#it makes sense to talk about it in writing because its usually pretty obvious when that trope is in play
ghostcrows · 5 months
i always feel on edge these days when people talk about the not like other girls phenomenon cuz its like ok well it 100 percent could be that this girl thinks she is better than you for not wearing makeup and not doing 'girly' things bc that does happen...and i dont wanna discount that cause its very annoying and u shouldnt feel bad, for being 'like other girls'... but it could also just as easily be that youre judging someone for being gnc and labeling them as trying too hard to be different...and reinforcing in their head that they need to be feminine or else theyre misogynist...which is misogynist 😭
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strawbrygashez · 2 months
Isaiah and a few Larsaiah headcanons :3 these r subject to change or whatever tho cuz the show is still going \(O_o)/
•His parents are absent in every sense of the word. They don’t care about his health (his dental health for example), his mental health, his emotions, or anything. They rarely talk to him and he doesn’t go out of his way much to talk much to them either.
Not only do they don’t care about him, they don’t care enough to clean up the house and never really have so he’s just used to walking around and living in filth. He got so used to it he completely forgot it’s not really normal until Lars & Fug came over and didn’t wanna walk around barefoot.
•He’s a bit of a gamer! His absolute favorites are the Postal series, Hatred, Doom, and silent hill. He’s up to try any kinda horror/violent video game.
•His taste in movies is similar to his taste in games. Whatever seems ‘edgy’, he’ll give a try. He likes weird and disturbing generally unheard of movies but he’s also a sucker for the classic slashers like Michael Myers, Leatherface, and Freddy.
•Self h*rms and smokes every now and then. Steals a few of his mom or dads cigarettes since they never notice.
•Definitely is part of the t/c/c. I feel like it’s obvious what kinda cases he’s most interested in. He can talk about the cases he’s interested in for hours and likes learning all he can about them.
•Can get pretty smelly because his depression can make it hard for him to take care of himself at all. plus his parents don’t care enough to tell him to take better care of himself.
•He cries pretty often when he’s alone at home.. because he’s insanely lonely, gets trapped in his thoughts, and doesn’t get why he can’t get closer to Lars. He cries at school too but only in private.
When he’s crying at home, it’s not uncommon for his cat to find its way over to him to cuddle up :,) sometimes it really helps, sometimes it doesn’t.
•Speaking of his cat, I feel like he puts more care into them than himself. He’s not the best at yknow.. making the living spaces comfortable or clean but he tries. It might just take him a while to get around to it because he’s always so wrapped up in his own thoughts and negative feelings, he kinda forgets what’s going around him or what he needs to do.
•When he’s not writing out his feelings in his journals, he’s drawing whatever comes to mind. Which mostly ends up being logos of bands he likes, ships he has (Caldre for example), and just edgy things in general.
•He considers the day he found a trench coat (the one he wears now) at a thrift store, the second best day of his life. First is still Lars coming over to his house.
•Isaiah loves showing Lars the usual t/c/c movies like Zero Day during sleepovers. Though he wishes Lars seemed more interested in the dynamics of the main relationships in those type of movies. Like hes wishing and praying Lars will say something about how Cal and Andres whole thing was so romantic but he’s just going on about how he thinks it’s cool it’s filmed like found footage 🤦‍♀️ He does think the movie was interesting and all but he won’t really ‘get it’ in the way Isaiah hopes him to.
•Isaiah can talk a mile a minute especially when he’s nervous or he’s worried he’s being awkward but Lars is always there to listen and doesn’t generally mind. He’ll only stop him when he can tell he’s getting way too worked up.
Aware of it or not, Lars is really good at keeping Isaiah grounded. Like when Isaiah is threatening to hurt people, Lars just has to say something like “.. uhm. But we couldn’t really see each other anymore if you did that.” and that will usually make him stop and think 💀 Isaiah realized pretty quickly after they got together, that he would rather have Lars be with him than getting his ‘revenge’ (not saying the feelings aren’t still there. But ultimately he cares about Lars more than anything else and is terrified of losing him.)
•Before they got together, he followed Lars home a few times. Sometimes he got caught but Lars didn’t make a big deal out of it. He just asks him if he’s heading to a certain store in the same direction or whatever and Isaiah quickly tells him yeah before sneaking off once Lars turns back around.
•Pre-getting together, Isaiah would write lots and LOTS of love notes and poems for Lars but would never give them to him. He always thought they weren’t good enough or Lars would think he’s even more of a weirdo for them. He knew Lars could never feel the same way he does so he’d just crumble them all up and toss them. (Wouldn’t it be sweet tho if Lars found a old crumbled up one about him one day while visiting and genuinely thinks it’s sweet :) even if maybe it’s a little creepy lol)
•Fug would be upset in the beginning when he finds out they are together because he knows that means less time for him and Lars to hang out but he’d eventually somehow learn to be happy for his friend & that Lars is still his best friend lol.
When Moe learns they are together, he clarifies he’s not homophobic before he begins to ‘roast them’ both like usual
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peachesofteal · 3 months
it's very late and im very sleep deprived but i needed a break from writing a paper so i started reading dead disco and it just hit me like a brick wall how much your stories remind me of seasons...(specifically your ghost/ghoap ones :3)
theres the obvious ones of course, the pit being winter and an ichor veil being winter/spring but it also goes so much deeper in my mind.
through me is very summery, it reads so much like a drama show that airs in the off time of other network shows during summer if that makes any sense. but also its so airy? even though mama does have a hard time, i see her still talking ry to the park on a baking hot day, and zoo trips, going to the aquarium (all summer activities if you ask me) and while she may not be 100% in her prime, or her spring, she and orion are still the new suns in simon's life
cool girl is summer in the exact opposite way, it's like waking up sweaty in the night when the ac goes off, instead of there being another person in bed giving off body heat. it's hating how long the sun is up for because that means you have to be a functioning person that long.
light on is pure spring, like i don't think i need to say anything more. simon being his usual, infinitely wintery self when all of sudden his life is full of brightness and warmth. even wildfires are more common in the spring(at least where im from) and that's the analogy i always use when thinking is how your characters fall in love, but especially in light on.
simple math is winter and spring, reader thinking that it will be another never ending winter over and over for the rest of her life before meeting the boys and pen and suddenly their world is brand new again.
dead disco (including aus) is fall and winter, the ending of the cycle, watching as the hardy fall plants strangle out pretty summer flowers only to then die shortly thereafter, frozen over. (simon's words about reader in chapter 8 culminating in johnny's betrayal and all their lovely angst)
and i havent read deckhand yet, but im so excited to, sorry if this was insanely long i just absolutely adore your work and have for a year now🫶☹️
Oh? my god? I'm a little out of sorts over this, to be honest. All of these make so much sense and I loved reading your perspective on where they fit, and your reasoning. This was so lovely, thank you so much.
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watatsumiis · 2 years
There is just something so awooga to me about hybrids in the sense that their emotions are so clear to read! The way their ears flop or stay up, or just the way their tails could wag when they see you or something they like! It, it just warms my heart :)
Yesss it’s such an adorable concept and oh so fun to write! Regardless of how composed a character is, as a hybrid they wear their hearts on their sleeves and it’s painfully easy to tell when something is bothering them.
Some rambling below the cut about the animal hybrid characters (I dunno how else to refer to them djhkjhd.
Content: just some headcanons and platonic fluff! Reader is gender neutral but not referred to much.
Characters: Diona, Sucrose, Yae Miko, Gorou, Tighnari
Side note: I use they/them pronouns for Sucrose because of how I personally interpret/headcanon them and their gender! I’d appreciate it if those referring to them while commenting on this post specifically could do the same just on here, please!
Diona doesn’t even try to hide the way her catlike parts twitch and flick about when she’s annoyed - if she’s mad, she wants everyone to know it. It’s a communal problem now, so you’d better look out for that tail fluffing up and the ears going back! However, she can get very shy when her tail sticks up and waves about of its own volition when she sees somebody she looks up to or considers a friend. Diluc once offhandedly commented about how her ears twitch forward whenever she’s listening intently to someone she admires and now she just. Covers them with her hands or a hat which makes it so so much more obvious (don’t tell her that though).
Sucrose is super insecure about their animal parts, so they tend to just hide them away wherever possible, folding their ears down and tucking their fuzzy little tail into their clothes. This means they have very little practice actually controlling their subconscious reactions to things if their ears and tail are exposed for whatever reason. Their ears twitch up and down excitedly when they’re happy about something (usually an experiment gone well or a cool item to collect/observe). They tuck themselves up all small and unassuming when feeling shy (which is pretty much always unless with someone they know well or on their own). Albedo keeps a little handbook documenting what different expressions of Sucrose’s may indicate in more detail.
Yae Miko has lived with all her quirks for long enough to be able to have almost full control over them. Her tails she keeps hidden away whenever possible - attempting to touch or grab where the tails should be will earn you a smack on the hand and a stern scolding. Miko learned some time ago to use her ears as a bit of a nonverbal indicator for when she’s talking to those she’s close with - with some practice, it becomes easy to tell when she’s teasing or joking if you pay attention to the subtle twitches and turns of her ears. If she’s particularly amused, they’ll wriggle up and down and set her earrings jangling against one another. Sometimes, if she’s very excited (or perhaps mad) you may catch a glimpse of soft pink tails wagging. If you’re extremely good, she may let you touch them some day.
Gorou has no semblance of control over his puppy aspects. It’s painfully obvious what he’s listening to and what he’s feeling. A lot of these match up very well with the behaviours of normal dogs, so it’s not exactly a hard or complex language to learn and adapt yourself to. His ears swivel to the direction of whatever he’s listening to or flatten against his head when he’s upset, his tail wags when he’s happy, and coils up between his legs when he’s scared. He barely even seems to notice it until someone points it out. His soldiers tend to place even more trust in him since he wears his emotions so plainly - he couldn’t lie to them, even if he wanted to. Sometimes the twitch of his ears in a certain direction can be read as a nonverbal indicator that there’s enemies preparing to ambush from that side. If you point out his body language, he gets extraordinarily flustered and pouts.
Tighnari also exerts a large amount of control over his ears and tail - it takes a lot of effort and is a learned behaviour from when he used to study at the Akademiya (someone’s fascination in his hybrid genealogy could very quickly derail a conversation). He consciously has to allow himself to not keep his tail still and ears held rigidly, unless he’s very involved in whatever he’s doing (whether that be a conversation or some particularly interesting research). He’s also beginning to learn to use his ears and tail as nonverbal tone indicators. He sometimes struggles with others reading his tone as inherently stern or mean (especially Collei, who is heightened to that sort of stuff), so he has a whole library of different gestures that may mean different things. A flop of one ear may mean he’s confused about a statement, a twitch backwards could indicate sarcasm or amusement. There’s a work in progress visual handbook being passed around the Forest Rangers for the made up language he’s going for. To other hybrids it may be completely off putting since it’s designed more for the consumption of his friends and the other rangers.
Please don’t steal, repost, copy or otherwise plagiarise my writing!!
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ghostlyvoidshark · 20 days
Could you do some rival Headcanons between epic and cross sans fighting over us? Like every second you cannot breath, each of them trying to one up each other to show who would treat you better. This idea has been floating in my head for a bit, so just wanted to finally request it. (Also, can we be gender neutral? And romantic, obviously) Thank you and have a good day/night! :)
Hello hun! Sorry this took me a little while - I've had to work more than normal recently. But THANK YOU FOR THE ASK!! I thi k this is my first from a non-moot so im so excited to be able to write this for you! I hope you have a lovely day / night as well :D sorry if this isnt that long, im trying to get some confidence in my writing lolol
Epic & Cross x Reader
Cross doesn't like fighting Epic since they are pretty close but this doesn't stop him from getting competitive.
Epic, on the other hand, loves play fighting and competing with Cross! He's not aggressive about it, he just does it for fun.
Cross is usually trying to prove himself worthy of your affection in some way while Epic just likes flirting and making you laugh.
Epic is surprisingly good at flirting but often settles for making you laugh because he loves it so much.
Sometimes Epic flirts with cross too just to fuck with him lmaoo - Cross is always baffled and a mess when it happens. Its pretty funny to watch tbh.
Most people assume youre a polycule. Epic doesnt help dispel that with his flirting. I mean a poly relationship could probably work.
You will never know alone time again if you don't set those boundaries. They're both Clingy!!
Given the chance, Cross will escort you everywhere - hes like your own personal bodygaurd. (You dont know how he knows your schedule so well or how he finds you so easily when going out.)
Epic also shows up a lot. Hes usually the one initiating lunch & dinner dates between y'all. Well, its not obvious theyre dates but they basically are, lmao.
They do try to one up each other but you'll next to never see them fight. You may catch them bickering about who did better, though. Epic likes instigating and Cross can be sassy.
They may have a fight about you once. Other than that they are chill because they're so close and Epic often gets Cross to communicate.
The fight would probably be mostly on Cross. He would get mad that he fell for someone his best friend likes. He would be upset that he "couldn't have someone himself" both because he feels guilty about Epic and for personal issues (he's lost a lot). Then he'd be mad that he thought that way and felt jealous. He wouldn't like how selfish he feels. Epic talks him through it, though. And talks some sense into him :]
Cross may be quiet most of the time but he is hanging around more often than not. He's just sort of ... supervising lol. Its comforting in an odd way. He likes the quality time too.
Sometimes Epic gets you alone, though. He gets you two to do relaxing things together like a picnic or video games.
He can be surprisingly tender and romantic but he will ruin it with a joke after surprising you or flustering you with the romance so cherish the moment while you can. Good luck, too. ;P
Cross is a mixed bag. One moment he's purposely suave and dashing then the next he cant get a sentence out . Its like he has moments of clarity then goes back to being a dork.
On a few occasions they will team up on you. I don't think they would really plan it unless it was your birthday or something special like that. When they do it it's usually just an accident and their moods synced to cause chaos.
When they team up they are menaces! Epic would be all gentle and romantic with flirty, witty remarks while Cross would be the type to guide you by the small of your back, leaning in to tell you things. And you know he'd be saying stuff like he's your personal knight! "I'll always be there for you." || "if you ever need anything just come to me, I'll take care of you." And shit like that.
Augh they would have you cornered but like in a good way. Cross always behind you, making sure you're safe while Epic leads you around by the hand. I hate them. I actually love them damn it.
Sometimes they get needy and steal you away for a while. The dorks.
Epic "kidnaps" you to cuddle up somewhere and read or watch a movie. He's very touchy (respectfully) so if you're okay with it he will be all over you. He especially loves it if you act as his weighted blanket and lay on him.
Cross gets grouchy and takes you somewhere on an "adventure". Most of the time it'll be somewhere without people. If the place has rough terrain he'll likely try to convince you to let him carry you lol. "You got it?" / "you tired?" / "want help?" Any reason to be close or touching you if you'll allow it.
If you're more of a low and mellow energy person he'll set up a special spot where he sets up stuff for one of your hobbies (if he can) somewhere hidden and will hang out with you.
Stars forbid you give only one of them a gift. They won't guilt you or be mean, but they will rub it in the others face subtly. If they're the one who didnt get something then Epic would jokingly act all clingy and pouty while Cross glares at him. Speaking of, Cross would stand closer than normal and Low-key pout if he didn't get something. Like a cat who wants something from you.
If you're the more affectionate, touchy type then you're going to likely always have one of them touching you if they're around. Epic practically hangs off of you while Cross just has a hand on you somehow. They have probably scent marked you, accidentally or not. They just clingy bois.
Also - not in a kinky way - but Cross has a high chance of biting you during prolonged physical contact lol. It's just a quirk of his. Its like cuteness aggression but in a loving way. You can think of it as kisses it a way.
He wouldn't mention it if you dont but it is a good way to fluster him >:3c
As for trying to be better than each other i think they would choose some things you like and try to be "the best" at it?? Like... lets say you collect shells. Suddenly they are finding great shells - in tact and pretty - and giving them to you. Same with trinkets. Or finding weird coffee mugs if you like those.
Epic also is that bitch who has a lot of money and just sugar daddies his friends LMAOO. You want that expensive thing? Dont worry bby hes got it kcjsbsbsb. If hes crushing on you it just gets worse and more ridiculous.
Cross is the one who has dedication to getting you things. So if something is about timing or searching hard for it he's the one to go to. He also just brings you random things like a bird..?? You dont even know where he gets half the stuff he shows up with. You may even just find stuff on a table in your house randomly.
Also, for no apparent reason, kareoke becomes a thing between y'all. You have no choice /j
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vhaerath · 5 months
semi-organised thoughts on the new smiling friends episode
I guess this episode is kinda controversial in the general Internet sphere. I haven't really looked into the stuff that people like or dislike about it, but my friends and I had opinions on it because we watched it together and I figure I'll just get this out of the way in case the discourse becomes poisoned.
Let's start with the stuff I liked about this episode! I really love the general commitment to the bit of 'dramatic slow zoom on a character to let you know we're being SERIOUS and DRAMATIC' which is obviously ripped right off of Family Guy except Zach and Michael are taking the piss. It's always pretty funny when it comes up.
As usual, the character animation is always very expressive while being simple. I love the little snippet at the end where Charlie and Pim sort of elbow each other in a 'haha, you scamp, you got me' way. It's charming. This is what Smiling Friends always does well despite its commitment to terminal irony-poisoning; even if the character moments are meant to set up a joke, they do feel very genuine and provide a sense of pathos. Do you think Charlie and Pim ever explored each other's bodies?
Those are the two standout "likes" about this episode, sadly. I exhaled air at some of the one-off jokes, but it feels like this episode's humour was kind of weaksauce in that it couldn't decide to commit to sudden, shocking sincerity or really pile on the 'we're not taking this seriously and that's why you love it, fuck you'.
I guess the reason the humour feels like it can't commit is the nature of the subject. The writing of the episode is uncertain as to who it wants to condemn the most, and while the jokes are very on-the-nose (you can tell exactly who's a stand-in for who), they have just enough edge sanded off that it feels kind of feeble when they're made. Take, for example, President Jimble going to a press conference and inadvertently praising a bloodthirsty dictator slaughtering an entire ethnic group. This is obviously a dig at Joe Biden being Benjamin Netanyahu's strongest soldier, but the bloodthirsty dictator is a little cartoon character who looks like nobody in particular (or at least, he doesn't really look like Netanyahu to me). There's a brief cutaway to a bunch of little gnome people being brutally slaughtered by war machines, but the vague Bavarian aesthetic of these gnome people is distinctly the opposite of anything Palestinian, so much so I have a feeling it was deliberate.
To bring up Family Guy again, part of the reason some of Family Guy's old bits still hold up today is that they will tell you exactly who they're talking about, caricatures and all. They want you to know who they're mocking, no pussyfooting about it! I think Zach and Michael try to avoid this specificity in their writing because Family Guy jumped the shark a long time ago (and watching OneyPlays episodes where Zach features makes it pretty obvious he thinks so) and they're deliberately trying to shy away from "Family Guy"-ism. This is also why people like Smiling Friends, because it's not just another played-out adult cartoon.
Ironically I think some of this episode's humour was pretty Family Guy-ish, particularly the gross-out humour around the whole Jimble shitting his pants thing. My friend noted that while he doesn't mind the occasional bit of gross-out humour, seeing it live-action makes it feel a little grimier and more uncomfortable. You could argue it's the point, and maybe it is, but it personally wasn't my thing. YMMV!
I think because of the general wishy-washiness of the humour, the "CNN worm cabal", as my friends and I called it, comes off less like taking the piss and more like an actual anti-Semitic dogwhistle. Having the little worm cabal randomly show up and offer to indoctrinate Charlie is funny and almost feels a bit like Futurama, but having that immediately transition to "the worms control the media" made me raise my eyebrows.
The reason I think it's a piss-take that landed kinda awkwardly is because Lisa Tomar (the wife of Joshua Tomar, Known Jewish Guy and voice actor) is the director of the episode. I'm not sure if she's actually Jewish herself, but since Joshua Tomar has played older Glep saying "Christianity is actually real, and every other religion is wrong" as the other punchline of "Charlie Dies and Doesn't Come Back", I feel like the attitude expressed here is not serious.
Overall: ehhhhh? Not the strongest episode. I really fucking hate the "satire requires clarity of purpose" meme, but it feels like the jokes and the overall punchline of the episode did require a little more clarity to land correctly.
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moonbyulsstuff · 2 years
Hey! Can you write headcannons about dating known top dogs in questism? I mean Seok, Sehyun and Jaeha (we don't know north top dog so dhdhdh)
If not, just Jaeha please? I actually read your v-hit headcannons and I enjoyed them! Ohh right, GN reader is fine right?
Dating the Top Dogs of Gangbuk Headcannons.
GN Reader.
Request Rules.
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Suhyeon Kim:
Insecure Suhyeon at the end, minor angst, fluff, kinda crack?
This poor boy does not know what to do.
This was his first time dating someone, so he doesn't know what to do.
But you, who had past relationships before. knew what to do.
But to him, it was hard but it got easy over time.
Dating him would be pretty chaotic.
Its always you coming to save his ass whenever he's in trouble, and you scolding him afterwards.
But since you were dating Suhyeok, it was obvious you would get targeted by others.
Wanting to get back at Suhyeok by attacking his partner.
So Suheyok was by your side at all times or have Hajun. Haru, or Kuja by your side whenever you go out without him.
He just wants you to be safe.
When it comes to anniversary, he's a nervous wreck.
He thinks that every gift is not perfect, since to him, you're a perfect being in his eyes.
So he usually asks help from the others but they don't know jack shit about romance and never experience dating before.
Suhyeok usually ends up getting you, chocolates, teddy bear and things that are cliche stuff. But you of couse appreciate and usually give him a kiss, or something that you put together.
If someone had hurt you, the person would get a threat from the gang for hurting their boss partner.
But if you two got into an argument, and it was Suhyeok fault. He would find ways to apologize to you, giving you flowers, kneeling down on the ground for hours, or if you want some time before forgiving him. He would leave you alone while leaving some little flowers by your door.
But if it was your fault, he would wait for you to calm down. While also talking to you a few hours after the argument so that the two of you can have a calm conversation about it.
He's a very loving boyfriend.
Affectionate, like really, really, clingy and affectionate.
He would whining if you ever leave him, even if it's just a moment.
And he get's jealous very easily, Suhyeok would clung onto if he ever saw someone flirting with you.
Suhyeok is just in love with you so much, but has a sense of fear lingering the back of his head that you will find someone so much better than him.
Someone that can give you a comfortable life rather than you being with him in a life full of gang and criminals.
There were some nights that had him thinking of breaking up with you, but never fully went through it because he knows how you love him and he loves you too much to do so.
So, he appreciates every moment where you tell him that you don't mind being with him, even if his life is full of fighting and gang activity and such.
Its makes him tear up at the comforting words you say to him.
He's so glad to have you and have you by his side.
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Seok Kang:
minor yandere Seok, obsessive behavior, fluff.
Seok had experience on dating prior on dating you, so he knew what he was doing.
Seok is a soft and caring man towards you, you are the only one that can bring out his soft and caring side to you.
He deeply cares for you and would kill anyone for you.
If someone ever hurt you, you bet Seok is already threatening them.
Seok likes hugging you around , just having his arm wraps around your waist, arm is enough to keep calm for the rest of the day.
If you two ever got into an argument, and it was Seok fault, he would try and talk to you but if you don't want to see him for a meanwhile, he would you some space before coming back and trying to apologize to you
But if it was your fault, Seok would give you some time to cool off and waiting for you to apologize and also talking to you.
Seok is good at getting you gifts during your anniversary, each time is more much elegant and beautiful than last time.
He would take all of his time to find you the perfect the gift, and he would make sure that it was the most perfect and beautiful gift than last time.
It usually leaves you speechless when Seok shows up with the gift on your anniversary.
You pay him back by usually doing what he wants for the day, but it usually ends on what you want to do since he's content on just spending the day with you.
Seok gets jealousy but not easily as Suhyeon.
He knows that won't leave him for another person just because they flirted with you.
But if he does, oh boy, does it get interesting.
He would start whispering to your ear and kissing your hand making the son who was flirting with you, back off.
There were a lot of people who were after you since you Seok partner, so you always had bodyguards with you. Everywhere you go to make sure you weren't in danger.
Does he ever have the same thoughts as Suhyeon? No, of course not.
He won't let himself think that way, as to him that's a sign that he doesn't love and trust you enough.
So refused to think that way.
He knows you love him and he loves you.
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Jaeha Han:
minor angst at the end, overprotective Jaeha, fluff.
Just like Seok, he had prior dating experience before, but it was usually a one month relationship before it ended.
But this was the first long relationship he ever had with anyone, so it was surprise to him and everyone who knew about his dating life.
He was nervous, he didn't know what to but you were there to reassure him and lead him along the way.
Over time, Jaeha got overprotective of you which if someone ever hurt you, Jaeha would be a manipulative, cunning bastard, basically threatening them while also shaming them.
And since you are Jaeha Han partner, a lot of people were after you.
So Jaeha was always by your side 24/7 since he doesn't trust any of his guys enough to be alone with you, tbh. He doesn't like the thought of someone else other than him being alone with you.
He had never experience an anniversary before, since his relationships only end after 1 month, so he gets you some chocolate, teddy bear, flowers, F/F and much more just for you.
And whenever you would surprise him with a gift, he would keep it at his room, and stares at it sometimes as it comforts him.
Whenever you two got into an argument, and it was his fault. He would storm out of the house/apartment to let out some steam, he would be gone for hours and would be back and was already kneeling down on the ground, apologizing to you.
But if it was your fault, he would force you to sit down with him and talk to him. He doesn't want the day to end with a bitter taste on his mouth.
Does Jaeha get jealous very easily? Yes, way more than Suhyeok.
The way he deals with it is by hugging you while flipping the person off, while saying.
"Their taken, fuck off."
His behavior surprise you but you found it funny and endearing to say the least.
Does he have the same thoughts as Suhyeok? Yes and No.
He does think of it but shook that though off with saying that his loyal to you and you are loyal to him.
And you have already reassured him about it when he talked it about to you.
That made Jaeha smile, happy at the reassurance.
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gothicprep · 4 months
two things I’ve been meaning to comment on: the redlettermedia video on the death of movie theaters, and The Usual Suspects of z-rate youtube movie critics blaming furiosa’s failure at the box office for being too girlboss. I promise i’ll tie these together in a way that makes sense.
there are a lot of reasons why theaters aren’t doing great right now. the biggest one is attendance, and how it hasn’t bounced back since lockdown. this has been exacerbated by a lack of product in the marketplace, driven by the wga and sag strikes. this isn’t anti-labor union sentiment on my part. I want to be extremely clear about that. it’s not a comment on the negotiations. just an objective statement about how two large guilds striking = less movies = less butts in seats. I’m surprised the rlm guys didn’t consider this.
but there are two salient other things to bring up with what’s going on with the box office rn specifically.
one of them is that movies are still performing in the way you’d expect them to in the box office rn, relative to other seasons. furiosa is a great example of this. fury road, commercially speaking, was not a big hit. furiosa had a higher budget. and mad max movies tend to stand on their own. no further proof of this exists than most americans thinking that the road warrior was the first mm movie, because WB really shat the bed on the distribution for the original. they’re highly tethered to the anxieties of when they came out. the pre-apocalyptic nature of mad max dials in on what kept people up in the 70s. the road warrior is evocative of OPEC and middle east/oil anxieties. thunderdome confronts our 90s fears of tina turner. fury road deals in environmental collapse, right down to how the manpower in the citadel is imagined. Furiosa breaks from this format in a few ways. max not being in it is the obvious one. the other is that it’s so reliant on fury road that its end credits contain a supercut of the movie. this is unusual for a prequel, at least in its extent.
this all to say, there’s no universe where this movie made a lot of money. it was never going to happen. contrary to what some may tell you, it was never a girls get it done thing. i know furiosa was great, but you need to remember that critic and general audience reception are very different things. if you’re someone who likes to talk and write about movies, you’re in a place that’s closer to critic brain than you are general audience brain.
If you had a normal release schedule for, say, may, this would be sort of a nothingburger. but remember – marvel movies have pretty much always dominated may. marvel is in sort of a weird position rn post infinity war, and there was no marvel movie to come out in may.
the second one is more related to the strikes. haulted production is a temporary hiccup. within a year, things should normalize a little. think of it like the recovery period after a surgery. something is wrong. you get it fixed. but there’s a time period after that where you can’t do much of anything. in the end, you come out healthy. your strength may be diminished, but you move on. we’re in the recovery period rn. perhaps theaters are a dying business, and this is one of those situations where you carry on but are a bit weaker. but it’s recovery. not death.
ah well, those are just my thoughts on it.
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kingboohoo37 · 9 months
I'M BACK... at least I try to post more often. Streams will also come more regularly (surely...).
I'm slowly getting back to work so my time is still very limited. I thought this was a good time to bring back my random rants about fandoms since I just revisited an old classic from my childhood.
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YEP we're talking about Kim Possible one of the most ludicrous fictional universes I've ever seen... In a good way!
First up: This show is FUDGING 22 YEARS OLD THIS YEAR... I'm really getting old...
The funny part about that is it was made during the peak of the 2000s... and you really notice that. The language that most teenagers use in this show is so stereotypical for that time it feels so nostalgic even watching it XD
Anyway, let's get the obvious out of the way. I know this is supposed to be a kids cartoon and I know that I'm an adult man but that doesn't stop me from watching it.
So, why is this show so great?
Good question! Its primary charm probably comes from its simple comedic attitude of telling a story.
The characters are so ridiculous that you should never be able to take this show seriously simply because most of their actions or the situations around them don't even make sense. This show just requires you to take in its vibe and go with the flow. I mean... a teenager knowing 16 forms of Kung Fu and saving the world on any given occasion is nothing that can possibly make sense. Don't forget: "Anything's possible for a Possible!"
Let's get into the characters:
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Kim is your basic teenage girl, and she's here to save the world. You can't stop her 'cause...
Okay I'll stop xD
Apart from her being an ass-kicking girl boss, her main character traits are kinda the things you expect from a main character. She saves the world out of sheer will to stick to her morals. In short: she wants to help people. That obviously doesn't always work out and she sometimes ends up judging people by what they are instead of who they are. On top of that, she gets jealous easily.
BUT she is brave, smart, and makes usually good choices in the heat of the moment (except when it comes to love xD), and is otherwise very mature for her age.
Well... the opening song didn't lie. She really is your basic teenage girl. That doesn't mean she isn't cool xD
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Well, obviously I can't end it without talking about the man and his very smart and hungry naked little friend.
What makes this show so funny is well... its ability to deliver comedy simply by a character existing and Ron Stoppable plays a big part in that.
He is pretty much a normal guy who just happens to be Kim's childhood friend and later somehow steals her heart xD
He is an absolute doofus. He is silly and rarely takes anything seriously. He is also lazy and loves his favorite junk food joint Bueno Nacho.
Despite all that he still cares for his friends, his naked mole rat Rufus, and usually learns a very important lesson after an episode.
He accompanies Kim on pretty much every mission and is usually more of a hindrance than a help. Despite all that Kim still loves him in her own way. And he also saves the day a couple of times, so it's not like he is a complete slob.
Rufus is just the cherry on top. Both of these guys are hilarious and I was honestly surprised by how much I laughed watching this show.
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I could go on and on but I'm gonna try to finish up this post here before it gets too long xD
Even though every episode has kind of a similar structure, it never gets boring. The villains, the side characters... all of them add something very unique to the table. You just throw some characters together and boom the story kind of writes itself XD
Season 4 was my absolute favorite part of the show since guess what ... that was when Kim and Ron started dating and BOY DO THEY MAKE A CUTE COUPLE.
Ahem... anyways. I do not regret watching all 87 episodes in the last 2-3 weeks. If you're looking for a comfortable. goofy and funny way to escape reality for a moment I can only recommend this old classic.
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stars-and-inkpots · 7 months
One of my dnd characters, Iris (who I have made in BG3), happens to have a lot of parrallels with Gale, so I wanted to write something about them. Got this done during some spare time a bit ago and have decided to share it here.
Thanks for reading :3
Wild Magic
Word Count: 2,336
Ao3 Link: Wild Magic
Full moons are the nights where the veil between the Wilds and the mortal realm is at its thinnest. For those who pull their magic directly from the Feywild, full moons are when they're at their strongest, but for some, also when they're most volatile. Iris struggles to bear the pull of the Wilds. Gale is there to help.
Iris shifts uncomfortably and spares the rising moon in the clear night sky a nervous but steady glance. On nights like this, she can almost feel the marks moving on her skin, sprawling sporadically as they struggle to contain the magic while the veil between the Wilds and this world grows thin. Full moons are always like this, and Iris laughs to herself because she might as well be a werewolf at this point. 
She can feel her companions’ eyes on her. She knows that they must see the slight glow the marks on her face, neck, and arms give off; they must note how even the pink iris of her left eye contains the same light. 
She wonders if they are scared of her, her with her magic that is wild and unpredictable. 
She wouldn’t blame them if they were. 
Mercifully, they retire early tonight. Astarion insists he’s too tired to continue, but Iris knows that he’s lying for her sake. She’s too proud to admit when she’s struggling, but she also does a poor job at hiding it. Regardless, she throws a silent ‘thank you’ his way when they pass each other in the camp. She tries to ignore the obvious concern on his face. Concern is too close to pity, even though she knows that isn’t his intent. 
Iris doesn’t join the others for supper. She’s too exhausted. 
Her absence does not go unnoticed, of course. She can hear it in the slightly strained conversations they have around the campfire- never spoken of directly, but it sits in the air stagnant with a nervous tension bound to break eventually. All of them cast their eyes towards her tent, unsure of whether their presence would be welcome, and for some, wondering if it’s even safe to offer it. 
Gale is the only one to walk over to Iris’s tent once supper is finished and cleaned up. He stands near the entrance, hesitant but determined. 
“Iris? Would you care for some company?” His voice betrays no concern at being close to her, because he has none. Iris notes quickly that he’s been the only one who has not put a safe distance between them when she’s been particularly unstable. 
“I’m afraid I’m not going to be great company if you’re looking for conversation.” 
“So long as you don’t mind, I’m sure I can do enough talking for the both of us.” 
Iris smiles. 
“I wouldn’t mind at all,” she answers. 
Gale makes his way inside and sits across from Iris on the floor of blankets and pillows. It’s dark, save for the faint, pink glow that Iris herself gives off. Her eyes are closed, breathing steady, but controlled and methodical. It’s taking her a lot of effort to remain still. The tent itself seems a reflection of that same, barely controlled chaos. The blankets and pillows are colourful, unmatched. There are books strewn about and organised in a way that Gale is sure must make sense to Iris, but is lost to him. A silver bowl of small trinkets that Iris found particularly pretty or interesting sits beside her bedroll. She’s very much like a magpie, Gale thinks fondly. 
He turns his attention back to Iris, who has finally opened her eyes to look at him. Her left eye is brighter than earlier, the colour shifts from pink to purple and blue, then green, then back to pink. The marks- which he had thought were simply a collection of intricate tattoos when he first met her- are still moving. Her hair, usually brown and far darker, looks lighter. The pink strands (easily mistaken for grey hairs if one didn’t look close enough) have grown in number, and they too have taken on the same glow. 
“You scared?” Iris asks suddenly, and even though her voice is teasing, Gale can hear the barely concealed and, admittedly familiar, self-loathing in it. 
“Never,” Gale answers without hesitation. “Never with you.” And he means it. 
Iris hums. “Then for a wizard, you aren’t very smart.” She sounds resigned, but grateful all the same. 
“My confidence is not often misplaced. I’m sure I can handle myself, sorcerer.” 
Both of them are smiling now. Gale watches as Iris takes another steadying breath and closes her eyes again. She seems controlled, but he can see the slight shake of her hands which are clenched tightly into fists where they rest on her knees. 
“I was working on translating the book we found,” Gale begins speaking. It’s nothing of importance, just a simple journal they had found in an abandoned house. It was written in dwarvish, which was, of course, easy enough for Gale to work through quickly. 
“Oh? Find anything interesting?” She knows that he’s only talking to distract her from the rush of the Wilds that threaten to overtake her. He’s keeping her grounded, and she’s more than thankful. 
Gale continues to explain what he found in the pages of the tattered book. It truly was just a journal. It didn’t have any special knowledge to impart, only the gossip of the nearby town and the author’s thoughts on it. While it wasn’t anything important, it did provide quite the entertaining read. It was a dramatic novella in its own right. Gale notes that he wouldn’t be surprised if much of the stories inside were rife with dramatic embellishments, and Iris laughs when he suggests that perhaps they’ve merely stumbled upon someone’s (unjustly) rejected manuscript, given some of the notes in the margins. 
“Thank you,” Iris says quietly when silence falls between them again. “It’s easier to bear with someone else around.” 
“I am happy I could help then.” Gale studies the marks on her skin again. They have not slowed in their movements or dimmed, but Iris does seem to be calmed significantly. “Is it painful? If you don’t mind me asking, of course. I understand if you don’t wish to speak of it.” 
Iris is silent again for a moment. 
“It’s not painful, at least not exactly. It’s like… electricity beneath my skin. Like when your arm or your leg goes numb when you rest on it for too long. There’s a longing too, like I need to go back, or I need to bring it here. It kind of feels like treading water in the middle of high tide.” 
Gale nods. Though he can’t exactly understand, the discomforts of the orb are enough for him to sympathise. 
“And the marks?” 
“I swear I can feel them. It’s a familiar feeling- like an old friend, if that makes sense. They don’t cause any discomfort themselves though, if that’s what you meant. They feel a little cold or a little too warm sometimes, but that’s it.” Iris puts a hand to her cheek instinctively, feeling the marks there while she talks about them. 
Gale shifts closer to her and raises a hand slowly. 
“May I?” His hand stills while waiting for Iris to answer. 
“Go ahead,” she answers after some thought. No one has ever been this close when she’s like this, and the realisation of how willingly he’s here with her is dizzying in a pleasant way. 
Gale runs his fingers along the pink patterns that swim across her cheek and down her jaw. They’re cold to the touch, just as Iris said they would be, and inhumanely so. It’s strange, the cold does not spread to the rest of her face, it is contained only in the marks themselves. 
Iris can focus on nothing but the look on Gale’s face. There isn’t apprehension or fear, the expressions she’s grown accustomed to people regarding her with. It’s curious, yes, but also caring. He wants to know more about her because he cares. When Gale moves to hold a lock of her hair, examining the pink strands within it, she realises this is the closest anyone has been to her ever, even without the Wilds calling her. 
“Have you always had them?” Gale asks. “I will admit, I’m at quite a loss when it comes to the nature of sorcerers’ magic.” 
“Not always.” She doesn’t hold the same reservations she usually does when it comes to telling people how she fell into her powers, not with Gale. “I always had my magic though, at least to some extent. I think there’s a Fey branch somewhere in my mom’s family tree. The whole story is a little long.” Iris is ready to leave it there; not because she doesn’t want to, but because it’s not a conversation that normally interests people outside of giving them a reason they should tread just a little more carefully around her. 
“Well, I think we have more than enough time. Though don’t let me force your hand.” Gale has returned his hands to his lap, and Iris finds herself missing his touch far more than she thinks she ought to. 
“When I was a child, I managed to stumble into the Feywild. Of course, it was less of a stumble, and more that I was pulled into it, I’m sure. I spent a lot of my time there. Titania was quite fond of me, and she wasn’t keen on the idea of returning me home- though, neither was I at the time. I was just a kid, and the idea of playing all the time with no bedtime and getting whatever I wanted was incredibly appealing. I would say that she ‘taught’ me magic, but it was more of her giving it to me and then having to teach myself so I could actually manage it. I had to be good at it too if I wanted to remain in her favour. Fey blood or not, I’m still human, which meant my acceptance in the court was very much conditional. So long as I entertained her, I could stay.” 
Gale looks genuinely interested. He believes her too, which is not something that Iris is used to. Most people think she’s a liar the moment she mentions the Seelie Queen. Gale only seems surprised that the two are on a first name basis. 
“I was there for ten years- well… it felt like ten years to me. One day it was like I suddenly woke up, and I wanted to leave- she wasn’t happy with that idea. She tried to keep me there. I didn’t know what I was doing, I just knew I wanted out.” Iris pauses for a moment, trying to think. “Now, the best way I can explain Wild magic is that it bends to the will of the caster. Your desires shape it, and it takes the form that you will it to. I can only assume that it’s similar to working the Weave, in a sense, but it’s more… I don’t know. It’s less of an academic kind of thing, and more instinct. It’s a feeling.” Iris almost expects Gale to object to her explanation somehow, but instead he only nods in understanding. “You open yourself to the Wilds, and you have to shape the magic that comes out. That’s why there are the surges, because it’s hard to just start and stop the magic- and it’s more difficult when you’re upset. When I tried to leave, understandably, I was very upset. I was scared, I was angry, I was desperate. I knew it was going to take a lot to get me home. So I opened myself up to the deepest wells of magic that the Feywild has to offer. I knew it was the kind of magic that the Seelie Queen used, and I thought I could do it too. It worked, but it was too much for me, and it never really left.” Iris gestures to the marks on her face. She takes a few deep breaths before she continues. Gale is patient with her. 
“My parents were happy to see me, relieved to finally have their daughter back… but they were old. Very old. It felt like ten years to me, but it was nearly forty here. I didn’t have very long with them once I was home.” 
“I’m sorry.” Gale’s hand reaches out and Iris holds it, thankful for the regained contact. 
“It’s alright. I got to see them again, at least.” 
The buzzing beneath her skin has faded considerably. It’s easier to focus now, and every moment isn’t spent suppressing the urge to give in to the Wilds. The glow still remains, but it has dimmed a little. Gale must notice too, because he smiles slightly. 
“Thank you for staying.” Iris pauses. “And for listening,” she adds. 
“You’re very welcome. I would be happy to talk like this again, full moon or not.” 
Then, Iris surprises both of them by moving forward and hugging him. Then Gale surprises her by returning the embrace. He holds her with just as much feeling, uncaring about how dangerous she has the potential to be. In the grand scheme of things, he could be dangerous too, maybe even in a similar way. 
They fit together well. Two people who hold remnants of the very magic that threatens them inside themselves. One who went to every length to keep the approval of the one who gave him magic, and the other who gave up everything just so she could escape them. Both of them reached for magic incomprehensible to them. Both of them held it in the palm of their hands. Both of them were punished for it. 
Iris is the first to pull back. 
“You should go get some sleep. I’ll be fine now, it’s calmed down a lot,” she says. Gale looks like he’s about to object, but is cut off by a yawn that overtakes him instead. 
“If you’re certain,” he says after. “I hope you are able to get some rest as well. Goodnight, Iris.” 
“Goodnight, Gale,” Iris answers, smiling. 
The pull of the Wilds is practically a whisper. It’s the first somewhat peaceful sleep Iris has gotten during a full moon that she can remember. 
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greatwyrmgold · 10 months
Lately, I've been reading Forge of Destiny, and while I think it's pretty good, I'm not going to talk about why today. Instead, I'm going to talk about something weird that I found interesting: The remnants of a text-to-text adaptation.
For those who don't know, the Forge of Destiny I linked is not the original version. The original was a "quest" on Sufficient Velocity. For those who don't know, quests are kind of like multiplayer choose-your-own-adventure stories; the author writes a chapter, the players vote on what happens next, the author writes another chapter.
You might not be able to tell if I hadn't told you that; Yrsillar has done a good job of adapting their story to a different format. Most significantly, the chapters have been broken up and merged, so that the chapters end at dramatically appropriate moments and not a decision-points.
But if you know what you're looking for, you can still see many of those decision-points. Perhaps the most obvious was in one of the early chapters, when Ling Qi (the protagonist) is looking for a seat and notes four fellow disciples with empty seats near them.
In the context of a normal novel, these characters would be one of three things: Important characters who our heroine will soon get to know, colorful set dressing, or a Chekhov's Gunman pretending to be set dressing. But they aren't, really. One of them is Qi's future roommate and friend, one of them leads a training group that Qi befriends but drifts away from, and the other two are too prominent to be set dressing but still incredibly unimportant characters. (One of them is technically a minor antagonist in a conflict that Qi doesn't seem to care about, the other is an even minor-er antagonist in that conflict.)
In a quest, though? That's the author pointing to a bunch of characters and asking who y'all want to hang out with. Which is why Qi hangs out with the guy who knows Qi's third- or fourth-best friend instead of the girl who ends up being her closest friend and ally. The players hung out with Han Jian at first, but later decided they'd rather focus on other characters. But without that context, the decision to focus on a tertiary character in chapter 2 makes little sense.
There are plenty of other instances of these visible decision points, usually times when Ling Qi clearly and explicitly contemplates two or three courses of action she could take. In an ordinary novel, a character thinking like that indicates that they're conflicted over which course of action to take (whether because they don't know what they want or because they don't know how to get it), but Qi does that kind of thing even when her actions or words in that scene are more consistent with making the decision quickly and sticking to it.
(There are also other marks; times when Qi said she'd think about something when the ambiguity wasn't needed, minor details that the players probably voted on got a bit more attention than authors would usually pay them, that kind of thing. I'm just trying to give an overview, not an exhaustive list.)
I'm not saying this as a criticism—like I said, I'm not sure people unfamiliar with the story's history would notice anything was off. It's like looking at an anime character running in place while talking and thinking "This probably looks better as a manga panel." Normally, that bit of adaptational jank isn't worth talking about.
But normally, it's not a text-to-text adaptation. Nothing about how Forge of Destiny was presented has changed, only its context. But even here, adaptation can leave scars. And I think that's interesting!
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gayalienwilde · 1 year
I could write an infinite amount of essays about the possible meanings of the alien gay sex pin in Velvet Goldmine, but I'll just write a couple, feel free to add your own theories/analyses I would absolutely love to read them!!!
Everything's under here because otherwise this post is too long to scroll by, nonetheless enjoy <3
First an observation, the fact that the pin has a lifetime of its own in the movie: Oscar Wilde has it since birth, Jack discovers it in his childhood, Brian steals it in his early 20s, Curt gets it around his mid 20s and Arthur in his late 20s/early 30s, this is connected to both the theories I'm gonna talk about so keep that in mind.
The first theory I want to discuss is that of the pin as a metaphor for queer identity and it's connection with art, all the people that own the pin in the movie are queer and almost all of them are artists, it's easy then to see the pin as a physical manifestation of how queerness inspires art and artists, it's not shown since the movie ends but it would make sense then for Arthur to also get inspired after receiving the pin and start focusing more on his passion, whatever that might be. As a viewer it's also very inspiring and validating to see people connect to their identities and passions no matter their age, so don't worry too much about "lost" time, your moment with the alien gay sex pin will come :^)
The second possible meaning for the pin I want to analyse is that of queer connection and community. Just like the green carnation, the pin as a symbol for gay community is "born" with Oscar Wilde, and it's alien powers are manifested in the way it always appears when it's needed the most, this also connects to the way the pin changes ownership throughout the movie. After Wilde the pin (read as community) is found by Jack at his lowest, and it gives him hope, all of this is clearly stated by the voiceover that talks about his unhappy childhood that changes "one mysterious day, when Jack would discover that somewhere there were others quite like him", maybe he doesn't meet other queer people immediately, but he probably discovers he's not alone through learning about Wilde (at school or maybe thanks to the pin), it's even more obvious later seeing Jack being fully confident and comfortable in his identity that he'd been sure of who he is from a pretty young age. Then the pin is stolen by Brian. We're shown Brian as a newcomer to the Sombrero, so Brian knows where to find community, and he's not doing bad like Jack was when he finds it, so it makes sense for him to be the only person that has to steal the pin, he doesn't find it and it's not gifted to him either, he greedily takes it even if he's already got everything it could offer. Alongside the pin Jack's entourage is also "stolen" and they begin to work with Brian, but it's not just them, we see Brian use people, fashion and ideas from the queer community for his own gains, Mandy, Cecil and even Curt become stepping stones for him to reach mainstream popularity. At his most confident, he gives the pin to Curt, and we go back to the pin's usual modus operandi. After the breakup with Brian he's left sad and alone in a foreign city where he can't find community on his own, that's when he connects with Jack, so the pin either predicted that he was gonna need someone or as soon as Brian gave it up it took its revenge for being stolen by causing Brian's downfall, as seen by basically everyone abandoning him and the community of fans turning on him. The pin reaches its final owner when it's given to Arthur by Curt. Even if young Arthur's story in the movie is all about him finding his community after leaving his house, we see that in the 80s he's all alone. In the movie Arthur says that "money, the future and a serious life" made him forget his past, but we can guess that having moved to a different country and the 80s being horrible is also something that probably caused him to lose his connection with other queer people. Arthur has clearly lost all hope until he starts doing his research and meets Curt again, he is no longer alone. To him Curt is both a connection to his past and queerness, but since in the 80s gay people need to hide once more they have to use symbols again to communicate with eachother, so Curt gives the pin to Arthur, to let him know that he recognizes him and also to give him something that will help him find his community of "unspeakables of the Oscar Wilde sort" again. So the pin is very important because connecting with an understanding community is very important, not just for gay people but for everyone, since it's easy to read the pin also a symbol of being a fan of something and finding other fans through wearing pins and merchandise of your favourite show/band etc... and of course many other symbols used by different communities to recognise each other. Funnily enough, even in real life the pin is the symbol of a community, our fandom of alien gay sex lovers <3
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yossipossi · 1 year
what was your main inspiration/reason to write 5001?
Well, the reason is pretty obvious: I wrote it for the SCP-5000 contest. I intended to write an article to win, but it was my third article and so it wasn't particularly great, especially in comparison to the winner, but ah well.
As for the inspiration, I had a few sources, but my main source was Evangelion. Specifically, the scene in the first rebuild where they fire the energy weapon through Ramiel's core. That was such a tense scene and was so cool, and I wanted to recreate something along those lines. Even before I conceptualized all the details about the article, I knew I wanted a scene where a laser fires something into the center of something really big.
I actually remember where I was when I came up with the basic idea for SCP-5001: I was in the middle of my prayer services before school (I'm Jewish, to be clear), and I suddenly had a flash of inspiration: the theme was mystery, so what if there was an anomaly in a containment chamber that the Foundation found, and they had no idea what was inside of it until it breached? At the time, the placeholder images in my mind for this idea were "facility that contained something akin to Gears' Proposal, and it nearly breaches at the end before somehow being recontained, without anyone actually seeing the anomaly and living." It was a cool idea, but not really what I wanted.
The inspiration from Ramiel's death in Evangelion comes into play now, since I realized I didn't just want to anomaly to be never seen, but also be really fucking big. I knew that whatever was in this facility needed to be powerful and ancient, and I knew the Foundation needed to barely be able to recontain it through some last-minute ditch efforts using the most powerful weapons available to them. This is how I came up with the idea for HECOR (the High-Energy Concentration Orbital Railgun), and how I conceptualized the climax of the article.
As for what was actually inside the facility, I still had no idea. In fact, I didn't even come up with the Broken God connection until I was a ways into the article. I just had the basic idea and started writing. I did a bit of research into strong materials and came up with a general design for it, and decided where to put it. I chose the Russian wilderness at the time because it was unlikely to cause of Veil breach if big shit happened there, but it kinda made sense later for the Broken God connection.
Still, the article mostly shaped into its current form as I was writing it. A big part of my philosophy for writing SCPs specifically is using the format to my advantage by trying to make the document as clinical as possible. I included a history section for realism and to provide additional context for the circumstances of the object's history, and talked about all the technological discoveries due to SCP-5001 to help add some gravitas to the anomaly's function.
I think it was while writing the section on "OMEGA" that I finally realized this would be a perfect Broken God article. Not only that, but I realized it would be really interesting if I made SCP-5001 the heart of the Broken God that was missing from Kaktus's second SCP-001 Proposal. That's the idea I was working with as I went into the final section of the article.
I actually remember when I wrote that. I think I had a short break from high school, so I stayed up all night writing the final addendum in a fervor. I was listening to this cover of "In My Spirit" the entire time (like, six hours total), which also meant that the beginning of the Zuriel fight from the Evangelion rebuilds played a role in shaping the way the incident log escalated. (I highly recommend reading the incident log with the song playing in the background, btw!)
As for the ending... well, I'm kinda shit at writing endings. Anyone whose read my articles can tell you that it's usually the weakest part of my writing. If I wrote the ending of the article now I'd be a bit subtler, but I wanted to essentially show that SCP-5001 was the missing heart of the Broken God. I just wasn't very good at conveying that.
After I finished the article, I started getting critique, and while it was mostly positive, I did get some feedback that wasn't so encouraging. Still, it helped me refine the article quite a bit, and even if SCP-5001 was far from perfect, it's better than if I didn't get feedback at all. I remember getting some critique in the middle of our school's yearly ski trip lol
After I posted it, I remember being amazed at how fast its rating was growing, and for a few days I was actually in first place! Of course, Tanhony's "Why?" eventually overtook me, but I'll never forget the excitement of actually getting first place with my third article on the site for a while. I'm still quite happy with getting third place, though, and getting the SCP-5001 slot. :)
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thenerdofthegroup · 1 month
Okay so we got a tiny promotional video with a lot of clips we’ve already seen and fun ‘PowerPoint slide’ type clips. Imma talk about it
Here is the video ^
Now the last time I talked about this it didn’t go… great so I will word it better so as to avoid that again <3
Now we’ve gotten that billboard my excitement is out on an all time high again but there are a few things in this that I want to point out:
Firstly we will get the obvious out the way- RIO SAYS HER NAMEEEE AND ITS SO PLAYFUL. We have physical evidence that she at the very least knows her name haha.
Secondly the rest of the voice are very interesting. So we definitely have Billy- sorry I meant Teen in there, and Lilia at the end but the rest are all male voices. Now I can confidently identify the ver deep one as Herb from WV. And given it’s a tiny promo teaser I think all of these voices are from what we’ve seen before. Maybe one surprise new one but very unlikely. I think I can hear Dottie’s husband in there but the rest I can’t identify (men usually sound the same to me). So if we use that theory, who says what? I think there are about 3-4 voices I cannot place. AND when do they say it? My theory is that these kind of go chronologically and that she hears them say these in episode 1 as hallucinations or episode 2 when she’s collecting her coven
Thirdly, all the photos are gorgeous and they fall into one of 3 categories
One category is clips from WV. Now the only one I can theorise on is this 70’s one but it was amazing to see her gorgeous face (ignore my shoddy handwriting I’m a physicist it’s part of the job description)
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Another Category is hints/clips to parts of the show. I will describe in chronological order, missing the two that go in the next category: Mare of Easttown Detective Agatha, Agatha search online, Agatha tarot card with the moon (moon is very important we all know this), Agatha with the orange magic (I don’t know what font it is but it feels like I should), Olden Agatha with pretty writing, purple smoke screen with Agatha font used in other things, Plants in an almost ‘weird detective’ way (I don’t know how to explain it but like those cutscenes in a detective where they put stuff in a lab… god I’m bad at this), something that almost resembles AHS but in general is a weird black pattern, Agatha twitter (she would be hilarious on there), red ‘Agatha’ that is linked to that demon scene and a beautiful purple glowing ball that is just general mystic-ness. All of them amazing, all pointing to different parts of the show
Now, the two to single out actually have writing on them
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I’ll put my theorise down and thank you to my friend who helped because I was trying to think deeply and they gave me the obvious answers because I’m too dumb to do all of this on my own haha
The one on the left feels like a childhood story. It’s written in even lined with pretty patterns on the side. I think that it’s a story about her killing her coven. This would also cement the idea that she is famous (in a not great way) and support a little fun theory I had that she is almost like a spooky story witches tell their kids at night. Like the boogy man. “Don’t misbehave or the evil purple witch will come and get you” kind of thing (you would never guess that I write).
It also brings in a fun question everyone has: was she born with purple magic? Because by all logical accounts she had to have been because the darkhold didn’t turn Wandas magic purple (I know it did Stranges but sorcerers are different, I think it acted like a filter to the outside magic since that’s what sorcerers use, whereas witches have it born into them and their DNA so you can’t put a filter in it) and it would make sense story wise. Born with it and everyone was terrified and hated her from the beginning. Self fulfilling prophecy and all that. It’s not a problem if she isn’t, because the other works just as well, her wanting to rebel so much that she picks up dark books etc etc. but it is one of the aspects I’m deathly excited to see.
The right hand side one is a newspaper. Now given the placement of the name and the lack of anything either it’s her actually putting her name in for people to see/ some kind of clue thing OR the more likely option is a bounty on her head. Which would make sense: if this is a witch paper, everyone seems to want her dead so I mean… go for it. She gets a little snack out of it
Those are my current thoughts and if you’ve read this all then thank you for your time. I like getting other peoples opinions so if you have any then always feel free to say even if it’s telling me I’m stupid and pointing out the obvious haha
Anyway here is your gift for making it to the end: Sexy ladyyyyy
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jyndor · 2 years
My guess is that “this is a first for me” now refers to the fact that Cassian’s never been in prison while awaiting execution. He’s been sent to prison for crimes not punishable by death (not that prison wasn’t its own death sentence, at least on Narkina 5) but he’s never been locked in a cell knowing he could get a blaster bolt between the eyes within hours of being locked up. The Partisans were almost certainly planning to execute him, Chirrut and Baze; they just had to clear it with Saw first. As a secondary qualifier, it could also refer to the type of prison; it’s probably the smallest cell he’s ever been in, and it’s in a cave instead of an incarceration facility.
lol okay so i really went in on this as is my mo, not because anything you said is wrong or whatever lol it's your opinion. but it's sparked Discourse in my head rip
i feel like since the show aired i just haven't been explaining myself clearly with this but i'll try: i don't care what headcanon someone uses to handwave a thing that doesn't track 100%. i do it when something just doesn't track to ME or when i feel like telling canon to fuck off lol askdhasjdh but people will use their headcanon explanations to tell folks canon is still consistent. it's NOT lol it's a retconnnnnn
this is why i don't like retcons generally speaking. it just isn't that hard to stick to what canon already says, and while this one isn't really important at all (like it's a comment cassian makes offhandedly and can easily be handwaved like this) i think writers should try to avoid retcons (not always, sometimes things should be retconned because they're trash? but usually yeah retcons are meh). and then when you've got like a relatively small fandom like rogue one's that has been going along with what we all thought was canon until the show aired, it's extremely aggravating to be told that oh actually what we thought was true (even though until a few months ago it was) is not true anymore and aren't we crazy for not seeing that??? not that you have said any of that btw im not talking about you lol.
like i shouldn't have to qualify things to make them make sense with the main piece of media - which rogue one is. andor is a prequel to rogue one. rogue one is not a sequel to andor. andor has the responsibility to track with rogue one because it's supplementary material for rogue one. plus rogue one came out first. i shouldn't have to do mental gymnastics to make little moments in rogue one still make sense. and luckily i can divorce andor from rogue one pretty well and handwave shit and come up with my interpretations like yours and other fans' but we shouldn't HAVE to. it isn't a high bar to meet to be consistent.
when i analyze media, i always start with an out-of-universe (doylist) approach. i look for preconceived notions that might have influenced the writing, i look for motivations and at the history of the writers, etc. and then i can more easily take an in-universe (watsonian) approach. it's just hard for me to ignore inconsistencies, writer biases, real world context etc. probably because i have ocd and i am very literal. that's a personal problem lmfao.
so i can't even get there with things like this because it's obvious to me that tony gilroy, who did not write the film, wanted to tell a great story. he wanted to write what he wanted to write and wasn't super concerned with it lining up 100% with the film in a literal way. and he did. i mean all gripes aside andor is a fabulous show. easily the best thing i've seen all year. but i've still got my gripes lmfao.
in this case i think it's understandable that he'd do that because it actually doesn't make a whole lot of sense that cassian wouldn't have gotten caught by someone at some point. it is more reasonable that he would have. and for someone like the cassian in the show who is certainly anti-imperial, has politics despite what other people in the show say, but is not necessarily radicalized, yeah it makes sense that being sent to prison based on some bullshit xenophobic profiling would radicalize him. that is me doing some in-universe analysis btw.
but let's not kid ourselves. it doesn't fit with that line. before the show aired, not a single viewer thought he was lying or on some obi-wan bullshit with the "certain point of view" thing at that moment. yes, he's a liar. yes, he's a spy.
chirrut, who knows cassian is a captain not because cassian tells him he is but because of the force lol (this is why cassian gives him a weird look like 'how the fuck do you know that???'), takes him at his word and then says 'there is more than one sort of prison' meaning that just because cassian hasn't been literally locked up, it doesn't mean he doesn't have things that hold him back or imprison him metaphorically. that's the whole point of that moment - and lol it's actually kind of a more insulting retcon than I initially thought because chirrut reads cassian extremely well throughout the film with the force. but apparently he doesn't because he takes cassian at his word on jedha.
when cassian is about to go assassinate galen and he's avoiding jyn's eyes and being all shady lol, the camera keeps panning to chirrut looking away from the rest of the group but with a very disgusted expression on his face. he tells jyn that 'the force moves darkly around a creature that is about to kill' when she is like ??? the fuck do you mean by does cassian look like a killer?????
my point is that chirrut has a very good understanding of cassian's vibes in the force. chirrut takes him at his word on jedha but he is visibly disgusted by cassian on eadu. cassian actually being in prison before jedha changes chirrut's connection to the force for me. hmm now i'm mad LOL.
we were not intended to think cassian was lying on jedha. we were however intended to catch how shifty cassian was being on eadu - not making eye contact with jyn in a very overt way, not making a whole lot of sense to anyone, chirrut's callout, baze's deliberate use of "he has the face of a friend" but not that he IS a friend (although he is <333) because again. spy. mask. lying. that's what baze and chirrut call out on eadu, and what makes jyn realize that she fell for cassian's deception. it's really important that chirrut's connection to the force is credible because otherwise lol okay he's just some guy who fights well. he's not that - he's a guardian of the whills and his connection to the force is undeniable if not defined.
cassian's lying on eadu until he has his moment of truth. it's a different feel than his interactions with everyone else on jedha (although when he's talking to jyn about meeting tivik's sister he deliberately doesn't make eye contact).
cassian makes eye contact when he's being honest - the hangar scene, the eadu fight with jyn (which... lol im not even going there right now), definitely on scarif a number of times and most notably in the elevator. when he's lying, he gets avoidant.
that's a deliberate choice by the writers, director and diego ofc. in 2015/2016.
cut to 2020/2021 or whatever and tony gilroy, who did an immense amount of work on rogue one with the reshoots (allegedly mostly in the 3rd act of the film although that first scene with cassian is all him lol - also side note why couldn't he have cut the bor gullet smdh) to the point that he got a screenwriter's credit because of SWG(? the union idk) rules (totally fair of course, but i think a lot of people don't know that he didn't literally write the film or create cassian lol), is writing the best story he can and isn't really worrying about how much it tracks with minutiae from the film or like idk what pablo hidalgo wrote in guidebooks lol (pretty sure that's where the fest thing came from as well as him being 26 and jyn being 22? but also i mean im not sure if that hadn't been decided by the writers of the film).
i mean you'd have to ask him but im sure he'd say as much - that he wanted to tell a great story and as long as it was mostly consistent or could be considered consistent with who cassian will be in rogue one, it's easily handwaved or explained. and yeah that's true for most people but unfortunately for me i'm neurodivergent as hell with a hyperfixation on this dumb film and plus i have severe ocd so i notice discrepancies. and they annoy me.
i wanna be clear: i don't think this is the most egregious retcon of the show. not at all. but i'd like people to acknowledge that it is a retcon and that no, gareth edwards and chris weitz and gary whitta did not intend for cassian to be like "well actually what i meant is that technically, i have been imprisoned but i wasn't sentenced to death" or whatever reason we may now individually use to make it make sense. and i don't see a problem with doing that - i literally make headcanon all the time because canon ends in a way im sad about LOL. but this is headcanon. because canon doesn't track with itself.
also just a note: personally i think it's pretty clear cassian knows that narkina COULD be a death sentence. cassian understands narkina is dangerous as hell from the moment he steps his bare foot onto that metal floor. they fry people. he's smart, to me he knows it's a potential death sentence. but that's just my interpretation of the show.
i think the best way to handwave this retcon is to say cassian hasn't been imprisoned by rebels before or by alleged allies. or maybe in service of the rebellion.
*and cassian recognizes chirrut's force-ishness immediately, which is why he asks if he's a jedi. (it's why im like lol everyone just shut up about cassian not knowing what jedi are, i don't need an explanation for how he learns about them. i don't need them to make a big thing of whether or not cassian knows what jedi are because of course he does, jedi are in fact extremely well known in the galaxy and this is an area where im like tony gilroy stay on your lane XD)
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sneezemonster15 · 2 years
I think the only obvious fact about sns is their apparent love for each other. Im a little confused on their possible homosexuality, but its not as obvious as you say it is. You need to look twice to catch them. I wish you would elaborate on where it is so obvious.
I have written about it several times. You can search SNS tags on my blog. For both Naruto and Sasuke.
You are misstating me a lot. I have always maintained that their sexuality is subtly shown, subtle as compared to the usual shounen tropes. But shown nonetheless. It has been obvious to me because I am quite exposed to LGBTQ+ cinema, I talk about these films often on this blog. So the usual tropes used in gay coming of age drama and love stories are obvious to me. I have never said that it is obvious to everyone. I am always talking about subtleties and layering. I don't know what content of mine you have been reading. Lol.
Look man, even if you weren't exposed to these themes, the story itself is written pretty intuitively and it certainly is written to encourage curiosity in the average audience. Sure, not everything is made crystal clear to the audience deliberately, but it's crazy how blatantly layered it is visually and narratively. Even during my first watch, i would get puzzled or hooked a lot of times and curiosity made me mad. While i could surely recognise the tropes, that it was shounen had sent me for a toss, it was certainly not easy to digest. But then I remembered watching Cardcaptor Sakura and I felt better lol. It was quite a strange experience to see a gay love story in what's practically a kids show meant for boys. I know how genres work. But I waited until the end to go looking for fan discourses, I wanted a watching experience unperturbed by extraneous things. Most of all, Kishi's storytelling hooked me, he is a hell of a writer honestly. He really knows where to strike and what to use to strike with. That brutal brutal beautiful man. Only a truly intuitive, empathetic and sensitive person can write something like that. And talented af to boot.
Anyway, honestly, many sensitive readers or viewers could tell that there was something not quite right with the way the romance was superficially set up in the story. Naruto and Sakura, Sakura and Sasuke, Naruto and Hinata. It was a subliminal response. It takes some time to dismantle it in your head, but you get used to it with time. When reading the manga, I did struggle initially because it was a new medium for me, i settled down soon enough. It was very enjoyable. And it only reinforced everything I knew with the anime even more acutely.
One of my fav fellow Naruto fans, clocked it out at the age 13. A child. Simply curiosity and an advanced sense of comprehension. And a looooot of others could tell in their first watch. That they are gay has been the running narrative since the beginning of this manga, many fans have been making memes and jokes about it, SNS communities and channels have millions of subscribers the world over. And they are not analysis bloggers like me, lol. You really think it's that unclear?
Look I am not taking away from anyone if they cannot get it at first glance. Some can, some cannot. There are several factors. Depends on how sharp your comprehension is or how experienced you are, or how exposed you are to gay tropes and narrative devices. But the good thing is, one can always develop their senses, train them, discipline their eyes and ears and mind, to focus more and pay attention, ask questions. It's how you enjoy media in all its glory.
Naruto inspires so much in people, so many from the queer community relate to Sasuke and Naruto, so many closeted folks see themselves in Naruto and Sasuke, and are comforted by it, inspired even. Representation matters. So much empathy to go around. I am not even the first person to have started talking about it lol, how come you missed all the others? It has been the topic of hot debates for years all over the world man. They have been talking about how obvious it has been from almost the get go. You can't measure everyone with the same lenses. Not everyone would have the same skill sets.
The short of it is, lol, it's obvious if you know what you are looking at. It's a little confusing and you have to look twice if you don't know what you are looking at but are curious nonetheless so you invest and then find out that way. But if you are closed off and unreceptive, you probably won't have the benefit of this lovely story in all its radiance. Or any story.
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