#invest in pakistan
theculturedmarxist · 2 years
In their February paper, “US Dollar Primacy in an Age of Economic Warfare,” presented at the West Point Symposium on “Order, Counter-Order, Disorder” Michael Kao and Michael St. Pierre argue for using a stronger US dollar as geopolitical leverage:
Not only are the effects of interest rates hikes magnified in other countries due to a myriad of structural and idiosyncratic economic fragilities previously discussed, the confluence of wide USD adoption with cyclical USD strength … make the USD a potent geopolitical lever masquerading as a domestic fight against inflation. National Power lends the USD dominance in adoption, while an opportunistic fight against inflation lends the USD cyclical strength for geopolitical leverage.
The US and US-led institutions are already trying to sideline China in countries struggling to make debt payments. And these efforts are likely to continue as interest rates rise and more countries in the Global South are unable to repay loans. A recent UNDP paper stated that 52 developing countries are suffering from severe debt problems.
China is the world’s largest bilateral creditor, and this is especially true for countries that are part of Beijing’s Belt and Road Initiative and/or for countries that possess strategically important natural resources. Washington estimates that Chinese lending ranges from $350 billion to a trillion dollars.
In recent years, western officials and media have ratcheted up criticism of China’s lending practices, claiming Beijing is putting its boot on the neck of countries, holding back their development, and is seizing assets offered as collateral.
Deborah Bräutigam, the Director of the China Africa Research Initiative at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, has written that this is “ a lie, and a powerful one.” She wrote, “our research shows that Chinese banks are willing to restructure the terms of existing loans and have never actually seized an asset from any country.”
Even researchers at Chatham House admit there’s nothing nefarious about China’s lending, explaining that it has instead created a debt trap for China. That is becoming more evident as nations are unable to repay, largely due to the economic fallout from the pandemic, the Nato proxy war against Russia in Ukraine, inflation, and rising interest rates.
These confluence of events hitting developing countries are entangling China  in multilateral talks that include US-backed institutions like the IMF. Beijing’s preference has always been to try and tackle debt repayment issues at a bilateral level, typically by extending maturities rather than accepting write-downs on loans.
But US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and company continue to parrot the talking point that China’s lending is harming countries, and in countries unable to repay their international debts, the West and China are increasingly at odds.
Back in 2020, the G-20 countries created the Common Framework for Debt Treatments to provide relief to indebted countries, which included “fair burden sharing” among all creditors. Beijing’s reluctance to agree to such burden sharing is illustrated by the case of Zambia.
Zambia became the first African country to default on some of its dollar-denominated bonds during the Covid-19 pandemic when it failed to make a $42.5 million bond payment in November 2020.
More than a third of the country’s $17 billion in debt is owed to Chinese lenders. Zambia worked out a deal with the IMF for a $1.3 billion bailout package but can’t access the relief until its underlying debt is restructured – including Chinese debts. But the IMF prescription for Zambia is a blow to Beijing. Here are some details of the arrangement from The Diplomat:
Zambia will shift its spending priorities from investment in public infrastructure – typically financed by Chinese stakeholders – to recurrent expenditures. Specifically, Zambia has announced it will totally cancel 12 planned projects, half of which were due to be financed by China EXIM Bank, alongside one by ICBC for a university and another by Jiangxi Corporation for a dual highway from the capital. The government has also canceled 20 undistributed loan balances – some of which were for the new projects but others for existing projects. While such cancellations are not unusual on Zambia’s part, Chinese partners account for the main bulk of these loans…
While some of these cancellations may have been initiated by Chinese lenders themselves, especially those in arrears, Zambia may not have needed to cancel so many projects. Since 2000, China has canceled more of Zambia’s bilateral debt than any sovereign creditor, standing at $259 million to date.
Nevertheless, the IMF team justified the shift because they – and presumably Zambia’s government – believe that spending on public infrastructure in Zambia has not returned sufficient economic growth or fiscal revenues. However, no evidence is presented for this in the IMF’s report.
Zambia will also cut fuel and agriculture subsidies. So instead of infrastructure investment and social spending, the country gets austerity. The IMF deal also relegates China to the backseat, as it allows for 62 concessional loan projects to continue, only two of which will involve China. The vast majority of the projects will be administered by multilateral institutions and involve recurrent expenditure rather than infrastructure-focused projects.
Despite all the evidence to the contrary, Yellen on a trip to Zambia in February warned that Chinese lending “can leave countries with a legacy of debt, diverted resources, and environmental destruction” and called out Beijing for being a “barrier” to ending the major copper producer’s debt crisis and noted that it had “taken far too long already to resolve.”
The US effort to sideline China in Zambia comes at the same time that Washington is trying to tighten control over resources in the region. Note that back in December the US signed deals with the Democratic Republic of Congo and Zambia (the world’s sixth-largest copper producer and second-largest cobalt producer in Africa) that will see the US support the two countries in developing an electric vehicle value chain.
Beijing is insisting that multilateral lenders also accept haircuts on loans rather than just China being expected to do so. This is a position that most debtor nations agree with. On the other side, the IMF and its partners are worried that its bailout money would merely go to Chinese creditors – many of which are state banks that are increasingly troubled by bad debts.
Gong Chen, founder of Beijing-based think tank Anbound, says that if countries are unwilling or unable to repay their debts to China, it would be devastating:
Widespread debt evasion and avoidance would have a significant impact on China’s financial stability,” he said, “and we are concerned that some countries may try to avoid paying back their debt by utilizing geopolitics and the ideological competition between East and West.
Yellen and company tried to apply more pressure on Beijing at the recent G20 meeting of finance officials in India, but that fell flat on its face much like the West’s efforts to hijack the meeting and turn it into a roundtable on Russian sanctions.
Meanwhile, Zambia has halted work on several Chinese-funded infrastructure projects, including the Lusaka-Ndola road, and canceled undisbursed loans in line with the IMF prescription for its debt problem.
Chinese companies are now attempting to work around these roadblocks by shifting more toward public-private partnerships. For example, a Chinese consortium is now planning to build a $650 million toll road from the Zambian capital to the mineral-rich Copperbelt province and the border with the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
The situation in Zambia does not bode well for other nations needing debt relief, as the delays while the West and China clash mean more pressure on government finances, companies and populations.
And if the West’s primary goal in offering debt relief is to sideline Beijing, as it appeared in Zambia, then that will mean a drastic scaling back of infrastructure projects replaced by austerity. From Sovdebt Oddities:
More broadly, as noted by Mark Sobel, the current international financial architecture is ill-equiped to deal with a major recalcitrant creditor benefiting from outsized (geo)political leverage. While it remains illusional to insulate sovereign restructurings from geopolitical considerations, there is a risk that they would turn into a game of chicken between China on the one hand and the IMF and Paris Club on the other hand. The problem being that if none of the players yields, it will just mean more economic and social hardship for the debtor country stuck in the middle.
Sure enough, the same situation is playing out in two nations that are key points on China’s Belt and Road project: Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
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Here is Islamabad’s debt situation, courtesy of Pakistani economist Murtaza Syed at The International News:
For each of the next five years, Pakistan owes the world $25 billion in principal repayments. It will also need at least $10 billion to finance the current account deficit, bringing total external financing needs to $35 billion a year between now and 2027. We have foreign exchange reserves of just $3 billion. For each of the next five years, the government needs to pay 5 percent of GDP to service the debt it owes to residents and foreigners. Our total tax take is only 10 percent of GDP.
Around fourth-fifths of this external debt is owed to the official sector, split roughly evenly between multilaterals (like the IMF, World Bank and ADB) and bilaterals (countries like China, Saudi Arabia and the United States). The remaining one-fifth is commercial, again roughly evenly split between Eurobond/Sukuk issuances and borrowing from Chinese and Middle Eastern banks. By region, we owe roughly one-third of our external debt to China and 10 percent to the old-boys network of the Paris Club, which includes Europe and the US.
Additionally, last year, the Pakistan rupee plunged nearly 30 percent compared to the US dollar. All indications are that the IMF is using bailout negotiations to pressure Pakistan to move away from China and revive its partnership with the US. Some background from WSWS:
Former prime minister Imran Khan’s government was promptly removed in April 2022 after he reversed IMF-demanded subsidy cuts in the face of country-wide protests. Khan had previously implemented two rounds of some of the toughest austerity in the country’s history. In the final year of his government, Khan shifted the country’s foreign policy towards a closer alliance with Russia and deepened ties with China, prompting concern and anger in Washington.
Sharif’s Muslim League (PML-N) and the People’s Party (PPP) assumed power in a coalition with the approval of the military, long the most powerful political actor in the country and the linchpin of the alliance between the Pakistani bourgeoisie and US imperialism. The express aim of the new government was to implement IMF austerity, which it has done.
The IMF-prescribed austerity imposed by Pakistani elites also targets Beijing.  China is Pakistan’s largest single creditor as the country is perhaps the most important country in China’s Belt and Road plans because it would provide China with a potential corridor to the seaport at Gwadar on the Indian Ocean. The supply line would reduce the distance between China and the Middle East by thousands of miles via insecure sea lanes to a shorter and more secure distance by land. Beijing’s spending in Pakistan reflects this, as the $53 billion China has spent on the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in the country is tops of all BRI countries.
Yet many of the BRI plans are unrealized, and Pakistan’s current economic situation makes it unlikely they’ll be finished anytime soon. China has dramatically scaled back investment, which fits with its more cautious approach to BRI projects. Meanwhile, decades-high inflation, economic mismanagement, and last year’s biblical floods have led to Islamabad burning through its foreign exchange reserves in order to make debt payments. The US blames China.
“We have been very clear about our concerns not just here in Pakistan, but elsewhere all around the world about Chinese debt, or debt owed to China,” US State Department Counselor Derek Chollet told journalists at the US Embassy in Islamabad after he met with Pakistani officials in February.
Additionally, Cholett said Washington is warning Islamabad about the “perils” of a closer relationship with Beijing.
According to the Times of India, many Pakistani officials have come around to the US way of thinking and are also blaming the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor Project (CPEC), a $65 billion network of roads, railways, pipelines, and ports connecting China to the Arabian Sea,  for worsening the country’s debt crisis. From Indian Express:
Pakistan expanded its electricity generation capacity under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor Programme (CPEC) but the expansion came at a high cost both in terms of high returns guaranteed to the Chinese independent power producers (IPPs) and the expensive foreign currency debt. Pakistan has been unable to make the capacity payments to IPPs under the long-term power purchase agreements with the electricity sector debt rising to a staggering $ 8.5 billion.
Last December, the government agreed to repay this debt in installments. However, this may have displeased the IMF, which had expected the government, in August 2022, to renegotiate the purchase power agreements. Pakistan tried to renegotiate but the Chinese refused.
The IMF extended the current program on the condition that it would not go to the Chinese IPPs. More from Nikkei Asia:
Observers say Pakistan’s handling of the electricity issue is likely to irk China, noting that Sharif’s government committed to the IMF to reopen power contracts without taking the Chinese companies into confidence. Pakistan has also reneged on a promise to set up an escrow account to ensure smooth payments to Chinese IPPs.
The IMF is demanding that Pakistan rationalize payments to the Chinese IPPs in line with earlier concessions extracted from local private power producers…
The IMF now wants Pakistan to negotiate an increase in the duration of bank loans from 10 years to 20 years, or to reduce the markup on arrears owed to Chinese IPPs from 4.5% to 2%.
Notably, the IMF appears to have been less willing to make concessions than the previous 22 times Pakistan has sought its support since 1959. Oddly enough Beijing is pushing for a deal between Islamabad and the IMF, and China recently extended a $2 billion loan to Pakistan. From the Middle East Institute:
It is interesting to note, for example, that Chinese officials reportedly urged Islamabad to repair ties with the IMF — if true, an indication that Beijing regards resumption of the Fund’s lending program as key to mitigating Pakistan’s risk of default.
It is also revealing that Pakistan seems keener to take on new financing from China than China may be to furnish it. Even as the economy wobbles under a heavy debt burden and other acute challenges, Pakistani officials have sought support from China to upgrade the Main Line 1 (ML-1) railroad, a project which, if not undertaken, they claim could result in the breakdown of the entire railway system.Yet, the IMF wants Pakistan to rein in CPEC activity. And China’s own domestic economic challenges and priorities might make it hesitant to respond to Islamabad’s appeals. On the other hand, the ML-1 project might meet Beijing’s more exacting standards and increasing emphasis on “high quality” BRI infrastructure projects.
The recent rapprochement between Iran and Saudi Arabia could leave Pakistan out in the cold and even more reliant upon the US. From Andrew Korybko:
With the Kingdom likely to focus more on mutually beneficial Iranian investments than on dumping billions into seemingly never-ending Pakistani bailouts that haven’t ever brought it anything in return, Islamabad will predictably become more dependent on the US-controlled IMF. China will always provide the bare minimum required to keep Pakistan afloat in the worst-case scenario, but even it seems to be getting cold feet nowadays for a variety of reasons, thus meaning that US influence might further grow.
About that, last year’s post-modern coup restored American suzerainty over Pakistan to a large degree, which now makes that country a regional anomaly in the geopolitical sense considering the broader region’s drift away from that declining unipolar hegemon. The very fact that previously US-aligned Saudi Arabia patched up its seemingly irreconcilable problems with Iran as a result of Chinese mediation reinforces this factual observation. Pakistan now stands alone as the broader region’s only US vassal.
Pakistan is not only the most highly indebted to China of its BRI partners, but along with Sri Lanka, is also among the largest recipients of Chinese rescue lending. The ruling elite Pakistan is increasingly concerned that the social crisis could spiral out of control and result in something similar to what happened in Sri Lanka last year when a popular uprising toppled the government.
Due to haggling between the West and China, Sri Lanka has been waiting since September to finalize a bailout after a $2.9 billion September staff level IMF deal. And yet many of the recommendations in the agreement have already been implemented—to disastrous effect.
The country is dealing with its worst economic crisis since independence in 1948, including a shortage of reserves and essential items. In February, the IMF said Sri Lanka’s bailout package was set to be approved as soon as the country obtained adequate assurances from bilateral creditors, i.e., China.
Beijing now appears ready to meet more of the IMF’s demands, although details have yet to be released. In a letter in January, the Export-Import Bank of China offered a two-year debt moratorium, but the IMF said that wasn’t enough. According to Reuters, total Sri Lankan debt to Chinese lenders totals roughly 20 percent of the country’s total debt.
Sri Lanka is another focal point of the BRI due to its geographical position in the middle of the Indian Ocean. China’s goal was to transform the country into a transportation hub as much of its energy imports from the Middle East and mineral imports from Africa pass through Sri Lanka. Beijing has already achieved much of these goals. For example, in 2017 a 70 percent stake of the Hambantota port was leased to China Merchants Port Holdings Company Limited for 99 years for $1.12 billion.
The West blames China’s BRI initiative in Sri Lanka for saddling the country with unsustainable debt, but is that really the case? Political economists Devaka Gunawardena , Niyanthini Kadirgamar, and Ahilan Kadirgamar write at Phenomenal World:
The problems associated with the IMF’s policy package have been caught in geopolitical rhetoric. The US alleges that Sri Lanka is the victim of a Chinese debt trap. In fact, Sri Lanka is in an IMF trap. The structural consequences of over four decades of neoliberal policies have exploded into view with the receding welfare state, a ballooning import bill, and investment in infrastructure without returns, all of which relied on inflows of speculative capital. Framing Sri Lanka’s crisis within a narrative of geopolitical competition obscures the core dilemmas of the global economy. Will the evident breakdown force a reckoning with the present order, or will it be used as an excuse to inflict more suffering?
Thus far, it looks like the latter.
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rao645 · 1 year
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earning9999 · 1 year
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realstateshop · 20 hours
Investing in Commercial Property in Karachi
Karachi, Pakistan's bustling economic hub and the largest city, presents ample opportunities for commercial real estate investment. With its strategic location, growing infrastructure, and expanding business community, Karachi offers investors a chance to tap into a diverse and profitable market. Whether you're a seasoned investor or new to the commercial property sector, understanding the dynamics of Karachi's real estate market is crucial for making informed decisions.
This article provides a comprehensive guide on investing in commercial property in Karachi, highlighting the benefits, areas to consider, and factors to keep in mind. Additionally, we'll introduce Real State Shop, a leading real estate platform to help you find the most affordable and strategically located commercial properties in Karachi.
Why Invest in Commercial Property in Karachi?
Karachi is often referred to as the financial heartbeat of Pakistan. The city is home to major industries, multinational corporations, banks, and various other businesses that require office spaces, retail outlets, and warehouses. As a commercial hub, Karachi attracts entrepreneurs, business owners, and investors from across the country and beyond. Here are some reasons why investing in commercial property in Karachi can be a smart move:
1. High Return on Investment (ROI)
Commercial properties in Karachi typically yield higher returns than residential real estate. Office spaces, shopping centers, and warehouses generate steady rental income and appreciate significantly over time, making them ideal for long-term investors.
2. Diverse Business Activity
Karachi has a diverse economy, ranging from manufacturing and textile industries to banking, telecommunications, and IT services. This diversity creates demand for a wide range of commercial spaces, from retail shops in bustling markets to office complexes in high-end business districts.
3. Growing Infrastructure
With projects like the Karachi Circular Railway, expansion of the Karachi Port, and numerous flyovers and highways being developed, the city's infrastructure is rapidly improving. Better infrastructure not only enhances the quality of life but also boosts the value of commercial properties.
4. Population Growth
Karachi's population continues to grow, and so does the need for commercial establishments. The increasing number of residents directly translates into higher demand for shopping centers, restaurants, and offices, making it an attractive prospect for investors.
5. Strategic Location
Karachi's coastal location and access to Pakistan’s major ports make it a pivotal point for trade and commerce. Businesses involved in import/export, logistics, and retail flourish due to easy access to international shipping routes.
Key Areas for Commercial Investment in Karachi
Not every part of Karachi offers the same investment potential. While the city is vast, some areas have proven to be particularly promising for commercial property investment due to their location, infrastructure, and the type of businesses they attract.
1. DHA (Defence Housing Authority)
DHA Karachi is known for its upscale commercial and residential developments. The commercial areas, especially phases 6, 7, and 8, are home to high-end retail outlets, offices, and cafes. The area is popular among international brands and businesses catering to an affluent clientele, which ensures high foot traffic and solid returns on investment.
2. Clifton
Clifton is one of Karachi's most prestigious and sought-after locations for commercial investment. It boasts numerous office buildings, malls, and shopping centers. Clifton's close proximity to the sea and its vibrant atmosphere make it an attractive location for both local and international businesses.
3. Shahra-e-Faisal
Shahra-e-Faisal is Karachi’s main artery, connecting the city center with the airport and other key areas. It is a prime location for corporate offices and commercial spaces due to its excellent connectivity and high visibility. The commercial properties along Shahra-e-Faisal command premium prices but also offer exceptional rental yields.
4. I.I. Chundrigar Road
Known as Karachi’s "Wall Street," I.I. Chundrigar Road is the financial hub of the city. Major banks, financial institutions, and multinational corporations have their headquarters here. Investing in commercial property in this area can be highly lucrative, especially for investors targeting corporate clients.
5. Gulshan-e-Iqbal
For investors looking for more affordable commercial properties, Gulshan-e-Iqbal offers a range of options. This area is known for its commercial plazas, IT centers, and retail spaces, catering to a middle-class audience. The demand for office spaces and shops is steady, making it a reliable investment option.
6. Korangi Industrial Area
If you're interested in industrial and warehouse properties, the Korangi Industrial Area is one of Karachi's largest industrial zones. With factories, warehouses, and logistics companies operating here, this area offers solid opportunities for investors looking for properties in the manufacturing or distribution sectors.
Factors to Consider When Investing in Commercial Property
Before you dive into Karachi's commercial real estate market, it’s essential to consider a few critical factors to ensure a sound investment.
1. Location
The success of a commercial property largely depends on its location. Proximity to business districts, easy access to transportation, and being in a high-traffic area are vital for attracting tenants and businesses. Always prioritize location when evaluating commercial property.
2. Market Research
Understanding the demand for different types of commercial spaces in the area you're targeting is crucial. Conduct thorough market research to gauge the rental trends, vacancy rates, and property prices.
3. Legal Due Diligence
Ensure that the property you are considering has all the necessary legal approvals and clearances. Working with a reputable real estate agent or legal expert can help you avoid any potential legal issues down the line.
4. Future Development Plans
Investigating future development plans for the area can give you insight into the long-term potential of the property. Infrastructure projects, new roads, or upcoming business districts can significantly boost property values.
5. Budget and Financing
Set a clear budget and explore financing options if needed. Commercial properties often require a more substantial investment compared to residential properties, so it’s important to have a well-thought-out financial plan.
Real State Shop: Your Trusted Partner for Commercial Property Investment in Karachi
When it comes to finding affordable commercial property in Karachi, Real State Shop is a name you can trust. With years of experience in the real estate market, Real State Shop specializes in helping investors find the best deals in prime locations across the city.
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risingpakistan · 1 year
مہمانوں کی آمد مرحبا
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بچپن کی یادوں میں سے ایک یہ بھی ہے کہ جب کبھی گھر میں اعلان ہوتا کہ کل پرسوں کوئی اہم مہمان آنے والا ہے اور وہ چند دن قیام بھی کرے گا تو بس پھر کیا تھا۔ سب لگ پڑتے۔ فرش چمکائے جاتے، کونوں کھدروں میں جمع شدہ کچرا کھرچ کھرچ کے صاف ہوتا، بستر کی چادریں، تکیوں کے غلاف اور تولیے دھو کے استری کر کے بدلے یا تہہ کر کے رکھےجاتے، چارپائیوں تلے مدت سے پڑے گرد آلود جوتے جھاڑ پونچھ کے الماریوں کے نچلے خانے میں ترتیب وار جمع ہو جاتے۔ باورچی خانے میں پڑے فالتو برتن اسٹور میں اور اسٹور سے پھول دار ڈنر سیٹ اور واٹر سیٹ رسوئی میں منتقل ہو جاتے۔ بیت الخلا کی دن میں دو بار دھلائی صفائی کا حکم فوراً نافذ ہو جاتا۔ پرانی صابن دانیاں پھینک کے نئی میں نیا صابن دھرا جاتا۔ بجلی کے سوئچ بورڈز پر لگے میلے بٹنوں کی بھی مہین چیتھڑوں سے صفائی ہوتی۔ بچوں کو دھمکی آمیز نرم لہجے میں ضروری ہدایات جاری ہوتیں، مثلاً مہمان کے کمرے کے باہر شور نہیں مچانا۔ کھانے کی میز پر ندیدہ پن نہیں دکھانا، مہمان جتنا پوچھے بس اتنا جواب دینا ہے۔ مہمان کے سامنے ”تم اور تو‘‘ کے بجائے ہر بڑے چھوٹے کو (کم ازکم چند روز کے لیے) صرف آپ کہہ کے مخاطب کیا جائے، بصورتِ دیگر مہمان کی رخصتی کے بعد مناسب تادیبی و تعزیری کاروائی ہو گی۔
بچپن کی یادوں کا یہ باب بے طرح مجھے یوں یاد آ رہا ہے کہ ان دنوں ہمارے ریاستی بزرگوں کو کچھ خصوصی مہمانوں کا انتظار ہے۔ ان کے بارے بس اتنا بتایا گیا کہ وہ ہمارے لیے 70 سے 100 ارب ڈالر کی سرمایہ کاری کا تحفہ لے کر آ رہے ہیں۔ ان کے سواگت کے لیے پہلے ہی اسپیشل انویٹسمنٹ فیسیلیٹیشن کونسل (خصوصی سرمایہ کاری کا سہولت کار ادارہ) بن چکی ہے۔ ویسے بھی اب عالمی برادری میں ہماری شہرت یہی ہوتی جا رہی ہے کہ تم آؤ گے تو کیا لاؤ گے، ہم آئیں گے تو کیا دو گے۔ چنانچہ آج کل کاشانہِ ریاست کی رگڑائی و ہمواری کا کام جاری ہے تاکہ سرمایہ کاری کے لیے سازگار ماحول پیدا کیا جاسکے اور مہمانوں کا قیام خوش گوار رہ سکے۔ بجلی اور گیس کی چور بازاری کے خاتمے کے لیے متعلقہ محکمے اور قانون نافذ کرنے والے ادارے لٹھ لے کے پیچھے پڑ گئے ہیں۔ ڈالر کی اسمگلنگ روک کے روپے کی گرتی ہوئی قدر کو سہارا دینے کے لیے وفاقی تحقیقاتی ادارے ایف آئی اے کو نیند سے اٹھا کے ہڑبڑا دیا گیا ہے۔ دہشت گردوں کو بھوسے میں سے سوئی کی طرح نکال کے ان کا کریا کرم کرنے کی کوششوں میں بھی زور پیدا ہو گیا ہے۔ 
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قومی خسارہ کم کرنے کے لیے گیس پٹرول اور بجلی کے رعائتی نرخوں کی ڈھال ہٹا کے مارکیٹ ریٹ کے حساب سے خونخوار قیمتوں کو عوام پر چھوڑ دیا گیا ہے۔ نجکاری کی وزارت کے لیے آنے والے دن بہت مصروف ہوں گے۔ پی آئی اے، اسٹیل ملز، ایئر پورٹس ، بجلی کے تقسیم کار ادارے، کارپوریٹ فارمنگ اور معدنیات وغیرہ سمیت متعدد سرکاری شعبے جلد از جلد نج کاری کے لیے شارٹ لسٹ کیے جا رہے ہیں۔ ریاستی انصرام میں شفافیت پیدا کرنے کے لیے سپریم کورٹ نے احتسابی ادارے نیب کے ایکٹ میں گزشتہ حکومت کی من مانی ترامیم کو کالعدم قرار دے کر اربوں روپے کی ہیرا پھیری سے متعلق مقدمات باہمی پارلیمانی افہام و تفہیم سے نمٹائے جانے کے عمل کو بھی کالعدم قرار دے دیا ہے۔ چنانچہ اب ملک میں کرپشن میں کمی کے ذریعے قطار سے باہر نکلنے کی کوشش کرنے والوں کو دوبارہ ڈسپلن کرنے کے لیے نیب کو اس کے نوکیلے دانت واپس ملنے کا امکان ہے۔ جن شریر سیاسی بچوں نے پدرانہ شفقت کا ناجائز فائدہ اٹھاتے ہوئے ریاستی بزرگوں سے حد سے زیادہ بدتمیزی شروع کر دی تھی انہیں پھر سے تمیز سکھانے کے لیے کان اینٹھنے کا ایک علیحدہ انتظام وضع کیا گیا ہے۔ 
ان نادان و ناہنجار بچوں کے ہوش ٹھکانے لگانے کے لیے مقدمات کے ٹھنڈے گرداب میں غوطے دیے جا رہے ہیں۔ جس طرح بدتہذیب بچوں کو والدین تنگ آ کے کچھ دیر کے لیے اندھیرے کمرے میں بند کر دیتے ہیں اسی طرح ریاست ایسے بد عقلوں کو جیل میں رکھ رہی ہے تاکہ انہیں لگ پتہ جائے کہ ''کھلاؤ سونے کا نوالہ اور دیکھو شیر کی نظر سے‘‘ کی کہاوت کا حقیقی مطلب کیا ہے ۔ اور پھر چند ماہ بعد ہونے والے انتخابات میں جب یہ جھنجوڑے ہوئے بچے حصہ لیں گے تو سرمایہ کاری کے لیے سازگار سیاسی و اقتصادی استحکام لانے کی خاطر خاندان کے دیگر سعادت مند بچوں کی طرح فرماں برداری کے فوائد کے کما حقہ قائل ہو چکے ہوں گے۔ تب تک انہیں یہ سبق بھی ازبر ہو چکا ہو گا کہ والدین کی شفقت اور لاڈ پیار کا ہرگز ہرگز یہ مطلب نہیں کہ بچہ باپ کی داڑھی پکڑ کے جھول جائے اور اس کے سر پر سرکس کے بازی گروں کی طرح چڑھنے کی کوشش کرے۔ انتخابات کا جو بھی نتیجہ مرتب ہو گا سب کو قبول کرنا ہو گا اور یوں ویسا والا سیاسی استحکام آجائے گا جس کے نتیجے میں وہ سو ارب ڈالر آئیں گے کہ جن کی اطلاع ہم تک ڈالر لانے والے ممکنہ مہمانوں سے بھی بہت پہلے پہنچا دی گئی ہے۔
یعنی منڈپ سجا دیا گیا ہے، شامیانے تن چکے ہیں، کرسیاں بچھ گئی ہیں، ریڈ کارپٹ بھی کھل گیا ہے۔ خالی دیگیں کھڑک رہی ہیں، باورچی اور باوردی بیرے مستعد ہیں، بس مہمانوں کے آنے کی دیر ہے۔ اگر اوپر والوں سے پوچھو کہ کون کون سے لدے پھندے مہمان آ رہے ہیں، کتنے ہیں، نام کیا ہیں، کب تک قیام کریں گے، کیا کیا تحائف لائیں گے اور ہم انہیں کون کون سے منصوبے بطور نذرانہ پیش کریں گے؟ ایسے بچگانہ سوالات کا فی الحال بس ایک ہی جواب میسر ہے۔ بزرگوں کے لبوں پر ایک پراسرار خاموش مسکراہٹ۔ اس کے برعکس ہمارے پڑوس میں جی ٹوئنٹی ہو گئی۔ بھارت سے براستہ خلیجی ممالک یورپ تک امریکی سرپرستی میں اربوں ہا ڈالر کی سرمایہ کاری کا ابتدائی خاکہ بھی سامنے آ گیا۔ سعودی ولی عہد محمد بن سلمان نے دلی میں جی ٹوئنٹی کے بعد دو اضافی دن بھی گزار لیے اور اس دوران پچاس ارب ڈالر کے صرفے سے ریاست گجرات میں دنیا کی سب سے بڑی آئل ریفائنری کے منصوبے میں آرامکو اور ریلائنس انڈیا کے اشتراک سمیت خلائی و دفاعی منصوبوں، سیمی کنڈیکٹرز کی تیاری اور قابلِ تجدید توانائی اسکیموں میں کل ملا کے اگلے پانچ برس میں 100 ارب ڈالر کی سرمایہ کاری اور اسی عرصے میں دو طرفہ تجارت 43 ارب سے بڑھا کے 100 ارب ڈالر تک پہنچانے کی یاد دادشتوں کا بھی تبادلہ ہو گیا۔
مگر گھبرانے کی کوئی بات نہیں۔ اگر ہمارے ریاستی بزرگوں نے اگلے پانچ برس میں انہی برادر ممالک کی جانب سے 100 ارب ڈالر تک کی سرمایہ کاری کی خوش خبری سنائی ہے تو کسی بنیاد پر ہی سنائی ہو گی۔ ہمیں نہ ان کی اور نہ مجوزہ سرمایہ کاری کرنے والوں کی نیت پر شبہہ ہے۔ چنانچہ فرش کی صفائی، بستر کی چادریں، جوتوں کی پالش، کپڑوں کی استری اور صابن دانی کی صفائی سمیت کسی کام سے منہ نہیں موڑنا۔ کوا تو منڈیر پر بیٹھ گیا ہے، مہمان بھی بس آتے ہی ہوں گے۔ ہو سکتا ہے یہ نجات دھندہ سفید گھوڑے پر بیٹھ کے آ جائیں۔ جیسا کہ ہم نسل در نسل سنتے آ رہے ہیں۔
وسعت اللہ خان 
بشکریہ ڈی ڈبلیو اردو
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emergingpakistan · 1 year
پاکستان کا معاشی مستقبل کیسے محفوظ بنایا جاسکتا ہے؟
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کافی شورشرابے کے بعد گزشتہ ہفتے حکومتِ پاکستان نے ’معاشی بحالی کے منصوبے‘ کا اعلان کیا جس کا مقصد ’معیشت کے اہم شعبوں میں اپنے غیر استعمال شدہ وسائل کو بروئے کار لا کر‘ دوست ممالک کو پاکستان میں سرمایہ کاری کی جانب راغب کرنا ہے۔ اس کام کو انجام دینے کے لیے اسپیشل انویسٹمنٹ فسیلیٹیشن کونسل نامی نئی باڈی بھی تشکیل دی گئی ہے۔ سنگین معاشی صورتحال سے نمٹنے کے لیے کسی بھی قدم کا خیر مقدم کیا جانا چاہیے لیکن اس کے لیے اہم ہے کہ حکومت کی خواہش مندانہ سوچ سے آگے بڑھ کر عملی طور پر یہ سنجیدہ اقدامات لیے جائیں۔ کوئی ایسی پالیسی جو ملک کے معاشی بحران اور عوامی مالیات کی بگڑتی ہوئی حالت کو پس پشت ڈالے، حقیقت سے دور بھاگنے کے مترادف ہو گی۔ اس حوالے سے مجموعی اقتصادی ماحول سے ہٹ کر اٹھائے گئے اقدامات غیرموثر ثابت ہوں گے۔ پاکستان کے معاشی بحران کی جڑیں دائمی مالیاتی خسارے سے جڑی ہیں جو اس کے ادائیگیوں کے توازن کے مستقل مسائل، بلند افراط زر اور معاشی عدم استحکام کا ذمہ دار ہے۔ اس کے لیے ساختی مسائل کو حل کرنے اور پائیدار ترقی کے لیے ایک جامع منصوبے کی ضرورت ہے جو زیادہ بجٹ یا ادائیگیوں کے توازن کے خسارے، بڑھتے ہوئے قرضوں اور غیر ملکی زرمبادلہ کے بحران کے چکر کو ختم کرسکے۔ ان مسائل کی وجہ سے ہم بار بار آئی ایم ایف کے بیل آؤٹ کو مسئلے کے حل کے طور پر دیکھتے ہیں۔
جب تک ساختی مسائل کو حل نہیں کیا جاتا تب تک ملک میں شرحِ نمو کمزور، بچت اور سرمایہ کاری کم، خسارہ زیادہ رہے گا ساتھ ہی بڑھتے ہوئے قرضوں کے بوجھ اور بڑھتی ہوئی مہنگائی کے جال سے ہمارا ملک آزاد نہیں ہو سکے گا۔ صرف معاشی اور سیاسی استحکام کے ماحول میں ہی ملک میں سرمایہ کاری کی شرح میں اضافہ ہوتا ہے کیونکہ یہ ماحول اعتماد کی فضا قائم کرتا ہے۔ غیر یقینی صورتحال سرمایہ کاری کے امکانات کو کمزور کرتی ہے اور یوں سرمایہ کار تذبذب کا شکار ہو جاتے ہیں۔ ایک لبرل کاروباری ریگولیٹری فریم ورک اور حکومتوں کی طرف سے پالیسی کے تسلسل کے وعدے ہی سرمایہ کاری کے لیے مثبت ماحول کو فروغ دے سکتے ہیں۔ اگر کھیل کے ضابطوں کو بار بار تبدیل کیا جاتا ہے تو کوئی بھی طویل مدتی سرمایہ کرنے کے لیے تیار نہیں ہو گا۔ مزید یہ کہ سرمایہ کاری کو راغب کرنے کے لیے سرمایہ کاروں یکساں مواقع دینا ضروری ہے۔ حالیہ پالیسی میں اس حوالے سے کچھ نہیں ہے اور یہی وجہ ہے کہ سرمایہ کاری کے لیے سہولت کاری میں ہمیں ایک قدم پیچھے ہٹنا پڑا۔ پاکستان کے پائیدار معاشی بحالی کے امکانات کا تعین سیاسی اور اقتصادی عوامل کریں گے۔ درحقیقت اس حوالے سے سب سے اہم شرط معاشی نہیں ہے۔
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یہ شرط ملک کی قیادت کا معیار ہے اور یہ کہ کیا وہ بہتر انداز ��یں حکومت کرتے ہیں، ایک ایسی حکومت جو ساختی اصلاحات کی اہمیت کو سمجھتی ہو اور اس حوالے سے اقدامات کرنے کا حوصلہ اور صلاحیت رکھتی ہو۔ ایسی اصلاحات جو قلیل مدت میں تو بہت سخت لیکن طویل مدت میں پائیدار اور منافع بخش ہوں۔ پاکستان کے معاشی بحرانوں کی ایک وجہ حکومتی بحران بھی ہیں۔ اصلاحات مخالف حکمران اشرافیہ تقریباً ہمیشہ ہی سنگین معاشی مسائل سے نمٹنے کے لیے آسان راستے تلاش کرتی ہے۔ پاکستان شدید معاشی بحران کا سامنا کرنے والا واحد ملک نہیں ہے۔ دنیا کے بہت سے ممالک جیسے جنوب مشرقی ایشیا، لاطینی امریکا کے ممالک اور ہمارے ہمسایہ ممالک کو اسی طرح کے بحرانوں کا سامنا کرنا پڑا لیکن وہ ان بحرانوں سے پہلے سے زیادہ مضبوط بن کر نکلے۔ ان ممالک نے بحرانوں کو مواقع میں تبدیل کیا، سخت ساختی اصلاحات کی گئیں اور مالیاتی پالیسی اور دیگر اصلاحاتی اقدامات کا آغاز کیا گیا۔ یہ سب ان حکومتوں نے کیا جو اس بات پر یقین رکھتی تھیں کہ اگر آگے بڑھنا ہے تو طویل مدتی عزم اور مستقل پالیسی پر عمل درآمد ضروری ہے۔
اس حوالے سے قیادت کا کردار اہم ہے۔ لیکن اسی طرح پیشہ ورانہ افراد کی ایک قابل اور باشعور ٹیم بھی اہم ہے جو بحرانوں سے نمٹنے اور ملک کی پائیدار اقتصادی بحالی اور ترقی کی طرف منتقلی کو یقینی بنانے کے لیے اصلاحات کی تشکیل اور نفاذ میں حکومت کی مدد کرسکتی ہو۔ عام طور پر اس بات پر اتفاق کیا جاتا ہے کہ معاشی میدان میں کامیابی حاصل کرنے والے ممالک میں اصلاحات کے عمل کی تشکیل اور نگرانی کرنے والے پیشہ ورانہ افراد کا معیار انتہائی اہم تھا۔ ایک بار پھر کہوں گی کہ قیادت اہم ہے۔ قائدین ہی صحیح ٹیم کا انتخاب کرتے ہیں اور پھر اسے ایک راستے پر رہنے اور ڈیلیور کرنے کی ترغیب دیتے ہیں۔ اس حوالے سے ادارہ جاتی طاقت بھی اہم ہے۔ اس سے طے ہوتا ہے کہ پالیسی اقدامات اور اصلاحات کو کس حد تک لاگو کیا جاتا ہے۔ پاکستان کی سول سروس کے معیار اور صلاحیت میں آنے والی گراوٹ اور اس کی مسلسل عمومی نوعیت اب پالیسی کے نفاذ میں اہم رکاوٹوں میں شامل ہیں۔ عالمی بینک کے تعاون سے ہونے والے ایک اہم تحقیق، ’گروتھ رپورٹ‘ نے دنیا بھر کے ممالک کے تجربات کا جائزہ لیا تاکہ یہ دیکھا جا سکے کہ معاشی طور پر کامیابی حاصل کرنے کے لیے انہوں نے کیا کیا۔ رپورٹ کو ورلڈ بینک کے قائم کردہ کمیشن آن گروتھ اینڈ ڈویلپمنٹ نے مرتب کیا۔
اس رپورٹ کی تیاری میں معراف افراد شامل تھے جن میں سے زیادہ تر کا تعلق عالمی جنوب (گلوبل ساؤتھ) سے تھا۔ یہ رپورٹ 2008ء میں شائع ہوئی لیکن کے باوجود اس کے نتائج آج بھی درست ہیں۔ سب سے زیادہ سبق آموز ان خصوصیات کی شناخت ہے جو ان تمام ممالک میں یکساں ہیں جنہوں نے ترقی کی کامیاب حکمت عملیوں پر عمل کیا ہے۔ انہوں نے میکرو اکنامک استحکام کو یقینی بنایا، بچت اور سرمایہ کاری کی بلند شرحیں برقرار رکھیں، منڈیوں کو وسائل مختص کرنے کی اجازت دی اور عالمی معیشت کا مکمل فائدہ اٹھایا۔ سب سے اہم بات یہ ہے کہ ان سب ممالک میں قابل بھروسہ اور باصلاحیت حکومتیں تھیں۔ اس سے بھی بڑھ کر یہ رپورٹ پالیسی سازوں کی اس سوچ کی طرف اشارہ کرتی ہے کہ کامیاب ترقی دہائیوں پر محیط وابستگی اور حال اور مستقبل کے درمیان ایک بنیادی سودے پر مشتمل ہے۔ اس طرح کی سودے بازی میں، فوری اور اہم دونوں عوامل پر توجہ دینے کی ضرورت ہوتی ہے۔ بلاشبہ فوری طور پر مالیاتی بحران اور اس سے پائیدار بنیادوں پر نمٹنے کے لیے جامع اقدامات کی ضرورت ہے۔ لیکن مستقبل کے ساتھ سودے بازی میں ایسے مسائل سے نمٹنا بھی شامل ہے جو معاشی ترقی اور ملک کے مستقبل کے لیے فائدہ مند ہوں۔
ان میں سب سے اہم چیز تعلیم کی دستیابی اور معیار ہے۔ مضبوط تعلیمی بنیاد کے بغیر معاشی ترقی حاصل نہیں کی جا سکتی۔ ایک تعلیم یافتہ اور ہنر مند افرادی قوت وہ ہوتی ہے جو معاشی ترقی کی کامیابی یا ناکامی میں فرق کرے۔ اس کے لیے ہمیں طویل مدتی پالیسی فیصلوں کی ضرورت ہے۔ اس کے باوجود یکے بعد دیگرے وفاقی حکومتوں نے 18ویں آئینی ترمیم کا بہانہ بنا کر تعلیم کے نظام سے ہاتھ اٹھا لیے ہیں جس نے تعلیم (اعلیٰ تعلیم کے علاوہ) کو صوبوں کے حوالے کر دیا تھا۔ جبکہ صوبائی حکومتوں نے اس پر بہت کم توجہ دی۔ کئی دہائیوں تک تعلیم کو نظر انداز اور اس پر کم اخراجات کی وجہ سے پاکستان میں 2 کروڑ 28 لاکھ بچے اسکول جانے سے محروم ہیں۔ جس کے ساتھ ہی پاکستان نے دنیا میں اسکول نہ جانے والے بچوں کی دوسری سب سے زیادہ تعداد رکھنے کا اعزاز حاصل کیا ہے۔ پاکستان کے ڈیموگرافک پروفائل اور نوجوانوں کی تعداد کے پیش نظر اس کے سنگین اثرات مرتب ہوئے ہیں۔ نوجوانوں کی بڑھتی ہوئی آبادی کا مطلب یہ ہے کہ جب تک تعلیم کے پیمانے اور معیار کو بہتر نہیں کیا جاتا ہے تب تک تعلیم یا ہنر سے محروم نوجوان، بے روزگاری، مایوس مستقبل اور غربت کی زندگی کا سامنا کریں گے۔ پاکستان کے بہتر معاشی مستقبل کو محفوظ بنانے کے لیے جو کچھ کرنا چاہیے اس سے کہیں زیادہ واضح ہے اور ہمیشہ واضح کیا جاتا رہے گا۔ لیکن قیادت کا غربت کے خاتمے اور ملک کی سیاسی اشرافیہ کی جانب سے اصلاحات کے عزم کا فقدان بامعنی ترقی کی راہ میں رکاوٹ تھا اور یہ اب بھی رکاوٹ ہے۔
ملیحہ لودھی
یہ مضمون 26 جون 2023ء کو ڈان اخبار میں شائع ہوا۔
بشکریہ ڈان نیوز
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Bahria Town Peshawar Open New Investment Doors
Bahria Town Peshawar Open New Investment Doors2023
Pakistani Map Bahria Town Peshawar Location
Bahria town Peshawar is the 7th housing project of Bahria town. It is a real estate developer organization work since 1996. Malik Raiz Hussian a founder of bahria town delivered 6 successful real estate projects in the last 27 years. The journey of success on the road in 2023. Bahria town Peshawar is the 6th project of Bahria town finally ready for operation. This project's main location is on the outskirts of the capital city of Peshawar, The northwest province of Pakistan Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province (KKP).
According to Malik Raiz: “This project will play a significant role in the economic and industrial development of the country and will bring Peshawar at par with the other developed international cities, Bahria Town has designed a master-planned community for Peshawar where all the world-class amenities including latest medical and educational facilities, commercial areas, mosques, community centers, intricate infrastructure, and road network, parks, etc. will be made available in most affordable prices.”
Bahria town is the biggest real estate development authority that creates job opportunities, and investment opportunities in commercial, residential, luxury real estate, and social services i.e. schools, hospitals, and charity organizations. Collectively, Bahria town itself is the source of opportunities for many non-real estate businesses. Bahria town Peshawar will open new doors of investments for the people of Pakistan. It will bring a positive impact on the Pakistani economy.
Bahria town Peshawar seems different for the people of Peshawar, It will move advance in terms of lifestyle and development. Development advancement of technology and artificial intelligence will be major factors that create an impact on people's life and compete with Bahria town’s main competitors in KPK real estate market. Overall, Bahria town brings opportunities for investments, innovations, employment, and the construction industry.
Bahria Town Peshawar 2023
Bahria town Peshawar was expected to launch any time. At last, it’s decided to start a new venture in real estate by Bahria town authority. Although it is a tough business environment in the country where political instability is continuous since 2022, the poor economic situation, low investment rate, high-interest rate, inflation, and natural disasters are at their peak. All these factors are big threats to business growth. However, Pakistani real estate deals with cash leverage, saving of people, and foreign investments of overseas Pakistanis. The concept of debits is only a positive factor for Bahria town Peshawar's success at the moment. Moreover, it depends on Bahria town's business strategy to deal in the real estate market.
Introduction of Bahria Town Peshawar 2023
Bahria town Peshawar per-launch event took place on July 10, 2023. In per-lunched we have seen the Country head of Bahria town gave a brief session to real estate investors and main key players dealers. Now it is expected to lunch the official Bahria town Peshawar on the 14th of August 2023. Map shows the location of housing society
Bahria town Peshawar initially launch residential real estate projects of 5,8,10,20 and 40 Marla plots in non-develop and developed forms. This mega project is located on 100,000 Kanal or 10,000 acres. Bahria town Peshawar site location is Panam dheri, outskirts Peshawar KPK. Bahria town Peshawar in 2023 people's expectations are being developed modern and technological advancement development from Bahria town. It should be different from than rest of Bahria town's previous projects. This project will include, residential, commercial, and luxury projects. Moreover, official services and facilities of Bahria town include parks, grand mosques, zoos, sports centers, education institutions, hospitals, etc.
Bahria Town Peshawar Competitors
Bahria town Peshawar faces competition in Peshawar real estate market. There are few competitors in Peshawar real estate market for Bahria town. Competition is good to improve services and facilities. Bahria town has massive financial capital, client-age, infrastructure of machinery and development, Technological advancement, and a group of investors to compete with real estate competitors in Peshawar. Factors Overcome Real Estate Competitor's Pressure and Competitive Edge 1. Location 2. Diversified Portfolio 3. Value-added Services 4. Innovation and Technology 5. Sustainable and Green Initiatives 6. Networking and Partnerships 7. Customer Engagement 8. Financial Stability 9. Competitive Pricing and Incentives 10. Legal Compliance 11. Brand Reputation 12. Market Research and Analysis
The above 12 factors Bahria town needs to review and try to implement in the bahria town Peshawar project to get a competitive edge against its competitors. Bahria Town needs to use all these steps in its marketing campaigns to attract customers. Moreover, Bahria town is internally strong in finance, location size, marketing, development infrastructure, market research and externally dealing with government and investors.
Main Bahria Town Peshawar Existing Competitors In Peshawar Real Estate Market
Defense Housing Authority (DHA) Peshawar:DHA Peshawar is the main and tough competitor of Bahria town Peshawar in the real estate market in Peshawar. DHA has had operations in different cities of Pakistan and Peshawar for the last 9 years. In Peshawar, they are offering residential and commercial projects. In residential real estate there 5,10,20, and 40 Marla plots in Sector A to D, and commercial plots of 4marla to 4 Kanal. The total notified area of DHA Peshawar is 17,000 acres. Park View City Peshawar:Park View City is another prominent real estate development in Peshawar that offers residential and commercial plots, as well as various amenities in Peshawar. Regi Model Town: It is a pure government project dealt with by local bodies. It is a residential real estate project. It has a main location connected to Peshawar road which is linked with Nasir bagh road. This is a boasting society because of the commercial and services of hospitals, parks, shopping malls, retail shops grounds, zoos, schools, colleges, and universities. All services are available for residents within 10 km areas. Hayatabad:Hayatabad is a well-renounced area of Peshawar city. It is a very old residential area where people love to live. It is a completely developed area where you can find all the basic needs of daily lifestyle. The densely populated area of Peshawar is always a tough competitor for new players in the market. It’s hard to change people's minds about new real estate housing societies. Citi Housing Peshawar: Recently Citi Housing announced its new venture in Peshawar real estate market. They are tough competitors for Bahria town Peshawar. Citi Housing already delivered 5 successful housing projects in different cities of Punjab. They have good development on time delivery projects. Citi housing has a less covered (1000 acres) area than bahria town and DHA. However, the product line is similar to Bahria town or Nova city Peshawar.
Overall, Bahria Town's main competitors are DHA Peshawar and Hayatabad. It is hard to change the public mind to live in new societies. It will be a good investment opportunity in Bahria town Peshawar.DHA Peshawar is specific for arms-related people. Hayatabad is well-populated and equipped with all kinds of services. However, Nova City Peshawar and Citi housing Peshawar are small real estate projects which are not good for long-term real estate investment.
Bahria Town Peshawar Real Estate Products
Bahria Town Peshawar offers residential real estate products in the initial stages. Residential Real Estate Products There are different Plots sizes in bahria town Peshawar 5 Marla (25x45) 8 Marla (30 x 55) 10 Marla (35 x70) 20 Marla (50 x 90) 40 Marla (75 x 120) Commercial Real Estate Projects
Commercial projects are the basic needs of any society. Bahria Town Peshawar must offer different sizes of commercial plots to its clients and investors. It is expected to offer different sizes of commercial plots from 2.5 Marla to up to 10 canals for small and mega projects. Luxury Real Estate Projects
Usually offered by private developers. However, In modern living and lifestyle.it is a requirement from customers. Semi Villas: Bahria town officially offers villas for its real estate clients. Let's see what sizes of villas Bahria Town Peshawar will offer and when.
Bahria Town Peshawar Investment Opportunities
Bahria Town Peshawar is an attractive investment opportunity for real estate clients and investors. It is a new project in Bahira town so it takes time to convert real estate clients’ investment In ROI. It seems a step-by-step investment from files to plots, residential, commercial, and villas. Bahria town Peshawar is an opportunity for investment for a long time. Usually, an investment takes 3 to 10 years for a good amount of profits in most cases.
In 2023 Bahria town Peshawar will bring good investment opportunities for overseas Pakistanis and local people of Pakistan especially from Peshawar for construction. Bahria town always offers the best standard lifestyle for local and international people.
In Pakistan's current economic situation, Bahria town will offer low prices of plots. Real estate clients who are looking for their dream house in the next 5 years. Bharia town Peshawar will allow them to buy and plot for the future.
Bahria Town Peshawar Facilities and Services
Bahria Town is a private authority willing to provide as many services as it can to compete with its competitors. The main aim is to provide facilities and services to attract real estate clients to level up their lifestyle and comfort. Bahria town practiced many people-friendly services in its previous project. It is expected to improve the standard of services in Bahria town Peshawar. Bahria town always tries to implement new things in term to facilitate its customers. There are the following services and facilities Bahria town Peshawar offers: 1. Gated Community: Bahria town covers its territory with covered community gates. They are popular with strict security and use of CCTV cameras. A safe and secure security environment is the priority for real estate clients. It is expected to improve auto gate opening and security. 2. Parks and Green Areas: Parks are necessary for public heaths. Bahria town includes parks and green areas for public relaxation and outdoor activities 3. Educational Institutions: Education institutions including schools, colleges, and universities are part of Bahria town projects. Bahria town already built educational institutions in other housing societies in Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Lahore, and Karachi. Quality education is the right of kids and Bahria Town helps to fulfill commitments. 4. Hospitals and Healthcare Centers: Healthcare facilities are essential in housing societies. Societies where people demand hospitals and health centers. Bahria town built many international standard hospitals. There are many hospitals and kidney, and cancer centers operational in Bahria town. Bahria town will continue this practice in Bahria town Peshawar. 5. Commercial Activities: Modern real estate consists of commercial zones. Commercial zones include shopping malls, retail outlets, and groceries supermarkets for the convenience of Bahria town residents. 6. Sports Complexes: Sports activities are essential for a healthy lifestyle. Bahria town facilitates its communities with different sports complexes such as cricket, football, tennis courts, riding clubs, spy, gyms, swimming pools, etc. Peshawar people are sports-friendly and Bahria town will offer sports complexes in the Peshawar project. 7. Religious Services: Bahria town build a religious Centre for different communities with complete religious designs. There are many grand JAMA mosques, churches, and other community service centers operational in Bahria town. 8. Road and Infrastructure: Transportation and link road connectivity is the basic requirement of communities and housing societies. It requires planning and development. Bahria town plans road network according to its need to overcome traffic issues. There are 400”, 200”, 160”, 120”, 80”60, and 50” wide boulevard and road networks operational. 9. Water Supply and Sewerage System: Well-planned water supply and sewerage is Bahria town's future. People like to live in Bahria town because the sewerage system is well planned. 10. Community Centers: Bahria town offers private firms to build community centers and event spaces for gatherings and functions.
Bahria Town Peshawar Location
Bahria town Peshawar location is on national highway N-5 at Panam Dheri, Warsak Road, Peshawar. It is close to Nasir bagh, DHA Peshawar, and Hayatabad.
Bahria Town Location Map
Here, You can see the map location of Bahria town Peshawar Map shows the local areas of Peshawar and Bahria town
Other Bahria Town Real Estate Projects in Pakistan
Bahria Town Rawalpindi
Bharia town Rawalpindi phase 1 was the beginning of Bahria town. Initially awami villas one built and resident people in Bahria town. Bahria town Rawalpindi is located between Islamabad expressway and GT road. Bahria town phase 1 to phase 6 is located on one side of Swan River and the other side of GT road. Bahria town Rawalpindi planned well services and road network, sewerage, and security. Modern commercial areas are designed with a complete parking plan. Many commercial zones keep separate from residential areas.
Bahria Town Rawalpindi Phase 8
It is a very large size residential and commercial project in Bahria town. Bahria Phase 8 has over 60 thousand different sizes plots both included residential and commercial. Bahria town Rawalpindi phase 8 is divided into different zones. In Bahria town, you can find sports grounds, riding clubs, food streets, international-level retail stores, apartments, mega shopping malls, schools, colleges, and universities.
The road network is splendid in Bahria town phase 8. There are different sizes of main boulevard roads network connecting Bahria town with GT road and in the future with Rawalpindi ring road routes. In the future, the road network make Bahria town Rawalpindi phase 8 distant from the location of the new Islamabad airport 30 minutes’ drive. Different zones of Bahria town Rawalpindi phase 8 Awami villas Safari Valley Bahria Green/Overseas Sectors Bahria town phase 8 Alphabetic sectors Bahria Hamlet Garden City Bahria Orchard Phase 8 Bharia extension phase 8 Bahria hills Intellectual Village Bahria Homes Commercial Zones Business District Lake View Business Zone Ring Road Commercial Rafi Commercial Overseas Commercial Bahria Expressway Commercial Hub Commercial Linear Commercial
Bahria Enclave Islamabad
Bahria enclave is a beautiful project of Bahria town in Islamabad. It is 25km away from the main zero point Islamabad. It has a beautiful location around margala hills. Bahria enclaves are divided into residential and commercial zones. There are different sectors alphabetically from A to Z.
Residential plots sizes
5 Marla (25x45) 8 Marla (30 x 55) 10 Marla (35 x70) 12 Marla(35x 75) 20 Marla (50 x 90) 40 Marla (75 x 120) Bahria Town Lahore
Lahore is the heart of Pakistan and 3rd adventure of Bahria town. The special thing about Lahore is the artistic work of builders to give the Bahria town Lahore style, appearance, and look to buildings, community centers, and roads. Bahria town Lahore is a mixture of traditional and modern lifestyles farmhouses, bungalows, and economy housing, Bahria town developed the following projects at the time it includes Safari Villas, Bahria Orchard, Bahria Oasis, Ahram-e-Misr Bahria Springs, Executive Lodges, Canal View Residency, Golf View Residency, Bahria Nasheman, Bahria Education, and Medical City, State-of-the-art Schools, and hospitals. Bahria Town Karachi
Bahria town Karachi was the 4th major venture of Bahria town in Sindh. It was hard for Bahria town to stand against the Memon business community in Karachi. Bahria town Karachi area is 46000 acres and divided into 60 precincts. Bahria town used a big amount of area in a road infrastructure network. There are big 400” wide main boulevard roads enough to fulfill the next 75 years' traffic needs. In the last six years, Bahria Town Karachi has provided a high-standard lifestyle for the residents with safe neighborhoods and outstanding facilities for sports, entertainment, business, and religious activities. Bahria town Karachi – II
Bahria town Karachi is the 2nd project of Bahria town in Karachi. There are also residential and commercial plots in Bahria town Karachi II. Bahria Town Nawab Shah
Nawabshah is the 5th adventure of Bahria town. Bahria town Nawabshah was a small venture but new for Sindhi people with complete living standards. Bahria town offered residential and commercial plots for development and construction. This community is designed with a neighborhood concept to provide outstanding lifestyle facilities to its residents and has introduced new benchmarks of community development in Nawabshah.
Customer’s Opinion Bahria Town
Bahria town is a prime developing society for the Pakistani public and overseas Pakistanis. There are thousands of satisfied customers of Bahria town worldwide and domestically. Many people are happy and some are not satisfied. It has many reasons behind this. Overall, Bahria is a Business Company and aims to earn money from the business. In this case, many people are suffering regarding their properties, files, and investments. Over 80% of real estate clients and investors get a high amount of profit and get many benefits from Bahria town. Bharia Town is an organized housing and development society. Customers are happy with the services and like to invest in Bahria town. Bahria Town always tries to fulfill customers' demands and gain trust.
Author’s Words For Bahria Town
In my opinion, Bahria town is a well-established developing and housing society. Since 1996 Bahria town developed over 40,000 acres of land in Pakistan and its total covered area is 50,000 acres. The period and areas show the maturity level of the company and business. It plays a vital role in the employment sector; people invest in Bahria town without fear of the loss of investment. Over 500,000 people are living only in Islamabad and Rawalpindi.
Bahria Town is a secure housing society for real estate investors and clients for living and business purposes. I found a lot of propaganda against Bahria town in media streams. It is valid when you operate in a large circle. Things take time to settle down. Bahria town is a brand in Pakistan and most people love to live and do business in Bahria town. Prices are compatible and people can afford them.
Bahria town Peshawar is a new venture of Bahria town. Recently Bahria Town Karachi II was launched. Many experts say, it is a flop or fail show of Bahria town. I think if you have an area of 16000 Acres. It takes time to settle down. Circumstances are different in Bahria town Peshawar. It has 10,000 Acres land. It takes time to develop like 5 to 7 years minimum depending on the speed of development. Bahria tow Peshawar has the advantages of poor economic situation, prices of plots will be low, and high currency exchange rates attract foreign investments. Overseas Pakistanis especially people from KPK like to invest in such conditions. The success of Bahria town Peshawar takes time and Bahria town has strong financial strength and developing infrastructure.
Real estate clients and investors need to invest in Bahria town Peshawar. In a comparison of Bahria town Peshawar and the rest of Bahria town, real estate clients have enough time to maintain investment for 3 years minimum. Prices will increase over time with development. Moreover, Bahria town is known for secure investment and clear documentation i.e. NOCs.
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paktrendz · 1 year
Top 5 Best Ways to Earn Money Online in Pakistan Without Investment 2023
Top 5 Best Ways to Earn Money Online in Pakistan Without Investment 2023 ITop 5 Best Ways to Earn Money Online in Pakistan Without Investment 2023, we’ll investigate the main 5 most ideal ways to bring in cash online in Pakistan without putting away any cash. Table of Contents Introduction Online Surveys Freelancing Affiliate Marketing Online…
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techacharya · 1 year
Exploring the secret "how to earn online without investing"
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justnownews · 2 months
PM Shehbaz Announces Visa-Free Entry for Businessmen from Gulf Countries
Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif announced a significant policy change to increase foreign investment, business activities, and tourism in the country. Businessmen from Gulf countries would be granted visa-free entry into the country, with immediate effect.In a statement issued on Sunday, Prime Minister Sharif has announced that online visas would be issued within 24 hours to businessmen, investors,…
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shiningpakistan · 5 months
معیشت کی بحالی کیلئے آخری موقع
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گزشتہ دنوں میری کراچی اور اسلام آباد میں ملکی معیشت پر گہری نظر رکھنے والے دوستوں سے ملاقاتیں ہوئیں جن میں زیادہ تر نے معیشت کی بحالی کیلئے سخت اقدامات کئے جانے کو آخری موقع (Lifeline) قرار دیا۔ انکا کہنا ہے کہ پاکستان کے پاس اب وقت نہیں کہ وہ ان اقدامات کو مزید موخر کرسکے۔ میں بھی ان سے اتفاق کرتا ہوں کہ پاکستانی معیشت اب اس ڈگر پر آگئی ہے جہاں ہمیں سیاسی سمجھوتوں کے بجائے ملکی مفاد میں سخت اقدامات کرنا ہوں گے۔ گزشتہ دنوں کراچی میں ملک کے ممتاز صنعتکاروں اور بزنس مینوں کی ایک ’’گریٹ ڈیبیٹ‘‘ اور اسلام آباد میں ’’لیڈرز اِن اسلام آباد بزنس سمٹ‘‘ میں چیئرمین سینیٹ یوسف رضا گیلانی، وزیر خزانہ محمد اورنگزیب، وفاقی وزیر منصوبہ بندی احسن اقبال، سابق گورنر اسٹیٹ بینک ڈاکٹر عشرت حسین، معاشی ماہرین اور میں نے ملکی معیشت پر اہم تجاویز دیں جس میں معیشت کی بہتری کیلئے اسٹیٹ بینک کے 22 فیصد ڈسکائونٹ ریٹ اور حکومتی اخراجات میں کمی، درآمدات میں اضافہ، ٹیکس نیٹ میں توسیع، خسارے میں چلنے والے سرکاری اداروں PIA، واپڈا، ریلویز، ڈسکوز جو 500 ارب روپے سالانہ کا نقصان کر رہے ہیں، کی فوری نجکاری، صنعتی سیکٹر کو مقابلاتی اور سستی توانائی کی فراہمی شامل ہے۔
دوست ممالک بھی اب مالی امداد کے بجائے پاکستان میں سرمایہ کاری کو ترجیح دے رہے ہیں لیکن اس کیلئے ملک میں امن و امان کی بہتر صورتحال اور سیاسی استحکام اشد ضروری ہے جو موجودہ حالات میں نظر نہیں آرہا۔ بینکوں کی 24 فیصد شرح سود پر کوئی سرمایہ کار نئی صنعت لگانے کو تیار نہیں بلکہ موجودہ صورت حال میں بینکوں کے نجی شعبے کے قرضوں میں 80 فیصد کمی آئی ہے جس سے معاشی گروتھ متاثر ہوئی ہے۔ حکومت کے زیادہ شرح سود پر قرضے لینے کی وجہ سے ہمیں 8500 ارب روپے کے بجٹ خسارے کا سامنا ہے۔ اسٹیٹ بینک کے ڈسکائونٹ ریٹ میں کمی لاکر ہم بجٹ خسارے میں 2500 ارب روپے کی کمی لاسکتے ہیں۔ اس کے علاوہ معیشت کی دستاویزی سے ہم 3000 ارب روپے کا اضافی ریونیو حاصل کر سکتے ہیں۔ صرف رئیل اسٹیٹ، زراعت اور ریٹیل کے شعبوں میں 2000 ارب روپے کی ٹیکس کی چوری ہے۔ حکومت کو اپنے اخراجات میں کمی اور ریونیو یعنی آمدنی میں اضافہ کرنا ہو گا۔ روپے کی قدر کو مصنوعی طور پر کنٹرول کرنے کے نقصانات ہم بھگت چکے ہیں لہٰذا ہمیں روپے کی قدر اور ڈالر ریٹ کو مارکیٹ میکنزم کے حساب سے طلب اور سپلائی کے مطابق رکھنا ہو گا۔ 
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افراط زر یعنی مہنگائی 17.3 فیصد ہو چکی ہے جو مئی 2023 ء میں 38 فیصد کی بلند ترین شرح تک پہنچ چکی تھی اور اسے بتدریج کم کر کے سنگل ڈیجٹ پر لانا ہو گا تاکہ اسٹیٹ بینک کے پالیسی ریٹ میں کمی لائی جاسکے۔ گوکہ آئی ایم ایف کے نئے پروگرام میں رہتے ہوئے ان اقدامات پر عمل کرنا انتہائی مشکل ہے تاہم ان سے آئندہ 2 سال میں ملکی معیشت میں بہتری لائی جاسکتی ہے۔ ہمیں اپنے توانائی اور ٹیکس کے شعبوں میں ہنگامی بنیادوں پر اصلاحات کرنا ہونگی۔ پرانے IPPs معاہدوں کی تجدید ملک میں توانائی کی طلب کو مدنظر رکھتے ہوئے مقابلاتی آفر (Bidding) پر کی جائے تاکہ بجلی نہ خریدنے کی صورت میں حکومت کو کیپسٹی سرچارج کی ناقابل برداشت ادائیگی نہ کرنا پڑے جس کے باعث پاکستان کے گردشی قرضے بڑھ کر ریکارڈ 5500 ارب روپے تک پہنچ گئے ہیں۔ ہمیں ٹیکس نظام میں اصلاحات کی سخت ضرورت ہے۔ زراعت کا شعبہ جس کا معیشت میں حصہ 20 فیصد ہے، بمشکل 1.5 فیصد ٹیکس ادا کرتا ہے جبکہ ٹریڈر جس کا ملکی جی ڈی پی میں 18 فیصد حصہ ہے، بمشکل ایک فیصد ٹیکس ادا کرتا ہے، یہی حال رئیل اسٹیٹ سیکٹر کا ہے جبکہ صنعتی سیکٹر، جس کا ملکی معیشت میں حصہ 20 فیصد ہے، پر ٹیکسوں کا 65 فیصد بوجھ ہے۔ 
اسی طرح سروس سیکٹر کا جی ڈی پی میں حصہ 60 فیصد ہے لیکن یہ سیکٹر صرف 28 فیصد ٹیکس ادا کرتا ہے لہٰذا ہمیں ملکی معیشت کے ہر سیکٹر سے ا�� کے حصے کے مطابق ٹیکسوں کی وصولی یقینی بنانا ہو گی جس کیلئے حکومت کو اپنی رٹ قائم کرنا ہو گی۔ پاکستان کی جی ڈی پی میں ٹیکس کی شرح 9 فیصد ہے جسے بڑھاکر ہمیں خطے کے دیگر ممالک کی طرح 18 فیصد تک لے جانا ہو گا جو آئی ایم ایف کی شرائط میں بھی شامل ہے۔ پاکستان میں سرمایہ کاری میں کمی کی وجہ خطے میں سب سے زیادہ توانائی کے نرخ، بینکوں کے شرح سود اور ٹیکس ریٹ ہیں جو سرمایہ کاروں کی حوصلہ شکنی کرتے ہیں۔ مہنگی بجلی اور گیس کے نرخ کی وجہ سے ہماری ایکسپورٹس غیر مقابلاتی ہورہی ہیں لہٰذا حکومت کو سرمایہ کاری کے فروغ کیلئے ان تینوں رکاوٹوں کو دور کرنا ہو گا۔ پاکستان کے زراعت اور IT سیکٹرز میں بے پناہ پوٹینشل موجود ہے جنہیں فروغ دیکر ہم فوری طور پر ایکسپورٹس میں اضافہ کر سکتے ہیں۔ ہمیں ایران اور خلیجی ممالک بالخصوص سعودی عرب، متحدہ عرب امارات، کویت اور قطر کیساتھ باہمی تجارت اور سرمایہ کاری کو فروغ دینا ہو گا۔ 
مجھے خوشی ہے کہ آئی ایم ایف کے موجودہ پروگرام کی 1.1 ارب ڈالر کی آخری قسط پاکستان کو موصول ہو گئی ہے جس نے ہمارے زرمبادلہ کے ��خائر کو مستحکم کیا ہے۔ حکومت پاکستان نے آئی ایم ایف سے 6 سے 8 ارب ڈالر کے 3 سال یا زیادہ مدت کے قرض پروگرام کی درخواست کی ہے جس پر مذاکرات کیلئے آئی ایم ایف کا مشن دو ہفتے کے دورے پر پاکستان آئے گا۔ آئی ایم ایف نے پنشن پر ٹیکس کا نفاذ اور پنشن ادائیگی کی مدت میں کمی پر زور دیا ہے۔ اسکے علاوہ حکومت کو بجلی اور گیس کی قیمتوں میں مزید اضافے کیلئے بھی سخت فیصلے کرنا ہونگے۔ موجودہ صورتحال میں پاکستان کے پاس اب مزید وقت نہیں کہ وہ ملکی معیشت کی بحالی کیلئے ایڈہاک فیصلے کرے۔ حکومت کے پاس یہ آخری موقع ہے کہ وہ مذکورہ اصلاحات پر عملدرآمد کرکے ملک کو معاشی خوشحالی کی راہ پر گامزن کرے۔
ڈاکٹر مرزا اختیار بیگ
بشکریہ روزنامہ جنگ
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