#it felt a little awkward today in the office even though this might have just been me being embarrassed about having asked for 'more'
tardis--dreams · 2 months
I kind of asked my boss about opportunities to start working more than i currently do and maybe switch to a different position and today my one coworker told my other coworker (we share one office) 'if all of the students are getting promoted it doesn't help us either' while i was In The Room and now i feel guilty lol
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angellayercake · 2 months
Into the Lu-niverse
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@ghelullu x Cardinal Copia's Black Suit | NSFW | 3000 words
Happy Birthday Lu!! I hope you have had an amazing day full of joy and torturous thoughts of Copia. I know you enjoyed the fic already but here are some bonus gifs from here and it should be known that this is now officially the prequel of Smudge. warnings: copia being sexy in his black suit, blow jobs kinda, hand jobs kinda, jizzing in pants definitely.
You hated him, loathed him, detest and abhor him. You were seething quietly at your desk using every ounce of will power you possess not to look at him right now. When he lets out a muffled aha your resolve breaks and you glance over just in time to watch him roll back upright from where he was bent over digging through the bottom drawer of one of the many filing cabinets that are stuffed into the cramped office.
Not so long ago you had asked why he hadn’t asked for a larger office along with his promotion to the leader of the ghost project but he had brushed you off saying he enjoyed his cosy little office, just enough room for the two of you. At the time you had enjoyed the flush of happiness that had given you but that was before the new wardrobe arrived. Before you realised exactly how much of your day was spent looking directly at him.
This had never not been a problem you supposed, even in his cassock days. He had been awkwardly charming since you first met but the layers of fabric he wore day to day had been protecting your sanity far more than you ever realised. Because his new position had not just brought with it a new schedule, more work, more ghouls and siblings coming and going from the office. It had brought with it a new wardrobe and along with it the stretching of your professionalism to the very limit.
The two of you were friends, well friendly, you thought. Both of you quite reserved taking your time to open up but friendship had been inevitable when you shared so many interests. The tediousness of the endless ministry paperwork fading away as you spent your days discussing the amount of historical inaccuracies in films or attempting to convince him to play games on anything newer than the old console he has. In that lull in the afternoon when both your energy drops you fall into your topic of the day and before you know it your work is done and you reach the worst part of the day. Leaving the office together, watching him methodically lock the door and go your separate ways for the evening.
Today though, that time couldn’t come quick enough. There was only one thing you could focus on and it definitely wasn't any of the work you were supposed to be doing! He had come strutting into the office in his new outfit and in a single moment destroyed all your brain function. He had twirled for you chattering excitedly and you had just sat there paralysed. If you had any sense left you might have felt awkward as he stood there waiting for a reaction. Somehow you managed to choke out something after watching him deflate in front of you before looking back at your work and not letting your eyes stray from your screen even as your mind was screaming and running in circles. 
You were friends, yes, as you had established but that didn’t mean there weren’t a lot of other feelings you had, and actively tried to suppress about the Cardinal. He was incredibly intelligent, always peppering your conversations with random facts and sharing his well thought out opinions with you. Some may have found it annoying but you found his little oohs and aahs endearing finding you can almost follow his train of thought just by listening carefully to his soft mutterings. He was disarmingly sweet, remembering the smallest details about your interests and preferences and surprising you with little gifts from his travels that made your heart swell and your eyes cloud doing your best to hide from him exactly how they affected you because he didn’t need to see you crying over a meaningless gift.
The hardest part to ignore though, harder than anything was how insanely hot he is. Even you can’t rationalise away the way he makes your breath catch if he looks at you a certain way or the urge you get to run your fingers through his hair first thing in the morning when he first takes off his biretta. He looks amazing, always with his carefully groomed moustache and sideburns lending a sharpness to his already defined features. Many times you have found yourself getting lost in his mismatched eyes or watching his full lips as he talks to you but you reign yourself in. Because you have to. As much as he looks good in his cassocks they made your attraction much easier to ignore than the new additions to his wardrobe.   
At a first glance it looked like a simple black suit but every single inch of it was tailored to him perfectly. His dog collar and shirt peaked out from under the stiff collar of his jacket framing his sharp jawline. The jacket itself was intricately designed with boxy sharp shoulders and suede panels that ended on sharp points, the deliberate lines encouraging the eye downwards. At the back the coattails reached down to his knees in similar dramatic points.
And the trousers, well, every stolen glance offered you a full view of all of him. They flared slightly at his ankle but from mid shin they clung to him like a second skin. You could see his shapely calves, knobbly knees, surprisingly thick toned thighs. Thighs had never been a problem for you before but you had to clench your fists to quell the urge to reach out and squeeze any time he came close. His ass was another surprise, how a man who spent as much time sitting in an office as he did had a shape like that you couldn’t understand and at his crotch, well the less you thought about that the better. 
You powered through your day doing your best to ignore the pointed looks he was giving you, clearly concerned by your unusual silence but you pushed through, thankful for once at the amount of work that has come across your desk today. You even work through your lunch only giving him a kurt thank you when he places a sandwich and a drink at the corner of your desk. The afternoon passes awkwardly as he attempts to lure you into conversation but you just can’t deal with him even as guilt starts to creep in at the edges of your mind. 
You watch the time on your screen click slowly towards an acceptable time for you to leave, doing your best to seem as absorbed in your work as possible until the number finally reaches five o’clock. You jump up from your desk like it is on fire, gathering your things as quickly as you can so you can make your escape. You can feel his eyes on you but you have to get away but quicker then you could think he is in your path. Not quite getting between you and the door but quite deliberately in your way he fixes you with an intense expression that pins you to the spot.
“Have I done something to upset you?” He asks, his voice filled with confusion and a touch of sadness. You immediately feel guilty but you are at a loss of how you can even begin to talk your way out of this. 
“No Cardinal it’s nothing.” Being confronted like this you can’t help but look him over. It’s one thing to bury your crush when he was draped in the layers of his fabric, you can pretend you just have a friendly relationship but looking him up and down in front of you sends an electric bolt of lust that is not as easy to ignore. 
“Then what is it?” His gaze is piercing and it is impossible to hide from. He watches you look him over and tilts his head like he has just figured something out. “Is it this?” he gestures up and down his body. “The new suit? Do you not like it?” A humourless laugh barks out of you beyond your control and he only looks more confused.
"No I ... I do, I swear, it's just…" You feel your face flush realising you are going have to either come up with something convincing very quickly or even worse, tell the truth. 
"...because I was a little worried it might be too tight…" He continues barely listening to your mumbling attempts at reassurance.
"No, it's, um... it's good," which hardly sounds better. Your tongue feels like lead, entirely uncooperative as you try to halt the self conscious spiral you seem to have started in him.
"It does show off quite a lot, you're right." His shoulders hunch as he smooths his hands down his stomach before patting at the curve of his belly. 
"No that's not what I said, but I mean, yes it does, but that's not…" You hiss in frustration at your inability to articulate anything. 
"Perhaps I don't have the body to pull this off…" He twists side to side looking himself over and you are sure counting off imaginary flaws he thinks you must be seeing.
"No you do, you really do, Copia will you just…" You take a deep breath even as he cuts you off again. You are going to have to tell him.
"Too much rigatone, perhaps if I cut back…" He pats his belly again and even in the middle of your pre confession panic you can’t help but find him a little adorable. As if he could look anything other than perfect. That was the whole problem.
"...No you look great, you have a great body…" Your cheeks flush even as you say it, part of you unable to believe you managed to get the words out. He pauses, attention suddenly focused back on you.
"I... I do?" He takes a step closer to you and your eyes drop to the ground. 
"W-well, um... yeah..." you stutter, all your confidence evaporating as quickly as it came.
"You've never said that before,” you can’t decide if he means it as a statement or a question but you fumble to fill the silence he has now left.
"Well you've always worn those cassocks and I've never seen you... like this...." You still can’t look at him so you gesture vaguely at him hoping it might be enough to convince him and allow you to finally escape. You were already planning the excuse you could use to call in sick tomorrow and maybe even the rest of the week. You weren’t sure when you would feel able to face him again.
"Are you lying? You're not looking at me." He steps closer again until his toes enter your narrow field of vision and you know if you were to look up you would be face to face. 
"No, damnit Copia, I'm not lying, you just..." You are at a loss for words, how do you even begin to tell him?
"What?" His gloved hand reaches for your chin gently, coaxing you to look up at him. You look into his eyes and you are done for, the cold white piercing through you even as his green eye seems softer, almost encouraging. 
"You look good, okay? Too good. Too damn good that it's distracting, and sexy and..." It’s like word vomit tumbling out of your mouth and beyond your control.
"Sexy? I'm... sexy?" Of course that is the part he gets stuck on.
"For fucks sake," you mutter warring between frustration and affection for this ridiculous man.
"You think I'm sexy?" he says his voice filled with disbelief. "You think.... I'm sexy," he continues teasingly stroking your chin softly and not letting you avert your gaze from him. "How long have you thought that?"
“If you are going to tease me I won’t say another thing,” you huff but the smug grin spreading across his face has the corners of your lips pulling up in spite of your protest.
 "But this suit... you find it distracting?" He runs his hands over his body like he can read your mind, sliding down his chest, across his belly and over his thighs.
"Yes. Very" Your mouth goes dry as you start to realise how much he is enjoying your confession.  
"Well then consider this my revenge." You shift back in confusion, tilting your head at him, but he reels with an arm around your waist until you are almost pressed against him.
"Revenge? For what?" You ask genuinely bemused by the turn of the conversation
"The way you have distracted me every day, listening to me talk, laughing at my jokes flashing me that beautiful smile…" He makes his intentions clear, tipping your head towards him, his gaze flickering from your eyes to your lips and back again. When you don’t pull away he closes the distance between you, capturing your lips in a much sweeter chaste kiss then you had been expecting. For a moment you don’t react, hardly able to believe what is finally happening but eventually you catch up, running your hands up his chest to feel that perfect tailoring for yourself. The kiss deepens naturally, his tongue teasing you until you open up for him as he pulls you closer, his large hands squeezing where they have come to rest at your waist.  
“Why don’t I show you exactly how much I like it?” You whisper, pulling away just enough to get some air between you. With one finger against his chest you walk him backwards until he is leant against his desk. He watches you with heavy lidded eyes and you swallow hard, still somewhat in disbelief that he wants you too as you drop to your knees and finally give in to the thoughts that had been threatening to plague you all day. 
Your first touch is tentative, following the seam up the centre of his thigh with the tip of your finger and watching him tremble under your barest touch. Flattening your palms you feel the strong muscle just underneath the soft surface when you squeeze gently at his thighs and bask in the soft moan you draw from him. You let your fingers run over the zipper of his trousers allowing yourself the privilege of actually looking now and the sight makes your mouth water. He is already thickening in his trousers, his shaft growing fat where it is held against his leg by the tight fabric. You can see everything, even more pronounced now as he becomes aroused, the shape of his head pushing against the fabric and leaving a faint wet spot and his balls sit heavy on the other side of his inseam. 
You cup them gently in your hand feeling the weight of him against your palm even as he strains against the fabric. He shifts against the desk spreading his legs for you, giving you enough room to get as close as you like. With just the tip of your tongue you lap at his head and are treated to just the faintest taste of his precum that has leaked into his trousers and you can’t help but moan. Between the slow steady massage of your fingers on his balls and your teasing licks you feel him growing harder against his thigh. Mouthing down his length you marvel at the size of him, the tip of his cock now sitting a good way down his thigh. 
You risk looking up at him and get captivated by the sight. He is watching you intently, his pupils blown so wide you can barely see the different colours of his eyes. His hair has fallen out of his usual slicked back style and falls across his face swaying in time with his panting breaths. He blinks at you as if confused as to why you have stopped and his gloved hand weaves its way into your hair, easing your slackend mouth back against him as he begins to plead with you. 
“Please don’t stop,” he gasps even as you begin to nuzzle at him once again, following the shape of him with the tip of your nose as he whines. You stroke his length with dextrous fingers until he starts to push his hips up slowly, thrusting and grinding against your palm. If you thought he was sexy before it had nothing on this, watching him come undone just for you. You close your mouth over the head of his cock again, the wet patch having grown significantly larger and the taste of him stronger. His thrusts become more insistent, his grip in your hair tightening and his other hand landing on your shoulder keeping you exactly where he wants you. The hand not held firmly between his strong thighs slides up underneath the tails of his jacket until you grip his perfect ass and pull him even closer. 
“Oh c…cazzo,” he stutters out. You are both getting too carried away, you should at least undo his trousers but the thought of breaking contact with him for even a second seems unthinkable as his hips start to stutter against your face. His trousers are sodden now between your spit and his precum so you taste as well as feel when he starts to cum, twitching and moaning against you. You can’t stop sucking him, feeling the pulses of aftershock against your tongue until he guides you away when his pleasure gets obscured by oversensitivity. 
“Amore,” he chuckles breathlessly, looking down at you with undisguised affection, making your heart almost beat out of your chest. "You ruined my new trousers.” The two of you dissolve into giggles, giddy from the sudden new turn your relationship has taken. You rest your forehead against his soft tummy as you both catch your breath.
“I can’t say I am sorry,” you say with a grin almost splitting your face.
“And I can’t say I am disappointed.” He sighs, lifting you back to your feet with surprising ease. “But I do have to return the favour.” He smirks before pulling you into another perfect kiss.
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dollywheeler · 3 months
October 19th, 1996
Dear diary,
Yesterday was so much fun! I haven’t been able to stop practicing Champagne Supernova all morning long. It’s still such a great song, and it’s even better now that I can play it myself.
It was weird leaving school with Mike yesterday though - first of all, to hang around after last period while everyone else rushed for the door, and then to wait as the school emptied out and Mike gathered his stuff. He had to make a detour past the office, so by the time we were on the parking lot it was basically empty.
I asked where Will was, and Mike explained that Will doesn’t have any classes on Friday afternoon so he went to pick up El from the greyhound terminal in Indianapolis. She is home again for a few weeks after spending the last two in Chicago with Max, Lucas, and Erica.
I was disappointed at first, but Mike assured me he’d be back for dinner. Just as I’d feared, it was awkward to be around Mike while it was just the two of us - I mean the only other time that has happened was when I was having a minor breakdown. It was a lot of awkward silence at first, asking stilted questions about how I was doing, and Mike tapping nervously on the steering wheel. I’d forgotten how twitchy he was, he manages to hide it well enough during class, but he does pace a lot, so that might be his outlet there.
Anyway, once he got back to his house it was a little easier - he got us something to drink and ran upstairs to grab his extra guitar - and then we settled into the sunroom to start practicing.
It was easy then - with the guitars between us like a barrier and having something to focus on that wasn’t each other. There was no expectation of talking about ourselves, no need to fill the awkward silence. The practice I got at at Stevenson’s paid off, as the intro to the song already went much smoother for me than it did Mike - I could even give him tips on shifting his fingers more easily.
By the time Will got back, I kind of regretted the interruption. It had been nice to spend time with Mike - after a while, it felt nothing like I’d feared; he didn’t make me feel small or like a child at all. For once, it felt like we were just friends hanging out. Even the moments where he was being too much of an annoying know-it-all older brother were strangely welcome.
I just don’t get why it couldn’t have been like this all along. Why, when he actually should have been my older brother, he was a million miles away.
I can’t think about it too much - I get too frustrated.
Anyway, Will got back and started on dinner while we continued playing. It was nice of him to cook for us so we could have more time to practice. Mom showed up right on time for dinner, and though tonight was a lot more casual than last time, it was just as nice. It's strange how quickly you can get used to something. Mike and mom mostly talked about Nancy and Jonathan’s latest work trip to Argentina. Apparently Nancy called right before mom was about to leave which is why she was a bit delayed. I think that made it easier for them - not having to focus on each other.
I’m sad I missed the call, so I might try calling her myself later tonight.
Anyway, I won’t get around to completing Song of Myself today as I’d planned, as dad and I are going on a spontaneous trip to the antiquities market in Bedford. I should have just asked Mike to read it to me while I was there yesterday. Hell, maybe I can convince Mike to just give me the cliff notes for Walden because I’m really not looking forward to having to read that next weekend. I already tried reading it once two summers ago, the last time we went to the lake, because it seemed appropriate, and it made me want to carve my eyeballs out from boredom.
I kept waiting for something to happen and all it did was make me want to rewatch Friday the 13th just so I could imagine someone chasing this guy around his cabin with an axe.
Anyway, I’m excited to go out with dad today. He’d just casually mentioned seeing an ad for the market during breakfast - I don’t think he was actually planning on going until I asked if we could go together so I’m glad I did. He doesn’t leave the house often enough these days. And I’ve barely seen him since school started because I’ve been so busy myself.
I heard him and mom arguing last night - though I couldn’t hear much, I’m pretty sure it was about having dinner at Mike’s. I really can’t fault him over it either. It’s just so confusing because Mike and mom talked much easier than last time, but seem to agree on not letting dad join us as well - I really don’t understand.
I know dad and him don't have much in common, but it’s not like they fought all the time either. Hell, dad doesn’t even yell ever - not even when Mike disappeared for hours on end and had mom worried out of her mind for the millionth time. I know I have no experience yet in being an adult but I’m sure having your parents over is just something you have to put up with - even if it’s against your will.
Besides, how can you actually learn to enjoy spending time with your parents when you never give them the chance? Nancy and mom get along better now than they ever did before. And sure, Nancy gets frustrated too sometimes with dad’s opinions, but she still comes over whenever she can and deals with it!
But what do I know, right?
Anyway, I really should be getting ready - dad wanted to leave before 11 and I have to be back in time for cheer practice.
Love, Holly
PS. Also mom called the developer and our homecoming pictures should finally be done sometime next week!!! I’m so excited to see how they turned out!
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the-traveling-poet · 9 months
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Since today is Levi Ackerman’s birthday, (and Christmas too I guess) here’s a festive little idea I’ve had stuck in my head :)
taglist: @21aurora @deepzombieyouth @braunsbabe
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A bitter chill hung in the air throughout the halls, drafting in through HQ’s main doors opening and closing as people came and went as they pleased.
Wreaths hung outside office doors, and the occasional branch of mistletoe hung in various hall way arches in joking fashion. The hearth sat in the far corner of the mess hall had even been lit, warming those who stopped by’s hands from the winter chill.
Since it was the holiday weekend, Commander Erwin had called for a break through the next couple of days, just after training had ended earlier that same day around noon.
Everyone had been relieved for this time off to either return home to their families, or relax around HQ with minimal duties to entertain.
Yourself and several of the veterans in the Survey Corps had chosen to stay at base, keeping one another company in place of the families you either did not have, or had lost. But for some, neither scenario was the case.
Watching Captain Levi roam the nearly empty halls with his ever present blank expression, you soon understood he’d never had a family to lose, much less return to. So he had always opted to take vacation in the Survey Corps dorms.
Though, despite this bleak reality no doubt weighing on his conscience, his demeanor had considerably changed over the past week. Today especially had been exceptionally awkward around your boyfriend.
He’d made brief mention of his lack of family to you as you both grew closer over the months, and had officially began a relationship. You were both still new to romance, stumbling blindly over your ever growing emotions. Levi most especially. But regardless, this new chapter in your life, however new it was, had been a blessing you could have only hoped for.
With one last close inspection, you finished tidying up you recently neglected office and decided to search for Levi. After all, wasn’t it apart of your responsibility to check in with him when he wasn’t acting well?
After searching high and low for him, you hadn’t come across Levi anywhere he usually frequented on down time. You’d nearly decided to postpone your search, till a flicker of color caught your eye behind the mess hall’s windows.
Currently, Levi stood out among the training grounds, doing nothing more than observing his surroundings and watching the sky. Finding this behavior odd, as it was seldomly shown by the raven, you hesitantly left the hall and approached him, standing a respectable distance away.
“Levi,” You greeted softly.
“Y/N,” He curtly responded, his eyes never leaving the thick cover of clouds blocking out the sun. You searched his side profile for any indications as to what he might have felt, but you’d sooner see emotion shown on Wall Maria’s smooth surface before your fellow Captain’s.
Chewing at your lip and awkwardly shuffling your feet through the frost covered grass, you decided to broach the subject lightly.
“So…Are you hiding out here to avoid Hange again?”
Scoffing lightly, he shook his head.
“Partially. I just stepped out for some air. Needed to think, I guess.”
Frowning, your eyes left his face a moment as you realized what might have gotten him in a funk.
“You mentioned before, but never went into detail; you lost your mother around this time, right? Is that what’s going through your mind this week?”
You spoke softly and slowly, trying your hardest to ease into the topic carefully for his sake. Finally, he turned to fully face you, his steely eyes searching your face before he seemed to decide what he wanted to say.
“I did, yes. And you’re right, it has been. Never really cared for winter after she died, nor cared celebrating the one shitty day out of the year that makes me older.”
Slowly, you reached out for his fingers, finding them near freezing to the touch. He had to have been standing out here awhile, you thought, as you looked over his pink tinted ears and nose. Showing him a bittersweet smile, you began to gently rub some heat back into his hand with your own.
“Well, maybe think of it this way; your mother would be proud to see who you’ve become, and how hard you fought to escape the underground. She chose to love you for the time that she had, and she still does wherever she is. She’d be sad to see you freezing your ass off out here second guessing yourself.”
Whether it was the cold or the words you sincerely spoke, you couldn’t quite tell, but the light pink hue spreading across his cheeks was a color that you found suited him nicely. With a wider smile, you took his other hand into both of yours to repeat the process of warming them back up.
“And as for your birthday, well, I think your life is worth celebrating at the very least once a year. You’ve survived again and again, despite whatever odds you face each new year. And you’ve managed to put up with me more the past few weeks, so that’s a feat all in its own.”
To your surprise, a soft chuckle met the end of your speech. The corner of Levi’s lips were slightly upturned and the color in his cheeks had yet to fade.
Another first for you, was seeing the thin watery line cresting his eyes as he partially turned away, glancing one last time up at the sky before looking back at you and gripping your hands with both of his.
“Thanks, Y/N,” he all but whispered, swallowing back any more emotion from slipping out.
Shaking your head with a bemused grin, you squeezed his hands and daringly reached in to place a soft kiss on his cheek.
“Of course, I’m here for you. Always.”
With a gentle tug at his hands, you began to lead him away from the spot he hadn’t moved from in god knows how long.
“Now, let’s get you back inside. Maybe we could sit by the fire in the mess hall? Last I checked it wasn’t occupied, so we can have the space to ourselves for a bit.”
He merely nodded his head with an approving hum, holding on tighter to your hand as you led the way.
“Good, we’ll also grab some tea to cheer you up! And while we’re at it, we can talk about you at least letting me celebrate this birthday with you? Please?
Your eager prompting was met with the faint sound of him clicking his tongue in mock annoyance as he followed closely after you.
“I guess I can tolerate that. But no sappy bullshit, you hear? I don’t want this to be any kind of big deal.”
“So I cant tell Hange or Erwin?”
“You especially cannot tell them. I just…Want this to be between you and me.” Levi mumbled, avoiding the awestruck look you shot him over your shoulder, and the playful cooing that followed. Seeing his embarrassed scowl, you ceased your innocent teasing.
“Okay, okay, no sappy bullshit. But you never know, you might like it. Can’t say you don’t like something till you’ve tried it, you know?”
While you rambled on about how you would spoil him into enjoying a birthday for once, he listened in silence with a warm smile aimed at your back. Who knew, maybe he would enjoy this year’s celebrations after all, now that he had you to celebrate with.
As the two of you walked hand in hand back across the training field towards the base, snow startled to lazily float down from the heavens and fill the indents Levi’s shoes had set against the frosty grass only moment before as dusk fell over the land.
Perhaps it was nature’s way of accepting Levi finally leaving the baggage of his troubled thoughts in the past where they now belonged, you idly thought as you peered out from under the blanket you shared with your lover towards the window to watch the snowflakes fall some time later.
But here in this moment, resting your head on his shoulder by the fire with a warm mug of tea perched in your lap, you knew you’d always come to his aid if the snow didn’t brush the woes away.
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xchxsex · 6 months
Teach Him to Please: Mark Hoffman and Peter Strahm x AFAB reader
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Warning: threesome (ish?), sharing, praise, degradation, mention of knives, p in v penetration x2, oral (f recieving), public play.
Waking up next to Mark’s big, warm hands wrapped around my body is like my coffee in the morning. Of course i need my coffee too. Mark greets me with a small squeeze to my lower stomach. He always did like the little pouch i have there even though Ive always hated it.
“Morning sweetheart”, he says in his sexy sleepy voice.
“Good morning.” I turn over and kiss him, resting my hands on his cheek. His facial hair tickles my fingers and palms.
I rest my head on the pillow next to his.
“You always look so pretty in the morning”, he says, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. “I was wondering if you wanted to come into work with me again today? You seemed to enjoy it last time.”
I smile. I recently quit my job because of the toxicity and the stress it was putting on me, so now I have more time to spend with Mark. Working and doing some filing at the station somewhat interests me and I’m working to get my resume up to par.
“That sounds great.”
After a quick shower with dress and makeup, I’m ready to go. Mark in his detective outfit that he always looks good in.
We drive down to the station, hand resting on my thigh, gently rubbing his thumb. When we arrive and come in, people wave to me. They’re beginning to recognize me with him now.
We go into his office but its not long until there’s a knock at his door. Mark lets out a huff of annoyance.
“Come in!”, he says.
A tall man with dark hair and blue eyes, around the same age as Mark peeks in the door and pulls it open. I recognize him as the man who waved and smiled at me last time.
“Hoffman, Ive been looking everywhere for you!” He’s equally annoyed as Mark.
“Peter just because your wife hasn’t had sex with you in months doesn’t mean you take our your frustration on me.”
Ouch. Even i felt that one. Peters nostrils flare and his top lip raises.
“She’s my ex wife… and you know that.” He slams the door shut behind him as he walks off.
Ive never seen Mark be… such a dick to someone before.
“Wasn’t that a little harsh? He seems nice.”, i say.
“He’s metaling. On my ass all the damn time about these Jigsaw cases. He’s getting in too deep. It’s going to get him killed.” He sits down and begins his work. I have an idea. If Mark really loves me, maybe if I befriend Peter, he’ll be nicer to him.
“Hey, Im gonna go to the bathroom really quick.” I walk down the hall, following the trail he took when he stormed off. I get to his office and he’s sitting at his desk, clearly still annoyed. I knock on the door and he perks up.
“Oh hey-,” he pauses, not knowing my name.
“Y/N,” i say.
“Y/N. Hey.”
“Im sorry about him. He doesn’t normally act like that I swear”, I apologize.
“Yeah. He’s always been like that. Not sure why. I don’t think anyone really understands him.”
Damn. If no one around here does, how can I be sure I do? There’s an awkward pause.
“Um- sorry to hear about your wife… ex-wife, sorry”, i say. That was probably rude.
He sighs. “Dont worry about it. It was probably my fault, being so involved in my work. We tried to figure it out but it just didn’t.”
This might be wrong to say. “Do you think the maybe ‘not having sex in months’ had something to do with it?”
He laughs uncomfortably. “She always rejected me when i tried. I never understood what she wanted from me you know? I just-“, he stops himself before he starts to drone on.
Now I’ve made things worse. “Maybe Mark could teach you”, i laugh.
He raises his eyebrow at me. “Us guys don’t really sit around talking about that stuff you know? Probably seems like it but-“, he looks behind me and i turn to see Mark leaned up against the frame.
“I thought you were going to the bathroom?”, he asks in that same way that he speaks when Im in trouble.
“Oh- I was on my way there and passed by Peters office”, i tell him.
He smirks and looks at the ground a moment before returning his eyes to mine.
“Bathroom is the other way princess but good try,” he clears his throat,” so what are you two talking about?”
Im scared to speak at the moment but before i can, Peter jumps in.
“She was just saying how you can be the one to teach me to please a woman”, he says quite casually. I do not feel good. Marks jaw tightens.
“Sweetheart, may i speak with you a moment, alone?”
This can’t be good. I follow him out and back into his office. He shuts the door behind us. He stuffs his hands in his pockets, tucking his tongue in the corner of his mouth.
“So what’s going on here?”, he asks.
“What do you mean?” I say nervously.
“Why are you talking to Peter about our sex life? If you want to brag that we have a great one and he has none Im all for it”, he grins.
This has got to end. “No, it’s that right there,” i point at him,” you’re so awful to him for no reason. I would think you would have some respect for a man who treats the woman you apparently love with kindness”, i tell him. And i mean it.
He ponders my statement for a moment. “No, you’re right baby. Maybe i should be nicer to him… but if he ever hurt you, i would have killed him by now.” He approaches me and kisses me gently. “You don’t want to have sex with him do you?”, he asks. That catches me off guard.
“No… I dont,” i tell him. By the way he asked it, it almost seemed like he didn’t care what I said.
“Good. No man will ever please and care for you the way I do.” I see the wheels in his head turning. “But, maybe if he could please you, i would have a little more respect for him.
What is happening right now? “What are you talking about?”, i ask.
You want me to be nicer to him right?”, he asks.
“Yes,” i say.
“And you told him that I could teach him how to please a woman, since i do it so well with you right?”, he asks.
“Yes but-“, he interrupts me.
“I saw him just like you did. He’s desperate. Hell i would be too after a while of not being able to have a release. Explains the stick he has up his ass all the time.” He pauses for a moment. I don’t know where this is going but part of me wants to know more. “Would you like to help me teach him?”
Is this really happening right now? “Do you want me to have sex with him?”
He pauses and thinks over. “Sure, why not.” He’s so possessive over me, i never in a million years would think that he would want another man to have me. Especially one he doesn’t even like.
“Are you okay?”, i ask, in my head and out loud.
“Whats wrong with it?”, he shrugs. I know youre mine, and its a one time thing unless something changes and maybe he wont be so pissy all the time. Maybe this is what i need to do to get him to trust me.”
Im at a loss for words. “So you want me to have sex with him and tell him how to please me?” I say it slow, making sure he knows what he’s really asking of me right now.
“I’ll be there in the room but yes. I trust you and I’ll step in if things go south.”
Im not sure how to respond. I mean, Peter obviously isn’t a bad looking guy. I think i could imagine how he looks under his shirt, maybe i want to see for myself. If i do this, Peter will be safe, Mark will be safe, they’ll get along hopefully, and we never have to talk about it again. I think i know what I need to do. Maybe it’ll even be good. “Okay, I’ll do it.”
He smiles and walks out of the room to Peters office. I turn and run my fingers through my hair. This is crazy right? My blood is pumping and my heart is beating out of my chest. Soon, he comes back in with Peter.
“So whats this big news you want to tell me?”, he says sarcastically.
I see and hear Mark shut and lock the door behind them.
“Well, you said you wanted to know how to please a woman,” he motions to me,” she can help you.”
Peter looks confused and I don’t blame him. They both look at me. “Is he saying what i think he’s saying?”, he asks.
I pause. “Yes.”
I think he wants to. I mean, it’s sex, it feels good and gives you a nice rush of dopamine. But i think he’s hesitant.
“Dont get me wrong, shes really pretty and nice but i thought you two had something going on?”, he asks him.
We do, but i think this will benefit the both of us,” Mark says.
Peter looks between the both of us and then the door. “Yeah, i dont think i can do that.” He goes to leave but my words fall out faster than i can think.
“I want to,” i say before he leaves. He stops and turns back around.
“Are you sure about this?”, he asks. His face is flushing. I can only imagine where the blood is flowing. I glance back and Mark and he nods.
“Believe me, Im sure”, i say. His stature over me intimidates me like Marks does. It is oddly arousing. He starts to undo his belt and i see Mark roll his eyes.
“Seriously?,” he asks.
“What is it?”, Peter asks.
“You need to make her want it. You want her begging for you before you please her.”
He’s not wrong. Peter looks at me.
“It doesn’t hurt,” i tell him.
He reaches his hands out to sit on my waist. He leans into me and presses his lips to mine. His lips are soft and delicate, his kisses gentle, not hungry like Marks. I kiss him harder to speed up his pace, he follows for a moment, but once i settle in to his movements, he slows.
“When i kiss you harder, i want you to keep it that way.” He goes back to kissing me, beginning with the rough pace i set. He’s actually a good kisser, evoking a throb in my core.
I take his hands and run them up and down my body. He takes over, grabbing all the parts i have to give to him. I rest my hands on his chest. He grabs my ass hard and picks me up. I didn’t expect that. He sits me up on Marks desk. There is one thing: i want him to talk to me like Mark does. I want him to tell me how bad he wants me and what he longs to do to me.
“A girl wants you to tell her what you want to do to her, wants to hear how bad you want her.”
He lets out a slight groan in the back of his throat. “I want to push you back on this desk and take you how i want to.”
That puts butterflies in my stomach. He’s starting to turn me on. I pull him back to me, kissing him rough once more, kissing me how i want to be kissed, touching me how i want to be touched; hes a quick learner.
“Take control of her, give her what she wants”, i hear Mark say to Peter. Neither of us stop.
His hands slide down, moving into my shirt before looping his fingers into the band, pulling them down quickly. Im pressed back into the desk, now sitting on top of it. His body is between my legs, grinding his hard length into my core. I let out a slight whimper as his lips move to my neck.
I can’t help but look at Mark. He’s watching so intently. I look down at his now tented pants. As i look i realize that maybe Peter’s problem was not settling in and just going for it whenever he gets ready. He doesn’t take his time getting the woman warmed up.
After neck kisses, grabbing and grinding into each other, i run my hands down to his belt, undoing it and tossing it aside. Soon, his pants and underwear are tugged down. His cock is longer and skinnier than Marks. I wonder how it will feel. He begins to pull down my underwear. I raise up for him to pull them off.
Im leaned back on the desk, his body following mine. He aligns himself at my entrance and is about to push in when Mark interrupts.
“Wait a second”, he says.
Peters jaw tenses, very frustrated as he slowly turns to Mark.
“What?”, he says annoyed.
“Go down on her”, Mark says.
“Why would I do that?”, he asks.
“Because if you don’t, you’re not fucking her. Now put your mouth to her little cunt and eat her like it’s your first meal in days.”
Peter turns back to look at me. I don’t think he knows how to.
“I’ll show you what i like”, i tell him. That makes him feel a little better. He moves to his knees in front of me, leaning in to wrap his lips around my clit, gently sucking. It sends impulses through my body, making my legs twitch with every nip. I need more than just this.
“Go faster”, i tell him. He starts to speed up, licking his tongue around me, but nothing changes much. I see Mark coming over. Uh oh.
“Move out of the way Peter, I’ll show you how to taste a lady.” Peter hesitantly moves out of the way and Mark replaces him. He grabs hold of my thighs and licks me perfectly. My body goes to loop my fingers through his hair and pull him deeper. His tongue and lips maneuver around all my sensitive spots, dipping his tongue into my hole to clean up the mess I’m making.
I watch Peter, looking intently at what Marks doing. It’s kind of sexy how hard he’s trying to please me. I don’t understand how Mark uses his mouth so perfectly, but fuck, it feels amazing every single time. I look between them, my stomach tingling for each. I want either one of them right now, but part of me wants to have them at the same time. Before i can reach my high, Mark pulls away, my legs shaking at the denial.
“If her legs aren’t shaking and she’s not pulling you deeper, you’re not doing it right”, Mark says. He stands and backs away from me, Peter returning to his spot. He lowers himself again and follows Marks movements. Ive gotten so worked up, if he doesn’t give me what I want, i might just have to take it myself. My hips spasm against his face. His tongue swirls around my clit, mixing in some nips and licking up my hole. God, it already feels so much better.
“Mph- better”, i moan. I pull his head deeper into me, working my hips against his tongue. My body is aching to release, so much so that i already feel the hot pleasure burning to be freed.
“Make her cum”, Mark walks over beside me. He runs his fingers through my hair and makes a fist. I whine at the tug at my scalp. “Yeah? My pretty girl gonna cum?”, he turns to Peter”, keep going when she finishes, make her scream.”
Mark leans in and kisses me gently before returning to his spot over near the wall.
Im about to shatter into his mouth. Both of them have control over me right now, making me feel small. I release into his mouth while looking at Mark. My back arches off the desk as i try to catch my grip.
He starts walking back over again, smirking as he watches me cum. Peter might be the one pleasing me, but the man my heart belongs to is Mark. He turns and watches Peter, waiting for something.
When I’ve stopped throbbing, he stands back up between my legs. He presses himself back against me but before either of us can react, Mark suddenly grabs Peter and pushes him against the wall, pulling out a knife and pressing it against his throat.
“Mark I thought this was okay?!”, i say. Peter looks terrified, turning to me for help.
“Hold on babygirl, let me make one thing clear. One rule: if you finish inside of her, i will slit your fucking throat. That pretty pussy will only ever be mine to claim. Understand?”
Peter nods and Mark lets go of him. He steadily walks back over to me, positioning himself back between my legs. He slides into me, my head falling back as he pushes his way through me. He lets out a groan, tightening his hands on my hips. He doesn’t hesitate moving himself into me quickly.
He’s not bad at this part surprisingly. It actually feels really good. I moan and grab onto the desk.
“Yeah? Do i feel good?”, he asks.
“Mhm, yes.”
He hits deep inside of me but doesn’t feel as good as Mark. Part of me is starting to believe him when he says that no man will ever please me like he does. He understands every inch of me in a way no man has. Maybe Peter will be like that for someone one day.
He starts to sweat as he grunts. “God she’s fucking tight”, he groans.
I see Mark smile. “I know. My girl has the best pussy, so tight and warm and wet. I could cum just from tasting her.”
Peters already getting close. He starts to pull up my shirt to expose my stomach. His jaw tenses before he pulls out, stroking himself until his white ropes string and fall onto my stomach.
“Fuck… shit”, he moans.
By the amount that he’s letting out, i can tell it’s been a while since he’s had a release. When he’s done, he adjusts himself and his pants back together.
“Now get her cleaned up. You always clean up after yourself and the mess she makes for you.” He hands Peter some tissue as he wipes himself off my stomach and tosses it.
“You should probably put her clothes back on, but you can leave them off for now.”
I think i know what that means for later: i dont think im done being fucked.
“I should probably get back to work”, Peter says. He walks away but Mark stops him before he leaves.
“I’ll see you around Peter. Oh, and keep everyone away from my office for the next hour.”
I bite my lip and smile as Peter leaves. He locks the door and takes off his blazer, hanging it on the rack by the door. He slowly walks towards me, resting his hands on the desk by my thighs.
“That was fun huh?”, he asks. I have to admit it kinda was.
“Yeah. I didn’t think you would let another man do that to me”, i say.
He shrugs. “I was there making sure you were okay. Plus, the jealousy i feel when other men look or stare at you gets me so fucking hard.”
His body moves closer to mine. He takes my hand and runs it down his stomach, down to his bulge. He tightens my hand around it. God he’s so hard for me.
“You feel that? It took everything in me not to shove him aside and take you myself. I know you wanted to beg for me. I know I’m all you think about baby. I know all the dirty little thoughts in that empty head of yours.”
His lips trail and caress down my neck, making me whimper. I grip onto his cock and he grunts.
“You’re mine babydoll… all fucking mine”, he whispers in my ear.
Our body’s attach to each other in a sweltering heat that i haven’t felt before. Ive never felt such intensity between us. He starts to take off his clothes which he’s never done in his office but fuck i don’t care. I want him to take me while people roam outside, fucking me on the very place he works.
He slides my shirt off as i pull his shirt off. Both are quickly tossed. I run my fingers up his body, entangling my fingers in his chest hair. Something about the feeling of the hair on his chest makes me want to lick all around him. And thats what i do. Im hungry for him and only him.
He practically rips my bra off, taking my left nipple into his mouth, sucking until I’m whining for more.
“Mhm fuck… please Mark, i need you”, i moan.
Now he’s pulling down his pants and underwear, stepping out of them and kicking them aside.
“I want every fucking inch of you baby. I want to abuse and ruin your little insides until you fucking cry for me”, he says.
Im dripping on his desk. I can’t wait any longer.
“I’ll give you every inch of me, every cell in my body… please just take me.”
Sometimes the way we talk, we leave each other speechless. Our minds flooded with adrenaline and hormones. Thoughts of how bad we want each other being the only thing in our minds.
“Sometimes i want you so fucking bad I cant think straight. You get me so goddamn needy for you, sometimes i worry what will happen if i get my hands on you.”
Working each other up until we both cant take anymore is everything. And then we have the roughest, nastiest, and most satisfying sex of our lives, not done until we’re covered in each other’s cum and sweat.
He pushes my legs back and slams himself into me. I barely can hold back a moan as the pain of him stretching me floods my body.
“God baby fuck, you’re so fucking tight for me,” he grunts.
Suddenly, he grips onto my hips, picking me up off the desk and turning us before pounding into me. He’s leaned over, supporting both of our weight with his strong legs and back. I lock my legs around his hips, taking him into me.
“God you’re so fucking big!,” i cry. This is the kind of sex i need, what i crave. I don’t care who hears me, i cant help it. His face is red as he strains to keep us together. The sound of his hips slamming into me echoes in the room. He bites my neck and i let out a moan of pain.
He’s fucking me the way animals do in the wild. Im sure he’s broken the skin.
His fingers dig into my sides as he massages that perfect spot into me with each thrust. He spanks the side of my ass and i whine.
“Y-you’re so fucking deep, so fucking good Mark don’t stop!”, i grip onto him tighter. I can feel how close we are. Sweat drips down his face. Little strands are falling down from his styled hair.
His brows are furrowed, biting his lip, face red, jaw tensed. It’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.
He moves us back to the desk, unable to hold me up as our highs hit. He pulls my hair back and makes me look at him.
“You’re gonna fucking look at me when you cum. Im the only man that makes you feel like this. Only me”, he groans.
We both cry out, looking into each other’s eyes when we cum together. His hot cum seeps into me, my body milking him inside me.
“Goddamnit, fuck,” he grunts.
I love the feeling of him filling me up, claiming me as his, marking his territory.
When it’s passed through us, his body is rested on top of me. We can’t even catch our breath enough to speak. He grabs onto the side of my face.
“Shit princess, you’re amazing.”
We’re both drained. Our bodies are still connected by his cock. As i shift, i feel his load.
“There’s so much, I’m so full,” i whine.
“I know baby. I couldn’t stop cumming, it wouldn’t stop coming out”, he smiles. “And I’m going to pull out of you, and look at the load that your pretty hole took so good.”
He pulls out and crouches down. I feel it running out of me, dripping on the floor.
“Push it out for me baby,” he says.
I obey him and push his cum out.
“Yeah? You’re my pretty little cum dump aren’t you?”
He raises up to meet me again. Kissing me lovingly this time. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”
He gets his clothes back on and wipes up the mess he made inside me, on my thighs, dripping off the table. He pulls me up to him and kisses me.
“How do you feel about today?”, he asks.
Ive never had anything remotely similar happen. “Itll hopefully pay off for all of us. I did it for you. I don’t want to be without you, ever.”
He trails his fingers around my thighs.
“I was thinking about what you said earlier about me being nicer to Peter,” he takes my hands in his,” i dont- i cant feel for others the way you do. It’s just been hard to ever since Angelina. Its like you have this heart of gold… and mine is always broken.”
He looks up at me, its not often i see him vulnerable like this.
“Im trying to be a better man for you, the man you deserve to have. I’ll do everything for you, you’re my everything.”
I smile. This big, tough, intimidating guy is also the sweetest man ive ever met. I never thought about how love can bring out the best in people.
“Maybe i can help you heal it”, i tell him.
He smiles. “Believe me baby, you are. You’re the only person i know I can trust. The only person i can tell everything to and you wont judge me or write me off, you listen, and i love you for that.”
He hugs me tight. “You know how much i love you right?”
Ive never had someone ask if i feel loved by them before. “I know you do, i love you too.”
He picks my clothes off the floor and slips them back onto me. I fix my hair and clothes after he gets them on me.
“I’ll go tell Strahm that I’m free. I promise I’ll be nice this time.” He kisses me on the forehead and walks out. He returns soon after, calm and collected.
“Alright baby, i have to get to work,” he sits at his desk,” you want to come help?”
I smile. I do like helping him.
“Sure”, i say.
He taps his thigh and i sit on his leg. He plants a little kiss on my cheek, resting his hand on my hip as we get to work for the day.
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totallybakedcake · 1 month
hello :) (if you recived another message sorry I don't know if I sent it bc my phone doesn't work) as I asked before like could you do a Aoi x Haruichi fanfict? also I'd like to read something that focuses also on Haruichi's family issue because I'm really struggling to think about something and I'd like to know other people's thoughts :)
Woo hoo my first character x character fic!! Really I do like to ship many characters together but don't have any motivation to write. I had fun trying to make a backstory so thanks:D
The joy of silence
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There were no cute fanarts on them on google so settling with this one ig
Haruichi was just in his apartment, gazing at the mellow sunset while lost in thought. He had for the past four hours been opening his phone every five minutes, which even made the vice captain and instructors concerned, so he had to stop.
He didn't tell anyone; he wasn't bold enough to tell them that it was his father's birthday, and he had tried to call him multiple times, text him plenty of times, and even send him some gifts, but in response, he got dead silence.
He felt so annoyed and nervous at the beginning of the day that he worked way harder than usual, and now everything would hurt if he even moved an inch.
"I am hungry." He thought to make dinner, but during cooking, most probably his body would give out, so he diverted his mind and would think about that later.
This is the first time he felt so useless that he might cry from it, but what could even help him cheer up? Just then
The doorbell rang.
Usually at this hour, nobody came to visit him, though Haruichi did think of a certain someone when he needed to talk.
"Aoi?" Ah, yes, it was Aoi. He didn't outright say it, but he was glad that he had come to visit him.
"Talk." Kaguragi simply said that and settled on the couch. He damn well knew that Haruichi was very upset and wanted to confront him in private.
"Caught me, huh? Well,  what can I expect from you?" Haruichi didn't even hide the fact and just sat down beside him, offering him some ramen before digging into his.
He took deep breaths to calm down as he spoke. "I had a little brother; he was younger by 4 years. We played for hours and hours every day. Each day our parents would come home with gifts. He always wanted some sort of building set that helped him build weapon toys. He was going to be the one to inherit the Izumo family business. While I was 18 and he was 14, a kaiju attacked our home. He died; mom got an illness and died soon later. I was the one left that dad would leave the business to. My destiny was to become a defense force officer or maybe a captain someday, so I refused, and we argued day and night after that. Dad quit trying to convince me but also stopped talking to me as we both cut ties. Today is his birthday. I did countless things to reach out, but he just wouldn't reply."
The room felt silent as none of them dared to say anything else. Haruichi was and is still hiding his pain deep down, but the tears might start to fall and not stop.
Aoi pulled him in an awkward hug. He had never hugged anyone, but it was a great way to comfort a sad person. "At least you have us; I am sure in the future your father will forgive you; give him some time."
To say he was shocked is an understatement. Haruichi wrapped his arms around Aoi. He closed his eyes, muttering thanks over and over as he got comfortable in the warm embrace that was like a balm to his sore muscles.
It was a quiet moment where no words needed to be exchanged; just the relaxing touch was enough. They were enjoying each other's company.
Falling asleep with Kaguragi felt like heaven, but there was no way in hell that Haruichi was ever going to admit that.
"Oh Kaguragi, I love you," he thought to himself before joining in on the slumber.
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peaxhxhair · 2 years
Brawl || Jung Taeju
Pairing: Jung Taeju x GN! Reader
Warnings: Mentions of blood, fights, betting, etc. (Please let me know if there is anything else)
Summary: Dongcheon’s medic gets to watch a gym fight.
Word Count: 1.2K
Authors Note: This is part two to ‘cuts and brusies’! Also I have no concept of Korean money, so keep that in mind for this fanfic lol
My Name - Masterlist , Part One, Part Three
Consider buying me a coffee! <3
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It had been about a week since I stitched up Taeju’s face. I haven’t seen him much since then, but I understood why. He’s a busy guy, he doesn’t have time to come and see me every day, as much as I wanted him to. Though he did show up outside my door yesterday, so that I could take out his stitches. The wound healed well, and it wasn’t infected, which meant he hadn’t been doing anything stupid.
I got a call today from Mr.Choi. Originally, when he asked me to come to his office, I had assumed that he had gotten injured somehow. Though, when I arrived at his penthouse, he was completely fine, but the gaggle of men inside the room wasn’t exactly a pleasant surprise.
“You asked for me?” I called when I entered the room, and all heads turned to me, which made me feel a little awkward. All of the men in the room were wearing suits, so I assumed that the meeting had to be something important.
“Yes, we figured that you could be of use” Mr. Choi began to explain. He went on to say that I would be tasked with being the Medic for this month's gym fight. Meaning that I would have to bandage up every single guy that got injured during the fight. Personally, I don’t think fighting in order to win time off was a very healthy work-life balance, but that might just be me. I wasn’t in any place to deny his request, since I needed money, and I could only imagine the pay this job would get me, so I agreed. Though I wasn't exactly happy with having to work on so many people in one day, I was excited that I got to see the fight in action. Usually, I wasn’t involved, because my medical office was based in the hotel, which was quite far from the gym.
The day of the fight arrived pretty quickly, and when I entered the gym on the day, I began to grow stressed about how many guys there were standing around the arena. Surely I wouldn't be helping them all? Though, I didn’t think the injuries would be that major.
Standing with so many of the important people felt very intimidating, especially since I was the only one not wearing a suit.
“You’re wearing scrubs?” I heard someone whisper to me, and I didn’t even have to look to know that it was Taeju. When I did turn to him, I was pleasantly surprised.
“You’re wearing a turtleneck” I laughed, making him look down at himself. “Looks nice” I added, just so that he didn’t think I was insulting him. He seemed to relax at those words. “And what’s wrong with my scrubs?” I asked, huffing when He chuckled at me. Originally, I had debated wearing something else, but since I was working, I thought that wearing them would be more appropriate.
“Nothing. I thought you would wear something nice” He said, and I already knew he was joking, but I scoffed regardless.
“Hey! I look great and you know it” I answered, smacking him on the arm as I spoke. He didn’t respond, but since he didn’t deny it, I took the silence as agreement.
“Are you betting on them?” He questioned after a second, and I raised an eyebrow at the question.
“We can bet on them?” I asked, and he nodded. I eagerly tapped my pockets in an attempt to find my Wallet, though I deflated slightly when I realized that I had forgotten it. “I forgot my wallet” I mentioned, trying not to sound too disappointed about it.
What I didn’t expect was for him to pull out his wallet and hand me 50,000 won. “Seriously? You’re just giving me money?” I asked, looking at him as if he was stupid. I don’t know how much these guys end up betting, but the fact that he didn’t seem fazed by giving me money, meant that this was definitely the minimum spending price. Sometimes I don’t have that much to spend on groceries, let alone wasting it by betting on people.
“Well, I’ll be winning it back anyway” He answered, a smug look on his face as he placed the note into my hand. I laughed at his confidence, but nodded anyway.
“Alright, you’re on” The group of suited men all stood around, surveying the younger dongcheon members to figure out which one would win them money. Taeju and I joined in, looking through all the guys to find the one with the most potential. That’s when I spotted her. “I’m betting on her,” I said, mostly to myself, although Taeju had been close enough to hear me. I could basically feel his distaste for my choice.
“I regret giving you money” He commented, and I chuckled at his complaint, walking away so that I could place the money he had given me into the betting pile.
The fight was intense. At first, when people started bowing out, I assumed that I had to start helping. Though, Mr.Choi told me to wait. Obviously I agreed, since I wanted to see who won.
Taeju had voted for some guy wearing red pants, as had some of the other guys . I didn’t know what his name was. Originally, we had all thought that he had won, and I was ready to be mocked for the next few hours, though, Mr.Choi pointed out something interesting. “The kid’s still standing” His words filled my body with a type of adrenaline that I had never felt before. She was still standing, and I still had a chance of winning.
The next minute was filled with yelling and screaming, mostly from me, but Taeju didn’t seem too pleased with losing, so he was more involved than he had been before. Though, eventually, his guy got knocked out, his head connecting with the floor harshly. “I won!” I squeaked, throwing my hands in the air as Taeju deflated in his seat. Sure, it was good that the girl won, but this is about my win now.
My win had been triumphant, and I won the whole pile of money, which I was very smug about. Though, now I sat on the floor of the gym, cleaning wounds and bandaging up people’s heads, along with getting whined at as if my child had stubbed their toe at the park.
“I have to say, you deserve this, '' Taeju said from across the room, his arms crossed as he leant against the kitchen door frame. He had decided to stay with me, under the reason of ‘driving me home when I’m done’, which I don’t think even I believed, let alone Mr.Choi.
“You are such a sore loser” I chuckled, finishing up the bandages that needed to be put on the last guy's head wound, and letting his roommates take him upstairs. “What I really deserve is a kiss from my boyfriend for doing a good job today” I said as I got up, walking over to him and pulling him close by his blazer.
“I don’t remember being your boyfriend” He commented, pointing out how we hadn’t got around to talking about that.
“Oh? Are you not? Never mind then” I scoffed playfully, turnin to walk away, only to be pulled back into his chest by the end of my shirt.
“Wait” He muttered, and I chuckled at how eager he looked. “I want to be your boyfriend” I grinned at his words, placing my hands on his cheeks and leaning in to kiss him. Although I needed to breathe eventually, pulling away felt like way too soon for my liking.
Though, as I caught my breath, I muttered “Take me home?” Hopefully he understood what I was trying to say. Luckily, he did.
“Of course”
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miikishii · 1 year
To Hold the Sea | Ch. 2
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synopsis: Things get awkward working with Ango. Dazai is acting strange. Pretty Dazai focused...? I think.
warnings: Suggestive at the end hehe
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“Sakaguchi from the Special Division is in the front waiting for you, come out when you’re ready.” Haruno prompts you.
“I’ll be a minute.”
You slept alone last night, no Dazai to snooze your alarms for you. He never made it easier to sleep, but he was pleasant company for the hours both of you spent awake. Reluctantly, you get up from your chair and walk to the front, when Ango sees you he gives you a meaningful nod and follows you back to your office.
“The paperwork, please.” He hands it to you carefully,
You had some work to do regarding Kyouka’s entrance to the agency, some documents detailing her ability, and its history that would be passed off to the Special Division. 
“...There’s a lot to get through,” He mumbles, pushing his glasses up.
“Yes, there is.” 
“Why don’t we make some tea?” he asks meekly.
You sigh as you get up to walk toward the kitchen. He notices the lack of sleep in your eyes. Boiling the water is awkward. Ango just stands out of your way as best he can. Anyone who entered the room made a point to get out quickly. When the water finally boils and the tea is finally steeped, you make your way back to your office and get to work. Things are tense, but they go by fast enough.
“I’m sorry you have to deal with this.” Ango sighs,
“With what?” You question.
“All the work with the Special Division.” His response is quick and sounds forced.
“Anything else?” He shakes his head disappointedly and looks at his own papers.
“Are you sure?” your words are harsh and aggravated; he nods.
“You’re such a liar.” You scoff,
“I was going to apologize because obviously working with me upsets you.”
“There it is.” 
Although you’re acting so cold you do feel a little bad. You figure it must be difficult for him too. You break the awkward silence,
“Did Dazai acknowledge you at all when you came in?” You ask, a little softer than before. He laughs a little,
“No…” He takes a deep breath in, “He calls when he needs me, that’s all I ask.”
You nod meaningfully. The workday’s almost over and you both still have plenty to get through.
“We have a lot left to do and it’s getting late. Let’s continue tomorrow.”
“Of course.” He excuses himself and thanks you for your cooperation.
As soon as Ango’s gone you switch over to some other reports due by the end of the week. Soon, there are 3 minutes left until you can go home. Dazai pops in to check on you,
“Wrapping things up?”
“Yeah-” he cuts you off,
“Dinner tonight?” 
“I’ll be waiting downstairs.” As soon as he arrived he disappeared.
You collect your things, turn off your computer, and put your teacup in the dishwasher. When you meet him downstairs he has a strange look on his face. When he looks at you it changes. The two of you walk side by side on the way to your usual spot, a local noodle shop. The owner recognizes you as “that strange couple” and sets you up at your regular table; it’s pushed away toward the corner of the restaurant. You’ve been going there since you went underground all those years ago. 
“How’d today go?”
“Fine, Why?”
“Just curious.” He shrugs.
Your conversations have been dry lately. You think even the waitress might notice it. Although, she still hasn’t realized that you and Dazai aren’t really a couple. You don’t blame her for thinking it, though. You’ve always been alone together; he felt like a part of you.
“Is that really all you have to say about it?” he pries,
“Well, you know how it is; it’s just difficult to see him, I wish it wasn’t.”
He thinks on this for a moment. He looks like he wants to ask something but he doesn’t. 
“Did you do any work today?” your question seems more like a dig at him,
“Of course!” he scoffs, “I’m always very productive, you know.”
You roll your eyes at him. When you’re handed the bill (as usual) Dazai takes it from you.
“I’ll handle it this time,” he smiles, charming as ever. You give him a suspicious look,
“What do you want from me?”
“Your time and hospitality, my dear, nothing you don’t give me on the regular.” He winks.
You don’t just let it go but push it aside for now. On your walk home, his steps are in sync with yours and he feels extra close.
“Are you sure you don’t want anything? You’re being clingy.”
“It’s as I said, nothing you don’t give me on the regular.” You purse your lips.
“You’re so weird.” You suspect something but, again, you push it aside.
When you arrive at your apartment he makes himself at home. As you lay on the couch, watching a show to keep you busy, Dazai comes to lay beside you. For a while, he just sits there calmly, but eventually, he rolls over on top of you.
“Hi,” You smile and run your fingers through his hair.
“Hello,” his eyes scan your face.
“Do you need something?” You ask playfully.
He hums and brings himself to hover over your neck, dipping down to kiss it lightly. A hand falls to your waist. You tangle a hand back into his hair and pull him down for a kiss on the lips. When he pulls away he smiles. You smile back but give him a knowing look,
“You must really want something from me.” you joke. You hadn’t forgotten.
“This,” he breathes, “this.”
And somehow you’re disappointed. When you wake up, an annoying amount of marks strewn about your neck and collarbone, you curse his antics. Yet, you question if that’s truly all it was he wanted.
Note: I looooved writing the end :))))) Please lmk what I did right (or wrong!) I love feedback! Also, maybe some advice on when to release chapters??? I don't have a schedule and I've written probably about 20 chapters by now, haha.
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Okay, so I knocked this out over lunch because it wouldn't get out of my head. No promises on spelling or grammer, but it's canon.
It's another in the Don and Angus saga! First drabble was here: https://www.tumblr.com/recklesslycaffeinated/694764394947723265/for-the-sake-of-argument?source=share
Don collapsed shakily at his desk as the office door closed behind Sans. He only needed a moment, but he knew even a moment was too long to waste. He picked up his office phone and smashed the button for reception.
"This is Galbraith. Alert security. There's a escaped fugitive in the building."
An hour and an extensive search later, and Don was dragged in front of his bosses who demanded to know what he was playing at. Unsurprisingly, no sign of the short-assed Skeleton Sans had been found. And despite Don's protests, the receptions security footage didn't back up him.
Don was sent home early due to 'stress'. He clicked his tongue, frustrated. His bosses had never seen fit to allow him a half-day when he was stressed, but this they send him home for. Angus had the car today due to Don losing a bet over the outcome of a High Court appeal, so he stood grumpily waiting for a bus.
He went over the meeting over and over again in his mind. Nasty little creep. Comedian. Thinks he's better than everyone else. The idea any of that had been anywhere near you...
It wasn't until the bus pulled up Don remembered the paperwork he'd hurriedly pushed into his suitcase. He'd removed the file from his office before anyone could get in there and ask awkward questions. Sitting on a grimy seat, avoiding the chewing gum and leaning away from the man who smelt like fish, Don opened his briefcase on his lap. Everything was there, as far as he could remember. No doubt the Skeleton had made copies, though. That's what Don would have done. There would be a lot of very interested officials who'd love to run him in for distributing confidential documents.
Don felt a dismal lurch. This, right here, is why you didn't fuck around with the rules. He loved his job. He didn't want it taken away from him by a jumped up little psychopath.
Visions of what Sans might have done to y/n to get the file off of her... only added to the nightmare fuel his overactive imagination had been supplying him for the last three months.
He hadn't known when he'd got up today he'd be face to face with one of the three Skeletons by lunchtime. Didn't know he'd be trapped in his office trading barbs and debating the nature of justice with a serial killer. Not that anything the little creature had said had been particularly new or impressive. Don heard it all the time. In many ways, hearing an intelligent person justify their crimes was so much duller than an unintelligent one. The last murderer Don had dealt with had killed his next door neighbour because 'he annoyed her'. Blessedly simple, really.
Justice for the little guy. Is that really what Sans thought? An eye for a eye. So many think that if the implementation of law and punishment is taken away from government, the world would become a fairer place. Bull. Don came from a privileged background. And he knew that in anarchy, the wealthy would just pay for their version of warped justice. It can't be left to those with the biggest stick.
All those Monsters who'd been killed and their attackers just got away with it...
Don cursed the stupid little Skeleton for putting him in this dark mood. Just as he was shutting his briefcase, he noticed an envelope. It only took him a moment to recognize the handwriting.
Don was back home and well into the wine by the time Angus got home. A slight tilt to his eyebrow was the only suggestion that he was surprised to see him home so early. Though in true Angus style, he didn't ask but waited to see if Don wanted to tell him.
"I was sent home. For stress." He spat. "Because a homicidal bag of bones can apparently appear and disappear at will." Don caught the slight pause in Angus's moments. His eyes narrowed. "Is invisibility a Monster thing?"
Angus hesitated. "Not invisibility, I don't think."
The Monster shrugged. Don sat in silence, fuming. It was always a bone (ha-fucking-ha) of contention between them. Angus kept him at a distance when it came to all things Monster. And while Don and Angus argued all the time - made a sport of it, in fact, there were some arguments which weren't fun. Some arguments, Don feared, which might make Angus realize what an incredibly swallow racist he really was. And if Angus left, now y/n was gone too, Don didn't know what he would do.
He flipped the letter across the table and picked up his glass of wine again.
Angus sat opposite and read through it slowly. "She seems happy."
"Good for her."
"This is what you wanted, isn't it? A sign she was okay?" His head tilted, his patient expression sharp as always. "Are you annoyed that she's okay?"
"No! Of course not. Maybe a little. I'm relieved she's alive. I'm relieved she's okay. I just... wished she had come to her senses." Don glowered. "This has nothing to do with the fact it's three Monsters."
Angus leaned over, covering his hand with his massive one. "I know that, Donnie."
Mollified, Don rubbed his brow. "I don't know what to think." Except for one, horrible, nagging thought. He'd assumed that Sans had threatened y/n into giving him the file. But she seemed genuinely smittened by her boney boys, if the letter was anything to go by. Would she have given it to him? Don couldn't, wouldn't believe that y/n would torpedo his life like that.
Faith came hard to Don. He'd been battered and bruised too many times. Something in him never allowed him to stop moving forward, but he walked more carefully than he had as a boy. Angus always said it was because he had a Purple Soul. Whatever that meant.
"Are you going to keep petitioning the courts about Sans?"
Don waivered, scowled. Shook his head. "That bastard all but admitted he killed at least the last three. How am I supposed to ignore that? Judge Dent may be a disgrace, but she got it right this once. Sans belongs in jail. He's a murderer. I..." his eyes flicked to the letter and away. "I don't know what to do."
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the-cult-of-russo · 2 years
Do Me Damage (Part 4)
Pairing: Billy Russo x Reader
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Warnings: cursing, angst, mentions of drugs. 
A/N: This is it for now guys, but I promise I'll get around to finishing this at some point. I've got so many stories on the go right now, it's crazy. I can't keep up with myself lmao
Over the next month, you'd ended up spending time with Billy with the rest of the group and you became closer to Karen. Billy had obviously told Frank everything, who in turn told Karen. And with you working together, you became closer to her and even opened up yourself. She was always super understanding about the whole thing and whenever she invited you out, she would be clear if Billy would be there or not. You'd been out for drinks with the gang and even at some little dinner parties Karen liked to host at her place. Curtis and Micro were always super nice, as was Sarah when she'd attend. You became close with Frank too who'd taken on an almost older brother role. Something that Billy would sometimes seemingly get jealous of, making passive-aggressive comments. You'd started to think Frank was doing it on purpose to push his buttons. It was a little comical to you though and it gave you a bit of satisfaction at his jealousy. Leanna would also sometimes be there and she was always giving Billy the cold shoulder. You'd tried to ask her to be nicer but she'd told you as your best friend it was her job to be a bitch to him until she felt like he didn't deserve it anymore. To Billy's credit, he'd really been trying to win her over since he knew how much she meant to you. You'd not hung out with him alone and things were still a little awkward between the two of you, but it did get a little easier with time and you'd become part of the group easily and you felt like you fit well with them. Sometimes Billy would tell the group stories about some of the things you'd both gotten up to back at the group home. It would always hit you with a wave of nostalgia and those times, it was easy to forget about everything that happened and it would almost feel like he'd never left. Despite the time that had passed and how both of you had aged and grown, he was still the Billy you knew underneath it all. 
You were sitting at your desk feeling exhausted. You and Karen had been working on something about the Italian mob and it was hard and draining work. It was rewarding though knowing you were uncovering things that might help make New York safer for everyone. It was lunchtime but you hadn't stopped to get food. You were too busy looking through some information you'd gotten and furiously making notes. You heard the door knock of your shared office with Karen but you didn't look up from your notepad.
"Come in," you called out. When the door opened you glanced up, doing a double take when you saw Billy walk in. He was in one of his pristine suits and he gave you a smile as he shut the door, moving to Karen's chair and wheeling it over to the other side of your desk. Karen wasn't in work today because she'd gotten sick so you'd had the office to yourself.
"What's that?" You asked curiously as he put a paper bag on the desk. He gave you a rueful smirk as he shrugged.
"Open it and find out," he replied vaguely. You opened the bag and felt your mouth water as you saw your favorite sandwich from the nice little diner down the street. 
"I have a feeling you didn't just come here to feed me," you snorted before taking a large bite of the sandwich. Billy got his own sandwich out of the bag as he settled deeper in his chair.
"What? I can't just visit a friend for lunch?" He asked wryly. 
"Well yeah, but things are still a little awkward with us so this is a bit weird," you said bluntly with a smirk. He chuckled as he nodded, glancing from his sandwich to you.
"Alright, I wanted to ask you somethin'," he admitted sheepishly. You felt nerves bloom in your belly having no idea what it might be. You blinked at him for a moment as he ate a bite of his sandwich before he spoke again. 
"So, I'm hostin' an event tonight, a gala. It's a charity thing. Frank was supposed to come but he's busy lookin' after Karen so I wanted to know if you'll come with me. I think you'd be a better fit for the charity anyway," he said carefully. You were a little caught off guard by the invitation and you didn't know what to say for a moment.
"What charity is it?" You asked curiously as you tried to buy time to figure out what to say. 
"Bright Futures," he replied without looking at you, eating more of his food. You were a little surprised but also not at the same time. Bright Futures was a charity that helped kids in the system. You and Billy had a very bad experience in your time growing up, Billy worse than you. Part of you wouldn't think he'd be interested in a charity that would remind him of that. But you also knew the charity was working hard to help kids like you and Billy and working hard to abolish abuse that often took place in group homes. It made sense he'd want to help stop other kids suffering the same fate he had. Now you knew what he meant when he said you'd be a better fit for the charity instead of Frank.
"I've never been to a fancy event before but sure, I'll go with you," you said, making him look at you with a shocked but bright smile. You had a feeling he needed support for this. He could easily go alone to something like this, you knew he'd attended events alone many times before because it wasn't really Frank's scene. But the fact he wanted someone there and knowing his past had you thinking he needed someone to lean on while there and hearing things that might conjure up unpleasant memories. You thought it might also help with re-bonding with him. You'd been slowly building your friendship back up but it still wasn't solid like it used to be.
"Really? You'll come?" He asked, almost like he expected you to take it back the moment you'd said it.
"Yeah. I don't have a dress or anything though so I'll need to get one," you murmured thoughtfully. 
"Don't worry about that, I'll take care of it. I'll pick you up at 8," he grinned. He tossed his sandwich wrapper in the trash before he stood up. With one last smile, he left your office and you sat there feeling slightly bewildered. 
You got home around six and not long after, someone knocked on your door. It was a guy with what you presumed to be a dress in a grey bag on a hanger and a box. You were pretty sure he was one of Billy's guys after he told you 'Mr Russo' told him to hand deliver them to you. The shoes were expensive and the dress even more so. You could have easily afforded them yourself and you weren't sure how to feel about Billy buying them but you knew Billy. You knew he felt like he owed you since you were doing him a favor by coming with him. He hated being in debt with anyone, even for small things. You were considering paying him back even though you knew he'd put up a fight. The dress was a black ball gown adorned with deep red lace accents. It made you feel like a princess. You spent time making your hair look nice and your make-up before picking some simple but elegant jewellery to go with it. You felt odd dressed like this but you kind of liked it. It wasn't every day you could play dress up and you were enjoying the novelty. It was just after you'd finished getting ready that you heard another knock at the door. A quick glance at the clock told you it was dead on 8 pm and you made your way over to the door and opened it. You'd seen Billy in his fancy suits for work quite a bit. He'd changed a lot since you'd last known him since he now had money but you'd gotten used to seeing him dressed all fancy. However, you weren't really prepared to see him wearing a tux. He'd always looked handsome no matter what he wore but this was almost overwhelming and you felt a weird sensation in your stomach like a flock of wild birds were trying to get out. 
His dark eyes swept over you for a moment, his lips parted yet no words coming out. 
"You uh… you look beautiful," he murmured softly. You felt your cheeks heating up a little at the compliment and you smiled shyly.
"Thanks, so do you," you smirked wryly, making him chuckle and lower his head bashfully.
"Shall we?" He asked, holding an arm out to you. You nodded before grabbing your clutch and taking his arm. The ride there was filled with small talk, the air between you still somewhat strained and weird. Especially since there wasn't anyone there to act as a buffer. He spoke to you a little more about the charity. You found out that while Billy often attended these kinds of events, Anvil would sometimes host them too, mainly raising money for charity. It was also really good for networking with the people that would attend. You'd been a little shocked about how involved with charity he seemed to be but only because this new CEO Billy had been a completely different person to the Billy you used to know in your mind. But clearly, he hadn't changed all that much. Billy always helped people out in his own ways when he was younger. From kicking some guy's ass at the group home because he was picking on a younger kid and making him cry to helping old ladies walking across the street. 
You'd wanted to ask him about Bright Futures and how he became involved with them but you didn't feel like it was your place. Not anymore. You used to be able to ask him anything without a care and it made you a little sad. When he pulled up, he got out and ran around to your side to open your door for you. You shot him an amused look as he smirked and you took his arm again. The valet took his keys and you walked inside. The place was large and the architecture was pretty, it was decorated nicely and everyone there was dressed to the nines. Most of the women looked like models and it made you suddenly feel like you were nothing more than a little girl playing dress up.
"There's a lot of people here. Fancy, beautiful people," you muttered with a frown as your eyes darted around. 
"C'mon… We're easily the most beautiful people here," he smirked. You snorted and glanced at him as he gave you a toothy grin. Before you could say anything, he let go of your arm and swiped two glasses off a tray as a server walked passed. He handed one to you and you sipped it, you weren't surprised it was champagne. 
"You don't gotta worry. We need to just make the rounds and stuff and then we can go and hang out at the bar or somethin'," he explained. He looked at ease here, standing tall in his tux with not a single strand of hair out of place. You on the other hand were sipping your drink as you shifted on your feet. This wasn't your world and you weren't used to it. 
You followed him around as he spoke to a bunch of people. He introduced you as his best friend every time and you'd be a liar if you said it didn't make your heart beat all funny when he did. It felt nice. You'd met a range of different people. Other CEOs of various companies, people that worked in the government and people involved in the charity. Most of them were nice, albeit a little snobby for the most part, but Billy had a natural charm that made all the conversation easy and the champagne he kept supplying you with also helped. You'd met someone high-ranking in the CIA too and Billy told you how he'd just signed a contract with Anvil that was important and would really help the business. You'd played along with polite smiles and small talk, trying to act like you belonged here. You knew this was important to Billy. 
"Russo! Quite the event you have here," a blonde man grinned as he walked over. He was wearing a tux too although he had nothing on Billy. He looked somewhat familiar and it itched the back of your brain as Billy shook his hand.
"You know I don't do things half-assed," Billy smirked widely, moving to stand closer to you with your arms touching.
"And who's this pretty little thing?" The guy asked. His eyes wandered your body in a way that made you uncomfortable and you felt Billy's body tense up next to you. 
"This is Y/N, my best friend. Y/N, this is Terry Winters. He's the CEO of a tech company," Billy said politely. You heard the tension in his voice though.
"Nice to meet you," you offered with a small smile. 
"The pleasure's all mine," he smirked, holding a hand out to you. You took it despite not wanting to, something about this guy rubbed you the wrong way. He brought your hand to his lips and placed a kiss on it that made you bite back a remark. They started to talk business as you stood there sipping on your drink before the CIA guy walked over. You couldn't remember his name nor his rank. All this business talk was making your brain melt.
"Mr Russo, sorry to interrupt but I have some people I want you to meet," he said with a smile. Billy nodded and you knew this was important business stuff. You weren't looking forward to standing around and not understanding any of it but you were happy for him. He'd worked hard for this.
"I'll see you later, Terry. Business calls," Billy said ruefully.
"No worries. I'm sure Y/N can keep me company until you're done," he grinned. You squinted, Billy glancing at you and back at him as he hesitated for a moment. 
"Go. It's fine," you murmured softly. Billy didn't look happy about it but a look over at the group of men waiting for him had him nodding tensely. He gave you one last look before he left with the CIA guy. 
"So… how are you enjoying the event?" Terry asked, snatching another glass from a tray as it went past. It was for him though, not for you.
"It's nice. Billy worked really hard and it seems like it's going well," you replied politely with a smile.
"Yeah, Billy knows how to throw a good event. Can't wait to leave though, I'm only here for appearances. All this talk about these kids bores me," he chuckled. You pursed your lips and tilted your head as you looked at him.
"Bores you? It's a charity event," you stated flatly. You had a feeling this guy was an asshole but it seemed you underestimated how much.
"Come on, like I care about these kids. They're doomed anyway. They all grow up to be messed up adults and blame their issues on the fact they were in the system. Let's face it, they were doomed the moments their mommies and daddies didn't want them anymore," he snorted. You felt like someone poured ice-cold water all over you, his words twisting uncomfortably inside of you. You presumed he had no idea Billy himself grew up in the system.
"I grew up in the system," you said with a quirked brow. He looked shocked for a moment before he burst out laughing. 
"Of course you did, I'm not surprised. You think I don't recognise you? You used to sell drugs for Tony. I gotta say, I'm surprised Russo picked you to come with. He's usually here with models, not dirty drug dealers," he smirked wickedly. You didn't even know what to say. His words bit at you and you felt anger washing over you, you wanted to chew him out but you wouldn't embarrass Billy that way. You knew you’d recognised him from somewhere. It was funny how when the rich wanted a fix they’d go to the ‘dirty drug dealers’ and have no qualms about it.
"I'd say it was nice meeting you, but that would be a lie. I hope I don't see you again," you said coldly with a fake smile before walking away to the bar. You hated how his words hurt you. You knew he was being an asshole and you weren't ashamed of your past or the fact you used to be a drug dealer, it was just part of your story. But for some reason, his words upset you and you didn't like it. You stood at the bar stewing in your anger and misery as you sipped on some cocktails. You wanted something stronger but getting drunk wouldn't do anyone any favors. While Terry's words directed at you hurt you, what annoyed you more was the way he talked about the kids who grow up in the system. You knew from experience it was hard, growing up without parents and in places that oftentimes were abusive. These kids needed help, not being treated like they were burdens or just doomed because of circumstances that were out of their control. 
By the time Billy came over to you, you were slightly tipsy and just as angry and upset.
"Sorry, took longer than I thought. Might have a few new contacts though," he smiled as he sidled next to you and ordered a whisky. 
"It's okay," you shrugged as you sipped your drink. He glanced at you for a moment and you felt his gaze burning into you.
"What's wrong?" He asked. When you didn't answer, he shifted and grabbed your chin so you'd look at him. He frowned deeply, his eyes narrowed a little. 
"You mad at me for leavin' you with Terry? I know he's an asshole but I-" he started apologetically, but you cut him off.
"I'm not mad at you. And yeah, he's a real asshole," you muttered. He dropped your face as his drink came but he kept looking at you.
"He do somethin'?" He asked lowly. You didn't want to cause drama so you shook your head as you toyed with the glass in your hand.
"Y/N," his voice held a warning tone to it and you heaved a sigh. As you told him about what Terry had said about the charity and the kids in the group homes, Billy's face was thunderous. But when you told him what he'd said about you, his face turned murderous and he was clutching his glass so tight you were surprised it didn't shatter in his hand.
"I'm gonna kill him," he growled, setting the glass harshly on the bar before he stormed off.
"Shit," you hissed, following after him the best you could, tipsy and in heels. 
"Billy, don't. This event is for the kids, remember? Don't ruin all your hard work for a piece of shit like him," you pleaded as you got to his side and grabbed his arm. He turned to look at you and you saw fire dancing behind his almost black eyes. You weren't sure if you'd gotten through to him or not but he started stalking off again, in the direction of Terry and a few other people.
"Fuck," you groaned, once again following after him.
"Winters, you need to leave," Billy said harshly as he got near the group. Terry looked confused before amused as he closed the distance between them.
"What?" He laughed.
"You heard me. Leave before I do it by force," Billy warned dangerously. Terry tilted his head before he looked at you and laughed again.
"Oh, I see. She told you what I said. Come on, man, don't be such a baby. Like you care about a dealer’s feelings," he smirked. Billy looked ready to punch him and you gripped his arm tightly. You felt him relax ever so slightly at your touch. You really didn't want him to lose his temper and Anvil to suffer for it. Billy took a looming step towards Terry and you stood there rooted in place. 
"Get the fuck outta here before my guys do it for you," Billy growled menacingly. Terry scoffed, eyes darting between you and Billy.
"Fine, didn't wanna be here anyway. Especially with the company you keep," Terry grinned maliciously. You watched carefully as he left and Billy stood there staring at him go. Once he was out of the building Billy seemed to relax but only a little. 
"I'm sorry," you frowned as he walked back over to you.
"Don't do that. Don't apologise for that asshole, you didn't do anythin' wrong," he muttered. He took your hand and led you back to the bar. A few people had witnessed the interaction but no one seemed bothered by it thankfully.
"I just didn't want to start any drama," you sighed once you got back to the bar. Billy was silent and tense as he drained his drink before ordering another and it made you feel on edge.
"Are you mad at me?" You asked warily. His head snapped to you then and he shook it.
"Nah, only mad I didn't get to make him bleed. He's got no right talkin' to you like that. Your past ain't somethin' to be ashamed of," he huffed. 
"You didn't seem to think that when you ran into me that day," you pointed out carefully. He scoffed and shot you a glare.
"That's 'cause I thought you were forced into it and it was my fault. It was a shock seein' you again, I don't judge you for what you did," he explained. While you didn't need his validation, it did feel nice to hear that from him. His reaction to your previous job had upset you even if you did understand why he’d have an issue with it. 
"I uh… I just didn't like the position you were puttin’ yourself in. Bein’ around criminals and drug users. A pretty girl like you in a situation like that… It’s not good news. I need you safe and away from harm, away from bad people," he shrugged.
"I'm not some damsel you need to save, Billy," you said lightly. 
"Yeah, I know," he chuckled. He raised his glass to yours and you clinked your glasses together with a smile.
The rest of the night passed without drama or more assholes. It was mostly you and Billy at the bar reminiscing over better times. It was nice and you felt like some of the walls that had been dividing you both had been chipped away. When the event was over, he drove you home and walked you to your door despite you telling him there was no need.
"Thanks for comin' with me tonight," he murmured softly as you both lingered outside of your door.
"Don't mention it. Congrats on the money raised," you smiled. His event had raised a crap tonne of money for Bright Futures and you were proud of him. 
"Thanks," he said softly with a smile. You were caught slightly off guard when he leaned down and wrapped his arms around you. It wasn't as weird as the last time he'd done it though. 
"We should hang out just us more often," he murmured as you both held each other for a moment.
"Yeah, it was fun," you grinned as you moved away. There was a moment where you both lingered there before you unlocked the door. 
"Goodnight, Y/N," he said quietly as he watched you open the door.
"Night, Billy," you replied, giving him a smile before you slipped inside. Despite the incident with Terry, you'd had a lot of fun with him and you missed hanging out with him. You felt more hopeful that maybe things could get back on track with you both with more time. He'd changed but he hadn't all at the same time. Deep down he was still the same Billy you knew and loved. 
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divineerdrick · 8 months
One Piece Live Blog: Episode 49 and Chapter 98
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Does Luffy even need to worry about falling? Knowing him, he's probably sweating more from the fact he would have had to start over. Again, we see Luffy lacking creativity in dealing with a problem. He should know by now that he can just haul himself up to the platform with ease. It's not like he cares if people know he's got the Gum Gum power.
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Yeah, Luffy was always going to be fine with that XD
Wait. What in the world?
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Okay, so he extends his leg behind the platform . . .
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Smoker dodges it . . .
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It wraps around the fountain.
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Then here's when things get awkward. Luffy's left the frame even though we're seeing both points of his leg.
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Now we're seeing him spinning around in the air in a really weird trajectory.
I think the animators just kinda dropped the ball here. I might know more after reading today, but I think what they were trying to show is Luffy's leg having wrapped around the fountain, when it unwound it caused him to spin through the air and get flung. But they either ran out of time or money to animate that, so they just repeated the scene where the leg got wrapped, then part of the animation for the kick, then just kinda move a cell around over the backdrop to try and depict it. Ouch! Won't lie, this looks really bad!
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Sanji . . . Imma slap you. Yeah, she's not the one you're looking for, but you could have been a bit more polite there. Plus she's still really cute.
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Also seriously! How can you miss that heart motif?
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Oh! This actually fits really well! Buggy is using poker cards to do a reading. Fortune tellers were big in circuses back in the day. So this is a good thing to add to his motif.
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Yeah, he really doesn't do fall damage.
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So here we're establishing her right away as the Sergeant Major of this Division.
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I'm a little surprised here, but not too surprised. Zoro is probably really hesitant to get involved with the Navy again. But he's still an upstanding guy. He's going to pay the Sergeant Major back, even if this is how he has to do it.
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There's the connection again. Laying it on thick.
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Wow! They're really giving this guy no poker face here XD
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Cool! Here they're just letting Zoro recognize the sword for what it is.
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Laid it on a little thick there XD
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I find it interesting they did the whole thing with the glasses and the Navy office and then still did the swords, but the Sergeant Major still doesn't recognize him. I'm curious why they felt the need to add more to this arc.
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I like how they're going about all cloaked, except for our "mystery" woman, but Richie is just out in the open XD
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We have a name!
Alright! Time for some reading!
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Sheesh, Koby!
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Here, Sanji has given up on pursuing our "mystery" lady, and is instead actually getting some shopping done.
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Nami's also showing off why she's such an excellent navigator.
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And see! No problem!
Also, we're just jumping right into it! Looks like we've got some serious Shonen padding going on in the anime. We're getting right to who our "mystery" woman actually is. And wow is she laying it on thick! She's clearly enjoying the attention she was obviously craving before.
So our new Devil Fruit is the Slip-Slip Fruit. Apparently this prevents her from being struck and has also changed her physical appearance, though she of course only considers it the loss of a few freckles. We're also jumping straight to the sudden, but inevitable betrayal. She wants Luffy as her man. But she's going to let Buggy get his shot at him at least.
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Well that certainly wasn't a thing. No real art or anything for it either. Just, "Whoops, Cabaji caught a Luffy!"
"White Chase" Smoker, huh? And apparently, this isn't a Division but Navy HQ. Smoker's also not lone wolfing it here. Instead he's actually deploying his men to make sure the pirates don't make a get away. We still spare some time for "My pants ate up all your ice cream," though. Oda knows the Navy hasn't looked good throughout the bulk of his manga so far. Smoker needs his moment to establish he isn't like the goons we've seen so far.
We have a slightly more Naval title for Tashigi here, as Master Chief Petty Officer. My understanding is Master Chief is an honorary title outside of the normal chain of command. I'm still not even close to convinced this isn't Kuina. But I want to know what the story is here.
And with everyone meeting up for the confrontation, I'm going to have to pause the manga for a bit XD
In the anime we have another story going on with Usopp in the next episode. Instead of just helping with the shopping, it looks like he's going to have to fight his own bounty hunter. Usopp is an amazing shot when he needs to be, but that tends to only be in practice or when someone else's butt is on the line. I'm curious to see how that will go down.
I'll pick up the manga again when we get to the fight at the scaffold.
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kimageddon · 2 years
Sins of the Father - 3:4
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Maul x Nightsister OC (Zaiya Valessa) - Modern/Crime AU -
Word count: Approx 3300 Contains/Warnings: Mentions of violence, gore, corruption and death Chapter Summary: Padme encounters a shocking event and Zaiya digs for more clues Notes: Hello friends! I hope you enjoy this one! I haven't been writing this week very much, I have a lot going on, but I am hoping that this chapter is enjoyable nonetheless! (more at the end!)
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Chaos at the Bottom
“Are you sure I can’t help you with anything, ma’am?” Tekla asked. Padme looked up with her signature warm smile. 
“I think I have it in hand, thank you so much. Can you see if Brelle need’s anything?” the young politician suggested. Tekla nodded and left the room with a smile. Padme let out a soft little sigh. Things had been tense these last few days. She hadn’t even heard from Anakin at all. It seemed that he’d been pretty upset after their last conversation. She’d not even had the time to really call him either. He was meant to be there today, she had a speech prepared for the charity event she was hosting in a few hours. Tekla had kindly prepared her dress, and it hung on the back of the door, ready for her. 
Finishing up the last few edits to her speech cards, she was finally done for the night. Her campaign offices weren’t exactly spacious, nor were they in the best location, but she had at least been able to get close to the people here, and her offices were accessible to the public when they were open. It had been valuable to really get in touch with the citizens of the city and keep in touch with what they needed. 
It was also a great help when it came to public image. 
Her phone chimed on the desk and she looked over. 
Are you ready for tonight?
It was Anakin. She bit her lower lip and stared at the notification for a moment. She needed to answer. Though it suddenly felt awkward considering the last time she’d seen him. With a sigh, she reached out and picked up the device. Perhaps if she got it over with sooner rather than later, and hurried to the hotel where the event was being hosted, they'd have time to talk before the start of the night. That was an idea. 
She checked the time. Damn, she didn’t have much time if she still wanted to be ready on schedule. 
I’m ready. Be out front in 5! 
She sent back a quick response, hoping it seemed cheery enough. Maybe she should have added an emoji? It didn’t matter, she had to go. 
“Dress, purse, speech, keys, bag…” she recounted to herself in order not to forget anything. She threw most of the items into her over shoulder bag and picked up the dress in the protective bag it hung in. 
That was when she heard voices, low talking from the main office. It didn’t sound like a voice she knew. Who was here that she didn’t know about?
Padme made her way out, carrying the dress on the hanger over one arm and her bag on her shoulder. She caught the sound of the main door opening and the retreating back of someone in a dark hoodie. They seemed to have a bit of a cough, it didn’t sound very good. 
She turned to see Tekla holding a box. 
“What was all of that about?” Padme asked curiously. Tekla seemed a little confused herself. 
“I don’t really know, he said he was from the Rotary Club, and he was delivering some items for the charity auction.” She shrugged and Padme frowned. 
“Were we expecting a donation from them?”
“I’m not sure, Brelle said there might be one or two remaining… she is just cataloguing some of the items, we’re about to take everything over there.” The young woman smiled brightly. She was always so capable and helpful, Padme couldn’t help but grin. 
“Well you two seem to have it in hand, I’ll head out now to get ready--” the sound of a vehicle drew her attention, and she spotted Anakin’s sports car on the far side of the parking lot. He always parked there just in case there were prying eyes. “Ah, there’s my ride, I’ll see you there!” she said and waved goodbye, quickly leaving the building and crossing over to where Anakin was waiting. A big smile crossed her face. She had missed him, and she was looking forward to getting this all cleared up and having a good night. 
“Anakin…!” she greeted, and her smile grew. Anakin stepped out of the car and his lips curved into their signature boyish grin, he was glad to see her too. “We have time at the hotel before I have to be downstairs…” she began and he chuckled. 
“Sounds like a plan,” he replied, picking up on her suggestion. He moved around to her side of the car and opened the door for her, like a gentleman. Anakin took his seat in the driver’s side and gave her a gentle smile. 
“I missed you,” she admitted. 
“I think we got a little too worked up last time,” Anakin said with a grimace. “I’m--”
Suddenly a huge sound and some sort of force sent Padme jerking in her seat. Had another car hit them? What was that glowing--?
“Oh my god.” Padme stared ahead, her vision blurred but as she stared, she could see flames, and black smoke billowing out from the building… Her offices. “What…?!”
Anakin slammed the car in drive and took off before Padme could even fully register what had happened. 
“Anakin wait!” she cried. 
“No! I don’t want to risk you if there’s another explosion!” She looked at him, and he too looked rattled but somehow managed to keep a cool head. 
“But Tekla and Brelle were in there!” she protested, tears coming to her eyes. 
“Call the cops, I’m getting you to a hospital first, just to be safe!” He sped away from the site and though she tried to protest, he would not budge. What if she had just left her people to burn to death?! Oh God! How had this happened? Who could have done this? It made no sense! One moment her office was there… then it wasn’t! She didn’t understand, everything in her brain was a chaotic mess. Nothing made sense. 
She stared in shock at the smoke rising above the buildings. She couldn’t do nothing…! Padme reached for her phone to call the police. 
The downtown area was in chaos for several days, it was all over the news and seemed to be all anyone could talk about. Speculation had begun to surface in regards to the origins, and the police had no leads. Some had begun to suspect the young mayoral candidate herself and there was growing suspicion from unknown sources. 
Zaiya watched the news report and sipped her smoothie. This was an unusual turn of events. She had no proof Palpatine was behind it, but her gut feeling told her he was. She lowered her phone as the video ended and she stared across the courtyard of the little cafe she sat at. She was going to have to look into it, but there might be a better way to gain information. She tapped through her contacts and dialled. 
“Hello?” came a gruff voice on the end of the phone. 
“Hello darling! I hear things have gotten rather busy in your neck of the woods,” she said with a forced cheeriness. 
“What the-- how did you get this number?!” Fox retorted in irritation. She didn’t feel any heat behind his words though. 
“I’m fine too, thanks for asking,” she replied without missing a beat. 
“What do you want, kid?” he sighed and Zaiya grinned. 
“Well since you guys are so swamped, maybe I could come down and assist…?” she spoke vaguely on purpose but he seemed to know what she meant. 
“I’m not really on the case-”
“No, but you’re clever, and you know what is going on,” she insisted. She knew he had to know more than he was letting on. He had to, lest he be a very poor detective indeed. There was a very long pause before he answered. 
“I’ll text you the address, meet in an hour. I have some more information to give you too.” Zaiya’s smile became a little more genuine. Finally! A lead! She hung up from Fox and began to gather her things. 
It was a relief to have something to focus on other than Maul for a while. Since getting back from their little excursion - and consequently one of the greatest orgasms she’d ever had - she had been left so confused. 
She was not supposed to get involved with him! Beth’s advice was one thing, but she didn’t know the whole story. Worse still she wasn’t sure she’d actually gotten Maul “out of her system”. 
The smug, arrogant asshole. He’d looked like the cat that got the cream when he’d dropped her off at her apartment. 
Try not to miss me too much, he’d said. She of course had laughed and smirked to cover her unease.
Not likely… but I told you before, not to get obsessed with me.  She hoped it had come across as dismissive as she’d wanted. They’d not had contact since and she wasn’t exactly waiting for him to call to talk about it. It shouldn’t have happened. At all. 
It could certainly never happen again. Now, she just had to focus on her true mission. 
Once she reached the address, she realised it was an empty shop across the road from the site of the bombing. Black scorching and smoke residue still covered the parking lot, exterior of the building and surrounding area. The windows were now boarded up and crime scene tape was everywhere. So soon after the attack, she was amazed by how few cops remained investigating or at least protecting the area. It further solidified in her mind that Palpatine had a hand in this. 
Zaiya tied her long white curls up and hid them under her hood before she took to the back alley behind the place Fox had said he’d be at. She snuck in through a rear door to the empty building, finding a broken window that looked old, it seemed to have been broken a long time ago. 
This whole area should have been cordoned off as well, it was like they didn’t really want to find who had done this. 
She made her way through the vacant rooms, apparently once it had been some kind of deli, but now everything sat under a thick layer of dust. Zaiya did, however, notice a few footprints along the walkway in the gloom. There were no clear ones, but as she followed the trail, they led through a door in the back and up a set of stairs. Upon reaching the top, the darkness was too intense and she brought out her phone to use for a flashlight. 
Ahead, one one of the floorboards, was a clear print from a rather large sneaker. Acting quickly, she took out a little scale ruler that she always carried in her purse and carefully laid it down beside the delicate print. She used both her phone and her high quality camera in order to take a picture that showed the details of the shoe. It wasn’t perfect but it was the closest she’d seen to evidence. 
Following the trail and stepping around the footprints she could see, she found herself entering a smaller room that could have once been an office or bedroom. She moved to the window and looked out. Below was a perfect view of the campaign offices. 
She heard more footsteps and turned, seeing Fox’s curly haired head peek in from the hallway. 
“I thought you’d wait outside,” he said with a frown.
“Linger across from a bomb site? When the sun is going down and I am in a hoodie? Oh yeah, great idea. Not suspicious at all,” she retorted with a snort. In the dim light she saw Fox roll his eyes. She turned her back to him to look out the window again. “Was it remotely detonated?” she asked suddenly.  She heard Fox pause mid-step across the room. 
“What makes you say that?” he asked slowly. 
“Vantage point,” she gestured out at the landscape below and he came to join her at the window.
“You’re right,” he mused, his dark eyes drinking in the information as she pulled out her phone again to scan the ground with the torch light.
“What are you doing?!” Fox hissed, “they could see the light and we can’t be here!” 
“I’ll be quick, I just need to see-- aha!” she grinned and leaned down, snapping a few photos while she had the light. She took out a latex glove from a secret pocket she’d sewn into her hoodie and picked up the item. “Give me a bag,” she said, putting her phone in her mouth to hold the light while she waved her free hand. Fox grunted but handed her an evidence bag. Carefully, she picked up a few items and dropped them in. 
Fox held up the bag and chucked. 
“Cigarette butts.”
“Your guy could have been up here waiting for the right time to drop the bomb… or to watch it go off? Remote detonator maybe?” she suggested. Fox’s mouth formed a firm line. 
“Could be… could also have been some random junkie smoking up here for no reason. This evidence wasn’t collected properly--”
“Sure it was, you’re a cop, and I wasn’t here.” Zaiya grinned smugly. 
“And I’m not supposed to be here…!” he snapped back, “I don’t have the authority, and I sure as hell can’t order a DNA test on these.” 
“Not if there’s pressure for an ‘expected result’,” she replied with a sneer. 
“If this is some conspiracy, like you claim, there’s no way they would allow anything on the record that would counter their argument.” 
“What, you still don’t believe the man in the big chair can’t pull the strings?” she asked, switching off the phone light and looking back out the window at the still smoking ruins of the office. 
“It just seems like something you’d see on television,” Fox scoffed. 
“You’re not wrong,” Zaiya mused, but Fox had no idea what Palpatine was really capable of. She had seen the depths of his depravity and cruelty. She witnessed his paranoia and his willingness to hurt anyone and everyone to get what he wanted. “But a pretty little thing becoming his replacement? And a woman at that? He’s not the type to respect anyone he thinks of as lesser than him.” Fox turned his head and she glanced up.
“You know that?”
“You said, ‘he’s not the type’ you know that for a fact?” He frowned at her like he was thinking and Zaiya had to cover herself quickly. 
“I just mean he doesn’t seem the type, men like that are all the same,” she shrugged, as though it didn’t mean anything, hoping he’d take it. Fox chuckled. 
“You seem a little young to be so jaded,” he said with a wry smile. He seemed to have accepted it. “Listen, we’ve been here too long and there’s something else I have for you, c’mon.” 
“So what have you got?” Zaiya asked, sitting opposite Fox at a little diner a few blocks away. She watched him as he barely glanced at the menu and held up a hand for the waitress. 
“Black coffee, two sugars and a bacon sandwich with a side of fries.” It was like it was rehearsed. 
“I’m not sweet enough for you?” she asked with a smirk. The detective ran a hand over his curls and gave his little half-grin 
“Not today, kid.” 
“I am not a--” 
“You want somethin’ sweetheart?” the waitress asked, looking at Zaiya disapprovingly. The white haired woman gave the lady her most saccharine smile. 
“A hot chocolate and one of those big cookies, if you please,” she said ever-so-sweetly. The waitress blinked at her for a moment, wrote something down and walked off, unimpressed. Fox seemed highly amused. “So what is it?” Zaiya returned to a more neutral expression as she looked back at him. Fox’s smile faded as he reached into his bag and pulled out a beat-up folder, laying it on the table between them. 
Zaiya picked it up immediately, and began to look through it. It was a case file. Her eyes widened when she read the details on the first page. 
“Lola Organa… this is the case you were shafted for asking too many questions…!” she said, eyebrows raised. “How’d you get it?” 
“Well they think I’m a beat down cop with no ambition left…” he replied. She grinned at him triumphantly.
“Shows what they know, huh?” she smirked. 
“They’re right,” Fox said bluntly and Zaiya’s smile faded again. “Or they were… til you decided to shake things up. I dunno what it is about you, but you’ve got…” he looked like he was reaching for a word but couldn’t grasp it. “Something… I don’t know… but I appreciate it.” 
Zaiya felt flattered and uncomfortable at the same time. It was high praise from someone like Fox, she was sure of that. At the same time here she was, lying to him about how she fit into this puzzle that was Palpatine’s past. She withheld the truth and he was being free with this file that could easily get him fired or worse if they knew he had it. 
“That’s very kind of you to say,” she said sincerely. Her eyes lowered to the pages again and she decided to process the feeling later, but for now, she had to find out more about Lola. She scanned the information -- which in itself was pretty scant. The details were limited, and the photos were gruesome. The poor girl must have been in pain as she bled out on the cold street… no one to help her. 
Zaiya’s brow furrowed. It was disgusting, the poor girl by all accounts had done nothing wrong but know something she wasn’t supposed to. 
“Does anyone know why she was killed?” Zaiya asked as she filled through the pages slowly.
“No one knows for sure, but she was working in City Hall, just a filing assistant… witnesses said she usually worked late nights and was diligent with her work,” Fox explained and Zaiya grimaced. 
“Optimist… idealist… wanting to help people… if she overheard something one night, of course she’d not be the type to take a bribe.” The white-haired woman ran a hand over her face. 
“It’s speculation, there’s nothing we can prove to say she knew anything,” Fox replied, and tapped the statement she was reading with a firm finger. “There is nothing that links this crime to be internal at all…” 
Zaiya looked up at him. 
“Except the feeling you have, you wouldn’t be showing me this if you really believed that.” There was a pause and he rubbed his chin. 
“Most of the witnesses at her job seemed scared, or unsurprised when we reported her death. The first interviews were easy enough, but when I went back, everyone had clammed up and no one was talking.” He let out a frustrated grunt -- but as he began to speak again, the waitress came over with their drinks. 
Zaiya flipped another page and her eyes widened. In one of the pictures, she spotted a piece of evidence that looked awfully familiar. On the ground, near the girl’s hand, was a silver ring. One with an insignia she had seen before. 
On the hand of a man with red and black skin. 
There was no way. He still wore it so--
“Where's this?” she asked, holding up the picture. Fox leaned in to look at it. 
“Ah,” he muttered and took a sip of his coffee. 
“‘Ah’? What’s ‘ah’? What does that mean?” she said with a frown. 
“That particular item is missing,” he elaborated. “That’s the only picture that proves it was there. Official records don’t even list it into evidence.” 
A cold wave hit her as she stared at the ring. It couldn’t be the same one… could it? If it was then… was Maul lying to her about his father? Was he still doing Palpatine’s dirty work? Was she falling into some kind of trap? 
What had she gotten herself into?
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Notes: What does this all mean for Zaiya?! Did Maul kill that girl?! Is he gonna do something weird now? And who blew up Padme's offices?! The plot thickens my friends! I hope you enjoyed, and as always, I really appreciate feedback and comments, it really helps give me the motivation especially when things are tough for me atm. Fingers crossed I can get my art up and going and the current situation pans out. Until then! I shall keep writing! And I shall see you in a week for APOD and another fortnight for Sins! <3
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sarcasticdolphin · 2 years
Todolf Music Conservatory au “Winter”
Life-threatening winter situation. Usual incredibly unequal power dynamics for this au. 
Set before the other two drabbles from today. They are end of spring semester. This is end of fall semester
Rudolf lingers as long as he can in Tod’s office. He had tried playing a little, to calm his nerves, but his fingers were too restless.
He whipped around to look at Tod. The other was putting his stacks of exams into his bag.
Rudolf scrambled to his feet, thanking Tod as he did. 
They departed the office together, but went their separate ways. It was time for Rudolf to face his father.
He’d known there had been a prediction for snow, but the virtual white-out that greets him is beyond what he had expected. He makes it only a few steps before an awkward foot placement sends Rudolf tumbling to the ground.
He got back up, but the air was cold, the wind really biting. Rudolf hadn’t brought a warm jacket, only a thin one. It had been so nice that morning, even though it was unseasonably late.
Rudolf tries to walk back to the chancellor’s house, his father’s house - it’s not that far - but it is soon apparent that it might as well be a thousand miles away - he’s barely going anywhere. And his fingers are starting to stiffen.
Dejected, Rudolf starts his way back to the building - at least it is warm there. He can think of a plan there. Maybe it would just be best to wait it out, at least for a while.
The door doesn’t open - locked until the end of the break. He and Tod might well have been the last ones out. Tod - the thought pops into Rudolf’s mind. He’d asked how close Tod lived, and hadn’t he said something about living behind the college, basically.
Rudolf traces his way around the building, slowly and painfully. The ornamental shrubs he’d thought nothing of proved to be obnoxious boulders, great lumps that must on occasion pass between him and the safety of the wall.
The second entrance to the building - the one Tod would have left from - how long ago would it have been? An hour? No, less than that.
The wind was blowing such that this side of the building was shielded, and Rudolf could just make out what he thought was the path through the trees.
He hesitantly took his hand off the wall that had been his lifeline and stepped toward the trees.
Step. Step. Step. Ten. Twenty. Thirty? Or was it twenty? Rudolf wasn’t sure anymore.
He glanced over his shoulder, nervous to turn. The wind had shifted not long after he had struck out on his journey. All that was behind him was swirling snow and strange shadows. The building was gone from his sight, hidden.
Rudolf turned and took another step. All that was before him looked the same as what had been behind, snow and shadows. Or was it just snow and the wind? But one couldn’t see the wind.
A faint glimmer just caught the edge of his vision. Rudolf turned and stumbled a few steps toward it. Light. Life.
It must have only been minutes or even seconds that he moved gracelessly toward it, but it felt like hours. Centuries.
His hand didn’t quite want to close, and Rudolf didn’t feel anything as he banged on the door - knocking was beyond him.
For a long terrible moment Rudolf thought there might not be anyone inside, but the door opened and he was pulled in before he could so much as ask for help.
The man facing him was relatively young, blonde, with long-ish hair.
The man says something, but Rudolf doesn’t get any of the words - it feels like he is almost underwater.
Tod is there a moment later, holding him in a burning, blazing grip. It hurts more than Rudolf thought anything could, but his wince is uncared for even if it is unnoticed - why his body so clumsy, so slow?
Then Tod is gone and there is another blonde with the first. They both tear Rudolf out of his wet clothes, and there is no strength in him to resist.
He’s naked for a long moment, and everything is starting to hurt, but the two men drag him into clothing - black and soft as sin - and the pain truly begins.
It feels like he’s being set on fire, as they wrap him in blankets, burning hands checking his forehead every so often.
He wants to sleep, but the pain makes it so he can’t, and the blondes probably won’t let him, either.
The pain does subside, little by little, and Rudolf touches the blankets, just as soft as the clothes he’s been put in.
Rudolf blinks at the two men watching him, and they blink right back, oddly curious. He’s not sure what they take as a cue to get him up and guide him through the house, to Tod, but they do.
Tod’s garb is an exact match of his own, the cut and color exactly the same. Rudolf wonders if the clothes he is wearing are Tod’s, but Rudolf himself is much too small physically for that to be the case.
Tod’s grip is gentle, but he too accepts no arguments as he pulls Rudolf into a bed, wraps himself around him.
“Sleep.” Rudolf’s eyes flutter shut with the command.
He wakes slowly, cocooned in warmth. There is the faint scratch of a pen on paper, and Rudolf looks up, blinking awake.
The scratching stops, and Tod looks down at him.
“How did-” he gestures.
“The weather got the best of you.” Tod’s hand comes to rest on Rudolf’s cheek.
A moment of panic races through Rudolf “My father-”
“I texted him from your phone last night. You are with a friend. And safe.”
Rudolf breathes a sigh of relief, and rubs his eyes. He’s always so tired at the end of semesters.
Tod taps his inner thigh. An invitation. “Rest.”
Rudolf shifts over a little, laying his cheek on the soft fabric where Tod had indicated, purring at the sensation.
Sleep claimed him soon enough, but he could have sworn Tod was singing a lullaby under his breath. Something about shadows growing longer.
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screechthemighty · 2 years
Following up a lengthy post complaining about extreme focus on romance in fandom with the last chapter of my ship fic is extremely funny of me, actually. But also in my defense this is just as much about Marc and Reese as it is Marc and Layla, because Reese is awesome. Anyways, last mini-fic in this collection! I can resume focus on meet me at our spot after this! AO3 link in a reblog and also I hope you enjoy it!
you're the song i sing again and again
Prompts: brushing against each other, even if there is enough room / leaning into the other person
Marc was the hardest one to figure out.
Steven was open, chatty, very friendly. Jake liked to be cryptic and vague, but it was mostly a joke, and he was open when it mattered. Reese felt like she knew the both of them about as well as any co-worker. But Marc? Marc was a closed book. He kept his mask on and didn’t talk about himself. She only knew his name was Marc because Steven and Jake called him that. If it weren’t for them, she’d only known him as Moon Knight or Mr. Knight. It was…weird sometimes, but Marc was an all right guy, so she let it slide.
It always threw her off when something did slip through. Especially when it was something like what she saw with him and Layla.
She almost didn’t say anything, because she was pretty sure she wasn’t supposed to see it. She’d heard them talking in one of the Mission’s spookier rooms; when she peeked inside, they were standing in front of a bookshelf talking about a scroll or something. Normal conversion to have.
Except Marc was standing right up in Layla’s personal space with one hand on the small of her back. And Reese got the impression Layla wouldn’t have let him do that if she wasn’t okay with it. That gut feeling was confirmed when Layla faced Marc and touched his cheek (his unmasked cheek, which was a special kind of Pride and Prejudice type scandalous from Reese’s perspective). Reese bailed about then. She was gonna leave it alone, but curiosity ate at her all day. Frenchie showing up just gave her an outlet.
“Okay, don’t tell Mr. Knight I asked this,” she said, “but, uh…is there something going on with him and Scarab?”
“And by Mr. Knight you mean…?”
Frenchie raised an eyebrow. “Ma sœur, they’re married.”
That hit her like a ton of bricks. “Marc’s married?!” she said a little louder than she meant to.
Of course, after the words left her mouth, she saw movement in the hallway. A figure in white, some shuffling awkward steps. The figure that stepped into the room was Mr. Knight, but he was adjusting his outfit as he came in–pulling down the sleeves, fiddling with the gloves. “Okay, what’re we…” He spotted Frenchie and the mask came off. “Ah, mon meilleur ami, are we flying today?”
“Ask Marc. He called me.”
Yeah, about that, Reese thought, a sinking feeling settling into her gut. I think I might have scared him off.
She had to stew in that thought for a while. Mr. Knight and Frenchie left to kick some ass, leaving Reese alone with the House and the phones. “What do you think?” she said aloud to the empty room. “How do I handle this?”
The house creaked, but Reese couldn’t tell if it was trying to talk back to her. Sometimes, she could swear it did. She knew the house was alive, that it could hear them. But today, she could’ve just been hearing the pipes.
Guess I’m on my own with this one.
She got her chance later, though a bit suddenly. She’d just gone out to Mr. Knight’s office to drop off some phone logs, only to find him in there. She knew that it was Marc–his sleeves were rolled up, he’d taken off the jacket, and, most tellingly, his desk and other work surfaces were nearly pristine. Steven always managed to get the office messy again within minutes; Jake existed somewhere in the middle of that spectrum. “Busy night?” Mr. Knight asked clumsily.
“Not really.” Reese put the papers in their designated spot and took a deep breath. “Hey, I’m sorry about earlier. I didn’t mean anything by it, I just…didn’t realize, you know? I don’t know a lot about you, so it took me off guard.”
Mr. Knight didn’t say anything at first. His hands knotted anxiously on the desk and he wouldn’t look directly at her. “It’s…”
With a sigh, he took the mask off. Reese worried for a second that maybe he’d switched, but it seemed like it was still Marc. Neither Steven nor Jake ever looked that tense. Marc straightened up and smoothed back his hair, but still wouldn’t look directly at her. “I’m not…” he cleared his throat. “...used to people knowing things about me. I’m not really used to any of this. I know it sounds stupid when you know about…” He gestured towards a nearby whiteboard, with three distinct sets of handwriting scattered across it. “...that, but…I’m just adjusting.”
That made sense. Jake had said Marc was shy. “For what it’s worth, you two did a good job hiding it,” she said. “I really had no idea. If you don’t mind me asking…” She had a lot of questions, actually, but only one really burning one. “How do Khonshu and Taweret feel about this?”
Marc snorted. “Khonshu gets bitchy every time I try to have a date night. Taweret loves me for some reason. She found out about Valentine’s day and tried to set something up for us.”
Reese laughed, startled. “No.”
“Yeah, we, uh, told her not to do that again.” Marc buried his face in his hands. He was smiling when he finally let them drop. “Steven said it could’ve been worse. If she was the avatar of Isis, we’d have the goddess of marriage butting in every time we have an argument.”
Reese actually had to sit down from laughter. “Oh, no. That’d be so much worse.”
“Most overbearing mother in law on the planet…” Marc trailed off, made a noise like he’d been punched, and covered his mouth. “Fuck, man. Sorry. Jake…inside joke. Pun not intended.”
Not an inside joke Reese was going to be privy to any time soon, if she had to guess. That was okay. She didn’t have to know everything about Marc.
But she was a little glad she knew this. If nothing else, now she knew any office romances were as HR approved as they could get with their little group.
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apexart-journal · 7 months
Mvelo Mahlangu in NYC, Day 21
Today, I was going in to apexart to meet up with Steven for my exit Lunch. How did time fly by so fast?! I felt as though just yesterday I had my introductory lunch with Nia and Steven. After arriving at apexart, I spoke with Nia and Ryan for a bit, before Nia said “ok, lets go upstairs”, with Ryan getting up. I was so confused in the moment and realised that I kept looking at my calendar schedule as “Exit lunch” as opposed to “Exit interview and Lunch”. I felt so embraced but also laughed at myself and then realised I would be doing the interview. Thankfully, Nia and Ryan reassured me that it would be alright and that it was essentially me reflecting on my stay in NYC, but in front of camera as opposed to journalling. This was also the first time I got to see another part of the apex art building and let me tell you! It is so beautiful with its aged features and winding staircase that just keeps going up. We made it to the 2nd floor where all previous interviews took place with all other fellows. Sitting in front of the camera and answering somme of the questions Nia asked had my brain short circuiting. One thing about me, even though I’m able to converse with people I’ve just met, I always freeze up when it comes to anything public speaking related. Nonetheless, Nia had asked me a few question about my experience at apex and among them was the question of what I found most challenging over my time in NY. It was hard to really say exactly what I found challenging but I settled on mentioned how hard I found it to eat out just because of how overwhelming it was to see so many different options around every single corner. So I mostly just cooked my own food. Another thing I found challenging was the notion of finding myself feeling alone at times because even though I made so fleeting connections with people, it was just till the end of the activity we were doing. After that, I had to move onto the next thing. So it was a little bit hard knowing that I most likely wouldn’t see any of these people again unless I came back to NYC and kept in touch with them. That being said, I did welcome the experience of living completely alone because it was the first time I’ve ever experienced that. From living under my moms roof to getting a place with my partner, experiencing a month alone was interesting. 
Thinking on it now, another challenge I realised was how tired I started feeling. I can definitely attribute it to my body still trying to readjust to a routine as well as the constant moving around all day. It's not anything negative at all. Just a realisation again that this whole month I’ve walked more than I ever have in the last year. I think that in itself says a lot about getting stuck in a certain routine and way of life that sometimes needs diversifying. From sitting at a desk editing all day to maybe implementing walking breaks. If I had to share some advice to incoming fellows, especially those who experience a large gap in timezones from NYC, try to regulate as quickly and best as you can. Also be prepared to walk a lot, so stay comfortable. Sometimes prepare yourself for the walks you might pick over taking the subway because of how intriguing the city is :)
After finishing up with my exit interview, I went back downstairs with Nia and met with Steven for the exit lunch. We ate at the same place, right next to apexart office, that I had my intro meeting which I was happy with because the food was amazing. Also its so sweet seeing Steven mention how he knows the menu like the back of his hand. Wags was with us as well. I’ve definitely gotten used to the idea of how wags came to be and still share with my friends, his story. Still amazed by it all. I definitely felt a lot more comfortable and less awkward than I did the first time I sat down and spoke with Steven. One big takeaway from the meeting aside from my experience over the month, was what an amazing job Nia was able to do, coordinating and organising my schedule. I was her first NYC Fellow and I was so happy that she was the person looking after me from afar. I would say that personally I was happy because we were both the same age, people of colour and she’s extremely knowledgable on so much which offers new insight into conversations that we’ve had. Speaking to Steven after my experience so far in NY had me feeling so overwhelmed with gratitude. I’ve come to see that while I alone was invited to join this program, I am able to share my experience with others back home. And in that way, the vision of apexart somewhat lives exponentially past my physical experience. 
So thank you very much for providing such a rare opportunity to me and every fellow that has come before and will come after me. 
After the lunch, I stayed a little bit longer and chatted with Nia, Ryan and Ash before heading to the library screening of the movie “The Big Lebowski”. I really enjoyed talking with the apexart team and getting to know them even more, which lifted my spirits. They’re all such good people. :)
I made my way over to the library and found myself in a small room with a couple other people, and watched The Big Lebowski. I’ve attempted watching the movie before, a very long time ago, but have no idea why I didn’t finish it. So this felt like I was watching it for the first time. The movie definitely made me laugh at times because of the things we find ourselves doing for money. After the movie, I decided to walk back to the apartment instead of taking the subway as it was close and I could see some stores. I got to stop by a thrift store and take a look at what they had. 
0 notes
babymetaldoll · 2 years
"Love cramps" (Spencer x fem!reader)
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Summary: (Y/N)'s period is killing her and Spencer takes care of her. 
Word count: 3,2K
Warnings: I don't remember if there is any bad word in this, but the amount of fluff should be illegal. 
A/N: Hi! I've missed writing Spencer so much!  And I've missed you all too! I hope your year is going well!   
all too! I hope your year is going well!   
It was a very bad day for Special Supervisory Agent (Y/N), and it was getting harder and harder not to let it affect her work. Luckily, the entire BAU team had a desk job day, trying to catch up with all the paperwork pending.
That sounded like a good plan: not moving from her desk.
It all started with that awkward damp sensation in her panties all of a sudden, right in the middle of writing a report. The young SSA froze on her chair and even held her breath, praying she still had a tampon left in her drawer.
And only because her day could be worse, she was out of tampons and pads.
- "Penelope's house of "how may I save your ass today?"
- "García, my savior! I need your help!"
- "Hey, little monkey! what can I do for you today?"
- "Do you have an extra tampon I can use?"- (Y/N) whispered on the phone and made sure no one could hear her. She didn't notice Spencer was paying much attention to her call, though he couldn't really listen to what her best friend was saying.
- "Sure! I have some here."
- "You are a lifesaver, Garcia! I'll go to the Batcave in a minute."
(Y/N) moved quickly but carefully to Garcias's office. She even checked her chair to make sure she hadn't gotten it dirty, a paranoia that brought her back to her high school days, when the worst thing that could happen was to put yourself in evidence during "those days."
Spencer raised his eyes from his file and stared at her. In the last six months, she had turned from the new agent of the team to his best friend. He had never told her that, 'cos he was afraid that it might sound weird. Do people often confess their friendship? When you have a best friend, you just know, right? you don't have to tell them, "Hey, you are my best friend, and I love you." The "I love you" confession was especially hard for Spencer, but he refused to think about that. In fact, he refused to think of anything related to (Y/N) for the following hours until work was done, and he could invite her for dinner.
Of course, that task was more challenging than he imagined, especially when he noticed his dearest friend came back from Garcia's office chewing M&Ms.
- "Can I get one of those, pretty girl?"- Morgan asked with a charming smile and playful wink. Spencer held his breath, staring at the scene. (Y/N) put some chocolates on Derek's hand and turned to Reid.
- "Want some?"- the way she smiled at her friend when she offered him chocolate made Spencer skip a beat. He blushed and stuttered before receiving the M&Ms and eating very slowly. Derek stared at him and chuckled, shaking his head.
- "Don't,"- Spencer whispered and locked his eyes on his work to avoid his friend's teasing.
Around noon the cramps started. (Y/N) felt them slowly coming but tried to control them with the only things she had. More candies and herbal tea. Needless to say, none of that was actually helping her. If anything, everything around her made her feel worse.
- "Someone has a sweet tooth today."- Derek smiled at (Y/N) when she walked back from the vending machine with another packet of M&Ms. And without even asking, he reached out his hand and grinned almost innocently.
- "Dude, if you want candies, just get yourself some and leave me to eat mine alone! Don't be a jerk!"- the fact (Y/N) nearly yelled in the middle of the bullpen made most people there turn their heads over. But the fact that she yelled at her friend was what shocked everybody.
- "I'm sorry, girl. I didn't mean to upset you. Are you ok?"- Derek wasn't going to take those words seriously; he knew (Y/N) wasn't usually rude with anyone (except a few unsubs when needed), so he kept his eyes on her as she sat behind her desk and waited for her answer.
- "Yes, Derek, I am ok. Thank you for asking."
Spencer stared at the scene from his chair, knowing (Y/N) was lying. Clearly, something was bugging her, and he just wanted to help her feel better.
The candies didn't help with the cramps and neither with the nauseous. Or the headache. (Y/N) felt like a bag of dirty, and all she dreamt of while sitting at her desk was reaching home and crawling into bed.
Why was it so hard being a woman? Men never go through something as painful as menstrual cramps or giving birth, as a matter of fact. (Y/N) felt the rush of her hormones taking the best of her that day. She knew it, and she felt so powerless about it. It was like her body was rebelling against her and her better judgment. She knew Derek's attitude hadn't been as bad as she felt. But she couldn't control her own reaction. (Y/N) rested her head on the desk and closed her eyes. She just wanted that day to end.
- "Hey,"- Spencer whispered and looked at his friend with a sheepish smile- "I'm sorry to bother you, but I was thinking... if maybe you wanted to grab some lunch with me."
- "Thank you, Spence."- the young SSA whispered and raised her head from the desk to smile at Reid- "But I don't feel like eating anything at the moment."
- "Maybe I can bring you something for later?"
- "No, thank you."
- "Are you ok? You look pale"- and somehow, against all the odds, Spencer moved closer and held (Y/N)'s hand. A bold move for the resident genius, who always stayed away from any human contact- "You are freezing!"
- "I'm ok"- (Y/N) wasn't ashamed to correct her friend from assuming she was sick. But a part of her enjoyed how worried and sweet he was acting.
- "Want me to tell Hotch? Maybe you can take the rest of the day and go home."
- "I don't think Hotch is gonna give me the day off for menstrual cramps."- (Y/N) murmured and closed her eyes, feeling her uterus twisting inside of her.
- "If you don't feel well, you should go home."- and without hesitation, or even giving space for arguing, Reid walked to Hotch's office and opened the door. (Y/N) wanted to follow him and stop him, but honestly, the pain was too much at that point, and she could barely move her legs. She felt like her body wasn't going to reply to any command.
- "Hi, Hotch. Do you have a minute? Hello, Elle."
- "Reid, can you come later? I need to go through some files with Elle."
- "Sorry, but this will only take a minute."- and ignoring Hotchner's commands, Spencer walked in and closed the door behind his back. That was the very first time that Reid had disobeyed Hotch's commands.
- "Reid..."
- "Just a minute, Hotch. I need you to authorize (Y/N) to go home and take the rest of the day off."
- "Why? is she ok?"- Elle asked and turned to Spencer, concerned.
- "Yes, she doesn't feel well. She didn't want me to tell you, but I think it's better if she goes home. She needs to rest. I can finish her paperwork for the day."
Aaron kept his eyes on Spencer's for a few seconds, reading him. The young profiler was nervous and kept playing with one of the bottoms in his sweater, and though he tried his best to maintain eye contact, his eyes fidgeted all over the room.
- "Ok. But if she is not feeling well, please drive her home. You can catch up on your work tomorrow."- Elle turned to look at Hotch when she heard him speak those words. Spencer thanked him and quickly excused himself.
- "I thought you said you wanted Spencer to help us analyze the letters written by the unsub in the Oklahoma case."
- "Yes, but the letters will still be here in the morning, and we still haven't got police authorization to work the case."- Hotch explained and made a short pause- "Besides, in three years here, Spencer had never asked for authorization or himself or anyone else. (Y/N) has to be honestly sick to make him do such a thing."
- "Well, I think if she had a splinter in her finger, Spencer would push us to take her to the hospital. He is madly in love with her."
And Elle wasn't wrong. But Spencer refused to admit it out loud and less sharing his feelings with (Y/N). He was happy just being her friend. Nothing else mattered.
(Y/N)'s apartment smelled like cinnamon and red apples. It was welcoming and warm. As soon as they were there, (Y/N) locked in her bathroom while Spencer made her a cup of tea. He knew she loved it, and he also knew she needed a warm drink to help her with her cramps.
- "Fuck you!!!"- Spencer nearly jumped as he heard (Y/N) yelling from the bathroom.
- "Are you ok? (Y/N)?"- he knocked on the door and listened carefully- "(Y/N)? do you need help?"
- "I'm ok... I'm just stupid"- the girl opened the door and cut Spencer a short smile. She was going through her medicine cabinet, trying to find something for her cramps.
- "Do you need me to get you anything? I can run to the store."
- "Don't worry..."
- "I mean it. Do you need tampons? Chocolate? a cheeseburger?"- Spencer was trying his best to remember all the things he had read that allegedly helped women during their period. (Y/N) smiled and looked at her first aid kit.
- "I ran out of mefenamic acid, and the pain is killing me."
- "I'm on it!"
- "Really? Thank you so much, Spencer. You are the best."
Spencer held her hand and guided her to her bed, where she cuddled with a bottle of hot water he had prepared for her.
- "The store is just two blocks away, remember? Where we got that emergency aid kit for your go bag."- (Y/N) whispered, and Spencer nodded, knowing exactly what she was talking about.
- "Take the house keys."
- "I made you an herbal tea. I left it on your bedside table."
- "You are perfect, Spencer Reid. Thank you."
But Spencer couldn't answer that. He just smiled, mumbled something incomprehensible, and then walked out of the apartment.
A half-hour later, (Y/N) kept feeling her uterus wanted to murder her from the inside out. The warm bottle wasn't doing anything, nor was the herbal tea. She had always suffered from hard cramps, but the pain was higher this month than she had ever felt. She was on the verge of tears when she heard Spencer walking into her apartment. If she hadn't been in deep pain and feeling floated like a balloon, she would have tried to look cute. Of course, (Y/N) had a massive crush on Spencer. He was cute, he was nice, bright, and the most caring person she had ever known. But at that minute, she was in too much pain to think about her crush.
- "Hey, how are you feeling?"- Spencer walked in and whispered as (Y/N) raised her arm and turned to him.
- "Give me the drug, please"- Reid handed her the pills and looked into the bags he had gotten.
- "I know you said you weren't hungry, but I got a few things to eat in case you felt better."
- "Thank you, Spencer,"- she whispered as she took two pills and sipped what was left of her herbal tea- "Thank you for everything."
- "There is nothing to be thankful for, (Y/N). I am happy I got to be useful."
- "You are perfect."- (Y/N) whispered, but she knew he heard her, 'cos his cheeks turned blood red in a second. It was the second time she had said those words that day, it couldn't be a coincidence. Right?
- "I got you a few things to cheer you up,"- he said and changed the subject right away- "Chocolates, a bouquet of flowers, scented candles, and ice cream. Sorry, there wasn't a larger selection of flavors at the store."
(Y/N) smiled and sighed. If she knew how much Spencer liked her, she would have hugged him. Her eyes watered up as she bit her lips, knowing it might look silly to cry over such a nice action.
- "Are you hungry?"- she murmured, laying on her bed, wrapped with a blanket, and waiting for the pills to do their job- "Give these babies a few minutes to kick in, and I'll cook you something very nice."
- "Don't worry, (Y/N). You have to rest. I can make you a sandwich or some soup if you want."
- "I honestly can't eat anything right now, but feel free to eat whatever you find in the fridge."- Spencer nodded and walked to the kitchen. He put the flowers in a base and made himself a PB&J sandwich. When he walked back to the room, he expected to find (Y/N) asleep, but instead, she was sitting on the bed, holding the remote control.
- "Wanna watch a movie with me? or do you have to go back to work?"
- "A movie sounds nice. I told Hotch I was going to stay and take care of you today."
- "You don't have to if you don't want to."- (Y/N) murmured and hugged a pillow.
- "But I want to. I'm worried about you. I know period cramps are normal, but did you know that in 5% to 10% of women, the pain is severe enough to disrupt their life?"
- "I never imagined you had period facts to share."- (Y/N) joked, and Spencer simply nodded with a shy smile- "Come on, sit here with me. Are you ready for a chick flick marathon with me?"
- "Yes, I am. What are we watching?"
A few hours later, both FBI agents had watched "10 things I hate about you," "How to lose a guy in 10 days," and now they were in the middle of "Never been kissed." At that point, the two of them were under the covers, all the chocolates were gone, and Spencer had ordered take-out from their favorite Thai place.
- "What would you do if you could go back to high school now?"- (Y/N) asked her friend and moved a little closer. They had been casually cuddling for the last two movies, but neither had said a word about it.
- "I think I would do my best not to do it. I'm glad I was done with that in two years."- Spencer chuckled and kept his eyes on the screen, watching how Drew Barrymore passed for a high school student, no questions asked.
- "I think I would pay no attention to class. Now I know none of that nonsense will be useful as an adult."- (Y/N) admitted and heard Spencer chuckling next to her- "I would also stop myself from wasting so much time dating assholes."
- "Were there too many?"
- "No, just two, but neither of them was worth all the tears I cried. I see it now, but it felt like the end of the world back then."
- "I know what you mean."
- "Were you broken-hearted in high school too?"- (Y/N) turned and looked at Spencer. He sighed and nodded slowly- "You were incredibly young to be broken-hearted."
- "Yeah, I was. But I guess it was good that I learned to give up love from a very young age."- Spencer confessed, his voice filled with sadness and honesty. (Y/N) kept his eyes on him and bit her tongue not to pour her heart right there.
- "What happened?"- that was all she managed to ask.
- "Well, let's say no one actually looked at me as if I was a human being. I was a joke to all the kids, and the only girl I ever had a crush on played a cruel joke on me that got me beaten up and tied naked to a football goal."
- "Are you serious?!"- (Y/N) nearly jumped after hearing that confession.- "I need names, Spencer. I am going to kill whoever hurt you!"
- "Thanks, but..."
- "No, I mean it. You can't share this kind of information and hope that I'll do nothing about it. I will destroy whoever made you feel bad about yourself."- Spencer felt warm just to hear those words, and he knew (Y/N) meant it. She wasn't sorry for him; she was her friend and wanted the best for him. And he wanted her.
- "It's ok. Time passed, and I realized I..."- but Spencer couldn't speak anymore. (Y/N)'s lips crushed against his. It was a short peck, it only lasted a few seconds, but Spencer's brain shut down. He just stared at (Y/N) in silence when she moved apart from him and didn't know what to say.
- "Sorry... I just thought..."- she mumbled and stared at Spencer's freaked face.- "Please don't hate me. I just wanted to kiss you."
- "Why?"- Spencer wasn't joking. He didn't know why (Y/N) would want to kiss him. No girl had ever wanted to kiss him before, as far as he knew.
- "Because... I"
- "Please don't tell me my story made you feel sorry for me."
- "No!"
- "Is it because of your hormones?!"
- "No, Spencer. I wanted to kiss you because I like you!"- (Y/N) simply blurted, not analyzing the impact of her words. He looked at her and waited a few minutes to see if she laughed. But no. Instead, she kept looking at him in a way he always longed for. Sadly, those were the kind of things that never happened to Spencer.
- "I get it. But you don't have to do this just 'cos I've had bad experiences."
- "No, Spencer... I wanted to kiss you because I like you. I'm sorry if this makes everything weird. We can pretend it never happened."
- "But I could never do that. You kissed me."- (Y/N) nodded as Spencer stared at her- "You kissed me."
- "Yeah. And if you stay still, I can do it again."- she murmured and bit her lips for a few seconds, waiting for Spencer's reaction. He hesitated, still scared it might all be a joke. It is sad to think some people can doubt so much of any sign of love and care because of how much they've been hurt before.
But after a couple of seconds, (Y/N) felt Spencer's hand on her cheek as he leaned over and rubbed his lips against hers. It felt in slow motion, like a dream come true. It felt good and right, like how a first kiss should feel. If it had been a movie, (Y/N) was sure she would hear the fireworks around them.
- "Wow..."- she mumbled when Spencer moved apart. He kept looking at her, her eyes, lips, and cheeks, trying to read her, to figure out what would happen next.
- "Was that ok?"- Reid asked and watched (Y/N) nod in response- "Can I do it again?"
- "You can do it forever,"- she whispered and giggled, kissing Spencer one more time.
- "Do you wanna go out with me tomorrow for dinner?"- Reid murmured in between kisses.
- "Yes. I would love that very much."
- "Will you still feel sick tomorrow?"- he caressed her cheek and kissed the tip of her nose.
- "Not in a million years."  
Taglist General @spenxerslut @ash19871962 @all-tings- diego @babebenhardy @mrsobrien888 @archer561 @muffin-cup @alfonsais @cynbx @meowiemari
Taglist Spencer @calm-and-doctor @malboroniightz
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