#it always really surprise me to hear stuff like this marmar
blye-flower · 3 months
quite literally the apritello server is the only one i've actually been active on so here's a star for indoctrinating me and creating a place where too many of you are damn charming as hell
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Mar Mar, I'm trying to go tit for tat with you, you're making it difficult with your shady sweetness wtf, how am I supposed to attack you when you're complimenting us, you bastard
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cymbalthunder · 6 years
Back to the Future (Chapter 6)
Ding Dong!
“Daddy!” Connor and Alexis Brody ran into their father’s open arms.
“Hey guys!” Chase smiled. He let them go to hold out in front of him. “You’ve gotten so big!”
“But Daddy you just saw us last month!” Alexis giggled.
“A lot can happen in a month sweetie,” the youtuber eyed his ex. “Now why don’t you go put your stuff down in my room okay? And who knows,” Chase tapped his chin knowingly. “Maybe you might spot a certain superhero before he leaves for the day?”
“Uncle Jackie?” Connor’s eyes grew to the size of dinner plates. “He’s here?” the boy looked over at his sister. “Last one there is a rotten egg!”
Chase chuckled as his children ran down the hall. He turned back to his ex-wife. “It’s been awhile.”
Stacy shrugged, “You’re far away.”
“I live closer to their school than you do Stace.”
“Alexis brought her bear, don’t lose it, and Connor has all his meds with him. Take them to school on time on Monday. No-”
“No drinking while they’re here, no trickshots, and only call if it’s an emergency. The same instructions as always,” Chase sighed. “Stacy-”
“Goodbye Chase,” She turned on her heel, leaving him standing in the doorway alone.
The little click of the door closing was all Chase had for closure.
“Oh boy! It seems like my favorite niece and nephew are back!” Jackieboy man came in with Connor on his back and Alexis in his arms. “Chase, you didn’t tell us they were coming!”
“I didn’t know for sure until an hour ago. Besides, they wanted to surprise everybody.”
“Yeah!” Connor’s face appeared next to Jackie’s. “Did we get you?”
“You sure did! I didn’t even hear you with my super hearing!” There was a twinkle in Jackie’s eyes.
“You have super hearing Uncle Jackie?”
“Of course I do!” Jackie puffed out his chest. “Only the best superheroes do! And I think I hear…” he cocked his head to the side. “Is it that Marvin the Magnificent?”
A cat mask appeared in the doorway. “It is!”
“Uncle MarMar!” Alexis made grabby hands for the magician.
“Connor, Lexi! My two favorite assistants!” Marvin fully stepped into the room, smiling at the two children.
“Do you have a new trick for us Uncle Marvin?” Connor was practically vibrating on Jackie’s back.
“Do I have a new trick for you?” Marvin pretended to think. “Yes! But…” he locked eyes with the superhero. Jackie shrugged.
“Alrighty then. I think I might have a trick or two to show you,” Marvin beamed at Alexis’ and Connor’s cheers. “Come on, let’s find Uncle Jamie. You know he likes to watch too,” He took Alexis’ hand after Jackie set her down, and Connor raced to follow them.
“Do you think that Uncle Jamie will show me more hand signs Marvin?”
“Maybe Connor. We’ll just have to ask.”
Chase smiled, as he heard the voices move towards the other side of the house. “They can’t get enough of you two,” he said, shaking his head.
Jackie chuckled. “It’s been a long time since we’ve seen them Chase. They missed us. They missed you,” the hero laid a hand on the father’s shoulder. “You should have seen them going berserk in your room. It was like they’ve never seen it before.”
“Yeah, it’s been a while, hasn’t it,” Chase looked over at his friend. “I’m surprised you haven’t already left.”
“Marvin and I were gonna meet up with Shepard today to figure all this out,” Jackie motioned vaguely. “But it can wait a little bit.”
“Anything new?”
“About who did it, or why? Nope. I didn’t find anything,” the hero frowned. “I’m hoping the Ipliers will have some answers.”
“Here’s hoping-”
“Daddy! Daddy!” Alexis came running into the living room, pulling on her father’s hand.
“What is it Lexi?”
“Uncle MarMar showed me and Connor magic!”
“Magic, really?” Chase raised an eyebrow. “What did he show you?”
“He made balls appear under cups. And then he made baseball appear, and there were more cups, and more balls!”
“Wow, that’s amazing honey!” Chase couldn’t help but join in on the little girl’s enthusiasm.
“Can I get some water Daddy?”
“You know where the cups are?”
“Yup!” She made a beeline to the kitchen before Chase could tell her yes or no.
“Hey, where did…” Marvin poked his head in the doorway. “Did you see-”
“In the kitchen,” Chase and Jackie responded simultaneously. “You really shocked her with making balls appear. Should I be worried?” Chase asked.
“The old cups and balls trick? No,” Marvin turned to Jackie. “You ready to go?”
“If you are.”
“See you later then,” Chase waved them goodbye.
“Daddy?” Chase’s daughter’s voice carried from the kitchen.
“Yeah sweetie?”
“Who’s this?”
“Who’s who honey? You know every… one…” Chase’s voice dropped off as he entered the kitchen.
He should’ve really seen this coming. The kids always come over on weekends, which was the highlight of his week. That is, when Stacy actually brought them. All the Septics usually knew they were coming, Chase usually never shut up about their visits and the boys just let him talk.
But all this drama with Anti pushed it to the backburner.
Chase just never expected to have to say what he was about to say.
“Alexis honey, this is daddy’s... friend,” the glitch raised an eyebrow at Chase’s choice of words.
Anti had made himself comfortable on the counter, with a green plastic cup in one hand and a cold slice of pizza dangling from his mouth.
“He looks like you daddy,” Alexis walked up to stand in front of Anti, “And like Uncle Jackie, and Uncle Sheep, and Uncle MarMar, and Uncle Jamie. Are you sure he’s not another uncle daddy?”
“Uh…” Chase was completely lost at the question.
Anti took a bite of the pizza he was holding before setting it down on the counter. Without a plate, on the counter, probably just to piss off Schneeplestein. The glitch knelt down to the little girl’s level, looking her in the eyes, “No. I’m not your uncle kid. Or your dad’s f̬͇͔r̤͢i̠e̛̻̼n̼̮̯͖d̤̯̤̭͎͉,” his eyes flashed black before returning to blue, “And you seem pretty smart. So listen close.” Alexis leaned forward. “S͟t̶ay̶ ҉aw̵ay̷ fr̕o͘m͟ me͏.̡ ҉B̸ecauşe͢ I ̴o̵we͠ ̛y̢ǫur da͜d͢dy, a̢nd̢ ̀I i̕ńte̕n͢d t͞o c҉a͏sh͡ i̢ǹ,͢ ͜go̵t ̴it?”
Alexis nodded. Chase grabbed onto her shoulders to steel himself.
“Glad we understand each other,” Anti glanced up at Chase, smirking at how tense the single father was. He stood back up, picking his pizza back up as he made his way out of the kitchen.
“Wait!” Alexis didn’t flinch when the glitch turned to face her once more. “What’s your name?”
“My name?” The virus glanced over at Chase as if to ask if she was serious. The youtuber only shrugged. “A̦n͔͔̯̗͝t̘̩̠̮̖̝̣͟i͖̼͎͕s̼̯̫̠̩͔͔e̖̱̞̲p̨͙̼t̯̥̹̼̱̗̱i̵̠c͕e̮y̭̯ḙ̫̟̮͟,” Anti answered finally, rolling his shoulders, “But you can call me An̶͡t͜i̴.”
Alexis nodded again, “Anti. I-I’ll remember.”
The glitch flashed a shark grin, “Good on you kid.” He was gone.
“Daddy?” the little girl turned so she was facing her father.
“Yeah Lexi?” Chase fought to put a smile on his face.
“Was Anti a magic man? Like Uncle MarMar?”
Alexis pointed to her eyes, “His eyes changed color. That means he’s magic right?”
Chase swallowed, “Yeah honey,” he tried to not think of the comparison. “But Anti has bad magic.”
“Like dark magic?”
“Yeah,” the single father nodded. “Like dark magic.”
“So do all aunties have dark magic?”
Chase scrunched up his eyebrows, “What do you mean?”
“Well, that man said his name was Anti, and me and Connor call Mommy’s sister Auntie.”
Chase chuckled, “No honey, Sta-Mommy’s sister isn’t like Anti.”
Alexis scrunched her eyebrows, mirroring exactly Chase’s previous expression, “But she’s so mean and cranky…”
“Is she?” Chase’s tone had turned playful.
The little girl nodded. “Yeah,” she said, in the honest way only a child could pull off. “But it’s okay. If Anti’s anything like Auntie, then he’ll leave me alone.”
“Why’s that honey?”
“Auntie doesn’t like kids,” Alexis’ tone was light despite her words. Chase eyebrows raised, but before he could comment, Alexis decided she was done with the conversation, “Where’s Uncle MarMar? Do you think he’ll show me more magic?” The little girl took off to find Marvin, leaving a concerned father in her wake.
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