#intercultural romance
lettersxcaffeine · 9 months
Welcome to my guide for international dating, which formulated over a compound of dates over several years and has spanned nine countries. I’m going to debunk some dated and detrimental beliefs about black women and dating, and I’m going to ask that you trust me. 
Here is to finding your true love!
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Read the full story here: https://medium.com/@blackanduniversity/a-black-girls-guide-to-international-dating-7-part-series-0d6e7eb8beae
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indigomarketing · 2 years
New Release Blitz: Love, Lorena by Ivy L. James (Excerpt & Giveaway)
New Release Blitz: Love, Lorena by Ivy L. James (Excerpt & Giveaway)
Title:  Love, Lorena Author: Ivy L. James Publisher:  NineStar Press Release Date: 10/18/2022 Heat Level: 3 – Some Sex Pairing: Female/Female Length: 57950 Genre: Contemporary Fantasy, LGBTQIA+, contemporary, lesbian, bisexual, light romance, royalty, matchmaker, arranged/forced marriage, modern fairy tale, flirting, interracial/intercultural, pets, family drama Add to…
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princessniitza · 4 months
[The English fic] Growing Pains (2/4)
Fandom: Growing Pains
Pairing: Eli Whipp/Cornelia Locke
Rating: Mature
Word count: ~ 6.100 words (of ~ 25.600 words)
Tags / Warnings: Alternate Universe – Canon Divergence, Period-Typical Racism, Canon-Typical Violence, Implied/Referenced Past Rape/Non-Con, Implied/Referenced Past Underage, Grief/Mourning, Illness, Found Family, Adoption, Teen Romance (yeah you read that right), Interracial Relationship, Marriage, The Language Issue, Intercultural Communication, A Game Of Musical Chairs With Sleeping Arrangements, A Buttload Of Feels, Angst, Not A Complete Fix-It, Some Sort Of A Happy Ending
“That money,” Eli said. “Travel north, buy a spread. Safe enough for you all.” No, Cornelia replied, or meant to reply. I don’t want, she meant to say, I couldn’t be—but the words remained stuck in her throat. Because she was, wasn’t she? A mother. And here were two children who’d just lost theirs, even as they needed her more than ever.
Link to the fic: Part I | Part II |
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bajoop-sheeb · 6 months
I can't help but notice that all of the people in your anti-colonialism by "marginalized people" book rec list are people who were born and grew up in either the US or, in one or two cases, another white Anglophone country. I.e. the imperial core.
As a non-American I wonder whether, due to the cultural hegemony of the US and other Anglophone countries, the perspectives of people who have spent their whole lives in the Imperial core (even if marginalized in other ways due to their race or some other attribute) can be considered "authentic" depictions of the effects of colonialism in the way that you are presenting them. I find that people from the US, even POC people from the US, are often pretty incapable of understanding non-US perspectives on social justice issues because they're rarely exposed to them and because they grew up brainwashed with media that treats the US as the center of the world, so they overlay the US framework over everything.
I would perhaps have liked to see more recs for authors writing about colonialism who actually grew up in countries that have been affected by colonialism, or at least in countries that aren't as rich and powerful as the US and are therefore heavily dependent on the political whims of powerful Western ones. I'm sure there's a bunch of people in South America writing SF/F, for example, considering their long tradition of awesome magical realism. Or South Africa. Or India (I note that Salman Rushdie is not on your list, for example). I'm not writing this to be pettish, because I don't know enough about it either and would actually like to know, I just feel like perhaps we should all be a bit humbler when talking about this since a strictly US-centric perspective is still a VERY limited one when talking about colonialism (by definition an international, intercultural phenomenon), even when written by POC.
I also wonder about your definition of "marginalized" and if it doesn't fall into the same US-centrism that I talked about in my previous paragraph (even if we assume that "marginalized" means "marginalized as it relates to colonialism" and ignore other forms of marginalization). Is a person from, say, the Balkans, marginalized enough to write about anti-colonialism, or are they exactly the same as a white American in your perspective? Does it matter where from the Balkans? Does it matter if they're Muslim or Christian? How about a Ukrainian person? How about a Ukrainian Jew? Is a person from Bosnia or Ukraine, who went through a war in their lifetime, less qualified to write about war than Kuang, who grew up middle class and went to an Ivy League school (and honestly did a really shitty job of portraying a war in The Poppy Wars), just because they're "Caucasian"?
Also, people are allowed to acknowledge flaws of books written by POC without being automatically labeled as racist, you know. Finding Babel too heavy-handed or on the nose has nothing to do with finding POC characters annoying or unrelatable and sorry but, yeah, IMHO it's really on the nose and annoying about it. It's the writing style that's the problem, not the themes. Also the central metaphor, IMHO, makes it completely useless as a colonialism allegory because if you can destroy colonialism by destroying one magical uberpowerful whatsit, your book is kinda not serious enough about nuanced representation of sociological and political forces to be considered impactful anti-colonialist literature. Saying that as someone who loves Butler and Jemisin. Thea Guanzhon, for example, is a Filipina born and raised in the Philippines and still lives there, which makes her book way more of an "own voices" account of colonialism than Kuang's could ever be in my accounting, but that doesn't mean that her account of colonialism has any particular nuance to it (so far it's just the backdrop for the enemies to lovers romance). So even assuming that Kuang's account is resonant enough with enough people (which I know it is because her book is super popular), who is more deserving of being on your "own voices" list, Kuang or Guanzhon?
I also wonder why white women in particular?
The simple response to all of this is that the post you're referring to broke containment.
I debated replying, because I can't help but feel your message was written in bad faith. But I'm going to try to give you the benefit of the doubt.
You are absolutely right about the limitations of the original list. I truly didn't expect it to reach so many people, and I am not nearly as well-read as I'd like to be when it comes to literature written outside of the West. Please take a look at the reblogs, where a bunch of awesome people have done incredible work filling the gaps I left.
I struggle with the rest of your message. I explicitly stated that I do not expect people to enjoy specific books written by BIPOC authors, simply that I've noticed a very frustrating pattern. And yet you suggest I'm saying that if someone doesn't like Babel or The Hurricane Wars, I'm saying they're racist. Be serious.
Even as a child of multigenerational immigrants, I'll freely admit that I personally have a very US-centric perspective on social issues that I need to work on, but it's wild of you to say that all POC people born in the US are "pretty incapable of understanding" global issues.
When I wrote "marginalized" in the original post, what I really meant was "BIPOC and BIPOC queer people.” I should’ve been more careful about the wording.
Why white women in particular? When it comes to anti-colonial and anti-imperialist fiction (written by Anglophones) the authors that I see most highly and frequently praised are white women. I'd list the specific ones I'm talking about here, but 1. I don't want to be hunted for sport by their fans, 2. I've actually enjoyed some of their work, and 3. they're only a small part of the problem and I think people should be allowed to write whatever they want as long as they can handle the criticism. But I'm sorry, white women. I'll do better next time. I also want to use this moment to apologize to all the dumbasses complaining about my tone/me being "shouty." Reverse racism is real, and we must all stand vigilant hahaha miss me
You telling me to be humble feels a tad hypocritical, but sure, I'll take that under advisement.
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burst-of-iridescent · 2 years
Regarding the comic that shouldn't exist.
Aang is a racist and a hypocrite. In the comic he tried to ban interracial marriages and only stopped because of a girl who comes from the water tribe. Aang knew traditions but never respected other people's cultures. He especially disrespected the culture of his alleged "forever girl". Wouldn't be surprised if he banned her meat. Mind you the water tribes are in an icy wilderness. They do not physically have the capacity for farming. On the part of Aang who has travelled extensively it was foolish to think that the water tribes would be vegetarian and stop wearing warm clothing made from the only materials available in winter.
Aang is very bad at solving political problems.
Also, Aang conveniently forgets the laws of his culture when he needs to. The air nomads lived in separate temples meeting only to continue their lineage. They did not form families. I wonder how Aang realised he was romantically and sexually in love with Katara if he had been a monk all his life and was a child. Aang suddenly realises right away that he is romantically in love with Katara. Shouldn't he have questions? Couldn't he have thought he had confused his feelings with platonic feelings?
excellent points, anon.
personally i wouldn't call aang a racist at this point, but it's this sort of behaviour - disregarding cultural differences and a lack of interest in learning about different cultural beliefs and ways of life - that manifests itself as racism (racism that stems more from ignorance than bigotry, but racism still) later on in life. it's particularly damning given that aang is the avatar, and he, of all people, should be the one to foster intercultural bonds and respect the different cultures of the four nations, yet he's the first to propose splitting the nations and is never shown to truly learn from or respect the other nations' beliefs' the way he does the air nomads'.
as for aang's feelings for katara, i'm sure that aang probably thought he was in love with her, but believing you're in love and actually being in love are entirely different. everything we see of the kat.aang relationship suggests that aang is certainly infatuated with katara, but he doesn't truly love her - not only because he doesn't really know who katara is in her entirety, but also because he doesn't know what love truly is. that's not his fault, because he's a twelve year old kid who hasn't even hit puberty yet, but it is the fault of the writers who saw fit to throw him into a lifelong romantic relationship when what he really needed was time - time to grow, to mature, to figure out who he is and what he really wants, before he should have even thought about romance.
but alas, bryke needed their self insert nice guy to get the girl, so here we are.
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satorugojowidow · 1 year
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"The National Team of Bangladesh reached the semi finals of SAFF 2023 after 14 years thanks to their indomitable force and spirit of progress. 
The Argentina Futbol Association hopes that the success of Bangladesh continues in the future" (AFA official facebook page)
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I won’t ever get tired of Argentina's romance with Bangladesh. Since we, argentinians, found out that people from Bangladesh supported with the same love and passion our national team during the last world cup, is all love around. The official page of Argentina Futbol Association (AFA) continues (even seven months later) to congratulate Bangladesh everytime they get an achievement in sports. But not only that, the media in Argentina also share these kind of news and those posts are full of likes.
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"Let's go Bangladesh! 
The Bangladesh National Team of Cricket got an exciting victory of one wicket against India.
Mehidy Miraz and Mustafizur Rahman were the heroes of the game.
From Argentina we congratulate and celebrate this huge victory."
(Argentinian popular media congratulating Bangladesh for their victory in Cricket) please the emojis are everything
Some Argentinians even started a fan page to support the Bangladesh national team of cricket. I can’t explain how unpopular that sport is here, yet people will support it just to show love in return.
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"Symbolic alliance and mutual love: the group of argentinian fans of Bangladesh 
As a form to show gratitude to the Bangladeshi support to our national team, Dan Lande- better known as Rulo de Viaje- created on Facebook a group of fans to the National Team of Bangladesh of Cricket. An phenomenon that collected in less than ten days 170k members of both countries and become into an intercultural exchange that goes beyond football." (source Telam)
And this is what makes this story beautiful, is how Argentinian people felt that they had to return the love and support to Bangladesh. People could have reacted in a very different way, ignoring them or even feeling they weren’t real albiceleste fans because they are from a different country. But people welcomed the love, think of Bangladesh fans as equal, and are making efforts to make sure that Bangladesh people feel the love back. 
Dibu Martinez, the goalkeeper of Argentina national team, just visited Bangladesh and he was welcomed by thousands of people. I just hope this romance last forever and makes our countries siblings. 
The European press talked shit about our victory in the world cup, but Argentina winning was the joy of the people of the world that play football in the streets and dream...
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love-synchro · 4 months
Learning Through Love: “Embracing Relationships Across Cultures”
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Yeah, in a more networked world, love knows no borders. “Learning Through Love” is like that brightly painted paper airplane, zigzagging through relationships, dating, and love, bending across ethnic and cultural differences, and unfolding how such experiences might open our eyes to new traditions, widen our understanding, and enlarge our ability to live more fully.
Imagine falling in love with someone from a different background, one which not only brings joy but is a gateway to a new and vibrant culture. Every date is an adventure, learning and discovering new things. You can get to enjoy an exotic meal, perhaps a foreign festival, or even learn a few words of a foreign language. This mix of love and cultural exchange makes a living, dynamic riot which is very exciting.
It is the chance to handle the differences and look for the similarities with someone you date from a different ethnicity. It is your golden opportunity to challenge your preconceived stereotypes and false notions, enhancing your sense of empathy and respect for diversity. Both of the participants bring their respective points of view and traditions, which combine into one rich experience that broadens both horizons.
However, intercultural love does not always go smoothly. From time to time, a misunderstanding or cultural clash may appear, yet most of the time these hurdles can be jumped over with open communication and mutual respect. Tackling the differences with curiosity, not judgment, in fact, can even make couples more solid and united.
The beauty of intercultural love lies in its power to transcend bounds and bring people together. It shows that even in our differences we are all humankind. Love teaches us to appreciate different backgrounds as a way to richness and brings unity and harmony into the world.
“Learning Through Love” is not so much a story about love and romance as it is a narrative of the deep, experiential learning of the impact one individual can have upon another. It is about becoming more open-hearted and open-minded, learning, growing, and embracing the unique mosaic of the human experience.
And while you roam in that universe of love, please remember there’s a world out there to be won. Embrace the journey, cherish the learning, and let your love story be a testament to the power of cultural unity.
💖 Share Your experiences. that’ll be wonderful!…..Heataker👌
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udaberriwrites · 1 year
Hi! How about 23, 39, and 48 for the book recs meme?
Hi Argyle, thanks for the ask! Strap in, because this answer is going to get long
23. a book that is currently on your TBR
My TBR list is really embarrasingly long, but one book I'm interested in hunting down is The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee. This one was recced to me by @sliebman10, and I must admit it sounds right up my alley: Regency setting, sibling relationships, some mlm romance... I have high hopes for this one!
39. a book featuring your favourite character
Doctor's Orders by Diane Duane because I'm a hopeless, hopeless Trekkie and the combination of McCoy being left in charge and Spock, Uhura and the others being so protective of him made my inner fangirl very happy.
But, if we are talking favorite literary character rather than one imported from other medium... well, then Throne of Jade by Naomi Novik because as mentioned I'm a hopeless, hopeless fangirl and William Laurence just ticks about every check I have for characters I love: Loyal to the point of stupidity? Check. Dutiful but with an inner rebellious strike so they raise more hell than anyone? Check. Gentlemanly but badass? Double check.
48. your favourite sci-fi novel
Oooooh, hard question! Sci-fi is my favorite genre, so I have a lot of recs... Let me cheat by adding a few:
Golden Age: A Case of Conscience by James Blish, it was a beautiful exploration of human nature, faith and the intrinsic value of goodness as the main character is challenged in everyone of his preconceptions and fights to redefine his worldview... also less overtly sexist than other Golden age works.
New Wave: It's a tie between Frank Herbert's Dune and Ursula K. Le Guin's The Dispossessed. They both have fantastic worldbuilding, memorable technology and challenge the notions of environtment and society... yes, they have their issues, but I loved them a lot.
1980s: The Songs of Distant Earth, by Arthur C. Clarke... it's probably my favorite Clarke novel along with Hammer of God. The mix of utopia and dystopia, the interculturality and acceptance of other lifestyles... I read this as a teen and still remember I enjoyed the read immensely.
Modern sci-fi: Network Effect by Martha Wells. Just. Murderbot. It's amazing, and quite frankly one of the best, if not the best saga currently being written. I love it: the humor, the worldbuilding, the sheer hope even in a somewhat dystopian future of rampant capitalism. Even then, we are told that decency and empathy prevail, that people will still do good and help others, that healing is possible. I adore Murderbot's message, and I think it's a very needed one today.
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
I just don't get how Sophie and Joe couldn't find some sort of compromise. Their children are still young, they could do school in the U.S and have their summer holidays in the U.K. that could habe balanced everything out a bit. When you fall inlove with someone from another country and you have the resources to travel back and forth, it doesn't make sense why both countries can't be your home
I feel sorry for them as well Anon. As a child of divorce myself, I feel the most sorry for the children in this situation however, because it can mess you up a little bit. 😔 Divorce is just TOUGH for all involved... The ex spouses, the children involved, the family members/in-laws, the mutual friends of the couple, etc. It's just awkward.... 😔
It sounds like from the article that Sophie wanted the kids to go to school in the UK though, so I don't think having the kids do school in the US and visit the UK in the summers was really gonna work for her lol.
Plus, I kind of wonder if there were maybe other things that were going on in the marriage that they're just choosing to remain private about? 🤔
See...this is why it's probably not wise to make any couple "couple goals", cuz you never know what will happen in the future with them. 🥴I remember fans being so HAPPY for Joe and Sophie and using them as the "prototype" for great intercultural relationships, kind of like John and Emily.
But not everyone's relationship lasts forever unfortunately. :( It's fine to think a couple is cute and to really root for them and love everything about them, but the thing I've learned over the years (especially about Hollywood romances) is to not get TOOOOOOOOOO overly invested in any couple because you just never know what might happen in the future, and if they break up, then it's like.... "Okay, now what?" 👀
But yea, I just feel so sorry for the children...they're so young. 😔 I'm hoping maybe they can work things out, but if they're releasing the news to the public, then it's probably a done deal at this point.
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dieinct · 2 years
hope this isnt too personal(?) but re your tags on that reading habits post, do u have any good romance recs that youd be happy to share? middlemarch kind of sucked my Reading Stamina out of me, so i am trying to wriggle my way back into the habit
i have read a bunch of disappointing ones recently, unfortunately, but here are the ones i have enjoyed out of that batch and also more general recs. i tend to prefer historical or intercultural romance
recently i have enjoyed:
honey and spice, bolu babalolu: het, modern/campus romance, fake dating. this one is probably the most booklike (tm) on the list
strange love, ann aguirre - het (??), alien "abduction" romance (the alien doing the abduction did it mostly by accident and is kind of bumbling and insecure). good xeno if you like xeno, good intercultural relationship stuff if you like that.
t kingfisher's swordheart + also "paladin" series - het, last book m/m. these are more Booklike than a standard romance in that their side plot are secondary world fantasy-horror and require a little more mental engagement, but really enjoyable romances with fun adventure plots if you like that!
boyfriend material, alexis hall - m/m, modern, young professionals, also fake dating. this one was Fine. the sequel (husband material) was so bad it retroactively ruined this first book for me. but in Total Fairness i must admit that this one, by itself? totally competent romance.
since i just gave alexis hall a lukewarm review, here is a better one: a lady for a duke, alexis hall - het historical, this was trying to be hist romance with a transfem Mc where the story wasn't about being trans and the story is actually entirely about being trans, but it is a fun historical romance about a transfem MC so who am i to complain.
victoria goddard, greenwing + dart - this is cheating bc not all of these are strictly romances and mostly they're just cute little fantasy novels but they have fulfilled the same mental Brainspace as romance novels for me (easy candy reads to keep the brain going)
kj charles writes excellent historical m/m. my favorite is think of england bc it's got jews in :) band sinister is also good, as is henchmen of zenda. just in general really.
courtney milan for het historical romance (series title: brothers sinister), and some of her modern ones are quite good too.
there are also a couple authors i would gently anti-recommend who often turn up on lists like this, chief among them in this case cat sebastian, who in my estimation is batting -1 for 3 (one was mediocre, one was bad but in a normal way, and one was the most transphobic book i've ever read voluntarily).
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Unveiling the Magnificence: Madrasapattinam, A Cinematic Masterpiece
Madrasapattinam is a Tamil film that was released in 2010. It revolves around a love story set in the backdrop of colonial Madras (now Chennai) during the 1940s. This case study will delve into the various aspects of this film, such as its historical context, storyline, performances, cinematography, and impact on the Tamil film industry.
The film is set in the pre-independence era, when India was still under British colonial rule. It beautifully captures the cultural diversity and societal hierarchy prevalent during those times. The creators of Madrasapattinam have extensively researched the period and have recreated the colonial Madras with great attention to detail. The visuals and sets transport the viewers back in time and help them better understand the historical context of the film.
The storyline of Madrasapattinam revolves around the romance between a young English governor’s daughter, Amy, and a Tamil village boy, Parithi. Their love story blossoms against all odds - societal, cultural, and language barriers. The film effectively portrays the struggles faced by intercultural relationships during those times. The engaging plot keeps the audience hooked till the very end, and the climax provides a surprising twist, leaving the viewers amazed and emotionally invested in the characters.
The performances in Madrasapattinam are commendable. Both the lead actors, Arya (as Parithi) and Amy Jackson (as Amy), deliver powerful performances, displaying their versatility as actors. Their chemistry is palpable on screen, and they effortlessly bring their characters to life. Other supporting actors, such as Nassar and Cochin Haneefa, also leave a lasting impression with their convincing performances.
Cinematography plays a crucial role in bringing the film to life. The cinematographer, Nirav Shah, beautifully captures the essence of Madras with stunning visuals. The shots of colonial architecture, bustling streets, and elaborate sets add grandeur to the film. The attention to detail in recreating the era is evident in the meticulously designed costumes and props.
Madrasapattinam made a significant impact on the Tamil film industry. It broke new ground by exploring a historical love story against the backdrop of the freedom struggle. The film received critical acclaim for its storytelling, performances, and technical brilliance. It also found commercial success and was widely appreciated by the audience. Madrasapattinam paved the way for more historical dramas and period films in the Tamil industry, inspiring filmmakers to delve into unexplored genres and periods.
In conclusion, Madrasapattinam is a cinematic masterpiece that brings the colonial era to life. Its historical context, engaging storyline, powerful performances, and stunning cinematography combine to create an unforgettable viewing experience. The film's impact on the Tamil film industry cannot be understated, as it broke new ground and inspired filmmakers to explore uncharted territories. Madrasapattinam remains a testament to the power of storytelling and the magic of cinema.
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cjbolan · 2 years
Emily Windsnap and the Land of the Midnight Sun (2013) reminds me A LOT of Frozen 2 (2019). Seriously did Disney copy this book XD? I mean...
-2 characters on a quest to a magical glacier
-Quest started by someone having difficulty sleeping in their royal palace
-"Will-they-won't-they" romance between 2 of the characters on that quest
-The characters have to get to the glacier by water
-The recurring theme of memories found in water (”...water has memory”)
-Main heroine finds hidden memories of her mother in said magic glacier
-Main heroine is guided by a voice only she can hear.
-Magic ice sculptures (sort of)
-Frozen people thawed out by magic
-Evil kings whose misdeeds were long kept secret
-Evil king’s supporters were trapped and hidden away from the world for years by magic
-Forbidden intercultural (?) romance between the heroine’s parents , who met by one rescuing the other from certain death.
-Animals with magic powers that listen only to the heroine
-A plot to start a massive flood
-The story ends with the main heroine using magic to stop a massive flood in a fjord
-The story also ends with a girl and guy kissing and making up
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callofdutylorist · 1 year
Speaking of fandom controversy..... i remember when there was an outrage amongst the male gamers when they found out that Kate has a wife. How they literally doubled down and attempted to come up with excuses and "reasons" as to how she said that as a cover up and how she's romantically involved with Price, despite the fact that it's clear that Infinity Ward did it not only to add more depth to her character but also to just not give fanatics any glimmer of hope that there will ever be a romance in CoD games, and they're right. The fact that it wasn't even something shoved into anybody's face nor made a big deal out, bigots were MAD af because a woman isn't interested in a man, let alone Price for that matter.
They're upset that we like GhostSoap, they make "claims" that we ship two straight men, despite the fact that none of these characters really have a personality outside of what they do on the field and chances are it'll stay that way. Imagine saying "straight" because they're both badass men and masculine like they own these characters. In the meantime, fans get fueled because VAs and even the directors of the game support their works. But bigots and fragile minds cannot stand it.
This was sooo ranty and perhaps even inconvenient on my side so i apologize for it but i just had to share how i've seen this community act towards people that just wanna do things that make them happy, and others too.
This is something I've grown more passionate and radical about over the years, as Call of Duty isn't the only FPS I play, and I'm seen very similar outrage occur in Rainbow Six Siege's community (arguably even worse).
It frustrates me, it truly does, and I'm glad the developers are all standing their ground on the matter. Giving out the Stadler (Stich x Adler) banners out for free in CoD Cold War I felt was their own way of flipping the bird toward this unsavory side of the community,
It's unfortunate, and we cannot ignore the homophobia (and other isms) problem in the FPS gaming communities.
Some notable instances for me
The outrage from the lgbt+ banners in Warzone 1
Disgust from Ghostsoap & Stadler shipping
Jumping through mental hoops to justify confirmed lgbt+ characters not being so
Killing players who use specific lgbt+ equipment cosmetics
Referring to said characters as a slur instead of their name/call sign
Whatever the hell is going on with Faze and Faze clan rn
Ragequitting and freaking out when getting best by characters in lgbt+ cosmetics
Harassing popular FPS gamers for coming out of the closet
and more :(
Bigots are illogical human beings they really are. They try to come up with the most outrageous excused so that they can deny the existence of characters like Laswell, Flores, Osa, Pulse, Bell, and more.
For instance the argument against Flores and Osa being in siege is that they don't want "politics" in their anti-terrorism game. Ignoring the existence of Post-Soviet cold war politics, pandemic relations, intercultural discourse, and so I dunno terrorism. (not to mention lgbt+ isn't politics) Like mental gymnastics awards should be handed out for that one.
Don't get me wrong there's been significant improvement in the quality of inclusiveness in FPS communities, and FPS communities have their own form of banter and culture I'm not against. But a fine line does need to be figured out I swear it.
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princessniitza · 4 months
[The English fic] Growing Pains (1/4)
Fandom: Growing Pains
Pairing: Eli Whipp/Cornelia Locke
Rating: Mature
Word count: ~ 3.700 words (of ~ 25.600 words)
Tags / Warnings: Alternate Universe – Canon Divergence, Period-Typical Racism, Canon-Typical Violence, Implied/Referenced Past Rape/Non-Con, Implied/Referenced Past Underage, Grief/Mourning, Illness, Found Family, Adoption, Teen Romance (yeah you read that right), Interracial Relationship, Marriage, The Language Issue, Intercultural Communication, A Game Of Musical Chairs With Sleeping Arrangements, A Buttload Of Feels, Angst, Not A Complete Fix-It, Some Sort Of A Happy Ending
“That money,” Eli said. “Travel north, buy a spread. Safe enough for you all.” No, Cornelia replied, or meant to reply. I don’t want, she meant to say, I couldn’t be—but the words remained stuck in her throat. Because she was, wasn’t she? A mother. And here were two children who’d just lost theirs, even as they needed her more than ever.
Link to the fic: Part I |
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clarynewme · 1 month
Hi! I sent you my info through DM. I'm curious about my chart and my FS, like maybe his characteristics, traits, features, & timing. P much anything that pops out at you, whether it be positive or negative, would be fine. I'm not well versed in Vedic astrology so this would be cool to see
Thanks for your time & effort btw. I hope you're doing well 💕
Hi🤗 For your reading I am going to use mostly vedic astrology.
In D1 chart taurus jupiter is transiting your 7th house (abundance, sucess and luck in relationships) indicating that you might meet your future spouse or longterm partner this year through friends/groups, social networks,travel, education, foreign lands, etc. However with aquarius saturn transit over your aquarius 4th house ketu aspecting leo mercury(8th lord + 11th lord) and rahu in 10th house as well scorpio moon(9th lord) in 1st house there could be a certain delay or obstacles when it comes to family, emotional stability, freedom, online etc. You might be moving away from home/separated from your family or experiencing karmic issues/past traumas with your loved ones, power struggles, emotional intensity, reflecting about your beliefs and the way you see the world, changes/transformation/fame/sucess/recognition in your career; balancing personal life vs career, emotional stability vs financial stability, misunderstandings (communication issues) at work with authorities figures or media/large groups or foreigners related to different beliefs/cultures, finances, shared resources, society expectations or social endeavours, etc. This gives me slow burn/serious romance, friends to lovers or online dating (meeting in person later) or menthor/teacher/student or boss/employee or coworkers vibes or intercultural romance.  
Pisces Rahu is transiting over your pisces 5th house jupiter Darakaraka (2nd lord) and virgo ketu transit is affecting your virgo 11th house. At the same time these transits are aspecting your gemini venus 7th lord and mars in 8th house. This means you could be meeting your future spouse (or entering in a romantic relationship or doing business with him) during a transformative/karmic period in your life related to romance, creativity, spirituality, finances, family, shared resources, friendships, society, social endeavours etc; you might be rethinking/reflecting about friendships, media, social endeavours and longterm goals focusing on spirituality, deep romantic connections, personal growth, facing your traumas and fears of vulnerability, intimacy, etc. Although this relationship could be intense and passionate, there could occur power struggles, heated fights/arguments (mars energy -> be careful with emotional abuse), trigger points like trust issues/secrets/lies (8th house), financial issues->shared resources (8th house), communication barriers, different beliefs/cultures, misunderstandings, illusion and high expectations vs reality (jupiter conjunct rahu), romance vs personal/spiritual transformation, friendships vs romantic connections, codependency vs freedom, etc. Due to rahu energy the relationship could start unexpectely/suddenly or be unconventional.
NOTE1: Taurus jupiter is transiting until next year 9 june 2025 so 2025 is a good chance as well.
In your D9 chart taurus jupiter transit is influencing tarurus 7th lord mercury (4th lord) + venus (8th lord) + mars (2nd lord +9th lord) in 3rd house indicating that your future spouse might meet you through learning, online/social networks, communication, close friends/neighborhood, siblings, common interests, etc. Both of you could have a transformative relationship based on learning, intellectuality, creativity (creative projects), affection, passion, intimacy, travel, higher education, beliefs, finances, shared resources, family, spirituality, emotional/financial stability, healing, vulnerability, etc.
Anyhow with aquarius saturn transiting your 12th house aspecting leo jupiter (1st lord + 10th lord) in 6th house affecting those taurus placements above there could be delays/challenges regarding long distance, spirituality, past traumas, hidden fears, unresolved situations, foreign lands, solitude, loneliness, anxiety, depression, self identity, communication, daily routine, domestic responsibilities, work/career, mental and physical health, creativity/self expression (self doubt) vs practicality, illusion vs reality, leadership at work, competition, power struggles, financial matters, shared resources, work vs relationships,  financial stability vs emotional stability, different beliefs/cultures, etc.
Pisces/virgo rahu/ketu is transiting your pisces  moon (5th lord) in 1st house and virgo 7th house so you or future spouse might be going through huge emotional changes (transformation) reflecting about what you want/desire in longterm relationships and how it affects your emotional state, creative and spiritual goals, confidence and self expression, (deep romantic connections)changing yourself (personal and spiritual growth), maybe rethinking about exes (getting closure)  or past partnerships or even breakup/divorce🤔.
Looking at your D7 chart you have taurus jupiter transiting your 7th house sun (husband/father) aspecting your scorpio 7th lord venus + mars + moon indicating STRONG confirmation of meeting future spouse this year. But you still have aquarius saturn transit in your 4th house aspecting leo mercury in 10th house, delays/challenges related to communication, online, emotional stability, career vs family, power struggles, misunderstandings, need for validation/recognition,  fame vs private life, etc( check more above)
Rahu/Ketu pisces/virgo is affecting your pisces 5th house ketu and virgo 11th house jupiter (2nd lord +5th lord)) + rahu. This confirms a fated romantic longterm relationship with future spouse. When you meet your future spouse or longterm partner you could be experiencing unexpected changes in your creativity, spirituality, self identity/confidence detaching from old beliefs around finances, social endeavours, society, superficial friendships, romance, ides of fun, hobbies, etc. (5th house also means fertility/pregnancy 👀)
When jupiter, saturn, rahu/ketu are transiting in the same or opposite sign of sun, saturn, rahu/ketu in D7 chart it indicates a major event might happen during this time of your life like meeting your future spouse or a partner, engagement, pregnancy, career,success,fame, breakup, divorce, moving out, etc.(This technique is by Camila Regina from tiktok).  
You are currently running venus dasha from 2009 till 2029 which is great for you to meet spouse/marriage cause venus means love and is your 7th lord in D1/Moon/D7 charts.
If we dig deeper you are going through venus-saturn-mars dasha till 21 september (mars is conjunct your 7th lord venus in D1 chart). I am leaning towards september during pisces eclipse and october during virgo eclipse affecting your 5th/11th house axis of dating/friendships/online and Darakaraka jupiter in D1 chart; among other factors (other charts).
You also have good chances next year 2025 specially during venus-saturn-jupiter (jupiter is your Darakaraka-> spouse) from 14 march till 17 august: in march saturn will transit pisces affecting pisces jupiter Darakaraka 5th house (longterm serious romantic relationships), etc; in may gemini jupiter transit will be affecting your gemini venus 7th lord in D1 activating relationships/marriage, etc.
If you want to know time periods or more you can DM me. 
You can check this for sidereal transits:
NOTE2: Remember that we might have many soulmates and potential long term partners.
In regards to your pisces uttara bhadrapda jupiter Darakaraka in 5th house  your spouse could embody these characteristics: family oriented, emotional, sensitive,sweet, kind, nurturing, romantic, dreamy, idealist, attractive, charming, open minded, supportive, guru, optmistic, funny, wise, creative, intelligent, stable, wealthy, spiritual,intuitive communicator, writer, poet, psychic; values home, family, childhood, solitude, spirituality, creativity, hobbies; loves travelling, children/kids, meditation,  arts; mysterious , lucky, fortunate, optimistic,curious, youthful, spiritual/religious, stable, dualistic, honest/blunt, serious, strict, pessimist, lazy, depressive, overgiving, naive, oversensittive, complex emotions(ups/downs) etc.
DK is aspecting gemini venus (7th lord + 12th lord) and mars (6th lord +11th lord) in 8th house by 4th aspect that shows communication, deep discussions/conversations (could occur misunderstandings/conflicts) about beliefs, spirituality, philosophy, education, childhood, creative goals, feelings, intimacy, fears/traumas, finances, shared resources, past relationships/issues, life, daily routine, work, society, friendships, etc.
In D1 your 7th lord  punarvasu gemini venus conjunct mars in 8th house.This means your fs or longterm partner could be psychic, intuitive communicator, emotional yet logical, protective, wealthy, supportive, transformative, intense, sexy, attractive, creative, intuitive, intelligent, mysterious, wise, nurturing, caring, generous, overgiving, loves travelling, philosophy, takes care of other people, charming, open minded, curious, youthful, persuasive, flexible, communicative, analytical, desire for exploring and knowledge, optmistic, funny, adventurous, values spirituality and family, lucky, fortunate, could have a higher education, dualistic, honest/blunt, pessimist, complex mind/emotions(ups/downs), player vibes, aggressive, possessive, jealous, etc.
7th lord is aspecting aquarius ketu in 4th house by 9th aspect which indicates future spouse could have unique background, family values maybe involved with spirituality, past/karmic issues related to family; could be emotional detached; desire freedom from family (separation) and solitude; etc. This could cause conflicts/traumas in the relationship that need to be solved/healed through open communication and understanding. (Overall this indicates a transformative relationship)
Lastly 7th lord is aspecting aries saturn in 6th house by 11th aspect indicating that your future spouse might step forward when it comes to daily responsibilities/routine, domestic, work and health in your relationship. He might be health conscious, active, organized, responsible, mature, love self care, etc (in a negative way he could also be neatfreak, gym rat, serious, strict). Nevertheless saturn is debilitated in aries so he might be impulsive, agressive, critical, controlling when he is talking to you, nitpick your lifestyle, routine, etc. This is something you need to be careful.
7th lord in D9 nakshatra and sign could also show future spouse characteristics and how will be the marriage.
You have 7th lord mercury in taurus krittika (venus+mars) in 3rd house so there is another strong confirmation of emotional/financial stability/direct communication/passion/practicality/creativity/recognition/beauty; Spouse can be attractive, sensual, hot, blunt, passionate, determined, grounded, agressive/defensive, business oriented, loyal, possessive, transformative, intense, communicative, need for validation, etc.
When it comes to appearance fs would have beautiful defined hands/arms/shoulders; big feet/legs/chest/jawline/tummy; strong jawline and bone structure; symetrical/balanced features; muscular; defined legs; thin arms; thin sharp flexible private parts; pouty features; average to tall height; have reddish or dark features; etc (You can find more from Camila Regina tiktok🤌)
For your future spouse career I am trying out this tecnique the 10th sign from 7th lord in D1 or D9 could indicate possible fields: 
D1 Pisces (jupiter): anything related to spirituality, religion, creative arts, education, psychology, counselling, communication, writing,social service and community, charities, human resources, tourism, travel,  international relations, diplomat, human rights advocate, law,etc
D9 Aquarius: anything related to spirituality, technology, engineering, healthcare, alternative medicine, arts, creativity, research and development, entrepreneur, environment, science, politics, social service and community, charities, activism, etc.
Regarding your meeting, pay attention to symbolisms of these signs: 
Aquarius: color aqua, waterfall, watercarrier, spirituality,  tarot, astrology, Internet, technology, online, science, sea animals, dam, arts, accident, sudden, Electricity, aquarium, social media, groups, friends, etc...
Sagittarius: horse, arrow, Bow, education, travel, foreign, OK cupid, shooting, spirituality, museum, adventure, risk, philosophy, culture, college, etc.
NOTE3: aquarius 2x from tropical chart; sagittarius 2x from vedic chart
(This technique is by Camila Regina on tiktok💗)
Vedic Astrology placements D1/D9 (includes atmakaraka AK):
Jupiter, Mercury, venus, mars,saturn, ketu nakshatras/influence
I found this new technique that 7th lord sign/house from MOON chart indicates big 3 placements:
You have 7th lord venus in gemini 8th house so the signs are Gemini or Scorpio.
You can also try this for your future spouse partner to see if it matches your big 3 placements (7th lord of moon chart must be in Scorpio/8th house/Cancer/4th house).
Okay I think I am done😅 I hope you like this reading if you do leave feedback on my page🙏 And let me know if it resonates👌it helps improving my readings🫶💜
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divyaastro-ashram · 7 months
Decoding Your Marriage: Astrology’s Guide to Predict Your Relationship Type
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Marriage, a sacred union of two souls, unfolds in various forms, each influenced by cosmic energies and planetary alignments.  astrology offers profound insights into the dynamics of marital life, providing guidance on the type of marriage one may experience. Let's embark on a journey through the lens of astrology to unveil the mysteries of your future marital bliss according to marriage life prediction.
Understanding  Astrology and Marriage Prediction
Astrology delves into the cosmic influences shaping human destiny, including relationships and marriage. By analysing the positions of celestial bodies at the time of your birth,  astrologers can decipher the potential trajectory of your marital journey, shedding light on the type of marriage you are likely to have.
Types of Marriages According to Astrology
Arranged Marriage
Governed by cultural and familial traditions, arranged marriages are orchestrated by families, often with the guidance of astrologers. Astrology plays a crucial role in matching horoscopes to ensure compatibility and harmony between partners. Individuals destined for arranged marriages may find their unions blessed with stability and longevity rooted in mutual respect and commitment.
Love Marriage
Driven by affection and romantic inclination, love marriages are based on the mutual choice and consent of partners.  astrology offers insights into the compatibility of love matches, highlighting potential challenges and areas of harmony. Couples embarking on love marriages may navigate their journey with passion and companionship, guided by the celestial blessings of Venus, the planet of love.
Inter-Caste Marriage
In a diverse society like India, inter-caste marriages challenge societal norms and cultural boundaries.  astrology evaluates the compatibility of partners from different castes, offering guidance on navigating potential obstacles and fostering understanding between families. Couples entering inter-caste marriages may experience transformative growth and unity, transcending societal divisions through love and acceptance.
Intercultural Marriage
Crossing geographical and cultural borders, intercultural marriages celebrate diversity and enrich the tapestry of human relationships.  astrology examines the planetary influences shaping intercultural unions, highlighting areas of synergy and adjustment. Partners embarking on intercultural marriages may embark on a journey of mutual learning, embracing differences with open hearts and minds.
Traditional Marriage
Rooted in time-honoured customs and rituals, traditional marriages uphold the cultural heritage and familial values.  astrology provides insights into the auspicious timings and rituals conducive to a harmonious union. Couples embracing traditional marriages may find solace in ancestral blessings and the sacred vows exchanged in the presence of divine forces.
Factors Influencing Marriage in  Astrology
Seventh House
Known as the house of marriage, the seventh house in the birth chart signifies partnerships, relationships, and marital bonds. Its condition and planetary influences offer crucial insights into the nature and quality of one's marriage. Afflictions or benefic placements in the seventh house can shape the dynamics of marital life, influencing compatibility and longevity.
Navamsa Chart
The Navamsa chart, also known as the D9 chart, provides deeper insights into marital matters, including compatibility, love, and harmony.  astrologers analyse the Navamsa chart alongside the birth chart to assess the strength of marriage and potential challenges. Harmonious planetary alignments in the Navamsa chart augur well for marital bliss and fulfilment.
Venus and Jupiter
Venus, the planet of love and romance, and Jupiter, the planet of wisdom and expansion, play pivotal roles in determining the nature of one's marriage. Benefic aspects of Venus and Jupiter on the seventh house or its lord signify auspicious marital prospects characterised by love, understanding, and prosperity.
Dasha Periods
Periodic planetary cycles, known as Dasha periods, influence significant life events, including marriage.  astrologers analyse dasha sequences to predict the timing of marriage and assess the overall marital prospects during specific periods. Favourable dasha periods of benefic planets enhance the likelihood of marital happiness and fulfilment.
Problems in Marriage If You Are Not Astrologically 
Communication Issues
Astrological incompatibility can lead to communication barriers between partners. Misunderstandings may arise due to differing communication styles or preferences, making it challenging to express needs and resolve conflicts effectively. Without open and clear communication, marital discord can escalate, leading to further strain on the relationship.
Emotional Distance
When partners are not astrologically compatible, there may be a lack of emotional connection and intimacy in the relationship. Differences in emotional expression or needs can create a sense of distance between partners, causing feelings of loneliness or isolation. Over time, emotional detachment can erode the foundation of the marriage, leading to feelings of dissatisfaction and unhappiness.
Conflict and Tension
Astrological mismatch can contribute to frequent conflicts and tension in the marriage. Clashes in temperament, values, or priorities may result in arguments and disagreements, leading to heightened stress and resentment. Without addressing underlying astrological differences, conflicts may persist, creating a toxic environment that undermines marital harmony.
Trust Issues
Trust is essential for a healthy marriage, but astrological incompatibility can undermine trust between partners. Differences in personality traits or behaviour patterns may lead to suspicions or doubts about each other's intentions or fidelity. Without a strong foundation of trust, the marriage may be plagued by insecurity and jealousy, further straining the relationship.
Difficulty in Compromise
Astrologically incompatible partners may struggle to find common ground or reach compromises in their relationship. Divergent preferences or priorities can make it challenging to reconcile differences and make joint decisions. Without a willingness to accommodate each other's needs and preferences, marital conflicts may escalate, leading to resentment and dissatisfaction.
Lack of Shared Goals
Couples who are not astrologically compatible may find it difficult to align their goals and aspirations for the future. Differences in values, ambitions, or life paths can create conflicts regarding important decisions such as career choices, financial planning, or family planning. Without a shared vision for the future, partners may feel disconnected and unfulfilled in the marriage.
Sexual Incompatibility
Astrological differences can also manifest in sexual compatibility between partners. Variances in libido, sexual preferences, or intimacy levels may lead to dissatisfaction or frustration in the bedroom. Without addressing underlying astrological factors affecting sexual compatibility, partners may struggle to maintain a fulfilling and satisfying intimate connection.
Financial Strain
An astrological mismatch can contribute to financial disagreements and strain in the marriage. Differences in spending habits, attitudes towards money, or financial goals can lead to conflicts regarding budgeting, saving, or investing. Without effective communication and compromise, financial issues can escalate, causing stress and tension in the relationship.
Navigating Your Marital Journey with Astrological Insights
In the tapestry of life, marriage emerges as a profound expression of love, companionship, and spiritual union. Astrology serves as a guiding light, illuminating the path ahead and offering invaluable insights into the type of marriage you are destined to experience. Whether it's an arranged alliance steeped in tradition or a love match fueled by passion, astrology unveils the cosmic blueprint of your marital destiny, empowering you to navigate your journey with grace, wisdom, and profound understanding.
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