#is this bizarro world
qqueenofhades · 2 months
Time for a new generational dance craze. I feel it coming on. The Harris Waltz.
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gunstreet · 1 year
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sorry I'm not a photoshop master but would someone mind hanging this up in the SNW writers' room because I think we have all had enough
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ungoliantschilde · 3 months
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Bizarro, by Frank Quitely
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luckthebard · 1 year
Genuinely confused as to how Mercer got a reputation in the D20 fandom for being a humorless, Rules As Written Robot, inflexible and player-antagonist DM.
Like obviously this is coming from people who haven’t watched him DM on CR but where on earth did the idea emerge from in the first place
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aliendeity · 10 months
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did we. did we watch the same show you guys
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aalghul · 1 month
in the top 10 worst things about being a jason fan has to be that 99% of his fanon and canon content with friends is some variation of a rhato lineup
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bloodtreachery · 10 months
Hm. Man. All the shit about the plagarism is insane but I’m watching the Todd in the Shadows video and man. Listening to the way James Somerton talks about SS soldiers and WWII era germans puts a taste in my mouth. A bad one, notably. What the fuck.
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t4tails · 3 months
i never thought id have to say this about straight to dvd lego movies but theyre lowkey misogynist the way they write wonder woman... just constantly being like "ugh, boys! oooh, fashion!" while the guys all fight over her affections ??? she feels so nondescript. just Girl Character
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jimberlyjones · 8 months
spacelazarwolf was just so incredibly antisemitic to me and so racist to palestinians i'm in shock. have any other antizionist jews experienced this with him??? in need of advice thanks
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kent-farm · 11 months
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—Superman and Lois, “Bizarros in a Bizarro World”
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chaosinstigator · 6 months
Imma need everyone to calm the fuck down.
Didn’t Bayer, Mekies and fuckin Marko himself say just this weekend that they THEY need to provide Daniel with a better car? I haven’t heard anyone but biased commentators say a peep about him underperforming, actually the opposite!
We’re literally seeing how valuable his input is with how well Yuki is doing (that’s a quote from Mekies or Bayer I forget which one) because of Daniel’s feedback and willingness to be the test bunny for their new ideas!
I know it’s a small rumor but it tends to be blown out of proportion, I get we all have anxiety after mclaren but Daniel himself keeps saying this isn’t that so breathe yall
It would also make no sense to get rid of Daniel and all of his experience and knowledge in favor of a rookie no matter how well he performed last year like, did yall not see the Nyck situation? Why would they want to risk that again?
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bonefall · 1 year
Have you thought about collabing with the creators of Clangen?
It would be cool? But from what I know, Clangen really tries to stick close to canon, moreso than I do. They wouldn't be looking to add my clan culture expansions or spirituality overhauls.
So like, sure, if they/a mod maker approached me with an idea or request. Otherwise I'm not sure what we'd collaborate about?
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wandringaesthetic · 8 months
Of the many things I appreciate about FFVII Remake/Rebirth/Reunion (and I know this is in part because it has many of the same people working on it as the original) is that they didn't take this worshipful tone with it. This game and this setting are weird and goofy and campy. You are going to play this minigame where you ride a dolphin, you are going to play the piano to a bunch of cats if you want Tifa's limit break, you are going to fight this whackjob on a motorcycle. And you are going to like it.
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merrysithmas · 1 year
"but din never wanted to be mand'alor! lol! it's SO GOOD he's finally a side character in his own show yay! ☺️"
buddy.. youre never gonna guess how stories, plots, arcs, character development, and enticing narratives are supposed to go
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anghraine · 2 years
I'm always torn between "am I just defensive over my fave or do they truly Not Get It" when people dismiss Mrs Reynolds's testimony.
I saw a take recently that was like, eh, so he's nice to a handful of people, that makes him marginally less of an asshole in a perfectly common way—and it's like, uh, no, the servants and tenants and family of someone with that much power = a lot of people, actually, any or all of whom could be screwed over by his whims at any moment and never have been.
And the idea that rich, powerful landowners commonly conducted themselves with generosity and concern towards their servants and tenants is absurd. Of course they didn't! Darcy is really the only one of the love interests in Austen's novels with that kind of power, and one of the only characters of that stature to be treated favorably at all, and he only gets away with it because he's Not Like The Other Ones. Even Wickham says:
"It has often led him [Darcy] to be liberal and generous, to give his money freely, to display hospitality, to assist his tenants, and relieve the poor."
Wickham is covering his ass in case Darcy's sterling reputation catches up with him, obviously, but there is a reason that Darcy's reputation is so exceptional. There's a reason Elizabeth is surprised even by something so small as him keeping on a housekeeper who is elderly and not particularly "fine" in appearance.
On top of that, the idea that being dismissive towards strangers but a loving and scrupulous guardian to his dependent sister in particular = an everyday occurrence? Yeah, no. The trope of young women who are exploited, disregarded, or otherwise screwed over by their brothers was really common and reflected an all-too-frequent reality (as discussed by Wollstonecraft!). The reason that well-off male characters' treatment of their siblings and especially their sisters could function so easily as a metric of inner character is because it was so often not the reality.
Men in that rough position were supposed to look after the welfare and interests of dependent sisters, esp orphaned ones—but few could actually make them do it and typically they gained little if anything from doing so. Mrs Reynolds's assertion that Darcy would do anything for Georgiana and his marked affection for her and willingness to defend her, even to older relatives when Georgiana isn't there, forms a contrast not just to the likes of John Dashwood but ... like, honestly, to Edward Austen-Knight as well.
It's not that nobody was ever more like Darcy in this respect, but it was frankly not all that common, and the novel emphatically treats his scrupulous, affectionate care for Georgiana as exceptional and part of his shining reputation.
With regard to his other family members—we don't meet many of them, but Colonel Fitzwilliam's surprise at and mockery of Darcy's current behavior leads Charlotte to conclude that it "proved he[Darcy] was generally different, which her own knowledge of him could not have told her."
This of course foreshadows Darcy proving to be "different" when encountered later. It's not that Darcy's behavior is radically transformed from what's normal for him, but that it's radically transformed from what's normal for him with people outside his (large) circle of family, friends, and dependents. And Austen takes pains to show that he largely reverts back to "old" Darcy when he's uncomfortable. The point of this isn't that his change isn't real, but that it's not some unrealistic total transformation.
The way he treats Elizabeth and the Gardiners isn't alien to his previous characterization. There were always people (whether Fitzwilliam, Mrs Reynolds, whomever) he treated like that. The change is extending that "generally different" conduct to people of much less consequence than himself, but not so much less that he has any particular obligation towards them. He's able to clearly and immediately recognize the Gardiners' virtues, to go investigating a random plant with Mr Gardiner, to form a rapport that will become genuine love for them over the course of his relationship and marriage to Elizabeth.
And a man like Darcy not only marrying a woman with relations in trade, but loving those relations and bringing them to his home as honored guests, is again, not common. Some historians have argued that his choices would be wildly unlikely IRL.
So yeah, no, Darcy isn't just decent towards a few people in a common way, nor nice to the people in his life that anyone in his situation would be, nor is his grand change unprecedented for him and uncomplicated by external factors or only to be expected. In the social world he was created in, he would be an extraordinary person.
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cunninghamchrissie · 25 days
why are you as an amber heard defender dating someone w a johnny depp tattoo!!!!!!!
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