#is that what he gave fordola??????
fisherrprince · 1 year
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started post- sb you know what that means!! [insert repetitive & flawed 5 hour rant about the depiction of parents in ffxiv here]
#listen. listen.#the variety?#maddening#the thing fordola fights for in stormblood is the thing her father told her right before he died. she believes theres no other way#she believes the only way to freedom is through following the empire because thats what her father believed!#and she never learned otherwise because her father was fucking murdered!! she didnt trust anyone to tell her differently!!#hate it when people who come from stable households reduce parenting to loving + good and not loving + bad.#parents are also flawed human beings!! they fuck up!! their love isnt always a good thing!!#we are not exclusively a product of how we were raised but it does affect you. especially when youre younger and dont have the experience#outside of your family to fall back on. (at least thats what i assume im still in the young category)#parents can love their kids and still fuck up royally. parents can not care for their kids but still raise them right.#my mom loves me! she also gave me three separate mental disorders and refuses to accept my autism!#people keep asking why i refuse to get angry at ANYTHING out loud and its. its my mom. she made me like this#she made me afraid of speaking up or talking back to authority figures because shes a flawed person!#am i still gonna cut her off once im out of the house? YEAH. shes traumatised the living shit out of me! OUT OF LOVE.#are there parents who love their kids AND are good parents. probably. are there parents who hate their kids and abuse them. again. probably#but that doesnt cover every parent. those two separate ends of a whole damn spectrum#hhhghhg#its late im getting incoherent
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eemamminy-art · 4 months
You have turned me from a Zenos hater into a Zenos ambilaventer keep posting and you might manage to turn me into a Zenos lover
If you already hated him though is me drawing him really going to make that big of a difference? 😩 Like I know I give him a fat ass and extremely delicious nose in my artwork but now I feel compelled to give you my tedtalk on why I like zenos lmao
This is about to be really long and also contains spoilers for stormblood, shadowbringers, and endwalker
This might surprise you but I like Zenos for his characterization and storyline in the game itself! The fanart is just kind of a bonus. He's one of many examples in Stormblood of a character that is shaped by their experiences, though I think it's not told as successfully as it is for like, Fordola, Arenvald, or Yotsuyu, because a key part of his backstory was locked to a short story in a print-only book (which I think is out of print now). The most you see of it in the actual game is this blink and you miss it line from Lyse at the very end of 4.0:
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(Dialog from the quest "Stormblood", patch 4.0)
What really, really appeals to me about Zenos though, is that he is the personification of depression and that really resonates with me. He has anything he could possibly want, he has accomplished a great many things, but he feels completely hollow inside. He's miserable. He slaughtered countless Domans including their leader and felt nothing, commanded to do it by his father because (as shown in that short story) he only ever was acknowledged to even exist to his father when he practiced violence. So it's a given now, that's what's expected of him and that's all his life is. He's completely desensitized.
He finds one thing that makes him feel alive, that is the warrior of light challenging him, and it becomes his sole focus. Nothing else matters but chasing that high, because every single other thing is a low. After being bested by the warrior of light for the very last time, faced with probably prison for his crimes, he decides to die by his own hand on that high note rather than go back to the drudgery and misery that is everything else.
It's why in endwalker he can be swayed to do something good at the very, very end. He doesn't have a moral compass because he was shaped into an attack dog by his father, he sees "righteousness" as an excuse for war. Because I mean, what else is Garlean propaganda but righteousness from their twisted perspective? He asks Jullus if he would be happier had he a good reason to kill so many garleans after killing his own father— he makes it plain that death is death and there is no justice or good or evil in his eyes. He did have a reason, and it was that his father's use of black rose would likely kill the warrior of light, the only person or thing that gave Zenos any joy in life. Later, it was that Fandaniel dangled the idea that the warrior of light would be attracted to the slaughter and would come running to stop him so he killed more people during the civil war after the emperor's death. But he doesn't need to say that that was why. The reason doesn't matter, he knows the action would not change no matter how it was justified. Even if it was a "good" reason, death is death.
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(Dialog from the quest "The Time Between the Seconds", patch 4.0)
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(Dialog from the quest "As the Heavens Burn", patch 6.0)
I often see people take Alisaie's part in that scene as her convincing him to be a better person but that's really not what happens. He knows if he takes that action that others perceive as good and helps to stop Endsinger, he could have that high again in facing the warrior of light one more time. He could find joy and meaning, even for a fleeting moment. Then once again end it all because he fears returning to the low monotony of life. It's all over his dialog, especially in Endwalker. The dialog at the very end where he asks the warrior of light if they feel fulfilled, I know is meant to be a bit more of a meta question toward the player themselves, but I'd like to think it's Zenos comparing how different his outlook is to the warrior of light's. The warrior of light has many things keeping them going, whereas Zenos is drowning in despair with only one bright spot that he is constantly chasing time and time again.
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(Dialog from the quest "Friends Gathered", patch 6.0)
those three tiny lines can hold so much zenoswol yearning in them AAAAAAAAAAAAA I AM not well
I personally still feel like there was room for him to survive that and to be gently guided into more and more good and try to undo some of that conditioning but I think he might be too polarizing of a character for him to become a permanent ally in canon. Much as I would love to see that! I have to wonder if the mentions of him in the 6.X patches that bounced between positive and negative were testing the waters, but I will leave my tinfoil hat aside because this post is already WAY too long lmao
I understand why people dislike him: they think he enjoys murder because he does it without "a good reason", they don't like how obsessive he becomes toward the warrior of light who is an extension of the player themselves, they don't like that in Fandaniel's scheme in "in from the cold" Zenos is the one inhabiting the warrior of light's body. Totally get it, totally understand.
I'm just saying I see the complexity to him and I find it compelling. Just as I found the overwhelming grief and despair that motivated Nidhogg or Emet-selch or Elidibus to be compelling. I think what people miss though when you like an antagonist is that feeling empathy toward them means you don't feel empathy toward the people they harmed, or that you somehow agree with what they did. But really, I just love seeing these characters that are faced with such tragedy or misery that they start to lose sight of right and wrong. They're driven entirely by emotions. For a story where emotions are literally power, I think it's a really interesting angle to take with the antagonists of that story.
Man, where was I going with this? 😂 I just love Zenos... I don't think I will be convincing anyone to like him who doesn't already, and that's not at all my intent. I just thought I'd share my perspective a little bit after getting this ask!
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autumnslance · 4 months
In reference to this post I reblogged earlier, but don't want to muck up UC's activity:
#i think it's more important to see that redemption is in the eye of the beholder #not everybody (characters or real people) will accept the same type or amount of repentance for the same sins #some people might not care at all if the person who wronged them feels sorry; only if they materially repaid their crimes #others can feel the opposite #and either way that's their prerogative #you can disagree with the characters or the fans or the writers about who “deserves” OR has “achieved” redemption and that's okay #because it's ultimately a complex philosophical issue #like i agree with OP!!! but there's media literacy in accepting that not everyone will
I'm going to disagree with many of these tags, especially it being "in the eye of the beholder" and would argue it's more media literate to recognize when a character has a workable redemption arc even if one disagrees they "should" get one. It took me a long time to learn this cuz of how we're usually taught redemption = forgiveness in Western (especially very Christianized, and especially if explicitly raised Christian) culture:
It doesn't rely on anyone but the person seeking redemption.
Yeah, it's the wronged party's prerogative to never forgive, to think the perpetrator's atonement (and/or punishment) is not enough and never will be. Anyone (characters and actual people) who sympathize, and who are on their side, can agree it's not ever enough and that character/person's sins are unforgivable.
And that still doesn't matter to their redemption.
We have an example of a workable redemption arc that not all accept in Final Fantasy XIV with Fordola's situation, through the Endwalker healer role quests. She was raised a collaborator of Ala Mhigo's imperial occupiers, and thought the best way to help her people was to soldier for the empire, becoming their Butcher.
In the Stormblood patches, Raganfrid says he will never forgive her; he thanks her for the aid she gave in the throne room that day, but that's all. And even in the EW healer role quests, their interactions are complicated. He still can't forgive the collaborators, even as he works to reintegrate them into Ala Mhigan society. He recognizes many thought they had no choice. He can't, won't, forget the pain of losing his own loved ones to them. This is stated multiple times.
And others, like M'rahz, Sarisha, and M'naago also struggle, also say they won't forgive...but reluctantly agree they can understand how for the sake of their families, the collaborators felt pushed against a wall, and what lengths have they themselves gone to for their own families? M'naago even scolds Fordola: she doesn't get to give up, she has to keep working--or she dies as exactly what everyone said she was.
Fordola starts out as the one punished for her sins. Through the story, she makes her choices to change and fight and work for her people as a free woman. There are still those who despise the Butcher, and always will. Redemption comes from Fordola's actions, Fordola's choices. Who forgives her and who doesn't can't change that she has changed, and continues to do so.
And in the interest of fairness, for the opposite of Fordola, we have Laurentius. In A Realm Reborn, he collaborated with the empire, selling out his nation. He came out of his punishment wanting a new chance, so joined the Crystal Braves...and immediately fell under Ilberd's sway. While others remained loyal and stuck to their morals (and paid for it with imprisonment or even death), Laurentius went along with all of Ilberd's plans. And in the end, the player gets an opinion in the punishment he and his comrade face, but it's clear from talking to Raubahn there isn't much hope. Laurentius had his chances, but he didn't make any effort to actually change--so faced the consequences.
For Reference for the Healer Role Quests: Garland Tools Healer quest text starting with "Far From Free", and my own saved text in Gdocs (raw, not very organized compared to my later saved/updated docs).
(Nero's the war criminal who...didn't even get a slap on the wrist, he just waltzed into a leadership meeting 15 mins late with Starbucks and has been helping us save the world since. Gaius is the war criminal that went through traumas, saw his privileged preconceptions torn apart, and is starting down that road in the wake of Werlyt to clean up his mistakes and not let his children's sacrifices be in vain. None of these characters "need" punishment to decide to change; some of it simply happens as part of their stories, but they make their own choices and actions toward atonement.)
(Also redemption is usually an ongoing process, which is why "Death Equals Redemption", like how Yotusyu's situation is framed, is so dicey and often unsatisfying; are they actually changed, or they just getting out of putting in that effort to? Nothing indicated Yotsuyu actually cared to change, as sympathetic as she was in the end! But she has her redemptive moment for her fans, and the people who hate/won't forgive her also "win"--the trope is a "have your cake and eat it too" writing cop-out IMO at this point.)
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sebille · 1 month
No one cares about Zenos! No one in that whole goddamn palace gave one whit what was going on with that child. People will gasp in shock and call him villain for seeing the servants and shit as automata. But they didn't care! They were as unfeeling and uncaring as goddamn robots, just following their orders and routines, so why NOT see them as that!
No one cared about his life, so why should he care about theirs? Or his for that matter!
And it honestly doesn't surprise me that the two people he comes across that he briefly makes a connection with are WOMEN.
Yotsuyu and Fordola are two pissed off women that absolutely hate the hand they've been dealt and want to do something about it, and Zenos recognizes that and gives them to tools to do something about it. And, yeah, he wants their actions afterwards to help him in the long run. But like. That was no accident. They intentionally paired wronged women with Zenos. There is a connecting theme with all three of them that people just turned a blind eye to.
All of them were ignored and beaten and cast aside and made to make something of themselves.
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lightparty-fullparty · 7 months
Gods okay I need to talk about the Stormblood Antagonists for a hot minute. Whatever personal issues I have with how Stormblood is paced or how certain characters are handled, the villains are absolutely fantastic.
If there is one singular theme that ties the main three antagonists (that being, Fordola/Yotsuyu/Zenos) together. It's the idea of the Ouroboros. The snake that is caught in a self-destructive cycle of devouring it's own tail.
Historical in our real world, the Ouroboros has been symbolic of main things, the cycles of life and death, fertility, even immortality. However, it can also been seen in a more negative light as a symbol of perpetuated suffering. Of being unable to let go of something that only end up hurting you more. And gods doesn't that just sound familiar?
Now I can hear you, in your head saying "But Gengar - Yostuyu and Fordola obviously have those parallels of suffering abuse and becoming abusers themselves, but what the hell are you doing throwing Zenos in there too? He's the abuser." And I get it, I do. Aside from the fact I'm a self-admitted Zenos lover, he doesn't at first glance really fit in with the ladies. But hear me out okay?
It's not just suffering abuse. It's refusing to let go and allow yourself and your perspective to change, even though your current way of thinking and acting is only making you suffer more. Yotsuyu was victimised for *years* at the hands of her Aunt/Uncle/Asahi. Then sold off to an (asummedly) abusive husband, and then sold again into prostitution. She was never offered a shred of sympathy or kindness during this time. And when she was given power, given authority and the means to protect herself physically. She choose to return all of the suffering she endured onto the people of Doma. She did not see them as being in the same position as her, suffering under the abuse of the Garlean Empire. She did not offer them any sympathy or kindness of her own, because (in her mind) they had denied that basic decency to her. Yotsuyu couldn't let go of her hatred until a literal giant wooden beam smacked her on the head and gave her complete amniesia. At which point, she displayed the ability to be kind. To think of others and to try and do nice things for them (Persimmons anyone?). Tsuyu was freed from her self-inflicted cycle of pain. She stopped letting herself be comsumed by her own anger and fear. Fordola was much the same, though her family at least very clearly cared for her. She grew up in an occupied Ala Mihgo. In a family with supported the Imperial force. Out of genuine agreement with the Empire or as a means of ensuring a sightly better life for themselves we don't really know (as far as I can remember at least). Fordola's suffering, much like Yotsuyu's, came at the hands of her own 'countrymen'. People who (rightly) despised the Empire for it's brutal oppression, but who choose to take it on someone more vulnerable and accessable. A child. A young girl who was given a horrible and sudden lesson on just how cruel people can be. On both sides of the conflict.
Fordola chose to join the Garlean Army in the hopes of amassing power for herself. Of trying desperately to carve out some place of herself and her friends where they felt they actually belonged. Where they would be respected. Unfortunately, she found none of this. The Garleans saw her as a 'savage', the Ala Mihgian's saw her as a tratior. Like Yotsuyu, Fordola couldn't let go of her desire for revenge. Her desire to "make anyone who ever looked down on (her) pay!". It drove her to extremes to try and hold onto that scrap of power she had managed to gather. The resonant, the Castrum, all of it more teeth biting into her own tail. So what can Zenos not let go of?
His belief that the only joy he can find in life is from dying in combat. Because let's be honest with ourselves, Zenos has no desire to live here. He wants a meaningful death, a brilliant, climactic, perfect moment and then he wants to not be alive anymore after that. It's why he chooses to kill himself after the Royal Menagiere. You beat him! You gave him his perfect moment! He knows (believes) that there's nothing left for him after this! So he dies. Zenos is infact suffering. It's just not as clear as Fordola or Yotsuyu. He's miserable. He's perpetually bored, and lethargic, and consumed by apathy. A prison of his own making because he has had tunnel vision since he was like 8? 10? that combat was the only thing capable of making him feel anything. So he chases after it, chases after you (the WOL). Trying to push you and push you like he was until you're capable of giving him what he wants. His perfect, transcendant moment of pure joy, and then death after.
Really what it comes down to is that Fordola, Yotsuyu, and Zenos are stuck in their own self-perpetuated misery. Yotsuyu in her fear of powerlessness, Fordola in her need for revenge, and Zenos in his desperation for meaning.
And none of them can see a way to break their own cycles until it someone outside of it comes in to try and do it for them. (Gosetsu/Lyse + Arenvald/WOL+Alisaie)
'Ere does the head devour the tail.
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An Unexpected Return (Obey Me!) fic
summary: The brothers get their exchange student back much sooner than planned. Due to the Human World being more than this one human expected. Content includes depression, stress, feelings of inadequacy, comfort and fluff.
The text had been simple enough. One that was sent to Diavolo, Barbatos, Solomon and Lucifer. The one sending the text being their beloved human exchange student, Myra. Who had gone back home to the human world last month. But this text proved that things were not okay with Myra. At all. "I hate to bother any of you right now. But I don't have a place to live here in the human world anymore and can't make it to the homeless shelter before closing. Someone please come and pick me and my few boxes of stuff up?"
It only took a minute before a portal opened in the Demon Lord's Castle. Solomon soon escorting his very miserable apprentice over the threshold as several cardboard boxes floated through the portal after them. Diavolo there to lift the goth wearing college student into his arms for a tight hug. "Lucifer is on his way right now. My word, you're as cold as ice." Barbatos approached with a warm blanket for the butler and the ruler of the Devildom to sit Myra down and wrap her in the blanket. While Solomon saw to moving what few possessions Myra had with her from the human World and into the entranceway of the castle.
By the time Lucifer arrives, Barbatos has given Myra a cup of hot tea to sip as Solomon and Diavolo sorted the boxes and bags. The Avatar of Pride walking forwards to stand before Myra and cross his arms. His words deep but hinting at worry as he sighs. "Myra Fordola Albaroiz. You have some explaining to do." The goth college student rolled her eyes to mutter out, "I wish to so many powers that no one had ever introduced you to 'I Love Lucy' last year. May we please do the short version of the story for now?" Lucifer nodded for Solomon to close the portal and sit himself beside Myra to pour himself a cup of the still steaming tea. So Myra had the time to speak openly. "Turns out my family weren't too happy about me going off to a school they never heard of. So when I got back, I found out they had packed all my things into a storage container. They refuse to talk to me and just tossed me a bill for the storage unit. So the money I made here to use there got burned into real bad. I paid off my old student loans. Since my old friend from high school said I could go back to my old job at data entry. But they decided to do a company overhaul last week and canned half the staff. So I was left with no job, no place to live, and the storage unit telling me to get lost."
All the men in the room go deadly quiet. So Myra sips her tea to make a point with her words that follow. "I already hexed the company building before I left. My family also have a convenient curse in the form of rotting shrimp hiding in the poles that hold up the window blinds through the entire house. The storage unit company is now under federal investigation after someone gave them a tip about a dead body in the unit next to mine. So I made sure to burn my bridges before I texted for a portal out of dodge." Solomon chuckles to look highly pleased with his apprentice. While Diavolo is trying very hard not to laugh as Lucifer smirks at the human exchange student. His words melted and full of warm approval at this woman of silent revenge. "That world doesn't deserve your pure wicked genius. Yet you should have been telling us all of this news as it was happening. For that I will scold you later."
Myra smiled to then finish her tea and huff. "Oh spare me, Lucy. I may adore you and all that. But I am a fully grown human woman with magic and seven pacts with demons that are considered ancient forces unto themselves. I only texted in the first place because I knew if I didn't you would slow roast and force feed me my own sculpted ass if I didn't." Solomon chokes on his tea to cough and try not to laugh. While Diavolo and Barbatos cover their moths to hide their grins. While Lucifer chuckles to then shake his head. "Now is the time for you to say how you really feel for the open air. So go ahead, lamb." Myra set the tea cup down to then clench both hands into fists. Her words flinted and aching with pure hate and evident sorrow. "My own family had the outright nerve to say I'm not worth all the time and investment raising me was. Something that never would have flown if my grandparents were still alive. So they heel stomped my worth into the muck and ground their heel besides. I pray they spend the rest of time paying for that. As for that executive bastard that fired me... He had the sheer audacity to state my job performance wasn't good enough to keep me around. When my performance numbers were third best in the entire company. Just because I'm a woman with a backbone. It took every bit of my will not to punch his smug face in with a enhanced fist jab. But I didn't. I'd rather do that to the piece of shit called life instead. I. Am. Not. Worthless!"
Myra rubbed at her eyes as a sob came out. Yet in the next second, Lucifer had swept Myra out of her chair to hug her tight and envelope her in his wings. Those ebony feathers tickling her frame as Lucifer placed a kiss to her forehead before he spoke words of rich conviction. "You are priceless! Fools would only dare to even think otherwise of you! Let those ignorant swine roll in their own stupidity without another thought! You belong to us! You are our most cherished soul in all three realms! Myra! There is nor will there ever be anyone like you!"
Lucifer soon eased up on his hug to then hand Myra over to Diavolo. Who was smiling bright to take Myra around for a spin like they were waltzing. His gaze to her full of love and favor. "We will never let you linger in such lies. You are flinted darkness and yet hold radiant light within. The sun itself cannot compare. Since you have been left to forge on without those fools, I vote we have you stay with us for a bit. At least until Solomon might set up a new place for you to dwell in back in the Human World. perhaps in a new country for you both to go on a trip to travel and see the sights." Myra perked up at that idea to then sigh. "After I see all my family here and get my head back on straight. So for now, I say we have a good meal and perhaps a movie or two."
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FFxivWrite2024 Prompt #24
Title: Plans Hatched Behind Bars
Wordcount: 1086
Spoilers through: Stormblood
Alternate Universe: To Catch a Falling Star
Relationships & Characters: Fordola/Lyse, Conrad
Summary: A lucky chance affords Lyse and Conrad another opening to escape - at the cost of Fordola’s life. Lyse comes up with a different idea instead.
(Been wanting to write this scene for a while, and this seemed like the right prompt for it! This takes place after my entry for prompt #12, and basically sets up the plot for the rest of the AU.)
“Pretty neat, huh?” After unlocking Conrad’s cell, Lyse returned to her own, and nodded to the blissfully dreaming imperial commander within. Fordola had made the mistake of letting her guard down around Lyse, and this was the prompt result. “Doesn’t seem she’ll be waking up any time soon, so we’ve got time to plan our escape!”
The grizzled old apothecary frowned and knelt down to examine Lyse’s handiwork. “Aye, you can say that again. She won’t be waking up at all, after this.”
“What?!” Lyse’s eyes widened. “But she can’t be dead! I didn’t hit her that hard!”
“Oh, it’s none of your doing, lass. It’s the poison what’ll do her in.” Conrad shifted to the side, allowing Lyse to take a closer look. “I’ve seen cases like this before. Folks poking around Bittermill, and they hit something rancid buried in the soil. Everything inside them slows down, and soon enough, even the heart stops.”
And indeed, on further inspection, Lyse could make out the sheen of sweat on the imperial’s brow and the pained rasp of her irregular breathing. “Bittermill… that’s where the Skulls were fighting…” From the conversation Lyse had overheard, one of their thaumaturge’s blasts had exposed a rusty canister in the ground that had quickly poisoned the air.
Unlike most high-ranking Garlean troops, Fordola lacked the intimidating gas-filtering mask. And she was the type of commander who fought right in the thick of battle alongside her men, too.
No wonder Lyse had been able to get the jump on her.
”She swallowed the poison the Garleans fed her, and now she’s dying of it,” Conrad said mournfully.
“I mean, from the sound of it, it was an accident.” 
Conrad sighed. “Sometimes, Lyse, it’s not about the little details, but the big ones.” He gave her an admonishing look that was an awful lot like one of Papalymo’s.  “About the story folks will tell after we’re gone. The story of what was once Ala Mhigo.”
That was all well and good, but Lyse had more important things to think about than giving up. “So… what do we do with her?”
Conrad thoughtfully gazed at the ceiling above. “You said the patrol upstairs passes every bell, wasn’t it?”
“Then we’ve another half bell to wait.” He settled back against the bars of the cell. “May as well stay at her side, I suppose. No Ala Mhigan deserves to die alone in the dark. Not even the Butcher.”
“Argh! This is ridiculous!” Lyse whispered furiously. Over the course of the half bell, she had gone from sitting, to restlessly exercising, to now gesticulating wildly as she paced around the cell.
Lyse had never been an especially patient person. Her muscles constantly ached to fight, to run, to do. Waiting quietly in the dark while watching as some helpless woman’s breathing grew slower and slower was pure agony!
“This isn’t what fighting for the revolution is supposed to be like! Ala Mhigans killing Ala Mhigans! Ala Mhigans just - just sitting around watching each other die!”
“I know, Lyse.” Conrad said softly. He had looked up from monitoring Fordola at Lyse’s outburst. “But there’s naught we can do.”
“Of course there is! There’s always something we can do!” Lyse clenched her fists. “There’s got to be - oh, I don’t know what it is exactly, but it looked like an infirmary upstairs. If we took her there now, they might be able to save her!”
“And then what?” Conrad’s voice was unusually harsh. Perhaps his silent vigil had been weighing on him too. “Give up our one chance of escape? For sake of the Butcher?” He frowned deeply. “No. The Resistance may be finished, but I’ll not simply roll over and let the imperials kill me in one of their godsforsaken camps.”
“You’re right…” Lyse’s face fell. “It wouldn’t be fair to you. You don’t have to come.” She looked down, let her hands sheepishly relax back to her sides. “You can escape, and I’ll take her as far as the infirmary and leave her there.”
“And what were you planning to do after, lass? I keep telling you. You’ve got to think things through.”
“I was getting there!” Lyse bit her lip. There was a plan forming in her mind, a good one, but how to put it into words?  “After that… I’ll come back here.”
“No. I’m not leaving you behind.” Conrad rose to his feet and beckoned her to the cell door. “I owe Curtis at least that.”
“That’s the whole problem!” Lyse suddenly burst out. “Stop it! Stop making everything about my father and my sister! I’m not them, and I don’t deserve what they deserved! You heard what happened in Ala Gannha. I barely understand the first thing about Ala Mhigo!”
“Lyse - “
“You said that Garlemald stole Ala Mhigo’s future by taking their youths. Well, then why aren’t we working to steal them back?” Lyse was back to making wild gestures. “The Resistance is finished without more Ala Mhigans?” She stabbed a finger back towards Fordola. “There’s your Ala Mhigan!”
“This isn’t a game, Lyse.” But Conrad cracked a tiny smile at her impassioned rant.
“I’m being serious! Look.” Lyse crossed her arms. “Nothing we’ve tried before has worked either, right? And - and Fordola seems to have some kind of a soft spot for me! So this is something only I can do.”
Not my father. Not my sister. Me. 
“It’s too risky.”
“I’ll have a back up plan!” Lyse countered, holding up and waving the keys she’d snagged from Fordola’s belt. “Hard to keep me behind bars when I’ve got these.”
Conrad let out a dry chuckle. “Well then. It’s nothing like what your sister would have done, that’s for sure.” He glanced down, shaking his head at the still form of the dying commander. “And to tell the truth… it’s what I want too, sentimental old fool that I am.”
“Then… you think I should give it a try?” Lyse’s expression brightened.
“Aye. There’s many in the Resistance what might’ve disagreed… but they’re gone now, same as the rest. So if your mind’s made up and you’ve got the courage for it, you’ve my full support.”
“I’ll get you an army again! You’ll see!”
“Right then, Hext. That’s your mission: come back with the Skulls. I’ll be waiting for you.”
Lyse threw an eager salute and watched as Conrad disappeared up the castrum stairs and into the night beyond.
It was the last time anyone saw Conrad Kemp alive.
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brineffxiv · 1 year
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In Radz-at-Han, Vrtra (via Varshahn) is preparing to make his grand announcement.
I can feel his fear and trepidation; no less than this great calamity could have prompted him to reveal his secret, so afraid was he of his people rejecting him.
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It will be alright. They will see how much you care for them.
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It is a lovely speech. His people do not yet know him, but they will. And they are willing to extend the same trust to him that he extends to them in this moment. Together, they will get through this.
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That it would have. I hope that wherever she is now - the aetherial sea, or perhaps reborn? - that she knows where the path she started us down has led us.
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Oh great. These fuckers again.
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To his credit, Fourchenault recovers quickly when he discovers he's going to have to negotiate policy with a Great Wyrm. He quickly and succinctly gives a brief explanation of the Final Days, and what the Forum has been planning.
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...I am both surprised and relieved. It's clear I need to reassess my view of Sharlayan; I was convinced that, being so insular, they would only seek to rescue their own people. Fourchenault has risen in my estimation. Marginally.
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Vrtra will meet and discuss the details of this plan of evacuation with the Forum members in Meghaduta. I am heartened to learn that the decision will ultimately be up to the individuals to decide; Vrtra truly is a good leader.
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Nidhana has caught up with us: she has a theory to share!
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Y'know, I asked that exact question when Y'shtola first said they didn't have any aether. Without it, how do they exist at all?
Nidhana's theory, then, is based on the fact that strong negative emotions trigger the transformation. She posits that akasa is the alternate energy that the beasts are animated by.
That... would make sense. Because my flower seems to be influenced by the same force, and...
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Aaaand it just exploded into black dust.
Well, if akasa is the force behind the flower's color-changing effect, then I think it's safe to say that there's something really fucked up influencing our surroundings right now.
*narrows eyes*
...Didn't Hydaelyn say that the flower would guide me? Or something to that effect?
That seems to imply... That Hydaelyn knows akasa is the force behind the Final Days. That She knew all the way back in Labyrinthos.
Okay, this doesn't make any sense. Because She may be incredibly frustrating, but She's not evil. ...Is She? That doesn't make sense either. She made the Loporrits out of love for us. She gave us a backup plan. If She knows what's causing the Final Days, why would She let us run about in circles trying to figure the answer out?? She must know about the akasa connection, because literally the only thing the flower does is react to it. Why else give it to me??
Is this like the Forum? Like. She literally can't tell me? But why? What rule could possibly constrain a being like Her?
This is... Really fucking fishy. I don't like this. I have a really bad feeling.
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Yeah. And now I don't even have the flower to guide me.
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Oh look I suddenly have a million (five) quests to distract me, better go do them...
Sadly the only classes I have at 90 are Sage and Paladin, so those are the only ones I can complete. Everything else I can only do up to level 87.
But, I did notice something curious while completing the Healer quest?
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Fordola clearly sees the soul of Charlet, the man who became the blasphemy, walk off to join those of their deceased friends... According to everything Y'shtola said, this should not be possible? There should be nothing left of his soul? And yet there is. I am leery of getting my hopes up, but maybe the souls of those changed are not completely destroyed after all?
A mystery...
Anyway. I have a dinner to attend.
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We have to remember, what we saw in Amaurot was end-stage. It is what is coming, but we still have time to stop it. Before things get that bad.
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And now we understand why half the star was willing to give up their lives to summon Zodiark, don't we?
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No, Y'shtola, you've got that backwards. Zodiark stopped the Final Days. Hydaelyn was the one who sundered everything in the process of subduing Him.
But, that's besides the point. Hydaelyn won't - I'm starting to suspect can't - tell us anything more. We're going to have to find our way from here without Her.
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This is why I need to stop solving all my problems with murder.
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...But it might. There might be some fragment of his soul still in the Crystal Tower. Well, goddamn.
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And so, I will go to the First. Y'shtola will seek to contact Hydaelyn in the aetherial sea. Alphinaud will rendezvous with the various world leaders and ascertain how far the Final Days are progressing. Estinien will--
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Are you...?
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Hooooly Shit.
You can see me. You're not just narrating: you're watching me.
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...And you know something I don't.
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onwesterlywinds · 11 days
This one is part of a top-secret AU developed in parallel with one of @hellgram's! Please look forward to it!
"Lady Vera!"
The centurio was one of Nero's, and Vera could not remember her surname for the life of her - only that she came from an old Garlean line with close ties to the Imperial Magitek Academy.
"Yes?" As she stopped walking to greet the woman, Fordola continued ahead to get them both practice swords that weren't dented to the seventh hell.
The centurio, however, did not mean to keep her: she brushed past Vera with a horribly smug smirk on her way out of the training hall. "Please give our best to young Master Atreus."
The name was not the least bit familiar to her. "Of course," she replied with as much nonchalance as she could muster.
"What was that about?" Fordola asked her.
"I've not the faintest idea," Vera whispered. Others, too, were glancing in her direction with far more purpose than usual, and one or two laughs resounded from the far corners of the room in a manner that sparked only her resentment. "Check in with Ansfrid, maybe?"
Sure enough, mere moments into their spar, Fordola signaled a pause, tapped her communication device and gave Vera a nod.
Ansfrid met Vera in her chambers with two fresh newspapers folded in one hand and a small pocket radio in the other.
"Atreus aan Loculus," she said, "and prior to that, no name at all. Arrived in the imperial palace as part of the IVth's delegation from Dalmasca yesterday morning."
Vera read voraciously, only to find that the papers themselves said precious little beyond what Ansfrid had confirmed - only that the proceedings of the imperial court had been interrupted by the arrival of a young Dalmascan mystic, presented to the emperor by the legatus of the IVth Legion.
The more Vera absorbed, the less she understood: somehow, the sole unfamiliar name alongside so many others she knew - Solus', Gabranth's, even a single mention of her father's - made the whole accounting all the more surreal, like trying to critique a half-finished manuscript. By the time she refolded the second of the two newspapers and tossed them onto the nearest sofa for future perusal, her heart pounded with an intensity she could not begin to fathom.
And neither did she have the time for speculation, with a mere twenty minutes before she was due at breakfast.
"I need to bathe," she announced, and Ansfrid and Fordola each stepped back to clear the way to her tub.
All the while, and all through the walk downstairs to the dining hall, she contemplated the tactics by which she might prompt her husband to speak on a topic that certainly fell well into the realm of "idle gossip." She did not expect Gaius to invoke the matter himself.
"Have you heard aught of His Radiance's new attendant?" he asked, the moment the servant who had brought them their respective breakfasts - a sensible Garlean one for Gaius, and a platter of various Ala Mhigan sweets and savories for Vera - closed the door behind her.
Vera scowled before she could help herself, or even fully consider his framing of the question: attendant was a clinical word, detached from all that she and Solus had shared to the point of being euphemistic. "Nothing definitive; certainly nothing I would take any great stock in." She waited a beat as she slathered a bit of flatbread with cheese and fig jam, as though the topic had not occupied a majority of her thoughts over the past bell. "What of you?"
"The emperor's diet spoke of little else this morning," Gaius replied, referring to the council Solus kept with his legati. Gaius had needed to wake for it at an unholy bell, given that its timing was meant to accommodate others stationed in the Near and Far East. "Noah van Gabranth would answer none of the questions that were posed of him."
"Or could not, in all likelihood." Vera was not in the habit of defending van Gabranth; it was perhaps the first time in her memory she had ever done so. As Gaius narrowed his eyes at her from across the table, she continued, "I can imagine you had similar questions posed of you, when our engagement was made public."
"Never in the emperor's hearing," Gaius admitted.
Were she any less preoccupied with the matter at hand, she might have demanded to know which of the legati had been the most vocal in their opposition to Solus' proclamation of their marriage. She shook her head, in no small part to focus herself. "And what have been your impressions thus far of this… development?"
Gaius often paused to deliberate over his words, and he did so with enough regularity that Vera had begun to not only expect but predict his momentary silences. At her own question, however, he visibly hesitated.
"I believe," he said slowly, "that we had best redouble our efforts to produce His Radiance an heir."
Vera's face burned with an embarrassment that took her aback, and only a twinge of resentment. "Should you ever require a more direct line of questioning with van Gabranth," she offered, "you may invoke my research in Lea Monde from two years ago. It was in part a study of the importance of various types of oracles to early Dalmascan history and society, and the ways in which these traditions shape various factions in the modern day."
Another servant arrived through the door to collect their dishes, and Gaius gave no signal that they should forestall their conversation. "Do you have this report at the ready?"
"Procuring a copy discreetly will take some time, as it would need to be mailed from Rabanastre. Barring that, I can ask Agent Walker to send over my notebooks."
"The full report will suit," he replied, and then- "My thanks."
"You've a busy day today," Vera said - a statement, not a question.
Gaius nodded.
She made no effort to conceal her motions before the servant departed: she stood in time with Gaius, walked the full length of the table, and leaned up to kiss him. "I'll meet you in your chambers when it's over."
He laid a gauntleted hand on the small of her back, drew her in closer, and returned her kiss with one of his own: firm, steadfast, and intentional. Her face flushed all over again, in spite of herself, as he drew his fingers slowly along the lace trim at the bust of her kaftan; then he replaced his helmet without another word and left to tend to his command.
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yzeltia · 1 month
Weird West AU -U'rahn-
Title: The Original Adventurre of Rrhan the Ridin' Lion Featuring: Desert Walkers AU by @scrollsfromarebornrealm , @saesama 's Klynt Gohtawyn Characters: Rhan Chai (U'rahn Nuhn), Dulia-Chai, Brother Themis, Fordola Lupus, Arenvald Lentinus Notes: Thanks for letting me play with everyone!
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Rrhan’s eyes narrowed as a suspicious man wiped a cowpie off his boot on the front of the Saltlick Saloon. His fingers twitched, dancing over the airspace over his pistol, ready to draw should the man continue to disrespect the beloved town landmark. He hesitated though, thinking the man could possibly just have not had the privilege of good parentage and townfolk to raise him better. Still, he followed the man into the good establishment unable to shake the bad feeling crawling in the pit of his stomach. His gut feeling was right. He hated that.
         “Whiskey, two fingers. And the nimblest lass you got,” the man ordered as he took a seat at the bar.
         “This ain’t that kind of establishment,” the madam said, leaning over the counter with her brow furrowed.
         “I beg to differ,” the man said, leaning back and brushing his jacket back to show off his heat.
         The proprietress’s eyes widened as she stepped back in fear. The music stopped. Her staff gasped, some of the women folk even fainting at the sight of the man’s weapon. The men just tilted their hats down, not wanting to draw attention to themselves in case the villain got trigger happy and wanted to make an example.
         Gritting his teeth, Rrahn stepped forward, hand resting over his pistol as he starred daggers into the man’s back. “The madam said this ain’t that kind of establishment,” he growled.
         The man turned on his stool, then cracked his neck before standing up. “What’s a little kitty cat going to do about it,” he taunted before thrusting his hand down into his holster, quick drawing his gun.
         “This,” Rrahn answered in turn, outdrawing the other and firing into his shoulder.
         Silence fell over the room as the shot rang out. The villain dropped to his knees, cursing loudly as he started to spurt out a little blood. Soon the room was filled with applause and hootin’ and hollerin’ in praise of their hero who simply gave a slight bow and a tilt of his hat.
         “Thata’ boy Rrhan,” Kemakka praised, wandering in from outside and clasping his hand tightly on the young man’s shoulder before striding in to handcuff the bleeding man.
         “Drinks are on me,” the madam praised, “For our hero Rrhan Chai! The Ridin’ Lion!”
         “Rrhan! Rrhan! Rrhan!” the patrons started to chant.
         Rrhan beamed as he was praised, nodding his head to each of the patrons as his named echoed about in his ears.
         “Rrhan! Rrhan!” they continued.
         He’d never felt soon seen. So appreciated. Coming into the saloon, his good priest friend smiled and in a fit of passion, Rrhan dipped him and stole a kiss before beaming at him as he lightly touched his face.
         Rhan jumped as he found his face drawn in toward an old mop, his mother’s voice calling at him from the road. He turned, finding her glaring at him as he stood near the window of the Saltlick, having been outside looking in. As he went to protest, the madam stomped out, rag dolling the man he’d followed up the steps by the scruff of his shirt before giving him an effortless chuck into the horse trough. “Come back when you learn yerself some manners,” the proprietress said before turning to head to see Rrhan standing there with a mop.
         “You ain’t supposed to be up here,” she said before looking at Dulia-Chai as she strode forward to the porch to grab her son by the ear.         “Oi Oi! Mom! That hurts,” he hissed as he was pulled away.
         “Madam Gohtawyn. I am terribly sorry my darling boy is interfering with your establishment. He seems to think him so much more grown than he is,” Dulai apologized before starting to tug Rrhan down as he whined in embarrassment, catching a group of his peers watching from across the way.
         “Ain’t no thing Mrs. Chai. If he’s itchin’ for work though seems he found himself a mop and is ready to go. I could put him to use,” Klynt mused.
         “Oh, there’s no need for that. I’ll see that he keeps himself busier with schoolwork and helping Brother Themis at the chapel,” Dulia answered, shaking her head as she pulled Rrhan back toward their carriage.
         Klynt beamed at Rrhan with a knowing grin. “I think he’ll find his time much better spent on his knees with the good priest then. I do hope you’ll come with the good Mayor soon though. A round will be on me!”
         Rhahn’s face erupted into crimson as Klynt chuckled at him while his mother paused. “My husband you say. I should just go see how he’s doing. Well Rrhanald, you heard Miss Gothawyn. Off to the church with you. I’m sure Brother Themis can put your idle hands to work. I need to go find your father.
         Rrhan stumbled away, rubbing his ear as he turned to head toward the old chapel on the far side of the town. “Y-yes ma’am!”
         “While you’re there be sure to tell ‘im all your impure thoughts and ask forgiveness. Mine too for that matter,” Klynt called out with another laugh before returning to her business.
         Rhahn hurried away, running straight for the church less his mother or Klynt found another way to embarrass him further. Arriving at the old chapel, he let himself in then found a pew to collapse back into, arms behind his head.
         “Rrahn? Are you hiding from your mother again,” Themis’s voice asked in its unusually deep timber.
         Rrhan opened his eyes, finding the other’s intense blue eyes gazing down at him. He swallowed, the priest’s hand extending to brush over his cheek then brush his hair from his face. “Are you alright? Your face is red, and you feel a bit damp. Wait here and I’ll bring you some water.”
         Rrhan had opened his mout to correct the other, but as usual Themis was quick to act. Before he knew it, the priest had returned and moved to sit beside him to help him up and force the water into his hand. “Thank you,” Rrhan said smiling before downing the glass then wiping his chin. “Nothing happened though. Just got caught up in my daydream is all.”
         “I see. Pretending yourself to be the town’s hero again?” Themis mused in more of a statement rather than question. “I am sure if you would just ask Kemakka he would take you on as a deputy.”
         Rrhan lowered his ears. “Yeah, but…My folks would never let me do that. My mom would worry about me getting hurt or worse and then bother my dad about it until he did something about it.”
         Themis sighed then reached over lightly to take U’rahn’s hand into his own, lacing their fingers together. “Well, you should trust that the Zodiark will guide you to the right path. There are more ways to be a hero.”
         They sat in silence a moment, Rrhan nodding a little as he gently stroked his thumb over Themis’s knuckle. “Well, yeah. That Ridin’ Lion is doing some good work with the Night Pride,” he said, turning to look at Themis.
         Themis shifted, frowning a bit as he looked back at his friend. “And there are worse ways too. As grateful as the church is…Ill-gotten money might draw it unfavorable interest. Not to mention if anything happened to…to the Ridin’ Lion. I would feel personally responsible.”
         “No no. You shouldn’t. Don’t ever worry about him ‘cause nothin’ will stop him from coming back to you, er…to help the church,” Rrahn assured him.
         The two stared into one another’s eyes for a moment before letting them start to close as they drew in close. As their lips met, the doors to the chapel flung open, causing them to part immediately and look away. Behind them, Fordola pushed Arenvald inside, the latter clearing his throat. “There you are Rrahn.”
         “If you’re done harassing the priest, we’ve got a job to get ready for,” Fordola huffed, already starting to turn Arenvald about in preparation to leave.
         Rrhan’s ears and tail flit upward at the proposition. “Really Really? Another already? Let’s GOOOOOO!”
         Themis laughed then stood before getting up to give the trio a little bow. “Please be careful with Rrahn. He came to me looking a bit flushed. May Zodiark watch over you.”
         Fordola and Arenvald looked to one another then gave Themis a nervous smile, neither one for the religious sort, especially that of the forgotten god. “I’ll make sure to keep an eye on him. I’m sure if I can’t, ‘Dola will.”
         “I’ll return him to you more or less in the way you’ve left him with us,” Fordola shrugged before starting to push Arenvald out of the chapel. “C’mon Rrhan.”
         “Right right! Just uh- Gimme a sec and I’ll catch up,” he called out as his friends wheeled off ahead of him.
         Themis recoiled a little as Rhan turned, stepping forward to take his hand again. “You shouldn’t keep them waiting.”
         Rrhan nodded lightly then drew in close again. “Well…you see. We did it again. Y’know…smoo-“
         “Rrhan. You really shouldn’t keep them waiting. If your mother catches you before you get out of town I doubt you will be able to join your friends in whatever business you’ll be getting up to this evening,” Themis interrupted, squeezing Rrhan’s hand before letting go.
         Rrhan frowned lightly before feeling the priest’s lips on his cheek before he pulled away. Swallowing, Rrhan backed away, tilting his hat toward Themis before hurrying out the door after his friends, excited for the evening’s adventure to come.
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rose-from-ashes · 8 months
People who entirely misunderstand Gaius's arc my beloathed. I cannot emphasize enough how much canon repeatedly tells everyone that Gaius was genuinely trying his best. This isn't vagueing any of my mutuals or anything, don't worry, I don't care if you're canon divergent or whatever, this is about people who look at Gaius's canon arc and then confidently claim that it has an entirely different meaning.
From the beginning, all the way back in 1.0, we got evidence that Gaius was a good person. He literally gave Cid the information he needed to try to stop Dalamud, he stopped black rose, and he attempted to improve conditions in Ala Mhigo after taking over- canonically, the previous ruler of the area had been a cruel tyrant that had been wildly executing people and had even locked off water access to the poorer districts. Gaius obviously failed because his men were not faithful to the orders he gave, ignoring the plight of those he had offered jobs to when they were attacked by other Ala Mhigans and refusing to aid the aan under their supposed protection, but even one of the Ala Mhigan characters, Fordola's father, outright states that Gaius is a good man.
In ARR, we also meet Rhitahtyn, who states that his homeland had been suffering under their own rule, and that Gaius fixed it and treated Rhitahtyn well. He is shown to trust Rhitahtyn, a supposed savage, with important jobs and command over a castrum, praises his intelligence, and rages when he believes that Rhitahtyn may have been mistreated by his Garlean men. We even see and hear tales of Garleans assaulting Aan- and hear from those Garlean soldiers themselves that they cannot allow their higher ups to know, because that behavior would not be tolerated. In ARR, we already know that Gaius did not stand for everything that Garlemald did.
In the Sorrows of Werlyt questline, we also see that Gaius was a good father to the children he adopted. We see that he does not even make them refer to him as a father, they chose to do so in a cutscene. We know from Cid who was partially raised by Gaius that Gaius did not force his children into military roles- he encouraged them to do what they wanted. Cid chose to be an engineer, and the others chose military careers because they wanted to follow their father's example. Gaius taught them, indulged them, and loved them.
The problem through all of this was that Gaius believed the propaganda he was fed. We are shown in Endwalker how practically every Garlean fell for it, terrified of outsiders to the point that when they had to look to non Garleans for aid, their legatus killed himself for fear that he would spend his life in slavery to repay the life debt he would owe. That wasn't the action of a random, hateful man- that was the action of someone genuinely frightened and agrieved. Julus, too, had been terrified, as every other Garlean npc had been. To remove Gaius from that same group is foolish, and that propaganda that had made all those Garleans so afraid had been written into his character.
Gaius was afraid, too. And to deal with that fear he made himself strong. He went out into the world and he saw that when he was strong enough, the primals and the magic could not hurt him, and that these aan were not so horrid, and he began to attempt to reconcile that with what he'd been taught by telling himself that if you were strong enough, you would see past concepts of primals and faith that fooled these aan, and that the aan who still clung to their faith were misguided and needed someone of strength and understanding to make them see past their blind suffering. Things he saw reinforced this, primals and tempering making him believe that faith was a poison that only he could fix and that all the damage he was doing would be worth it in the end if he could just help these people.
And then he was defeated by his own desire to help. The weapon he had built to contain eikons and save eorzea destroyed the castrum and he was left collapsed and angry and confused. And he believed it was the Ascian's fault, because he had grown up steeped in propaganda and surely a man in his fifties didn't have to rethink his love for his country. He went hunting.
During the Sorrows of Werlyt, we see that finally crash down. We see him realize that he was only ever hurting people. He fights his children and begs them to understand that he was wrong and that might does not make right and that they were hurting people. But they couldn't, because he had taught them the propaganda he'd been taught, and because Valens is there using them. In the end the only one to survive is the one that most would regard as the weakest, not because she was actually strong deep down, but because of the care of her brother protecting her.
The Weapons are a metaphor for nationalism, consuming the soldiers that fight for their country one by one and leaving them dead no matter how strong or smart or good they are. The only reason Gaius survived the Ultima Weapon in arr is because it did not consume him. Because he questioned what he was doing.
Gaius's arc was never "uwu conquerers are not so bad actually". It was "don't let propaganda and faith in your idols blind you like it blinded him. You can mean well, but it does not absolve what you have done". But media literacy is dead so lol lmao
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astrology-bf · 3 months
Crystal Clear
(CW: Dawntrail and other MSQ Spoilers, Light Angst, Implied NSFW)
After the unexpected illness of one of the Thavnarian delegation’s chief members, which was explained away as food poisoning (but likely the result of far too much mezcal the previous night), the Vow of Reason had found himself with a free afternoon. 
There were other matters that he might attend to, but Lamaty’i suggested that he take advantage of the opportunity and spend time on himself. Koana could tell his little sister worried that he wasn’t giving himself space to mourn their father’s passing, and she’d been quite delighted when he said he’d spend the day out in the city. Which was true: he just wasn’t specific as to which part of the city he’d be going to, that being the For’ard Cabins where the Warrior of Light was staying.
He hadn’t given himself space to mourn intentionally, but his talk with Ifan on the balcony had helped greatly. They’d held each other tightly while they wept and found catharsis, and then they’d had a talk. A long one, during which Koana learned a great deal more about him. 
Ifan had explained where each scar came from. The ‘godbrand’ was Ifrit’s, as he had mentioned. The bullet wound was dealt by Yotsuyu goe Brutus, the now-dead Witch of Doma. The scars across his shoulderblade were from Nidhogg's shade as it possessed Estinien. The slice across his chest was from Elidibus in Zenos’ body: one that nearly killed him, had it not been for the intervention of Fordola and aforementioned dragoon. 
The worst one, however, was not visible. Ifan said another Ascian had piloted the body of a man he loved and lowered Ifan’s guard by feigning that the man had managed to regain control, before he struck him through the chest. It killed him, and that Ifan lived and breathed was solely owed to Hydaelyn. He didn’t say who the man was.
Koana had asked about his marking, too. He hadn’t given the tattoo much thought, as such were common in Tural, but when he gave more thought to Ifan’s body when he’d caught a glimpse of it he noticed how distinct it was: an ax upon Ifan’s right wrist, hafted with four sparking stars. Ifan had been hesitant, but then with honesty he told Koana about Ardbert and his friends. The Vow of Reason found the tale a little much at points, and had to wipe his eyes as Ifan recounted its unlikely beginnings and tragic, if bittersweet, conclusion. 
It also put some things into perspective, specifically one G’raha Tia. The man seemed roughly Ifan and Koana’s age, yet had the bearing and the manner of someone much older (for the most part). Ifan seemed near deferential to him, too, calling him ‘my lord Exarch’... a reference to his time upon the First, and of the vigil he’d conducted there. Ifan had explained how he and G’raha met, then parted, then met again. How much the pair had sacrificed for one another, and for the world. Two worlds, in fact. 
He hadn’t quite known how to feel about it all. It seemed impossible at points, traveling between reflections, or to the moon, or to the universe’s edge. Koana didn’t doubt Ifan was truthful, though, and as the tale neared its end the Vow of Reason settled on feeling sad for Ifan, appreciative that such a man desired his company, and missing Gulool Ja Ja since the Head of Reason would probably know just what to say about it. But Ifan seemed to feel better having talked about it to a friend who had fresh eyes, and reassured Koana that he would be all right and would speak to Krile and G’raha about how he felt. And he’d thanked Koana, earnestly, before he’d asked the Vow of Reason if he’d like to talk about his family.
Koana’s instinct was to say he didn’t, but after Ifan was so truthful he would have felt ashamed… So he talked. He was honest with the Warrior of Light about his feelings towards his father and his brother, his wondering if there was something else he could have done to dissuade Zoraal Ja, or stop him at the very least, how he missed his father but wondered if either of Gulool Ja Ja’s heads had actually believed in him, and how he thought he knew himself and felt that he was flailing but unable to speak up because being Dawnservant was what he wanted. Ifan listened while he held his hands, and didn’t judge him. And when Koana finished speaking, he felt a little lighter.
They ended up in conversation longer than Koana had expected, and though he’d missed a planned engagement he didn’t feel it too dishonest to apologize with the excuse that something urgent had come up. It had: Ifan needed him, and he had needed space to grieve, as well.
While Ifan appeared fine enough when they had parted, their talk was on Koana’s mind as he considered what he’d do with his free afternoon. Even if Ifan was busy, he wanted to check up on him. So he took the aethernet to the For’ard Cabins, and then made his way to Ifan’s door before he knocking politely.
There was no answer for a moment, and then the shutting spell upon the door was disengaged. It opened to reveal not Ifan, but rather G’raha Tia. 
“Oh!” The archon blinked at Koana, and then smiled brightly. “Vow Koana, what a pleasant surprise.” he said.
Koana blinked in turn, lips pursing for a moment. He’d forgotten that the red-headed Hhetsarro - Miqo’te, rather - had opted to share Ifan’s cabin. Which made sense, as they were partners. Koana tried not to think too hard about the fact he’d done… things… with the Sharlayan’s lover, and gave a courteous nod. “Apologies. A good day to you, G’raha Tia.” he greeted, giving a small smile.
G’raha’s ears flicked happily as he grinned. “And to you, as well. What may I do for you?” he asked, expression settling into a friendly smile.
“I…” The Vow of Reason had to pause and clear his throat nearly inaudibly. “I had come to see Ifan, but I would not wish to disturb the pair of you.” he explained, feeling his cheeks tingle. He wasn’t quite sure if it was embarrassment, or if it was the warmth in G’raha’s eyes.
“Not at all.” answered G’raha with a small shake of his head. “He is only gone briefly to fetch food, and should return shortly. You are more than welcome to come in and wait, if you would prefer. I confess I have been wanting the chance to speak with you myself.” he suggested, stepping aside and inviting Koana in.
Koana tried not to swallow visibly. He couldn’t hide forever, and Ifan had assured him that the archon was quite fine with it. And G’raha seemed entirely friendly, and quite pleased to see Koana, too. So he nodded. “If I am not imposing.” he said, entering the cabin.
“No imposition at all.” replied G’raha cheerfully as he closed the door behind them. “Will you take refreshment?” he offered, gesturing at the table where water and some beverage bottles had been placed. 
“I am fine for now, thank you. Your hospitality is much appreciated.” responded Koana with a gracious nod.
“‘Tis the least I can do after you and Lamaty’i have taken such good care of Ifan and the others, to say nothing of your own hospitality.” replied G’raha with a small laugh as he moved to lean against the table.
Koana’s ears flicked and he gave a faintly bashful smile as he clasped his hands behind his back. “We have been blessed to have your aid and friendship. I wish only that your first visit to Tural was under less troubling circumstances.” he replied, unable to stop the faint twinge of misgiving on his face.
G’raha seemed to notice, his smile growing more sympathetic. “You have my condolences, Koana. If there is anything I am able to do…” he offered, head tilting slightly with a small note of concern.
The Vow of Reason found himself a little heartened by the archon’s words and smile. Speaking to him was quite soothing: no wonder Ifan seemed enamored of him. “It is appreciated. You have my heartfelt thanks.” he answered, giving G’raha a warm smile. Then he nodded. “Time is what is necessary, I would think.” he added.
“Of course.” answered G’raha with a nod. Then he hummed. “Well… If you should want for any counsel, I have some small experience in leadership. Though you seem to be settling into the role with more grace than I did mine, I confess.” he offered, giving Koana a kind grin as both his ears flicked.
Koana felt a smile pull at his lips, but privately he found the archon’s words ridiculous. Ifan told him what that ‘small experience’ entailed, and yet there wasn’t any hint of false humility in G’raha’s words. He just seemed the sort of man to view that sort of labor as a triviality considering the prizes, and one who didn’t hesitate to put himself in danger for the sake of others. A hero, if Koana had to put a word to it, and of the kind most people would describe - rather than Koana’s use of the term to describe the author of one of his favorite works on Allagan history. He found himself admiring the Miqo’te for quite different reasons than his scholarship. 
He have a thankful nod. “Ifan had mentioned you had a task of some responsibility.” answered Koana, diplomatically. “Though that was his perspective, which he admitted was incomplete.” he added.
G’raha raised an eyebrow and an ear at the revelation, and then chuckled. “You are welcome to ask, ‘tis less a secret and more exceedingly complicated.” he said, giving Koana a wry nod.
Koana felt his lips begin to twist as he looked G’raha up and down. There was a question that he had, one that only could be answered by someone like his father. He hadn’t had the chance to ask, because it hadn’t yet occurred to him until he and Lamaty’i were actually on their own, leading Tural. He swallowed. “...Was it difficult?” he asked.
The former Crystal Exarch’s expression settled into something thoughtful, though his eyes remained on Koana sympathetically. He gave an honest nod. “At points.” he admitted. “The nature of the service meant there were many sacrifices, but… I would do it again, given the results.” stated G’raha, firmly. Then he huffed through his nose in faint amusement at himself, and nodded. “That said, had I the opportunity to correct my errors: I would tell myself to be less distant from those in my charge. And more mindful of my own welfare… for my own sake, and for Ifan’s.” he finished, giving the Vow of Reason a reassuring smile.
His words were indeed reassuring. Based on what Ifan had told Koana of the Crystal Exarch, he seemed a near impossible man: one that had lived centuries and rewritten history to avert a Calamity in the Source and save the First from both Sin Eaters and itself. That someone like that stumbled, made errors, and would correct himself if he were able… It made the task of being Dawnservant less daunting. Certainly much more so knowing he could seek out people like G’raha and Ifan for assistance. “You give good counsel. I will keep it in mind: thank you, for bringing me some ease.” he said, giving an appreciative nod. “It is obvious why he values your company so highly. You seem very happy together.” observed Koana, smiling slightly to himself as he remembered the way Ifan’s face always lit up when he was speaking of the archon.
G’raha’s smile turned slightly bashful, his ears splaying in gratitude at Koana’s compliment. Then he gave the Hhetsarro a knowing smile. “I daresay the same applies to you and he, as well.” he said, wryly.
The Vow of Reason pursed his lips, one ear lowering awkwardly. Of course Ifan had already told him that they’d… But perhaps he hadn’t, and Koana was just poor at concealing it. He cleared his throat a little. “Is it so obvious?” he asked, chin lowering a little as his toes curled in his boots.
G’raha couldn’t help but chuckle at the look Koana had on his face. He tilted his head reassuringly. “Endearingly so. You need not be nervous.” he answered, ears flicking briefly as his tail curled. 
Koana felt his cheeks begin to burn a little. His gaze started to drift off to the side, finding the situation difficult to navigate. He swallowed. “...I would not wish to come between you.” It was a few moments before he realized his unintentional innuendo. His ears rose up as his expression fell, then he pouted as his ears splayed flat and tail curled in embarrassment.
Where Ifan would likely have teased him, G’raha blinked and pouted slightly to conceal a little smirk. Koana noted a faint tinge of pink appear upon the archon’s cheeks as his ears flicked back in amusement: a strangely boyish bearing for a man of G’raha’s true age, but one that suited him immensely. He made no comment on it, however, save a small chuckle. “Neither he nor I are of a sort to be jealous of our feelings.” he reassured. “I do not doubt his affection or loyalty, nor he mine. If anything, ‘tis all the sweeter seeing how happy you and my dear champion make one another.” he said, giving Koana a delighted grin.
An appreciative huff left Koana’s lips. He closed his eyes as his ears flicked back, nervousness ebbing thanks to G’raha’s quite comforting demeanor. “He does.” he admitted, with a nod. “He has been very patient with me, given my inexperience. I am curious how much he has told you.” added Koana, a little hesitantly.
G’raha’s face settled into a soothing smile. “Nothing specific; he and I respect the wishes of those that prefer discretion.” he explained.
Koana admitted that surprised him. Ifan seemed so casual with his bed… but then again, he’d not said anything about even the neck massage in Kozama’uka. Lamaty’i had no idea that he and Ifan were that close, nor were there rumors of a tryst between the Vow of Reason and the guest from overseas. Ifan kept his confidence, save to his partner, and even then he’d limited it to what was necessary. G’raha, too, was keeping Koana’s confidence.
It took him a few moments to identify the feeling, but Koana realized he felt safe around the pair. Neither of them judged or pushed him, and both sought to keep his trust. He’d barely spoken to the archon, and already he’d been given sage advice and reassurance. Koana felt lucky, too. His ears flicked, and he gave a very happy nod. “That is very considerate of him, and yourself. You have my thanks.” he stated, earnestly.
G’raha grinned at him warmly, and Koana felt a little swell within his chest at the delight on the Miqo’te’s face. “‘Tis no worry, I well remember being inexperienced. And I would wager that he does, as well. We were not always as certain of what we liked.” he added, glancing off to the side with wry amusement.
His words brought to mind something Ifan said, the night he and Koana kissed for the first time. The Vow of Reason felt his cheeks darken again. “He said you might like to kiss me.” he muttered, looking off towards the side.
The archon raised an eyebrow. Then he hummed as he looked Koana up and down, fighting a smirk. “My mighty champion is rarely wrong in that regard.” he admitted, giving the Vow of Reason a small wink before he chuckled at himself. 
Koana blinked furiously and pouted slightly, ears splaying back. He was far from used to one man flirting with him, let alone a second. Especially considering the second one was G’raha Tia, of all people. The Vow of Reason gave an awkward chuckle in return. “I will admit, this is not how I imagined a conversation with you, after reading your thesis.” he stated, ears relaxing.
G’raha’s ears shot up, all coyness vanished and replaced with incredulous delight. “Oh? You have read it?” he asked, giving Koana a wide grin as his tail curled happily.
The sudden shift in demeanor made Koana blink again, but he immediately returned a smile at seeing how thrilled the archon was. Just looking at him made the Hhetsarro feel warm. He nodded. “It was most thought-provoking. One of my favorites, in fact.” he said, his own ears giving a flick.
A happy huff left G’raha’s lips. “I should love to hear your thoughts on it! It has been an age since I have actually looked at it, myself.” he admitted, it likely being a literal age since having done so. 
Koana made to answer, but was interrupted by the shutting spell upon the door being disengaged. “Hope you’re hungry, ‘Raha.” said Ifan as he entered with a paper bag in hand: quite a big one. “Aunt Tii gave me extra-” he stopped and blinked as he caught sight of Koana, looking between him and G’raha. Then he scoffed, and gave a happy grin. “Well, if this isn’t a lovely surprise.” he proclaimed, closing the door and heading to set the bag down on the table. 
G’raha’s ears wiggled happily as he hefted himself up from where he leaned. “Welcome back, dear heart. Koana was being a most gracious host and entertaining me in your absence.” he explained, giving Koana another smile. 
Ifan glanced at Koana, then smiled thankfully in turn. “Sounds about right.” he chuckled. Then he walked up to the archon and leaned down for a kiss, meeting G’raha’s lips languidly.
Koana pursed his lips a little and looked away while the pair kissed. His eyebrow rose, however, as their lips parted and Ifan moved over to him. “Hey, you.” he greeted, and leaned down to kiss Koana in turn. The Vow of Reason’s ears and tail shot up at being kissed in front of Ifan’s partner, but the Hyur’s familiar feel and scent had him relaxed enough that he returned it. He glanced at G’raha as Ifan stood up, and flushed at the small wink that the Miqo’te gave him. 
The Vow of Reason cleared his throat, then looked up at the Warrior of Light. “Ifan. Good day to you.” he greeted, wincing slightly at his formality considering the circumstances.
Ifan smiled down at him, reaching up to give his nose a little tap. “And you. Thank you for taking care of my dear lord, I apologize for interrupting.” he said, glancing over at G’raha.
G’raha shook his head. “We were just about to discuss my old thesis.” he stated, looking at Koana with clear intent to dredge him for his thoughts on Allag. He hummed, then glanced at the large bag. “If there is extra food… Would you wish to join us for lunch, Koana? You have my curiosity rather piqued, regarding your thoughts.” His ears flicked in excitement as he extended his invitation.
Ifan let out a teasing groan. “Here we go. Someone mentioned Allag around G’raha Tia.” he laughed, then stuck his tongue out at G’raha in retaliation for the latter doing the same. Koana had to chuckle at the sight of the two men doing so. Then Ifan turned his gaze back to Koana with a happy grin. “Well?” he asked. “I wouldn’t mind spending a little more time with you as well, dear prince, if you can spare it.” Then he reached up to brush his thumb against Koana’s chin.
It struck Koana then just how at ease he felt. He had no pressing tasks, the carne asada in the paper bag smelled heavenly, and the company of these two men was equal parts thrilling and comforting. He had a lot of thoughts on The Decline and Fall of the Allagan Empire , and sitting down to talk about it with its author and his partner sounded wonderful. Ifan seemed much happier than he had done up on the balcony, and while he wasn’t sure if he’d talked to Krile or G’raha about his misgivings yet, it also seemed Koana himself had helped immensely, much as Ifan and G’raha had for him. 
It was strange. Normally he felt so tightly wound, like if he let his guard down then a spring would fly free of some clockwork mechanism that would jam and catch on fire. But right now, he felt he was in good hands. So he gave a grin, and let his ears wiggle openly before he nodded. “As it so happens… I may have some time to spare.”
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voidsentprinces · 1 year
Haven't played 6.3 - 6.5 yet but I don't really care about getting spoiled because the Post-Patch always seems to be its own beast and only the last half of X.5 ever points to where were going next. And I gotta say, that I haven't really cared for the Thirteenth Shard shenanigans. Sure it gave us more void lore but like...we got the legion of Doom lead by Armored Lex Luthor. Who, just like Fandaniel, went on and on about the plan and how us defeating the fiends only furthered his plan and now that we defeated him his REAL plan is coming together and like...a villain going on and on about plans and how every move we make just feeds into their future plans is what got me to leave BFA and made me never touch Shadowlands and care more about levels 84 - 90 than 80 - 83. I kind of preferred it when a villain isn't skulking around and talking about their plans, you know?
Gaius was a fun interest cause there was an interest in the Primals and us for slaying them. But up until Ultima Weapon is revealed its just us ruining Old Man Baelsar's plans by unmasking his co-horts and he would of gotten away with it too if it wasn't for us meddling kids.
Heavensward takes us on an adventure to discover the true past of Ishgard with the over arching theme of not believing in vengeance or blind faith to uncover what is historically being hidden by those in power. But with Nidhogg slain half way through its little wonder Thordan is the enemy and we know what he's after, he's going to Azys Lla for some purpose and he wins the key because we lost the blessing of light back in ARR but we get it back and turns out he wants to turn into a Primal. He didn't go on and on about his plans he pretty much just threw a wrench into whatever we were doing or sent us out to distract us.
Zenos pretty much just lounged around like a bored house cat until we became the Warrior of Laser Pointers and then he took interest in us. Fordola and Yotsuyu fighting us out of sunk cost fallacy had more going for them than Zenos did and they didn't go on and on about a plan.
Emet-Selch was an antagonizing force but he only shows up at the beginning of Act II for the most part we're just running around slaying Lightwardens for the good of the First and Vauthry is just there to try and stop us. His end goal is just to stop us and we're trying to save the world. No one goes on and on about a "plan". Or how us defeating Lightwardens just furthers their plan. Emet wants to see if we're capable of handling all the light wardens light and be an unofficial but honorary Ascian in all but name. Vauthry just wants to stop us. Ran'jit wants to get Ryne back. And G'raha with us is trying to save the world and us at the cost of just his life. Fandaniel and Golbez are just standing around monologuing about everything going to cake (cake means keikaku which means plan) and they're like...REALLY boring. Ya know? I am MORE invested in how much of the animation budget goes into each Post Patch making a singular dish look like softcore porn for us. Than I am for whatever the fuck Golbez is doing.
Spoiler me away but you know...tag for people who don't want to be.
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Yeeeeeah, thats it bitch...work the shaft.
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redsplash1 · 4 months
Just beat shadowbringers and wow
I have very high hopes for endwalker
Thoughts below, spoilers ofc
Everything was amazing from start to finish like omfg. Death Unto Dawn was the best final quest I’ve played so far without a doubt.
One of the biggest highlights for me was Alphinaud; his growth during and after the msq was fantastic. Some standout scenes to me include:
1. Him dissing Vauthry. I think Vauthry was supposed be some kinda foil to Alphinaud? Either way, it was very satisfying seeing him deliver that burn
2. Insisting to the WoL to not go after Vauthry right away to attend to those who ate the meol. Like it’s honestly just so amazing that he’s putting saving others before reaching the end goal, something ARR Alphinaud would never dream of doing I think
3. That scene where he gave Kai-Shirr the means to enter Eulmore, setting us back. When he questions whether he should’ve just left one man to suffer in comparison to countless more lives, we can tell him that isn’t who he is. Because he isn’t! He’s kind and good and that’s what makes him Alphinaud. I speak for everyone I’m sure when I say we wouldn’t have it any other way.
4. That scene after Death Unto Dawn where he’s trying to heal an Imperial soldier and fails, which he then punches the ground in anger/despair. Like that just reminded me of how young he (and by extension Alisaie) are/is :(
5. Every scene with Arenvald. I could literally pinpoint the second Alphy’s heart broke when he saw him in a wheelchair.
6. His confrontation with Fordola hit different too. Seeing him struggle to cling to his beliefs despite everything got me fucked up like bro….
Thancred’s arc was also great, seeing him accept that Minfilia was gone and that Ryne was her own person was a treat. (Ryne and Gaia r gfs btw ❤️ and so would Alisaie and Tesleen if the circumstances were kinder)
I’m sure I have more thoughts but it’s like 3 AM rn so LOL anyways thx for reading my ted talk
Oh one more thing; I’ll probs write a fic about Tatake comforting Alphy and Ali on coping with the horrors of war
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tsunael · 6 months
What does Tsuna think of Fordola?
describe your OC's feelings/relationship to an NPC.
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Oh man, Fordola!! Good pull.
It's been a long time since I played Stormblood so I may not be able to answer this as objectively as I want to. Mostly because I don't know how I feel about Fordola, either.
Tsuna is pretty unempathetic to Garlean sympathizers due to her past. Her mother's death is a huge driving force for her righteous anger and want for retribution. While I think Stormblood would definitely be about her reconfronting her past, I think Tsuna would stubbornly hold onto her prejudices about them well until after 6.0.
I'm genuinely not sure yet if knowing Fordola's past would absolve her of any guilt in Tsuna's eyes. Fordola has killed in the name of the empire, and has attempted to kill Tsuna and her comrades, too...
In some ways, Tsuna feels the same for Fordola she does for Yotsuyu, but in Yotsuyu's case she never felt regret for what she did. Yotsuyu is Tsuna's foil in that way-- she's a woman Tsuna could have become if she gave into hatred. She's a kind of cautionary tale.
I think her stance on her would definitely soften come 6.0. I think Arenvald is a huge driving force in that change because he was one of Tsuna's first friends in the Scions, and if he trusts Fordola, then Tsuna would be hard-pressed to deny him. His crush on her is also very obvious, and very cute. It also seems like she takes care of him once he becomes disabled, so Tsuna is thankful he's being looked after if he ever were to need it.
TL;DR it's very complicated for her, and she doesn't have a totally positive opinion on her.
Fordola is a very complicated character. She's a such a rare case of an antagonist being shown to be able to be rehabilitated, to change, and to make up for wrongdoings. Clearly, she holds a lot of guilt for what she did, and she felt it was out of necessity.
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