#it is DIRTY because cats walked on it and it needs to be wiped down and inside but STILL
pastafossa · 2 years
*shrieking noises as 80 pound closet is slowly dragged into view*
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50 notes · View notes
smileysuh · 7 months
heart aches
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🌙 starring. Jeong Jaehyun x afab!Reader
🔮 preview. Your ex finds your sweet spot as easily as ever, as if it hasn’t been two years since his tongue stroked this specific patch of skin and made your whole body tingle with pleasure. You let out a shaky sigh, threading your fingers through his hair and relaxing against the pillows. “Don’t leave me again,” you whisper. “Never again,” he promises.
tw/cw. foreplay, fingering, mutual masturbation, hand job hand fucking, spitting, finger sucking, inklings of oral fixation, praise, dirty talk, pining, reminiscing, breast worship, teasing, Jae being a simp, unprotected sex, handholding while fucking, Jae is pretty vanilla but pent up as hell, etc… I pet names: (hers) baby.
👹 rating.18+ explicit I wc. 5.3k
🍭 aus. ex's to lovers, non idol au, etc…
☀️ mlist + an. I don't normally do angst, but Idk, this felt right for some reason this month
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“What’s wrong?” Jaehyun asks, watching you fiddle around the bedroom while he cuddles with your cat on the bed. 
Part of you wants to push back your feelings - you’d kind of been hoping to talk to him at the airport in the morning - but you should have known Jaehyun would realize something is up with you. It’s been a nice long weekend having him home with you.
It’s almost been like he never left.
With a deep sigh, you go to sit on the foot of your mattress, staring down at your hands. “I can’t do this anymore,” you say quietly.
The room feels achingly silent, and then the comforter ruffles as Jaehyun sits up. “This?” he asks. 
“Us.” The word hurts to even say. “The distance… I mean, I knew continuing our relationship while you’re in a different city at a new university doing your graduate program would be rough… but… I just didn’t know I’d ever feel this lonely.”
Tears are welling in your eyes. You don’t want to break up with Jaehyun- he’s had your heart for four years. Starting over with someone new sounds impossible- but at the same time, being away from him hurts more than you could ever have imagined. It hurts when he calls you every night, being the perfect boyfriend, smiling and telling you about his day. It hurts because you thought you’d go through life together- you thought you’d be there to see it all yourself, not hear about it after the fact on the phone.
“Come here,” Jaehyun says softly, moving your cat off his lap so he can open his arms to you.
You allow Jaehyun to pull you into an embrace, his fingers stroking your hair. His heart is thundering in his ribcage, and you can hear it as you cuddle closer.
“I’m sorry that it came to this,” he breathes, “but I understand.”
You can’t help the tears now, and a choked sob escapes you. You grab at the front of his soft hoodie, wanting to crush the emblem of his new school. Part of you wishes he’d never been accepted into the elite business graduate program, but another part knows that Jaehyun deserves to be where he is now.
You love him, more than you’ve ever loved anyone, and that’s what makes this so painful.
Jaehyun needs to focus on his studies, to build a new life for himself across the country- and you need to do the same. You can’t be a ghost anymore, walking through life like a zombie and waiting to hear from him, constantly checking the time zone differences and calculating what he’s doing based on schedules.
“I can still…” you rub at your eyes, swallowing thickly, “I’ll take you to the airport in the morning-”
“It’s okay, baby,” Jaehyun shushes you gently, kissing the crown of your head. “I can get a cab.”
“Are you angry at me?” you ask, pulling away from his chest to look up at his face, worried about what you might find there.
“Of course not,” Jaehyun assures you, immediately stroking a thumb across your cheek to wipe away your tears. “No matter how much I didn’t want to admit it, I knew things had changed when I moved away. I could see that the distance was a problem. You have needs, and I’m proud of you for voicing them, even if it hurts.”
“My heart is breaking,” you whimper.
Jaehyun frowns. “Mine too.”
“You’re really not mad at me?”
“I could never be mad at you,” Jaehyun promises. “I think it will be easier to talk about this with time, if that’s something you’d be interested in. But for now, how do you feel about just laying down, holding each other, and doing our best to enjoy tonight- if it’s going to be our last.”
It might be easier if he was mad at you, if he yelled and swore and tried to make you change your mind- but Jaehyun’s never been an abusive type. Instead, he holds you close, and as you softly cry on his chest, you begin to drift off to sleep.
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Even in a crowded bar, one distant laugh makes your blood run cold. You grip your drink, heart thundering in your rib cage as you scan your surrounding area.
It’s been two years since you broke up with Jaehyun. Even so, you’d recognize his voice anywhere.
“You good?” your best friend asks, reading your change in expression.
“Yeah, I just thought I heard-” as you’re about to say his name, you spot Jaehyun. He’s leaning against the bar top, chatting with a man whose back is to you.
God, he still looks so good. 
Your chest aches, throat going dry. As you watch him, his eyes move to take in the bar. You’re quick to shift your gaze, lifting your drink to your lips to down the rest of it. 
“I need to get out of here,” you mutter.
“What? Why?” Your friend reaches for your arm, pulling you closer to check in on you.
“My ex is here.”
“Which one?”
“Which one do you think?” You let out a laugh, but there’s no humor in it.
“Yeah. Listen, have fun, I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” You hand her your empty glass, giving her one last look before you turn to head to the entrance of the bar. 
You can feel eyes on you as you push through the crowd, but you chalk it up to being paranoid. You slip through the front doors, intent on hailing a taxi. As you make it to the cement sidewalk, you hear your name behind you, and that familiar voice has your blood running cold for a second time tonight.
Your whole body freezes, and for a moment, you truly consider running. But you’ve already run from Jaehyun once before, and you don’t have it in yourself to do it again.
With a deep breath, you turn to face your ex, your first love, the man you’ve never recovered from.
“I thought that was you,” Jaehyun mutters quietly, shoving his hands into his pockets as he stares at you.
You don’t even know what to say, so you keep your mouth shut, taking in his pretty face and the broad set of his shoulders. 
“Sorry, maybe I shouldn’t have followed you,” he admits finally. “It doesn’t look like you want to talk.”
Jaehyun turns to head back inside, and your body reacts on its own accord; you grab at his arm, and it makes him stop. He looks down at your hand, wrapped around his forearm, then up at you.
“We…” you swallow thickly, “we can talk. I just… I don’t know what to say.”
“That makes two of us.” 
You drop your hand from his arm when you realize he’s not going anywhere.
“I uh…” Jaehyun clears his throat. “I got back to town a month ago. Meant to message you- but I didn’t know what to say then either.”
“You completed your program?”
“Yup. With flying colors.”
“I guess I always expected you to be a big shot and move to some other city- what are you doing back here?”
“Unfinished business… maybe.” Jaehyun dips his head, looking down at the ground. You watch him absentmindedly kick at an old cigarette butt.
He can’t be talking about you… can he?
“Anyways,” Jaehyun meets your eyes again, “how’ve you been?”
“I’ve been…” you search for the right word, “okay.” 
“Yeah? Happy?”
“Sort of. You?”
Jaehyun shrugs, offering you a lopsided smile that makes your heart ache. “Sort of. It was two years of studying. Didn’t have much time for extracurriculars, as you know.”
So your breakup is still a sore spot for him, you can sense it in his words. He’s not outwardly saying it, but… it’s there all the same. There’s something of an apology in his statement, because you do know how hard it was for him to find time for things outside of school- it had been the main reason you’d had to call things off with him.
“How about you?” he presses. “Any uh… any protective boyfriend who’s about to show up and beat my ass?”
You can’t believe he’s asking you outright about this, and the question actually makes you let out a small laugh. You shake your head. “No. No boyfriend.”
“Good. I mean… I hoped you were happy, but uh, you know, it’s nice to hear that, well, you know what I mean.” Jaehyun looks down again, and you can see his ears turning red.
It’s as clear as day that Jaehyun still cares about you. The way he’s acting tells you everything you need to know… well, almost everything.
“So…” you wrap your arms around yourself, “are you planning on leaving again? Do you know how long you’ll be in town?”
“Nothing is set in stone,” Jaehyun admits, cocking his head to the side as he looks at you. “Listen, I’m just going to say it.” He takes a deep breath, meanwhile, you can’t even breathe. “I never got over you. I mean, how could I? You’re everything, and- I understand why we broke up, I really do. But my program is over now, and if you give me another chance, I promise not to go anywhere ever again, at least, not without you right there by my side.”
“If you need some time to think about it, I totally get that-”
Jaehyun goes to take a step back, and you find yourself grabbing at him once more. Your body simply can’t let him go- not now, not ever again.
Your ex looks down at your hand on his forearm, and as you open your mouth to give him your response, no words come to mind. Your gaze dips to his lips, and before you know what you’re even doing, you’re moving in to kiss him.
Jaehyun is frozen in place at the initial meeting of your lips, but after a moment, you feel his body relax. His hands gently slip to your waist, tugging you closer as he slants his mouth against your own. You feel him release a small groan, and a whimper bubbles in your chest.
How many times have you dreamt of this moment? How many times have you thought about kissing Jaehyun? 
Your arms wrap around the back of his neck, and you allow yourself to get lost in the feeling of him-
Someone lets out a whistle, and you roughly pull back from Jaehyun, your eyes finding the two bouncers outside the bar, who are staring at you with wolfish grins.
“Is there somewhere we can go to talk?” Jaehyun asks, resting his forehead against your own.
“Come home with me.”
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It feels like deja vu to be walking into your apartment with Jaehyun. You’ve had the same unit for years- and you know it must feel even weirder for your ex to be here again after practically living here with you for half of your time in university together. 
As you toss your keys onto the entryway table, you hear a familiar meow. Your cat slinks in from the kitchen, but instead of heading to you, she immediately moves toward Jaehyun’s feet, letting out an obnoxiously loud purr as she begins to rub against him.
“Looks like Mittens hasn’t forgotten me either,” Jaehyun smiles, immediately bending down to pick up the fluffy grey and white kitty. She leans into his touch, purring like an engine as he scratches he cheeks. Her paws begin to make softies on his arm, and it makes your heart ache.
You’ve dated a few guys casually in Jaehyun’s absence, and Mittens has never liked any of them. She always was a daddy’s girl- after all, you’d started dating Jaehyun only a few months after you’d picked her up from the shelter. 
You still have pictures of the two of them on your phone, hidden in a secret file- you’d never had the heart to delete them, and as you watch their reunion, you’re glad you never did.
“She missed you,” you admit. “We both did.”
You watch Jaehyun’s Adam’s apple bob with effort, your words clearly invoking emotion. You’re quick to look away.
“Can I get you anything?” you ask, kicking off your shoes. “I had a few drinks at the bar, was planning on making a grilled cheese-”
“You still do that?” Jaehyun asks.
“Yeah.” Your throat feels dry admitting another ghost of your past you still haven’t been able to shake. “I still do that.”
Grilled cheese after a night out had always been your thing, and when you’d started dating Jaehyun, it had become his thing too. You can’t even count how many nights the two of you came home from university parties only to make a grilled cheese and collapse on your bed, giggling and kissing like kids in love.
“A grilled cheese sounds perfect,” Jaehyun says. “Thank you.”
He follows you into the kitchen. As you begin to make the late-night snack, you realize Jaehyun has no intention of putting Mittens down. She basks in his attention, letting out upset chirps any time he tries to stop petting her to help you in small ways.
Jaehyun asks you about your job, and from that, the two of you begin to talk about your lives over the past two years. It feels too natural to slip into this type of conversation. His presence is so calming and familiar- by the time you’re done making the grilled cheese for you to share, it’s almost as if the past two years never happened. 
It’s almost as if you never left him.
Almost as if he never left you first.
“Do you want to eat in here?” Jaehyun asks, heading to the small kitchen table.
“We can go to my bedroom,” you say softly. “Unless you wanted to be here.”
“Your bedroom is good.” 
He follows you through your apartment, but when you get to your room, he stops in the doorway.
“I can’t get over how little this place has changed,” he muses, looking at the layout of the space.
“Yeah,” you sit down on your bed, lifting your legs onto the mattress and setting the plate by your knee. “I guess I’m used to it like this.”
Jaehyun knows all too well how comfortable you get, how hard it is for you to make changes. You think it must be one of the reasons he never fought the breakup. If you’d gotten to the point of needing an emotional separation to deal with the physical distance, pushing you to change your mind would have only made things worse.
“Can we come sit with you?” Jaehyun asks.
“Of course.” You gesture to the mattress. “Make yourself at home, Jae.”
With a small chuckle, he comes to join you. He’s careful when he sets Mittens down, and she immediately stretches, letting out a massive yawn before coming to investigate the grilled cheese.
Jaehyun reaches for his half of the sandwich. “I missed these.”
“It’s just a grilled cheese,” you laugh.
“Yeah, but there’s something special about the way you make it. I can’t explain it.”
You can only offer him a smile as you both lift the gooey, cheesy, greasy, crispy bread to your lips. The crunch is satisfying, and Jaehyun shifts the food to his right hand so he can pet Mittens with his left. 
The two of you eat in silence, but there’s nothing uncomfortable about it. As your meal comes to a quick end, your phone begins to ring, and you stand up to answer it. “Give me a sec,” you tell him, exiting the room while Mittens rushes to follow you.
“Hey girl,” your best friend says. “You okay?”
“I’m good.”
“Seeing your ex must have been pretty hard.”
“Actually, uh…” you look toward your open bedroom door, swallowing thickly then lowering your voice, “he’s at my apartment with me.”
“Yeah, we’re talking things out.”
“Just talking?” You can hear the cheeky grin in her voice.
“Don’t be like that,” you laugh.
“Girl, you and that man were a dream couple. He’s the one that got away, and now he’s in your apartment- he’s probably sitting on your bed, eating grilled cheese-”
“God, stop,” you groan. “Am I that predictable?”
“Nah, it was hashtag just couple things. Okay, look, obviously you’re doing good- I was worried you were somewhere crying and drowning yourself in booze. I’ll leave you be. Say hi to him for me.”
“Will do.” You hang up, looking down at Mittens. She’s circling your feet, and with a sigh, you go to refill her food bowl. You’d given her lunch hours ago, and you feel bad that she just watched you down a grilled cheese with nothing for her own little mittens to get a hold of.
Also… your best friend knows you too well. 
Your body is reacting to Jaehyun as if there was never a separation- or maybe, your body is reacting because there was a separation. Your pulse is picking up with each step back to your bedroom, and when you close the door behind you, Jaehyun cocks a brow, finishing his grilled cheese with one last large bite.
“You good?” he asks.
“I’m great,” you tell him, approaching the bed.
“Yeah?” Jaehyun’s gaze moves to the closed door, and he offers you a dimpled grin, mischief flaring on the edges of his expression. “You locked out Mittens.”
Nothing gets past this man. You’ve never loved getting intimate while Mittens is trying to hog Jaehyun’s attention, and you shouldn’t be surprised that he got you figured out the moment you closed the door to your bedroom.
“Don’t even with me, Jae.” You sigh, collapsing onto the mattress next to him while he moves the grilled cheese plate to the side table.
“Look, I don’t want you to feel any pressure just cuz I’m here and we’re sitting on your bed-”
“Does it look like I feel pressure?” you ask, hyper-aware of the way your dress is riding up your thighs.
Jaehyun gives you a slow once-over. “I guess not.”
“You really mean what you said about not going away a second time?” You look down. “Because I don’t think I could take it if we gave this another try and three months down the line you moved cities again.” 
Your ex nods. “I promise. If you give me one more chance, I won’t let you down.”
You stare at Jaehyun for a moment, studying the sincerity on his face. “Okay.”
“Yeah.” You open your arms, resting back against the pillows and spreading your legs. “Now come here.”
Jaehyun practically leaps on top of you. He slots between your thighs like he was made to be there, his mouth pressing to your own while you wrap him in a tight embrace. He kisses you like he’s been starved of your lips. 
He retains some of the gentleness that he’d exhibited outside of the club, but there’s a desperation too, you can almost taste it on him… along with the grilled cheese.
The thought makes you smile, and Jaehyun breaks the kiss to look down at you, also grinning. “What?”
“Nothing, just- I’m happy.”
“Me too,” he admits, looking down at your beaming face before he grabs your jaw between his thumb and forefinger, angling your head to the side so he can access your neck. Your ex finds your sweet spot as easily as ever, as if it hasn’t been two years since his tongue stroked this specific patch of skin and made your whole body tingle with pleasure. 
You let out a shaky sigh, threading your fingers through his hair and relaxing against the pillows.
“Don’t leave me again,” you whisper.
“Never again,” he promises, voice husky in your ear.
His hand slides down the curve of your body, grasping at your thighs and slowly pushing your dress up. Your hips move, rutting in an attempt to spur him on. When his fingers finally find your core through your panties, you swear you see stars. He begins to rub your clit, circling it as he applies more and more pressure. 
His mouth continues on your neck, and you begin to whimper from the stimulus.
You’d nearly forgotten how good it feels to be touched by someone who knows you inside and out- by someone who cares about your pleasure more than he’s ever cared about his own.
“Jae,” you whimper, breathing heavily as he rubs your core. 
“Yes, baby?” His lips are gentle along your throat, and the feather-light touch almost teases you more than a rougher one would.
“Can we skip the foreplay? I need you.”
Jaehyun’s fingers stop on your clit, and he pushes himself up on an elbow, looking down at you with a quizzical set to his brow. “Skip the foreplay?” he repeats, letting out a scoff. “Baby, I’ve been thinking about what I’d do to you if you ever gave me a second chance for over two years. We’re not skipping the foreplay.”
“Please don’t argue with me. Just let me have this. Just let me enjoy the body I’ve missed so much. I’ve missed your sounds, the way you react to my touch-” his fingers pick up their pace on your clit again, and you let out a whine, pushing toward him again. “See? You’re perfect. No matter how many memories of this I have, nothing compares to the real thing.”
When you’d been dating Jaehyun initially, he was - for lack of a better word - pretty vanilla. This dirty talk is new, and it makes your stomach erupt into butterflies. Your mind goes practically blank, lulled into a lusty trance by the musings of a man who’s clearly bewitched by you, body and soul.
When your gaze dips down to his hand between your thighs, you notice the way his cock is straining in his pants. “Can I…” you swallow thickly, “Can I touch you too?”
“Yeah.” His mouth returns to your throat, and he pushes your panties to the side, dragging his fingers through your soaked folds. “Fuck, baby, you’re so wet for me.”
You mewl at his words, quickly fumbling with the button of his pants so you can push them down just far enough to take his cock out of his briefs. Jaehyun releases a low groan and it makes your pussy flutter as you begin to stroke him.
Your ex reacts by slipping his fingers into your core, two long digits going knuckle deep. He tests your walls, grazing your g-spot when he begins to lazily pump his hand, his palm firmly pressing to your clit.
A whimper of pleasure escapes you, and you can feel Jaehyun grin against your neck. “The prettiest sounds,” he muses. “How did you ever get this pretty?”
It’s a rhetorical question, and it makes you feel cock drunk and dumb, your chest pushing up against his own, looking for stimulus- your nipples are hard in your bralette, but you wish you were naked already, wish you could feel him better-
“Yes, baby?”
“Can you take my dress off?”
Jaehyun pulls his hand away from your core, bringing his two wet fingers to your lips. He pushes them into your mouth, propping himself up so he can look down at you while you suck his digits clean. “I thought you’d never ask.”
You groan around his fingers, the act of sucking is turning you on more than you’d care to admit, but it ends too quickly as Jaehyun pulls his hand away.
He sits up, taking off his own shirt first. Then he reaches down to grab at the hem of your dress, slowly dragging it up your form. Jaehyun’s eyes take in each strip of newly exposed skin, and you can see the way his pupils have blown with interest.
You lift your shoulders off the bed, making it easier for him to tear the fabric off of you and toss it to the side. This leaves you in your bralette and panties, both of which you’re eager to have join your dress on the floor.
Jaehyun’s hand reaches out to cup your breast, his thumb smoothing over the pebbled nipple that’s pushing through the silky fabric. He squeezes you gently, forcing you to release a moan of pleasure. 
A moment later, he’s removing your panties, then your bra, fingers pinching at your newly exposed nipple.
Your hand, meanwhile, returns to his cock- only for Jaehyun to grab at your wrist, pulling you away.
You’re about to ask what’s wrong, but then Jaehyun turns your hand palm up, and he spits into the center of it, bringing it back to his cock. 
There’s no way that action should have been as sexy as it was- your core throbbing as you begin to stroke his rock-hard length. 
With one last lustful look at your body, Jaehyun settles over top of you again, his mouth seeking out your breasts while you pump his cock. The feeling of his tongue flicking against you has you crying out, pushing your chest toward his mouth. His teeth graze over your sensitive nipple and you respond by applying more pressure to his cock.
Jaehyun groans loudly, rutting his hips into your hand, which stills so you can allow him to fuck your palm. He continues to worship your breasts while his hips do most of the work, and you surrender yourself to the pleasurable scenario you’ve found yourself in.
“You know…” Jaehyun presses another kiss to your nipple, “I was going to ask you to sit on my face, but… it’s hard being this close to your pretty pussy and not just… slipping it in.”
“Yeah?” You guide his cock closer to your core, so that when he ruts his hips, the tip of his cock glides through your soaked folds. “Then just do it.”
“Here I was, saying not to skip the foreplay- but here I am, giving in to you like always.” 
Jaehyun releases a laugh, and it makes you giggle along with him, because it’s true. Jaehyun may have this sexy, devil-may-care attitude, but he’s always been a total simp for you. 
He was completely wrapped around your finger when you first met, and he’s completely wrapped around your finger now. It’s interesting how so much can change, and so little can change at the same time. 
“You just feel so good,” Jaehyun groans, thrusting again, the tip of his pretty pink flushed cock just slipping inside of you- 
“Fuck, Jae, please-” you push your chest up toward his face again, pumping his length, trying to guide him deeper-
He brings his mouth to your own, capturing you in a breathtaking kiss as he sheaths himself into your wet core.
You let out a low whine, wrapping your legs around his hips and releasing his cock in favor of grabbing his shoulders, your nails digging into his skin.
“Fuck-” Jaehyun moans, staying still inside of you while your walls pulse around his shaft. “Missed this perfect pussy, baby.”
“Missed your perfect cock,” you retort, tangling your fingers in his soft hair and drawing him in for another kiss.
His tongue clashes against your own, his hands finding your hips so he can steady himself as he begins to rut into you. 
You love getting lost in him. You can feel your mind slipping away, your body giving into its primal instincts as Jaehyun makes love to you the way he has so many times before.
One of his hands finds your own, taking it from his shoulder and lacing your fingers above you, pressing you into the pillow. He breaks the kiss to look down at you, breathing heavily.
“There’s so much I’ve wanted to say,” Jaehyun admits.
“Then say it,” you urge him, cupping his cheek with your free hand.
He nuzzles against your palm, closing his eyes for a moment while he enjoys your touch. “I’ve missed everything about you. You’ve been on my mind every day for two years.”
Your heart aches.
“It’s more than just the sex, and you know it. I’ve missed holding you,” he squeezes your hand, “missed sleeping next to you. Missed late-night talks and grilled cheese. Missed your laugh and the way your eyes light up when you’re happy. Missed the way you cry at sad parts in movies-”
As he talks, the pace of his thrusts gets faster, and you find it harder and harder not to moan like a whore and interrupt his cute little speech about missing you. 
In fact, it’s hard to even keep your eyes open, but your gaze is caught in his own. Jaehyun’s staring into your soul, baring himself to you like a man who’s brought all his walls down. 
“I love you,” Jaehyun says gruffly, “I’ve never stopped loving you. Not for one single day. It’s you, and it’s always been you.”
Your stomach muscles clench at his admission, orgasm bubbling to the surface fast from the combination of his movements and his words.
“You don’t have to say anything,” he assures you, licking his lips. “Just rub your clit and let me feel your perfect pussy clench around me as you cum, that will be answer enough.”
With a loud whine, you throw your head back against the pillow, threading your free hand between your bodies. The first touch of your fingers on your clit has you throbbing already, and you release a gasp.
“That’s it, baby,” Jaehyun coos, lips finding your throat. “Just like that.”
“I know, I know you’re close- must be pent up like me, right? We’re both going to cum way too fast, but that’s okay, we have all the time in the world to enjoy each other- the way I’m going to eat your perfect pussy for breakfast tomorrow morning-”
Your core pulses at the thought, and you rub your clit harder.
“Gonna let go for me, right, baby? I’m so close, want you to cum with me.”
“I’m there-” you tell him, shivering as he licks the sweet spot on your throat. ‘Fuck, Jae-”
“You want me to cum inside right? You’re still on the-”
“Cum inside,” you interrupt him. “God, fuck, please- need you to fill me up-”
Jaehyun groans, squeezing your hand again. His lips move from your neck to your mouth, and your tongues clash in a breathless, moan-filled frenzy, your orgasms just out of reach-
One more whimpered “please” out of you has Jaehyun moaning, his high crashing into him. You can feel him filling you up with his cum, and it triggers your own orgasm. A gasp escapes you, your sensitive nipples pressing against his chiseled chest-
You can feel him everywhere. He’s all-consuming. You completely let go, sounds uninhibited, pussy throbbing harder than it has in the past two years. 
Jaehyun fucks you through it, until you’re both sweaty, gasping messes. Then he collapses on top of you, giving your captured hand one last squeeze before adjusting. He rolls off of you just enough to tuck you close to his chest, hand finding your hair and beginning to pet you.
You can hear the racing of his heart as he catches his breath.
As you come down from your high, you feel a welling of emotion bubbling inside of you. You’re shocked when a tear rolls down your cheek, and you’re quick to brush it away. Jaehyun notices the movement and tilts his head to assess you.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” you sniffle. “I’m just…. I’m happy, and I missed you a lot.”
“Baby,” Jaehyun’s fingers draw pretty nothings on your back, “I promise I’m not going anywhere ever again.”
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☀️ mlist + an. Thank you so much for reading! I've been reading a lot of shorter smut fics recently, and after doing such a big kick-off in January, I wanted to try a shorter piece again, and challenge myself with a little angst :)
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🔮 preview. “Listen, I promised myself I wasn't going to cum in or on you tonight - you know, seeing as you’re my wife tomorrow and I don’t want to disrespect you - but since you’re begging for it,” Jaehyun slips the tip of his cock inside of you, only to pull away, “I guess I can settle for cumming on your ass, but only if we shower together after.”
cw/ tw. Unprotected sex, creampie, pussy eating champ Jae, pussy worship, fingering, 69, blow job, hand job, deep throating, gentle choking, begging, dirty talk, slight cum kink/mentions of exhibitionism,  finger sucking, multiple reader orgasms, etc…   I petnames. (hers) baby. 
👹 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 3.1k I teaser wc. 200
🌙 starring. Jaehyun x afab!Reader
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Since you got back with Jaehyun over a year ago, the two of you haven’t been separated for longer than twelve hours, but tomorrow is the day of your wedding, and there are certain traditions about the bride and groom staying apart- so here you are, cuddled on a couch in your hotel room, missing your fiance.
When your phone rings and Jaehyun’s pretty face shows up as the contact on your screen, you fumble over yourself to pause your movie and answer it. “Jae?”
“Hey, baby. What room are you in again?”
You think about it for a moment. You’d never actually told him where you’re staying in the hotel… “Why do you want to know?”
“Maybe I wanna send my fiance flowers before our wedding tomorrow.” 
God, why’s he so charming?
You give him your room number without a second thought, hanging up with an ‘I love you.’ 
Five minutes later, there’s a knock at the door, and you open it to find Jaehyun standing there with a massive dimpled grin on his face, and a vase of flowers in his hands. “Hi, baby.”
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2K notes · View notes
frankenkyle19 · 10 months
I Bet I Could Scare You
Word count: 3k
Tate Langdon x reader smut
description/warnings: smut with little plot, fingering (barely), handjob, p in v sex, unprotected sex, Emotional Tate because he’s a psycho 24/7 and I think that’s it. This is based off a recent dream I had. Oh also barely proofread so there’s probably (definitely) mistakes.
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You had a long time fascination with the infamous Murder House. You couldn’t help it! Curious beyond belief about what the walls held inside, you had been planning ways to get into it for weeks now. It was currently sitting abandoned, a few window panes broken and Ivy beginning to grow over the bricks, trailing across it in waves of green. It looked absolutely beautiful, an aura of mystery and danger seemed to surround the place, but it just intrigued you more. What was that saying? Oh right. Curiosity killed the cat. 
Curious by nature, you couldn’t just not explore the house, having started with scoping out the perimeter, looking out for other people as you adventured around the side, finding your way into the backyard and exploring further. There was a beautiful gazebo set up in the backyard but as pretty as it was, the second you approached it, you felt an unexplainable sorrow, something that burrowed deep into your bones and left an ache in your chest. 
When you finally built up the nerve, you went inside. Stepping over the threshold of the door, a chill settled against you as you wrapped your arms around yourself in an attempt to warm.
That day you didn’t stay long, not even venturing upstairs to see what was hidden up there. You also didn’t go into the basement either. You left after only looking around on the ground floor, hearing what sounded like a whistle  down the hall and practically running back out the door, not looking back.
That was until curiosity got the better of you. You found yourself standing in the doorway once more before stepping inside, hands clenched tightly at your sides.
Today was the day you’d finally explore the rest of the house. Deciding that upstairs was probably less creepy of a start than the basement, you made your way up the stairs that creaked with each step. You winced at each minute sound, practically holding your breath as you finally reached the top steps. 
You wiped the cold sweat that had formed on your brow before continuing. Each door was thankfully open so you could see inside without having to open them individually. This was a beautiful house, and from the looks of it, the previous owners had just… abandoned everything and left. Weird, but you’d have to question that later. Maybe they died here? The question lingered in the back of your mind but you didn’t focus on it for too long when you heard shifting and what sounded like footsteps downstairs. 
Had someone followed you in?
Swallowing hard, you peeked down the staircase, seeing what appeared to be just the outline of a man. He didn’t appear threatening, but of course you had no real clue. He seemed to be dressed in an oversized sweater and ripped jeans. He had dirty blond hair and honestly seemed to be around your age. Was he some dumb boy who had seen you wander in here and decided to follow you to either scare you or… perhaps do something worse? 
Against your better judgment you began to creep down the large staircase, following the man just out of sight. You felt a need to keep your eyes on him. Like he’d disappear if you so much as blinked. The longer you followed him around the abandoned house, the more you realized that this was quite literally the dumbest thing you’d ever done. How everyone died in horror movies. Jesus, how stupid could you be?
Finally, you saw him walk to the entrance of the basement and go down the steps. That was it. You were not going down there. You made your way to the top of the stairs and looked down into unending darkness, trying to squint your eyes to see into it with no luck. You turned around to finally get out of there when you crashed into the chest of someone. A man. The man you’d been following for the past ten minutes.
His chocolatey brown eyes met yours with a softness you hadn’t expected from them. No matter, you let out a shrill scream, backing up away from the boy before nearly falling down the basement steps. In fact you would have fallen down them and probably broken your neck if he hadn’t reached out a hand to catch you. His hand was cold to the touch as it wrapped around your wrist and you noticed just how pale he was in comparison. A ghostly white..
He used his free hand that wasn’t gripping your wrist to cover your mouth to stop the scream that bubbled up from your throat. The noise died in your throat as you looked at him with a mix of shock and absolute fear. There was literally no one else here, this man could easily kill you if he wanted to.
You blinked a few times, trying to steady your breathing as he carefully tugged you away from the stairs to safety before letting go of you all together, giving you space.
“What’re you doing here?” He asked, tone accusatory as he furrowed his brows in a gentle manner.
“I could ask you the same thing-“ You replied, raising a brow as a frown settled on your features. 
The boy opened his mouth to speak before pausing. Telling you wouldn’t prove to be easy, and you may even laugh at him in disbelief.
“I live around here-“ He lied. Well… was it really a lie if he had lived here? In this very house? Years ago..
“My name’s Tate.” He continued, looking at you expectantly as if this was some sort of normal, everyday interaction.
You told him your name, against better judgment, feeling drawn to him in an odd, messed up way. There was a sort of darkness in him. One similar to what lived inside of you. 
“Pretty.” He said offhandedly, seeming completely unbothered by the whole entire situation. What a strange being he was..
You shrugged at his comment, rolling your eyes a bit. If he was trying to flirt with you, it definitely wasn’t going to work. You didn’t get the hots for random people that followed you into an abandoned house… Despite how.. Cute they might be. 
Part of you questioned how exactly Tate appeared behind you so fast despite having seen him just walk down the steps in front of you. It sat in the back of your brain and you knew something about it all wasn’t right. The only problem was Tate was so charming you didn’t want to believe anything was wrong. You just wanted to stay blissfully oblivious for as long as possible.
And that’s exactly what you did. Over the coming weeks you and Tate grew closer, much to your surprise, and despite having a suspicion that he wasn’t exactly who he said he was, you decided to ignore it for now and just enjoy having him around. 
You knew something was up when he said he could only meet in the house. Not around the neighborhood or anywhere else. You knew then… You knew it but you didn’t want to face the fact that maybe the person you were talking to wasn’t exactly… Alive.
It was a hard concept to grasp at first, I mean.. One of your only friends just so happened to be a ghost? How does one just go about their life after learning that kind of information? You’d always believed in ghosts but you never knew they could be so… real. So apparent and able to communicate with you..
Today when you walked into the murder house, something was different. It was as if the spirits that resided there now knew what you had discovered about them, and they didn’t seem too happy about it.
Suspiciously you couldn’t find Tate. He wasn’t in the living room or kitchen like usual when the two of you would meet up and some searching around the house left you empty handed. It was as if he disappeared. 
With your only other option being the basement you made your way to the steps, swallowing back your anxiety as you tried to control your breathing. You stared down into the nothingness once more and just contemplated on if you should walk out of the house and never come back, knowing he wouldn’t be able to follow.
You took a step towards the first stair when you paused, feeling a presence behind you. Without turning around you knew exactly who it was.
You felt breathing against your neck and a cold hand brush against your own. He didn’t say anything, just stayed like that, waiting for you to speak.
“T-Tate?” You whispered, shivering at the feeling of him breathing down your neck. You were a bit uncomfortable but only because he was acting so different from his usual self.
“You know.” Was all he said, tone almost sounding hurt as he pulled away just a bit to cut all contact with your body.
Whipping around, you made eye contact with the boy, his own eyes dark and filled with a sort of sadness that you didn’t quite understand. A longing and a disappointment.
Your stomach dropped at his words. You know. About him being a ghost? Well, that was true. But how did he know? Had you been that obvious? 
You nodded slowly, never once breaking contact with his eyes, yours staring into his soul. “Mhm, I do.. I-“ You were at a loss for words, what exactly was there to say because you were completely stumped. 
“How?” Tate asked. You didn’t like how he used very few words, compared to his talkative self that could never seem to shut up. This Tate was different, darker. 
“I figured it out- it wasn’t- that hard.” You said, fidgeting with your hands nervously 
“You’re always so cold, you won’t meet me anywhere besides this house? The way you appeared behind me at the top of the stairs that first day I met you? I put it all together, Tate.”
Tate nodded, contemplating what to say.
“You’re smarter than I thought.” 
You weren’t sure if you should take that as a compliment or an insult, because it sure sounded like the latter.
“Thanks,” you replied, snarky. Your breathing had luckily calmed but the second he took a step forward it sped up again.
“Are you scared of me?”
“I bet I could scare you.” He took another step towards you.
What exactly did he mean by that? 
You stood your ground as he towered over you, bodies almost flush against each other as you slowly looked up and met his eyes once more. 
He leaned down and captured your lips with his, kissing you softly. Despite the ghostly chill that rolled off of him, his lips were surprisingly warm and soft against your own and you found yourself closing your eyes and kissing back.
Tate deepened the kiss, wrapping his arms around you as he gently ran his thumb down the small of your back, reveling in the way you arched away from the feeling closer to his chest.
“I’ve wanted to do this since I saw you.” Tate whispered, leaning down and peppering kisses against your neck
A quiet moan slipped past your lips as you felt him gently grind his hips against you, the beginnings of a hard on definitely felt even through all your layers of clothing.
You cursed under your breath as you pulled Tate up for another kiss, nipping at his bottom lip which caused him to whine softly. Were you really going to do this? Sleep with a ghost? The answer was hell yes.
You two tugged at each other's clothes as the kisses intensified tenfold, each trying to pull the other to the couch.
You pushed Tate back against the couch before climbing onto his lap, kissing him eagerly as your hands roamed his clothed chest.
Tate’s hands wrapped around to grip at your ass, pulling you closer to him as he arched up into you, rubbing his clothed erection against your already soaked pants.
He managed to get your shirt up and off of you before working on your bra, and much to your surprise he actually managed to get it off with little struggle. Hm. So not his first time, okay. You’d keep that in mind.
You then struggled to get his shirt up and off him before tossing it onto the floor, hands coming to run across his now bare chest, reveling in the way his muscles moved against your hands. 
Tate flipped the two of you over, getting on top of you and beginning to shimmy your pants down your legs and off your body, eyes widening at the wet spot in your panties.
“Are you a virgin?” He asked, panting as he fumbled with his belt before pulling it off and managing to get his jeans halfway down his thighs.
You furrowed your brows a bit. What an odd question..?
“Uh- no? Are you?” You decided to ask, but from the way he acted you presumed he wasn’t.
And just like you had expected Tate shook his head no, pulling you closer as he ripped your panties off in one harsh tug.
The fabric ripped from your skin hard, leaving a mark but you were too desperate to even worry about it at the moment.
“No I’m not you’re just- so wet-“ He panted, using his middle and first finger to part your folds, reveling in the way your slick coated his fingers.
“Well of course I am-“ you chuckled. Was he not familiar with how the female body worked? Maybe not.
You moaned softly as he thrust one finger into you, your home greedily sucking him in, to the knuckle and when he curled his finger upwards just the slightest bit, you were arching into the touch, desperate pleas leaving your lips for more. More more more. 
Tate chuckled, shaking his head “patience.” Yeah okay, screw that.
You pulled him down for another kiss as you dragged his boxers off of him, taking him into your hand and slowly stroking him to full hardness.
A quiet whine slipped from his lips as he pulled away just enough from your lips to make eye contact with you, urging his hips forward until his tip slid across your entrance, collecting some of your slick.
“Patience, remember?” You teased, brow raised as you chuckled softly, helping to guide him to your entrance before he pushed into you.
The slight pain from him stretching you out was a welcomed feeling which soon faded and turned into pleasure. He filled you up perfectly and you were able to feel each and every ride and bump of his cock.
Tate gripped onto your shoulders as he gave an experimental thrust, looking you over to make sure you weren’t in any pain.
“N-not hurting you, am I?” He asked, swallowing hard as he looked between the two of you, watching as your hole greedily swallowed his cock.
You gently cupped his cheek, pulling him down closer to you. You felt his hot breath against your cheek as he leaned into your palm.
“No, Tate. Feels so good- you feel so fucking good inside me, baby.” You groaned out and this seemed to trigger something inside of him because he steadied himself once more before pulling almost all the way out and slamming himself back in, balls slapping against your skin as he hit a spot inside you that made you seize up.
He seemed to like this reaction out of you because he did it again and again and again. Each time the air was knocked out of your lungs and you kept making pathetic little whines as he fucked you.
“‘Mine,” He growled as he thrust into you “All mine.” His tone was harsh but also a sense of desperation was hidden inside it as well. 
Your bodies rocked against each other, the air around you thick with the scent of sex and surely the other ghosts were not very happy with the two of you, but you couldn’t care less right now, you just knew you never wanted Tate to stop fucking you.
You clutched onto his shoulders, digging your nails into his skin, leaving marks that would soon disappear thanks to him being a ghost. Much to your dismay though. You’d love to see him all marked up.
Tate’s thrusts became uneven quite quickly as his body trembled, his eyes giving you a look that said more than any words could. He was close. 
You reached down and circled your clit with your fingers, arching up and pushing his cock deeper inside you, practically hitting your service and a twinge of pain spiked through you, a shock to your senses but it also seemed to intensify the pleasure tenfold. 
“Fuck- Tate I’m close-“ You groaned out, your hips rocking against each others as he pounded into you, burying his face into the crook of your neck as he cried out, biting down onto your shoulder to conceal his grunts and groans.
You felt warmth burst inside you and by the way Tate froze, bucking weakly a few more times before nearly collapsing on you, you knew he had come. The feeling of his warmth filling you and how he replaced your fingers with his own, circling your clit roughly, you came, squeezing around him and milking him for all he had.
Tate gasped, wincing a bit at the over sensitivity that took hold of him in mere seconds after his release.
He pulled out of you and he panted before collapsing next to you on the couch, chest rising and falling heavily.
You pulled him into your arms, peppering kisses across his face as the two of you came down from your high.
A quiet chuckle bubbled up your throat until you could contain it no longer and begin to laugh almost hysterically, causing Tate to look at you, concerned. 
“What? What’s so funny?” He asked. Surely you weren’t laughing at him?
“I just-“ You tried to say through your fits of laughter.
“I just had sex with a ghost.” You laughed, wiping the tears that had formed in your eyes. 
Tate gave you a blank stare before nodding.
“Yup. Yeah you sure did.”
564 notes · View notes
selarina · 11 months
Lost Cat Named Toto
-> Megumi Fushiguro x reader
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You usually hate doing the dishes, which leaves you here: standing in the kitchen at 2 a.m. as you rinse and wipe down your dirty dishes. You find that you like this routine of yours — the warm liquid against your hand in the cold of the night, the slow jazz in your ears, the toasty bed waiting and ready for you to fall onto. It’s nice. 
You didn’t like it at all at first — the anxiety of the unwashed dishes always weighing in over your head but after the first few months, you’ve managed to resign to it.
Thud! You turn — probably just another flatmate of yours you think as you go back to your routine. 
Thud! This time you stop in your tracks — turning off the tap as you wipe your hands down on the table before you pull your headphones down.
You turn only to suddenly yelp — there’s a boy standing at the entrance of your kitchen. You squint, and he definitely doesn’t live on this floor.
“Sorry — Are you alright?” the boy asks, he looks frazzled — his black hair unkempt and his green eyes bleary and hanging low.
“You just startled me,” you say, a bit scared about a random guy standing in your kitchen but he looks fairly harmless. He likely lives in the same building. “Can I help you?”
“Right — I'm sorry about that. Have you seen a cat?”
"A cat?" you echo, bewildered. 
“Yeah, a black and white small thing.”
“We’re not allowed to pets…” you say.
“I know, just—” He runs his hands through his hair, “If you see this cat, can you tell me?”
"Sure, I guess," you reply, your apprehension giving way to a faint smile. "I haven't seen any cats around, though."
And just like that he’s off. He didn’t give his number, name, or anything. What the hell are you going to do if you find his cat? You don’t dwell on it. You turn the tap on, picking up another plate to wash. You likely won’t see it.
You were wrong. It’s been half a day since you spoke to the boy and you’re on your walk to your lecture hall and that’s when you see it — a small black and white little thing moving with the poise and elegance of a tiger. You realize it's the same cat, the one the boy in your kitchen was searching for. It's two blocks away from your building, and you know this isn't a mere coincidence. This cat belongs to him.
Your heart fastens as you think of the frazzled boy and his request. But you do have your lecture and this cat doesn’t exactly seem or act like it is lost. Additionally, you would have no idea how to contact this guy since you don’t know anything about him. So, you should definitely make your way to your lecture hall. You should.
But alas, the cat moves, and you decide to follow it discreetly so as to not set it off running. You keep a safe distance and maintain a sort of litheness to not be heavy on your feet. You’re mirroring the cat, you can’t help but think. The cat seems to have an agenda, but you need to get to it soon so you move quickly in front of it, and it doesn’t budge a muscle, simply stopping in its track as it looks up to you. You kneel down, the touch of the gravelly road touching your bare knees as you hold out a hand. It’s lax, and still about a foot away from the cat. 
It stares and it stares, as if discerning the depths of your soul before it patters across to it, slowly sniffing your hand before it softens, melting into your hand as you pet it. You smile, you just hope you can find the guy because you are, after all, going through the trouble of sneaking this little guy into your dorm room. 
A mere two hours had passed, yet the cat had already carved out a niche for itself within the corners of your room. Having sipped a small offering of milk, it’s now nestled upon a discarded pillow you had left for its comfort. It’s slumbering deeply as you slowly step out, and pad your way out of your room.
You’re trying to find the frazzled-haired boy, and you figured the best way to do that would be to simply ask. You go downstairs to the social room where a bunch of people are scattered all around. 
You ask the first group if they’ve seen a boy — with a description of his oddly distinct hair. And you turn up with answers of confused looks, and meek judgment. You shrug as you go to the next group, and at least this group pretends to try and think of people they may know but once again — nothing. 
Then, amidst the sea of people, you halted before a young man near a vending machine. His hair, pink like rose petals, framed a face engrossed in contemplation over the choice between generic soft drink number 1 and generic soft number 2.
"Hey," you interjected, interrupting his contemplation.
He turns, “Heya, do you want to cut in? I might take a while," he offers, smiling so wide it makes you smile as well.
"Have you seen a guy?" you cut to the chase.
"I've seen many guys," he replies with a chuckle.
"Let me finish," you retort, deadpan. “He looks uhh— kinda like a porcupine. His hair, I mean.”
"I know exactly who you're talking about!" the pink-haired boy exclaims excitedly. "That's my boy — Fushiguro."
“Fushiguro,” you recant with a near whisper. “Can you tell me where he lives?”
“Yeah, he lives right next door to me,” he says. “And I’m heading up so—” But then he hesitates, suddenly cautious. "Wait. Wait. Wait— How do I know you're not some creep?" he asks, his expression filled with suspicion. "You could be a stalker, his crazy ex, or something."
"Do I look like a stalker? Or a crazy ex?" you ask, brows raised in mild annoyance.
“Well, the thing about crazy people is they look normal so—”
"I'm not," you reassure him. "And I promise it'll take less than 2 minutes for me to speak to him."
With that, he led you up the stairs to an adjacent building. It’s a bit more modern looking than your building, you notice. Checks out that this is a new addition. 
As you hit the fourth floor, your breath is a bit haggled but you hide it with a discreet cough, as you catch your breath.
"I’m just saying— I could've been a stalker," you remark, your voice somewhat breathless. "That shouldn't have been enough to convince you."
The pink-haired boy chuckles nervously. "Stop saying that now that we're here. You even know which floor I live on. I won't be able to sleep at night, and it'll be all your fault."
As you approach Fushiguro's room, your heart races with a soft sense of anticipation. The pink-haired boy, your impromptu guide, stops in front of a door and knocks.
A few moments later, the door swings open, revealing Fushiguro standing there clad in loose-fitting attire. His unkempt hair is now slightly more tamed, perhaps having had to be at university today. Compared to the dead-like figure you had encountered earlier, he appeared considerably more alert.
"Hey, Fushiguro," the pink-haired boy says with a grin, "This person has found your cat."
Fushiguro's eyes widen just a bit as he gazes at you. "You found Toto?" he asks, disbelief and relief intertwining in his voice.
"Toto," you echoed in a hushed tone, nodding with a warm smile. "Yeah, I followed him and managed to coax him into my room. He's napping right now."
Fushiguro's tense expression softens, and he lets out a sigh of relief. "Can I come see him?" he asks.
“You can do more than that. You can take him,” you quipped lightly. “Sneaking him into my room was the most anxious I’ve been all month.”
"Thank you for finding him," he says sincerely. "I've been searching for him all day. I don't know how he got out."
The pink-haired boy chuckles. "Looks like we've got a hero here," he teases you.
You shrug, feeling a bit embarrassed but glad to have helped. "It was just a stroke of luck, really."
As you step aside to let Fushiguro into your room, he enters, and you follow him inside, closing the door behind you. Toto is still curled up on the pillow, sleeping peacefully. Fushiguro approaches the cat, and as soon as Toto hears his owner's voice, he stirs, stretching and then opening his eyes. He lets out a soft meow of recognition.
Kneeling beside his feline friend, Fushiguro gently stroked Toto's fur while conversing in hushed tones. His voice, you noticed, possessed a soothing quality that stirred something within you. He could be good at ASMR, you muse. 
“Little brat,” he murmurs, his fingers running through Toto's fur. 
The sight of the two of them together warms your heart just a bit. It's clear that Fushiguro cares deeply for his cat. You feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that you played a part in bringing them back together.
Fushiguro's eyes remain fixed on his beloved Toto as he gently scoops the cat into his arms. Toto purrs contentedly, nuzzling against Fushiguro's chest. His hands run over the top of Toto’s head, and you wonder if his hands are soft or rough to touch. They look calloused. You wonder why.
As you watch them, a thought crosses your mind. "You know," you say, breaking the silence, "I didn't catch your name back in the kitchen."
Fushiguro glances up from Toto, his emerald-green eyes meeting yours. There's a hint of curiosity in his gaze. "It's Megumi Fushiguro," he replies. "And you?"
You introduce yourself with a smile, as you stand there in your own room — awkward and shy all too suddenly. You wonder what the next step is. The next step is for him to leave, right?
“Thanks again for finding Toto,” he says.
“Like I said, it’s no worries,” you say. “But ah— why do you have a cat?”
“I just found him outside, and he was malnourished, I think. So, I’ve been feeding him for a month now. I’ll set him up at a shelter or have my sister take him soon. Whatever works out.”
“That’s sweet of you,” you say.
“It’s…whatever,” he says, a bit of red on his cheeks as he clears his throat. “I’ll get going now.”
You nod, reluctantly but you’re still in a daze and unsure of what you can say to make him stay. 
Just as he’s about to leave, he stops, halfway through the door, but still inside your room. “Um— Thanks.” 
“You’re welcome,” you respond. You wonder if he was about to say something else. 
You wonder as you wash your dishes that night. Sharp at 2 a.m. as you do, the rhythmic sound of water splashing against the dishes fills the room as you continue your late-night chore, humming the tune of the song playing in your ears as you go through the plates.
“Hey,” you hear, and you’re suddenly startled, your hair rising as you turn to spot Megumi Fushiguro.
“God,” you exclaimed, rinsing your hands and drying them on a towel. “Hope you don’t make it a habit to startle me,” you say as you lower your headphones.
“Sorry,” he says. “I— I came to ask you something. I know it’s creepy at this hour but I had a feeling I may catch you at this time since I did yesterday.”
“Right,” you say, gulping. “Right, what do you want to ask?”
"Coffee," he stated simply.
Your brows raise. “You want… coffee?” you inquired, turning to your shelf. "Well, I do have coffee."
"No," he clarified, "I meant, would you like some coffee?"
"I have coffee," you reiterated. "As I just mentioned..."
He tuts, “Do you want to have coffee with me?” he asks. “As a date, to be clear.”
“A date?”
“Yes,” he says.
“I— Sure,” you say with a soft smile. “Of course.”
Megumi stares back at you, soft patches of sheen wetness coating your hand, the hoodie hanging loose on your figure, and the warm yellow glow hitting your face. He wonders if this is one of those moments that are special. He wonders if that’s the reason why time seems to have slowed down just for a few quick seconds. He wonders if this image will be etched into his memory forever if he’ll recall this as he says beside you in bed, but he’s thinking too ahead — all he asked you for was coffee. He’ll just have to see how that goes first.
“I’ll see you tomorrow. At 5?” he asks.
“Yeah. At 5 — that works.” You smile.
“You listen to Amy Winehouse,” he says, and you think maybe you should offer a seat at the dining table. He looks a bit awkward standing there. 
“Um—” you think, wondering why he’s asking. “Yes, why?”
“You were humming the tune earlier?” he says.
“Oh,” you raise your brows in realisation. “Yeah, I do listen to her. She was my mum’s favorite artist,” you share.
“Ah. My dad liked her,” he adds, as he wonders what he’s doing — telling a stranger about his father while Yujji, a boy he’s likely the closest to besides his sister, settles for specks of information about his life. It’s odd, and suddenly Megumi feels the urge to run out of here.
“A man with great taste,” you say with a chuckle.
“Sure,” he says, a bit dejected. “Uh— I’ll get going now.”
“Right,” you say. “See you at 5 then, Megumi.”
“At 5,” he recants. 
He hears the sound of tap running water as he smiles, making his way out of your kitchen.
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starker-raving-mads · 7 months
After School Alpha
Summary: Omega Peter had a bad day at school and Alpha Tony is going to make it better.
Rating: Mature
"I can't - I'm just - ugh," Peter flops onto the couch, reeking of distress and upset.
The moment the little omega had come into the lab Tony knew something was up. His protégé was normally bubbly, excitable, almost uncontrollably hyper, but today the teen had been quiet and, if Tony dared name an emotion over it, sad. The alpha figured he'd give the boy some space to work out whatever it was that was going on in his head but after a sharp clatter of tools a minute ago he'd carelessly asked, 'you okay, kid?'
Which resulted in Peter tripping over his words before planting himself face-first onto the couch in the corner of the lab.
The alpha tried - and failed, drastically - not to notice the tight curve of the younger man's spine where it rose to his ass when he walked over to that corner of the room. He simply couldn't help it; Peter was everything in an omega that Tony's craved: beautiful, incredibly smart, submissive - but only to an extent - and with the most compact little body it made his mouth water.
He tried not to think about this as he laid one hand over the younger man's waist in comfort, crouching down to the side of the couch. Petting down his spine, he released soothing alpha pheromones, letting his scent pervade the little space and draw the omega out of the shell he'd mentally crawled into.
"C'mon, kid," he rumbled. "I know you're not that upset over anything happening with your project over there. What's up?"
Peter shuffled until his face was turned toward Tony, the rest of him still firmly planted between the billionaire's hand and the couch. His eyes were round and as doe like as ever, but the tilt in his brow screamed small and soft and sad. Tony's heart broke at it and he took his free hand and ran his fingers over the creases and frown lines until Peter's face lay smoothed out and more tranquil than it had been all afternoon.
"It's stupid," the teenager muttered, pressing his face into Tony's hand, rubbing at it with his cheek like a cat begging for pets. The older man barely withheld a chuckle at the action and instead ran his fingers through Peter's soft, fluffy curls.
"It can be stupid and still suck," Tony replied, tugging at a loose strand of hair. It made Peter arch his neck in a way that showed off his mating gland and oh there were those feelings he was trying more and more to tamp down. It was one thing to want to fuck a pliant little omega like Peter, but a whole other thing to want to claim him, mate him, breed him full of Stark pups.
Tony was a dirty old alpha and he really didn't need the reminder of what he couldn't - shouldn't - have.
"It's just - " Peter started before sighing and closing his eyes. A moment later they opened back up again and stared right through Tony's soul. "You probably don't wanna hear this especially from me but," the kid swallowed before his face firmed up in resolution. "I love you, Mr. Stark, and it just really, really sucks because you don't look at me like that and you don't have to - like I get it," he rolled his eyes at himself as though he wasn't actively sending every atom of Tony's existence into a supercollider, "I'm just some dumb kid you have to like babysit to make sure I don't die doing Spider-Man things. And - and," his voice hitched and wavered with building tears, "you're so kind to me like all the time like even right now and you take care of me and I can't help what I feel and - "
"Hey," Tony said softly, moving both hands to cradle Peter's face. "Shh, don't cry." He wiped away the tears that had built on the younger mans face with his thumbs, smoothing away the tracks until they were gone and he had a handful of soft, pretty omega.
"'M sorry, Mr. Stark," Peter hiccupped.
"There's nothing to be sorry about, kid," Tony shook his head, hands resuming their path of running through Peter's hair, soothing them both.
"I just don't wanna make you feel bad because of how I feel," Peter frowned. "I just didn't think I could hold it in any more after - after Flash said all that stupid stuff today about being a b-burden." Tony frowned and made a mental note to deal with whoever the hell this Flash kid was. "And even just telling you how I feel is gonna make it all awkward and - "
"Pete," Tony interrupted, every part of him finally aligning to do the one thing he's wanted to do for months. "You aren't a burden, kid, and you're not making anything awkward. You've got nothing to be sorry about."
"But - !" Peter started and Tony rolled his eyes playfully before ducking forward.
Their lips met in a kiss that was, without doubt, the best kiss Tony had ever given or received in his many years of life. Peter's lips were soft and plush, warm, and the scent of sour feelings and surprise quickly was overrun with arousal and pure unadulterated happiness. Almost immediately his delicate little throat let loose an omegan purr of contentment and Tony growled back, proud and possessive over the little thing in his arms.
He pushed himself until he was laying over the teenager, crowding him into the cushions of the couch, weighed down by Tony's larger, alpha form. Their kiss was turning from almost-innocent to downright sinful with their mouths opening, tongues pressing against each other in a dance as old as time.
Peter let out a little whine when Tony maneuvered them to where the younger mans legs were spread around Tony's hips and the alpha thrust down. He pulled back and let out a loud growl as he ground his hips into Peter's, the omega mewling out little sounds of pleasure. Pete tried to match the rhythm of Tony's grinding but was too inexperienced and blinded by pleasure to sync up so Tony ran a hand down to his hip and guided him.
"That's it, little omega," he panted, face pressed against Peter's mating gland as he breathed in the scent of happy, slick, yours. "Take what you need, sweetheart."
"Mr. - ah," Peter mewled, strong hands grasping at Tony's shoulders, hanging on for dear life. "Alpha, alpha, alpha," he panted, back arching as he finally found the right pace to rub his jean-clad cocklette and pussy over the bulge in Tony's slacks.
They both moaned when Tony's cock hooked into a slick indent in Peter's jeans and caused them to grind in place, the only thing stopping their coupling the barrier of their clothes.
"Pete," Tony panted, pressing the teens legs up and around to hook over his hips. He ground down again and again, the slick dripping from Peter's hole drenching his pants. He could feel it on his cock and the scent and knowledge of just how wet the kid was for him was driving him insane. "Fuck, so wet, baby. Is that all for me, huh, kid?"
"Yes - yes all for you, alpha," Peter panted, arching to allow Tony's cock to thrust deeper into the cradle of his thighs. He whined as his jeans stopped the older man from fucking too hard against him. "Need," he cried, tears of frustration gathering at the corners of his eyes. He was the prettiest thing Tony had ever seen.
"Can't - can't breed you yet, 'mega," Tony said, voice coming in huffs as he continued to thrust up into the sweet slick heat of Peter's most sensitive spot. Peter whined, long and low, his whole body begging to be breached and fucked and knotted. It pulled at Tony's heart and his knot started to swell like he was some teenaged pup ready to blow his load in his pants.
Might as well be, he thought, for all that Peter was driving him insane.
"Alpha, please," Peter cried. "Need - need - "
"Need alpha's cock?" Tony teased, rocking them together as tightly as he could. "Need to be bred, Petey?"
Peter let out a choked off moan as his head fell back, overwhelmed by the idea. "Yes, yes, yes," he agreed, rutting against Tony frantically. He was so close. "Need alpha's cock in me," he admitted, rushed, frantic. "Need his knot," he panted. Delirious with arousal and instinct, he said, "Wanna be bred full of his come, wanna give him - give him so many pups." He cut off with a moan when Tony thrust particularly viciously against his pussy.
For Tony's part, he was just as frantic with lust as Peter was. Hearing the omega, his omega beg for his knot, beg to be bred and become the mother of his pups was driving him insane. But he couldn't, not yet, wouldn't breed him until they were mated and they would be mated, he'd figure out a way how.
But until then -
He pulled back and Peter all but cried at the loss. "Shh, little omega," Tony said, hands moving to remove every piece of clothing covering his little mate. "It's okay, alpha's gonna take care of you." He threw Peter's shirt off first before his hands dexterously started unbuttoning and tugging down jeans and underwear.
"Please," Peter begged, legs colt-like and fumbling as he tried to help. Finally, he was completely naked before Tony's gaze and instead of covering himself like he always thought he might - the embarrassment of being naked a truly terrible thing - all he could think was to stretch out, spread out, show off for his alpha, his mate. Let him see what he owned and was about to mark up and make belong to him. He ran his hands over his flared hips and up to his flat chest, touching everywhere he wanted Tony to touch. "Please," he asked again, soft and full of want.
The billionaire leaned down again and kissed the teen full on the mouth, hands immediately roaming to everywhere he could touch. He tweaked the boy's nipples until he gasped, he ran calloused fingers over the sensitive flesh of his ribs and the soft skin of the inside of his thighs before finding his goal.
"Oh!" Peter exclaimed before dropping back into a deep moan.
Tony's fingers found the boy's cocklette and pussy and smoothed over the soft flesh with his hands before dipping a fingertip into his sopping went entrance. "Fuck," he grunted, Peter's hole was warm and more inviting than it had any right to be. "So fucking wet for me, baby," he said, dipping a second finger in when he realized how loose with arousal the boy was.
"All for you," Peter agreed, spreading his legs even wider, begging to be fucked by Tony's hand.
And fuck Tony did. He thrust both fingers fully into the boy who in turn let little ah, ah, ah noises as the alpha's fingers thrust in and out of him. He was already so incredibly close to coming it was insane.
"Please, alpha," he begged, grinding his hips down every time Tony thrust his thick fingers back into him. "Please, please, please."
"Gonna make you come, 'mega, don't you worry," Tony promised. His fingers were so drenched with slick it was amazing his hand hadn't just slid right out. And, god, thinking about all that hot liquid running over his knot was driving him insane. "C'mon now, pup," he said, crooking his fingers until Peter screamed. "Come for alpha, come on my hand, baby."
"Al - alphaaa," Peter cried, body tensing up and eyes rolling to the back of his head. He grabbed the arm of the couch behind his head and held on tightly as his orgasms crashed over him. He vaguely heard the snap of the wooden frame but truly could not care about it as waves upon waves of pleasure rushed over him.
Slowly, he came back down from his orgasm, feeling himself slumped against the couch cushions, crumbled couch arm held loose in his hand. He let go of the fabric and keened when he felt Tony swipe his whole hand up against Peter's pussy.
"Shh, Petey, just need - ah," the older man said. Peter cracked his eyes open to see Tony's cock finally free from his trousers and the older man's hand wrapped tight around it. His cock was glorious, thick and long and angry red at the tip, dripping precome as the billionaire wrapped his hand around it. He jacked himself off in quick, efficient strokes, the glide smooth with Peter's slick.
The teen shuddered, body trying and failing to rev back up because of the erotic image. Tony's eyes were trained between Peter's legs and, in a moment of confidence Peter didn't know he hand, the teen pulled the back of his thighs with both hands, tilting his hips and putting himself on full display for his alpha. "Fuck," Tony said, hips stuttering in their rhythm. He squeezed almost painfully tight against the knot at the base of his cock at then - hot streaks of come shot out, marking Peter from chest to pussy with wave after wave of alpha come. He let out an omegan purr again, happy and aroused and so fucking hot from the display of pure desire from his alpha.
After a few moments, both men had calmed down enough to clean up using one of the many rags from around the shop before curling up together on the couch. Peter, still naked, was pressed tightly against Tony's larger, warm form. For his part, Tony grabbed a blanket from the back of the couch and covered the both of them, wrapping his arms around his little mate.
"Gonna mate you, kid," he promised lowly, leaving a kiss to soft, brown curls.
"Oh, alpha," Peter sighed in contentment. He tucked his head against Tony's mating gland and laved it with his tongue, breathing in the happiness in the air.
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hyuuukais · 7 months
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-`♡´ - APARTMENT 143
pairing -> lee minho x reader
synopsis -> after a bad breakup, y/n needs to find a new place to live. although she's grateful for her best friend, up-and-coming model hwang hyunjin, for letting her stay at his, she can't keep living with him and his model roommates. so when an opening for somewhere nearby with cheap rent opens up, she jumps on it, despite knowing next to nothing about the 3 other tenants, only that one owns 3 cats. the three quickly learn of her breakup, determined to help get her back on her feet. but what happens when one of them begins to develop feelings?
warnings -> gen, y/n overthinks a lot and isn't very nice or forgiving to herself, food, y/n panicking & hyperventilating, food, blood, suggestive near end
CHAPTER TWELVE -> FAILED ROMANTIC ESCAPADES (partially written, wc: 1.5k)
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"Hey, hey, hey." Minho cups your face hesitantly, wiping the stream of tears flooding from your eyes. You're hyperventilating, gasping for air by the time he's arrived to help you as the pan of burnt food lies off to the side. "Here."
He takes a hand and places it on his chest, breathing in deeply and encouraging you to do the same. You try, but its shaky and and you start coughing. A hand comes down to rub your back and you don't even notice how close you are, finally starting to focus on the rise and fall of Minho's chest. Once you've started to calm, he lets his hand fall off of your back, leaving the one clasping yours to him.
"Go sit down," he orders and you try to protest. "No, I don't want to hear it. Go sit and destress with the cats while I salvage this."
"There's no salvaging that," you say, pointing to the charred, inedible... lump on the stovetop.
"So I'll make something new."
Sitting on the couch, you debate texting Soobin and calling the whole thing off, but he's already on the way and the scent of food cooking wafts over you. You feel fucking awful. First, you mess up the date, if you can call it that, before it even started, and now you've guilted Minho into helping you when he was probably in the middle of doing something. What he's making smells delicious and you feel even worse.
"How long?" Minho calls out from the kitchen. The apartment is fairly open, only an island separating that part from the living room you're in.
"Twenty minutes, give or take."
"Touch up your makeup, you cried it all off." Your face reddens. "And wear that pink shirt you have."
"The one with the ribbon?" You ask, confused why he knows your closet.
"No, not that one. The other one with the heart."
"Because it's nice," he says, still focused on the task at hand. "You look nice in it."
You don't know how to respond so you go to look for the shirt he mentioned. It's hanging up in your freshly organized closet, colour coordinated to help you find things easier. Taking it off the hanger, you change quickly and re-emerge to see Minho plating what looks like a professional dish.
Soobin is never going to believe you made that. Your heart drops and you start fiddling with your fingers, standing at the edge if the kitchen and staring as he finishes up. Unwelcome tears prickle at your eyes again, breath picking up slightly. Minhi catches your eye, coming over and looking down at you. His hand comes up to the back of your head, patting your hair, and somehow this helps you calm down.
"He's not going to think I made that," you admit.
"Why not? There are dirty dishes in the sink." Minho turns your face gently to look. "Who says you can't be a Michelin chef in your spare time?"
"Shut up," you push his hand away, barely containing a smile.
"There's our girl," he sighs. "Now, you know-"
A knock at the door, it opens seconds later, a tall man walking in. "Y/n? I know you said to just walk in but I feel weird so I'm still going to wait for you by the door."
"Oh my god." You look to where Soobin's voice came from, back at Minho, gripping your panic by the throat and shoving it away. "He'll see you if you go to your room and I said no one would be home."
"I can hide-"
"Behind the island!" You push him away quickly as you hear footsteps approaching. Turning around, you see Soobin hesitantly walking in. "Hey! I was just um... finishing getting everything ready! Yeah, that's what I was doing. I, uh, still need to get drinks though. What do you like? We have a bit of red wine left, sparkling water, regular water, and some pop too. Unless you don't want a drink! But hydration is important."
Your voice becomes small nearing the end of your rambling, internally cringing at yourself, but Soobin just smiles and takes off his coat. "Regular water is fine."
Nodding, you go to the side of the island Minho is on. He's crouched against the side, looking up at you as you open the fridge door. When you turn back around with the jug of water, you can see Soobin rounding the corner and panic, nearly dropping the jug as you kick Minho's leg, silently telling his to go around to the other side. He glares at you, but crawls away just as Soobin joins you, a small smile on his face. Sweat clings to your skin as you set the jug down, sending Soobin a tight smile as you reach for two glasses. They're just too high, but you're determined, which does not end well. One glass is close enough to the edge that you can grab it smoothly, but the other is shoved and falls onto the counter, glass flying.
"Oh my god!" You step back, setting the glass behind you and pushing Soobin away with your other hand. "Stand here, I'll sweep this up. I'm so sorry."
You're trying hard not to cry again at this point, so overwhelmed and overstimulated that you feel like you'll burst. The glass cleans up easy enough, but you still feel terrible.
"Y/n, you're bleeding."
"What?" You look down at the hand you just threw the glass out with and see a small cut running under your pointer and middle fingers. "Shit, okay, um, I'll be right back."
"Oh, okay," Soobin leans out of your way as you rush past him.
"Get it together," you say to yourself as you close the bathroom door, breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth. "Patch it up and get back out there. Calm the fuck down."
And you do just that, slapping a bandage onto the wound and stepping back out. With another deep breath, you reenter the kitchen.
"Ready to eat?" You plaster a smile on your face, taking the dishes and setting them on the coffee table. "We usually eat at the island, but I thought the couch would be nicer for tonight since the seats are comfier. Is that okay? We can eat at the island if you prefer. Or even up on the rooftop, we have a picnic table up there-"
"The couch is fine," Soobin cuts you off. "Really."
You laugh nervously, watching Minho crawl back to the other side as Soobin joins you on the couch. As you eat and make small talk, you become more comfortable, laughing freely at his jokes and even making your own. After you're done, he compliments the food and a wave of guilt runs through you, but you push it down and suggest a movie. Out of the corner of you eye, you see Minho trying to escape the kitchen, so you fully divert Soobin's attention to the TV, allowing Minho to stop being an unintentional third wheel. Not that this is a date.
This is how you end up snuggled into Soobin's chest, his arms wrapped around your waist as the credits roll. It's dark outside, the sun having set while the movie was still going. You yawn, looking up at him with a sleepy smile that he returns, ruffling your hair a bit and making you giggle.
"I had a good time tonight," he says, and you swear his eyes flickered down to your lips, but maybe you're being delusional.
"Me too, we should do this again sometime."
"I can think of something else I'd like to do again," he smirks and you blush.
"You know we can't-"
"They don't have to know." Soobin uses a finger to lift your chin, barely a breath away from his soft lips now. "We don't have to say anything. I know you like me Y/n, and I like you too."
Your heart is racing as he closes the distance between you, mouths moving together in a rhythm. He slowly moves you onto your back, the hand on your waist traveling down to your hip, toying with your waistband as he hovers over you and deepens the kiss. As his thumb dips under the waistband, it sets in what's happening and the feeling of guilt washes back over you, pushing him off you harshly with a hand to his chest.
Sitting up too quickly, your head spins. A hand is on your cheek, turning you to face the man next to you, but everything is too much and you smack it away. Soobin furrows his eyebrows and retracts his hand.
"I think I should go," he says, voice low.
You don't say anything as he gets up or when he slides his shoes and coat on. All you can do is stare at your hands, skin hot and tingly all over. When you hear the door open, your head finally shoots up to see Soobin leaving.
"I'm sorry-" You get up, but he's already out the door. You stare at the wood, wishing there wasn't something wrong with you.
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notes -> i wanna hug yn. so, her family is coming into the picture here... doesn't seem like the greatest dynamic.
taglist -> @chaeryred @toplinelix @channie-143 @puppyminnnie @tfshouldidohere @kangaracha @chlodavids @whitney190 @thisisnotjacinta @borahae-reads @brooklynie @gini143 @kayleigh-28 @skz-streamer @babyphotos0325 @scallywag1299 @venusmoonxnight @naomisosoup @fertiliezedtoesw @s00buwu @realrintaro @anothershorthuman @skzstaykatsy @ilovejeongin007 @btswestan @multifandomedsimp @ihrtlix @raehawthorne @euphoric-univers @hyperpixie @evermourning @satsuri3su @jazziwritesthings @minhwa @wyzminho @fic-for-readers @dreamerwasfound @imsiriuslyreal @lailac13 @palindrome969 @lixie-phoria @aalexyuuuhm @sunflowerbebe07 @st4rhwa @lukeys-giggle @jabmastersupriseee @judeduartewannabe @gaysontheprince @stepout-09-15 @splat00z
^^^ orange means i can't tag you
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sintiva · 2 years
⋆ฺ。*:・ ༉‧₊˚✧ play
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◌༉‧ —— cw: established relationship, eren watches you masturbate cause it makes him uber hard, reader uses their sex tapes to masturbate, female masturbation, slut used a little bit dry humping (not really though cause reader’s def wet), implied praise kink & voice kink, implied that reader can’t please themselves all that good, clit slapping ( a lil bit), dirty talk cause 🥴
◌༉‧ ——— notes: ac: @/sofiamins_art on twt
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eren can’t believe what he’s seeing right now. well he can, but it has his dick aching. he’s watching you drip around your fingers. he’s enjoying himself as as he stares at your form. a perverted gaze. lust blown eyes, and a firm bulge making his shorts feel somewhat constraining. you’re a needy girl you know that? you look so good, bent over like that, like a slut. your pussy looks delicious in this angle. he loves to see you on your knees, legs spread, with your body fucking back on something. and it just so happens that, that something is your fingers. you’ve got two fingers deep in your pussy while your index and pinky finger massage your fat folds. you’re dripping onto the sheets. you’re moaning and purring like a cat in fucking heat. ass tooted up just waiting for some attention. but the person you want it from wasn’t there, or so you thought. you’re moaning for your boyfriend, your pussy gets louder for your boyfriend. “i’m your good girl, ‘ren.” he watches your little white painted toes curl. he can see your fingers speeding up, he can hear ‘em. all that squelching cause your pussy gets so wet just how he likes it. sloppy.
eren wants to know whats got you worked up. there’s gotta be a reason why your knuckles deep. you don’t even play with yourself often, cause all you have to do is bat your eyes a couple times for eren and he’ll have you in between his legs, making your pussy numb. he can’t see it and it’s driving him up a wall. it’s a need now. what are you looking at that’s got you so worked up and wet. what’s got you grinding down so hard on those little fingers that can’t please you like he can. what’s got you moaning his name like that? what’s got you whining and whimpering like that? he wonders. so he takes his hands out of his pants. his brain was so foggy he didn’t even realize it was in there. stroking something warm, biting on his lip. looking at his pretty little bitch, play with her needy little pussy. his hand was smeared in precum, so he wiped it on his shorts, and made his way into the room. he had enough of you having “fun” on your own.
you nearly cry out in shock when eren walks into the bedroom. and it’s only so shocking because he walks in on you when you happen to be knuckles deep in your pussy. back in a pretty arch, with your ass popping up each time you sink your fingers deeper. the lewd and pornographic sounds of you moaning — screaming, and crying on your boyfriends dick, plays in your ear. events from previous nights play on your phone, and you have only one airpod in. in your ear all you hear is eren’s voice, deep and raspy, gifting you with so much praise just so he could get you to come on his dick one more time. things like, ‘you’ve got the perfect pussy, baby’ and ‘you deserve all my cum, squeezin’ ‘round me so good.’ you didn’t hear him come in, you had the volume all the way up so you wouldn’t miss any sound from the video. you didn’t want to get interrupted as you mimicked the strokes of eren’s dick going in and out of your pussy with your fingers. and just to think, moments before he was standing outside of the bedroom door palming his painful erection. wondering what you were looking at. him — the culprit, right outside the door. his dick drooled even more at the perfect position you were in. he could see the way your pussy sucked your fingers in, and your arousal was sticky. nasty and sticking all through your folds and between your ass cheeks. he didn’t wanna go in an interrupt your nut, but he hates seeing you fuck yourself alone. you’ll always need his dick to make that pussy really fucking gush.
“e-eren, i missed you-” your eyes tear up, but your fingers don’t stop. “-got so wet thinking about you i couldn’t help myself.” you’re still slipping your fingers in and out of your hole. eren’s estatic. he thinks you’re a fucking sex demon with how horny you’ve been. with how many times he’s caught you stuffing your sweet cunny with your fingers it makes him want to stay home and fuck you all day. till your sore. till you can’t walk and have to ask him to carry you. “thinkin’ bout me, princess?” he gets closer to the bed and reaches for you. his gaze drops to the discarded phone. it plays at the perfect time, him nutting all over your pussy. smearing all over your folds with his tip and stuffing it in. naughty girl just wants some cum, he’s enthused. he then reaches across your body to the night stand to get a hair tie and tie his hair back in a sloppy bun. in the process his dick rubbed against your thigh. he had on basketball shorts and no underwear. slut! it made you melt, made you get on your back immediately and spread your legs showcasing all that arousal. your slick ran all down your inner thighs, all on your fingers, and eren greedily licked his lips. the fact that you could see his print made you even wetter. his eyes were focusing on your pussy, watching as you clenched around your fingers. “baby, wants some dick?” his fingers smooth over the skin of your calves and he spreads your legs even wider, to get a better look. he then grabs you by the crease of your hips and pulls your naked body flush to his.
your tits bounce and at the same time his dick pushes up against your pussy. now you’ve got his shorts all wet :( but he doesn’t care. he’s pushing the tip of his cock against you. his mushroom tip’s so fat and bulbous. he’s hooking it against your clit, making you twitch. humping you till you nut. dragging his dick against that needy little pussy, till you cum. it’s the least you can do for pleasuring yourself without him. he gets jealous of your stupid little fingers when they make you cum cause he knows he can do so much better. those fingers can’t possibly reach as far back as they need to. and to be completely honest you don’t know how to play with yourself all that good cause eren always does it for you; that’s why you were tearing up when he caught ya. he just does it so much better than you ever could, and you missed him. you should’ve known nothing would amount to the lovely feeling of him splitting your poor pussy open, absolutely nothing could compare. so he makes sure you know, “you know your fingers can’t get as deep as mine can.”
“but i wanted to cum ‘n you weren’t here.” you whine and wrap your legs around his torso. his dick feels so hot and heavy against your clit, it’s making you twitch in satisfaction. it keeps knocking against your pearly bud. “couldn’t wait for me? pussy needed attention that bad?” you cup his bulge in your hands and squeeze it, “i always want this. it makes me feels so good.” his humping gets heavier. it gets more sensual. the weight of his cock stays on your clit and he’s doing shallow thrust to keep himself attached. it’s like he’s tryna slip himself inside but he’s fighting back the urge to rip his shorts off and fuck you silly. “and you’ll always get it. just gotta ask me for it.” such a simple and easy rule to follow, for a cock drunken whore at-least. “can i get it now?” you’re pushing him off you, pulling his shorts down and slapping his dick against your clit. it’s heavy and causes a giant thud when it smacks against your slicked up folds. “gonna put it in for me?” nodding your head, your middle and index finger wrap around his cock with some difficulty. he’s got a thick one on him, but you manage. it’s thick splits your folds open as soon as you push the tip in. it’s got him breaking into a fucking sweat already, but his eyes don’t linger — they don’t move. he’s focused on you and that screwed up face; watching in pleasure as you begin to tremble on his dick. “you got it, just need to breathe.” he has to remind you because you truly forget to breathe when he’s in it. you can’t function properly when he’s inching his way in. but you always feel the best when he’s in it.
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◌༉‧ —— tagging: @venusflytrapstar @si00p @sexlapis @atesumu @getosbunny @jellymantra33 @hneycxmb @monirei @bleubrri @figlia--della--luna @bear4times @okhotel @tenyaiidasslut
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strniohoeee · 11 months
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Pairings: Nick Sturniolo X Female Reader, friendship🥰includes Chris and Matt as well😋
Synopsis: After Y/N has a messy breakup with her boyfriend. Nick and his brothers are always there for her ready to kill for her🥹
Warnings⚠️: mentions of heartbreak, slight mention of abuse, but nothing crazy. The three boys ready to kill for Y/N. It’s just so cutesyyy and a little sad nothing crazy
Song for this imagine: The Worst by Jhené Aiko
And don’t take this personal, but you’re the worst, you know what you’ve done to me
I had been dating my current boyfriend since I was 17, and I’m 21 now, but lately we’ve been rocky, and not well for one another. Last year we were constantly on and off, something that pissed Nick off so much.
“I’m not even sure what you see in him like he’s so fucking toxic, and literally hates us because we’re your guy friends” Nick would tell me in a fit of frustration as I would run into his arms crying over him breaking up with me.
“I know Nick, but I love him so much it hurts when he keeps playing this cat mouse game of wanting me then pushing me away” I would say wiping my tears
“He’s hurting you so fucking much you’re always sad, crying, never eating and your smile doesn’t shine the same anymore” Nick would tell me hugging me as I weeped
“God you’re right. I need to leave him, or figure this out” I would say
“I vote to leave him” Matt chimed in as he walked into the kitchen. I looked up and gave him a weak smile
“Like J Cole said you’re killing yourself to find a man that’ll kill for you” Chris added trying to lighten the mood
“Ew Chris shut the fuck up that was so embarrassing” Nick said giving him a dirty look
“Yeah that was really fucking gross” Matt said laughing at him
“Even though that was cringe I appreciate you trying to make me laugh” I told him as I laughed wiping my tears
Flashback over
That never would happen though. We would break up, I’d cry and say I’m leaving him, and then two days later we were back together like nothing happened. A pattern I know was pissing the triplets off, but he was my first everything I couldn’t leave him.
We were really good for three months, and then all of a sudden our issues came back. Constantly fighting, yelling, anxiety and trust issues came rushing back in.
I was so tired of having to tiptoe around him, scared that it would cause another crazy fight. He stopped coming over to the triplets house because Nick banned him after we got into yet another screaming match and he embarrassed me in front of them. Even after that I still stood with him like an absolute idiot, but man love will make you do crazy things.
I hadn’t seen my boyfriend for a few days, and I wanted to surprise him by taking him on a cute picnic at the park. It was what we did for our first date, so I thought this might make him reminisce and change how he was treating me. When we had good moments they were really great, and when they were bad they were really fucking bad. But I really wanted this date to help us fix our issues.
I had Ubered to the park because even though he agreed to the date he said he couldn’t pick me up. Which was weird, but I figured he was still mad at me over our argument.
The whole date he was being super dry and barely laughing at my usual jokes. He was constantly checking his phone, and when he was done answering his messages he would place his phone screen side down. Which was not his usual behavior, and this was giving me major anxiety, and I was starting to worry that he might be cheating on me.
“Why do you keep looking at your phone” I asked him eating a strawberry
“Can’t I look at my phone?” He said giving me a dirty look
“I mean you can, but I did this date for you, and you haven’t looked at me once, nor laughed at my jokes” I told him still looking at him
“No one told you to do this” he said nonchalantly
“What the fuck is really going on right now? Like I’m trying to fix our problems, and you’re being such a fucking dick” I told him starting to pack the food away
“There’s nothing wrong with our relationship, you just don’t know how to act, and you piss me off, so I get upset” he said looking down at his phone again
“Wow! You start about 85% of our arguments” I said laughing, hoping he was just joking with me, but to no surprise he’s still looking down at his phone texting someone
“I wouldn’t start them if you weren’t so fucking annoying” he said looking at me with a smug face
“You’re such a dick. I'M TRYING TO BE NICE” I told him getting a little loud, and he just ignores me looking down at his phone again
“Holy shit who the fuck are you texting” I said as i grabbed his phone, and looked down at the screen
I miss you so much when are you coming back?
Soon baby I’m just waiting for my homeboy to finish, so i can bring him home
My heart dropped to my stomach, and immediately I felt like throwing up reading these messages of him cheating on me. As tears welled in my eyes I looked up at him, and he seemed annoyed??
“What the fuck is this?” I said keeping my composure as my tears fell non stop
“Can’t you just mind your fucking business” he said snatching his phone away
“Mind my fucking business? I’m here trying to fix what we’ve had for four years, and you’re texting some other girl? And not only that but you’re lying to her! At least be a man and fucking own up to it. At least fucking break up with me, so you can be with her” I told him packing my purse up so I could leave
“Yeah I was planning and breaking up with you” he said still so calmly
“Yeah? And when were you going to do this? Whenever you want? Leave me stringing onto you, and having this false hope that we could actually work out” I told him as I wiped my tears.
“I was going to do it today” he said looking down
“Yeah sure you were. You’re such a fucking asshole” I said
“See! This is why I’m over you. You’re so fucking boring the same person since we were 17. You bring nothing good to me. I prayed day in and day out that you’d just leave me alone. Can’t you see my anger towards you I don’t love you anymore, and I haven’t loved you since we were 18” he said to me
“SO THEN WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU KEEP ME STRINGING ALONG FOR SO MANY YEARS” I yelled at him not caring if someone looked over at us
“Calm down” he said looking me dead in my eyes
“Fuck you, don’t tell me to calm down you piece of shit” I told him standing up getting ready to walk away
“Yeah well fuck you too run away just like you always do” he said also standing up
“We’re done. Don’t ever call me. Don’t ever come looking for me. I fucking hate you” I said wiping my tears
“I’m good off you. You don’t come looking for me because I know you can’t live without me” he said laughing in my face
I picked up some fruits and threw them at him, but before I could stomp away he grabbed his cup of wine and threw it at me. Splashing my face and all down my white shirt. I just looked at him as my face dropped, I threw some fruits, and I get a half of a cup of wine thrown at me completely destroying my makeup and my white shirt
“Go run away you whore” he said as he threw the cup in my direction
“Fuck you” was all I could say. I walked past him and brush past him, and as I did that he grabbed my arm harshly and shoved me away from him. Causing me to loose my balance, but not enough to throw me down
I just looked back at him. Truly trying to comprehend that he just put his hands on me. Tears just ran down my face as I stormed off
I ordered an Uber and texted Nick
-hey can I come over?
-of courseeee we’re actually so bored just watching a movie in the living room, and we miss you 😚
I hearted the message, and as I locked my phone the Uber pulled up. I gave her the address and she drove me there. Every so often taking glances at me, but seeing I didn’t want to talk as I had my eyes closed trying to control myself from having a breakdown
After a 20 minute drive I was at the triplets house. I hopped out and took my phone out of my back pocket. Nick had texted me he left the door unlocked for me, so I went to the front door, opening it, and then locking it.
I walked up the stairs and when I turned into the living room Nick practically jumped off the couch
“What the actual fuck Y/N” he said standing up. I looked at him and started sobbing
“He fucking cheated on me” I said as Nick grabbed me and took me to sit on the couch with them
“HE DID WHAT?” Chris said also sitting up
“He…he was cheating on me, and we broke up. He told me I was fucking boring and he hasn’t loved me since we were 18, and that all I do is run away from my problems, and I’m a whore” I said ugly sobbing into Nicks arms
“I got so fucking pissed at him I threw some fruits at him, and then he threw his cup of wine all over me” I said looking down at my soaked shirt
“What a fucking dick. I’ll fucking kill him I fucking swear” Matt said starting to stand up in anger
“The whole date he was on his phone and wouldn’t let me see, and he told me he’s been planning to break up with me, and that he didn’t care about the date because it wouldn’t fix anything. I should’ve known because he didn’t even pick me up for the date” I said as I started to slow down my crying
“He didn’t pick you up?, Y/N why the fuck would you even waste your time trying to go on a date” Nick said rubbing my back
“Because I loved him. I wanted us to work out so badly he was my everything” I said looking at Nick
“You shouldn’t have to beg for someone’s love” Chris said looking at me with a weak smile
“I know, but I hoped he would see why he fell in love with me” I said, wiping my eyes. Nicks eyes traveled to my arms, and suddenly he grabs my arm and looks shocked and saddened
“What the fuck is this?” He said, looking at my arm. I looked down and saw fingerprints bruising my skin from where he grabbed me harshly
“He fucking grabbed me and shoved me when I went to walk past him” I said looking down
“He fucking put his hands on you” they all said in unison, and to this I nodded my head
“Y/N I will fucking beat his ass. I’ll knock him out and send him to the fucking hospital” Nick said standing up in anger
“He’s done stuff like this before! Whenever we would argue he would grab me and shove me sometimes to the ground and other times just a small shove” I said looking up at them
“Y/N, I’m going to fucking find him. I’m going. I’m going to bash his fucking teeth in” Chris said looking for his keys
“Guys no please calm down. I’m done I really need you guys here with me” I said looking at them again
“No man should ever put his hands on a woman especially a woman he loves” Matt said
“Well he doesn’t love me” I said
“Doesn’t matter” Nick said
“I know. I appreciate you guys so much. I love you guys, and I’m so sorry I didn’t leave him sooner. I’m so fucking sorry.”
“Don’t apologize. We love you so much, and we’ll do everything to get you to forget about him and feel better” Nick said
“Thank you guys” I said giving them a smile
“Would a kiss help” Matt asked giving puppy eyes
I laughed and shook my head yes. They all came in giving me a big group hug and kissing me on the cheek
“Go shower kid, so we can watch a movie and forget about that small dick loser” Nick said giving me one last tight hug
“Small dick loser is right” I said getting up, and we all laughed at that
I showered and changed into a pair of Nick's pajama pants and shirt. We all sat on the couch and decided to watch a comedy movie while eating some snacks. Occasionally they would throw in extra commentary to make me laugh.
“I love you guys so so much. You have no idea how much yall mean to me” I said looking at them
“We fucking love you too” Nick said giving me one big hug
“You’re gonna find a man that’ll kill for you” Chris said laughing
“Chris enough with that corny joke” I said laughing
“There goes that smileeeeee” he said teasing me
We ended the night just joking and watching movies till we all eventually fell asleep in Nicks room.
I loved these kids so much<3
The End🥰
I loved writing this! Can’t wait to write some more, and if you have any recommendations on what you’d want to see next lmk in the comments🫶🏽 thankssss
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totisviribus · 2 years
An ADHD Morning
I set seven alarms so I don't oversleep. I couldn't sleep last night because I was researching ancient Rome on Wikipedia until 2am so I am bleary tired. My coffee maker is moldy from last week's brew and I don't even consider cleaning it, I just know that I won't be having coffee this morning.
I forgot to shower the night before, but now I don't have enough time to do it this morning, I got up too late. I use dry shampoo and hope my hair doesn't look greasy (it does). I scrape it into a messy pony tail that will give me a migraine but it's the only way it looks acceptable. My finger nails are stumps of dried blood because I picked at them all night. The inside of my lip is swollen and bleeding because I couldn't stop chewing on it, thinking about how I could ruin today. My eyebrows need to be plucked. My face is covered in acne because I never remember to take my makeup off before I fall asleep.
My bedroom is a sea of clothes, piled high to obscure the wooden floors. One hamper has some clean clothes in it, I know, but I have forgotten which one. My ironing board is under the piles somewhere, but it's broken, so I'll have to try to use the anti-wrinkle spray on the sweater I fish off the floor and hope it looks okay. It's already been forty minutes, how has the time passed this way? I will be late now, no hope of arriving on time. My sweater is covered in cat hair. Where is the lint roller? I look through the piles and can't find it. I spend ten minutes looking for tape to make a make-shift lint roller and it doesn't really work.
My dresser is filled with empty makeup tubes, used makeup wipes, glasses wipes, and used lint roller sheets. I pick out the products I use and quickly do my makeup on my unclean skin.
Purse. I need my purse. Which purse did I use last? Which has my wallet in it? I walk past the piles on the floor of my apartment, past the dirty dishes, past the mound of art supplies on my desk. I find my purse on the floor under my desk. Okay.
Socks? I need socks. My socks might show when I sit down in these too-tight too-short pants. I have to find matching ones. Clean ones? No, that's too much of a reach. I must just find matching ones. I search, digging through the floor piles. I find two that do not match, but are the same color. Good enough.
Fifteen minutes late. My cat chirps as he brushes against my leg. Oh! My little friend! He's so cute and sweet. My sister loves to get pictures of him, so I'll take one for her. Look up here, Blue! So cute. I should really update the instagram I made for him, I've met so many people who have the same type of cat. I should edit some photos of him today to post. He makes me so happy. I feel so lucky I get to have a cat and such a sweet, loving one like Blue. How many people get to have such a great pet? I'm so thankful for him, and I tell him so while I scratch his face the way that makes him purr.
I text my sister the picture. She tells me to have a good day. I try to find a cute GIF to send her to tell her to have a good day too. Here's one with Snoopy. She'll like that.
I also need to feed Blue. There are a dozen empty, smelly cans on the counter of cat food, but I pick a new one out of the box they were shipped in and put it in his dish with a random measuring spoon because all my other silverware is dirty.
Bag. I need to pack a bag. Laptop, keys, tissues, pens, notebook, headphones, charging cable for my phone. Is that everything? And my wallet, of course! Aha. That would be bad if I forgot that.
My shoes are dirty and scuffed but I don't have time to fix them. What kind of coat? I don't check the weather. I pick out a thin yellow one that I like. I've always liked bright colors. This will cheer me up to wear it. Bag, coat, keys, phone...where is my phone?
I have headphones on, listening to a YouTube video on two times speed, but I don't know where my phone is. I don't have time for this! But I can't leave without my phone.
It's deep in the covers of my bed. I don't remember putting it there between sending the GIF to my sister and now, but no matter. I found it.
It's twenty degrees and raining. I have no umbrella and my spring coat is incredibly inappropriate for the weather.
I've left my car on the street for a few days in an area that is only for 3-hour parking. The parking tickets are stacked on the windshield. I owe the city about $400 in parking tickets and I keep getting letters from the police that they'll boot my car if I don't pay. I messed up the days on my budget spreadsheet, so I won't be able to pay them for another month.
I have no gas. I check the miles my car estimates I can go with the amount left and compare it to what my GPS says. Just enough. Maybe. It'll be okay. I can't get gas now.
I forgot to brush my teeth. I forgot my laptop charging cable. I forgot to take my medication, and I forgot to bring my medication with me to take my second dose. When I finally arrive at my destination, I don't remember that my debit card fell between the seat in my car yesterday while getting coffee at the drive-thru. So I leave without it. I also forgot to put deodorant on.
I wonder what my coworkers would think of me if they knew about my messy apartment, my poor hygiene, my lack of planning skills. Will they notice my teeth aren't brushed? Do I have any gum, mints, anything?
My coworker sees me come in late with in an oddly-fitting outfit and messy hair, but I greet them happily when I come in. They say that everyone forgets things sometimes and lends me their laptop charger. I'll forget to return it, but they don't know that yet. They don't know about my kitchen or my bedroom or my clothes or my unwashed face or my parking tickets. They don't know that without my medication I will be useless for the entire day and get nothing done, making more work for them.
I'm an excellent actress. I pretend to be like everyone else, and somehow I pass the test every time. I'm a shy, kind, young woman - they would never suspect there is a moldy box of forgotten take out food in my backseat that I'll discover in a few days. People socialized as female are expected to be neat, organized, in control. They don't even consider that I might not be those things.
"What did you bring for the potluck today?" my coworker asks.
The ingredients I bought for the dish I signed up to make are rotting in my fridge, forgotten as soon as I put them there after shopping two weeks ago. I didn't think to buy them closer to today. I also didn't think to put the pot luck on my calendar.
I make up an elaborate story about how my boyfriend needed to be picked up from a far-away job site last night. She believes me and I feel I don't deserve it.
I wish I wasn't a good actress.
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rene-hl-trashcan · 2 months
The gremlins reaction to you crying 🥺👉👈? Please? Coz they’re so cute and since Riz has a niece i just suddenly wondered what they all do when somebody (you) cries. (Reason can be up to you)
By 'you' here I assume anyone that they can see? (cuz I personally consider myself as their ethereal mother of the higher realm who is watching them over their shoulders—basically an entity that they can sense but never see or physically interact with 🤣)
The Gremlins' Reaction to A Crying Person
Unless if he really abhors you, Sylvan doesn't like seeing anyone sad or crying. His first instinct, is unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your preference), is to hug. You're going to be quite literally imprisoned in his arms 💀 Think of being squished to his chest with no means of escape. You will be squished with little to no distance from him, and he will probably try to get your face pressed to either his throat or chest. It doesn't matter if you're taller/bigger than him, he will pull you down enough to make sure that he can rest his chin on top of your head, that you can feel the rumble of his throat as he croons and purrs to soothe you (he was under the impression that the whole purring thing works on everyone since it works on Sylvia ). He would probably rub your back too and murmur assurance and comforting words until you calm down; and if he thinks you're not against it, he will kiss your tears away and rub his cheek to yours in what he thinks is a comforting gesture. Don't worry about your tears/snot dirtying his shirt. He has his priorities straight; clothes can be cleaned with a wave of a wand while whatever that is upsetting you can't be solved that easily. This pastel gremlin would keep you imprisoned in his crushing affection until you calm down, however long it would take.
Sylvia would PANIK. She isn't remotely good in socialising and showing emotions, let alone comforting anyone. Her first instinct when seeing someone cry is to nope out of there. However, most of time, her soft squishy heart will get worried so her next instinct is to find Sylvan and ditch the comforting job on him while she frets and hovers silently nearby. If he isn't around, Sylvia would resort to the last thing she knew could serve as a comfort (for her personally) which is anything cute and furry. Watch her either conjure a random plushie or grab any kneazles/puffskeins/cat that happened to be around before holding it up to you, mumbling something about how cute animals/plushies would make you feel better. Although not good at comforting, she would actually sit by your side (silently and very awkwardly because this girl is a social disaster 💀) until you finally calm down.
Riz's reaction is highly dependent on who you are and how he feels towards you. If you're someone who he doesn't feel much for, he would offer his handkerchief so that you can wipe your tears with it. He would then very tentatively ask you if you need some help, gauging your needs through how you respond before acting accordingly. If he feels you would be better off alone, he would give a curt goodbye and well-wish before walking away. If he feels you would benefit more from a company (and if he has the time for it) he would sit by your side until you're ready to talk your heart out. Riz's a good and attentive listener, and unless he's in a rush or on a schedule, he wouldn't mind accompanying you. If you're someone who he does hold any form of positive feelings for, he would wipe your tears for you before very tentatively asking if he can hold you until you're able to calm down. If permission is given, he will cuddle you until you stop crying. If you refuse to be touched, he will simply sit there and wait until you're ready to talk, or when you're ready to scoot over for a cuddle. He will abandon his plans for you. If you're a child, he will carry and rock you around like a baby, singing/crooning to get you calm, wiping your tears and snot and praising you after you stop crying, rewarding you with whatever treats he can get his hand on at the moment.
Mildred's instinct is to comfort and protect. If you're in public, she would try to get you away from the public's eyes. Mildred is also very willing to cause disturbances or distractions so that no one is watching you crying. Once she gets you to somewhere you can safely cry your heart out, Mildred will start gathering all the blankets and plushies she can get her hands on. She will drape a soft blanket over your shoulders, making sure you have a plushie that you can either squeeze or throw around (depending on how you're feeling at that moment) before asking if she could hold your hands. She will massage your hands, squeezing them if she feels you need that solid assurance, and wait until you are coherent enough to start confiding in her. If you're up to it, she will be happy for a cuddle but if you're not, she will still make sure you're warm and hydrated. She would definitely bust out her stocks of cookies and warm drinks (and if situation is dire enough, her personal collections of plushies) to offer to you until you can calm down.
Idk who you're anon but thank you for this. I always appreciate more fuel and excuses for me to ramble and word-vomit about my gremlins. ψ(˵ •̀ᴗ•́˵)ψ
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pixelatedraindrops · 8 months
can we get another sick yuma fanfic?
I usually don't take fic requests because I feel I'm not creative enough to write too often. But if its sick Yuma you want I may have a lil’ oneshot for ya c:
Here's a fic where he catches a terrible cold after losing his hat in the rain. This one's less whumpy and more fluffy. And Yuma will be speaking in a nasally tone pretty much the whole time.
Under the Weather
Word Count: 4,000+
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Sickfic, Found Family
Fandom: Master Detective Archives RAINCODE
It was just more terrible, awful luck for Yuma. When has it ever been good? He was minding his business investigating the situation in Kanai Ward like he usually did to track their ultimate secret down, but suddenly when he was doing something that upset the wandering Peacekeepers, they had begun chasing him. Thankfully Yuma was able to evade them, however it came at a price. A sudden gust of wind had blown across the trainee as he ran in the neon city of rain…and his rainhat had flown off. Yuma wanted to try to go back to get it, but the peacekeepers were still after him. He had to keep running, he had no choice. If he was captured, it would be all over.
He eventually lost them by running into a corner of the city. He decided that he needed to go back to the agency, thinking maybe this was enough for today. Yakou always said that if things like this happen, it was best to lay low until things calmed down. So, Yuma waited a little bit for the peacekeepers to get further from him so he could rush back to the sub safely. But as he ran, the rain kept pouring. He had no hat to cover him anymore. By the time he got back to the nocturnal detective agency’s submarine base, his hair and face were soaking wet.
“Master, you look like a sopping wet cat! Kyahaha~!” his spirit partner Shinigami cackled as she viewed how wet her master was. “Practically…dripping…wet…” The death god’s dirty mind decided to jab at the short detective.
Rain water was dripping down every strand of his lilac hair. To say he was sopping would be an understatement, He was practically drenched with the rain from the city by the time he came back from the chase. He began realizing how much that hat was protecting him as he tried to shake his head in a poor attempt to try to dry off.
“Stop it. There was nothing I could do. The Peacekeepers would’ve caught me if I went back to get my hat…” Yuma responded, starting to sound a little bit slurred in his speech.
He sighed as he opened the cover of the sub.
“Hey Chief, I’m back…” he announced climbing down the steps to the entrance chamber.
“Hey Yuma, how’d things go out there?” Yakou’s voice could be heard from the office of the sub. “You find anything new out?”
Yuma slowly walks into the office room sniffing a bit and wiping his nose with his sleeve. “No…” he quietly responded.
Yakou was not paying attention to the boy, as he was reading the paper at his desk with a cigarette in his mouth like usual. “Well, don’t sweat it, can’t do everything all at once.”
Yuma shivered as he took his rain attire off. “I-I was cha- aehh..” He stopped as he felt something tickle his nose.
“You were what?” Yakou asked still not paying attention to him.
Yuma couldn’t finish his sentence as he felt a sneeze building up something fierce.
“Eeeahh… Ahhh…” his eyes were squinted as he tilted his head backwards.
The loud wet sneeze finally came out of the small detective in training like a volcano erupting. His head shot downward as the sneeze came out, he tried to cover his mouth with his sleeve.
Let’s just say…he failed.
This finally got the chief’s attention. Yakou heard that sound and then moved his gaze to meet the shivery trainee detective at the corner of the right side of the room. His nose was bright red and now leaking profusely after that sudden onslaught.
He was dripping wet in a different way now.
“Whoa, gesundheit! Are you alright?!” Yakou exclaimed putting the paper down.
“Y-Yeah…” Yuma replied weakly as his nose continued dripping.
The NDA leader immediately stood up from his desk and grabbed a box of tissues that were in the desk drawer and walked over to the trainee.
He took one of the tissues out, handing it his way. “Here you go.”
Yuma still had his eyes shut from the intensity of that sneeze, his eyes stinging a tiny bit as tears formed, but he reached for the tissue grabbing it.
“Tank you…” he responded sheepishly. The congestion in his speech is now making its way to him.
“Sheesh. You’re a mess… Did you catch a cold out there in all that rain?” the chief asked as he leans down to be more at the trainee’s level.
Yuma sniffled hard. “Ugh…I guess so…”
Yakou sighed as he placed a hand on the boy’s shoulder. “Well, that much can be said from the way you look and the way you sound…”
Yuma let out another wet sneeze interrupting him mid-sentence, making sure to do it into the tissue he held. Yakou flinched, turning his head away. “Yikes…that sounds bad.”
Yuma sniffled again finally opening his watery eyes to look Yakou’s way “I’b…reawy sowwy…” he muttered in his nasaled tone looking embarrassed and ashamed.
Yakou sighed, smiling at him a bit as he stood back up. “You poor kid. I’ll go get a towel to dry you off. Then I’ll get you something warm to drink, how’s that sound?”
Yuma held the the tissue to his nose wiping it a bit.
“Uh-huh…dat souds good…” he responded before he blew into the tissue.
Yakou felt sorry for the boy but couldn’t help but be a little amused by his nasaled speech. He walked over to the shower room to grab a towel he could use to dry his wet hair. He walked back over to see Yuma sitting on the purple sofa still holding the tissue to his face.
Yakou placed the towel on Yuma’s head and began drying it moving his hands in a circular motion. Yuma tried remaining as still as possible while the older man dried his wet hair off.
He put the towel around the boy’s neck after he finished drying him off best as he could.
“There we go.” He said with a grin. “Thats about as dry as I can make you. You can hop in the shower later.”
“Tank you…” Yuma responded before his nose tickled him again. “Ahh-choo!” he sneezed into the tissue he held.
“Gesundheit!” Yakou responded surprised as he placed the tissue box he was holding right next to the boy and walked over to grab the trash can by his desk and put it below the purple sofa where the stuffy detective was sitting.
“Here, the trash can is officially reserved just for you today.” he responded kindly.
Yuma sighed as he threw the tissue away. His nose leaking again not long after, but he didn’t notice as he felt a little dazed.
The older detective sighed. “Yuma, your nose is still running…” Yakou grabbed one of the tissues and placed it to his face wiping it away himself as Yuma scrunches his face up, then he threw it away. Yuma blushed in minor embarrassment.
“Hey, are you feeling alright?” Yakou asked looking at him with some concern. “Aside from…well this.”
Yuma sniffled in response before answering.
“S-Sowwy…my head’s just fuzzy…” he responded putting a hand to his head.
Yakou slid his hand under Yuma’s bangs and onto his forehead after the sniffly boy uttered those words.
“Mmm yeah, you’re feeling a teensy bit warm. Rain sure did a number on you, huh? What the heck happened to your hat?”
Yuma looked down. “I…was chased…by some peacekeepers…”
“What!?” Yakou exclaimed in shock looking nervous. “Th-They didn’t follow you did they!?”
“Don’ wowwy…I lost dem…” Yuma said sniffling again. “But…I lost my hat while I was running…and couldn’t go baaaa…aaah…” he felt another sneeze coming. He quickly grabbed another tissue sneezing into it. “…back to go get it...” he finished throwing it away afterwards sighing.
Yakou sighed and calmed down hearing that they weren’t in any trouble looking at the boy with pity in his expression.
“Okay I gotcha. Sorry about that kiddo.” he said putting a hand to his shoulder to try to comfort him. “Looks like you got a pretty nasty cold though. So no more going out today, got it?”
Yuma nodded without hesitation or further argument. Without his hat, going out in the rain again would only prove more harmful. And he was starting to feel a little bit dizzy, so he didn’t really want to get up again anyway.
“I’ll write to the WDO to send you a replacement hat later, but for now I’m gonna go make you some tea. Drinking something warm should help you feel a little better. You want ginger or chamomile?”
Yuma wanted to respond but then his voice got a little hoarse in his attempted response causing him to cover his mouth in embarrassment.
Yakou raised an eyebrow as he closed his eyes smiling. “I’ll do chamomile then, sounds like your throat’s getting a little scratchy.”
Yuma nodded quietly as he laid back. His head was starting to hurt a little as well as his throat. He cleared it as he grabbed another tissue in his hand feeling his nose start leaking again. It just wouldn’t stop.  
“Sheesh! You humans sure are pathetic! Can’t believe you got this roughed up from JUST the rain, gosh you’re so lame master!!” Shinigami said floating by her master’s side laughing to herself a bit. “And you look awful!! May as well be dead Kyahahaha~!”
Yuma rolled his eyes as he blew his nose into the tissue again throwing it away.
“Just leave me alone…I’m not in the mood for your antics right now.” Yuma responded in perfect speech to the cackling spirit in his head.
“Ooh, you’re so snappy!! Are your face holes being full’a gunk making you a bit cranky!?” she retaliated teasing him again.
As Shinigami kept yapping away, Yuma just turned away from her as he curled up trying to ignore her and how bad his sinuses felt right now. He could hardly breathe through his nose, so he had to do so through his mouth. His head was starting to hurt again, and he felt another tickle in his throat.
He definitely caught a cold. It was going to be a long day.
After a short while Yakou returned with the tea as he saw Yuma curled up facing away from him. Yakou sat down. “Hey, Yuma? You awake?”
Yuma slowly got himself up before he let out another harsh sneeze.
“Aahaa…” Yuma whined trembling a little from the shock as he didn’t have a tissue on him, so his nose was leaking again, and his teary eyes were clenched shut.
Yakou put the tea down grabbing another tissue placing it to Yuma’s face. “Alright, let it out Yuma.” He responded. Yuma did so as he blew into the tissue harshly.
“I think we may need to get some nasal spray for you kid.” Yakou said throwing the tissue away. “Didn’t think you had this much mucus in your tiny body.”
Yuma sniffled while groaning miserably.
“Ughh…Adythig…to make dis stop…” he muttered quietly in an annoyed tone.
“Alright kid, sit up. Let’s get a warm beverage in you for now.” Yakou said as he grabbed the warm tea again.
Yuma sat up as Yakou handed him the tea. Yuma tried smelling it, but there wasn’t much luck in that. He was still way too stuffy to smell anything.
“Made it extra warm. Hopefully it’ll settle that tickle in your throat down.” Yakou said.
Yuma sighed as he drank a bit of the tea. It was sweet and warm, and felt nice going down. It uplifted him a little bit.
“Tanks Chief…” Yuma said weakly smiling.
“No problem.” Yakou replied smiling petting his head. “I’ll go get you a blanket. You’re officially taking today off to rest. I’ll see if I can tell the other master detectives to get you some things to help. Like, maybe some nice warm soup, nose spray, cold medicine, and some more tissues and herbal tea bags.”
Yuma nodded. “Dat souds dice…tank you…” he took another sip of the tea then handed it back to Yakou.
Yakou smiled taking it then putting the tea on the table. Then he stood up to walk the other room to get a dark blue spare blanket that he had stored away. He brings it back and places it over Yuma’s head and shoulders wrapping him up into a cocoon.
Yuma smiled as he sunk his chin into the blanket taking on its softness.
“So warm…” he said sighing in content.
“Good. Now you lay down and rest. I’m gonna head out to tell everyone else what happened then later we’ll all come back with more things to help you feel better alright?”
Yuma nodded. “Tank you. Ad…I’b sowwy for da twouble…”
“It’s no trouble Yuma, you’re sick.” Yakou chucked. “And hey, it beats being caught by peacekeepers. At least here you’re safe and warm instead of being stranded in the rain or in some run-down cell at Amataerasu.”
Yuma nodded before he laid back down sniffling curling up sinking his face into the warm blanket. He groaned a little bit. “…by head huwts…” he complained.
“Hang in there kid, medicine is on the way. Just try to relax.”
Yuma fell asleep soon after Yakou responded to him.
Yakou nodded as he grabbed his raincoat and put it on. He turned one of the lights off in the office to see if dimming the lighting a bit would help the trainee sleep better. Then he left closing the door behind him.
After about 2 hours, Yakou along with the rest of the Master Detectives all came back with multiple shopping bags. Containing many different necessities for the cold-stricken trainee waiting back at the office. Everyone also wore facial masks. It was probably already too late for Yakou on being a carrier, as he spent quite a while with Yuma along with touching him, but him getting ill wouldn’t be a big deal. But he could not risk any of the other detectives getting sick, or they wouldn’t be able to do any work.
They all entered the room to find Yuma awake sitting up on the side of the purple checkered sofa wrapped in the blanket trying to get comfortable looking very out of it. Shinigami decided to be quiet as Yuma continued to ignore her, so she eventually gave in and just stayed quiet floating beside him.
Yuma’s hair was a mess, as was his face, his nose was running, and his eyes were as watery as before. The tea left on the table was empty and there were tissues everywhere. Even on the sofa and table, and the trash can was full of them as was the floor. Only one person littered the sub in trash today. One sick little trainee detective.
“Hey Yuma, we’re back!” Yakou said smiling brightly at him.
Yuma looked his way, not changing his expression nor speaking. Just lightly nodding.
“How are you feeling, my man? Heard the rain gave ya a pretty bad case of the sniffles!” Desuhiko chimed in also grinning behind his mask.
“We got some basic necessities for you.” Halara said muffled as well as they lifted the bag they were holding. “Hoping to help to cure whatever ails you.”
“Yuma, you look like a caterpillar in a little cocoon right now!” Fubuki stated observing the state of the trainee as he tried to get warm. “How very cute!”
“Honestly Princess, have some compassion! Can’t you see he’s suffering right now?!” Desuhiko exclaimed a bit annoyed.
“Looks comfy…wish I could…do that too…” Vivia lastly responds.
Yuma sighs as he lets out another sneeze before groaning and sniffling the nasal discharge up again. Then he wraps himself in the blanket once more hugging himself shivering a little bit.
This pitiful sight and clearly very miserable gesture from him made everyone else get a worried look in their eyes.
Yakou signals the other detectives to keep their distance as he removes his raincoat putting it to the hanger, and walks over to the wrapped up trainee sitting down next to him moving his face closer to observe him carefully.
Upon looking at him more closely, his skin looked a little paler and shinier and there was a slight pink flush in his cheeks, but not nearly as red as his nose.
Yakou placed his hand to the boy’s cheek gently. The older detective frowned a little.
He felt warmer. No wonder he wasn’t speaking.
“Hang tight kid, medicine’s here.” Yakou said as he rummaged through his bag to grab some liquid cold medicine as well as some aspirin for his headache.
“Mhm…” was all Yuma could utter.
Yakou then clapped his hands twice as he began instructing everyone else.
“Halara, go start making the soup, Desuhiko go grab some spare clothes from your disguise bag that he can change into later after he showers, Fubuki go get me a spoon from the kitchen and a glass of water, and Vivia go get me the thermometer in the shower room along with an ice pack.”
All the master detectives did as they were told. Halara grabbed the can that was in their bag and went into the kitchen to get to work as Fubuki followed them to finish her own task. Desuhiko unzipped his bag going into it to search for any spare clothing in Yuma’s size. And Vivia walks slowly to the shower room. Leaving the two to have a small moment alone.
When the coast is clear, Yuma weakly leans into Yakou’s shoulder still trying to get himself comfortable.
Yakou sighs as he places a hand over Yuma’s body scooting a little closer to him until the small blanket cocooned boy was in his arms. He smiles down at him sympathetically as a parent would for their sick child.
“Not feeling very good, are you kiddo?” he asked, looking down at him, placing a hand on his head stroking it softly.
“Mm-mm…” Yuma pitifully responded in a whiny tone shaking his head as he sinks his warm cheek into the older one’s chest.
“You’ll be fine, don’t worry. We’ll take care of you.” Yakou said petting his head more to soothe him.
Yuma nodded smiling before he felt another sneeze building up.
Like clockwork, Yakou quickly grabs the last tissue from the box he had and places it to his face catching the sneeze just in time.
“Gesundheit.” He says with a gentle smile.
“…Tank you…” Yuma whispered quietly with his eyes closed.
Yakou wipes the trainee’s nose then he tosses the last tissue on top of the ones already overfilling the trash can.
“Hey, look what I bought.” Yakou said rummaging through another one of the bags. He pulled out a small bottle of nasal spray handing it to him. “There ya go, instant relief for all that pesky nose stuff you have built up.” he gave him a reassuring grin.
Yuma smiled sighing in relief as he held the bottle and nodded in silence.
Soon Fubuki and Vivia had returned. They both hand Yakou the spoon and thermometer almost in synced unison.
“Here you go Chief! And here’s the water too!” Fubuki says a bit muffled by her face mask as she puts the water down on the table.
“Thank you Fubuki.” Yakou said smiling. Fubuki then turns her eyes to Yuma.
Yuma just turns and shyly hides his face away. He’s a little embarrassed to be seen like this in front of his coworkers.
Fubuki just smiles behind her mask at this reaction. Yuma was so cute!
Vivia places the ice pack down on the table next to the water.
“Thank you, Vivia, you’re excused to go back to your corner now.” Yakou said.
As if Vivia was waiting for those words he walks back to the fireplace and lays down and begins to read his book again.
Yakou uses his hands to shoo Fubuki away telling her to give the two of them some space. Telling her to go assist Halara in the kitchen. Fubuki nods and heads over to the kitchen where Halara was.
Desuhiko had found a suitable pair of pajamas for Yuma in his bag, but decides to stay in it to give Yuma and Yakou some space. He quietly watches them from a small open space from the open zipper.
“Coast is clear Yuma. Nobody’s here anymore. Except Vivia but he’s just in the fireplace like usual. He won’t bother us.” Yakou said telling Yuma he can stop hiding now.
Yuma turns his head to look around and then looks up at Yakou who was holding a device in his hands. Yuma raises an eyebrow in confusion.
“Just gonna take your temp real quick alright? Can you open your mouth for me?”
Yuma opens his mouth as Yakou places the thermometer inside. The feverish trainee instinctively moving it under his tongue and closing his mouth.
After a few seconds the device beeps and Yakou takes it out. It read about 37.7 c (100. f)
“Yep. Definitely a fever, but it’s nothing serious.” Yakou replied looking at the device then putting it down on the table. “Good thing we caught it early. We got some medicine for it, so it should break in a few hours after some rest.”
Yuma nodded as he leaned back into Yakou. He was feeling very tired.
“Whoa, before you go back to your nap, let’s get this medicine in you first so you can wake up later hopefully feeling better.” Yakou said noticing how sleepy he looked. “C’mon, sit up for me.”
Yuma slowly gets himself back up again facing Yakou. His complexion and appearance status were the same, runny eyes and cherry red nose, pale yet flushed cheeks, but his tired and dazed face made him look like a nervous yet curious little kid. Yakou couldn’t help himself when he spoke again.
“Attaboy. Alright let’s see what we got here...” Yakou said as he picked up the cold medicine. He reads the instructions over and takes the spoon Fubuki gave him uncapping the bottle and pours the orange liquid into it. “Open wide.”
Yuma opens his mouth as Yakou places the spoon of medicine into it.
It didn’t taste very good as Yuma’s face was a little scrunched up and his tongue slightly sticking out. But he still swallowed it down with no vocal complaints.
“Okay good, now let’s try this one, it should help your headache.” Yakou grabbed the aspirin tablet and placed one in his hand and gave it to Yuma. “Pop that in and we’ll swallow it with some of this water.”
Yuma placed the tablet in his mouth and Yakou gave him the water glass to drink and swallow it down with. The boy takes the glass and took a small drink from it swallowing the pill and sighing once he was finished.
“There we go. Medicine is all done. You’ll be just fine now.” Yakou said smiling at him.
Yuma smiled in return before he sneezed twice into his arm quickly turning away from Yakou as he did so. His nose was running once again. He instinctively reached for the tissue box on the table, but it was empty.
Yakou laughed. “Don’t worry, we got more tissues.” he said looking at the empty box on the table as he took out some new ones, he bought at the store placing the box in Yuma’s lap.
Yuma nodded as he grabbed a couple of tissues wiping his nose and blowing into it.
“Sowwy…” Yuma said quietly feeling a little guilty for using up the entire tissue box.
“You’re fine. You have a cold; it can’t be helped.” Yakou responded taking the tissues and throwing them away for him.
“You wanna use the spray?” Yakou asked.
Yuma nodded quietly.
Yakou took the nasal spray from Yuma’s lap and opened and uncapped it. Then he plugged it up the boy’s nose.
“Brace yourself.” Yakou said a bit playfully. As he quickly spritzed the formula into both the boy’s nostrils then quickly taking it out. He puts the cap back on it placing it onto the table.
Yuma flinched slightly as he received the spray, but then as it was removed he exhaled trying to breathe through his nose again. It was a little better, but not quite.
Yakou then lays the blanket wrapped trainee back down. “Alrighty. Now you can sleep. When you wake up later you should feel better and then you can have some nice warm soup, take a nice hot shower and change into fresh and warm clothes.”
Yakou grabbed the wrapped ice pack Vivia brought and placed it under the boy’s neck where the pillow was. “And that should cool you off while you rest.”
Yuma smiled as he laid his head to the pillow and cool ice turning his head curling up to get in a more comfortable position for his nap.
“…Tanks fo all dis chief…” he said quietly as he began nodding off.
“You’re welcome, Yuma.” Yakou said smiling, putting his hand to the trainee’s head petting it softly.
“Get well soon, okay?”
Yuma smiled as he drifted off into a deep sleep with the medicine now in his system. His chief and coworkers watching over him and caring for him throughout the rest of the day.
He was already starting to feel better.
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mechahero · 2 years
little drabble thing under the cut
“And how does that make you feel?”
A far too tinny and yet crunchy sounding voice asks. Lambda blinks slowly, almost stupidly at the bright blue nanites shaped like a person. A pastiche of all those therapists he’s seen on TV. It speaks with his voice and offers a close lipped, lopsided smile like his. It settles the equally as blue clipboard down to the side so it can fix blank eyes on him, attentive and ready for what he says next. He opens his mouth and slams it shut. What could he even say?
So many emotions swell within him and just as easily tear each other apart. “I-” Claws dig into the cushion of the seat underneath him. He trips over his own words. Forcing them out was painful. “I don’t know.” The mockery says nothing, writes nothing down. “How do you feel about yourself then?”, it asks, moving along like nothing happened. It doesn’t wait for him because it can’t. Thoughts and feelings that continue to wage war within him as he lingers on that question. Something manages to push past that ugly internal battle. It’s always buried deep within his core. Past the anger, the envy, the doubt, the want. It’s always there for him like it’s the one friend that is so, so very awful to him and yet, he can never get rid of because that would mean it would be just him and that means he would be alone.
Cat’s pupils drift down to the floor. What is there to say about him? He knows that people say good things about him and that he tries his best to be good. Because when you are good and quiet, that means people will want you around longer and that means they love you. He’s not an idiot though. He knows that he’s seen only as a means to an end. He knows how people will be nice to him and wring him dry and throw him away after because they got what they wanted. Because that it was people do and it’s in their nature. He is not stupid. He is naïve and he can tell the difference between. He knows that people also say these things because he is a monster and they want to placate it because they do not want to be on the receiving end of its wrath.
He does not like that very much. It makes him sad.
He is not an idiot. He knows why they do that. It’s his fault as much as it is theirs. He doesn’t know how to tell them that he isn’t going to do that to them because he loves them. He doesn’t know the words to explain that so he opts to bury it. Bury his monstrousness like it’s some dirty, ugly little secret. It doesn’t stop it from slipping out. Not when someone gets in his face and he lets the metal inside of him tear up his throat to produce a terrifying growl. Not when he brandishes sharp fangs and claws. Not when his temper gets the better of him and he slams someone’s head into the table or ground for saying something he didn’t like. He sees the stares afterwards. He is not blind. He is not an idiot.
And yet, he feels like one at the moment. The mockery’s question walks and makes imprints on his brain. Impossible to brush off, impossible to forget. He doesn’t know the words to answer. They were never needed because they were never important to the people who were supposed to care. He opens his mouth. The words don’t come out. He tries and he tries but they don’t leave. His claws dig themselves out of the cushion. He curls in on himself, looking more like a pathetic child trying to stop themselves from crying before they get in even more trouble. What great irony then, in knowing that never changed.
“Take your time.”, the pastiche says.
Lambda sniffles and wipes at his eyes. The burning of acid on his eyes nothing like the feeling of something prying open his chest and digging into his heart. “I think-” He uncurls and manages to push through and force the words out, big, fat tears rolling down his face. He looks down at the upturned palms of his hands. Eyes raking over them and trailing up to his fingers. Claws nestled into the ends and the image of what his previous, his actual hands looked like flash in his mind. The inside of his chest howls once more in sadness. Not that it ever stopped. The simple softness of the body he hated simply because it was his and he was in it was yet another thing to mourn for. And he would, ceaselessly, endlessly, and quietly. Because it was his sadness and everything about him angered everyone and that is what he is supposed to do. He takes his sadness elsewhere because his sadness does not help people. They want him, they do not want everything that makes up him. That would mean they’d actually have to care for him as a person and they couldn’t be bothered to do that. Something he’s reminded of as sobs rack his body and he’s gripping at his forearms for support because he is all he has. Even when he cries long and hard for hours on end, enough to make himself lightheaded from the lack of oxygen.
“I think I shouldn’t get to touch anything. I make things turn bad. …..I think I’m bad.”
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briamichellewrites · 1 month
The past ten days proved to George that Bria and Brad were great for each other. He went from being hesitant about their relationship to genuinely rooting for them. She tried really hard to be accepted by him. He could tell. Matt even commented on it on the flight home. She already had Matt’s approval, so she sought his, as he was one of Brad’s closest friends. He approved of her one hundred per cent! She could be his little sister, niece or family friend.
She was open to anything they wanted to do because she saw it as an adventure and she never complained. One of the things that got him was her sense of humour. He left a plastic mouse on her bed as a prank the night before they left. They all heard her voice shouting, oh my god! They went in and saw her going over to retrieve the mouse she threw in fear. She picked it up and saw it was fake.
“Oh, thank god! I thought I killed it.”
“Congratulations. You just became a victim of a George Clooney prank”, Brad said.
“Oh my god. This guy is so cute!”
They laughed again, as she held it out for them to see. It was so life-like with its red eyes, whiskers and long tail. Her cats would destroy it in a heartbeat! Her being such a good sport about it was another way she got his approval. He kept that mouse in his luggage, as he waited for the perfect opportunity to bring it out. She had gone into the bedroom to change clothes when she found it.
Now, they were back home. She took so many great pictures that she couldn’t wait to get developed! Mike was also home after visiting Jason. It was a fun trip. They had several conversations about what he was going through. They even attended a Narcotics Anonymous meeting together. Jason didn’t really participate. That was fine seeing as it was his first time. After the meeting was over, he talked to the leader about attending regularly.
He was a recovering cocaine addict, who was struggling with his sobriety. The leader noticed his accent and asked where he was from. He mentioned being from Los Angeles, California. Was that in America? Yes, it was. He was in London for work for a few years. The leader told him he was more than welcome to join them for meetings. He gave him a printed schedule.
Before they left, he shook his hand and thanked him. Mike was proud of him, though he had to prove he was serious about staying sober. He was the only person who could control that. Every decision he made, he had to be accountable for. He knew how hard it was to stay sober. There were times when it was easier for him to drink than dealing with whatever was stressing him out. But, he couldn’t do that to Dave, the band or their parents.
There were times when Dave had to push him to express his difficult emotions, instead of shutting him out. Sobriety was hard but it was worth it. He had faith he could do it. The only problem was that he didn’t have faith in himself. Yes, he knew he had a disease because he had been told that multiple times in rehab. When he got back to the States, he should look into long-term follow-up care.
Maybe a sober living home or outpatient rehabilitation. Sober Living had staff there twenty-four-seven. He could go to them if he was having trouble and needed someone to talk to. Jason nodded and wiped his tears. He hugged his little brother.
The laundry room was full of dirty clothes waiting to be washed. Brad snuck down to the laundry room first, leaving Mike and Bria to wait their turns. She came back upstairs to the kitchen with an annoyed expression. The guys all noticed it. Brad joked about her getting up earlier. It was ten in the morning when she gathered up her clothes. That gave him a two-hour head start.
“You’re lucky you’re handsome.”
They laughed.
Henry came into the kitchen to say hello. His leg had fully healed and he could walk around normally. Being carried around everywhere helped prevent him from putting weight on his injured leg. He was so happy he could be active again. As was Micha. He made sure his little brother was taken care of by the humans. Bria looked down at him and said hello when she felt him brushing against her leg.
She crouched down and scratched his head.
“What leg was the one that was hurt?”
“It was his front right leg”, Dave said.
“Oh, yeah. That’s why cats have nine lives.”
They laughed in agreement.
“Thanks for taking care of him.”
Oh, yeah. It wasn’t a problem. Chester especially loved carrying him around and spoiling him. After getting up, she asked how Princess handled that.
“She came over to see how he was doing. It seemed like she was saying ‘Oh, he’s okay. Now give me attention.’ We had to remind her it was his turn.”
“Once a diva, always a diva.”
They laughed because it was true. Princess came in and meowed to alert the humans to her presence. As the boys made dinner, they continued talking about their vacations. Mike gave an update on Jason. He was cautiously optimistic. It was up to him to do the work of staying sober. He showed him around London and he got to see his office. That was a lot of fun.
He thought Bria would really enjoy the city because of its history. How was Dubai? It was gorgeous, though she could never live there. Why not? It was so expensive and hot. Both she and Brad had fun experiencing a different culture. They toured an ancient fortress. That was a lot of fun. They also did a yacht tour, a mosque tour, a safari, and shopping. She and Brad had dinner at the top of the Burj Khalifa for a date night. What’s a yacht tour?
“It’s where you get to see the city from a yacht. We also got to swim around”, he answered.
“How much did you spend shopping”, Mike asked.
“That’s the thing! We had to calculate the difference between American dollars and UAE Dirham. One Dirham is worth twenty-seven American cents. Everyone had to do the math for me because I could never figure it out. It was around two hundred dollars, more or less.”
“I made sure she didn’t overspend”, Brad said.
The boys laughed. She bought some clothes, a hijab, a traditional Arabic dress and a new handbag. It sounded like a fun trip! It was. She would show them the pictures she took when they were developed. They were excited to see them! She would do that the next day while she ran errands.
@zoeykaytesmom @feelingsofaithless @alina-dixon
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emyluwinter · 2 years
So while I am able to do posts on twst another part of the Silver Bullet (aka Mafia au) Author Au - @jackplushie
The working day was coming to an end, the Bartender Yuu was no longer expecting any of the visitors at such a late time. The time of daily cleaning at the end of the working day of the bar. Everything was sickeningly the same. Wash dirty floors, wiping the remaining dust and traces from the floor and trying to wipe off the stains left from drinks, crumbs from food that were left behind by not the most pleasant visitors. To clean the surface of the tables so that customers would not be disgusted to sit at an old antique that once had the name table. Turn over the chairs and put them on the tables so that the floor dries and it is easier to wash each area. Check the cash register and calculate the revenue, what you need to buy from groceries or booze. What can be allocated to improve the bar itself. Wipe the dishes until they shine and put them on the shelves in their places. Take out the garbage bags, and try to write a couple of reports for Crowley. Their patron, which gives them the opportunity sometimes, or rather extremely rarely, which can be called a miracle, to update the decor and interior of the bar. The bartender has already begun to think bitterly whether it is worth saving something from the proceeds to improve. In any case, it didn't hurt to seal a couple of holes. Although newspapers faded from time and a little scotch tape covered the holes in the walls, which caused the wind to walk in the room, as if in an open clearing. Still, wanted to have a more decent appearance. It even became somehow awkward in front of the bar patrons… A peaceful, peaceful end to another day, what could be more beautiful for this late evening. No violent guests, no showdowns. Even rude people among the visitors could still be tolerated. Taking a deep breath and exhaling with relief, Yuu lowered the rolled-up sleeves of their work shirt and straightened the old worn apron for the bartender. That evening, the homeless cat Grimm decided to take a walk and it was even getting a little lonely. When the little furry marauder left, Yuu always left a small door (specially made for the Grimm) through the back door so that the cat could come in and sleep in his VIP place. A box with a pillow and a towel that he liked so much. And eat some treats from a humble bartender. Still, Grimm was a "free" cat, although he often came to the bar to take a nap. And to be the most brazen disgusting big cat ass that Yuu has ever seen among all cats. It was impossible to count how many times this impudent man broke glasses, it was worth distracting for a couple of seconds and leaving the drink unattended. Well, anyway, Yuu didn't mind at all when Grimm purposely spilled drinks on customers who were too much for the Bartender. Harmful, but a good cat.
Going behind the bar, Yuu decided that it was worth making tea to finish with the report for Crowley for today. There's not much work left, so they should definitely be done by midnight.
The bar was filled with the soft rustle of paper and the sound of a ballpoint pen working hard. A light rain began to drizzle outside the window and thunder was heard somewhere in the distance. It was finally possible to relax… or not?
The silence in the bar was broken by the sound of a bell from the front door for visitors. W A I T
……A bell?!
The ballpoint pen froze on the last line, Yuu swallowed nervously. Because they could have sworn that they had locked the front door…No one comes in at this time. Even the "criminal visitors" have a little conscience so as not to detain the tired Bartender at work. It meant only one thing….it was an uninvited guest, worse than that, they broke down the door … Having plucked up the courage, Yuu cautiously and imperceptibly looked out of their "hiding place" to see what the devil had brought into the bar. Yuu looks puzzled at the open door of the bar. They were definitely locking her up!!A bunch of keys lay right in front of their papers as proof that they had been used quite recently. How inopportunely Crowley's words come to mind in the Bartender's head. "The lock on the front door is old, you should prop up the door with something so that if the lock suddenly jams, no one enters~"
It wasn't Yuu who didn't lock the door, it was the lock that didn't work!? The bartender will definitely do damage and all the curses on this stupid Crowley!!Leave the bar without normal locks on the doors?!What kind of security could there be?!
But it seems that this was not enough….
Was the uninvited guest wearing a long black coat or a mantle? Yuu didn't know much about it. A large hood covered the face of the incoming. They smelled of burning, coal, and something scorched. And there was a familiar metallic smell.. Yuu frowned at this nauseating mixture of smells, but, unfortunately, they are already used to it … to the persistent smell of carnage ….sweat … and what they absolutely do not want to know. Damn it, this man was about two meters tall!If you don't think about it, he could be mistaken for some kind of modern plague doctor or mercenary.
"I'm going to shoot Crowley with a champagne cork…Why didn't I become an office clerk like all normal people? where. WHERE did I make such a mistake?.."
Lowering their gaze to Yuu's shoes immediately, they jumped up from their seat. Even if they were the Devil himself!!
-Excuse me! But we are already closed, if you are going to enter, use the mat!!I just washed the floors!
To die because you yell at your killer for dirty shoes that walk on a clean floor that has just been literally polished. .......Yeaaah, it was Yuu. They worked hard for hours to clean it all up. You can at least try to confuse if they are going to attack.
It seems to have had an effect, and the figure stopped. Yuu just now noticed that… They had a sword in their hands?In the blood?Is he some kind of medieval killer?!
"Why do all the crazies come here like bees to a hive….is there some kind of sign here?!Come here, bring the poor Bartender to gray hair!Special offer drink as a gift!"
-You…….don't know who I am? - a low deep voice broke the silence in the room like a thunderbolt in the middle of a clear sunny day
Once again, after looking at the uninvited guest Yuu from head to toe in disbelief, they looked at the dark figure.
-Well, as I see it, you don't wear a badge.. Do you want to place an order?
The dark figure elegantly removed the hood, and Yuu was finally able to see the face of this definitely dangerous person.Slowly examining the situation, the empty bar is not the best class, but carefully tidied up, making sure that there is no one inside.The guest returned his gaze to the modest Bartender.
If it wasn't for the bloodstains on their pale skin, the Yuu would have thought that some supermodel had looked into their backwater. The guy was definitely handsome, if not for their piercing gaze the color of fresh foliage.And their manner of bearing seems to hold a heavy burden on their shoulders and head. Like royalty.
-Who are you?
Yuu is even more confused about what this guy wants at all.
-Em….The bartender as you can see? So you want to order, sir?
"Oh, it's going to be a rough night….have you been punched in the head by a guy?" - Yuu really kept their desire to arm themselves with a mop and drive this strange guy away.
-Tea, coffee?Maybe lemonade?
-Do you really not know who is in front of you?
-I'm sorry, sir, but my working day has come to an end. Either you finish with your "who am I" rebus and come back another time, or please place an order. - Having pulled on his "mask", the bartender decides that if they are not going to be killed, then it's worth just turning on his working mode. Maybe after the drink the guest will leave?
The stranger's shoulders twitched, trembled, and then the dark figure burst into merry laughter. He was definitely having fun.
"Ooooh….the cuckoo in his head went…." - hoping that this is not an escaped dangerous criminal from a psychiatric hospital, Yuu even regretted that they did not escape through the back door at all. To hell with property and money, they would just survive after this meeting.
-That's funny….no one has ever talked to me like that before. - Taking off his coat and finally using the rug, properly cleaning his definitely crazy expensive shoes on an old dusty rug. The uninvited guest hung his coat on an old hanger and put his bloody sword there as well. After making sure that the shoes were clean enough and leaving no traces, the guest headed to the bar with a smug grin as if he had discovered something interesting.
-You. What's your name? - the question from the guest sounded almost demanding.
-Sir, should I read you the menu? My name is written on the badge, if you don't know the language or you forgot your glasses, I will help you.
Who says a bartender can't be sharp-tongued? Within reasonable limits, of course. Usually clients were amused by this. Only some were offended and did not understand the joke. Another rumbling laugh escapes from the guest's mouth.
-Are you funny… Yuu,right?
-Yes, sir. Have you decided on the order?
-I think I would like to try something to your taste. Something dark and strong for someone like me~
-Can I make you a milkshake, sir?We have several flavors.
Yu had to raise his head high to look at the guest's face. Damn it, he was definitely a whopper compared to them! Were you raised by palm trees as a child?!? This pungent smell of blood and burning still unpleasantly tickled Yuu's nose, forcing their poor hungry stomach to twist into a tight knot.
Gracefully propping his head on his hand, the guest looked with interest from head to toe at the modest bartender. It was as if he was trying to get through their skin to the very bones and insides.
-Make your choice~
-Then I'll make you a milkshake with chocolate and mint. Perfectly refreshing. Anything else?
-No. It will be rude to detain you even longer.
Yuu made a memo for themselves to make a sign that stinkers and people who do not know that it was DEFINITELY worth putting yourself in order, if only out of pity for the poor bartender. And they began to prepare the drink.
This man, did not take his eyes off Yuu for a split second. The bartender was ready to swear that their gaze was studying every movement and their breathing under an expensive microscope, as if they had discovered a new toy for entertainment.
Literally every cell screamed to the Bartender that the anger of this strange man was not worth recognizing. And their every movement, thought, word was a step on very, very thin ice. Beneath which a brutal and bloody monster waited and lurked.
It was the hardest and most stressful 40 minutes of the whole week that Yuu could remember…..
-Don't you want to know my name? - suddenly the guest asked, as if waiting for the right moment to grab his long pale powerful hands into the thin throat of the Bartender.
-I'm sorry, sir, but my clipboard for names is full for today. A lot of people come here, even if I had photos with names, I wouldn't be able to remember them all.
-Oh, i see…are you not confused by my appearance?
-Can I offer you an antiseptic napkin, sir? Please don't get anything dirty, I just finished with the cleaning. - In truth, Yuu wanted to pour a whole bucket of bleach on this guy, but it's better to leave this thought somewhere on the crust of consciousness. The guest carefully watched every movement of the Bartender, as if trying to make sure that they were not going to add something "extraneous" to his order After hearing the Bartender's requests. The guest took out a handkerchief and carefully wiped his hands so as not to leave traces.
Finally, Yuu finished with the cocktail and placed it right in front of the guest. And they also put a few napkins and a dessert spoon next to the drink
-Your order, sir.
-Thank you ~
After taking a small sip, the guest froze and stared at the drink in surprise. The bartender thought for a moment that he saw a small child who was given a sweet taste for the first time. And now he is so excited that he has a failure of the entire brain system.
It seems that he definitely liked the drink, to the great relief of the Bartender. In any case, the visitor definitely did not hide his pleasure from each sip. The drink fascinated the night visitor so much that he turned all his attention to the cocktail and Yuu could at least take a little breath and put the papers in the drawer. Acting like a locked door has already entered firmly into their lives. Although it was more likely that Yuu already had an armored door with all the locks, a chair propping up the door handle and a closet pushed up on top so that no one could break it for sure.
What a strange appearance of this dark scary man was, so was his departure. After paying for the drink and leaving a generous tip for "overtime work", the guest took his things and left into the dark night, as if dissolving into it. After the guest left, Yuu was checked that he had definitely left. And then they fiddled a little with the door lock, made sure that it was definitely locked. And trying to calm their paranoia, Yuu pushed a heavy table to the door so that no ONE else would come into the bar. Tired and without any strength, having settled on the floor, Yuu were breathing very hard, as if they did not have enough air. Panic was literally breathing down their necks and squeezing their ribs into a tight ball.
-They told me not to deal with bad people…..but why didn't anyone warn me that they would come to me themselves…..Haaah…..I'm going to take a bath full of valerian today…well, why didn't I go to the office to work….why….
They whined softly from the fatigue of Yuu and the silence of the night. The next day the bar didn't open because the Bartender felt so bad and exhausted that they almost fell down the stairs when they wanted to go to work. Three old men - their neighbors living in the same house, convinced them to stay at home and relax. Yuu just wanted all this to finally be just a bad dream..not reality. **** bonus
Malleus - Make me a drink as dark as my soul.
Bartender Yuu - Do you want a latte sir?
Lillia in the background - * wheezing with laughter* ***
Azul angrily - What does it mean the bar is closed?!They have the most excellent coffee to finish the working day after all the deals!!
Jade - there were several witnesses that the Draconia visited this bar late last night…I am also upset with Azul by this fact.
Floyd whistled when he heard the news - Did the bartender survive after this meeting?
-Floyd!! ***
Sebek grabbing the Bartender's collar - You!!Pitiful human!!How dare you treat the great lord so disrespectfully?! OUCH!!!What the hell?!?A CAT?!
Meanwhile, the Grimm but the entire ankle of Sebek until it bled, hissing loudly and clinging to his leg.
Bartender Yuu clearing his throat and looking at how Sebek absurdly tries to unhook the Grimm, "I adore this cat with all my heart!!"
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finerllines · 3 years
vogue secrets [dad/husband!harry]
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a/n: i have been really into domestic harry at the moment so this is a short blurb that is hopefully easy to read and comforting <3 reblogs and comments are always appreciated luv u (based on this) talk to me about my writing!!
summary: get unready with harry
wc: 900
tw: none :-)
“Hello Vogue, this is Harry Styles and come get unready with me.” Harry punctuates his introduction with a wave and closed-mouthed smile, donned in a fluffy purple robe.
He feels weird doing his daily nighttime routine in front of a ring light and camera instead of beside his wife, but being able to hear her pottering around in their room was making the process a little less mechanic.
It was the first pit-stop on tour, and he was staying at a service apartment in New York with his wife and twins. Normally, he wouldn’t sacrifice his day off to do any sort of work or promo. But he figured he could get this done pretty quickly, and Vogue had been so gracious to him before. At least he already got to rock the twins to bed and sit on the counter and watch y/n did her skincare routine.
Harry picks up a headband with cat ears and shows it off to the camera with a cheeky grin. “First things first, we have’ta push the hair back. My wife scolds me when I come to bed with a wet fringe.” When his hair is secured under the headband, he puts up a peace sign and poses for the camera, giving everyone the perfect opportunity to screenshot Harry Styles with cat ears.
“This is the cleanser I use,” he brings the tube close to the lens for it to focus on the label.
“Since having the babs I’ve been breakin’ out a lot more because they like to put their dirty lil’ hands all over my face, so my wife recommended this one to me. If I’m carryin’ ‘em and their excited about something they like to smack their hands about, and most of the time they end my smacking my face.” Despite rolling his eyes and shaking his head, he could not stop a fond smile from creeping onto his face.
As he lathers his cleanser onto his face, the bathroom door opens and y/n walks in whilst typing on her phone.
“H, did your mum get back to you about the –“
“Honey, I’m filming,” he says, quickly reaching forward to angle the camera so that his wife, who was just in his shirt and underwear, was out of frame.
Immediately freezing on the spot, y/n looks up from her phone alarmed. She sheepishly mutters, “Sorry, H,” and creeps out of the bathroom backwards.
“That was the woman who taught me everything I know about skincare everyone,” he says to the camera with a proud grin. “Now, let’s wash this stuff off shall we.” He reframes the shot and ducks his head down to rinse off the cleanser.
Reemerging with a towel, he says with his eyes still closed, “Only pat your face, don’t rub it dry.” As he tosses the towel aside, he adds softly, “My wife taught me that as well.”
He wipes his toner over his face and launches into a little rant about how he isn’t sure that toners do anything. And as he stands fanning his face with his hands, a loud wail can be heard. Moving on instinct, Harry immediately pokes his head out the bathroom door and shouts, “Do you need me lovie?”
“I got it H, it’s just the one bab. I’m going to give her a bottle.”
“Sorry, let me check on the other baby. You can edit round this bit,” he tells the camera, before darting out with his headband still on. When he gets back, he wipes imaginary sweat off his forehead with an exaggerated huff. “My wife’s got it handled everyone, nothing to worry about.”
“We’re almost done everyone. My routine is actually only three steps but it’s taken me” – he takes a peak at the time on his phone – “oof, twenty five minutes to get through two steps for some reason. Right, let’s slap on some moisturiser so I can get in bed with my wife.”
Silently, Harry picks up a tub of moisturiser and holds it up as if he was doing an infomercial. With big, exaggerated movements, he dabs the product all over the face, then rubs it in slowly. Once he is done, he whips of the headband and makes a show of shaking out his hair.
“That’s it, pretty simple. I am officially unready and ready for bed. I hope you guys had fun watching me put stuff on my face, and um, enjoy the rest of tour. Goodnight.” He signs off with another smile and wave.
Harry slips out of his on-camera persona and turns all the equipment off. He exits the bathroom to see y/n already tucked under the thick duvet, face illuminated by her phone. Taking off his robe, his lips form a pout as he slowly makes his way to the bed.
Looking up at his, y/n coos, “Aw, did my baby have a hard day at work, washing your face for camera?”
“Shut up, I missed you.” He crawls under the duvet and immediately curls around y/n, his head taking residence on her chest. “Did Darce give you a hard time?”
She puts her phone down and starts running her fingers through his hair. “No, she was an angel. Went right to sleep after I fed her.”
Snuggling closer, Harry buries his face further into her chest. “My perfect chunky girl,” he hums, voice muffled.
With one last kiss to the top of his head, they exchanged goodnights and slowly fell asleep, content with the life they had built for themselves.
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jaeminlore · 2 years
surface pressure | mark lee
[mark tries to relieve some stress. romance. interior decorating. alt version on ao3 is also mine]
It’s not hard to notice that you’re stressed. Mark doesn’t need to be a superhero to notice the bags under your eyes, the tenseness of your shoulders, the way you always do things without being asked. Things that someone else should be doing.
You’ve confessed it to him before, in little fragments when you didn't think it was a huge deal like “My mom expected me to have the house cleaned by the time she got home from work, even though I had a job too.” and “I got sick of staring at my roommates’ dirty dishes so I just did them.”
Mark has always done his best to remind you that it’s not your job to save others from their own doing. But still, you insist, this fear pricking it’s way up your throat that you may be held responsible for the doing of others. And it’s not without reason: you’ve been held responsible before.
Now that the two of you finally have your own place, Mark has done his absolute best to lift the burden, but you’re so damn stubborn. By the time he returns home from his classes or his job, you already have the house clean, and his laundry washed, and for God’s sake you’ll even reorganize the kitchen if you're antsy enough.
This week has been interesting. You and Mark have been in the process of unpacking and decorating. After a Christmas bonus from your boss, you and Mark had purchased new decor for your shared space, so that the two of you could make it your own. See, even with your own money, you spend it partly on someone else.
Mark wants you to be selfish. But he knows there’s not a selfish bone inside of you, so he’s going to have to beat you at your own game.
The house is slightly cluttered with moving boxes, old decor, and the new decor you’ve just bought. Tomorrow is your first day off for the first time in a while, and you’ve casually mentioned to Mark that you’re going to spend it unpacking and cleaning the house.
Mark Lee is going to die before he lets that happen.
He waits until you’ve left for work, and then he’s turning on his favorite 90’s r&b playlist. He labels the boxes, takes his time between organizing what needs to go on shelves and what needs to be sent off for donation. He leaves the decor the two of you had bought in a tidy box on top of the coffee table, because he knows decorating is something you wouldn’t want him to do without you.
He vacuums the rugs, and refills the cat's food bowl. He cleans out the fridge and takes out the trash. There is an entire drawer of candles you’ve picked up, having liked the scents, so Mark picks up one he recalls liking and lights it, setting it on the center of the table. He straightens the placemats (he finds it adorable that you leave the table set every night, even when the two of you usually take your dinners to the couch.)
He wipes down the counter, using minimal products the way you like to. He cleans the toilet. He gathers all the trash in your shared bedroom and makes the bed. He folds the orange throw blanket you got him and sets it on the edge of the bed, so your cat can cuddle against it the way she likes.
When he’s sure you’re on your way home, he orders pizza. He turns on the television and sets your favorite show on pause. He’s so giddy and excited for you to get home, he thinks he could burst.
The house smells of garlic and vanilla when you walk in through the door. You pause in the doorway, bundled so sweetly in your scarf and jacket. You look at the lack of clutter and furrow your brows. “I thought– I thought you worked late today.”
“I took the day off.”
He rushes up to you and helps you take off your jacket, quick to hang it on the hook. Before you can take off your scarf, he grabs the frayed edges and pulls you close to him, so that your forehead presses to his.
You hum warmly. “You’re so sweet, Mark.”
Mark grins, flushed with praise. It's almost embarrassing, how much he likes pleasing you. And yet, he can't find it in himself to change. "I left the decor out so we could decorate tomorrow. I figured you’d rather spend your day off decorating than unpacking.”
Your eyes tear up. You look at the sleeves to see that he’s taken down everything you guys have decided to give away or get rid of. “Mark… You work so hard…”
“No,” Mark swiftly kisses your cheek. “You work hard. And you take on too much. I want you to start leaning on me more, okay? You’re not carrying this alone.”
You nod, shyness washing over you. When you wrap your arms around Mark’s middle, he can feel the tenseness leave your muscles. “Thank you so much.”
“Hush,” he orders. “No more thanking me. Don’t ever think you don’t deserve this, okay? I want to take care of our home. I want to take care of you.”
The two of you eat pizza, and while you watch the tv screen, Mark watches you.
The sweetness of your laugh. The way you munch on your food. Your hair and your clothes and the way you wipe your fingers on a napkin. “C’mere,” he says.
Selfish, he knows, but he interrupts your eating to draw you into his lap. Your weight atop his thighs grounds him like noticing else. He peers up at you, and he knows he’s got that look in his eyes that you always make fun of. You’ve often told him that he looks lovesick, and that’s exactly what he is. He tucks your hair back behind your ears so he can see your face. “You’re incredible. And I know you can do things by yourself, but you don’t have to, okay? Not with me.”
You nod, bowing your head to avert his gaze. “Yeah, I know.”
He holds your face, and rubs his thumb across your jaw. Your eyelids flutter closed. “I’m not fussing at you. Promise. I’m so proud of you, and I’ll be just as proud of you if you take time to rest.”
He pulls your face to his and kisses you sweetly, reveling in the softness of your mouth and the lovely, lovely sounds that escape you. He loves the way you melt against him, the way you trust him to take care of the burdens you’ve held onto for so long. He’s Mark Lee after all, he can handle it.
You tuck your face against his neck, cuddling as close to him as you can. “I love you,” you mumble sleepily.
He kisses your head, feeling accomplished. “I love you more.”
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