#it emotionally destroyed me and then i forgot about it
amara-laz · 1 year
one of the biggest mysteries of my life is who the hell gave six year old me a copy of the play version of "flowers for algernon"
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Rina Sawayama had no right to sing
"reach inside and hold you close / i won't leave you on your own... / 'cause the girl in your soul's seen it all / and you owe her the world"
as though that wouldn't collectively rip all our little hearts out and put 'em in one giant blender
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theredcuyo · 3 months
You know, the thing a about shovel talks is that you expect them
If anyone is dating someone from the batfamily, at least one of the members is going to hunt you down for a 'nice little chat'
Maybe it's Bruce overprotective dad Wayne, who is scary because mind you, he's also the freaking Batman
Or, maybe Dick older sister complex Grayson, who in case you forgot, is a cop
Maybe Jason i love my family but you can't tell them Todd, who is a trained assasin, a crime lord, and can skip the no killing rule if he wants to
Perhaps is Cassandra I'm behind you and you'll know when i want you to Cain Wayne
Could it be Tim i love this family so much i forced the Batman to get me into it Jackson Drake, who, you know, figured out who Batman is at 9 and could probably get all the information about you and your family if he wants to in less than 5 minutes?
Maybe Barbara I already have all your personal information Gordon?
Or Damian i might not kill but know worse things than death Wayne who might be as emotionally constipated as his father but loves his family more than himself and will destroy anyone who touces them
Duke and Steph are more like actually giving a nice shovel talk, still scary, but more in the classic way
But, i for one, think that the actually scarier thing to happen (and that always will) is Alfred doing it.
Because he is the one who trained the Batman.
He is the one they all love and trust, and who they'd probably break the rule for.
He's just their sweet grandpa who maybe they tend to forget was a trained secret agent, and who is not bound to the no killing rule.
He's is the scariest one because all the others track, but if you said Alfred scared you NO ONE will believe you
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i have something to say, for all young transmascs or newly transitioning transmascs: just know the "womanhood" you had to endure will be used against you EMOTIONALLY as a trans masc. And not in the way many have spoken about. when you speak up on the abuse, trauma or experiences you went through growing up, people will make excuses of having thought you were just an "emotional teen girl", despite you trying to explain it to them- as an adult trans man. you try to tell them you just wanted help and presently want people to recognize their wrongs. like how they taught you as a child.
but instead they'll make excuses on how they each don't know how to take accountability, for the past or present. they'll say how you seemed like "your mother" at that age, so they thought it was a phase. so now they don't even want to hear or learn how they hurt you. they don't even want to know how to get help or therapy to communicate with you better. AND THEY DONT EVEN WANNA HEAR THEIR OTHER OPTIONS EITHER. they feel like you should just "let it go" when you bring up how it has effected you as a trans man growing up NOW , they dismiss you or blame your behavior on YOU INSTEAD. the reactions of a child, are labelled as an inconvenience, that you should take accountability for when you held no power. they did. so now that they don't, they don't even want to TRY to understand you-
all in all: they will use your past unchosen childhood to label you as an emotional "woman" who is hanging onto the past. when that is not it. it is NOW the accountability of the PRESENT. you want PRESENT ACCOUNTABILITY AND APOLOGIES. YOU WANT ACTUAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND GENUINE EMOTIONAL REFLECTION. and every person in this world deserves that. do not fall for this lack of effort and communication- do not endure it to feel loved as a transmasc. the fact that you are younger AND have tried your best to understand EVERYONE around you all your life is enough. the fact that they won't even try to do it on their own FOR FIVE GENUINE MINUTES, says enough.
saying they don't know how to NOT say awful things to you- is a lack of effort alone. if they can watch you try to get help to understand them for YEARS, they should AT LEAST TRY to find a professional or group or ANYONE to learn how to mend the relationship they damaged or broke with YOU, if they are able. they should NOT use your past or present emotions AGAINST YOU- indirectly defining you as just an "emotional, hormonal, traumatized woman". but they will try. do not let THEM gaslight you or trick you into thinking they can't at least put SOME effort into respecting you as a MAN with FEELINGS FROM THE TRAUMA THEY MAY HAVE DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY CAUSED. they can AND they should put effort into rebuilding what they destroyed. because let me tell you something i've learned:
"If you stepped into a puddle and forgot to wipe your feet before you entered a loved one's house; then the tracks you left are still your's. No matter where you go in the house they will always be yours- and it's up to you to not keep leaving them."
whether they meant to or not, they still left filth on your floors- and we all know who's tracks they are. we all saw it, but the question is: will they return and do it again, with cheeky pride and their head held up high, or will they clean up the floor apologetically, and reflect on every time they left tracks accidentally, or purposely, in your house. will they think about how YOU felt; how they put you into a position of having to speak up for yourself to keep your "house" clean and respected? will they acknowledge all the other times they wouldn't listen or will they dismiss them? as said by ALL my medical professionals, the LGBTQIA community AND my chosen family, you have a RIGHT to cut these people permanently out of your life, and out of your emotional "home".
and if the next time you see them is at their funeral, that's ok. because you have a right as a TRANS MASC HUMAN BEING to put your safety, sanity, well being, respect and emotions FIRST. you have a right to PROTECT yourself from that negativity and pain. do NOT sacrifice yourself to PROVE ANYTHING to ANYONE. do not overexert yourself trying to get them to understand you when all it does is cause you to breakdowns- AND it hurts.
you KNOW who you are. and that is ENOUGH. KNOW IT WILL ALWAYS BE ENOUGH. for you are a transmasc who has EMOTIONS, A PAST AND PRESENT, PAIN AND TRAUMA. You are a VALUED, LOVABLE PERSON AND YOU DESERVE TO FEEL RESPECTED AND SEEN IN THIS WORLD REGARDLESS OF WHAT ANY "LOVED" ONE SAYS- and if your "family/loved" ones have too much pride to acknowledge that- LEAVE.
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mcuamerica · 5 months
The Shadowsinger: Nine (Azriel's Interlude)
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Warnings: 18+. Minors DNI. Mention of trauma/death, Azriel's internal angst (as @mybestfriendmademe once said "an emotionally constipated Illyrain"), ACOTAR series spoilers. If I forgot anything, please let me know!
Pairing: Azriel x Fem!Reader
Summary: Azriel reflects on his thoughts since the moment he heard about you.
Disclaimer: I do not own SJM’s characters or plot lines, only the ones I create for the purpose of this story. This is a work of fiction. I do not give permission to repost my work on any other platform or medium. Please be respectful.
My graphics are my own. If you wish to use them, please give credit!
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Prologue - One - Two - Three - Four - Five - Six - Seven - Eight
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Azriel's POV
- Starting Immediately after Amarantha’s Death -
Rhys came back from Under the Mountain after speaking with them mind-to-mind about the events. How he would be home soon. 
He brought someone new that night, someone that spied for Amarantha during those 50 years. Just as Rhys had. To protect his family. He said he was bringing another Shadowsinger. The Inner Circle was shocked, to say the least. Azriel most of all. There hadn’t been a known Shadowsinger for a long time. For two of them to exist at once… and both of them Illyrians. It was unheard of. 
He didn’t believe Rhysand until he saw you that first night. You’d spent all week in your room and Rhys told all of them not to disturb you. Mor wasn’t happy about that. But Azriel felt a tug. He spent the first two nights with his shadows swirling at your door. And then Rhys caught him and he dragged him back to his room, yelling at him to stay away from you until you deemed yourself ready to handle more people. He said you lost your family and you needed space. Not a male brooding in front of your door. 
So Az waited, and he tried to keep calm as he saw you in a navy blue sweater and black pants that first dinner.  He saw the way your shadows swirled around his ankles, how his own darted to your shoulders. More importantly he saw you keep a leash on them, as if you didn’t want them going to him. He wondered if you were afraid of losing them.
And then he went on a mission, Rhys needed information about where the Attor went after Amarantha died. Because it sure wasn’t found anywhere before they destroyed the Mountain. And he needed information about Hybern. So much information and Az had to reestablish his spies. Yes, the shadows told him everything they could, but his spies were the ones that needed to be contacted. That took a month. 
He agreed to train you purely out of selfishness for himself, at first. He wanted to see how another Shadowsinger used their abilities. He was quite good at controlling the shadows to his will. He could do just about anything with them that he wanted to, and he wanted to see if you could do the same. 
But the longer he spent around you, the more he saw how much you needed space. You didn’t need him prying into your life. You didn’t need to relive your trauma. Because that’s the only way a Shadowsinger is born, in darkness and loneliness. His shadows were his comfort. Things that were there for when he was lonely and didn’t have anything, not even light, to keep him company.
He wanted to know if they were the same for you. You were healing from everything that happened. Rhys said you lost your family, it would be as if Rhys had come back to find all of them dead. What hit Az the hardest was that you chose to call the northerners your family after your blood betrayed you. After they tried clipping your wings. It made his blood boil, made him want to go to Valorworth and see how they liked getting their wings shredded to pieces. But instead, he trained you that first day. And knew that if he continued training you, getting to know you, he would only want to be closer to you. There was a tug that pulled him towards you in every room, anytime he was in the House with you. No matter what. 
It didn’t help that you were gorgeous. Your body was just the way he’d prefer it, though if it changed at all, you would still be perfect in his eyes. Your eyes were a striking color he hadn’t quite seen anywhere before. And your voice made him want to drop to his knees and beg. Especially with how timid you were the first few days. You were so small and quiet, but you held this power behind you that you didn’t even know about. But Azriel could sense it.
Something changed after he went on his second mission, leaving Cassian to train you. When he got back and saw how happy you were with Cass, he felt such rage and jealousy boil in him he didn’t know what to do. You were on top of Cassian. Panting with a smile on your face. He couldn’t help but remember how Mor had flirted with Cass before… he was so close to tackling Cassian then and there for even coming close to you like that, but he kept it in. You weren’t his property. Cauldron, he didn’t even know you. Or you him. And he was acting as if he had some claim to you. 
He was scared of his feelings. So he did what he knew best and hid in the shadows. Maybe he was sulking. Maybe he was brooding. But it was better than laying claim on you as if you were his to keep. Better than getting upset with his brother over something that happened 500 years ago. Cassian might have said yes to Mor, but they were young and of course he would. When Mor never reached back out to Az, it was only his shadows that he could find comfort in. And other females for a few nights, maybe a couple weeks, here and there. But nothing substantial. Nothing like what he was feeling for you.
Az didn’t want to lead you down a path that would have you with him, probably miserable. If you hated him, it would be better than nothing. Better than thinking he had a chance with a strong, intelligent, talented, and beautiful female like yourself. It seems his plan had worked, because by the time that night at Rita’s came, he was just about ready to snap someone’s neck for even looking at you. In your low-cut top and tight pants, it was all he could do to not grab you by the waist and take you to the House for himself. And it scared him again. He’s been attracted to plenty of females. But never like he was with you. Never to the point of him having to go train at night, or fly for hours on end just to clear his mind. And he still couldn’t sleep knowing you were in the same house as him. 
Seeing you with Cassian again just confirmed what he already knew. You would much prefer to be with a male like Cass than Az. One that wasn’t so scarred and sunken into his thoughts. You wouldn’t want to be with him. It hadn’t occurred to him that you might be trying to make him jealous because he was ignoring you so much. It never crossed his mind that you might want his attention. After that night, you certainly didn’t. Not with how Azriel treated you the next day. 
Az wasn’t happy to hear Rhys wanted you and Cass at Windhaven. He knew you were to be the emissary, but he didn’t want you to be anywhere near those males. He hated Illyrians enough. If someone touched or spoke to you the wrong way and he found out about it… little would hold him back from burning it all down. 
He knew he should have been focusing on the mission Rhys gave him. But he sent shadows to monitor you at Windhaven. Even had Nuala trail you as you moved about the camp when she could. When he heard about the first meeting, and then of your training of the girls (improperly) on how to use practice weapons… he knew he couldn’t stay away. You were going to get yourself into trouble and Az had to be there to get you out of it. He knew Cassian could handle it. But Azriel hated the thought of an Illyrian male not being able to hold back his anger and taking it out on you because you also couldn’t hold in your anger. 
He also knew that you could handle yourself, especially with how well your training had been going. But he didn’t want to stay away anymore. He didn’t want to ignore you. Even if it meant watching you and Cassian banter and flirt. He could at least watch from a distance. 
Az might have done too good of a job at ignoring you because you were not as happy as you could have been when Cassian said you were to be spending 4 days in the mountains with Azriel. He knew exactly where to take you. And while he knew you would be training with him, he also knew this was the time to talk to you. Get to know you. Maybe figure out why you were so on edge at the Illyrian camps. 
So you set off north, towards where their concealed cabin was. You would spend days flying and hiking there. All part of your training. But by the time you both got there, maybe his resolve to court you would be gone. Or at the very least, maybe he could control it better. Or maybe it would force you to see who he truly was, and that he truly was not worthy of you. Maybe you’d tell him that and he could try to move on. Azriel wasn’t sure what would happen, but he knew that he needed this time with you. To find out what, he wasn’t sure.
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A/N: This was a fun chapter for me to write. I know I've given Azriel's POV a little bit before, but when I was writing this I wanted an idea of where his head space was. I needed a reasoning for him being so distant, and the best way for me to do that was to write out his thoughts. Next chapter, we get to see Az and reader in the Illyrain mountains (a little reminiscent of Nessian in ACOSF)!!!
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coeluvr · 2 months
Playing this IF makes me feel EXTREMELY conflicted when it comes to Luceris:
One moment I'm all "oh stern old man who likes shipping ahaha" then I remember that he, quite literally, murdered my entire family and I'm FUMING; the fact that for a moment I forgot about it just makes me even more angry at him, cause how DARE you make me feel like family when you exterminated mine??
The fact that I'm an Heliosmancer makes it, like, ten times more emotionally devastating; I know he's trying and my MC knows it as well, but there will come a time when my MC will no longer be able to hold in the frustration and anger he has been repressing for YEARS.
I imagine it will go kind of like this:
MC: "Helios, my love, light of my life, I know how hard you're trying to right your father's wrong, and I really appreciate it..."
Helios: :D
MC: "But you have to understand that nothing, and I repeat NOTHING, could ever make what happened to my family right. I don't give a crap of how good of a father he was to you or how much he loved his wife, for me he is and will always remain the bloodthirsty monster that massacred my family and destroyed my life; and you can't do ANYTHING to change that."
Helios: D:
MC: "Anywaaaaaaay u look SO hot tonite<3"
Also, don't think I forgot about you Lancelot, don't care how good the Lucerussy is, banging the man who ruined my life makes it kind of hard to see you as a father figure :)
(I say while still choosing to have a somewhat familial relationship with him, cause beggars can't be choosers, even tho my MC will NEVER forget that he would choose Luceris over him.)
GOD, sorry for the long-ass ask, the point is that your IF is so well done and it manages to involve me so much emotionally to the point that I have to vent my frustrations... Like this! Love your work and you're such an inspiration for me <3333
Oh man I just know you'll hate the way Luceris makes MC and you the player feel in chapter 4 😭 excited for you to play it when it drops! 🥰
Poor Helios but I get it and he does too but he must try to make things better. 😞
The Lancelot part is funny because he never tried to make MC view him as a father but you get stuck with what you get stuck with!
Life is hard when you let your childhood crush murder his wife's murderer's family but then you can't let this small child be killed and bam now it sees you as it's father. Woe is him. Truly. /s
Thank you for your kind words! 🥺💗
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everydaymanafterdark · 4 months
I finished reading the original Sam and Max comics by Steve Purcell, so I'm going to share some of my favourite panels from it! Let's goooo!!!
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He won him a stuffed horsey TuT Also I find it very interesting how Max's proportions are a bit more chonky here at the start, you can later see how they become more streamlined and intensified into the shapes we recognize from the games.
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Sam being protective of Max. 👌
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He's biking up a freaking volcano to save him. Call it what you want but that requires some immense devotion (Also, nice patoot there Sam)
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Loved this reminder that Sam, too, is a dork.
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Pretty sure that this is the first instance of "Max, you don't even like girls"
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They sleep in a bunk bed, and apparently Sam is on top. Also, those Western jammies.
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I'm just finding it very cute that their families celebrate the holidays together okay
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This one just made me laugh...
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... same with this one!
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Cute phone scenes! Always love the way Steve illustrated these.
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Speaking of illustration, the art in this comic goes HARD when it wants to.
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They're snoozing together. <3
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Just a very cute panel. I would be tempted to use one of these faces as an avatar.
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Also, let's talk about this gesture real quick. They legit do this a lot (see this post)
And I would just like to add that we even see in Beyond Time and Space when Satan tries to do the same head-pat on Max and he very visibly hates it. He genuinely only allows Sam to do it. I am deceased.
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Another panel that made me laugh.
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Here it's sweet that Sam keeps Max from smoking, but also the dialogue cracks me up.
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The implication that Sam wears his suit because he doesn't want to unsettle humans?
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They got a Congeniality Award right under a framed photo of them hitting a KKK member. Goals.
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EDIT: Also I forgot to mention this adorable picture wall from the beginning!! This confirms that Sam and Max took baths together when they were kids, as was implied in Beyond Time And Space. Cuuuute
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Again!! Kickass inking!!
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This page... honestly caught me off-guard for how somber and serious it is all of the sudden. Like, damn. The realization that Steve could emotionally destroy me with his comicking skills, huh
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And they still manage to cope. I think I saved this one because Sam calls Max "lovable and cuddly".
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That's all I got, thank you and goodnight!! 🙇‍♂️ ❤️
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calissarowan · 1 month
Winx Writers, about Gantlos: Let’s write an evil, scary, irredeemable villain that yells and destroys stuff, that nobody will care about when we drop him down a ravine at the end of the season.
Most people I know on Tumblr, about Gantlos: Wow, here’s a super cool, complicated bad guy that would die for the people he loves, and, bonus, is pretty damn handsome. If his creators won’t respect him, then let’s write a bunch of emotionally-complicated fics about him, and give him the tragic backstory they forgot.
I don’t think they meant to make him so liked. Maybe these are just views held by me and @devilheartsblog, but I doubt it.
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kroosluvr · 19 days
Ive been wondering lately, how would have P5 played out if Kasumi had failed to save Sumire. For all the times Sumi says or feels that Kasumi would be able to still succeed at Gymnastics and life through the pain, and wouldnt need as much help as she need...i feel like Kasumi would have been fucking destroyed emotionally.
Would she have really been able to move on more quicly like Sumire felt? Would she end up asking a similar wish as Sumire if she went to Maruki's counseling? Would she become friends with Joker and the Thieves like Sumi did?
You have such a deep understanting of Sumi, im curious to hear your thoughts on the other Yoshizawa
OMFGGG this is such a good concept.... i havent tried to get into kasumi's head that much but off the top of my head:
(under the cut bc its a bit long)
kasumi's love for gymnastics, surface-level, seems to run much deeper than sumire's love for it. i interpret sumire's love for gymnastics as more like "its because i did it with my sister that i really enjoyed/loved it" so since that was the main factor, when kasumi died, sumire drifted away from the sport (also due to traumatic factors but like yeah)
so i think, opposite to sumire, she would throw herself TENFOLD into the sport, and be more grating to herself if she failed: kind of pinning her entire identity on the sport (the way sumire did prior to her death) and basically she invests all of her time into gymnastics, because of the guilt and distress and sadness she feels, maybe if she's at the top-of-the-top, she can figure it out more.
SO LIKE she didn't move on any better than sumire did but she deals with it in an opposite way (in my headcanon)
thinking about it.. i don't think kasumi would wish to become sumire, but maybe she'd allude to something (i.e. i'm trying to become the best gymnast in the world but this guilt and sadness is holding me back) that maruki would take as "oh maybe if u forgot about sumire u'd be better off"
so that's something that's Just As horrific and jarring as literally becoming your dead sister, and it'd lead to like interesting moments like (interview) "so kasumi how are you coping with the loss of your sister" "ah, if you're talking about the loss of my latest competition, i just had a few mistakes with thsi apparatus but i'll be back in tip-top shape for the next one!" optimistic to a fault.. she glazes over anything that doesn't fit Her Reality.... everything goes back to her gymnastics
and i think, because of maruki's "intervention", it works! kasumi suddenly does rocket up to the top in gymnastics! that's something that's absolutely terrifying to kasumi when the delusion breaks: was i really willing to give up the beloved memories of my sister just to get an edge in gymnastics? would i really give it all up? did i really think i'd be better off without her?
it'd def be interesting if she befriended the thieves!!! i think her boisterous sort of personality and her intense, almost overwhelming dedication to her sport...... that confidant w akira seems interesting..... i think, at least, her sudden "switch" in terms of gymnastics prowess would draw media attention (kind of like the opposite of a mental shutdown... goro akechi ON THE CASE///SHOT DEAD)
but no like fr that'd be interesting if goro had a sort of "confidant" with her, trying to get to the bottom of the case abt dr. maruki.....
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gojocumdumpster · 1 year
Is he really my true love 2?
Warnings: Sex, pubes, climax,missionary
Type of story: nsfw🔥
Songs to listen to while reading: here adorn by miguel
Afab reader
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Months had passed and you had gotten used to Pickle, you guys were having a normal day together until one day Pickle wanted to confess his love to you. But how? At first you were confused what this makeshift pillow fort he was making in the corner of your room, he was working on it for 2 days taking ripped up pillows he destroyed taking the cotton wow 😤 out of them and scattering them around his fort. You tried to peak to see what he was doing but he would either gently push you or shake his no. “Pickle you can’t just keep taking all the damn pillows in here.” All he did was look at you and smile while you scolded him, time passed and he had you wait on the couch until he was done. Finally he was done and went to grab you, he took you to the shared bedroom and you saw a pillow fort lit up with lights, cotton, pillows, leaves and sticks. He invited you into it and you guys sat down. “Aw Pickle this is so sweet of you!” You say patting his head smiling. “T-th-thank you…” he said quietly.
He had something to give you, what could it be? Another chewed up high heel? Another leaf crown? No…instead it was a painted red rock with a black heart in the middle of it. “P-pickle what is this?” You say confused. “I..like…y-you..” he said blushing handing you the red rock. This finna make me cry Your eyes started getting blurry as you felt tears pouring in. Could this be it? Did I find my soulmate for life..? Memories poured in you always remembered he would read this one verse in a poem everyday. “For so long, I wished for the day. The day that our love would find its way. From my heart and into your soul, The feeling so strong, I had no control.” Is this what he was trying to tell you all along? y’all this story is making me cry fr there’s tears coming down
You hugged pickle crying in his arms thinking about how you never thought this day would ever come? Nobody ever liked you. You hadn’t experienced real happiness. You quickly wiped your tears and went in a deep passionate kiss with him. He held your face wiping your tears while kissing you. He took you to the bed and laid you down, he only knew a bit about sex. Which was mating but you were on the pill which is fine with him, as he laided you down he gently took your clothes off one by one. You guys were both naked, he was a bit hairy down there but you didn’t mind. He was admiring your beautiful body. You didn’t think you were perfect at all but in his eyes he thought you were his everything, he saw more than just friends when he was around you.
You were a virgin so you didn’t know what to expect at all. “Pickle please be gently this is my first time…” You said nervously. He nodded and put him self in-between your spread legs, he slowly inserted himself in as he kissed you at the same time. It was a mixture of pain and pleasure, he slowly started thrusting. Groans and moaning filling the air. You guys were at this for a bit, soon you felt you were close. “P-pickle…fuck! i’m close pickle….fuck..” you said moaning. He was growling as he felt himself getting close to, he looked at your tits bouncing and look up at your sweaty lewd face. He mewled as he felt himself getting closer just by looking at your face. You guys kissed as you both reached your climax. This wasn’t just sex. This was a connection, a bond…showing that you guys trust each-other emotionally and spiritually. He pulled out and you heard the words you never thought you would never hear in your life. “I- lo-love you y/n..” The question had been answered. He was your true love.
@idkhonestly0-0 sorry that it didn’t have the touchy part i forgot i hope you like it ily🫶🏾
@urlocalbum12-blog there you go my love.
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nonhumanhottie · 6 months
The Bad Batch season 3 reaction
Episode 9 - The Harbinger
I forgot about a new episode again lol
God I hate when they talk like preschool shoe characters
And she knows Fennec God I love women
M-count explanation that makes sense but also doesn't discredit the prequels I like I like
Honestly Ventress is a lot calmer good for her
Stop it she's testing Omega
I love how Jedi shit is so confusing to everyone else
Destroy them Ventress!! She's so iconic!!
The girlies are fighting and Omega is just on a mission
Ventress mopped the fucking floor with them
'You're an odd little clone.' 'Thanks.' ahhhhh
Ventress isn't used to people being happy around her oh my god
Okay Wreckers reaction to ventress glaring at him spying got me
H'air looks bad underwater in this show lmao
Oh Ventress look at you connecting with an animal instead of killing it
Crosshair didn't have to offer a hand to Ventress but he did anyway good boy
Emotionally mature wrecker!!
God the women in this show are so iconic
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infiniteeight8 · 1 month
I know you JUST updated the IronStrange can’t find out series, but I’m hooked and would love to see more if/when you’re feeling inspired.
This request came in on July 18, so it’s taken me an entire month to get through the queue to write it. It just goes to show, if you want more regular updates, get into that queue early. LOL. 
I would write these mini-series without the requests, btw, I’m not holding them hostage or anything. The thing is, I prioritize requests, and I haven’t run out of prompts in a long time, so requests are the most reliable way to get updates.
Anyway, on with the ficlet!
Edit: Forgot to link the rest of the series! Here it is: Can't Find Out
Despite the tentative friendship that they’ve established in the months since Thanos, Stephen knows that Tony must have an ulterior motive for appearing at the Sanctum with lunch. Usually, they’ll arrange a time to talk in advance, usually about the intersections between technology and magic. Sometimes, after a battle or an Avengers meeting, they’ll go out to eat together. But they don’t just casually drop by, especially not with food. There are implications to personally delivering food when an unbonded omega is involved.
The degree to which it pleases Stephen is dangerous.
Despite that, Stephen does allow himself to enjoy their meal together before asking what Tony’s up to. He didn’t ask Tony to come, Stephen reassures himself. He’s not trying to pursue anything. He’s not expecting anything. Tony is not his mate.
No matter what his instincts and his dreams and—to an extent that baffled the heat specialists—his biology say.
They’re setting empty cartons aside and Stephen is steeling himself to confront the issue, but Tony gets there before him: “So. I’ve been reading up on heat disorders.”
Fuck. “Tony,” Stephen interrupts. “This isn’t a normal heat disorder.”
“Not the cause, but even if we can’t get at the source of the problem, that doesn’t mean we can’t address the symptoms,” Tony goes on stubbornly.
“There is no ‘we’,” Stephen says. “You’re not my mate. Not only are you not my mate, you’re bonded.”
“I know everyone acts like mate bonds are the be all and end all of dynamic biology,” Tony says, “but you probably know better than I do that it’s more complicated than that. Everything I’ve read says that having an alpha present during your heat substantially eases the symptoms of most heat disorders. Even when there’s no sexual contact, Even an alpha bonded to someone else.”
This is a disaster. Every instinct Stephen has is screaming Say yes! and every rational thought is reminding him that spending a heat with Tony would destroy him emotionally.
“And what does Pepper say?” Stephen asks, and knows he’s grasping at straws. Tony wouldn’t be here if he hadn’t talked to her.
“Pepper says that if I want to help a friend, I should.”
Of course. Stephen rubs a hand over his face, trying to buy time to think of how to say no.
Wong speaks before inspiration strikes: “You should do it.”
Stephen lowers his hand to find the other sorcerer standing in the kitchen door. “I can’t,” Stephen says, to Wong instead of Tony. It’s easier that way. “You know I can’t.”
“I know you won’t,” Wong corrects. 
Suddenly, Stephen feels cornered. They’re both watching him, equally stubborn, and he has no escape, and Wong is blocking the exit. He’s not carrying his sling ring, but he’s still the Master in this Sanctum. A silent request and Stephen is abruptly relocated to his bedroom. The door locks with a reassuring click.
Stephen crawls into his bed and pulls the sheets up over his head. It’s a feeble barrier, hardly enough to block out this universe he’d chosen for all of them, but it’s all he has.
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toothlespoggers · 8 months
Ninjago writers: No you forgot we hate Zane, Zane sucks, Zane is so insignificant everyone only remembers him for being “the robot” no one knows anything about Zane as a person, he’s not viewed as a person. He’s nothing but the Titanium Ninja, the robot. The ice machine.
He’s so worthless that even standing beside DRAWINGS of his own face— people still don’t recognise him.
Watch as we switch gears from physically abusing Zane, to emotionally abusing him and completely destroying any sense of self worth he still had.
Me: yay this is, so great.. wonderful.. sooooo happy…
How can one show give me so much serotonin but also make me so angry at the same time. For the love of god why can’t you treat Zane like a normal person? Why can’t you let him be happy? Why can you NEVER let him be happy? Do you hate him? Do you have no soul? DO YOU? DO YOU? You heartless WENCHES on the writing staff, you horrible people. You look into the poor blue eyes of this innocent little cinnamon roll and all you want to do is break his spirits.
“finally! Peace and quiet where those idiots won’t force me to get beaten up again.” - Zane probably
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calekinnieplus · 3 months
ORV #216
I read most of the novel a few years back, in 2020 I believe (WHY DOES IT FEEL LIKE IT WAS YESTERDAY?? WDYM "A FEW YEARS BACK"), so ngl, I forgot SO much of what was going on, especially since I was reading from a shitty translation that switched names and places Constantly. And I was a beginner novel reader at that point, so I wasn't used to it.
Either way, what I Do remember are the feelings I had while reading the novel. And from beginning to chapter... around 400 is where I left off, I think? Yeah, this arc? This arc had me sobbing The Most.
Ofc stuff happens later that is just as sad, if not worse, but This arc was like... idk, it HIT, alright? And it would be a shame if I don't talk about it when it finally reached the manhwa. Istg, it feels like yesterday I was complaining that this scene will take Forever to reach the manhwa.
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God, Dokja. I wanna smother you in love, but you would run from it before I have the chance.
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Poor Gilyoung... knowing that by giving that stone to Dokja, he'll essentially doom his father figure to irreversible death. Gilyoung, you deserve the world. That face Destroys me.
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Not KimCom trying their best to reach him... but nevertheless, he...
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You look so badass, but king, pls, this emotionally destroyed me 4 years ago. King, be a lil merciful PLS-
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morty-witch · 7 months
Vox x F!PopStar!Reader
A/N: this is part 2 of prologue, because i went over sign limit here.
A/N: Hello! This is my first ever fanfiction on tumblr and first ever fanfiction i wrote fully in english and i went kinda crazy with this prologue and went WAYYY over the signs limit. I will publish it in few parts and i'll link other parts to this one. Ily guys and i hope you enjoy it <3 This story will have few chapters, because i got a lot of ideas for it WARNINGS: Language, cursing, swearing, Valentino being Valentino, emotionally abusive boyfriend, mentions of cult, mentions of d3ath Y/N: YOUR NAME S/N: STAGE NAME
stop, you're losing me
PROLOGUE PART 1 PROLOGUE PART 3 It took maybe 10 minutes, til music started playing, silent talking of all the sinners, hellborns and other hell residents turned into screams and chanting. And then she appeared in stage. Infamous (S/N), but he knew her as (Y/N). And as soon as she opened her lips and started singing, he felt weird energy all around him. Was this his anxiety? No, definetly not, even though he felt it deep into his stomach, it was not it. After few songs he added 2+2 and understood why they all got those bracelets. She is taking away energy of her listeners. She is an energy vampire. A siren. But also her eyes… bright red. Is she an overlord? How many souls does she own? Vox was quite sure she owns at least as many as he does, because of how strong her energy feels like. Even if he is standing like 50m away from the stage, he still can sense her energy. ”What a mischievious little bitch…” Said Valentino, looking at (Y/N) with that weird smirk on his face. He was not trying to offend her, he was impressed. He also felt her energy, but it was more about her charisma and stage presence. She owned it. Her confidence, her voice, it was no surprise anymore for Vox that she achieved it all. Her listeners are not even noticing she’s draining them from energy, because of how hypnotised they are by her songs. Tech Overlord himself got hypnotised by her and when their looks collided, he almost jumped nervously. Shiver went all over his body. She saw him. SHE FUCKING SAW HIM. Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck
Vox screen started glitching in panic and (Y/N) backed off looking at him in shock. She never expected him to go to one of her concerts. Duh! She thought he’d try to cancel her on every single platform since he owns every single platform, that’s why she decided to pursue career under the name of (S/N), so he would not find her and would not destroy her career intentionally. It worked and she thought he won’t ever show up on any of her shows. But he did. He did show up with friends and someone who she should probably call his boyfriend because of how close they were, but Vos has his eyes only for her and was not bothered by anyone or anything. Popstar continued her concert, but her eyes constantly were lying on her ex partner, what have been brought to attention of her dancers. She was anxious. Maybe her voice did not broke nor forgot the steps of choreography, but she was not as bright as usual. At the end of teh concert, she smiled at everyone nervously. Should she announce it here? This way Vox will know she's back. Maybe he won't bother her. ”Thank you all, my lovely demon souls, for coming to tonight’s show” (YN) said, stepping close to the edge of the stage. “As you all may know, because i spoke about it many times, when i first got here, to hell, i spawned in the pride circle in exactly this city” she said, pointing down at the ground and whole crowd cheered. She smiled at them and after a second calmed them with single hand gesture. “This is also place my manager found me in and how my career started. It’s been many years after i moved out, but i’m back in the city and i’m here to stay” after her last words, Vox felt weird, warm feeling in his chest, but also a squeeze in his stomach. She’s staying? She’s moving in? She made her mind before or after she saw him? So many questions appeared in his mind, he started glitching, so Valentino gave him a little slap in the back of his hand, to get him back. ”Also i’m recording a new album. Stay tuned and see you, darlings” she said, smiling and waving at the crowd and going to the backstage. She came back. She came back to HIM. Well, maybe not exactly to him but he hoped so. Velvette looked at Vox and took his hand to drag him to the backstage, but he yanked the hand away. ”What the fuck, flat face?” she asked frowning at his reaction. He is not ready to meet her. Not after seeing how powerful she is and how much she achieved, even after what he told her. It was a mistake. Whatever he would do now also would be a mistake. ”I-I will wait outside, i don’t really need anyone… But you two can go” he stuttered and gave two other Vee’s his broadcast smile, so these two just went with it. He approached the backstage with them, but did not enter it. He could feel the stares of the hellhound bodyguards, eyeing him from head to toe. They knew him. But it was not stressing him out, there was a ton of electricity, he could easily kill them all within seconds. It was (Y/N) who made him feel anxious.
It didn’t took long, maybe 20 minutes for him to being forced to barge in, because he felt loud banging. He walked in just to see his ex, standing on top of Valentino. Her eyes glowing angrily, Valentino being pinned to the ground with shadow-looking chains and shadow figures standing behind her, protecting some young sinner. ”Do not touch my employees without their consent” (Y/N) hissed at moth demon, not taking her eyes off her ‘pray’. ”What the—” Vox stuttered and his screen glitched. ”Valentino harassed that little sinner and tried to force her to become a pornstar. Everyday Val shit” Velvette shrugged and Vox looked at his ex girlfriend in awe. She’s strong. So strong, Valentino couldn't even get up. ”Cullen, take her to her apartment, she’s still in shock” Y/N called a hellhound who silently nodded and obeyed her every word. After girl was out of the sight, singer decided to let go of Valentino. “Sorry for that, guys. I just am slightly overprotective of my people” she says, looking at Velvette with apologizing smile. Vox knows this smile. She used to smile this way at him after every fight and this always softened him. After all those years this soft, innocent smile still holds a grasp on his heart. ”Nah, we are used to it, let’s go back to business” Velvette answered and (Y/N) nodded and opened door to her dressing room. Then sent a look to her ex.
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noroi1000 · 6 months
❝𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐮-𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐢❞ Chapter 18
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Satoru-Sensei | ←Previous chapter • Next Chapter→
Summary: Watching the death of a person who destroys you from the inside and then being forced to kill that person yourself. This is different than suddenly finding out about death. But they both hurt the same. He would lose someone who made him feel emotionally important to someone. He didn't want Megumi to say it, but he did... He didn't want to experience loss. He didn't want to lose you. He had to take you to safety. You were the person who was his warmest ray of sunshine. So... Don't dare they put finger of you...
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"Is it polite to break into someone's house? Megumi?" He hummed in a sing-song voice. "Nope... After all, I'm the villain here, right? Am I the villain for you?"
"It's me! Hello everyone! First-year teacher at Jujutsu High School, Gojo Satoru!" He bowed dramatically." So, shall we start?"
"Don't play like a clown!"
"Aww... Megumi, you are hurting me. Didn't you say I was crazy? Why don't you let me play one?" He clapped his hands with a smile.
"(l/n) is here?" Itadori asked, looking at his sensei, who was still smiling.
"Didn't Megumi tell you everything? I understand you didn't believe him right away."
"I don't know who you're talking about. There is no (l/n)."
Itadori almost sighed with relief when he heard the white-haired man's words.
Fushiguro must have been wrong! It was impossible for you to live! Gojo-sensei would never do that!
"There's only (y/n)-chan." He said it suddenly, running his thumb over his jaw.
Itadori's body froze when he heard this.
Gojo-sensei never lied. And now he confirmed what Fushiguro told them? How could this be possible?
His eyes were wide, and his mouth was slightly open.
"If you asked about (y/n) right away, I would tell you right away that she's here. Why should I hide it any longer if you already know?" He said, walking slowly on the sand. "Besides, she doesn't have that name anymore. I can ask her to be Gojo at any time. And she will."
"Because according to everything that exists, she's dead. She voluntarily gave up the name she once had last year."
"Why are you forcing her to do this?!" the girl screamed. "You can't treat her like that!"
"I'm not treating her badly. And also, I'm not forcing her to do anything. She's here of her own free will. She wants to be here. I'm not forcing her to do anything. That's why we're here together."
"And what about this?! You keep her here, away from the world! She has no one here! You want to show that she's dead! You make her want to be here! You show that there is no world outside you! You're crazy!"
"Nobara, I didn't expect you to think of me that way..." he groaned.
He took off his glasses and put them in the pocket of his white shirt.
"You can't treat her like that!"
Suddenly, the nails flew towards him and stopped in front of his body, stopping through his infinity.
"Kugisaki!" the pink-haired man was surprised by the girl's sudden behavior.
"Look carefully. This isn't the Gojo he used to be!" She said it with a loud voice before snapping her fingers. "Hairpin!"
"Oh! I forgot that you are all strong! I'm sorry, but I stopped paying attention to the surroundings of other sorcerers when I had to teach the next first-years." he said with the same expression he had at the beginning.
He stared at the large nail of cursed energy driven into his indestructible barrier.
Even a hairpin doesn't do anything to Infinity. This should get in like a normal barrier. But now it doesn't work! Infinity is not an ordinary barrier!
"You said I'm not the same Gojo? I'm the same. I just realized something."
"What?" Fushiguro summoned his divine dog to stand behind him.
"From a certain moment two years ago, I wanted to protect (y/n) at all costs and keep her away from me. I realized that I wouldn't be able to do this while she was a sorcerer and developing. At some point, she wouldn't be in school anymore. And with this technique, she will definitely be sent on more dangerous missions. I couldn't be with her all the time. That's why, when I saw her in the forest, unconscious and weak, I thought I had failed. I promised to protect her. And it was all because she was a sorcerer." He shook his head from side to side with a small smile.
He reached for the girl's nails and tossed them back to her carefully.
"Don't waste your nails that you can use to fight curses."
This wasn't a trick or a scam.
This was real behavior.
"I can only protect her completely here. She is always with me, and even without me, nothing will happen to her here. I also realized that she is the person I want to live close to."
"Did you know she was your student?" The dark-haired man growled.
"I know." He sighed. "I just wanted to protect her and take care of her. But the longer she was with me... For the first time, I felt that someone genuinely cared about me... Someone who would never stop smiling at me. It was a difficult decision for me, but I realized that if she had been mine, maybe life would have been more beautiful.
"Shut up! She's-!"
"She's my girlfriend. And she wants to be mine. I come home every day with the certainty that she is there and waiting for me. Without a moment of doubt, I enter the house, and I know that it is not empty. There is someone out there for me." He suddenly spoke seriously. "Maybe I've become too emotional now, but I want to show you that it's all true."
"So why doesn't she come here and tell us the truth?!"
"She sleeps. She was tired. I'd rather you don't upset her. She has forgotten that life, and when you come, she will suffer from the past."
"Don't upset her? Has she forgotten about that life? Sensei! You're the one who made her do this!" the boy with small scars shouted and swung as he ran to hit the white-haired man.
"Wah, I didn't expect this from you, Yuji. I thought only Megumi would be like that towards me." He grabbed his fist. "Tell me, Megumi, do you care about (y/n) because she reminds you of Tsumiki? At least that's what I thought."
"Shut up! Finally, tell the truth! You did it for your own good! You took her here so as not to lose someone close to you! You took her so you wouldn't have to watch her go! You did this to her so you wouldn't have to lose the person you love! So you don't have to experience the same thing again!
"Second?" Kugisaki whispered, looking at him.
Gojo's eyes widened slightly, and then he clenched his jaw.
It is not the same...
It's not the same feeling...
Watching the death of a person who destroys you from the inside and then being forced to kill that person yourself.
This is different than suddenly finding out about death.
But they both hurt the same.
If he found out about your death, he would suffer because he would never even have the opportunity to say goodbye to you.
He would lose someone who made him feel emotionally important to someone.
The trauma of losing a friend, and the despair of losing the person he fell in love with...
He didn't want Megumi to say it, but he did...
"You did it so you wouldn't have to go through the same experience as when you lost Geto Suguru!"
He snapped...
His heart was empty.
He did this. He didn't want to experience loss. He loved you. He didn't want to lose you. He had to take you to safety. The world of Jujutsu is not safe for a person like you. You were the person who was his warmest ray of sunshine.
And so...
"Don't talk as if what I went through once meant even more than it does now! You don't know it when the only person you could ever be truly close to suddenly passes away forever. And you have to kill that person! You don't know the feeling of sacrificing everything you've ever felt because it will be good for others! Just once, I want to do something just for me! If I let her come back, it would be like killing her! You know what this world does to people like her!"
Everyone backed away when they heard his scream.
"You don't think I'll ever let someone take her away from here! She's staying here, where she's safe! And as long as you're here, I'll show you that I won't let anything hurt her! Don't lay a finger on her!"
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A/N I know there are references to Suguru in many of my stories.To the past. But this is a necessary part of Gojo's character. Geto - who was his moral compass - after he left made him change. Therefore, when writing about Gojo, it will always have something to do with Geto.
Taglist: @mc-reborn ; @yihona-san06 ; @yerinsshi ; @erisfayred ; @tohsri
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