#isles puppy day my beloved
iwantahockeyhimbo · 2 years
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they all kinda look like the dogs they’re with
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hwanchaesong · 2 years
"Ghost of You"
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Synopsis: dealing with your beloved's demise will never be easy
👤: Jeong Yunho
📼: Ghost - Justin Bieber
genre & warnings: angst, cursing, mentions of death, implications of trauma, suicide, and depression, sprinkle of fluff, fantasy (inspired by anohana)
word count: 2.8k
requested by: @xddjoong
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Birds chirping, soft wind blowing, and the bright sunlight shines down upon you as you walk down the isle of freshly trimmed grass. A peaceful and warm day outside yet your heart is frozen and is filled with agony.
Halting your steps in front of a tombstone, you crouched and placed the bouquet of red and pink carnations down.
'I still can't forget you, i love and miss you so much.'
"Hey honey," you mumbled, hands reaching over to touch the engraved name in the marble stone, "how are you doing over there? I hope you're happy."
'Even if I'm not.'
"It's been a year since you departed from me," you took a deep breath, feeling the emotions welling up inside you, "don't worry though, I'm doing my best to live my life."
Yes, you were living your life but not at its fullest, you're just going with the flow, feeling hollow every day without your starlight.
A lot of people comforted you, told you words of encouragement, they never left your side and stayed with you at your darkest moments.
You appreciated all of their efforts, thankful that they didn't think of you as a dramatic ass person, thus, you did your best to feign a smile.
Fake it 'til you make it, what's worse is when they took it as a genuine one.
'If it's him, he'll surely know.'
After a long tiring day, you plopped down on your bed.
It felt empty and cold, the other side is absent of something, or more specifically, someone.
'Life wouldn't be this difficult only if I still have you by my side, Yunho.'
There was a lot of time that you wished for him to come back, you were willing to sacrifice everything just to be with him once again. You were ready to give your own life up if it means that you'll see him on the other side.
You ache for him so much that life did not matter to you any more, and it took a lot of convincing from your family and friends for you to continue your journey even without him.
You closed your eyes, trying to force the tears back down from where they came from.
Looks like it'll be an another episode of you crying yourself to sleep.
When you opened your eyes, an eerily familiar face greeted you, even its voice is the exact same of the person that you were thinking about before you lulled yourself to dreamland.
"Come on, Y/N, wake up!"
Okay, now you're definitely awake.
A loud shriek came out of your lips, scrambling away from the unknown yet intimate person that is currently kneeling on the floor, right across from your bed.
"Who the fuck are you?!"
He sighed and stood up, resulting in you screaming your head off once again as you threw your pillows at him. You were about to cover yourself with your blanket (sort of like a protection although it's useless), only then you noticed that the pillows did not hit him, but it went through him instead.
What in the world?
A staring contest between you and the entity ensued, him breaking the silence when it got louder to the point that your ears might bleed due to the intensity that is building up between the two of you.
"It's me, Jeong Yunho."
Commotion so early in the morning, you're so sure that your neighbors might file a complaint with how noisy you are.
After all hell breaks loose, your heart finally manages to calm itself down, you spoke in a tight manner, still not believing the paranormal shit that is currently happening to you.
"Explain yourself." you ordered the tall, puppy-like man like he's about to be scolded.
Being a skeptic, you rejected his first statement of 'I am a ghost and I am here because I have a mission!'
Fuck that, you're not gonna accept an unreasonable bullshit like that.
So there you stood in all your glory, acting all tough with your arms crossed over your chest, when in reality, your soul is already breaking with the sight of him.
"I really have nothing to say anymore!" he raised his hands out of frustration, a sign that he really doesn't know much aside from what was instilled in his mind.
You pinched the bridge of your nose, dealing with the impending tears as you tried to find a solution for this messed up situation.
"Okay," you started, pointing at him while he looks at you expectantly, "if you really are my Yunho-"
You temporarily stopped when you saw his eyes soften at your words.
'My Yunho.'
Your term of endearment that you always use whenever you had the chance. It symbolizes your undying love for him, a proof that he is yours, and you are his.
You cleared your throat, regaining your composure, "If you really are Yunho then give me a-"
"You ate a whole gochu because you want to impress me for our first date, but it ended up with you choking on water."
You were dumbfounded and it shows in your face. Nobody knows that incident but you and your lover, and he didn't even let you finish your sentence yet he knows what you're about to say.
"I am aware that you'll ask for evidence. I know you."
Too stunned to speak, Yunho continued to talk, staring at you intently, laying out the truth for you to comprehend.
"Listen, I know it's impossible but I want you to hear me out."
You shook your head, reality dawning on you like a meteor crashing right at your sanity.
This can't be happening, not when you think you have already made progress and now, he's back into this kind of form that makes you remember every memory whether it is good or bad.
An incoming panic attack washes over you but it was quickly replaced by a soothing sensation when a gentle melody resounded throughout the expanse of your room.
It's the lullaby that Yunho always sings to alleviate any negative emotions within you, works like magic and after a few more minutes, you were back to your rational self.
"Are you okay?"
You looked at him, trying to make sense of the conundrum you're in, "I d-don't know."
Yunho's eyes trailed down on his shoes, guilt eating him up because he knows that showing his self out of the blue won't do you any good, but what can he do?
He was always there, watching you everyday and he couldn't take it anymore. He can't bear seeing you suffer, he wanted to help, he must do his best for you to be able to smile again.
"Forgotten promise." he blurted out, making you look up and focus on him.
"I am here because of that, a forgotten promise."
It was quiet for a minute, scrutinizing the man until you realized that he's still wearing the outfit that you last saw him in.
Blue long sleeved polo topped with a maroon sweater, paired with denim pants and white rubber shoes.
He looks ethereal as usual, handsome yet adorable that always made you doubt how lucky you are, getting a perfect man like him in your boring existence, until he left you all alone.
"What is that?" you weakly asked, wanting answers that will aid to the growing confusion and distraught in your mind.
"I want to show it to you!" he exclaimed, a bright smile forming in his face as he approached you, his hands enveloping yours.
It's surprisingly warm, contrary to the belief that ghosts are wintry beings, not able to make in contact with-
"How are you able to touch me?"
Incredulous yet the butterflies in your stomach are wilding, even more so when he flashed a charming grin at you, "Call it a miracle, I mean, I am here, right?"
You let him drag you out of your house, not having the energy to fight against this, or whatever the circumstances are.
The bystanders on the street looked at you weirdly, (which is understandable since your posture looks like someone invisible is pulling you.)
"Wait a minute. I'm the only one who can see you?"
"I guess? It's only you that matters the most to me so it might work like that."
Stopping your steps, the both of you arrived at a park, the place where you met Yunho, also where a lot of your firsts happened.
"Why are we here?"
He held your hand tighter, somehow wanting to feel more of you even if he knows that he can't do that anymore, thus, the least that he can do is to not let go of you for the remaining time he had left.
"You'll see."
Tugging you with him, he led you to a garden filled with colorful flowers, trees everywhere and overall an astonishing landscape.
"The locus of our firsts." you mumbled, viewing the place that started it all, melancholy blooming in your heart.
You met him out of coincidence, bumping into his broad back because your clumsy ass decided to use your phone while walking.
Like a drama scene, he caught you in his arms, an electrifying eye contact derived, a small smile adorning his face when your hands flew to his shoulders.
He didn't let you fall on your ass that day but he made sure that you'll fall for him. He was following you 'til you afternoon, walking you back home and asking for your number and name.
It was really sweet of him when he asked you out on a date the next day, having the best time of your life, thinking that yeah, maybe you'll have this man in your life until you're old and gray.
"Hey look!" Yunho excitedly pointed at a nearby tree, the spot where your first date happened, "We had a picnic under the cherry blossoms, then you ate the gochu! That really was a funny one."
You snorted, remembering that he also kissed you during that time.
"Oh my god." you let your tongue dangle out of your mouth, fanning your face wildly as you tried to reduce the heat that you regretfully took upon yourself.
"Good grief."
Yunho snickered to himself, finding you cute for doing something you're not accustomed to just to make yourself look cool in front of him.
His hands extended themselves towards you, effectively cutting your hysterics when he collided his lips with yours.
You were briefly shocked, quickly getting over it and reciprocating his kiss, enjoying his soft and mellow lips.
Yunho breathed against your skin, "I could kiss you forever if you'll let me."
A sorrowful expression decorated your face, actuality pressuring you in a spiral of anguish.
The Yunho you're with now is not alive, he is a mere specter of your past that will never return and live with you in the present, even until future.
A shadow that won't be able to kiss and cuddle you everyday, a dark chassis that creeps up on you and you can't do anything but to drown in it.
You clasped a hand over your mouth, grief overwhelming you at the thought of the man that you once loved, still love, and will always love, will never truly return to you.
Yunho's gaze was fixated on you, angry that he can't bring you comfort like he used to.
He heaved a sigh, looking at the setting sun that shone its bright orange hue down on earth, gracing an ambience of joy and enthusiasm, although none of you can feel any of it.
His voice snapped you out of your stupor, craning your head to get a good look of him.
"Come with me, I have to show you something." a light smile heightens his sharp features, nodding his head towards a direction that leads to a forest.
The two of you trudged your way into the sinister woods for a few minutes until you reached what seems like a top of a hill. The moon has already risen over the black skies, stars winking at anyone who dares to peek at them.
"What are we supposed to do here?"
You were pinned at your place when you felt arms snaked around your waist, a head softly situating itself in the crook of your neck.
"I'm sorry."
Yunho spoke, voice above a whisper as he poured his final words and goodbyes.
"I'm so sorry, love, for leaving you so suddenly."
Your hands went over to hold his own, eyes getting glossy due to the tears that are starting to form, "It was so difficult to go on without you."
"I know, baby, I know." his hold on you got tighter, your body shivering either from the freezing air or fear that when he lets go of you, he'll go far away from your reach.
"Don't go."
Clammy hands and shaky voice, desperately begging for him to stay with you even if he's nothing but a phantom of your dreams.
You'd rather live with his ghost rather than be haunted by your yearning for him, the most that your greedy self can have is a memoir of him, a proof that he's there with you.
"Let's play." Yunho muttered, releasing you from his cozy touch that had you crying out, terrified of him deserting you.
"No, Yunho. I won't, please, don't divert the topic." you yelled, your heels rotating to face him, tired and frustrated about the whole thing.
"You can't just show yourself to me like this and leave like nothing happened!"
Tears are now falling uncontrollably, staining your plump cheeks and blurring your vision.
"You did that once and now you're gonna repeat it? Just how cruel can you be?"
After your last statement, it was impossible for you to stand, sliding down to ground as your wobbly knees can't support you anymore, you feel like floating with all the amount of mental and emotional torment that you're experiencing.
Yunho gritted his teeth, his heart physically breaking at the sight of you breaking down. He did not mean for this to happen, but what can he do when he fought his way out of here?
He clenched his fists, squatting down to your level and wiping your tears softly. Yunho hates seeing you cry, more so when he's the reason for it. All he prays is for you to be happy, and that he can't achieve.
"Hide-and-seek." he said, bewilderment etched on your face.
A tender smile stretched on Yunho's face, caressing your soft skin, "Let's play, I did told you that I needed to finish a promise."
He cupped your face, lips pressing on your forehead, "I was on my way here on the day the accident happened." he murmured, continuing his small speech when you didn't make any move.
"For a whole year, I planned everything, and now I want to execute that. So," he pulled away from you, peering into your eyes and you were mesmerized by his pretty brown orbs, "will you please let me?"
"Okay." you sniffled, closing your eyes and starting the game.
He gave you a loving pat on the crown of your head, thanking you before taking a few steps back.
"Start the countdown, darling."
You did as he said albeit unstable and hesitant.
A bright light engulfed Yunho's body, big, fat tears cascading down on his face as he memorized every detail of you.
Slowly fading away, whispering an 'I love you' that you might not even hear.
You opened your eyes only to be greeted by an empty space, Yunho nowhere to be found and you let the tears flow freely.
He disappeared from your life again.
Just how many heartbreaks do you have to experience? How much more do you have to endure?
A shiny glint garnered your attention, there below you, lying in the greenery is a beautiful diamond ring, a letter beside it that contains your significant other's heartfelt message.
Gathering the courage to pick the piece of paper up, you opened it and read the contents.
"Ehem! Greetings my one and only lovey dovey!
I just want to tell you that I, Jeong "your baby" Yunho, doesn't want to be your boyfriend anymore. I want to be your lifetime instead, so, will you please do the honor of being my bride? Then be my wife, then be the mother of my kids, and you know the rest.
Okay, even in this I ramble please, I do this because I love you so much!
I can't wait for our wedding T.T"
Under the starry night, atop of the hill of hopes and longing, your loud weeping echoes and unto the heavens, crippling the paper like how your heart is, knowing that you won't ever have the chance to cross the bridge that he walked on.
Maybe one day, in another life, you'll meet each other again, be with each other again, and perhaps live until tomorrow ends.
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drake-bois · 4 years
a/n: Hi! This is my first attempt to write any sort of fan fiction, and its going to be about our beloved Samuel Drake. Lemme know if y’all want to see a 2nd part!! Warnings: MAJOR FLUFF.
pairing: sam drake x fem!reader
Well. Today is the day. Today you are going to marry the man who makes you the happiest that you have been: Samuel Drake.
While you were getting ready with your bridesmaids, Sam was in with his groomsmen getting ready for the ceremony as well. You were thinking about all your great memories together, from your adventures to just lazy days at home. You could not have asked for a better man. You are so excited to finally marry him.
Sam on the other had, while, of course, excited to marry the woman that he loves the most, and the one that makes him the happiest he’s ever been, he’s extremely nervous. Nate, his brother and best man notices this, and walks over to sam.
“Sam. What’s on your mind? It’s your big day and you look like you’ve just seen a ghost..” Nate says, chuckling slightly.
“Ah... it’s nothing little brother,” Sam says, faking a smile.
“C’mon Sam, I can tell when you’re lying. What’s up with you?”
Sam sighs and finally says, shakily, “I love her so much man. I know how perfect she wants this day to be and I feel like i’m going to mess something up and I just feel like-“ without taking a breath. Nate cuts him off, surprised that he’s being like this, because he usually only puts out that he is a confident man, “Whoa whoa whoa big brother... where is all this coming from? You love her, she sure as hell seems to love you, I really don’t think that anything is going to change that. Believe me when I say I was feeling this way when me and E got married, and it was the most perfect day, marrying the love of my life, and I can guarantee that today will be just that for the both of you,” Nate says, smiling slightly and patting Sam on the shoulder. Sam takes a big breath and thanks Nate for that pep talk, because he needed it, and like the flick of a switch, he was back to his cocky, confident self.
You were in your room, getting your hair and makeup done, and you were talking to your maid of honor, Elena. “Oh Elena, I’m so excited. I love him so much and I can’t wait for his reaction,” you say, basically squealing. Elena looks at you and smiles wide, “you two are too cute, I can’t wait for you guys!!” You spend the rest of your remaining time getting ready and talking, it soon becomes 11:45A.M., when you need to go to get ready to walk down the isle.
Sam has arrived at the altar and now the congregation is just waiting for, you, the bride’s arrival. Soon, Your Song by Elton John comes on, signaling that you are going to walk down the isle. Baby Cassie Drake, Elena and Nate’s daughter, is the flower girl, and she runs down the isle throwing the rose petals sporadically around the isle. Then comes you, the bride, accompanied by your father. Sam is absolutely speechless. You are so breathtaking in your wedding dress, he couldn’t help but stare at you with those hazel puppy dog eyes. You on the other hand, start crying because of you happy you are, being careful to not smear your make up.
You finally get to the altar after what seemed to be ages, and your father hands you off to your groom. Sam looks at you smiling widely, whispering, “You are so breathtakingly beautiful baby girl,” sounding a bit choked up. You gave him a warm smile and squeezed his hands, as you were too afraid to speak in the fear that you would just start sobbing if you opened your mouth. You both then turned to the pastor and the ceremony continues.
Then comes the time for vows.
You both have written your own vows, to make this special day more special.
Sam goes first. “(Y/N). My goodness. Where do I even begin. Well, before I met you, I thought i didn’t ever want to settle down or get married or anything past all that stuff. But the. I met you, and my whole world changed. You changed my view on life in such a good way, and you helped me love a way that I didn’t know I could love. For you, I will always be there. Sickness, health, bad, good, anything. I will always be there for you, I love you. With this ring, I lock in these vows, and I shall never break them.” He slides your ring on that special finger. You are crying even harder now. How are you going to get through your vows?
You’re next. “Oh boy. Where ... do i even start. Samuel Drake, when I first laid my eyes on you, I knew I needed you in my life, and boy did i get it. You have brought me so much joy in the time that we have had together and i can not wait to see what our future together holds. I love you so much... You make me a better person. I never knew I could love someone as much as I love you. With this ring, and my words, I vow to you to always be there. I will always care for you and when/if the day comes our children. Sickness, health, sad, mad, good, bad, wealthy, poor. I will be there. I love you.” You then shakily slide the ring on his finger.
You grab each other’s hands, and look at the pastor. He says “well then, that about settles it then! I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Drake, husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride!” Sam wastes no time kissing you with all of the passion that he felt in that moment, and you did not hesitate to kiss back. A roar or cheers and applause sounds your ears.
You guys go through the rest of the night, your first dance being to Can’t Help Falling in Love by Elvis Presley.
Once the reception is over, you guys are taken to your hotel by a limo, with the typical “just married” written in the back window. You arrive in your hotel room, rose petals spread all over, a congrats card on the desk, and a bucket of ice with champagne bottles and cups. You drink, and spend the night celebrating finally being married.
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pennamesmith · 3 years
Secret of the Skeletor
Skeletor sneaks out. Some less-prominent former members of the Horde receive community outreach. More Skeletor stories! 
Skeletor sat alone in the laboratory.
He had strict orders not to go anywhere or do anything. As one of Horde Prime’s drone bots, he knew the importance of rules. But ever since Entrapta had reprogrammed him with a name and a unique personality, he also knew the importance of breaking them.
Skeletor chuckled. He stood up, paused, then sat back down again and laughed some more as he pondered his options.
Just about everybody else in Bright Moon was busy. Even Wrong Hordak’s usual support group was canceled while he attended the queen’s cabinet meeting about Entrapta’s new interdimensional research findings.
This meant it was the perfect time for Skeletor to venture outside the kingdom. A community outreach day. He grinned. Pausing only to giggle again and leash his beloved robot puppy, Relay, Skeletor snatched up Darla’s ignition crystal and shambled out the door.
“Now for a little vanishing act!” he declared as he left.
It was going to be a good day.
Kyle braced himself as soon as he heard the ship engines come to a stop outside the window.
“Hey, guys?” he called to the other two inhabitants of their modest home. “I think —”
He was interrupted by the sound of splintering wood. “Strong, but not strong enough!” Skeletor yelled as he cheerfully kicked in the door. Rogelio, who had been going to open it, bristled in shock while Lonnie yelped and grabbed a frying pan from the kitchen, brandishing it like a club from behind the counter.
A long, stale moment passed.
“...It’s all part of the game!” Skeletor explained apologetically, as he turned and tried to replace the door on its hinges. “We don’t want to hurt anyone!” At his feet, Relay peered inside the room and barked, tail wagging.
All three of the former Horde soldiers relaxed and breathed a sigh of relief, though Lonnie’s battle-ready expression did not change.
“Do you really have to do that every time you come over?” Kyle asked, poking at the loosely swinging door.
“Yes,” Skeletor replied honestly.
Rogelio shrugged and growled something indistinct.
Lonnie quirked an eyebrow. “What? You asked him to come here?”
“We both did,” Kyle piped up. He reached for Rogelio’s hand in reassurance. “We… kinda wanted to get some more information on Wrong Hordak’s support group.”
Dutifully, Skeletor produced a sheaf of pamphlets and papers detailing schedules and services and handed them over to the two young men. Rogelio accepted them all with a brief roar of thanks.
Lonnie shook her head, still frowning. “Oh no. I already told you, I am not interested. Going over there for wellness day was one thing, but there are too many people there that I still just… can’t be around. And he’s nice and all, but I don’t think Wrong Hordak really gets me.”
“Running away. So impolite!” Skeletor scoffed.
“That’s okay!” Kyle hastily added. “You don’t have to come with us. We’d never force you into something like this.”
“Running away sounds like a terrific idea!” Skeletor said.
Kyle looked at Rogelio. “It’s just, we’ve been talking, and I think we want to give it a try. Even if it doesn’t work out, we might be able to learn some stuff that could help. Taking the first step can be really hard, even when it’s the right thing. And we’ll be here if you decide you’re ready, but we’ll be here if you don’t, too.”
Lonnie’s expression softened, slightly. “Thanks guys,” she said, and meant it. She went to hug the other two. “Now, let’s see about making this robot fix our door.” She pounded a fist into her palm meaningfully.
“I think it’s time for me to leave and take care of another matter!” Skeletor squeaked, and beat a hasty retreat.
Darla hovered serenely above the water on the Salinean coast. While Relay napped in the captain’s chair, Skeletor strolled unhurriedly along the docks. He stopped in front of a small, shabby storefront and looked curiously at the sign above the door.
Sea Hawk’s Ship Disposal and Firewood Emporium, it read. You Crash ‘Em, We Burn ‘Em!
“I think I’ll make him my court jester, if he’s funny enough!” Skeletor proclaimed, and walked inside.
However, it was instantly apparent from the lack of off-key sea shanties being sung that the shop’s namesake proprietor was currently absent. This suited the skinny robot just fine. The real subject of his visit was the new part-time hire, who sat slouched at the register behind a gossip-scroll and an eyepatch.
Octavia brightened when she saw Skeletor enter. “Hey, I was wondering when you’d make it back here!” she called out. Skeletor waved in response and marched over, holding out a laden bag.
“I’ve brought you a present!” Skeletor announced.
Octavia’s good eye shone as she reached inside and pulled out a glittering, silver fishing net. “Oh, wow, Entrapta finished it already!” she gushed, holding the netting up to the light to admire it.
“That net is made of elastium!” Skeletor boasted. “It’s not only one of the hardest substances in the universe, it also stretches!”
“Hey, thanks for helping me commission this,” Octavia said, looking back. She smiled wistfully. “Entrapta really was the best part of the Horde when we were all there, you know? She was so nice to everyone, and Hordak was loads calmer, and all our maintenance complaints got fixed practically overnight!”
“That’s just peachy for you!” Skeletor said.
“Plus, it kinda took some of the sting out of having to take orders from the kid who did this when we were six,” Octavia added, gesturing to her eyepatch. “I had ambitions, you know? I was the first of our class to make Force Captain. I was going places! Of course, none of that matters anymore.”
Her sour expression melted as she looked back at the new net. “But that won’t stop me! With this I can make some extra money on the side selling seafood. Then I’ll buy this place from Sea Hawk — honestly, I think he forgets he owns it sometimes — and turn it into a crafting and antique shop, Octopus Cove or Mystic Isle or something. After that I’ll take over all the shops on the dock one by one, and then the beach tourism market will be mine! Ha ha!”
She cackled with evil glee. Skeletor joined in, politely.
“Too bad about the others, but at least I escaped!” Skeletor concluded, and left to continue his mission.
“Beast-Man!” Skeletor sang as the door opened.
“I still don’t know who that is, but it’s good to see you again too,” Grizzlor grinned. “Come on in, buddy!”
Skeletor followed the wolffish giant inside while Relay trotted happily at his heels. Grizzlor’s husband, fellow former Horde Commander Cobalt, was relaxing in their living room and waved when he saw the bot.
“Skeletor! How’ve you been?”
“Sitting down on the job?” Skeletor barked. “I’ll help you, if only to be rid of you!” He offered Cobalt a thick folder of paperwork. “Here, here it is!”
Cobalt accepted the folder reverentially. “Really? I knew it was a long shot asking Hordak for help, but all the red tape was getting to be such a nightmare that I just didn’t know what to do anymore.” He sniffled and wiped a tear from his eye. “Thank you so much!”
“You’re crying for Hordak?” Skeletor huffed. “I don’t believe it!”
“I can’t believe that worked,” Grizzlor admitted. “I mean, I always thought Hordak hated me,” he added sheepishly. “Especially after that thing with the two neckties.”
Cobalt shook his head. “Nah, I don’t think Hordak ever really hated anybody. He just didn’t know what to do with anyone. Now, Shadow Weaver on the other hand…”
“Most unpleasant!” Skeletor muttered.
“Exactly. But I think Hordak did care, in his own way. He saw how scared we were of combat during the early days, in the Scorpion uprising. I think that’s why he kept me teaching the cadets and you on the easy patrols, Grizz.”
Grizzlor chuckled. “Aw, I can’t imagine you being scared of anything, big guy!”
“Oh, I wasn’t always like this!” Cobalt demurred, flexing his shoulders. “Back in my cadet days I was so skinny everyone called me ‘Mantenna’! Used to joke that I’d fall through a crack in the floor if I wasn’t careful.”
“Another piece of the puzzle!” said Skeletor.
Cobalt slung an arm around Grizzlor. “But listen, Horde or no, I’ll always be there for you.” He held up the adoption papers Skeletor had delivered. “And now, we might have something else to protect together.”
Skeletor’s last stop was a recently-refurbished tavern just inside the Crimson Waste. He nodded approvingly at the osseous architecture and then pushed his way through the curtain while Relay ran ahead, yapping.
Inside there was a wide, smoky space filled with outlaws and ruffians of every species imaginable. They all turned to look as Skeletor entered.
“That’s it! Kneel before your new master!” Skeletor bellowed.
Everyone immediately went back to what they had been doing. The chatter and plinky piano music returned. Relay found a small lizard and began to chase it around the floor.
“Skeletor! It’s good to see you back, friend!”
An enormous purple hand clapped the robot on the shoulder. Skeletor looked up into the smiling face of a towering barbarian.
“Can I get you anything?” Huntara asked, conversationally. “Minions to yell at? A ribcage chair to sit in?”
“Unnecessary! Because we’ve already found you!” Skeletor replied.
“Good, I was hoping you’d say that. Zed! Sunder!” Huntara called out. Two Horde clones who were staffing the bar — one seeming slightly shorter than the typical clone brother, and the other a bit older and wrinklier — glanced up at the sound of their names and hurried over.
“Keep an eye on the door, willya? I need to talk to bonehead here for a bit. We’ve got… business to discuss.”
The two clones nodded seriously, and Huntara escorted Skeletor to a secretive back room behind the bar. Inside there were many potted cacti, two comfortable chairs, and a little table with a miniature sand garden on top. It had a tiny, handheld rake for making soothing patterns in the sand.
“I’m so glad you’re here!” Huntara sighed in relief, dropping into one of the chairs. Relay jumped into her lap and she patted his head gratefully. “I have so much to talk about! You know how last time I was telling you about Grox and all the things she was saying to me? Well…”
“Easy, don’t overexert yourself! It’ll only cause you to weaken more quickly,” Skeletor cautioned. He settled into the other chair and leaned forward, listening intently.
“Yeah, I know. It’s just nice to have someone to talk to, Huntara said. “I don’t feel comfortable in big groups and I can’t always open up to the people around here. So thanks for stopping by.”
Skeletor nodded. “I’m right here, old friend! Release the shadow beast!”
A weight seemed to leave Huntara’s shoulders. “All right. Now, like I was saying…”
Long after the stars had come out, the laboratory door finally swung open again. Entrapta and Hordak, looking exhausted but accomplished, strode inside with their arms full of rolled-up diagrams and data sheets from that day’s presentation.
“...And they listened to everything I said!” Entrapta exclaimed as they came in. “I can’t remember the last time anybody besides you paid attention to me for that long. It was kinda scary, but it felt kinda good, too!”
“They were fools if they never attended to you before,” Hordak purred, smiling proudly. “And I cannot imagine they would disregard you now. After all, you are talking about the prospect of rescuing —”
“Sounds like we’ve got company!” Skeletor interrupted, welcoming the couple back to the lab. He was sitting, hands primly folded, in exactly the same spot as he had been when they left. “I’ve been expecting you!”
“Oh. Hello, Skeletor,” Hordak sighed, reluctantly looking away from Entrapta. “Did you follow my instructions to stay put today?”
Skeletor crossed his fingers and nodded.
“Did you follow my instructions?” Entrapta whispered, after Hordak had gone on ahead. Skeletor nodded again, much more enthusiastically this time.
“Good robot!” Entrapta replied, with a wink and a smile. “Thanks for helping out!” Then she scampered away to keep up with her lab partner.
“Ha! My plan has worked perfectly!” Skeletor gloated. “Now I have the power!”
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smoochi-dazai · 4 years
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✿ “ Perfect Two ” ✿
—> Bungo Stray Dogs, Nakahara Chūya | reader / @soukokuwu​​
—> Sweet | Gift / Songfic
—> Description | It’s a surprise. Love you Rachel <3 feel better and remember to smile honey.
Note: I’m sorry if it’s bad, it’s really late and I didn’t have much energy to begin with. I just really wanted to make you smile today, you deserve so much. I don’t know what you’ve been through, but Chū and I are here for you. It’s pretty rushed sadly... I hope it’s tolerable still atleast. Ngl I feel sorta sick at the moment, but when there’s a friend in need- you are my priority. Probably a lot of mistakes too. 😭 it’s almost 4am-
Words 2.5
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When you first met, the last scenario to play in Chūya’s mind was for you to be standing in front of him with a beautiful white gown. Those adoring eyes of yours, leaking any emotions you tried to conceal in your heart— the same heart you’ve given to him since your first exchange of smiles.
But here he was, getting dressed in a expensive tuxedo, preparing to await for his beloved future wife in the wedding room.
Imagining you in a gorgeous wedding dress had him shiver in anticipation, trying to calm down his flustered heart.
You can be the peanut butter to my jelly
You can be the butterflies I feel in my belly
You can be the captain
And I can be your first mate
You can be the chills that I feel on our first date
“ Let go of me, Chūya! ” You growled, beginning to whine as Chūya reached over you for his wine glass which you rudely snatched from his grasp while his back had been turned. “ You’re heavy as hell, fuck off before I make you regret it! ” The frustration in your tone seemed to increase rapidly, trying to convince yourself to be genuinely angered with the hot headed boy leaning against you. He practically had you pinned on the couch while you held his wine glass in an outstretched arm. Chūya’s shorter arms unable to reach for it while cursing at you under his breath, attempting to keep himself composed for you. He never enjoyed yelling at women, but it was so incredibly hard with your proud smirk forming before his eyes.
“ Until you return what you fucking stole, I refuse. Now hand it over ” Chūya’s voice was rather composed aside from the curses, until you still refuse to budge. Losing all rational thoughts, he applied more of his weight ontop of your body, his lips grazed against your ear while muttering in an aggravated tone. “ I’d like to see you try and threaten me again, it won’t be pretty in a minute. Now hand over my wine so I don’t have to do something damn rash... ”
“ As if! You’re always rash, you don’t scare me Chūya.” You snicker, unfazed by his clear threat.
It was true, nothing he did was threatening to you.
He loved you so much, and that was his first date with you. Together you drank the night away, holding each other on the couch. He planned to go out to a restaurant but the weather had other plans. Drops of rain echoed in the room all night, adding to the atmosphere.
You can be the hero
And I can be your sidekick
“ Chuya, what happened?” You gasp at the sight of him outside in the rain, returning home from yet another Mafia business trip. “ Are you okay? ” Your concerned voice echoes throughout the darkened skies, observing your injured boyfriend.
“ I’ll be fine, just ran into a couple morons who really pissed me off. Fuckers were stronger then they look— huh? ” As he began to speak, you were already dragging him inside of the house. Running throughout the home in search of medical aid, he couldn’t help but smile. Watching you stumble over your own feet as you arrived back in front of him, a small chuckle escaped his throat. Catching your attention, you kneel down to tend to all his cuts and bruises, allowing your chin to lift a bit and stare at him for a moment in confusion.
You were always waiting at home, welcoming him with open arms. An uncontrolled warmth lit a flame in his heart, each and every time you’d aid him with any issues that would come up.
He loved you so much.
“ Take me with you next time, even if I’m not as flashy and powerful like you. I can’t stand you arriving home injured again. ” you mutter weakly against his skin, leaving small kisses on each bruise.
You can be the tear That I cry if we ever split
“ Why don’t you ever use your head, Chūya?! ” You shout will a pout by his grave mistake in eating the last of your food, this was your first argument. Silly really, it was all just a misunderstanding. Tears threatening to fall dramatically from your eyes, the puppy look was sickeningly cute to Chuya.
“ Hah?! How was I supposed to know that it was yours!? ” Chūya was incredibly frustrated, arguing with you over eating leftovers from the other day.
Even while you were angered, both of you were incredibly fond of the other.
You can be the rain from the cloud when it's stormin'
Or u can be the sun when it shines in the mornin'
Waking up at your side was always Chūya’s desire after your returned romantic feelings for one another.
“ Wake up, you’ll be late for a meeting again if you continue to cling on me like this— Chū? ” you desperately try to pry the fatigued red heads arms off your waist. His face nuzzled into your chest while keeping a firm grasp on your figure.
“ Hell to the meeting, I need you right now. ” Chūya grumbled, attempting to rest again peacefully without you nagging him about work he didn’t want to think about so early in the morning.
“ Come on Chū... please? I don’t want you to be late because of me. ”
Don't know if I could ever be without you
'Cause boy you complete me
And in time I know that we'll both see That we're all we need
Exchanging smiles, laughs and happiness felt like pure bliss. Hand in hand, you both walk out in public together- enjoying the cool breeze of a beautiful autumn damn.
“ Keep your head down. ” Chuya suddenly said, while you simply tilted your head in confusion. As he accepted the fact you wouldn’t listen to his direct order, suddenly he lifted his hat off his head and shoved it over your face. Blinding you temporarily-
“ Wha-“ man you were confused, receiving no response was rather frustrated too. Lifting the hat off, you glare at him. Softening when you see a couple other men across the street who you could only assume wouldnt be too fond of chuya being away from work for a date with you. He was only hiding you for your own safety—
Thanking him with a peck on the cheek was plenty for him to begin smiling again. A small blush flushed on his cheeks.
'Cause you're the apple to my pie
You're the straw to my berry
You're the smoke to my high
And you're the one I wanna marry
He loved you so goddamn much, and there you are. A blush adorned your cheeks as you stare at your feet shyly, walking down the isle for your wedding. Meeting his eyes as you lift your head. Both parties felt butterflies flap their wings in their stomachs.
Standing so vulnerably infront of him, all he could imagine was your future together. He was really marrying you here and now, it’s settled.
'Cause you're the one for me (for me)
And I'm the one for you (for you)
You take the both of us (of us)
And we're the perfect two
Did he deserve something so beautiful? An angel dating a Mafia executive was odd, but he accepted it. The thought rarely crossed his mind, to distracted by your utter beauty.
You were really his, and his alone.
Preparing his vows, your Chū complimented you smoothly before exchanging a loving, warm hearted look. His eyes were so warm and endearing, your heart began to melt.
We're the perfect two
We're the perfect two
Baby me and you
We're the perfect two
You were perfect for him, as he was perfect for you. The missing piece of the puzzle finally joined.
You can be the prince and I can be your princess
“ Why the hell did I agree to wear this. ” Chūya glared at himself in the mirror, a tiara placed on his instead of his typical hat. The same hat that you held over your own head happily, laughing at your cute prince in the shoes of a princess.
“ awe, stop complaining. You’re so cute, Chū~ “ Oh how he despises your teasing, growling as he rips off the tiara and chucks it to the side.
He looked ridiculous, wearing a cute frilly dress after losing a bet with you. Now he was forced to be a princess for his day off work, he’d complain more but atleast he could hear your cute laugh.
You can be the sweet tooth I can be the dentist
You can be the shoes and I can be the laces
You can be the heart that I spill on the pages
“ I bought something for you, I hope it’s to your tastes.” Chuya’s chilled voice meets your ears as he enters you home, a sudden smell of freshly made pastries hit your nose. Running over to greet him and the awaited snacks-
“ Is this from the bakery across town?! Chu!! You didn’t have to do this” you freaked out, wanting to repay him somehow. “ how much was it? I’ll get the money for you right now. ”
“ Not telling.”
“ I bought it of my own accord, a gift for my beautiful girlfriend. Accept it or I swear I’ll force you to eat it anyway. ”
Groaning, you were finally convinced to accept the gift. Opening the box he held onto, there was a bunch of little donuts freshly cake. They were decorated with tiny hearts sprinkled on them.
Taking the box, you set it aside. Whipping around, you immediately grasp onto his face— pulling the shorter male into a passionate kiss as thanks.
You can be the vodka and I can be the chaser
You can be the pencil and I can be the paper
You can be as cold as the winter weather
But I don't care as long as were together
“ You are covered in goosebumps, here- take my coat. ”
Before you could even refuse Chuyas offer, you felt a larger coat be thrown over your head. Smiling in the warmth, you can’t help but snuggle in the material of your boyfriends coat.
It was a snowy day out, sending chills throughout your body. The coat alone didn’t appear to work, so the normally hot headed boy wraps an arm around your waist, pulling your frame closer to his. Radiating heat, you can’t help but melt against him. A pleasant sigh escaped your cold lips
Don't know if I could ever be
Without you 'cause boy you complete me
And in time I know that we'll both see
That we're all we need
“ I love you. ” just those three words alone, were enough to tie chuyas heartstrings around your finger.
“ I love you too, Sweetheart. “ He muttered back, feeling as if he could faint in any moment.
'Cause you're the apple to my pie
You're the straw to my berry
You're the smoke to my high
And you're the one I wanna marry
Those same words never once lost their meaning, after your vows- both you and chuya leaned closer to each other.
“ I love you.” You both whisper in unison.
'Cause your the one for me (for me)
And I'm the one for you (for you)
You take the both of us (of us)
And we're the perfect two
A timid smile was exchanged before chuya pulled you into a kiss, everyone began to cheer. Tearing up as they sat up and clap.
You regan wrapping your warms around his neck, resting on his shoulders while a hand found its way in his hair. Tugging it gently as you feel the kiss becoming much more intimate, deeper and to say in in simple terms- hot. At the same time, his hands grip your hips firmly.
We're the perfect two
We're the perfect two
Baby me and you
We're the perfect two
God he loved you.
You know that I'll never doubt ya
And you know that I think about ya
And you know I can't live without ya
Marrying someone was always a tough decision, it was a lifelong dedication that may break. But you refused to let that happen with your beloved- even as a hot head, this bb would kiss every part of your body to let you understand how much he adores you.
Never once did Chūya have doubts for marrying you, he wanted this so badly it hurt. It was a dangerous game, to marry you even during his work at the mafia- but they all loved you. Mori and Elise insisted on arriving at the marriage to congratulate you.
I love the way that you smile
And maybe in just a while
I can see me walk down the aisle
“ Do you realize how hot you are? “ You randomly say out loud, not realizing your thoughts were brought to the real world.
“ Hah?” Chuya stared at you in utter shock. Not quite understanding if he heard you right.
“ I asked if you realize how Hot-headed you are, W-Why are you looking at me like that? “ you attempt to cover up your mistake, blushing bright red while turning your head away. Adverting you gaze from his to the wall-
Ah, the memories of your foolish coverups.
'Cause you're the apple to my pie
You're the straw to my berry
You're the smoke to my high
And you're the one I wanna marry
Pulling away from your passionate kiss, your eyes remain shut even after the connection. Chuya takes notice of this, leaving a gentle kiss on your forehead to catch your attention. Allowing you to meet eye to eyes once again—
'Cause your the one for me (for me)
And I'm the one for you (for u)
You take the both of us (of us)
And were the perfect two
The ring officially will be stuck to your finger for eternity, glittering beneath the moonlight as you lift a hand to the sky. Allowing your head to fall against Chūyas shoulder. Both of you sat comfortably at the doorstep of your home— hours after you became officially husband and wife. Absolutely carefree, you guys ignored the rest of the world for just this moment.
An arm was strapped around your waist, securing you from any dangers of the night. Chuya refuses to let you frown so long as he’s there at your side, he loves that smile of yours. Planting a gentle kiss on your head.
Were the perfect two
Were the perfect two
Baby me and you
We're the perfect two(yeah, yeah)
“ I love you. ”
“ I love you more.”
“ You sure about that?”
“Are you really going fight me on this?”
Oh how you two haven’t changed.
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melyaliz · 5 years
Night Person
Fandom: Yu-Gi-OH
Summary: All the best things happened to Amie at night. 
Pairing: Seto Kaiba x OC 
Notes: Ok so @speedypan reminded me of my TOTAL and UTTER love for Yugioh. Honestly, I have both my DC fanfic revival and now Yuigoh credited to her. Just wait, soon I’ll be bringing back Avatar and Naruto soon 😂😝
Like as we speak I am working on re-editing my old series and posting it on archive but I figured I could post some of my NEW stuff here? I promise I am still working on Nancy’s second part and @werewitchling’s Charlie request :P Life has just been rough and I guess Seto calms my nerves (weird) 
All Masterlists @melyalizarchive​
Connect with me! AO3 / Instagram / Pinterest
Amie was a night person. She had her best ideas late at night, her breakthrough on projects, and adventures late at night.
Honestly, she hadn’t thought too much about it but her best moments happened at night too.
-Thursday 10:32pm-
Everyone was gone. Most of the lights were off. At least they were in the rest of Kaiba Corp  As for the animation lab, everything was still bright and cheery.
Because Amie was still hard at work and she was NOT about to be stuck in some creepy Freddy Kroger style office. If she had to stay late to cover her idiot co-workers the world around her better be bright and cheery.
A large soda at her side and music blasting in her ears while she tried to get the Dark magician’s hat just right. It just wasn’t folding the way she… wait, was that a kid?
Glancing over their screen she blinked again before rubbing her eyes. Contacts starting to dry out. Honestly, she should just go home but she was sooo close. Maybe if she just…
There it was again.
Leaning out of her chair she studied the doorway. Ok, now she was getting slightly creeped out. This was some Chucky style shit. Glancing back down at her screen she clicked save several hundred times on her project. Never can be too safe. Then glancing up, her brown eyes locking onto a pair of dark blue ones.
“Uhhh Hello child of the corn.”
“Nothing… are your parents around”
The boy laughed shoving his hands into his pockets. “Are you new?”
“Yes… oh fuck… I mean fudge… oh, fudge. Sorry... Mokuba right?”
“That’s me.” he shrugged waving his hand at her apologetic smile, “It’s kind of late why are you still here?”
“Because of the hat from hell.”
“Why are you?” change the subject, no point in bitching about the design issues with the big boss’s kid brother. Would he be considered the Big kid? The small boss?
“Because my brother is a work-a-holic.”
“I feel it.”
Mokuba walked over to her screen glancing over at the screen studying her work, “looks good to me.”
Amie couldn’t help but snort, “Yeah but that hat.” clicking the space bar the small magician started to move making the hat flip in rather unrealistic movements causing Mokuba laugh.
“It looks like… it looks…”
“Oh yeah, I’m very aware...”
“Well can I hang out with you while you work on it?”
“Only if you tell me about your day, I like listening to things while I work.”
“Well you’re in luck, I happen to be a GREAT storyteller.”  
-Friday 11:53pm-
It was late and Amie was just finishing up. That total complete moron Jeff had ONCE again spectacularly destroyed the files they needed to get to Seto that Monday for the pitch.
And instead of staying and cleaning up his mess the wonderful oh so hard working moron ditched saying something about “having to go.” Amie was about 90% sure he was just going to see his girlfriend and probably get an early start on his weekend.
Something Amie had hoped to do. But no, instead she was trapped cleaning up his mess working well into the evening.
“Fuck that guy,” Amie grumbled to herself as she walked down the halls holding her 4th mug of coffee hoping that would jump-start the creative process for her. Although it was really just helping her brain come up with a million ways she hoped Jeff would suffer for his idiocracy. Maybe some burning diarrhea or maybe he would get a HUGE dent his beloved car?
“What are you still doing here… wait…”
Amie winced as she paused looking up from her thoughts to see the CEO himself Seto Kaiba. The only time Seto had bothered to pay attention to Amie the intern was when her brother had faked her submission to get her in. After that, he had never sent her a second glance.
Which was good because she was too young for this position and if anyone found out she was NOT a college student she could lose this opportunity of a lifetime.
“Yes Boss Dude?” she muttered glancing up at him from under the dark black bangs of her work wig.
“Don’t I go to school with you?” Seto asked taking a step closer, his piercing blue eyes studying her. Ok, it also didn’t help that Amie found the dueling champion super hot. Like not in a “we’re soulmates” kind of way but more of a “You’re eyes make me nervous” sort of way.
“If I say yes will you fire me?”
“Humm” he studied her for a moment, “Why are you here so late?”
“Just finishing up the prototypes for the pitch on Monday.”
“And your supervisor couldn't do that?”
“He had a hot date.”
“Then no.” with that he turned and walked off.
“Wait!” a weird rush of confidence came over it. Maybe it was the 4th cup of coffee or the fact it was almost midnight and she had been listening to Paramore on repeat for 3 hours. Regardless of the reason, her command made Seto pause glancing back over his shoulder, “If you fire me then I can go home and if the images aren’t perfect it won’t be on my conscience?”
At that moment a million puppies died as hell froze over because… Seto cracked a small smirk.
“Make it perfect and I’ll promote you.”
-Tuesday 9:06pm-
Tap tap tap, Amie hummed along with the Supremes as she tapped her stylist on the table waiting for the computer to render. She was oh so close to being done. A stack of science books next to her because she also had a quiz tomorrow she may or may not have studied for.
“Jeff ditch you again?” A voice broke into her song as the rude voice pulled an earbud out.
Lucky for this intrusive voice Amie had a soft spot for him.
“At this point, I would be annoyed if he didn’t,” she said spinning around in her chair which caused her headphones to unplug the song blasting across the editing bay.
“What is this?” Mokuba asked raising an eyebrow. Amie let out a gasp.
“Mokuba! Don’t tell me you have never heard the Supremes!”
“Nope. It sounds kind of… Chick”
“It’s very chick. They are in love with love, listen.” clicking on You Can’t Hurry Love she started swinging around in her chair to the music.
“I guess it’s ok…”
“Chair dance! Grab a chair”
“Ooookk” Mokuba knew better than to argue with Amie once the clock passed 8:45. That was when she had her third cup of coffee and the weird ideas started.
Three songs later Mokuba and Amie were rolling in a very impressive choreographed routine across the isles of computers screaming “I Want You Back” By the Jackson 5 at the tops of their lungs.
“Good to see there is a lot of work going on in here.”
Amie laughed turning to see Seto leaning   the door frame, “Are you the only one who ever stays late?”
“I would say yes but you are here.”
“I’m here too!” Mokuba said scooting his chair next to Amie reminding her that he was, in fact, also there.
“Yeah, but you don’t work here, just make everything better.”
Mokuba laughed flipping his thick black hair, “I do don’t I.”
“Well, It’s time to go,” Seto said nodding toward this brother. Mokuba nodded getting up pushing his chair back to its rightful desk. “And Amie.”
Dear God, he knew her name… did the world just stop spinning or was that her heart? Amie wasn’t sure if it was that annoying crush on his pretty blue eyes or the fact that he was basically her boss and had the power to ruin her animator dreams.
“Go home, the project will be there tomorrow.”
Ok, the world really had stopped, had she somehow entered some paralleled universe? Had THE Seto Kaiba just told one of his employees to STOP working? “Uhhhh, Yes sir.”
Mentally she kicked herself as she slowly rolled back to her desk feeling her cheeks heat up. Mokuba watching her as she quickly saved the project before closing down her computer. Shit girl, could you get any weirder?
-Monday 10:17pm-
Nothing had changed yet everything had changed.
Amie had quit last week. Jeff had blamed her on the whole project crumbling and when she stood there in front of a angry Seto she broke. She didn’t deserve this. She worked harder than anyone else at this fucking editing lab and had covered that dick weed’s back so many times and he just threw her to the flipping wolves.
I mean SURE Seto Kaiba’s rage was probably the most frighting thing Amie had EVER seen in her life but even facing his dragon size temper she wouldn’t have thrown a teammate under the bus like that.
She didn’t deserve this.
Which is what she told Seto.
He had stood there wide-eyed in pure shock. No one had EVER quit Kaiba corp before. With the best pay and benefits, there was a reason people put up with the companies CEO.
But not her.
She had been done.
Until the famous CEO showed up at her apartment door telling her that he needed more people like her on his team. People who cared about their craft and did this because they loved it not because of the money or prestige of it all.  
So goodbye Jeff and hello personal editing lab.
This didn’t mean she still didn’t have late night because… well, nights seemed to be her magic time.
A cup of coffee slid into her peripheral. Glancing over Amie almost had a heart attack seeing Seto standing over her desk.
“You just jumped almost a mile.”
“Well, you just scared the hell out of me.”
“Mokuba will literally rip your headphones out of your ear and you will not flinch.”
“But I’m expecting him…” Amie bit her lip trying to find the right words as she took the coffee taking a sip her dark brown eyes not leaving Setos, “What’s up?”
“Just checking in,” he said taking a chair and sitting down next to her.
Well fuck, there was NO way she could work with those blue eyes watching her. And at this close range, he smelled good too. Of course, he would smell good, he’s a rich CEO he probably bathed in Versace. She, on the other hand, probably smelled like coffee and insecurity.
They both sat in silence for a moment then Amie turned to him, “Do you want me to like explain where I am or something?”
“If you want.”
Shit, did she just say that out loud? Whoooops. Maybe she could quit again?
“Uhhh I mean… well at the moment I am coming up with color pallets for each character. Like what shades we want for them so that regardless of who is animating the character they will always look the same.”
Seto nodded as he watched her click through the files copy and pasting the code into a document before going back to the Coral Dragon she had been working on adjusting the shades trying to brighten up his wings just a little bit more.
“I would add more undertones of red”
You can’t say no to the boss, so she pulled up the color wheel moving it, “Like that,”
“Just a bit more… yeah there.”
“Ohhh I like that. Guess you’re the boss for a reason.” Amie could feel his eyes on her but for the first time, she didn’t feel so tense like maybe they had just had a breakthrough. Bonded? Maybe just a little.
Mokuba found his brother and Amie a few hours later still in Amie’s new office going over characters. Seto pointing out changes and Amie suggesting ways to make it work. Both of them seemed to relax and just working in harmony that Mokuba didn’t want to bother them.
It was nice to see his brother actually enjoying himself.
-Friday 11:11pm-
“No stop touching!” Amie snapped swatting away Seto’s hand as he tried to direct her on the computer. It was already very late and everyone else had left for the day but Amie had stayed trying to fix the editing issues they kept running into. Her pink hair pulled up in a messy bun several pencils lost inside the mess. Must like her mood at the moment.
“You are doing it wrong”
“No, you are just messing me up being this close”
“I don’t see how me being close would mess you up, just do your job.”
“It’s the blue eyes.”
“They need to be at least 5 feet away from me,” Amie said turning to look at her boss who was only a few inches from her looking over her shoulder trying to direct her work on the new dueling virtual game. This seemed to be happening a lot more. Seto popping in and not leaving. Normally Amie didn’t hate it but today… today something was just bothering her about how close the CEO was to her.
Seto turned slightly as if he finally realized how close he was to her. Something she had been feeling all night.
“Then again they are pretty nice this close up.” Amie snickered coffee brain kicking in. Words she was thinking seeming like a good idea said aloud.
“Are… you flirting with me right now?”
“Wait you haven't been?” Amie laughed deciding to call him out, “You had your arm on my shoulder for like 20 minutes telling me how to do my job while we worked on the graphic for the points counter.”
This caused Seto to pull away. Amie felt her stomach clunch. Shit, shit she had just made things super awkward. Deciding to just play it cool she turned back to her screen, pushed some loose strands of her hair away from her face.
She continued her work trying to ignore the mess of butterflies in her stomach until they all lept and died at the feeling of a hand on hers. She turned, confused about to ask what Seto was doing only to have him kiss her.
Soft and sweet. A little clumsy as if he really didn’t know what he was doing but he was confident in it. She found it funny how confident he was really. It was one of the things she liked about him. How confident he was. That and how dorky he was. Her confident dork.
Leaning forward she kissed him back trying to fight back the smile that was on her lips.
They were never going to get this project done in time.
Yep, Amie was a night person. How could she not be when all the best things happened?
~Who Wants to be tagged?~
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As I promised in my follower celebration post, I wanted to spread some love through a fic rec post! And now I finally came around to make it! \( ˵´ ♡`˵)/
I’m sorry for not going into detail what I loved about them here or leave comments here, because I’m trying to keep the post’s length under control. All of these 17 fics (and 2 comics) deserve a commentary and a detailed recommendation post of their own and I hope I’ll find the time to do that for all of them one day.
Please share this post (and the love), so more people can see the recommendations. Also if you start reading some of these, please consider leaving the writers a Kudos and maybe even a comment. We writers love feeling recognised and cherished! It motivates us to write on ♡ The order in which I name the fics is random.
My Top Three Favourite Fics (all Multi-Chapters):
Listen, I love all three of them so much. I binge read them all when I found them. They all made me feel so many things and I might have cried now and then while reading any of them (for different reasons). Those are fics I would reread - I don’t even know how often. They are just so incredibly well done.
Empty Spaces Between Stars (WIP) by astudyinrose [ E | creator choose not to use archive warnings (mind the notes to the chapters!) | Victuuri | canon universe / AU canon divergence / fake relationship AU | 17/? | 185k ] Summary: Victor gets just as drunk as Yuuri at the Sochi Banquet, and they disappear together after the dance-offs. They wake up the morning after with rings on their fingers, and pictures of them kissing after getting married the night before are all over the tabloids... but neither of them remembers a thing. They decide to stay married for a while for the sake of Victor's sponsorships, and in exchange, Victor coaches Yuuri through nationals...
Dance of the Red Death by Strange and Intoxicating -rsa- [ M | no archive warnings (no MCD, despite the story dealing with AIDS, so read the FAQ and the tags first!) | Victuuri | canon universe / AU canon divergence | 11/11 | 80k ] Summary: Find something to live for.Viktor Nikiforov loved too much. What begins as a cough morphs into something that takes the shape of an unseen monster hiding in his very blood.  With the Russian government scrambling to sweep under the rug the worst of a crisis that's been thirty-five years in the making and a society that sees his disease as a death sentence, Viktor is left with figuring out his own way to survive.It starts as a way to escape— a youtube video of music and color and light, but quickly becomes something he never expected when Yuri Katsuki teaches him that surviving is not living. Yuri teaches him that living is taking the jump into unknown and accepting all that comes with it.This is not a story of anger. This is not a story of fear. This is not even a story of pain. This is a 21st Century love overcoming the obstacles of the 20th Century's politics of fear.This is a story of life. Complete + Epilogue + FAQ
Come Out of Hiding (I’m Right Here Beside You) by osaki_nana_707 [ M/E (not rated by the author) | creator choose not to use archive warnings (check the tags & notes!) | Victuuri | Music AU / Actors AU / Broadway AU | 33/33 | 84k ] Summary: After forgetting the words to his song during a vocal competition as a teenager, Yuuri Katsuki decided singing was not for him. Instead he went to NYU to study English. He never expected Viktor Nikiforov, Broadway star extraordinaire looking to direct his first production on the stage, would ever find his up-and-coming lead... in him.
Humour/Comedy (oneshots):
All of them brought me to tears, made me wheeze and lose my voice completely - that’s how much I had to laugh. If you have difficulties with second-hand embarrassment and it ruins the fun for you, then maybe skip “Bottom’s Up”.
Nikiforov’s Law by LavenderProse [ T | no warnings | Victuuri | CSI AU | 8.1k ] Summary: “I’m a garbage monster,” Yuuri tells Phichit, staring at Viktor through the glass walls of the lab. Viktor has not been in the same room with him since what the denizens of the lab are now calling The Belle Isle Incident. “He looks at me and he thinks dumpster decomp and swamp. I hate my life.” “You’re a very pretty garbage monster,” says Phichit, watching a centrifuge work. “A garbage monster he wants to fuck.” Yuuri Katsuki is a dime a dozen CSI with the Detroit Crime Lab who has never had a conversation with Detective Viktor Nikiforov that did not end in disaster. He's beginning to think that the entire universe is conspiring to make him a fool in front of handsome blond detectives. The universe is doing nothing to prove him wrong.
The Unknown Unknown by opalish [ T | no warnings | Victuuri | Superhero AU | 7.4k ] Summary: Yuuri never meant to become a supervillain.  These things just happen to him.
Night is Young and the Music’s High by opalish [ T | no warnings | Victuuri | post canon | 3k ] Summary: “Best press conference ever,” the Japanese Nationals silver medalist says when asked.  “Ten out of ten, would medal again.” “I would die for Katsuki-kun,” Minami declares, with terrifying sincerity.
The Katsulanont Guide To Life (series of oneshots) by xylophones [ G/T | no warnings | Yuuri & Phichit (friendship) | pre canon | 4.2k / 3k ] Summary: College life shenanigans brought to you by Yuuri and Phichit!
Bottom’s Up by lucycamui and cryingoverspilledvodka [ T | no warnings | Victuuri | Sochi GPF banquet | 3.3k ] Summary: At the Grand Prix banquet, Victor’s been asked to sign an autograph for a very enthusiastic fan. Unfortunately, there’s a distinct lack of paper around. Fortunately, Yuuri has a suggestion. Alternatively titled, “Ever Seen An Ass So Fine You Had To Sign It ‘Mine’? or "Autograph Me (Wherever You’d Like)”
Canon Universe (oneshots): 
Here’s some Fluff-therapy coming your way ღゝ◡╹ )ノ♡
Pink Leopard Print Pajamas by thishasbeencary [ G | no warnings | Victor & Yuri P. (friendship) | pre canon / developing friendship / cute tiny Yura and Victor fluff | 3.3k ] Summary: Yakov told Viktor that he had to socialize with more skaters. He didn't mean the ones who were too young to even compete as juniors. But he wasn't going to stop his top skater from inviting ten-year-old Yuri Plisetsky over to spend the night. He just... sort of thought that Yuri would refuse.
The Boy Who Watched by Rosie_Rues [ T | no warnings | Victuuri | pre canon | 12.5k ] Summary: Despite the fact they've been competing in the same competitions for years, Victor Nikiforov doesn't meet Katsuki Yuuri until the Sochi Grand Prix Final. On the other hand, there's a boy who's been watching him for years and Victor's desperate to know his name.In which Victor pines, everybody drinks too much, and Yakov deserves a sainthood for putting up with these idiots. Basically, it's a decade's worth of near misses, misunderstandings, and pure obliviousness.
Something So Wholesome About You by crossroadswrite [ G | no warnings | Victuuri | canon divergence AU / Vicchan lives | 3.5k ] Summary: It was supposed to be his year. He was supposed to-Celestino stops talking and squeezes his shoulder. Yuuri looks up at him, opens his mouth to say something when someone says his name. He freezes, holds his breath for a full second against the painfully familiar voice, not daring to hope. Then, very slowly, he turns towards the source, eyes going wide with disbelieve. “Mari?” (Or: in which Vicchan lives, Yuuri doesn't quite fail and doesn't quite get drunk, but manages to accidentally woo Victor Nikiforov anyway.)
The Way to a Man’s Heart-Shaped Smile by La_Temperanza [ T | no warnings | Victuuri | post canon | 6.1k ] Summary: In fact, it’s probably faster to list the foods that Viktor doesn’t like than all the ones he does. Except, Yuuri realizes one evening after he and Viktor are sharing a platter of gyoza and play-fighting for the last one--which Viktor wins, only because he cheated by tickling Yuuri’s ribs--he doesn’t know the answer to that, leaving a huge gaping hole in his Viktor Nikiforov database.This obviously needs to be rectified. (Or the one where Yuuri seduces Viktor with food without realizing it.)
Alternate Universe settings (oneshots):
A wild mix, but all are highly recommended!
Duetto Appassionato by astudyinrose [ E | creator chose not to use archive warnings | Victuuri | classical music AU / musician AU | 9.9k ] Summary: Yuuri Katsuki, 23, has been the Detroit Symphony Orchestra’s ace pianist for the past two years. Victor Nikiforov, violinist extraordinaire and living legend of the orchestral world, is the guest soloist for the DSO’s winter series. He asks Yuuri to play a duet he composed, titled On Love: Eros. Basically, this is shameless smutty musician au one shot (it was supposed to be a PWP, but I couldn’t resist adding in some plot) based on the Yuri!!! On Concert art that just came out. Enjoy!
Puppy Love by minsyah [ T | no warnings | Victuuri | neighbors AU / meet-cute | 15.7k ] Summary: Vicchan has a crush on their neighbor across the balcony, and so does his owner. Yuuri, certified Dog-Dad™, will do anything for his beloved poodle—even if that means constantly embarrassing himself in front of his devastatingly attractive neighbor.
Send Your Cutest Delivery Boy by domokunrainbowkinz [ G | no warnings | Victuuri | college AU / meet-cute | 2.5k ] Summary: Victor orders pizza and puts "send your cutest delivery boy" in the special instructions box, and Domino's does, indeed, send their cutest delivery boy. Based off this.
If This City Will Bloom by RennieOnIceCream (Hitsugi_Zirkus) [ G | creator chose not to use archive warnings | Victuuri | magical realism / Flower Spirit!Yuuri | 9k ] Summary: “Viktor, do you know what cherry blossoms mean?” “What they mean?” Viktor tilts his head, surprised at the sudden question. “They can mean beauty. Or a good education. Cherry blossoms generally bloom around the time the new school year starts.” Yuuri’s eyes are unwavering on Viktor, and the colors shift in the dark irises again. “But they also mean impermanence.” Impermanence -- transient. Not lasting forever.The word sends a ripple of fear through Viktor. (Or, the story where Viktor accidentally brings home a cherry blossom spirit from Japan, and his life and heart are turned upside-down.)
A Midwinter Night’s Dream (part one of a series, I’m still praying it gets continued) by persephoneggsy [ G | no warnings | Victuuri | fairy AU / fantasy AU | 7.1k ] Summary: Victor Nikiforov, Prince of the Fae Realm, meets a young blue fairy and thinks nothing of it. But then the years pass, and he meets him again.
Because why not?!
My Reasons (WIP) by adreamorasong-art [ T (maybe E in the future) | no warnings | Victuuri | canon compliant / canon retelling ] This is an amazing comic series by my friend Mari. She draws in realistic style and completely retells season 1 (with added, missing scenes).
Bright Star by butleronice [ G | MCD (but apparently not what one would think) | Victuuri | galactic AU ] There is an accompanying fic. (I haven’t read that one yet.) Summary: Yuuri is a star, sparkling brilliantly in some far reaches of the galaxy. One day, his lonely life is changed, when a dazzling and brilliant comet enters his orbit.
Unfortunately I barely had time to read anything lately and my to-read list is... scaringly long by now. I’m thinking of making a similar post to this one, but with fics that I can’t wait to read! Anyway, you can find even more fics in my ao3 bookmarks, which I use to recommend fics. If you want to, you’re more than welcome to read my stuff as well. (ღ ´◡`)ノ♡
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xjenhoneybearx · 6 years
take my eyes off you - wonhyuk
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1 - Dream 
Everything felt much like a dream to Minhyuk, being curled up in Hoseok’s arms. Fingers ran through his hair, slowly, soothingly, and the assurance that Hoseok would be there when he awoke lulled him to sleep. He missed the gentle kiss that was pressed to his forehead. 
2 - Warm 
Minhyuk slipped out of bed just before the sun came up, bare feet making little noise as he walked into the kitchen, the icy air rendering his thin sweater useless. Arms wrapped around him from behind, a soft hum reaching his ear. The voice asked a soft question, warm breath heating him up from within, “What’re you doing out of bed?” 
3 - Stars 
Hoseok often thought about how monbebe were like the stars, mentioning it while the two of them stared up at the sky. Minhyuk had to argue that the only thing that shone brighter than both the stars and monbebe was Hoseok. 
4 - Charming 
When Prince Hoseok first met the prince of another kingdom, he had half a mind to call him Prince Charming. His smile was brighter than the sun itself, his words the perfect balance of flirtatious teasing and thoughtful honesty. It was only when Prince Minhyuk took his hand and placed a tender kiss to the back did he feel his heart stutter. 
5 - Soft 
Minhyuk had always thought the bad boy’s hair looked soft. He found out purely by accident, he swore, when he’d reached over and ran his finger’s through Hoseok’s blond and blue locks. He wasn’t sure if the look that greeted him was threatening to kiss him or punch him. 
6 - Promise 
Nine year old Hosoek found himself stumbling over his own feet when he spotted eight year old Minhyuk on the playground, opting to sit where he nearly relearned what dirt tasted like to watch the younger. When Minhyuk noticed Hoseok’s gaze, he smiled and raced over to him, eager to meet a new friend. They’d played together for hours; Hoseok went home with a flower wrapped around his pinkie and the beautiful eight year old’s promise echoing in his head: “We’re getting married when I turn twenty, alright, Hoseokkie?” 
7 - Lips 
If Minhyuk had to choose one physical feature he loved most about Hoseok, he would choose his lips. The lips that would smile at him and sing the most beautiful phrases made his stomach fill with butterflies. Those same lips could leave the most delicious marks along his arms and whisper the most sinful words. 
8 - Loyal 
Getting a dog hybrid hadn’t exactly been Minhyuk’s plan when he ended up with Hoseok, but seeing how breathtakingly handsome and how pure the hybrid’s heart had been, he couldn’t have rejected him. Thinking back on it now, Minhyuk couldn’t recall a time where he didn’t have Hoseok’s strong arms wrapped around his leg or his waist. Most would call Hoseok a loyal dog, staying so insistently at Minhyuk’s side, but Minhyuk could only call the brown haired hybrid loving. 
9 - Magical 
When Hoseok told Minhyuk that he could show him a whole other world, he’d taken it as another joke or innuendo. Never did he expect the purple haired man’s words to be so true. Magical beasts roamed overhead and in the distance of this little world Hoseok created, but somehow, the most magical thing to Minhyuk had to be the light in Hoseok’s eyes as he scurried about to nurture each fantastic creature. 
10 - Cutie 
Jooheon had stolen their hearts the moment they saw him in the orphanage. His dimpled smile was ever so bright, distributing his own food to the other children and waving confidently at everyone who entered the building. The second Minhyuk had laid eyes on him, his hand tightened around Hoseok’s: he was the one. 
11 - Midnight 
Hoseok was awakened by tiny hands timidly shaking his arm, his eyes fluttering open to see their son, Jooheon, staring up at him, still unused to sleeping alone in a house larger than his orphanage. Without a second thought, Hoseok lifted the small boy into his bed, situating him between himself and Minhyuk and wrapping his arms around Jooheon. (Minhyuk had awoken as well, holding Jooheon close to his chest and pressing a tender kiss to his forehead). 
12 - Baby 
The pet name ‘baby’ had started out as a joke, Hoseok calling Minhyuk such every time the two friends bickered like a married couple. At some point, the pet name started to make Minhyuk’s heart flutter. Then it made Hoseok’s palms sweat as he confessed that maybe the pet name was more than just a joke. 
13 - Precious 
Stealing precious gems was something Minhyuk did as a profession. When he met Hoseok, he had no idea the most precious gem he wanted to steal was the other man’s heart. Of course, the most precious gem also had to be the one that made Minhyuk’s palms sweat and his years of experience in burglary useless. 
14 - Sweet 
Their third Valentine’s Day as a couple was overwhelming for Minhyuk. Hoseok couldn’t spend the day with him, cursing an exam that’d been scheduled for so long that Hoseok truly wouldn’t have an excuse for skipping. So, he made it up by sending boxes of chocolate to Minhyuk’s doorstep every hour with love letters filled with sweet words. (Minhyuk didn’t have the heart to admit that he didn’t like chocolate and gave all of the boxes of sweet treats to his best friend, Kihyun). 
15 - Beautiful 
Standing nervously in a suit, Hoseok couldn’t help but think that Minhyuk looked absolutely beautiful right now. Of course, the younger man always looked beautiful, especially when he smiled, but right now, he was the definition of breathtaking as he slowly walked down the isle toward Hoseok with a bright smile, each step more confident than the last. Hoseok definitely thought Minhyuk looked most beautiful when he saw just how ready the younger was to marry him. (Hoseok wasn’t able to take his eyes off of Minhyuk, his heart swelling with pride as he realized that this beautiful man was really his, forever.) 
16 - Crazy 
Many people thought Minhyuk had a loud, unusual laugh. Hoseok had fallen in love with that laughter after he’d heard it echo in the library. When he found the owner, he had no idea the laugh belonged to him, collapsing in the chair in front of the red head and groaning. (Hoseok found out much later that the crazy laugh had, in fact, belonged to Minhyuk, weeks after he’d befriended the man and fallen in love with his personality). 
17 - Blood 
A normal person’s blood would’ve run cold the moment they found out their boyfriend was a vampire, but Minhyuk took it in stride. He’d dated Hoseok for almost a year, yet the man --- vampire, he corrected --- hadn’t bitten him thus far, so it was more than safe to assume that Hoseok would never bite him, not even to save his own life --- quite literally, Minhyuk supposed. He responded merely by tilting his head to the side, making a teasing remark that perhaps Hoseok should quench his thirst. (Hoseok did feed off of him later, after Minhyuk had assured him for the umpteenth time that he trusted him, and that he was ready). 
18 - Heart 
Saying that Hoseok’s heart belonged to Minhyuk was a little too literal, Minhyuk realized. Hoseok was the perfect man, with a fantastic body, a handsome face, and a perfectly beating heart. Minhyuk didn’t have the heart to admit to either his friends or his beloved Hoseok that Minhyuk had literally created his boyfriend in a lab, almost like Frankenstein’s monster, except Hoseok was no monster, and he definitely screamed a little too much when he was up high. (Minhyuk refused to acknowledge the part of his brain that screamed about him technically being Hoseok’s dad. He would never hear the word ‘daddy’ escape Hoseok’s lips as he looked at Minhyuk, if he could prevent it). 
19 - Trust  
After being asked if he trusted Minhyuk, Hoseok had no idea what to expect. When he opened his eyes, he was standing on glass, able to see directly down at the ground, God knows however many floors down. The people were little dots to Hoseok, causing him to panic and grab onto Minhyuk tighter than he should’ve. (Minhyuk later explained he meant to take Hoseok into a fancy room for dinner, but they’d told him the wrong room number, thus leading to Hoseok’s midlife crisis. He didn’t speak to Minhyuk for a week after dinner, opting to speak to Minhyuk only through Jooheon). 
20 - Snow 
The first time Jooheon experienced snow with his new parents, he’d easily roped them into playing with him in the snow. As Hoseok secured his gloves, Jooheon had looked up at him with puppy eyes and a pout, seeing Hoseok’s resolve crumble almost immediately. After an hour of them playing in the snow, Minhyuk had stepped out to call them inside for dinner, but he was pulled in the second Hoseok had accidentally hit him in the face with a snowball. (All three of them ended up sick, but none of them regretted it). 
21 - Photograph 
After Minhyuk saw how sentimental Kihyun’d photographs were (mostly pictures of his husband, Hyunwoo, and their son, Changkyun, smiling back at the camera as they called out for Kihyun to join them), he’d begged Hoseok to buy a high quality camera. He wasn’t the best photographer, he knew, and he certainly wasn’t as great as Kihyun, but his photographs were beautiful in their own way. As he watched the image develop, he could make out his two favorite smiles, directed fondly at him. (If you looked a little longer, you could see the love in Hoseok’s eyes, the peace in Jooheon’s. Minhyuk may not have been the best photographer, but he was certainly their favorite). 
22 - Strength 
Minhyuk liked to think Hoseok was the strongest man he knew. When they’d visited Jooheon at school, all of Jooheon’s classmates had rushed over, asking Hoseok to pick as many of them up at once while they giggled wildly. After he had four children on each arm, as well as two wrapping their arms around his neck, he called it quits, joking about them almost being heavier than Minhyuk. (That earned him a hit from Minhyuk, before the younger man had smirked and wrapped his hands around Hoseok’s bicep, daring to say, “You know how Hyunwoo-hyung lifts us with his arm alone? Can you do that with me, baby?” Hoseok couldn’t deny, a rush of competitiveness alone giving him the strength to lift Minhyuk. Later he would complain about his body aching, earning him a massage from Minhyuk). 
23 - Rain 
The pouring rain seemed to wake Jooheon up during a quiet talk between Hoseok and Minhyuk. They’d been discussing something in hushed whispers while settled on the couch, only stopping when Jooheon’s figure was lit up in a flash of lightning. Within moments, they’d ushered him into their arms, whatever argument they were having already vanishing. (They fell asleep there, curled up on the couch with their arms wound tightly around one another. Jooheon would never tell them he wasn’t actually afraid of the storm, but instead their hushed fighting). 
24 - Forever 
If there was anything Hoseok was good at, it was promising. He promised little things, such as taking out the trash or braiding Jooheon’s hair when he got home from work, promising not to stay up too late or spoil Jooheon too much. He also promised larger things, sometimes impossible things, like buying a star for Jooheon, or buying a home big enough to let all of the children of the orphanage move in with them, or even promising Minhyuk his forever. (Minhyuk loved Hoseok, more than anything, but even he knew a forever wasn’t completely possible. Minhyuk, the hopeless romantic, doubted Hoseok could provide him a forever).
25 - Lonely 
As Hoseok had to work more often as deadlines grew closer, Minhyuk saw him less and less, until eventually they’d only seen one another on the way out the door. Hoseok would collapse into bed at four in the morning, still wearing his suit, before he was back up less than two hours later, walking back out the door in the same suit he’d been wearing. Minhyuk felt his heart ache, feeling more alone than ever as he realized his husband was drifting from him ever so slowly. 
26 - Explanation  
Explaining to Jooheon why Hoseok wouldn’t be home for his birthday hurt Minhyuk more than anything. Hoseok had been so exhausted the last time they’d spoke that Minhyuk didn’t think the elder could handle hearing that their son’s birthday was the next week, so he hadn’t said anything. Hearing Jooheon softly ask, “Why can’t daddy show up for my birthday?” left the biggest crack in Minhyuk’s heart. 
27 - Birthday 
The date came as more than a shock to Hoseok, looking up at his coworker, Hyungwon, and demanding he repeat the date. He grabbed his coat then, slinging it over his shoulder, pleading with Hyungwon to make some sort of excuse for him because it was his son’s birthday, and he had no idea the first of October had even passed. When he showed up at the house empty handed, Jooheon had greeted him with a hug, insisting he didn’t care that Hoseok showed up empty handed and he was glad he could make it. (The look of surprise in Minhyuk’s eyes was beyond obvious, cake still held in his hands. If Hoseok were to lean and look into the living room, he would see the only people that had shown up were Kihyun and his boyfriend Hyunwoo, as well as Changkyun, a boy Jooheon had befriended). 
28 - Break
The thought of the two of them taking a break was never thought of in Hoseok’s mind, but now, as he sat on the couch with Minhyuk after his only day off, he found tears springing in his eyes. “We never see each other anymore, sweetheart, I feel like we’re so distant,” Minhyuk had insisted in a soft voice, sounding as though Hoseok was made of fine China that was only a moment away from shattering, “baby, it won’t last long. Just a week. Stay with Hyungwon just a week.” (Little did Minhyuk know, Hoseok really did become like fine China. The moment he walked into Hyungwon’s apartment, he burst into tears, wedding ring heavy on his finger. Little did either of them know, the ‘break’ lasted for months before they Minhyuk decided it was perhaps for the best if they didn’t stay together). 
29 - Kiss 
Their first kiss had been a shy and chaste press of lips, hands gingerly placed on hips or caressing hair. Their last was slow and heartbreaking, tears falling down their cheeks and hands at their sides. Hoseok couldn’t tell if he would’ve preferred the first to have never happened, or the last to have happened under different circumstances. (Of course, even with an aching heart and bloodshot eyes, he knew he’d never take back his first kiss with Minhyuk for anything in the world). 
30 - Home 
Nearly a year and a half after their break up, Hoseok still wore his wedding ring proudly. Nearly a year and a half after their break up, Minhyuk called Hoseok in the middle of the night, crying and begging him to come home, that he missed the elder in his arms and Jooheon had come to their bedroom every night for the past year, asking when Hoseok was coming home. Nearly a year and a half after their break up, Hoseok carried a suitcase full of clothes that didn’t smell like Minhyuk into his home, falling onto his knees to hug Jooheon close to his chest. (Later that night, Minhyuk had taken whatever new clothes Hoseok had bought for himself and worn each shirt for exactly twenty minutes, his eyes narrowed at Hoseok as he insisted the elder had to smell like him before he went to work in the morning, so that everyone knew his husband had been stupid to kick him out and that he really wasn’t available. That night, Hoseok saw Minhyuk’s wedding ring catch the light before he caught the younger’s eyes, watching him flush as he admitted he never took the ring off, and he doesn’t remember wearing his own shirt once since Hoseok left home. He later tossed a few of Hoseok’s shirts at the older, demanding he put them on because “they just don’t smell like you anymore.” Hoseok went to sleep that night truly at home, with his husband and son wrapped tightly in his arms). 
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Learning to Love Pt3
Warning:There’s mention of past abuse, a bit of cursing (I think) 
Why so far? It's a good thing that I packed extra clothes.' "Okay, and where exactly are these 'boys'?" I look around the room, seeing nothing but decorations, Bobby and I.
"We're here" I hear a slightly gruff voice speak out as footsteps fall down the stairs. I stand up to greet the two men who are revealed from the stairway. I walk up to the shorter one and hold my hand out to him. He stood, leaning slightly to the taller man, as if he was ready to protect him if anything happened. He was dressed in a brown button up with a black shirt underneath, dark blue jeans and worn out steel toe boots. Gripping his hand I give a firm shake. "Dean Winchester." He states his name. "Dean Winchester. Has a brother named Sam Winchester, I'm guessing that's you, Mother's name is Mary Winchester, Father is John Winchester. Mother died when you were just a young child, Sam was a infant at the time. Your father took on hunting jobs, left you to take charge of your baby brother. Your father is after the thing that killed your mother. I sincerely apologize. You followed your fathers orders, but dear ol' Sam here, he wanted a normal life, a job as a lawyer, a wife and children. But your father didn't think it was possible after the incident. You both are hunting down your father, who you want to help." I deduct.
They had different reactions. Dean was slightly angered, Sam was shocked.
"Where did you learn that?" Dean pushed the question out at me.
"There was no learning involved. Just a simple deduction, and a few bits and pieces from the other hunters 'round here."
Dean just looked at me and then to Bobby. I narrow my eyes as no words were discussed but I see Bobby nod at them.
"Well now that you know our names, tell us yours." Sam demands. Before I can get a word in, Bobby cuts me off. "(Y/n). (Y/n) (L/n).  Jody sent her down here to help out in Kansas. She'll be accompanying you on your trip, and helping you with the hunt." Bobby informs.
~~~~~~~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~~~~~~~~~
We were on our way to Kansas, I was sitting in the backseat as Sam was in the passenger and Dean was driving his 'baby'.  Looking out the window, I watch as the scenery passed by. Without meaning to, I drift off into my mind palace.
It was a nice, joyful day. Today was (Y/n)'s birthday, her family was over for the big feast they were upholding in their backyard. (Y/n) was a beautiful lady in her early teens, just turning 15 to be precise. She had a full head of  (Y/h/c) and beautiful (Y/e/c). She was hand taught in an assortment of hand-to-hand combat fighting, and she knows how to wield most weapons. (Y/n) was staring thoughtfully at the crystal clear blue sky ahead. "(Y/n)! (Y/n)!" Hearing her little brother yell out her name, she panics. She turns in a full 360 degrees until she spots him over by the festival decorated table, holding all sorts of foods and desserts. (Y/n) breathes a sigh of relief, as her brother giggle childishly. "(Y/n)! Why are you all the way over there? C'om on! Have some fun!" Jake's puppy eyes and pout made it very hard for her to resist. "Alright, fine Jakey. I'm coming." She chuckles. "Don't call me Jakey!!" Jake pouts angrily. "Okay, fine. Whatever you say, Oh wise Jakey~" She had teased one last time. "Anyway, what did you want, Jake? Did you miss me already?" (Y/n) smiles fondly as Jake dug the toe of his shoes on the ground while muttering under his breath, "Yeah, I was..." She grabbed Jake's hand and leads him to their slide that was closer to the fence now. Jake and (Y/n) climb up the stairs and settle down, Jake was in front of (Y/n), her legs carefully holding him in place. There was a gust of wind as they came to a stop at the end of the slightly burning slide. Jake got up and ran to their mom, who had just came out of the kitchen's back slide door. She was dressed in a yellow blouse and a dark teal colored pants. She was carrying a plate slider of chicken wings and in the other was a party plate of vegetables. The mom laughed joyfully as Jacob raced around her, repeating the words; 'The food is done!, The food is done!'.
(Y/n) was torn from her thoughts as Dean pulled into the gas station's parking lot. Getting out of the Impala, she takes her wallet and heads inside the store. A bell rang above her, as she stepped into the air conditioned building. Nodding at the clerk, she walks up and down the isles. Stopping in the candy section, (Y/N) pauses as her hand lands on a package of gummy bears. She remembers how her brother loved them.
Alex and Jake were walking around the store, Jake was tugging on Alex's arm.
"(Y/n)! Can we please get gummy bears?! Please?" Jake bugs (Y/n) as she grabbed the milk from the cool shelf. Laughing, (Y/n) lets Jake pull her to the isle with his beloved bears."Go ahead Jakey. I'll let you get two this time, but, you have to eat your vegetables tonight." (Y/n) sends a pointed look to Jake. Jake just grins up at her. "Okay! I promise!" Jake holds his pinky out to (Y/n) as she hooks them together.
(Y/n) smiles at the memory, wishing she could experience it once again.  She placed the bears into her cart, reaching out to grab an item, her hand comes in contact with a lollipop. The kind her mother liked. (Y/n) smiles and continues with gathering the snacks. Paying for the items, (Y/n) walks back to the car, placing said items in the seat.  Climbing in, she waits for Dean to start up. Sam turns in his seat and asks, "How long have you been in the business? I-I mean, when did you, y'know, started hunting?" The curiosity was eating at both of the brothers. "I started when I was 13. I hadn't much of a choice then. It just...came to me I guess." When I finished I looked out the window. The sun was sitting on the horizon, a warm breeze drifting through my (H/l).
(Y/n) and Jake were walking back home on a warm, yet windy day. Jake was skipping slightly and (Y/n)was swinging their combined hands beside them. The siblings both had wide smiles and laughter bubbling out of them as Jake told another joke. Rounding the corner to their house, they stopped fully. Fear rose in (Y/n)'s mind, her grip tightening. Ever since their mother died, the father that they knew died alongside her. He started drinking and hitting on the youngest, (Y/n) always interceded his actions. Taking the hits for her baby brother. Today, they were lucky he let them go do whatever, though, (Y/n) knew she'll be paying for it. Kneeling down beside Jake, (Y/n)cupped his face in her hands, tears were sitting in her eyes. "I love you Jakey. So, so much." (Y/n) sniffed. Jakey gave her a wide smile, repeating, "I love you too sissy!" Jake kissed her cheek and gave her a big hug. (Y/n) wrapped her arms around Jake, slightly rocking them back and forth. 'I'll never let him get to you. I want you to stay innocent and pure. I love you Jake.'
Stopping on route 66, they pull over into the parking lot of the motel they would be staying at. They stopped in Salina. Tomorrow they would be heading to Wichita.
They sign into the front desk and head to the room while Dean and Sam started to research more on the monster they were hunting.  Momentarily forgetting that she had left her car at Bobby's. Calling Jody up, she asks her to send it down to the sunset motel in Wichita. Ending the call with a curt thanks, (Y/n) gathers the items to take a shower.
Stepping out of the steam filled room, she dries her hair and gets dressed in sweats and a black tank top. Munching on a chimichanga. Once she was done, she threw the wrapper away and brushed her teeth. With minty fresh breath, (Y/n) laid down and scrolled through her accounts. Seeing that Deviantart had a new L reader insert, she clicked and began reading.
Not realizing it, (Y/n) drifted off.
"I am so TIRED of you doing this, everyday nonstop. You WILL learn to obey!" (Y/n) was drug by her hair and into the living room. Her brother was in his room, distracted by the T.V. 'It's better that way' (Y/n) thinks. Throwing her on the floor, Lavode, their dad, stalked to the closet and pulled out his studded belt.  Whipping her across her back (Y/n) cried out once, but bit her tongue to keep quiet.
(Y/n) woke up with a start, sweat dripping down her face. Her sheets were anew. She got up and heads over to the bathroom, splashing her face with cold water, she convinces herself that it was just a dream. Going back to bed, she fixes the sheets and lays back down, trying to fall asleep. An hour later, she's already making breakfast for the Winchesters.  Finishing up, she starts up with researching.
~~<~~~~~~~~~ Hey! Here is the third part of my Cas X Reader, it’s definitely longer then my other ones, I would continue with more but I was starting to have a writer's block. Have a good day/night! Give a like, comment or don't do anything at all!
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askharryhook · 7 years
Kiss The Girl [One-Shot]
@severelydelightfulpotterhead​ asked:  I don't know how prompts work but can you write some Huma fluff? Maybe an adaptation of the Kiss The Girl scene? Thank you in advance.
Ooc: I’m not GREAT at fluff so I hope this is fluffy enough! 
The night was calm, the moon full and the stars so bright the black sky was tinged with blue. The promise of fall lingered on the air, chilly as it bounced off the gentle sea, though not cold like it soon would be. It was nearly school time for both Auradon Prep and the Isle, and the Isle kids had all spent the past two days on the docks, fighting and wrestling over the shipment of last year’s used notebooks and broken pencils.
Thanks to their recent territory expansion, Uma’s pirate crew now controlled the entire dock, and thus almost the entire supply. There were boxes of the best stationary they could get their hands (and hook) on below deck on the Lost Revenge, enough for every member of the crew, plus a large sack of coins tied up at the captain’s waist.
To celebrate, Uma and Harry had bought a ‘feast’ of the freshest fried fish and chips from Ursula’s chip shop, and they all sat gathered on the deck, devouring the best meal they’d been able to afford in a long time.
Harry let out a long sigh as he flopped back onto his leather jacket, laid out on the creaky wooden boards like a blanket, his stomach so full it hurt to move. Uma sat next to him munching happily on a thick fry,
“You already done?”
“If I eat any more I may just turn into a fish meself. Maybe even a squid.” He grinned teasingly, earning him an elbow to the ribs and a playful glare. Harry pouted, dramatically pretending to be hurt.
“Looks like everyone is going to be well fed tonight.” She changed the subject, looking around the ship as everyone was growing close to finishing their meals.
“Aye. And thanks to you they’ll be prepared for school too.” Harry toyed idly with the end of one of her turquoise braids until she laid down beside him, arms crossed behind her head,
They laid in silence like that for a moment, starting up at the stars. Harry remembered learning how to navigate as a child with his father, and reached up with his hook to trace the constellations.
“SAILS! North!” The sudden shout from Gil in the crowsnest startled them, but his giant bumbly grin said there was no cause for alarm.
Harry scrambled to his feet anyway, leaning over the railing to peer out onto the dark ocean. Sure enough, pulling out of the Auradon Bay was a giant, obnoxiously bright yacht (no sails, but Gil wasn’t the brightest. He saw a ship and shouted and Harry wouldn’t fault him for that).
“Prep kids?” Uma asked boredly, watching the yacht inch closer through a spyglass.
“Aye, must be.” Harry sighed. The kids from Auradon Prep (king Ben specifically) often took a yacht or a boat out in front of the Isle to party on. They might as well come inside the barrier and slap all the Isle kids with their expensive gloves. The thought made Harry’s hand clench around the railing so tightly his knuckles turned bright white.
Lost in his slightly murderous thoughts, he jumped when he felt Uma’s finger under his chin, her signal that she’s waiting for him to speak,
“Sorry Captain.”
“Look.” Uma sneered, startling him further as she shoved the spyglass into his hands. Raising it to his eye, Harry took a moment to find the yacht, only to glimpse what his beloved captain was so distressed about. A grand staircase led from the main cabin down to the deck, which was being used as a dance-floor by a crowd of blurry teenagers. At the top of the staircase though, a girl in a distinctly familiar shade of purple hugged the king, staring up at him with what could only be puppy-love eyes. Harry felt his full stomach turn at the sigh.
“Dragon breath.” He spat, bristling as he gave the spyglass back.
“Of course Mal would join in when they’re rubbing their privilege in our faces. It fits perfectly with her M.O.” Uma growled.
“What I would give for them to come a teeny bit closer just so we could unload our cannons on them.” This had become a routine. Everytime Mal came on one of the Isle’s two tv channels, Harry would spend the next hour or so indulging Uma in her justified hatred of her vile bully.
They stopped their discourse though, when a strange vibration disturbed the air, unsettling the crew. It sounded vaguely of music, but warped, like they were underwater.
“Do they really need to play music that loudly?” Uma scoffed, tapping Harry’s elbow so he’d follow her down to the main deck. As soon as their boots hit the boards, though. The upbeat music shifted to a familiar lilting tone.
The yacht was coming in close enough now that they could see the people on board, and Mal had stepped down the stairs, allowing a girl much younger than Ben to take her place in the spotlight. She wore a sea-green dress and had distinct red hair. Harry squinted,
“Ariel’s daughter?”
“Must be.” Uma scoffed, not bothering to watch. She only stopped walking when the music became clear, several of their crew members picking up the tune with their own humming.
“Stop it!” Uma snapped, immediately recognizing Ariel and Prince Eric’s love song, “My mother would have your heads if she heard you.”
Most of the crew paused in their singing at her tone. Only one voice continued the song, seemingly unaware of the frightened tension of the ship.
“Gil! Get down here!” Harry shouted, slightly worried at the angry twinkle in Uma’s eyes. Perhaps it was the sudden, unexpected proximity to Mal, but Uma never looked at Gil that way unless he’d called her ‘Shrimpy’.
The yacht was close enough now to see all the Auradon kids in pairs, slow dancing with their arms around each other.
Gil climbed down the rigging slowly, looking around at his crewmates for help. All of them were looking terrified at Uma or sadly out at the yacht. Harry followed their gazes, feeling the pang of their longing. What kind of first mate would he be if he let them suffer?
“Uma…” He whispered, daring to step close enough that their bodies touched, “Let them have their fun for one night?”
Uma glared up at him for a moment, though she didn’t make to move. She was silent, but she stared hard into his eyes like she always did when she was thinking.
Harry grinned, slapping Gil on the shoulder as he joined them, “Go nuts!”
The crew cheered around them, quickly falling back into the song with the help of Gil. Uma elected not to join them, heading to her cabin instead. Harry followed; she was a member of the crew after all. It was his job to make her happy too.
Making sure he shut the door behind him, Harry put on his classic smirk. The music from the Auradon yacht and their crew above cause the cabin to vibrate and echo with the tune.
“What are you doing?” Uma quirked an eyebrow. Harry sauntered up to her, pulling her into a hug. She tensed slightly, as she always did in his hugs. But they were alone, away from judgement, and eventually wrapped her arms around him too.
The music grew louder and clearer around them, and Harry began to rock their bodies to the tune. Uma let out a snort, but complied, moving her arms to rest around his neck.
“Don’t you dare tell anyone about this.” She muttered, not meeting his eyes.
“Lips are sealed, m’lady.” She glared at him for that, but he didn’t move away. Instead he pulled a hand down from his neck with his hook, holding her arm out as if they were going to really waltz.
Uma rolled her eyes, but Harry was close enough to see the blush creep into her cheeks and ears. His own face felt on fire, and he guessed he’d look the same. Their intimacy was always aggressive and needy, never slow like this. Harry rested his forehead against her and closed his eyes, letting the music completely take over his body.
Their crewmates had begun to sing, the words muffled but soaking into them nonetheless. Harry released her into a spin, bowing low to kiss her hand.
Kiss the girl
They sang above, and Harry felt a giddy jolt and the idea strike his chest.
You’re gonna miss the girl
Uma pulled him closer, placing her hand on the back of his neck.
Looks like the boy’s too shy aint gonna kiss the girl
Uma smirked, “You heard ‘em…”
Go on and kiss the girl
Harry leaned in slowly, placing a hesitant, unsure kiss to her lips. She tasted of the sea and, when he finally could pull away, adrenaline crashed around in him like the tide.
“About time.” Uma chuckled quirked an eyebrow. The music shifted back to upbeat but Harry found he could not move. Couldn’t even speak.
They flirted all the time, but Harry never considered his feeling for his captain to be genuine. Was this love? That was the only explanation for the buzz of magic in the air.
“Harry?” She touched his chin.
“I…l-lo-” He couldn’t get it out. That word….that FEELING was bad. It ruined lives. It kille.
Uma smiled. Not her usual smirk, but a rare, bashful smile that reached her beautiful dark eyes,
“I know.”
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shintorikhazumi · 7 years
LWA Phone Snippet #3 : "Where's my noodle cup?"
Snippet #3 : “Where’s my noodle cup?” First of all, @akilice hope you don’t mind me using your family AU for this snippet? Now, first time writing Charoix in my ENTIRE stay at lwa fandom. So I might not get it right. Meh, I’ll try.
“Noodles, noodles, noodles~ Genius Croix wants noodles, wants noodles, wants noodles! Genius Croix wants noodles to secretlyfeedittoherdaughter,againstherbelovedwife'swishes, AK-KO!”
The tune of “Mary had a little lamb” parodied into the worst one yet had resounded within the Meridies home as a middle-aged woman came home from work, in search of her guilty pleasures.
Reaching her paradise isle, A.K.A the kitchen, Croix reached for her private ramen cabinet where her favorite noodle cup in which she ate noodles on special occasions, was located.
“I’m back for you, my sweet, salty darling~” Croix sang, opening the holy wooden doors before screeching in pure despair. “Kyaaaaaaaaa!”
The sound was so ear-splitting, and it could even shake up their whole house, that Chariot panicked, coming into the room, having just woken up from a long nap that afternoon, not noticing Croix coming home.
She had a long day, she didn’t need any more negative additions.
“Croix? Honey, what’s wrong?!” She got into an odd fighting stance, groggy and trying to shake the sleep from her system. Maybe their was an intruder, a burglar.
At the sight of her homely wife, Croix immediately burst into tears. “Chaaarriiioooottttt…” She whined, holding her arms out like a child needing to be carried.
Chariot relaxed a bit, seeing no other presence aside from her wife’s, and the open noodle cabinet, piecing it together as Croix running out of her stash again.
She sighed, running a hand through her luscious locks before taking her baby wife into her arms.
“What’s wrong this time, dear?” She cooed, running her hands through the shorter hair. “Run out, again?” She asked, kissing the crown of the purplette’s head.
At the shaking of the head, the former performer felt confused. Usually, these pathetic whines pointed to no ramen, and Chariot had long before associated these events with one another. “What- then… Why are you crying?” She asked skeptically.
“oodle… Up… Dle… p” Croix murmured, still sobbing.
“What? Say it clearly!”
Croix immediately felt nervous, cold sweat running down her brow at Chariot’s blank stare. She may or may not have gotten herself into trouble.
“Baby? Are you… Are you ok?” She tried, fearful.
Her wife continued to stare at her blankly, before wearing the gentlest of smiles.
“Char-bear?” The name came out in a squeak, Croix visibly shrinking. “Mama Ursula~”
“Your noodle cup…” Chariot finally spoke, Croix perking up straightaway, nodding like a puppy.
“Th-that’s right! My precious, beloved noodle cup-” She tried getting Chariot on her side, but was cut off.
“I. Don’t. Care.” The redhead smiled so sickeningly sweet, Croix felt doomed. “Personally, I think it’s a good omen.”
The absolute, genuine cheer on Chariot’s face scared the modern woman, who could only nod sorrowfully.
“I’m going back to bed. I ordered Chinese because I’m tired.”
Then the room door clicked shut.
“But Babbyyyyyy… Noodles…”
Later that night, Croix cried again, but this time it was out of pure joy.
Her precious Angel of a daughter…
Her other baby, Akko, age five, had somehow managed to accidentally break Croix’s special noodle cup, but with her tiny bits of saving allowance, bought a brand new one with her mama’s favorite brand printed on it just this afternoon, accompanied by ‘Auntie Marjie’ (Marjolaine) who had found the little brown poppet wandering the town streets alone.
Ursula had scolded the girl, but then showered her with kisses for coming home safely.
Also, Akko bought her Momma chocolate and flowers. (Bribery, possibly)
They had the best little angel in the universe.
A/N: You should know I had to sing it in my head to get the timing right. I SUCK AT CHARIOX, OKAY?!?! I’M SORRY.
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The Meet Cute
Meet Cute: Fact or Fiction?
If you’ve seen any romantic comedy*, then you are at least somewhat familiar with the so-called “meet cute,” that serendipitous, seemingly random, typically adorable occurrence in which two individuals meet each other and instantly connect.  In movies, it often involves some level of clumsiness at a time when neither party is actively looking to fall in love, but fate demands they come together.  Sometimes what starts out as dislike turns to understanding and affection when one individual gets to see the softer side of the other.  I love a movie meet cute, the kind that makes your heart swell and convinces you for a brief moment that if you go to enough farmers markets or record stores, you too can literally run face-first into your soul mate.  It’s organic and effortless and the two participants are good looking and it seems simple enough.
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But the question facing us today is whether the meet cute is just a sweet-sounding device of romantic fiction, or if it’s actually plausible in today’s largely digital dating scene.  Is it really possible to meet someone when you’re simply going about your business and not necessarily looking to find love?  Or, forget love, is it possible to just get a date this way?  And...why am I so desperate to meet cute?
But Everyone Says It’s Impossible
I’ve run this idea of the modern-day meet cute by numerous people, both single and in relationships, of varying ages, and the consensus is bleak: no, they say, the meet cute is a myth in this day and age, it will never happen.  All agree that it’s a nice idea, but it’s simply not feasible.  For the most part, people seem to believe that dating apps have replaced almost every other method of meeting people, and that singles are so focused on swiping or on hooking up that the necessary ingredients for a chance meeting simply do not exist.  Even my therapist told me that it’s no longer possible to meet someone out and about--it just doesn’t happen anymore.
I’m not completely satisfied with this answer.  Is it possible that we’re simply not aware enough of what is going on around us to pick up on signals from potential cute meeters (someone help me with the grammar here)?  When I leave my house, I’m almost always in workout clothes with little to no makeup and dirty hair.  I have headphones in, my phone is glued to my hand, and the fact that I’ve left the house most likely means that I’m hoofing it somewhere and don’t have time to stop and pet the puppies in Rittenhouse Square Park.  I suppose my look would not be categorized as “approachable” and if someone were to approach me I wouldn’t hear them over My Favorite Murder playing in my earbuds.  If someone were to look past my disheveled appearance and the fact that I’m walking at an olympic-level pace and actually want to spark a conversation, there is almost no chance that I’d notice.  And if I did, my cynicism from years of dealing with gross guys would probably deal the final blow.  Perhaps I’m diminishing my own chances of experiencing the elusive meet cute.
Testimony on Behalf of the Meet Cute
In writing this, I am reminded of two real-life stories about girls I know meeting their now-husbands in very romantic serendipitous ways (names have been changed to preserve anonymity).  First, the story of Amy, an extremely accomplished doctor living in Philadelphia.  Amy had left Philly to do her residency, where she began a serious relationship with a fellow doctor, but when residency was over, she realized this guy wasn’t worth staying for, so she ended it and moved back home.  Being the badass that she is, Amy bought her own house in Passyunk and lived there happily with her dog, content to be single again after a trying relationship in which she felt she had lost herself.  One day, Amy was walking her dog and, in the middle of a crosswalk, a man going the opposite way stopped to pet him.  Amy was struck by how cute this man was and how good he was with her cantankerous dog, so, in an act that Amy describes as completely unlike her, she asked the man if he wanted to walk with her to the dog park.  The man, who is very shy and unassuming, was somewhat gobsmacked by her offer and agreed.  After talking for a while and exchanging numbers, the two began dating, fell in love, and got married.  They share a beautiful daughter and a beautiful life and I’ve yet to meet two people more perfect for each other.  
The second story is about Bella, a twenty-something Philadelphian who had been rather unlucky in love.  Despite her best efforts, she seemed to keep picking guys who turned out overly possessive and sometimes a little scary.  Given this past, Bella was not desperate to meet someone and she was happy to take a girls-only trip down the shore to Sea Isle City.  One evening, Bella and her friends were at a popular Sea Isle bar for happy hour and she made eye contact with a guy.  She thought he was cute but wasn’t interested in meeting anyone, and besides, he was standing and talking closely with another girl.  After a few minutes, the guy approached Bella with a drink, clearly wanting to make conversation, but she turned him down, thinking it was extremely rude of him to hit on her while he was there with another girl.  Bella is one of those girls who can shut you down with a brief withering look, so the guy went sheepishly back to his friends, defeated.  Later that evening, a mutual friend (because it’s Sea Isle and the bars are packed mutual friends) asked Bella what the guy had said to her, to which she responded he didn’t have to say anything, she saw he was with another girl.  The friend explained that the girl was actually just his cousin, nothing more.  Bella thought for a moment about whether to apologize for shutting him down.  She bought two drinks at the bar and approached the guy with one of them, sorry for the immediate brush off.  Although it was purely a good-faith gesture, the two began talking and it turned out they had much more than their friend in common.  They got married earlier this year and are incredibly happy together.
So maybe the meet cute isn’t dead after all.
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*My Favorite Movie Meet Cutes (just a few favorites):
Bridesmaids (2011): Kristen Wiig meets Chris O’Dowd when he pulls her over for erratic driving, then tears up her ticket because he’s the sweetest Irish cop in Milwaukee.  Their paths continue to cross and his kindness strikes a chord at a difficult time in her life.
Silver Linings Playbook (2012): Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence meet at a dinner party and instantly begin to spar, seemingly despising each other.  But when the conversation turns to which psych meds they’re each taking, a deep connection is formed between them.
The Wedding Planner (2001): JLo’s Gucci heel is stuck in the road and she refuses to abandon it despite the dumpster hurtling toward her at full speed.  Matthew McConaughey pulls her to safety just in time, saving JLo and her shoe.
Sleepless in Seattle (1993): possibly the most beloved meet cute in modern film history, Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan are perfect for each other but fate seems to keep them apart, until they finally meet on the top of the Empire State Building and they just know.
Pretty Woman (1990): Julie Roberts is a sex worker with a heart of gold who gives the antiseptic, acrophobic Richard Gere directions.  Charmed by her boldness, he performs a Pygmalion-like transformation and they realize they each have exactly what the other needs. 
When Harry Met Sally (1989): the classic polar-opposites meet cute takes place when Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan drive across the country together after college, discovering immediately that they could not be more different.  But it turns out that’s exactly what makes them perfect for each other.
What’s Next
In an effort to determine whether a meet cute is actually possible, I will attempt a few things: leaving my house more, dressing like an adult, washing my hair with more frequency, and generally trying to seem like a person you might want to interact with.  It’ll be tough, but I think I can handle it.  I also want to do a little more digging on the subject and try to determine why a meet cute seems so much better than meeting someone online, a preconceived notion that I’ve had immense trouble shaking.  So stay tuned for continued ~insights~ on this topic.
As I wrote last time, I am forcing myself to try Hinge and Bumble again.  I hope to answer many questions and try to see the upside of it all, as well as share some choice interactions.  Again, if you have recommendations for other apps or tips on how to best to approach the online game, please let me know.  If there are any topics/questions you want me to address or specific things you want me to try, feel free to contact me.  Also, if you have experiences you’d like to share please send them to me!  You will remain anonymous!
Contact and follow me at:
Twitter: @thephillyphiles
IG: @phillyphiles
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