#is there a reason... i can't put images side by side anymore?
boowritess · 5 months
very mild 18+ simon riley x reader
lmaoo i can't breathe Simon Riley is just a man.
atleast to you.
when he's home, all he is to you is dry humor, a couple beers every night, sat in front of the tv on his spot on the couch, the game is playing - some soccor or rugby match. he doesn't wear his mask, his clothes are a simple t-shirt and some pair of shorts he just threw on.
he uses your shampoo and conditioner, as much as it pisses you off because it's expensive and for some reason he uses half the fucking bottle everytime he's home, but when he does the groceries he still comes home with '2 in 1 shampoo and conditioner' he would’ve got the '3 in 1' but the last time he did that he got no head for 3 weeks.
he'll go to the pub, take you out, pushes the trolley, holds your bag, let's you dress how you want it, belly gets a little soft because he eats food like he's never ate before, buy you anything you want even after the 'do you really need it though?' talk.
he's bit lazy on workouts only goes on the occasional run, but will fuck you whenever you want; always vanilla and only gets rough when you ask.
he will say he'll fix whatever appliance needs tending too but won't do it right away, starts the occasional handyman job at odd times.
it's just - he's so mundane and normal that you'd never know just how dangerous he is ???? like he so carefully hides that side from you. seriously. when he's home, he throws his gear in the bottom of his closet in a box, locking Ghost away and just existing as Simon.
even when the rest of the task force come around on the occasion. they're so normal and are just... men. yelling at the tv during a sport match. teasing each other. stealing snacks and helping with cleaning. they never speak about work and when you ask them, it's always a smile and shrug, "just another day really." "little boring and slow." "oh not too bad." their answers are so half-assed, that you don't even ask anymore; which is what they want.
but you really aren't missing anything. not when you don't even know what you're missing out on.
it's crazy, because he even keeps Ghost hidden when you're being harassed by men. whether that be when you're shopping or just going for a walk.
he'll loop an arm around your waist or over your shoulder, look at the guy with a grin - that's more of a sneer, "can i help you, mate?" he'll drawl. his stature and stare is enough to make the man who had been harassing you back off.
"what a freak..." you mutter with a roll of your eyes, letting Simon guide you away as he presses a kiss to your temple, a deep chuckle leaving him.
around midnight you wake up to Simon in the laundry room washing his hands. he doesn't blink or hesitate when you wonder in and wrap your arms around his waist. "what're you doing?" you mumble, sleepy eyss dropping to the sink.
Simon's hands are red, and you would be alarmed, should be alarmed. but how could you when Simon hums softly, a sound that rumbles deep from his throat, leaning down to press a kiss to the top of your head. he's so warm and casual that you don't even do a touble take seeing the blood.
"caught a rat. right pest they are. the trap i set snapped it clean in half." Simon's mutters, he raises a bloodied hand to you, sniggering when you crinkle your nose up in disgust and step away from him.
"ew, i'm going back to bed." you huff, yawning and leaving him to what he was doing.
Simon laughs softly as you head off. "just be a sec, love." he says as you go. all he receives is a yawn and a tired 'mhm'.
he cleans his hands and then his phone chimes. he pulls it out and it's a private message.
'getting rid of your pest now, LT.'
image attached
Simon opens the picture and sure enough there's the man from earlier in the boot of a car. all bloodied like Ghost left him.
Simon heads back upstairs to your shared room, you quietly snoozing away. you don't steer or wake as the closet door opens and Simon's putting his mask back in with his gear. No. Ghost is too quiet to let you wake from such a warm and sweet sleep.
he turns from the closet after putting everything away and changing clothes. he crawls into his side of the bed and wraps his arms around you. letting your body nestle back into his side. limbs tangling together.
just you and your simon.
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a/n: inspired by a tik tok video on how he is just a man lmaooo
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biteofcherry · 7 months
How would enforcer!Steve handle his girl that is a little weepy, emotional mess from her period? 🥺😭
No but the way I can burst into tears at the drop of a dime and at the most ridiculous thing when I’m on my blood fail lollll. 🫣
Okay, so I know you asked for enforcer!Steve reacting to sweet Cherry's period suffering. He would be the most doting, spoiling and caring. He probably at times would feel a little helpless, like when you cry from ice cream melting too fast, but overall he'd be quite amazing. However, my brain wanted to think more about a different Steve facing your emotional distress during period 🤷‍♀️
Which is why I bring you the dark mafia bastard versus your period tears, that no one asked for 😂 Sorry!
Touch The Darkness
dark mafia!Steve Rogers x female reader
warnings: Steve being a cocky bastard as usual; annoyingly perceptive too; some period emotional mess
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The thing Steve's face does when you suddenly burst into tears over nothing is like a tiktok on acting.
He goes from shock (his eyes widening, nose scrunching slightly) to confusion (frown marring his forehead, corners of his mouth twitching), then through a process of putting together smallest pieces of information and observation.
Finally, he sighs as his face relaxes into this neutral, ridiculously handsome state.
You almost cry from it all over again, because you really like how handsome Steve is, all the while you're still convinced that you should be hating every fiber of his being for eternity.
But since he went after you to your little hiding place and demanded to know what's wrong, you tell him. You hiss the word period and give him a murderous look that suggests he is the one responsible for all women suffering monthly bleeding and pain.
A second later you almost cry again, because Steve doesn't look shocked anymore.
Steve doesn't even cringe when he says the word period. He doesn't look bothered or disgusted by it, which you find quite annoying.
It would be so much easier if the bastard was one of those idiot males, who can't even say the word and they run away at the thought of it.
Instead, Steve tilts his head slightly to the side, scans you from head to toe and back again.
"Then why the fuck are you curled up here and not in bed?" He nods at the old armchair in the library nook, which you never before used, even when reading. It's more of a decoration than comfortable to actually sit in it.
You don't answer him, only glare and pull the two layers of blankets up to your nose.
You're not going to tell him that you love the comfort of the pristine, expensive covers on your marital bed and that while you never minded it at your previous home, you were kind off scared of bleeding on them.
Which is what started this whole thing of you storming into the library - wrapped in two blankets that trailed after you like a train. Because you were about to hide in bed, most excited to find comfort and relax in the lovely soft, clean sheets, when a flash of image of your blood staining it had you bolting out.
It's ridiculous. You never normally cared for such things. Sheets could be washed and changed.
But somehow, this time, you ended up crying and leaving the bedroom.
Steve seems to read your like an open book, despite your complete silence.
"Princess," he sighs, "I've seen plenty of blood. I've been covered in blood an brain matter of my enemies more times than you imagine. Doesn't bother me. Especially not my wife's natural reason for it."
You're about to snap at him that his sensitivities weren't your concern at all, when he continues:
"And the sheets can be changed as many times as needed. I've already ordered three more sets in that cream and gold shade you like the most."
"You know nothing," you glower, but you can feel the heat filling your face.
How the hell did he know that? It's not like you said to him anything on the topic of something so silly like finding the covers pretty and lovely. Which you do.
Steve's mouth curls into a smirk as he leans forward and braces hands on the backrest of the armchair, on both sides of your head.
"Don't think I didn't notice how you curl into a cozy burrito when the cream covers are on and that you stay a little longer in bed. And-" his face inches closer, warm breath fanning your cheek- "that you more often provoke me to have sex outside of bed, so the sheets stay clean longer."
"I do not provoke you to have sex!" You burst, but Steve only laughs as if you told the funniest joke.
Next thing you know, he's scooping you up into his arms - bundled in blankets and all. He carries you effortlessly, not caring for the few protests that you hiss at him.
He takes you to the bedroom and slowly puts you down on your feet on the floor. He rips the blankets away from you then lifts you up again, placing you in bed. On those soft, fresh smelling sheets.
"Now, you want ice cream or something salty? Or maybe an orgasm or two to help with the cramps?"
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tossawary · 4 months
I do like time travel fics for a variety of reasons. It can be fun to see a "perfect run" fix-it fic running through the canon storyline again. There is a little suspension of disbelief required for some of them, because at some point, the little changes for the better or big tragedies averted should start to mess with the world. Very good time travel fics take this Butterfly Effect into account.
It is VERY fun to think about time-traveling characters who immediately break the plot, because they fail to or don't even try to keep things on a certain track. I love seeing authors use this jumping point to explore entirely new directions for canon. It's off-roading time!!!
Some characters are happy to work within the systems of their worlds. They'll put up with the little indignities of having do to things again and are able to act their way through a redo. (And apparently have incredibly good memories, like, damn.) The cost of keeping things roughly the same is something that they're willing to pay in order to reap specific benefits at the end of the journey.
Other characters would prefer to break the systems of their worlds. They have no patience to play by someone else's rules if they have the power to do otherwise. They may think that the world is broken as it is and needs to be changed. They may be unable to let certain injustices happen again no matter the cost to their ability to predict the future. (I admit, I have a preference for this, because I think it's more interesting, and if the protagonist is a heroic figure, I like the idea that every single life is worth trying to save if you can try.)
Anyway, this is all to say that I just read the last 100 chapters of "Naruto" and apparently Naruto was the only person keeping Sasuke from following through on his unhinged and vague supervillain plans at the end there. If you sent Sasuke back into the past, let's say from a battle with Kaguya going poorly back to the Uchiha massacre or something, and he retains his adult body or any of his abilities (full Sharingan + Rinnegan)? I cannot see that Sasuke trying to give Konoha a shot again. I don't think he trusts like that anymore.
I think he would immediately 1) kill Itachi if Itachi forces him to do it and he can't convince Itachi to join his side, 2) kill Danzo and any ROOT agents who get in his way, (2.5) kill Zetsu and Madara if he can find and catch them, and also Obito if Obito forces him,) 3) kill or try to kill the Third Hokage, and potentially 4) try to declare himself the new Fifth Hokage. Winning a lot of these fights just by taking eeeeeverybody by surprise. Or something like that, you know? I think he'd at least try to immediately do some reckless revenge murder.
If time-traveling Sasuke is stuck in his child body for a redo, and can't set himself up as the new dictator of Konoha or the new shared enemy of the shinobi world or whatever, then I think that he might just run off and join Orochimaru again. I think he would make early deals with Orochimaru for the relative freedom that offers.
Like, Sasuke just does not strike me as a particularly stable person who gives a shit about maintaining a comfortable life for everyone around him. He does not care about Konoha's image. He does not want to settle complacently into a comfortable life within this corrupt state. I think he'd rather drag out the rot and set everything on fire than sit through the frustrating false civility of politics or go to school again, if he had any choice in the matter.
A time-traveling Sasuke would not behave like a time-traveling Naruto or Sakura! So, if I had to do a time-traveling Sasuke, I'd probably reach for the "break-it" rather than the "fix-it". Konoha struggles to deal with this new, mysterious, Rinnegan-wielding Uchiha who appeared out of the middle of an incomplete massacre, just killed the Hokage, and declared himself the new one, completing the Uchiha coup at the eleventh hour. (People are saying he looks like Uchiha Izuna come back to life, apparently???) Oh, shit, someone secretly go get Tsunade and Jiraiya right now, fuck.
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octuscle · 4 months
Browth Spurt
Martin, Michael and Christian were interns at promaxx, one of the fastest growing venture capitalists. promaxx specialized in biotech, and the board's dream was to find the first unicorn capable of bionically optimizing humans.
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"If they were able to do that, they hadn't done a good job on themselves," Martin whispered to Michael. He had to stifle a laugh. There were indeed a couple of rather ridiculous-looking nerds in the "growth spurt" presentation. They were talking about a combination of pills and autogenic training, which was supposed to unleash undreamt-of powers in men. There was actually a pile of CDs and a few packets of pills on the table in front of them. Images of men screaming "Alpha" from every pore flickered across the projector.
The promaxx product manager had either heard Martin or read his mind. In any case, he asked why the young men didn't look like the ones whose images had just been projected onto the wall. One of the start-up nerds, who weighed a maximum of 70 kilograms at around 200 cm tall, began to stammer that they weren't quite sure yet what the side effects on the psyche would be and that their minds were, after all, the company's greatest asset. Christian, who has always been a bit cheeky, laughed and said that this might not be a good starting point for entering the market. The product manager gave him a high five and added that he was not interested in hearing more, he was sure that everyone present could do better with their time, the meeting was over.
The start-up entrepreneurs from "growth spurt" stood there with their mouths open. They had expected everything, but not such an early termination. The product manager left the room without saying goodbye. Martin and Christian followed in his footsteps. Only Michael stayed for a moment, tried some comforting small talk and then left. The nerds packed up their things in disappointment and left the meeting room.
"Why were you still talking to the losers? "Christian asked Michael. Christian opened his jacket and took out a pack of tablets and three CDs. "That's why," he said with a grin. "We'll see what this stuff is worth now. And if it can become a unicorn, we can say we've discovered it."
That evening, the three boys lay in their beds. The tablets with a glass of water on the bedside table. The CD inserted in a player. They had all had to search a little to find something that could play this ancient media. The three of them chatted on their chatroom.
Michael: Have you already Martin: Nope Christian: Nope Michael: I've put the CD in, but I can't hear a thing. Christian: Same here. Martin: I've swallowed the pill! Michael: Okay, me too now Christian All for one, one for all! …
Christian fell into a deep sleep relatively quickly. His boner built an impressive tent in his bed. At some point during the night, he had a wet dream and blew an incredible load. And then once again. And then once more. And then he woke up.
Christian: Shit, are you awake? Christian: Shit, shit, shit! Michael: Bro, it's 05:00. A bit early for the gym. Martin: You say, weakling! I've been up for half an hour doing push-ups and squats.
Christian sits up. He burped. Must be from the pills. Like the puddle he had slept in. And that body that had torn his pyjamas to shreds. Martin sent a photo of a monstrous bicep with the comment "Then I'll see how I can get it to burn." Something was different. But Christian didn't know what…
Christian: Bros, I must have overdone it a bit, I don't fit into my clothes anymore. Michael: Same here, bros, had to train naked. Shit, my cock rubs against the floor during the push-ups and doesn't get limp at all. Martin: I was just at my brother's. His clothes fit me reasonably well. I'll pick you up and bring you something.
Christian went into the shower. His three-day beard went perfectly with his dark complexion. No need to shave today. His parents were still closing up when Michael and Martin pulled up outside the house. Christian opened the door, naked as God had made him. "You're a fucking statue, bro," Martin said as he handed him a pile of clothes. Christian posed. The light from the hall lamp cast his shadow on the early morning street. The milkman gawked. And almost had an accident.
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"So, bro! We think you should think again about the nerds from yesterday," Michael said to the promaxx product manager. He just looked at them. He didn't notice any change. The three junior managers looked impressive as always. The fact that they called him "bro" flattered him. "Sorry, big boys, but the rejection is already out."
Christian looked at his bros and asked, "Do you think what I think?" "Shit, when I see you, I always think the same thing, stud!" said Martin. He obviously wasn't wearing any underpants. And he was leaking plenty of precum. "Michael grabbed his crotch and said "Let's fuck the guys from "growth spurt". Christian grinned. "At least there's one here who hasn't fucked his brains out or swapped them for brawn."
The three of them had quite a problem getting into the Uber. The driver said that with three guys that big, he would definitely need a gas surcharge for being overweight. The three boys laughed uproariously as if it was a good joke. They liked it when people admired them. And they were indeed admirable. "Stop, Taxi-Bro," yelled Mike. They had just passed a store selling gym gear. "We need to get in there quickly," he added. "Dude, you're a lifesaver," said Chris and gave him a fist bump. Martin's brother's suits were just too tight. And you couldn't show them off. And the sun was shining. Sun's out, guns out. Their motto is college days. Hehehe, they didn't do much other than hang out in the sun on campus. They were living proof that you could build a career on good looks alone.
"Damn, don't you think you should at least cover your nipples?" asked the Uber driver. "And what the hell is so smelly here?" Martin let his pecs dance in the back seat. "Bro, don't talk, drive! In tank tops, my monster pecs are like prison!" And in the passenger seat, Mike crossed his arms behind his head in such a way that the driver almost fell into the bush in his armpit. "Stink? All I smell is man musk". Christian farted a huge protein fart. "Not only musk, bro." The three bros laughed. The driver stepped on the gas, hoping the tip would compensate for at least some of the pain this ride was causing him.
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The CEO and CFO of "growth spurt" looked helplessly at the three men, who could barely get anything past their lips apart from "dude", "bro" and "sick big muscles". The guinea pigs they had experimented with so far had also developed a powerful sex drive and tyrannized all the other reference animals. But at least they hadn't been tattooed and had smelled like a gym locker. Mike, Chris and Martin would make great advertising characters after all. Maybe they'd be able to collect equity that way. And they would need it. At least now they had three extra mouths to feed with a massive appetite for cum and protein.
Pics made @ki-kink
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atanx · 7 months
James Somerton's "A Measured Response": A Measured Response
so I watched a reupload of the video because idk i like to torture myself. and i took a bunch of notes:
“I tried to be a voice for every member of the queer community, but that was a failed endeavour before it even started.”
what a strange way to say ‘I tried making it seem like I’m the only queer creator and stole from and actively harmed people in the queer community. knowingly. purposefully. and when I was called out in the past I tried to hide it.'
“I'm a cis, white, gay man. No matter how much I try to be a good spokesperson, I can never really, truly, understand the life experiences of other, far more put upon,  members of the queer community.”
so of course I stole and hid work from the people I can't understand, gutting it of their personal experiences and refused to redirect my audience to those people so that they can enrich themselves and hear about issues pertaining them from someone who actually does understand.
“...one of the reasons I used their own words. But I should have made it clear that that was what I was doing.”
“Being a cis white man I thought I might win over some people who otherwise wouldn't listen.”
Yeah sure. Because racist transphobes are going to be watching your badly plagiarised gay film analysis.
“I would also like to apologise to Jessie Gender, who is one of the kindest people I ever met. Through my hot-headedness, I drew her into this anger spiral.”
‘through my hotheadedness.’. shirking responsibility onto an ‘ingrained personality trait of yours’ I see.
if you are so honestly sorry for being an asshole to Jessie why don't you fucking apologise to her directly? privately? not as a way to boost your own fucking image??
he's trying to earn good will by complimenting Jessie Gender “oh he knows to compliment an awesome person we have that in common I guess he can't be so bad after all” fuck you I recognise your strategies and it's gross to drag Jessie into this like that, she spoke out against you and you are trying to imply some sort of friendship or something between you. okay I cannot UNDERSTATE the way he tries to make it seem like they are close in some way and sort of drag her onto his side that's so fucking despicable. as far as I know Jessie Gender does not have a relationship with him of any kind?
once again bringing up death threats I see. obviously death threats are shite and anyone who threatens the dude in seriousness or harasses him will not see the light of heaven as Hbomberguy said but IN AN APOLOGY YOU DO NOT MAKE IT ABOUT YOU THAT'S MANIPULATION
also blaming the police for not clarifying a situation in a timely manner - the police are a flaming pile of garbage and I hope the institution explodes but NOT SAYING ANYTHING WAS YOUR CHOICE. THE POLICE DIDN'T MAKE YOU DO SHIT THERE
the problem isn't that you tried to “create a channel where all queer people could be safe”, the problem is that 1) you are a misogynist 2) you yourself engaged in transphobic behaviour and 3) you also actively supressed queer people's voices. The problem isn't that you supposedly wanted a space for all queer people, the problem is that you tried to MONOPOLISE queer literature analysis. fuck, queer doesn't look like a word anymore I've written it too many times now
(paraphrased) “I should have been helping with making queer people's voices discoverable” this makes it seem like he just didn't do anything and not like the reality that he was actively trying to rewrite history and bury LQBTQIA+ voices under his steaming pile of garbage
also BLAMING YOUTUBE AND THE ALGORITHM FOR ‘PUSHING HIM’ because he's cis and white, like maybe they did, I certainly wouldn't be surprised, but that is not why other creators suffered, a large part of that can be attributed to James Somerton stealing their work without any acknowledgement whatsoever apart maybe if they are lucky, a “based on” in the credits or their name flashing on screen for half a second.
“I should have done more to share the voices of other queer people” THAT IMPLIES YOU DID SOMETHING. YOU WERE ACTIVELY WORKING AGAINST THAT YOU STUPID PIECE OF SHIT-
“it was just my dweam to be a youtubew and when my videos gained twaction i felt pwessuwed to make mowe vewy quickly and that's why they wewe so shit uwu” fuck off you weren't pressured into shit you just wanted to make money and that's why you were a content mill
not him using Hbomberguy's example of the DEEP CUTS: SOCIETY AND QUEER HORROR video and claiming he credited all people in the opening scene when Hbomberguy highlighted he DIDNT EVEN CREDIT MOST OF THEM FUCK OFF ARE YOU DELUSIONAL HOW DO YOU THINK YOU CAN GET AWAY WITH THIS
I think I'm going insane this all seems so blatantly fake. he brings up the evil queens video and how he asked Sean Griffin, retroactively, permission to include his work in the video. and he shows a ‘screenshot’ of an email Griffin allegedly wrote to thank him for putting him in the title-card and that he thinks it is ‘a very thoughtful video’. only the text of the email header, such as Griffin's name, the RE:, and the To: is a lot smaller than the ‘text’ in the email, which leads me to believe that the below text is edited in some way. And with how hard James is trying to rewrite history, it wouldn't surprise me if he literally rewrote the email or cut things out to present himself in a more positive light. obviously I can't prove that the email is fake but I'll just say that I think the likelihood is very high that it is.
the way he says this also implies that he asked for permission after he made the video but hadn't published it yet. which is also blatantly false.
again trying to waltz off responsibility on nick, saying he was much more interested in production and implying that nick did all the writing .
“nick and I had both grown up poor so when I lost my job in 2021 (approx.) we of course were desperate and turned to producing videos even quicker and plagiarising the fuck out of all of them! but we can't help it we were both poor as kids!” fuck off, you weren't poor when plagiarising every-fucking-thing, this was in “the second year of COVID”. obviously if they really did grow up poor that sucks, and that's why we should eat the rich and redistribute their money. not plagiarise people who partly are poor or not financially cushy and manipulate thousands of people into believing you are the only queer creator.
also milking his mom's cancer. if you were really that worried about your financial situation, one would think that you would get an actual job for security and not put everything into your youtube career that is unstable, especially considering you've already done a lot of plagiarism and have no intention of stopping. “oh I plagiarised because my mom had cancer QAQ” that is so digusting to use a person's medical condition like that.
“i have memory issues because of a head injury i suffered as a child and that's why I plagiarise badly. see, I copy pasted the text with the intention to rephrase it later but forgot.” that would still be fucking plagiarism if he'd done that, also, if he's so aware of his memory issues and how they lead to him plagiarising, why didn't he try to work around that? leave himself notes? or tell nick to remind him to integrate actual proper credit and citations before uploading a video? mark the plagiarised stuff in the document with like highlighter or so when you're pasting it in?? oh but he didn't do all of that because he has ADHD. now, ADHD can be debilitating, but he says it's recently diagnosed so it must not have caused a lot of problems for him so far, so it's probably not severe and even if it is, it doesn't excuse him not crediting people properly. stop fucking hiding behind things ‘you can’t change' because if you truly can't you probably shouldn't be doing this in the first place.
“my mom really wanted me to make a movie with her life insurance but that wasn't paid out so I decided to crowdfund it. i planned to underpay the actors so hard it was under union wages. we got more money than we were expecting and upgraded to wanting to film a feature (final girl) but i didn't want to start working on it until the campaign was over for some reason that totally isn't me just wanting to exploit people for money!”
I'm not gonna go into the Telos stuff but he tries to explain it by claiming it was very unorganised and that's why they constantly ran into issues and that's why nothing ever got done and they were JUST about to start doing stuff when the Hbomberguy video released. You know what, I can believe it, although I am very doubtful considering all James ever does is lie. Idk. 
once again trying to excuse his plagiarism with needing to pay two rents and thus needing to make more videos for more sponsors and not having the time to not plagiarise like please. i don't believe that they were in that dire need of money and if they were - just get a fucking stable job and put youtube on the backburner. 
also once again trying to make it all about him by once again talking about his suicide attempt and death threats. like. no one should suffer through that kind of mental anguish but honestly I cannot bring myself to feel sympathy for this man. and i see this as an attempt to gather pity points.
“nick worked very hard on these videos other three years and it's unfair to [them] (james says that they're non-binary but doesn't indicate their pronouns anywhere? and in the beginning he uses they/them but later only he/him so idk what their pronouns are but it seems like they/them is at least part of their pronouns so i'm just going to use that) that they all got taken down” well y'all shouldn't have fucking plagiarised then. let this be a lesson maybe and don't fucking show your face on youtube again!
he is fucking relaunching his channel. like james. this isn't something you come back from. no one will ever be able to trust you ever again and you don't deserve an audience. he claims all the revenue will go to Hbomberguy's fund but we have no way to verify this. we have no way to know just how much he makes and how much of that is actually going to the fund. i don't trust him with any money. which is why i watched a reupload rather than the original. he's also releasing a new video he claims is entirely by him. like?????? don't???????
he also might not relaunch his existing patreon but he's still making a new one.
he claims he will “work his ass off” to make non-plagiarised videos. like that isn't “working your ass off” that's the bare fucking minimum. I really want to trust him. and I want to believe he'll actually try to do better. and maybe he will. and i believe in second chances, even for someone as despicable as him. but throughout this video he has continuously tried to play down what he did. tried to make excuses for everything. and that's why i am not going to give him a second chance. if he can't even admit what he did i don't trust him to not do it again. and i also just plainly don't want to endorse a person making such arguments.
also, he plugs his fucking new patreon right after this.
“this video is not about me promoting myself. it's about me apologising.” the only fucking person you actually ‘apologised’ to is Jessie Gender. 
James Somerton: makes a billion fucking excuses. Also James Somerton: “These are not excuses. There is no excuse for what I did.”
this entire video was just a publicity stunt. he tries to humanise himself and repair his image. this is just a tool to be able to continue on and continue making money.
he also still claims the disney video was based on the Celluloid Closet and he credited the author and ignores that this wasn't the only author he fucking plagiarised in that video. he is trying to reduce his plagiarsm to incorrect crediting and mistakes and that is disgusting.
the least he could have done was mention by name out loud every author he plagiarised and what work he plagiarised. not just say “uuuh i'm sorry to everyone I plagiarised QAQ”
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cheekinpermission · 6 months
I wanna talk about the scene in the museum with Azul...
During Ch. 38 of Book 3, Azul and Yuu have a short conversation post-overblot in the underwater museum place. I always felt that this bit of dialogue was weirdly charged? The whole scene felt very intimate to me (and the soft music in the background doesn't help lmao), but I never knew WHY since nothing said was inherently romantic.
So, I went back and re-read through every post-overblot and realized that Azul is the only who who has a one-on-one conversation with Yuu after their overblot??
It's rare enough to have one-on-one conversations between Yuu and another character, but then Azul goes a step further. He's the only one to open up to Yuu about his problems:
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Some of the other overblot boys talk about their problems, but not to Yuu specifically. It's more of a declaration than confiding in someone, you know? (E.g. Riddle talking about how he prefers milk tea even though the rules stipulate lemon tea)
We, the players, are shown flashbacks of the overblot boys to explain how they reached this point but I can't recall if Yuu is privy to this information as well. (It's theoretically possible since Yuu already has visions / dreams of the Great Seven, but no one ever mentions it so who knows. I'm personally on the side of Yuu NOT knowing because it feels a bit invasive that they'd have this knowledge of people who weren't ready to share it.)
Regardless of whether Yuu can or cannot see those flashbacks, Azul is the only one to willingly talk about his motivations to Yuu. For Azul, this is especially important as he's so protective of his image as a clever and upstanding housewarden, and yet here he openly admits to Yuu that he was a bit of a loser as a kid (his words not mine!).
I guess you could argue that he felt there was no reason to hide it anymore since Yuu already saw him as a chubby octopus baby, but he didn't have to talk about it at all if he didn't want to. But he did. On his own. With no prompting. (Really, though. Yuu can either say they want to make sure he puts the photo back or that they're worried about him, and either way he drops his lore on them lol) And then Yuu tries to help him feel better??
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To my knowledge, Yuu doesn't do this with any of the other overblot boys, either. I could have missed it during my research, but if they did it wasn't nearly to the same extent as with Azul.
I still don't know why Azul felt like opening up to Yuu. He didn't have to, but maybe he wanted to? Maybe he wanted to try his hand at being genuine for once and felt Yuu was the least intimidating person to do it with (the magicless human that they are). Who knows? I wish there were more scenes like this. It makes Yuu feel more included in the story. I also think it shows a lot of growth on Azul's end to open up about his problems to Yuu of his own volition.
I'm not sure what I wanted to say with this post, only that I wanted to get my thoughts out there about this scene because it always stood out to me. I felt there was always an undercurrent of something and I think it's because this was the only post-overblot private conversation we got with Yuu and an overblot boy, plus the added encouragement from Yuu at the end.
I'm curious to know if anyone felt the same way about this scene or if I'm just imagining things. I'm also interested in hearing any theories why Azul suddenly felt the urge to open up to Yuu, if you've got them!
Thanks for enduring my rambling!
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Azul's so funny for trying to play it off all cool like he isn't doing flips and princess twirls in his head rn. Yuu laid it on THICK. We all know he's freaking out internally.
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belladonnadawn · 11 days
All For You
Isaac is willing to do anything and everything just to keep you by his side. Yandere!Isaac x Reader Content Warning: Mentions of violence, obsessive behavior, and yandere tendencies. Please, if you're not comfortable with the theme, dni.
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“I'm sorry for your loss, Isaac–”
“I don't know him,” He interjected.
You don't know if it's his fear of being vulnerable towards you or if he truly has no connections towards the man who just met his demise in a brutal manner; and you don't want to ask.
“The only reason why I'm bothered is because of the reason why he was killed. He knew something that he shouldn't and that's enough for them to end his life.”
It was a reminder that he never fails to put in your mind. You nod, understanding where he's coming from and his warnings. After all, he has been in this line of work for years now and in his eyes, you're still a student, new to this world.
Contemplative silence filled the room as if both of you were waiting for one of you to speak. Isaac straightens his posture, looking at you he breaks the silence, “That's why I decided to remove you from the Villega case.”
You felt as if the air in your lungs got knocked out. Shock filled your body at the sudden revelation. It was the first time that Isaac removed you from a case– most importantly, to a case that you're close to ending.
“What? Isaac, I know that you care, but I don't think that this is the right course of action.”
“This is for you, (Y/N). All I want is to keep you safe from harm.”
An unamused laugh escaped your lips, “Isaac, it was just about a daughter trying to expose his father's affair for her inheritance.”
There's a calculated look in his eyes that you witness every time he handles cases. It was cold, sharp, and precise. And for you to witness it felt as if the ground was swallowing you whole.
“If the daughter can go through such lengths to expose his father, imagine the lengths that her father would go through just to keep his secret. Take this opportunity to take a break and study. I'll inform you once I find a case that is fitting for you,” His voice unwavering as he talked to you. At that point you knew that you can't persuade him anymore.
Defeated, you sighed and left his study.
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The bold letters flashed along with a loud beep that echoed in the room. Your eyebrows furrowed, trying to rethink the code again, doing it slowly and surely– but you were still met with the same words and the same sound. With determination, you tried to do it again, and again, and aga–
“What are you doing?” A loud authoritative voice filled the room.
Startled, you turned to him, a small sigh escaped your lips as you faced Isaac. “You scared me. You shouldn't jump out of nowhere, you know?” You let out an awkward chuckle in an attempt to lighten the mood, but he only stared at you.
“You didn't answer my question,” Isaac walked towards you with furrowed brows.
“I just want to take a little stroll outside. Get some fresh air.”
Isaac doesn't seem to be pleased with that answer. He walked towards you with such demeanor, “If there's nothing important to do out there, then don't go. Whatever you want or need, I can ask someone to fetch it,” He closed the gap between you two, his cold hand caressing your cheek.
“Don't waste your time on nonsense. Just stay,” His voice gentle as he looked at you, his eyes determined as he pulled you closer; not wanting to let go.
“But I thought we agreed that I can go outside…”
He sighed, holding your hand. “Can I confess something?” His eyes filled with vulnerability, a sight reserved for you. “I am scared after seeing that man's mutilated body. Every night, I am haunted by those images thinking ‘what if it's you instead?’”
Isaac's grip tightened, “I only have you and I don't know what I would do if I lost you. So stay, please?”
You wanted to protest, make an excuse just to see the world yourself. But how can you reject a man who only wanted your safety and your company? Especially when he saved you from the life that put you on the brink of death.
With a soft reassuring smile, you nodded. “I understand, I'm sorry, Isaac. I didn't mean to worry you.”
Intertwining your hands with his, he gently kissed your knuckles, “All I want is for you to be here with me. And I'll do anything for us to stay that way.”
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You're familiar with the manor's nook and cranny. After Isaac stopped giving you assignments, you felt like you're back to square one, but this time as his lover.
Nothing changed, everything was painfully mundane. You spent hours reading and rereading books. Sometimes, you let yourself zone out and watch the red dot flicker on the corner of the room. Sometimes it flickers, sometimes it doesn't. It may be strange, but those became part of your entertainment in his house.
One evening, as you were exploring, you stumbled upon Isaac pressing the codes to the door. You intently watched him, memorizing the code as much as you can. Once you engraved it in your mind, you gently slipped away. Maybe this time, you can finally feel the fresh air, soft winds, and vibrant grass once again.
The escape was quick as Isaac was too busy meeting up with another client. You snuck out leaving no evidence behind, with a promise that you'll return home before he does.
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A wide smile broke out your lips as you felt the sun against your skin, the cold breeze in your hair, and the grass beneath your feet. Everything felt vibrant and new. Something that you yearned for– something that you needed.
Taking a small break, you decided to buy yourself an ice cream. A small reward after enduring those days in the manor. You hummed as you continued to walk around town, making sure to track the time.
As you passed an alleyway, a large hand grabbed you by your hair, covering your mouth. Before you could speak, you felt a punch hitting your jaw, causing you to fall. The other man immediately punched your stomach, knocking the air out of your body.
He was relentless– they were relentless, the attacks weren't that brutal but it felt unending. It was suffocating. All you could do is to curl up in a ball, trying to protect your body from their attacks. It went on for about a minute, then it stopped. Their voices muffled as you hear them scurrying away.
Your body shook with sobs as you felt everything: the cuts against your skin, the blood in your hair, and the dirt beneath your feet. Before you know it, you're back again in the alleyway– unconscious.
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You woke up feeling beaten down. Everything came rushing back to you, this time the pain was beyond physical.
The memories of you on the cold concrete, shielding your body, and feeling their relentless assault rushed in your mind. Everything felt like a nightmare came to life. As if the life that you turned away from came back to get you once more.
Summoning all the strength you had, you looked around your surroundings. Brows furrowing as you found yourself back in Isaac's manor. Your eyes landed on him, talking to someone on the phone. A groan escaped your lips as you tried to sit up.
The noise alerted Isaac as he immediately ended the call to rush to your side. “Careful now, you're still recovering,” He spoke gently as he assisted you.
“I-I'm here…” You managed to croak out.
“Yes, safe and sound. Questions are for later, just rest for now.” Isaac sat beside you, holding your hand. There's an unreadable look on his face, but you're sure that he's disappointed in how things ended up.
You mentally berated yourself. All you had to do is stay with him and not leave the house, but you put your desires first rather than what's right. There's a sense of humiliation after you put yourself and Isaac in this situation. For someone as disastrous as you, he has the patience of a saint.
Before you know it, tears fell down your face. You broke down right in front of him once again, “I-I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I should've listened, but I didn't. I'm sorry, Isaac. I swear I'll listen to you, I won't sneak out again!”
Isaac smiled, that's all he wanted to hear.
“It's alright, the important thing here is you're here now. Safe and sound,” He wrapped his arms around you, kissing your temple as you cried on his chest. Isaac continued to hold you, whispering sweet nothings as you slowly calmed down.
As he saw your peaceful state, he gently tucked you in. His hand caressed your cheek, soft smile on his face. Isaac hoped that this time you'll truly understand that all he does is for you, because of his overwhelming love towards you.
Finding you in his bed once more, your words continued to repeat in his mind. Maybe this time you'll stay with him once and for all. Maybe this will help you come around and see how dangerous the world is. And maybe hiring those men wasn't a bad idea after all.
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Divider: Cafekitsune
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twsted-kinks · 1 year
Idia and The Magic Masturbator (Idia x AFAB MC/Reader)
>minors and ageless dni<
Content Warning: noncon/dubcon, unwanted creampie, breeding, Idia being jealous, yandere behavior, kinda public, Idia's dick being too big, anal, anal fisting, anal beads, vibrators, lack of prep, voyeurism, hidden cameras, Idia being a pervert, risk of pregnancy and thoughts of baby trapping, tampering with birth control, kinda loss of virginity (both Idia and MC), victim blaming, Leona gets cockblocked and kinda cucked in a way, some spanking, if I forgot something lemme know
It's finally here. As soon as the package is in Idia's hands, he's ripping it open. His face is pink along with the tips of his hair. He bites his lip as his shaking hands pulls the item out of the packaging. A masturbator, a very special toy, sits in his hands. He stares at it for a moment. The beautiful folds, the perfect clit, and a soft ass with a tight looking asshole. Is this really what yours looks like? Immediately Idia is pulling his pants down and settling himself at his desk. He pulls up multiple camera feeds, all from cameras he's put up in Ramshackle dorm. Idia has put up his own cameras for... reasons, but the cameras with the best quality image and audio are set up in Ramshackle. It only takes a second for Idia to find you in the guest room, relaxing on a couch with Leona's head in your lap.
Jealousy wells up in Idia's chest. You can't see it, but Idia can. The way Leona acts around you, it isn't just friendship the man's after. The way Leona uses your thighs as a pillow as you casually scratch behind one of his ears. Idia can hear you rambling about your day, complaining about the newest task Crowley has put on your shoulders. Leona just hums in response and slips onto his side, facing you and nuzzling dangerous close to between your legs. You just giggle, call him a "sleepy kitten", and shift your attention to Leona's other ear.
Idia's hair is a mixture of pinks and reds as he watches. He wants his head to be the one on your lap, he wants to nuzzle those thighs, he wants you to call him your "kitten." Idia rushes to take his already hard dick out of his sweats and pulls out a bottle of lube from his desk drawer. He's spent this long being a sad pathetic virgin, not even having kissed anyone, but finally he'll get to feel what it's like to fuck someone, to be fully inside someone else. And, you won't be able to push him away. You tease him enough with the way your body fits into your clothing, the way you look and sound when you pleasure yourself in his camera feed. You know he's watching you, you have to with the way you're acting. You're trying to rile him up, get him to snap and fuck you. He's more than happy to make that a reality and force his pathetic virgin cock into you raw. You think you're on birth control, but you don't know that Idia's been replacing it with a fertility medication that looks very similar. He knows he doesn't want kids, but the thought of him getting you pregnant, you having to carry a part of him in you for months and then you'll be forced to have him in your life forever.
He can't take it anymore. He needs to be inside you. Idia activates the spell on the toy, squeezes plenty of lube on his cock, and gives himself a few strokes, precum already flowing out of him. He lines himself up with your cunt and rests his tip to your entrance. He looks to the screen. He sees you jump a bit. Leona shifts his head to look up at you. Before either of you can speak, Idia yanks the toy down on his cock. You yell out a curse and fully jump up, knocking Leona off the couch, who curses at you in return. You feel something deep inside you, thick, long, pulsing, and filling you up with something. Idia let's out a whiny moan. He wanted to shove all of himself into you all at once, but he was only able to get about half way with how tight you are. He also didn't want to cum so quickly, but your cunt is so tight and perfect. He's going to break you once he's fully inside, mold your cunt to his dick and make it his.
You frantically apologize to Leona and make a mad dash for your room. What the FUCK is happening? Your legs wobble as you feel your cunt stretch even more as whatever is invading you forces itself deeper into you. It hurts so much, but it hurts so good. You're barely able to make it into your room and lock your door when you feel it suddenly pull out to its tip and slam into you, full force. You cover your mouth to muffle your scream as you collapse to the ground. You've never felt anything like this before. Sure, you've jerked off from time to time, put some fingers in yourself, but you've never felt anything like this before. What even is this? It feels like it's splitting you in half. Whatever it is you need to get it out of you.
Idia watches you struggle to get your clothes off through his screen, seeing you pull of your underwear that's soaked because of him. He gives you a moment. You look so cute all freaked out while you pull yourself onto your bed. You can feel whatever is inside you twitch as you lay back and open your legs. You reach down and feel a massive lump in your stomach. Idia groans seeing his cock being imprinted on your skin. You reach further down and try to pull out the intruding thing, but you're only met with your own gaping hole. You easily fit all of your fingers, barely touching your walls, but can't get a hold of anything. There's nothing to grab, only air. You groan in a mixture of arousal and annoyance and flip yourself over onto your hands and knees, hoping gravity can help dislodge this thing.
Idia has such a clear shot of your holes, your twitching stretched cunt and your beautiful untouched asshole. He bites his lip. You feel whatever is inside you cling to your walls as it pulls out. You feel relieved for a moment, thinking this event is over, but Idia is just flipping his magical toy around to match your position. It only takes a second before he forces himself balls deep in you again.
You try to hold back your scream and reach for one of your pillows, stuffing your face into it to try to stay quiet. Idia fucks you slowly and roughly, taking his time pulling out until only the tip remains in you then slamming the toy down fully to the base if his cock. Your legs shake as you feel yourself get hotter and hotter, closer to snapping. Idia spreads the toy's ass cheeks, watching as yours do the same in the screen, indents the same shape of hisnhands on the soft flesh. You feel something cold and wet hit your asshole when Idia spits on it. He runs his fingers across your hole. You try to wiggle you hips away, but there's nowhere to run. Not there. No, you've never done anything there before! You begin to sob, pleasure, pain, your loss of control. What is happening?
Idia shoves two fingers inside you, fully to his knuckles, and your back arches. Fuck it hurts! But you can't help but moan. Idia moans alongside you, feeling your cunt tighten around him like it wants to pull him in even deeper. He picks up the pace, drooling as he starts to rut into the toy, slamming his hips into it as he fingers your asshole. You can feel an orgasm rising and you can't stop it. You keep trying to move your hips away, but the onslaught doesn't stop. It doesn't stop from whatever's assaulting you from adding a third finger to your asshole. You can feel the head of a cock bruising your cervix, balls slapping your clit with each thrust, and a fourth long finger burying into your asshole. It feels like your holes are going to be ripped apart. You try to not cum, you try to will it away, but, as soon as Idia pushes in his final finger and shoves his full hand into your asshole, you cum. Hard.
You see white and your body shaves uncontrollably. You've never squirted before, but now you're squirting all over your sheets and Idia's lap. Idia cums right after you, feeling you cum around his cock and seeing both of your holes stretched open wide on his screen. There's a moment of rest. Your brain tries to start functioning again. The cock and fist inside of you are pulled out, and finally, finally this has to be over. But, Idia was just relocating and grabbing some toys.
Idia pulls up the camera feed on his tablet and moves to his bed, bringing along some toys, a set of anal beads with beads thicker than his fist and a hacked vibrator with custom settings. You're not even in the mental state to feel something being taped to your clit, but once the slow vibrations start you can't help but moan. Idia lubes up the anal beads and lines them up with your asshole. His eyes focus fully on the screen and he pushes the first bead in. You try to pull your hips away on instinct, but you're exhausted and barely move at all. The bead stretches you open so fucking wide. Idia pauses for a moment, watching your gaping asshole struggle, before pushing it all the way in. Your thighs shake but do nothing to fight the intrusion. Idia's slow at first, taking his time forcing the next two beads into you, but your moans, your holes, he needs to be inside of you again. He doesn't take his time with the remaining beads, just shoving them into you, not waiting for you asshole to accommodate them at all.
Idia gives your ass a firm slap, turns the toy around, and lines his cock up with your cunt. He looks to the screen again and thrusts in, balls deep. You let out a defeated whine as you you lay there, just taking this invisible strangers abuse. Their hips slam into again and again, so fast and rough. You feel so full, your ass is stuffed and cunt is being slammed into. The vibe on your clit speeds up. You whine as you cum again.
You don't know how many times you cum or when you pass out. Your mind is foggy. You aren't sure if you wake up in the middle of the nightbor if it's a dream. Your bedsheets are wet with your own fluids along with another light blue liquid that glows blue. You can feel something using your asshole alongside another toy stretching the same hole open. You probably wake up a couple times, at first it's evening then night, at least you think so. You're not sure. You just constantly feel like something is inside your holes, using them.
Finally, the sun is starting to rise when you wake up again, and this time you don't feel anything inside you. You're not sure whats more terrifying. The fact that this happened to you at all, or the fact that you miss the feeling of being stretched open and want this to happen again.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 4 months
I think one of the biggest reasons the "Charles is racist" accusations did not stick because the Sussexes also accused Catherine along with Charles. And noone could believe that of Catherine. So it took the wind out of those sails.
Of course, this could just be my own personal bias, but Catherine being racist is just not believable to anyone, even the ones who claim not to like her. Subconsciously most people would go back to their own impression of her when thinking about these accusations and she has such anhuge body of positive presentation (that is, she presents a very positive image, happy countenance, positive body language) all through the years.
Accusing Catherine along with Charles completely trashed the Sussexes years of PR of the BRf being racist. And now most people dismiss Meghan's grievances as her being sensitive or manipulative or lying.
And for once, Charles did not clap back at all. He maintained a very dignified silence and happily went on with his business being the "lovable granpa king" PR construct that he likes to present as.
Which brings me to this - The BRFs policy of never complain never explain seems to really work. Whenever they have reacted immediately and played PR games with Harry and Meghan it backfires. But their long terms stratgies with HnM work well.
Do you think it's good PR management and advisors or are the principals - Charles, William, Camilla, Anne, Catherine - naturally smart, strong people who are completely over Harry's shenanigans. Or do they dislike Meghan so much, she is so transparently maniacal, that they do not want to engage with her at all?
I really marvel at the way Harry and Meghan seem to eventually self-destruct every single time all on their own.
That's a good question. I think some of the principals are naturally smart enough to see through these shenanigans because they understand it's connected to Meghan and they want nothing to do with Meghan. I would put William, Kate, and Anne in this category.
Other principals have strong advisors and when they listen to the advisors, it's really, really effective. I put Charles in this category. When Charles listens to his advisors (which probably include William and Anne) and he honors "never complain, never explain" policy, it works. It grey rocks Harry and Meghan, they can't handle it, and they spin out faster and harder. But Charles has a tendency to go rogue and do his own thing every once in awhile, and when he does that, it feeds into Harry and Meghan and gives them the engagement they want.
Camilla, I think, straddles the fence. Sometimes it feels like she's doing what the advisors advise because at the end of the day, it's her husband and she wants him to be happy and having his wayward son back is probably what he wants. But other times it feels like her own smarts are guiding her interactions (or lack thereof) because Camilla understands self-preservation better than most after what she's been through.
I feel like Sophie and Edward fall in the "strong advisors" camp but I just don't know a whole lot about them personally. I think Sophie's background in PR (before she married in) helped her and Edward navigate some tricky situations so I feel like because she has that background in PR, she's fully aware of how important it is to listen to advisors because she used to be the advisor.
Most of the Yorkies are probably in the "strong advisors" camp but they're not usually listening. Edo is definitely in the "naturally cautious/smart" camp with William and I think he's brought Bea onto that side now as well, or he's at least serving as Bea's advisor and it's worked well for her.
I do think each and every one of them are all so over Meghan, especially after how she and Harry made The Queen's and Prince Philip's funerals about them. No one wants anything to do with her anymore, not even Eugenie, to the point where she's being very obviously "NFI'd" from events involving the royal family. Like the Westminster wedding - it's a pretty clear sign where the Sussexes stand that they weren't even invited, despite the PR claiming they graciously turned the invitation down so Charles and William could attend instead.
(Because let's be real. When has Meghan ever put someone else first before herself?)
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beautifulfuckup99 · 1 year
Request is simple
Alpha JK * Chubby Girl 🫠
Babes, you know I got you! Gonna make this a bit of a part 2 to "I Can Handle It", which has reached 390 hearts so far. I'm so glad ya'll enjoyed it! Lol
Title: A Little Reminder...
Warning(s): SMUT! (Obviously), Body image issues, pregnancy S!X, And, yes, fluff too! Lol
Author's Note: This is for my beautiful Big/Curvy Girls. Love ya'll!
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Jungkook's POV:
My phone rang out as I waited for the light to turn green. I looked down at my phone expecting to see my wife calling, but it wasn't her number. I picked up the call and put the phone on speaker so I could talk without getting a ticket for it.
"Hello?" I asked and quickly heard a sigh of relief come from the other side.
"Finally. What the hell are you doing out there?" Namjoon's deep voice came out in an angry tone, and I fought the urge to roll my eyes at the conversation I know he'll be having with me soon. Even on hiatuses, he was still my Hyung...
"Joon please, I have enough people mad at me for tonight." I muttered softly, hoping for some mercy after the week I've been dragged through.
"Well, someone's gotta figure out where your damn head is at. Y/N says you're cheating on her?" He asks and I want to yell out. 'I'M NOT CHEATING!', but I hold in the frustration. Married. Married, living together, and expecting our first child, and Y/N's insecurities had found a way right back to us.
"She called me crying after you walked out tonight? Didn't I teach you to never leave just leave a fight unresolved?" He lectures and I hit my forehead on the steering wheel before looking back at the road as I drive around the city streets of Soeul. "She said you never touch her and that-" I finally cut Namjoon off from his worried rant.
"I know what she said! I hear it all the damn time. That's why I left. I'm sick and tired of her always accusing me of looking at different women when we're out together or saying that she's not attractive anymore. She's having my child, Joon! We're married for crying out loud! What more should I do to prove I'm not going anywhere?" I asked in pure exhaustion. I'd even taken this break for her, and it seems like nothing was working. This was honestly worse than when we were dating. I hear my Hyung sigh before he begins speaking again.
"You need to understand that she's very sensitive right now, Jungkook. Any and every little thing will find a way to set her off. Especially since you guys haven't been doing much-" I cut him off again.
"That's none of your business." I say fast and then pause. "I-I'm sorry, Joon..." I sigh, just angry that Y/N would even tell him all of this. He hums.
"Jungkook. Y/N said that she believes the reason you won't touch her is because you think she's getting fat." He says, and I huff in annoyance as I stop at another red light.
"Joon..." I whispered while shaking my head. "I still, and will always, look at Y/N like I did the night we met. I've told her how much I love her body!" I try and defend. Namjoon hums again.
"But her body has changed, Jungkook." He points out. "Have you given her a reminder?" He asks and I nod my head before realizing that he can't see me.
"Not a day has gone by where I didn't tell her that..." I stated before remembering the last few weeks. "I... Well, I mean... Work has been busy lately... And... Shit!" I groaned as I hit my head on the steering wheel again before quickly focusing back on the road.
"'Shit' is right." Namjoon sighs. "You know what you've gotta do now right?" He asks and I stay silent, secretly needing this advice. Even as a grown man with a kid on the way, I knew I'll always need the insight of my Hyung.
"You gotta go home and remind your wife why you wanted a ring on that finger." He stats and I chuckle softly before sighing and pulling over on some random street.
"You're right. I gotta go. Thanks, Hyung." I mumbled and heard Namjoon say a small 'goodnight' and also 'good luck' before hanging up.
I had to make this up to my wife, and fast.
I get home just as the clock shows 2:30am, but I'm not tired at all. I close the door behind me and hear the stairs creak a bit as someone comes downstairs. Turning around, I see my beautiful wife standing at the bottom of the staircase, hands crossed over her chest as she bit the corner of her bottom lip as if waiting for the right words to come to mind... So was I.
I had everything I was gonna say ready in the back of my mind, yet now, seeing her there with her hair a mess, her cute little nose red, and her gorgeous eyes puffy, all from crying... I just felt shame for even putting her through this.
"Baby..." I begin as I started walking over to her, flowers in hand, her favorite. "I am so sorry for everything-" She cuts me off with a shake of her head.
"No... I-It's my fault." She states. "I should've known that you would never cheat on me and I'm sorry I accused you. I-It's just everyone talking about you having 'so much chemistry' with that actress in your new music video... I-I guess I just kinda... Kinda lost it." She whispers with her head going down in shame.
I open my mouth to speak again but my voice gets caught in my throat. What good are words at a point like this? I walk over to my wife and grab her chin, tilting her head up to look at me. "I want you Y/N..." I whisper as I look her in the eyes. She pauses and I grab her by the waist, pulling her against me, her curves working as amazing place holders for my arms.
"You don't have to-" I cut her off by picking her up bridal style so I could take her up the stairs to our bedroom.
"I thought I told you back when we were dating. I can handle you just fine. I think you need a little reminder." I whisper in her ear.
As soon as we get through the doorway of the bedroom, I pinned her up against the first wall I could. I didn't mean to be rough with her, but it's been so long since we've even made out... Lust clouded my mind when she moaned into the kiss because of the sting my hand had just left on her plump ass. I kissed her, my tongue shooting into her mouth so I could taste her for the first-time in... I don't know how long.
I pushed her up against the wall harder as my hands reached down to her legs so she could get the hint to jump up and wrap them around me. My hands went to the hem of my shirt she'd been wearing, basically ripping it off of her. I moved away to get a better look at her and moaned. She was wearing red lace. "You were prepared." I pant and she blushes. "I don't know what you're talking about..." She taunts quietly. I put her down to get a better view of her and her body.
Her gorgeous body...
With a spin of my index finger, I motioned for her to turn for me. She slowly and hesitantly did. She turned her back towards me and I slowly grabbed her hips and squeezed. Fuck, I love this view the most...
"I'd be insane to get tired of a body like this." I whisper in her ear, causing her to turn to look at me from over her shoulder. Her bright eyes made my heart flutter like always.
"You mean that?" She whispers softly, as if challenging my sweet words. Our relationship was always a tug of war, and I loved it. She always kept me on my toes, kept me sharp. I smile before cupping her face, the pad of my thumb stroking her cheek.
"With every fiber in my being." I whisper back before leaning in to kiss her, this time more slowly. Our lips move like butter on a hot pan, the motion is slow and consistent, her tongue licking at my lower lip makes me shiver. I pull away from her lips though as my hands pull her closer to my body.
"How did I get so lucky?" I ask as I eye her, and Y/N blushes slightly, thrusting her butt against me to bump me away a bit before turning fully towards me.
"You make it sound like I'm some goddess..." She tries to taunt but I notice how little sarcasm is in her voice, like now she truly believes that she isn't. It makes an anger spark inside me that is quickly replaced with a need to make her believe me.
"Y/N..." I whisper as I make her look at me. "You are a goddess." I state.
"No, I'm not..." She begins, but I lean in and kiss her again. She puts her hands on my shoulders to probably push me back, but I know what she likes. My lips wrap around her bottom lip to suck on softly, my arms wrapping around her waist to hold her as close as her stomach would let me.
As we make out, my hands move to grip her ass, loving the feel of it in my hands. I loved the feel of her cellulite, the stretch marks, how soft it felt when I squeezed. Like dough. I especially loved the noise it made when I...
Y/n gasps against my mouth as I rub the ass cheek I'd just smacked. "Get on the bed. I fucking missed this body." I whisper, tonguing my lip ring as I eye her bashful state. She was always so cute...
"Jungkook-" I cut her off.
"Don't 'Jungkook' me. This is what you wanted, right? Why you've been so fussy? It's cause I haven't been giving it to you lately. I'm gonna make up for that right now." I say as I grab her chin firmly, loving how she breathes unevenly at the promise. "Now get on the fucking bed." I order, not in a mood to repeat myself. Not when all I wanted was her withering under me...
Y/N is quick to get on the bed and I drop my jacket finally before walking over while undoing my belt. I yank it off and use it on her wrists, not needing her hands wondering. "Let me take care of this body." I smirk as my hands roam her half naked body now.
I grope her breasts as she gently moans and it's music to my ears. I kiss the tops of her breasts as I squeeze them. Her back aches so I can reach behind her and take her bra off. I slip her bra off of her perfect body and take time to really look at her again. Her hair's a mess, her cheeks are flushed, and she's never looked better. 
"I am so fucking lucky." I begin. "I get to wake up next to you every morning," I kiss the middle of her chest. "Come home to you every afternoon," I kiss down her stomach. "And make love to you every night. I'm in heaven..." I whispered softly before I pull her underwear all the way off and throw it over my shoulder, not caring where it lands. I spread her legs and get comfy between them.
I focus on her inner thighs, wanting to mark them up, biting and leaving hickeys on her perfect skin. "P-Please... Kookie, please!" Y/N begs in need, and it makes me smirk. Being pregnant made her more sensitive. She was practically leaking on the bed already. My breath brushes over her soaked pussy as I tease her more.
"You want it? Hm?" I taunt quietly as she shivers. I smirk and move to face her. "You know what I wanna hear." I say.
"I-I'm a pretty girl..." She whimpers softly. "Please. Please give it to me..." She whines softly. I hum and cup her pussy in one hand, rubbing my palm against her clit. It makes her moan louder and makes me smirk.
"Fuck, you're so wet, I can hear it..." I say happily as I slide two fingers into her at once cause I know she can take it. And she does. She always takes my fingers so easily. Almost as easy as she takes my cock...
"Oh my god..." She whines as her hips hump against my hand. I move to lay next to her as I focus on finger fucking her, eyes almost rolling every time her walls milked my fingers.
"Look at me. Look at me." I order between pants, and her eyes are half shut as she does, forcing herself to stay focused and not lose it to the pleasure yet. "My pretty girl. You like it?" I whisper against her lips, her hands moving against the belt tied around her wrists.
"Yes! Yes! Please, faster. Please, I love-" I cut her off by adding a third finger and rapidly thrusting them in and out, making her head roll back, and I wasn't letting up. The gushing sound coming from her pussy as I finger fucked her was egging me on too much to let up.
"Baby! Baby!" She gasps in pleasure, hips halting as I get to her sweet spot. I relentlessly hit that spot, over and over again as she says my name and my ego grows. I always thought hearing my name from ARMY was music to my ears, but having my wife chant it as I hold her shaking body with my fingers buried deep inside her? It was just a better use of my name...
"Take me baby... Please. Please, fuck me." She whimpers and I feel completely lightheaded at her pleas. I pull my fingers out, making her groan at the loss.
"Don't worry, baby. I'm gonna give you something much bigger." I assure in her ear, making her squeal. I roll her on to her side with me behind her.
"My hands! Please!" She pants as I kiss and bite along her neck. I groan softly and kiss her ear before releasing her wrists. My hands roam her body before I finally undo my jeans that were acting as a prison for my cock. I moan at the relief of my bulge finally being free from it's trap.
Her hand is on my cock before I can even guide it between her legs myself. I smirk as I watch her eyes stay glued to the mirror by our bed. "You know exactly where to look. Good girl..." I praise as I help push into her.
She sucks in some air fast and I grab her leg to hold over my hip so I can push in deeper. "Fuck..." I groan as I feel my cock instantly become surrounded by her warm and wet walls that squeeze around my length in need. "Treat my cock so good, baby..." I pant.
"Give me..." She whines and it makes me smirk. So needy...
I start fucking her faster and her hand goes to mine that's around her waist. Her nails dig into my arm and the burn of her nails going up my forearm only makes me thrust faster. "Oh... Fuck, baby!" I groaned as I move my hips so I can find her sweet spot.
"Jungkook!" She moans out loudly and I smirk. Found it.
Y/N throws her head back, her hair everywhere and her chest moving rapidly up and down. My head moves to the cork of her neck so naturally. This was so natural. I could never experience this with anyone else. And if I had to fuck her speechless to get it through her head that she was my one and only, then so be it.
"So perfect..." I breathed out against her ear as I watch het through the mirror before slowing down. I wanted her to feel every fucking inch of my cock. I wanted to feel just how tight her walls wrap around my cock with need to keep me in.
"Look at me." I whispered and grab Y/N by her chin before she can move, making her whimper loudly. She locks eyes with me.
"Please. Please, fuck me. I have to cum..." She shivers and I smirk as I move my forehead, so it's pressed to hers. She gasps loudly as I give her hard and slow thrusts.
"You are so perfect." I breathed out and she just whispers my name shakily. I smile at her reaction, eyes rolling shut and mouth dropping open. My firm hand moves to her clit to rub it. The look on her face was one of pure need. Pure beauty...
"I love you. I love your body. I love your mind, baby. Fuck..." I pant. "I fucking love everything about you..." I ramble on as she blushes more, whining how much she loves me.
"Kookie... I... Oh god... H-Harder... I-I love you! Please, baby, harder." Y/N cries out, and I move harder. Her hand moves down to hold mine that's rubbing at her clit faster now. I kiss along her face as she trembles.
"Let go, baby." I breathe out. "Come on, beautiful... Cum for me." I continue and Y/N presses her lips against mine hard, but she barely kisses me, too lost in pleasure. I don't mind though. I swallow all of her moans as she cums hard, her whole body shaking as she throws her head back against my shoulder blade, breaking our kiss. I continue through her orgasm and after a few more thrusts, I cum just as hard inside of her.
We don't move after such an intense session. The silence in the room is loud as we try to catch our breaths. I do, however, spend time kissing all over her face, neck, and shoulder as she softly begins giggling, something she does when fully satisfied, and it's always enough to make me fall all over again.
"I love you." The voice is weak and shaky, but it belongs to the woman I love. So, it's perfect...
"I love you too, baby." I say back, my voice hoarse. I slowly move out of her, making her gasp softly at the loss. I pull her into my side to cuddle.
"I'm sorry. For being a handful." She mutters quietly and I chuckle softly.
"Don't be. I'll always be ready to remind you just how amazing you are. I can handle you, baby. Never forget it." I smirk before kissing her tenderly.
Also, can we talk about the fact that I've reached 300 followers! Love you all!
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reachartwork · 7 months
[private please, if thats alright] i used to follow you for your ai stuff back in 2021/22 when things were first kicking off (actually i thought you'd quit because of all the scandal lol) and the models and output were a lot 'sloppier' and kinda illegible but as far as i can see the stuff you're working on now is clearer looking and more coherent, so i was wondering - do you have any thoughts on the 'aesthetics' of AI and what specifically brings it unique merits and strengths as an art tool? for example i personally find a lot of modern ai art to be boring and soulless looking because it has neither stylistic interest (compared to the blatant 'inhumanity' of older models) nor a human person making base-to-base decisions about what it looks like, but i also havent been really paying too much attention to the AI scene except when it comes up in images searches. also, sorry if its not a question you want to answer, but do you do any more traditional styles of art as well? i find my art sensibilities are really effected by the mediums i work with so i would love to know if you have any similar experiences wrt ai and non ai works. thank you!
this is a side account so i can't answer privately, but, that being said;
i actually agree! for general purpose arting i preferred the secret horses style of total illegibility, and my main goal in my secret projects is to be able to reorganize around that style but with sharper, crisper lines and higher resolutions. part of why the whole "secret horses" style of ai medium fell through the cracks was because a: diffusion models were significantly faster and b: diffusion models scale upwards significantly better - they can produce higher resolutions and perform upscaling, which CLIP + VQGAN (the old method that made all the jank we all used to love) can't really do.
i think people whose sole interest in ai is making shitty advertisement images, or giant anime boobs, or some other lowest common denomenator slop, like... okay. you do you, the saying is "90% of everything is shit" for a reason, but obviously i think that's incredibly boring. i think the reason we see a lot of it is because a: the Good Artists who use AI are still effectively social pariahs, particularly on twitter and tumblr, just via dint of their medium, and b: ai puts art making in the hands of EVERYONE and it turns out not everyone has good taste (see: 90% of everything is shit), so you just see a lot more shit by volume.
anyway in terms of "traditional art" i am an author (READ CHUM) and a bassist, although i haven't been in a band in many years as my arthritis prevents me from playing for very long or very well anymore. if you mean traditional art as in like... paint and easel, or pen and paper, the answer is no. i've never had the ability to comfortably grasp anything with my hands even before the arthritis happened and now i lack not only the fine motor skills for it but also the pain threshold. i do like legos though, and i'd love to start making lego dioramas.
thanks for asking :)
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maple-the-awesome · 1 year
You Sacrifice Yourself for Them Part 1/3
Part 2 || Part 3
Pairings: Legend, Sky, Time x GN Reader
Requested by anonymous: HIIIII OMG I JUST WANRED TO SAY i lovelovrloveloveeeee the way you write so much!!!!!!! ur recent loz post had me kicking and squealing in my sear hehehe T_T could i request a scenario with the chain in a situation where the reader sacrifices themselves to protect the boys? im imagining things begging the enemy to take them instead, protecting them from a hit or even something funny like taking the blame for a mistake they made!!! id love to see some angst from you!!!!! THANK U AND HAVE A GREAT WEEK!!!!!💖💖💖💖
Zelda Masterlist 💙 Fandom Masterlist
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Shit. Shit. Shiiit.
This was not how this day was supposed to go. This was not how this dungeon was supposed to go! The group calls him 'Veteran' for a reason. He's done more dungeons on his own than the lot of them combined. He's quick on his feet, able to complete the most complex puzzles like child's play, and barely breaks a sweat against the foes that lurk in every damp shadow. Anymore, dungeons are easy (too easy, maybe, compared to some of the rougher...emotionally draining parts of his journeys). 
This was supposed to be just as easy. He had no shame in bragging or flexing his skills, yet all that has officially flown out the window in a way that one could deem quite literal, actually. A quick whiz of air and an echoed shatter that would've reminded him of the wonderful sound of broken pottery if not for how horrifying it was in true comparison. No, that sound was far from exhilarating, especially paired with the image of you falling sideways like a lifeless doll, pieces of tile bouncing off your head and exploding in the air like fireworks trailed by crimson. 
Legend isn't sure if he managed to catch you in time. He probably did, but in his panic he feared you might've hit your head on the floor as if that's not exactly what already happened to knock you out in the first place. Damn floor tiles! Usually they're just embarrassing annoyances when prepared for them, but that's the problem: he wasn't. When those dangerous squares came flying at him at a blurring speed, he expected to take on the hit, not for you to shield him with your own body. What in Hylia's name were you even thinking?!
For what feels like hours but is really only a few seconds, Legend's mind runs rapidly with petrified thoughts: Are you dead? Did he just let you die for his sake? It's supposed to be the other way around if anything! He's the world's punching bag, not you. You're…too special for any of that…
"Hylia, t-that hurt..." Legend snaps out of it only when you groan, barely able to open your eyes against the blinding light of the torch - the only light in the room - which has long been abandoned behind both of you. 
"Are you kidding me?! Are you stupid or something?! What the hell were you even thinking doing that?! Do you know what could've happened if you got hit hard enough or at the wrong angle?! You could've been given a concussion, put into a coma, o-or -"
"- But it could've ruined your pretty face."
Legend’s words choke in his throat as he stares at you as if you've suddenly grown several heads...that or he has just now realized you're the biggest idiot in Hyrule, who knows? Clearly, you're still in a daze yourself, head wobbling around as you blink rapidly with pupils dilated wide. Maybe the whole concussion thing can't actually be ruled out quite yet.
"...Stupid..." Legend mumbles under his breath with a click of his tongue as he looks away from you, "...What about your face then?"
"Awww. You think I'm pretty, too?" 
He huffs instead of answering, carefully helping you up before draping your arm over his shoulders and pulling you securely against his side where he can better keep you from stumbling off into something or, Hylia forbid, trip face first into the ground, causing more damage aside from the goose egg already bruising your forehead and the line of blood dripping down it, "We need to get you to the Traveler. ‘get you fix up.”
"Huh? But what...what 'bout the dungeon?" 
"We can come back later. The treasure at the end probably isn't worth it anyways if floor tiles are what's guarding it."
You hum distantly, dropping your head directly against his without any notice to the way this makes his cheeks flare unwillingly, "...Hey Legs?"
"Can you please not tell anyone I got beat up by pieces of floor?"
Legend snorts and pretends to think your question over, "Hmm…In light of you saving my life, I guess I can keep that promise."
"Thanks, bun."
"You know, on second thought, maybe I won't."
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Sky awoke in a pleasant mood that was only made better upon remembering his current whereabouts. He had a wonderful dream about being back home during peaceful times, and while disappointed to leave such a relaxing feeling, at least he found himself still in that cozy little inn the Chain decided to stay at for the night. What was better was that it appeared to be rather early. The sun was barely shining through the window, only barely peeking over the village roofs, and the room itself was silent aside from the sound of some snoring which confirmed that the rest of his roommates were still fast asleep, thus Sky figured there would be no harm in dozing off for a few extra minutes until he hears someone else get up for the day…That was his plan, anyways…
"...Hey Sky?"
"You, uh, know there's only ten minutes until eight, right?"
In a blink of an eye, Sky shoots straight up, suddenly not feeling so tired. Rubbing his eyes and bearing through his new headache, he's horrified to confirm that you must be right. The window is now glowing in a bright gold, showing a bustling little village outside. You, yourself, are already dressed in your tunic, hair done and ready to go. Legend and Wind, who had been your other roommates last night, must follow the same status seeing as neither of them nor their belongings are here anymore. It's just you and Sky.
In an instant, he leaps out of bed, nearly tripping yet recovering as he hurries to find his own belongings which seems a lot harder to accomplish in his panicked state compared to any other day. You, meanwhile, replace his spot upon the bed, sitting down there with an apologetic look, "I would have woken you up sooner, but I wasn't sure if you were purposefully sleeping in."
"You're alright - uh, thank you for waking me up at all," Sky backtracks when he remembers he had folded his tunic under his bed, kneeling down to grab it along with the rest of his belongings stuffed under there, "Where's the Vet and Pirate?"
"Already at breakfast. Wild dropped by a little while ago to say that it would be ready soon. I'm sure the others are already digging in."
"I'm sure there'll be enough left for us regardless. He always makes so much whenever we stay somewhere with an actual kitchen..." Despite Sky having worn an undershirt to bed, you still feel the need to awkwardly look away as he pulls the rest of his clothes overhead, "You must have a real talent for sleeping because the rest of us woke up to a loud 'thud' and cursing...'don't think Legend will be taking the top bunk at the next inn we reach."
Fully dressed, Sky's first order of business should really be to rush downstairs instead of testing his luck with angry companions, but he takes the time to spare you a glance instead, "Why haven't you gone downstairs yet?"
The question, once thought of, weighs heavy on his mind. You just said that you awoke with the others, however you chose to stay here and risk getting in trouble yourself for tardiness rather than joining them. 
You merely shrug as if it’s of no concern, "I figured I'd wait for you. Like I said, I didn't know if you were purposefully sleeping in and I would've felt worse if I fully gambled on that, leaving you to sleep until noon and suffer Time's wrath."
Sky fidgets and stares down at his feet, although when he opens his mouth to say something, you're standing again while pushing him towards the door, "But let's not push our luck too far, alright? Time was pretty adamant about getting out of here at a decent time."
Yes, he was. He had made a strict point of that last night which is further emphasized by the fact that he is already standing at the bottom of the staircase by the time you both appear at the top of it. It appears that he was just about to make his way up to scold you, but since you've so kindly met him halfway, he can do that from here, "I assume there's a good reason for sleeping in yet again, Skyloftian?"
Sky gulps under the Old Man's glare, prepared to take on whatever punishment that will soon follow seeing as he's officially reached his limit of making the entire group late, however as quickly as he begins to dread the thought of taking on an extra watch for the night or doing a supply run with his own rupees, you're beating him to an explanation, "It's my fault, actually. I had a rough night and didn't realize what time it was until Sky woke me. If he hadn't waited for me, he wouldn't have been late so don't be too mad at him, okay?"
"That's not -" Sky's head whips towards you in surprise, however he falls silent when you give him a look that commands it.
Time hums, glancing between the two of you without much sign that he believes your lie. He has no reason to considering that Wind had already mentioned you were up and at 'em this morning. Perhaps if you had crossed his path earlier for this conversation, he would’ve been more inclined then to point this out, forcing you to confess the truth, although it’s five minutes till eight now meaning he'd be wasting time none of you have to argue not to mention he really doesn't care so long as everyone’s ready to go.
"Well, since you're both technically down here before eight, I'll let it slide this time," He narrows his eyes at you both, taking some sort of pride in how you each bow your heads shamefully, however that's the extend of it before he turns his heel, "But it's up to you to savage yourselves breakfast before Wild packs it up and I still expect you all to be out in the lobby by eight sharp, not a second later even if it means you have to go without a starting meal for today."
"Yes, sir!"
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"I'm okay. Worry about the Old Man first."
"Clearly you're not fine. Your arm -"
"- I've had worst -"
"- That doesn't matter. You're still injured."
This argument isn’t going anywhere. Anyone in the group could see that, but are they brave enough to point it out? Considering the fact that they all stand by in awkward silence, probably not.
The last battle was a tough one which may be a bit of an understatement considering Time and you both walked away with some serious wounds to show for your victory. Time had been knocked in the head by a Moblin club, thrown backwards where he then laid unconscious for several moments only to awaken with a gash in the club’s former place, although still a far less visible injury compared to yours. You didn’t miss the way Sky kept gagging when helping you back into camp, unable to so much as glance at the terrible result of a Lizalfos sword slicing through your arm. Provided the extent of these soon-to-be scars, everyone would expect (and hope) that the two of you would be eager for Hyrule’s healing magic, however they were quickly proven otherwise. 
“So? I’ll live.”
“Not without medical attention.”
“I’ll take a potion.”
“I thought you didn’t have any left?”
You curse to yourself before sticking your nose into the air with a stubborn change of subject, “You know, last time I checked, a head injury is a lot more serious than a simple cut!”
Time ignores your claim, feeling his face grow warm in irritation (or maybe that’s due to the fresh blood dripping down from his hairline), “You call that ‘a simple cut’?”
You merely shrug, readjusting the crimson cloth you currently press to the nasty slice that parts your skin directly down from your shoulder into your bicep. It no doubt burns like the fires of Death Mountain which you don’t hide despite your persistence in turning down any aid. Your face is scrunched into an expression of pain, a hiss leaving your hips whenever you move the cloth or your arm in any way, yet you still meet Time’s eyes with no sign of budging.
“Twilight, tell him he’s being ridiculous!” 
The poor farm boy leaps in place when you both end up turning his way. Although not another word is said by either of you, he understands that voiceless command of Time’s stone cold glare: he isn’t to say a word - not a word - that could be taken as a form of agreement towards your cause. He’s to be a good boy and point out that your arm isn’t going to fix itself, thus you should be the first to be tended to by Hyrule. Of course, he cares about your wellbeing and would definitely side with his mentor and his intimating ways if not for how the older male sways side-to-side with the wind, clearly struggling to maintain himself as the effects of a serious concussion start to take its toll on him.
“...(Y/n)...does have a point..." Twilight mumbles, gulping when Time’s glare darkens.
Thankfully for him and all the others who stand by with their heads down, including little Hyrule who’s been stuck between you both too fearful to make a peep, Warrior has finally had enough of this, officially having no problem taking charge with his annoyance made clear through his stern voice, “The longer you both argue about this, the longer you both go without medical attention, so please, for the love of Hylia, will one of you just swallow your damn pride and let Hyrule do what he needs to?”
There’s no instant reaction, neither of being too eager to see Warrior’s very valid point, however after glancing at you once more and noticing how tightly you’re holding onto your arm, Time sighs at long last, resulting in a chorus of others to follow, “...Fine. I’ll go first.”
This satisfies you, allowing you to relax your muscles and focus on keeping that cloth pressed to your arm while Hyrule begins working his magic to fix Time’s own injury, although as always, the Old Man has to have the last word, shoving his pouch towards you with a grumble, “At least take a red potion in the meantime. It should dull the pain.”
Thankfully, you don’t argue as he feared you would based on your initial hesitation. Instead, you huff, but ultimately dig through the pouch to locate the bottle which you pop the cork off of dramatically, “Fine.”
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sugar-grigri · 8 months
If you haven't done one before, could you do an analysis of Denji's use of sexuality as the only form of love he still has untouched?
Sex and love, two bets Denji wants to take
At first, touching breasts, getting close to a girl, was a way for Denji to fill something he didn't understand. Projecting his lack of relationships, and affection, into what was visible, represented on those posters and magazines, through all those sexual images. Denji is someone who reasons through his senses, his intuitions. For him, pure physical contact was love.
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When he loses Pochita for the first time, Denji doesn't immediately place his feelings in the abstract. He's sad, having just lost his family, but physically, organically and symbolically, he remains in his heart, he is his heart. It's only afterwards, as Denji experiments, that he understands the ambivalence of relationships: things don't turn out as we'd hoped, we can even have bad experiences, be violated against our will even when we were convinced we'd get a reward, a pleasant, harmless act.
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Proposing a carnal act is not necessarily an act of kindness; on the contrary, it's often a way of dominating and manipulating the other person. Falling in love and sleeping together isn't as simple as cooking and eating. It's a risk before it's a pleasure.
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Then there was Aki and Power. The symbol of platonic family relationships. For whom Denji didn't realize his attachment until after their loss. To the point of understanding that losing someone isn't as simple to resolve as sleeping when you're sleepy. That it follows us without solution.
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Denji understood this plurality of love, he also understood that sex, or one's own body, is a currency of exchange, as his dialogue with Yoshida had shown. A body can be bruised, sex can be non-consensual. These aren't just abstract concepts, Denji doesn't think like that; if he's understood them at all, it's through his own experiences.
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In chapter 127, Denji catches up with Asa, subjected to the Falling Devil, who argues that life is only pain. What Denji is trying to do is reassure her, which is not easy for him as speech is not his strong suit. But he puts himself in her place anyway, and it's one of the rare times when CSM expressly and voluntarily helps someone simply to help them, without projecting anything behind it (he wasn't supposed to see Asa anymore).
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He then talks about cats and dogs, because he knows that universally they are beings that bring us happiness. But he also evokes all his traumas: ice cream (Aki), cats (Power), but above all hamburgers (representing his mourning when he gave up control of his being to Pochita). Denji evokes them all positively, yet symbolically, they are all finely chosen elements that will evoke negativity.
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But in the end, Denji says he's moving on to have sex one day. I know this isn't the right way to reassure Asa, but Denji wanted to help her, to comfort her, and he did it sincerely, because he can't change what he says if it's what he thinks. Wanting sex is what a teenager wants. It's also a desire for Denji not to compartmentalize growing up and not to pay attention to his needs.
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Denji is attracted by what he can touch directly, by pure sensations. So it's natural that he only talks about sex. That's not to say he'll reduce his girlfriend to that, he just doesn't know what envelops the act, feelings, love. He's never had a girlfriend!
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Denji was abandoned by his parents, dehumanized, having grown up with a demon, behaving like an animal. So he answers his questions with this latest experience, a sensation not yet acquired: the origin of humanity, his own, Asa's. If everyone's doing it, it must be good!!!
Sex is presented as two sides of the same coin in this part, as a kind of naive claim for Denji to move forward, to get out of his pain, but something that is constantly used against him, to manipulate him, that puts him in danger.
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And once again, he begins to spot the danger, but can't fight it. Fumiko is the perfect example, a symbol of his sexual trauma to which Denji is completely subjected.
Denji is beginning to know that sex can be both positive and negative. But he also doesn't know how to discuss it, how to talk about it, especially to the girl he's interested in. As he thinks sex is something universally pleasurable so talking about it had to resonate in Asa as much as cats, dogs, ice cream. He presented something that was also traumatic in a beautiful light.
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Denji wants a girlfriend, he wants to be loved and to love, yes. Even though love is rarely a pleasant experience, even a factor of despair.
Denji also wants to sleep with someone, yes something just as risky, or he consciously knows he can be used and manipulated for it.
Sex isn't Denji's way of being loved, it's like love, something as beautiful as it is traumatic. And Denji wants to experiment. Even if it means suffering. Because in suffering, there will always be pleasure.
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CSM, the fruit of an act of love for Pochita and mourning for Denji, is above all the chimera of trauma.
Denji doesn't think he can get out of the trauma. He has experienced it so much that he now sees it as something necessary to experience. He doesn't confront suffering, he deflects it, even if it means suffering more.
How could Denji break out of this cycle?
By learning to trust.
And that's something he'll experience with a teenager who's distrustful, his opposite.
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Both the attraction and the rejection of sex are normal reactions for two teenagers. But they are also two responses from the two protagonists to their own suffering.
Denji's obsession with sex is a desire to move forward, to tie the knot to the point of putting himself in danger. Asa's absolute rejection of contact is also symbolic of the fact that she no longer wants to suffer by connecting with others, even if it means suffering from her loneliness.
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One is literally swept away by his suffering, while the other cuts off his own head to get some hope, accepting his suffering as necessary, even if it deprives him of his loved ones. And the result will be the same: solitude.
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You can't throw yourself into someone's arms, just as you can't isolate yourself.
Loneliness will devour them if they don't bond with each other.
A relationship with someone you trust is enough.
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You... (Dave York)
Dave York Masterlist
Series Masterlist
Warning: swearing
Summary: Pt2 of Isn't My Affair Anymore. When a case comes up at work, you realize that Dave had made major mistake with the last side-job. Inspired by - Ofra Haza's - You.
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You were on walking on eggshells since the meeting with Resnik, the fear of Dave coming to take your life at any given moment a constant in the back of your mind. Even so, you weren't about to go out without a fight. You were just as lethal as he, all you needed was to be one step ahead of him.
You had just taken a seat behind your office desk when the phone rang, "Y/L/N...", you answer it.
"One of our operatives killed himself after killing his wife yesterday", your boss informs you. "I need you to pull up his file and sit in on an online meeting with Susan, Dave and the French authorities."
"Operative category?", you ask to know what records level to access, trying your best not to show any reaction to the mentioning of Dave.
"Category Zero", he answers, causing your brows to raise.
"That deep under?"
"Yup", your boss responds, "you have an hour to get everything prepared."
Hanging up the call, you get started with the assignment and that's when you're utterly shocked by the location of the incident.
"Brussels...?! No, no...", you shake your head in denial when remembering what Resnik had said about an upcoming job there. "This can't be happening... What the fuck have you done, Dave?"
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Your eyes were tightly shut whilst taking in deep breaths and releasing it heavily in attempts to calm your nerves for the video call about to happen. You really weren't in the mood to interact with Dave at all but there really wasn't much of a choice for you, so you had to suck it up and do what needed to be done, your job. With that thought in mind, you exhaled one last nervous breath and muster the best professional look possible as the incoming call notification sound goes off.
"Hey, how's things going?", Susan image was the first to pop up on your computer screen.
"All's good", you flash her a bright smile, Susan always had a way of brightening even the darkest of moods. "How's thing your side and the family doing?"
"It's going good", Susan responds, "Bryan's got a new book out."
You were about to make a remark when the conversation was interrupted by the others joining the chat. Everyone respectively greets one another, and the meeting proceeds thereafter.
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"This was fucking torture...!", your thoughts silently screamed at you whilst the meeting was in full swing. To the others he might seem to be paying full attention to what the French official was saying, but you knew Dave intimately enough to know his focus was very much on you.
The man had a way of staring deep within your soul without even blinking an eye and that was exactly what he was doing at this moment. You do your best to make as little eye contact with him as possible; your head kept downcast as you took notes whilst the French official spoke.
Ooh Late in life You came to me And you put a sign On me Late in life What of you When you fell into A trap of lies You (ooh) You (ooh) You (ooh) Only you (ooh) You (ooh) You (ooh) All your love That I love All your love
"Do you have questions?", the French official asks once all the details have been relayed, snapping you out from the inner turmoil that was your thoughts and you to Susan for direction.
"He did work for us...", Susan remarks. "And when something occurs to one of ours, the agency is obligated to look into it. So yes, you will be hearing from us, thank you. Keep it locked down till we get there, please."
"I can't find a file on this guy", Dave comments once the French official logged off. "When did he become one of ours?"
"I don't know. Upstairs kept him off the radar for some reason", Susan responds, looking to you then. "Y/N, do you have any information on him-", she pauses to look up from the computer screen, and you could hear Byran's voice.
"Oh, you look great... but what about a tie? You need a tie, Darling...", Susan remarks and a faint smile crosses your face at their loving relationship, but it immediately sours when Dave opens his mouth.
"Do what she says, Byran..."
Susan smirks at the remark, you roll your eyes; which he clearly notices. Finishing her interaction with Bryan, Susan turns her attention back toward the screen. "Where were we?"
"There is a file on him. It was a category zero, so it was on need-to-know basis only", you reply. "I'm sending the information to both of you as we speak."
"Good... thank you", Susan smiles in response and Dave merely nods in appreciation.
"Hope it will assist in your investigation... but I'm sure you'll being heading to Brussels to personally go over the scene", you flash her a faint smile, making sure not to look in Dave's direction.
"Yeah... I'm going to have to go over there and cross the T's...", Susan confirms your guess. "You guys wanna come?"
"Oh damn... and leave this shitty office...?", Dave sarcastically responds. "You know, Brussels has the best chocolates..."
Susan smirks at his remark, "mmm... we'll go and find out."
You cringe internally at the thought of being in close proximity to Dave. "As tempting as it is... I have a ton of paperwork to go through. You go ahead and enjoy the enjoy the chocolates."
"Pity", Susan frowns dishearteningly. "I'll make sure to bring you back some chocolates."
Smiling at Susan's kind-heartedness, you nod in response, "deal."
Susan logs offline first, leaving Dave and you to stare at each other for a few seconds, and just as he opens his mouth to speak, you hastily off as well. "Not today... you were not going to give him any opportunely to kill you."
Like a man Who the game As a healing For his pain You your game Again and again Crazy, insane Deep in love You (ooh) You (ooh) You (ooh) Only you (ooh) You (ooh) You (ooh) All your love That I love All your love Yeah... 
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Best and worst of both worlds (part 30)
Tw: none for now, short chapter tho this is just like a decision making chaoter
Part 31
You groan, waking up at the incessant buzzing from your phone. You picked up the call without pondering who would be calling you in the middle of the night.
You grumbled a "hello".
"(Name), my dear."
Yves's baritone voice laced with worry and disappointment was enough to shock you awake. Your eyes are now wide open.
"My flight was canceled."
You let out the most visceral 'huh?!' in your life. You proceeded to ask why.
"Due to terrible weather, (name). The airport is experiencing a bout of freezing rain. All flights are canceled until the weather improves." You heard a sigh from him, frustration was evident.
"Then, we will have to wait until they de-ice all aircraft and runways. I will be arriving later than expected."
You were about to respond, but he continued.
"Much, later." Yves pinched the bridge of his nose. He's currently in a cafe within the airport, staring at figures and images undecipherable to the eyes of the common, but it was as easy reading a nursery rhyme to Yves. "I predict that we will be grounded for another three days. The humidity, the temperatures, the forecasts... they're all atrocious."
You felt your shoulders droop in despair.
"I might return by tomorrow, if I am lucky. Otherwise, I could take a train to-"
You cut him off, telling him that it's okay, you're handling yourself well back home. He should attend his conference and enjoy the rest of his time there.
You told him that you appreciate his willingness to drop everything for you, but he needs to settle his own business too. To enjoy and not stress about your problems. You told him that you don't want to be the reason why his life suddenly goes sideways.
"(name), I can take care of myself." Yves replied, sounding slightly offended.
To that, you responded that you have no doubt that he could. But that doesn't mean you can't take care of yourself. You may have struggled to find your footing in the last three- no, four days now, but you think you can manage. All thanks to Yves's help, and it's only three more days, you should be able to survive on your own.
You wondered if you said anything wrong because he wasn't responding to you.
Yves has his cheek propped up on a gloved hand while the other absentmindedly fidgeted with his pen. He knew better than to take your words as "I don't need you"; he is deeply touched by how much you cared about him, But Yves is a caregiver. He has to feel needed and depended on, and right now you're making him feel the exact opposite.
Yves doesn't like how irrational he is now. You didn't mean it that way, but his logic couldn't stop the dejection pooling in his chest.
He sets his pen down and spoke, his earphones picking up on his voice.
"I worry about you, (name)."
He watches you through his laptop monitor. You're lying on your side, smothered in blankets as you put your air conditioner to its lowest temperature.
"...and I miss you."
He added.
You told him that you missed him too. But he doesn't need to worry about you. If you lived a life without Yves before, surely you could survive without him for a while. Likewise, Yves will live on without you as he has lived in the past.
He felt a sharp stabbing pain throughout his entire being. That did not come off as assuring as you intended. Yet you don't realize it and keep smashing his heart into pieces by telling him you're even doing much better without his guidance now.
Yves knows your intent behind those words, you're merely trying to quell his anxieties about your ability to problem-solve, and that is enough for him to not go hysterical at the airport cafe. He wishes that you would be a little more mindful of what comes out of your mouth.
He decided to change the topic.
"Jones is not your chauffeur anymore."
You acknowledged that. Then proceeded to tell him you will be taking the bus again.
"I hired someone else to--"
You dropped the ball and told him you will not be attending your classes. They're mostly lectures and you can afford to miss a couple of tutorials and labs.
He went silent. You wished that you were as perspective as him, so that you could easily know how he was feeling towards your decision.
You called for his attention.
"I want to see you." He requested. "Could you switch your camera on for me, please?"
You pulled the phone away from your ear and propped it against the wall in front of you. The voice call was soon changed to a video call, the angle that you choose to present yourself is horrible, but Yves is simply happy to see your face this close and personal.
As always, he looks fantastic and fresh. Wearing fashionable clothes and a pair of shapely, black gloves. His hair is nothing like your messy, bed head one, it's immaculately curled and silky.
You saw him smiling at you adoringly. "You're so endearing."
You looked at your own video feed and wondered what he saw in you. You look hideous right now.
You thought he wanted to speak to you about something, but he wordlessly went back to doing his own paperwork and research. Leaving you confused as to why he wanted to see you.
Your eyelids are getting heavier. You asked him if there is anything else, if not, you're going to end the call and contact him later in the day. You want to sleep.
"Well." He looked straight into your eyes through the screen. You don't know how he does that and it still freaks you out. "I hope this isn't too much of me to ask of you."
You nodded for him to continue.
"Could you keep your camera on for me, please?" He asked earnestly.
You told him that you wouldn't be awake to interact with him.
"I would very much rather have your company, even if we aren't exchanging words." The corners of his red lips were slightly tugged downwards.
"It is... lonely without you here." He whispered.
You stared back at him. Yves's emerald eyes were trained onto yours, he held a pen in his hand. You noted that he seems to be subtly fiddling with it, perhaps nervous as to what you would do next?
You thought about it. It's not like the call is keeping you up. And since you're not going to the university in the morning, you wouldn't need to worry about your phone running out of battery. It's currently being charged anyways.
However, maybe having someone watch over your sleeping form isn't the most comfortable idea. You're not used to such... romantic activities. Even if you knew Yves won't be focusing on you for at least eight hours straight, it still leaves a bit of a strange, unlikable taste that you are being exposed to him during your most vulnerable and unconscious state.
What if you burped or farted or mumbled something embarrassing in your sleep? You're not comfortable showing that side of you to Yves yet, you only know him for a little over a month!
But then again, he was the man who cleaned up your puke, removed the snot you left in his perfect hair, who you coughed in his face and shot your phlegm onto his eyelashes and the man who witnessed you orgasm over a couple of his touches. Seeing you asleep should be the least of your worries.
You rubbed your eyes and thought about your next move.
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thevikingwoman · 1 month
Fic Authors Self Rec
When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the love ❤️
I was tagged by @myreia and @a-shakespearean-in-paris, thank you both! It's hard to pick favorites? (I cheated)
Tagging forward, and to anyone else who wants to!
@galadrieljones @redinkofshame @ubejamjar @roguelioness @galadae
@bearlytolerant @kittlesandbugs @ellstersmash @janzoo @coldshrugs
@gangrelslut @superfluouskeys @buttsonthebeach
- 1. The Lovers
FFXIV | Shadowbringers | Wol x Tansui | Explicit | 4310 words
After defeating the Rak'tika Lightwarden, Warrior of Light (& Darkness) finds time to teleport back to the source, yearning to see her lover again. Tansui is more than happy to see her again, and their need for each other is undeniable. However, after they come together, something weighs on Tansui's mind
This is one of my most recent fics, and I really love exploring both Meryta's and Tansui's POV in this one. I struggled getting it to where I wanted, but I'm so happy with where it ended up and some of the nuances I was able to get in here.
- 1.5 Passing Through
FFXIV | Stormblood patches | Wol x Tansui | Explicit | 4518 words
Warrior of Light Meryta Khatin, while helping Genbu with the Four Lords passes through Onokoro. She can't help checking in on a friend - and Meryta and Tansui can't deny the attraction between them.
Alright, I'm cheating and adding one more Meryta and Tansui fic. This one was the one that settled the idea I had for them in my mind, that made me think of them as ship - even if they're not there yet. I had such fun writing it, and I think it shows.
- 2. Choices
FFXIV | Shadowbringers | Wol | Gen | 736 words
After the reveal and failure of G'raha's plan, Meryta has a moment - angry, hurt, confused and falling apart
I love this little MSQ coda, it was so great to express the feeling about the whole plot, and how it felt to Meryta. I think I expressed her feelings and interiority so well, and put some great images in here.
- 3. Comfort
Dragon Age | Vampire AU | Solavellan | Explicit | 7107 words
"Brooding alone?” someone asks. A woman, an elf, leans on the bar next to him. Her red hair is up in a ponytail, displaying the tawny skin on her muscular back. She is wearing a shimmering white dress, only a scrap of fabric covering her back. “I am just here to enjoy a drink in peace,” he replies. She laughs, eyes sparkling and lighting up her face. Her lips are painted bold red, and he notices her vallaslin, a dull olive covering the right side of her face. Dalish, then. Not many clans do that anymore. “No one comes here to drink in peace,” she says. “Iwyn Lavellan.” She holds out her hand, and he has to take it, bringing it to his lips in a kiss. Later, he blames the alcohol, or her sparkling the eyes, or the way the dress barely covers her ass. “Solas. Pleased to meet you.”
Probably my favorite AU. I love the little plot, I love the world, I love the dynamic between them. I love writing Iwyn as the immortal. I love the images and descriptions I wrote - and he smut is pretty good too!
- 4. Home
Uprooted (Naomi Novik) | post-book | Agnieszka/ Sarkan | Teen | 2175 words
He misses her, just not more than he fears belonging.
This is probably the favorite fic I have ever written. I think I hit the mood of the book so well, and managed to make a believable continuation. I just think this one flows so well and I'm very proud of it.
- 5. Temerity
Dragon Age | post Inquistion | Solavellan | Explicit | 10728 words
Iwyn Lavellan is doing all that she can to stay one step ahead of Solas, opposing him after he reveals his plans. When she runs into her former lover in an abandoned ruin, they start a tenuous and dangerous dance. They can't help but being drawn to each other, no matter how harsh the flames of love or hate will burn them.
I love this one for so many reasons. Though not Iwyn and Solas canon (in my head) reunion, I love the darkness of this, and the way they're messed up. I'm so proud of myself for going there and writing this and putting it out in the world. I love some of the metaphors, I love the intensity. And I love the open ending I left; do they spiral or do they make it through?
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