on him some nights. Any night you want. I happened to find only a flat with two separate rooms haha what a coINCIDENCE AIN’T IT so it’s fine if you want to spend the night with Noct :)”
He was basically gifting Ignis his own shared apartment WHAT THE HECK YOUR MAJESTY YOU’RE GIVING ME A WHOLE ASS APARTMENT?????? OMG NO STOP
((Ignis used that apartment very frequently the poor bby ;A;))
When Noct graduates and goes back to living at the Citadel, Ignis at first is sort of upset of having to go back to his house every day. He normally can’t get to spend the nights at Gladio’s or anyone else’s because his parents thing it’s inappropriate. But Ignis just looks…so upset. He doesn’t say anything, and he keeps talking about being happy of Noct’s growth and independency and graduation and his grades and him getting to be back with his dad and stuff, but when he’s alone he looks so upset. He looks like he’s sleeping less, and worse than before; he looks like…like carrying a heavier weight, that kept growing and growing. He looked less healthy, less happy, less bright.
And as soon as he notices, there we have him, king motherfucking Regis signing the official return of the prince’s gentlemen job, and signing Ignis in the goddamn title without even asking him first. 
Regis’ excuse is that Ignis is his first assistant, personal adviser, closest companion, so it only makes sense to have Ignis attend him personally at any time the prince so needs it, SO YOU BETTER NOT HAVE ANY EXCUSES YOU PIECES OF SHIT TO LET YOUR SON LIVE IN THE ROOM NEXT TO NOCT’S, OKAY, FUCK YOU.
It was a smart move because Scientia parents were delighted with the promotion and progress, yes yes, we told you working this hard would get you really far, son, of course it was due to the pressure we put on you that you get to be the prince’s personal assistant to a new level.
Regis really just wanted Ignis to get out of that goddamn place for most nights.
And not like Noctis asks for anything. Wakes up WAY later than Ignis, cleans his own room as best as he can (he’s trying, ok? LEAVE HIM ALONE), and it’s not like it’s the 1st century to be asking Ignis to dress him or anything, ew, get away of my room, you dork, this is my stuff!!
IGNIS HAS NEVER SLEPT SO GODDAMN WEL IN HIS GODDAMN LIFE, and it’s not like his parents don’t let him sleep or anything, it’s just…the air. It’s different. The environment is WAY comfier and more cozy, HE LOVES SLEEPING THERE.
Regis is also there when Iggy is having bad times.
As much as he’s eventually learned that his parents just Don’t Care, it’s not like it’s an easy thing to digest, you know? Because they’re this horrible mix between genuinely loving and still abusive and toxic. They want the best for him, but they’ve broken him to the point of literal physical breakdowns. They love him, but don’t know his favorite meal or color. They want him to go far but forget he’s a human, and just see his grades and work, and don’t know how he has fun and have never once listened to him about his YEARS LONG RELATIONSHIP WITH A MAN HE GENUINELY LOVES AND WHO HE HAS LIVED WITH THE MOST ADVENTURES. Ignis is often very troubled about his parents, because as much distance as he’s put in between and as much as he doesn’t acknowledge them as his parents because of all the bad they’ve done to him and how absent they’ve been, he just can’t help but…still be hurt about it, you know? 
So even though he has Regis’ full awesome support, and Clarus’, and other parental figures, it’s just not the people he grew up with all his life calling “parents”. They may be abusive and absent but goddammit, the child in him used to think they were his parents, and good ones. It’s not like he can just not care.
So it’s not rare that Ignis gets emotional over it, or has cried a few times, especially when he has something significative going on in his life and his parents just aren’t there, even when he reaches out to them and they’re just “too busy”.
Nothing particular had happened. It was the constant storing of that kinda events, thoughts and feelings that kept building up until they were too many and made Ignis sort of break. 
His parents just wouldn’t speak about his relationship with Gladio. The most they have gotten to was telling him to not be explicit about it to save scandals about someone as important as an Amicitia, to always be perfectly sharp and as best looking as he could because an Amicitia just couldn’t be seen with someone less than Perfect, and would often tell him to not get hopes too high because Gladiolus looked like a man to constantly switch partners so you better be careful. But they never cared about knowing him, having him for dinner, talking about their dates, not even how or WHEN it started, they didn’t even know how long it had been going on, or the places they’ve been or the things they’d done together, NOTHING.
Ignis is so very often at the Amicitias’; has dinner, sleeps over when he can, has gone out with Iris alone SO MANY times, has been with Clarus alone SO MANY TIMES, has LITERALLY GONE ON VACATIONS WITH THEM, and his parents can’t even shake Gladio’s hand even when they all work in the same goddamn place? Were they for real?
Ignis once tried talking with them about the possibility of marriage. He had been with Gladio for a good couple years, and he was sure about it, and had even spoken a bit with Gladio about it, and it seemed like a bright plan. 
It took Ignis MONTHS. Literal months of mental preparation. He wrote the little speech and corrected it over and over and over and over for weeks to know what to tell his parents and how. He practiced in his head, with the mirror, with Noctis, he rehearsed aloud to an empty room. He had his routine of breathing before it to get ready, during it to not lose it, he had been gathering courage for all those MONTHS
“I’m sorry, Ignis, I know it’s important but I have to hand these papers in three days from now. Could you tell me some other day?”
He didn’t even get to the first word of his speech because he wasn’t even given the chance.
He dropped the bomb in the first sentence he said, on purpose, so his parents would know how big of a thing it was and wouldn’t discard it; “I’ve spoken with Gladiolus about marriage.” And he got this. I’m busy. Paperwork. Good that you’re marrying but can you please not interrupt me?
Ignis didn’t even get angry. He just stood there, in front of his parents, staring a little with a blank face. He still waited a bit, and his mom did look up from her papers as if asking if he needed anything. Willing to listen, and Ignis knew and saw it. 
But decided it wasn’t worth it, and he just turned around and left. 
He didn’t feel bad that night, or the next, and he worked just fine during the week…but he kept…to say it some way, withering.
 Like back when he had to go back to sleeping at his parents’ every night, Ignis started slowly looking restless and upset with each day. With the heavy air and shoulders, the tired look, and that exhausted aura that felt like he struggled at getting out of bed every day. 
And of course, Regis noticed. 
One day, he visited Ignis to see what was going on. He had Ignis sit on a chair and he sat across him, and had him talk about it. By that point Ignis has grown so much personal trust with Regis that he doesn’t struggle anymore at opening up with him. 
Ignis spoke long, much longer than he knew he had to speak, about all the things his parents don’t do and do, and went on and on, and it was past the shift end hour, it got dark and late and they didn’t even bother turning the lights on and just kept going. 
And then Ignis got to the point where one sentence alone had him break.
“I don’t understand, I’m their son, and they love me, so why don’t they care?”
Ignis stopped there because, as he said that last bit, he started crying. Fast, out of nowhere, not even noticing, he just…broke down right there. At first he stayed still while crying, as if only after saying it aloud had he noticed the weight it held. 
Little by little he started putting the head down, until he seemed to finally understand what he said, and so he started properly crying. Ignis tried cleaning his eyes, took his glasses off, and sobbed and cried.
It wasn’t long before Regis had stood from his chair and had reached for him. Got close, and took Ignis in a hug.
Ignis didn’t even care if this was the king or someone else’s dad. He didn’t. He just buried his face in his hands, and his hands and face in Regis’ chest, and started sobbing. 
Regis hugged him and kept him to his chest for as long as he needed. He pet his hair, rubbed his back, squeezed his arms, and didn’t let go while letting Iggy cry all that he wanted to sob out.
After a bit, Ignis tried cleaning his nose and eyes, and let go of his face to hug Regis back. It was a bit timid, and a little weak, but he held to Regis’ jacket like a scared, upset kid, and shyly sniffled while calming down. 
“Why don’t they care?” he whispered again mid-tears, genuinely lost…but not alone.
Later, when Ignis let go and Regis sat next to him, Ignis apologized because he “should” be grateful for what he has, and he has Regis and that’s way better than any parent he could have asked for and way better than the bad his real parents have done to him, and, surprisingly, Regis didn’t agree this time.
“It’s not something that can be replaced. A joy in your life doesn’t nulify the bad. When it hurts, it hurts. I can be your dad all that we want, but it won’t take away the hurt you feel for the real one. And that’s ok. You are grateful for what you have, but it’s also ok to be hurting on this. I would be hurting, too.”
someone give this man a prize already please
A week later Clarus walked into a very upset Regis giving a paper his Tantrum Frown.
“Clarus how do I adopt an adult that has legal living parents?”
Regis, no.
Now Regis doesn’t ask the Scientia “you have a son?” whenever they mention Ignis, he just goes “Ah, you know his name?”
One day, a 24 year old Iggy went to Regis’ chambers during a sunday hence day off. Regis was ? :3
Ignis asked Regis if he would please help him choose the engagement ring he was going to get for Gladio.
Regis was out of the room screaming and swinging the Regalia’s keys before Ignis had finished the sentence.
There we have him a PROUD PAPA going with his BEAUTIFUL SON to get an engagement ring because BOY IS GONNA ASK HIS BF FOR MARRIAGE AND JESUS CHRIST IS THIS EXCITING
Honestly I’m saving how excited Regis was because it’s just too much excitement to be described lmao 
Just imagine him screeching the whole way to the mall
and the dy after
and all over the week
Regis was so excited he slightly fainted at least twice across the week lmao thank the gods a chuckling Clarus was there to help but anyway back to RING SHOPPING
Just like that time Regis was his FASHION EXPERT on the first date Iggy had with Gladio, Regis is now becoming RING EXPERT for him
“HOW. Are you going to wear that ring with those SHOES”
“why are the shoes always the problem”
They didn’t spend as long in the store as they did with the clothes that once, but they did spend a good while looking at the prettiest rings and comparing and thinking about what Gladio would personally like, and etc etc. 
Basically Regis helping Iggy pick the engagement ring plEASE I BEG FOR THIS SCENARIO AKSLJDFDG *cries*
When Ignis got decided for one, he was just pulling out his credit card when RegIS. FUCKING. SLAMMED HIS DEBIT CARD ON THE COUNTER.
omg but king Regis I’ve been saving up for a whole yea-
Regis = Gladnis shipper #1
fun side story #2 can we have Gladnis proposing to each other the same day because that’s disgustingly freaking adorable and I die with cuteness overload at the thought thank you. Like u know, those cute videos, I think there are two where partner 1 proposes to partner 2, and partner 2 just LAUGHS and partner 1 is ;A; ??? and partner 2 suddenly pulls out a little box too and it makes sense and the two just freaking lose it. Yes, Gladnis vibes, thank you
Let’s make it an Eos tradition that the father or parent or parental figure of the groom (or bride or person in suit) gets them the tie and only show them on the wedding day and they put it on their kid. (that’s actually a nice tradition, nice thinking Brain, I’ll steal this from myself later)
On the wedding day, in a room, Clarus is tying Gladio’s tie.
In the other, Ignis is tying his own. 
He did tell dad, but didn’t tell him about the tradition and dad assumed it wasn’t happening. It was fine, Ignis kept it a secret because he didn’t want his dad to do it, and he was fine getting his own tie. 
(Scientia parents are present, just Ignis asked them to be sat and away, he was fine on his own, and because Scientia parents don’t care they were just like okie)
And of course, there was then a knock at the door.
“…ki…KING REGIS!?”
Regis is smiling and going in and closing the door. Ignis stands up and he seemed to have been about to run towards him, but he freezes in his spot, and suddenly stands there like a lost shy kid, and his eyes immediately water. They say nothing for a while and just stare at each other, until Ignis, at the edge of crying, just whispers in a broken voice “You came.”
“Of course I did. What sort of horrible thing would I be if I missed your wedding? I’m sorry I’m late, I just didn’t know in which room you were. You should’ve told me!”
It takes a while as Ignis controls his tears and feelings and gets over the shyness before he says it.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know you’d come and I didn’t want to pressure you by asking for this…extra thing, just consumes time, and I could do it alone, it was fine, really…”
“An extra thing?” 
Regis starts limping his way towards him. Then, when he gets to Ignis, he pulls out a little large box. Ignis finally starts crying when Regis opens it and there’s a tie inside.
While Iggy cries a bit, Regis undoes his tie, throws it away, and gently and very softly starts tying the new one. He does his best and prettiest tie, and pats it.
“It’s no extra thing. It’s my responsibility.”
Ignis immediately went in for a tight hug, crying into Regis’ shoulder.
“I’m so sorry I didn’t ask you for this, I’m so sorry…I…know you’re genuinely busy, and that’s ok, you run the biggest country of the world and a whole magic core alone, I know it’s genuine and I’ve never been upset for that, I just…know you’re genuinely busy…”
Regis returned the hug as lovingly and tight as only a father does, and kissed his head.
“Yes, a king is always busy. But never for my son.”
And that’s how Ignis was walked down the aisle by REGIS FUCKING LUCIS CAELUM CXIII OF HIS NAME THE MAN HIMSELF.
I’m an absolute disaster for supportive papa Regis. U see supportive Regis u show me, ok? OK? THANK YOU ;____;
I hope you enjoyed these at least half as I did!
Thank you, and have a WONDAHFUL day! 
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Twist Story chapter 4
As usual, Twist and all of Twistfell (and Swaptwistfell, which has a hint of relevance here if you know who Iggy’s major donor is) belongs to @itsladykit
Summary: There’s a cure for LV (probably). It’s completely safe (probably). It’s a highly unpleasant experience (definitely). Twist only cares about that first statement. He probably should have paid a little more attention to the other two. But what does it matter? He’s getting what he wants, and he has the best friends and family in any universe to help along the way.
chapter 1, chapter 3
Chapter 4
Twist groans as his sockets open and his eyelight lights. The brightness in the room is blinding so he quickly slams both sockets shut and brings an arm up to cover them with his sleeve. This is a lot more work than it should be, and does not produce the expected result. Bare bones are terrible at blocking out light.
“How drunk was I that I thought sleepin’ shirtless in a freezin’ room with no blankets was good idea?” he mutters, trying to lever himself up and out of the bed to search for some clothes. Trying, and failing, as a wave of dizziness washes over him at the movement and his arms won’t hold any weight.
“We’ll, fuck. Not sure this’s a hangover.” The headache that had been faintly pulsing in the back of his skull suddenly intensifies. ‘Er if it is, ‘s a hangover from hell.” He tries covering his eyes again, still to no effect. “C’n someone turn off that damn light?” No one answers.
He tries getting up again, this time by swinging his legs over the side of the bed. Pain flares in his ribcage as soon as he tries. “Shitshitshit, bad idea, fuck!” He ends up curled in a little ball, arms across his ribcage and legs drawn up as tightly as he can manage. He’s not sure how long it is before he manages to move again. He can only guess at what’s wrong. 
Not drunk, or not only drunk. Was he in some kind of fight? Shit, was he?! What if he killed someone? What if he gained LV? He can’t have gained LV, he’d know if he had, surely he’d know, he’d feel it. And anyway, it would have healed him, and he’s definitely not healed, and he’s still sane enough to worry about it, so that can’t be what happened, it can’t, but then what did happen?
“‘m I sick?” The pain in his chest has receded enough to let him talk again, but something definitely isn’t right with his voice. It’s raspy and strained, like he was screaming, why does he remember screaming? And it’s dry, and oh stars he’s just realized how thirsty he is, and unless there’s some water right next to this bed, there’s no way he’s getting any. A quick glance through squinted sockets confirms that water is nowhere within reach. He’ll have to put that aside, then, for the probably more pressing problem of what happened and where he is.
His brief glimpse of the room suggests that it might be some kind of doctor’s office. He hasn’t spent much time in places like that, really doesn’t like them and can usually take care of any injury without needing to go to one, but it would make some sense based on whatever is wrong with his ribcage and skull. Which is probably something he should find out more about. His skull’s a little hard to examine by himself, but he should be able to get some idea of what’s happening with his ribcage if he can just get his eyes open long enough.
Bracing himself for the light, he squints his sockets open again. It’s just as bad as last time, but this time he’s prepared, so he manages to keep them open. His neck is stiff, but he gets it to bend enough that he can look at his ribcage. What he sees there is disturbing.
His soul is there, easily seen from the sickly yellow light it’s giving off. It’s missing a lot of the calcification that would normally cover it, which should make it look better but somehow just makes it look damaged. He looks away in disgust. Even without the calcification, it’s still ugly. Which, fine, he should have expected that. If he could fix his soul by peeling it like an orange, he’d have done it a long time ago, but what’s with the color? Last he checked, his magic was gold, not yellow, and definitely not that weird, pale yellow. His head falls back on the pillow before he can take a closer look. Everything aches, but more than that, absolute exhaustion is really getting to him. But he has to figure out what’s going on.
The best lead he has is his soul. Something is wrong with it, and maybe if he can figure out what’s wrong he can figure out what happened, or where he is, or how to get out of there. Sitting up’s not working, bending’s not working, but maybe he can bring his soul to eye level instead. He quickly learns that magic’s not working either, ow, shit, ow, so he reaches in to pull it out by hand, only to get his hand tangled in string.
“What the fuck?” he gasps. “Why’s there-” but he’s cut off by a coughing fit, which does nothing good for the string that’s apparently pulling on his soul. Not string, he realizes as he gets the coughing under control, wires. Wires sticking into his soul, and the other end connected to a machine a few feet away. 
“Now this’s gettin’ creepy.” His eyes trail from the machine by his bed to the rest of the room, stopping on various equipment, some of which looks ridiculously modern next to tools that could have come out of some 19th century mad-scientist’s lab, and even what look like some kind medieval torture devices. He shivers at a creepy clamp thing with teeth without really knowing why it’s any worse than the things around it, before suddenly freezing as he realizes what all this means.
“A lab. ‘m in a lab!” Ice fills his marrow as he looks around with renewed awareness, noting the single exit, impossibly far away, the bars beside his bed, perfect for strapping in some unwilling research subject, though he’s not strapped in because why would they bother? It’s not like he’s going anywhere. He can’t even sit up, can’t even get these damn wires out of his soul, oh fuck get them out get them out get them out get them out, shit that hurts, but they’re out, they’re gone, nothing holding him in place anymore, this is his chance he has to leave has to get up has to…
“What is going on in there?” a voice demands from somewhere he can’t see. “You’d better be having a seizure or something because if you took those out on purpose and screwed up my readings I swear I’ll-”
The voice starts far away but ends up right on top of him. Who the fuck thinks she’s got a right to hold him here like this, thinks she can lock him away in a lab somewhere, doesn’t know who’s she’s messing with, a sharp bone right through her chest will take care of her. He starts to manifest one, and the world whites out in agony.
When he comes to, he’s still gasping, soul on fire, mana lines burning. He blinks up at the… lizard monster? standing over him, thinking he should probably know who she is, but not quite able to put together a coherent thought.
“Tried to use your magic, huh? Didn’t really work out the way you expected? I’d have warned you, but you decided to attack me as soon as I came in the room, so I didn’t really get a chance. You’re really not being a very cooperative research subject. The hard part was supposed to be before the injection. You really should be under better control now, so I expect better behavior.”
Research subject? Oh yeah, the lab, he’s in a lab, so she’s probably a scientist, and she’s calling him her research subject and telling him to behave. Only one response to that. “Fuck. You.” The effect is kind of ruined by the coughing fit that follows, though.
“Really? That’s how you’re going to talk to me? I’m curing your LV and putting up with all of your ridiculous behavior in the meantime, and all you have to say is fuck you? You should be thanking me!” Her rant is hard to follow as he struggles to get the coughing under control, but it seems like there might be something important in there.
“Thank? Why… wait. What?”
“I’m not repeating myself. You know what I’m talking about.”
“No, ya said…” he clenches his teeth, trying to hold off another coughing fit. She said something important, and besides, coughing hurts like a vice squeezing his soul, and he’d really rather not do it again. Water would be great, or maybe he should just stop talking. Nah, never gonna happen. “Said… LV.” A single cough escapes before he gets it back under control. “A cure? Ya said…” Any answer she might have given is lost as he loses control of the coughing fit he’s been fighting. It’s… not the worst thing he’s ever experienced, not by far, but pretty high on the scale of things that have happened lately, as his soul screams for air that he’s coughing too hard to take in, and he can’t get enough air to cough, but he has to cough, and his throat is burning and everything is burning and oh thank every fucking star, water, he has water! He gulps greedily, choking as he continues to cough but not caring as the cool peace of it soothes his throat and even his soul. He drinks until it’s gone, and by then the coughing has stopped and he can breathe, but he’s just so tired. He whimpers as the straw, apparently there was a straw, is removed from his mouth, but is too tired for further protest. Sleep, he just wants to sleep, but there’s something important, something he needs to ask about, something…
“LV?” he whispers. “Somethin’, said somethin’ ‘bout LV. What ya said…?” He can’t talk right, can barely form words, let alone put them in order, but he has to know.
“I’ve cured it.” She says it so matter-of-factly, like she’s not talking about changing his whole world.
“Really? An’ I… c’n have it?” It sounds familiar, but he has to know for sure.
“You already have it. This is it. It’s working in your soul right now. Did you forget?” She softens a little at that.
“Forget? Yeah, guess so.” A tiny spark of memory that he shudders away from, but still it grows, memory of his soul melting and parts ripped off and Muffet taking it, probably not Muffet, that was a long time ago, she’s not here, but it all feels like her so he’s not sure, and fading away and coming back, and it’s all rushing back now and he kind of wishes it wouldn’t.
“Do you remember now?” And now she sounds… encouraging? Is she mad at him or not? Can she just make up her mind? He can’t keep track of these shifts.
“‘member,” he agrees, and he does, kind of, but not enough to make sense of anything.
“Hmmm, temporary amnesia and ongoing confusion, pretty typical side effects, especially this early on. Is there anything else you can tell me? You weren’t in any condition to talk after the initial treatment.”
“‘bout what?”
“Your experience of the treatment! That was part of our agreement, remember, I give you the treatment early and you participate in my data collection so I can get this published and accepted for mass production.”
“What sucks?”
“Th’ tre’men’. Treat ment.” Too much work to makes the words come out clearly. He just wants to sleep.
“Really? That’s all you have to say about it?”
“‘s true.”
“Obviously, but I really need more detailed information. You wouldn’t believe how picky the review board is about these things. You’re going to have to give me more than that.”
“Sucks. ‘m tire. Gonna slee’ now.” There. Three, five, six? words. That’s as much as she’s getting.
“Hey, no, you can’t sleep yet! I’ve already let you get away with it once, but I can’t let you do it again. This whole thing is pointless if I can’t get any data out of it. Between not answering questions and not keeping those wires in, you’re being a pretty useless research subject. I need to get those wires back in, anyway, and don’t take them out again!”
“Mhm.” He doesn’t really care what she does. Sleep is calling, and he couldn’t fight it if he tried. He’s vaguely disturbed as he feels her reach into his ribcage, presumably to get his soul, but it’s not enough to keep him from much needed sleep.
Iggy is just plugging the last of the data from the monitor into the program that will analyze it and compare it to the data from her other subjects when she hears a crash from the lab. She rushes into the room, only to find Twist collapsed on the floor.
“What happened? Why are you on the floor?” Did he fall out of bed accidentally? She’s still not convinced seizures aren’t a possibility in his case, even if they haven’t been seen in other subjects. The alternative…
“Tryna go home,” he mutters.
The alternative is that he got out of bed on purpose, and, predictably, collapsed.
“Well obviously you can’t do that. How would you get there? You can’t even walk, and I’m not done monitoring the rest of the treatment,” she scolds as he blinks up at her in confusion.
“Rest? There’s more?” He sounds like the idea never occurred to him. At least he remembers that there is a treatment, this time.
“Of course, there’s more. Has your LV decreased? No, obviously not, so the treatment isn’t done, so you’re not going home.”
“Wanna go home. Sans… Blackberry. Blackberry’s waitin’.”
“No, he’s not. You told him you were going on vacation, remember?”
Twist snorts. “Not a v’cation. ‘s not.”
“Obviously not, but that’s what you told him. I sure hope this memory loss thing ends soon. How about we move on to a different side effect? This one’s getting old pretty fast.”
“I c’n pick my side effect? What kinda medicine does tha’? An’ where’s Blackberry?”
“Ugh, no, obviously I was just saying that because I was annoyed. Still, there are a lot of side effects to this and they can change frequently, and so far, memory loss is the most annoying. Now let’s get you off the floor. I’m really glad you’re a skeleton. You weigh, like, nothing for being so tall.” She reaches down to lift him up, only to freeze when he gasps. She quickly pulls back, concerned that she might have hurt him, only to realize that she hasn’t actually touched him. Even if she did, she certainly isn’t touching him now, and he’s still looking at her like some nightmare come to life.
“What is it? What’s wrong?” He’s just staring her, sockets hollow, expression still, and she has no idea what caused it. “Seriously, what’s wrong with you?” This question gets through, though it does nothing for the look of terror.
“Sorry. Sorry. ‘M sorry. ’ll do better. Sorry. Sorrysorrysorry. Sorry.” He doesn’t look particularly contrite, but he does look desperate. For what, she has no clue.
“Enough apologizing. You’ve been a terrible research subject, but you’re not actually doing anything wrong right now. Just let me put you in bed and everything will be fine.” She reaches again to pick him up, which brings the terror back in full force.
“Sorry! Sorrysorrym’sorry ‘m sorry ‘m sorry so sorry didn’ mean ta sorry!” Now he’s sobbing, without tears of course because his LV won’t allow that, and she still doesn’t know why. He’s not actually resisting, so she ultimately just picks him up anyway and puts him back on the bed. He’s shaking so hard that his bones rattle, and he won’t stop apologizing, even after she steps away from him.
“Hey, it’s ok. I’m not mad at you. Look, you’re back in bed! I fixed it. Everything’s fine.” Her reassurances have no effect.
“Sorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorry.” His body is rigid now, except for the shaking. When she gently touches his arm, he flinches away before freezing again, and that’s when she realizes.
“A hallucination! Something I did triggered a hallucination, maybe with some kind of flashback, and now you’re stuck in it. Combine that with increased emotional instability due to alterations in the substructure of your soul, and of course you’ll have some reactions like this. Ok, that’s not so bad. I’ll just leave you alone to let it fade or play out, and then you’ll be fine. I’ll just be in my office. I’ll check on you in a little while.” Hallucinations are a common side effect, but they always go away on their own. She feels some sympathy for this one, it looks bad, but since there’s nothing she can do to help she might as well get some work done. She reattaches the monitor wires again, which he doesn’t seem to notice, then returns to the office, leaving rattling bones and terrified whimpers behind her.
Twist doesn’t know where he is. He thought he knew, and is glad to realize he isn’t there, but other than not there he has no idea. There’s a door somewhere over there, and he can’t see what’s through it but it seems like the best way out. He pulls himself to the edge of the bed with considerable effort, tries to roll to his feet, and collapses to the floor, agony shooting through every joint. For some indefinable amount of time, that’s all there is, but at some point, he hears a voice and feels someone shaking his arm.
“Hey, hey! Can you hear me? What are you doing out of bed?” The source of the voice is a yellow blur. 
“Stop yellin’ an’ maybe I’ll answer ya,” he mutters at the blur. He knows that blur, and as the blur resolves into a familiar face he remembers where he is. “Damn, that’s annoyin’.”
“Well I wouldn’t have to yell at you if you hadn’t knocked yourself out by falling on the floor. When I say stay in bed, I mean it. You can’t walk. You also have wires in your soul that are attached to a stationary machine. How hard is that to understand?”
“Yer annoyin’ too, sweetheart, but I meant the forgettin’ what’s happenin’ thing.” He’d like to glare at her, but his eyes have gone from unfocused to over-focused somehow, everything distorted and magnified and too bright, and slightly nauseating.
“What, again? You’re having an unusual quantity of temporary amnesia. That will be inconvenient if it continues.”
“So sorry ta inconvenience ya, darlin’. Here I was havin’ a great time forgettin’ where I was an’ fallin’ on the floor every coupl’a hours, an’ not even realizin’ I was inconveniencin’ ya. I’ll make sure ta be more considerate in the future.”
“The memory loss wouldn’t be such a problem if you would just stay in bed. Why do you want to get up so badly? You have to feel terrible.”
“Ya sayin’ you’d stay put if ya woke up in some lab somewhere with no clue where ya were or why ya were there? Sorry fer not assumin’ whoever put me there has good intentions.”
“Strapping you to the bed would solve that problem.”
He glares. “No.”
“Oh, come on. I know you don’t like it, but how else are you going to stay in bed if you can’t even remember that you’re supposed to? It doesn’t even have to be chains; the way you are right now, we could probably get away with just some strips of cloth. It wouldn’t even be uncomfortable.”
“I said no.” What if she decides to do it anyway? He can’t stop her, can’t use magic, can’t even get to the door. She can do anything she wants to him; he’s helpless. Being helpless never goes well, people take advantage of that, make you helpless then they use you, then they-
“Hey, focus. You don’t need to freak out. I’m not strapping you to the bed. If I was going to then I already would have, with how you’ve been acting every time I try to help you.” Yellow again. Yellow Iggy. Not pink and black and lots of arms. This is Iggy. She’s here because she’s helping him. He chose this, and it’s worth it. It’s not even so bad, just a little pain, a little confusion, a little absolute terror nervousness, all completely worth it to get rid of his LV. He just needs to calm down and do what she tells him. 
“That’s better. Are you back with me now? Let’s just get you back in bed.” 
A good suggestion, and he’s only just decided to do as he’s told, but he really can’t help himself. He grins. “Ya keep sayin’ yer not in’erested, sweetheart, but then ya keep tryna get me in bed. So which is it?” A weak joke, but somehow he feels infinitely better for making it.
“Will you stop with the innuendo?! Just for that, you can get yourself back in bed,” she huffs.
“Fine, fine, I’ll cut it out an’ get in bed.” He’s still grinning as he struggles to roll over, the effort sending small spikes of pain through his joints but not dimming his mood. That’s as far as he gets, though, as his limbs won’t support him and pressure from trying to lift himself elevates the pain beyond what he can smile through.
“Think I… think ‘m gonna need some help.” He hates to admit it, but he’s not getting up anytime soon. Actually, maintaining this position might be more than he can manage for much longer, so he’s grateful when she sighs but leans down to lift him up. He’s not much help with getting himself in the bed or properly positioned, mostly trying to minimize the impact to joints that seem to have decided they don’t want him to move ever again.
“Wha’s wrong with me? ‘s like there’re spikes in my joints.”
“I don’t know. That’s not a common side effect. Maybe it’s due to the magic disruption and you being a skeleton. No one can use their magic during the treatment, but skeletons use magic to hold their bones together, which mainly occurs at the joints, so the magic in your joints is still present but easily disrupted.”
“Wait, does that mean my joints’ll come apart? If I can’t use magic and magic’s what holds me together, am I just gonna fall apart?”
“No, if that was going to happen, I think it already would have-”
“Ya think it already would’ve? Yer not sure? Don’t ya think that’s a risk I should’ve heard about before starting this?”
“Your magic isn’t gone, just damaged, so it still should be capable of primary survival functions. I didn’t warn you about it because I didn’t know it would happen. You’re the first skeleton subject I’ve had. That’s the risk you take when you participate in clinical trials, you may experience a side effect that hasn’t been discovered yet. This one really isn’t even that bad-”
“Unless my arms ‘n legs fall off.”
“You’ll just have to be careful about moving, and stop interrupting me. Now give me your soul.” While she spoke, she had retrieved the wires from where they’d fallen when they came loose when he fell out of bed, and now holds them in one hand while the other is held out expectantly for his soul. He gives it to her, knowing better than to resist by now, and looks away as she sticks both wires back in.
“Aren’t you glad I got all the calcification off so it’s mostly still clear? Imagine if I had to chip some more away each time you pulled these out. On the other hand, maybe that would motivate you to keep them in.”
“Not exactly pullin’ ‘em out on purpose, darlin’.” He scowls as she returns his soul. He knows this is annoying for her, but he’s not having a great time either, and he’s not sure what she thinks he can do about it. 
“Just stop doing it. I’m going back to the office to try to get some work done. Stay. In. Bed. Do NOT remove those wires. If I have to come in here again because you did something stupid, I might reconsider what I said about strapping you to the bed.” And on that horrible note, she leaves him alone.
“Hey, Iggy?” She’s busy doing something with some equipment, but she’s always busy when she comes into the lab, so this is as good a time as any to ask.
“What?” That doesn’t mean she’ll be happy to be interrupted, though.
“Any chance I could get somethin’ ta eat? Think I’ve been here awhile, an’ I’m gettin’ kinda hungry.” He’s a lot more than kind of hungry, but sees no reason to let her know how much. At least not unless he has to.
“You’ve been here a day and a half, so I’m not surprised you’re hungry. I’m actually surprised you haven’t said anything before now.”
“Wasn’ hungry then. I am now. Can I have somethin’, please?” There, a little politeness never hurt.
“Sure, just let me finish with this and I’ll get you some food.” Well, that’s better than if he hadn’t asked at all, but you’d think she’d be a little faster about feeding someone at risk for magic depletion who hasn’t eaten in a day and a half.
Iggy finishes whatever it is she was doing and goes into her office. There are some sounds; packages tearing open, water running, utensils clinking, and then she returns with a covered cup with a straw sticking out the top.
“A smoothie?” Twist asks hopefully. He loves smoothies.
“Kind of, but not quite. It’s mostly protein and concentrated calories. You’ll have trouble digesting anything complicated, and you’re probably going to have trouble eating anything that takes a lot of chewing, and if you swallow wrong, you’ll choke on it, so this way you still get all the nutrients you need just from drinking. It’ll help keep your HP up.”
“Protein and calories, huh? Sounds great. Let’s give it a try.” It certainly doesn’t smell great, and it tastes exactly like it smells. He grimaces, but he’s hungry, so he drinks some anyway. “No chance of makin’ this taste any better, is there?”
“I guess I could add some sugar.”
He grimaces. “No thanks. Last thing this needs is ta be sweet on top’a whatever else it is.” There really is no way to describe that taste. It’s just awful.
“Fruit, maybe? You said you liked smoothies.” Well isn’t she just being remarkably helpful today? Looks like cooperating with drinking her nasty smoothie might pay off.
“That’d be great, sweetheart. Don’t know if it’d totally fix the taste, but it’d make it a lot easier ta drink.”
“Ok, give it here. I’ve got a blender in the office, and I think I have some bananas I can mix in. But you drink the whole thing, understand? I’m not going to this much trouble just so you can take a few sips and decide you don’t like it.”
“Got it. You add bananas and I drink it all.” Honestly, he’d probably drink it all without the fruit, nasty as it is. He’s hungry, and talking about food is just making it worse.
She doesn’t take long to return with the modified smoothie. It’s better than it was before, even if nothing can quite cover up that taste. At first, he drinks it vigorously, but drinking is more work than it should be as his magic struggles to dissolve the food. It gets harder to coordinate drinking and breathing as he runs out of energy, so he keeps running out of breath and occasionally choking. He believes Iggy now about solid food being a bad idea. He makes it through the whole cup but he’s exhausted. He holds onto the cup long enough for Iggy to take it from him but passes out as soon as he no longer has a task keeping him awake.
They start to develop something like a routine, even though it’s only been a couple of days. Iggy checks his monitor, brings him terrible smoothies, and works in her office. Twist lies in bed, alternately confused, afraid, and bored. He’s very bored, so bored that he briefly considers risking Iggy’s anger by trying to get out of bed again. Not worth it don’t disobey you know what that gets you He really doesn’t feel too bad as long as he doesn’t move, except for all the random flashbacks that get triggered by absolutely everything and the inability to remember where and when he is, so maybe he’s starting to get better. Maybe it’s almost over and he can go home. It’s a little concerning that he hasn’t seen any change in his LV yet, but maybe it takes a while for the change to show up. Maybe that’s what Iggy meant when she said it could take days or weeks. Still, Iggy doesn’t act like it’s almost over. In fact, Iggy acts like whatever she’s reading from his monitor is weird. She keeps watching him like she expects something to happen. She seems irritated that whatever it is keeps not happening.
It’s late in the third day of treatment when Twist finally finds out what Iggy has been waiting for. He’s just finished dinner, and is happily using the little energy he has left to complain about the food. Iggy cooks about as well as he does, if those smoothies are any proof, and he’s happy to tell her so. Iggy is ignoring him, as she tends to do.
When it begins, he thinks he’s just having trouble digesting dinner. It really is getting annoying to have so much trouble with basic things. Then he notices how hot everything feels.
“Why’s it so hot in here?” Iggy ignores this complaint like she has all the others. She’s doing something with the monitor and doesn’t turn away from her work. Twist realizes he’s started sweating. “Seriously, ‘m meltin’, here. Turn the heat down.” This time Iggy turns to look at him.
“It’s not any hotter than it was before. Are you feeling hot?” She sounds kind of excited, which is a weird reaction.
“Really hot. Too hot. Reminds me a when this started, with that first injection.” He doesn’t want to think about that, has been trying hard not to think about it, in fact, but now that he’s thought of it, he can’t stop thinking of it. This really does feel like a lighter version of how that felt. The heat is even centered in his soul like it was then. “‘m hot.” He might have whimpered. He’s not sure. He’s just too hot to care, and something’s happening with his soul. Something that feels a lot like that hellish first treatment, something that’s seeming more and more like it with each passing second, something-
Something in his soul flares white hot, and he screams. It’s like acid, or his soul shattering, and he doesn’t know what’s happening, but then he doesn’t care what’s happening, just wants it to stop, and claws at his ribs, desperate to get to the source of the pain, and he knows that doesn’t help, knows it only adds more pain, and what’s he going to do, rip out his own soul? So he pulls his arms in towards his chest, pulls his legs in too, and now he’s curled up in a tight little ball but it’s so hot, joints are hot and soul is melting, not supposed to melt she said he wouldn’t melt! He doesn’t want to melt, wants to go home! Go home, fight it, fight what?! There’s nothing to fight, just pain and heat and please make it stop. Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease and he can’t breathe doesn’t want to breathe breathing hurts everything hurts can’t breathe something on his face can’t breathe! Touching him someone’s touching him hands on his skull moving his skull, air! He gasps in relief as air rushes to his soul, then screams as it reignites the burning. Can’t breathe it hurts, have to breathe. So hot, breathe through it, just keep breathing but why if he’s melting? Doesn’t want to melt, she said he wouldn’t melt! Cold, needs something cold to stop melting, get up, find cold, can’t! She said he wouldn’t melt! Where is she, please make it stop!
“Help.” It might be scream or it might be a whisper. Either way, it rips out of his throat, and now that hurts too, but it gets a response. She’s here!
“Hey, hey, it’s ok. You’ll be ok. This is all perfectly normal. It just means the medicine’s hit a fairly large LV concentration, or maybe even a node, which means it’s finally doing its job. I was wondering when it would. It usually doesn’t take this long. I wonder if it’s proportional to the increase in overall treatment time? That would be useful to know.” It’s mostly a blur of sounds to Twist, but somewhere in there seems to be a reassurance, something about this being normal. Maybe he’s not melting? Then what’s happening? The pain spikes again, and he didn’t know it could get higher, but somehow it has, and then he doesn’t have any more thoughts for a while as it crests and crests again.
This time when the world comes back into focus, he knows where he is and why he’s there, and it doesn’t help at all. He’s shaking. He doesn’t know why he’s shaking, can’t really even feel it, but he hears his bones rattling so he knows he’s shaking. It’s dark, so maybe it’s late, or maybe his eyes are closed, so he tries to open them, and yes, they were closed, and it was better that way because this place is blinding. He closes them again, but not before glimpsing the yellow blur that’s become much too familiar these past few days.
“Hey, are you awake? How are you doing? That looked like a pretty bad one, not as bad as the first one because your HP didn’t drop too much; you’ll probably need to eat something soon but you didn’t even need an infusion, so it wasn’t too bad, although I guess it probably seemed pretty bad to you, so how are you doing now?” She talks a lot. None of it seems helpful. Maybe he should ask.
“Was… at?” That didn’t work, and now his throat hurts again.
“What? You’re not making any sense. Are you thirsty? I’ll get you some water.” She disappears for… a while, he doesn’t really know, and then there’s a straw between his teeth. He drinks it, and apparently he was thirsty because once he starts he can’t stop, and drinks until the cup is dry. He wants more, he thinks he wants more, but he’s tired, so tired. Maybe he’ll sleep, but… Wait, no don’t sleep. What happened? He needs to know what happened. What if it happens again? How can he stop it from happening again? He doesn’t notice his breathing speeding up until he’s hyperventilating, and he didn’t have enough air to begin with so now everything is spinning, and he’s still too hot and fuck is it happening again nonononono.
“Hey, you’re ok, you’re ok, just calm down. It’s over for now, just relax. You need to relax and recover. You’ll be ok.” 
Ok. She said he’ll be ok. She said it’s over, she said it, it’s over. No, she said over for now. For now! That means it’s coming back. It’s not over, not over never over it’s coming back he’ll be here forever, can never go home and he’ll burn until he melts, won’t ever OW.
“Are you listening? Listen I said you’re ok! Calm down. Just breathe, jeez.” She shook him! Fuck that hurts. But it breaks him out of the panic too, and now he can process what she’s saying. Calm down. He needs to calm down. Breathe. Breathe slowly. That’s not slow! That’s faster, that’s worse, he’s not listening not listening too fast can’t breathe can’t see it’s dark can’t breathe can’t- He passes out.
It must not be long before he wakes up, because she’s still sitting by his bed. He’s calmer now, almost lethargic, and slowly blinks up at her until she notices that he’s awake.
“Oh good, you’re back. And calmer now, too. I was starting to wonder if you were ever going to calm down. I was seriously considering tranquilizer options if you were still panicking that much when you woke up, but I really want to avoid that because I don’t know whether it could interfere with the treatment. But it’s not necessary because you’re awake! How are you feeling?”
Does that require an answer? It seems obvious. He has a better question. “What happened?”
“You passed out after that attack. I’d say that one was definitely a node. Nodes are the worst, so if that wasn’t a node, I’d hate to see what an actual node would look like for you. I can’t totally rule that out, because I really don’t know enough about high LV in mentally intact monsters, so we’ll have to wait and see, but I’d really be surprised if that wasn’t a node.
“Wha’s a node?”
“Hmm? Oh, you know, an LV node.”
“Wha’s a LV node?” Is she going to start making sense at some point? There’s clearly something he needs to know here, but he has no clue what it is.
“Don’t you know how LV works?” She seems genuinely baffled.
“I know where it’s from an’,” he pauses to breathe, “an’ what it does, but,” another pause for breath, “nothin’ else.” What else is he supposed to know about it? If he’d realized he’d have to play twenty questions to find out what happened, he might have waited a while.
“I guess most people don’t actually know much about it. When you study something as much as I’ve studied LV in the past few years, you tend to forget what the general public does and doesn’t know.
“Basically, LV exists as a semi-physical part of the soul, with varying concentrations of each level dispersed throughout loosely interconnected networks. When your soul hurts, that’s the medicine dissolving various parts of the physical and magical components of LV. I’ve made it pretty specific to minimize damage to the surrounding areas, but with everything so connected in there, it’s impossible to avoid it completely. That’s where the side effects come from, including the mental and emotional ones since souls don’t really have any separation between the physical, mental, emotional, and magical. When the pain spikes, that means the medicine has hit a particularly high concentration of LV. When it gets to a node in the network, it actually connects to all the LV of that level in your soul at once, which affects the whole network, causing ‘attacks’ like the one you just experienced. Sorry, I don’t think that’s a great name for them, but it’s the best I’ve come up with so far. I’m open to suggestions. Anyway, what that means is that, as horrible as I’m sure that was, it was actually a really good thing because it means the medicine dissolved a node, which is great progress!”
“How many nodes?”
“Just one, I’m sure. They’re not right next to each other, which is good because can you imagine dissolving several at once? I bet that could break someone’s mind!”
“No, how many nodes are there?” If she could sound a little less enthusiastic about the idea of his mind breaking, that would be great.
“I don’t actually know, sorry. There are no definite patterns, and I think they can even shift a little. There are definitely a lot, especially with high LV like yours. We’ve still got a long way to go. But progress is progress, right?” 
“Yeah.” Progress is progress. They’re making progress, small as it is relative to the whole awful thing. He’s not going to think about more of those attack things. He’s not going to think about being here for some indefinite amount of time, pretty much alone, living in dread of when the next one will come. He’s not. Instead, focus on progress.
He’s getting closer to life without LV. His whole life, spent as close as he wants to be to everyone he loves, with time to do everything he ever wished he could do and no reason to be afraid of himself ever again. He can barely imagine it. It’s too much.
It doesn’t seem real, here in a lab with his soul burning, barely able to remember where he is and with old memories always threatening to overtake his mind, but if this works, it will be real. Everything he never let himself wish for will be real. That’s why it’s worth it. Whatever happens, he has to remember it’s worth it. He just wants to go home, but going home without LV is worth waiting for. It is. It doesn’t seem like it now, miserable and terrified of the next attack, but it’ll be worth it. It will be.
Twist drifted off into some kind of daydream after Iggy’s more thorough explanation of the LV treatment, so Iggy returns to her office for more data analysis. The monitor wires actually stayed in during the attack, which is a minor miracle given the way he was scratching up his ribs. She really needs to find a way to stop him from messing with them, and to stop him from injuring himself now that the medicine has started reaching nodes. She’s tried to respect his wishes to not be restrained, but it’s getting impractical and he’s not being reasonable about it. No one likes having their movement restricted, but all he’s doing is messing up her data and hurting himself. He really does seem upset whenever she mentions it, though, so she’ll wait a little longer to see how he does. At least he doesn’t seem to be attacking her anymore.
She’s actually pretty pleased with the results so far, despite the gaps in the data and the complete lack of any meaningful subjective report. She certainly has enough to start her weekly report to the major donor who is making all of this work possible. She doesn’t know who they are, but she’s sure they’ll be pleased with her progress.
A subject who meets the criteria set by the review board has been found. Subject is a male skeleton with LV of 17. Subject consented to all treatment and was given the initial injection with minimal complications (i.e. HP loss requiring correction with direct magic infusion, distress). Subject is currently under observation in the lab. Side effects are managed effectively and HP is being monitored. The initial node was reached 56 hours after the initial injection, suggesting an extended treatment time relative to other subjects. Progress will continue to be monitored.
She considers sending the report early, but that seems a little excessive. As exciting as this is, she’ll have better data by the end of the week, so there’s really no reason to jump ahead of herself. It’s so exciting, though. Twist really could be the key to getting the treatment approved for mass distribution. She’s sure the donor will be thrilled.
chapter 5
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gladio-to-meet-you · 6 years
Wounded (ft the Chocobros)
@ta-ka-shi-ma this one actually made me feel sad at the prompt itself??? Probably because I'd risk my life to save a friend or loved one and not think twice about it? I pulled a bit for Iggy’s part from the Comrades DLC where you can have four different weapons and switch between them
Not entirely proofread, but when is anything I post at this point?
He wasn’t new to any aspect of battle, be it keeping his guard up or paying attention to everything around him, he was normally on top of it all. He made the mistake of letting himself get distracted when he saw Prompto get hurt and he totally missed the fact that one of the enemies was barreling towards himself. You, however, didn’t miss it from your spot towards the edge of the field.
You specialized in long range weapons and you had never been more glad that you were part of the Kingsglaive, you had access to the warping powers that Noctis and the other Glaive members had. You swapped your crossbow out for a pair of daggers, using them to warp over to Ignis. You body checked him out of the way, using the speed behind your warp as assistance, and barely had time to switch to the shield you kept for emergencies before the beast was tossing you aside.
You were fine until you landed, having put the shield up to try and flip to land on your feet or close to it. You stifled a cry of pain as you landed and felt pain shoot up your leg. You staggered to your feet, summoning your crossbow once more to try and draw it’s attention back to you so Ignis could recover. You succeeded and by the time the fight was over, you were the only one injured, something that ate at him.
He had you sit on a large rock by where the fight happened so he could start bandaging your wounds, already knowing that you’d refuse a potion unless you had a fatal wound. He would scold you in the process, explaining that he was a capable warrior and didn’t need you to take such unnecessary risks, especially when it would put your life on the line. The argument would end as you came back at him with a “I joined the Kingsglaive, Ignis. I know my life may end in the next fight, but it’s a choice I’m willing to make to save you,” before you’d hobble away, leading the way back to the Regalia.
This sunshine is a force to be reckoned with in battle, making crazy shots that someone else wouldn't be able to make, finding a good vantage point for you to cast your spells and launch yourself from. He worried for your safety every fight, but knew better than to let it cloud his judgement. He knew you could handle yourself and didn't realize you would willingly sacrifice yourself for him. Not until it was too late.
You came out of nowhere, jumping to cover Prompto's back as an enemy came rushing toward him. The way you dived, you took the hit hard and flew into his back, knocking him over. He managed to roll you off him and moved to check for injuries, yelling for help when his hand came away bloody from checking your head. Head injuries always worried him the most, he wasn't even sure if you could be moved.
Gladio was the first one over and was gentle in his movements to check and roll you onto your back. "Hey, can you hear me? Squeeze Prompto's hand if you can," he instructed as he brushed your hair back, revealing a large gash on your forehead that tapered off on your temple. You gave a weak squeeze to the shooter's hand, groaning and trying to turn your head away. "Babes, careful," Prompto would urge as you struggled to sit up, helping you as you wobbled and hissed in pain.
Your vision was blurry and your head swam, but you insisted on continuing with the hunt, having your boyfriend need to support you as you struggled to stay on your feet. You had to stop and throw up numerous times so you knew you had a concussion and you refused to allow them to use a potion, claiming it would be a waste. You took a minute to have Prompto help you clean and bandage the gash so it wouldn't get infected. That night at the haven you all camped at, Prompto would ignore you but still be keeping an eye on you, he wasn't sure on how to process the day and you willingly endangering yourself for him and refusing to be healed.
The Prince was used to taking risks in battle, he could warp as he pleased and he had you guys to back him up. What he wasn’t used to was seeing you take some of the same risks. He didn’t like it and he understood your side of that argument instantly now, but it didn’t reflect in battle. He still took the chances, he still put his life on the line.
You dove in front of Noctis with a warning cry, hoping you got there in time. You had seen an Imperial Rifleman taking aim at him and you knew you wouldn’t be able to kill it in time, so you were praying to the Six that you could at least protect him. You barreled into him and took the bullet meant for him. The sounds of battle quieted as you focused up on his face, giving a relieved smile to know he was unharmed as your vision started to darken.
Noctis shouted for the guys to finish up the battle and immediately set about doing some basic first aid, knowing they’d be protected in the process. “Babe, babe, hey! Babe!” he cried, putting pressure on the wound. Ignis soon crouched by you two, taking a look at the wound and figuring out the best course of action. He let his Advisor lead, knowing Iggy knew the most.
That evening you were laid in a caravan bed instead of in a sleeping bag in a tent at a haven. He wasn’t going to stand for you to heal in anything other than a bed with an actual roof over your head. However, once you were healed, he did sit down and tell you never to risk your life for his again very sternly. You came back at him by arguing that he needed to stop risking his life for you to stop risking yours.
This burly man is the Shield to the Prince, so he’s used to taking some dangerously rough blows. He’s used to fighting for his life to be able to protect the group. He just...never thought you’d take up that role in the group too. Especially since you usually just specialized in using spells with great efficiency, even managing to heal the guys as they were wounded. He made sure you knew how to use daggers, yes, but that was in worst case scenarios only. You were never meant to be on the front lines.
Yet here you were, using all the strength you could manage and hoping the surprise would send Gladio tumbling away. You took the blow meant for him, immediately letting out an inhuman sound as you were impaled. Gladio froze and then immediately saw red, jumping into action. The daemon went down without knowing what hit it and he let go of his sword to catch you as you fell.
You were barely conscious as he dropped down, cradling you and putting a hand over the wound in your stomach. Your eyes shot open and you let out a scream as he put pressure on it but then your world was black. “What the - fucking hell - guys! Potion!” His voice was wrecked, it cracked from the panic and emotions flowing through him. The potion only staunched the bleeding and started the healing process with how bad it was. He watched you with bated breath as your face went from scrunched up in pain to slowly easing as the potion worked.
It’s needless to say that you were on bed rest until you completely recovered and then some, he was worried about the amount of blood you had lost and he just knew there would be some lingering pain and exhaustion. You were kept off the front lines for sure after this, even after you explained that his life means more in the long run than yours. It’s not like you were the Shield for the Prince, you could afford to take the hit and be down; Gladio doesn’t have that luxury and the entire group knows it. He was pretty livid for a week or two until he finally saw your point, but he made you promise not to do it again.
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