#is it besties to enemies to besties or besties forever
untamedtrack23 · 1 year
Banyue and Pei Su are aroace partners. No, I will not be taking any criticism
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coffeetraces · 4 months
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xblackreader · 1 year
they’re besties!
check the first tag for more M’baku|Attuma BFF content :P
tip option in bio but reblogging is free!
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mixx0 · 6 days
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💙 This kiddo even being a bug hunter ( Elliot is a bug lover , investing them ) but Toille is not the kind of a "lover" is more of a HATER of bugs hunting & k1ll1ng them
💚 Never love/care people always hurting people just for fun and only for obligation , also HATES to making friends or talk with people who doesn't know if you come to they oh..will destroy you completely ( except Sial who tolerates a lil hm ) but is more aggressive with Anaul/Yllaw & Eiggam
🖤 Before have a bug pet when goes to the dnk but after something goes good to very very bad . ( k1lls it accidentally just bc was bored :/ )
💔 If They hate being here Why they're here? ( bc fun? forcing? so why? )
🪴 Sometimes can control someone who covers but is impossible for that , tries to being calm unfortunately It's hard cuz the only thing who does is hurting people just needed something to being comforted , but never is going stop to following/seeing you.
Doodles :3/// :
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( the ref sheet & info inspired in mutuals :]
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vulpnite · 11 days
me n jiaoqiu when people start acting like being disabled is worse than dying:
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petrichormore · 1 year
I would love for skep4halo to be real but if I’m gonna be honest I think Bad is the only one among them who would be even remotely willing to share. I would love to be wrong tho. XD
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dontruinmymorning · 2 years
Everybody is confused by their dynamic. They argue constantly and are constantly fighting even throwing things at each other. But whenever one has a problem, the other person is the first person they’d call.
Okoye was locked up in her room obviously crying and unwilling to talk to anybody. Not even Shuri or Ayo her sister could get her to open the door. But as soon as Attuma walked in they hear a click in the lock and he just slips in and doesn’t emerge until the next day.
They’re totally oblivious to all this (duh). They just see themselves as any other regular friendship. But, their friends are convinced they’re half way to being married.
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cannibalcoyote · 2 years
David Bowie: Sun Rays to Rainy Days
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Imagine not liking David Bowie, and running into him during your stay in New York:
David Bowie, an amazing musician and actor, but also my worst enemy.
Why? Let's just say he said some not so flattering things about me to the press and wrote a not so flattering song that criticized pretty much my entire life. We haven't even met in real life, so I'm not sure where he gets off on the idea that anything he says about me holds meaning or truth.
I just really want to ask him what prompted him to write and say such cruel things about me, but I'm getting ahead of myself. My name is Y/N L/N, and I'm an American musician, my genres include hard rock, punk, alternative rock, and art rock; I would say I'm a fairly famous musician in the US and across Europe.
The sky was unrealistically blue this early New York morning, like God had woken up and decided that only the bluest of blue would do today.
Most people enjoy blue skies, but being raised in California makes you either adore or detest them with an undying passion. I personally love rainy weather, so this day is already starting off on the wrong foot.
Checking the clock I sigh in wariness, already feeling tired even though I just woke up. I've been feeling anxious every time I wake up, this only started earlier this year due to the fact that a certain idol of mine has been voicing their negative opinion on me.
I'd normally brush it off and say 'fuck them', but this is David Bowie we're talking about. I love his music, I love his story, most importantly how he went through so many hardships yet still pushed forward.
Now I just regret ever thinking any of this was a good idea, sure all the money is nice, but all my relationships fell through. They started expecting me to pay for everything, wanting me to take them on expensive vacations and get them expensive gifts; now my idol feels the need to hate me as well? Just great.
I'm shook from my thoughts by the stern but smooth voice of my manager. He's a nice man, kind of reminds me of my father in his overall outward aura of professionalism, but a sharp streak of eccentricity shows when you really get to know him.
"Y/N, you've got an interview at 5, that should give you a couple of hours to wander around. Please keep your disguise on this time, I don't need a repeat of London." My manager exclaims with a humorous smile, my face burning in embarrassment at the memory of London. I had been wandering the streets and stupidly decided that it was late enough that no one would be able to recognize me, also being naive and believing I wasn't famous enough to be recognized yet ... Oh how wrong I was. The crowd that formed filled up the streets, I was newly famous, so I didn't expect anyone to recognize me, but the world felt the need to prove me wrong.
"No need to worry, I learned my lesson." I smile sheepishly, he softly pats my shoulder before leaving my hotel room.
Glancing in the mirror I swiftly start fixing my hair and checking my outfit, my mind wandering to my plans. I'm meeting an interviewer today, he's supposed to be a bit of an aggressive one, a little rude from what I've seen, and no questions are out of bounds.
To say I'm a little nervous is an understatement, this is the first interview I've accepted in my 3 years of stardom, so I'm sure he'll be extra aggressive in order to get as many details as possible. I just hope he doesn't bring up the conflict with Bowie, because I really don't have a reason as to how that even started.
My day hasn't actually been that bad, no one has recognized me, so I just got to spend the day as a normal person. I moseyed along the sidewalks, just taking in the hectic environment that is New York. I've been walking around for quite a bit now, stopping in some stores and looking for interesting books to read in my off-time.
I've just bought a sketchbook and some pens when I notice some people that set me on edge. They're about 10 feet away from me, and they're giving me the "is that who I think it is" look. I gulp stiffly as a nervous chill passes down my spine, quickly thanking the cashier as I grab my things and stumble out of the store.
Looking back I can see them follow me, one of them shouting out to me.
"Are you Y/N L/N?" My throat tightens up, I look around frantically, and my fears seem to be coming true. The people on the crowded sidewalks immediately turn their heads at hearing my name. I can see some look for a little, clearly being confused before seeing through my disguise and noticing that it is me.
People start rushing forward, holding out things and excitedly asking for an autograph, something that I usually oblige to, but I am currently in a New York street with no security and no cellphone.
I'm being surrounded, some people are grabbing my shoulders, some pulling on the sleeves of my jacket in the hopes of gaining my attention. All it does is make me frightened, the London event gave me a permanent fear of crowds. I can feel myself start to hyperventilate, all the shouts are turning into one sound, it's so loud yet so quiet at the same time.
My mind is so distorted that I don't even notice I've been running, shoving my way out and being dreadfully aware of how they chase me. Camera flashes are coming from every direction, as are new people fanatically asking for an autograph or a picture; it's all so scary. Why do these people chase me? Why do they swarm around me to get some ink lines on a piece of paper? Why?
I turn a corner in hopes of slickly escaping, but suddenly find myself on the floor, having run into a rather solid chest. I exclaim an apology as I messily stand up, trying to make a run for it, but the person already has a hold on my arms to stop my escape.
"Hold on darling, what are you running from?" I recognize that voice, I look up and want to gasp in both surprise and fear, but the reappearance of the crowd stops me.
"That." I state, staring at the crowd and beginning to hyperventilate again, but I'm stopped when I find myself being swiftly dragged away. I have a hard time keeping up, he is about 5 inches taller than me after all, so he's like one step to every two of mine.
I don't know where he's taking me at first, but when I see the awaiting limo I find myself rushing forward in a burst of speed; dragging him next to me.
He does slap my hand away from the door before opening it and ushering me in before entering.
"Hello John, can you get us out of here." His accented tone is stressed, but still maintains an air of control. I used to love that voice, but now it makes me uncomfortable being so close to him and having to hear him in real life.
I move away from him, pushing myself up against the opposite door and looking at anything but him. The crowd was about 3 yards away when the limo screeched forward, my body finally releasing some of its rigidity as I see them disappear the longer we drive.
I close my eyes, leaning back in my seat as the exhaustion sweeps through me. I rest my hand against my forehead in frustration, in the next hour, all of New York will know I was spotted here and come looking for me. How am I supposed to get in contact with my manager, I don't have a cell, and I can't go asking strangers to borrow theirs.
My mind wants to continue its frustrated tirade, but I am startled out of it by a large hand softly tapping my shoulder. I look over and see a curious David Bowie, offering me a sheepish smile at having distracted me.
"Allo luv." His lovely voice politely rings through the car, I almost want to ask him if he'll write a song with me, but then the harsh reality of everything he's said smacks me in the face.
"Don't call me that." I didn't snap, but my voice was stern, letting him know that this is going to be a tense conversation. His smile falters, clearly not used to being met with such disdain.
"Well... What did you do to get that crowd chasing you?" He brushes off our tense beginning, clearly still curious as to why I was being chased. I glance into his calming eyes and realize he doesn't recognize me, or at least that's what I'm assuming. If he did recognize me, I doubt he would've ushered me into his limo so quickly.
"I don't think we've been formally introduced. My name is Y/N L/N." He raises his eyebrows in surprise at my sudden words, but his face is now cautious, looking at me as though I've just lied straight to his face. Sighing in irritation I pull off my gray fedora and sunglasses before gently removing my wig to show my short hair. He sits back in shock, facing away from me as his eyes fall to his hands.
"... Oh." The car falls back into silence, he clearly doesn't know how to respond. I roll my eyes as I shove the wig into my handbag, hooking the glasses to my shirt before replacing the hat back upon my head. I feel slightly flustered at being saved by him, I should at least thank him, but I think that can wait until I get out of the car.
"...Um. Where would you like me to go, sir?" David looks startled from his haze, quickly glancing to me before back to his driver. He's about to speak when a loud noise startles everyone in the car, closely followed by the sharp hits of water on the windshield. I immediately look out the window, being met with the unexpected view of storm clouds completely filling the once blue sky. I want to smile, I love rain and thunder, but I have no idea what my address is, and I am certainly not dressed for the rain.
"What? Don't like rain Mrs.L/N?" David's irritatingly attractive voice grabs my attention. I look over to him before back to the rain.
"No.. I actually love the rain, and it's Miss, not Mrs." I respond, watching as the rain drops drizzle down the windows. The people on the streets hurriedly running for cover, seemingly as surprised by the rain as I am.
"Drop me off on that street corner, I'll find my way home from there." I say, not looking at David or the driver.
"What do you mean you'll find your way home? Don't you know your address?" David's voice is clearly distressed at the thought of just dropping me off on the corner of a random street. It's my turn to sheepishly smile, scratching the back of my head as I shake my head 'no'. The driver pulls the car over, coming to halt on a quiet street.
I reach my hand over to the handle, but I'm interrupted by David grabbing arm, his grasp gently but firm. His looks so concerned that I almost pity him.
"Don't go, at least let me drop you off at a restaurant or something... " His sentence drops off at the end, clearly hoping I'll give in, but I am in no mood to deal with any of this today. I pull myself from his grasp, opening the door and stepping out; the cold rain sends a refreshing chill down my spine. I turn away, readjusting my hat and bag, much too busy to notice David getting out after me.
"It's much too cold for you out here darling. Let me drop you somewhere safer than this at least." I can tell he's getting desperate at this point, but it really only makes me angry. How dare he say these things to me after bad mouthing me.
"How dare you act like you care about me." My words are unexpected to both of us, I didn't mean to speak my thoughts, but I guess I can't stop now. I turn around and face him, having to look up at his face due to the unfair height difference.
"You say the most awful things about me to the press, you make fun of my music, then you make fun of my life choices? Now you stand here acting all worried about my well-being?" My voice is equally as distressed as his expression, he clearly wasn't expecting my aggressive response. I take a step forward into his personal space, poking my pointer finger harshly against his chest as I glare into his eyes.
"You were one of the people I looked up to. We had never even met when I randomly heard you say I was some whore who somehow worked her way up to the top." My words are slurring, and my eyes are burning a bit. I don't know why I'm getting so emotional, maybe it's because I was so heartbroken at hearing him kick dirt on my name, or maybe it's because I stupidly gave his opinion a place in my mind.
I didn't even notice that my tears had escaped my eyes and were carving paths down my face until he brought his hands up to cup my jaw. His touch was so gentle as he wiped away my tears, so excessively tender I started to think I was made of thin glass that could be snapped in half.
"I was scared... I was scared, okay? And I know that's not an excuse, and I am sorry." His tone feels rushed yet hesitant, like he doesn't want me to even think about running off. I look straight into his eyes, finally seeing the guilt coursing through them in waves.
"Scared? Of what?" I'm so confused, why would he ever be scared of me? I was only barely a celebrity when he said those remarks, I was no threat.
"You... God, I was scared of you Y/N. You and your lovely young face, with your beautiful voice." He smiles, almost as though finally coming to a realization. I want to speak, but he continues.
"You came out of nowhere and took the world for a spin, I know you don't think you're very famous, but the entire world knows your name darling. You did that in such a small amount of time, I couldn't help but feel I would be forgotten. I know that it is a selfish thing to do, but I promise I'll make it right." I still feel unsure,
"How can I ever trust you, I admired you and you shoved that in my face." I back up and away from him, my arms wrapping around my body in search of both comfort and warmth.
"Well, I guess you'll only know if you give me the chance." His expression is so vulnerable and honest, his hair falling slightly into his face as he tilts his head down towards mine.
"Please, darling... Come with me, let me show you I'm not the awful prick you think I am." His surprisingly warm hands enclose around mine, their warmth causing the rest of my body to shiver, finally acknowledging the fact that we've been letting the rain drench our bodies for about 7 minutes now.
All I can do is nod my head as he brings an arm around my shoulders, quickly leading me back to the awaiting car. Helping me first before following after. I shiver weakly, David notices and has our driver turn the heat up, but we both know it'll do very little.
"Oh I'm sorry darling, let me take you back to mine and we'll get you a fresh change of clothes." I don't know why I'm suddenly so quiet, but all I can really do in response is nod my head. I take my wet hat off, tossing it down near my feet before once again wrapping my arms around myself.
David Bowie's POV:
Oh, she looks so small all hunched over and wrapped in herself. I still feel guilty about what I'd said about her, I had no right making any of those claims, it was disgustingly immature what I did. All I know is that I need to make it up to her.
I must admit that I didn't expect to meet her today, I didn't even know she lived in New York.
"Do you live here Y/N? Maybe we could go to yours instead if you prefer?"
"No, I've been in a hotel, only got here 2 days ago and never made the effort to remember it's name." Ah, well, that's good to know. Looking back over to her I see her still shivering, clearly the heater is doing nothing for her. I shrug off my wet coat and shove it to the side before shifting closer to her and wrapping her up in my arms. Her body stiffens at the contact, but I can tell my body warmth is attractive to her from the way she pushes into me.
"Is this alright, love?" I don't know why I keep calling her these pet names, maybe it's because I like making her flustered. I feel her nod her head 'yes', I smile as I rest my head lightly atop hers. We stay like that until we stop in front of my hotel.
Grabbing my jacket I quickly wrap it around her small form, she opens her mouth to protest, but I silence her with my stern gaze. I swipe her hat from her hands and carefully place it atop her head, giving her a gentle smile before hopping out of the car helping her out.
We rush through the rain, laughing as we go, I hold the door open and usher her inside. We look so messy and out of place in this fancy hotel, but I ignore the looks we get, instead opting to gaze adoringly at this spit-fire of a woman I have on my arm. As we get in the elevator and wait for my floor she starts to shrug off my coat, but I quickly grab it and pull it back onto her shoulders.
"Don't, it looks better on you anyways." She drops her head down as she blushes, I can't believe I somehow got her to go from hating me to blushing at my compliments, all I know is that I want to compliment and make her blush for the rest of my life.
I step back from her as the elevator doors open, resting my hand on Y/N's back as I walk her in the direction of my room. The poor girl is still shivering, I hope she finds my clothes to be to her liking.
Y/N's POV:
I'm still trying to wrap my head around how this man, this man who made me feel like absolute shit, now offers me his jacket and compliments that make my face blush a deep rose. I hope this is real, I don't think I can go back to hating him after all of this.
I'm dragged out of my thoughts by him gently pulling me into his room. Carefully slipping off the thick wet coat and hanging it up before turning back to me.
"Alright luv, I'll take you to my room and you can pick the clothes." His voice, God, his voice. I hate to admit it, but hearing his accent in-person just makes him even more attractive. All I can offer him is a gentle nod, his lips turning up into a sweet smile and he grabs my hand, leading me to his room. Opening the closet I see a wide array of clothes, ranging from incredibly posh to walk-out-of-bed to get a glass of milk clothes, I can't help but blush at the thought of him just lazily getting out of bed in the middle of the night for a midnight snack.
"What are you blushing at?" His tone is teasing as he gives me a humorous grin, his shoulder playfully bumping against my own. I can only shake my head in embarrassment as I glance away from him and back to the wardrobe.
"Oh, I can't pick... You choose." I suddenly state, backing up and softly pushing him forward. He seems generally surprised by what I say, but shakes it off as he now thinks about his new task. He rests against the wall and looks at me for a minute or so, just running his eyes across me in an oddly calculating way. He sharply turns away from me and starts rifling through his closet, searching for the perfect clothes, but suddenly stops and turns back to me.
"Don't you have an interview today?" My eyes widened in shock, how could I have forgotten. I glance towards the clock on his bedside table, my interview is in 30 minutes.
"It's in 30 minutes! What am I supposed to do?" I want to cry, this interview is very important publicity for my upcoming album. My eyes burn with tears of frustration, but I find myself distracted by the warm embrace of David, it's oddly comforting.
"Now don't you worry about the clothes, I'll pick something out while you go call your manager and get the address for your interview." He states, pulling back and looking at me reassuringly.
"What do you mean? My manager will never let me go on unless everything is perfect." I don't mean to argue, but I know my manager is a perfectionist, and will surely yell my ear off for putting myself in this position.
"Darling, either you go with what you have, or you miss the interview." I open my mouth in a weak attempt to argue, but I stop, knowing he's right. I nod my head and rush to the phone, hoping David chooses those clothes quickly.
I messily dial up my manager, and as soon as they pick up, I can sense their rush of concern.
"Honey where have you been? Your interview is in less than 30 minutes!" His usually calm tone is higher as he clearly has been worried about my whereabouts.
"I know I know, and I'm so sorry I didn't call sooner. I just... I was out, and people recognized m-" I get cut off before I can finish my sentence.
"They what! Did you take off your disguise?" He sounds so worried, I feel really guilty at making him feel this way, but I would rather I tell him than have him find out via the news.
"No, people saw through it!"
"Well, are you okay? I know how you get in crowds, did you make it out alright?" The worry and concern emanating through his voice lets me know he really wants to give me a hug, and he probably needs one too. I remember the fear and concern when he had to get me out of that London crowd, gosh he was more scared than I was.
"I'm surprisingly alright, but that's really only because I got saved." I say quietly, I leave out the fact that David Bowie saved me because I don't know how my manager will react. He was there with me when David said I was a whore to the press, so I'm not sure that he'll be as quick to forgive him as I was.
"Saved? By who?" His voice suddenly goes from concern to curiosity, oh I hope he doesn't scream when I bring David with me.
"I'll introduce you both at the interview... On that note, can you tell me the address, I promise I'll be there on time."
"Alright Y/N, just please stop giving me heart attacks." This last sentence is humorous, yet completely serious at the same time. I can hear the sincerity, and I hope that I never put him through this again.
"I promise nothing." I reply sassily, writing down the address he tells me. I turn and hurriedly walk back to David's room, accidentally running into him and falling back to the floor. I glance up in surprise as he does the same to me, I can't help but be taken back to the same scenario that happened earlier today.
"I think we've been here before darling." David laughs as I smile humorously at the situation. He offers his hand and pulls me up with a little too much strength, resulting in me falling against his chest. I can feel myself blush furiously as I go to push myself away from him, but find myself trapped by his arms encircling my waist.
He holds me there for a few moments before gently releasing me and motioning to the clothes on his bed. I don't even spare them a glance as I grab them and walk into the bathroom, changing swiftly before looking at myself in the mirror. I was in one of his blue dress shirts with some fancy brown shoes, and some straight legged ivory pants. Everything is big on me, and I feel overdressed, I usually don't care how I look, and dress in a t-shirt, jeans; but David really has me dressing up.
I hesitantly open the bathroom door with my eyes on the floor, hearing David hurriedly stand from his spot on the bed. We stand in silence for about a minute, and I go to shy away from him, but he steps forward and holds me in place.
"I look such a mess don't I? I-" I criticize my appearance, but he gently cuts me off.
"I like seeing you in my clothes." His voice is just above a whisper, and he sounds so attractively honest that I glance up from my shoes and to his face. I immediately notice that we are only a few inches away from one another, and I can't help but look away from him.
I turn back to say something when his hand suddenly reaches up to cup my face, instantly grabbing my attention. I look at him, noticing how adoringly he gazes into my eyes, and I can't help but close my eyes. His lips gently graze my own, he seems to hold back meeting me fully, assumingly afraid of how I react. To stop his assumptions I lean forward and meet his retreating form, himself immediately responding.
We pull back, and I shyly look to the side, seeing him smile in my peripheral vision as he leans down and softly kisses my cheek. My blush comes back with a vengeance, and I can hear him chuckle at the way I respond to him. We pull apart slightly, he offers me a warm smile before checking the time.
"Oh, we better get going, love. We have about 10 minutes to get there, and it's a 5 minute drive." I nod my head, allowing him to hold my hand as we walk out of his room.
Arriving at the interview I wait in anxiousness as David walks around the car and opens the door for me, holding my hand delicately as we walk towards the building. We suddenly stop as he looks towards me and then himself, releasing my hand as he starts to take off his coat.
I go to object, but he pays it no mind, holding it out for me, and helping slip it on. I can't help but feel so in-love at the moment, and it's funny because he's the last person I thought would be treating me like this.
"You look good, I think I want to see you in my shirts more often." His voice is so charming and natural as the cheeky sentence slips out. He said it so normally, but he knows how it leaves me speechless, a smirk appearing on his handsome features as he leads me into the building.
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bluelancelion · 2 years
I'm watching Merlin for the first time and I'm absolutely floored by it and by how much I fell in love with Merthur and the Knights, so here's a couple of Modern! AU that popped in my mind.
Rugby Champion/Nerd AU
- Probably a classic, I'd be surprised if ao3 wasn't plenty of it.
- Of course Arthur is Captain of the rugby team and of course Merlin is the guy sitting in the library all day.
- Don't ask me how they meet don't ask me how they fall in love, they just do
- Arthur's father is the school's principal
- And for this reason there's some people hating on Arthur cause they believe he has privileges
- Spoiler: he doesn't (or denies any of it when his father offers some) but due to this he finds hard to trust people
- Hence he trusts only his teammates aka true friends aka the squad!
- And Merlin of course
- Literally Heartstopper but make it #merthur with gay! Merlin and #bi-and-still-in-the-closet Arthur
Musicians AU
- Merlin goes to a public school and no one knows he's literally a world wide known classic musician
- Idk how don't ask
- Arthur is like the popular guy who plays guitar and all girls love him yadda yadda
- he has a band (must have the boys in every merthur fic sorry not sorry)
- Leon is the bassist, Percy the drummer, Gwaine the second guitar, Elyan is the dj and plays the keyboard, while Lancelot is the singer
- Again don't ask why don't ask how but Merlin and Arthur fight or argue and end up talking ever since
- Maybe Arthur was teasing him about knowing nothing about music
- Merlin silently snickering like *You dare to fight me with your half cheap-ass rock band when rich people spend thousands to listen me play at operas lmao you fool*
- But for some reason he can't tell him that or reveal his secret or else he'll be forced to change school (I dunooooo)
- So Arthur has no idea Merlin is a genius at music
- But.
- He notices Merlin has a perfect pitch, and something like- He can't explain it but Merlin has something with music, like a touch, so he invites him over to listen to his band
- All band members fall in love with him and side with him against Arthur when the two have their - now friendly - banters
- Bros being bros - Dudes being Dudes
- Idk what I was going for with this but IMAGINE WHEN THEY FIND OUT
- Like
- Imagine this fragile boi all cute smiles and sassy remarks and Arthur goes into protective mode cause he develops a crush-
And like, Arthur has a rock band so they look cool and they don't fear anyone in case Merlin gets bullied or something
And then they see him, for the first time-
Wearing a black/navy blue suit that costs thousand of dollars, walking in this giant golden opera with royal red drapes-
And he starts playing the piano for all these rich people and he's absolutely phenomenal
And suddenly Merlin fears Arthur won't be friends with him anymore or he'll fear he's gonna think Merlin is too "marvelous" to enjoy their little rock band
- But in reality Merlin loves them and he loves Arthur and Arthur honestly can't look at Merlin and see any other man than the guy he's been teasing and has argued with for all this time,
- aaand I don't know where I wanted to go with this as well lmao
Feel free to drop any completed fic link in the comments pls I am desperate :)
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the fun part about the girls’ trip fic (yes i’ve picked back up with writing it) is that all three of them have the capacity to be super bitchy, for lack of a better term, but they also all have the capacity to take that in stride and find the humor in the snippiness, which is the side that they’re sort of growing into, and so it somehow works
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dullweapons · 6 months
mother of all tag dumps inbound ..... i am not booping people cause theres like 30 tags lol
here is the page on my google site that lists them all ... i think ? may have missed someone but ill double check later
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⸻  SHIP  : ayrin / sahar  ❤︎  you know you hypnotize me always !   ˎˊ˗
⸻  SHIP  : ray / grace ( hyliangrace )  ❤︎  you can be the match & i will be the fuse : boom   ˎˊ˗
⸻  SHIP  : ray / lyric ( lunarscaled )  ❤︎  bleed into my mouth so i may taste you forever ; leviathan  ˎˊ˗
⸻  SHIP  : ray / robin ( wolfvirago )  ❤︎  hold me in your arms & i die a little death so beautifully  ˎˊ˗
⸻  SHIP  : ray / octavo ( bransles )  ❤︎  but he fell in love with the fever & i'm on my knees in a theater .  ˎˊ˗
⸻  SHIP  : ray & ayrin  / link ( uneasedregrets )  ❤︎  city of stars ; never shined so brightly  ˎˊ˗
⸻  SHIP  : ray / volga ( volcania )  ❤︎  your blood like wine get me drunk & make me feel .   ˎˊ˗
⸻  SHIP  : ray / ghirahim ( flamboycnt )  ❤︎  let our love be a flame not an ember ! say it's me that you want to dismember !  ˎˊ˗
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⸻  RELATION  : ray & link ( legacyshero )  ✦ no voice to speak of your suffering but i hear you now  ˎˊ˗
⸻  RELATION  : ray & nabooru ( gerudospiriit )  ✦ so if you need to be mean be mean to me . i can take it & put it inside me . ˎˊ˗
⸻  RELATION  : ray & bussaba ( topaz-adorned )  ✦ you with the dark curls you with the watercolor eyes ! ˎˊ˗
⸻  RELATION  : ray & gallilea ( vairuler )  ✦ im made of sugar spice kanekalon & cinnamon : me & my bestie are the sam like a synonym ˎˊ˗
⸻  RELATION  : ray & toba ( askganondorftobadragmire )  ✦ you take away this pain from me : the memories that haunted me  ˎˊ˗
⸻  RELATION  : ray & nabooru ( gerudosage )  ✦ oh she could have been a poet or she could have been a fool . ˎˊ˗
⸻  RELATION  : ray & miri ( somnium-led )  ✦ dear prudence won't you open your eyes ? look around … look around …  ˎˊ˗
⸻  RELATION  : ray & eilian ( somnium-led )  ✦ im sick of apologies from people with priorities that their life matters so much more than ours . ˎˊ˗
⸻  RELATION  : ray & ganondorf ( oocca )  ✦ want to save your men from the fire ? show me that you’re willing to burn .  ˎˊ˗
⸻  RELATION  : ray & link ( twilitae )  ✦ what? land of the free? whoever told you that is your enemy .  ˎˊ˗
⸻  RELATION  : ray & link ( obraveyouth )  ✦ who’s a heretic child ? can you make it stick now ?  ˎˊ˗
⸻  RELATION  : ray & zelda ( spiritmaiden )  ✦ why do birds suddenly appear everytime you are near  ˎˊ˗
⸻  RELATION  : ray & zelda ( telepathyia )  ✦ the moon will sing a song for me : i loved you like the sun ! bore the shadow that you made  ˎˊ˗
⸻  RELATION  : ray & zelda ( regnantlight )  ✦  can you tell me what's the point in building empty empires now? ˎˊ˗
⸻  RELATION  : ray & calamity ( hylianremnants )  ✦  i know you i walked with you once upon a nightmare  ˎˊ˗
⸻  RELATION  : ayrin & sky ( hylianremnants )  ✦  stories of old great adventure : i want to be just like you .  ˎˊ˗
⸻  RELATION  : ayrin & sun ( hylianremnants )  ✦  bright & beautiful : sing me another lullaby  ˎˊ˗
#⸻ SHIP : ayrin / sahar ❤︎ you know you hypnotize me always ! ˎˊ˗#⸻ SHIP : ray / grace ( hyliangrace ) ❤︎ you can be the match & i will be the fuse : boom ˎˊ˗#⸻ SHIP : ray / lyric ( lunarscaled ) ❤︎ bleed into my mouth so i may taste you forever ; leviathan ˎˊ˗#⸻ SHIP : ray / robin ( wolfvirago ) ❤︎ hold me in your arms & i die a little death so beautifully ˎˊ˗#⸻ SHIP : ray / octavo ( bransles ) ❤︎ but he fell in love with the fever & i'm on my knees in a theater . ˎˊ˗#⸻ SHIP : ray & ayrin / link ( uneasedregrets ) ❤︎ city of stars ; never shined so brightly ˎˊ˗#⸻ SHIP : ray / volga ( volcania ) ❤︎ your blood like wine get me drunk & make me feel . ˎˊ˗#⸻ SHIP : ray / ghirahim ( flamboycnt ) ❤︎ let our love be a flame not an ember ! say it's me that you want to dismember ! ˎˊ˗#⸻ RELATION : ray & link ( legacyshero ) ✦ no voice to speak of your suffering but i hear you now ˎˊ˗#⸻ RELATION : ray & nabooru ( gerudospiriit ) ✦ so if you need to be mean be mean to me . i can take it & put it inside me . ˎˊ˗#⸻ RELATION : ray & bussaba ( topaz-adorned ) ✦ you with the dark curls you with the watercolor eyes ! ˎˊ˗#⸻ RELATION : ray & gallilea ( vairuler ) ✦ im made of sugar spice kanekalon & cinnamon : me & my bestie are the sam like a synonym ˎˊ˗#⸻ RELATION : ray & toba ( askganondorftobadragmire ) ✦ you take away this pain from me : the memories that haunted me ˎˊ˗#⸻ RELATION : ray & nabooru ( gerudosage ) ✦ oh she could have been a poet or she could have been a fool . ˎˊ˗#⸻ RELATION : ray & miri ( somnium-led ) ✦ dear prudence won't you open your eyes ? look around … look around … ˎˊ˗#⸻ RELATION : ray & eilian ( somnium-led ) ✦ im sick of apologies from people with priorities that their life matters so much more than o#⸻ RELATION : ray & ganondorf ( oocca ) ✦ want to save your men from the fire ? show me that you’re willing to burn . ˎˊ˗#⸻ RELATION : ray & link ( twilitae ) ✦ what? land of the free? whoever told you that is your enemy . ˎˊ˗#⸻ RELATION : ray & link ( obraveyouth ) ✦ who’s a heretic child ? can you make it stick now ? ˎˊ˗#⸻ RELATION : ray & zelda ( spiritmaiden ) ✦ why do birds suddenly appear everytime you are near ˎˊ˗#⸻ RELATION : ray & zelda ( telepathyia ) ✦ the moon will sing a song for me : i loved you like the sun ! bore the shadow that you made#⸻ RELATION : ray & zelda ( regnantlight ) ✦ can you tell me what's the point in building empty empires now? ˎˊ˗#⸻ RELATION : ray & calamity ( hylianremnants ) ✦ i know you i walked with you once upon a nightmare ˎˊ˗#⸻ RELATION : ayrin & sky ( hylianremnants ) ✦ stories of old great adventure : i want to be just like you . ˎˊ˗#⸻ RELATION : ayrin & sun ( hylianremnants ) ✦ bright & beautiful : sing me another lullaby ˎˊ˗
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ghostthecryptid · 2 years
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I did it in watercolor
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lacomandante · 9 months
teresa has this calm, protective kindness that makes me insane upon rewatching the sharpe series tbqh. and richard getting WHIPLASH hearing he’ll see her again is so perfecttttttt 🥺 i appreciate how there’s time for scenes independent of her romance that show how intelligent and compassionate she is despite all that’s happened to her. god i love her sm
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Anon you are SO RIGHT on ALL of these points.....I foam at the mouth and roll around on the ground just THINKING about all of this. Teresa has every opportunity to be cold and cruel and ignore others, and she doesn't. She sees that Sharpe's struggling with leadership, nearly killed by his men if she hadn't intervened- pointing out to him that even though she doesn't always do what her men want, she asks them- does he just beat them until they do it? (There's a number of factors there beyond Sharpe's control, but she makes a good point.) She listens to soldiers gossip, gives him advice, sees him take that advice and SMILES when he does!! She doesn't have to do any of this but she does bc she wants to see him improve!! She sees him learn and grow bc of it and it's just so sweet... I definitely wish we got to see more of her by herself, but I love those moments, however brief. Especially with her and Josefina!! She checks up on her and makes sure she's alright, comforts her when she's going through a rough time, and offers her a solution to her problem."why do you try and hide your feelings? you're really quite kind." 😭 She wakes Sharpe to help, and makes him promise later to look after her and AAAHHH she cares!! she knows what its like to be a survivor of assault and she tries to protect both josefina and lady farthingdale!! And I have a multiparagraph rant about it but like. Teresa wanting to saving Lady Farthingdale from Hakeswill, her compassion and her kindness!!! are used against her!!!! AUGH!! But because that last thought is really sad- yes, I love how much Sharpe gets excited to know Teresa is nearby. His neck is on a swivel and if he were a dog you'd hear his tail thumping the ground rapidly. Hogan can get Sharpe to do just about anything by mentioning her name- and Sharpe is constantly thinking about Teresa throughout Company- where is she, why couldn't she get out, is she coming? And his panic when he thinks she's been shot coming out of the fortress OOUGHH...but I think one of my favorite scenes of all is the barn scene in Enemy, him poking his head out from the window and being SO excited because WIFE!!! WIFE IS HERE!! FUCK THE ROCKETS WIFE IS HERE
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bujorulgalben · 2 years
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moodboard meme // accepting !
@ anon / 💗 for a moodboard about another significant relationship in my muse’s life
anica maria mihăescu and eleftheria anastasiadou ( @iliostefi​ )
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softshuji · 1 year
He never listens to me with this stuff! There's nothing i can do. I'll try but it probably won't go well.
There has to be something! You can't just let it happen, you still care about her I know you do! Tell him you don't want this, that you'd rather just leave things be. Or at least make him promise he isn't going to do something drastic. What do you mean he never listens? This has happened before?
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eddiestattoos · 1 year
I love when it's a holiday and we're the only place in town open. AND we're selling fireworks. This is barely sarcasm it was actually the most fun I've had at work in ages
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