#interactions - rustin cohle.
turnandface · 5 months
continuation from here [x] — @downs1de
There's a hint of a smile when Rust smiles, glad to know he hadn't hit a nerve, but the moment is quickly overtaken. He's looking down, now, twirling the precinct-branded pen between his fingers. 'There is a state insignia. There is no state insignia.' He shouldn't have brought it up. Jean glances over his shoulder at the door, then briefly at Rust, again. "I'm surprised you haven't heard anything around the precinct…suppose they talk less about a man when he's dead." It was a hell of a thing to assume people were constantly talking about you, but it happened more often than he'd like to admit. Harry, feathers ruffled, coming up the stairs smelling like booze. And Jean, following farther behind with the early bruising of a black eye. There were weeks when they were the center of workplace drama. He breathes in again, but his parted lips linger in their position as if he has more to say. 'There is a state insignia. There is no state insignia.'
"What do you want to know? He was an excellent detective, a fucking madman, and a real piece of work." A tinge of redness creeps up his neck, nothing but embarrassment and regret. The skin between his eyebrows creases. He doesn't want to talk about him here, he needs to walk, drive, smoke, occupy himself somehow.
Jean stands abruptly, reaching for his suit coat. "…Did you get anywhere with that lead you were talking about yesterday? We can talk more in the car." This is a private matter to him, and he'd been too wrapped up in the man to give Rust much of a professional answer.
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twcheaded-a · 2 years
Leaves a forget-me-not stem on Jean's desk after lunch.
He sits down in his office chair, a file already open in his hand. He'd grabbed it from the paper tray without paying attention to anything else around him. By this point in the day, especially when there was no fieldwork to be done, he'd pushed his mind into a kind of autopilot mode. Jean notices a missing sheet; only then does he find himself back in the present, and only then does he see the forget-me-not sprig on his desk.
The realization makes for a brief but thoughtful pause, though the reaction on his face is immediate: bright grey eyes and a small but genuine smile. Jean's surprised enough to see a *flower* on *his* desk, let alone his favorite one. He's quick to pick it up, to twirl it between two calloused fingers, and just as quick to glance around. No one there knows him well enough to-- oh. Jean can't hide the rosy hue growing in his cheeks, especially as his eyes settle on Rust. He wants to ask about it later; he wants to hold him close and not let go for a long time.
Vic tucks the sprig into his notebook, the pages - just large enough to hold it without any of the stem or flowers poking out. He doesn't know where else to put it; he just knows if he dries it, he can keep it... and he wants to keep it.
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reds-writings · 8 months
jealousy, jealousy!
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(pairing: rust cohle x fem!reader)
a/n: hello! welcome to my first bout of writing! feedback is greatly appreciated and i hope you enjoy! there isn't much rust content on here so i figured i'd create it myself lmao
warnings: cursing, steamy scenes but nothing too crazy, sorta sexism, marty hart being himself, rust being pigheaded, mentions of sex, etc etc let me know if i missed anything (minors just don't bother interacting regardless thank you!)
word count: around 5.8k
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Never did you think that sitting in the passenger’s seat of Rustin Cohle’s red Ford pickup could have you seething as it did now. This wasn’t at all how your night was supposed to go and the culprit of said unsavory evening was sitting right next to you, cigarette pinched between tense fingers and eyes set hard on the dark highway ahead. The stubborn bastard had made no move to turn on the radio to save you both from the borderline unbearable silence. All you had was the humid Louisiana air from his rolled-down window flowing into the truck’s cabin and you couldn’t quite find it in you to be grateful for the fact he seemed to have kept in mind you detested the smell of that sour burning tobacco. 
Just who the hell does he think he is?
The question that repeated itself a mile a minute in your Coors-addled brain as it fought to catch up with all that just occurred not even a mere hour prior. Rust, as you already well knew, did not bother himself much when it came to others unless it strictly involved the endless trials of his work. That was the line he drew on a daily basis. Nothing could be clearer than the fact that Rust had little to no capacity for getting truly personal with most who existed in his orbit.
It was something you dealt with a bit better than the likes of your other partner Marty day in and day out at the CID. Though he may be one mystery wrapped in a more or less fucked up enigma, Rust’s way of functioning stayed relatively consistent. You didn’t dig often given that he wasn’t up and ready to offer much in the first place. He was sharp and strong-minded. Possessing most qualities that make well for a good investigative partner. Lines didn’t get muddled. It was how you preferred it. Up until recently, that is.
You didn’t have much nerve or will to go down that route right about now. 
Earlier in the day…
Your fingers were cramping at the end of typing the last dregs of the day’s reports. This recent case was starting to weigh heavier and heavier as an influx of countlessly cryptic details revealed themselves with each milestone of the investigative process. Something about this being darkly occultish as it was made it all the more daunting. There was a sense of underlying dread that this was something bigger than all of you. A sentiment you found yourself sharing with at least one of your partners: Rust. Marty on the other hand was still on the fence, not totally in the business of believing this was more than just some twisted piece of shit who had nothing better to do with his time. You wish you had half the mind to reduce it down to something so simple.
Strange things were not that of an irregular occurrence around these parts. Though said strange things didn’t have the habit of making it to the limelight as the Dora Lange case had. This wasn’t the type of case where one could be fine with just leaving it at work and picking it back up when they returned the next day as normal. Its disturbing details twisted themselves into every fiber of your daily life since that poor girl was found posed in Erath. It was better to eat, sleep, and breathe this case so that it may be solved all the more quickly. 
A world with one less monster like the one capable of committing a murder such as this is was a world where you could maybe sleep a little more soundly. 
Rolling your shoulders back, you twisted your aching neck side to side, resounding with an aching series of pops. God, I need a drink. You thought to yourself as you leaned back into the roller chair at your desk. The clock on your floor’s wall read 6:02. With all the work on your part done you figured you could slip out with much complaint. Stiffly rising from your spot, you started to pack away any necessary belongings into your well-loved messenger bag. Marty glanced up from his notes with a small quirk of his brow, “You headin’ out?”
Throwing your hair up to save yourself from the impending humidity from outside you replied, “Yeah. Need to wash the day off me and go grab a drink or somethin’. Bein’ out talkin’ to them church folk in the heat nearly all afternoon then witnessin’ Rust make that one boy shit himself was enough for the day.” 
Marty snorted to himself at that while Rust made no move to acknowledge your statement from his spot as he analyzed his comically large ledger. The blonde sipped his evening coffee as you finished gathering your things, “Don’t get too crazy tonight now. Lots to do in the days to follow I reckon the more this case stays befuddlin’ as is.”
You scoffed lightly, “I don’t doubt that. I’ll probably just head to that Blue Gator joint off the highway. Grab a few beers. Maybe a dance should one be willin’. Need’ta let loose is all.” 
“I’m sure any fella would be delighted to spin the night away with the likes of you, darlin’. Leave it at just dancin’ will ya?” Marty snickered a bit as you scowled and flipped him off idly. You notice in your peripheral Rust go still with a pen in hand but he didn’t make any move to look up or participate in the conversation. 
Continuing, you fix Marty with a half-hard look, “I’m sure you have your extracurricular activities beyond the job so it ain’t a sin to have my own. Anways, this is hardly an appropriate conversation to have betwixt coworkers, Martin. Keep your nose outta it.” 
Marty let out a surprised guffaw and placed an offended hand over his heart. Rust still hadn’t moved an inch from his position. When you let your gaze drift over towards the silent half of the duo you were met with that cold blue stare of his. The mere instance of contact left you feeling funnier than you’d prefer as of late. Things were starting to blossom into something a little different between you two after the few months of being in each other’s presence. He had been starting to open up in a manner he hadn’t bothered to when he first transferred to the CID here in Louisana. His presence had been quiet but no less intimidating, leaving you and Marty at a loss of what to do to prompt him out of his self-imposed shell.
Now, as this new case unfolded it seemed to trigger a sudden release of the deepest tidbits of his…intense opinions and values that went on within the inner workings of his mind. Marty often found himself wishing that Rust never bothered to open his mouth at all. Anything coming from the brooding Texan seemed to offend Hart on some deeper level one way or another.
For you, while it was not all that pleasant to constantly hear how fucked up we as a collective were and how life had little to no meaning, were intrigued nonetheless. You believed that Rust was just as human as everyone else despite him pushing himself as far away from that narrative as possible. He was just broken in a way that couldn’t ever be truly reversed. So while his infinitely dismal ramblings left you feeling more defeated about life than anything else at times, you couldn’t find it in you to really hold it against him. 
When it came to your dynamic, he seemed to have more of an unspoken respect for you than most of your colleagues did within the department. It wasn’t some radical declaration made by him that clued you in on the matter. He mostly just treated you the same as everyone else. Not inherently negative nor too positively outgoing where others could accuse him of giving you some form of special treatment. He listened to you and took your input into genuine consideration which was more than you could ask for when it came to working alongside any of your other male counterparts. However, there were these little instances within the recent weeks that had your mind (and heart) taking another route when it came to how Rust Cohle just might regard you. 
First, it started with fresh coffee materializing on your desk by the time you’d be strolling in at morning time. Two sugars with one cream and always in your favorite green mug ordained with hand-painted daisies. Very specific and not at all a detail that Marty ever bothered himself with remembering about you in the time you’d known each other. Not that you ever really cared. No one else here would ever think to offer you a damn thing unless it was maybe the lovely receptionist up at the front.
It wasn’t until one night you had forgotten your keys at your desk and made your way back inside the assumingly empty department only to find the Rust Cohle with sleeves pushed up to his elbows in the small office kitchen cleaning your daisy mug that you’d left haphazardly in the sink before leaving. You watched in silent awe as he had set it gently aside after drying it for what you assumed was for the next morning where he’d be the one who dutifully made your memorized coffee order in secret before your arrival. To him, the act was probably meaningless. 
To you, the simple scene made your heart squeeze in a way you didn’t think was possible. 
Next, it occurred when he started offering you rides to and fro after your car suffered a nasty rear-ending thus needing to have it sit in the shop for the time being. At first, it was a little nerve-wracking to be in close proximity without Marty present to break any drawn-out silences but after a while you’d found yourself in a rhythm you could call your own. Sometimes you’d talk, sometimes you’d sit and listen to whatever old country cassettes he had stowed away in his glove compartment. It was never dull to you. 
Each car ride had you piecing together factoids that unfurled into the evergrowing idea that was your new(ish) partner. You still found yourself sharing more about your own life than he did more often than not but you were okay with that. Even if he wasn’t the most reactive of men, you knew he held on to every word. Anything he decided to sparingly share had you doing the same with a reverence you weren’t sure you carried for anyone else.  
After getting your car back and no longer needing his chauffeur services a silent agreement had followed. Neither party was completely ready to let go of the pleasant thirty-three minutes permitted to be spent together outside of work. It was decided that he’d drive you home on nights you happened to leave late, deeming it too dangerous to be traveling home at odd hours in the night although you had already been doing so plenty before he manifested into your life.
Eventually, he even found himself at your house one day after having determined that your porch steps needed fixing…or that your gutters should be cleared…or that the lawn was looking a little too overgrown than what was acceptable. Small acts where you felt that maybe he wanted to be in your presence a bit longer than normally desired when it came to his usual limits of socialization.
Seeing him working around your property with that sweat-soiled wife beater of his and those lithe, god-given arms made that squeeze in your heart reach new heights and your tongue feel like lead. Who knew such pictures of domesticity could have this intense of a hold over you? You usually prided yourself in not being so easily affected by men. Though it wasn’t necessarily news that Rust was his own brand of a striking handsome that stood out against most men you’d come across. The sweet tea you’d supply for the dreadful heat when he’d carry out his projects ended up being more for your own benefit than his.
You caught yourself feeling greedy for more of his presence as he made himself an increasingly present fixture in your life. Which realistically…couldn’t lead to any sort of good. 
Bringing yourself back to now, his gaze held an emotion you couldn’t quite place. Hell, most times it was hard enough to know exactly what he was thinking unless he outright declared it. Maybe it was disapproval? Judgement? It wasn’t likely that he wanted to hear about your potential escapades. You probably wouldn’t want to hear of his either (not that he ever does speak of it if he even engages in that sort of activity) but you’d be coming from a different place on that matter. He returns to the pages of his ledger after deciding to break the staring spell, “I don’t see what sorta grand company could be found at an establishment such as the Green Gator.”
 His tone came out a bit too passive for your liking. Bordering the ugly lines of judgy which was something that rubbed you wrong entirely, “It’s the Blue Gator-”
“Oh hush up, Mr. High and Mighty. Not every man is as intellectually driven as you find yourself. Most men want fun and ain’t gonna pass it up when it’s in front of em’. They don’t need nearly as much as you do to get their rocks off.” Marty angles himself towards Rust in his chair, already willing to bat for you in his more than unhelpful way. 
Rust just scoffed and shook his head slightly, “Wouldn’t expect a thing from anyone in this vast shithole…buncha ignorant shitheels with no sense of fuckin’…” He muttered the rest of his ramblings detailing the severe lack of intelligence that the people of Louisiana seemed to hold while bringing his attention back to his ledger. 
His shoulders were set in a harder line than usual. Marty got a kick out of it all, reducing Rust’s distaste to not being able to participate in normalcy like anybody else in the world could.    
On your end, it struck a nerve that he clearly found your plans more than dissatisfactory. It left an unpleasant taste in your mouth to be on the potential receiving end of Rust’s ruthless judgments.
“You forget him, y/n. You have yourself a good ol’ time with whatever strappin’ young man of your choosing should he be lucky. Don’t let grumpy guss piss on your parade.” 
You find yourself grimacing at how much focus on you and the prospect of potentially getting laid has been put. You look back to Rust but he seemed to be no longer interested in your presence, back in his own world and on the case. Patting Marty on the shoulder you finally make your way to head out, “G’night. I’d love it if we never brought any of this up again. Page me if anythin’ comes up.” 
“Y’got it, darlin’. You stay safe.” Marty points at you a bit more seriously and you nod in slight exasperation with a soft ‘got it’ before officially leaving. Rust hadn’t said another word which left you feeling all sorts of confused. Relieved he didn’t further insult your plans for a night out? Disappointed he didn’t put up much of a fight when it came to you maybe trying to avoid any of your current problems with the company of another man? You don’t know what you expected but you did know that you needed to get it together and just let this shit go even for just one night. 
And what a night it would be indeed. 
Night at the Blue Gator…
The night was proving to be a bit more than uneventful. Perhaps uneventful was just about the only thing your mind could handle at the given moment with everything else going on. The lingering feeling of Rust’s disapproval had also left you more affected than desired. With a few Coors in your system, you find your gaze a little hazy as it passes around the kitschy establishment.
Some George Strait song filters through the bar on top of the active chatter of the patrons taking up a surprising amount of space for a Wednesday night. The cute little black dress you managed to find in your closet and squeeze into was becoming less than ideal as you found yourself hearing the siren call of just calling it quits and crawling into bed back home. Clean sheets and reruns of something like The Golden Girls…absolute fucking heaven right about now. 
Briefly pressing your perspiring bottle to your forehead, you soon enough were roped into a dance as some lively Brooks and Dunne tune came on. The fella who managed to drag you on the dancefloor was decent enough. A bit short and plenty bald… with maybe a tad too eager of hands for your tastes that left you feeling a bit removed from the experience as a few more songs went on. You weaseled yourself out of the crowd after ‘promising’ baldy (named Rex or Tex but who’s to really care) you’d make your return after grabbing a refreshment. 
Making your way to the bar your legs come to a sudden halt at the sight of a familiar figure slouched on a stool. After your brief shock shifted into a brewing irritation, your feet found themselves mobile again as you sidle next to Rust and order yourself another drink. He put out his cigarette as soon as you were near his side but made no motion to speak so you find yourself shooting first.
“For a place you couldn’t bother gettin’ the name right of you can color me surprised to see you here.”
“A man ain’t allowed to drink after work?” Is his flat reply. 
You put your hands up in mock defense, “No need for my permission. Just didn’t think you’d grace the simpletons ‘round here when you can have a drink for free and in peace in the comforts of your own home.” 
Rust didn’t have anything to say to that, instead lifting his own drink to his lips, “That man sure had a grip on ya. Doesn’t seem the type you’d to give the time of day to. Less’ you’re that compelled to blow off steam.” 
The thinly veiled nonchalance of his insult didn’t go past you. Instead, it caused you to bristle only in the way you could when you had a few drinks in you, a bit more sensitive and a helluva lot more confrontational. Who was he to judge how you spend your time? Let alone who the hell you spend it with? You set your new drink down with more force than necessary and felt your face starting to get hot. 
“I can dance with just about anybody.”
“That’s been made clear.”
“And why in god’s name do you care exactly just who it is I dance with?”
“Don't remember ever givin' the implication that I quite cared.” Calculated blue flitted over you as if bored. But you knew better.
“I’m sorry, did you just come here to make me out to be some desperate whore for drinkin’ and dancin’ when I’m a grown-” That got his expression to fall with something closely resembling alarm. 
“That ain’t-”
“Last I checked I can do whatever I so fuckin’ please. Do not go insertin’ yourself in the aspects of my life in which you are not fuckin’ concerned. Some of us are lonely and tired and can’t take comfort in stupid murder manuals or severe stretches of solitude. Call it my shitty programmin’ but that’s just how it is for most people. If I wanna drink and let a greaseball feel me up then that’s entirely up to me! Shit, it might be dumber than hell but it’s not like I’m gonna sit and wait around for you to make a move! That’s if you even feel a speck of the way I’m startin’ to towards you. Knowin’ you you’ve probably noticed and just like to see me embarrassed or somethin’.”
 Everything was coming out like one big bout of word vomit. There was an even deeper change in Rust’s demeanor but you were too tipsy and too angry to pay much notice. The burning behind your eyes grew stronger as you threw up a finger to jab at his shoulder,
“It is not up to you to judge people for the shit they do that you deem is beneath you every chance you get. You’re not perfect yourself and I know you know it. But thanks anyway for making me feel like a fuckin’  stupid loser-” Your heated rant was interrupted by a fat mitt of a hand making its way around your waist. 
“This fella botherin’ you, honey?” The hot whiskey-riddled breath of Tex or Lex or whoever the fuck immediately made your nose wrinkle in disgust. Your patience had run its due course for the night as you roughly shoved him off you,
“Oh come off it, Dex-”
“It’s Rex.”
“I don’t care no more I’m leavin’.” You threw a couple bills on the bar’s surface before making your move past both the offending men. Rex had different ideas and made the choice of gripping your arm tightly without much remorse despite your loud protest. 
“You still owe me a dance, bitch. Where d’ya think you’re goin-”
“You best get your hands off her, boy.” Rust’s glare was off-putting even to you. Rex was either too stupid or too drunk to really care as he attempted to yank you back towards him. With your heart racing, all you could think to do was take your heel-adorned food and stomp on his booted one hard. The short bastard yelped as he let you go, giving you the room to skirt past him far enough just in time for Rust to take him by the collar and send him reeling with a swift punch.   
Rex surprisingly regained momentum and took his chance to get a lick back at Rust but his opponent was already plenty steps ahead of him. Rust took Rex’s fist, twisting it behind the shithead’s back, and slammed his head into the bar countertop with a sick thud. A commotion had well enough formed by now and it was your obvious cue to start hustling your way out. Rust spit on the man who now had made a home on the sticky floorboards before turning to you. Your chest was heaving as you made way to open your mouth but he wouldn’t hear it as he grabbed your arm and started leading you out. 
The bar doors slammed open and the persistently thick air of the South drove you further into rage. You yanked your arm a few times until finally freeing yourself from his clutches. He didn’t stop to acknowledge you, instead making his way toward his truck as if expecting you to faithfully trail behind.
“Where exactly do you get off?!” You demanded, struggling to keep up in your heels which then had you electing to nearly fall over yourself trying to rip them off.
No answer.
“I’m talkin’ to you! What the hell is wrong with you?” Your feet were finally free on the warm pavement of the parking lot. You still received no reply.
“RUSTIN.” Your throat nearly felt raw at the volume of your hollering. He stopped at his truck’s passenger door and opened it. The blood in your veins thrummed while your head and heart felt like they were going to burst out of their respective places. 
“Get in the truck.”
“Absolutely not.” 
“You’re drunk-”
“You ain't one to talk. Don’t think I ain’t seen those bottles of cough syrup in your car or them pill bottles you got! I’ll make it just fine-"
“Y/n.” His low baritone left no room for argument, nor did his hard stare. You felt like a petulant child staring back at him with your arms crossed. 
Your will to break was unshakeable but you had the inclination that if you pushed him hard enough he’d have you in that passenger seat even if you came kicking and screaming. Huffing out a harsh breath you half stomped your way over and climbed in. Grabbing the handle for yourself you slammed the door before he had the chance to close it for you. You felt a lick of petty satisfaction when you saw his shoulders drop and a hand come up to squeeze the back of his neck. It wasn’t often you could catch Rust off-guard, let alone see him visibly exasperated.
After a moment or two, he rounded his way to the driver’s side and got inside with noticeably less ruckus than you did. He lit a cigarette as he pulled out of the parking lot, but not before rolling down the window in consideration of you. Bastard. 
“My car better find its way back into my damn driveway come morning.” 
He remained silent for the rest of the way.
Back to the present…
Pulling up to your house, the truck hadn’t even made a complete stop before you unbuckled and hastily hopped on out. You only stumbled a bit as the old Ford squeaked behind you in what was probably the harsh fashion in which Rust must’ve slammed on his brakes at your sudden escape. You heard the truck get thrown into park and a heavy slam of a door shutting as you quickened your pace up the pathway to your front porch. Your heaving breaths were drowned out by the frogs and nearby cicadas that created their own little symphony on your property. You knew Rust was following you but you naively hoped you’d make it up to shut the door in his face just in time. 
'Fuck, I forgot my shoes.’ Was your narrow thought as you fumbled for your key ring in the endless depths of your purse. Rust’s footsteps grew closer causing you to whip around and shove him back with a clumsy force much to his surprise. 
“Don’t you come followin’ me! I’ve had just about enough of you!”
“No you listen! Never have I been more embarrassed than you’ve made me tonight. Never have I felt more stupid and small all because you decided today was the day I’d be on the shit end of your scathing criticisms! You can fuck right off with that mess. I’m goin’ to bed.” You turned to start your trek before he spoke up again,
“My intentions were not to come by and make you feel stupid.”
A near-jarring laugh clawed its way from your system, “Oh, so that’s your twisted way of makin’ a girl feel cared for. Is that it?” 
He let out a frustrated sound, “What’d you mean by startin’ to feel a certain way towards me. Back at the bar.”
Your heart nearly dropped out of your ass just then. Did you really blab on about that somewhere in the middle of your tirade? God, you could just about go feed yourself to the gators right now. Work would no doubt be complete hell after this nightmare of an outing.
“Take it how you want it. I know with you being as perceptive as you are it shouldn’t come as a mystery what I might feel. You do plenty towards me that’s had me foolishly thinkin’ there could be a one in a million chance of somethin’ but no dice. So what I want to know is why did you follow me out. Why did you come all this way to ruin my night.” 
The silence was biting as he offered up no explanation. He seemed to be trying to figure out that answer himself. Instead of the petty satisfaction you felt from seeing him at a loss earlier, he seemed well and truly bothered now which left a sinking feeling in your gut. The thought of the immovable force in front of you being this bothered when it came to matters involving you just made you all the more disoriented. There was only one other plausible explanation as to why he went through all this trouble to insert himself into the mix. 
You could almost fall to your knees laughing at the sheer ridiculousness of your creeping realization. It couldn’t be. There was just no way. But given the miserable look of Rust’s obvious inner battle on what he should decide to say to you had you gawking. 
The man was jealous. Rustin Cohle, feeler of nothing and believer of none, was jealous. A fit of giggles made their way out of you before you could help it. It might’ve been in poor taste during the seriousness of the moment between you both but you couldn’t stop. Rust seemed all the more distressed as if he’d been caught red-handed. Stripped bare in front of you despite no real accusation of his behavior being made quite yet. 
“If I knew any better I’d say you were plain jealous, Rust. Can’t say I see you bein’ capable of actin’ so irrationally. I thought entertainin’ such primal notions was too beneath you. Especially should it involve lil ol’ me.”
But he was indeed more than susceptible to all the irrational factors of his so-called programming when it came to you. You were beautiful. Mind, body, and soul. Your presence brought things to the surface he didn’t believe he could ever have the experience of feeling again. It scared him shitless. Having to face what was making his old tired heart beat into a lively rhythm again after convincing himself things of that nature were abysmally futile. Even as you stood in front of him now, with eyes and hair looking something fiercely wild, feet bare and dirtied from your lack of shoes in that high-cut black ensemble you had on. He absolutely knew that he couldn’t bring himself to deny what his programming was demanding of him when it came to the unknowing hold you had over him. Flexing his shaking fingers as if to render them steady he took a slow approach to you. 
This was a moment where you had neither the sense nor the imagination to anticipate what he’d do next. It was as if your heart had forgotten how to keep itself beating. This was the closest you had found yourself in his proximity. Being able to see every fine detail of the tragically beautiful man in front of you could have left you speechless for the rest of your days.
A large, calloused hand came to cup your jaw then the other followed. Both nearly took up the entire sides of your face, and their warmth made you feel as if you were on fire. His grip was firm… more so intenful if you were to put a name to it. Eyes searched each other in the most tortuously bated moment you’d ever found yourself being victim to. If you were to move an inch or look away the spell might be broken forever and you think you might just collapse if that were to happen. When had you gotten this dramatic?
Kiss me. God, kiss me. Just kiss me. You thought over and over as if willing it into his mind. Then, as if he heard you through some unspoken link, he did. 
It was like being let in on one big universal secret that couldn’t be fathomed by most. Never had you thought a kiss could wield as much power as Rust’s did. For being such a hard and withdrawn individual, the feeling of his slightly chapped lips on your plush ones felt nothing short of soul-bearing and endlessly warm. Trailing your hands up his broad chest, the quick pitter-pattering of his heart didn’t go past you. Drawing your palms up further you reach to lace deft fingers into the sandy waves that you’d secretly been aching to touch for a while now. His breath faltered as you pulled back for a brief moment. It wasn’t long before the invisible magnet between you both had you returning for more. 
The kiss turned more intense, bodies pressing and molding into each other as if you could become one entity. His tongue traced the seams of your lips and you had no qualms with letting him invade your senses further. The need for air was becoming harder to ignore but no force on earth could rip you away. The desire for him was something you’d not felt for another person in you’re not sure how long. If not ever. His breath held traces of the Lonestar he’d been cradling and the cigarette he’d deeply pulled on the way here and it had you absolutely hooked as it curled into your mouth. You didn’t know how long the pair of you stood on your porch necking like a bunch of desperate teenagers but by the time he pulled away you felt dizzy at the sight of his flushed complexion and swollen lips. Possessiveness gripped your being at the thought of being able to have such an effect on him. You. No one else. 
Rust’s grip loosened on your heated face as he planted one last sweet kiss on you before stepping away entirely. It was a shock that you had any remaining strength to keep yourself upright. His expression seemed a bit more relaxed, a bit too casual for what just transpired. There was a brief pause. 
“Don’t go out dancin’ anymore.” 
With that, he turned and made his slow descent back to his truck. Snapping out of your daze once the words sunk into the crevices of your Rust-drunk brain you quirked a brow, 
 “If that’s your odd way of layin’ claim on me I think I’m gonna need to ask for a more straightforward redo, mister.” 
You saw his shoulders shake slightly in amusement as the night found itself ending on a more playful albeit confusing note, “G’night, y/n.”
“I’m bein’ serious, Rust. You can’t just kiss a girl like that then waltz on out. I have questions.” You pointed.    
 “I’ll see ya tomorrow.” The cowboy gave a slight wave and then got into his truck. Oh, you could wipe that subtly growing smirk right off his stupid face. His dry sense of humor made its presence known at what you thought was the most inopportune of times. You stood there watching his truck disappear into the night, the ghost of him sticking to you like molasses. Your fingertips graced your buzzing lips and you could’ve started giggling again like some schoolgirl. How ridiculous indeed. 
You were so not letting any of this go when you got into work tomorrow.
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monstroum · 5 months
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#𝙼𝙾𝙽𝚂𝚃𝚁𝙾𝚄𝙼 / private + selective multimuse featuring original & canon characters from various media . triggering + nsfw content ahead , please read info provided before interacting , 21+ only ─── poorly written by coffee .
currently contains original muses and canon muses from nbc's hannibal , hbo's true detective , the vvitch (2015) , netflix's midnight mass , joker (2019) , the batman (2022) , bram stoker's dracula , amc's interview with the vampire , prime's fallout, [ ... ] *
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MR. MEMPHIS / original & fandomless demonic character ㅤㅤㅤch. pages -- ch. writings -- ch. study -- pinterest -- spotify
FERRIS O'PHELAN / original & fandomless werewolf character ㅤㅤㅤ ch. pages -- ch. writings -- ch. study -- pinterest -- spotify
HANNIBAL LECTER / nbc show based + book & film influences ㅤㅤㅤ ch. pages -- ch. writings -- ch. study -- pinterest -- spotify
RUSTIN COHLE / hbo's true detective (2014) ㅤㅤㅤ ch. pages -- ch. writings -- ch. study -- pinterest -- spotify
MONSIGNOR PRUITT / netflix's midnight mass ㅤㅤㅤ ch. pages -- ch. writings -- ch. study -- pinterest -- spotify
LOUIS POINTE DU LAC / amc's interview with the vampire ㅤㅤㅤ ch. pages -- ch. writings -- ch. study -- pinterest -- spotify
SANTIAGO / amc's interview with the vampire ㅤㅤㅤ ch. pages -- ch. writings -- ch. study -- pinterest -- spotify
RASHID SAGAR / amc's interview with the vampire ㅤㅤㅤ ch. pages -- ch. writings -- ch. study -- pinterest -- spotify
BLACK PHILLIP / egger's film "the witch" (2015) ㅤㅤㅤ ch. pages -- ch. writings -- ch. study -- pinterest -- spotify
HARLEEN QUINZEL / headcanon based from the dc universe ㅤㅤㅤ ch. pages -- ch. writings -- ch. study -- pinterest -- spotify
HARVEY DENT / headcanon based + reeves inspired ㅤㅤㅤ ch. pages -- ch. writings -- ch. study -- pinterest -- spotify
JONATHAN HARKER / headcanon + "dracula" novel based ㅤㅤㅤ ch. pages -- ch. writings -- ch. study -- pinterest -- spotify
THE NARRATOR / fincher's film "fight club" (1999) + book based ㅤㅤㅤ ch. pages -- ch. writings -- ch. study -- pinterest -- spotify
LUCY MACLEAN / prime's "fallout" series (2024) ㅤㅤㅤ ch. pages -- ch. writings -- ch. study -- pinterest -- spotify
COOPER HOWARD / prime's "fallout" series (2024) ㅤㅤㅤ ch. pages -- ch. writings -- ch. study -- pinterest -- spotify
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pessimisticsarc · 2 years
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NAME: Rustin Spencer Cohle NICKNAMES: Rust, Crash, The Taxman BIRTHDAY: June 15th, 1964 PRONOUNS: He/Him
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MOTHER: Barbara Sanders FATHER: Travis Cohle (deceased) SIBLINGS: Andrew Sanders (half-brother), Stephanie Sanders (half-sister) CHILDREN: Sophia Cohle (deceased)
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FACE CLAIM: Matthew McConaughey RACE/ETHNICITY: White HEIGHT: 5’ 11" (1.8 m) BUILD: Ectomorph HAIR COLOR: Dark blonde EYE COLOR: Blue DOMINANT HAND: Right-handed ACCENT: Alaskan/Texan NEUROLOGICAL CONDITIONS: Synesthesia, Insomnia, Auditory and visual hallucinations BLOOD TYPE: 0+ TATTOOS: Blue heron (right forearm), mixed runes (left breast) PIERCINGS: Earrings (removed)
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RESIDES: Lafayette, LA BORN: Galveston, TX RAISED: Pilot Point, AK VEHICLE: Ford F-250
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LATEST EDUCATION: Houston Police Academy WEAPONS: Handgun TRAINED IN: Hand-to-hand combat, Heavy weaponry, Interrogation, Tracking LANGUAGES: English, French
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POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY: Anarchist RELIGION: It’s complicated (self-proclaimed Atheist) DRUGS: Coke, Heroin, Speed, and Molly (verse dep.) SMOKES: Yes ALCOHOL: Yes DIET: Vegetarian
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PHOBIAS: Claustrophobia HOBBIES: Art (drawing; painting; poetry), reading SOCIAL MEDIA: No
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MORAL ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good MBTI TYPE:  Assertive Logician MBTI ROLE: Analyst ENNEAGRAM TYPE: The Idealist TEMPERAMENT: Melancholic WESTERN ZODIAC: Cancer CHINESE ZODIAC: Wood Dragon PRIMAL SIGN: Hummingbird TAROT CARD: Justice TV TROPES: The Anti-Nihilist, Broken Ace, Functional Addict, Byronic Hero (more) LOVE LANGUAGE: Physical Touch, Words of Affirmation, Quality Time
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cinemuses · 1 year
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𝕘𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕠𝕡𝕖𝕟𝕚��𝕘 of the INDEPENDENT SELECTIVE MULTIMUSE showing canon & ocs from various 𝕟𝕠𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕝𝕘𝕚𝕔 fandoms. general rp guidelines apply. no godmodding, forcing ships, or pestering for responses. mutuals only, doesn't follow for follow. mature with dark themes featured in horror & angst-filled character backgrounds. writing of uncomfortable subjects such as age inappropriate relationships, inc*st, noncon, etc. won't appear on this blog. mun does not equal muse. while throwback muses and timelines will be featured, the close-minded violence and bullying will not. out of character drama/call outs aren't a priority. don't interact if you are a minor or a personal blog. LUC / 21+ / SHE/THEY also found @intoruin
mobile friendly muse list below cut
an american werewolf in london DAVID KESSLER starring: lakeith stanfield
elizabethtown CLAIRE COLBURN
ferris bueller's day off JEANIE BUELLER SLOANE PETERSON
halloween h20 JOHN TATE
imaginarium of dr. parnassus TONY SHEPARD starring: colin farrell
pirates of the caribbean JAMES NORRINGTON
some kind of wonderful SUSAN WATTS
daisy jones & the six WARREN RHODES PAULA HARRISON ( OC ) starring: virginia madsen
true detective RUSTIN COHLE
phantom of the opera ERIK DESTLER starring: jack huston
airheads REX
corpse bride VICTOR VAN DORT starring: dev patel
ghostbusters DR. PETER VENKMAN
a knight's tale GEOFFREY CHAUCER
st elmo's fire KEVIN DOLENZ
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natalihall · 3 years
Rust Cohle • Matthew McConaughey
(digital realistic fanart based on the TV-series "True Detective")
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On the wave of my current totally fan-madness by Matthew McConaughey, I finally watched "True Detective" (1 season). And shit, I was impressed! 😱 I don’t understand, how my inner serials-fan lived all this time and didn’t watch this masterpiece (I’m ashamed). This atmosphere, these deep words (by Rustin Cohle, naturally) and the incredible work of the actors. McConaughey and Harrelson in the same movie — it's a c-c-c-combo 🔥 And their interaction and dialogues in the series are just 🧨 Not surprisingly, this series relaunched Matthew's acting career. Because he's just OMG! 💥
In general, I go to watch the series on the second round and in the original voice acting. Here I will designate my first impressions with a quick portrait of Rustin, after which I will start thinking about a more massive and conceptual fanart based on "True Detective".
@truedetectiveconversations @truedetective-hbo-tvgal-blog @true-detectivedomain-blog @true-detective-fans @mcconaissance @matthewmcconaughey @matthew-mc-conaughey @matthew-mccool-blog
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antispirals · 4 years
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@ANTISPIRALS is an independent, private, semi-selective, canon writing sideblog for RUSTIN COHLE from season 1 of HBO’s True Detective series written by VENYA / SHE/HER / 21+ / GMT
NOTE:  I have not been apart of the indie RPC for several years and I understand a particular rule I have in regards to following is rather ‘unique’ because of it. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. My rules may seem dauntingly extensive, but I promise they are nothing you would be unfamiliar with and that I am not as strict as they might make me sound. Please read through them.  DNI:  I am not particularly picky, however I won’t interact with you if you; are a smut based writing blog (I don’t care if you occasionally write it though), or use animated faceclaims (can’t make sense of it with Rust). Banned faceclaims list to eventually come, for now it’s on a case by case basis however I expect future partners to use their best judgments. 
GOOGLE DOCS:  profile, history and rules MOBILE:  rules (for ease of access as google docs aren’t mobile friendly)
STARTERS:  open and available unless otherwise stated
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szivtalan · 4 years
8, 9, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 53, 55, 57, 58, 59, 62, 64, 65, 70 (aside from Kagami 😂), 71, 72, 79, 82, 86, 87, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99 for the "Asks, why not" thing please? (Omg that's soo much, I'm sorry I got carried away ^^')
8) Your looks (add a picture or describe yourself)
Average height, bordering on short. Broad shoulders, thick arms and thighs, square face, slightly projecting ears (one pierced, one with a stretched lobe), bushy arched brows, thick square glasses, faded dark red hair, dark brown eyes, butt chin. I look pale and perpetually sleep deprived.
9) What do you/did you study?
I was in a teacher’s training program for English and Hungarian language and literature, and I’m planning to go back to school to study sociology!
16) What do you look for in a SO?
Consciously: understanding, fun, sweet, kind and accepting. Unconsciously: somewhat broken and in dire need of emotional help which I’m desperate to provide lmao.
19) Do you prefer serious and meaningful relationships or casual dating/one night stands?
Eh, u know, it depends? I don’t think I’m fit for a serious relationship right now, so I’d prefer casual stuff atm, but on the long run I do want a partner to share my life with.
20) What are your deal breakers?
Really obnoxious people, ignorance and bigotry I guess. And I’m not keen on someone pushing or disrespecting my boundaries, either.
21) How was your day?
It was good!! My bro, his girlfriend and my friend tagged along to get our (me and my soon-to-be sis-in-law’s) ears pierced, and then my friend and I got a loot of food. I didn’t exactly feel good enough abt myself to be comfortable outside, but I got a lot of random kindness and that was Nice.
22) Favourite food & drink
Food: teriyaki chicken and seafood pasta, drink: ginger ale and iced coffee
23) What position do you sleep in?
I sleep half-curled up on my side, but I need to toss and turn a little until I find The Best Position.
25) Your fears
The dark, needles, rabbits (I don’t even know, dude), the fact that I’ll die without having made an impact on the world, being spoken about behind my back, being a bad influence on my friends.
28) Any pets?
Not right now! I used to have two rottweilers around the house growing up, but they both passed away sadly.
29) What are your hobbies?
Writing, sketching, basketball, getting on people’s nerves, researching typology, watchin movies idk?
31) What was your last awkward situation?
Asjhdh the ticket control guy told me to “Have a safe trip” and I said “You too!”. This rarely happens to me tho
32) What is your last regret?
Not holding my friend’s hand on public transport. It was…right…there….and she already told me she’s more than comfortable with physical touch! I’m a fool! Everyone thinks I hate touching but I don’t! I’m just shy!
34) Do you believe in astrological stuff? (Zodiac, tarot, etc.)
Ehh. Kind of? As for believing, I believe more in ghosts, but I do see some patterns in different signs. I just try not to let it affect the way I see/interact with a person, because no one deserves to be prejudiced for whatever reason, especially not their date of birth. Tarot is just fun, and the cards r cool
35) Have any quirks?
I bite the skin on my fingers, scratch my acne, make my knees jump… most of it is just regular anxiety stuff tho so idk?? I do think I’m quirky, but there’s just too much weird stuff to list ‘em.
36) Your pet peeves
Cig/booze stink on a person, customers being rude, bigotry, interrupting other people… There’s quite some things that annoy me asjdgd
40) Last 5 things from your search history
Boku No Hero Academia, Hawks, duck emoji, Grumman fma, How To Train Your Dragon
41) What’s your device backgrounds?
My phone lockscreen rn is a beautiful KagaKuro fanart of them standing in the rain in yukatas, Kagami looming over Kuroko and shielding him from the rain and Kuroko reaching up to stroke his face; my phone background is an art of they/them pronouns tattooed on someone’s knuckles, their posture unsure; my laptop background is a screenshot from the movie Déva, of blue skies and a street lamp.
42) What do you daydream about?
44) What's your religion/Your thought about religion
Short version: barf
Long version: I was raised catholic (even tho I was never baptized), and attended catholic school for 8 years which gave me a really warped idea of Christianity, Which made me a cynic & an agnostic or atheist by proxy. I harshly criticize the catholic church and faith but sometimes… when I do feel hopeless I get down on my knees and pray, so I guess if I let myself find my own faith I’d be a believer. But right now, I’m good just existing in my nihilistic bubble
45) Your personality type
Needy imeanwhat. In a typological sense, I’m an INFP in Myers-Briggs, 4 core 5 wing in Enneagram, melancholic or sanguine in the temperaments, et cetera. Basically I’m a sad daydreamer with unresolved issues and a need to do Art
47) Are you happy with your current life?
Nah bro. I like my friends and my workplace but I’d like to move out of home ASAP. I’d also… like to get therapy before I go and put myself out there.
48) Some things you've tried in your life
Playing the guitar, hostess work, weed, cigarettes, being blackout drunk, smoking from a hookah, cooking, football, handball, basketball, volleyball, cycling, sailing, driving, hitchhiking long distances, folk dancing, one-night stands, long-distance relationships, helping people in need…
50) Favourite colour to wear?
Olive green, midnight/navy blue, white, grey and black.
53) If you could change/add something to your appearance - impossible or not - what would it be?
I’d… like to know how it would feel if I had a flat chest and a penis? I also want bigger Guns, and Abs, some more tattoos and maybe an eyebrow piercing.
55) Do you get complimented often?
I think so? I usually brush off compliments uhhh but yeah maybe! Maybe idk
58) Songs you're currently obsessed with?
My friend’s playlist reminded me that ‘Phenomenon’ by Thousand Foot Krutch exists. I’m also really into ‘San Francisco’ by The Mowgli’s atm and ‘Golden Time Lover’ by Sukima Switch!
59) Song you normally wouldn't admit you like.
I mean, it’s not like it’s cringe or anything, I hate cringe culture BUT. I do have Ariana Grande’s ‘Side to Side’ stuck in my head rn
64) Can you sing or play any instruments?
I can sing pretty badly, play a bad tune on my guitar, drum on the edge of my table, so- Nah not really asdh
65) Do you like karaoke?
YES VERY MUCH I live and die for karaoke, last time I did it in front of an audience we sung the Shaman King opening at an anime con with friends, it was Rad
70) Your fictional crush/es
AH NO FUN Kagami’s my number one,,, let’s see then: Aomine, Roy Mustang, Kise, Mikoto Suoh, Hotch & Reid from Criminal Minds, Yagami Light, Jaime Lannister and Brienne from GoT, Rustin Cohle from True Detective, Shizuo Heiwajima from Durarara!!!, why is this list full of men I didn’t think I liked men this much
71) Which fictional character is you?
Eddie Brock from Venom I mean? He’s a whole ass mess.
79) How much time do you spend on the internet?
Yike. More than I’d be proud of.
86) Would you use death note, if you had one?
No way dude. I don’t fuck with that shit, karma would fuck me right back.
87) What changes would you make in the world, no matter how impossible, if you had the power to?
I’d eliminate money and power and just make it a huge peaceful hippie community or something idk
90) What would you want to happen to you after your death?
Donate me to a medical school I don’t care. Make use of me! I’m gonna be dead, I won’t have any more feelings left to be hurt or anything asdghdsg
91) If you had to change your name, what would be your pick?
I’ve had a name in mind that I tried out once, but it didn’t really work out for me after all. I’m fine with Vee and Vic rn. Anything that isn’t my given name. I do want to change my surname to my mother’s, but if I do that I also want to give myself a different first name, and since That isn’t figured out yet, I’m just?? Call me whatever dude
94) Write 3 things about yourself - only one of them must be true
Ugh, I’m bad at these. 1) I have plenty of moles. 2) My eyesight is pretty good. 3) I’ve broken some bones before.
95) Cold or hot?
Cold in beverage, hot in weather.
96) Be a hero or be a villain?
Being a villain is way too much fun, but I have too strong of a conscience to pull that off, so… hero, I guess.
97) Sing everything you want to say or rhyme?
Asjhdf singing is funnier and more annoying, since I Cannot Sing
98) Shapeshifting or controlling time?
Dude I’m non-binary. Shapeshifting for Sure
99) Be immortal or be immune to everything aside from natural death?
Aight I’ll give in – I agree to immortality Just This Once.
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strange-kin-calls · 6 years
Hi. I'm a Rustin "Rust" Cohle here searching for True Detective (season 1) canonmates. I'd love to find Martin "Marty" Hart or Maggie Hart even Ginger, etc. As far as I'm aware of, I have not yet been intimate with Maggie and am still on the force after the LeDoux case was solved. Please interact with this post or message me if any of this rings a bell. Thanks.
@sevenlayersandwinston !!!
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twcheaded-a · 2 years
A holiday rp meme turned starter for @pessimistics
“I’ve never made this recipe before. Try it and let me know what you think?” Though he says it like a statement, he means it as a question. Jean leans his elbow onto the back of the couch. Laying his arm horizontally across the cushion behind Rust's head for a sense of lounging comfort. He extends the other arm toward him, over his shoulder, a honey-spiced pecan in his hand, fresh but cooled from the oven.
He's worried; Rust seems off as of late. Contemplative, almost as quiet as he was when they first met. When they thought they had nothing to talk about. When the radio did the talking for them during otherwise silent car rides. It's all in an effort to cheer Rust up, to give the holidays some semblance of a holiday. Even if he's not entirely sure how to.
The last time he had someone over for the holidays was two...three years ago. Not to mention, the holidays hadn't been very important growing up. Jean was never with a foster family during that time. He'd always treated it as 'just another season,' if only to try and thwart a sense of bitterness for the time of year.
"There's a bowl in the kitchen, I can get it if you like 'em."
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leahsalmonunit27 · 7 years
Wk 10: True Detective
In today’s lesson, we started off by watching the opening credits to HBO’s True Detective.
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About the series:
It is a crime series, written by Nic Pizzolatto, which follows two homicide detectives called Martin Hart and Rustin Cohle in Louisiana who try to solve crimes over the span of 17 years. The first seasons depicts the pair investigating the murder of Dora Lange in 1995. Some scenes are set in the present and others in the past. 17 years later, they revisit the same case along with recent others. During this time, Martin Hart’s marriage is threatened by the infidelity he committed in the past years whilst Rustin struggles with his troubled past. 
The opening scene & trailer:
The opening scene contains a lot of manipulation (multi-exposure). It contains some of the characters in the series with manipulated scenes inside their silhouettes. There was a little bit of satanic and church like imagery in the opening scene which could imply that the setting is based in a religious town. It looks as if its set somewhere in the countryside because there was also a lot of industrial buildings. 
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There was some sexual scenes in the opening too which could imply that lust is entwined into the series, whether this be a chaste romance or prostitution. With the images of maps and vehicles, there is a sense of journey and travel. Fire and smoke was also involved in the opening. It could represent actual fire and explosions or anger and frustration. The trailer contains even more than the opening scene. It contains violence, more sex and drugs. A typical crime series. It is raw.
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It’s a very dim and tedious looking opening scene, colours extremely saturated and monochrome in most parts. The town it is set in appears grey, old and almost desolate.
Now it was our task to create a True Detective poster using the images located in the folders on interact.
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We created the first poster together. We used these highlighted settings:
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Ruler guides appeared when we created the new file. To remove them, we used the shortcut ctrl + ;.
To insert an image, we went to file > place embedded and selected the top portrait.
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We then position the actor as seen below. His shoulder curved off the page with some legroom above his head. We also rasturised the layer to make it more editable.
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We used the pen tool to select the actor roughly. There was about a millimetre between the pen lines and the outline of the actor.
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Right clicking, we selected make selection with a feather radius of 0.5.
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Select and Mask was our next direction after having our magic wand tool or selection tool selected. We changed the view setting to ‘Onion Skin’ and positioned the transparency somewhere between 50% - 70%.
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We then used the brush tool to fill in the remaining details of his body. Holding alt allowed us to select the erasing brush tool. Our outcome was this. The select and mask method allows us to select a complex shape, with hair for example, in a quick and easy way.
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In output settings, we ensured layer mask was selected from the drop down menu.
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After selecting OK, we got this:
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We next place embedded two images from the landscape folder. We piled them both like this after rasturising them both:
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Over the layers tab, we held down alt until a box with an arrow appeared. Clicking masked the two images into the actor.
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Inserting a layer mask onto the top layer, I can use the brush tool to erase some of the image which blends it with the bottom layer better.
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As you can see I increased the size of the bottom image using transform, and I then blended it with the top image’s horizon line.
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In the adjustments menu, we selected gradient map and used the ‘cog’ menu to find photographic toning.
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We applied the gradient map to the other layers using alt and clicking between the two top layers.
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Next we duplicated our actor layer and moved it to the top, we attached our other layers to the bottom one so our work was not lost, as you can see below.
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With the top layer however, it looks like the beginning again. This is because this top layer hides the others.
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We used black and white and levels under the adjustment settings in the image tab. We used these to make the image of Matthew dark with shadows but increased the highlights. Then selecting the layer mask on the top layer and using the paint brush tool, we erased some of the top layer to enable the photo editing to show up beneath. As you can see, I kept his face quite prominent and erased most of his hair and suit.
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We added another image, ensuring it covered the entirety of our canvas. We lowered the opacity to roughly 5%.
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Going to filter and blur, we introduced Gaussian blur with a radius of 5.2.
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We added another image but it was from the cloud folder. Rasturising it, we changed the blend layer option and lowered the opacity so the clouds were just about seen but didn’t overpower our final image.
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After this we were basically finished and we were able to add some text.
My final poster:
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twcheaded-a · 2 years
@pessimistics sent... 🫂 for rust to hug jean for no reason.
He and Rust fit together well – in time, he might argue, too well, Rust's arms sliding under Jean's. He's slow to wrap his arms around the other man. It takes him a moment to run his hands up his back and around his sides, the fabric of his shirt scrunching up and then smoothing out. A moment for his body to relax against Rust's and his face to nestle against the crook of his neck.
Jean lets out a deep breath as he closes his eyes. He doesn't say anything, enjoying the comfortable silence that the hug brings. He's content to stay there as long as Rust wants to.
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twcheaded-a · 2 years
@pessimistics sent an ask from sexting starters !!
[ 📲 received: Rustin ] i can’t wait to feel your hands all over my body. [ 📱 delivered: Rustin ] I can't wait to get my hands all over you [ 📱 delivered: Rustin ] I've been thinking about you for hours.. [ 📱 delivered: Rustin ] You've got such a hot godamn body [ 📱 delivered: Rustin ] I want you naked when I get there. [ 📱 delivered: Rustin ] Wait. Is that red slip on dress still lying around? [ 📱 delivered: Rustin ] Put it on. I want to fuck you in it.
( jean can't help stroking himself through his dress pants, glancing up from the phone with flush cheeks. He curses under his breath as he puts down his phone. he has to drive home like this )
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twcheaded-a · 2 years
@pessimistics continued from here (x) !!
In all honesty, Jean couldn't give a damn about what was on the television, regardless of initially turning it on. The man reading in his arms held his attention more than anything else. His warmth and weight resting against his body, a comforting distraction from less than savory thoughts. He's spent the hour fading in and out of sleep and watching Rust read. It's only when he wakes up from the end of his nap that he combs his fingers through Rust's hair and kisses him.
"Mm...hi." He looks down at him almost right on cue, cupping his face when he does. The kiss he gives is short, though reverent in nature. It leaves him wanting more, despite being the one to pull away. If he wasn't careful, he could kiss Rust until they were both breathless, until every innocent thought left him.
"I didn't mean to distract you." He could've stayed in place till Rust finished reading. "I..." Jean trails off, his hand: absentmindedly traveling down Rustin's jaw to rest on his chest. With every look, Vic knows he could burst with admiration for the man. Though he often tried to lock them away. "You're beautiful." Jean glances over his face, a nervous grin growing on his lips. "Fucking breathtaking."
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monstroum · 3 years
@cadisfly : rust / memphis / phillip / woody
sorry for tagging you in this ugly long post friend, but i don’t know how to abbreviate or plot. please don’t feel pressured to follow through with any of these ideas and feel free to edit, copy or delete anything. x 
RUST: we know these two bozos are similar in a lot of ways. too similar. they communicate in a language only accessible to the likes of them. outsiders looking in would think these two hate each other, judging by how bitter they look and sound. truth of the matter is, from rustin’s perspective, will might be the only person he has met who can empathise ( heh ) with him without getting hurt along the way. will graham gets him without having to sacrifice much. that doesn’t mean he’ll be any softer or more careful with him, cohle will say the same hurtful blunt shit he says to everyone else.
but he might pick up on certain things others don’t. he knows when to turn a blind eye to certain methods or opinions will might share with him. he also knows when shit is his business and when it isn’t. and he has the feeling graham is the same. they might never say it out loud or make grand gestures to demonstrate it, but i think rustin would like to consider will his friend. --- what he can’t tolerate is being lied to, being tricked or being manipulated. and if he ever picks up on any of those tendencies coming from will, he’ll let him have a piece of his mind. and if he ever hurts people who, in rust’s view, don’t deserve to be hurting, well, he won’t be able to ignore that. give me weird but strong bonds, give me conflict, give me stern stares from across the table and shared hallucinations!!!!
MEMPHIS: i feel like will would not like memphis very much. he’s overly familiar and doesn’t really care much for people’s boundaries. watch S1 will wake up in the middle of nowhere only to find mr. memphis fishing by a stream. is he real? is he an encephalitis episode? whO KNOWS! but he sure knows a lot about will’s life. like he’s been watching him. maybe his face shifts, maybe things and people that shouldn’t be there materialise...whatever it takes to make will sign on the dotted line!
or maybe he shows up in more conventional settings. maybe he’s annoying but friendly enough for will to tolerate him. maybe at some point, when will is particularly frustrated and feeling low, memphis does the thing and goes “you look miserable. is it a girlfriend? boyfriend? boss getting you down?” and then “want me to kill them for you?”. can’t believe mr. memphis is just an AU matthew brown.
BP: he speaks in old english and always smells like wet dirt. he’s also either a goat or has hepatitis cause his eyes are this weird yellowish color. doesn’t open his lips to speak. i’m not sure how will would interact with this one. his goals are very similar to mr. memphis, but he tends to seek out women in particular to join his coven. he’s also a bit more connected to the wilderness and religious folk. might need a bit more help with this one charlie i am not good a t plotting
WOODY: he’s a pain in the butt and i am 100% sure these two would NOT get along. woody is always looking for a fight. he’s loud and doesn’t know the difference between respect and fear. because will looks smaller than him and because i feel he has a tendency towards being......a bit....snarky i think woody would absolutely target him. these two might have met at some point....woody works for a mob boss (?) of sorts. people have been killed in the past and woody might have had a hand in that. he’s not the brightest tool in the shed, he’s mean, he doesn’t respect authority and he really is into the whole survival of the fittest mindset. maybe will or someone in the fbi interrogated him at some point. maybe they know of each other. maybe there’s some animosity there. maybe will can smell woody’s inferiority complex from a mile away. maybe at some point woody starts to actually be afraid of will.
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