#it doesn’t matter! but like. my routine. my schedule. the progression and prioritising of my tasks. you know? 😅
b-blushes · 11 months
augh we have encountered problems in the form of ‘vinyl flooring stuck down across a doorway to a screed which we did not know was stuck down and which in removing has peeled up a layer of screed from the membrane underneath leaving an uneven hole in the floor which needs filling at an indeterminate time tomorrow, aka the kind of time that I tend to get sick with anxiety over, and will be very difficult to get level. Also regular life needs to happen around this’.
How does one ‘chill’ when you know something doesn’t really matter and is fixable but cannot be fixed Right Now asking for a friend :P
It’s literally not a big deal and I know this, but I have encountered many of my Mundane Horrors today which has lead to me being a little precarious in relation to ‘being chill’.
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ginkgowritings · 4 years
Hi!!! I love to see new hc writers around~ can I ask for some cute and domestic hcs with our boys? (If that’s too many then I’ll happily settle for just my boy gavin uwu)
Thank you for the request fellow birdcop fan~ I hope you enjoy it!
Once you’re dating and staying at each other's places regularly Gavin starts looking after himself a lot more!
His sleep schedule will improve and so will his diet.
Gavin generally wakes up first, but he stays in bed with you as long as he can just enjoying your presence.
He makes sure to keep his food fully stocked so you always have nice food to eat. He can’t have you basically living off ramen like he used to.
You’ll get in the routine of trying to cook together for almost every meal. Originally, it’ll be a bit messy but as you both learn how to cook better you slowly become perfectly in sync.
Loves randomly grabbing you by the waist and pulling you into a kiss as you both move around the kitchen. It can be a kiss on the lips, cheek, forehead, basically anywhere he can reach quickly and surprise you.
Every workday after both of you are home you always eat dinner together and talk about your days. Gavin loves to hear about what you did that day and all your plans. He’s a bit hesitant to share details about his work at first as it isn’t always safe and he doesn’t want you to worry, but he gets more comfortable as time progresses.
At home Gavin is clingy. He wants to be next to you and preferably touching you constantly.
This leads to regular cuddles, whether it’s both of you hugging and entangling your limbs together as you relax or leaning against each other lightly as you both do something else.
You play video games together a lot. Gavin sometimes lets you win but he tries not to make it obvious. It’s totally obvious you just pretend not to know.
You help him look after all his plants. Gavin’s plant death rate goes down a lot with your assistance. He appreciates it so much and loves watching them grow.
Now that his plants are thriving he keeps getting more plants, eventually, he’ll just have houseplants everywhere. Gavin’s cactus army.
Besides plants, he starts decorating his home with lots of couple photos, especially ones where you’re smiling brightly because they’re his favourites.
He has a boxing bag at home and teaches you how to box. He wants you to be strong enough to fight if needed though he hopes you won’t need it, and he enjoys working out with you.
At home with Gavin is all about relaxing and spending time together before you both need to go to work again, so your comfort is always a priority.
If Kiro could he’d just stay in bed with you all day. As a result, you both suck at waking up in the mornings, always trying to prolong it as much as possible by repeatedly snoozing the alarm.
Savin ends up with a spare key so he can come in and drag Kiro out of bed when needed.
Part of your waking up troubles is due to your bad sleep schedules. You constantly stay up together just talking about anything and everything. You don’t mean to do it, you both just get too into talking to each other and before you know it it’s 3 AM.
Kiro isn’t the best cook but he’s still a foodie. As a result, he knows all the best restaurants in the city that deliver and is super excited to share them all with you.
You order food at least once a week, eventually you’ll try every restaurant in the city. On every other day, you make basic meals together.
Movie night is a regular thing! Kiro is up to watch any movie as long as he can do so while cuddling you and eating lots of snacks.
He shares his movie chips and popcorn with you, that’s true love.
Like Gavin, you play video games together a lot but he’ll never go easy on you. Luckily, he’ll usually prefer playing on a team with you and versing someone else online so you’ll rarely have to compete against game monster Kiro.
You play Animal Crossing together to relax and his island is very chaotic. He just places everything he likes with barely any organisation so he eventually asks you for help to make his island nicer. When he’s on tour you’ll have virtual Animal Crossing dates!
Gives lots of random hugs and is generally pretty clingy. Lazy cuddles are always a must and one of his favourite ways to relax.
Kiro has a plushy collection and it’s only increasing with your influence. He always prefers cuddling with you, but they’re still nice to have as extra cuddle buddies.
Uses his free time to try new things with you. You end up trying all kinds of things together at home, anything from painting to at-home workouts.
Likes to play songs for you whether his own songs or a cover. Whenever he’s making a new song you’re the first to hear it.
Always wants to be close to you when writing songs, even if it’s just sitting next to you or holding one of your hands. It helps him think, especially if he’s writing love songs.
Homelife with Kiro is always super fun! There’s never a boring moment even when you’re just relaxing, he’ll always find a way to make you laugh.
Please force this man to sleep I’m begging you.
Somehow he always manages to wake up on time even though his sleep schedule is trash and that can’t be healthy.
If you insist on staying up until he goes to bed with you he might improve a bit, he doesn’t want you to be unhealthy too. However, he’ll often sneak out of bed once you’re asleep and stay up.
Once you notice this you’ll have to take more precautions. Cue Lucien having to sleep in your iron grip where he can’t escape without waking you.
He’s a decent cook and will cook quite regularly, but he’ll also have quite a few heat-up meals for when you’re both too tired or just don’t feel like cooking.
No matter how long you’re together he’ll always enjoy teasing you when he can.
Leads you on with make-out sessions that he abruptly stops. You’ll be making out passionately, and just when you’re about to try and take it further he’ll just “That was nice, now back to work :)” and go back to his desk.
His home is ridiculously clean, the only clutter is the occasional stack of heavy textbooks and research papers but they’re always organised and put away quickly.
He tells you about his research but he isn’t always able to explain it in a way you’ll understand without a science background. He’s aware of this and just happy that you’ll still listen to him and remain interested even without understanding everything.
Likes hearing about your work too and is always willing to offer his opinion on anything you’re unsure of or just want to improve.
Will let you practice your proposals in front of him before you have to present to Victor and helps you improve them. He’s not shy when giving feedback and it’s always constructive.
You almost always have a big puzzle on the coffee table that you’re working on together. Lucien is ridiculously good at it and it’s a nice way for you both to relax together while still stimulating your minds.
Always prioritises your health and has the expertise to back it up, he can tell when you’re on the verge of getting sick and will immediately act to prevent it. If only he looked after himself properly too.
Movie nights where you watch old movies together while relaxing on the couch, occasionally getting distracted by the presence of each other.
You and Lucien both help each other improve in different aspects, bringing a nice balance to your relationship and home life.
Victor always wakes up at least an hour earlier than you and works out. After he’s done and showered he comes back to the bed and gently shakes you awake, planting a kiss on your forehead as you slowly open your eyes and look up at him.
On his rare lazy days, he loves staying in bed with you but rarely stays in bed for too long as he’s insistent on eating breakfast at an appropriate time.
He’s always cooking for you and loves watching you eat his food.
Tries to teach you how to cook but regularly gets frustrated so he still cooks by himself a lot.
When your cooking eventually improves he’s super proud and glad that he taught you.
When you’re both very busy he’ll find the time for you to meal prep together, making meals for at least a week so you’ll both have one less thing to worry about.
Doesn’t have many if any unhealthy snacks at home but makes up for it by making you pudding every so often.
You’re his taste tester for any new recipes. He always acts confident when presenting them to you, but internally he can be pretty nervous.
Knows your schedule really well so he always plans meals and time together around that.
Being at home with you is just so natural to him, it just feels right. He can’t imagine his home without you regularly around anymore.
Due to this, he’ll casually blurt out stuff like “When we’re married...” or “When we have kids...” without thinking about it because to him it just seems like something that’ll inevitably happen.
Asks about your reports and general work stuff even at home. Work is important to him and he wants you to be as successful as you can be. If you need help with anything he’s always happy to give you advice.
His home is originally relatively bare, he has a sleek decoration style with no clutter and basically no personal touches. However, with your presence, little personal touches start being added whether it’s a souvenir from trips you took together, a plush he won you at a fair, or just random things you both bought that reminded you of each other.
Homelife with Victor is calming and steady. Though there’s a regular routine you’re never bored and you’ll always enjoy the presence of each other.
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